#bh6 krei
leosabi · 4 months
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happy pride from everyone's least favorite CEO
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snowball-maltese · 2 months
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Look at all the skrunklies
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drama-glob · 2 months
Incorrect BH6 Quotes
(BH6 saves Krei from another kidnapping and so he offers them something as thanks for rescuing him)
Krei (Pulls envelope out of his blazer and offers it to Hiro): Here. I got you something for your troubles.
Hiro (Takes envelope and opens it, reading it out loud and letting everyone see it): Wow. One free chip with the purchase of any sandwich from Hal's Hoagies.
Krei (Shrugs with a contented grin and says): It's the least I could do.
Wasabi (Flatly remarks): Yes, it is.
Globby (Comes home and finds Felony Carl on the couch, so he starts talking about his day): Hey Carl! Man, you will not believe how crazy today was!
Felony Carl (Quirks eyebrow and inquires): Globs, why are you holding a chicken?
Globby (Looks at the chicken tucked under his arm, then back at Felony Carl and answers): That's not important or relative. Now, as I was saying...
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itz-darktrax · 4 months
What Krei does on his day off.
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dangara2610 · 4 months
(6/10) Migrant from Corona to San Franstokio - Part 2
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Hello there ! , Where did I left? Oh right :
And once Krei leaves, Quirin and Varian have a verbal figth similar to the one we saw before the Amber incident, but this time is most oriented to the reality of this country.
Why can't he go to San Franstokio? Because is not good to be away from Quirin sight, how come if Varian is always on his own? Quirin is busy, but either way he keeps track, as when Varian got arrested for entering the subterranean water tubes.
Varian answer backs he tried to repair the water supply because the king and the whole government don't do nothing, at least, if he had permission, Quiring says a kid shouldn't get involved in this kind of activities, besides, he has anything he needs and wants at home.
Varian is politely but angryly expressing his disgust about Old Corona dying, the people is moving to other countries, even his homeschool teachers had left, he had been doing his studies on his own, still he gets excellent grades, that should mean his help would actually works
Quirin says the adults should be the ones solving adults problems-
Anyway their argeing finished with Quirin saying with his sad and resignated tone that Varian is not ready to know what is happening
Here we have no Amber Incident, instead
Varian goes to his bedroom where Rudigger is playing with cat furniture, and big surprise, Krei was waiting for him in there.
(We as audience know that he was taking photos and samples of each Varian's invents, in order to plagiarize them in case he's A plan didn't work, but Varian didn't noticed this thing)
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Varian asks him what he doing here and he tells that he noticed how much going to the San Franstokio would mean to him, so they will try something stronger.
"It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission", Varian was convinced the real quote was in not that order but Krei insisted
Once in San Franstokio, it will be better to ask for forgiveness, and this way, they will get the permission, because if they try to get the permission first it's not going to happen.
Krei convinces Varian, because sometimes science needs some sacrifices to get done, and not only that, Varian actually wants to prove he is ready for everything happening in Corona, how all his alchemy efforts will be recognized and useful for the kingdom
A spicological "Let me make you proud" mixed up with the thrill of disobedience he would try if given the chance, this is the chance.
Krei joyfully helps Varian to make a quick luggage, some space for the raccoon and more space for his medium sized invents.
They aboard the hidden pickup vehicle and go to the airport where Krei private jet is waiting.
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Quirin was a little busy making up a telephonic call to the technology employees due to the sudden shut down of all of his security cameras system. (It started after Krei was supposed to leave)
Now that the system was restored remotely, Quiring see nothing suspicious, keep texted his son to ask what will he like for dinner, while he waited for the answer, he started to make some reports
Some minutes passed and there was no answer, so he headed to Varian's bedroom, he was not there so he went to the laboratory, he was not there so he called it some friends of the National Guards to please search for his son.
The friends division supposed Varian was once again going to visit the underground water system, so this was the first place they would search for him, someone else suggested he was going to visit Princess Rapunzel, so that would be next.
Quirin then called Varian to the phone, a little exsasperated, Varian answered the call, of course the principal question was where was he?, Varian confesses his plan of going to SF
Quirin was not expecting this, Varian was going to elaborate more details but there was phone interference, so he applied a "Talk to you later"
Quirin made a new phone call to his friends of the national guards to ask them to search in the airport and tell the director to stop all the flies.
Quirin headed to the place, but it looked like it was too late, even if the airport was paralyzed , the private jet didn't obeyed the notification.
This was suspicious and Quirin would be ready to sue whoever took his child and Varian would be back home
Thanks for reading 🍍🌌🌼🍋‍🟩🌌🌀🌌🪻🌷🌌🌷🌀🌙🍍🍐🌙🌼🍍🪻🌌🍋‍🟩🍋‍🟩🌌🪻
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kreitechindustries · 2 years
so... how's the girl who went through the portal doing?
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"OH RELAX! I send Rocky to check on her everyday , I even paid all her Medical bills!'
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"Sir my name is JUDY"
"Close enough"
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theroyalriot · 10 months
I thought it was criminal to post the comic strip and not the video I made it for. So here is the tiktok of the Villain Tadashi concept I’ve been obsessed with lately. Some people asked for my headcanons so I put them in the tags!
Design is by me! Concept is from a different tiktok video about a fan altered BH6 ending. I live here now.
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tealconverse · 17 days
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bununiniji · 7 months
u can def tell i dont animate very often LOL anyways some school doodles aswell as a springtrap doodle hurrahhh
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sparklingpax · 2 months
wails. I love him
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gender-luster · 1 year
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he's collecting autistic coded characters like they're pokemon
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bighero6quotebot · 3 months
Krei: So, what are your powers?
Hiro: I can magnetize things.
Honey Lemon: I can use chemicals to my advantage!
GoGo: I skate fast.
Wasabi: I have razor hands.
Fred: I breathe fire!
Baymax: I make good life decisions.
Krei: That’s not a-
GoGo: No, trust us. He’s our most important member.
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snowball-maltese · 4 months
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This is a thing and it’s very nice 😭💕
Now why didn’t we get Callaghan like this? Now that would be amazing!!
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gelatinous-globster · 4 months
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forgot to post this earlier!
@drama-glob @enbydemirainbowbigfoot
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shan-bunbun · 3 months
Hello!! I’ve been looking through your blog and i absolutely love your art style! It’s so cute and charming!
Would it be possible for you to draw Callaghan or Krei? Or both? I love both of them but I particularly love the man failure that is Callaghan for some reason!
Thanks!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Hiii! Aw, thank you so much, I’m glad you like my art style i appreciate a lot💕💕
Ofc, here it is! This is my first time drawing ‘em :,)
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Thank you for the time to ask me to draw ur characters and you’re welcome!!! 🤗
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dangara2610 · 5 months
(6/10) Migrant from Corona to San Franstokio - Part 1
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Oups, I forgot to give a list of general things happening instead of what happens each chapter, I need to make it faster, so, here we go again:
At Corona Expo, Varian meets Allistair Krei and they become friends, Krei stopped Mr. Croix from damaging Varian's invention, so, the green vortex emergency doesn't happen.
Varian takes Krei to meet Quirin, both have a chat and that's when Krei offers a free scholarship for Varian at San Franstokio High School
Quirin is going to think about it and Varian is hyped about this futuristic city, meanwhile Var shows Krei the Ruins of Old Corona next to the mansion, then the whole house, and finally, his laboratory, (don't forget or little raccoon is already a frequent Varian visitor and friend)
And this is when Krei's greed reaches the highest point, definitely this kid is able to build awesome machines, and in his need of social interaction he even gives away some more of them to Krei.
Is he going to take advantage of this little kid admiration and accept all the presents? Yes!, but he is not that evil, if the kid gives more inventions, it will be thanks to his millionaire scholarship.
They go back to Quirin to hear his answer, and the answer is NO THANKS, ~boom~ , Krei gently express his worry and deception at this decition, and, with no offense purpose, just consider how Corona offers little opportunities for science, and as for prodigy children, here they have none, while in San Franstokio there are lots, so they won't ever feel alone or misunderstood, please reconsider.
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I forgot to tell, in this alternative universe, I kind of vizualized how the black rocks problem would be a little more difficult to reach, because all of them would grow on the archeological cave system and on the plumb systems underground.
So, this time the government (King Frederick) would have more time and more tools to hide this from the population and from the princess, depopulation just now about how the water is starting to run off, and how the plumb system get swords for reasons unknown
So, there is less and less population on the borders of Corona, only the capital islands have not this problem (yet), Varian barely knows because the police body makes a better job restringging the access to these places.
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And once Krei leaves, Quirin and Varian have a verbal figth similar to the one we say before the Amber incident, but this time is most oriented to the reality of this country, Varian is politely but angryly expressing his disgust about Antique Corona dying and getting-
Oups I have to go
Thankies for reading 🏵️🌸🪷💐🌷🌹🌷🌺🌺🪻🌷🌼🪷🌸🪻🏵️🪻
Before : https://www.tumblr.com/dangara2610/749882172862758912/610-migrant-from-corona-to-san-franstokio?source=share
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