#beware of false prophets
alchemyofmaya · 6 months
There’s not enough coverage on the era of these influencers, false prophets/spiritual gurus & coaches being exposed (like jay shetty)
— because it’s hard to even admit to ourselves where we’ve been fooled, or fallen for things that seem true just because they’re wrapped up in pretty love & light box with a ‘woke’ bow on top.
It would mean that people would begin to see how the self-improvement movement is just another form of predatory capitalism is a spiritual disguise.
The ego improves, the Soul is wholly perfect. When you work with someone who truly guides/leads you Home to yourself, you never need any tool/source outside of you ever again.
This is why it’s always been said ‘beware of the false prophets’ — it’s just the blind leading the blind.
.. it’s about time, to master our discernment.
This is just the beginning — Welcome to the Age of Radical Truth & Transparency
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hughmanrights · 5 months
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Image Description:
Caligula = Worst of Humanity
Stans = Stalkers who are also fans
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dimestoretajic · 1 year
doing these goes remarkably well when you pay attention (which I actually did, yay!)
Enchant Worldle #523 4/20 https://enchantworldle.com
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Beware of False Prophets
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thinkingonscripture · 5 months
When Jesus Says: “I Never Knew You”
Towards the end of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7), Jesus warned His disciples to “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matt 7:15). These false prophets will bear bad fruit (Matt 7:16-20), which is their false teachings and demonically empowered miracles. These pseudo-prophets are deceived, thinking they’re doing…
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 JUNE 28 Wednesday
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. So by their fruits you will know them."
~ Matthew 7:15,17,20
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lovemetaprograms · 1 year
The false profit has many names. The true prophet only has one, which can be known, but not spoken.
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kingslayerstew · 2 years
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disguise / emulate
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iamnotcoolenough · 10 months
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinithans 11:13-15
Beware of false prophets because even Satan parades as a angel of light and masks his followers as righteous.
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
The lies and glamour of the new age spirituality movement will have you focused on all the wrong things. While you focus on love and light, affirmations of more self-worship, when you are too distracted on manifesting through the law of attraction instead of releasing the illusions of the third dimensional material realm. When you think enlightenment is just meditation, crystals and yoga.. focused on existing through the mind. The deceit of the ego mind runs deep, this work has been million of years in the making, this ascension is predestined. Beware of the False Light Ascension matrix. There are levels to this evolution.
‘And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. (Matthew 24:10,11)’
Your Higher Self is your only guide, beware of the false prophets, the new age spiritual gurus, if it is not bringing you closer to the Creator of it all, it’s an illusion of the Maya Matrix. Be the Glitch. Unplug yourself.
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toni-onone · 11 months
Beware of false prophets ‼️
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igate777 · 2 years
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brixuth · 5 months
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“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." - Immaculate (2024)
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kakyoin-daily · 21 days
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I know it’s technically yellow temperance. But I needed to share that with in capcom fighters to differentiate yellow temperance kakyoin from regular kakyoin they just made him yellow. Beware the false prophet
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holybibly · 7 months
girl i really dunno how to ask but ummm i...i mean WE need more preacher/saint/priest content....oh i just thought priest yunho with some cnc and bdsm........and maybe some watersports....oh. my. god. i died. my eyes are only seeing some whips, punishment and a lot of sin. bye.
Hi, honey, how are you? I really spoiled you, didn't I? But it seems that everyone is just as crazy about hot priests/pasors,preachers, and nuns as I am. Woo was hotter than hell when he was a priest, don't you think, bunnies?
I've already mentioned that I'll be doing a sequel for each member, but I'll tell you more so you can look forward to my updates.
Below I mention religious, hierophilia and church related topics. Bunnies, please refrain from reading if such content makes you uncomfortable. You have been warned!
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Beware of False Prophets Demon San x Reader
Everyone in your town has been talking about the arrival of a new priest. The parishioners have been on their knees in praise of Pastor Choi San ever since he walked through the doors of your little church. He was devout, quiet, and, for a priest, incredibly handsome. He quickly became the object of admiration and wet dreams.
And you were not left out. The way his cat-like eyes would sometimes linger on you during Mass, or the way your name would roll off his tongue when he addressed you, made you blush with shame, not only at the dirty thoughts in your head but also at the fact that your panties were getting too wet just by looking at San.
But little did you know that Pastor Choi San had much more forbidden and depraved intentions towards you than that. Not all that glitters is gold, and not everyone is a saint who wears a holy robe.
It is said that one should beware of false prophets, for good intentions lead to hell. Or maybe the demon San will disguise himself as the new pastor of your church and try to tempt you into committing a sin.
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Are you callin' me a sinner? Priest Yunho x Widow Reader
It was never in your wildest dreams that you'd be a widow at such a young age. Less than three months had passed since you got married when your husband tragically died, and this became the talk of your small town.
People walked past you, looked at you with disgust, closed their doors in front of you, and pointedly ignored you as if you had committed some mortal sin, which is probably what they thought you had done. You were so young and too beautiful, and your husband... Your husband was a man much older than you. You loved him; you really did, and losing him destroyed you. Your husband left you a huge fortune to inherit, and people whispered that you killed him to get money and to take a lover. Some even said you made a pact with the devil by killing your husband in return for your unearthly beauty and money. They said that you were a sinful brat.
Your only comfort at that time was faith, and you spent all your evenings in prayer and penance. One day, your housekeeper advised you to contact the priest, Jeong Yunho, describing him as a pious, compassionate, and gentle person who always showed mercy to everyone and granted the desired forgiveness of sins to all the troubled hearts. But she neglected to mention that Yunho was also an incredibly handsome young man who was more likely to tempt you to sin than to help you atone for it.
"I will help you get rid of your sins, my child." His hoarse voice whispered in your ear as he let the dress fall from your shoulders and down your back.
"I am going to cleanse you of the sin and the impurity of this world." Yunho said as he put a blindfold over your eyes and tied your hands behind your back.
"The only way you will be able to atone for your sins is through pain, and I will help you with that, my dear." He said this, accompanying his words with a lash of his whip across your bare skin.
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Say yes to Heaven Pastor Yeosang x Libertine Reader
You never wanted to have anything as much as you wanted to have Kang Yeosang. He was handsome. He looked like an angel. He was everything that you ever wanted to sink your teeth into. He was your church's pastor. And that was what drove the hell out of you.
Yeosang was a simple man—an incredibly sweet and gentle man—who always helped his parishioners find the right path and to find God in their hearts. You, however, could brag about an endless list of sins and vices that you proudly displayed, like your favourite red lipstick. If given the chance, you would paint the whole town red, but mostly you wanted to see it smeared around Pastor Yeosang's handsome cock while you deepthroated him. The two of you came from completely different worlds—a saint and a sinner—but you had always believed that opposites attract.
Every mass was a game of seduction for you, and you wondered how far you could go before the angelic halo over Yeosang's head would crack and he would fuck you senseless. Although you had doubts that he could do it, you had a feeling that he was a virgin and would probably faint at the sight of a pink, wet pussy in front of his pretty angelic face. God, the boy was so holy and inexperienced about sex.
But how wrong you were about him! There are always two sides to every coin, and you will learn from experience that there are some desires that are better left as fantasies. Or the one where Pastor Yeosang fucks you to the last inch of your life and teaches you the concept of out-of-body experiences through orgasm.
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Me and the Devil Lucifer Seonghwa x Reader Nun
From the day your parents took you to church for the first time, you knew that your life would be one of devotion to God. Of course, this was not the destiny your family wanted for you, but they still supported you on your way to becoming a virgin bride.
The convent where you lived to prepare for your vows was far from home and did not have the best reputation. But the priest of your parish convinced you that it was there, and nowhere else, that you could know God. And he was right; you did know God, but it was not the God to whom you prayed every night of your life.
It all began with dreams. Dark and unholy dreams came to you more and more often. The cold hands of a stranger sliding over your skin, a hot tongue exploring your body and lips as if sin itself were branding you with kisses, all ending with the first rays of dawn. Then this strange cat appeared and would not leave your side for a minute. But what frightened you most was the disappearance of the other nuns. One after the other, they vanished without a trace, until there were only a few novices left in the convent.
The night you took your vows was dark and moonless. So were the eyes of the dark-winged angel who appeared before you. It was as if he were woven of pure sin, depravity, and rage, oozing from his skin like ichor, and the rustle of his wings was the very sound you would hear before your death. But Angel, Lucifer, Seonghwa—call him what you like—came here with one goal: to finally get his bride.
"Do you have faith that your God will be the answer to your prayers, my beautiful bride? Do you believe that he is going to save you?" Seonghwa's lips touched your cheek, and his burning breath flowed across your skin. "You belong to me. Your soul, your faith, your body—all of it belongs to me. And you will accept me as your husband, dear child. Or you will say goodbye to your life at dawn."
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There will be a separate post for Mingi, Jongho and Hongjoong. I am going to leave you in suspense, my little bunnies.
There's no harm in a bit of intrigue, is there?
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