#big city greens au
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For clarity, because my handwriting is chicken scratch, here’s what the images say—
Tilly and Cricket’s image (left to right, in reference to jewelry and outfits):
Clown fish. Fish hooks with sea grapes on sharp part to avoid injury. Seaweed covering.
Chip’s image (left to right, in reference to jewelry, hair, and eyes):
Lionfish. Tons of jewelry to show status and wealth. Dyes and straightens hair with crushed rocks or clay and clams (snapped on hair and pulled down to straighten). Big wide eyes (pupils can dilate when in dark or focused)
Teeth: Tooth gap still present. Lionfish teeth wrap all around the mouth in circles. Front facing view.
I didn’t do a full body for Chip, however, he is based on a lionfish as the text above indicates. Not sure if I’ll do a full body, but that’s what he is!
The notes are just a bunch of ideas for merfolk lore I thought of. Specifically about fashion. I imagine their jewelry specifically would define either their wealth, status, or culture. Chip, for example, wears pearls and clams which while would be easy to harvest for their kind, I imagine would still be precious/fashionable enough to be seen as indicators of wealth.
Tilly, on the other hand, while wearing jewelry, wears essentially makeshift jewelry. Whatever she can find. They’re made with hooks and sea grapes placed on the ends to avoid getting poked from the sharp edges. There is the concern of the hooks getting rusty, which in all honesty I didn’t think about at first, but for fantasy reasons, I’ll just say they either aren’t affected by rust because fantasy, or the hooks used aren’t actually metal, but made out of another material, and merfolk are conscious about which kind of hooks they use.
The seaweed covering would be similar to those shell covering kinda things we see in media, but the different materials also show signs of wealth. Tilly’s more likely to wear seaweed as a covering while Gloria may wear shells, and someone above her wealth class would wear something expensive. I imagine they’re mainly optional, kinda like the human equivalent of going without a bra or with one, it’s all about personal taste and comfort.
This is by no means apart of the drawings, but I also thought about their diets as well. Odds are they’d resemble the same diets their irl fish counterparts do, which is hilarious to me because it fits eerily well. Lionfish are carnivores, eating specifically other fish and invertebrates (ex.crabs and shrimp). Clownfish are omnivores, eating just about anything they can find. So, in short, Chip’s incredibly picky, and I think that’s fittingly hilarious
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gloriasato · 1 year
big city teens (for real this time!!)
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soggycrackerr · 3 months
TEEN CRICKET⁉️⁉️ (and kid cricket doodle)
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(i had to get rid of the bowl cut😔)
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jugger-heads · 10 months
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fanfic-inator795 · 10 months
Free "Big City Greens" AU ideas if anyone wants 'em
Superhero AU: The Greens are a family of vigilante superheroes, starting with Alice who became one to protect country folk during Big City's expansion but eventually became a hero for everyone. Bill finally takes up the mask when his ma retires, and Cricket and Tilly INSIST on being his sidekicks. Remy and Gloria eventually get brought into the fold as well, with Remy being the rich orphan/adopted son of Vasquez (who, naturally, is another vigilante superhero in this universe) and Gloria desperately wanting to be one of Bill's sidekicks as well (because let's face it, even dangerous superhero work is still better than working in customer service). Chip Whistler, meanwhile, starts off as a Lex Luthor-type, secretly hating heroes and fighting them from the shadows while still trying to keep a clean public persona, but eventually he like in canon he just goes Full Joker.
Rural Remingtons (Swap AU): After Remy's anxiety and self-confidence issues significantly worsen with middle school (I imagine he's 13-14 in this instead of 10, and while he had casual friends he never had a super-close best friend like in canon), his parents decide to move their family (including Vasquez) to the Country to give their boy plenty of space to relax and enjoy himself. Coincidentally, they happen to become neighbors with the Green family, who are more than happy to show these new city folks the ropes as they get used to living in the country. With a new best friend and a whole new culture to get used to, Remy indeed manages to grow and learn quite a bit about himself. Vasquez, meanwhile, may or may not be starting to form a close friendship of his own with the farmer next door.
Any fan artists or fanfic writers, feel free to use either of these AU ideas, just link me to your stuff when you do pls!
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thirstytrashblogger · 5 months
Chip Whistler x Reader
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A/N: It's finally here! Well, the part I wrote and got sick of looking at. Sending this abomination out into the world. It's been here for months and I just don't know how to bring all my juicy bits into the story yet. Comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated but not pressured.
Minors DNI!!
A/N: I don't control the hyper-focus, it controls me. I love pathetic men as you can see. Got into watching BCG and once again I have a soft spot for the asshole of the series but wait he has LORE? And a cute ass?! Sign me the fuck up! Enjoy this SUPER self-indulgent AU to Chipped Off. It takes a long time to be happy and I wanna peg it into him. It's 2am and I can't sleep. I wanna grab him by the leg and beat him against a wall but I also wanna wrap him in a blanket and kiss him on the head. He’s still evil in this one, just a little less lost and alone I think.
Warnings: long fic, slow burn, blood, smut, tears, he cries eyeliner steaks confirmed, femdom reader, Chip being an ass, Chip's kinda a perv, injuries from the helicopter crash, mentions of violence and violent thoughts, angst, weed, character development, unhinged 20-something reader, y/n doesn’t put up with his shit
Reader features because this one, in particular, is for me: reader is short, feisty, and absolutely nuts. She had long beautiful wavy hair and cottage core/feral vibes. Pet rats!! __________________________
Y/n was foraging for wild mushrooms in the forest near her little cottage home in the night. Her sleep schedule may be fucked but her foraging skills shall improve.  The crickets were chirping, the night was calm, and she had just spotted a nice bright orange patch of chanterelle mushrooms. She crouched down with her basket to collect a few. 
“You're gonna look amazing in my omelet tomorrow.” 
She said to them proud of her discovery when she suddenly heard a whirling sound that was getting closer and closer. Looking up in the starry night sky, y/n saw a spinning helicopter hurling towards the ground not in a path to hit her but pass her by, as she ran to duck for cover behind a large tree root she could hear the close whirling accompanied by a scream before crashing with an explosion in the distance. 
After the initial shock of the situation wore off y/n thought “A scream. A person. A person in trouble, maybe dead, I'm the only one around to help!” And ran toward the site of the crash. 
Upon finding the burning remains of the helicopter, y/n also saw a man barely conscious crawling from the thorn bush he had landed in. He had blood running down his face and a seemingly injured leg. She ran to help him as he looked up to her from the ground before passing out. 
Y/n assessed him quickly for injuries using her scarf to apply pressure to the bleeding, dragging him away from the wreckage. It was then that she realized she had left her phone at the cabin. Searching his person for a phone she was able to find one in his blazer pocket, screen totally shattered from the fall. Guess she’ll just have to hope someone from the nearby town would call in the fire. With that, she got to work carrying his limp body as quickly as possible back to her cabin. She looked at the man's face, familiar somehow even with the blood and scapes. His mouth fell open and she could see he chipped his front tooth pretty badly upon the crash. 
Once she finally returned to her cabin she put him on the couch before going to find her phone that was charging. Upon reaching the phone she saw it had not been properly plugged in and was at 1% 
“Aghh! Come on. I don't want a guy dying on my couch!” She panicked quickly trying to dial 911 when the phone went black just as she was about to press call. 
“Great. Well, I guess it's up to my repressed years of nursing school to come to use,” she said, rolling up her sleeves to do the best she could at helping this poor unfortunate soul. First, she had to remove the burnt and bloody clothing to find some kind of ID. His clothes looked expensive, and felt expensive, even with the damage. She found a driver's license in his pants pocket. “Chip Whistler” the name read with a smug photo to match. She got to work bandaging him up. She gave him some of her old clothes and then went to make the call. After a few jarring phone calls, she sat in her armchair watching him as if trying to check that he was still breathing before falling asleep herself.
Chip woke up a few hours later groaning from the pain he lifted a hand to his head to discover half his face had been wrapped in gauss, a bag of frozen sweet corn sat on his head, and he was wearing different clothes (trashy ones in his opinion) (a hoodie and gray sweats) his left leg was propped up on a pillow with another bag of frozen corn on it, he could feel his chest was also wrapped in gauss and the rest of his body was littered with various bandages. He licked the inside of his mouth thirsty to re-discover his chipped tooth. He looked around the sad little hovel he now found himself in, adorned with whimsical and woodsy decorations.
“You gotta be kidding me!” He yelled in frustration at the situation and tried sitting up only to feel the extent of his injuries and once again turn into a whining mess.
“Aghhh!” He groaned in pain.
Suddenly a young woman shot up hidden under a blanket in the chair next to the couch.
“You're awake!” She exclaimed. 
“Aghhhh!” He yelled again, surprised.
Just then, because God hates Chip, a loose nail fell from the ceiling hitting him in the head.
“AGHHHHH!!” He screamed.
“Alright, gimme a second.” she said getting up.
He looked over to her, turning his neck as best he could. She had bad eyebags, scruffy hair, and not to mention those awful cottage core clothes but all together she was somehow… cute? Pretty even as her hips swayed and hair bounced as she walked. She sauntered over to him with a small flashlight in her hand. He looked her up and down before flashing a smoldering smile “Hey” he said attempting to be smooth in his condition. 
She peeled his eyelid up to shine the light in his eyes. “Hi, I'm y/n. You've been in a helicopter crash. Try not to move. You have some bruising and stitches. Do you remember what happened?” She asked not noticing his attempt at flirting. 
“Yeah, I remember! Those damn Greens ruined my life and launched me into space!” He yelled trying to stretch his limbs to express his anger before being met with more pain. He whined “Owie”. 
Y/n went to grab a glass of water and some painkillers from the kitchen before coming back to the couch and taking a seat in the small spot near the edge that was unoccupied. 
“Here. This should help. It's only Tylenol but it's all I have until help can get here.” she said hoping what little she could offer would help. 
Chip opens his mouth to accept the pills and sips the water, choking briefly before swallowing the medicine. Y/n smiles at him. The first genuine smile he'd received in a while. It felt weird, maybe it was just the pain his body felt, much worse than the usual scaps he'd been getting into since the Greens moved to the city.
“Where the heck am I? You said help was coming?” He asked, looking up at her from their close proximity. The edge of her dress was raised to show a little thigh from her seated position. Chip could feel the heat of her body on the side of his lower torso. At least his inner perv can enjoy this cute bumpkin while he is in this mess.
“Uhh yeah. Eventually so when I found you I didn't have my phone so I brought you back here to my house and then I saw my phone was dead I did what I could to help you myself then I tried calling for help but the operator only said they would send a squad to handle the fire and no medical assistance. I thought that was odd but I was able to call a doctor from the country and they said they might come out here in a couple of days… if they remember.” She half smiled trying to give him some kind of hope in this awful situation.
“Ugggg! Banishment! Those stupid Greens will pay for this!” He yelled, his eyes looked crazed and his face turned red.
“Wow, okay try to relax. Getting worked up is not good for your health right now. I gave you some stitches you do not want to pop. I'm sorry this happened to you but right now you need to focus your energy on recovering. I'll make us something to eat.” She spoke gently, placing her hands on his shoulders to calm him, taking a deep breath almost to show him how. His anger softens. She was so.. kind but blunt. It reminded him of those dumb Greens and maybe his dad. He didn't like the weird feeling in his chest from her soft smile and kind eyes. He let out an annoyed sigh before laying back down reaching to pull the crocheted blanket draped on the couch onto himself and wrap up into an angry and defeated little burrito. 
She had gotten up to go to the kitchen. As he lay there hearing the clutter of pots and pans, the chopping of vegetables, and her sweet humming of a song he didn't know he felt his rage lessen for now. The painkillers were starting to work. For now, he'll rest and recover. Revenge can wait. He was tired. He eventually fell asleep.
Chip awoke to the air smelling like warm spices and mushrooms. It was nice, comforting. He opened his eyes back to the bleak situation he got himself into, broken and bruised on some hillbilly stranger's couch. He looked around to see she was back in the armchair, now crocheting something.
“Oh hi. How're you feeling?” She asked, barely looking up from her project.
Chip moved to sit slightly only to hear a crunch and fall back in dull pain.
“Still crappy.” He answered, 
“Maybe some soup would help.” She consoled, getting up to grab two bowls of fresh mushroom soup. She handed him one of the wooden bowls with a piece of fresh bread before sitting down in her chair and digging into her bowl. 
“What is this?” He asked, seemingly disgusted.
“Portabella mushroom soup.” 
Chip was still skeptical of the gray soup, hesitantly grabbing a spoonful and taking a small bite. It was soft and warm and a little spicy but so good. She turned on the radio to add some noise to their meal.
“So what's your name, stranger?” She asked.
“Chip Whistler, CEO of… oh yeah, former CEO of Wholesome Foods.” 
“Wow, that explains the suit. That's folded up over there btw, couldn't find your other shoe though.” 
“Not my Prada loafers!” he exclaimed in disbelief. 
“Haha, those won’t do you any good out here anyway. So what exactly happened? It doesn’t usually rain CEOs in these parts.” 
“Haha well, it’s a long and vengeful story. It all started when the Greens moved to Big City.” he began reciting his entire story of failed revenge toward the Greens and his descent to madness. 
“Wow that was a long story but it sounds like it's been rough.”
“Thank you! Everyone always gets put off when I mention the plans of violence and arson.”
“Nah, I get ya. I have thoughts of violence, arson, torture, omnipotent god-like power all the time. Why do you think I put myself all the way out here? Keeps me away from all the stupid annoying people.” She stated. 
“Finally, someone gets it!” He exclaimed
Just then the radio chimed in with breaking news.
“Following his lifetime ban from Big City, local pariah, Chip Whistler is presumed dead after the wreckage from his helicopter has been found.”
Chip drops his spoon into the bowl in disbelief. 
“Dead?” he questioned softly. Another voice came out. 
“And if for some strange reason, he's not dead, he's still banned from Big City forever.” Cheers could be heard from the background. 
“Woooo! We beat the baddie! Chip’s dead! Chip’s dead!”
“Dead?” he spoke again. Now feeling even more desolate than ever looking deep in thought. 
She didn’t know what to say to sound comforting in this situation but offered a kind extended hand to his shoulder.
“Oh man, “ she started.
“Where's the bathroom?” he asked.
“Just through that door. Here let me hel-” 
But before she could finish offering him help to stand, Chip threw himself onto the floor and quickly dragged himself to the bathroom shutting the door. 
Sitting on the bathroom floor, Chip reached for the sink counter to pull himself up, every muscle aching again. He felt like he got hit by a truck, worse by a tree and some branches, and a thorn bush. He was able to look in the mirror, finally able to feel the gravity of his situation. 
“Look at yourself. The bar just gets lower and lower for you, doesn't it Whistler? I've lost everything! And I'm just stuck out here in the middle of nowhere with some rando weirdo, what am I gonna do?”
He looked down at the plain hoodie he was wearing
“This isn't even a name brand!” he broke down sobbing before laughing maniacally then sobbing again.
“Everyone thinks you're dead and now what!?” he yelled to his reflection.
“You start again.” he heard from the other side of the door. 
He turned to open the door, weight on the counter and his good leg.
“Sorry to eavesdrop on your conversation with yourself. It’s a small cottage.” 
*sigh* “What do you mean start again?”
“Well it’s pretty clear the whole city kinda hated you and you did some pretty shady and illegal stuff while you were there but now that you’re “dead” you can be whoever you want to be, plus you've avoided legal charges. Hopefully, you'll have a nicer alignment this time around. I'm chaotic neutral myself.”
“Oh my god, you're so weird.” 
“Yeah, I am, but I live my truth and I live it proudly. Now you gotta find yours. You might be surprised to find you're happier in life when you're not overwhelmed with a need for petty revenge.”
“My happiness is based on gaining that petty revenge!”
“Uh huh, and how'd that go the first time?”
“...bad” he replied.
He looked down overwhelmed with his own cloud of self-pity.
“Hey what do you say we take our minds off it for a little while. I can check your bandages again. It looks like you’re starting to leak through your face wrappings.”
Chip raised his hand to his eye “ow” he looked down to see a small patch of blood on his hand. “Ew ew”. He stumbled back onto the floor, back against the sink cabinet. Y/n giggled and went to retrieve some supplies before coming back to his seated position on the bathroom floor.
Y/n sat close once again gently taking the bandage off his face. She grabbed a wet rag from a bucket and wrung it out to clean the dried blood from his face. From this angle, Chip could see down the front of her dress. She could feel him staring before snapping her fingers in his face. 
“Eyes up here” she said, not giving away any emotion besides mild annoyance still gently wiping his eye. 
Chip felt his face redden at being caught, looking away and around avoiding her cleavage and eye contact at all costs. 
“Is it bad?” He asked, referring to his damaged face.
“Uh, no I wouldn't say so. You will probably have a little scarring but nothing too major” She half smiled
“Scars!?” He yelped. Not his perfect face!
“Are you… wearing eyeliner?” She asks, confused.
“No. Maybe” he replies.
Y/n could only laugh looking at how the bandages, Chip's crying, and the blood caused a black eye stain of makeup to surround his eye as he tried to deny it. Chip would've usually felt embarrassed, appalled at being mocked but this time he oddly felt there was no ill will, no true disgust or hatred. He always told himself he was likable and cool, but lately, he had been more defensive and self-aware of himself since everything came crumbling down. Her laugh was nice, not just noise like everything else.
“You never told me where I am exactly.” Changing the subject instead. Ignoring his deepening thoughts.
“I did. You're at my home. I'm the only one around for a couple of miles. There's a small town west of here but they avoid these woods. You're about half a day's drive back to the city.” 
Another sigh left his mouth. She could feel his warm breath on her neck as she applied cream to the scrapes on his face.
“How did you know everyone hated me in the City?”
“I researched you right after I first patched you up.” 
She pulled his driver's license out of her dress pocket. 
“Yeah, the goatee wasn't your best look.” She commented on his picture before handing the card back to him.
“hmm, If you know everything, then why are you cleaning me up instead of throwing me out too?”
“Out there in the woods in your condition? You'll certainly get eaten by wolves if not die of hypothermia. I'm not so sure you really deserve a second chance but for whatever reason you got one and for whatever reason I was around to help so I'm gonna try because I'm a darn good hostess and it gets boring out here all alone.”
Her words struck him. A second chance. For whatever reason he got one and now he has to figure out what to do with it.
“Also, I realized I'd seen you before. First I thought it was from that meme where you threw tomatoes at a child. Btw, not cool, then I realized I saw you when I was working as a janitor at Farm Con last year. I remember you got hit in the face with a sack and all of your teeth fell out. Kinda hard to forget then they were just left there. I was sweeping up and literally found a nearly full set of human teeth. Not something you find every day. I did keep 'em if you want them back.”
Chip looked at her with shock and disgust.
“Sorry, that was weird of me. I’ve been kinda isolated out here by myself for a while. Kinda forget how human interaction works.”
“Oh, this is just perfect! I’m stuck out in the middle of nowhere with the whole world thinking I’m dead and the only one who can help me is a complete and total psycho!”
“Mhm. Sounds like God really hates you.” she joked.
She finishes cleaning him up and applying smaller bandages before grabbing some clean gauss to rewrap his face.
“Wait, I want a mirror.” He demanded making grabby hands.
“*sigh* okay” she reluctantly agreed, handing him a mirror.
Chip met his reflection. A large red scar slashed down the right side of his face going all the way down his cheek and to his chin, the chipped tooth back to mock him, even his perfect hair was disheveled and still littered with bits of twigs and leaves hidden deep inside. A small slice of hair was slashed out with the new scar, and his eyes were stained with mascara and bags. 
He was ugly. He was a monster. He was hateful and vain. He knew deep down his unhappiness was his own doing but couldn't accept it even looking in the face of defeat. He still wanted revenge but now he only had the energy to cry and scream and so he did. He sobbed into his hands, tired and broken.
Y/n reached a hand slowly to his face. He looked up, slowing his sobs to look at her. She couldn't help but want to comfort him in such a pathetic state. Eyes shining, hair messy, that little tooth gap making his shaky breaths whistle as he exhaled. 
She moved her hand further up his cheek, wiping the tears from his eyes and reaching around his head to hug him gently. 
He hesitated at first before accepting the hug. Sobbing once again on  shoulder in these ratty clothes on the bathroom floor she stroked his back and cradled his head. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Once Chip had calmed down some, he returned to faking confidence and evened his voice down to no longer shake.
“Better?” She asked.
He just gave a single nod, avoiding her gaze. 
“We're almost done. I just need to check your leg now that you're conscious” She started moving down to his injured foot.
“It's probably fine” He said dismissively like he didn't throw himself onto the floor and shuffle his way to the bathroom like a salmon crossing a flooded road 15 minutes ago. 
“Hm. Does it hurt when I bend your foot like this?” She asked, bending it forward.
“Nope.” He said smugly.
“mhm and how about this?” She asked, bending it backward toward him.
“Aghhh!!” He yelled, pulling his foot away.
“Yeah, I guess you were right. It's fine, just a bad sprain. I would get them all the time as a kid. You should be fine in a couple of weeks.”
“A couple weeks?!” He groaned.
“You could use a crutch in the meantime but no running or like contact sports for a while.” 
“So I'm really stuck out in the middle of nowhere with you until help comes?” 
“I'd offer to take you to a town nearby but I don't have a car and you couldn't get that far on foot right now.” She stated while wrapping his foot with a compression band. 
“Give it some time. It's pretty peaceful out here. A perfect place to rest and recover.” she added standing up.
She reached a hand out to help him try to stand. He looked up seeing the light halo around her head as he accepted her hand. On wobbly legs and leaning on her, he was able to stand. She helped him limp back to the couch, arm around his waist as they both plopped onto the couch and he was able to lay down. 
"Oh yeah! I have to see if you're chest is healing." She remembered helping him remove the hoodie for one last bit of medical examination.
The bruise on his ribs was darkening a deep orange as it had oxidized since last seeing it. It didn't seem to be too deep or concerning though. 
Hugging his sore body to help him into a sitting position. It was a bit awkward with his lack of a top and wrapped chest. He smelt of expensive cologne and aftershave. She could feel the scratchy brush on his cheek against hers as she pulled away from the hug. 
Hiding a blush, he looked away. She was so warm and soft. Gentle not to hurt his tender body and her soft hair tickled his neck and shoulder. She smelt of warm baked bread and sweet fresh herbs. Something unfamiliar to him but so inviting. 
She applied a healing ointment to his bruises before wrapping him up again. Lost in thought, Chip looked up to the ceiling of the cottage wondering who he might be in this new life.
A/N: I have so many more ideas for this fic including a lot of fun witty banter but no motivation to write it. Let me know what ya think! Thanks for reading!
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sockopunch · 2 years
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a little (xmas) cringe treat for @noodlepals thanks for spoiling me with treats of the blorbos all year buddy 💕
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splashtail · 1 year
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toh au cricket green if you even care btw.
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Also-coming out as a METAL FAMILY FAN🥳🥳
I'll post more about it sometime soon!
Here some info:
His band members call him scorpion, he plays guitar with Glam, scorpo is a nickname Chive came up with for him, he is in a small relationship with Glam, he tries not to make it obvious! That's all, I'll give y'all updates soon!
(Fun fact, this was supposed to be and NSFW drawing 😭)
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First sketch for the newest sketchbook
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gloriasato · 1 year
the gangs alll hereee!
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random-dragon-exe · 1 year
Alright everyone, I just thought of an awesome BCG AU called Partners in Crime.
It's one where Gloria goes through a villain arc like Chip and ultimately sides with him because of their mutual hatred of Cricket.
In general, the start of the show is the same, with Cricket still having to work at Big Coffee for his debt. However instead of Gloria growing close to Cricket, she gains a hatred of him further when working with him (barely tolerating his presence).
The major start of this AU is in Coffee Quest, where they still need to get the coffee beans.
In it, like usual, Gloria and Chip officially meet. However during the episode, Gloria grows a vengeance toward Cricket, so when Chip offers for her to work with him, she agrees and leaves Cricket for good.
So for the rest of the show, it basically functions the same, although with the future "Gloria episodes", they'd not exist whatsoever, with a few exceptions.
Some examples include:
Level Up, where in the AU, Cricket is the one to talk to Ms. Cho, and she allows Bill to expand his farm to the roof.
Remy is the one to help the Green family boost their sales and their online publicity instead of Gloria.
During season 3, when the Greens are away, Vasquez is set to look after the Green's house in Big City.
There's probably more but these were the ones that I remembered having an effect on the plot.
Another major change is that Chip episodes now have Gloria (or not depending). There may even be some episodes where Gloria and Chip take turns putting their plans in motion to take down the Green family to see who's plans are better when they bicker about it.
In terms of their dynamic. It's like an abridged version of Team Rocket (sort of). Gloria being the one with her fighting skills and being the sharper one of the two, and Chip having his manipulation tactics and business power. They may or may not (not so secretly) like each other too, with the occasional bickering about who's plans are better.
So with this in mind, Chipocalypse may happen sooner (or not depending).
Also this would mean that both Chip and Gloria are present in this scene:
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Not to mention that the twisted Chipocalypse intro would have both of them in it.
Now, instead of Gloria helping Cricket and Remy, it'd be some random employee who wants to get back at Chip with his mistreatment and he feels sorry about Cricket's situation and they help them into Chip's office.
This means that both Chip and Gloria take an attempt on Cricket and the Green's family lives together.
Just think of this scene, but with both of them coming to a mutual agreement simultaneously to kill the Greens.
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This also means that they're both flung away in the helicopter and that they both fake their deaths to get back at the Green Family.
Sorry if this is long, when I get an idea, I have to get it out there. Hope this all seems coherent enough for all of you to understand.
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stardustpinkart · 2 years
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GAME NIGHT! And things get pretty competitve while playing “Mario Kart”. All accept for Tilly, who I think is playing the game like pratice driving :) Go slow, turn signals, etc.
You can bet the boys are particularly slick with banana peels and blue shells.
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Day 1:sun and moon with chip Whistler x Mark beaks for @crossover-ships-brainrot
Requested by:n/a
-Mod rapunzel
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sparkycinnamon · 2 years
i’ve realized most of my blorbos from my current hyperfixations are girls so uh…
au where test tube, taylor, marcy, tilly, p, norma, and june are all in a magical girl squad
and candlelight cookie is their magical helper that gives them the powers in the first place
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billchip-prompts · 1 year
BillChip Prompt #3
Teacher/Single Parent AU
Chip's father owns a large daycare chain. Lately, he has been telling Chip he needs to understand the business and has him helping the teachers. He hates the job but he hates the little boy named Cricket the most. The only positive is Cricket's single DILF of a dad.
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