#bet it goes down on Elbaf
crellanstein · 1 year
I’m like… already pissed at Yassop. Cuz like, we have no idea what he & Usopp’s relationship was before he left, if Usopp even remembers him or only has stories from his mother, but you just know, YOU KNOW that when they meet Yassop’s gonna be all like…
“Look at the man you’ve become, you’re a full grown warrior-of-the-sea now, I’m proud of you-blah blah blah” and pull that classic shitty- anime-dad-thing were he’s like ‘I left to make you stronger’ or whatever.
He’ll challenge Usopp to a sniper duel & when Usopp wins he’ll say all that…
…and ACT LIKE HE HAS THE RIGHT to make any sort of judgement about the aptitude of the son HE ABANDONED!
Cuz we all know that’s why he left, regardless of whatever circumstances. He saw the chance to go adventure on the sea & thought nothing of leaving his young son & dying wife behind.
I can only hope Usopp trademark integrity comes into play & he SMASHES HIS DEADBEAT DAD IN THE FACE and tells him off before challenging him to a sniper duel. (And here we find out the whole reason Usopp started sniping in the first place was so he could shoot Yassop in the face & balls repeatedly without mercy)
FUCK a tearful reunion & a heartfelt speach. I want some justified ass whooping!
Bonus: If Shanks tries to intervene & Luffy stops him because he knows this is the way it should go down.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1071 - Initial Thoughts
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So the official releases it in 2023 so technically it's the first chapter of 2023, but for us it comes a little early thanks to scanlations
Things seems swimmingly when it comes to escape, but Kizaru is on his way and CP0 have the Seraphim under control, so what does 2023 hold for the arc and our characters?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Had to dig for the cover page but twitter came through with a colorspread of the crew with Uta in red and white on the Sunny's mast, nothing to really dig into
We start with Kuma, who has headlong shot himself back into the red line
Panic of course covers the red port, since they don't know the friend or foe status of Kuma, but strangely they do seem aware that he was a slave, I guess propaganda does make out that Kuma was a terrible person
We'll stay blueballed by that for probably the next 3-5 months I bet
Egghead is in lockdown, which means CP0 are seeking a way in
Rob 'I won't accept Luffy as an Emperor because I refuse to take an L' Lucci
Lilith's got a space gun and is ready to throw down
Edison this is not the time for invention ideas unless it can get us out alive
Naturally, Shaka and Lilith remain at odds, because they're Good and Evil, though I see both sides, Shaka's a bit too 'self sacrifice, the main body is all that matters' good while Lilith is 'so anyway I started blasting' evil
I mean surely you aren't expendable since you all have Vegapunk's brain in you...
Vegapunk does at least lament Sentomaru's defeat because of him
Seems we have another ally we can call though, someone on the island
Despite Edison's warnings that this will endanger then, Vegapunk goes straight to asking for help
Our ally remains hidden, even their Den Den Mushi covers the eyes to give nothing away, but they've been prepared to bail out Vegapunk for a while
They do seem confident that this ally will help them escape easily, but we do have a plan together
Though it might be crowded on the Sunny with all seven Punks; Sanji's okay with it so long as Lilith's there - though he said nothing of York - and of course Franky's all game
Meanwhile Luffy and Chopper are trying to chase down Bonney to halt her revenge, being stymied by the bug attack thinking Vegapunk planned it
But somehow, security briefly goes down on the Labophase
I sense foul play but they say nobody's in the control room, unless they have a means of getting through undetected like travelling at the speed of light
CP0 are as in the dark about it as the Vegapunks are though, even Lucci is concerned it's a trap
Still, they gingerly make it up to the Labophase anyway, and they spot the Sunny
Kaku getting a bit too cocky now as he throws a Rankakyu at the Sunny, only to awaken Zoro from his nap
Giraffe Boy knows he's fucked up now
Attacking the ship is fair play but disrupting a man's nap is a death sentence
Defenses go back online but CP0 are already in, no mention of the Seraphim though
Since Zoro is defending the ship it does look like we have to go into direct conflict, which is back into Lilith's alley
Luffy's group reconvenes with the Lab group, though news of them leaving does upset Luffy a little
In addition, Bonney is missing, as is the main Vegapunk
Speaking of, the former is chasing the latter with a pipe
Bonney does ask the key question of whether Kuma can be changed back, but the answer invites more; No but there's a reason...
Meanwhile, with the Kid Pirates
I mean, that fish is as big as your ship which has a fish skull on its mast
Killer does suggest going around but Kid never wants to back down
and he's double not gonna back down when it's likely Elbaf!
Egghead and Elbaf are literally within proximity of one another, and Luffy's missed out on it from a coin toss...
I sure hope this doesn't mean that Elbaf will be skipped because Usopp needs his arc
The marines at G-14 are going to Egghead too, but they've been called by Garp
Garp is gonna launch an offense on an Emperor, even without approval from the top
Even Doll with her buff shoulders can't escape the hourglass shape
Garp is already at G-14 though ready to pick up Helmeppo (and maybe Hibari)
Garp is going to Fullalead to bust Coby out!!!
Well Oda definitely made sure we have a lot to prepare for next year
Between the Straw Hats & Vegapunk vs CP0, potentially Seraphim and Kizaru we also have Kid Pirates in Elbaf, and the Navy vs Blackbeard pirates - which could mean seeing the outcome of Law vs Blackbeard or maybe Garp vs whoever was left over, think it was Pizzaro, Lafitte, Aokiji and Sanjuan Wolf since we didn't see them vs the Heart Pirates even though Pudding was on the ship.
Finally Zoro is sprung into action, though Brook I doubt would be one to face Lucci, and he'd probably ask to see Stussy's panties if he fought her, there's still a numbers issue too because we still have 5 Vegapunks and 8 Straw Hats to balance out against 3 CP0 agents and potentially 4 Seraphim and 1 Admiral, and we know that Kaku can't take Zoro and Lucci's on copium as it is. Though there could be another traitor among us, might come into play with what Kizaru was saying last chapter; part of me thinks Pythagoras is sus, but Lilith is also sus, and nobody is really paying attention to York and Edison. There's also the matter of this secret ally, did they shut down security as a betrayal? or to get in? Part of me hopes it's Smoker but that's a lot of confidence to put on him, Fujitora maybe? On the other hand Kizaru or Caribou may've shut down security also, it does make you suspicious of everyone.
With G-14 also arriving we may get to see Doll and Tashigi in action (let me hope already I'm still having to process losing Carrot), I'd suppose the SWORD agents will involve themselves more with the Garp situation. And of course there's the Elbaf matter with Kid, what will they find there? And will the Straw Hats go there to find them still there? I don't think Kid can take more Ls right now after being Kaido's prisoner for so long (speaking of we still need a status on BM and Kaido, on top of all the other stuff like Sabo, Law, the reaper, Vivi, Cobra etc.) plus there's the matter of Kuma; why did he go back? I do worry that he's too set in his programming to return to the Dragons but Vegapunk does hint that maybe there's more to it, that there's a secondary reason why he can't be changed back.
A lot to process and a lot more to question, into 2023 we go
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