#best portrayal of ptsd that ive read
theblacktigrr · 11 months
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Watching the hunger games with my friends who haven't read the books, and desperately trying to convey the horror of the mutts to them. They are not just big dogs! They are the other tributes, they look like them! They have human eyes!
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Katniss stared into Rue's eyes as she died! Now those eyes are in a blood thirsty beast who is trying to kill her!
Maybe my imagination is just too good, but those things terrify the shit out of me, and they did not do them justice in the movie.
Still love the movie tho!
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caspercuta · 2 years
𝙽𝚘, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎, 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎, 𝙼𝚛. 𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀an independent, private writing portrayal of tatum riley from the 1996 horror classic, 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮. directed by ashley. survival au based, with original meta written by me. please read my rules below the cut.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚋𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕.
i.⠀as stated above, this is an independent and private writing blog. what does that mean? i am not affiliated with any other blog (i.e., exclusive to any one portrayal) and i only interact with mutuals. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: tatum is a character from a slasher movie. there will be horror content on this blog, particularly fictional depictions of death, blood, and body horror. other heavy subjects tackled on this blog include: misogyny, survivor’s guilt, and ptsd. while i won’t block any minors from following me, please keep in mind i am over the age of twenty-one. i will not be writing smut on this account.
ii.⠀please, please read the bio page i have written up for tatum. she is a canon divergent portrayal and my tatum does not die as she does in scream.  
iii.⠀if you’ve been in the scream rpc for a while, you may know me! i was @legacybait. my name is ashley, and it’s nice to be back. for those of you new to the fandom and/or don’t remember me, welcome anyway!
iv.⠀do not confront me on anon about any of my writing partners. if you’re concerned seeing a name i write with on your dash, come talk to me privately and we can talk. i do believe in deplatforming dangerous people in the community (p*dophiles, bullies). i read callouts that appear on my dash, but as someone that works night shifts, i’m not on for most of the day. there’s a lot that i miss going on in the rpc. i read callouts (as well as dnis) and take them into consideration, but that’s no guarantee i will or won’t follow someone. 
v.⠀i have an atrocious memory. if you softblock me and i refollow, and that makes you uncomfortable? i am sorry. tumblr, as we all know, is a glitchy website. people often remake as well, and sometimes i don’t find out until weeks later. i’m going to assume one of these two explanations happened first, so if you don’t want me following you? please, hardblock me.
vi.⠀this is the last, but most important rule: i have horrible anxiety. plotting ... often flops with me. i’m trying to work back my restrictive boundaries, but please bare with me. i am a friendly person, but ooc conversation also drains me, and i may not reply for a day or two for mental health related reasons. my inspiration also wanes and flows, and i admittedly blog hop. this blog is going to be graphicless, iconless, and extremely lowkey. i will be primarily interacting with friends and/or blogs i have followed before from previous accounts. please respect this, and please do not hound me for replies or spam me with messages when i take some time to respond to dms. tumblr dms are the best way to keep in contact with me, as i do not check my discord often.
thank you for reading all of this! if none of these rules have turned you away, you can find tatum’s stats and canon divergent biography (under construction) here and here.
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( reposted from my about page in a reblogabble form w/ formatting changes. if you find the formatted version visually difficult or irritating to read, the unformatted version is on the about page! this & the about page will be updated as i learn more things about my muse. )
for the most part, my portrayal will follow the canon of star trek: alternate original series. however, here are some things i’ve added to my version of jim.
trigger warnings: abuse, starvation, murder, death, ptsd, traumatic mutism, bipolar disorder, & eating disorder.
triggers are bolded at the beginning of each section so that you can skip over anything that may be triggering for you. if you’d like a summary of any part that you skipped over, feel free to ask me! i can change things around, to a certain extent, so that we can write together.
1. tw: abuse. jim & his stepfather, frank, were not on the best of terms. ever since frank had come into his life, jim had despised him. there was just something about the way he treated winona that jim didn’t like. he’d only given the guy a chance at his mother’s request, something which he sorely regretted after she married him. when winona went back to starfleet, sam ran away from home & jim was left with frank & his abusive tendencies. it started just bad moods & snide remarks, but the remarks got worse with time. words became stronger, louder. they were picked more carefully, picked to tear the young boy apart. & as if that wasn’t enough, frank shoved him, hit him, even made him bleed. the effects of this abuse still haunt jim, but he’s been healing with time & distance.
2. tw: starvation, murder, death. after jim had stolen & wrecked frank’s car, frank unilaterally enrolled jim in the earth colony on tarsus iv. winona had no knowledge of this decision, as she was off-world with starfleet. the distance was freeing, at first. he was glad to be out from under frank’s thumb at last. on tarsus iv, he was able to live the kind of childhood he’d wanted. for a time, he was happy. he did well in school, he played sports, he had friends — he thrived. but unfortunately, it didn’t last.
famine fell over the colony as an exotic fungus destroyed their food supply. suddenly, paradise had become hell. as colonists panicked & worried, riots began to break out. jim ran from the facility he’d been living at with the few children he knew that were now or previously orphaned, & they stuck together for as long as they could. naturally, he took charge of the small group, organizing them in a way that would benefit the group the most. he & the older children would scavenge for food while those younger would stay together & hide.
it worked for a short while, but like the rest of those who had survived the first wave of death, their group began to succumb as well. jim tried his best to care for them all. he made sure they had first pick of the food, & he only ate as much as he needed to survive another day. he did everything he could to make sure they survived. there are things he did there that he’ll never speak of.
but the worst of it all was how he killed to save them. the first time, he didn’t sleep for days. he felt so ill he could barely move, but he had to. he had to take care of the others. it got a little easier with time, but it was always a last resort. in the end, though, he lost most of them to starvation or illness or both. by the end, it was only him & kevin riley left.
they were eventually forced to rejoin a larger group out of necessity when kevin fell ill. jim refused to let the young boy die too. with help from the larger group, they were able to nurse him back to relative health. but that’s when it happened.
governor kodos, under the pretense of aid, divided the remaining colonists into two groups. unbeknownst to them, the division would cost 4,000 colonists their lives. kodos had separated the survivors based on strength & likelihood of survival. those who were stronger & more likely to survive were allowed to live. those who were weaker & less likely were executed. jim was one of nine eyewitnesses to the execution.
supply ships arrived too late to save the 4,000 sentenced to death, but when they arrived, jim & the remaining orphaned children were sent home to earth. to this day, jim still has ptsd & nightmares about life on tarsus iv & the execution of 4,000 innocent survivors.
3. tw: ptsd, traumatic mutism. following the traumatic events on tarsus iv, jim & kevin returned to earth & were placed into the care of jim’s mother, who had returned as soon as she had learned of the famine & that frank had sent jim there. at that point, she was in the process of divorcing frank, & she filed for a restraining order on her & jim’s behalf.
jim regularly saw a child psychologist to help him through his ptsd. directly following the events of the tarsus iv massacre, jim went without speaking for about a month. his psychologist assured his mother that he would speak when he was ready, & that it was his mind’s way of coping with what happened.
additionally, for years after his return from tarsus iv, jim would hide scraps of food around the house. this was both to convince his mother that he was finishing his meals & out of fear that another famine could occur at any moment.
with time & support, his symptoms have nearly disappeared, but he will occasionally have periods of ptsd related distress, specifically in the form of nightmares & anxiety, even in adulthood.
4a. tw: bipolar disorder. while at starfleet academy, jim began to act out of the ordinary. some days, he found it difficult to get out of bed. or when he did, he felt incredibly numb & unable to enjoy all the things he loved to do. some days, he couldn’t sleep at all & stayed out all night, & he could become incredibly irritible at the drop of a hat. there was no obvious reason as to why he behaved these ways, so jim hadn’t seen them as a problem at the time. but as these behaviors & others began to exhibit themselves, jim’s friends became increasingly worried about him. leonard mccoy was especially concerned.
being jim’s roommate & best friend, leonard had a hard time standing by & allowing jim to push himself into riskier & riskier situations. shortly after leonard had expressed this concerns, jim began to see that he was right. he had been denying any problems he’d been facing for far too long, & he needed to confront them instead. so, with a lot of coaxing from leonard, jim made an appointment to see one of starfleet academy’s mental health professionals.
the process of diagnosis didn’t happen overnight. in fact, it took many weeks before they reached any sort of conclusion. but when they did, it was then that jim learned he had bipolar disorder.  ( this form is likely bipolar II disorder. source: here. )  at the time, he was unsure of what this meant, but he was assured by the counseling team that with some help & support, he would be able to manage his moods better.
for the rest of his time at the academy, he continued attending weekly therapy sessions & tried out different medications until he & his therapist were satisfied he’d found the right one. while friends came & went, leonard was there every step of the way.
by the time he was given command of the enterprise, he was mentally in a much healthier state. but that doesn’t mean he never struggled. currently, he does what he can to manage his symptoms, but he’s human, & he can’t always handle them as well as he would like to. but with the help & support of his close friends, his therapist, & a strict self-imposed therapy plan, he generally manages well.  ( for more information on bipolar disorder, go here. many of the items in the chart of signs & symptoms apply to jim during the corresponding episodes. )
4b. tw: abuse, eating disorder, bipolar disorder. as a result of growing up with a physically, verbally, & emotionally abusive step-father, jim occasionally has trouble when it comes to taking care of himself. specifically, he has a mild form of anorexia & struggles with eating enough food. this tendency seems to stem from the traumatic events of tarsus iv & childhood self-esteem issues brought on by his step-father, who often made negative comments about his weight when he was young.
this disordered eating has gotten better with time & effort, but he is more likely to relapse during depressive & manic episodes of his bipolar disorder. during depressive episodes, his self-esteem is lowered & he begins to worry about his weight. this causes him to eat very little. during manic episodes, he can be moving so quickly & erratically that he forgets to eat. 
even when he is not experiencing symptoms of an episode, he can have trouble with food. as a result of his time spent in crisis on tarsus iv, he rarely eats a full meal. he feels that there must be other people who need food more than he does, so he can go without for them. it’s a habit, a destructive thought he’s been trying to break, but it’s been years & he still has trouble. with a lot of coaxing & assurance, he can finish a meal, but he never feels truly great about it. he has, however, broken his habit of hiding large quantities of food. 
5. on a lighter note, jim has a cat! her name is rosie & he adores her. he found her during one of the enterprise’s pit stops when she stowed away on the ship. he loves her so much that no one has had the heart to remind him that it’s not exactly allowed.
she is very affectionate & serves as an emotional support animal for jim as well as an unofficial therapy cat for most of the bridge crew, as those are the crewmembers closest to jim.
rosie is a special cat as well. she has the ability to walk on walls & ceilings, & she is often found hiding on one of those surfaces when she wants some alone time. additionally, her eyes & fur appear to sparkle a bit, like she was bathed in stars.
6. jim is very respectful of women.  ( fuck you, j.j. abrams. )  therefore, that scene where he hid under gaila’s bed and saw nyota undressing? jim may have seen nyota, but he immediately looked away. same goes for that scene with carol marcus changing. james. tiberius. kirk. respects. women.
7. follow these links for romance & sex headcanons. 
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sweettsubaki · 7 years
*se frotte les mains* Tim, Cass, Kon, Riddler, Bart :)
About thisask 
I'massuming you're talking about Preboot!Tim!Cass!Kon!Bart (also you’ll notice best and worst quality are often the same, that’s because a trait can be both a quality or flaw, it usually mostly depends on your PoV).
Tim generalopinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
bestquality: Selfless, Hard Working
worstquality: Selfless, Focused
ship themwith: Kon
brotp themwith: Kon, Bart, Cass Cain and Dick (I used to really like his friendships withHelena and Connor Hawke, too bad DC forgot about them)
needs tostay away from: Steph (the other way around too, I mean I love Steph but untilthey've dealt with their problems they're just gonna end up hurting each otheragain and they don't need the drama ok, they both need happiness, so yeah untilthat happens and they can have a healthy friendship, please keep them away fromeach other), Ra's is an obvious choice too, also Dan Didio and James Tynion IV
misc.thoughts: I think it's pretty obvious he's my favorite DC Character, I misshim. I haven't seen him in 6-7 years now. Also I know that the current plot issupposed to allow DC to bring Preboot!Tim back but they seem to want to goabout it with giving N52!Tim's memories back, which, considering they don'tseem to follow the same thought and emotional patterns I don't see working outin our favor (especially because of the Genius and Nerd trope that seems to befollowing him since N52, I mean they already existed for no valid reason in thefandom but it went from fanon to canon so…).Also I'm pretty sure he has BPD in addition of PTSD, Depression and most of thesymptoms of a victim of a negligent family (like lack of empathy, 0 selfesteem, ect…)...
 Cassgeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw| hufflepuff
bestquality: Kind
worstquality: none she's perfect :p
ship themwith: no one really but I guess Steph would be the closest one I'd ship herwith (he thing for Kon was precious though)
brotp themwith: Steph & Tim ofc, I guess I can add Babs to that though
needs tostay away from: deathstroke and whoever wrote that arc…
misc.thoughts: While I do like the idea of her loving Ballet, I'm gonna go ahead andsay her portrayal's not much better than Tim's…. though I'd love to blame N52,it started before that after her Batgirl series ended and while I love her Blackbatcostume, I think her appearances in Red Robin are almost the only time in thatperiod where she was actually well done. I kinda wished we had seen her minglea little more with other heroes and that she had appeared in Steph's Batgirlseries…I need to re-read her batgirl series….
 Kongeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin |ravenclaw | hufflepuff
bestquality: his emotional intelligence
worstquality: arrogance (though technically it's more of a mix between slightshallowness, lack of self esteem/Depression)
ship themwith: Tim ofc
brotp themwith: Bart, Tim, Roxy, Krypto.
needs tostay away from: (Adult) Women, seriously it's creepy. Also the Agenda too, Imean I know they don't exist anymore but still. And ofc Lex Luthor, Joe Kelly and Dan Didio
misc.thoughts: I'd like to add Guardian, Dubbilex, Sam Makoa, Ma Kent and Tana Moonas important relationships of his, because they were extremely important andshould not be forgotten (yes just because I don't like KonxTana as a romanticrelationship doesn't mean she wasn't a very important figure in his early life-actually that's the reason why I can't ship them because it was more like ababy chick imprinting on the first person they meet than anything- she's prettymuch filled a mother like role for him early on), Cassie was obviouslyimportant too (again, don't ship it because it seemed more like settling forsomeone who had feelings for him and was virtually unkillable as opposed toTana rather than him actually loving her romantically, but they were fairlygood friends and did date each other).I think it's really important to remember he's a child, at first he was prettymuch a functioning baby and by the end of the pretty much his emotional andmental age has mostly caught up to his physical age but with the addition ofdepression and ptsd it doesn't help (I mean while I ship him with Tim, there'sa reason why I think the romantic feelings only really started after Kon wasgiven a stable home life with Ma and Pa).Same as for the others, I miss him but at least DC admitted N52!Kon was adifferent character so I'm okay with that as long as they bring him back withhis friendship with Tim and Bart (and if they don't really bring Tim back theybetter show him mourning preboot!Tim dammit)
 Riddlergeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them |actual love of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh |neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw| hufflepuff
bestquality: Curiosity
worstquality: Arrogance
ship themwith: no one (though I read an EddiexBruce fic once that made me interested inthe ship…But only in the context of Eddie being a detective)
brotp themwith: again, no one really, though Scarecrow is probably the one I'd go with
needs tostay away from: everyone, he's a dangerous troll          
misc.thoughts: WHY DID THEY RETCON HIS BECOMING A DETECTIVE IT WAS GREAT ! it wasliterally one of the best thing they came up with for him (let's face it rareare the authors who know how to actually use his potential). I like my kinda reformed villaintroll
 Bartgeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw| hufflepuff
bestquality: Curiosity    
worstquality: Curiosity :p
ship themwith: no one really, but his thing for Carole was really cute, There'spotential with Rose or Kiran but we never really saw anything so none.
brotp themwith: Tim, Kon, the Ray, Greta, Cissie, MAX MERCURY (okay technically it's hisdad but dammit it's Max okay)
needs tostay away from: Inertia, Deathstroke, pretty much anyone who's mean to him
misc. thoughts: He's my precious child okay, Imiss him, but as for Kon, they actually admitted N52!Bart was a differentcharacter when they revealed his origin story (they did it with Tim too butdecided to retcon that, they're idiots) and I think they do actually intend tobring him back so yay (and as for Kon they better make him miss Tim).his Impulse series is precious, honestly if you haven't read it go for it.While it's for different reasons he's in a way similar to Kon and Tim in thathe didn't not have a childhood that allowed him a 'normal' emotional and mentalgrowth (probably one of the reason why I think of Tim/Kon/Bart more easily thanTim/Kon/Bart/Cassie), though those are actually mostly talked about in hisimpulse series in a fairly direct fashion (especially for the time), wheresuperboy and robin mostly danced around the subjects.
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spacesaved · 6 years
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( reposted from my about page in a reblogabble form w/ formatting changes. if you find the formatted version visually difficult or irritating to read, the unformatted version is on the about page! this & the about page will be updated as i learn more things about my muse. )
for the most part, my portrayal will follow the canon of star trek: alternate original series. however, here are some things i’ve added to my version of jim.
trigger warnings: abuse, starvation, murder, death, ptsd, traumatic mutism, bipolar disorder, & eating disorder.
triggers are bolded at the beginning of each section so that you can skip over anything that may be triggering for you. if you’d like a summary of any part that you skipped over, feel free to ask me! i can change things around, to a certain extent, so that we can write together.
1. tw: abuse. jim & his stepfather, frank, were not on the best of terms. ever since frank had come into his life, jim had despised him. there was just something about the way he treated winona that jim didn’t like. he’d only given the guy a chance at his mother’s request, something which he sorely regretted after she married him. when winona went back to starfleet, sam ran away from home & jim was left with frank & his abusive tendencies. it started just bad moods & snide remarks, but the remarks got worse with time. words became stronger, louder. they were picked more carefully, picked to tear the young boy apart. & as if that wasn’t enough, frank shoved him, hit him, even made him bleed. the effects of this abuse still haunt jim, but he’s been healing with time & distance.
2. tw: starvation, murder, death. after jim had stolen & wrecked frank’s car, frank unilaterally enrolled jim in the earth colony on tarsus iv. winona had no knowledge of this decision, as she was off-world with starfleet. the distance was freeing, at first. he was glad to be out from under frank’s thumb at last. on tarsus iv, he was able to live the kind of childhood he’d wanted. for a time, he was happy. he did well in school, he played sports, he had friends — he thrived. but unfortunately, it didn’t last.
famine fell over the colony as an exotic fungus destroyed their food supply. suddenly, paradise had become hell. as colonists panicked & worried, riots began to break out. jim ran from the facility he’d been living at with the few children he knew that were now or previously orphaned, & they stuck together for as long as they could. naturally, he took charge of the small group, organizing them in a way that would benefit the group the most. he & the older children would scavenge for food while those younger would stay together & hide.
it worked for a short while, but like the rest of those who had survived the first wave of death, their group began to succumb as well. jim tried his best to care for them all. he made sure they had first pick of the food, & he only ate as much as he needed to survive another day. he did everything he could to make sure they survived. there are things he did there that he’ll never speak of.
but the worst of it all was how he killed to save them. the first time, he didn’t sleep for days. he felt so ill he could barely move, but he had to. he had to take care of the others. it got a little easier with time, but it was always a last resort. in the end, though, he lost most of them to starvation or illness or both. by the end, it was only him & kevin riley left.
they were eventually forced to rejoin a larger group out of necessity when kevin fell ill. jim refused to let the young boy die too. with help from the larger group, they were able to nurse him back to relative health. but that’s when it happened.
governor kodos, under the pretense of aid, divided the remaining colonists into two groups. unbeknownst to them, the division would cost 4,000 colonists their lives. kodos had separated the survivors based on strength & likelihood of survival. those who were stronger & more likely to survive were allowed to live. those who were weaker & less likely were executed. jim was one of nine eyewitnesses to the execution.
supply ships arrived too late to save the 4,000 sentenced to death, but when they arrived, jim & the remaining orphaned children were sent home to earth. to this day, jim still has ptsd & nightmares about life on tarsus iv & the execution of 4,000 innocent survivors.
3. tw: ptsd, traumatic mutism. following the traumatic events on tarsus iv, jim & kevin returned to earth & were placed into the care of jim’s mother, who had returned as soon as she had learned of the famine & that frank had sent jim there. at that point, she was in the process of divorcing frank, & she filed for a restraining order on her & jim’s behalf.
jim regularly saw a child psychologist to help him through his ptsd. directly following the events of the tarsus iv massacre, jim went without speaking for about a month. his psychologist assured his mother that he would speak when he was ready, & that it was his mind’s way of coping with what happened.
additionally, for years after his return from tarsus iv, jim would hide scraps of food around the house. this was both to convince his mother that he was finishing his meals & out of fear that another famine could occur at any moment.
with time & support, his symptoms have nearly disappeared, but he will occasionally have periods of ptsd related distress, specifically in the form of nightmares & anxiety, even in adulthood.
4a. tw: bipolar disorder. while at starfleet academy, jim began to act out of the ordinary. some days, he found it difficult to get out of bed. or when he did, he felt incredibly numb & unable to enjoy all the things he loved to do. some days, he couldn’t sleep at all & stayed out all night, & he could become incredibly irritible at the drop of a hat. there was no obvious reason as to why he behaved these ways, so jim hadn’t seen them as a problem at the time. but as these behaviors & others began to exhibit themselves, jim’s friends became increasingly worried about him. leonard mccoy was especially concerned.
being jim’s roommate & best friend, leonard had a hard time standing by & allowing jim to push himself into riskier & riskier situations. shortly after leonard had expressed this concerns, jim began to see that he was right. he had been denying any problems he’d been facing for far too long, & he needed to confront them instead. so, with a lot of coaxing from leonard, jim made an appointment to see one of starfleet academy’s mental health professionals.
the process of diagnosis didn’t happen overnight. in fact, it took many weeks before they reached any sort of conclusion. but when they did, it was then that jim learned he had bipolar disorder.  ( this form is likely bipolar II disorder. source: here. )  at the time, he was unsure of what this meant, but he was assured by the counseling team that with some help & support, he would be able to manage his moods better.
for the rest of his time at the academy, he continued attending weekly therapy sessions & tried out different medications until he & his therapist were satisfied he’d found the right one. while friends came & went, leonard was there every step of the way.
by the time he was given command of the enterprise, he was mentally in a much healthier state. but that doesn’t mean he never struggled. currently, he does what he can to manage his symptoms, but he’s human, & he can’t always handle them as well as he would like to. but with the help & support of his close friends, his therapist, & a strict self-imposed therapy plan, he generally manages well.  ( for more information on bipolar disorder, go here. many of the items in the chart of signs & symptoms apply to jim during the corresponding episodes. )
4b. tw: abuse, eating disorder, bipolar disorder. as a result of growing up with a physically, verbally, & emotionally abusive step-father, jim occasionally has trouble when it comes to taking care of himself. specifically, he has a mild form of anorexia & struggles with eating enough food. this tendency seems to stem from the traumatic events of tarsus iv & childhood self-esteem issues brought on by his step-father, who often made negative comments about his weight when he was young.
this disordered eating has gotten better with time & effort, but he is more likely to relapse during depressive & manic episodes of his bipolar disorder. during depressive episodes, his self-esteem is lowered & he begins to worry about his weight. this causes him to eat very little. during manic episodes, he can be moving so quickly & erratically that he forgets to eat. 
even when he is not experiencing symptoms of an episode, he can have trouble with food. as a result of his time spent in crisis on tarsus iv, he rarely eats a full meal. he feels that there must be other people who need food more than he does, so he can go without for them. it’s a habit, a destructive thought he’s been trying to break, but it’s been years & he still has trouble. with a lot of coaxing & assurance, he can finish a meal, but he never feels truly great about it. he has, however, broken his habit of hiding large quantities of food. 
5. on a lighter note, jim has a cat! her name is rosie & he adores her. he found her during one of the enterprise’s pit stops when she stowed away on the ship. he loves her so much that no one has had the heart to remind him that it’s not exactly allowed.
she is very affectionate & serves as an emotional support animal for jim as well as an unofficial therapy cat for most of the bridge crew, as those are the crewmembers closest to jim.
rosie is a special cat as well. she has the ability to walk on walls & ceilings, & she is often found hiding on one of those surfaces when she wants some alone time. additionally, her eyes & fur appear to sparkle a bit, like she was bathed in stars. for more information, check out my concept for rexelian domestic cats.
6. jim is very respectful of women.  ( fuck you, j.j. abrams. )  therefore, that scene where he hid under gaila’s bed and saw nyota undressing? jim may have seen nyota, but he immediately looked away. same goes for that scene with carol marcus changing. james. tiberius. kirk. respects. women.
7. follow these links for romance & sex headcanons. 
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