news80bharat · 6 months
Jamshedpur Kavi Sammelan- सर्वभाषा कवि सम्मेलन सह सर्वभाषा साहित्यकार सम्मान समारोह तुलसी भवन में 14 को !
जमशेदपुर (Kavi Sammelan) : अखिल भारतीय साहित्य परिषद झारखंड प्रदेश एवं सिंहभूम जिला हिंदी साहित्य सम्मेलन तुलसी भवन के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में आगामी 14 अप्रैल को बिष्टुपुर स्थित तुलसी भवन के मानस सभागार में सर्वभाषा सम्मान समारोह सह सर्वभाषा कवि सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया गया है. कार्यक्रम में झारखंड प्रदेश के 19 जिलों से 140 प्रतिभागी हिस्सा लेंगे. यह जानकारी शुक्रवार को तुलसी भवन स्थित प्रयाग कक्ष में…
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Pāpavimocana Strotam - Lyrics & meaning by Śrīmad Vijayendra Tīrtha
सुकृतं तिलमात्रतुल्यमीश क्रीयते नैव मयैकवत्सरेऽपि । अपि तु क्रियते हि सदाऽघपूगः प्रतियामं सकलेम्द्रियैर्मुकुंद ॥१॥ "In a year one may not do Puṇya at least of the size of a sesame seed (Thila); instead, every yaama (One yāma = three hours; one Ghaṭikā = 24 minutes; one muhūrta = 48 minutes.), we will be doing sinful acts through our jñanendriya and karmendriyas."
न शिरश्चलतीश मे कदाऽपि श्रुतिजानंदभरेण सद्गुणानां । अपि तु प्रभुबंधुदुर्गुणानां श्रवणार्थं चलितं भवत्यशंकं ॥२॥ "I must have listened to the countless auspicious qualities of Lord Śrī Hari from Vedas, Purāṇas and nodded my head in appreciation; instead, I simply wasted my time praising kings, and unworthy relatives’s Durguṇas (Bad qualities)."
श्रवणे श्रवणाय सत्कथाया न यतेते तव पुण्यकीर्तनस्य । अपि तु व्यभिचारलोकवार्ता श्रवणायैव महादरं प्रतातः ॥३॥ "My ears are not trying to listen the sin removing Harikathā/puṇya kīrtanas of Lord Śrī Hari instead it is showing interest in listening to the matters related to Anācāra (Bad behaviors); durācāra (Bad acts) and vyabhicāra that take place in the society."
न ममाक्षियुगं प्रवर्तते श्रीभगवच्चास्त्राकुलावलोकनाय । अपि तु ध्रुवपाल नर्तकीनां गणिकानां परिनर्तनादिदृष्ट्यै ॥४॥ "My eyes are not making an attempt to perceive Bhāgavat Śāstras which describe the glory of Lord Śrī Hari, instead would be charmed to witness the women dancers and their ugly movements."
न हि नासिकया कदापि विष्णोः पदपद्मार्पितपुष्पगंधबुद्धिः । कमलेश भवामि किंतु विष्णोश्चरणानर्पित पुष्पगंधबुद्धिः ॥५॥ "My nose never smelts the fragrance of nirmalya flowers that are offered at the lotus feet of Viṣṇu instead, I have been smelling such flowers that are unfit for your worship."
नृहरेच्युत माधवेश कृष्ण हरिगोविंद मुकुंदनामजातं । न हि कीर्तयतीह मे कुजिह्वाऽपि तु दुर्लिंग भगांकितानु शब्दान् ॥६॥ "My sinful tongue is not uttering the auspicious names of Lord Śrī Hari like Narahari (Nṛsiṁha), Kṛṣṇa, Mādhava, Govinda, Narahari, etc, instead it utters inauspicious and sinful words which are dancing on my tongue."
तव गेहवरावलेपनादिं न करौ मे कुरुतः कदाऽपि भक्त्या । अपि तूरुगुणार्ण दुष्टवस्तुग्रहणायैव मुकुंद किं तु कुर्मः ॥७॥ "My hands have never cleaned Your Pūjā Mandira instead, they are collecting/procuring inauspicious and bad things that would increase my sins."
उदरं मम धिक् शठस्य विष्ण्वर्पितपूतान्न विवर्जितं नितांतं । यदपूततरा समर्पणीयाधमवृताकपलांडु पूर्वभाजः ॥८॥ "My stomach is filled with foods which are not offered (naivedya) to You, rather it is filled with impure (apavitra)/prohibited one's."
खलजारवधू गृहाणि नित्यं चरणाभ्यामनुयाम्यहं त्वराभ्यां । न तु माधव तावकालयांश्च प्रतियामीश महत्तमाग्रहोऽहम् ॥९॥ "My legs have never visited your temples instead, called upon/visited the houses of malicious (durjanas), prostitutes and others."
मन ऐव हरेऽखिलेंद्रियाणां वरमित्थं श्रुतिस्मृतिभ्यां । सुमनोजयिनोऽजयिनोऽखिलेंद्रियाणां जय ऐवेति जनानुभूतिरस्ति ॥१०॥ "Sacred scripts (Śruti/Smṛti) have established that our mind is the most important among the organs (indriyas) and it should be kept under our control."
Thus ends it's initial 10 Shlokas. There are 28 Shlokas in total composed by Ācārya & will post it in parts. In this composition, We are made aware of our mistakes which have continued from time immemorial, which has led us away from the Lord.
मनसाऽच्युत कृष्ण तादृशेनाप्यनुचिंत्यैव भवंतमात्मभक्तान् । भववारिनिधेः सुतारयंतं भववार्धिं न हि तर्तुमस्ति यत्नः ॥११॥ "My mind is not inspiring me to worship the supreme God Acyuta/Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa the one who is imperishable; the one who can effortlessly make us sail through the ocean of Saṁsāra (Material existence)."
मम पापचयस्य वासुदेवांतकलोकस्थितिरेव चेत्फलं तु । न सुखी सदृशोऽस्ति मे त्रिलोक्यां फलभावेन महत्तमोऽस्ति सिद्धं ॥१२॥ "Considering the sins that I have committed I am destined to the eternal Hell but, if my punishment is restricted to a stay in Yamaloka as a fruit of my sins, I would be the happiest person in the three worlds."
न सुखानुभवाय पापकर्माण्यहमीशानुदिनं तनोमि किंतु । अघनाशयशः परीक्षणार्थं तव नाम्नामनुतापसिद्ध येवा ॥१३॥ "I am performing these abominable acts every day not to enjoy the happiness, rather to test the power of/eulogize the glory of your meritorious and divine names that have the capacity to eradicate my sins."
निजवासरुषा प्रदातुमार्तिं ह्याधिकां पापनियामकासुरेभ्यः । अशुभान्यपि कारयन् मया त्वं रमसे सर्वनियामकेति भाति ॥१४॥ "O Supreme Lord! being controller of everything in this universe you are making (prerana) your devotees to commit sins only to give the respective fruits to the Demons residing in their bodies and thereby punishing them."
यदि कृष्ण कदाचनापि पुण्यं घटते पापमयस्य मेऽपि तत्तु । प्रबलाघचयैर्विहन्यते वा दुरितध्वंसकृतार्थमीश वा स्यात् ॥१५॥ "O Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa! if I ever do any meritorious deeds (puṇyakārya) even that puṇya gets destroyed due to the powerful sins committed by me and there may not be any balance of punya left."
तदिहोभयतश्च पुण्यमूर्ते सुकृतं नो घटते मनागपीश । वद मे पुरतस्त्वतीव भीरोर्भगवन् कालभयापहतृपायं ॥१६॥ "O Lord! Meritorious Supreme God Śrī Hari! even the little merits (punya) that I have acquired is getting destroyed due to my sinful acts. Fear of death is haunting me as I have to face Lord Yama, the Lord of Death. Please bestow me with a plan for removal of fear from Lord Yama (Kālabhaya)."
अतुलं वरवैष्णवं सुजन्माच्युत दत्तं कृपया त्वयाऽप्यवाप्य । क्षणजीव्यपि कल्पगत्वबुद्ध्या पशुचंडालवदेव संचरामि ॥१७॥ "O Bhagavanta! even though You have blessed & granted me with an unlikely birth as a human being that too as Vaiṣṇava, I am assuming myself as a permanent entity knowing fully well that life is short; I am behaving like a animal/Chandala without making any attempt for a righteous living."
न तदस्ति शरीरिणां शताब्दायुशि शास्त्रप्रमितेऽपि किंचिदेव । भगवन् खलु तत्र रात्रिकालो जलहोमोपमतामुपैति नोऽलं ॥१८॥ "Although it is said that life span of a human being is hundred years everyone may not have that comfort. Half of it gets wasted as night as if one is performing Homa sacrifice in water."
द्विदशाब्दयुगं दिवापि पूर्वोत्तरमीश स्थविरत्व शैशवाभ्यां । समयां प्रणयामि सर्वरोगैः बहुलीलाभिरपि प्रमूढबुद्ध्या ॥१९॥ "Even in the remaining span of 50 years after discounting the night time, initial 20 years is spent during childhood etc. and final 20 years as old age, disability, diseases etc. and we are left with only 10 years for Sādhanā."
परिशेषित ईश मध्यकालः सुकृते भारतभूतले वसिष्टः । यदिहापि सदैव पापचिते मयि पश्वंत्यजयोश्च कोऽपराधः ॥२०॥ "This period of 10 years is the prime time suitable for sādhanā. Having taken birth in this meritious land of Bhārata, even if this prime time is wasted and not utilized properly, always having evil mind, will there be any difference between us and the animals/chandala?"
इह भारतभूतलेऽतिपुण्ये द्रविणस्त्रीसुतपूर्वकेषु मायाम् । अलमेकदिनं विमुच्य वामे तव पादाब्जरतिं प्रदेहि देहि ॥२१॥ "Having born on this meritorious land Bhāratadesa, that too as a Vaiṣṇava, Oh! God! Please release me at least for a day from the fetters of attachment towards Saṁsāra (money, wife, children, relatives etc.) and infuse in me interest to contemplate on your lotus feet."
रमयाऽप्यगणय्यवस्तुजातं द्विविधं प्राहुरमंदबुद्धिभाजः । तव सद्गुणजातमेकमन्यन्मम दुर्व्रदुरंतपापजातं ॥२२॥ "Learned says that there are two things which are countless even by Goddess Lakshmi Devi viz. (1) innumerable number of auspicious qualities & attributes of Lord Śrī Hari and heap of our sins."
अतिसौख्यकराण्यलं परस्तात् नहि किंचित् श्रमसाध्यसाधनानि ।श्रमभीरुरहं त्यजन्परत्रामितशोकानुभवी कथं भवामि ॥२३॥ "Obsessed with comforts & enjoyment I am scared and hesitant to perform even a little Sādhanā thereby becoming Karmabhraṣṭa. How do I avoid the Hell?"
भुवि यद्यपि पापिनो वसंति श्रमभाजः पुरुषास्तथाऽपि कोऽपि । मम पापसमानपापकर्ता पुरुषो नास्ति हि नास्ति नास्ति ॥२४॥ "There are several sinners in this world but, I am a storehouse for all evil deeds having committed several sins and there can be no one equal to me in this aspect."
नतयो न कृताः प्रदक्षिणाश्च स्तुतयोऽपि ध्रुवमंतरेण दंभः । न गुरुः परिसेवितः सुभक्त्याशुभशास्त्राश्रवणं कथं ततः स्यात् ॥२५॥ "I have never performed obeisance to Lord Śrī Hari prostrating before Him; never eulogized the glories of the supreme God Viṣṇu; I have never served any Guru with devotion; in such a case how do I get the benefit of listening to the sacred scripts (Sat-śāstras) that pave the way to Mokṣa?"
वचनैर्बहुभिर्मुकुंद किं ते श्रुण मे बीजवचो वदामि तुभ्यं । भुवनत्रयसंस्थितानि यानीश्वर पापानि वसंति मय्ययोग्ये ॥२६॥ "I have all the wickedness in me that is present in all the three lokas."
प्रकृते तदघव्रजात्प्रमुक्तिर्न भवेत्यैरपि ते दयां विनाऽध्य । करुणां कुरु मय्यतो मुरारे नतयस्ते कमलेश संत्वनंताः ॥२७॥ "O Slayer of the demon Mura! In this precarious condition of mine only and only Your grace can protect me from the mountain of sins. hence, Oh! Kind hearted and compassionate God, please have abundant mercy on me."
विजयींद्रयतीश्वरो व्यतानीत् स्तुतिमेनां दुरितापहं मुरारेः । परमादरतः सदा पठेद्यो निखिलैः पापचयैर्भवेत्स मुक्तः ॥२८॥ "This divine stotra that takes away all sins has been authored by Śrī Vijayindra Tīrtha Yativarenyaru. Those who read this everyday with sincere devotion and proper understanding of its essence shall be liberated from the entire group of sins and will have the grace of Supreme God Murari."
॥ इति श्रीमद्विजयींद्रतीर्थ श्रीचरणकृतं पापमोचनस्तोत्रं दुरितापहारस्तोत्रं संपूर्णं ॥
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sciencesolutions · 1 year
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rojgarkitalash · 2 years
Bihar Bhawan Group D Offline Form
Bihar Bhawan Group D Offline Form
Bihar Bhawan Group D Offline Form: We Inform you on behalf of Sarkari Job Alert, The Bihar Bhawan New Delhi has Invites the Offline Application Form for the recruitment of Group D on 32 Vacancies. Candidate can check the advertisement and apply offline form. All the details related to Bihar Bhawan Recruitment 2022 are given below. Bihar Bhawan Group D Offline Form Article Bihar Bhawan Group D…
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Umaid Bhawan Palace - INDIA
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directsellingnow · 4 days
International Marketing Corporation Pvt Ltd द्वारा Gorakhpur में एक दिवसीय Leadership Workshop का आयोजन
Network Marketing Latest News: International Marketing Corporation Pvt Ltd (IMC) ने गोरखपुर में एक दिवसीय leadership workshop का सफल आयोजन किया। यह कार्यक्रम Gokul Atithi Bhawan Gorakhpur University Road, Civil Lines, Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) में आयोजित किया गया, जिसमें लगभग 500 प्रतिभागियो��, जिसमें top direct sellers और कंपनी के representatives शामिल थे। Workshop में कंपनी के प्रमुख Leaders ने…
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townpostin · 24 days
New Jharkhand Bhawan Inaugurated in Delhi’s Connaught Place
CM Hemant Soren inaugurates state-of-the-art New Jharkhand Bhawan in Delhi. Jharkhand’s presence in the national capital was strengthened with the inauguration of New Jharkhand Bhawan in Connaught Place by CM Hemant Soren. NEW DELHI – Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren inaugurated the New Jharkhand Bhawan located in Delhi’s Connaught Place, marking a significant step for the state’s…
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hotelbharatbhawan · 1 month
Discover the Best Hotel in Jatipura Goverdhan – Your Perfect Stay Awaits | Luxury Hotel in Jatipura Parikrama Marg | Best Stay in jatipura Govardhan
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Looking for a memorable stay in Jatipura Goverdhan? Look no further! Our top-rated hotel offers unmatched comfort, exceptional service, and a prime location. Whether you're visiting for a spiritual retreat, a family vacation, or a peaceful getaway, our hotel is your ideal choice.
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priyamkalal99 · 2 months
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Experience the royal Rajputana culture, art, architecture, and lot more. Discover the major tourist attraction in Jodhpur, Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur. Experience how it feels to live like a king!
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asthmabhawan-blog · 2 months
How to Control Asthma During the Rainy Season: Tips and Strategies by Asthma Bhawan
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The rainy season brings a refreshing change with cooler temperatures and lush green surroundings. However, for asthma sufferers, this time of year can also bring challenges. The increase in humidity, mold growth, and airborne allergens can exacerbate asthma symptoms, making it difficult to breathe comfortably. Asthma Bhawan, a leading healthcare facility specializing in respiratory diseases, offers expert advice on managing asthma during the rainy season. In this blog, we will explore the triggers that can worsen asthma symptoms during this time and provide practical tips and strategies to help you stay healthy and enjoy the rainy season to the fullest.
Understanding Asthma Triggers During the Rainy Season
Increased Humidity
Asthma Bhawan Humidity levels rise significantly during the rainy season, creating an environment conducive to mold growth and dust mite proliferation. These allergens can trigger asthma symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
Mold and Mildew
Damp and wet conditions are ideal for mold and mildew growth. Spores released by mold can become airborne and, when inhaled, can cause allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms.
Pollen and Allergens
The rainy season can also bring a surge in pollen levels, especially from plants and grasses. Pollen, along with other allergens like pet dander and dust, can trigger asthma attacks.
Cold Air
Rain often brings cooler temperatures, and for some asthma sufferers, cold air can act as a trigger, causing bronchoconstriction and difficulty breathing.
Respiratory Infections
The rainy season is also associated with an increase in respiratory infections, such as colds and flu. These infections can worsen asthma symptoms and lead to complications.
Tips and Strategies to Control Asthma During the Rainy Season
1. Monitor Weather Conditions
Stay informed about the weather and air quality. Knowing when humidity levels are high or when pollen counts are elevated can help you take preventive measures. You can use weather apps or websites to check the forecast and plan your activities accordingly.
2. Keep Indoor Air Clean
Maintaining clean indoor air is crucial for controlling asthma symptoms. Here are some tips:
Use Air Purifiers: Air purifiers with HEPA filters can help remove allergens like pollen, mold spores, and dust mites from the air.
Control Humidity Levels: Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor humidity levels between 30-50%. This helps prevent mold growth and reduces dust mite populations.
Ventilate Your Home: Ensure proper ventilation by using exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens. Avoid using carpets and heavy curtains that can trap dust and allergens.
3. Avoid Mold Exposure
Mold thrives in damp, humid conditions. To minimize mold exposure:
Fix Leaks: Repair any leaks in your home promptly to prevent water damage and mold growth.
Clean and Dry: Regularly clean and dry areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms, basements, and kitchens.
Use Mold-Resistant Products: Consider using mold-resistant paint and materials in your home.
4. Limit Outdoor Activities
On days with high humidity, pollen counts, or poor air quality, try to limit outdoor activities, especially during peak pollen times (early morning and late afternoon). If you need to go outside, consider wearing a mask to reduce exposure to allergens.
5. Practice Good Hygiene
Good hygiene practices can help reduce the risk of respiratory infections:
Wash Hands Regularly: Frequent hand washing helps prevent the spread of germs and infections.
Avoid Touching Face: Refrain from touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, to avoid transferring allergens and germs.
Stay Away from Sick Individuals: Avoid close contact with people who have colds or flu to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
6. Follow Your Asthma Action Plan
Work with your healthcare provider to develop a personalized asthma action plan. This plan should include:
Medication Management: Take your prescribed asthma medications as directed. This may include daily controller medications (inhaled corticosteroids) and rescue inhalers (short-acting bronchodilators).
Identify Triggers: Know your asthma triggers and how to avoid them. Keep a diary to track symptoms and triggers.
Emergency Plan: Know what to do in case of an asthma attack. This includes recognizing early warning signs and knowing when to seek medical help.
7. Regular Check-Ups
Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider, especially during the rainy season. These visits allow your doctor to monitor your asthma, adjust medications if necessary, and provide guidance on managing symptoms.
8. Stay Hydrated and Healthy
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and maintain overall health. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids can also help reduce inflammation and improve respiratory health.
Raed more  - Throat Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Specialist in Rajasthan
Managing asthma during the rainy season requires proactive measures and careful monitoring of environmental factors. By understanding the triggers and following the tips provided by Asthma Bhawan, you can minimize asthma symptoms and enjoy the season without discomfort. Remember, every individual's asthma is unique, so it's essential to work closely with your healthcare provider to develop a personalized plan that suits your needs.
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Discover the vibrant hues of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, known as the "Blue City." Explore majestic forts, opulent palaces, rich culture, and flavorful cuisine amidst the desert landscape of this enchanting destination.
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kimskashmir · 7 months
Maharashtra acquires land in Kashmir for tourist accommodation project: Report
SRINAGAR — Maharashtra is poised to become the first Indian state to acquire land in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir for the construction of a tourist facility catering to its residents. Reported by The Indian Express, the development entails the establishment of Maharashtra Bhawan in central Kashmir’s Budgam district, marking the valley’s inaugural state Bhavan. According to the Indian…
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narendrabhawan · 7 months
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Luxurious Weekend Escape at Narendra Bhawan
Indulge in a blissful weekend retreat at Narendra Bhawan, one of the best 5-star hotels in Bikaner. Priced at INR 39,500++ for 3 nights, this exclusive offer includes flights from Friday to Sunday, ensuring a seamless journey to your lavish getaway.
Savor the epitome of culinary excellence with buffet breakfast and dinner served on all days of your stay. Experience unparalleled convenience with complimentary airport transfers, allowing you to relax from the moment you arrive.
This enticing offer is valid until 31st March 2024, providing the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in luxury amidst the heritage and grandeur of Bikaner. Book your weekend escape at Narendra Bhawan and elevate your experience with unparalleled hospitality and opulence.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 9 months
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The Great Umaid Bhawan Palace - INDIA
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toursfromdelhi · 7 months
Amrit Udyan Rashtrapati Bhawan Delhi - Video Tour
Amrit Udyan Rashtrapati Bhawan Delhi - Video Tour - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eknsgCKPIvQ
#amritudyan #rashtrapatibhawan #mughalgarden #delhi #videotour
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townpostin · 25 days
Governor Gangwar Engages with Jamshedpur Community in Direct Dialogue
Visit to Hurlung Panchayat Bhawan marks first stop on Kolhan tour; addresses local concerns Governor Santosh Gangwar initiated his Kolhan tour with a community dialogue in Jamshedpur, focusing on grassroots issues and development. JAMSHEDPUR – Governor Santosh Gangwar commenced his Kolhan tour with a community dialogue at Hurlung Panchayat Bhawan in Jamshedpur. The Governor’s visit to Hurlung…
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