bethadastra · 5 years
Where in the world is bethadastra
Short answer: I pulled an ME2 Commander Shepard and went MIA.
Long answer: Disclaimer. I did not die. But I did all but drop off the face of the earth. I’ve been absent on this platform for a number of reasons.
1. I was accepted back into my grad program after an academic probation, but I was on thin. friggin. ice. Like, the conditions for my readmission were that I had to get all A’s for the rest of my degree and submit special reports to track my progress. One slip up and I was out for good. After acceptance I had to use my first semester back to determine where I was spending most of my free time, and those places were my art and Tumblr. I had to give them the axe so that I could focus on school. On the plus side, I’m almost done, and will have my Master’s at the end of August! And post-grad means more art time again.
2. December was a majorly shitty month for me personally.  In a lot of ways, even after six months I’m still trying to recover from it. I have a lot of paranoia and distrust still with interacting online, but I’m getting there. Bear with me on that.
3. The tumblr no-nudies censorship deal was a hot mess and I just needed to sit that one out for a bit.
Major thanks to everyone that has given me a follow in the past six months or left a kind comment on my posts. Even bigger thanks to all the stellar folks who reached out to me and had the patience to wait this out while I got my shit together. I only started reading the comments and reblogs on my art and writing this week. It means more to me than I can ever say. 
See you soon, weirdos.
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thunderheadfred · 6 years
6D or 2C for Mordin pls pls pleeease
hi it’s terrible but so is Mordin
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Send me an expression prompt!
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ON THAT NOTE I’M STILL SCREAMING ABOUT THIS OMG. Woke up to TWO emails this morning containing art and I am very very emotional about this right now okay because LOOKIT THE DORKS.
Commissioned the lovely @bethadastra / @bethadastra-art for a reference shot of my newest OC’s, Rainer Vakarian and Rose Evans from my Andromeda fic Rose and Rainer and holy shit they look amazing ;____; . They look like they stepped out of my brain and onto the page like holy crap Beth they look so gooood ♥ LOOK AT RAINER. LOOK AT ROSE. I’M FLABBERGASTED AHHHHHHHH ♥ ♥ THANK YOUUUUU ♥
If you get the chance to commission Beth DO IT OMG ♥
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capt-biglou · 6 years
Joining the HC party: Eli has a cute nose wrinkle/wiggle when she’s irritated, esp upon hearing bad puns. Ales knows this and takes full advantage of it. Also, even as an adult, Marcus is a sweet cinnamon roll, and is so bad with slang that Juna has to explain different “bad words” that he learns from his subordinates because he doesn’t know any better 😄
1 - Her nose doesn’t wiggle when she is irritated! It does wrinkle and flares. And yes, Ales finds the worst puns just for that!
2 - Marcus is indeed a sweet cinnamon roll, but also by choice and personality. He learned all the repertoire from dad, the colony and his time in the armiger. His drill instructor persona is the very opposite of wholesome when it comes to language. He’s a armiger. But at home? No curse words. Never. His desk jockey of a sister has nothing on her wholesome brother when it comes to bad words.  :p
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tarysande · 7 years
ME Fic: When (1/1)
Darlingest @bethadastra, I was your holiday husk for this year’s @masseffectholidaycheer gift exchange. I hope this gift finds you in good health and brings you a little January joy.
A physical gift should appear in your mailbox any day now, too. Here’s some Shepard/Garrus to tide you over until it arrives!
Pairing: Garrus Vakarian/Female Shepard (Beth’s Liz, if you squint).
Rating: A very soft M.
Normandy SR-1
Garrus was familiar with humans, of course. During his time at C-Sec, he’d had enough colleagues on one side of the table and perps on the other to learn quite a lot about the intricacies of the expressions their malleable faces wore. He’d had time to grow accustomed to the multi-colored hair on their heads and faces. He’d seen their small, five-fingered hands form fists and clutch firearms and fill out countless after-action reports.
The hands, he decided, were the strangest.
And the most captivating.
Shepard’s especially.
He’d done time in the turian military; he was well-versed in turian hand signals. Hell, C-Sec was a turian brainchild; it was the humans who’d had to adapt their five-fingered hands to signals designed for three digits.
Joining Shepard’s squad was different. His were the hands that needed to adapt. Because Shepard’s Alliance-trained gestures were so different, he found himself watching her hands carefully all the time, both on and off the field.
He’d never noticed how often humans punctuated their words with their hands. He’d never noticed the way human hands sometimes told different stories than the human faces above them. Even when Shepard’s expression gave him little to go on, it was surprising how often her hands gave him the clues he needed to figure out if she was pissed or frustrated or even, on an occasion or two, sad.
If he were still filling out forms and running into red tape at C-Sec, he’d probably have sent out a memo. Note to non-human C-Sec personnel: Watch their hands; surprisingly effective gauge of mood/thoughts/imminent violence.
Then again, maybe someone—Pallin, Chellick, his dad—had already sent that memo, and he’d ignored it.
He knew better now.
But it wasn’t just battlefield hand signals and punctuation, not with Shepard. When she settled her small hand on Wrex’s huge shoulder and gave it a pat, Garrus hadn’t been able to contain his flinch. But Wrex only smiled and grumbled something about humans being soft. Didn’t move his shoulder out from under the touch, though.
Shepard’s fingers seemed impossibly nimble—not awkward or extraneous at all—when he watched her break down her weapons and clean them so impeccably even Garrus’ father wouldn’t have been able to find fault with her work. He certainly couldn’t. Hell, it was a show he’d watch all day if he hadn’t worried about having to explain himself if he got caught staring.
Squinting through his scope, so tired and strung out on stims he thought he was hallucinating, he noticed the N7—white and red and impossible—first. From his sniper’s perch, he couldn’t see the details of the face behind the helmet. He blinked twice, though it cost him a second he could have spent blowing another head off another set of shoulders.
Idiot mercs and their idiot cannon fodder. Pointless. So damned pointless.
Idiot Archangel and the idiot trust he’d given to Lantar Sidonis.
The N7 didn’t disappear when he blinked, though. A moment later, a human hand lifted, gestured, and a pair of other soldiers—in Cerberus colors, of all things; that last batch of stims had been a mistake—swept out to either side, removing heads from shoulders for him.
His eyes didn’t leave the N7-armor-clad hand. Not even when that hand dropped to cradle a gun. Not even when the finger squeezed the trigger, sending a spray of bullets into the backs of the same idiot mercs that were trying to kill him.
Two years.
It was a long time.
Not long enough for him to forget Shepard’s hands, Shepard’s gestures.
When those hands spread wide and a dead woman said, “Garrus!” not fifteen minutes later, he let himself hope.
When those hands took the rifle he offered, and the rifle did not clatter to the ground the way it would have done if they were a ghost’s hands, he let himself believe.
And when, through the thunder of agony, he recognized Shepard’s hands, blue-stained and tentatively, gently touching his broken face, he let himself believe he had something to live for after all, no matter what the damned gunship had intended.
Normandy SR-2
Before they went through the Omega-4 relay, Garrus learned new things about human hands that put his imagination to shame and would never have made it into a C-Sec memo.
Human hands were warm, and soft, and strangely smooth, but they could clutch the curve of waist or jut of hip as firmly as any turian hand. Shepard’s hands were pale; her nails kept short and blunt. The scrape of those nails down his hide made him shiver.
The gentle pressure of her fingertips against his aching slit made him shake.
And when she curled her fingers around the base of his cock and began to stroke—soft, warm, firm, Spirits—he saw stars, stars and the smug smirk just beginning to tilt the corners of Shepard’s mouth.
So, he stole the advantage—reach, flexibility—and twisted her onto her back, capturing her nimble hands, her devious hands, her perfect hands in his and pinning them above her head.
“You know what they say about turnabout,” he murmured against the side of her neck, where he could feel her pulse racing against his mandible.
Human hands—Shepard’s hands—clutched and clenched and scrabbled in the sheets, and when she came—softwarmfirm—with his name on her tongue, her fingers dug into his shoulders hard enough to bring her name to his tongue, too.
Afterward, as her fingers drew lazy circles against the hide at his waist, he watched them through half-lidded eyes and wondered why he’d ever thought five-fingered hands anything less than miraculous.
When the galaxy went to hell set to the inexorable soundtrack of Reaper klaxons screaming, Garrus’ world shrank to the size of his war map. Systems flashed red and dark; worlds glowed until they didn’t; ships vanished faster than he could keep track of.
He got a message that Earth had fallen.
His hands closed into fists, then. He did not smash his war map; he did not throw the offending datapad to the ground. He just nodded. Nodded, grabbed a rifle, and went to the edge of the encampment to shoot at Reaper forces until he was out of heat sinks and he could pretend he was all right.
He wasn’t, of course. But hell. Who was?
The Reapers wailed and wailed.
And then, not unlike that N7 he’d spotted through his scope when he’d thought his life was already over, a name came over the comms. A name. A request.
Back at base, Shepard’s hand was there, reaching out. Corinthus watched him, missing nothing. Garrus paid him to miss nothing; he sure as shit wasn’t going to miss this, even if the gesture was a human one.
With Palaven burning behind him and the shriek of husks still ringing in his ears, Garrus didn’t give a single damn. He took Shepard’s hand, shook it. Held it like it was the most precious thing in a galaxy in its death throes that had already lost far, far too much.
Maybe it was. He’d seen these hands do the impossible on more than one occasion, after all.
He didn’t think he imagined the hint of a smile as his other hand closed over their joined grip.
One brief instant stolen for them—Shepard and Vakarian—since he knew they’d be back to their impossibly heavy roles in the space of a heartbeat or two or three. Commander Shepard, resident savior of the galaxy. Garrus Vakarian, the turian Hierarchy’s Expert Advisor on the Reaper Threat.
“I’m hard to kill,” he said, with the first hint of a smile since he’d received news from Taetrus. “You should know that.”
Shepard smiled back, broader, and he definitely didn’t imagine the genuine relief in her voice when she said, “Good to see you again.”
And when, a few minutes later, she asked if he was coming, he didn’t hesitate. Her hand gestured, though he already knew where she was sending him.
Into hell. At her back. Just like old times.
When his hands, ever so faintly trembling, reached for his rifle, he knew that until the end of the galaxy, he’d never let himself be directed anywhere else, by any hands other than hers.
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theravenofwynter · 6 years
@bethadastra replied to your post: Me: *realises that to write Prince Garrus I have...
Well Anastasia's an orphan and only had her grandmother at the end... so why would I make prince Garrus any different?
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ferociousqueak · 7 years
I saw the tags you left for my Turian art history shenanigans, and I pretty much died and came back to life. I would also like to submit for your consideration: Turian Bauhaus and artists that criticize imperialism by using non-Turian media and subject matter (because I'm a major art history geek) 👍🏻
Oh my goodness, Bauhaus is sooooo turian! I LOVE IT.
And there’s gotta be political dissidents, right? The War onTaetrus is evidence enough of that. I like to think that in Andromeda, whenKandros talks about his sister becoming a sculptor (which could easily fallinto the category of art that’s deliberately useless), that’s code for her moreor less becoming politically vocal and critical of the Turian Hierarchy. Andfor a “big military name” like theirs, that’s a significant career choice thatcould easily be embarrassing for the whole family. Like, maybe she does aseries of sculptures criticizing the Hierarchy’s treatment of volus as a “clientrace” but still won’t advocate for them to have a seat on the Council?
I also like to think about how the various art histories ofdifferent races influence each other when they come into contact. Like, I feellike turians would find the revenge tragedies of the Renaissance especially entertaining.Not only do they involve a revenger rooting out the corrupt and immoral lord(who’s definitely not a cipher forthe king irl, we swear), but the revenger himself is then also destroyed, which returnssociety to balance and unity and allows a good and righteous ruler to ascend.
And because I agree that practicality is what makes a thing beautiful to turians, I also think they would hold crafts in great esteem. Iremember a class I took in college that tried to explain that craftwork isn’t “really”art because it’s meant to be used every day (I find this argument to be both racist—itwas a class on the art history of Japan—and sexist, not to mention elitist wank), but I think that’s exactly what would make crafts valuable to turians.
And the cross-racial collaborations! The artists in residence! Is there aturian Andy Warhol (I feel like the asari especially would have more AndyWarhols than is strictly necessary—then again, so does humanity)? Does theHierarchy commission artists they know hate them like the Church did withMichelangelo? Goodness, I’m going to be thinking about his all day now :D
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sunshine-ita · 7 years
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What’s the best way to come back to Tumblr after a long hiatus?
You’re @mebigbang going live!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t thought this possible... but I did write a 12,000k words story during summer. Thanks to @threewhiskeylunch, @nightmarestudio606 and other members of the Mass Effect fandom who got me into this.
It’s a story I *actually* really like and which I want to continue in the near future. Let’s cheer for Out of Darkness and the magnificent art by @bethadastra-art (who I’ll never thank enough for choosing my story)!
Beta(s): @ex-commander and @nightmarestudio606 (thank you! xoxo)
Pairing: Female Shepard/Tiran Kandros
Characters: Female Shepard, Tiran Kandros, Original characters based on the APEX multiplayer in ME:Andromeda
Warnings: Coarse language, violence, sexual content
Rating: E Summary:  Leaving the Milky Way to make a name for herself in the Andromeda galaxy, Shepard, after a 600-year nap, joins a Nexus militia APEX team, Outburst; a band of elite soldiers giving everything they got for the Initiative. Blowing things up seem enough to be happy. But what if this new adventure brings her more; what Shepard always desired: a family, love and a cause to fight for...
For the full story, it’s here!
For the art masterpost, it’s here!
I hope you enjoy your read! Don’t hesitate to reblog, leave comments or kudos on AO3. And to like and reblog the artist who participated too!
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bethadastra · 5 years
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Okay so I obviously don’t write drabbles like all of the other cool kids here, but, I’m doing the thing, and if anyone gets more than one bingo, I miiiiight doodle something this weekend
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Broken Souls Pt 6
Lily’s interested, but she doesn’t want to push too hard if Tiberius isn’t - a Beach Day seems like a good way to test the waters, so to speak.
This entire fic is officially just dedicated to both @wafflesrock16 for lending me Tiberius, and helping me with plotting shenanigans with thes babes, and to @bethadastra so being freaking awesome and somehow managing to always send motivation when I need it most! You guys rock and ilu and I hope you still like his ridiculous little fic! ♥
Also posted on AO3! And Lily has a pinterest board, where I’ll pin outfits and things cause why not!
I hope I didn’t freak him out to badly - shit, man, he’s strong… fucking awesome.
Lily swirls her pen between her fingers, staring blankly down at the datapad she’s been writing on - Teren and Rose’s voices a steady din in the background, the turians’ tapping an almost comforting beat.
Teren had called them in to discuss the upcoming Military Ball the Primarch would be hosting in their honor - a sort of welcoming party for the Alliance allies of the Hierarchy, a night to schmooze and relax with fellow soldiers.
Lily can’t focus on the party talk, though; her brain’s been stuck on one specific turian ever since their spar three days before, when he’d knocked her flat on her ass and then promptly fled.
I mean, he looked interested - I know I’m not imagining that growl, and his eyes were - aw, fuck, turians have better noses than humans, right? He could probably smell how into it I was. Waita control your hormones, Lily, fuck me-
She’d definitely been amped up from the spar itself, but being pinned by a ridiculously strong opponent tended to do things to her - like light her libido on fire, leaving her hot and bothered when said male had barely even looked at her as he all but ran from the Training Room.
After running into a wall, anyways. Lily snorts, lips curling up in a fond grin at the memory, Which was kind of adorable, really. Maybe he just gets really flustered really easily? He probably did smell me, so… hmm, maybe only when someone’s interested.
Lily can’t remember the last time she was bested in a sparring match - and, if she’s honest, she doesn’t remember the last time she’d been so bloody turned on, either. Something about Tiberius just did it for her, even after only knowing him for a few days.
His height’s part of it - and his eyes, such a gorgeous green. The rumbly voice definitely helps, he’s an awesome gamer, and the strength… mmmm, wonder what those biotics of his would be like in-
“Hey, Lil, you okay? Need your input here, sis.”
“She looks rather dazed - should we be worried?”
“Hmmmm?” Lily blinks out of her stupor, looking up to find both Rose and Teren watching her with amused grins. “Sorry, spaced out a bit there - what’cha need?”
“Teren just needs to know what clothes you want brought in, since we’ll be here awhile.” Rose gives her a look, then taps on her datapad, “Remember that you need a dress for the Military Ball - I sent you a couple I thought you might like, but you need to choose one. Likewise, pick a few more outfits, and any other food items you want.”
“We will, of course, make more orders over the course of your stay.” Teren hums, amused, “This is just to stock you up for your first month or so. Anything after that will depend entirely on how long you intend to remain with us.”
“Well, I have a feeling you’re stuck with this one, now.” Lily grins, jerking a thumb at her twin, “I’m kind of auxiliary staff - but I’ll be here at least a few months, for sure.”
Long enough to try and feel out if there’s a possibility of something with Tibs, at least-
“Very well. Make your selections and you’re free to go; I believe dinner should be served soon, and I imagine Rainer is missing you, Rose.”
“Maybe.” Rose murmurs back, and Lily catches the blush on her twins face before grinning and focussing on her datapad.
Food is easy, since Rose had taken care of the majority, and clothes are a mishmash of Alliance Standard and casual outfits - as colourful as she can manage. She pauses over two dresses, biting her lip and considering - super colourful or sparkly? Hmmm, maybe go - clicking on the second selection and finalizing her choices with a little hum. “All done!”
“Excellent. Both of you are so efficient, I love it.” Teren smiles widely, tapping a few last buttons on her own datapad before sitting back and crossing her arms - almost considering them. “How are you enjoying your stay on Palaven so far, ladies?”
“It’s been great - working with your systems is a new challenge.” Rose says, ever professional.
Lily rolls her eyes and elbows her twin in the side, “Oh, c’mon, you find your freaking Soulmate and you want to talk about programming instead? Cut me some slack, Rosie!”
Rose’s face flushes again, though she only lifts her nose up and gives Lily a side-eyed smirk. “Maybe I’m enjoying myself, it’s true - but I happen to know a certain twin of mine has been out to make friends.”
“Can’t blame a girl for trying.” Lily shrugs, leaning back in her chair with a grump, “Though I, ah, seem to have chased him off.”
“You speak of Tiberius, correct?” Teren asks, humming at her nod, “He’s a quiet one, likely due to the stigma associated with being biotic. Give him some time - and don’t let up.”
“I don’t plan to.” the brunette frowns a little, thinking. Even though Tiberius had continued being rather shy and flustered, the few times she’s seen him since the spar, in game he’s seemed normal - which is good, right? He’s not ignoring me, at least.
“I’ve heard you like to swim, Lily?” Teren interrupts her thoughts, smiling at her surprised look, “I read your files, darling. You should take a trip down to the beach - Cipritine boasts one of the most beautiful beaches on Palaven, and as the whole city is rather low radiation, you could go without your armor.”
Lily perks up at that, spirits lifting. “For real? I mean, I’m technically here representing the Alliance, but I don’t have any work right now, so I’m kind of just wandering around-”
“Take a day trip to the Beach, with my permission.” Teren says, mandibles flared, “Tiberius grew up in Cipritine, if I recall correctly - I’m sure he could give you a wonderful tour of the city, and the beach.”
Like a date. Lily finds herself nodding enthusiastically, nearly ready to jump from her chair, “That sounds like fun! I’ll see if he’s up to it.”
“You do that, dear. Now then ladies, I believe we’ve accomplished everything I called you in here for - time for dinner.”
“Thank you for everything, Teren.”
“You’re very welcome. I’ll speak with you both later.”
Both twins nod, standing and making their way quietly to the door - slipping out into the hallway and heading off towards the dining hall.
Lily is nearly bouncing, making Rose laugh, “Okay, I get it, I’m going too slowly for you - shoo already! Go ask him!”
“You’re the best, Rosie!” Lily grins, stealing a hug before nearly skipping off towards the dining hall - reigning herself in anytime there are soldiers nearby, since she should be at least trying to seem professional, right?
All that flies out the window the moment she’s stepped into the dining hall and her eyes have locked on one incredibly alluring turian, seated off in a corner with a tray of food before him and Rainer sitting opposite.
Lily all but sprints in their direction, excited and impatient - though she forces herself to slow down once she’s within their sight, noticing the way Tiberius glances up and seems to be immediately flustered by her approach.
Okay, Lily, easy now - don’t jump the poor man. If he’s not interested, you don’t want to force him.
“Evening, Rainer!” she greets his companion pleasantly, kneeling on the bench beside the taller turian and grinning widely at him, “Tibs! Are you free tomorrow?”
“T-tomorrow?” Tiberius stumbles over the word, a quiet chirp to his subvocals, and Lily can’t get over how endearing his fluster is, “What’s, uh, going on tomorrow?”
“Teren mentioned that there’s a beach on the edge of the city! A low radiation beach!” she’s still grinning, batting her eyes a little - do turians even know what that means? Dammit self, do some research! - “I’m kind of useless at the moment, so far as Alliance work goes, and I’d really like to explore the city a bit and go swimming! I thought I’d ask you to go with me?”
Tiberius’ mandibles flap for a moment, and she’d swear she can see him swallowing in response to her words - or the eye batting? Maybe he knows human flirting signs?? - before his browplate lowers a bit, rumbling a quiet “W-why me?”
Lily tilts her head, expression one of open honesty and confusion. “Well, you’re the only person I know here, really, and I like your company - you’re fun to be around. So, y’know, I just thought it’d be fun?”
That has him staring at her again, surprise clear in those gorgeous green eyes, and Lily reaches out to settle a hand on his shoulder - smile softer, now, “Only if you want to, Tibs - as I’ve said, don’t wanna be a pain in the ass.”
Tiberius huffs at that, mandibles flickering out in a small grin, “You’re n-not a pain in the ass, Lily. Sure. W-we can, uh, bring a picnic, if you want - have lunch on the, uh, beach?”
“That sounds perfect.” Lily smiles, being sure to let her enthusiasm show, “Good for tomorrow, then?”
“Y-yeah. There’s a nice cafe, by the beach… I, um, I know the owners.” even through the stuttering, Tiberius is returning her smile, and she feels her heart jump at the expression, “We can grab the food there - they, uh, have levo things, too - then spend some time at the beach.”
“It’s a date!” Lily grins, stepping away before her words can fully sink in, “See you at 09:00 sharp, Tiberius! No gaming till 05:00 tonight; I’ll know if you do!”
Then she spins and saunters away, high fiving Rose on her way out of the hall - heart pounding in hopeful excitement.
Beach date with a hottie turian! This will be fun!
Remember, though, Lily - just because your Mark is faded, doesn’t mean his is.
That makes her stop just short of she and Rose’ rooms, frowning at the realization. Maybe that was why he’d backed off - he had a Soulmate, and it definitely wasn’t her.
Well, shit. Nothing I can do if he does have one. She takes a deep breath, shoves the depression away, and forces a grin. Talk about it tomorrow - for now, just look forwards to your date.
 Lily’s up at 07:00 the next morning, ignoring Rose’s sleepy grumble when she flicks on the lights and starts getting ready.
She’s not planning to dress up, per say, but she still wants to look nice - plus, her civies are buried beneath her Alliance dress in her footlocker, so the first twenty minutes are spent digging through tightly rolled clothes until she finds something that suits the occasion.
Brought more than I thought. She grins, eyeing the small pile of colourful casual clothes she’s tossed onto the bed - a pile that includes a couple pairs of sandals and other accessories - taking a moment to repack her Alliance wear in half of the foot locker, Okay, reorganize this mess quick, then get dressed.
She hears Rose get up a few minutes later, but doesn’t pay much attention - shifting around shirts and pants, trying to decide on an outfit. Her bikini sits off to the side, ready to go, along with a pair of sunglasses and gold, strappy sandals - she’s got a pair of aqua patterned shorts picked out, but which top should I be wearing? Can turians even read English? Probably just use their omni’s to translate, so it doesn’t even matter what the shirt says-
“Wear the mermaid one.” Rose mumbles behind her, the scent of fresh coffee hitting her at nearly the same moment, “Suits you, considering you’d live in the water if you could.”
“This one?” Lily pats the shirt in question - a white, scooped neck tank with the words Mermaid Off Duty arranged around an image of a seashell - grinning when her twin nods, “I was leaning towards this one, not gonna lie - thanks, Rosie! And aw, did you make me coffee? Best twin ever.”
“Hey, you helped me.” Rose shrugs, passing her the mug and then crossing back to her own bed to sit down, “When are you meeting up?”
“Tiberius is supposed to pick me up at 09:00, so I’ve got-” Lily pauses to take a sip of her coffee, checking the readout on her omni, “-just over an hour. I’m not getting dressed up, but I wanted to look nice.”
“You do you, sis.” Rose smiles, scooting back on her bed to cross her legs, cradling her tea in one hand while calling up her omni with the other, “I’ll just be here, doing work…”
“Dude, just go back to bed.”
Rose waves her off, gaze locked firmly on the readout of her screen, and Lily just rolls her eyes and goes back to getting ready - downing her coffee in a few long gulps before getting up to get washed.
Teeth brushed and face scrubbed, Lily comes back into the room proper and sheds her pj’s, dumping them in the specified laundry chute and working at getting into her clothes for the day: bikini first, since having it on underneath makes the most sense, then her shorts and tank top. She combs her fingers through her hair and settles her sunglasses on top of her head for the moment, bringing up her omni to type out a quick message while she slips on her sandals.
Lily: Tibs! Ready to go whenever you are! Can’t wait to see the Beach! :D
Tiberius: On my way. Cipritine Beach is beautiful; I think you’ll like it.
Both the near immediate response and the comment of I think you’ll like it make Lily grin ridiculously, heart jumping a little as she plops down beside her sister with a happy hum.
“Okay, I know that look.” Rose pokes her in the side, making her squeak, “Good response?”
“Mhmmm, I’m hoping so, at least.” Lily swats her hand away and grins wider, shrugging, “Gonna give it my all, at least!”
“He seems nice - maybe kind of quiet. Keep me updated, yeah?”
“Pft, of course, Rosie-”
Once more, the chime going off interrupts them, but this time Lily’s jumping up and bounding over to the door with a laugh, wearing a flirty grin as she hits the unlock button, “G’morning! That was quick-”
“Good morning, Lily. Were you expecting someone else?” Commander Maxim smirks at her from beyond the threshold of the door, looking pleased as punch that she’d caught her off guard.
Oh, God dammit!
Lily’s expression goes casually neutral, arms crossing as she watches the other woman. “Maxim. How can I help you?”
“Oh, so cold, little Lily - and here I was thinking I would be nice and offer my company for the day. I’ve heard there’s plenty to see in Cipritine.”
“I have plans.” Lily replies, wishing desperately that Tiberius would show up.
“And what about my other proposal?”
“Still not interested. You’d think you’d remember that fraternization is against the rules, Maxim.”
“I could order you to.” the other woman hums, giving her a look that makes her skin crawl, “And who’s going to tell?”
“Please recall, you are not my Commanding Officer, and technically? I outrank you - somehow, I think you’d rather avoid an official complaint.” Lily growls, nails digging into her arms in frustration, “So, seriously, leave me alone.”
“S-sorry for the delay, Lily, I s-stopped to get - is something wrong?”
“Tiberius! Finally!” Lily makes sure the door slides shut and locks behind her before she hurries to the man’s side, purposely looping an arm around his as she shoots a glare back in the other woman’s direction, “No, nothing’s wrong, just anxious to go. Can we go? Are you ready?”
Tiberius flinches briefly at the contact, his attention seemingly locked on Maxim - it’s only because Lily’s paying close attention that she notices the way his mandibles flare and his eyes narrow, an almost aggressive posture that she hasn’t seen him use before.
“Ready. Let’s get out of here.” he agrees, shifting in a way that her arm stays looped with his as they move, that burning glare focused on Maxim until he’s turned fully away.
Whoah, that’s fucking hot. Lily has to nearly double her steps to keep up with the much taller turian, but being able to hold onto him is worth the extra workout, Hell, be real, you don’t mind it at all. He just saved your ass from another fucking awkward exchange, and looked fucking hot doing it. Goddamn, Tibs!
“S-seriously, though,” Tiberius rumbles down at her once they’ve stepped into the elevator, the doors closing seeming to bring his nerves back, “A-are you alright?”
“I’m fine, totally okay.” Lily gives him an honest grin, reluctantly releasing her grip on his arm - don’t freak the poor man out, Lily  - “Just… people who can’t take a hint. Or a hammer over the head. You know.”
“Mmm. I’ve d-dealt with a few of those.” he eyes her for another moment, as though trying to see if she’s telling the truth, before his mandibles spread in what she’s slowly beginning to recognize as a sheepish sort of grin, “Well, uh, if y-you ever need an out, again, l-let me know.”
The offer just about makes her heart burst of happiness, a happy grin splitting her face. “Will do - thanks, Tibs. You’re pretty awesome. Now, asshole Commander’s aside - I can’t wait to see the Beach!”
 Tiberius had wanted to ask for details once they were clear of The Spire - he didn’t like the way the other woman had been eyeing Lily, and wouldn’t hesitate to go to the Primarch if she’d requested it - but the bright smile on the brunette’s face as they step out into the sunlight has him keeping his mouth shut.
You’ve got the gist of it. If she needs anything else, she’ll tell you. He decides, directing her down the proper path and keeping an easy pace beside her. The Beach is a bit of distance away, but he’d always enjoyed the walk - and going by the bright curiosity he can read in Lily’s expressions, she’s enjoying it, too.
Though it’s a good thing he could walk this path blind, since he’s having a hard time keeping his eyes off of the small human.
He himself had opted for just a pair of the cut-out shorts most people would wear to the beach, paired with a simple, baggy shirt - an expandable picnic basket and beach blanket tucked under one arm.
Lily is showing a lot more skin then he’s seen before, and his gaze had been immediately drawn to the colours adorning both her shoulders and arms - tattoos of flowers interwoven and spiraling over the skin, accentuating the muscle and adding to his attraction to the woman. Her shorts and tank top hug her lithe body perfectly, and he makes a note to ask what her shirt says - since sweeping his omni over her chest would likely be, ah, unwelcome.
He’d expected to be more flustered then he is, walking beside the woman he’s come to realize he wants rather badly, yet Lily’s curiosity and honest appreciation for his birth city seems to negate the nerves somewhat - he answers every question she asks, points out landmarks and shops, chuckles when she waves at random people as they walk.
“We don’t have time to visit the Markets today, b-but, um.” Tiberius clears his throat, letting his mandibles spread in a small grin, “If you w-want… we can go there a-another day.”
“That’d be awesome! Cipritine is beautiful.” Lily breathes, smile splitting her face, “I really, really like it here, already.”
That makes him trill automatically, a sound he only barely manages to squash before asking “How, uh, long are you here, anyways?”
She goes quiet at that, for a moment, and Tiberius feels his gut clench - Spirits, don’t tell me she’s leaving soon - before she sticks her nose in the air, smirks, and declares “As long as I damn well please.”
That earns a startled laugh from him, shaking his head as they make it down the final path to the Beach - the little Cafe he’s always loved coming into view.
“There’s t-the Cafe - see it? T-they have goods for sale, as w-well - lots of Levo snacks, since the b-beach gets more off-world visitors.”
“That’s awesome! It’s so picturesque.” Lily’s grinning again, an expression that always makes his heart jump, “Have you been coming here long?”
“Since I w-was a kid, yeah. The original owner’s son r-runs it now, with his Mate.” Tiberius flashes her a smile, mandibles quirked, “Y-you’ll like them, I think.”
They reach the shop and step inside when the door opens, and Tiberius can’t control a pleased purr at the utter awe that washes over Lily’s face, her eyes wide when she pulls her sunglasses off and sets them atop her head.
“This is so cute!” she all but whispers, looking giddy, “It’s like one of the boardwalk shops back home! Tibs, man, you know how to treat a girl!”
Tiberius chirps and looks away, feeling his neck flushing blue as he steps further in, happy but flustered, “Ah, I, uh… I’m, uh, glad you like it, Lily… c-come on, I’ll introduce you to t-the owners.”
The brunette laughs and follows along, and he forces himself to focus on the figure at the cash register rather then the bright little human at his side lest he make an even bigger fool of himself.
There’s a pair of younger males at the register paying as they approach - no older than twenty, he’d estimate, probably visiting the beach on shore leave - that he stays to the side of, flicking a mandible out when Aultis notices him and waves.
“Enjoy your day,” the older Turian nods to the two boys before turning a brilliant grin on he and Lily, “Tiberius! It’s been ages - Primarch been keeping you busy? Or are you just to into Galaxy of Fantasy these days?”
Tiberius rolls his eyes, ignoring the look the two males shoot his way as he steps up to clasp Aultis’ hand, “Says the second highest ranker member of the Tribe - just been busy, Ault. How’re things here?”
“Tourist seasons over, so thing’s have died down a bit - which is good, since we have the baby to look after.”
“Ah, right, I forgot - when was-?”
He pauses briefly when he catches a mumble of Biotic and Primarch’s Lapdog from the younger males as they leave, mandibles pulled in - giving Aulis a shake of his head at his questioning look, intending to ignore them-
“OI, ASSHOLES! You wanna come back here and say that to his face?!”
Tiberius whips around to find Lily halfway across the shop, glaring daggers at the two soldiers and baring her teeth in what he knows is a human sign of aggression, every muscle in her body tensed for a fight.
The soldiers seem caught off guard and startled, staring at the human that had called them out before making a hasty retreat when she takes another step towards them.
“That’s right, cowards! Run! And keep your bigoted opinions to yourselves!” she shouts after them, huffing, and if Tiberius hadn’t been interested before, that would have sealed the deal.
‘Keep her.’ Aultis hums at him, grinning and typing something in his cash, “Anything you and your lady friend want, Tiberius, on the house. And introductions are in order, I think.”
“You don’t need to do that-”
“That’s impressive, young lady - not many people would stand up for someone like that,” a familiar female voice laughs, “You’re rather blunt, aren’t you?”
“Ah, yeah, sorry, I just can’t stand - what is that?!”
Lily’s excited shriek has him whirling around again, though this time he breaks off into amused chuckles.
“Ah, Lily, s-sorry - this is Juvia Palides, and her husband Aultis, t-the owners of the shop - this is Lily, one of the N7’s from t-the Alliance Squad. Congratulations, Juvia, when was the birth?”
“A couple of months ago.” Juvia smiles pleasantly, flicking a mandible down at her cowl, “A pleasure, Lily - I take it you’ve never seen a baby Turian before?”
“Never.” Lily whispers, looking awestruck, “It’s so cute - I mean, he, she? And tiny and feathers-!”
“She - her name is Tani.” Juvia looks pleased, chirping down at the chick and receiving a tiny chirp in reply, “You can hold her, if you like?”
“Oh, no, no, I’m okay!” Lily looks suddenly terrified - an expression Tiberius hasn’t seen since he’s known her, and one he doesn’t like - waving her hands in front of her, “I mean, I’ve never even held a human baby, and Tani’s so little - I’d be afraid of hurting her!”
“Maybe next time, then.” Juvia smiles, inclining her head, “Now then, inventory calls - I just wanted to see what all the commotion was about - wonderful to meet you, Lily, and good to see you, Tiberius.”
“You, too!” Lily waves at the tiny chick before coming to join him at the counter, looking flushed and happy, “So, uh, sorry about all that. Hi. Beach time?”
“Almost.” Tiberius chuckles, motioning to the expanded picnic basket he’d propped up on the counter, “Food, first.”
“Sweet! Let’s get to it, then!”
Twenty or so minutes later, the basket is full - fuller than it needs to be, really, since Aultis had dumped in another few handfuls of both Levo and Dextro snacks at the end - and they’re on their way down to the Beach proper, ready to relax.
“T-thanks for that, by the way.” Tibs hums at her after several minutes of quiet, flicking a mandible in her direction, “I’m, uh, used to it, but… appreciate it.”
“Ah, sorry - I tend to be a bit blunt when I hear people being bigots.” Lily rubs at the back of her head, cheeks a little flushed, “Can’t help it, really.”
She chews on her lip for a moment, then says “I grew up with extremely racist, xenophobic parents - I watched them treat Rose like a piece of shit, because her Soulmark was Turian, while I was treated like a perfect princess. I did my best to keep her away from them - and now we’re both free. So I can’t stand bigots - and if that gets me into fights, so be it.”
“That’s impressive.” he hums, surprised, “You’re a g-good person, Lily.”
“Oh, pft, now, I’m just a loudmouth.” the brunette waves him off, and he’s incredibly interested in the bright red now covering her cheeks, a soft trill leaving him at the sight, “So, uh, where should be put the blanket?”
 Tourist season being over means they get their pick of lots on the Beach, walking along it until they find what they both deem to be clean, comfortable looking sand.
They get the blanket stretched out and plop the cooler in the middle, the built in weights at each corner keeping it in place.
Lily kicks her sandals off at the edge while Tiberius pulls his shirt off and dumps it beside the basket, too warm to wear it now that they’re in the sun by the water - catching Lily eyeing him appreciatively and feeling his neck flush blue again.
Spirits, stop being a flustered mess! You’re just making a fool of yourself.
He can’t quite keep himself from staring when she unceremoniously yanks her tank top off to reveal a teal bikini top beneath, a matching bottom showing once her shorts are likewise pulled off.
Lily catches him staring and grins, popping one hip out further and lifting an eyebrow at him. “That water looks damn inviting, so I’m gonna swim for a bit - you coming in, or?”
“Ah, n-no, I’ll wait here - Turians and water don’t really mix.” Tiberius does his best to keep his eyes on her face, no matter how tempting it is to look lower - forcing his body to relax, what are you, a cadet that can’t keep himself sheathed in the face of a pretty girl?
“Okay - promise I won’t stay in long!”
Lily’s jogging off to the water then, and the lewd purr that escapes him as he watches her is entirely involuntary - a curse and a grumble leaving him as he settles in to wait, opening his omni to check some game stats.
The brunette returns maybe half an hour later, drenched and grinning widely - stopping at the edge of the blanket to wring her hair out over the sand.
“Have a good swim?” he hums, amused and happy to see her so happy.
“I did!But now I’m starving - let’s see.” Lily kneels beside the basket and pops the lid open, pulling out a couple of bottles of water and some Levo snacks, “You weren’t kidding when you said they had a good variety, Tibs - I assumed I’d have to wait until our next supply run came in to get chocolate!”
He chuckles, kneeling on the opposite side from her to pull out some of his own snacks, “They s-stock a lot, since they k-know they’ll get Levo tourists.”
“Well, hey, I’m definitely not complaining!”
They settle in with their snacks, talking quietly while they eat - small things, like life in The Spire, the best restaurants in Cipritine, new events in Galaxy of Fantasy.
Tiberius has just finished off one of the snack bars he’d brought when her tattoos catch his eyes again, the colours near flashing in the sunlight when she stretches. “Lily, can I, uh, ask you something?”
“Your tattoos are beautiful. Do they, uh, have a meaning?”
Lily goes still at that, blinking at him in surprise. He worries that he’s said something wrong, or asked something taboo, until she grins and gives a quiet laugh.
“Kind of. The first one does, anyways.” Lily turns a bit so he can see her back - a purple flower in full bloom centred at the base of her neck, the centrepiece of all the other designs, “This is an anemone flower, which means forsaken.”
“Forsaken?” he repeats, confused and curious.
“Mhm. You can’t see it, but it’s tattooed over my Soul Mark.” Lily glances at him over her shoulder, grin a little sad, “My Mark faded when I was 15 - so I decided to have the flower tattooed over it.”
Oh, Spirits. Tiberius stares at the flower for a moment, trying to see the Mark hidden beneath - he remembers past partners griping that normal Soul Marks wouldn’t take Ink, only faded ones could be hidden by a tattoo - feeling an almost guilty burst of hope, Her Mark is Faded, too - she’s not claimed, she might-
“It just became a yearly thing, after that - I love colours, and I love flowers, so I started adding to it, on the anniversary of the first one.” Lily’s still talking, motioning to the designs etched into her skin, “The roses are for my sister, and the rest of the big ones are different varieties of lilies - the tiny blue flowers are forget me nots, meant to kind of just… weave it all together, I guess.”
“They’re beautiful.” he hums, sincerely, beating back the urge to reach out and run a talon along the designs, to confirm that the blooms are merely designs and not living flowers sprouting from her skin.
Lily is definitely blushing, now, turning to face him again. “How about you, Tibs? Any tats?”
“No tats.” he hums back, a sad note to his subvocals as he turns so his right side is facing her - motioning to the unlegible word on his waist, “Just my Mark - Faded, like yours.”
Lily’s eyes lock onto the Mark immediately, mouth opening in surprise. “How long?”
“It Faded when I was ten.” he says, mandibles quivering a bit, “I never met them - just another nail in the coffin, as you humans say.”
“Oh, Tibs - wait, what do you mean?”
“I’m Biotic - having a Soul Mark should have meant I’d have a Mate, someday, but with it being Faded… seems like I’m meant to be alone.” Tiberius tilts his head back to look at the sky, both surprised and relieved to be telling someone about it, “I’ve, ah… had a couple casual flings, never anything serious - a-always left for their Matches, why wouldn’t they? Who’d want a Biotic with a Broken Soul Mark-”
He’s cut off by Lily suddenly throwing her arms around his neck and pressing close, hugging him so tightly it’s like she thinks he’ll disappear.
Tiberius chirps in surprise, arms hovering awkwardly over her back, praying she doesn’t notice how blue his neck has gone - I didn’t even see her move, what-
“You are more than your Biotics, Tiberius.” she whispers, voice so close to his aural canal he feels himself shivering, “You’re strong, and kind, and fun - and anyone who can’t see that doesn’t deserve you, anyways.”
Tiberius couldn’t have controlled the purr that bursts out of him if he’d wanted to, arms settling firmly around her back as he presses his nose to her hair, inhaling greedily.
He doesn’t know, yet, if he’s reading her right, if she’s interested the way that he is, but he’ll take what he can get, for now.
“Thank you, Lily.” he huffs into her hair, feeling her grip tighten in response, and maybe he holds on a little too long, a little too tight… but Lily doesn’t complain.
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theravenofwynter · 7 years
@bethadastra replied to your post “saphistar: Being at work and heavily distracted by the idea of turian...”
Oh my GOD
you want in on the low-key depravity just say so ;)
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hunnybadgerv · 7 years
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Perfect Timing | Mass Effect: Andromeda | BaeYes
Summary: The state of the Nexus has everyone on edge regardless of their role. Bain Massani’s well-timed appearance in the shuttle bay does wonders for Reyes Vidal’s level of stress
a/n: This piece is written as a gift for the wonderful, encouraging, and really just all around awesome @joufancyhuh. She’s been incredibly supportive of my writing and in particular of this piece and my writing of this ship. The artwork for this piece was created by the stellar @bethadastra. I hope everyone enjoys this glimpse into the saga of Baeyes.
Links: AO3 | FFnet
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squigglysquidd · 7 years
WIP List
I was tagged by the amazing and wonderful @bethadastra to list out my current WIPs so why not?  Let me dust everything off and see!
(I only have the one because I can’t work on multiple art things) 
Damocles (adult) Tattoo Reference Sheet:  There are soooo many and I’m dying, questioning my sanity for deciding to do this.  Save me!
(Okay, so apparently I’m a doof because I realized I have more, non-ME are projects)
Wendigo (Name Subject To Change):  A horror themed creature for an Original Work on the drawing board (heh, pun).
Chimera (Name Subject To Change):  A character for yet another Original Work, this one a mix of Sci-Fi with some Fantasy elements.
(I have so many, but I’ll try to remember them all without somwithout having to do some serious digging)
A Solana Vakarian / James Vega From Parable One-Shot:  Yes, I ship these two and proud!
Osteogenesis From Parable:  A series of one-shot chapters of the time between Recrudenscence and the next (currently unnamed) installment of Parable.
Currently Unnamed Parable Installment:  Still in the planning stages, but definitely ready and raring to go!
Fibonacci:  An AU that mixes elements with the Fantasy genre with Mass Effect events.  Many characters have been changed / switched with others.  There be dragons!
A Secret Project With @mosaiccreme:  No telling!  My lips are sealed for now.
Unnamed Wendigo Fic:  Deals with a physcological form of horror.  Think Parable Jane’s nightmares from Resurgence and Revelations and that foggy world.
Unnamed Chimera Fic:  Set in a dystopian setting where maigc more along the scientific spectrum exists.  War led to the creation of creatures known as ‘Chimera’, but they have long since gone the way of the very environment the war created, tainted and degraded by time and damage.  That is until a group of humans travelling through a delapitated city in search of knowledge find a chimera that retains its ability to think, learn, and adapt in what’s the closest to having ‘humanity’ it can get.
Now for some tags!  I tag @wafflesrock16, @saphistar, @flux-eterna, @mosaiccreme and anyone else who wants to join!
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sunshine-ita · 7 years
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Haven’t checked Out of darkness yet, my @mebigbang fic, illustrated by the amazing @bethadastra-@art? You should totally do so! Here’s a snippet!
“This is Pauline Shepard. APEX team Outburst. Don’t know if anyone will pick this up…” A violent cough forced the woman to pause. “I’m on Kadara. Honestly don’t know where precisely...I came here to bargain with Sloane. She’s… Fuck… It hurts… She’s blackmailing APEX and militia personnel to make the Nexus security weaker. Think she wants to take it for herself. Fucking bitch… I wanted to help. Before it was too late. I… I did it for you, Isaac. For you and Jeremy… No one threatens my friends or my team. I know she had you by the balls, Chief. Tried to free you. God… I hate that motherfucking so much…”
For the full story... it’s here!
To follow the talented artist who participated... it’s here!
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thunderheadfred · 7 years
bethadastra replied to your post “I’ve complained about this before, but I STILL don’t like the AO3...”
"We'll bang, okay?" Versions 2154 & 2183 😁
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Broken Souls Pt 5
Rose has found her Soulmate - which leaves Lily with plenty of freetime. An invite from Tiberius leads to them playing more Galaxy of Fantasy, and later to sparring. A spar that makes Tiberius realize some things.
Have another chapter folks! I’m on a roll today woo! And y’know what? Gonna go ahead and also dedicate this to the wonderful @bethadastra because you deserve all the love and happy things lady, and also to @wafflesrock16 for again lending me Tiberius. He’s a sweetheart and a blast to write.
Shenanigans ahead. Enjoy! ♥
Lily wakes late again the next morning, grumbling into her pillow and pulling her blankets tight around her with a grumpy sigh.
“Too early.” she mumbles, ready to slip back into sleep - jumping when laughter rings out close by.
“It’s 09:00, lazy bum.” Rose’s voice is endlessly amused, “C’mon, up and at’em. I’m heading out, and weren’t we supposed to be taking you up to Tiberius’ flat?”
Lily jolts at that, startled and cursing, “Shit! I swear I set my alarm, why didn’t it-”
She’s immediately scrambling up and out of bed, grabbing for her bodysuit with a string of expletives.
Rose just watches in amusement, shaking her head and grinning. “You’re ridiculous, Lil.”
“Hey, I’m trying not to be late!” Lily swears when her foot gets caught in the suit, managing to catch herself on the wall before she can topple over, “And I want more details from you, Rosie - you barely told me anything last night!”
“Nothing to tell.” Rose quips, though her cheeks are distinctly pink, “We just talked. Y’know. Got some basic things out of the way.”
“Talked. Uh huh, sure.” Lily shoots her twin a look - taking a quick moment to brush her teeth, because hygiene is important, gotta make a good impression here - before prodding “Talked and… brushed… foreheads? ...man I need to research Turian customs.”
Rose’s eyes narrow, lips pursing as her cheeks flush brighter. “I knew I heard someone come into the room - little snoop.”
“Hey! As the older sister, I’m allowed to snoop!”
“Older by two minutes!”
Lily just waves her off, skipping back over to the bed and flinging herself at her startled twin - giggling like a maniac at the cursing the action elicits.
“But I was right, wasn’t I?” she beams, hugging the grumpy woman, “You found him.”
“Yeah, yeah, rub it in why don’t you.” Rose huffs, glaring for a moment before laughing and hugging her back, “Found him thanks to you, Lil. Wouldn’t have made it this far without your help.”
“Oh, pft, naw, you’d have found him without me.” Lily waves her off, reaching out to ruffle Rose’s hair, “You’re damn talented, Rosie - you’d have gotten here without me.”
“I doubt it-”
“Hush, you, enough with the self-depreciating talk! We’re here, you found your other half, and everything’s great! What’s the plan for today?”
“Mmm, I need to check on the diag I set running yesterday.” Rose types something on her omni as Lily pulls away to finish dressing, toeing her boots on as she listens to her twin mumble, “After that… well, not entirely sure yet, though Rainer did promise to give me a full tour of the Spire. Or, the parts we’re allowed in, anyways.”
“Ooooo… that include a tour of his private space?”
Lily waits for the denial as she finishes buckling up her boots and securing the various ties of her bodysuit - she doesn’t really need to wear her armor to go play Galaxy of Fantasy, she figures, though the bodysuit is likely more appropriate for time spent inside the Spire then any of her civies - running her fingers through her hair to detangle it a bit.
“Maybe.” Rose says, surprising her, “What about you, Lil? Going to play video games with a new friend? In his personal flat? Something you’re not telling me, sis?”
“Wha-no!” Lily spins around, giving her twin an exaggerated stare of disbelief, “Dude, I’m the one who gets to tease! Who are you and what have you done with Rose?!”
The chime at the door going off interrupts whatever her twin might have said, leaving Rose to shake her head and wink before standing to answer it.
Their first full day on Palaven had been fruitful, and ended better then Lily could have hoped - Rose had not only found, but connected with her Soulmate, Lily had met and spoken with Teren to arrange supplies… and she had, somehow, managed to make a friend.
I think. Hopefully Tiberius isn’t just being friendly because he was asked to be. Lily dwells on that for five seconds before shaking her head vigorously and shooing the thoughts away. Naw, don’t think like that, Lily. I doubt he’d have invited me over to Game if he was just being nice.
She’d been up late again, finishing off another Tribe mission with Tiberius and several other members - a mission she’d had a number of issues with, much as she hated to admit it.
Spell casting just really, really isn’t her forte - she’d rather be up close and personal, dealing big melee damage, then casting from the back.
Tibs - as she’s started calling him mentally, restraining herself out loud - had noticed, sending her a private message once they’d finished the mission and she’d been about to log off.
If you’re not doing anything for the Alliance tomorrow, come try out my Paladin build; give you a taste of proper melee. I’ll ask Rainer to show you the way when he comes to get Rose in the morning.
Lily had agreed - curious, both about the Paladin class, and about Tiberius’ personal space, if she’s honest. He’s an interesting guy - and his reaction to her curiosity about biotics read as someone who was used to being judged for them. A reaction that makes her sad, and even more curious.
Can’t hurt to make friends, can it? Plus he’s hot.
“Lily, you okay over there? We’re leaving.”
“She always zone out like tha’?”
“Sometimes, but - LILY!”
Lily snaps out of her thoughts at the yell, grinning sheepishly at the pair in the doorway - Rose looking affectionately exasperated, and Rainer seeming downright amused.
“Sorry! All’s good - hello, Rainer.” Lily marches over to them, holding her hand out and grinning widely, “Took us a while to track you down, you know - no easy task. Take care of my sister, alright? Or I’ll have to kick your ass.”
“Lily!” Rose hisses, cheeks flushing again - but Rainer only barks out a laugh, gripping the offered hand and giving it a firm shake.
“Ah promise ta look after’er.” he rumbles, giving Rose a fond look, “Now, ya ready ta head out? Tiberius messaged me las’ night, asked ta bring ya up ta his flat.”
“Yup, I’m good. Lead the way.”
Rainer gives her twin a quick look before nodding, stepping back to let the girls out of the room and then heading back to the central elevators - though he summons the one on the right, Lily notices, rather then the middle elevator they’ve taken every other time.
“This one only goes ta th’livin’ quarters fer higher ups.” he explains, seeing her look, “Ya need ta have a code saved ta yer omni - Tiberius should be able ta give ya a guest code, Ah already gave mine ta Rose.”
“Okay.” Lily tucks the information away, resolving to ask later  - she’s not going to pester him for codes right off the bat.
The elevator arrives and they all step in, Lily moving to the back so that Rainer can stand beside her sister. She notes that they’re already comfortable in each other’s personal space, hands not quite touching but brushing against each other now and then, speaking in low voices.
She deserves it; I’m glad finding him was easy, once we were here. She thinks gleefully, following after when the elevator stops and Rainer steps out.
“Here.” he says after several moments of walking, stopping just in front of a door marked T.B., “This is Tiberius’ flat. Should be expectin’ yah.”
“Message me if you need anything.” Rose says, grinning at her nod and turning to follow Rainer away down the hallway.
Lily watches silently for a few moments - long enough to see the pair link hands, once they apparently think they’re far enough away - then snickers and knocks on the door, singing out a silly “House Keeping~!”
She hears a thunk and muttering, followed by quick footsteps coming closer. Then the door opens and Tiberius is peering down at her, mandibles quivering in a very confused way. “What was that?”
“Stupid human joke, don’t worry about it.” Lily shrugs, grinning widely, “Good morning! Thanks for the invite! Hope I’m, uh, not being a pain in the ass.”
Tiberius eyes her for a moment - probably trying to figure out the joke - before stepping back, mandibles flared slightly as he holds the door for her, “I wouldn’t have asked you over if you were being a pain in the ass. Come on in.”
Off to a good start. Lily smiles, heading inside. Now, just don’t screw up and you’ll be good!
 Spirits be damned, Tiberius taps a talon against his chin, trying not to let his mandibles fall too slack, This… was a good idea. She is definitely meant to be a melee fighter.
Despite the visit being his idea, Tiberius had still felt somewhat awkward upon Lily’s arrival at his door. His flat wasn’t messy by any means, but he isn’t used to having guests over - not anyone that isn’t Rainer, at least, since he’s been too busy working for the Primarch to make any other acquaintances.
Lily makes a human joke that he doesn’t quite understand, all smiles and friendliness as she had been the day before, and somehow he’d managed to relax - leading her to his gaming terminal, unable to help puffing up a bit proudly when she’d ooohed over the setup.
“This is epic! I’m seriously jealous right now - whoah, where did you get the new Cinders Core?! I thought those were still experimental!”
“Just depends on who you know - being the Primarch’s Shadow has its benefits.” Tiberius’ mandibles had spread wide at the open awe in her expression, pleased by her knowledge of the gaming tech, “What do you usually play on?”
“Just my omni, nothing nearly as cool as this!”
That had surprised him, mandibles quivering curiously, “Your omni? I assumed you had some sort of stable setup, considering how quickly you react to events in-game.”
Lily had grinned, lifted her arm, and typed out a few quick commands on her omni - Tiberius stepping back with a startled chirp when a holographic vidscreen, keyboard, and dual controllers sprang to life in the air before her.
“Amped omni - Rose tweaked it for me.” Lily had paused, noticed his stare, and grinned widely, “I can ask her to tweak yours like this, if you want?”
He’d maybe been just a little to excited about that amp, but Lily didn’t seem to mind; if anything, his enthusiasm boosted hers. He’d helped her settle into his station - adjusting the keyboard to controls she could use had been a bit tricky, since he had a custom setup, but they’d managed - logging her into his account and then sitting back to let her play.
Lily had spent only a few minutes familiarizing herself with his character’s skills before she was off, joining in on a Tribe mission some of the others had initiated.
Tiberius had sent out a note to the other higher ups the night before that he’d be lending his character to a friend for the day - testing out their prowess with a melee character - so it’s not an issue for her to join missions, do lower quests-
Except Lily takes to the Paladin like a Biotic to dark energy - easily maneuvering obstacles and taking down enemies, healing comrades and blocking attacks at just the right moments.
Tiberius is shocked, and a little speechless. He doesn’t really know how he feels, watching her take to his favorite class so easily, a curious sort of trill leaving him - a little awed, maybe, and definitely curious, now.
Strange, interesting human.
He’s intrigued, despite himself - and when she lets out a sudden crow of success and spins to face him, blue eyes lit up with triumphant excitement, his heart does a strange little leap.
Easy, Tiberius, Spirits-
“Did you see that, Tibs?! I breezed through that mission!” Lily’s nearly bouncing in her seat, looking more like an excited teenager then the elite N7 she is, “Shit, I need to make a Paladin!”
“I did think it would suit you better - wait, what did you call me just now?”
“Huh? What did I - shit.” Lily slaps a hand over her mouth, looking chagrined, “Sorry, it slipped out-”
“It’s ok.” Tiberius cuts her off, surprising himself, “My friends call me Tibs - I, uh, don’t mind if you call me that.”
Lily stares at him for a moment, as if not quite believing him, before that brilliant smile lights up her face again - leaving him fighting back a happy purr.
“Okay, if you’re sure! But damn, I’m glad you let me try your character out! Playing as a Mage was interesting, though - definitely gave me an appreciation for just how in control you Biotics must need to be. I mean, I know it’s not the same, exactly, but still - you’re seriously impressive, Tibs.”
“You haven’t seen me use my Biotics, you realize.” he can’t help retorting, unused to the praise.
Lily just shrugs. “If your Primarch is anything like the leaders I’ve heard of, he wouldn’t have you at his side unless he trusted you - and your abilities - 100%. That says a lot, Tiberius - and hey, you ever feel like showing off that prowess, I’d be an interested audience.”
Tiberius eyes her quietly, heart thumping and mandibles quavering in uncertainty. “You’re serious?” he asks, trying not to sound to hopeful.
Lily nods eagerly. “Definitely! I’d love to see your biotics at work.”
Strange, intriguing human. Tiberius thinks again, then says “Let’s head to the Training Hall - maybe a good spar’ll knock some sense into you.”
“Not likely.” she smirks, and he finds himself staring at her lips just a moment to long.
 This time of day, Tiberius expects only a few other soldiers to be in the Training Hall, and he warns Lily of the fact. “There’ll probably be a couple who’ll be willing to spar you, but it all depends on who’s around.”
“Oh, I’m sure I can convince someone.” Lily grins, a gleam of mischief in her eyes, “You’ll find I’m very persuasive when I need to be.”
He’d been unable to hold back an amused chuckle, hitting the lock for the door and inclining his head, “Ladies first, then.”
Lily all but skips inside, leaving him shaking his head and following after - wondering, again, at the woman’s carefree nature. Not that I don’t like it, but I’d thought N7’s would be serious, stoic soldiers - wait, I like-?
“Hello, fellow soldiers! Who wants to spar?”
Lily’s exclamation shakes him from his thoughts, drawing his attention back to the human - currently standing in the middle of their sparring ring, hands on her hips, grinning at the small group of soldiers currently occupying the room.
There’s only six other turian’s in the space, all eyeing the stranger with curious looks and questioning sub-vocals.
Tiberius steps further in - close enough that they can see him there, at least - and leans casually against the wall, his own arms crossed as he watches the scene before him. Admitting, at least to himself, that he’s curious about her close-combat skills. Friendly or not, she’s an N7; gotta be some skill there.
“You’re a guest of the Primarch,” one of the soldiers calls out, questioning, “Won’t we get in trouble if you get injured sparring?”
It’s a legit question, and yet Tiberius feels his hackles raising at the thought of one of them injuring the smaller woman - a strange reaction that leaves him baffled.
Lily just shrugs, grin not budging. “If I get injured, it’s my own fault - not about to run off to tell the Primarch.”
The group glances his way, and Tiberius gives a reluctant nod. “It’s her choice.”
“Alright, Alliance.” one of the other’s says, stepping forwards, “I’ll spar you. Just don’t go crying when I beat you.”
Marnus, Tiberius thinks, not surprised. He’s a cocky little shit - head of his squad and not a bad soldier, but his heads to big for his rank.
Lily’s grin turns sickly sweet, “My name is Lily, thanks, and we’ll see who’s crying at the end.”
Tiberius squashes down on a loud purr of approval at her words, mandibles pulling in tight as he watches Marnus join her in the ring. What on Palaven is wrong with me? Marnus is an ass, but I shouldn’t be reacting like this-
“Ready.” one of the other voices calls out, “...and, go!”
What happens next can only be described as a blur - as the only biotic in the room used to working with seconds-specific-precision, Tiberius is likely the only one who catches every movement. He doubts even Marnus is fully aware of what happened.
The turian had moved to strike first, which hadn’t surprised him - made sense to try and use his height and reach to his advantage - but then Lily had darted forwards at nearly the same time, dodging under the soldiers grasp to land a punch to his midsection.
It had been almost a one-sided dance - the N7 was clearly in her element, dodging blows while landing her own, using Marnus’ frustration against him - finishing him off with a grab, using his own momentum to flip him onto the ground and plant her foot against his throat.
“I yield! Fuck, I yield!” Marnus’ squawks, coughing and blinking when Lily steps back and offers him a hand up.
“Good spar.” Lily grins, all smiles and friendliness again, “Just gotta watch your punches - you overextend, which leaves smaller enemies room to strike.”
Marnus stares for another moment before accepting the hand up, looking embarrassed, “Thanks… I’ll keep that in mind.”
Tiberius approaches the ring as Marnus climbs out the other side, humming in appreciation. “You specialise in close combat.” he says, impressed, “Nice work; you move faster then most soldiers I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot.”
“Gotta be ready for anything, right?” Lily flashes him that grin again, and again Tiberius wonders at the way his heart flips, “That was a good warm up! Haven’t gotten to spar in ages.”
“Warm up, huh?” he glances at where the other’s had been, trilling in amusement, “I think you may have to settle for a punching bag, Lily - just us in here now.”
“Orrr we could spar?”
Tiberius’ trill cuts off short, gaze shooting to her in surprise. “Say again?” he asks, sure he’d misheard her, “You want to spar me?”
“Why not? Nothing wrong with a friendly little spar, right?”
“But… I’m biotic.”
Lily tilts her head at him, blinking. “Yeah. So?”
Is she for real? Tiberius stares at her another moment, mandibles quivering. “Well… biotics don’t usually spar with non-biotics. Most people are too afraid to.”
She snorts, shaking her head. “I’m not afraid of you, Tiberius, and I’m not afraid of biotics. Like I said before; you’re people, too. I trust you to be able to control your abilities… and to not use them during the spar. Cause that’d be cheating.” Lily smiles again, a bit softer than her earlier grins, “But, only if you’re comfortable with it, cause I’m not a big enough bitch to force you. Okay?”
She trusts me. She’s not afraid of me.
Tiberius stares for another moment before inclining his head, reaching up to grab onto the rings fence and hoisting himself up.
Lily gives a little cheer and backs away to the other edge of the ring, grinning again - and Tiberius finds his mandibles flaring in return, watching the much smaller human as he settles into a stance.
He has the advantage here, more so then she probably realizes - not only does he have probably about two feet height on her, he’s seen her fight, knows some of her tactics, where Lily is going in blind.
Control your biotics and you’ll be fine, he thinks, not giving a countdown but merely inclining his head at her as a signal, standing his ground.
Lily remains where she is for several seconds, returning his stare - and when she darts forwards, he’s ready for her, blocking her attacks and swiping out in return.
They trade blows on and off, Lily dodging under several of his grabs while Tiberius sidesteps most of her punches, landing occasional hits on each other - he comes to realize that, unlike her spar with Marnus, theirs is very much a dance. He’s almost startled by how skilled the smaller woman is - they’re evenly matched, as far as close combat skills go, which is both surprising and amazing. It’s been a long time since he’s sparred with a non-biotic - have I ever? I don’t remember - and it’s refreshing to just be focused on physical combat without worrying about a throw being too hard, or a shield carrying too much energy.
Just simple, close combat sparring - invigorating in its simplicity, in the dance of blows, and he finds himself loving it.
Lily is damn strong, and agile as hell - but he’s got the advantage in reach, and strong or not, he’s stronger - so when he spots an opening he takes it, sweeping her legs out from under her and following her to the ground, landing with her wrists pinned above her head and his knees on either side of her torso, smirking unconsciously.
But where he might have expected annoyance, or frustration, Lily surprises him again.
“Holy shit.” she breathes, blue eyes wide and bright with excitement, panting from exertion, staring up at him in a mix of shock and awe, “That was awesome. You’re fucking strong.”
“You should see my biotics.” Tiberius chuckles, keeping her pinned as he catches his breath, “You’re stronger then I’d have expected, Lily - no wonder you’re an elite.”
“Oh, pft, Tibs, I’m clearly nothing compared to you -  I haven’t had my ass handed to me like that in years.” Lily squirms in his hold, testing his grip, “I can’t even budge your grip, damn!”
“You need to be in top physical shape to handle biotics.” he hums back, swallowing a sudden lewd purr when, in her attempts to wiggle free, Lily arches up against him - catsuit doing absolutely nothing to hide the feel of the supple flesh beneath, mind spiraling down incredibly inappropriate paths, “Shit, uh, let me-”
Tiberius lets her go and sits back on his haunches as she scrambles up onto her knees, mandibles pulled in tight and talons digging into his knees.
What in the Spirit's name is wrong with you?! Pretty girl brushes against you and you almost lose it like a fucking cadet?! Why would-
Because she is pretty. Gorgeous, actually. He pauses, watching her as she brushes herself off, She’s strong, and feisty - not to mention a gamer. But-
“Tiberius? You alright? Palaven to Tibs, helllooooo?”
Tiberius jumps when there’s suddenly a hand waving in his face, head jerking up and a startled chirp escaping him when he realizes Lily is sitting right in front of him, giving him an amused grin.
This close he can see the specks of grey in her blue eyes, the faint dusting of freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose - her scent is what catches him off guard, sweat and something musky and sweet, intoxicating and heady.
He clamps down on a sudden purr of want, clamoring to his feet and nearly tripping himself in the process. Shit. Shit, shit, shit!
“Sorry,” he mumbles, keeping his gaze averted as he hastily climbs back out of the ring - talons briefly getting caught in the fencing before he manages to free himself, “I forgot - Primarch business, have to go meet with him. Do you need directions back?”
“Ah, no, I can find my way.” Lily sounds confused - and a little put-out, but he doesn’t dare read into that - “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry, just need to-”
His name catches him just as he reaches the door - the tone of her voice urging him to turn around no matter how much he currently wants to run.
Lily’s climbed down from the ring as well, and when he turns towards her she smiles - not the big, flashy grins of earlier, but a much softer, hopeful expression. “I’ll see you at dinner?”
Tibs couldn’t help his grin if he tried, mandibles flaring wide. “I’ll see you at dinner.” he says, heart jumping when her face lights up, turning to leave-
-and running right into the door frame, hearing a snort of laughter from Lily as he grumbles and corrects himself, striding quickly out into the hall and away from the Training Hall.
You like her. A little voice crows, triumphant.
Shit. he thinks.
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