thewingedwolf · 5 years
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@bibillybones I’m gonna be real I’m also very angry that m@lec took precedence over Clary and the whole ep became about their wedding AND that she Like was suffering thru the whole wedding. It was just dumb all around like if they knew they wanted to focus on the wedding, they should have done it an ep earlier and then had the last episode be about clary who is ya kno THE MAIN CHARACTER. The fact that her entire story got eclipsed (and Izzy for the matter also got brushed off) for all the male characters makes me soooooo bitter esp bc even in the fandom she’s eclipsed by all the male characters
Like I’m glad they did the wedding esp since in the books we get every significant milestone in everyone else’s relationships EXCEPT m@lec by and large, but I’m too bitter that clary ultimately becomes a supporting character in her own story to care about it right now. The tag is all the two of them, then jace, then Simon, and Izzy and clary are afterthoughts. Feels real bad and misogynistic lol
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
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armandmaxxing · 6 years
#Porthos would love you better than him - that tag is VALID
PORTHOS / CONSTANCE is valid, they deserve each other.
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higharnie · 7 years
bibillybones replied to your post: So sad that people out here still shitting on Cyn...
lbr people saw actual honest to god acting when cynthia took over and went like ~but naevia doesn’t have that range of emotion :// she’s a delicate flower ://///// ~ because they couldn’t handle the performance in comparison to lab’s… well, acting (also racism) (mostly racism i guess)
Its deffo racism. People are like OH they dont have the chemistry and its like WHERE IS YOUR EYES? They arent going to be soft spoken, soft kisses, hidden love glances, hiding in the shadows of their love in season 2 because THEY ARE OUT IN THE OPEN! Crixus lost the love of his life? like....wtf?  It’s racism and sexism. A woman like naevia can never be strong like that because look at her life before hand? Forget that shes a rape survivor or anything.
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madisilverflint · 7 years
you have the best url and i hope you have the best day
ooh dear
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realife-mermaid · 6 years
I was tagged by @larsmortensen approximately 500 years ago (seriously it was like......way back in my likes and i was cleaning them out and went...oh fuq so sorry)
Rules: Answer twenty questions and tag twenty people.
1.) Name: Kassie Marie
2.) Nicknames: Kassie is technically a nickname
3.) Height: roughly five feet
4.) Orientation: bisexual
5.) Nationality: American? Unless this means race/ethnicity and whoever started this just didn’t know the difference, in which case mixed race latina (german, puerto rican, menominee, if u want specfics)
6.) Favorite Fruit: strawberries!!
7.) Favorite Season: Autumn!!!!!
8.) Favorite Flower: bleeding hearts
9.) Favorite Scent: Melting chocolate, chai
10.) Favorite Color: Lapiz lazuli blue
11.) Favorite Animal: orcas
12.) Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?: so did I ever tell u guys that story about how I embarrassed my mom in front of an admissions lady bc I love hot chocolate a lot
13.) Average Hours of Sleep: usually between 6 and 7, altho often as little as 4
14.) Cat or Dog Person?:
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15.) Favorite Fictional Character: ......probably John Crichton from Farscape. But my top five is less of a top five and more like a five way tie with John edging everyone out by about like a hair.
16.) Number of Blankets: 6 blankets and 1 sheet on the bed, and I’ve got an additional four blankets and three sheets literally within reaching distance bc I’m always cold
17.) Dream Trip: right now I’d like nothing more than to stay at a tacky lodge while it snows outside and I’m warm inside, then sit and chill in one of those lazy rivers with the tube things that some water resorts have
18.) Blog Created: this one was made at the beginning of this year
19.) How Many Followers? Surprisingly I have 50
20.) Random Fact: I can play the piano pretty well and I used to be able to play the clarinet
I tag @mirkafortvna @ribbon-couture @monstersandheartache @tangle-of-garlands @graphicallyill @alchemisticarus @the-knights-who-say-book @shoeeatingshark @bibillybones @margaretwwells and I give up on more people but if u want to steal it feel free!!!!
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thewingedwolf · 7 years
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*aveline don’t interact* askdkjsjaha this is why I like u friend (She’s like. Like her concept is v intriguing to me? Atheist warrior lady who married a man who upholds the system except she doesn’t believe the system works and tries to improve it in the only way she knows how. Like. That’s My Shit. But she is terrible at her job, terrible to Isabela and Anders and downright mean to Carver and I can’t believe I’m supposed to root for her when she is only marginally better at her job than fucking Jeven)(at the very least they could show thru her approval how she feels but her approval is all fucking over the place? Vs like Carver, who trash talks templars and will yell at you if you hand over Katojan to the qunari - ur supposed to get approval if u dont, but like half his approval is bugged).
And YEAH i romanced him with irayz (ish, I decided she fits fenris and isabela better so I have to redo it)(altho I also have to redo it bc i built up my spells wrong and there’s no way I’m gonna beat the arishok now lol) and its like. He’s a little…..paternalistic? I guess is the world. I mean you’ll see, he’s just not nearly as open with u.
But my main issue and I think is the most egregious example of the biphobia, is that he won’t tell a lady hawke about his relationship with Karl. And I’ve seen people defend this (largely not bi people lol) with “well bi people don’t always tell their partners they’re bi” and yeah that is true, but see, I’m wary about telling people I’m bi bc i worry they’re biphobic and my own experiences have shown me I’m gonna be treated in a way I do not like. But. I tell people I love and trust I’m bi. And if they have a problem, I do not talk to them anymore. So the issue is that the writers are forcing the assumption on me and my hawke that 1. My hawke is straight 2. I’m straight 3. My hawke would be bipbobic. 4. That i dont want to know about Ander’s bisexuality bc i want to pretend he’s straight. and thats absolute bullshit for a million reasons and OH YEAH BIPHOBIC. Like. I can be mad that Sera and Dorian are the only lesbian/gay romanceable characters in da (and Sera’s writing is…….a hot fucking mess to say the least lol) and also be mad abiut anders, bc those things are tied together in how they view lgbtq characters and their romances and their arcs. And erasing that to make some asshole point is biphobic like this is basic ass shit? Why is this a controversial opinion lmao (Also yeah honestly, like I think I like dao better bc i like the game play better and how they portray morality better and the endings for their characters better but. Man I really do love the characters in da2? They are so loveable even if I’m annoyed with how a lot of their arcs end)(except bethany I have no feelings on bethany bc i haven’t played as a rogue or warrior yet)
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
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armandmaxxing · 7 years
i was tagged by @bibillybones
Rules: Write your 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
Daniel Molloy (The Vampire Chronicles)
Alois Trancy (Kuroshitsuji)
Auri (The kingkiller chronicle)
Thomas Barrow (Downton Abbey)
Selina Kyle (DC comics)
Nathaniel Plimpton III (Crazy ex gilfriend)
Bucky Carnes (MCU)
Andrew Minyard (All for the game)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
Porthos (BBC Musketeers)
i tag: @tikkitavi @afro-elf @stevenut @di @though-im-loved @kiwibat @elvampir0 @boyfae @drfluffykins @sleetshawl @femmefareeha
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ezrisdax-archive · 6 years
bibillybones replied to your post “I’m only ten eps into this rewatch and already burnt out”
beej no ;___; <3
we knew it was coming
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ezrisdax-archive · 6 years
i couldn't figure out which book you are reading and now that i found out i wish i didn't aksjdh W H Y
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
me: I’m putting my musketeers feelings behind me
@bibillybones: join me in this rewatch
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
the musketeers
send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my five fave characters
okay if I can’t put Porthos AND Constance in this spot we both know I’d be a liar
season one only Aramis
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
*comes up with an obscure au for two of the tiniest ships with a fandom that only one other person understands it for*
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