punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Percy was written as the personification of neurodivergent kids who grew up getting abused for it but got to live way happier adult lives and to defy stereotypes by also making him objectively the coolest character in the entire franchise but the Pjo fandom took the latter to mean he's not actually audhd dyslexic with ptsd and is actually a normie because they think neurodivergent people can't be cool.Very very weird and i bet y'all didn't even know audhd was a thing until you read this
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littlesheeneffect · 16 days
She's My Husband (Part 9) ❤️
Miles Maitland x yn (AFAB Genderfluid)
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I suppose we fell asleep on the couch, cause when I woke the next morning it was in a cold, fireless room, to the warm chest rumble of snoring.
My eyes slowly stirred, laziness haunting them to drift back into the sweet embrace of sleep, how could one not when laying in Miles' enveloping arms? 'Wait- Miles's arms?!'
I sharply inhaled, realization striking me, he and I had fallen asleep on the couch the night before, still wrapped in eachothers embrace from exhaustion.
'Ohhh-h-hh!' I shuttered in my mind, as I began to blush at the feeling that bloomed throughout me. The feeling and sight of his chest slowly heaving against my half-seated self; followed by the view of his shoulders slumped slightly down as his arms tangled around my upper waist. Oh the comfort and perfection of imperfections. I could've stayed right there in that moment, watching as he huffed deeply in his sleep, eyelids flickering every now and again, lips weightfully soft, and his hair disheveled. Only then did I realize he'd worn a silver earring in his left ear the day before, as I shifted slightly and some of his curls fell behind his ear.
Just then, he stirred slowly and slightly prayed his eyes open. A smile quickly appeared as he huskily whispered, "Morning love" with a wink. At the same time, he loosened the tie about his neck a bit and pulled me back down, making me blush a bit more- though thankfully it was shaded in the cloth of his chest, "Morning Miles".
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"Mmmmm", he moaned stretching out his arms from about me, into the cold air. An unusual shiver coursed through me, though I knew I was not cold. His chin rested on my head, as he began, the gravel of his voice vibrating deeply.
"I think I should get some of my things from the Hall today.. Coast should be clear enough for that after last night, don't ya think darling?" I smiled jubilant at his insinuation, "So, y-you'd like to stay here for a bit longer? Or, or maybe.. move in?"
We both slowly sat up, his hair crazy with sleep and a flush crimsoning his face as he spoke, "Well, I, I mean if you are alright with it y/n. I don't want to barge in and take your house over! I mean, I love being with you, every single second. I wish I could wake up like this for the rest of my life, y/n. You are my love, darling. So, I, I suppose so."
I burst into a smitten chuckle, and instantly found my hand longingly caressing his forehead and face. "Oh, Miles," was all I was able to sigh. Breathing deeply in, the framilar sent of his cherry sherry and oak.
He grew flamboyantly bashful, tipping his head about and arching his shoulder up. "Oh please darling, do this to me and you may regret it- I have a wonderful knack at things crimson and obscene." His slight smile and words, I suddenly laughed.
"Oh jolly good- I warn you y/n," he grew grave and slightly embarrassed the rouge ever increased on his cheeks, "It can become quite horrid." At the end he muttered with a sort of pouting face.
"Miles, Miles, Miles" I shook my head as I uselessly helped straighten his tie, "You are a doll. My doll," I smiled, pulling a reaction worthy of a thousand years, when I laid a soft quick kiss on his left cheek.
He beamed and leaped from the couch like a child, talking about how we would have a wonderful day at the park and he'd get the best bottle of fine wine he could find for ourselves. To celebrate our new shared home together as lovers, secret life's in the world.
..... To Be Continued....
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tashhxpp · 2 months
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bugs1nmybrain · 8 months
can you make a Aizawa or Hizashi x bigender reader.
🖤Shouta Aizawa x Bigender!Reader Headcanons💛🐈‍⬛️
I have never written for Present Mic, and I don't want to botch his character at the moment, but I will definitely consider writing him in the future. I actually like the idea of Aizawa being polyamorous with the reader and Hizashi. Maybe I'll try to think up something fun with the three of them in the future. These are just headcanons, but I could make a bigender reader in a one-shot in the future.
My gender identity is similar to bigender, but because of personal reasons, I usually have to mask as a cis-gender girl. I hope I wrote these headcanons with proper consideration.
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🐈‍⬛️👍minor's do not interact 💀👍
Warnings: some sfw, but there's some saucy stuff,, mentions of misgendering and dysphoria, soft, some sex headcanons specific to afab and amab people, anal and vaginal sex, mentions of HRT, aizawa is my boy n I love him, not proofread yet
I personally see Aizawa as someone who's bisexual but doesn't give himself a label. For you being bigender, he isn't bothered at all.
When he sees you express as more masculine than feminine, or vice versa, he doesn't really pay much mind to it. He thinks you are incredible no matter what you wear or the gender roles you assume.
Explaining your gender identity can be scary, and Aizawa is a very direct person about his opinions about things. When he assured you that he takes your gender identity seriously, it was a weight off your shoulder.
He will actively ask how he can make sure that you are comfortable. He's not ignorant.
That applies to your physical presentation but also to your personality. So he doesn't care at all if you're being "girly" or "one of the guys," that's not how he is. He appreciates you as you are.
He is supportive, and if he's going to meet people with you, his eraserhead mindset makes him protective of you and he is always paying attention to how others treat you.
Corrects pronouns like no one's business
He will stick up for you if anyone misgenders you, make no mistake of that
And if someone tries to invalidate you, his stare is enough to get them to start walking
Some people who are bigender mask in public or in general, and if you did, he'd understand that. He'd respect your wishes, and when you two are in a more domestic location, he'll address you as what you want him to call you, and lets you be yourself without having to worry that he doesn't see you the same way than when you're "being the other gender."
He secretly thinks you're cute as fuck, but will hardly ever admit it (he'll insinuate it, he can get flirty when he's feeling bold).
This guy has no fashion sense most of the time, but he thinks your style flatters you, and it's easy for you to seduce him sometimes. When you both get home and he's feeling it, he'll start to lecture you, but he isn't disappointed in you in the slightest.
"Do you have any idea how handsome/pretty you've been today?" in a teasing tone.
You'll feign ignorance (tho it turns you on so bad).
"No, you just constantly have to be a brat, huh?"
It gets spicy from then on out. Shouta's sex drive isn't high, but when he knows he has time to kill, he'll rizz you up so bad
He'll have you thinking, "Aizawa?? Are you there??"
Aizawa is big, and so anal sex can cause anxiety, but he's patient and makes sure you're as comfortable as you can be. He'd never pressure you.
Sex can be complicated as someone who isn't on the binary, but Aizawa is here to listen and learn. He's sexually aroused by people no matter their anatomy, so he's open to whatever you're comfortable with. Sex isn't simply penis and vagina, and he knows that.
If you have a penis and aren't comfortable bottoming on a physical level, he's ok with being the recipient. He's a dom-leaning switch, in my opinion. But if you want him inside of you, he is obliging.
The same goes for vaginal sex. He wants to meet your needs because he loves you and wants you to enjoy having sex with him.
He'll make sure to address you properly and ask what you call your genitals and other body parts. Pronouns and pet names are also on his priority when making sure you're comfortable. He'd never want to make you dysphoric
He's proud of you. For everything. Having the courage to be yourself in a world that has a limited view about gender takes guts, and he reminds you of that when you're feeling dysphoric. He'll do everything in his power to support you
He will also completely support you if you decide that HRT or further is something that would affirm your identity better. Will never give you the "I miss who you were" schpeel because that's irrational and he doesn't feel that way, you are who you've always been to him.
He'll notice when you start showing changes and will probably avoid drawing attention to it unless he knows you want to hear him compliment your progress. He thinks you're wonderful with every passing day.
Your gender is a part of who you are, and he is proud of his bigender partner. You're his, no matter what anyone thinks. No matter if you doubt yourself, he sees someone who's strong and resilient and he loves you with all his heart.
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the-ravenist · 2 years
My pretty boy
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James Diamond x Black!BG!Reader
Reade is bigender, reader is called both girlfriend & boyfriend, uses she/he pronouns, established relationship, sad/pouty james, , based off of the show, james is a simp for reader, just some cutesy fluffy comfort type shit, if the ending looks rushed my bad
"Is he okay?"
"I'm not entirely sure."
The three friends stared at their usually sparkly, peppy friend, which is now gloomy and pouty. Now they don't know what to do in a situation like this, well maybe they do. Kendall, Carlos, and Logan take a seat next to James's pool chair, Logan on one by his right, and Kendall and Carlos sharing one by his left. So to get an idea of what exactly they're dealing with, they decided to as some questions. And sadly in which, James all said no. Kendall started first.
"Did you run out of hair spray?"
Then Carlos.
"Are you going bald?"
Then Logan.
"Did you lose your lucky comb?"
James showed his named Lucky comb and responded with another, "no."
"Then what's wrong," they chorused.
"I wasn't called pretty today!"
A red flush rose to Jame's cheeks at his claim, yeah something as simple as that had put him in such a depressing mood. To his friends, they thought that James was overreacting, just a tad.
"(Y/N) calls me pretty every day," he whines a bit. "And he hasn't yet."
Loga was the first was to come out of his confusion.
"Okay wait," his friends turn to look at him. "So because your girlfriend didn't compliment you today."
"You decide to be all sad and pouty," Kendall continues.
"Yes," James sighs. "Is it so bad that I want my boyfriend to call me pretty?"
Before they could say anything, James interrupted them.
"And before you can say anything, it has been two," he holds up two fingers to express his point. "Two whole days that she hasn't called me pretty."
"So now I'm sad," he leans back in his chair with a pout.
Logan, Kendall, and Carlos share a slightly concerned glance. Carlos was the first to suggest his solution.
"Do you want us to call you pretty?"
"Okay quick team meeting," Kendall whispers to the only ones, not in a pouty mood.
The boys leave the pool, and into the lobby, Kendall standing in front of the shorter boys.
"Okay so what are gonna do about," he point to the bandmate curled up on the pool chair. "The sad James Diamond?"
"Yeah, his unnatural sad mood, is kind of concerning," Logan comments.
"But if he doesn't was us", Carlos moves a finger between the three of them. "To call him pretty then what do we do?"
"How about we do the smartest thing we can think of," Kendall says.
"Well I guess that we can grab (Y/N) from Roque Records, bring him here and that'll bring James out of his sad mindset," Logan and out.
"Do you really Gustavo is going to let her go like that," questions Carlos.
"No," replies Kendall. "And if he doesn't we'll just sneak him out."
"Right," Logan comments.
"Sounds easy enough," adds Carlos.
As they stand in front of the producer they always wonder where their confidence goes, it's like the man has a confidence remover superpower. Mustering up his confidence Kendall, unsurprisingly, was the first to say something.
"So, Gustavo we know that (Y/N)'s been working hard in the studio for the last two or so days," hesitance is clear in his tone.
"And we were wondering if we could kinda, sorta," Logan continues. "Take her away for a little bit."
"Sure," the producer says after a beat of silence.
Yet that goes unheard for a bit, as the boys start yelling excuses.
"Wait did you say yes," now realization had hit them.
"Yes, yes I did," Gustavo agreed.
"Listen, guys," Kelly's voice gains their attention. "(Y/N) has been working since last night, and he needs some rest."
"Let me shorten Kelly's long-winded excuse," he interrupts. "(Y/N) hasn't left this building, so go and take her to her apartment and let her rest."
The boys haven't moved from their spot.
"What are you waiting for?"
"We have no idea of where he is," Logan speaks up.
"Oh, he's in Studio B," states.
Kelly and Gustavo watch as the boys scramble out of the office, shaking their heads with small smiles.
(Y/N) watches as Carlos, Logan, and Kendall tumble into the small studio from the sound booth.
Pressing a button, she leans into the mic speaking into it.
"Hello boys," said boys look towards the booth that holds the very person that they were looking for. "I'm guessing that you looking for me."
"In fact, we are," Kendall smirks.
"Yeah, we kinda need you to come to the Palm Woods," Logan rushes out.
"Yeah, James is sad," Carlos adds.
"Wait, why is he sad," (Y/N) says as he rushes out of the booth.
"He needs you to complement him," Logan explains.
"More so, he needs to you to call him pretty," Kendall adds.
"Well, what are we waiting for," she starts. "Let's go."
The group ran to the Palm Woods, in search of their usually flamboyant friend. And there he was still sitting in the same pool chair, hair wet and a towel around his neck. He'd probably gone for a swim to clear his head, it didn't do much. They don't know if his eyes are watering from the chlorine or just plain sadness.
Either way, the sight still made (Y/N)'s heart break a whole lot.
"I know this might sound rude," she started. "But damn does he look pitiful."
"Tell me about it," the boys say.
"Alright, so he wants me to compliment him," (Y/N) asks, speaking clarification.
"Yes, because apparently, you didn't complete your daily dose of," Logan's voice turns sarcastic. "Ego fuelling "
"Don't be rude to baby like that," (Y/N) punched Logans' arm.
"Anyway," interrupted Kendall. "You need to go fix James, make him all..."
"Sparkly," Carlos whispers dramatically.
"Exactly," the other hockey players agree.
"Alrighty boys," the designated boyfriend cracks his knuckles. "Let me do my thang," (Y/N) started walking towards his pouty boyfriend.
As the boys watch their friend heads toward her boyfriend.
"Should we leave them be," Carlos asks as he watches (Y/N) sit next to James.
"Yeah, this seems kinda personal," Logan agrees as he leads his friends away from the pool.
Moving the attention to (Y/N) and James.
"Hey James," the gentle call of his life breaks James out of his mood. (Y/N) pretty much saw his boyfriend's eyes sparkle when he saw him.
"(Y/N)," he cheers. But his mood quickly sours. "Where were you?"
A long sigh passed (Y/N)'s lips. She didn't mean to work for as long as she did, promise. But when an idea strikes, you have to do something about it or you lose it. And it took two days of work to make sure that every detail is written down.
"Well, you know me when it comes to work bubs," James preens a bit at the nickname. "When I start working, I just can't stop," a chuckle passes (Y/N)'s melanin lips.
But a slight frown bleeds onto his lips again, and he softly grabs James' face. He leans into his hands as a little smile dances onto his lips.
"But seriously," she whispers as she makes their forehead touch, eyes connected. "I'm so sorry, sparkles," the boy huffs at the name. "Can my pretty boy forgive me," she rubs their noses together, his slightly wet, and eyes closed.
A smile breaks on her face at the bashful giggles from her boyfriend.
"I don't know," James backs up a little bit. "Does my boyfriend deserve an apology," sarcasm laced his voice.
"Oh, so that means that I can return the flowers I bought?"
"Wait, flowers," he watches as she pulls out a bouquet of camellias and roses, his favorites, from behind her back.
"Yeah," James gently takes the flowers from your hand with a flustered face. "I saw them on my way here, and I knew they were your favorite," (Y/N) could feel the heat rise in his cheeks. "So of course I just had to get them."
A beat of silence passes between them.
"Well, with your apologies," James' voice comes out as a whisper. "And these amazing flowers," he practically shoves his nose into the bouquet. "How can I say no?"
"You can never say no," she teases. She quickly places herself in front of James, in his chair. Her hands grab his face again, the force making him drop the flowers in his lap.
" 'cause my handsome man," he squeezes James's cheeks. "Says no way too much."
"So what am I supposed to say?" James's speech is a bit muffled due to his face being slightly pressed.
"Nothing," she sighs. "Just sit pretty and receive my compliments."
A smug smile crawls on his lips, "I can do that," he murmurs.
"Well, I do have two whole days to catch up on," she eye rolled affectionately.
And thus the smothering begins
"my boy is handsome," a kiss on his forehead.
"beautiful," eyebrow kiss.
"gorgeous," eyelid kiss.
"sparkly," kisses on his cheekbones with muted giggles.
"strong," chin kiss.
"confident," nose kiss. "A bit too much," James lets out an appalled squawk.
"and last of all," the words are a bit murmured by their lips brushing against another.
"my," small peck, "pretty," longer peck, "boy." Then a long passionate kiss to seal the deal, a kiss filled with nothing but love and adoration for one another.
"Do you feel better, my prince?"
"Yeah," he gazes at his boyfriend; eyes full of love. "I am, and I'll always be."
This is honestly a filler until I can post my other fics, and there will be more fillers coming don't worry
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jijismochi · 2 years
BTS Reaction: Coming Out To You
Pairing: BTS x Male Reader Summary: BTS and M/N are in a relationship. They decide now is the time they want to come out to you. (Reader is gay) Tags: Mild internalized transphobia, changing of pronouns (in some cases & halfway through the reaction), Hoseok's takes place post-intercourse & contains one curse word
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RM | Kim Namjoon
Graygender: Outside the gender binary, with a strong natural ambivalence about gender identity or gender expression; a weak sense of gender identity.
Namjoon wasn't particularly nervous
More like he had questions about how exactly you would react
In his logical mind, he knew you wouldn't be upset, so he tried his best not to worry
One day, when you were cuddling on the sofa, he looked at you and smiled
He wanted to get it over with
He couldn't anticipate any reaction other than good or he would lose hope and back out of telling you
"M/N, I'm graygender." he stated
You looked at him in confusion, not knowing what that was
He noticed and started to explain it to you
"It basically means that I have a very weak sense of my own gender. I couldn't tell you if I was a boy or a girl or something in between. Honestly, my gender is little to none. It's- It's like a slightly more gendered form of agender."
You smiled at him and nodded
"Okay. That's fine with me."
He cuddled you tighter before posing his next question
"Do you think you could call me 'they' instead of 'he'? And stop calling me your boyfriend? I don't really like gendered terms."
"Of course, baby. Anything you want."
Namjoon kissed you all over your face, happy they didn't back out of telling you
"I love you so much." they spoke
"I love you too, baby. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me."
"I'd trust you with my life, M/N."
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Jin | Kim Seokjin
Genderfluid: A person who does not identify as having a single unchanging gender.
Seokjin had struggled with his identity for a long time
He loved pink, but it was girly, so he couldn't like it anymore
Armys called him 'princess' and the 'mother' of the group, and all he could do was insist he was a boy
He didn't want to face up to the idea he could be anything else
But he was getting older, and he didn't want to live in pain any longer
So he researched meticulously; any gender identity you could name, he had heard about it
Seokjin searched his innermost thoughts and feelings
Tried to read himself like a book
And he finally, finally landed on genderfluid
And then, all he wanted to do was tell the man he loved, but he was scared
So one day, when you were sitting on your living room sofa, he stared down at his hands and fiddled with his fingers
"M/N, I want you to know something."
Your mind searched the worst possibilities; was he cheating on you?
But that was far from the truth
He began to explain everything quietly
"I-I've fought with myself for a long time. I didn't want to admit that I was different. But I can't do it anymore. So, I'm genderfluid. Some days, I feel like a guy, and other days, I feel like a girl. Sometimes I don't really feel like either."
You were okay with it immediately
In your eyes, this could never change the way you felt about him
"I know you're gay, M/N. I would get it if you weren't happy about this. I just don't want to pretend anymore. I don't want to keep telling myself that it's not what I feel, because it is. I feel it all the time."
You took one of his hands in your own, lifting his chin up with the other
You just wanted him to look at you so you could tell him it was okay
That it didn't make you love him any less
He smiled a little, although still nervous
"I think, I want you to call me different pronouns based on how I feel. I don't know how exactly you'd figure it out, but I'm sure we could come up with something. I-Is that okay?"
You reassured him again that everything was alright
You just wanted him to be happy with himself
"What do you feel like right now?" you asked
"I guess neither. So maybe 'they'?"
"Alright. 'They' it is!"
Seokjin was almost overwhelmed with emotion
You, the man they were in love with, accepted them for who they were
They thanked you, and you quickly told them there was nothing to thank you for
You simply loved them for who they were, and that was it
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Suga | Min Yoongi
Agender: Not having a gender; a lack of gender.
Yoongi wasn't too worried that you wouldn't accept him
Yet a part of him was still full of anxiety
Coming out to you was nerve-wracking, whether you would accept him or not
But he didn't want to hide himself from you anymore
One Sunday, you were sat at the kitchen table eating lunch
"I need you to know something about me." he spoke
You simply said 'okay' and waited for him to continue
"So, my identity is something that I've always wondered about. When I was younger, in school, I never felt that I fit in with the boys. But I didn't want to be a girl either." he started
"I was confused for a long time, so when I got older, I started looking into it online. I found this word, 'agender', meaning I don't have a gender. It felt like I finally had an identity."
He breathed out before continuing
"I know you started dating me under the impression that I'm a man, and this might change some things. But you're a big part of my life, perhaps even the biggest part, and I would like you to know who I really am."
"In most ways, this doesn't need to change how you refer to me. I'm not uncomfortable with being addressed as 'he'. But when it comes to my actual gender identity, I don't have a gender. I'm just me. So being called your partner, and you not calling me a man: I would like that."
You smiled at him fondly, him smiling back sheepishly
"Yoongi, your gender doesn't make a difference to me. I'm happy you feel comfortable enough to tell me who you are, and I can assure you that I'll only call you the things that you like being called."
"I understand you might've been worried, since I'm gay and all, but when it comes to you, that doesn't matter. I love you for who you are, not because I thought you were a man. Alright?"
"Okay." Yoongi replied
His anxiety subsided immediately and you continued eating lunch, only now you knew who he was
And you loved him for exactly that
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J-Hope | Jung Hoseok
Demiboy: Someone who identifies at least partially as a boy or with aspects of masculinity, but whose gender identity is not fully male.
Hoseok decided that the right time to tell you was in bed, just after you'd slept together
Why? Who knows, but this was it
Once he had caught his breath, he turned onto his side to face you
"M/N, I want you to know that... I'm a demiboy. Basically, it means that I'm only partially a man."
"Well you look fully male to me..." you replied, tracing your hand over his stomach, thinking he was talking about his body
He furrowed his brows before realizing what you thought
"No, I don't mean my body. I mean my gender. My identity."
You panicked for a moment, worried you had upset him with what you said
"Oh, I'm sorry, Hobi. I didn't mean-" you started, but he cut you off
"Don't worry, I know you weren't trying to invalidate me. It's not a well-known word, so I understand."
You nodded, still a little concerned
"In terms of my gender identity, it means I don't feel like I'm entirely a man. Part of me is, but there's other parts of me that don't feel so masculine. I don't know what they are, so all I can tell you is that I'm at least partially a man."
"That's where the term 'demiboy' comes in. The other parts of me... they're just ambiguous. I can't tell you what they are, because I don't know."
You gave him a look of understanding and nodded again
Wondering if he had more to say
"I know you're gay. Which means that maybe you won't like the fact that I'm not just a man. But I want you to know."
You waited another moment before replying
"Hobi, first off: this is a really weird time to bring up gender." you chuckled
He laughed back, appreciating your normalcy
"Secondly, there is nothing you could say that would change how I feel about you. Yes, ordinarily, I'm attracted to men. But you know who I'm most attracted to? You. Man, woman, part man and part whatever the fuck else, you are the one I love. I did not fall in love with your gender. I fell in love with you."
Hoseok smiled and leaned over to kiss you
"I love you too, M/N."
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Jimin | Park Jimin
Bigender: A person whose gender identity encompasses two genders.
Jimin had a whole lot of fear
He knew you were okay with transgender people, that you would be more than willing to date one and see them as the gender they identify with
But you didn't like girls, and part of him was a girl
He also didn't know if you'd understand the idea that someone could be both man and woman at the same time
So you sat there on your date night, watching the way his eyes looked like he was battling something
"Jiji, is everything okay?"
"No. No, it's not." he replied
You asked what was going on, and he reached for your hands across the table
You were 99% convinced at that point that a breakup was coming
"Jimin, you're scaring me..."
"No, please don't be scared! I just need to tell you something."
"Go on..."
Jimin squeezed your hands gently, kissing each of them once
"Whatever I say to you, promise you won't leave me."
"Jimin-" your eyes widened in fear before you were cut off
"Just promise me."
"I promise."
He sighed and buried his head in your intertwined hands before looking back up at you
He had no reason to be scared, yet he was petrified
"Okay. Okay. I feel like both a man and a woman. I don't know if you've heard of bigender. But that's who I am."
Your expression softened as you looked in his eyes
"Jimin, that's what you're so scared about?" you questioned, a hint of disbelief in your tone
He only nodded his head meekly, trying to hide away from your gaze
"Sweetheart... whether you're a man, a woman, both, or neither is the least of my concerns."
"But you're gay. And I'm a girl too. You don't like girls."
"Not usually, no. But I love you. I love you so much, so you being a girl as well as a guy has no effect on me, Jiji."
"But what if- what if I wanted you to call me a girl too, M/N? What if I wanted you to start using 'she' as well as 'he'?"
"Then I will absolutely do those things. You were my baby boy, and now you can be my baby girl too." you smiled
Jimin smiled back brightly, kissing your hands again
"I love you, M/N." she spoke, "So, so much."
"I love you too, Jiji. Please don't ever be afraid to tell me things."
"I won't anymore. I promise."
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V | Kim Taehyung
Non-Binary: Not fully male or female; a gender that falls outside the gender binary.
Taehyung was 100% convinced you were gonna leave him
After all, you fell in love with a man, and he simply wasn't one
When you got home from work one day, you found him sitting on the couch in silence
You walked over and sat next to him
"Are you okay, baby?" you questioned
"N-No... I need to talk to you about something."
"Alright, go ahead, sweetie."
Taehyung immediately burst into tears
You pulled him into your lap and wrapped your arms around him
"Baby boy," you said without thinking, "tell me what's wrong."
Taehyung only cried harder at your words, although he knew it wasn't your fault
"Please don't call me that." he spoke
You furrowed your brows in confusion
Taehyung never seemed to mind that nickname before
"I'm sorry, sweetie. Why don't you just tell me what's wrong?"
"I-I'm not a boy. 'M not."
"What do you mean, baby? Like, you're transgender? You're a girl?" you questioned
"No, no. 'M not a girl either. 'M just- 'M just a person. I don't wanna be called a boy or a girl. 'M non-binary. I'm so sorry, M/N." he sobbed out
You ran your hands through Taehyung's hair gently
"Sweetheart, there's nothing to be sorry about. You are who you are. I love you no matter what."
"B-But you're gay. You only fell in love with me because you thought I was a man. But 'm not. 'M not a man."
"Taehyung, listen to me very carefully. I may be gay, and I may have started dating you as a man, but nothing could change the way I feel about you. You could be a girl, the literal opposite of the gender I like, and I would still be so in love with you. Gender doesn't matter to me anymore. I just want you."
Taehyung sniffled and looked at you, hoping you were being sincere
"You're not gonna leave me?" he asked
"No, baby, of course not. I would never leave you. I just wanna know how you'd like me to refer to you." you explained
"O-Okay. Um... I don't mind my name, but- but I don't wanna be called a boy or a girl. You can call me your partner if you want. And I don't like being called 'he'. I-I like the sound of 'they'. But y-you don't have to- to do that if you don't want to."
You looked at them with a sad expression
All you wished was that they could see how much you loved them
"Taehyung, my sweet baby, what I want is for you to be happy. If what makes you happy is being my partner, and being referred to as 'they', I don't have any problem with that. I just want to do what makes you comfortable, okay?"
Taehyung leaned further into you, clutching onto you like they were falling
And they were falling; even more in love with you than they thought possible
"I love you so much, M/N. So, so much."
"I love you too. More than anything in the world, Taehyung."
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Jung Kook | Jeon Jungkook
Genderqueer: A gender identity that does not correspond to conventional binary gender distinctions.
You and Jungkook were out on a date at a restaurant when he decided it was time to tell you who he was
You sat across from him on a table, waiting for dessert to arrive
"M/N, there's something we need to talk about."
"Is everything okay? What is it?"
He looked down and chuckled nervously
"Okay, here it goes: I've been thinking about my gender for a while. I never really thought that just being a boy fit me. So I started looking into different gender identities online, and experimenting with certain things."
You listened patiently as Jungkook continued, doing your best to take in all the things he was saying
"I felt that the term 'genderqueer' fit who I was the best. It basically means that my gender doesn't really correlate to any traditional binary gender traits. So I'm not really a guy, at least I don't feel all that much like one, nor do I feel too much like a girl. My gender is just... unconventional. I don't think I really fit into one box. And I hope that you'll accept me for who I am."
You stayed quiet for a moment, still processing all the information
Jungkook looked up at you nervously; you looked like you were thinking deeply about it
Eventually, you looked back at him with furrowed brows
"Jungkook, I'm not sure what you expected me to say. I may be gay, but that couldn't matter less to me at this point. I love you for who you are, man or not, and I'm happy to call you whatever you want to be called." you explained
He seemed unsure for a moment, asking if you really meant it
Of course, you did
"So have you thought about what you like being called?"
"Well, I've been experimenting with different things lately; seeing what I like to call myself first. And I think I'm okay with most things. Boyfriend, girlfriend, partner. I like my name as it is. For pronouns, I don't really mind. He, she, they; I like all of them, so you can call me all of them. I guess I don't really have much preference, but I'd like it if you didn't stick to one."
"Of course, baby. I'll use all of them." you agreed
Jungkook smiled up at you, both relieved and excited about your reaction
"You really don't mind?" they asked
"I don't mind at all. If it's who you are, then I want to make you comfortable, Jungkookie. I love you more than anything I've ever seen and anyone I've ever known. All I want is for you to be who you are around me."
She appreciated that more than you could ever know
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warriorverse · 1 year
Idea time.
Lord Diavolo, future king of the Devildom, is used to demons mumbling how him being in love with a human is a waste of time for his love.
One day he came to HOL to visit you, and accidentally walked in on you changing, he heard you mention you were Bigender when he asked for more information about you.
He opened the door and saw you shirtless, top surgery scars along your chest and saw testosterone pills on your table.
“Sorry for walking in on you changing,” he said, which startled you, “but you look absolutely handsome, MC, your body is handsome, all of you is handsome.” He said, causing you to blush, you never got called handsome before in the human realm and she/her pronouns were used to refer to you by others happened a lot.
“Thank you?” You replied, your face covered with blush as your lover walked over to you to give you a kiss on the lips.
“You are handsome and beautiful at the same time, my love..” Diavolo said, his tone full of love, you kissed him back.
Now, whenever Diavolo sees you shirtless, he reminds you that you are handsome, he would even ask if he can kiss your healed scars as a way to show you that even if you have scars, you are still handsome just the way you are.
You are beautiful/handsome.
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yandereloveraw · 9 months
My depiction of Touya/Dabi's kid with Fem! Y/N from my Seed of Chucky quotes with them. Jokes on you, Touya. Your kid is bigender and identifies as a girl and boy. xD [I think I'll refer to them as "Sweetface" since I don't have a name for them.]
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Picrew belongs to the creator
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fictofaggot · 1 year
what r ur homestuck gender heacdanons....
hi thank you nonny iwull use this to talk about my kid thoughts
john/ellie: icall her ellie she's a trans girl but doesn't realize till she's like 40 (most of them transition later on btw)
rose: cistrans cusper butch dyke lesbian/trans man lesbian. and he's bisexual
dave: i don't ljke her
jace: ermmm. gender strangeities but she's a trans girl
jake: Girl. you have to make her a girl or else everyone dies. also aroace
dirk: trans boy iguess idont care
jane/butch: do you guys like my name for him ido. anyways similar to rose butch boydyke bisexual and transmasc but needs time to realize
roxy: trans girl with wonder and joy and love
hal: no gender and turns evil and kills you every time you ask hir about it
caliborn: boy idk if he's cis or trans whatever funnier
calliope: girl
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randomwriteralan · 2 years
can you write light yagami x bigender (m/f) reader with he/she pronouns? thanks
OF COURSE🫶 idrk what EXACTLY you wanted soooo im doing reader coming out to Light!<3
Also, this is more Light Yagami BEFORE the whole Kira thing.
Light yagami x bigender!reader
Genre: comfort!
You were so nervous, terrified even. You didnt even know how this was going to go down. You decided to come out to your boyfriend, Light Yagami, and you knew he was a kind person but…you can never be too sure. This was so nerve wracking. You felt like you were going to throw up, you arms felt weak, you just felt sick. You took a deep breath.
You: I have something to tell you. Can we meetup?
You sent the text. Ding. You pick up your phone to see his text.
Light: of course. Where do you want to talk?
You: just at my house.
Light: okay, be right there.
Okay…that wasnt so bad. You spoke too soon because a few minutes later you hear a knock. Crap. You werent ready for this, why did you think you were ready? Calm down. You go to open the door and see Light. You smile, forgetting your anxieties for only a moment before it comes crashing back when he asks: “so, what did you want to talk about (name)?” Oh. Right. “Oh…uhm. I just wanted to say something important.” Light nodded. “Okay… may i come in so we can sit down?” You step back to let him in.
He goes to sit down on a couch. “You look worried, what’s wrong?” You look down and play with the end of your shirt. “This isn’t easy to say but uh…” You walk over to the couch and sit next to him. “I don’t want you to see me differently. I’m still me just a little different. Well… very. Very different. If you want to leave then I understand and I won’t stop you.” Light sat there listening intently. “Go on” you pause for a moment. “I am… bigender and i go by he/she.” Light looked surprised for a moment. “I see.” You nervously start shaking your leg. Your thoughts start to race with all the negative possibilities.
“(Name)? (Name)!” You snap out of your thoughts. “Are you okay? Hey, hey, hey, calm down… just breathe, okay?” Light holds your hands as you take a couple deep breaths. “Okay… okay. I’m calm.” You say after a few minutes. “Look at me,” he says while tilting your chin towards him. “I’d never… never leave you just because your identity changed, okay? You are valid and I love you, (name). I love you.” He pulled you into a hug. Tears start to prick your eyes as you hug him tightly back.
Soo I didn’t know how to end this, sorry. Hope this was okay! Sorry if this isn’t what you wanted.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
"The Pjo show is bad because it has a lot of pop culture references and that's so fucking cringe!!!"Omg pop culture references in Percy Jackson?????Fork spotted in a kitchen momence!!!!!
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littlesheeneffect · 5 days
She's My Husband (Part 11) ❤️
Miles Maitland x yn (AFAB Genderfluid)
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Four days later, though it seemed like a thousand, I walked out into the early evening. In one arm, I held my newly finished book. In the other that adorable dog that caused the cursed fate before me.
I was alone, so alone in that busy, late fall evening, shop riddled walk. I hadn't seen Nina, or Adam, or Aggie. But most of all, I didn't have Miles. And all because that stupid ginger who found me so amusing.' I would give a billion of him for one Miles, and it still wouldn't compare.' I though over and over, as I made my way along.
At long last the little shop I'd been looking for appeared in sight. It was called Cherub's Bokks and Flora. They'd told me nearly a nine months ago that they'd be interested in buying some of my work, so I set to writing the book in hand.
Suddenly, a bump hit my shoulder very hard. I shuffled to the right but kept going. It didn't click in my mind that it was intended until the next time it happened.
Quickly, I stopped and looked, and seen two couples at my side. A man and a woman. A man and a woman. They were dressed nice, yet not formal.
One of the men spoke, "What is this?" He tone so repulsive it excentuated every look of his being. The lady on his arm exclaimed, "It's a bloody lady!" "Ha, no lady dressed like that," the other man snorted. I realized they were connotating my male attire. "How horrid!" The other dark haired woman spoke, eying me up and down with the look of disgust.
I took a deep breath and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in the midst of something, please. Good night." They just scoffed with dark snickers, as I turned and continued on. "You're a bloody abomination, you are!" One called after me, and tears began stinging my eyes.
The pup in my arms began to squirm violently as I passed another shop. "No, no, you're alright," I tried to get it to calm a bit, but it didn't do anything. Instead, it bit the side of my handbound book, tore it from my grip and wiggled put of my arms, unto the pavement.
"Hey! Hey, get back here!" I called, and it paused and turned to me. People didn't even look as I tried to sweetly coax the pup to come to me.
"That's a good boy, there you go-" I tipped toed to him, crouching low, my coat scimming the wet sidewalk.
Just then, he turned, book in mouth dragging in the puddles and bolted away into the busy London night.
"No, no, no, no, no!!!" I exclaimed trying to run after him, but he was long gone. My foot slipped in a large puddle and I tumbled to the rock hard ground, on my hands and knees. Ow!
A random lady came and aided me up, "Oh, my sir are you-" she suddenly stopped and her face contorted. I knew she seen my face was female, and from all the attention I'd been getting, my 'man day' attire wasn't the best it had been. The lady retracted her arms and her face grew pale as she turned and walked away coldly.
Yet that in itself was so much worse than if she'd yelled at me. The cold feeling of, loneliness.
I straighten myself up, and decided I might as well go get a spot of tea somewhere before going home. Augh, the word itself stung- home. How could anywhere be home without Miles?
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After slamming the slightly expensive tea, without hardly even tasting it, I exited the shop hastily. A young lad caught my attention quickly by hollering out with a newspaper in hand.
"Winston Churchill calls for alliance and prepare for war against the Nazis!! Prepare for war against the Nazis! Germany expelled 12,000 Polish Jews! Prepare for war!"
That was my last straw.
As my chin and face trembled, my eyes filled with tears. I took off running, out across the street. An automobile or two violently screeching to a halt, as I tore across the cobblestone my hat falling without notice.
Sobs fell as I ripped my coat off and tossed it to the ground. Everything about me faded into blurs of lights and colors, and nothing mattered anymore.
If they locked me away, if I was hit by an automobile, if anything happened, it didn't matter. I was thinking just this, as I slowed on a small bridge.
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...... To Be Continued ......
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ilthit · 1 year
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Hi! Unsure if requests are open (you don’t have to respond if their closed)
But if possible can i get a billy loomis x bigender reader? ::3 tysm if you can do it! and dw if you can’t/feel uncomfortable with doing so 🫶
Requests are open and I would love to indulge, but I’m unsure if I can make something distinctly different from my non-binary reader x Billy Loomis. Obviously Bigender and Non-binary are different, but the themes of acceptance and love don’t really change. I have some ideas for genderfliud if that’s welcome? I can continue doing research and see if I get any ideas.
Here’s a link to my other Billy Loomis ask
And if there are major differences I’m missing, please tell me! I love learning stuff and admittedly I tend to be a bit dense when it comes to knowledge about gender and sexuality despite my own.
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like-a-black-canary · 3 hours
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My ideas :3
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jijismochi · 2 years
My Masterlist
My K-Pop x Male Reader Blog
My Kim Woojin-Centric Blog
Request Guidelines
I will only write gender-based fics using a male artist and a reader. The artist will always be a cisgender male or AMAB and genderqueer. The reader will always be a cisgender male or AFAB and genderqueer. Please do not request entirely cisgender characters, female artists, AMAB readers, or cisgender female readers.
The dynamic of the ship is up to you; friends, lovers, family, etc., you may request any of these things.
I am open to writing polyamorous relationships, but will not write ships that don't include a reader. For example, I will write Jin x Namjoon x Reader, but I will not write Jin x Namjoon on their own.
I am willing to write and into almost all kinks. Don't be embarrassed, just send your request.
I can attempt to write most neurodivergence/mental disorders. My specialties are autism, depression, anxiety, and PTSD, but I am more than willing to research and write about other conditions.
Please be clear about whether you want smut, fluff, angst, or a combination of said things. Tell me explicitly if there are things that you are uncomfortable with/do not want me to write.
If you want smut, please define what kind of sex you want. For example: oral, anal, over the clothes rubbing, etc. Be clear about who is the top/bottom and who is the dom/sub. If you want a switch, be clear about which role they play in what situation. If you want them to wear condoms, state it explicitly, as my default writing is unsafe sex.
The groups/artists I know the most about, in order of most to least, are BTS, Stray Kids, Tomorrow X Together, Kim Woojin, Enhypen, Seventeen, and Monsta X. You may request other groups/artists, but I can't promise I'll be able to write them.
Provided it stays within these guidelines, you may request anything you want.
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