cupoteahatter · 6 days
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I give so much and finally I get to receive
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bianclair · 6 months
Bianca walks into Enid and Wednesday's room, Enid lies on her back in her bed surrounded by Squishmallows with huge orange headphones on. Wednesday is tapping away on her typewriter with a concentrated frown, clearly ignoring the newcomer.
Bianca sits down next to Enid who whirls around on her stomach, smiling.
Bianca kisses her forehead and motions for Enid to take off the headphones.
Bianca: How's the audio book?
Enid: Good! Very exciting. I pretty sure they end up together at some point. Just so much pining at the moment.
Bianca *sends her a secretive smile*
Bianca: You know I can't tell you that.
Enid: Yeah yeah, I know. I just...
*Enid sits up*
Enid: Actually, sometimes I am having a hard time keeping track of the story.
Bianca: Yeah?
Enid: I just wish that... Like... it would be a lot easier if it had subtitles on, you know?
*Wednesday stops typing and turns around*
Wednesday: Enid, do you mean like... a printed book?
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writerrose1998 · 1 year
for the wip word game, how about... "rose" lol? it can be the past tense of "rise" or the flower ;)
Haha, thank you for the ask! Also sorry for the late answer, I've been sick but I'm feeling better now.
So here it is, freshly written and unedited:
Bianca's eyes widen and she looked caught. Enid grinned, a cat-like grin full of satisfaction and rose up to her tiptoes to press her mouth against hers. 
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i-oooo · 2 years
"The socials"
Wednesday: *sitting on her bed with the phone Thorpe gave her* Enid, I looked through your.. what did you call it? "Socials?"
Enid: *squeals* Really?
Wednesday: Yes, really, why else would I say it?
Enid: ...
Wednesday: ... *deadpan stare*
Enid: Go on
Wednesday: Would you care to explain the concept of "they were roommates" to me?
Enid: *blushing* Ehh.. it's a lesbian thing, you know, like the Uhaul tropes.
Wednesday: What?
Enid: *quickly* You wouldn't understand.
Wednesday: Clearly. Since I'm not romantically nor sexually attracted to femmes. Or other people, for that matter.
Enid: AroAce, yeah I know.
Enid: *nods and blushes franticly, moving closer to her bed*
Wednesday: And why are there so many videos and pictures of Bianca with her tail out?
Enid: Enough with "the Socials" for today!
Enid: *Graps the phone out of Wednesday's hands*
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sokoe-chan · 2 years
Hi! Thanks for reblogging my post on @bianclair
What does it mean that you tagged it #merlina? :)
Hi! You're welcome. Merlina it's the name in the spanish dub of Wednesday Addams, so i used that to tag things related to the show.
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cupoteahatter · 5 months
Wednesday Fandom hear me out okay?
Little Miss Perfect Ordinary
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(In a loose sense)
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bianclair · 2 years
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Bianca: Don't get your hopes up, Addams. Enid is my sunshine fluffball.
*Enid squeals something incomprehensible to Yoko in an excited voice*
Bianca: That first point was clearly beginners luck. Let's finish this.
Wednesday: For the final point I would like to inwoke a military challenge. No masks, no tips.
*Fencing teacher groans*
Wednesday: Winner draws first blood
*Nevermore students gasp in unison*
Fencing teacher: It's your decision, Bianca.
Bianca: Let's see if you bleed in black and white.
*Enid faints in Yoko's arms*
Yoko: Oh, for fuck's sake...
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writerrose1998 · 1 year
The next one-shot might be a bit later. I'm sick.
I hate flu season 🤒
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writerrose1998 · 1 year
Wyler wip ask: caress
Thanks for the ask! Just written so please excuse any mistake there.
For Enid's one-shot:
So sue her, Bianca had a wonderful mouth alright? And her neck was just lovely, Enid wanted to suck hickey's on there for forever. So she did that night, caressing that coffee skin until her fellow Undine couldn't contain her moans anymore.
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cupoteahatter · 1 year
For the wip ask game: dark.
From my upcoming Bianclair one shot:
She heard the movement as she passed the fencing classroom, different from their gymnasium on the second floor of the school and the sharp woosh of a sword in the air. Carefully, Enid changed her course through the dark and approached the room that was filled to the brim with moonlight.
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writerrose1998 · 1 year
The third part in the Undine universe is out now!
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cupoteahatter · 5 months
sooooo happy there is another Enid/ Bianca rare shipper!!! I’ve been thinking about this pairing for the longest time but I barely have content for them :(… surprisingly and sadly enid isn’t used much for rare pairs, hoping that changes for s2 🤞🏽
Bianclair is literally like one of my favourite ships, because I think they would just play off each other really well.
Like they fit into that Popular Girl/Weird Girl trope that I think should be explored more as well as both having some self esteem issues just in opposite directions so, they would definitely be like one of those couples that support each other but won’t be afraid to call the other out on stuff.
Also I just think Enid could make Bianca laugh and I think Bianca deserves to laugh.
(Literally posted a Bianclair fic today too)
And I think I’d have to disagree because there aren’t a lot of rare pairs in general but outside of Wednesday or Tyler, Enid’s definitely the third most used person (from what I can find) whilst Bianca doesn’t have many ships at all.
But it is 100% true that we need more rarepairs, primarily so we can sow chaos in the general fandom because I do think it is both too obsessed with canon and not obsessed enough. If that makes sense?
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bianclair · 2 years
*Enid dressed up for New Year's*
Look, I'm gliterally shining ✨️
Bianca: Honey, you are a hot mess
Enid: *ahem* Okay, but a shining hot mess, right?
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bianclair · 2 years
Enid to herself before the Cup: Bianca is a bossy, brilliant, breathtakingly beautiful bitch. Which is why I have to beat her!
*Thing signing*
Enid: Yes! And bisexual.
*Enid whimpers* ...I hope 🥺
*Thing jumps to her shoulder and leans against her cheek*
*Wednesday suddenly* What's that?
Enid: We were just doing a vibe check. GoOOOoooOo Black Cats!
*Enid, finally looking at Wednesday* Only thing, where are your whiskers?
Wednesday: Ask again, and you will be down to eight lives.
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i-oooo · 2 years
Absolutely clueless
Bianca: *exclaims* Aww, Addams, that snood is adorable!
Wednesday: *forced* Thank you.
Bianca: Where did you get it?
Enid: *yelling from the other end of the room, walking closer* Actually I made it, I could show you how... to-
Enid: *Turns bright pink just like her own snood, realising Bianca was the one asking* Ehhh....
Bianca: Really? Would you teach me?
Enid: ...
Bianca: Enid?
Bianca: *Looks from Enid to Wednesday with a confused look*
Thing: *Jumps on Enid's shoulder, first stroking her cheek, then signing at Wednesday*
Wednesday: You're right. Absolutely clueless.
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i-oooo · 2 years
Si(re)nclair [OMG just go with it, ok?]
Wednesday: Enid, why have you written "Si'n-clair" multiple times on that paper?
Enid: *squeaks, scrambles and tries to hide the paper*
Wednesday: In a variety of fonts and colours, I may add.
Enid: * whispering* It's meant to be. Siren is literally part of my last name.
Wednesday: *mock whispering* I believe the word you're looking for is "almost", not "literally".
Where's the MerWolf shippers at?
#MerWolf #BianClair #Bianca x Enid
🔁 Please reblog if you ship Enid with Bianca, I need to find my people 🔁
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