#bigbelly burping eating gay men overeating stuffing bellystuffing malestuffing stuffingfetish bigbellyfetish
dudduk4992 · 2 years
A beached surfer, part 1
Caleb sighed, looking out onto the beach. It was a perfect day, with not a cloud in the sky, the brilliant yellow sand was teeming with people, talking, sunbaking, playing volleyball, building sandcastles, and splashing in the water. Everywhere he looked, he saw people enjoying the sun.
The hotel next door teamed with tourists, just like it seemed to do every summer when Caleb’s dad sent him here to work at his uncle’s restaurant, “The Seaside Crab”  where Caleb worked during his summers instead of enjoying it like everyone else. It always seemed worse to think about, but when he got there it wasn’t so bad, especially since his uncle actually paid him properly now, and with all the tourism they were reeling in, Caleb could only imagine what his bank account would be looking like. Caleb sighed again,
"Caleb! Stop mucking about and clear some tables!" Caleb heard his big sailor-looking uncle yell from within the confines of the kitchen at the front of the restaurant. Caleb gulped and quickly zoomed around the restaurant, clearing tables one at a time.
As Caleb cleaned up another table, stacking the dishes and wiping at the stains on the table, he resumed his daydreaming position at the large wooden bar, adjacent to a long, tall wall lined with glass windows. As he stared even longer, his eyes stayed in the same position, looking out the window despite hearing the front of the cafe's door jingle.
A shadow shunted his daydreaming; he noticed a tall, blonde, wide figure standing at the bar in his peripheral vision. It took Caleb a moment or two to realise that the stranger was waiting for him. "Could I get an iced tea, two lemons please?" Caleb heard the hunky surfer say in his deep voice. It was none other than the legendary Kanen Ariki. A local legend around Marina Beach. He was the only surfer to catch some huge waves, not to mention his insane popularity. When he wasn’t surfing or partying, he worked as a lifeguard at the beach.
Kanen was Polynesian and only 21, two years older than Caleb- and was fully ripped. Big, buff and covered head to toe in muscle, he had a massive chest with huge, meaty pecs and pink cherry-sized nipples, his thighs and calves enormous, and his abs well defined. His face was wide and handsome with a strong jawline, his eyes bright brown with a cut through his left eyebrow. He had various rings in both ears, as well as a double piercing through his right eyebrow and belly button.
His hair was cut in short curtains and dyed blonde while the roots remained black. The hunk also had some impressive Polynesian tattoos; several bands around his right arm, wrist and leg, as well as some triangles, reaching up to the bottom of his belly button. He wore a blue faded singlet, black board shorts and no shoes.
"I- uh, ohhhh..." Caleb Stuttered, gazing in awe at the surfer, he completely forgot what he was doing as he watched Kanen take a table number and sit down.... right next to where Caleb was cleaning. Was this really happening!? Caleb couldn't believe it!
"Hey man, not to rush you, but my stomach’s telling me it’s time to eat," Kanen said with a laugh, noticing that Caleb was stuck daydreaming for almost ten minutes.
"Oh! sorry!" Caleb yelped. "What can I get you today? we have some specials on, if you’re interested, I can show you what they are..." Caleb trailed off, gazing at the blond hunk's breathtaking abs.
"Uh yeah, I'll just get a club sandwich, extra meat, extra cheese, and double side pickle, please. And two iced teas while you're at it" Kanen says with a wink, his voice filled with that deep swagger many surfers carried.
“Right... right, is there anything else?” Caleb murmured.
“Nope! You’re good to go…” Kanen squinted at Caleb’s name tag. “Caleb.” Kanen looked up with a grin. “Nice to meet you, Caleb.” It took Caleb everything he had not to melt at the surfer hunk’s words.
“That… that should be ready soon sir.” Caleb piped, turning and hurrying over to the counter. As he did, he quickly scribbled the order on a piece of paper. However, what Caleb didn’t realize was that he had scribbled Kanen's order underneath a previous order that had come and gone, a family meal in fact. Caleb blindly handed his uncle the order without noticing and went back to clearing tables and taking more orders, sneaking glancing at Kanen when he could. Ten minutes passed as Caleb continued to work, occasionally glancing up at Kanen while he did.
Caleb eventually began to zone back into his work, prioritizing his tasks, rather than gazing at Kanen. Caleb was in the middle of clearing a recently emptied table when he heard someone approach him from behind. He turned around and found himself staring at Kanen, who stood there with a smile on his face.
"Hey there again." Kanen greeted him. "Sorry to bother you, Caleb- but I was just wondering if you knew when my food would be ready? It’s been nearly fifteen minutes." Kanen said with an innocent smile.
Caleb felt his eyes widen. He hadn't realized how much time had passed since he took Kanen's order. "Oh- uh, lemme go check for you." Caleb said quickly as he rushed off to the counter, where his uncle was busy cooking.
"Hey, Uncle Finn!" Caleb gasped. "A customer asked when his food would be out, he's been waiting for fifteen minutes."
"Well, I sure as hell won't be able to figure out his meal if you don't tell me what it is!" Uncle Finn grunted back as he chopped the head off a fish.
"Uhh... '1 club sandwich, double pickle and extra everything' plus two ice teas... For Kanen Ariki." Caleb said aloud, feeling a little embarrassed by the situation.
Uncle Finn glanced across the orders above his head and frowned. "Son, I dunno what you did wrong but I don't have that order here." He muttered. "I DO have an order for one Kanen Ariki, and it does have that sandwich and those ice teas, but there's more than what you said."
Before Caleb could say a word, his uncle placed a full tray on the bench, and it was indeed not what Kanen had ordered; 2 extra large burgers and sides of chips, a large panini, a regular garden salad, A T-bone steak, 2 plates of fish and chips, A regular lasagna, a basket of garlic bread- and of course, the two ice teas and the club sandwich to top it all off.
"Oh Caleb..." Uncle Finn leaned on the counter and covered his eyes. "How did you mess this up." he looked up with a tired smile. "You truly are one of a kind, lad."
Caleb felt himself grow pale as he realized he had messed up.
"I- I'm so sorry..." Caleb murmured, and the boy felt his face go from pale to beet red.
Uncle Finn chuckled and placed a hand over his shoulder. "Don't worry about it kid. I know you'll do better next time, you always do. Just apologize and tell the guy there was a mixup and give him the things he ordered- bring the rest back to me so I can bin it."
Caleb nodded silently and took the tray of food, turning on one heel and quickly made his way across the restaurant. As he approached Kanen's table, he found Kanen smiling at him, but his smile quickly turned to confusion as Caleb set the tray down on the table.
"Hey bro... I didn't order all of this?" he said, confused.
"No you didn't." Caleb confirmed, avoiding eye contact. "I- uh… there was a mixup in the kitchen... and your order got put down with a previous order- but here."
Caleb picked up the plate with the gigantic club sandwich on top. Uncle Finn had used an entire loaf of bread, sliced through the half, and put all of the fixings inside to create the biggest sandwich both Caleb and Kanen had ever seen in their lives.
"W-woah dude... I said club sandwich, not a surfboard panini!" Kanen practically yelped, grinning from ear to ear. "Guess I'm getting my money's worth!" The tanned surfer laughed, a hand resting on his exposed belly. "Seriously dude... thanks for this... you're awesome!" He said. "But I wanted to ask, what's gonna happen to all of this?"
"Uh, I'll probably have to dump it." Caleb replied. "I can't give it to other customers who ordered the same thing. Health code, you know?"
Kanen looked down at the food with a frown. "You can't throw this all away. There's enough food here for a whole family..." he said, gesturing with his hands at the large amount of food in front of him.
"I know." Caleb felt awful, but he really didn't know what else could be done.
"Here, just leave it with me and I'll eat as much of it as I can." Kanen replied with a shrug.
Caleb blinked. "What?"
"It's either that or the garbage disposal, and I hate it when good food is wasted." Kanen grinned. "So yeah, leave it with me."
"Uh... okay, are you sure?" Caleb murmured, placing it all on the table, including the drinks, before picking the empty tray up.
"Yeah man, no worries, I'll see how much I can polish off. Thanks again!" Kanen smiled.
Caleb nodded and left it at that and hurried back to his uncle to give him the tray. When he got to the counter, Uncle Finn was watching Kanen closely. "So he decided to keep all that food huh? Better than chucking it in the bin I say." Uncle Finn said with a chuckle. "He's got one big ass feed ahead of him!"
"Uhh yeah..." Caleb murmured, still blushing as he glanced back to the surfer boy and his massive meal.
Kanen wasn't sure if he would even be able to eat this much food. Here, he had arrived for a simple sandwich, and now he had a family-sized feast on top of that. Kanen worked on his original order first, drilling through the club sandwich at a steady pace. The mix of meat, cheese, pickle and lettuce made an explosion of flavour in his mouth as the young stud savoured every bite of the huge sandwich. He ate slowly, enjoying each and every morsel. As he neared the end of his sandwich, Kanen noted that he felt full, his stomach holding its regular curve after a simple meal like this- but his meal was far from over.
"Wow, that was amazing..." Kanen murmured to himself as he took a long sip from his first iced tea, before sighing and wiping his mouth with a napkin. He already felt kinda stuffed though, he thought looking down at his bulging gut.
But there was no time to waste, the food was there, and it needed to be eaten. After he finished the sandwich, Kanen dug into his burger with gusto. The paddy was juicy and fresh, stuck to a slice of melted cheese and accompanied by fresh crisp lettuce, tangy sauce, onions, bacon and tomato. It tasted incredible as he ate it, savouring every bite. With one burger done, the second followed in no time at all. With both now in his steadily growing belly, the young stud took a moment to finish the rest of his first iced tea, sucking down the sweet peach juice like water after a run.
"*BUARRP!*" Kanen belched and blushed as two customers close by glanced at him, Kanen ran a hand over his developing stomach under his singlet, before working on his two sides of chips, each slice of fried potato cooked to perfection as he drowned them in tomato sauce and tore into them ravenously.
The young surfer felt like he could take on the world, his gut was slowly expanding and so full of good food that it felt like he had swallowed a small soccer ball. He had never eaten this much in one sitting before, but he had to admit that he felt great. His muscles were well-fed, and his mind was clear, he felt good, and he was ready to tackle anything that came his way.
With that thought in mind, Kanen worked on his last side of chips and began eating slowly as he watched the people around him. After a few minutes, Kanen moved on his panini. The crust was crisp and the fillings were warm and delicious. The beef was tender and the cheese gooey, the flavors mixing together perfectly. Even though he already felt overly stuffed, Kanen devoured the panini in only a few bites, pausing to take sips from his second iced tea until both the tea and panini were gone.
Kanen burped again, this time not feeling as embarrassed, largely because of how stuffed the surfer stud felt. His slightly bloated muscle gut had expanded substantially, stretching his singlet even further than before as his underbelly dug into the hem of his boardshorts. Kanen knew he wasn't going to be able to fit into his pants for a while.
Now Kanen sat there, stuffed to bursting, yet content. He stared at the remains of his meal; the salad, Steak, double order of fish and chips, basket of garlic bread, and large lasagna, and wondered if he should just leave it there. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. If he did, then he would feel guilty for wasting such a large amount of food, and besides- something about this whole situation he had ended up in felt... good?
In a way eating all this food made Kanen feel amazing. The very idea of pushing the limits of his stomach, even though he was stuffed to the brim made Kanen's body tingle, and the thought of how big his gut would become made him more excited. Kanen took a deep breath and made his decision, he was going to finish every last piece of this food, and then he was going to enjoy a good long rest.
Eager now, Kanen filled a glass of water and downed it in one gulp before he started with the garden salad and garlic bread; The salad was light and refreshing, while the Garlic bread was hot and gooey and crispy. By the time he was done, the surfer was sweating and moaning, his belly was distended so much that it now jutted off of his body a good few inches. He could feel it stretching his singlet further, his gut pushing against the fabric as it grew. it had even begun to slide up due to the great volume of his gut, revealing a slither of his hairless belly.
Steadily running out of steam, Kanen turned his attention to the large steak. Kanen cut the steak into bite sized pieces and began going to work; the meat was tender and juicy, he found after the first mouthful, the juices running down his chin and dropping onto the singlet straining itself around his enormous gut. The steak was served with a side of fries and salad, both of which the hunk was able to finish off with relative ease. Kanen pulled at his boardshorts, which were unbelievably tight now. Kanen burped again, feeling up his tank of a belly, enjoying the fullness and tightness it caused.
He had no doubt that many of the customers in the restaurant were staring at him, especially the ones who had been here since the start and had seen how much food he had consumed. After finishing off the Steak, Kanen felt his gut throbbing now, his abs and stomach muscles burning tight as his belly begged him to stop eating, and that only made him want to eat more.
Kanen realized that if he was gonna get through the remains of the food, he was gonna need more drinks. By some streak of luck, the waiter boy Caleb passed by to clear a table, although Kanen could see that Caleb was also using this opportunity to stare at the surfer's impressive belly.
"Hey... *URP* Caleb?" Kanen spoke up with a long breath.
Caleb turned right around to face him, his cheeks flushed red. Caleb couldn’t belive how huge he had grown!
"Y-Yeah?" Caleb asked nervously, his eyes darting between Kanen's bulging gut and the huge amount of food that was still piled on the table.
"Do you *HIC* think you could grab me two more of those *BUUARP* iced teas?" Kanen asked, resting his hands on his belly.
"Uh... yeah of course," Caleb replied, his voice shaking as he quickly walked over to the kitchen, returning five minutes later with two bottles of iced tea.
"Thanks," Kanen replied with a shy smile.
"No problem... just let me know if you need anything else," Caleb said,  his face growing redder by the second. "I- need to go clear more tables." Caleb rushed off and Kanen couldn't help but laugh to himself. The poor guy looked so flustered, but he didn't blame him. Kanen could only imagine what a sight his gut must be for everyone else.
The fish and chips were by far the hardest to eat, although the battered Cod and chips were crunchy and tasty, they were both dry, and Kanen found himself gulping down a whole iced tea between the two servings. As he polished off the seafood, Kanen felt his belly grow tighter and tighter, it was beginning to push against his waistband as his gut now took up a good portion of his lap. It seemed like he might have to pull down his board shorts if it continued to get any larger.
Kanen had to stop himself from laughing as he marveled at how big his stomach had gotten, he had never been this big before. "Holy shit..." Kanen muttered, looking down at his stomach, which groaned and growled as it struggled to digest the mass amount of food inside. After another glass of water to wash down his throat, the young surfer made his way to his final course, the lasagna.
As he cut into the lasagna, he was surprised to find that it was still warm; the cheese, mince, sauce and pasta sheets melting as he placed the first forkful into his mouth. Kanen had to stifle back a moan as he ate, the taste was incredible. Even though he felt on the brink of bursting point, Kanen devoured the dish with relish, watching his obscenely huge muscle gut creep forward a bit with each delicious, gooey mouthful.
Part of Kanen knew he had eaten past his limit, and yet somehow he was still pushing on, the engorged stud stuffing himself with every ounce of willpower he had. It felt like an eternity before the plate was empty, his gut bloated and stretched beyond its limits, the weight of his belly pressing on his thighs as he sat there. When he was done, Kanen felt like a new man. His belly was stretched to its maximum capacity, obscenely huge and distended, making him look 9 months pregnant. But Kanen was happy with the blissful fullness that came with eating so much food. The weight of everything he had eaten, the pressure in his gut, the strain of his abs and the heat of digestion made him feel so tired.
"Ahhhhhhh!" Kanen moaned loudly as he threw back his head and let loose another deep, manly belch, the sound echoing throughout the restaurant. He closed his eyes, trying to hold in the next one but failing miserably. "Bwuaaarrrp!" Another loud belch escaped the surfer's lips as he looked at the large stack of empty plates in front of him. Something about it made Kanen feel proud, like he was some sort of gluttonous beast who was being rewarded for his excesses.
And so, Kanen struggled to stand up from his seat, his belly was so heavy and his abs stretched to the absolute limit, his legs felt like jelly as it took the stud a moment to adjust to his newfound weight. His singlet had ridden up so much that it only encompassed half of his overgorged belly. Kanen felt all eyes on him as he swaggered over to the counter slowly, holding his gut in both hands like a newborn as he tried not to burp loudly again.
Up at the counter, Kanen found Caleb waiting; a look of complete awe on his face as he gazed upon the young surfer's huge stomach.
"I believe I... *HIC* have a *BUUARRPP* meal to pay for..." Kanen chuckled, patting his belly proudly.
"Oh my God," Caleb gasped. "I can't believe you ate all that." Caleb began to grin from ear to ear. "That was incredible man... I've never seen someone pack away that much food!"
"Thank you *BWARP* Caleb..." Kanen laughed slowly. "I think I've *HIC* had my fill..." Kanen chuckled, his stomach wobbling slightly as he let out another burp, handing the young waiter his credit card, but Caleb shook his head.
"It’s on the house man." Caleb smiled. "You earned it."
Kanen lay sprawled out on the hood of his car as he watched the late afternoon sun dwindle on the horizon, the sky turning orange as the evening approached. The young stud had one arm behind his head, and the other wrapped around his gargantuan gut, releasing satisfied burps as he sighed contently. He felt so full... so fucking full... but so good too. The tightness, the weight, the size of his belly all felt incredible.
Kanen let out a long sigh as he brought his hand from his swollen belly down to hard manhood, stroking himself idly as he basked in the glow of his accomplishment. This had been quite possibly the most fun he'd ever had in his life. Eating so much food had left him completely exhausted and drained, his muscles ached and his mind was fuzzy from all the food he had forced into his system, but despite all that, Kanen wanted to see what other places did with order mix-ups.
This summer was going to be fun with people like Caleb around.
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dudduk4992 · 2 years
Big bellies and tropical islands pt 2
A few hours later, Darren's eyes flutter open, and he rubs his slightly more tanned face, feeling a little bit of stubble already forming on his chiseled jawline. When he looks down, he sees a moderately sized gut in between the sides of his unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, and slightly laughs, remembering the great meal he had the day precious. Then he remembers embarrassing himself so badly in front of the cute waiter by drunkenly requesting his help back up to his apartment. "Fuck...." Darren mumbled under his breath. a hand on the bed as he pushes himself forward to sit up, when he's immediately hit with a headache.
Darren rubbed his head and looked around the room, his eyes stopping on a cart beside his bed, on it sat a large plate of various desserts, cupcakes, eclairs, and donuts. Darren felt his mouth water a little as he shuffled off the bed. Darren wasted no time as he began to eat the desserts, his mouth watering at the sweet, creamy tastes. Soon Darren's mind went into autopilot as he crammed the desserts into his mouth, each new texture making him moan out as he rubbed his round taunt belly. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, as Darren soon realized that all the desserts had been finished. "Ugh dammit. UUURP Darren lay back on the bed, rubbing his belly and moaning at the intense dome of his belly.
He was surprised to find that although he was full, he didn't feel too sick, in fact, Darren realized he might even be able to eat more if he really wanted to. Sitting up straight, Darren got to his feet and gazed out his hotel window. It was about 1:30 now and the pool beside the beach looked really nice. Maybe it would be a good idea to go swimming for a bit, Darren decided. he packed a beach bag and threw on an extra-large t-shirt, before leaving his room and making his way down into the hotel reseption.
As Darren walked towards the pool, he rubbed his belly. The taunt, smooth orb of his gut felt so unreal, but so good too. Darren came out to the pool and pulled off his shirt, leaving his stuff by some deck chairs, as he climbed into the water, sighing as he floated in the water. Darren even caught a few people giving him side glances, one kid staring at his belly in complete shock.
He knew it wasn't normal. It didn't feel normal, it didn't even look normal to begin with. He looked bigger than most of the pregnant guys at the resort, his belly bowed out on the sides, and his belly button was getting pretty close to flattening out. Maybe a few more days would help him get there. As he waded around in the water for a while, he smiled as the stares only got more intense as he got closer towards the hot tub, where most of the big; muscled, hunky guys in speedo's decided to show off. They all just looked in his direction, mouth agape. He looked like he was about 9 months along with a heavy baby boy, and that was just from one meal and a snack. He knew that he needed more in his gut to get it even bigger, and get more stares. That's when he noticed a tall figure in the corner of his eye, wearing a white button down and black pants, just to realize, it was none other than Henry! "H-henry!" Darren softly yelped from the pool to get the hunky waiter's attention, beckoning him towards the water. Henry swiftly turned around, quickly walking towards Darren at the edge of the pool, his shoes clacking against the cement floor.
"It's- nice to see you!" Darren blushed. "I- thanks, for dropping the dessert off for me. I really enjoyed it, hehe..." Darren felt his cheeks go red. "No problem." Henry laughed. "And yes, I can see you enjoyed them!" Darren was silent for a moment. "Well, I better hop out and get ready for dinner." Darren Climbed from the pool and grabbed a towel from his bag, drying his hair than his chest and arms, then his belly. Feeling the towel against the skin of his belly was so nice, Darren thought to himself, then looked up and realized that Henry was still watching him. Alarmed, Darren quickly finished drying up, before throwing his T-shirt back on. "So, what kinda restaurants do you think are good to get dinner at?" Darren asked the waiter. "There must be at least 10 different ones in this resort!"
Darren grinned as he absentmindedly rested a hand in his growing gut, the round bump feeling bigger than it had ever been in his entire life. "All of them are good. Anywhere you go, you'll be more than satisfied with your meal, but my personal favorite is Tamashi. It's the only Japanese restaurant in the resort, and It's incredible. Big portions too..." Henry said in a lower voice, grinning as he takes a look down at Darren's expansive gut. "Once you start, you'll never stop there." Henry says finally, looking at his watch. "I'm just off for the day, I'd be happy to show you the way? It's on the other side of the island, totally worth the short walk." Henry grins. Darren nods and smiles in return, pausing "Would it be alright to make a stop by my room to change? I'd hate to just go in swim trunks and a t-shirt." Darren said, blushing. "Absolutely. I'll be down attune lobby, take your time." Henry smiles, walking Darren to the elevators.
"The dress list is smart causal, no shirts or casual shoes are allowed. A nicer jacket is encouraged but feel free to just dress up some of your more comfortable items. I'm sure you'll want something that will unbutton... easily." Henry said subtly, raising an eyebrow as he pressed the elevator button for the ball-bellied blonde in front of him. "I'll be down here when you're ready" Henry says.
Darren was up in his room in no time. Once there, the blond changed into black dress pants and a belt which he squeezed around his waist, as well as his largest button-up shirt and a brown jacket. looking at himself in the mirror Darren smiled. He looked as handsome as ever, and while his bulging belly was- odd, it looked quite good on him, especially the way it pressed off his body. Darren threw some colone on too and in no time, he was back down in the lobby. It took him a moment or two to find Henry, before quickly coming over. "Hey, hope I didn't take too long." Darren beamed. "So, shall we get going then? I'm eger to see this place!"
Henry softly smiled, grinning at how good Darren looked. He immediately noticed how the buttons of his dress shirt were already straining, with small, thin slivers of skin showing in between a few of the buttons, but he still looked incredible, nonetheless. "Absolutely. Follow my lead," Henry said, walking out of the side of the main Hotel entrance, down a leafy path of bright green foliage, hue palm trees, big pink flowers, and huge red hibiscuses. As they got further down the path, the plants began to change. The soft sand path turned into crisp, hard grey stones, the big bushels of green leaves turned into thin, gangly japanese cherry trees with small pink blossoms, It was one of the most beautiful sights Darren had ever seen. As they finally arrived to the Japanese bathhouse-style restaurant, Henry opened the door for Darren, his huge bulge looking obscenely heavy as it was packed into his dark pants, and despite their dark color, a round, thick, long imprint was clearly evident. "Welcome in, I hope you have a great dinner. I'm sure you'll love it" Henry says as he prepares to walk off to leave Darren to his night, until....
"Wait!" Darren quickly said, suddenly feeling blood rushing to his face. What was he doing? Henry stopped and turned around. "I- um, well, would you maybe... like to stay here? with me? for... er, dinner?" Darren suddenly felt like an idiot. Did he seriously just say that? Darren brushed the back of his head and looked down, trying to avoid eye contact as he waited for the inevitable no, until... "Yeah, That sounds nice." Henry grinned back. "I'm off my shift anyway so that works out." Huh, no way this was happening. Darren hadn't made a complete fool of himself? "That's great!" Darren grinned, sighing in relief. "Well... let's go up to the counter." Darren showed the guy behind the counter his resort pass and asked for a table for two. The waiter showed them through to a nice table by the windows that overlooked the beach with the lights of the hotel to their right. The scenery was so nice. "Wow, It really is beutiful here." Darren sighed, turning to Henry. "So, Henry. Now that we're- er, here together. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself? I'd love to get to know you."
"Oh! Wow, nobody's ever asked me that haha, you're very kind. Well, I've been working and managing at the resort for almost 10 years I started when i was 17, and i'll be 27 next month, I clearly love the beach and ocean, and... I love working here. It's a great place and it pays well. Kinda the perfect deal." Henry says with a smile as they sit down and both look off into the distance. Since it's a smaller restaurant, the tables are closer together and the chairs are slightly smaller, giving Darren much less room for his growing belly. He looked to be about 9 months with two huge, round, heavy babies after his last desserts, snacks and drinks by the pool. Since he's a bit crammed, he has to lean forward a bit to let his belly rest between his widely-spread legs. Definitely not the most comfortable, but it was the best he could do considering his size. "Wow, that's awesome! I had no idea you'd been here for so long, that's amazing." Darren said with a smile, looking at Henry's handsome face and sharp jawline.
The waiter came by and dropped off their complimentary appetizers, ending then both menu's and hot green teas. "What can I get you two gentlemen?" The dark haired waitress asked, her hair pulled up in a messy bun and her arms crossed over her midsection. "I'll have the sashimi selection of the night, and my friend here will get the Osaka Grande" Henry said, ordering before Darren could say anything. The waitress smiled and walked off, heading back to the steamy kitchen. "What's that...?" Darren asked curiously. "It's actually... everything off the menu... It's their largest dinner, I know you'll love it. They bring it in courses, so you'll have plenty of time to enjoy it." Henry grinned, trying best to keep his poised composure as he attempts to avoid staring at the firm crest of Darren's belly.
"Oh, great!" Darren laughed. "Well, while we wait I'll tell you about me. I'm 24, started working at this tech company in my city about 2 years ago and I've been there ever since. The work is okay, my coworkers are nice, and the best part was this raffle I won!" Darren grinned. "other than that I've been cruising life, going out with friends, going on awkward dates, all that stuff." Darren cleared his throat. "Sorry, I'm blabbling." "It's okay!" Henry laughed. "Let's just blabber.' Both men talked more about themselves as they waited for the food. before too long, the first course came out, a huge bowl of steaming noodles. Darren felt himself begin to drool as he grabbed the bowl and began shoveling the warm, fragrant noodles into his mouth, Henry watching with a grin as he ate his sashimi. the noodles were gone in an instant as Darren tipped his head back and chugged the broth, feeling it run down his throat. BUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAARRRRRRRPP The blond released a massive belch as he dropped the bowl on the table, giggling. his gut already feeling rounder than before.
Henry blushed, not expecting quite such a powerful reaction from only one slurp of food. He was very sharp and clean, so manners were important to him, but he didn't mind as much with Darren, considering his state. As Darren plowed through his first dish, a second was brought out, then a third, a fourth, and a fifth! They had to move another table next to their current table to make enough room for what was currently ready for Darren to eat. Henry was just shocked as he went through his food as if he'd been starved for days, when in reality, he ate only an hour ago. Henry was still working on his first plate by the time Darren had finished almost all of his food. A few bites later, while Darren was downing sushi rolls, after having one extra-large bite, he felt a pinch against his bellybutton and Henry felt a smack against his thick bulge under the table, in turn he immediately yelped out of shock and jumped a bit, when Darren realized what happened... he had his first button/blowout. "Damn!" Darren exclaimed, a large circle of hairy belly exposed from the missing button closure.
Darren burped loudly and sighed in relief, patting his massive belly. "Oooff, URP that made some more room in the gut!" he laughed. "S- sorry though, didn't mean for that to happen!" he rubbed the back of his head again. "It's fine!" Henry grinned. "I'm glad you're enjoying your food!" Darren smiled back as the next meal came out. Darren ploughed through three plates of tempura, as well as several Teriyaki bowls, and another plate of sushi and ramen, as he ate, the blond stud had to push his chair out more and more, his belly swelling as his shirt strained to fit. As Darren shoveled more noodles into his mouth, he heard a sudden POP followed by POP POP POP he looked down to see almost all the buttons around his belly area had burst off, revealing his massive swollen gut and blond trail. "BUUURP oh shit! there goes my shirt!" Darren laughed, slapping his gut as he added the empty bowl to the huge stacks of other plates in front of him. Darren grunted as he looked at the menu. "Ah shit, looks like that was everything!" he laughed. "I guess we better get ready to go now, then."
Henry literally could not believe what was happening in front of his eyes. Darren's belly had swollen so much he wasn't even sure he'd be able to walk out of the restaurant not only because of the weight of his gut, but also the fear of knocking literally everything in his path over. His belly looked like he was carrying quadruplets. It was beyond huge. His skin was so tight and stretched even the hair had spread out a little bit, looojg like golden hay in the light of the sunset. He was so fucking huge. "S-sure... um absolutely" Henry stuttered, now full on staring at Darren's completely opened shirt, only buttoned at his juicy chest. Darren wouldn't help but smile the entire time, his beyond full belly taking up all the room in his lap, causing him to spread back further than the entire width of their table. "That was amazing... do they do dessert here?" Darren asked innocently. Henry just looked back, shocked at his question. "I uh... I don't think so, but..." Henry’s face lit up. "I have a great idea." Henry replied quickly, “Follow me.”
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