#biden is a disgrace
commonsensecommentary · 8 months
“ . . . at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." <— And this addle-brained old man is President? Worse yet, he wants to be re-elected? If you’re wondering why America is falling apart, start right here!
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favroitecrime · 2 months
in all seriousness, joe biden is gone but some of us will never forget the way some of you dismissed thousands of millions of people and their genocides that HE helped with all in favor of supporting him for being the “lesser of two evils”
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sher-ee · 3 months
Does this statement represent all MAGA supporters? Is this the mindset of the Republican Party?
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Read here ⬆️
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alluralater · 7 months
joe biden, the president of the united states, saying that 66 US aid packages flown into gaza “isn’t enough” while having given over 6 BILLION dollars to the israeli government for weaponry and military aid, is fucking insane. it’s fucking insane. here is a man feigning tragic outcry over lack of humanitarian aid, as if he and his entire political cabinet didn’t fund genocide and the murder of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. as if he and his entire cabinet didn’t push mainstream media to support the plight of israel for MONTHS on end and villainize citizens in gaza simply for fucking existing. colonization and the tactics/actions of it’s oppressors and successors will continue for reasons of greed, for reasons of political interest and nothing more. no one on this earth— not a handful of fucking people in a god damn room completely removed from such violence and consequence— should ever be able to carry out this kind of act. it is not a war, it is a genocide. there is not and never will be a justification for it. it didn’t start today, it’s only just been continuing in recent months and ramped up since october.
joe biden and others in power should face criminal charges for war crimes— for genocide, for senseless slaughter and refusal to provide adequate humanitarian aid when possible. for providing weapons of mass destruction to a violent state government and knowing the genocidal intentions of that government. citizens in gaza are starving, they’re dying from exposure and/or injury, they’re in need of medical supplies and menstrual products and clean food and water, they are in dire fucking need. many are dying— being purposefully killed in horrific fashion. humanitarian efforts are being blocked by israeli military and those that are able to get through in rafa are being extorted and told they cannot cross without paying sums of thousands. palestinians attempting to flee gaza are being told they cannot unless they pay sums between five to ten thousand dollars to the Organi Group. meanwhile the bombs are still dropping and the gunfire is unceasing. there is no evacuation plan and there is nowhere else for palestinians to fucking go. they have to wait for aid and hope they can get it.
you cannot fucking cry to your constituents and feign tragedy when you were the one that paid for this genocide. fucking disgusting. i hate this goddamn country. i hate america. i hate it here. i hate this place. and still, im lucky to be here where the violence is decided rather than carried out. it’s not okay. we should not need to be grateful for lack of genocide. america is a country built on the greed and violence of opportunists. there is no justification for fucking genocide. i don’t care what you believe in or don’t. there is no reason to murder tens of thousands en masse. this needs to fucking stop. when it does, remember to hold those accountable who influenced this genocide with overwhelming resources of military, money, and media.
until then, please donate when/if you can. if you have a dollar, please give a dollar. if you have no money and only your voice- please use it. if you have time and are physically able, go to a protest. if you can’t go to a protest and you can’t donate, boycott (don’t buy from) targeted companies which are directly funding this genocide. if you can’t do that, please just don’t stop talking about it. it’s heavy and it’s a lot but we need to keep talking about it and having these conversations. history repeats otherwise
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snekdood · 8 months
random and unnecessary bloodshed towards minorities is good when its my side advocating for it
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eisbar777 · 3 months
A Petition: Second Intruder At My House
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crescent-coral-base · 3 months
Dedicated to wobbly Democrats, media pundits, op/ed writers, newspaper publishers and television network owners EVERWHERE!!!
Sit down? Withdraw?? Give up???
NEVER . . . NEVER!!!!!
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fhear · 5 months
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sher-ee · 3 months
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Keep screaming about this. Keep screaming until people finally understand the seriousness of what could happen if Trump is back in office. If any republican is President.
Many Republicans only see party. They don’t see country over party. Every thing on this list and much more will greatly impact their life too. Point it out to them. Go over the list with them. Share videos with them. Share the Project 2025 website with them. Do whatever you need to do to spread the word to those who need to hear it the most.
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m-50a · 5 months
Trump FREAKS OUT Over Internal Polling, Releases URGENT Video
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cbenedict1123 · 7 months
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If AMAB folks were the ones who got pregnant, you bet your ass the right to choice would've been enshrined in the constitution from day one.
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ladyjmontilyet · 8 months
genuine US question:
the Democratic Party is still holding presidential primaries this year in all States before the election
in my voting state, New York, I will have the choice between Joe Biden, Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson
if one of those other candidates won the primaries then would they be our Presidential candidate for the General Election in November?
i do find it unlikely that someone other than Biden will win in my state but is it possible? are there other registered Democrats who will be voting for someone other than Biden in the primaries?
the date of your state's primary election can be seen here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2024_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries
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"British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s office said Friday that the U.K. will not intervene in the International Criminal Court’s request for an arrest warrant against Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The announcement is reversal of plans announced by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who was ousted earlier this month when Starmer’s Labour Party swept Conservatives from office in a landslide.
“This was a proposal by the previous government which was not submitted before the election, and which I can confirm the government will not be pursuing in line with our long-standing position that this is a matter for the court to decide,” a Starmer spokesperson said.
[...]Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders condemned the move as disgraceful and antisemitic. U.S. President Joe Biden also criticized the prosecutor and supported Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas — as did Sunak
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
I just feel like even if we all vote and Biden wins, Trump won't accept the loss, and eventually they'll just put him in anyway. And then there won't be another real election. Even if Biden wins and somehow is actually confirmed (which again, I think is unlikely) we're going to have to do this for 30 more years because of the SC, and that isn't at all sustainable.
All this isn't to say I won't vote but I just think people are being way too optimistic about what happens if Biden wins. I don't think him winning will keep Trump out or the horrible fascist future at bay.
Look, I get the fear. I do, I do... but this is also one of the times when you have to ask if it's actually telling you something true, or if it's just preying on that generalized feeling of doom to make everything seem hopeless even if we win again. And that is... there is absolutely no actual mechanism for Trump to be installed as president if Biden wins the Electoral College (since as we have repeatedly seen, the popular vote is immaterial). SCOTUS is horrible and evil and are trying to interfere as much ahead of time for Trump as they can, but part of that is because they can't simply issue an order for Biden to be removed and Trump to become God King By Fiat. That is not how it works. If Biden wins in November, he will be president until his term ends, he steps down, Kamala takes over, or anything else.
Trump tried a coup with all the entire overwhelming might of the US government as the sitting president last time; fortunately, it failed. Reforms to the Electoral Count Act have been made to prevent another January 6. The Department of Defense and the military are still under (and would be on another January 6) Biden's command, not Trump's. That's not to say that Trump won't try some shit with his insane cult followers, but he is just a late 70s conman from Queens out on bail and under sentence for a criminal trial, who is already the biggest and most disgraced loser and asshole in American political history. He is so desperate to cheat his way back into power because in a real sense, this IS the last-chance saloon for him. He can't put off the legal proceedings, however long they take, for another four years. He's losing his marbles at a rapid rate. I'm just saying: we don't know what or when, but there will be (and already have been) real consequences for him. That is why he is scrabbling so hard.
"Even if we vote, nothing matters and Trump will win anyway" is another of those insidious lies that works to make you feel as if the battle is endless and pointless and none of its victories matter. Of course it will not all be magically fixed forever if Biden wins. We will still have to figure some godforsaken fucking way to expand SCOTUS or kick Alito and Thomas off it. But we will have bought ourselves, our democracy, our country, and the world time to do that, and put another nail in Trump's coffin. That matters. It matters a lot.
Fascism wants to present itself as overwhelming, irresistible, inevitable, and ready to happen no matter what you do, and that's what your brain wants you to buy in now. But that's not the case, Trump is not inevitable or some all-powerful monolith (in fact, another of the debate takeaways seemed to be that Biden looked bad but people still hate Trump too much for it to really shift anything). He is a loser, a fraud, a conman, a liar, and a crook, and he WANTS you to fear him like an almighty god. Don't give him or the MAGAGOP the satisfaction.
Frankly, having to endure another four months of this might kill us all, and I know that we are tired and scared (me too). But IT IS NOT INEVITABLE THAT WE ARE DOOMED. Not at all. Let's hang onto that and tell that anxiety doom voice to shove it.
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truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
💥This video needs to go viral! It's disgraceful how Biden intentionally pushed past the black lady, who thought she was going to get a hug, to move on to the white woman instead. I'm embarrassed for her.........
from Tucker Carlson Network ✅️
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gusty-wind · 2 months
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