#best version ever
mithrandirl · 4 months
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Aragorn sped on up the hill. Every now and again he bent to the ground. Hobbits go light, and their footprints are not easy even for a Ranger to read, but not far from the top a spring crossed the path, and in the wet earth he saw what he was seeking.
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slavhew · 6 months
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tania2199 · 11 months
Music in Our flag means death s2
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I Love My Baby - Nina Simone
Strawberry Letter 23 - Shuggie Otis
Pygmy Love Song - Francіs Bebey
Run From Me - Timber Timbre
This Woman’s Work - Kate Bush
SeaBird - Alessi Brothers
Baby - Donnie & Joe Emerson
Wasting My Time - Harry Mosco
La Vie En Rose - Con O'Neill
I Love My Baby - Nina Simone (2nd time)
Roads To Moscow - Al Stewart
That’s All Right - Laura Rivers
The Times They Are A-Changin’ - Nina Simone
Music in season 1:
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drenched-in-sunlight · 3 months
I want to stop learning things about jars in the DLC because i think I’m going insane 😂🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️
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viridescenttemple · 4 months
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titanebaby · 7 months
the best iteration of jesus & judas since jesus & judas
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gfguren · 1 month
pro hero!kirishima x reader | angst?, fluff, childhood friends→lovers, best friend!kiri my beloved, 2.8k (apparently??) | cw: cursing, reader wears a dress
-eighteen, and heartbroken, you ghost your best friend. years pass, as do old feelings; coincidence brings you back together again-
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They say old habits die hard, your heartbeat rings true.
It's been years—six, at least. Since you've seen Kirishima. And he's still there, in the library of things you've loved, thumbed and beloved, worn at the spine where you once folded the pages, one over the other, carelessly. Always carelessly. As if they'd stay the same through all the wear and tear. You were—careless—after all, eighteen, and foolish, feelings too big for your heart.
But that was okay. It always was, with him. Wherever you wanted to go, whatever you wanted to do. He was happy as long as you were—and so, so good to you; it was childish of you, but you almost wished that he wasn't.
Maybe it was some kind of teenage rebellion that you pushed it too far. Some kind of lashing out, 'getting even', that you kissed other boys, pretended be head over heels in love with anyone, everyone, but Kirishima. Because you did—love him—and not in the way he loved you, you were sure.
Because if he had—really had—he would have hesitated, would have hurt. Wouldn't have vetted your dresses, or wiped the smudge from beneath your eyes. Wouldn't have told you how pretty you looked without really looking at you at all. Wouldn't have drove you to meet other boys, or dried your tears when they made you cry, like all of your other friends did. The kinds you didn't want to kiss. The kinds you imagined a future with, but not with kids and a dog and a white picket fence.
It was obvious for you, came natural as breathing, you'd known him your whole life. Skinned knees, and awkward school dances. Your very first kiss, though it meant nothing at the time. Just kids—curious, and reckless, and definitely not in love. You thought it'd be like that forever, made sense that he'd always be at your side; maybe that's why it hurt the way it did when, suddenly, he just wasn't.
That awkward boy—indecisive and boisterous, good natured and yours—Kirishima. Eijirou. Who earned his first bloody nose at the age of ten, defending your honor over something juvenile and stupid, who walked you home every day after school, hand in yours, always; (for safety, of course), who left half of his belongings on your bedroom floor, in your closet, atop your dresser—hoodies and gadgets and pens, chewed at the cap. That Eijirou—your Eijirou—would always, surely, make his way back to you, right?
But he doesn't.
When summer ends, he leaves—your school, the little town you both grew up in,
—and you.
To do something good, to be something more. And he was. And you were proud of him, so proud, to see him grow and become the hero he always dreamed of being. But maybe that scared you too, because suddenly your Eijirou didn't feel so much like yours anymore.
He's gone with hardly a notice, returns with all the confidence in the world—a completely new person in a matter of months. Red hair and a smile like summertime sunshine; your heart skips, cheeks flush, a name is put to the feelings you've felt for as long as you can remember, for the very first time.
But nothing's changed, not for Eijirou, at least, who still spends his vacations beneath your parents' roof, within the four borders of your bedroom, crisscrossed legs and laughter that sounds just like it always has. But it hits you—when he speaks—how much things have changed for you. The stories he tells, the friends he's made and the things he's experienced. They're his. Just his.
And it shouldn't bother you. That you don't know the name of his homeroom teacher, or what he packed for lunch last week. That he doesn't know about all the evenings you've spent alone, or how you broke into tears when that cute senior boy asked you to the yearly formal, because Eijirou had promised—pinky promised—all those years ago, that he'd be the one to take you.
But that was before he had training, and internships, and hero obligations; things far, far more important than you were, you suppose.
But it shouldn't bother you, right? Shouldn't hurt the way it does when he packs his things from your room at the end of summer. You lose him bit by bit; pens and gadgets, and comic books you bought for him every single birthday, without missing a year. He takes your ("his") very favorite hoodie—red and worn at the cuffs, a tear up the side where you wrestled him to the ground, at age twelve. Some petty fight you don't even remember, and how you didn't speak to him for a week; that felt like a lifetime, then.
You've half a mind to ask for it, know for sure he'd offer it happily, though you're not sure you have that right anymore. You no longer share his life, after all, and he doesn't share yours; it's not until you're older, much older that you realize just how hard he tried to make it work anyway.
The weekly calls and the long drives back home to just see you for a month, a week, a day. How he gets his license, at eighteen. Rushes home from an internship to drive you to the little ice cream parlor at the edge of town.
You're crying, over a boy—though your heart wasn't really in it. How could it be, when it's been checked out since the age of six? When the more years that pass, the more you fall for your very best friend, the stronger his absence becomes, the more bitter your heart grows. You're crying, over a boy—but not the one who stood you up.
You're just, frustrated, that he's oblivious to it all. Still. And so damn nice about it—always. That's he's perfectly content to dry your tears, has the audacity to tell you that guy was an idiot, totally unmanly, that 'any man would be lucky to have you'.
But not Eijirou. Never Eijirou.
And for the first time, you think you hate him. For missing the hearts in your eyes, and growing up just fine, without you. For talking like it's totally fine if you end up with someone that isn't him. And vice versa.
That he reaches for your hand on the way back to his car, like you're still just kids, and it means nothing at all.
—and that you let him; as if it means nothing to you either.
But fuck, it does. Always has. And maybe that's why you justify it, when you disappear after graduation—a new phone and town, and a future that doesn't include Eijirou. Kirishima. The way you're convinced he wanted; he's always been fine without you, after all.
It's petty and it's childish. And it's hard—like turning a page you've been stuck on your entire life—but you do, and the world doesn't end without him, like you thought that it might. You're fine, not even all that sad. Just a little empty for a while.
The years pass easily, as do old feelings and the ache in your chest. You get busy. With work, and hobbies, your dreams and hopes and aspirations. You don't have the time to dwell about what could have been.
At twenty-two, you fall in love, and it doesn't last. But not because there's someone stuck in your heart, like a thorn that just burrows deeper. Life happens, and you pull apart, naturally—like adults do—communication, and mutual agreement; the way you wish you'd been mature enough to handle your feelings all those years ago.
Maybe you'd still have your oldest friend by your side, then.
Somehow summer sneaks up on you, everytime—the third week of June, when you visit your parents in the same little town that's always changing. Streets busier than ever and pavement redone, ice cream parlor on the edge of town gone and replaced with a brick and mortar grocery. It makes it easier, you think, to not be reminded of Kirishima—and the way you left without so much as a goodbye.
You haven't forgotten him, far from it. Somehow you still find yourself in the comic section of the bookstore every October. But at some point, you forget his favorite foods and the way his hand felt in yours. When you see his house across the street, you think of his mother instead, and the way she greets you every time, like you're her second child. Her 'favorite', you used to joke.
It's bittersweet.
Six summers, and you manage to avoid him. Six summers and you come to terms with never seeing him again. Six summers, and he's there, suddenly—beneath your parents' roof, within the four borders of your childhood bedroom. Your heart beats like it might burst.
"Kirishima," you say, choking down your surprise with deep, careful breaths.
He turns to you then; four wooden borders squeezed carefully between two strong hands. The scar above his brow is baby pink, barely there, and he stands a little taller, you think, feels a little broader at the chest, and around his shoulders. You've seen him on tv, of course, in the news, in pictures, occasionally, but it's different—seeing him in person, after so long.
A true proper hero, standing there in your childhood bedroom, holding an old photo you'd all but forgotten about; two kids, faded ink and scuffed glass—hearts in your eyes, if he happened to look closer.
"Hi." His voice is a little deeper, smile a little softer when your eyes meet.
You feel a little helpless, truth be told. You'd spent so long avoiding him, so many years forgetting the casual conversation you'd once carried. You never considered what to say, if you were to meet again, never thought that you might. But here you are, after all this time.
You want to tell him you're proud, you think. The way you couldn't bring yourself to all those years ago. Want to tell him that you're sorry, for more reasons than one. Want to tell him he looks good, that you got the job he always said you would, that you worried about him, from time to time.
Instead, there's a tentative—"What are you doing here?"—that sticks in your throat.
As if it matters.
"Ran into your parents at the grocery," he answers, casually, "they asked me to stay for dinner."
And yet.
He sets the picture face up—where it once lied face down, forgotten in the eaves of your bookcase.
He's here; in your bedroom. Looking through your things, like he missed you.
You wring your hands together. Return the feelings you start to reach for, instinctively. A little book in the library of things you're predisposed to, catalogued under: Getting Ahead of Yourself.
"Are you?" the words are eager, the pages fall loose. You catch them, before he does. "Staying for dinner?"
It takes all of three steps, (you think it might have been five, once), for him to make his way from the bookcase to your bed. It creaks woefully when he sits, "Would that be okay with you?"
"Yeah," your voice nearly betrays you, "yeah, it would."
His shoulders unwind, chest falls. He breathes—easy. And then he laughs, boyish and yours.
"What's so funny," you gravitate towards him, naturally, suitcase forgotten at the door. The bed dips at his side and your shoulder playfully bumps his, "huh?"
The corners of his mouth crease at the edges, aged deep just like yours. "When did we become so boring?"
You hum—almost melancholy, picking at the splotches of red that still stain your comforter. "It's been six years, Kirishima."
"Yeah," he says, a little more pensive, "you look good."
Your heart skips, cheeks flush. Suddenly you're sixteen again, and pawing at the hem of your sundress, searching for his approval from the corner of your eye.
He's not looking at you, but it's different this time; or maybe it's exactly the same, and he's always been this way. Maybe you were just blind to it, sixteen and oblivious to the hand that wrings itself around the back of his neck, the red tinge that burns his ears.
But honestly, probably, you're searching for subtext that doesn't exist. Still, "So do you," the words come easy, "saw you at that award ceremony—on tv, I mean. Couldn't believe that was my Eijirou."
His head dips, eyes shimmer red; sweeter than wild strawberries. "Your Eijirou?"
'Yeah." You feel a bit self conscious, truth be told, though you've said it a hundred times. "Aren't you?"
His smile spreads like a yawn, from the depths of his chest, suddenly there and unshakable. Contagious—what was his, now yours as well. "Always have been."
Your chest tightens, every beat of your heart hammering at your ribcage. You still love him, after all this time. "How long will you stay?"
"Until dinner, at least."
"No, I mean," you sigh, heart spilling to your sleeves, "how long will you be in town?"
"I,-" It's lethargic, the way he blinks, throat bobs, smile falls, slow and pensive and so unlike him, "I moved back a while ago." Surprise washes over your face, rests in your brow, and he answers, before you have the chance to ask, "it's been two summers now."
You're not sure what that feeling is, gnawing at your heart and making you sick to your stomach—
"I'm sure you knew I came to visit," your voice is a murmur, eyes misty and searching for an excuse to meet everything but his, "you could have said 'hi'."
He hums, an almost sigh, "Wasn't sure you wanted me to."
—Guilt, that's what it is. It plummets, and swells, until you can feel it in your throat.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be." A warm hand falls over yours, fingers curling—friendly, reassuring. You appreciate it for what it is. "I get it."
You've loved him for so long, known him for even longer, turned every page until the ink began to wear. But for the first time, you think you can see his heart bleeding between the lines.
"You're not doing that, don't you dare blame yourself, Kirishima Eijirou."
"You were lonely, weren't you? After I left for UA," his jaw goes rigid, every bit of shame clenched between his teeth, "should've tried harder to make it work, could've visited more often, could've taken an internship closer to home, could've,"
"—said," you click your tongue, stern as can be, "you're not doing that."
You pinch the corner of his sleeve, rolled red fabric over strong arms; he doesn't flinch at the coaxing, instead he turns to take your shoulders between his hands, "'m sorry."
You wrangle them from you, lying his palms at your lap, squeezed in between your own. "Damnit Ei, you didn't do anything wrong," you know for certain that he would've packed you in his suitcase if he could, would've dragged you along to every course and internship and oh-so-important hero happening, but you had your own life to live—and so did he. "You were following your dreams, who am I to get in the way of that?"
"My best friend, my other half, besides," his shoulders square, chest puffs, all brawn and ego and Eijirou; but his hands tremble unsurely, "I liked you," his wavering voice is still confident, somehow, confession long overdue, "and I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear from me after so long, but," his hands leave yours to worry his hair, all finely gelled and pushed back, now tousled and falling softly at his forehead, "I didn't want to regret it for another six years."
You feel like you're drowning, pulled under a tide of feelings new and old. Confused, and euphoric, and so, so stupid. He liked you. He liked you and you never had a clue. The irony makes you dizzy.
Your head breaches the surface, and finally you can breathe, deep and burning lungs expanding, expanding, and trembling—a stream of salt and water hits your cheeks and falls past your lips. Eijirou is quick wipe away the tears, a palm at each cheek, wide eyed and worried. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. Please don't cry, okay?"
You laugh and his expression eases, shoulders falling and fingertips thumbing softly at your skin. "Don't worry, Ei. I'm happy," you sniffle, fingers wrapping 'round his wrists; his pulse stutters at your index and you smile, "I liked you too, a lot," at age six, at eighteen, the year before last, and the year after that, and, and, "I still like you, I think."
His smile blooms, face brightens like sunlight in the peak of summer, warm against the tips of your fingers.
"Can I take you on a date sometime?" he asks, like it's the easiest thing in the world; maybe it always has been.
"Yeah." Your heart beats, a page turns. "I'd like that."
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serendippertyy · 1 year
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
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iremiari · 3 months
charles rowland is the type of person to end his marriage vows with "and you're my best mate" then think nothing of it
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kotoal1011 · 5 months
Having a plushie of your f/o is amazing, but also, consider: your f/o having a little plushie of you. Even if they're considered to be cold and stoic, they treat the plushie as their most beloved possession– because it is. They take care of it, they keep it near whenever they're watching or playing something, they even give it a goodnight kiss before holding it tight and falling asleep.
Bonus: imagine you and your f/o making the plushies of both of you kiss.
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rosy-crow · 4 months
Hhfgg the positive version of OWA is so cool to hear 🥺
And someone uploaded the full version of the hero OWA for the Behemoth boss where Sephiroth actually can’t die in-game…it sounds so beautiful, elegant, even with a melancholy edge. I’m really curious about the lyrics because they sound different too.
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kagooleo · 1 month
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here's a finished belated bday comm for @wyvernity of their soulsilvershipping :D!!! I was honestly really happy with the turnout for the piece so I did go a lil ham on their faves (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
i've still got 2 commission slots open on my kofi for both chibi and sketch pieces if anyone is interested :V
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veerbles · 7 months
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"He doesn't say goodbye. He just lets go."
goodbye at dawn.
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“2012!turtles is the best!” “Bayverse!turtles is my favourite!” “Rise!turtles, is the-“
You’re wrong! You’re all wrong! Only TRUE tmnt fans know that the DirectLineInsuranceEmergancyPlumblingAdvert!turtles reigns supreme!
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lovebvffys · 26 days
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Buffy Meme: [1/6 Relationships] Willow/Tara
"You have to learn if, if we're even the same people we were, if you can fit in each others lives. It's a long, important process and-, can we just skip it? Can you just be kissing me now?"
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