#between parents and siblings and niblings
sharkneto · 2 years
i'm so sorry if you're here for the ending of JT, my brain is currently being eaten by a completely self-indulgent rob and sarah holiday fic
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beautyofaphrodite · 1 month
Relationships with gods you worship come in so many different forms and they’re all beautiful and equal!
Here are some of the cool relationships between a deity and worshipper I’ve heard of!
God/Worshipper or Devotee
Pibling/Nibling (gender neutral terms for aunt/uncle and niece/nephew)
Queerplatonic Partners
And so many more!
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isabel3710 · 3 days
What's fairy!Timmy's dynamic like with his god-relations (as whoever is Cosmo and Wanda's current godchild would be a god-sibling while whoever Peri's been assigned would be a fairy nibling)? And how much of a difference would there be between "fairy!Timmy with canon Hazel and Dev" and "fairy!Timmy with Fairy Swap AU Hazel and Dev"?
Given how I don't currently have a Fairy!Timmy AU I am going to assume you are asking the hypothetical sense. So sure, we can talk about it.
Cannon Timeline:
I actually have a couple of ideas for how Timmy would meet Hazel and I think over all they get along decently well. They don't spend a lot of time together mostly because Timmy is busy with work but he think she's a cool kid and is glad his parents have a less chaotic kid this time around.
Timmy only hears about Dev second hand from Peri until Battle For The Big Wand and doesn't really have an opinion of him. While he's worried about Dev he's choosing to trust that his brother is trying his best.
Fairy Swap AU:
Timmy hears all about Hazel from his baby bro and he's happy that Peri seems to have such a great kid. When he and Hazel finally met he keeps making jokes about being a God-Uncle and showing her Peri’s baby pictures.
He's pretty worried about Dev but is glad that his parents were assigned to his case. Timmy knows that if anyone will be able to help Dev it will be them.
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The Alys’ weirwood paste induced sex nightmare™ scene wasn’t about Daemon wanting the fuck the mother he barely remembers - it’s about how the lack of romantic and sexual boundaries between sibling, nibling, cousins etc means the one Targ family relationship that is taboo is (grand) parent and child. Sleeping with his mother/father or his children is the only way incest can actually disturb Daemon and truly horrify an audience who’ve become desensitised to how disturbing Targaryen customs are.
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I hope this doesn't annoy you but I saw your post about Finarfin interacting with his babies like they're small adults and became obsessed with it (change my life so much bro). I hope you don't mind but I want to ask for more fluff/headcanons about the House of Finarfin, especially with the fact that you went with the Orodreth-son-of-Angrod (I love that shit) so now I am desperate for more.
ajsldkjh thanks???? also don't worry. i don't get anywhere near enough asks for them to be annoying lol
Olwe lovingly handcrafted a beautiful cradle for his great-grandchild but it basically never gets used because Orodreth is constantly either being held by someone or in a sling on someone's chest
Finrod has a particular tendency to steal him for hours at a time. it's his first nibling and he's a little excited. Angrod and Edalote have trouble getting him back sometimes
"i need him back, it's time for him to have a bath" "i can do it" "give me my son back ingoldo" "would you deprive him of quality time with his favorite uncle?????? 🥺" "favorite? he can't even walk yet-"
i would say that Earwen forced her sons to take their little sister with them everywhere when they were younger but in reality they willingly toted her around all the time. sometimes to activities (e.g. hunting) that their parents would prefer she didn't participate in just yet *cough cough* AEGNOR *cough*
Finrod is in fact Galadriel's favorite brother most of the time but if anyone tells him this she will Stab them
Finrod might be more nerd than jock but if anyone makes fun of him over this they will face his siblings' wrath because they're the only ones allowed to do that, of course. go after Turgon all you want tho (lying. you will still get beat up)
tbh the Arafinwean household just wasn't that loud growing up, but there's a still a distinct difference between quiet time silence and mischief silence (TM). finarfin can detect it in approximately 0.3 seconds. still not fast enough sometimes
that first part doesn't hold up in beleriand. Finduilas has LUNGS and she considers it her Eru-given obligation to use them. Fingon thinks it's cute. he isn't the one raising her
one of the reasons Angrod and Aegnor like hanging out with Fingon when they're younger is bc he's older than Finrod and can therefore override his "safety concerns," whatever that means lol. it's the cousin equivalent of knowing mom will say no and going to ask dad instead
Galadriel is the cool aunt who enjoys spoiling Orodreth and later Finduilas whenever possible. like okay yeah maybe her parents don't want her going down to ivrin by herself yet or whatever but how much could it hurt really???
after she has Celebrian she realizes she might have a few apologies to make. still not very many. they asked her to babysit they trusted her to make decisions at their own risk.
prank wars with the nolofinweans
just. consider eldarin prank wars. they could last for centuries
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
How To Become King of Mezalea
@sleepingjasminetea has once again spoken as the external executive function so!
How succession works in Mezalea.
Also a general note relevant to the succession criteria of the majority of the empires. Remember this whole thing, where Pix kind of accidentally changed the formal definition of war in the empires? That had a lot of implications for how royalty functioned in the Empires. While they still absolutely have internal duties and responsibilities and privileges, ultimately their most important job is that they stand ready to defend their empire and its people at all times. Part of this is that they also function as international ambassadors in a way, while most empires also have official ambassadors, the relationships and interactions between the emperors themselves are a very important (sometimes volatile) facet of international relations. A country cannot be recognized internationally as an autonomous nation without an official Emperor/Head of State.
Mezalea is a mortal realm, with a mixed human and hybrid population.
Like Mythland, they have a single royal family. However the exact succession traditions vary significantly from Mythland.
To ascend to the Mezalean throne, rather than completing a designated quest, the heir to the throne must defeat the reigning monarch in single combat.
This duel is an annual event, held before the entire court and a not insignificant portion of the general populace, with a great deal of ritual attached to it.
Technically any member of the royal family can challenge, once they have passed through the Mother Tree (the Mezalean coming-of-age ritual, more on that another time) but historically it was only the acknowledged heir to the throne who actually did so. This was usually the oldest child of the reigning monarch, but not always, if that individual did not consider themselves capable or was otherwise deemed unsuitable for the role the next in line would hold the title of heir, and so forth.
While this is a ceremony and a ritual, it is also very much a genuine combat, in which both parties give their all. Once the reigning monarch has been defeated, the new king or queen is crowned and Sleeps Beneath the Mother Tree, bonding with the tree and the Mezalean people, and their rule begins, usually with their defeated parent/grandparent/aunt/uncle/relative remaining in an advisory capacity for at least a few years.
Joel is a bit of an unusual situation that has thrown a bit of a spanner in the works.
Joel was not intended to be the king, with two older siblings who both had children, even before he got married off to the Ocean Queen. His mother had multiple heirs waiting in the wings.
And then about a century and a bit after he and Lizzie settled into their relationship, a plague hit Mezalea.
The majority of the royal family was completely wiped out, along with far too many of the people. There were survivors, but they were mostly non-combatant adults and children. No one suitable to take the throne. So Joel, who had gone back to Mezalea to help during the sickness, took the throne, proving himself against the greatest soldier left alive in the Mezalean army, since none of his own family remained for the challenge.
His niece had been queen, succeeding her father, his brother, who had succeeded Joel's mother. And her only child, a toddler, had survived, though the illness had left them with damaged health. And several of Joel's grand-nieces and nephews survived in varying levels of fighting fit, though none of them were more than fifteen years old.
So the idea was that Joel would be king for five or ten years, until one of his grand-niblings was able to defeat him. Several of them showed promise, so although they decided not to name an official heir at that time, everyone had high hopes.
And then...Joel just...never got defeated.
It's been a few hundred years now.
It's getting mildly awkward.
He's not physically aging, so he's still in the full strength of what appears to be his late twenties/early thirties, while just getting older and more skilled as time goes by.
He's done amazing things for Mezalean infrastructure and international relations though, so its clearly working out. And as much as he adores his wife and did enjoy parts of being a trophy husband (once it transitioned to that from war prize) it was genuinely pretty boring so it's nice having a full-time job again.
AU Masterpost
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snootlestheangel · 16 days
I absolutely wanna hear those thoughts about Death Doesn't Want Me!!!
So like part of the whole premise is that Ghost doesn't want to get too attached to the MacTavish’s that he's traveling with, for the sake of hoping it means they make it to the safe zone all alive. And initially there's a group of people unrelated, and they're kind of assholes, so he's not too keen on letting them in on the secret of Ghost.
So he doesn't talk, doesn't show his face, kind of stays to the back.
But it's not long after they lose the assholes, and Ghost is starting to slowly get closer to the family. It's subconscious, really. He's drawn to them because of the same reasons he was drawn to Johnny's presence. They're warm, and gentle, and kind-hearted people. They're caring and they're loving, and before he knows it, they're considering him a part of the family, even if he's being referred to as the adopted cryptid cousin.
And it's really late one night, everyone is asleep except Ghost. And he's laying there internally panicking because they're so close to the safe compound he knows holds Johnny and the rest of the MacTavish’s, but they're still so far it seems. They have to make so many detours to avoid mobs of the undead, and they can't move as quickly because they've got children, and it's a bit much for them, especially with the weather warming.
Turns out, he's not the only one awake. Two of the younger MacTavish niblings are having trouble sleeping, and they turn to the comfort of their new friend Ghost when they realize he's awake too. They're the cutest girls, 9 and 6 years old, and have never once shown any fear around Ghost.
He lets them lay with him for a bit, listening to him breathe as they try to fall asleep. But it doesn't work, and the six year old sits up with tears in her eyes.
"I'm scared" she whines, and Ghost takes a deep breath.
"Me too" her cousin, the older girl, adds.
Ghost looks between the two of them, thinking for a moment.
"Can you girls keep a secret?" Both of their eyes widen bigger than Ghost thought possible, and they both furiously nod their heads.
"I'm scared too." He admits. He explains how he's afraid of failing to get everyone to the safe compound. They talk about their fears, and that being afraid can be a good thing. And Ghost reminding them they aren't alone, they still have their parents and siblings.
"And you?" The six year old asks, and he smiles from behind his mask.
"Course, kiddo."
And if their parents wake up to find their protector fast asleep, a kid under each arm (both also sleeping peacefully), then that's the moment they know Ghost isn't going anywhere unless Death itself takes him.
But I've finally figured out the timeline cause I wanted to let Ghost spend as much time alone with the family before everyone's reunited.
It involves the original safe compound becoming compromised and everyone abandons it just before Ghost and the MacTavish’s arrive.
Ghost reaching his breaking point once dealing with the evolved creatures that were part of the compromise and fighting to keep everyone safe. And he's just looking around at the side of the compound that's falling apart now, the bodies littering the ground, and Soap nowhere to be found. He feels so alone in this fight and he's struggling to keep it contained.
But he's not alone. He's in the midst of his panic attack when there's suddenly people around him. He's not alone and he hasn't been for a while
So that's when he stops being Ghost, and starts being Simon
And if Death doesn't want him, then so be it. They'll have him, and that's all he needs.
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happyk44 · 6 months
Do you have any thoughts on what powers the children of Persephone would have?
Yeah - so Persephone is the goddess of springtime and nature, and queen of the underworld. The springtime/agricultural aspect should always be more prominent than the underworld aspect, which, imo, should become more powerful during the months Persephone is at home in the underworld, but never more powerful than her flower powers.
There should be a great deal of overlap between this kids and their aunts/uncles/piblings (parents' siblings, lol, not a common term but I read it once a billion years ago and I still love it 😂 niblings is the niece/nephew equivalent). Demeter's kids should have stronger control over the earth and agricultural nature (grains and other plants typically used as crops). Persephone's kids, in my opinion, either should have no control of the earth or very minimal geokinetic abilities, unrelated to plants.
Because she is often described as queen of the underworld versus god of, as Hades is, and the underworld does not share its name with her, as it does with Hades, there should be much larger limitations between the overlap of Hades' children's powers and the powers of her kids when it comes to the dark and spooky. Nonetheless, her kids should feel just as comfortable in the shadows as they do in the sunlight. They are likely strongest during the spring months - but as springtime varies between calendars and hemispheres, maybe it's up to their perception of spring or it's strictly related to what the ancient Greeks would have thought of as spring.
So first and foremost, the springtime!
Inducement of spring, obviously. It's varies from creating spring because they can only induce spring-like nature within the realms of the area they're in. So they can't make Bermuda-like spring weather in Iceland.
They can grow and manipulate nature, especially with flowers. I headcanon Persephone to be wild and experimental. Where Demeter is the clean lines of agricultural and crops, Persephone is the vines reclaiming abandoned cars and houses. So this power is very easy for them to go overboard with; requires practice to keep it mitigated and small. This power is reliant on pre-existing plant life, so the kids will often carry packets of seeds (and maybe dirt) with them in the event they end up without direct access to nature.
They can grow plants in non-native, undesirable, or out of season areas, like a tree from a crack in the sidewalk. However, without prolonged assistance, that plant may shrivel up and die, like a water-heavy plant in the desert will dry up once the kid stops manipulating it, but in the moment, they can drop a seed, plant it and have it spring forth fully grown and whatnot.
This does in fact mean they could shove a seed or plant into a human body and have it root and grow out of that person. Like. For anyone who wants a little bloody bloody speculation 👀 (Fun fact: I like to think this was one of Demeter's combat moves during the Titan War, shoot an arrow and grow plants from the body of enemies that get hit 👍)
Rain! With spring comes rain, so I think they can manifest small drizzles of rain when needed. It's nothing particularly fantastic, but it can be useful.
They can revive dead plants, fortify them, and even mutate DNA in certain plants (though this is a tougher power to execute and requires both a lot of practice and mental effort). Mutation may not work out if the goal is to combine two plants with features that are not compatible - but crossbreeding unrelated plants is possible through them
Sunlight! Springtime is associated with the emergence of the sun and longer hours of daylight. This power, like with rain, is very minimal. Most kids are able to create a gentle low light with only their hands that they typically use on their indoor plants. It will never be as bright or powerful as, say, the Apollo, or even Zeus, kids (Zeus is god of the sky, the sun is in the sky, yes, I think they can glow)
With enough practice some kids are able to manifest small orbs of light, but it requires a lot of effort and is not as sustainable. Luckily they have good night vision (underworld bonus) so it's not as necessary, but still
They can physically connect to nature, which allows them to "see" areas that are otherwise out of sight (eg, enemies hiding in the trees or bushes, waiting for an ambush). Downside of this power is that damage to the plant life around them can cause physical pain and incapacitate them.
Similar to my headcanon that Nico is instinctively attuned to souls at a greater sense than would be natural to his siblings, some of Persephone's kids have an instinctive connection to nature and often bogged down by physical and mental health issues as a result due to pollution, poor or minimal conditions of the nature around them (like living in the city where nature is not as extensive as it would be I'm the countryside), parasite/pest infestations in gardens, crops, and such, etc.
Like with Nico and souls, it requires effort and practice to disconnect from nature enough to function daily. Persephone provides medication, disability aids, extremely healthy plants to invigorate them as needed, and frequently checks up on her kids with this issue, especially these days when nature is at its most pained.
Springtime is associated with rebirth and renewal, so they can utilize the life and energy of the plants around them to energize, heal and/or revive themselves or people. It takes a lot of effort and requires a lot of energy. Hades' children can do this as well. Both instances will kill the plant(s) used, but the flower power kids can revive the plant(s) afterwards - so long as the plant(s) in question haven't crumbled to ashes or, it's not, say, like an entire forest, because that might require a little bit more energy than they can extend. Persephone's kids can also use this power to stop someone from entering the underworld, so long as a) their soul has not been collected, b) their body is still in good condition (not decayed, rotted, etc), and c) an extensive period of time hasn't passed
Example One: I'm stabbed and I die. They exchange the life of a nearby tree for mine only a few seconds later and I'm revived.
Example Two: I'm stabbed and I die. They come across my corpse several hours/a couple days later. My soul still hasn't been collected because Hermes and Thanatos are still busy. Depending on the strength of the kid, they may be able to revive me fully BUT at the expense of more than one tree.
Example Three: I'm stabbed and I die. Hermes immediately collects my soul. I'm not in the underworld yet, just his shoulder bag with other souls. They cannot revive me.
Example Four: I have been dead for decades. My soul is still wandering because I am an atheist and refuse to go any underworld and also I bit several psychopomps when they tried so now they ignore me. The kid cannot revive me.
Example Five: I was burned to death. They find me immediately and revive me, but because the extent of my injuries exceed what they can heal via life exchange, I die again in agony and mentally curse them out for bringing me back to suffer once more.
Now for the underworld powers!
Death sense, although it is weak and if the corpse in question is dead underground or has been dead for a very long time, they may not notice as quickly as Thanatos' and Hades' children would. Hermes' kids have the same issue with their death sense.
Ability to summon, see, and touch ghosts. While they can manipulate or control various spirits as children of Hades can, it requires a lot more effort to do so, especially during the months Persephone is topside, so her kids often don't bother with trying it on stray/uncollected souls (easier to use on summoned souls)
Necromancy, of course. It's easier for them to control corpses or bones. They have a harder time control large groups. Implications that would occur with a child of Hades summoning a dead body are often missed by children of Persephone, typically requiring verbal orders for the corpse to get shit done
Example: Nico senses a corpse underground and summons it. The implication along with his summoning is to be quiet as it digs its way out of the ground in order to catch Nico's captor by surprise. His step-sibling senses a corpse underground and summons it. The corpse in question may not catch the implication applied to its awakening and just continues to lay where it was buried until it receives clearer orders from the child that summoned it. They have an easier time resurrecting dead bodies and getting across the unspoken implications of the resurrection with physical touch
Corpses that spoke a different language in life, were deaf or hard or hearing, or anything else I'm missing that relates to verbally and/or audibly understanding another person, may be harder to control, especially if that mental connection (idk how else to phrase it) between them and the corpse(s) is lacking
Side note: this is just to display another example of how the overlap of powers between both step-siblings differs, it's not the holy grail, practice makes perfect and they could get on the level of their step-siblings over time, and honestly I'll probably ignore/forget the distinction myself at times, lol
They can understand skeletal chatter and ghostly whispers that would otherwise be incomprehensible to other people (Thanatos' and Hermes' kids can also understand ghostly whispers. However, skeletal chatter is usually not comprehensible to them)
Instinctive underground senses - like with Hazel in SoN, being able to walk around the tunnels without a map
Some darkness manipulation - not enough for shadow-traveling by themselves (solo travel is typically only possible via VERY short distances, a group of them working together may be able to go longer); enough to be able to blend into shadows and hide themselves, or utilize darkness to defend
Traveling through dreams (I like to think Hypnos gifts this to a lot of the Underworld kids as a little bonus, save for Hades' kids where the power is innate due to Hypnos being part of the Underworld)
Human life exchange, aka taking the life/health from one person to give it someone else. Children of Hades can do this as well, and have a far easier time with it. It costs them a lot of energy and effort, so Persephone's kids typically use it in tandem with taking life from the nature around them. Rebirth is both an underworld thing and associated with springtime, so it works.
Although similar to the above, they cannot, or struggle, do a flat death touch. If they want to kill someone with a touch, the life they're taking has to go somewhere.
And I think that's a good amount of stuff. Of course there's always more that that's possible, and again, these are just my thoughts - anyone else is welcome to come up with their own ideas. If you have thoughts on their powers, even if they contradict my own, feel free to add them or hmu about them! Love to hear other people's ideas 😊
Oh! Lol, headcanon that the seed packets the kids like to keep on hand for emergencies are mint 😂
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a-echo-of-gotham · 1 month
hey im officially working on a 'family tree' of sorts for every blog involved in this rp group so would you mind telling me who your characters are connected to and where theyre living with tags so I can keep everything organized? Connection list is: Parent/child Grandparent/grandchild Great grandparent/great grandchild Siblings Dating Married/engaged pibling/nibling (gender neutral terms for aunt/uncle and niece/nephew)
(repeating this for all the blogs you run would be appreciated)
if you have any questions just ask!
(apologies if this has been sent multiple times. if youve already answered i likely lost the information due to disorganization that i'm currently dealing with)
Sure thing!
Parent: Eddie and Venom ish @ednven
Pibling: @oceanicflyboy
Dating: a Polycule between Him, Kon, Bernard aswell as Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton and Sam Manson from Danny Phantom.
Siblings: typical Batfam back in his universe
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👪 FAMILY - what is their family like?
Her family is pretty small. Her mother died when she was young and she was an only child (as far as she knows. Jury’s still out on if I can sneak a False Guinevere reference in) so it’s just been her and her father for most of her life.
That has made them really close though and Guinevere adores her father and he’s always spoiled her and tries to give her the best of everything.
The one thing that did damage their relationship slight was that he agreed to the marraige without even telling Guinevere first which caused some issues between them for awhile.
He of course never knew his birth parents, Uther and Igraine, though Arthur isn’t too put out in not knowing Arthur.
He was adopted by Ector and his son Kay who he considers his real family. He loves his brother and father more than anything and immediately gave them high positions at court and at the Round Table once he was king.
Ector is a very kind and respectful guy, and while Kay is kind of a jerk, he’s deeply loyal and loving to his brother and friends, like Bedievere and Guinevere.
And he does wish he knew Igraine, and part of why he’s so forgiving of Morgan is that he wants to have a real familial relationship with one of his half-sisters.
Eldest child of Morgause and Lot, Gawain has 4 siblings: Agravaine, Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred. With his father killed by Pellinore, he took an oath to avenge him.
He loves his mother, but isn’t as close with her. She tends to be closer with Gareth and Mordred
He is close to all his siblings though and adores them. He’s especially protective of the youngest two, Gareth and Mordred and has taken a kind of parent role with them since Lot died when they were really young.
He’s also close with his cousin Ywain and aunt Morgan.
The youngest daughter of Igraine and Gorlois, she was the closest to Igraine after her marriage to Arthur and misses her mother dearly.
She also makes a point of visiting Morgause as often as she can and loves to spoil her niblings. She wants to make sure Uther didn’t succeed in trying to keep them all apart.
And while her relationship with Arthur is complicated, she does consider him her brother and does care about him. He may be Uther’s son, but he’s Igraine’s son too.
She married Uriens but he was much older than her and she had no love for him. They had one child, Ywain.
She loves her son but when she left for Avalon, she couldn’t take him with her, so there’s a lot of distance between them. They both want to fix it but aren’t really sure how.
He’s the son a a human man and giantess mother which causes some issues in his family since his father’s kin didn’t like this marriage and didn’t like him.
After his parents’ deaths, his paternal cousins have been trying to undermine and usurp his rule.
He is close with his maternal kin though. He has one aunt and uncle who helped raise him and advise him in his rule.
His parents wanted to have other children but never could and Galehaut dearly wishes he has siblings. He treats his cousins as alarms of siblings in turn.
The younger sibling of Gawain but next oldest Orkney.
They had a bad relationship with Lot who always criticized and demeaned them. And they adore their mother but aren’t as close as they wish they were to her.
They’re closest to Mordred no question. Taking a part in raising Mordred. They adore Mordred and will do almost anything for them. Mordred admires and looks up to them in turn and will be mostly following them around at Camelot.
They love Gawain and but there’s some jealousy and resentment there in how much their father favored Gawain and how much everyone else loves Gawain.
They have a fine relationship with Gareth but their relationship with Gaheris is rather tense, partially due to Gaheris’ almost fanatical deviation to Lot’s memory.
Sybil was abandoned by their parents as a child to be raised by someone else in their community. It isn’t uncommon for fairies to let their kids be raised communally but it less common to abandon them completely.
They were ultimately taken to Vivian to be raised in her Lake and stayed there for the rest of their childhood.
They then left to become a student of Morgan on Avalon where they’ve been since.
They consider Vivian and Morgan to closest thing they have to family.
Ask Game
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
So I came upon your blog while looking through the asoiaf tag and explored it a bit. Would you please explain to me how are you against Targaryen incest, but find Jonsa fine? I’m genuinely curious, as I’ve just started reading the books (I’m half-way through a storm of swords) and find nothing fine about any form of incest, whether it is or not considered as such in-universe. I also find little to no Jonsa moments. Could you help me? Thank you!
okay so first of all i got sent an ask forever ago about what the appeal of jonsa is and i’ve been working on explaining basically where i see the plot going and why it’s thematically relevant and is2g i’m still actually putting it together it’s just doing that in a middle of a reread is tough bc my ideas are kinda all over the place lmao (just like this ask is about to be sorry!) (also once again, sorry if my tone comes across very weird, i swear i reread like twelve times to make sure i don’t sound too snarky and wasn't just vomitting up a thousand words of nonsense lmao!!).
BUT. Well there’s three points to this: what the characters may feel, what i feel about jonsa, and what i feel about targ incest. so first the characters:
I think it’s important to point out that first cousin marriage (and auncle/nibling marriage, esp if it’s a “half” relation) are not considered true incest in westeros and in many parts of our world. rickard and lyra, ned’s parents, are cousins. joanna and tywin lannister are first cousins. jonnel and sansa and edric and serena are uncle/nieces, and you’ll note that when alys karstark comes to jon for help, he is disgusted that her uncle is trying to steal her inheritance and not that he’s her uncle attempting to marry her. i point this out because not only is there nothing legally stopping a jonsa marriage, the characters themselves may also see it that way (as not incest). and if your next point is “well they grew up thinking they’re siblings” my answer is - yes and? One of the influences on this series is Mervyn Peake, who wrote gothic medieval stories, and both incest and pseudo-incest is very much a big part of gothic stories! A lot of the storylines in this world are dedicated to exploring incest as a force of socialization and romanticism, from Naerys pleading to live “as brother and sister” and Aegon insisting “we already are” to Alysanne’s “Alyssa is meant for Baelon” to Jaime’s “he heard none of it" in the sept. I don’t think it’s that far of a stretch to posit that two characters we have POVs for will fall in love and grapple with what that love says about them, about society, about their role in the world - and in fact, about half of Jon’s most popular ships are between him and a female relative. Sansa makes more sense to me because she’s closer to his age than Arya, has a more troubled relationship with him, is involved in the political aspects of the story just as much as he is, and isn’t likely to immediately start setting people on fire after they meet.
Now as for me, basically - i think both types of incest are the result of socialization + extreme trauma, and I fully expect that if Jonsa goes canon it will have a tragic ending. I think Jonsa takes some of the inherent misogyny of targ incest and plays around with it - Jon having significantly less societal privilege than basically every other Targaryen and what that means for Sansa as an heiress - but just because I think an exploration of that dynamic will be interesting, doesn’t mean I don’t expect it to be rife with problems.
because the problem with incest is the power dynamic ultimately, and you cannot escape that power dynamic bc people don’t exist in a vacuum. For all the Starks have some fucked up skeletons in their closet, Lyanna doesn’t show up in Ned’s bed naked and ask him to stop her betrothal to Robert, does she? This is the fundamental difference between targ incest and Jonsa or even Lannicest; Lannicest is rampant with toxicity from both of those deranged weirdos but they feel entitled to each other's bodies because of their own trauma surrounding their tumultuous childhoods (and probably some normalization of incest from their parents and proximity to Aerys/Rhaella/Rhaegar), but no one is saying "Jaime you are owed Cersei's body" or "Cersei your womb belongs to your brother and your brother alone." So I don't feel the need to sit here and go "Lannicest is toxic" like yeah? Clearly, lmao, these two feel like they are so damaged, and made so special by that damage, that they can only love one another, that's not what anyone would call healthy. I don't think it's necessary to sit here and explain that dynamic has abuse problems; it's right there in the text!
"well what about the power dynamic between jon and sansa?" YES WHAT ABOUT IT. that's the point! i'm interested in how a dynamic that is inherently abusive will play out between two people who were raised to believe some types of incest are okay but not others, who are victims of abuse and societal alienation themselves. because at the same time that i condemn targ incest, there are obviously real feelings and genuine care in these relationships and in these people, because again, people don't exist in a vacuum. daemon backs rhaenyra into this corner and then crucially does not kill any of her children because he realizes that's a step too far, she'd never forgive it, perhaps even because he grew to love them (i mean, Lucerys and Joffrey likely barely remember any other father but Daemon!). maegor is a monster who very specifically never harms rhaena's daughters! aemon is a useless pos but it seems likely he had a hand in raising naerys' son to be better than aegon because he could see the harm he and his brother were doing to naerys even if aemon was too much of a coward to actually stop that harm in any meaningful way! the difference, to me, is that jon will see that this relationship built on trauma and grief may be the only love he and sansa will ever allow themselves to feel but it is not healthy for them, and jon will leave! and sansa will realize she is not the impassive, frozen, detached symbol that the men around her want her to be, but a living, breathing person with her own wants and desires and agency, and will let him go!
Ultimately, while i think romanticizing and sexualizing the taboo is fine and even healthy, for me, there has to be some acknowledgement that you are in fact romanticizing the taboo. This is why the shitty dudes in asoiaf work for me in a way shitty dudes outside of asoiaf don’t usually - my general bitching about parts of the narrative that don’t click for me aside, there’s firm condemnation of the people engaging in these behaviors, from cersei sexually abusing lancel to sandor creeping on sansa. just because the narrative also shows us and wants us to feel empathy for sandor and cersei and why they’ve become bad people doesn’t mean what they’re doing isn’t bad. that’s what i like! i don’t want a story that holds my hand and drags me to the moral nor do i want a story that presents a god awful person who is supposed to be morally upright and not mean for us to dig deeper into them!
(this is why i like the pt but not the st of star wars, if you want an example - for all the prequels are um. flawed. lucas has an overreaching story about the effects of war, slavery, and interpersonal abuse that he’s dedicated to, and we are meant to be horrified by anakin choking padme just as surely as we’re meant to mourn their relationship and love for each other when palpatine gleefully tells anakin she’s dead and ani destroys the room in grief. vs like. what were the sequels even fucking doing man).
So the thing here is that I actually do in fact find Targaryen incest interesting while being morally repugnant as a practice, and I'm positive Jonsa will play around with both the morality of incest and the romanticism of it in a way that I find just as interesting, varied, romantic, and fulfilling as like, the Jaime/Cersei(/Brienne/Tyrion) mess or the Daemon/Rhaenyra/Laena/Harwin debacle! I like incest and I also hate it! I contain multitudes!
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any aus of your choice, what're their relationship/dynamic with their world's frisk or chara?
Frisk is family to Sans and Papyrus, not quite anything specifically defined, their just like "little sibling-nibling-child who stays over sometimes". They and Sans had a slightly strained relationship for a while after their final reset, but they bonded post-pacifist. Them and Papyrus are best buds.
Red and Edge are the guardians of Ruby. Not sibling or parent, just guardians. They helped Ruby get through Snowdin and Waterfall, despite going against the royal guard and Asgore to do so. Their extremely protective of them, for good reason.
Faith is their little sibling. Unlike the other worlds, Blue and Rus prefer more defined terms with most things. Blue adored Faith from the beginning, he saw this little slightly injured human and was already signing mental adoption papers. Rus, on the other hand, was pretty nonchalant with them for the first few pacifist runs. Once he knew they could reset, he didn't blame them for do multiple pacifists in a row, he would've done the same. But when the genocide routes started, he became pretty bitter towards them. It took a long time for him to warm back up to them once they did a final pacifist.
Angel and Demo- Reapertale's Frisk and Chara- are Reaper's step-kids, pretty much. His relationship with Life isn't quite a defined one, but the two call him dad, and call Soul uncle, so he's taken it in stride. as far as the kids are concerned, they have one mom and three dads (Reaper, Geno, Asgore)
Also not particularly defined. Somewhere between youngest sibling, eldest nibling, and middle cousin. Chain (Frisk) is 18 in my Echotale, but they've known G!S since they were 12 or so. G!S, Chain, and Patch are the only three people remaining in the underground, so they're sort of required to get along.
Technically Killer is his Frisk. When he absorbed Frisk's soul, he retained his own consciousness as Sans, but added Frisk and Chara onto it. Chara's actually the one controlling his body most of the time, 'Killer' is the combonation of the three of them, not just Sans' nickname. Frisk very rarely gains control, but when they do, their very distressed. The other Bad Sanses tend to stay away when Frisk is in control, partially because they have vendettas against Frisk, and partially because they don't want to scare Frisk. Killer as a whole can't remember any of their memories, only the ones from his timeline and after, but he never has recollection of Frisk coming forward, as Chara blocks them out. I'm not even sure he's aware Frisk is part of him.
If i had to nickname them indivually, it'd be Bullseye (Sans), Nyx (Chara), and Lilac (Frisk). In my other AUs that include Killer, he either goes by Bullseye or Nyx, depending on the events. Bullseye is what happens when Sans gets back control and tries to be himself again, Nyx is what happens when Chara completely overrides the control.
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bloopingfish · 5 months
I think young people don't realize how young they are. Like, legally they're an adult, yes! They can drink and smoke and get a passport without parental supervision and get forklift certified and everything!
...but that doesn't mean we're in the same age bracket. Especially if they're under 25 and in that "not done cooking" stage. I was a dumbass until my mid-20s. All my friends were dumbasses until their mid to late 20s. If you're under 25 and I don't know you I'm gonna give you a lot of grace for what I view as dumbassery due to limited life experience and an undercooked brain space. Especially in this pandemic stunted world! It's hard growing up, it's even harder growing up right now!
But that also means when someone calls you a kid you have to understand it is not a matter of "you are literally a child" but a situation of "you are literally young enough to be my child/my baby sibling/my little nibling" and that does change how people are going to view you. It sounds like older people are talking down to you a lot and we're not trying to, we just don't speak the same language anymore. Maybe we're frustrated, maybe we're annoyed, maybe we're pissed that you're an adult but you're not acting like one.
I think young people deserve a little grace, but I also worry in this modern era where you can't be a dumbass in your 20s and leave that behind in your 20s. It follows you forever now. It's scary. It scares the hell out of me, not because of my actions but because of other people's judgements. I was a dumbass! Don't judge me now by the dumbassery I did and said before I was done cooking! I'll try my hardest to extend the same grace!
I don't think I had a point. Life is just hard, and it's hard to meet people in the middle when they're already on the same side of an issue and the problem is a culture gap.
And maybe if you're under 25, please understand why people over 25 are going to think you've got some room to grow. We all had a lot of growing to do between turning 18 and becoming an Actual Adult, and we suspect the other young people out there have growing to do as well.
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the-passenger-if · 2 years
Aaa can I request for part 2 of Livvy babysitting MC and Horizon’s baby? Thanks
Part 1 here.
Prompt under the cut.
Livvy’s nibling braids her hair with deft fingers. At short intervals, they entwine the flowers both of them picked along the way to the pond through her brown curly locks.
“Your hair is so pretty,” her nibling mutters, and Livvy is about to reply with a thank you when they add, “but so dry. Domini Horizon’s hair is soft when I braid it. Oh! I will wash your hair with their shampoos, auntie. Can we do that next?”
After a beat, Livvy says, “Sure thing, hon.” She watches the clear surface of the pond for a while as her nibling works in silence. “Say, hon,” she begins slowly, “do you ever call your parents anything other than Domini?”
“Uh? What do you mean?”
“Something like mom, or mommy, or dad, or…?”
“Or lala, yes.”
“Hm-hm,” they reply, “just not Domini Horizon. Domini Horizon is always Domini Horizon.”
“But you call Squirt lala.”
“Uh?” Their cute face appears next to Livvy’s. They rest their neck on her left shoulder. “Who?”
“My sibling. It’s a nickname,” she explains.
They bite their lower lip, a big smile flashing on their face as their eyes shine almost mischievously. It’s like Livvy let them in on some big family secret. “Domini Squirt,” they comment.
“Oh, I don’t think they would find that half as funny as you do,” she says, turning slowly to snatch them. Her nibling yelps in surprise, but they are soon laughing as she tosses them on her lap and kisses them all over the face.
They throw their long twig-like arms around Livvy’s neck and rest their face against it. She embraces them tightly, cradling them in her arms.
They are watching the calm pond when hasty footsteps echo up the stone path behind them. She spins her head to look over her shoulder, adrenaline shooting through her in such a manner, she can’t believe she isn’t half-way on her feet.
Two people all dressed in yellow are standing there.
“Auntie,” her nibling gasps.
She’s holding them too tightly against her. She didn’t realize she was squeezing them. “Sorry,” she mutters, forcing herself to relax her grasp.
Livvy stares at the people in yellow, and they stare at her. One is a guy in his twenties they call Stag, the other is a middle-aged person called Orion.
Stag’s narrowed eyes are bouncing all over the scene, while Orion offers Livvy a shy smile and a nod.
Squirt’s baby peeks over Livvy’s shoulder, and Stag’s face goes from relieved, to aghast in an instant.
“What are y—” he starts, taking a step, but Orion puts a hand on his arm.
“We heard the Consors screaming, so we wanted to make sure everything was ok,” they tell Livvy.
Stag glances at Orion and opens his mouth again only to, this time around, be cut off by Livvy’s nibling.
“I’m thirsty, bring me juice.”
The man stares at them, clearly debating with himself.
“Do you want snacks for you and your aunt too, Consors?” Orion asks, the gentle smile still on their face.
“Yes.” They untangle themself from Livvy’s embrace and fix their clothes. They then, go to stand behind her once again, picking up a couple of flowers between long fingers. When they notice she’s still watching the young man behind them, they let out a vexed huff.
“Auntie, I can’t braid your hair like this. Eyes ahead, please.”
“Oh,” Livvy mutters, turning to do as her nibling asks. “I’m sorry, hon.”
“It’s ok,” they reply, paying absolutely no mind to the people on the stone path.
Livvy can’t help but hear Stag muttering under his breath as they leave, “Nobody can touch the Consors. This is outrageous.”
She wants to believe the shiver that runs down her spine has to do with her nibling’s fingers as they braid a lock of hair at the base of her skull, but once Orion is back with the snacks and a jar of orange juice (and no Stag in sight) she stops trying to convince herself.
Why can’t Squirt like normal things for once?
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siriuslychessi · 1 year
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“If one day I decided to leave, would you run away with me?”
Collection AO3 | FF
Christmas Break was something Marlene loved, she got to spend time with her family in Scotland, the siblings that graduated, and the new niblings that came during her time at Hogwarts.
It was a warm and festive time that she got to enjoy in the middle of a stressful year. 
Of course every family had her ups and downs, but going home had an invigorating effect on her. Maybe because she adored to be the favourite aunt, or maybe because she was still pretty much a daddy’s girl, even nearing her 16th birthday, but she found it special and it replenished the battery for her to go back and face the fuckery that was Hogwarts pureblood population.
She had spent her day with her friends, unpacking, catching up, promising herself that she wouldn’t be one of those people that would change as soon as she had a boyfriend. 
Were they even in a relationship?
She assumed they were, but they never said anything clear in that regard, and she had pushed Sirius enough to date, she didn’t want to push more than that. 
At least not yet.
It didn’t dawn on her, until she entered the Common Room, that Winter Break wasn’t as thrilling for everyone else as it was to her. 
While she was bubbly and eager to talk about Lily’s new neighbour, and Mary’s fling, Sirius was sitting alone, near the fireplace, just staring at the fire, like all his energy had been taken in a swift of a wand. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t look for him earlier, he had been with James and the boys. She had seen him laugh, they shared a few moments with all the friend group, together. But now, in the almost empty Common Room, Sirius looked depleted, even sad.
Something that didn’t agree with Marlene at that moment. 
She excused herself from the girls, so that they could catch up when she went out to bed, which both Lily and Mary knew would be rather late, or not happen at all. However, they understood as Marlene went to sit next to Sirius. 
“Hullo love, something on your mind?” she said, making herself fit in the space between Sirius and his arm.
Sirius, who was mostly energetic, barely moved as she adjusted. He was still reliving some of the things that happened at home, wondering how it got to that. Even if he hated the bastards now it didn’t used to be like that, he remembered once liking being at Grimmauld, but now… the constant struggle just to have a normal conversation, the repetitive standards he had to fulfil even when he didn’t want or care for them, chipped away at his tough exterior and the child inside that just wanted his parents to see him for who he was and not what they wanted him to be.
He tried to play it down, to make it seem like he didn’t care, that he was just a Gryffindor, brave through and through, but some nights, like that one, it was simply too much for a 16th year old to carry with the burden of the world. 
They stayed like that for a few moments, it was odd that they weren’t bickering or snogging, just sitting there, watching the fire burn. Not a word to be said, just the crackling of the wood and the distant buzz of the few people still in the Common Room getting ready to go to their dorms.
“If one day I decided to leave, would you run away with me?”
It startled Marlene when he spoke, it was softer than anything that he ever said to her, but it spoke louder than many of the things that he said.
She looked at his hollowed eyes, usually there was a spark of mischief behind them, but not at the moment. All she could see was rage and hopelessness. It broke her.
“That depends, do we bring you emotional support boyfriend with us? I feel you wouldn’t last a day without James.” it was an attempt at teasing, maybe to bring him back from the darkness, maybe to just distract him from the intrusive thoughts. 
A small smile appeared on Sirius' left side, it was tiny but it was progress. 
He had to give it to her, she had a great way to bring him back to himself, to remind him that there were people that see something more in him than an heir and a way to carry on with the family's delusional ideas. 
“He is the one dependent on me, the poor bloke already ditched his girlfriend. I think he’s gonna propose soon, do you think I should do my nails for the occasion?” 
“Oi! No one is going to propose to my boyfriend, that’s weird!” she laughed, not realising what she said, just happy that he wasn’t brooding anymore.
“Boyfriend?” He asked after a few moments, not sure if he heard her right, they never discussed it, they never talked much, they mostly snogged, but he guessed that after almost 3 months of that they needed to be more than just a fling.
“I… oh… we don’t have to… I mean I thought we were there but if…” she stumbled, she didn’t want to pressure him into this, they were supposed to be having fun, just teenagers, even if she wanted more she would rather be slow than nothing.
She was about to defend herself some more, to explain that they didn’t have to, that things could be the same way as they had before. But her lips failed her on the account that Sirius’ lips were on top of hers at the moment.
They weren’t forceful, they weren’t trying to take more than they were given, but they were firm and she found herself relaxing a bit.
“I’ll go break up with James in a bit, I’ve got a girl now, can’t make her jealous.” he smirked at her, making McKinnon roll her eyes.
“Like I would be jealous of him, I’ve got a better sense of style. Quidditch jerseys can only do so much.” she joked, and Sirius laughed, that wonderful loud and contagious laugh.
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
Who in the next gen do you think are dating and who are best friends?
Groups of Two (not including siblings, niblings, or friendships that become romantic later on):
Alex and Roland: The two aromantic/asexuals. They're also the two oldest, so they've spent more time together than anyone else.
Roland and Leo: The Sane Ones TM. They're the ones who constantly complain about everyone else's bullshit. Leo's the mom friend, Roland's the older brother friend. They understand each other.
Roland and Alice: (future siblings-in-law don't count) They get along weirdly well, despite the age and personality difference. Roland also spent most of his childhood in the Enchanted Forest like Alice did, so they bond over that.
Alex and PJ: The wild children. They drink and go to parties together, much to Roland and Leo's annoyance.
Hope and Alex: They keep getting mistaken for siblings, even after Alice is rescued. They both just love getting into trouble.
Robyn and Hope: For somewhat complicated reasons, they're frenemies. They argue the most out of all the friends, because they are incredibly similar.
Gideon and Robyn: They're apart of the exclusive "I hate one of my parents" club, the "I hate my powers" club, and of course the "I get bullied at school for who my parent(s) are" club.
Alice and Gideon: When Robyn and Hope squable, Gideon and Alice are tasked with making sure it doesn't go to far. They've found out that they're pretty similar this way
Groups of Three or more:
Roland, Alex, Leo, PJ: The older kids. They tend to group together, having known each other longer.
Robyn, Gideon, Alice, Hope: The younger kids. By virtue of the older kids hanging out, so do the youngests.
Alex, Leo, PJ: The "our mothers were apart of the same mommy classes and know we can't escape each other" group.
Dating (former, current, and future):
Alex and Robyn: Alex was still coming to terms with their asexuality, and trying to figure out the difference between friendship and romance and all that other fun stuff. Robyn developed a crush on them, so they dated for a week or so, during the summer before Alex's senior year, and Robyn's sophomore year. Alex eventually figured herself out, and tried to let Robyn down as gently as possible. They didn't talk for the rest of the summer, but Robyn eventually cooled down enough, and they came to an understanding. Robyn still teases them about That One Time they dated.
PJ and Conrad: Conrad is Alex's step-cousin, the son of Clorinda. PJ had just come out, and was experimenting. They dated for the summer before freshman year, then called things off mutually. They still talk, and PJ helped Conrad get together with Orville, Kathryn and Frederick's son.
PJ and Jack (otherwise known as 'He Who Shall Not Be Named'): Jack is a football player, who PJ dated for a few months sophomore year. Things got toxic pretty fast, with Jack acting entitled and controlling, so PJ cut him lose before it could get really bad. Leo, in retaliation, made Jack's life a living hell on the football team, so much so that he finally had to quit.
PJ and Leo: Aka, Prince Squared, aka, Sleeping Princes. They're the ones that stick. They get together their senior year. Full headcanons here
Alice and Penny: Penny is Anastasia and Will Scarlet's daughter, who Alice met in Wonderland after escaping her tower. They had mutual crushes on each other, but it never got much farther than quiet flirting. Alice must have a thing for daughters of outlaws? Penny, Alice, and Amani (Alice Liddell and Cyrus's daughter) end up all starting a Wonderland club at Storybrooke High together.
Robyn and Alice: Aka, Curious Archer, aka, Mad Archer. They stick, and they are also each other's true love. They get together when Robyn's a junior, and Alice is a sophomore. Full headcanons here
Gideon and Lorena: Lorena is the daughter of some random townsperson. She asked Gideon out to humiliate him sophomore year, but actually started to fall for him. But by that point, Gideon had figured out her intentions and broke things off, her having already burnt that bridge. Lorena stops hanging out with the friends who convinced her to do that, and she and Gideon have an amicable relationship. After, of course, Robyn and Hope wrecked her car in retaliation, "Before He Cheats" style.
Hope and Robyn: Hope developed a crush on Robyn in middle school, and confessed to her one night. Robyn had always saw Hope as a little sister, and so rejected her...badly. (It's not Robyn's fault, she was raised by Zelena.) And Hope took it...badly. This fucked up their previous rivaling friends dynamic and brought them into full on frenemy territory. Alice's arrival and Robyn's utter being smitten with her did not help matters at first, but eventually, they get Robyn and Hope to be inseparable friends again (by locking them in a room together and throwing away the key, obviously.)
Hope and Ross: Ross is the son of some Duke from the Enchanted Forest who's an entitled ass. Hope met him in her middle school ballet class, but they didn't start dating until freshman year. He's a douche, who just wanted to date the Savior's daughter, not Hope. They broke it off (very dramatically) a few months in. They are still very antagonistic to each other,
Hope and Gideon: Aka, Cygnet Scholar. They stick. They get together while Hope is a sophomore and Gideon is a junior. Full headcanons here
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