#bgc fanfiction
mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: The Works of Jeanne Hedge
Ho ho ho ho ho, it's time to bring out an easy recommendation, or rather a series of recommendations, one I'm honestly surprised I haven't done before.
I mean, come on. It's Jeanne Hedge, baby. She didn't write much longer stuff compared to Innpchan or Ben Hutchins, but she wrote really good, really focused stuff. Moreover, the record of the sheer number of 90's-era fic writers who reference her suggest that she was the Carrie Fisher of alt.fan.bgcrisis, a real script doctor for everyone. Whatta character. Pity she died from pneumonia in 2020 - I would have loved to invite her to the more modern corners of BGC fandom, like the subreddit and the discord. Learn from the old masters, yeah? Yeah.
Here's Hedge's old website. For the more convenience-minded among us, here's her FF.net page.
So: Hedge. Sysop of a CompuServe anime and manga forum from 1985 to 2005. Mod for the old Fanfiction Mailing List. Moderator for the fanfiction panel at Anime Central (ACEN) from 2001-2006. In other words, a superfan from a time when Crunchyroll was a ripping site, Funimation wasn't Sony's pawn, when anime was an eccentricity among eccentricities on the old 'World Wide Web'. Incredible, no?
Oh, yeah, and she was a pretty good writer, too! Her writing style isn't particularly fancy, and her topics are usually more light-hearted explorations of the series save for two instances. We'll go through the short stuff first, then the two biggies.
Dear Mom: Not even two thousand words, a gag where some gaijin girl is living in an office building across the way from the LADYS633 and is navigating dealing with the locals while hunting for an apartment. The punchline is that it takes place between OVA 8 and Crash, so of course she sees the Knight Wing launch from the building, and when she brings it up at the LADYS big reopening party, Sylia is all 'whatever are you talking about' and promptly makes sure this woman gets an apartment across the city. "You'd almost think they couldn't wait to get me away from here!" is what's said in the last bit, which is funny as hell. Written, apparently, on a dare.
We Just Want To Help You: Jeanne is transported to what appears to be the BGC Universe, but is, in fact, not. Her attempts to convince Sylia otherwise don't go well. Another one-note gag, but in my mind not as funny as the other one.
Spin Cycle: Linna's power goes out, she needs to do some laundry, goes to a laundromat with a laundry-dispensary Boomer, said Boomer goes rampant and starts terrorizing people, Linna must evade the Boomer and help other customers. Short, silly, charming, and does a nice job of outlining the wider world of Megatokyo, the normalcy of life in the world's mightiest megacity, where clothes still need to be cleaned.
10 Questions: This is a weird one, since it's one of Priss's great-grandchildren asking her about an interview with her she found in the attic. Ten easy questions about what happened to Priss in her public life - the Reps broke up, she started a new band, she started a record company that eventually got to sign Vision, she lost both her legs during the last great Boomer Rampage - hold on, wait, what the fuck?
Yeah, despite Hedge saying in an afterword that she wanted this to be the fic where Priss got to have nice things, she still loses her legs, Linna, and Sylia. The last quarter of the fic, in fact, is her just musing about all the different choices she could have made when Sylia pulled her over back during the fateful night played out in Asu E Touchdown... and I think it's implied Sylia, in the end, walked into GENOM Tower with a suitcase nuke. So... happiness? Even then, it's an elusive thing...
Okay, that's the small stuff. The warmup. Now for the big 'uns.
Into The Shadows: Probably Hedge's most famous work, 19K words detailing, from multiple perspectives, the origins of the Knight Sabers, from Dr. Raven talking Sylia into recruiting other members, to those other members being recruited, and so on. It was cowritten with Andy Skuse of Raven's Garage, which... is kind of a detriment to its quality? I've been rereading Skuse's own multichapter epic, Bubblegum Cross, and it's Not Very Good. I'll probably review it soon.
Anyway, it's part mess of flashbacks, part training montage, part this, that, and the other. Each chapter is fairly short - shorter than I would have written, in all honesty - but there's a good bit where Nene is cool with her EW, where even Linna is scared for a short bit, where Priss is as violent and unhinged as you'd expect her to be. The characterization is really on point here, I think, at least for a certain rendering of the Sabers in their early days. I quite like this one.
True Love: Priss can't catch a break, can she? In canon or in fanon. I mean, holy shit, this fuckin' piece. It's good, but... damn.
It's mostly, Priss's story, a bridge between Crisis and Crash in the darkest sense. See, she's trying to finally get the Reps signed, right? Reasonable, even if the sleazy-producer cliche is coming into play even before Priss's stint at idoldom in Crash. It's not going well. She gets forced into a bad contract by 'Oomori-san' (geddit?) someone's stalking her - and then said stalker shoots her in the throat. Her voice is gone (explaining the change in voice to Ryoko Tachikawa in Crash), she's in protective custody, and... ugh. Look, I don't want to go any further, because probably the best way to describe this fic is a) disturbing (stalkers are creepy people!) and b) depressing (Everyone's mental state gets seriously altered by what's going on here). The other part of the bridge from Crash is that Nene kills said stalker, just picks him up in her Motoslave and drops him into the canyons, and that's kind of the lead-in to her being much more aggressive in Crash as well.
I don't want to spoil more, because this is a 'darkfic' in the best way, a deeply, perfectly uncomfortable way. It's the way that best shows what Hedge was capable of as a writer, and why her death was a tragedy in the truest sense. Read any or all of these, because they're all excellent.
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pursuitseternal · 9 months
Hi first of all, I wanted to tell you how much I love your fanfictions I'm always happy to see something new (ascended astarion and astarion spawn stories are my favourites but the others are captivating too). I was wondering if you could write a story where the original Tav dies and is reborn a few hundred years later and Astarion finds her again. Maybe in a more modern setting where the prudery thing isn't quite so… strong
I apologise for my bad English it's not my native language I hope you can understand it anyway
“Mistrial:” a Modern Faerûn AU
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Astarion x Tav |E| 2.5K modern au
Ao3 link
Summary: Hundreds of years without her, Astarion still sits on the bench, Justice Ancunìn hear case after case. Until one day, that young prosecutor gets under his skin, until she confronts him after their trial, until ancient memories stir and things awaken.
A/N: Thank you to @myfavouritelunatic and @brabblesblog for their enabling and encouragement.
“Justice Ancunìn, I have to object,” the little firecracker of a prosecutor ground her high heel into the tile of the courtroom.
Astarion shook his head, tired of her tone already on day one. “You don’t have to, counselor,” he rubbed two fingers against his silver-haired temple, “but given that this is already your twenty-second one today, I can’t say I’m surprised.” She looked at him with sharp eyes and folded arms. The little shit. He did not care for her already.
If this had been in the good old days when Faerûn was at its prime and most debauched, he could have her flogged for her tone and sent to cool in the stocks. And that would have been before he had been turned into vampiric spawn, before he had become hero of Baldur’s Gate with the love of his life at his side. Helping him learn how to hide his immortality and vampirism from the public, learning how to still serve as Magistrate despite his… condition.
That was until time moved on, and his immortality won over the lingering bonds of love. He missed Tav, her brilliance and ferocity, her pointed ears and sweet blood, her passion in life and in the bed.
Like the blink of an eye, he moved on. City to city, career to career as hundreds of years continued their slow grind of time. Until now, now, he stared down from his bench in BGC, new finagled magic in this modern age like cars and electricity and internet. But law was law, and a judge was a judge
It was as if he never left, aside from the new spitfire attorney, just arrived from New Waterdeep, with a ferocity he would have once admired.
He just now found it tiresome. Irritating. He realized after a moment, she had the decency to wait on his final word on her request for objection. He shifted in his seat, narrowing his eyes at her. “Overruled, Counselor Ylfe.” He banged his gavel twice. “In fact, court adjourned until tomorrow,” he stood grumbling to himself. “At least I’ll be spared a twenty-third objection in so many hours…”
His pointed ears picked up on a high pitched scoff. “We shall see,” that lawyer snipped to herself. But that tone, that defiance and jabbing quality… something piqued his interest.
Stirred his ancient memory.
He finally groaned as he rested in his chambers, only moments after shutting the doors and sliding off those scratchy robes. Gods, he missed silks and wigs and velvets. Not this cheap crap everyone wore. He went to his cabinet, taking out a discrete green bottle and pouring himself a mug of its swirling ruby contents. He popped it in his microwave, one improvement on the campfire he would not begrudge using.
Not when it made his stash of blood warm for once.
But even as it hummed, his mind kept rolling over his day. Especially that stubborn, annoying, irritating prosecutor with her defiant eyes and jutting out chin and crossed arms and swaying, perfect hips, and……
“Justice Ancunìn, I figured you would finally have a moment for us to address how to best proceed civilly in your own chambers,” his head shot up, his gaze narrowed as he watched her stride on into his offices.
“What in the hells are you thinking, Counselor Ylfe?” he spat, fighting hard from baring his fangs at her. A habit eroded from nearly a millennia of practice almost overturned just at the sight of her. “You know any discourse outside of the courtroom can result in a mistrial?”
“This isn’t about the trial, this is about your abject disdain for me, personally, it would seem.” She did it again, crossing her arms and swaying her hips in that tight little black pantsuit of her hers.
Astarion let his eye wander. There was something about her… not many females cut so fine a figure in trousers, or slacks or whatever the fuck they were now.
Not since… her. The other her in his life. His true love. That was the last time he even gave a woman a second glance.
Her hair hung over her shoulder, but now, up close, he could see two pointed ears peeking through her crown of long and flowing hair. Elf. High elf.
He locked eyes with her, that piercing shade… his mind raced and wandered… flying through ancient history for some, the warmest of memories for him. Emerald Grove, Shadow Cursed Lands, the real Baldur’s Gate…
“Didn’t you hear me, Your Honor?” she snapped at him.
Astarion shook his mess of silver locks, smiling in a way that no longer hid his fangs. “I’m afraid I was… lost in the sea of my long and winding memories… darling….”
That made her freeze solid. Her smooth face drew into an inscrutable expression, her cherry red lips parted… “What did you call me…?”
Only then did he realize the slip of his own tongue, how that pet name he vowed never to use flowed right off of it. “D-darling.” He repeated, as shocked as she was at the impropriety. “I’m sorry, Ms. Ylfe.”
“Don’t be,” she instantly replied with a shake of her head. Then she smiled, even as her brows furrowed. She looked at him, at his pale face and silver hair and… dark brown eyes…. “Have you always worn contacts, Mr. Ancunìn?”
“How…” but before he could interrogate that true suspicion, his microwave dinged.
“You better get your drink, Your Honor…” That lilt in her voice was new, he noted.
“I’ll wait,” he shrugged. “I can always reheat it later. First I’ll have to apologize for my… behavior today.”
“I should hope so,” she grinned, walking around and sitting on the edge of his desk. “Treating a lady with such disdain… only to about face and call her darling the next moment… seems something only a true, black-hearted rogue would do…”
“What?” he went rigid. Bending forward, that old instinct to fight or fly racing through his nerves after centuries.
“I’ve never been a fan of contacts,” she smiled so easily as she leaned back against the top of his desk, fingers splayed on his files and papers. “Better if you just showed the world your natural eyes, Mr. Ancunìn….”
His nostrils flared, his breath racing and head swimming. But this time there was no fucking tadpole, he knew that.
“What’s your name…” he hissed, narrowed eyes leveling at her.
“I can tell you, unless you’re bent on letting your stash of blood from getting cold…. Astarion.”
His hand flew to her neck, bringing her up into his face, fangs bared, hackles raised, every long suppressed vampiric sense firing on all cylinders now as he smelled her. “Name,” he commanded.
“Taveria Ylfe,” she swallowed under his hold. “But those close to me have always called me Tav….”
“Tav,” her name was a gasp in his throat.
“And I know you,” she said, breathy and quick. “I didn’t know how… but there was something about you that made me… unsettled.”
“Twenty-two objections later and you call yourself… unsettled?” he smirked, lightening his hold, but stroking his fingers on her skin.
Her skin.
“Well, darling,” she purred, "lifetimes of perfect memory for our kind, and I should have recognized my lover with the crimson eyes and pointed fangs.”
Astarion shook his head, swallowing the rising ball of emotion that caught in his throat. “I’d cry, but it’ll make my contacts hurt,” he gave a wet laugh. His thumb traced on the side of her neck, two circle marks in her flesh, like moles or scars…
“You found them, the brands I’ve have on my flesh ever since you, Astarion,” she added, eyes batting shut under his touch. “I’ve looked for you in every lifetime, my true love with roguish swagger, red eyes, pointed fangs, and massive…”
She paused, pursing her lips.
“Ego?” he offered as an answer, but she shook her head.
“Cock,” she grinned as she bit her lip.
“I was hoping you’d say that… darling…” He hissed as her hand grasped at the gusset between his legs. “Looking for your evidence?” he growled, a roll of his hips into the pressure of her touch. So ancient and familiar. “You’ll get it, darling, if you want it…”
“I do, Astarion,” she sighed, fingers stroking back and forth on the cotton of his pants, feeling that rising erection instantly straining back.
A monsterous growl in his throat, a burning hunger in his belly, he grasped at the back of her neck, pulling her against his lips.
The age-old dance, the same taste. Closing his eyes, his body transported a millennia ago… as if he could smell blood and woodsmoke and magic in the air mixed with her scent. Had he suppressed so much of his senses he couldn’t recognize her scent? Had he ignored the same beat of her heart in her chest, same musical rush of blood in her veins?
He shook his head to let all that go, realizing her hands already tore through her own blazer and button down, clothing now cast to the floor. Already, she had shimmied off the desk, pressing harder into his kiss. He waited for no further invitation, hands instantly sliding her slacks from her perfect curves, his own clothing suddenly feeling too tight and too abrasive.
Astarion only wanted her skin on him now. After so long. He couldn’t move fast enough, his reflexes had dulled from neglect, his dexterity a fraction of what it once was with her. But it, too, slowly crept back, his hands making quick work of his own clothes.
Suddenly, those fingers remembered the smoothness of her skin, rekindled their dexterity. His hand clawed into her hair, the other stroked down her belly, backing her perfect body to perch on the edge of his desk. The gasp he drew from her lips as he sank two fingers into her folds woke something feral in him, something ancient. Vampiric.
“Tav,” he hissed, nuzzing against the music of her artery, rubbing along the stream of her blood in her neck. “May I, please…”
“Mmm, I want to see your real eyes before you take anything of mine, Astarion,” she purred, arching against him. One hand splayed on the desk behind her, she smirked and watched. Never had anyone removed contacts so quickly, so dexterously.
As he blinked, her heart poured open. That scarlet glare, that tilted head, those mussy silver curls. “I can’t believe it’s you…” she sighed.
His eyes went wide, shining in his unshed tears and well of emotion. “I’m so tired of words, Tav,” he replied, voice cracking with that exhaustion and unbridled desire now. “Just give me all of you, to lose myself in, to lose these long and draining years in, years without you.”
Not another word as said, nothing but the groans of their joining once more, the shudder of their bodies as they fucked, the creaking of the wood beneath her as he slammed his hips against it. Cock buried deep in her cunt, fangs digging into her neck.
Both parts of her were hot and leaking. Blood spilled from his mouth once more—warm and fresh and sweetened with her taste. Arousal leaked into the wood beneath them, her musk and sweat the only perfume he longed to smell.
He swirled his tongue over his bite marks, fresh bleeding wounds that swallowed those scars she was born with. A lasting brand on her skin as she had forever been on his heart, his soul.
He couldn’t bring her close enough to him, fingers clawed into her ass to keep her from sliding away with his frantic thrusts. And she had already wrapped herself around his waist, already scratched up the places of his back that weren’t riddled with scars still. Clutching him tightly to never lose him again.
Their lips were sealed together, locked as they sucked and moved and danced in their ancient kiss, the taste of her blood sending them both reeling into oblivion. She keened as her walls spasmed around his cock, that familiar ripple and beat of her climax pressing against his every wild and erratic thrust.
His forehead resting against her shoulder, the scent of her blood there was the last little push he needed, losing himself in the trembling warmth and comfort and pull of her body. His cock pulsed hard inside her, thrumming against her muscles as he came harder than anything for a thousand years. Forcing his head back up, he locked eyes with her, face twisting and arms shaking as he came. Lips pulled back to show those glistening and reddened fangs.
Her hand braced hard at the back of his neck, keeping her with him as his hips thrust, slowing as he emptied into her. At last he stilled, a foolish, young smile on his gaping lips, lips he licked clean.
He would tell her sometime, how she had made his undead heart remember how to beat and love again twice now. How she brought him back to life over and over again. But with that haze in her eyes, the way she clenched still around his cock, he knew this wouldn’t be the end of their reunion.
Thank the gods.
Lips curling as she met her mouth in a kiss, she drew him in again for more. “I have a hotel…” she whispered.
“And I have a penthouse, darling,” came his instant reply between her ravenous caresses.
“Hmm,” she laughed deep in her throat, their kiss still working slowly, unable to break apart once more. “As long as you keep it cleaner than your tent once was, I accept. Someplace for us until the morning when we return to court…”
His fingers, coated in the scent of her arousal, stayed her mouth. “Tch, surely even a young thing like you knows this will end in mistrial now,” he smirked. “Not even I can think of a clause that allows for lost soul mates to continue in court after such…” he glanced at the mess between their legs, “…debauchery.”
“Oh well,” she feigned disappointment, sliding off to retrieve her clothes. “Worth it…”
Suddenly his arms gripped her, pulling her by the swell of her ass, flush against his naked body one more time. “It’ll be days before either of us must return to court… long, exhausting, pleasure-filled days, darling.”
Tav dove up for his kiss, standing in her tiptoes to meet that smirk that haunted her for centuries. “You better hurry me away to your place, Astarion, or someone will find us here making up for lost time.”
Reluctantly and with a deafening sigh, he relented, busying himself to dress again.
“Oh,” she commented, that taunting tone in her voice, “and don’t think I missed how you never answered it your place was still a mess of chaos again.”
He turned, shaking his head as he refastened his belt. “Well, even if you are disappointed in that regard, I can assure you…” he gave her that look, those half-lidded eyes, that sharpened fanged smirk, “you won’t be left wanting in other regards.”
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sohemotional · 2 years
Breaking Girl Code
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Summary: Girl Code Rule #1: Don’t fall for your best friend’s sibling. Too bad Brittany has already broken it.
Rachel and Santana are sisters but they couldn’t be more opposite in personality. Much to the preppy good girl’s confusion, Rachel’s cheerleader best friend Brittany has a huge crush on the brunette’s badass older sister and will stop at nothing to get her attention.
Pairing: Santana Lopez/Brittany Pierce
Genre: Alternative Universe, Romantic Comedy
Rating: M
Read on AO3
Part I
Rachel, Brittany and Finn were a trio of the most unlikely best friends. At least that was how it seemed to the rest of the McKinley High student population.
Rachel was a complete nerd who always scored at the top of all of her classes but was an outcast when it came to her social life while Brittany was a popular, charming dumb blonde cheerleader with her head perpetually stuck in the clouds who was rumoured to be the sluttiest girl in the school. Meanwhile, Finn was the star quarterback but an innocent boy who had never had a girlfriend before and seemed more interested in food than anything else, despite the many cheerleaders who were throwing themselves at him.
No one understood what the three saw in each other but they had been fast friends ever since the start of senior year when Brittany heard a recording of Rachel’s song “My Headband” on YouTube and begged the bewildered brunette to teach her how to sing it then had introduced her close childhood friend Finn to the short girl. The rest was history.
Finn and Brittany were like two very pale, Viking giants compared to the tiny, olive-skinned brunette girl who was walking between them as the three high school seniors made their way out of class when school ended that day.
“Can we go over to your house again, Rachel?” Brittany pleaded with her as she skipped along happily beside the short girl, wearing a tight skirt that was several inches too short according to the school’s dress code. “I really need help with the chemistry homework again because last time Mrs. Hagberg didn’t believe me when I said I was up all night because Lord Tubbington was fighting a rival cat gang.”
“Sure, fine but I know the real reason why you want to come over.” Rachel pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, while slow-witted Finn strolled along beside them with his typical clueless expression as if he didn’t quite register what was happening - but that was normal for Finn. The gigantic boy just blinked slowly at Rachel but didn’t argue when she grabbed the sleeve of his flannel shirt and pulled him along with them.  
“Whatever. Your sister’s really hot so you can’t blame me.” Brittany just shrugged, unfazed by Rachel’s disapproval.
It had all started a few weeks ago when Rachel invited Brittany and Finn over to her house to hang out after school as she had been doing for a while.
The Schuester house was more like a small mansion and the blonde teen girl was in awe as always as Finn pulled into the driveway. She knew the tiny brunette was rich but she hadn’t expected all this. Rachel had explained to Finn and Brittany that when she had been adopted by Will and Emma Schuester as a thirteen year-old, she chose to keep her original first and last name, which was why she had a different surname to her parents.
Rachel was excited to have friends, as she confessed to the two athletic teens that people had never really wanted to get close to her before so they were the first people who had ever accepted her invitation to go over to her house.
The small girl led her two best and only friends over to the kitchen table, pulling out an array of Finn’s favourites: pizza pockets, chips, string cheese and other snacks to share with the two. Finn was instantly delighted at the sight of food and began to chow down without a second thought as Rachel sighed at him stuffing his face.
Brittany was more interested in something else or rather someone else who had suddenly appeared.
“Fuck, Rachel, you seriously couldn’t warn me before you brought your dumb little friends over? I just got back from the gym!”
That was when Brittany first saw her. Her sexy angel - well, maybe demon would be more accurate.
The door to the garage slammed open and a gorgeous, raven-haired Latina swaggered in, wearing nothing but tiny black boyshorts that left barely anything to the imagination and a black sports bra with a towel thrown carelessly over her shoulders. She strutted arrogantly through the kitchen, cursing under her breath.
Her brown skin was shiny with sweat and her body was impressive. Brittany’s eyes were glued on her muscular ass, sculpted abs and the toned arms that were on full display. Her arms looked like they were strong and lightly muscular.
She had full, pouty lips, chiselled high cheekbones and the darkest, most haunting eyes the blonde had ever seen, that flashed dangerously as she turned toward Rachel and the other two, her plump, sexy lips twisting into a scowl.
Brittany’s lips parted and she couldn’t take her eyes away from the stranger. Her heart raced like it never had for anyone before.
The woman swept her long, straight, glossy black hair out of her face and crossed her leanly muscular arms over her chest as she glared in Rachel’s direction.
Though she was small, maybe even a few inches shorter than Brittany herself, her body was perfectly toned and she had a powerful, commanding presence.
“Sorry, Santana,” Rachel mumbled but just rolled her eyes, bristling at Santana’s tone. “Just leave us alone. We’re doing homework. And for goodness sake, put on some clothes!”
Even her name is pretty and sexy… Brittany thought. Finn hadn’t even looked up once, finishing his fifth pizza pocket and downing a glass of milk with his potato chips in the space of a few seconds.
“Hmph. Whatever.” Santana responded, tossing back her silky hair again flippantly.
“Hi…” Brittany husked in her most seductive, breathy tone possible with a little wave, and instinctively leaned forward to display as much cleavage as she could as she stared at Santana brazenly, with the flirty, fox eyes look she had perfected.
She dropped the pen she was holding, pretending it was accidental, bent over slowly to pick it up and then snapped back up quickly, just like Elle Woods had taught her. Legally Blonde was the one film she had memorized by heart and it came in handy at times like these.
It was the same technique Brittany had used to entice the entire football team into getting it on with her and it had always worked like a charm, so she figured it was worth a shot with Santana as well.
The blonde hadn’t been able to resist flirting with the stunning woman, who was probably somewhere in her early twenties if she had to guess her age. She had always had a thing for older men and women.
Judging by the reaction Santana had, Brittany could consider her technique to be a resounding success. Santana finally noticed the blonde and did a double take, seemingly speechless and bewildered. Brittany giggled as the black-haired girl momentarily forgot her tough girl act and walked straight into the nearest wall after seeing the tall blonde then nearly fell over on her own wobbly feet.
Once she had managed to right herself, she became flustered, embarrassed by her own dorky response, then she turned around fast and took off at full speed, slamming another door upstairs rudely.
“What a scoundrel, she is. Sorry guys, that was just my jerk big sister. She’s the worst!” Rachel told them apologetically once Santana had left.
Oh… Brittany thought, Rachel never mentioned having a sister before.
The short brunette noticed that Brittany still had a dreamy expression on her face and she thought that was weird.
“Brittany! Are you even listening?”
“Your sister’s really sexy. I’m going to marry her.” That was all Brittany got out in response, in a dazed voice.
Rachel made a sound of disgust and turned to Brittany with a grimace, as if she couldn’t think of anything more appalling.
“Ew you like Santana ? Why?”
“And you don’t think it’s the least bit inappropriate for you to have fantasies about a college student?”
Rachel frowned at the blonde as she flipped through her math textbook while Brittany lay on her back lazily on the brunette’s bed, staring up at the ceiling in a lovesick daze. Rachel’s parents, Will and Emma, were away on a business trip as they usually were, so the massive house was empty and Brittany had the feeling that Rachel was glad for the company. Rachel kept her voice low just in case anyone other than Finn, who was perched on the edge of the bed silently heard them.
“Far less one who happens to be my older sister who’s a complete beast ?! Goodness, this is so weird!”
“I like beasts. She’s just really hot and I want her.” Brittany said simply, undeterred. She didn’t understand why Rachel was being so dramatic about this. There was nothing more to it.
“No offence, Brittany, but I swear, you only ever think with your…” Rachel coughed and blushed when she remembered that an actual boy was right next to them and Rachel never liked saying inappropriate things. “Lady parts.”
Brittany just giggled, not paying much attention to Rachel and her dramatics. She went back to musing about Santana’s long, dark lashes, gorgeous, flawless caramel skin and those perfectly chiseled abs.
She’d make Santana Lopez hers, no matter what it took, even if the woman herself didn’t know that yet.
“Do you have any more of those pizza pockets?” Finn suddenly spoke up, cutting through the awkward silence. “I’m kinda hungry.”
Rachel sighed and threw down her pen violently in frustration. “Again, Finn? You just ate a full meal! Does anyone here even care about getting this assignment done except me?”
“Probably not,” Brittany replied honestly, twirling a ringlet of her hair that she had curled before coming over to Rachel’s house just to make sure she looked really cute in case Santana was there to see her around her pen. “Can I pay you to do mine?”
“Of course not! For goodness sake, Brittany Susan Pierce!” Rachel sighed in exasperation, throwing up her hands. “What would your mother think?”
“Um Rachel, I’m just gonna go get some snacks from your kitchen if that’s okay…” Finn looked up at the brunette girl sheepishly, holding his stomach as it growled loudly with a guilty look on his face.  
“I like snacks. Especially Dots,” Brittany remarked absently. “Do you have Dots?”
“Okay, fine, we’ll take a break since apparently none of us can concentrate, c’mon you two.” Rachel relented, sighing as she gestured to them to follow her like she would two fluffy, very large dogs. Brittany and Finn just smiled goofily at each other as they followed her, both excited at the prospect of food, though more so Finn.
Brittany’s eyes suddenly lit up when she thought about the chance of potentially seeing that sexy woman who lived with Rachel again. “Hey, is your sister home?”
“I don’t know,” Rachel frowned, annoyed at the mention of Santana again. “She’s probably skipping class and partying as usual. ”
“Oh…” Brittany sighed, disappointed.
She was dying to hear the unmistakable hazy, deep voice of Santana again. Rachel rolled her eyes skyward, knowing exactly what Brittany was thinking about.
“Hey Rachel, are these chicken sandwiches still good?” Finn asked, though he was already chewing on a mouthful of bread. “Mm, they’re delicious.”
Rachel didn’t hear him, too busy glaring in the direction of Santana who had just arrived minutes later and was wearing much more clothes than she was last time - how unfortunate Brittany thought - this time in a black leather jacket, high-heeled boots and super tight, black jeans. Still, the clothes were really flattering on her. Brittany’s insides felt like they’d turned to jelly, her cheeks growing hot and she was suddenly a little lightheaded.
“Nice of you to waltz in before four a.m. in the morning for once, Big Sister .” Rachel pursed her lips, crossing her arms.
Santana just narrowed her dark eyes and ignored the younger girl, sticking up her middle finger at her.
Rachel shrieked in annoyance, throwing the nearest item she could find at her sister, which happened to be her heavy chemistry textbook.
Her aim was terrible and the book missed her sister by at least four feet, bouncing off of the kitchen wall instead which made Santana laugh mockingly.
Santana made no attempt to acknowledge the presence of Rachel’s company, as if they were beneath her as she went to the fridge and spent a long time searching for something. Rachel muttered something that sounded very much like, “Big Shot, thinks she’s the queen of the universe…” under her breath.
Then the raven-haired woman whipped around fast, facing the three of them with a confused expression that quickly turned to fury. Her aggressive mannerisms reminded Brittany a lot of the moody, feral black cat she had recently adopted.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing, Porky?!” She demanded, rounding on a fearful Finn who swallowed nervously, backing away from her slowly. “Are you eating my food?! What the fuck!?”
“He didn’t know! Don’t yell at him!” Rachel jumped up and stood in front of the tall boy defensively, wagging a finger at Santana.  
“Why not? Your dumb loser friend ate all my food!” Santana groaned, throwing up her hands dramatically then she lowered her voice threateningly as she rounded on Rachel. “I’m going to kill you for this, Pipsqueak!”
“Stop being so dramatic!” Rachel shouted back at full volume, her voice becoming shrill. “And don’t call him a loser!”
“Dramatic? Look who’s talking. Oh I’m sorry did I insult your boyfriend , Rachie?” Santana taunted with a smirk, using the nickname she always used to annoy Rachel since they were little.
Rachel just blushed and glowered at her. Finn had a petrified expression around the two sisters, collapsing into himself and looking like he was desperate to get away from the tense situation while Brittany just rolled her eyes, studying her painted pink nails in her boredom.
Out of nervousness, Finn who had finished both sandwiches began grabbing handfuls of popcorn and shovelling them into his mouth rapidly. Santana gave the massive high schooler a withering look, shaking her head in disgust. “Jesus Christ, do you ever stop eating, Manboobs?”
“That’s it! If you don’t stop picking on my friends, I’m telling Mom and Dad!” Rachel shouted, completely losing her temper with Santana.  
“Tell Will and Emma what? How you’re being a little brat again picking fights with me?” Santana countered, dusting off her shoulder and unfazed by Rachel’s shrieking. “They can’t do anything to me.”
“We’ll just see about that!”
As amusing as this was, Brittany had grown tired listening to them arguing, especially when Santana was wearing way too many clothes, so she decided it was time for her to cut in. What Brittany really wanted to do was score some alone time with the resident sulky bad girl in the Schuester family but she wasn’t sure how she was going to make that happen.
“Hi, I’m Brittany. Brittany S. Pierce,” The blonde purred seductively as she casually slipped in between Rachel and Santana’s bodies, fluttering her eyelashes as she met the taller sister’s gaze and ignoring Rachel who squawked behind her, bewildered by Brittany’s actions. “We met last time.”
Santana immediately became silent and then totally flustered as she noticed Brittany. A look of something like apprehension came over her as she swallowed hard at the way the leggy blonde was looking at her.
She took a step back a foot everytime Brittany came closer, putting plenty of space between them even as her cheeks tinged red.
“Um, hi!” Santana said in a much softer, more hesitant and awkward tone than the harsh, arrogant voice she had while arguing with Rachel. She was evidently alarmed by the way Brittany was looking at her even though the blonde wasn’t actually doing anything other than watching her adoringly. “I um… have to go now!”
Santana took off again quickly just like last time, leaving Brittany pouting while Rachel just shook her head in annoyance.
“She’s so weird!” Rachel groaned, covering her face with her hands. “I just don’t understand her.”
Brittany really wanted to ask Rachel if Santana was dating anyone.
It turned out she didn’t have to as they got their answer the next day when Brittany came over to Rachel’s place after school again.
There was an elegant black Porsche parked outside on the driveway and Rachel groaned when she noticed it. Brittany realized it was probably Santana’s car.
Rachel and Brittany walked closer and gasped, getting an eyeful of something neither of them had expected.
Santana was in the backseat with a tall, curvy woman with long blonde hair sitting on the darker woman’s lap and draped over her. They were making out with Santana’s tan hands running over her back then the dark-haired girl reached down to squeeze the blonde’s ass.
They were barely dressed, Santana just wearing a black bra and unzipped jeans while the woman was completely topless as Santana hitched up her pink mini skirt.
Both of the younger girls reacted at the same time but in opposite ways.
Rachel reeled back, screaming in horror and covering her eyes. Brittany simply let out a soft “Oh” , feeling rather turned on and flushed in the face, covering her mouth with her hand as she watched the scene unfold with great interest, not taking her eyes off of it.
This was much better than even the best porn she had seen.
Once Rachel was done screaming, she kept her eyes hidden with one hand, marched purposely toward the vehicle and knocked on the window loudly. “Excuse me! What on Earth do you think you’re doing on this suburban driveway?!”
As soon as Santana saw them through the car window and heard Rachel’s scream, she pulled apart quickly from the woman and got out of the car, adjusting her clothes. Brittany just gaped at her because…wow. So hot.
“Rude. The fun police have arrived. What do you want, Little Sister?” Santana just sounded annoyed rather but not remotely ashamed.
The tall, buxom blonde college girl she was with quickly fled the scene, awkwardly passing by Brittany and Rachel on her way out of the car, her lipstick completely smudged, hair askew and ignoring the contemptuous look Rachel was sending her way.
Brittany wondered how the woman managed to run so fast in those super high heels. “You’re a total cockblock as usual.”
“Good heavens! Must you be so crude?” Rachel reprimanded Santana and Brittany winced at the shrillness. The tiny girl sounded like she was on the verge of one of her signature Rachel Berry freakouts. “You’re corrupting me and my friend with your indecency! The least you could do is keep your…lady friends to the privacy of your dungeon-like bedroom instead of… fornicating with some hussy in front of innocent school girls like us.”
Santana didn’t seem to be paying any attention to Rachel’s rant. Instead, she looked over at Brittany skeptically, arching an eyebrow at the word “innocent.” Brittany just smiled at her sweetly, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was checking Santana out again blatantly the whole time.
“Yeah whatever, Pipsqueak. Just go play with your dolls or something  - I don’t need a lecture.” She muttered, adjusting her jacket and watching Brittany suspiciously with narrowed eyes, as if she knew exactly what kind of inappropriate thoughts were going through the blonde's mind.
From then on, it kept happening whenever Brittany came over, with or without Finn or one of the other girls from their class who wanted to study with them.
Santana was always with some new fling of the week and they all mostly looked the same, tall, femme and blonde. It was never the same girl twice.
To say Rachel didn’t approve would be an understatement. She was beyond fed up with her rebellious older sister and hated that she had no control over her. In fact, the more Rachel made a scene, the more Santana seemed to look for ways to outdo herself in more scandalous ways.
“It’s so wrong. She’s always… cavorting with anything that moves and never settles down with anyone.” The short brunette complained one night after school, while Rachel’s parents Will and Emma were away on some business trip.
She was lying on her stomach on the bed and going over some math equations while Brittany sat at her desk, chewing on the back of her pen as her mind drifted to Santana’s abs again, as it always seemed to instead of paying attention to her homework. “Brittany! Are you even listening to me?”
“Yeah.” Brittany replied absently, twirling a strand of her long hair. “Santana’s really hot. I should be her girlfriend if those girls don’t want to be. I’d be way better for her. I know it.”
Rachel shrieked. “Oh my goodness, have you been listening to anything I’ve been saying? My sister is a total…barbarian! She’s twenty-one years old, she’s uncouth, she smokes, she drinks, she uses foul language and she treats her lady friends like disposable objects!”
“Yeah I know, Rachel. You’re making her more of a turn on the more you talk,” Brittany sighed, biting her lip and crossing her legs as she fanned herself. “You don’t have to convince me anymore because I already like her.”
The short brunette groaned, grimacing in disgust. “I- I’m not trying to…I can’t figure out what goes on in that interesting brain of yours, Brittany. This is highly inappropriate!”
Before the blonde could respond anymore, the girls heard what sounded like a woman’s scream and a series of high-pitched shrieks.
It was late at night and the tiny brunette girl began to panic, jumping up and grabbing the nearest object, which happened to be a giant statue of Barbra Streisand from her desk.
“Oh my, Brittany…” Rachel whispered to her fearfully. “What could that be?”
The girls shivered and huddled close together, leaning up against Rachel’s bedroom door as they heard the weird noises again. It sounded like someone was being murdered.
Actually, Brittany thought it sounded more like…
Rachel took a deep breath, gathering her nerves before pushing open her door and the two girls crept into the hallway hesitantly.
They heard the continued moaning and shrieking which sounded unmistakably female. Rachel frowned when it became obvious that it was coming from Santana’s room.
“This is unbelievable. She better not be watching horror movies again so late at night.” Rachel mumbled, so much fury on her small face that it looked almost comical.
Brittany narrowed her eyes at her short friend in disbelief but she felt her own cheeks flush. Heat crept up her chest and neck to the tips of her ears.
“ Rachel, she’s probably just having sex.” She deadpanned.
“What?! Gross!” Rachel screeched, seeing a trail of bras and panties leading towards Santana’s room. She covered her ears and kicked one of the lacy bras out of her path violently. “No, she can’t be! This is so wrong! I can’t listen to this!”
Brittany couldn’t help but continue to listen in, feeling hot all over as she could easily visualize what Santana was probably up to in her room.
It was abundantly clear that Brittany’s intuition that Santana would be amazing in bed was proven to be right.
“Ugh she is just lucky Mom and Dad aren’t home tonight! Mom is going to ground her forever when she finds out about this!” Rachel fumed, practically stomping her tiny feet in her futile anger.  
Brittany was in a complete daze when Rachel finally grabbed her arm, trying to pull her away from the scene after a long moment then pouting in exasperation when the blonde girl didn’t budge. “Brittany, no! Are you just going to stand there and listen in on them all night?!”
Eventually the door slammed open when the short girl continued to screech in impossibly loud tones that only Rachel had the lung capacity to be capable of and an irritated Santana poked her head out, growling. “Rachel Berry, what the fuck are you doing?!”
“I could ask you the same thing, Santana Lopez!” Rachel shrieked back in response, hiding behind Brittany as if the blonde could protect her from Santana’s wrath and indecency. “You seriously brought a woman over? To do… that with?!”
Brittany just turned her head to the side, trying to see if Santana was wearing anything. She could see her bare shoulders but the door was blocking everything else. Damn.
“Yeah and what of it? Scram already, in case you haven’t noticed I’m a little busy with something here,” Santana smirked, putting her hand on Rachel’s head and shoving her out of the way lightly. “It’s past your bedtime, Brat.”
Then Santana noticed Brittany’s presence once again and just gave her that same dumbfounded, wary look she always seemed to get around the teen as the blonde girl never took her eyes off of her, shaking her head in exasperation at her.
Santana cursed loudly when the sheet she was holding around her chest loosened and slipped momentarily. Brittany’s eyes tracked the movement, gasping a little as she saw more of Santana’s body than she had hoped for in her wildest dreams. Brittany wasn’t disappointed in what she saw and licked her lips.
Santana noticed where Brittany was looking and pulled the sheet up quickly to cover herself.
“You- you - both of you smartass little girls - just go!” Santana yelled, slamming her door shut and locking it behind her from the inside. “Don’t fucking bother me again!”
“Language!” Rachel shouted back at her, grabbing a dazed Brittany’s hand and pulling her back towards her bedroom with its bright gold walls and stars as she began ranting to her friend in panicked tones.
“How could she want to make love with someone if she’s not married to them or in love with them?” Rachel shook her head, as if the thought alone was astounding and too depressing to imagine. “I don’t even think she’s dating that girl.”
Brittany lay on the other side of Rachel’s bed, listening to her loud snoring. She hadn’t been able to sleep that night during their sleepover, tossing and turning almost the entire time as her hormones went crazy. She spent the next few weeks fantasizing about the hot older girl.
Two months passed by quickly, with the teenagers being caught up in studying for midterms. Since Brittany and Finn were actually attempting to study for once, they didn’t spend too much time hanging out with Rachel for a long while.
Brittany breathed a sigh of relief when exam time was finally over. Studying just gave her a headache.
“Rachel, can I come over to your house after school again?” Brittany walked up to the small girl who had been having another awkward conversation with Finn, the two of them gazing at each other shyly. “We can hang around by the pool.”
Rachel beamed at her two closest friends, clasping her hands together enthusiastically. “Sure you can! I have an idea, Let’s have a movie night at my place! It’ll be so much fun! We can do a Barbra marathon!”
Brittany frowned, thinking for a moment. “Hmm, well I was supposed to go to this keg party with Quinn and the girls on our squad at some jock’s house but I mean it would probably be boring anyway. This will be way better.”
Plus, your super hot sister might be home…
Though Brittany had hooked up with a few guys since that time, they were quite mediocre and the sounds she had heard that night and the burnished, dark skin of Santana’s sculpted body still replayed themselves in her mind quite frequently whenever she was in that kind of mood. She was already thinking of ways that she could finally seduce the woman of her dreams.
They spent the afternoon relaxing in Rachel’s swimming pool, Finn still wearing a shirt the entire time to hide his pale, massive chest and trying to disguise the fact that he was sneaking glances at Rachel in the new bikini Brittany had bought her while the blonde frolicked around, splashing water at both of them.
That night, the three of them huddled together on a mattress that was set out on the floor of the massive karaoke room in the basement of the Schuester home where Rachel’s mom and dad always held parties. Rachel even had a stage set up to perform impromptu concerts with her parents because they were all into singing so much.
Brittany was in a purple polka dot nightie while Rachel was wearing pink, long sleeved silk pajamas, so it felt just like a slumber party for the girls except for Finn being there in a Power Rangers t-shirt and sweatpants.
Surprisingly, Brittany and Finn had managed to make it through two Barbra Streisand movies without being too bored even though Brittany thought they were way too long. She started braiding Rachel’s hair whenever her mind drifted.
They had switched to Dirty Dancing, another of Rachel’s favourite movies that Brittany also liked surprisingly, considering their taste was so different, when all of a sudden Santana turned up out of nowhere, making a big scene to announce her presence as usual.
She swiped popcorn from Rachel’s bowl without asking and mumbled greetings to the other two for the first time, even though she never usually acknowledged their existence.
“Oh no, what are you doing here?” Rachel hissed in annoyance, pausing the movie as she turned to Santana in anger while Finn looked terrified by Santana's presence and moved behind Rachel, as if he thought Santana was going to really kill him in revenge for the chicken sandwich incident. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be back from your cheerleading thing until Monday!”
Santana shrugged casually and smirked. “The tournament got cancelled. What are you watching?”
Rachel cringed. “You’ll just make fun of me if I tell you. Dirty Dancing.”
“Ha!” Santana snorted derisively, laughing in Rachel’s face while the short girl glared at her, cheeks burning. “Lame!”
“You’re such a bully.”
"You're such a bully!" Santana mimicked her in a high-pitched, nasally voice.
Santana hesitated in the doorway, looking like she was unsure of what to do with herself now that she had taunted Rachel about her movie taste.
Brittany thought it was endearing how the girl seemed rather shy now that she was alone with them, her cocky smirk disappearing when Rachel wasn’t looking and she didn’t walk away even though she could have at any time.
“Did you wanna hang out with us, Santana?” Brittany asked kindly, thinking that maybe Santana was too shy to admit that she wanted to hang out and wanting her to feel welcomed. “You can watch movies with us if you want.”
Santana faltered, scowling but her confident attitude dropped for a moment as she looked stunned that Brittany would talk to directly and so boldly at that. “Why would I want to watch stupid movies with a bunch of high schoolers?”
Brittany just shrugged, grabbing some M&Ms from Finn’s bowl. “Cause it’s fun and you’ll love it.”
The black-haired woman’s lips parted in shock, taken aback but then she switched to that hardened, devil may care attitude she usually kept up all the time around everyone.
“No thanks, hard pass. I have better things to do with my Friday night than hang out with my complete dork of a little sister and her little weirdo friends.” Santana sneered coldly, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Good because we don’t need your bad attitude and ego around here!” Rachel retorted, getting up to point her finger accusingly at Santana.
“Calm down, Rachel…” Finn whispered to her pleadingly, pulling her back before she lunged at her sister and another long argument between the two started.
“As if I care what you think,” Santana scoffed at Rachel. “Your movies suck and let’s face it, I’m way too cool to be here.”
“Okay, if that’s how you feel.” Brittany replied in a noncommittal tone and shrugged. She didn't really care if Santana was going to act arrogant and her harsh words didn't affect her.
The fact that Brittany showed no emotion and refused to argue with her seemed to frustrate her even more. Santana just marched off without a word, huffing in anger and the three teenagers continued to watch the rest of the movie in virtual silence.
Brittany rolled her eyes as Rachel and Finn would accidentally touch hands whenever they reached for the popcorn and then apologize awkwardly everytime.
It was more than obvious that they were into each other but both were way too innocent to ever make a move. It was hopeless and Brittany knew she needed to give Rachel some lessons on how to flirt properly sometime, but at the moment the blonde was too distracted by her own love life.
Ten minutes later, Santana returned to the basement and sat on the couch without explanation just as Brittany expected she was going to.
The older sister was grumbling under her breath the whole time, which Brittany thought made her even cuter and she had to stifle a giggle.
Rachel just shot Santana an infuriated look for a moment, not even bothering to ask what she was doing and just shook her head at her sister’s antics.
Brittany spent more time watching Santana than paying attention to the movie. She saw the way Santana’s dark eyes lit up and she smiled genuinely with the cutest dimples Brittany had ever seen deepening on her cheeks, invested during the dance performances, even though she didn’t squeal and fangirl over the movie like Rachel did. The younger sister constantly shrieked and grabbed a startled Finn whenever anything exciting happened in the movie.
“What?” Santana eventually snapped at Brittany. “Why are you staring at me?”
Finn and Rachel just turned around to see what the commotion was about.
“It’s a good movie, right?” Brittany asked. “You look like you’re enjoying it.”
“It’s old and corny.” Santana stated dismissively, pretending to inspect her nails… though by the looks of it, they were cut super short and practically non-existent.
“You take that back!” Rachel protested with an outraged gasp.
“Just not my thing, I guess,” Santana drawled casually, leaning back and drinking beer. “No need to get all worked up about it, Rachie.”  
Rachel wriggled her nose and made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat. “You’re seriously drinking alcohol? You’re not supposed to do that in this house. There are minors here, Santana, in case you haven’t noticed! You’re so irresponsible!”
“So what? I’m older so I make the rules.” Santana muttered, sticking out her tongue at her childishly.
“Mom said you’re not supposed to drink anymore!”
“What Emma doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Jesus, you need to live a little, Rachel.” Santana chuckled. “Do you ever do anything fun at all?”
Brittany jumped up from the mattress as the argument continued, bouncing onto the couch casually and scooting over until she was sitting very close to the older sister who was watching her every move suspiciously.
Santana froze then when she finally composed herself and she began to shrink away a few inches whenever Brittany attempted to lean in closer. She leaned back so far that she practically fell off the side of the couch, completely flustered by Brittany’s actions.
At least she’s not running away from me anymore… that’s progress, Brittany thought proudly.
“What do you want?” Santana eventually demanded and Brittany giggled because she was trying to sound so scary but really wasn’t.
“Can I have some of that?” Brittany asked, pointing at the beer. “I want one.”
“Brittany!” Rachel yelled in outrage. “You can’t do that here!”
“No way…” Santana moved the beer out of Brittany’s reach. “You’re what, seventeen? I’m not gonna be responsible for corrupting Rachel’s little friends.”
“I’ve been eighteen for a few months.” Brittany argued.
“Like that’s any better,” Santana snorted, mockingly. “You’re not getting any.”
“Hmph.” Brittany pouted and rested her chin in her hands as she watched the TV glumly.
Moments later, Santana swaggered upstairs and looked up at Brittany in irritation when she followed her into the kitchen. She yelped and stepped behind the kitchen table, putting plenty of space between the two of them.
“So is this like a game where you hide and then I have to find you or the other way around?” Brittany asked in a flat tone.
“W-what?” Santana sputtered.
“I think you’re hiding something.” Brittany said with a smirk as Santana watched her nervously.
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” Santana muttered, rolling her eyes.
“You’re not really as bad as you try to act and I know you wouldn’t hurt me or Rachel even though you act so tough.”
“Hmph.” Santana grunted, turning away from her.
“You really just wanted to come home and hang out with us, right?” Brittany quipped, glancing at Santana knowingly. “The cheerleading thing was just a lie to Rachel. We can be your friends if you want.”
“What? That’s…ridiculous. As if.” Santana grunted. She turned around and went up to her room, ignoring Rachel and her friends for the rest of the night because she had “better things to do,” even though Brittany knew she was miserable but her pride wouldn’t let her admit that.
To Be Continued
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aro-ortega · 4 years
RvB Ladies Week May 18-22 2020
monday may 18 
fluff / bgc ladies (sheila/filss, kaikaina, tex)
tuesday may 19
angst / freelancer ladies (carolina, south, ct, 479er)
wednesday may 20
trans rights / chorus ladies (kimball, grey, jensen)
thursday may 21
alternate universe / shisno paradox ladies (dylan, huggins, kalirama, chrovos)
friday may 22
femslash friday / minor characters (ohio, volleyball, girlie, etc.)
This week is meant to focus on & celebrate the female characters in Red vs Blue ! You can follow with the prompts or do your own thing, m/f pairings are allowed just please keep in mind that the focus is meant to be on the ladies !
Fanart, fanfiction, headcanons... whatever you want to create for this event is okay ! And please @ agentwashlngton / rvbweek or send it to either blog so I can reblog it !
If you want to get involved with events, have suggestions for future ones or prompts, or have any questions absolutely feel free to message me !
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kaedeichinose · 4 years
Sorry if this is weird but I have to ask, how long have you been a fan or consumed RT content? I just ask because I’ve been following you for some time but never heard your “story” with them
its been about 11 years give or take. i first got into them through my brother who got bought the BGC boxset and this was around the time of season 8 so i kept seeing ads for it online and decided to try it too, watching it on and off bc sometimes i just go “thats enough for today” and then dont continue for months. you know how it is. it wasnt until s9 that i was FULLY hooked. its not much of a story it just exceedingly embarrassing
this was like. my last year of middle school i think and i was heading into high school and losing contact with a lot of my preexisting irl and online friends so i decided to try the hip trendy social media website tumblr. the rvb/rt fanbase on here was small at the time (and i totally bought into the concept of a family like fanbase) and filled with the reckless abandon only a 15 year old with a hyperfixation could muster i drove right the fuck in. i consumed rvb with a fanatical frenzy and that quickly extended to all their branches. i watched every podcast, show, experimental thing, i watched all their old stuff no matter how cringey, i tracked all their con panels, i would hide my jank ass ipod touch in my pencil case so i could watch live stuff during class bc i didnt own a phone, i started watching every single AH video, binged directors commentaries for fun, followed like literally All their voice actors through their entire fucking careers even if they didnt work for rt or what they were doing wasnt rt related and god. the fanfiction. the first and technically last piece of media i ever wrote fanfiction for was rvb and that a humiliating sentence to even type. god i was the fucking worst. i didnt have any friends in highschool i spent every lunch hour hiding in the library or some far off corner can you tell? can you fucking tell? 
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ocerydia · 5 years
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Halloweek 2018 edition- Xav's chibies [Commission] by OceRydia
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Hello! Last year during Halloween Ziegelzeig and I did a short event called Halloweek. The goal was to create some demonic or hunter characters. At the end of the event, a story about these characters miraculously appeared on Ziegelzeig 's fanfiction website. Read the storyline here : >> Halloweek - The Storyline <<
This story has pleased our discord community (the BGC), and even today we receive from time to time some commissions about it. This one came from Xavior ~ He asked me to draw some chibies : his zoona (the wolf hunter) with his OC Dalféus (the second wolf hunter) being chased by Zieg's OC, Sully. This artwork is an old one, it was published on Patreon the April 17th 2019!
Unfortunately, his characters don't appear in the story that is already over, so we can't really consider them as official characters from the Halloweek universe. That being said, maybe we'll include this picture to the artbook we are doing ;)
Actually, if you are interested by having a character in a Halloweek theme on an Artbook, I'm open until October 30th on Patreon for Halloweek / WildeHopps Halloween commissions! There is even some discounts... click here to know more about it : www.patreon.com/posts/hallowee…
That’s all for today!
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obsidianarchives · 6 years
Black Wizard History Month 2019 Round Table
Every February at Black Girls Create we celebrate Black Wizard History Month, a celebration of the Black characters of Harry Potter, Black Potterheads in fandom, and magical Black folks everywhere. This year our month-long turn up included live tweets, a live show of our #WizardTeam podcast, and fanfiction hosted through our Hogwarts BSU project.
Fanfiction is a large part of fandom, and in many cases can be a place for marginalized fans to see and write themselves into the stories they love. Hogwarts BSU is a project specifically for Black writers and artists to write stories centered around Black characters, history, and magic in the wizarding world. As a way to wrap up a jam-packed month, we decided to host a round table with a few of the writers of the pieces that came out during this year’s Black Wizard History Month.
How did you get into Harry Potter?
Bianca Ramos: When I was in 7th grade, my younger cousin was assigned books 1-3 in school. It was during the conservative Christian outrage and my family asked me to pre-read them for him since I was a "reader." I knocked them out quickly and was hooked.
Delia Gallegos: Growing up, the books always peaked my interest in the library, even though I was only 5 or 6 years old. Our household was pretty religious, so my mom was wary about letting me read them. One summer, my cousin lent me Sorcerer’s Stone while we were at my grandma’s. I only got a chapter in but I knew I HAD to read it. After a lot of begging on my part, my mom relented and agreed to let me read it under the condition that she could read the first one out loud to me. The rest was history!
Constance Gibbs: I started reading Harry Potter when I was in sixth grade and someone was reading Chamber of Secrets. I can’t remember if I read that one first or if I went to Sorcerer’s Stone, but I read all three that were out at the time and had my grandma take me to pre-order Goblet of Fire, which was about to come out. I’ve been hooked ever since.
Porshèa Patterson: In 6th grade, my then-bestie told me about the series but had already lent the first book out. That summer I picked up the books from the library after learning I'd never see this bestie again due to me changing schools. Thus, Harry Potter became my new best friend.
Have you read fanfiction before? What draws you to it? Or what kept you away from it?
Bianca: I didn't read fanfiction before getting into everything going on here at Black Girls Create. I don't know why. I guess I just never found myself on that side of the internet. Now I think I’m more open to it.
Delia: I’m a long-time fanfiction reader. I first started after the 5th book came out. At the time, it was just a matter of Harry Potter sparking my imagination and there being no material to satisfy it. So, I turned to the internet. Now, engaging with Harry Potter and the fandom in a creative way is almost second nature to me.
Connie: I didn’t start reading Harry Potter fanfiction until sometime after the series was over because I didn’t want to spoil the series as it was coming out. I think I tried in 2007, when the series first ended, but it didn’t stick. But a few years later, I read a few post-series stories. Usually shippery ones involving Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione, but I went through a big Lily/James Marauders Era phase and I occasionally read Remus/Tonks. For the romantic stories, as we discuss on #WizardTeam often, there wasn’t a lot in the text, so it’s nice to see others’ varying but often similar interpretations on how the canon relationships could have gone with more effort put into developing them. Plus I’m a fuzzy Hufflepuff.
Porshèa: I'd started reading fanfic during the lapse between books 4 and 5, began integrating them into canon thanks to some very vivid dreams, then promptly stopped reading because there were too many books to go for me to have those problems.
What made you want to start writing fanfiction?
Bianca: I was inspired by revisiting Harry Potter through #Wizard Team, by the short stories on the site, and the complete gas up I received when I shared my ideas in the Slack. The team is a wonderful place to bounce around ideas and everyone is really supportive.
Delia: I was really young (probably too young, admittedly) when I started reading fanfiction. I started writing it on a whim. It was very much, “Hey I want to do that, too!” so I did. Being that young, you really don’t care that you don’t know how to plot a story or that you haven’t even really finished learning about grammar. You just do it because it seems fun.
Connie: I’d never written fanfiction before Hogwarts BSU/#Wizard Team. I was content to lurk in whatever fandoms I was reading fic for. I think wanted to give it a try because of something Robyn and Bayana said on #WizardTeam, and that’s where my first fic, Do Black Wizards Nod, came from. The idea of whether the Black students give each other the nod and how they would deal with that. Then I kept getting prompts or fic bunnies and it feels so much easier than when I try to write original works.
Porshèa: I've recently taken to writing fanfic because I want to fill in the holes within the fandoms I love. I'm empowered to do so because of the community that BGC has curated, the validation of headcanons, and understanding that we're the best at crafting stories from our individual lenses.
What was your inspiration for your piece?
Bianca: The complete ball drop that was History of Magic in North America and J.K. Rowling ignoring valid criticism. Like most American fans, I was excited to see the wizarding world expand to include us. However, the fact that racism — RACISM — something that plays a major part in the development of the three largest countries here, isn't even recognized on a small scale is insulting to readers. You can't tell me that a country with a history as bloody and messed up as the U.S. has wizards of every racial background being besties. It's not realistic. I also understand that maybe J.K. Rowling felt unqualified to talk about it, but I believe it can be done in a way that is both careful and makes sense.
Delia: I’ve been preaching the good word of Deanmione since February 2018. Since coming aboard the ship, I’ve been surprised to find that I am pretty much the only person sailing on it. The existing fanfic of the pairing is sparse. So when To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before came out on Netflix, I fell in love again with the story (I had read the book) and the gears in my head started turning. Then, when #WizardTeam started on Half-Blood Prince, I realized that was the perfect fit.
Connie: I’ve written a few things now, but I like thinking about the Black students forming a group and watching out for each other. I was never part of a BSU, but in high school and college I went to predominantly white schools and found myself most comfortable around my peers of color. In high school it was just natural, gravity, but I think in college I sought it out more deliberately. So I could relate to Blaise’s desire to find/start a group to help him feel less alone on campus. I remember that feeling, though I can’t say I consciously channeled it when I wrote Umoja. Other inspiration included the idea of honoring Kwanzaa in a way that helped me connect with the holiday more than I do in real life, and finding a creative way to use each principal to tell a story. And further inspiration comes from Delia and the rest of the team being instigators.
"...if you want something written about Black wizards learning within the wizarding world to be done well, you've gotta roll up your sleeves and do it yourself."  -- Porshèa Patterson
Porshèa: The inspiration for my piece comes from the wandless magic conversations throughout the books — specifically when it comes to powerful wizards and house-elves — the disappointment that is Magic in North America, and Uagadou. All of the missing elements in these spurred me into writing, because obviously if you want something written about Black wizards learning within the wizarding world to be done well, you've gotta roll up your sleeves and do it yourself.
What are some things in Harry Potter canon that you would like to explore or fix?
Bianca: As mentioned before, we can fix History of Magic in North America. I think that exploring the wizarding world here could be pretty awesome. I'd love to see stories of Indigenous wizards, Mexican wizards, or a story of Japanese American wizards and wizard immigrants (especially if they are written by someone in that community). Why did they decide to come here and what have they experienced and endured since? Also, we need to get rid of that "Cursed" play and Dumbledore and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day prequels.
Delia: I started as a Harmony shipper, believe it or not. I read others, but that was my OTP. I was just so underwhelmed by the romance in the books. Since the series finished, my biggest sore spot has been the Epilogue. They went through so much trauma. How did they work through it to get to that happy ending? How on EARTH did Hermione end up with emotionally stunted Ron (sorry Ronmione shippers, it’s all love)? Why is Harry not the DADA professor? I'd also love to fix Leta's story. I wish she could have a fully fledged story that isn’t based in tragedy. A story where she lives and is happy. She deserved better.
Connie: Like Bianca said, the global wizarding community is one thing I wish we could fix in canon. Jo did such a poor job of thinking of anywhere outside of Europe and it really hinders the story when considering how global both the fans and the Muggle world, even in Britain, are. I also wish we could remove Fantastic Beasts and Cursed Child from existence. I wish Fantastic Beasts starred an actor of color for Newt and that it was romps in the jungle searching for beasts and perhaps treasure. I wish they were adventure stories set in the ‘20s a la Indiana Jones or the Mummy franchise and not…what it is.
Porshèa: While there's a lot that needs to be fixed — see everyone else's answers — I think I only have the patience to 'fix' the ways in which Black American communities practice magic, the integration of magic and modern tech — because there are too many Muggle-borns for this to NOT be a thing — and wizarding higher education.
Are there Black characters in other media you would want to write fanfiction for?
Bianca: As of right now, no.
Delia: I don’t really see myself writing outside of my own original work and Harry Potter fanfiction. Potter is the only world besides those of my own creation that I know well enough to write in. But who knows!
Connie: There have been so few Black characters that I relate to, and I find myself not reading fanfic leading them very often. I’ve read only a few characters that were Black in other fandoms, Abigail Mills from Sleepy Hollow and Chidi from The Good Place more recently. I think I also read some fic starring Tucker from Danny Phantom (throwback!) who the fans thought had good chemistry with Danny’s sister Jazz. But there are few characters in other properties I feel drawn to enough to write, which really makes me sad. Hopefully I get more characters to want to play with and can expand my fic reading beyond shiny white people problems (or anime characters, as was my fanfiction beginnings). Perhaps some day I’ll be drawn to Doctor Who fic for those Black characters, but it hasn’t quite happened yet.
Porshèa: There is a character from the A Song of Ice and Fire series that I relate to heavily, though we know very little about her. My goal is to start on a fanfic for her after completing the Founding Home series.
Do you think Black characters get enough love in fan spaces? Why or why not?
Bianca: It depends on who the story was written for. In predominantly white stories with white main characters, Black characters are usually thrown in as an afterthought, and it shows. The same goes with color blind casting and not adjusting the story to make sense for a person of color. On the other hand, you get stories written for Black characters and characters of color like in Scandal or Pose and there is this level of care that is woven into it that changes how the characters are viewed. Fans can't help but fall in love with a fully fleshed out character.
Delia: You can read Mel’s Critical Companion piece from this month for the long answer. The short answer is, no. At best, in fandom, Black characters are often overlooked, save for when they serve a headcanon for a white character. At worst, they are overly harshly scrutinized or rejected, even though they are often one character of color out of dozens of white ones.
"At best, in fandom, Black characters are often overlooked, save for when they serve a headcanon for a white character."  -- Delia Gallegos
Connie: Definitely not. I get sad when I think about how I perhaps perpetuate this lack of love by not talking about those characters enough or, more to the point here, not reading fic starring them. But also, those characters only have a few stories on the fanfic websites or don’t get as much screen time or development to work with. Or perhaps they’re not put in situations I want to think on too often, leading me to not even go looking for “fix-it” fic where writers fix whatever bad thing happens to them. And I think the stories I like with predominantly Black characters are in recurring works where I’m waiting to see where the actual author takes them. There may be something to the idea of me just being happy they exist and not wanting to mess with them too much. Two book series I think of are the Shadowshaper Cypher by Daniel José Older and Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. The worlds are so new and I’m just so happy to get these great characters that I’m not looking for anyone else’s take on them just yet, but maybe that will come down the line. In more established franchises, I definitely think Black characters don’t get enough love in the fandom nor by the writers/producers.
Porshèa: What they said. I do love that the actors who portray the token Black faces call out the Black fan appreciation they get, especially when Luke Youngblood and Alfie Enoch pointed out that they'd realized that the Black fans made a point to seek them out within the films during BGC-led panels at LeakyCon.
What is a character or theme in Harry Potter that you want to write about or explore in the future?
Bianca: I have a list of things that I would like to write about in Harry Potter, and it seems to grow everyday. New schools, founders, and histories. I'd also like to flesh out some characters like Mrs. Zabini.
Delia: I think even after To All the Wizards I’ve Considered Before is finished, there will still be more to be told of Dean and Hermione.
Connie: I’m interested in exploring more Blaise/Desiree as a flourishing Black couple in the wizarding world and what challenges in their relationship they may have to overcome. Also just showing Black love cuteness. I think beyond the BSUverse, Robyn and I keep trying to come up with some post-First War detective story, perhaps involving an original character or Kingsley.
Porshèa: After Founding Home, I'm going to (someday) flesh out my Parvati, Lavender, and others boss witch writers story, and my Dumbledore and Prince ‘90s fashion-off story. More after that, maybe?
Make sure to read our guests and other writers’ pieces on our Hogwarts BSU page. If you have fic you would like published, or if you would like to participate in Black Wizard History Month in the future, feel free to check out our submission guidelines or hit us up at [email protected]. Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you next February and all the months in between!
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calliecat93 · 7 years
Sometimes outside Tumblr and until recently, a lot of people really didn’t like Red Team... and I admit when I started last year I think I only liked them cause Geoff voiced Grif. Not hard to see why since the Blues got all the plot/character development and the Reds  were... kind of there. I’ve seen fanfiction do more with them than the show itself. Like Simmons cyborg operation after Seaosn 2 came up... what? As a joke in Season 11? I mean BGC didn’t take itself seriously, but you could still do SOMETHING with it. Various fanfic authors have proven it.
Honestly after Grif quit in Season 15, I really re-evaluated Red Team and there’s a lot to appreciate. For one they brought a lot of levity to some of the darker, more serious moments and the comedy was legit good. They haven’t killed nay of their members, the only time any of them died it was due to Wash and it turns out he wasn’t dead. In Season 8 they got the two badass Monty Oum animation scenes and they were BADASS. And they’re a diverse range of personalities who have had some subtle development at least, like during the Chorus Trilogy Simmons was more or less out of his kissass to Sarge mindset, Sarge can at least hold back his hatred of Blue when it matters, Grif is now more wiling to step up and as early as Sisters intro showed that despite his attitude he is very capable of caring for others, and Donut... well... he lightens the mood at lease Season 16 please give the boy the time he deserves.
I honestly feel bad for thinking that the Reds were pointless when I started out. Looking back now, their moments were really good and as characters, they’re all solid. I do get why the Blues got more attention and bringing int he Freelancers due to how deeply the Blues were connected to it by default (thanks Church) really made it harder. It’s why, while it makes me sad, I’m glad Church is dead. It means we can open story opportunities for other characters, and I think Season 15 showed that potential while maybe giving the Blues closure to finally get it out of the way. So hopefully Season 16 and beyond can now give us Red Team stuff and anyone still thinking that the Reds suck will be able to change their mind. If not? Well, sucks to be them!
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
yo fam i read ur grifnut/rvbnut tags,,like just make a post, i want to reblog this
OOH u mean my tags on this post yea? i’ll just make it THIS POST 8))) i was just gonna screencap all them juicy tags but since rvbnut [best term ever thank u for that] is otp, i will retype for better readability + i thought of some extra things to throw in, so here we go:
as mentioned already, there’s donut’s super secret diary where donut describes"gazing silently into each other’s visors” and feeling a connection, as well has having sat in grif’s lap”. i very much believe donut had a crush on grif at some point
there’s some PSA or something that for the life of me I can’t remember the name of, and it might just be a dvd extra cause I found it on youtube not through the rvb channel, where the reds are getting on motorcycles to go somewhere and grif has to share w/donut, and hes Very Hesitant and i dont remember what exactly donut was saying but it was Very Suggestive how he was telling grif to get behind him and hold on tight or w/e, and when grif didnt wanna get on it with him he was like “whats wrong ;(?? dont be shy~”
ive pulled out my book now and donut describes the play they put on for tucker as being about “the band of handsome male survivors braving the elements together” so, donut thinks he + the other BGC members are handsome
“The first thing the doctor did when we got him back over to our base was pin Sarge against the wall with the Warthog. I always thought if anyone was going to ram Sarge up to the wall, it would be me, seeing as how I’ve been angling for a promotion lately” -another entry in donut’s diary. i honest to god have no idea how this could be taken as an innuendo, bc it straight up sounds like donut wants to fuck his way to the top
also in the book, simmons’ self insert fanfiction “Hero In Maroon” has… a special scene with “Donut the Enchanter,” who is “spreading his temptation magic through scandalous dancing.” This is SIMMONS writing this, and simmons has himself say “Tell me what you know about Sarge, else I will have to run you through with my long sword” and, sure, he has donut speak in innuendos and reply to that line with “I like where this is gong. Maybe I’ll keep you here… FOREVER!” but like, simmons literally wrote himself throwing an innuendo to donut. then you have the next few lines “DONUT USES OFFICER HOT PANTS HANDCUFF ATTACK” “”Oh no!” Simmons exclaims. A bed appears behind him. His hands are cuffed to it.” And while the next line is just donut laughing and saying “Now you must watch my rendition of the musical CATS” so while donut wasnt gonna do anything creepy, this really sounds like simmons writing a self insert fic that includes a provocative donut flirting with him while talking about musicals…. simmons dont repress ur crush on donut
^not to mention the officer hot pants comes from donut having dressed up and jumped out of a cake for sarge’s birthday……..
at the finale scene of s13, donut says “I love you, too, Lopez”
Donut lived offscreen with Doc in valhalla, and then was dropped back off there to continue living in valhalla with doc (and lopez’s head) (i could talk for 60 years about them but anyone who’s followed me long enough has heard it all before and i’m tryin to keep the points b r i e f lol)
church has said “I like donut. He’s pretty harmless, man. I-I don’t think he’d hurt a fly.” and upon finding out donut got crushed by a spaceship, he paused his snarking to say “Oh, wait, the pink guy? Oh, I actually liked him!” to which grif replies “Seriously, what’s with all these feelings for donut?” 
tucker, thinking donut was a girl bc pink armor, asked donut if he “wanted to date one of us” and then called donut a “tease” when he said he wasn’t a girl
donut polished tucker’s codpiece 3 times when he and caboose were helping tucker get the black gunk off his armor, saying something along the lines of “a 3-coat waxing is just my way of saying I Care :)”
epsilon!tucker, while not canon to actual tucker, is implied to have jacked off to donut bc he thought he was a girl 
seems to be implied that tucker and donut were both assigned to the same desert location when everyone got split up, and donut passed out from thirst/exhaustion trying to get tucker’s distress call to the others
in The Best Red vs Blue DVD Ever of All Time, there’s a scene where tucker and donut are introducing “best couple.” Donut goes on about romance, while tucker says couple doesn’t necessarily mean romance, and  that “you[donut] think everything is romance! last week you called it romance when i accidentally took a bite of your sandwich” “was it really an accident tucker? was it?” “YES!” “time will tell” “ugh, whatever-” dudes, donut totally had a crush on tucker at least once
i dont have a good source but i remember seeing in a post a while back that there was a scrapped plotline that was gonna be a love triangle between donut, a “confused caboose”, and an unknown third party
i’m willing to bet the confused caboose bit is because caboose seems to have thought (and maybe still does? who knows) that donut was a girl, likely because of the armor. in caboose’s mind, donut’s a girl who says things like “I love caboose, and yet, I’m still afraid of him, he’s so scary :)” [cause he seems to think of himself as intimidating to the red team lol], and then in Head Canon, caboose!donut says something like “i like [something] almost as i like to paint my nails and not talk to boys. i would never talk to boys, especially not caboose for some reason!” which… is hard to make sense of tbh lol, but since everyone in caboose’s mind is how caboose perceives them, it maybe seems like caboose doesnt get as much of donut’s attention as he’d like?? lmfao, it sounds like “not caboose for some reason” means caboose doesn’t really understand either. 
donut tearily said to caboose way back in KITBFF: “ Mister Caboose, I just want you to know that even though we are on different teams, and we may never see each other again, whatever happens out there today, I’ll always remember the moments we shared together. You are now, and forever will be… my friend.” very emotional if i do say so myself
there’s this reconstruction deleted scene where i guess donut had gotten transferred to doing special agent stuff w/wash’s division or something (wash calls him Special Agent Donut so, i guess lol). Wash speaks in donut innuendos the whole time he’s talkin about donut [”He’s a back door expert” “if there’s an unsecured rear entrance, he’s your man” “legend has it he can get through even the tightest cracks-” lmfao and they address each other by name, so i like to think they’ve worked together and donut’s… mannerisms… have been Rubbing Off on wash ;p
^also in that deleted scene caboose goes “DONUT! :D” when donut appears and talks, so he’s clearly excited to see him!!!!!!!!! 
ahem. point being: the bgc needs to embrace the donut love and i firmly believe that if someone didnt have a crush on donut, donut had a crush on one of them at some point in time
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whimsical-writer · 7 years
8, 15, 36, and 43!
8: How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
THIS IS SO SILLY. So like, when I was about 12 or so, my friend showed me this song called The War of 1812. It’s a silly song on Canada’s side of the war. Well, later on the version I found was set to scenes from... Episode 91 of the BGC I believe. And that was version I’d always always watch. And since then, I had been aware of RvB but I’d never taken the time to watch it.
FAST FORWARD TO JUNE 2016, and Heza is a miserable person because of anxiety, depression, and shitty step mother. I spent... a lot of time in my room at my Dad’s house to avoid her. And I was watching Achievement Hunters Minecraft videos. Eventually there’s a mash up episode where they were playing using the Halo texture pack, and they were exploring Blood Gulch. Everyone was referencing the show and I figured why not watch it? I hear it’s really funny!
Anyway, by October I heard of the RVB Nanowrimo Discord. I wasn’t actually going to do Nanowrimo, I was far too busy with school, but I figured it’d be a fun way to meet people and maybe a way to get back into fanfiction maybe?
AND NOW I’M PLANNING NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT THREE DIFFERENT RVB FICS, TWO OF THEM ARE LONG FICS AND ONE IS A SERIES. Plus a shitton of art. I’m glad I found my little fandom corner.
15: Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I mean, Anne, you taught me the love that is Mainelina. It is very good, yes A+. Everytime I watch season 9 and 10 now I cry every time they interact. CAROLINA KICKING MAINE OFF A BUILDING. MAINE TAKING A BULLET FOR HER. CAROLINA  G I V I N G  UP HER AI SO MAINE WOULD BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE BETTER WITH HER AND OTHERS. Carolina, currently number two on the Leaderboard, Miss “most competitive” Freelancer giVES UP HER AI SO HER TEAMMATE CAN SPEAK WITH THEM. Even if that exploded so terribly, just... uRG. MAINELINA. LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO ME ANNE. LOOK AT IT.
Other than that, I can’t think of any obscure ships? I am a pretty lazy shipper tho, I’ll ship just about any ship.
36: What’s your favourite genre to write?
“Fantasy!” she says after writing a six chapter fic, a two chapter fic, and four drabbles set in the standard RVB universe. All my original fiction is fantasy however. I like creating magic systems and fantasy creatures and races. =D
43: If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
I mean, as much as I’d love to point people at my incredibly self indulgent OC fic, I’m going to say keep an eye out for my OhSherry long fic that will be coming out after July. :3c I’m really excited to share it.
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mechanicalinertia · 1 year
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: DeadboltDon's Silent Rift
You know how last year, I lost my mind over Most of The Way To The Moon? Reader, I thought that such perfect Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction could never be written in our fallen day and age, that the really good shit was all in the nineties and the aughts, never to return in this decade. That I would have to be a lone soldier writing this stuff. I was wrong, suffice to say.
And now, I have been proven wrong thrice. Both by this fanfiction, and then by CodyLabs' Once Upon A Midnight Launch. As I begin the process of spinning up a new, better fanfiction project, this fact fills me with boundless joy, especially because it gives me something to review that isn't old or weird or horny or Yours Truly 2032.
And it came out of nowhere, too! Only a week old as of the time of writing, and from a user who I knew liked BGC on reddit, DeadboltDon just dropped this puppy, all 50K words or so of it, on us like that. I just found it, just binge-read it, and I am going to tell you, right now, it's time for you to read it too.
Okay, so here's the setup: Megatokyo is a city whose outer districts are absolutely fucking overrun with trash. Waste from electronics, vehicles, Boomers. Even if those wastelands are postapocalyptic nightmares where only the insane and Moorlockish live, that's still a whole lot of waste, a whole lot of things that are, well... one character in this fic calls it 'ungarbage'.
The main cast are scavengers - an ex ADP-jockey, an old guy, an ex-Outrider... and Lou. Yeah. Lou. The Sexaroid we all thought died in Moonlight Rambler. Weird, huh?
Well, things start creepy, that's for sure, when the team brings in the arm off a Knight Saber hardsuit, and then decide to bring it back, because the Sabers to them are living legends, nightmares who'll happily kill them to retrieve said piece. And the Sabers do show up. Sort of. Black hardsuits with silent flechette-throwing crossbows, something that we know aren't the Sabers, can't be, but who are they, then?
Well, Lou and company wind up in ADP custody, only for the Sabers to break them out in an unhinged rampage through the upper parts of the HQ, where Jeena Malso is an absolute fucking unit, and then a horror-movie like scrabble through vaults loaded with dead Boomers coming to life. Things get... dicey. Not to spoil anything, but the people behind the black hardsuits are a) unexpected villains and b) fucking terrifying because of that. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time for the final fight, I'll say that much.
Oh, and there are references! The WKUK's Sex Robot, various types of power armor stuck in the ADP's prototype division (eg. the Kerberos Panzer Cop suit), and a bunch of quotes from an UrbEx handbook. They're welcome. They energize the fic even more than it already crackles with violent life.
I wish I had more to say about this fic, beyond how much you should go and read it right this instant. Instead, I'll say this much: I think we're in the middle of a minor paradigm shift for Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction. My own work, Cody's work, and so on. I might be the guy who keeps coming back to this fandom, maybe most people are writing one-offs, but the fact that a superfan like myself can expect quality work like this as a baseline for BGC fanfic makes me think the future's bright... especially since I know of more than a few people who are working on new fics as we speak.
I say this with the utmost love: If you have a Story Of The Knight Sabers you want to bring to the internet, don't hold back. Give us everything you've got. Now is the time to rise together, to fill up the silent rift with light and noise.
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ssymphony-havenn · 6 years
Tumblr media
Taming the Snob (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/aD3ndk5zjP All her life, Camila wanted to be a reporter. She became one. Now she was in for a promotion. But she had to interview the members of Billionaire Girls Club to get the promotion. Lauren was the first one she approached. But she does not want to be interviewed. She tried to interview the other members of the BGC. But they said she must interview fi…
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Thinking about writing bgc fanfiction again 😜 here's are some of girl's I been thinking about •Keke Palmer •Kylie & Kendall Jenner •Perrie Edwards • Katrina Jackson But I still undecided on the other three or two 😭 haven't decided if jenner sister's are one girl or two
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aro-ortega · 4 years
RvB Ladies Week May 18-22 2020
RvB Ladies Week May 18-22 2020
monday may 18
fluff / bgc ladies (sheila/filss, kaikaina, tex)
tuesday may 19
angst / freelancer ladies (carolina, south, ct, 479er)
wednesday may 20
trans rights / chorus ladies (kimball, grey, jensen)
thursday may 21
alternate universe / shisno paradox ladies (dylan, huggins, kalirama, chrovos)
friday may 22
femslash friday / minor characters (ohio, volleyball, girlie, etc.)
This week is meant to focus on & celebrate the female characters in Red vs Blue ! You can follow with the prompts or do your own thing, m/f pairings are allowed just please keep in mind that the focus is meant to be on the ladies !
Fanart, fanfiction, headcanons… whatever you want to create for this event is okay ! And please @ agentwashlngton / rvbweek or send it to either blog so I can reblog it !
If you want to get involved with events, have suggestions for future ones or prompts, or have any questions absolutely feel free to message me !
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obsidianarchives · 5 years
Jessie Blount
Jessie Blount (she/her) is a queer woman of color, an INTP, a Sagittarius, a sci-fi and fantasy nerd, a witch, and an incredible cook. Jessie works for a rad non-profit in Detroit, where she lives with her girlfriend, Nicole, and a beautiful Slytherin cat princess, Winnie. She spends her time learning survival skills for the impending apocalypse and collecting Harry Potter memes. 
Black Girls Create: What do you create? 
I create primarily audio-based media themed around the critical analysis of my fandoms. I do this mainly through my podcast The Gayly Prophet, a queer analytical chapter by chapter reread of the original 7 Harry Potter books that I do with my co-host and good friend Lark. Our bi-line is ‘humorous yet ruthless’ because while I’ve been a fan of the series since before book 4 was out, there are a lot of deeply problematic things in the text. One of the biggest inspirations for the pod was Witch Please, a feminist analysis of Harry Potter by two “lady scholars,” which was great, but sadly went book by book rather than chapter by chapter.  While there are a ton of Harry Potter podcasts, there were not any that specifically looked at Harry Potter through a queer lens. 
On The Gayly Prophet's Patreon I create on-the-spot fanfic round-robin style with Lark and post various multi-fandom fanfiction that I’ve written. I also discuss my other fandoms in some of our other Patreon exclusive content, like our “Editors Cut” where we talk about things like time travel, or my biweekly link roundup, “Muggle Studies.”
BGC: Why do you create?
I don’t really consider it an option, more of a necessity. I didn’t grow up with a lot of money, and I struggled a lot with the reality of racism and feeling different than a lot of kids I grew up with. Books and television were my friends, not just as an escape but as a way of dreaming of what could be. This is what drew me to sci-fi and fantasy, but as a child of the ‘90s, I didn’t come across many Black people or women in the stories I consumed. Like a lot of hardcore readers, I dreamed of being a writer, of creating my own story that was as majestic and beautiful as my inner life that had the kind of people I knew, complexity, and strong and weird and queer and POC characters. I cut my creative teeth in fandom, writing a lot of terrible, half created fanfics to go with the poetry that I wrote in my teens. The Gayly Prophet is really an extension of this passion, of my belief in the importance of fun, deep, textual analysis with other people.
BGC: Who is your audience? What do you hope your audience gets out of your podcast?
When I envision our audience, I think of other angry BIPOC queer nerds like me who love a thing so deeply that we want to rip it apart. I think to love a work of art is to examine it from all sides, rediscovering that love but also questioning its limitations and highlighting its flaws. More personally, I hate talking about myself, a holdover of my not-great childhood and deep social anxiety. I’d much rather talk about and listen to people’s thoughts about books and TV and movies. I’ve never gotten tired talking about Harry Potter, as 50 episodes and dozens of hours of The Gayly Prophet can attest to. The gaps in canon are staggering, especially as it relates to marginalized people, and filling those in is something I’m never bored of. I want to have this dialog with our listeners, hear their thoughts and feelings and headcanons. It’s also a bit like group therapy. I talk a lot about childhood trauma and neurodiversity as it related to HP because there is so much built explicitly into the canon and discussing it helps me verbalize and process these things in my own life. At heart, I want our audience to not feel alone. I also want them to laugh because there can never be enough laughter.  
BGC: Who or what inspired you to do what you do? Who or what continues to inspire you?
I’m perpetually inspired by Black nerds, especially folks who are older Millennial/Gen X Black nerds. Being a Black nerd didn’t used to be cool and acceptable. I was a weird kid growing up, consuming sci-fi novels like water and videotaping the X-Files on my grandparents VCR. When I got to college, I was lucky enough to start digging into race and women’s studies, and I was particularly interested in how that relates and informs art and media. One of the biggest influences for me was “The Oppositional Gaze” by Black feminist theorist bell hooks, where she says:
Critical black female spectatorship emerges as a site of resistance only when individual black women actively resist the imposition of dominant ways of knowing and looking. While every black woman I talked to was aware of racism, that awareness did not automatically correspond with politicization, the development of an oppositional gaze. When it did, individual black women consciously named the process. Manthia Diawara's "resisting spectatorship" is a tenant that does not adequately describe the terrain of black female spectatorship. We do more than resist. We create alternative texts that are not solely reactions. As critical spectators, black women participate in a broad range of looking relations, contest, resist, revision, interrogate, and invent on multiple levels. 
I take this to mean that nothing I consume is merely passive escapism, nor do I accept the prevailing white supremacy of much of the media I consume. It’s a complex consumption for me, I love stories and pleasing aesthetics and music and well-written prose. But everything I consume I interrogate, I analyze, I think on the possibilities of what if someone like me was at the center of the narrative. This way of looking has parallels in fandom, in the embracing of Black Hermione, in shipping, in headcanons, in examining canon and discarding and adding at will. 
I also grew up listening to NPR and had this dream of having my own radio show where I just talked about books I loved. Podcasting is honestly a blessing in this regard because I bought a mic and invested in recording software and a website, and now I am living a dream that my sad teen nerd self could have only imagined.
BGC: How do you continue to be inspired especially in these specific times?
Joy and laughter and critical thought are, I think, the best way to survive these trying times. I spend a lot of my time thinking about injustice, racism, and our broken system, and it would be very easy to give in to the feeling of being crushed by a system that actively wants me dead. Thinking of silly Harry Potter puns or playlists for soft bi werewolves gives my endlessly running mind something fun to think on and makes the perpetual tightness in my chest ease a little, because, at the very least, my co-host Lark will laugh and then I will laugh and that’s something that I did, that I created. 
BGC: Why is it important as a Black person to create? 
Honestly, creating is what has gotten Black folks for generations through all the shit that America has wrung us through. There is a reason that anything good in American culture was either created by or made better in Black hands. Music, food, art, clothing, dance, acting, poetry, social change, sci-fi, even the best parts of Al Gore’s internet. And within this, there are countless Black women and Black queer folks who are nearly forgotten. Basically, everyone we know from the Harlem Renaissance was not straight. Disco and house music came from Black and Latino gay club scenes. Even ‘internet speak’ is from Black trans women and folks in the ball scene. It’s part of our culture to thrive in this world by creating something beautiful. 
BGC: Are there other creators that you admire?
My top faves are Black ladies in sci-fi. My number one fave is the late great Octavia Butler, I think everyone should read the Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. Janelle Monáe is out here living a peak queer nonbinary Afro-future nerd life, and I am so happy that young queer nerds get to grow up having someone like them (Janelle has not yet said what pronouns to use). Someone needs to give her all the money to make Afro-future sci-fi films. And, to paraphrase Issa Rae, I’m rooting for everyone Black who’s creating podcasts and writing fanfic and making YouTube vids and TikTok, especially the younger folks. 
BGC: How do you balance creating with the rest of your life? 
I work a full-time job that often has me working extra hours, so I don’t do as much for the podcast as I would like. Lark has a bit more relaxed schedule and TBH the podcast would not be half as good without him. My girlfriend is also very supportive, which helps so, so much. I schedule everything I do in Google calendar to make time for recording and the extra bits of running a podcast and having downtime.
BGC: How do you balance creating when you feel drained or exhausted?
I have depression, anxiety, and ADHD, so I am nearly always drained or exhausted. This is where clear communication and a shared calendar comes in. I know that if I work late at work, I need the next evening to recover and make sure to schedule recording sessions or podcast meetings spaced out from my work schedule. We do a lot of longer recording sessions on the weekends or the times where I have time off. We also record a lot of Patron-exclusive content that doesn’t necessarily require a lot of prep work or mental bandwidth, so for weeks where I am particularly low energy, I can still create something. And, lastly, we deeply stagger the time when we record to when the episode goes up, so if I’m in bad mental space and cannot do anything, I can take that time and episodes will still go out.
BGC: Any advice for new creators?
I think it can be hard to start a project because a lot of what we see is the finished product after years of work. You gotta power through it if you want to learn. And often people love it anyway. Someone might draw some fan art and see all the flaws, I see it and am like ‘Yes, more Black Hermione fan art, I love it.’ It’s ok if you have to take things slowly. Some weeks I only have an hour a week to knit or write or read for the podcast, because of real-life things. A lot of people who create all the time have, like, hired help or the unpaid labor of a spouse, so that ‘we all have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé’ thing is shitty creative advice.   
BGC: Any future projects coming up?
We’ve got some exciting things planned for our ‘Make Harry Potter Even Gayer 2020’ campaign, in which we are amplifying queer HP fanworks and merch by queer creators. We are in the embryonic stages of planning some kind of live event for the campaign, too. Folks should follow us on social media to be kept in the loop on that stuff as it develops! We’re on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @thegaylyprophet.
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: Innpchan's Remembrance Day
Remember AD Police Files? The Bubblegum Crisis spinoff series everyone seems to have kind of collectively forgotten about, and for good reason? The series I once called "High Impact Sexual Violence The Animation" and meant it?
Well, it's been on my mind lately, for various reasons. I'll detail them below the fold, but suffice to say that ADP's weirdness and lack of spark parallels its fanfiction - of the half-dozen that can be found on that old Usenet archive, all but one are mediocre in a way that made me put them down before finishing them, save a different one that I read and didn't really enjoy.
All But One.
Yeah, that's right, motherfuckers, the beautiful mind behind Dance of Armor, before he embarked on writing the never-published sequel Arms of the Maiden, wrote this short little squib of a fic, detailing another deployment gone bad and bloody for Tactical Officer Jeena Malso, the somewhat-present heroine of AD Police Files. The prose is delicious, the action is nasty, the tone is full of bleak pale life.
It's midnight in Megatokyo. The streets teem with life that does not live. The AD Police keep order. Or so they tell themselves.
Okay. So. Why ADPF?
Well, I've been thinking a lot about the prospect of a Bubblegum Crisis B-Team. I had this idea back when I started that Anatomy of a Lovedoll that telling stories about the different side characters / guest stars of the various 2032 episodes might be a cool way to explore uncovered sides of Crisis, and flesh out my own understanding of my 206X verse. Sylvie's one, Reika was to be another (and might still be, some many years down the line, I don't really know, it depends on whether or not Witch of Tranquility takes off, or if I decide to go back to Divine Patronage, or or or), and I have two separate ideas for potential stories I could tell centering around Lisa Vanette and Kate Madigan respectively. And then... then there's Jeena Malso. Or, well, Gina Marceau makes more sense as a name to me.
(I also was thinking about Caroline Evers, the Ripper from ADPF, but honestly there's not a whole lot you can do with her.)
She's not really much of a character in ADPF beyond 'borderline psychotic Big Tiddy Tomboy'. Her story is not the one told past the Phantom Woman episode, she's tangential at best. And yet she's by far the most memorable part of the series simply by being big and loud and having a cybernetic arm and saying weird things about women that only a really horny dude (see: Tony Takezaki) would write. (The Boomer went insane because it was a woman, and emotions run high in a woman during sex? Damn, bro, that's some Women Be Shopping right there.)
Then there's the question of Where Is She Now. Obviously since she was conceived of in the middle of BGC's run, she couldn't exactly be a presence in Crisis up until 1990 when ADPF was released. Moreover, since the distributors of ADPF and Crisis were different megacorps - Bandai and Toshiba EMI, respectively - that sort of crossover was restricted solely to Leon being in both series. (Crash, then, was published by Polydor, btw.) Now, granted, there was a manga that was supposed to resolve ADPF as well as hint at the origin of Largo called Dead End City, but the only way I read it, years ago, is through a VK photoalbum that is rather hard to use now because they keep pestering you to make an account. Anyway, in that case, if I recall correctly, Gina had her cybernetic arm attacked by Largo's predecessor entity, had to rip it off, and the day was saved to a degree.
Now, Black Knights Steel Hearts had Gina show up as a merc working for the Super Cool OC, but most of what I remember from that part was her trying to pair off Priss and Leon in the clunkiest way possible. And I don't seem to remember any other fics that are Crisis-centric where she shows up, although the RPG proposed roughly the same path for her, ie going into private investigation or security consulting, only with one arm. I'm not so sure about that. Gina never struck me as the most mentally stable of characters. I can see her becoming a Cyberpunk 2020-style cyberpsycho, you know? Yeah.
Anyway. Where was I? Oh. Right. Remembrance Day. It's really fuckin' good. I'm going to hold off on quoting it verbatim because you just have to read it yourself.
The story itself is incredibly short and simple. Gina and company are assigned to take on a group of rampant construction Boomers who attacked a nightclub and now have fled into an abandoned, semi-flooded shopping arcade. Gina wants to bring in heavy ordnance. Her superior goes against it, but her troopers bring the big stuff (a PIAT? Whuh?) in anyway.
But all the same, they're ambushed. Slaughtered. One trooper, referenced at the beginning of the story, loses her spine but still has enough of herself intact to scream and cry out for revenge and it's just the most poignant scene you ever could see. The op goes bad, the Boomers kill most of the squad, Gina retreats and is marked for 'mutiny' - and, in the locker rooms, freaks out hardcore at poor old Nene Romanova when the news that Gina is likely going to lose her badge is told to her. It's... sad. Again, it's pretty much the only fic that makes me feel for Gina as a miserable person watching everyone die around her. That's why I say unto you: Read this fic.
...You know what, I should make a throwaway google account so I can make a throwaway VK account so I can view Dead End City without a big blue MAKE AN ACCOUNT bar blocking my viewing experience. There's an idea.
Update 2/12: Investigation by some Discord buddies of mine reveals something I'd forgotten: The PIAT is a real thing, a spring-launched recoilless rifle that was the British answer to the bazooka during World War Two, standing for Projection, Infantry, Anti-Tank:
Now, you might think 'what in the heckledy feckledy is the ADP doing using an almost century-old weapon?' and we came up with the answer to that, too: it doesn't have to be a good anti-tank weapon, because Boomers (usually) less armor than a tank. But the ability to get a big explosive shell in the face of a combat model without backblast would be a deal-sealer, don't you think? You get a big boom, probably bigger than a 40mm grenade launcher (a 55C can tank something like that, if I had to guess), but it's directed enough that collateral isn't a big concern.
Also, there is a gif of an ADP officer using one in Blow Up you can find a little ways down on my feed. I misattributed it to a Carl Gustaf a year or two ago, but the way the trooper is holding it makes it clear. It's something without blast vents, so it's a PIAT, though it's such a blink-and-you'll miss it moment I'm amazed Innpchan found it and did something with it. No, really. It's incredible.
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