#bi cas truthing
cassierobinsons · 3 months
quick fic rec for you lot: permanent by petramacneary
it's a E-rated cas pov 5x21 episode tag 😁
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why was he screaming cas’s name… why was misha in a field… 14 cut scenes… the weird ass fall to the dungeon floor… the cut from carry on to carry on…
*im going insane*
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queerbluebird · 2 months
is there literally anyone left in this godforsaken place who understands that bisexuality is not a pitstop on the way to being gay. it is not halfway to gay. "at least bi." no. "bi at minimum" n.o. bisexuality is a queerness unto itself.
"it's not bisexual erasure" listen to me, if you have to put as much effort into explaining away his attraction to women to prove that he's gay as other people have to put into explaining away his attraction to men to prove that he's straight it's because he is BISEXUAL.
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samswinchesters · 1 year
i'm obsessed with ur header 🩷💜💙
MWAHHHH 👩‍❤��‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 thank you sm, cait 💖 I made it a couple of years ago and I tell myself to make new headers for pride each year but I always find myself soooo distracted that next thing I know it’s already the next pride LOL. it’s still such a good gif and one that I’m extremely proud of 👍🏽💙💜🩷
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shallowrambles · 2 years
I don't know why romantic/ sexual meg isn't allowed to coexist w the rest of fandom when similar archetypes like benny and crowley get so much attention
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dotthings · 4 months
Speaking as a Dean fan, I would like to refute the arguments of Dean/Jensen stans who continue to treat Dean being in love with Cas back as if it's a violation of Dean's autonomy or equivalent to an assault.
This is a 100% cynical concern trolling created by bitter Dean/Jensen stans who for whatever reason want Dean away from Cas.
As if many Destiel shippers haven't already been standing on our reading for years, seasons before Cas's confession. That this is what Dean wants. What we already saw unfolding over the seasons.
That Dean is in love with Cas.
It's a response to the actual canon story which led us here. It's not something imposed out of nowhere.
What we saw on screen, the show-don't-tell of it, the bi Dean coding. The writers and actors leaning into it. Dean and Cas falling in love but not speaking their truths to each other and neither realizing the other was in love with him.
I didn't see Dean in love with Cas because of Cas's testament to Dean. That didn't come into play because Cas said I love you to Dean. I have thought that for a very long time.
My conclusions about Dean are based on watching Dean himself in canon.
We are responding to the story. To Dean himself.
There is no obligatory aspect whatsoever. It's about love. It's about the story. It's about Dean and what he feels. It's about Cas and what he feels.
Nobody is obligated to pretend we didn't see it to placate these pearl clutching Karens. This entire performative concern troll about "omg you want to force this on Dean" has to go.
Maybe Dean/Jensen stans should have paid closer attention to Dean on screen and less time making pointless drama. If you want to see people trying to force something on Dean, it's Dean/Jensen stans insisting Dean cannot possibly ever love Cas like that.
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snoikie14 · 1 month
How dare people say we're crazy for imagining Destiel for all those years,, Dean is Bi, Cas is gay
You can rip this truth from my cold dead hands
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
Hey 👋 I just wanted to ask when, in your view of Dean, do you see him figuring out his sexuality? I know you don't like the idea that Sam explains it to him as an adult through some inexplicable ability to diagnose someone with bisexuality and I also dislike this idea as I feel it kinda disregards both Dean's personal experiences as well as the general climate towards queer people when he was growing up which was obviously not favourable at all. Also if you believe that he figured himself out early on, do you think rufus and bobby helped with that? Idk I just like the idea of dean having queer elders in his life and finding out about himself that way. Or maybe I just like the idea of dean having a support group 😞. Anyway sorry this ended up being me just kinda going on a rant. Thank you for all your dean posts he is my favourite and seeing you defend him makes me very happy 😊
I enjoy the idea that Dean has been hooking up with women and men the whole time and we just don't get to see that explicitly (because of the network? Because of Chuck? Because Dean keeps his activities with men under wraps out of caution? Because he made a bet over how long it'd take Sam to notice? Pick your poison).
Fun little bits that lend to this perspective for me are 1.15 The Benders, Dean's fascination with Dr. Sexy and his sexy cowboy boots, Crowley and Demon Dean's summer of love (especially the triplets), Dean's affinity for dorky little guys and Victor Henriksen.
The most interesting and convincing one to me though is the idea of Dean testing the waters with Cas a few times in season 5 with little flirtations, only to come to the conclusion that Cas isn't into men because Cas keeps missing all of his hints about hooking up (5.03a, 5.03b, 5.03&4.10&5.15, 5.18). Or they did hook up once at some point but it didn't become anything more and didn't happen again after the one time (6.19).
Regretfully, I must also spare a nod to #sam knows (but so does Dean!).
It's just fun to me. It's fun to think about. I don't really have any specific headcanons about an exact time period when he figured out "Oh I like chicks and dudes". But I also don't think John Winchester would give a shit if Dean fucked dudes or wanted to date or even marry a guy so I don't know that the family aspect would be such a big issue (*cough cough* bi John truthing). If anything, I think John might worry himself sick about Dean getting hate crimed by somebody and open his big mouth and say some things he shouldn't have—the same way he drove Sam away because he was so fixated on the terror he felt at the idea of Sam not being safe (1.08, 1.20). Then again, John was never as paranoid about Dean's safety as he was about Sam's.
I do have a tag where I collect queer dean stuff. #swayze always gets a pass.
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turtleraccoonsoup · 6 months
hey guys do you wanna have a flash fic of dean doing the Gay Crisis Tango?
of course you do have some destiel highschool au where Dean sees Cas and cannot cope
Italicized stuff is flashbacks, sorry if theirs eyestrain!!
Dean sat on his bed, starting at a wall across from him. It was his first day of school in this new shitty town and he was already starting to hate it.
The teachers were annoying, the classes were hard, and he was learning things he wasn't ready to know about himself.
"And this is our new student Dane Winchester!"
"Its Dean." Dean corrected, not in the mood to deal with annoying teachers.
"Right, Dean. Sorry." The teacher corrected himself.
Dean grabbed his hair and let himself give into gravity, falling onto his bed in the motel room he'd be staying in with Sam for supposedly only two weeks, but he knows his dad isn't good about that stuff.
"Alrighty Dane, you'll be over there with Mr. Novak."
"Its Dean." He insisted as he walked over to the desk the teacher, whos name he hadn't bothered learning, had gestured to and sat down.
It wasn't their first time staying in a town so small that the middle, elementary, and high school were all in the same building, having to share desks and only moving from class to class maybe three times a day, one of those being to go to lunch, but, this was definitely the most interesting iteration.
He sat down and looked over at his new desk mate for hopefully only two weeks, and immediately took back that last notion.
The man next to him, Novak, was it? Was... hot. Beautiful in ways Dean hadn't seen in anyone before. Messy brown hair stuck up in every direction, a grim look to his already stubbled face. Bright blue eyes, so blue they pierced Deans heart, lay heavy-set into his skull. Chapped, large pink lips that made Deans mind wander.
Dean immediately looked away, his face growing red and his heart pounding.
'What the fuck?' Dean thought to himself.
'No, no no no no no no no. I am NOT gay. I like women! I've had girlfriends! I am NOT into a guy ive never talked to.'
Dean laid now, after a long, tiring day of seeing that handsome guy he now knew as Castiel roam from class to class and going across rooms and sitting and- Dean had been watching him all day.
Walking back to the motel from school Sam had brought up his staring, as he was now also in highschool and noticed his brothers odd behavior.
Dean new better than to push his brother away and decided to open up.
"I think I might be bi."
Dean had always been aware of being gay and bi and such but his dad had made him think that things like that were just as unnatural as the monsters he hunted.
Sam, of course, immediately told him he was cool with it and asked him why he'd decided to tell him now.
Dean had told him the truth.
And now he's here. Wondering what the fuck changed to make him suddenly bi.
He thought back all the way to his first memories, as far as he could go. In his digging, he remembered the fourth grade, where his dad told him liking men as a man was as wrong as sucking blood. Why had his dad said that?
Then, it clicked.
He'd told his dad he had a crush on a boy in his class. He remembered now. How his dad had freaked out and beat him. Kicked him out of the house for a night. He couldn't believe he could forget something like that.
"Uh, hi?" Dean had said to the man next to him.
"hello." Jesus, even his voice was hot. Rough and deep with a twinge of sincerity.
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aborddelimpala · 1 year
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"I don't know anyone who ships Wincest who are upset that people feel Dean represents their queerness. The distinction between canon and fanon is important because truth and accuracy matter. Saying Dean is *canonically* bi is not supported anywhere in the show. Canonically, Dean repeats that he doesn't swing that way, sleeps with a ton of women, uses the straight person app, and never even responds to Cas's declaration of love - or even mention it after it happens. The way he sits/speaks/stares is not canonical anything. Canonically, Supernatural is terrible rep. It deserves and should get no accolades for stuff it didn't do. It shouldn't go down in history as groundbreaking queer anything, because it broke no ground. Saying it did is rewriting history and misrepresenting the show. And that matters because we are still in an era where we are surrounded on all sides by people trying to rewrite history to be whatever they want it to be - politically, socially, in the media, everywhere. As a queer person, it's important to me personally to make the distinction between canon and fanon because if we insist that a man who never makes a queer move in canon is good rep, who says he's straight and only sleeps with women on screen, then that's what we'll get.
In fanon? I have no problems with Dean being bi, trans, gay, aromantic, secretly ace - however folks relate to him. Fanon lets you read between the lines all you want.
OFMD gave us canonical queer characters - characters who verbally or physical confirm their queerness. So did Black Sails, Interview with the Vampire, Sex Education, Euphoria, Supergirl, First Kill, Nimona, Owl House. Dean does not, despite repeat opportunities.
Saying that Dean's canonically bi feels like gaslighting. It doesn't matter how many times people say it - Dean was conceived of as straight according to Kripke, written as straight in dialogue and action in the scripts, and played as straight according to Jensen. On the other hand, canonically Cas is gay. He was conceived of as genderless originally, written with bi plots, and ultimately played and viewed as queer by S15 according to Misha. It is a legitimate queer journey, one many people have gone through. I would still argue that it deserved much more onscreen development and dialogue to be good rep - see OFMD and Black Sails, e.g. Queer Cas deserved better than he got, especially with turbohell seconds later. But that's the difference - queer Cas IS canon. Bi Dean is not.
And yeah, it's a fiction show, and 50 years from now not many people will care. But the truth should still matter. I've shipped Wincest, Megstiel, Destiel, Sastiel and a ton of others in-between. Megstiel at least got a kiss, which is more than Destiel got.
tl;dr I fully support everyone shipping all the ships, see yourself in any character you want, embrace all the queer fanon, write and art and vid and whatever. But Wincest isn't canon, and Dean - on the show, not in our heads - is not bi. And truth and actual rep both matter.
And time and time again, we've seen that the studios will give us the bare minimum. If we say a character conceived, written and acted as straight is good queer rep, they have no reason to give us characters conceived, written and acted as queer. And THAT'S what I care about."
This is the most mature and well written discourse I've read about Dean sexuality. I'm glad Casey allowed me to share it here.
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castiellesbian · 2 years
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pussypopstiel · 7 months
Time to gay dean bi cas truth on main again
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
How are you?
I’ve been feeling stressed out about a lot of things recently and everytime I’ve felt like this in the past it’s you who always helps me out! So I’m back… (not sure it’s a good thing)
Ok so firstly let’s discuss my sexuality. So for the past 3 years I’ve identified as bisexual. I basically like all genders but do have a preference. For example, I am more attracted to masc presenting people than fem presenting people, but I also prefer queer people more often than not. Does this make sense?
This makes me bi, right? Bc I have preference?, bc sometimes I wonder if I could be pan, but pansexual is with no preference (?)
Alrighty, second thing on my mind is the dreaded gender. I’ve been questioning for about 10 months now and I feel like I’ve made progress and I wanted to talk to you about it! So I was that anon and go was spamming your asks back in like December and January bc I was so confused about what gender identity I could be. I asked about almost all of them and you truely helped me so much!
I thought I was faking it as I’m like older than most people when working this stuff out (19), but you reassured me that I wouldn’t be faking it if it was keeping me up. You also said I could be genderfluid, like you. I remember you said you had similar experience to what I was describing: I did look into that and it’s still something I think about. I know I’m not cis. Sometimes I do relate to being a ‘girl’ (as uncomfortable as that makes me feel, it’s the truth). (I am afab). I know I’m definitely not a man. And I had thoughts that I could be agender.
I’ve come to conclusion that I am non-binary, possibly genderfluid, in which fluctuates from agender to demigirl to nonbinary. (Still discovering it all though). I just wanted to come on here and thank you so much for all the help and guidance that you provided! It really means a lot and you are the most amazing human in the world for that! 🫶🏼
Ok now lastly I am a uni student, and I have placement in 2 weeks. I’m going to a school to teach… yes I’m going to be a teacher (like you!) Clothes were the initial issue with placement as clothes always make me feel dysphoric, but you helped me with that as well! The thing that’s keeping me up lately is the title of what the students will call me. Most teachers go by Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr and then their last names. I don’t want that. I know I’ll end up being called Ms ______, which makes me sad. What do students call you? Do you think it’s bad if I just tell them I want to be called by my first name or is that unprofessional? I know this is silly and I shouldn’t be overthinking it but it’s making me feel uncomfortable and sad so I thought I’d ask you for advice. (I also don’t know how I feel about Mx being used for me).
Again Cas, thank you for all the help you have provided me these last few months! I am so glad I found your blog when I did bc you have helped me in more ways than I ever could have imagined! I am so so grateful for you and I hope you have everything you want in life bc you deserve it!
Enjoy your day/night :)
Yes, I remember you!
Okay so for sexuality...I think this is a matter of opinion, to be honest. Like, I've read completely different things and I am by NO means an expert. But in MY opinion? If you have the ability to be attracted to anyone, regardless of gender, that would be pan. Even if you have preferences. But if you're strictly only looking for certain genders, that would be bi. I hope that makes sense? Like there's a difference between having a preference and not being attracted at all.
I'm so glad I could help you with your gender! With teaching, have you ever considered just going by your last name? I think it might not be a good idea to go by first name, just because that brings you on a 'friend-level' and some kids will take advantage about it. But just your last name isn't gendered, and also give you some authority.
I'm so so glad I could help you, and please feel free to write again!
(Also I am naming all the anons who write to me in case they want to write in the future, and I am using a random positive affirmation generator to do so. So I dub thee: impressive anon. Enjoy your free tag!)
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autisticandroids · 2 years
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angelsdean · 1 year
It's sort of weird in a way because for me I'm like yeah Cas is gay (and if people headcanon him as anything else - that isn't straight I mean, I can respect that), however I feel like for Dean it's like I am a bit iffy about headcannoning him as gay, and even though I have read gay dean fics, I am still a staunch believer that Dean is bi, where as Cas generally falls under the gay umbrella.
for me i have my set interpretations for when i'm watching the show (which is similar to you, generally gay / queer / labelless cas and bi dean) but for Pondering and rotating around scenarios in my mind and fics i'm open to all possibilities. i've read a good bunch of gay dean fics and enjoyed them a lot. for me, i'll always read canon dean as bi, though i lean more towards him being the flavor of bi that's more into men than women. So in that sense I'm a little bit closer to the gay dean truthers. I can see where they're coming from with some of their interpretations of canon, and I respect it as long as it's not like, stemming from misogyny and just wanting to hate on spn women, y'know? but yeah, i know gay dean headcanons especially can get dicey in fandom and people often feel like it's bi erasure, and those feelings are valid but we can also respect different interpretations, and not automatically take things in bad faith or assume biphobia. often headcanons + interpretations are personal. a gay viewer may see themselves in dean, may resonate with him in some way, may interpret his past relationships with women as similar to their own past experiences. and headcanoning dean as gay instead of bi doesn't mean that dean's past relationships with women weren't important or meaningful either.
i think it's easy to get very attached and defensive abt our personal headcanons (and i know i am not immune to this either, though i try to keep an open mind). but i think we can all appreciate these characters in all their multitudes, and we can allow conflicting headcanons to co-exist, and celebrate all the various and infinite ways these characters can exist. bi dean and nebulously queer cas will always be MY truth for canon but i won't tear down another person's personal interpretations (as long as we're not saying they're straight lmaoo)
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
The Breakfast Club-Masterlist
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Supernatural activity at Shermer High
Explicit, Supernatural/TBC Crossover: werewolf case for backstory, Sam and Dean adopt a dickhead teenager, HIV+ character, happy ending but drama rollarcoaster till then, sex worker!Bender, mentions of torture/abuse, mentions SA, wincest, destiel, mark of Cain!Dean, fallen angel!cas
Locked in a vacancy
Explicit, UA: Bendew Romance, Never Have I Ever, truth or dare, minor angst, blow jobs, first kiss, just about everyone is bi
Did I stutter?
Explicit, Canon Divergence-Bendrew Romance, first time, non brother wincest, tattooed!Dean, tattooed!Bender, tattooed!Sam, angst, sex, smut, blow Jobs, bottom!Bender, Top!Andrew, Self Harm, Cutting, Blood tw, Queer as Folk inspired
You couldn't ignore me if you tried
Explicit: Sequel fic to Did I stutter, Prom, homophobia, homobphic violence, rescue, big brothers Sam and Dean, love, romance,
Monday morning
Explicit, Bendrew romance, first kiss, bisexual Bender, Virgin!Andrew, Verse!Bender, enemies to friends to lovers, hurt/comfort
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