#big makk
secrosss · 4 months
my unpopular dunmesh opinion is that I think the touden sandwich is really neat
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
So I found a book where danish kids has been asked their views about children and birth. Here’s some highlights
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”Sometimes you’re yellow in the face when you’re newborn…” - Barbara, 6
”… it’s not the child that gets {yellow}, the dad is.” - Mohammed, 7
”It’s fun when mom gives birth, because then you get McDonalds with your dad.” - Rasmus, 6
”My little sister was born too early. So dad hadn’t been able to do the dishes.” - Rikke, 8
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”Vera’s dad left when she was born. But I think they’re still looking for him.” - Christian, 7
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”The dad is really nervous and sit and talk all the time. That’s why he can’t be at the birth.” - Kirstie, 8
”The dad can’t tickle the baby when it has just come out. Because it can happen it (the baby) is not used to it.”
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”When you’re born, you come to a place where you can breathe. I haven’t gone there yet.” - Rebecca, 6
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”I know twins that look alike. Only that the other one is 10 minutes bigger than the other.” - Emil, 8
”If the babies drink the same milk they become twins.” - Mathias, 8
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”If they get two kids at once and mom can’t birth both, the dad can give birth to one.” - Rikke, 6
”If the mom doesn’t notice she got three kids then it’s just to remove two.” - Emil, 7
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”It doesn’t matter if babies play on the road, because they’re so small cars can’t run over them.” - Alexander, 8
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”When you have a little baby you need to make sure it doesn’t smell. Or else the dad will never want to kiss it” - Lotte, 8
”When the baby is born, the mom shouldn’t forget to buy a bra” - Katrine, 8
”You can’t forget to feed the baby, or else it becomes too thin and the intestinals won’t fit.” - Carl, 7
”If the baby has done something really good you need to complement it. Even if it smells.” - Lucas, 7
”Babies need pacificers, or else they’ll make a giant big hickey on the mom.” - Sofie, 8
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”When the baby gets home you can’t forget to buy saturday candy* to them and put them in a lot of diapers.” - Maj Beate, 7
*I don’t know how many countries this is a thing in but in the Nordic countries, to make kids not eat too much candy all the time, it’s often common to only let them eat candy on saturday. This is not a rule like an american tiktoker once made it seem like it was, but rather just something parents tell their kids so they don’t eat too much sugar all the time. Every nordic kid has the experience of walking inside the room in the middle of the week and find your parents eating candy, and exclaim ”BUT IT’S NOT SATURDAY?!”
”When the baby is small you should buy a bed with tree trunks with holes in them, so they can look out” - Fadi, 8
”You can’t forget to buy a little hook so the baby can’t get out and make a mess everywhere.” - Bjørn, 6
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”The baby can’t drink from a glass when it’s newborn. That’s why the mom pours it in her breast” - Philip, 6
”It doesn’t matter if the kids eat at Makke Donnas*. If you just take away the pickle it’s pretty healthy.” - Rebecca, 6
*I think she means McDonalds but this is how a danish child would pronounce it. My brother pronounced it similarly and we’re swedish. But Makke Donnas might be an actual place in Denmark what do I know
”It doesn’t matter if the child drinks coca cola - it helps when you’re hurt.” - Rasmus, 6
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”A tree is called tree. A chair is called chair. Pregnant is called pregnant and that’s why my name is Laura.” - Laura, 7
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”It’s only in Vietnam and in poor countries that children should work. In Denmark they shouldn’t, cause we’re millionaires.” - Maj Beate, 7
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”I’m gonna go to the cinema and watch ’the ringer of Nutella’*. But I don’t know who to go with. Cause it’s forbidden.” - Nikolaj, 5
*I think he means the hunchback of notre dame, in some translations the title is ”the ringer of notre dame” instead.
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”If I have kids I won’t give them a blue eye*. Cause that shows on you.” - Sofus, 7
*They mean it like they’re gonna punch them so their eye gets a bruise, not that their eye color would be blue
”I think it’s ok to get grounded if you have set fire on the pillows.” - Kim, 9
”You have to be nice to your child by asking them to take the trash out in a kind way.” - Maria, 6
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goodboyaudios · 1 year
Hello GB I have returned with the milk. I just have some questions About some of your series
1. How does marriage work in moth. Since Makkaro asked gienne to marry him Does it work like our world? Since the guardian and magreos Had a whole wedding did Makkaro and Gienne have a wedding do they have rings?
2. Cheetos also exist in moth since there was a bit in the latest episode where Zed was eating them. Does that mean other companies like lays or doritos exist too are am I just thinking to much into it.
Lastly Would frank ever yell at makk to stop doing something? Or would he keep quiet. Does Frank know how Gienne feels about this? Does frank know about The argument that Makk and Gienne had?
Okay That's All my questions but I think we ran out of milk so I gotta go. But I hope you have a good day. Please take breaks when you need one. I really wouldnt want you to burn out. Bye! I gotta go get milk for my captain crunch!
1. Weddings work pretty similarly as they do normally. Big party, usually culturally infused, fun stuff. Nothing too different. Of course, Gienne and Makkaro had to keep their marriage private. The guests were all Frank. Their rings were fairly plain too so as not to stand out too much when in public.
2. Cheetos are a constant, but doritos are not. They would be made by a different company. Probably based on Manas, maybe even reinvented after the first Manasians settled here.
3. The main issue with Frank is that he's not all there. He can only handle simple commands. A consequence of coming back from the dead. He can't think critically and he can't remember much either. Frank is a tragedy of his own.
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paddockbunny · 2 years
You don’t have to write anything for it but what driver or drivers do you think have a sex playlist 😈🍆👅
AHHH I LOVE THIS ASK!!!!💞 (and my ADHD brain is struggling today so I’ll answer it right now!)
So this is what I think;
Lewis -
110%! Absolutely! It’s so obvious how much Lewis needs music to survive and so there’s no way he wouldn’t have a fire sex playlist lined up (and know exactly when was the exact moment to flick it on!)
What would be his #1 song on the playlist: Wet the Bed by Chris Brown (cause there’s no way he’s not going downtown!!!!!) or Too Deep by DVSN
Pierre -
There’s no way he doesn’t have a sex playlist. He will have curated the shit out of it too and makes sure it fits the mood to perfection. Based on the fact he will never beat the kinky accusations (because let’s be honest, he knows about them, and he acts up to them!) the playlist is HEAVY!
His theme song : Use Me by Makk Mikkael or Lights On by H.E.R
Daniel -
Now while Daniel probably does have a go to sex playlist I don’t think he would have actually made the list himself but probably just Spotified it . It’s merely background noise and because I think he would absolutely want to hear his name being moaned and the gasps and pants from his partner, like to the point I think he would have a big kink for it.
That being said, he likes something like: All Mine by Plaza
& I want to say Lando -
Right, personally I think if Lando has a sex playlist is it more because he maybe isn’t a particularly throw you around the bed type like Lewis and Pierre. Perhaps he’s not as confident and cocky as he is when it comes to racing, golfing or any of this other pursuits so the music helps “get him going.”
He’s probably listening to : The Weeknd’s entire back catalogue but specifically something like Shameless or Offen from Beauty Behind the Madness because the tempo and lyrics etc. would give him a boost
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Frislandic Nominal Morphology - the other bits
OK, finally picking this up again after having dropped it while being in America, let's finish off the rest of the `nominal' morphological bits, continuing from where the last post on the topic left off.
First off, adjectives. There are five. Yep. It's one of those languages. Count them on one hand: zað 'good'; bijt 'bad'; da 'big'; nis 'small'; and suoj 'old'. These are relatively boring, as there's no agreement morphology or anything fun like that, and they are basically just preposed to the noun they modify. Anything else that's adjective-like involves the genitive, either of a noun or of a nominalised verb, e.g. akke makk 'red house'; daraki dakk 'long penis' = 'penis of length'; biji sijr 'glorious victory'; korne bæb 'new-born infant'.
These five adjectives do have one bit of morphology to call their own, which is that they have a comparative (as with Indo-European, this is almost certainly originally an intensive form, as indicated by its use in older texts, but is very much a comparative/superlative form in the modern language). This was historically a *-kʰakV suffix in Proto-Frislandic, but as per usual with this language this is basically irregulr now and each of the adjectives has a different form because of the stem-alternations that resulted from the application of this suffix. Thus the modern comparative forms are zake 'better/best'; bij(ð)ke 'worse/worst'; dake 'bigger/biggest'; nikke 'smaller/smallest'; and sosjke 'older/oldest' respectively. Of these, there is some variation as to whether zake or dake is used to form additional comparatives, e.g. dake/zake akke makk 'redder/reddest house'; dake daraki dakk 'longer/longest penis'; zake biji sijr 'more/most glorious victory'.
Next the numerals and other quantifiers. These have a slightly funky syntax, because as with Slavic these form the heads of the phrases that they are in, with the quantified nominal in the genitive, e.g. makke nar 'two houses'; tieli wn 'one day'; kambe dum 'eight nights'; uole tuo 'more beer'. This is reversed for the ordinals, so nare makk 'second house', dumi kamb 'eighth night', but note also the irregular gul tiel 'first day'.
I've decided I'll tackle the pronominals (personal, demonstrative and interrogative) separately in the next post because they have their own quirks which mean I can't quite fit them neatly into this post. However, I will not here that Frislandic indefinites are based on generic nominals, specifically nan 'person'/nag 'people' for 'someone'; ang 'thing' for 'something'; æt(eð) 'place' for 'somewhere'; and geroð 'sometimes'.
I will also discuss postpositions here as they interact with the case system in interesting ways. In essence this depends on the original word class of the postposition: former nouns occur with the genitive while former verbs take either the absolutive or dative (mostly lexically determined, but many can take either, marking direction vs. location respectively). So ne makk morsj 'through the house'; ne makkeð nomb 'in front of the house'; ne makk nomb 'to the front of the house'; ne makke gær 'inside of the house'.
Pronominal complements of postpositions of all kinds use the pronominal prefixes, with the applicative de- prefix serving as the dative equivalent for postpositions which show variation, e.g. m'uorsj 'through me'; meðnomb 'in front of me' (but m'ar 'mine'); menomb '(to) in front of me'; m'ær 'in me'.
A complete list of postpositions is as follows:
Absolutive only: gejn 'to(wards)'; kon 'from'; gæm 'with, using'; morsj 'through'; nej 'across'; bir 'without'
Absolutive/Dative: sisj 'behind'; nomb 'in front'; inz 'around'; zib 'like, as'; mw 'against'
Dative only: kalað 'about, concerning'; ar 'of' (note also the pronominal forms: m'ar 'of mine'; k'ar 'of yours'; segar 'of ours'; begar 'of yours (pl.)'; ar 'of theirs'; okkar 'of ones own')
Genitive only: tuong 'past, beyond'; butt 'below'; bætt 'on top of'; gær 'inside, among'; æteð 'near to'; sag 'because of'; deseð 'for, on behalf of'; swl 'beside'; biend 'along with'; ien 'between'
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figgiforever · 1 year
🎫 Kandosii my sweet summer child, my sunshine, my beloved
Ooops, I almost forgot about it XD
Anyway, Kandosii is the youngest of Fi and Tiggi's children both in universe and from my (creator) perspective. Originally they weren't suppoused to have a biological kid but Fi looked at me... I mean at Tiggi with his big cute eyes and said he still wants a biological kid even though they already adopted 8 foundlings so... I came up with Kandosii! So she is truly the youngest.
And Makke is truly the oldest. I created her first. Second one was Aku, if I remember correctly, then the young clones and Kandosii at the end.
Bonus: Do you know Kandosii will give birth to twins...? Now you know :)
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doebt · 3 years
It's also like I try to look past it but even ppl who attempt to be or think they're being considerate by like not ACTIVELY partaking in whatever substance, around me, likeit doesnt matter bc everyone ends up talking abt it all the time. like every conversation leads back to the last time u were stoned or drunk or high on whatever else. Like sorry but I'm bored. it's not funny or entertaining 2 me...I dont get it
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kermiekermie · 3 years
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lechugafl · 8 years
Palmer Reed's "SMART" (Prod. by BIG MAKK & Andre)
For fans of FIONA, Post Malone, Childish Gambino, Isaiah Rashad, Kendrick Lamar, Chance The Rapper, ScHoolboyQ, Earl Sweatshirt, Vince Staples, Joey Badass.
Orlando's Palmer Reed takes us back in the video for "SMART". The framing of the video is literally a "Only 90s Kids Will Remember" meme VHS nostalgia trip. Spliced throughout the video, and with a tribute at the end, are cameos from the late and great Central Florida DJ Samisoni “BIG MAKK” Koroitamudu who helped co-producer the track. "SMART"'s lyrics and visuals show where Reed came from and then warns us about where he is going.
Track featured on lechuga mix 2017/01.
Available for free to listen and share on Apple Music and Spotify here: http://bit.ly/lechugamix201701
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noblefloweroll · 7 years
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In case y’all couldn’t tell, @sweetseijoh and I really fucking love Matsuhana
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Torn between Eddie hanging the heart drawings on the fridge or folding them and keeping them in his wallet to look at when things get too hard….
My head canon is that they start out in a box - because Eddie isn't ready for the implications of having Bucks one on display yet - but when he's ready they get hung on the fridge and the first time Buck sees them he smiles and makkes a comment - and Eddie says 'they were too big to fit in my wallet so I hung them on the fridge.' Buck blushes and smiles and nods. then later on while Eddie is putting his fancy new cooking skills into practice making dinner Buck heads into Christophers room and they both draw smaller wallet sized versions of their drawings which they sneak into Eddies wallet - then the next time Eddie has his wallet out to pay for something he finds them and they make him smile
What do we think? I need someone to write the fic now!!
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ickymichi · 3 years
mmm poly matsukawa time:
you and makki r definitely both brats, makki more so and it gives mattsun a run for his money. yeahh n imagine one day you n makki tease mattsun and send him a video of the two of you toying around with each other despite it being against your set of rules... the punishment omg hehehe
HEHDHWHSHS- what a big beautiful brain you have bae.
nsfw ahead under 17 dni !
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issei gets lots of texts from both you and makki throughout his days at work. so when his phone pinged while he was on his break he swore he nearly chocked on his wrap then and there.
he didn’t even dare to play the video in the break room. darting straight for the toilets and slipping his airpods in just in case.
the video makki had sent was of you laying on the-what looked to be soaked—sheets with a vibrator buzzing against your sensitive clit, and your other hand wrapped around makki’s cock jerking him as he kneeled on the sheets in between your twitching thighs recording the whole scene with a shaky hand.
you both weren’t even trying to hide how load you were, makki letting a mixture of moans, groans and dirty talk fall out while you were whimpering and moaning for him to just fuck you and stop the assault on your cunt.
and like that the video ended just as quick as it started leaving issei with a hard on straining against his slacks and a deep scowl etching his face. you knew it was against the rules for you and hiro to mess around either by yourselves or with each other when issei wasn’t there. and issei knew the two of you were just as bratty as each other so of course you’d try get on his last nerve.
as he was about to send a text back to makki his phone pinged again, this time a picture from you.
the image showed makki kneeling between your legs with his cock in hand and his usual grin strung across his features. moving his gaze to the bottom of the picture he seen that hiro’s lower abdomen had small droplets decorating his faint abs, silently showing just what you to got up to. and finally he caught eye of the ropes of cum that we’re covering your own stomach and breasts.
“tell Hiro to stop being such a meanie <3” is what the text under the image read. oh how today just got even longer.
when issei finally stepped through the apartment door he expected to be greeted with open arms like every other day, but none were there waiting for him. instead, he heard your borderline pornagraphic moans coming from the bedroom. issei was shocked that the two of you were still going at it two hours later, even after he sent a warning text to the two of you that you’d be getting punished no matter what. he didn’t even wait to take his shoes off at the door, he just rushed straight to where the sounds were coming from and flung the door open to see you riding makki reverse cowgirl so you were facing the door issei came through.
“daddy, your finally back! missed you so mu-” you’d gotten cut off by the sharp sting of issei’s heavy palm meeting your cheek, then pulling you closer to his face by the back of your neck. “i don’t care how much you missed me, you two broke the rules. y’know what that means.
when issei said your punishment would be harsh you didn’t expect this.
he had been bringing you to the edge, just about to fall over, only to rip either is fingers or the vibrator away. doing the same to makki only having the vibrator on his cock or just pumping him with a tight fist. leaving you both a crying shaking mess.
“please daddy m’ sorry! i won’t break the rules again jus- just please stop n’ fuck me” issei eyed your frame from where he kneeled with you and makki’ either side of him and gave you a hum to indicate he was thinking. “i don’t think you deserve my cock though angel, especially you pretty boy,” he said to makki and slapped his quivering thigh. “maybe i should just go off and find another two holes to fuck, ones that can actually listen.” “no! daddy wait!” the proposal made every bit of life come back into yours and makki’s body’s as issei chuckled at your reaction. “so what? are you gonna be good for me now?” with a nod of your heads issei hummed again and moved to stand at the end of the bed.
“then get down here and make me feel good”
after hearing issei’s demand you and makki wasted no time in getting down onto your knees infront of your dark haired lover. by the look on his face it was obvious he wasn’t in the mood for playful teasing. after having enough of it already today.
taking the first step, hiro reached up to undo issei’s belt as well as the buttons and zippper, allowing him to step out of the confined work slacks. following in his footsteps you moved to pull his boxers down to let his aching cock free—not before placing an open mouth kiss on his cock through the fabric.
not wasting another second yours and makki’s mouth flew to issei’s cock like magnets, dragging your tongue from base to tip, brushing against takahiro’s who was sucking on the leaking cockhead. “fuck, take it in that mouth baby c’mon” he groaned while urging his cock further into hiro’s mouth. you didn’t wait to lean down and start taking issei’s balls into your own mouth while fondling them with your free hand. the once quiet room was now filled with different sounds of issei’s strangled grunts, makki’s gagging and the occasional wet pop of you pulling off issei’s balls. “here angel, your turn now,” issei swore he could see your eyes sparkle as he pulled makki’s wet mouth off his cock. knowing not to use your hands you let issei guide himself to bump against your lips until you opened them to take his cock down your throat right away.
not letting up for a second you kept bopping your head up and down issei’s cock trying to take him deeper every time, occasionally letting your tongue swirl around his tip and hollow out your cheeks. as you were working on pleasing issei, the whole time you could feel makki’s soft hair on your jaw as he gave issei’s balls the same treatment as you were. until you couldn’t feel it and then felt a slight push to your shoulder, effectively pulling you off issei’s cock. leaving you and the said man confused.
“hey! what’s that for?” pouting your lips at a grinning makki you felt your eyes grow glossy at his behaviour. “what? you had your turn and now it’s mine again,” “what!? your turn was way longer than mine that isn’t fair!” “yes it is, i’m better at sucking his dick anywa-”“hiro, what’s the whole point of this punishment?” issei’s deep voice cut off the argument at hand and you think you even saw makki slightly tense up at his asserting tone. “because (y/n)’s being bratty,” makki mumbled while looking at the carpeted floor. “speak up slut, talk properly to daddy, you know that,” gripping the hair atop makki’s head, issei brought his face closer to his own as he slightly bent down. “be-because we were being brats” his voice was slightly strained as issei’s grip on his hair grew tighter with each passing second. “and what are you doin’ right now?” “being, a brat” issei disregard the way hiro’s voice grew quiet and stood back up to his full height as he let the grip on his hair free. “now because of that, your gonna sit right there while i fuck our pretty baby’s throat and cum all over that angel face, yeah?”
makki couldn’t even argue, if he did you all know how it would end. so he sat with his hands on his thighs and watched issei grip your head to use your throat to fuck.
you loved it when issei or makki would do this, the feeling of their cocks filling your mouth and making you gag had your pussy nearly dripping onto the floor. although makki’s was much easier to take, you loved how issei’s fat and long cock had you gagging around him and he wasn’t even halfway.
“you can use your hands baby, make daddy feel good,” hearing his request your hands flew to start pumping whatever couldn’t fit in your mouth as well as playing with his neglected balls. “shit shit, that’s it angel-fuck- so good for daddy. gonna make him cum soon” wanting to feel the ropes of his cum on your face you tried to push as far down on his cock as you could until your nose just tipped the tripped hair at his base, and that was all it took till issei was pulling you off his cock, jerking himself with a tight fist and strangled moans as buckets of his hot cum painted your face. guessing that he was finished you opened your eyes to see him panting above you and his cock slowly softening in his palm. you felt a drop of his seed drip down to just above your top lip, so as any good girl would you poked your tongue out to catch the drop and moan at the taste in your mouth, ending with three words you always gave after he finished, “thank you daddy”
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Tressa’s Chapter 1, Badly Summarised
(Aka: If you rob me I'll kick your ass)
Tressa: Hi my name’s Tressa Colzione and I’m a merchant
Tressa: One day, I'm gonna explore the world!
Tressa: Good morning parents
Tressa's Parents (Olneo & Marina): Good morning Tressa
Tressa: Aight let's do some store stuff y'all I'm gonna go out and stock these shelves
Olneo: Hold on young lady, now do you remember what the three things a merchant needs most are-
Tressa: They need to be smiley, mannerly, and early obviously!
Marina: And they need to look out for pirates causing trouble around the taverns
Tressa: Ma that's four things
Olneo: And they need to look out for pirates causing trouble around the taverns
Tressa: Okay f i n e aight goodbye now!!
Tressa's Parents: Goodbye Tressa!! ^^
*After Tressa leaves*
Olneo: Ah, youngsters
Olneo: Y'know, back in my day, when I was her age-
Fisherman: Hello Tressa! Here's today's catch
Tressa: Ooh nice I'll pay you this much for it
Fisherman: Lmao this fish is worth a bit more
Tressa: Oh
Tressa: Well I mean... I was going to ignore the damage your hooks did to the fish's guts-
Fisherman: Alright fine I'll take the cash
Tressa: Yippee!
Fisherman: Can't believe I just lost a debate with an 18 year old lol gj kid
Tressa: Hi I need to buy some wine
Beverage Vendor: Aren't you a bit too young to be-
Tressa: It's for my parents' store
Beverage Vendor: Okay but-
Tressa: Hey I'm 18 that's old enough to drink wine in a lot of places
Beverage Vendor: Alright but do you have an ID
Tressa: I don't think we have IDs in this game
Beverage Vendor: What
Tressa: What
*TV static noises*
Tressa: Ayy we got it done
Tressa: Man I wish I could explore elsewhere
Tressa: But I've gotta stay here in Rippletide. If I don't take over my parents' shop, no one's going to. Sometimes I wonder if I do have opportunities elsewhere. Maybe there's a whole other life out there, just waiting to be explored! But I don't know. What do I really want? What do I want in life? What's really out there? *sigh*
Tressa: The ocean sure looks big
Tressa: That's a big ship that's coming into the harbour
Tressa: Wait a minute I haven't seen that ship around here before
Tressa: Holy crap that's a real nice ship
Captain: Hello there lass I'm the captain of this ship
Tressa: Hi I'm Tressa and you have a really neat ship say do you mind if I take a peak at what's on board
Captain: Sorry but I only allow those I trust on board
Tressa: Aw man
*Loud noises in the distance*
Tressa: Omg what was that I'd better go check that out
Tressa: *Runs off*
Captain: Ah, kids these days
Mikk: Hi I'm Mikk
Makk: Hi I'm Makk
Mikk and Makk: And we're here to rob your stuff!
Mikk: I'm obviously the captain because I'm so cool
Makk: Lmao no I'm the captain you're just the first mate
Mikk and Makk: Fight me
Pirate Lackey: Y'all chill
Mikk and Makk: Alright let's continue robbing people
Tressa: No
Mikk: Says who?
Tressa: Says me
Makk: Oh it's just a little girl lol
Tressa: Little girl my ass I'm 18
Mikk: Is she allowed to say "ass"
Makk: Beats me
Mikk: Omg is that wine
Mikk: *Steals the wine from Tressa*
Tressa: Hey I bought that with my own money!
Makk: You don't even look old enough to drink lol
Tressa: Fight me
Captain: Lass, no
Tressa: Aw but-
Captain: They won't listen to reason, just let them be
Mikk and Makk: Yeah lol okay now goodbye y'all thanks for letting us take your stuff
Captain: It's okay to be scared of the pirates lass
Tressa: Pft I'm not scared
Captain: But your legs were trembling
Tressa: Oh
Street Vendor: Damn pirates won't leave us alone
Street Vendor: Idek what they're doing staying in the Caves of Maiya
Tressa: ...
Tressa: I'm gonna go bargain with the pirates
Captain: Lass no
Tressa: Lass yes
Captain: Okay but like do you have a weapon or a plan or any method of getting your stuff back
Tressa: Well uh I won 50 debate competitions in 3rd grade
Captain: I already told you they weren't going to listen to reason lass
Captain: If you walk in there they're going to kick your ass
Captain: Am I allowed to say that to you
Tressa: Well yeah but I can't just sit here and let these other merchants starve to death because they have no money to put food on their plates
Tressa: And y'know what, maybe I will fight the pirates
Captain: Hm alright then if you're so determined then I won't stop you
Captain: But I'm going to help
Captain: If we succeed and you find something on my ship that catches your eye, I'll let you have it
Tressa: Aight deal
Tressa: Now let's go kick some pirate ass!
Captain: Okay but are you allowed to say "ass"
Tressa: Brb I'm gonna buy some stuff first
Captain: Alright
Captain: Lass is that weed
Tressa: It's sleepweed :D
Captain: Oh what would you need that for
Tressa: Oh y'know, I just thought the pirates could use a nice nap after all that looting
Captain: I like your style lass
Captain: Alright now good luck
*At the tavern*
Tressa: I put the sleepweed in the wine
Tressa: Now all we have to do is bring the wine to them
*At the Caves of Maiya*
Tressa: Ahoy there
Pirate Lackey: Oh it's the little girl again
Tressa: Here, have this wine. It's a gift from me and the other merchants because we're soooooo sorry we thought we stood a chance against you swashbuckling pirates
Pirate Lackey: Omg wine
Pirate Lackey: *Brings it inside*
Tressa: Lmao I can't believe they fell for it
*Inside the Caves*
Mikk: Lol the townspeople are so weak I can't believe they didn't try to put up a fight
Makk: Well I mean it doesn't look like they can LMAO
Mikk: "The strong take while the weak quake" amirite
Mikk and Makk: LMAO
Makk: Wise words by the one and only Captain Leon Bastralle
Mikk: Totally not gonna bite us back later
Makk: Yeah because we're super cool and want to follow in the footsteps of Captain Leon Bastralle
Pirate Lackey: Captains the little girl have wine
Mikk and Makk: AYO WINE?? Hell yeah y'all
Pirates: Cheers!
Tressa: That should be enough time
Tressa: *Walking around the Caves* Oh boy, look at these sleeping pirates, I wonder what happened to them
Tressa: Aight time to take the stolen wares back
Mikk: *Waking up* Oi what are you doing here little girl
Tressa: Oh no
Mikk: Wake up Makk it's the little girl from town
Makk: Oh so you were going to take your stuff back when we were sleeping huh
Tressa: Oh no
Mikk and Makk: Y'know we ain't gonna let you take our hard earned loot back
Tressa: Hard earned my ass y'all didn't earn anything you just stole it
Tressa: And I'm not gonna just stand by and let you take it
Mikk and Makk: Fight us
Tressa: Y'know what hell yeah
*Epic boss battle ensues*
Tressa: Oh yay we won
Makk: Oh what she beat us
Mikk: We aren't letting you get away with this. Mateys!
*Other pirates appear*
Tressa: Oh no
Tressa: Might as well take on you all to get these goods back
Mikk and Makk: Lmao time to face defeat little girl
Captain: Not so fast
Captain: Were you guys seriously going to pick on this little girl
Tressa: Captain I'm 18
Captain: You all have no right to speak about how the world works if you only pick on the weak and defenseless
Mikk: Oh it's that guy from earlier
Mikk: Lol anyways let's fight them
Captain: *Defeats everyone*
Makk: What how'd you beat all of us
Mikk and Makk: Omg wait that's Captain Leon Bastralle
Makk: Who tf are you
Tressa: Wait holy crap that was you???
Captain Leon: I'm just a merchant, no longer a pirate
Captain Leon: But say, have you gentlemen ever heard of the phrase "dead men tell no tales"?
Mikk and Makk: Y'all we gotta go
*The pirates escape*
Tressa: Captain?
Captain Leon: Just call me Leon, lass
Tressa: Thanks for saving me Mr Leon
Captain Leon: Well then, gather the goods and head back home. I'll have to leave soon
Tressa: Wait already??
Captain Leon: Yep, but remember to come on by my ship. We had a deal, remember?
Tressa: Mr Leon are you sure I can come aboard
Captain Leon: Well I said I only let those I trust aboard right
Tressa: And?
Captain Leon: Exactly
Tressa: Oh
Tressa: OH
Tressa: Thank you Mr Leon omg omg
Tressa: Yo this place is packed are you sure I can take one of these
Captain Leon: Mhm
Tressa: Omg thank you
Tressa: Ooh I think I'll take... this diary
Captain Leon: Um, lass, I'm afraid that won't sell for much
Captain Leon: Some guy I let on board just left that there and it got mixed in with the treasures
Tressa: Hm I still think I'll take it though
Tressa: It calls to me
Captain Leon: Alright then, you can have it
Tressa: Thank you Mr Leon :D
Captain Leon: Okay now goodbye lass
Tressa: Goodbye!
Tressa: I'm gonna speedrun this book
Tressa: Hm so it talks about someone's adventures around the world
Tressa: That's so cool, I wish I could do that
Tressa: Oh whoops it's past my bedtime
*The next day*
Tressa: Good morning parents
Tressa: I'm going to see the world!
Olneo and Marina: You're going to what
Tressa: I'm gonna become a traveling merchant!
Marina: But dear-
Olneo: You have no experience! You need to spend a hell lot more time in the shop before you go out and become a traveling merchant
Tressa: Pa I'm 18 I can handle it
Tressa: Besides I can learn on the road n stuff so I'll be fiiiiiiiine
Olneo: Well okay then you can go
Tressa: Wait really
Marina: Wait really
Olneo: I mean she'll get experience out there so I think it should be fine
Marina: Fine then, but do take care!
Tressa: Omg thanks Ma and Pa! Goodbye!! :D
Tressa: Hm the author only filled in half of the book
Tressa: I guess I'll have to finish the story myself
These are fun to do but I don't think I'll get to do this very often when school starts in two days
Tressa my beloved I know you're 18 but why do you seem so much younger
Tressa would've dominated all the debates in class I'm calling it
Anyways bye y'all I hope you enjoyed
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logancreatesworlds · 3 years
Out Of The Darkness (Ch. 1)
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Darkness isn't always bad. Sometimes, it's comfort. For her, it was protection.
Beginning of a series. This story will get spicy in future chapters.
Warnings: None...yet.
Word Count: Just under 900
Author's Note: I know I've been gone for a long while but I was in school so don't hate me.
Darkness was scary to many. For Fantasma, it was comfort. Nightly walks suited her. They always did since before the 15th century, the Civil War and now in 2023. She had already finished grading her students’ projects and now she simply meandered around the bustling streets of Atlanta, Georgia, enjoying the sparkle of the stars and crispness of the night air.
Fantasma had several routes she preferred. This one, the one she took on Tuesdays, was her favorite. As her purple petticoat hung onto her plump figure, she continued to skip through the night. Then…she stopped.
Something was behind her, Fantasma knew it. She learned to signs of changing vibrations from all those years with – as he who shall not be named called her, the beautiful, beautiful Makk-…no. Her name didn’t matter. Turning around, Fantasma saw the source of her ruined night.
He was about 6’2, muscular, dressed in a gray hoodie and sweatpants. That didn’t scare her. What mildly concerned her was the gun-shaped outline in his pocket.
“You planning to shoot me with that or are you just happy to see me?” Fantasma asked casually.
“Give me all your money!” The man ordered, holding a 9MM to her face.
“Shooting it is,” Fantasma sighed.
“I don’t wanna hurt you, lady,” the man said, his voice punctuated by the condensation puffing out of his ski mask, “Just give me your wallet.”
Fantasma gave an exaggerated sigh. Within a second, the man was grabbed by his shooting arm and tossed over her head like a thrown discus.
The man groaned as Fantasma walked towards him. Effortlessly, she crushed the gun in her hand to a prickled clump.
“Sir, if you’re willing to disappear right now, I’ll forget you tried to rob me,” she says, “Or I can just beat on you some more.”
“Please,” the man begged, “I just needed the money for drugs.”
Fantasma’s lips twisted with skepticism. Kneeling and taking the man’s arm in her hands, she instantly caught sight of the needle marks.
Sighing, Fantasma helped the man to his feet.
“Where are you taking me?” He asks as she links arms with him.
“To the nearest rehab center.”
Druig walked through his village with monitoring eyes. It’s not that the village was under attack, as it was secluded. He just needed to make sure his people were okay.
“Senhor Druig,” a little girl, no older than ten greeted, running up to him.
“Bom dia, minha pequena Florina,” He greets, bending down to kiss her head.
“Para você,” she says, holding up an orchid.
Druig gasped with both pretend surprise and genuine appreciation, “Uma pequena orquídea da minha orquídea.”
It was the tenth orchid she has given him that month.
Florina smiled as Druig planted another big kiss on her head. Just then, a bolt of light zipped into the peaceful compound, catching everyone’s attention.
Makkari smiled as Druig, whose eyes then glowed a beautiful golden. Within seconds, everyone went back to work.
“Vale, querida,” he says to Florina, “Necesitas ir al clase.”
“Pero no quiero-“
Druig placed a finger over her lips, “Quisiste decir sí señor.”
Florina gave an exaggerated sigh and Makkari smiled.
Though he would never say it aloud, Druig loved the children of the village like his own.
“Sí señor,” the little girl said.
“Buena,” Druig says, “Ahora, ve.”
Florina hurried off and Makkari walked up to him.
“My beautiful, beautiful Makkari,” he greets as the speedstress’ lips stretched into a wider smile.
Makkari leaned into his figures as his hands stretched over her waist.
“I scoured the entire west coast,” Makkari signed, “Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Cali, and Arizona.”
“Nothing?” Druig asks, cupping his hands into O-shapes and shaking them.
“Nothing,” Makkari signs back.
Druig sighs and a sad look passes Makkari’s face.
“I just want her home,” Makkari signs sadly.
“I know, beautiful,” Druig signs before pulling her into a warm embrace, “I know.”
“Ms. Luna,” Keisha asks, holding a bunch of balloons by the end, “Where do these go again?”
“In front of the lights,” Fantasma responds with a laugh, “In front of them, Keisha. Not on top. We don’t want them to burst.”
“Yes ma’am,” she calls.
Luna continues decorating as everyone moves around the quad.
“Okay,” Camille says, walking up to Luna and holding up her IPhone, “I have the tweet written down. What do you think?”
Luna quietly reads before leaning back again, “It’s terrible.”
“What?!” Camille screeched, eyes bulging out, the braids framing her sharp face flying back.
“I’m kidding,” Fantasma says, “It’s fine.”
“It can’t be fine,” Camille huffs, “It has to be nightly.”
Fantasma resists the urge to roll her eyes. Maybe trusting a mass communications major with the social media for the annual Nightly was a bad idea after all.
“It’s perfect,” she says, “Now send that and help us with the rest of these balloons.”
“Ugh,” Camille groans, “I cannot wrinkle my perfect lips, Ms. Black. You know that.”
“Oh come on, Hillary Banks,” Deante says, fine-tuning the playlists, “You can do balloon duty. Just like you do on Twitter with all yackin’.”
“I’m so sick of you! Imma fuck you up!” Camille shouts, running after him with a balloon.
“Ow, ow! Hey, watch the computer!”
Fantasma shakes her head mirthfully before returning to decorating.
Tonight would be perfect…right?
Author's Note: Whoo! Feels good to get back to writing. Please ask to be tagged in the comments if you liked this. I plan to write more.
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iwaasfairy · 4 years
even as a raging disaster, your love for iwaizumi hajime knows no bounds
.word count. 1k+ .note. i was feeling soft for one (1) man so uhm no warnings today
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You pour two solo cups, one for you, one for the tall figure awkwardly dancing with a girl that seems so drunk she might topple over any second. He looks, even more than other days, breathtaking. Dark hair like an inverted halo splayed around his sharp features. Sleeves of his shirt rolled up around his forearms, muscular thighs packed tight into the ripped jeans. A necklace, one you gifted him for his birthday, falling in the groove of his chest. You smile as you catch his eyes, the pleading look he gives you growing with the second, so you draw away from the sticky bar long enough to stroll to his side.
“If you take anyone home, she better not be even a 10th as drunk as Mrs. Floppy Noodle over here,” you grin. When he lets out a clear sigh of relief, you take his hand to pull him out of the mess of people. The girl doesn’t notice, though she almost snaps a heel stumbling back into someone else. One of her friends sends you a little look, mouthing an apology you wave off. You don’t think Hajime is one to just take a random girl home anyway, though he definitely has the looks to do so.
At your words, his eyes widen about twice the size, and he gives you a shove. “I’m not taking someone home,” he chews the words for a moment and looks at the red solo cup you push into his hands, before continuing, “except you.”
He is, strictly speaking, not wrong as your ride from and to, but that sounded like he’d take you to his home. You, to his apartment, his bed. Much different from the sleepovers you had in high school. You know that that’s not what he means though, and smile it off. “You better get me home safe, big guy.” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, before holding up his drink to you and lifting a brow. “Cheers, Iwa.” You two tap cups, and throw back whatever you just poured into the cups without hesitation.
It’s a mixture of vodka and some red drink you don’t know what it is, but tastes like something peach, and it burns in the back of your throat. You cough after downing the whole thing. “Ew, I think that wasn’t a good idea.”
Hajime still has a sour face too. “What is that?”
A grin slips on your face despite the sting. “I have no clue. It’s horrible,” you agree, quick to put the cups away. Your chest warming at his expression, you turn. “We’re dancing, come on. I don’t care if you want to or not.” The brunet sputters behind when you drag him away from the kitchen and through the mess of people, holding onto your hand tightly. Long fingers wrapped around your hand like two magnets. You get to a spot where people are sitting in the couches a bit away, a few feet with barely enough space to move around, before turning to him.
When you just start moving, his look lingers. Long enough for it to make any platonic explanation seem offset, but you will yourself to ignore it. You don’t— can’t let it get to you, you’ve been friends too long for that. Instead your eyes flutter closed, feeling the rush of alcohol spread slowly through your skin. You feel warm, a little hazy. And right now you really don’t care if you look stupid or not, because you feel nice. You feel confident, if that’s a word you’ve ever used to describe yourself.
When you turn back, ignoring the changing light to see the chocolate haired man raking his eyes over you. Top to bottom, as if he’s breathing out his hesitation. It’s weird, this is weird and foreign but everything about it feels right, anyway. You tilt your head, emboldened by either the alcohol or his darkening gaze. “Hajime,” your voice is playful, catching at the end of his name, “you do have to move, you know.” He swallows, wordless, and starts swaying to the music. With a subdued giggle, you remember your prom. 
He’d been bright pink when putting his hands on his date’s hips, glaring at you from across the room where you’d made obnoxious kissy faces. Until Makki had kissed you later that evening, and it’d been Hajime’s turn to tease. An appropriate explanation of your relationship with the boy that had lived two houses over for the majority of your childhood. You, the catalyst; him, the solution. Always. The space is more littered than your prom was, sticky and sweaty, so you can’t blame him for looking uncomfortable. That, and you’re kind of standing two feet apart, which doesn’t give him much space to dance. Instead of watching as he bounces on his feet, you reach for him and turn around, gently guiding him to hold onto your waist.
You look back to smile. His lips open to allow for air to pass, and you briefly wish you could intertwine with him entirely, to taste the things he tastes, breathe the air he breathes. His hands glide higher, but he doesn’t look away. You take that as a go ahead and start dancing again. It’s not even been five minutes but whatever you tossed back is already tingling in your system and making you light, glowing, bright. You enjoy the way his heated palms caress your sides, even if you know that he means absolutely nothing with that. When you close your eyes again and lean into him a little more, everything seems to blur and slow. 
Hajime’s fingers that press little ovals into the soft skin that just peeks from under your crop top. The vibrating of the loud music that bounces off the walls. The swaying of your hips, and in turn, his along with you. You don’t know how long you are like that, but when you open your eyes you see neon blue lights that jump the walls. His hands move more down, to hold onto your upper thigh, chest pressing against your back. You reach up your hand and tangle it in the base of his hair, pulling gently. A soft hum is pressed into your hair when he brushes his lips along your head, pulling back quickly but long enough to make you flutter. 
Like a hot fever that rushes over you all of a sudden, you feel this incredible weight on your chest. Gratefulness and love for your best friend, the only person who has ever taken you in fully, accepted and cherished all of your messy angles, even the ones you know are not worth to be seen in broad daylight. You stop moving, suddenly too aware of what you’re doing. This is the one person who you’ve trusted for longer than you can even remember, it’s like you can see the taint your hands leave behind on him. You wonder if he can feel it, if it hurts. If he hates you for it. Your heart beats loudly in your chest when you turn in his hold.
Iwaizumi’s eyes stay closed for a second longer, long lashes spread out beautifully and perfectly. His hands hover in mid-air when you pull away, as if holding onto your ghost, before he opens his lids slowly. His colorful eyes don’t move from yours for a breath or two. You have to look away again, but feel his gaze on your face. You swallow, scan the room once. You force a smile on your lips as you take one of his hands, and look over at his expression. There’s a light that lives under his lashes, twisting and turning, but you’ve never seen it fade yet. You hope it never does. “Do you want another drink?” you ask, and he nods.
When returning you take a moment to look at him where he’s resting against the wall.
He hasn’t noticed you yet, looking around with a look blank enough to rival a brick wall. It makes you giggle, his quiet strength. A warm feeling settles between your ribs, stomach clenching a tad. You breathe deeply, then pinch yourself. It’s hard to know how you’re feeling, and what that means, when you’re in this state. Dreadful, like a foreboding rumble of thunder, it sets your hairs on end. The line between friendship and true romantic love has always been blurred because you’re so close. Or maybe you are standing on the line separating the two, you really aren’t sure anymore. You can’t tell when it comes to him.
You hope it’s not that. Not love. Like a dense layer of fog at the break of dawn. It’s thick, there for a little while, shrouding everything, and then as soon as it came, it burns away with the harshness of reality. You don’t want to experience that with him. You want it to feel like this forever. You take another deep breath, and walk back over to him, smiling softly. Hajime looks up a little surprised when you suddenly come to stand in front of him. He doesn’t say anything, but opens his arms, to allow you to walk into his embrace.
thank you for reading, i’ll get back on your regularly scheduled horny [hawr-nee] program in a few minutes ( ー̀εー́ )
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figgiforever · 2 years
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Recently I’ve been busy so didn’t draw or post much, because a big change is happening in my life. But I’ve been doodling using this some of my OCs that I didn’t draw or even think about them in a long time.
So here are: Ka’ra, Parjir, twins Tal and Tar - children of Atin and Laseema; Jatne - first child of Makke and Kad, first grandchild of Fi and Tiggi.
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