#bike engine oi
Redefine Your Riding Experience with Jai Bharat Lubricants: A Leading Bike Engine Oil Manufacturer
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As a bike enthusiast, you know that every ride is a reflection of your passion and spirit of adventure. To keep your motorcycle performing at its best, a high-quality engine oil is essential.
That's where Jai Bharat Lubricants, a trusted bike engine oil manufacturer, steps in. With a dedication to excellence and innovation, we are committed to elevating your riding experience and empowering you with superior lubricants that revitalize your journey on two wheels.
Precision Engineering for Peak Performance
At Jai Bharat Lubricants, precision is the key to unlocking your bike's true potential. Our team of skilled engineers and lubrication experts meticulously craft each engine oil formulation to meet the specific needs of different motorcycles.
From cruisers to sports bikes and beyond, our specialized lubricants are designed to optimize engine performance, ensuring a smooth and exhilarating ride.
Dependability You Can Trust
When it comes to engine oils, trust is paramount. Jai Bharat Lubricants has earned a reputation as a reliable bike engine oil manufacturer, known for consistent and dependable products
Unleash Unrivaled Performance
Experience the thrill of unleashed power with Jai Bharat Lubricants' engine oils. By minimizing friction, effectively dissipating heat, and safeguarding vital engine components, our lubricants enable smoother acceleration, improved fuel efficiency, and reduced wear and tear
Eco-Conscious Manufacturing
As responsible bike engine oil manufacturers, we are deeply committed to environmental sustainability. Jai Bharat Lubricants embraces eco-conscious manufacturing practices and eco-friendly initiatives.
By choosing our engine oils, you not only enhance your ride but also contribute to a greener and cleaner environment.
Jai Bharat Lubricants is not just a bike engine oil manufacturer; we are your partners in redefining your riding experience. With precision-engineered lubricants, unwavering dependability, and a commitment to environmental consciousness, we fuel your passion for biking.
Take the first step towards redefining your ride. Contact us at 91-8048960724, visit our website at bikeengineoilmanufacturer.com , or drop us an email at [email protected]
Embrace the performance of Jai Bharat Lubricants and let your ride speak volumes of the unrivaled power it possesses!
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apothe-roses · 1 year
I Wanna Ride
Modern Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Part 3
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Summary: the deal is struck between you and Aemond
Warnings: none, really
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I’ve been really busy with work, and this part was kinda hard to write. That’s also why this is shorter
Word Count: 1.6k
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“And he didn’t tell you what he wanted?” Aly looks over at you while adding a slice of turkey to the sandwich she’s making? You shake your head. It had been a few days since everything went down, yet you were still trying to wrap your head around it all. The fact that Aemond would consider helping you at all—foreboding debt aside—just didn’t make sense to you.
“Why does he have to be so cryptic and spooky,” Aly asks, adding a generous amount of mayo to the sandwich.
“Beats me,” you reply. A shout startles you both out of your conversation. You and Aly turn your heads to the living room area. Benji Blackwood and his two friends Kermit and Oscar Tully—“the muppets” as Aly likes to call them—are sprawled across Aly’s couch, cursing at a video game they’re thoroughly engrossed in.
“Oi! You tryin’ to wake your dad up?” Aly calls to them. Currently, Aly’s brother Sam was down the hall, trying to sleep off a migraine. The boys cringe slightly.
“Sorry,” one of the Tully boys stage whispers back to Aly. She sighs. “Anyways, lunch is ready.” In a flash, the boys were on their feet, making their way to the kitchen. Aly pushes the sandwich with the mayo mountain towards Benji.
“Would you like some sandwich with your mayo?” She teases. Benji scowls back, but his expression quickly morphs into a grin. The boys make their way back to the couch. Aly turns to you.
“Listen, if he tries to pull anything with you, just say the word and I’ll kick his ass. Then I’ll call Cregan and he’ll also kick his ass.” You laugh in response. “What’s his deal with them anyways? Are they friends?”
“Acquaintances is more like it. They get along well enough, but Creg’s friendship with Jace sorta puts him on thin ice.”
“…Yeah, I still don’t get it.”
“Look, rich people friendships are weird, okay?” Aly explains. “Sometimes it’s better if you don’t ask questions and just go with it. I find the truth usually comes out on its own time.” She starts resealing containers and putting them in the fridge. You follow suit, deciding to take her advice. You two clean in silence for a couple minutes, until your phone buzzes. You look at the name on the screen, suddenly feeling very nervous.
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You show the conversation to Aly. Her eyebrows raise, and she notes the tense expression on your face. “You know you don’t have to do this right? I’m sure I could find some time to give you lessons.”
You think about it for a moment. Aly would certainly be a nicer teacher than Aemond. But her Raven is much different than your Meraxes. Plus, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking for an excuse to learn more about the enigmatic, handsome Targaryen.
“I don’t want to cut into your time with your family. I know how important it is to you,” you tell her. “Besides, we’re all adults. I can handle a little tough love.”
“Alright then. Lemme know if you change your mind,” Aly relents, leaving the kitchen. You turn back to your phone to text Aemond.
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Saturday morning comes far too soon, and you find yourself heading back to Aemond and Aegon’s shop in the passenger seat of Aly’s truck. One of the doors is rolle up, and you can see Aemond working on a bike. He lifts his head when he hears the engine.
“Well,” you breathe, “here goes nothing.”
“Remember, I’m only a text away,” Aly reassures you. You grin then exit out the passenger side door. Before you turn away, you see Aly glare at Aemond, pointing at her eyes then at him before making a u-turn and driving off. You take a deep breath, then walk over to Aemond. By now, he’s standing and wiping his hands with a cloth. He’s wearing the same outfit as when you two first met, only this time the coveralls are unzipped with the sleeves tied around his waist. The white singlet he’s wearing does nothing to hide the definition of his chest or arms. A few streaks of grime decorate his body, along with a few tattoos. He’s not overtly bulky, but he’s definitely in shape. His biceps flex slightly as he cleans his hands; you try not to bite your lip.
You both stand in awkward silence, waiting for someone to break it. You decide to bite the bullet yourself.
“Where’s Aegon,” you ask, peering into the garage, but there’s no sign of Aemond’s brother.
“He doesn’t typically come in on weekends,” Aemond answers. “Prefers to sleep in.”
“Oh.” You’d hoped he’d be here; his easygoing nature could’ve served as a good mediator.
“So I take it you’re interested?” It takes a moment for you to realize he meant the training.
“Oh I’m yeah. But I want to know what exactly you’re hoping to get out of this,” you reply quickly. Get your shit together you mentally chastise yourself. He’s not worth it.
“Hmm, yes. I’ve been going back and forth on what I want from you,” he starts, setting the rag on a nearby workbench. He turns his back on you.
“And you’ve decided on…” you prompt. He drums his fingers on the table, silent. Then…
“The Conqueror’s Gala. I need someone to go with me,” he states. That’s it? He needs a date to some fancy event? You thought you’d have to do something like clean his house or shine his bike for a month. Not this.
“If you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend, Targaryen-“
“No. Gods no. Nothing like that.” Aemond hastily replies. “My mother is always on my as about bringing a date. Normally, I’d just go with Helaena, but this year she’s decided to side with mum. They want me to prove that I’m capable of spending time with people I’m not directly related to.” His mouth presses into a thin line, and he averts his gaze. He starts drumming his fingers again. It looks like that’s something he does when he’s agitated. You let the silence simmer, silently enjoying the way his jaw clenched.
“Hmmm. I suppose I could spare one evening to get all dressed up and rub elbows with the Westerosi elite,” you sigh in pretend annoyance. He gives you a disgruntled look. “Trust me. It’s not the fun time you think,” he says sharply. Of course a cryptic like him wouldn’t enjoy social events. You try not to laugh at the thought.
“Well, fun or not, I’ll take it,” you tell him. His shoulders relax a little.
“Good,” he says stiffly. “Shall we?” he gestures his hand towards the bike. You realize it’s his own, the bronze coloring of the Vaghar catching the late morning light. You make your way over and take your seat. The bike has the same controls as your Meraxes, but his has extra side mirrors affixed.
Aemond leans over you, one hand on the handlebar and the other on the seat behind you. It takes all your willpower not to gawk at his arm.
“Alright,” Aemond says softly. “Now I want you to start the engine.”
You turn and look at him, incredulous. “You think I don’t know how to start a bike?”
Aemond levels a flare at you. “I’m just being thorough.” You scoff and roll your eyes, but you do as he says.
“Good,” he muses. He’s inches from your ear. The soft timbre of his voice sends a shudder through you. “Now what?” You choke out. You hate the effect he has on you.
“I want you to shift to first gear,” he instructs. All you can do is obey blindly.
“Good. Good,” he praises. He has you go through all the gears and how to break, giving a little praise each time you do something correct. It’s all painfully easy, and you should be insulted he’s making you prove such basic knowledge. Instead, you silently relish the rush of warmth you get with each praise. Hell, you’re almost tempted to get something wrong on purpose just to see how he’ll react? Would he gently explain the correction, or would he go back to being rude and insult you?
“Well then,” Aemond says, pushing off his bike. You mourn the loss of his warmth on your shoulder. “It seems you really do know the basics.” He drawls the last part. Oh yeah, that’s what it’s like when he insults you. You get off the bike, and he starts to wheel it into the garage. “But the Dragon Rally isn’t for the feint of heart. You’ll need to be able to ride long distances in potentially rough weather. You need to be adaptable, ready to make a decision at a moment’s notice. And that’s not even including the Rally itself.”
“What happens at the Rally?” you ask.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Aemond replies, turning his back on you. You scoff. “Yes. I would. That’s why I asked”
He smirks. “All you need to know is that you need to build up your endurance. I’d like to take you on a ride through the Kingswood when you’re next available. Once you’re comfortable, we’ll take more challenging treks. Sound good?”
You nod your head. At least you won’t have to have weird conversations with him when riding.
“Good. Check your schedule, and give me your next available date,” he says before pulling the garage door closed in your face.
You stand there in stunned silence. What the fuck is up with this guy?
You text Aly, and a few minutes later her truck pulls up to the sidewalk.
“Well that was quick,” she observes as you put on your seatbelt.
“You’re telling me,” you reply, looking back at the garage as Aly pulls away.
You were confused. You were intrigued. Something told you this was only the tip of the iceberg that was Aemond Targaryen.
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Taglist: @valeskafics @carriellie @let-love-bleeds-red @wintrr13 @queenofshinigamis @seabasscevans @fangirlninja67 @toodlesxcuddles @almostpurplelady @goldenpanda16 @aemonds-fire @yentroucnagol @tssf-imagines @n4tforlife @mooncalvin @julczimozart @kezibear
Bold means I couldn’t tag you
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 10
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Thank you Myun for handling this chapter!
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Location: Highway
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X: !
Anonymous Member A: W-What the hell, the back window just cracked!!
Anonymous Member C: No, wait, some pink slime just hit the glass….!? More than just that, it’s slowly melting away the window!?
X: … Heeh, what an impressive shot. Almost inhuman, considering the distance.
Location: Mansion
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Yodaka: Yeah, it was a direct hit. It seems you have some experience as a sniper.
Toi: Not at all. Netaro-san provided the guns, and it’s thanks to you helping out as the spotter. 
Yodaka: I’m in the same boat. It’s thanks to these “All-Seeing Horizon Binoculars.” I can see everything through them. Now, I’ll need those back. It’s time to fire the next shot. 
Toi: Thank you.
Toi: …
Toi: (Ah, back then, Ani-sama…)
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Toi: Then, would you listen to me if I asked you to not protect Joe-sama?
Ryui: … Yeah.
Location: Mansion
Toi: (Haah, I love him the most in the whole wide world…)
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Toi: (Even though he's eaten away by guilt, he still chooses me. I'll be "someone special" in Ani-sama's eyes, forever and ever.)
Yodaka: Toi, get ready. 
Toi: Okay! This’ll definitely be the killing shot!
Location:  Inside Car
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Anonymous Member A: Eek!! This time the door started to melt…!
Anonymous Member A:  Don’t just sit there like an idiot, shoot back!
Anonymous Member C: But,  what the hell am I even supposed to aim at!! 
X: Ahh, so annoying–
Location: Highway
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Nagi: We caught up…!
Ryui: Give that shitty little bear back…!
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Joe: Ryui!! Nagi, too!
Anonymous Member B: Shoot shoot shoot shoot!!
Anonymous Member C: AHHHH, DIEEEEE!!
Nagi & Ryui: !
Anonymous Member A: W-What’s with that bike…
Anonymous Member C: It’s like a butterfly in flight, weaving through traffic left and right…!?
Anonymous Member B: It’s like Paulson from “Mission Possible”’s come to life!
Ryui: ….Tch. 
Ryui: Hachinoya, you’re fuckin’ crazy. Alright, keep it up—
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Nagi: A-ah, s-sorry, we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die next, I’m sorry, let’s die, together.
Ryui: (Ah, he's a goner.)
Anonymous Member C: Ahhh! It’s jammed!
Anonymous Member C: They caught up!!
X: UGH, hold on, I’ll come and drive the damn car—?
Anonymous Member B: Not while this fucking thing is here! 
Joe & X: Ah.
Nagi & Ryui: !!
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Ryui: (He threw Joe out the window—!) 
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Nagi: (Hit the brakes…! No, if we do it now, we’re gonna crash—)
Joe: (Ryui—!)
Ryui: ……!
Location: Flashback
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Toi: Then, would you listen to me if I asked you to not protect Joe-sama?
Netaro: Is Toi your owner, Ryui?
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Ryui: — No. 
I wanna protect the things I wanna protect, of my own will.
I can’t be the kind of brother that’ll bring shame to Toi or myself. 
Location: Highway
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Ryui: Joe!
Nagi: !?
Anonymous Member A: He jumped off the bike!?
Anonymous Member B: The teddy bear!?
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Toi: Ani-sama!?
Yodaka: ……!
Nagi: Ryui!
Ryui: (Wait a minute… Even if I can keep Joe safe, I’m gonna get pretty fucked up… Am I stupid?)
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Netaro: I’ve been waiting for this!
Ryui: (Yowa!?)
Nagi: … The bullet Netaro fired became all big and jelly-like…
Anonymous Member A: And swallowed up that guy with the eyepatch along with the bear...
X: Oh my. Shall we call it quits?
Anonymous Member B: Oi, point the gun over here next time!! Crank the speed—
Anonymous Member C: Hey, nobody’s in the driver’s seat!?
Netaro: Shall I hunt down the rest of you noi~sy survivors?♪
Anonymous Members ABC: *Shrieking*!!!
Nagi: He squashed the car with a giant pudding… 
Ryui & Joe: …
Netaro: Ryui, Joe, are you okay? You’re not hurt?
Ryui: You… bastard…. Jelly… everywhere…
Netaro: I made another booster engine like the one I cooked up for Gii’s bike, but with double the speed! I attached it to a pair of rollerskates and managed to catch up!
Nagi: I’m glad you don’t seem to be hurt. You caught our master pretty securely, too. There doesn’t seem to be any jelly stuck on her, either. I’m so glad
Ryui: I’m the one who got all sticky. 
Nagi: Joe-sama, I don’t have any jelly on me, should I carry you instead?
Ryui: What’ll it be?
Joe: … This is alright, being with Ryui suits me just fine.
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Ryui: … That so. 
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f1-giuki · 1 year
Post the current first sentence(s) of your wips!
thank you for the tag darlings🥺💖@carronyaflowers @celientjeee @stillthe1
1. A Sunday Kind of Love part 6:
Max doesn’t exactly love spring. Well, we should say he doesn’t like certain aspects of spring, especially the insane amount of pollen flowing around in the air, next to bees, flies and all the other insects that exchange the blond mop of his hair for a flower bush.
2. You Could Hang It In The Louvre part 2:
Max hums contently in his seat. His clothes are rumpled and his body is covered in hickeys. The zipper in his trousers is still undone but he doesn't care that much. Detective Charles Leclerc is sitting next to him, controlling the plane with ease. His shirt is crumpled on the elbows, giving Max a nice view of those strong and veiny forearms. He sometimes communicates with the control tower in Geneva in quick French. Max melts down on the seat even more. It's rare for him to stay quiet, but being fucked into an airplane seat at 10 km altitude by his enemy slash forbidden wet dream keeps his stupid brain empty.
3. Lestappen Time Travelling AU:
-To the idiot who used time capsule 16 to go to the fucking London zoo the day of the opening and left the door open for a good two hours,
I had to chase a fucking zebra for the whole fucking building before using it again.
I will find you and I will sue you, if you know what I mean.
Max Verstappen, 30th of September 2301.
4. Lestappen Cars AU:
"Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed." Charles mumbles to himself, eyes closed, helmet and gloves on. "One winner. 17 losers. I eat losers for breakfast!" He continues and grins, the ease of someone who has meticulously prepared this speech. "Oh, breakfast, fuck, maybe I should have had breakfast, it would have been nice, I'm quite hungry now... Jesus, no! Stay focused, stay focused, think about speed! I'm faster than fast, quicker than quick, I'm a-
"Oi, lightning, are you ready?" His chief mechanic asks, patting a hand on his back.
"Oh yeah, I'm ready," Charles says, revving up the engine of his bike.
THESE ARE JUST A FEW PARDON ME SISHDOEJEJ the others are just silly little ideas I still have to write down!
tagging (if you haven't already done it babes💖) @jussst-lurking @alestire @amarynas @epylonia @fueledbyremembering
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thebibutterflyao3 · 11 months
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Backpacking: Dorcas Meadowes/Marlene McKinnon One-Shot (Prongsfoot in the background if you squint)
Rated: M (for handsy behaviour)
Words: 2,279
Marlene batted at the visor on her helmet as she pulled up behind Sirius at the traffic light. He was showing off, per usual. The prick was smoking his tires and revving obnoxiously while he waited for the light to shift. Typical.
Traffic was heavy, so she zipped between the lanes and maneuvered around the cars, ignoring the grumbling drivers who huffed at her. That was the beauty of driving a motorcycle in the city, not having to wait in the long queue at every light. She screeched to a halt right next to Sirius, then hit his kill switch the moment the light turned green.
“Oi! What the fuck?” he shouted, his head snapping sharply toward her. “Marlene!”
Marlene smirked, dropped her visor, and took off, leaving him cursing as he restarted his bike with a long line of impatient drivers honking behind him. He deserved it, the prat. If he insisted on making a scene, she’d make sure he accomplished it. He hated her little red Honda, so it was immensely satisfying to leave him and his black vintage Harley in her dust.
A few quick turns led her to M4 and she headed west. The engine purred as she picked up speed on the motorway. There was nothing quite as divine as the wind whipping through her ponytail and tugging at the rips in her jeans. She held a hand out as she switched lanes, not bothering to flick the indicator when she was flying past cars and SUVs with ease.
The hum of the engine beneath her seat was almost as comforting as the woman waiting for her. Marlene threw open the throttle and shot forward at an obscene speed. A triumphant laugh bubbled in her throat as she shot past a sedan filled with gaping teens. She knew those looks well. Envy was her constant companion.
When the exit sign appeared, Marlene slowed just enough to slip between the lanes again before gunning it down the ramp. Dorcas would wring her neck if she knew how reckless she was driving, but the closer she got to her girlfriend’s flat, the less she cared about silly suggestions like “speed limits.” Marlene weaved through traffic on the neighborhood streets with anticipation thrumming through her veins.
It was pub night, and that meant she was driving. Just the thought of Dorcas’s arms wrapped around her waist made her shimmy excitedly. Two years in and it still thrilled her to spot Dorcas smoking so bloody casually on her front stoop, her helmet wedged between her knees. Those long legs would be pressed tight to her hips in mere minutes.
She screeched to an abrupt stop and planted her boots firmly on the ground. Marlene flashed a bright smile when she flipped her visor up. “Are you ready, love?”
Dorcas took another long haul on her cigarette before smashing it into cement. She unfolded her slim figure from the stoop with the grace of a dancer, all fluid movements and languid limbs. As if she had all the time in the world to cross the pavement, and nowhere else to be. Her long braids bounced lightly against the leather jacket she’d swiped from Marlene months ago. It was equally devastating and mind-numbing to remain frozen in her path as she approached. Marlene’s muscles screamed move, but she could only stare helplessly at the stunning woman, who for some unknown reason, deigned to give her the time of day.
“Hey baby girl,” Dorcas said, her voice smooth and silky. “Did you miss me?”
Marlene melted on the spot at the nickname. There was something unbearably sweet in the way she said it that warmed her to the bone. Dorcas knew exactly what she was doing too. Her deep brown eyes sparkled with mischief as she propped the helmet on her hip.
“Every single minute you’re gone, Dorky,” she teased. Marlene leaned in as Dorcas tilted her head to the side to peck at her lips.
“Only with you, gorgeous.”
Dorcas smirked and flicked Marlene’s visor down. “Better be. If I hear otherwise, there will be blood shed.”
Marlene chuckled as she held out her elbow to steady Dorcas while she climbed on behind her. They both knew she wasn’t joking and that it was an entirely unnecessary threat. Marlene couldn’t even be bothered to eye up other girls when she’d already landed a stunner like her.
“No need, love. I’m all yours.”
Dorcas hummed a satisfied note as she settled in. She wrapped her braids in a silk scarf, then tucked the bundle in the collar of her jacket. Or rather, Marlene’s jacket. A small shiver raced down her spine at the thought of the soft leather smoothing over Dorcas’s dark skin.
“Are you cold?”
“No, just envious of my jacket.”
Dorcas huffed a laugh as she slid her helmet on. “Such a twit.”
“Can you honestly blame me? As fit as you are? I mean…” she trailed off, reaching back to pat her girlfriend’s hip.
“Ah, it’s that sort of night, is it?”
Marlene squeezed her thigh and grinned back at her. “I wouldn’t be opposed to skipping the pub and staying in.”
“After the week I’ve had, I need a drink.” Dorcas clicked her tongue reprovingly and swatted at Marlene’s hand. “You and your libido can wait.”
“Yeah, alright.” She couldn’t resist a light pinch of Dorcas’s leg as she pulled away.
“Oi! Stop that.”
Marlene grinned as she flipped her visor down and leaned into the handlebars. She’d been looking forward to this all week. With Dorcas’s crazy schedule at the law firm and her own chaotic days at the studio, they both needed a night out with their friends to unwind.
After a full minute of silence, she glanced back and frowned. “Hold on, Dorky.”
“No. You don’t deserve it after pinching me.”
It sounded like Dorcas was pouting, but Marlene knew better. She liked this game, and if Dorcas was in a mood to play petulant passenger, she would humour her. Marlene exaggerated an annoyed grunt and reached back blindly for her arms.
“Come on, Dorky. You have to at least hold on to my hips or you’ll fall off.”
“What hips?” Dorcas taunted playfully, prodding Marlene’s side. “How am I meant to hold on when your love handles are hidden under this?”
Marlene embraced her inner drama queen and gasped at the audacity. “Excuse me? Love handles? Dorcas Meadowes, how dare-“
“Oh shut it, you know I love your curves. I just wish I could find them under all these layers.” Dorcas patted her down, then shrugged.
“You’ll just have to backpack then.”
Dorcas scoffed, “You did this on purpose, didn’t you? Wore this boxy jacket so I’d have to hug you the whole time.”
Of course I did. “I would never-”
“Liar. Fine, you want me all up your arse?” she said, sliding forward and moulding her body to Marlene’s back. “Then, no whining if I accidentally fondle you.”
“Accidentally? Here I was hoping it was on purpose.”
Marlene finally caught hold of Dorcas’s hands and tugged them into a firm grip of her waist. She could practically feel Dorcas rolling her eyes when she playfully clunked their helmets together. It was their silly banter that convinced Dorcas to allow her a second date and Marlene wasn’t going to be caught slacking now.
“If you didn’t drive like a maniac, then maybe I would fondle you on purpose.”
Her body reacted viscerally to that admission. Marlene barely stifled a groan as she rocked her hips back into her girlfriend’s lap.
“Shite Dorky, why didn’t you say so earlier?”
“I didn’t think you could handle it.”
Marlene’s eyebrows shot up. “Is that a challenge?”
“Yes. I am absolutely challenging you to drive safely, you utter twat.” Dorcas slipped her hand into Marlene’s jacket and cupped her breast to give it a light squeeze. “If I have to feel you up to assure we arrive in one piece, so be it.”
A startled breath stuttered out of her mouth as Dorcas thumbed her nipple teasingly. Marlene was in for a challenge alright, a challenge to keep the bike upright if Dorcas continued to be handsy tonight. Not that she objected, she liked a challenge and a handsy Dorcas.
“Yes, please.”
Dorcas laughed and released her. “Best behaviour then, baby girl.”
Marlene internally vowed to drive as slowly and cautiously as possible. If she also happened to take a longer route to the pub, that was an unrelated coincidence. Whatever she had to do to prolong the delightful attention of her girlfriend’s hands was worth the effort.
“Alright,” she forced out, already breathless.
Three gentle turns later led them back to the motorway. As Marlene accelerated up the ramp, Dorcas’s warm hands smoothed down her thighs and massaged her legs through the jeans. A little thrill rushed through her and she slowed to the speed limit automatically. Dorcas’s hum of approval vibrated against her back.
Those clever fingers continued to knead into her thigh muscles as she drove, making her legs flex. It was almost painful to remain in the slow lane, but she couldn’t risk losing the delicious sensations her girlfriend sent rushing through her body. When Dorcas pressed her thumbs into the sensitive creases where her legs met her hips, Marlene shifted her stance to give her better access.
It felt so bloody good that Marlene couldn’t be bothered to weave in and out of traffic. She followed the rattling, rust-bucket of a truck in front of her at a near crawl for the entirety of the twenty kilometres they were on M4. At this rate, they’d arrive by closing.
Marlene flicked on the indicator when she spotted their exit and was rewarded with a brush of fingertips over her crotch. Her hips jerked forward and immediately the bike stalled. Dorcas laughed as Marlene pulled in the clutch slowly and guided the bike down the ramp.
“Bloody hell.”
“You need to be careful, baby girl,” Dorcas teased, resting her hands on the fuel tank. “I’d hate for you to wreck this pretty toy of yours.”
Once they coasted to a stop at the traffic light, Marlene threw the gear in neutral and reignited the engine. The bike protested at first, but eventually hummed happily again. It was lucky they were already decelerating just now. Marlene would rather not drop her bike at 96 km/h, thank you very much.
“You’re a menace,” Marlene sighed as she leaned back against Dorcas and propped her elbows on her knees.
“Mm-hmm, you like it though.”
“My fatal flaw.”
A flash of chrome and black thundered through the intersection ahead of her. Sirius flipped her off the moment he spotted her. His newly acquired rider swatted at his shoulder. Dorcas groaned, then patted the top of Marlene’s helmet.
“Were you terrorizing him again?”
“I would never.”
The light changed and they both leaned forward automatically. Marlene took off after Sirius at top speed, determined to catch up. Dorcas squeezed her tight around her middle and ducked her head. Within minutes, they were right behind him.
Sirius purposefully stayed to the right of the lane and kept an eye on her in the side mirror. His passenger was taller than him, but Marlene couldn’t tell if it was James or Remus with all of the gear on. She sidled up next to him and covered her kill switch so he couldn’t retaliate. Sirius swiped at her handlebar anyway, like a petty child.
“Oi! Stop that.” James’s voice chastised as his visor slid up. He sat back and grinned at Marlene and Dorcas. “Ladies, are you joining us tonight at the prestigious Black Dog?”
“We are, darling,” Dorcas replied, flicking her visor up as well. “Is it just the two of you?”
“Yeah, Moony is knackered and Pete’s working late.”
Sirius revved his engine and jerked forward, sending James crashing into his back with a grunt. He swatted Sirius’s shoulder again, then rolled his eyes at Marlene. Dorcas laughed as she waved to James and mimed tickling Marlene’s sides.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Sirius shouted, flailing when James’s hands twitched agaisnt his back. “I will toss you off this bike. Don’t test me.”
James shook with laughter and hugged him instead. “Alright, alright. So tetchy.”
Sirius pointed at her and Dorcas threateningly, but didn’t get a single word out before the light changed. Marlene shot out ahead of him and led the way to the pub. She saw him in her periphery every so often and blocked his attempts to pass. His loud string of curses made her grin even wider.
Just before they pulled into the car park, Dorcas’s hands started wandering again. She tucked one into Marlene’s jacket, palming her breast over her shirt, and the other gripped her thigh. It took every ounce of control she possessed to park her bike straight.
“At least Dorcas knows to hold on,” Sirius snarked, parking in the same spot. “While this fucker is trying to wave at everyone.”
James glanced at the two of them and smirked. “You want me to hold on like that? Alright then.”
He grabbed Sirius’s inner thigh and squeezed his chest. “Better, Pads?”
“What the fuck?” Sirius spluttered. He swatted at James’s hands before looking back at Marlene. “Oh, I see, you’re all being little shits today.”
Dorcas slid off the bike and lifted her helmet. “Nonsense, I’m an excellent backpack. Right, Marls?”
“The best,” she agreed readily, eyeing her girlfriend’s bum in her tight jeans. Marlene decided right then to spend the rest of the evening with her hands tucked in those back pockets.
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pedropenguin28 · 5 months
Summary frankie bar tender on palm tree hawi bar female reader is a blonde smart studying veterinary who is woohed over by frankie but he has a bit of reputation in the local area a bit of a player
Warning smut kinky p and v protection fluffy in bites emotion run High drug abuse achol abuse achol play pet names "content king public sex and fingerings and things warning also PTSD
A/w is carrying over from the last chapter she meets him for the first time from the previous chapter. you're going to hate him because he just can't keep it in his pants
18+no mintors is a very hot and steamy
Chapter 3 Baby, I love the way
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"Last night felt like one big dream that bar tender frankie I can't get out of my head."Cheeky cockey guy, I was standing under the shower he must have millions of women flocking him every day. No, I don't want to get hurt again from my previous mistakes,"I finished up in the shower , shutting the water off. I wrapped a shower and wrapped it around another sunny day looking out of my window "I grabbed my underwear getting changed into my white vest top and red shorts which hugged my ass "I left My hair naturally dry " and nearly changed throwing my sunglass on my head . I grabbed my tote bag. " Walking out of my room, I heard the others downstairs chatting." I walked down, moring tammy smiled James was on the sofa with her "grace smirk I bet you had a good sleep last night yeah "Lauren smirk frankie where he not here James smirk "I know that "he gone out somewhere okay
"Where are you going? I might just go for a walk, okay babies Lauren's and Grace tammy hugged me be safe okay I got my phone I know " I open the door putting my sunglass down " I started to walk down the hill past the big palm tree "oi I heard a engine "looking up n/a I smirk blushing where you going he was wearing a baby blue open shirt "exposing his sun kiss chest "tonned Abs "he smirk"is this your Scooter yes he park "where you going just for a walk "don't you fancy a ride "I have a helmet
"Is it safe with Me baby cakes you always safe he smirk handing me a black helmet
"I hook my leg and got on "you can erm hold my wasit "oh okay wrapping my hands around his slim waist he start the scooter off "driving down the winding roads "where are we going "you shouted over the engine "he was to focus I am taking you to the local market okay "he drove in the road the market place was busy people walking in the middle off the road "frankie cussing "which was a turn on . He finally parked his scooter. You okay, he held his hand out yeah "he turn to a group of lads. Anyone touch my bike your dead okay sir " me and feankie carried on walking .
"This place is nice, yeah." There were fruit stalls."Try this frankie had a peach in his hand. "These are the best peachers are they try them."He held his hand out, and I took a bite of the peach the juice was dibbling down my chin frankie licked his lips swiping his thumb across my chin "my eyes was fixed on his he smirk dimples popping out either cheeks " hum really good yeah brushing hid noise the next stall I made frankie to try a snapback on "he laugh maybe when i was 21 fratboy hum " know how old are you I smirk sliding my fingers in his 30s ish "he smirk okay maybe i dont loo, in my 30s oh behave tickling his beard can you handle me baby " he smirk placing his hand on ass giving it a squeeze I can handle anything panting his ass frankie "good . Yeah, flirty back .
"He lay down beside each other." it was clam until frankie need to go soon I got changed throwing my short and a tee shirt it went a bit cold frankie walked over to his towel grabbing his tee shirt and hoodie here he held out his hoodie you sure yeah I try it on it was warm" I grabbed my bag we walked back, I smirk what that In your bag "my camera okay he pulls it out and we stopped by the bridge "he smirk pose I did coving my face he took the picture cutie that's I took a picture of him he did a goofy pose "hey he smirk no this is far okay we stopped at the villa road see you tonight okay kissing him by georgues by walking back in the villa how was your date with frankie it wasn't a date "hum sure what the plan for tonight James had Invite us to the plam bar good and frankie there yeah I better get changed okay "they all look at me "and ran upstairs getting changed he makes me excited am I falling for frankie no "spraying My perfume and doing My make up and hair and getting changed in a blue long summer dress I grabbed my clutch bag walking down the stairs someone looks in "thank is it for F no I want to look nice yeah " okay comes on James Is at the bar okay " tammy was in a pink summer dress and Grace was wearing green and Lauren in purple we all took a vokia shot and was ready for the night " walking out we decided to get a tuck tuck van down to the bar becuase we was wearing heels climbing out the bar was booming "walking in lady's "James served us where frankie running late okay we got a booth I couldn't stop looking at the bar"frankie someone shouted there he was In his work top but this time he had a gold chain around his neck "I looked over he smirk "he look like he clean up hair styled a bite" he walked over drinks for you beautiful lady's thank you frankie he smirk and kiss me on the cheek I am glade to see you same I need to get back to making cocktails but meet me after work princess he winked "the rest of the night I didn't see frankie he was busy working, the bar "and half of the group was drunk tammy pulled me up to dance I did swing my hips tammy smirk "are you and frankie a thing no well you been spending time with him and he is so good for you "okay yeah well i don't know
"The rest of the day, we were looking around the market, the music in the street from the street playing my favourite song by the Big Mountain baby. I love the way "please frankie pulling him fine he rolled his eyes " we danced in the street "until the rain was pouring down on use frankie different care his chest was dipping with water drops from the rqin my hair was wet his hair was soaking and messy sticking to his forehead spinning me around just glazes he smirk I like you company he kiss me
laugh and kissed softly until the music was faint "just me and him he kiss me you are beautiful n/a I blushed you too "after dancing we headed back "there was a empty alley way frankie shh he pulled me down the alley was "shh he mumbling into my mouth I need you n/a so fucking much frankie he kissing my neck I moan " shh baby we don't want anyone to hear shh he pulls my earlobe inbween his teeth groan "his hands was above pinned down on the side of my shoulders "he kiss me again "cupping my face my back pressed against the wall " frankie baby it's okay fuck I panted his hands was under my top " massing my tits " his hit breath fuck "he looked his this okay hum" He traveled down to my shorts quickly unbutton "he smirk, I know your wet fuck so perfect I felt him holy fuck I ache my back "he smirk good holy shit yes his fingers was magical fuck baby cum on my fingers he whisped in my ear fuck I did he pull then out good at you he sucks the clean "we better get back, yeah . I button my shorts again walking back to this scooter " I climbed on "he pulls away "I have enjoyed today same " I decided to put my arms up he smirk your a wild one sure "we arrived back, at the island " well see you around "no he smirk we are spending the whole day together okay "meet me at the beach okay see you then I kissed him okay "I walked back in the villa ooo how's frankie okay "I am meeting him at the Beach can we come sure "okay I ran upstairs grabbing my camera and bag getting changed into a binki and flip flops " grabbing my beach things walking down the stairs ready to go okay " grabbing my spear clothers "we all walked down the Beach there was frankie waiting for me "I thought a second you wasn't coming "don't be silly he looked sexy In his red board shorts . Ready what I can going to Learn you how to serf " I can't yes you can grab a board and hit the waves with me okay" I grabbed a board "placing my things down on my towel and picking the board up come on frankie shouted " okay running in the water "right lay the board down okay "I climb on it frankie smirk, your doing well okay "try and stand up I did until I fell frankie caught me "he kiss me you okay there yeah "he smirk watch me he was a natural " I try again wow your doing it " until we was floating on the boads "so have you always serf "yeah well he was kissing me "I just got when in uni until I grow up and it did feel right "yeah hey he pulls me in the water what he picks me up and kiss me "the tanned arms I love this same he splashed water at me hey not far sure he shurrged "picking me up in a bride my arms wrapped around his neck "have you had a good day yes "kissing him good" we both got out of the water putting the boards back, are you working tonight yes "oh come to the bar I like you there "Really sure you he lay on his side drawing circles on my stomach hum he kissed me more "frankie we can't shh we can "if no one looking lay back, okay he bend my knee dipping down fuck I felt his tounge darting out I moaned soflty he pulls up that okay hum yeah
Hum n/a whatever makes you happy yeah you got a point "it was getting late the bar was full of people still "I didn't know where frankie was "hey James where frankie "he has a cingreet out back okay "I am sure he once 'to see you yeah I walked behind the bar I couldn't find him until I stepped out fuck "I looked frankie was fucking some chick he didn't see me my heart felt wripped out "I can't belive I trust him "I am stupid walking back in did you find him James smirk "yes and he is busy okay " I walked over to my table downing vokia you okay yeah until I see the snake tucking his belt and top in he look over I couldn't look him can we leave sure ain't you going to see frankie no "what's up I am just tried "hey frankie walked over I am going back, so soon I wanted more time it's okay he looked kissing me on the forehead "bye walking back to the villa good night wasn't it yet "whats up frankie was having sex with some girl cheated we are not togther he can do what he once to "I am going to bed "I am sorry the rest of the hoilday No frankie climbing into bed why did I trust him ......
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho said: Baji's never had a ton of extra money, so fancy gifts are a no go. No matter how much he wants to spoil Kazutora he has to do it with the means he has. Pulling up on his bike Keisuke idles the engine and shouts. "Oi, Tora! Get your ass down here, we're goin' out." An evening of good food and company. Baji saved up for a nice meal at least. The rest? Riding down to the beach and watching the waves together. Maybe even rough housing along the shore with a kiss or several under the moonlight.
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He's not particularly surprised at how this birthday has turned out. It's like a ghost town, when this empty house feels like a ghost town. Surprise surprise. No different than any other day when Kazutora did come home rather than crash at Baji's place or stay at the Valhalla hangout. Whatever. He could still have fun. Baji at least wouldn't forget and - Kazutora's head lifts when he hears a familiar sound coming from outside of his bedroom. He instantly peeks outside and breaks into a large grin as he scrambles off of leopard printed sheets to put on his shoes and race down the flights of stairs outside.
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" Baji! "
Kazutora laughs as he bounces over towards him and slots himself comfortably behind Baji on the bike. " Where we going? Or is it all a surprise? " He asks, eyes bright and cheerful. In all honesty, whatever gift it had been that Kazutora had met Baji those few years ago was still the best gift he'd ever gotten.
But he certainly wasn't going to turn down food or playing on the beach, and certainly not miss out on kisses. He grins and laughs, and the rest of the day can be forgotten when Baji swoops in like a hero to turn it all around. He smiles, eyes softened with delight and joy. ( And if he almost tears up once or twice, no one saw anything. ) With his arms wrapped around Baji from behind , he presses a smile into his shoulder.
" Thank you, Baji. "
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bouquet-of-muses · 2 years
@aureumdraconeus liked for a starter!
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"W-Woah!!" Josuke leaped out of the way as the sound of a motorcycle's engine suddenly came into his range of hearing. He narrowly evaded the bike, but in doing so, messed up his hair a bit.
Seeing the bike parking nearby, Josuke would take a moment to approach, while taking a comb out of his pocket and running it through his hair. He was gonna give the driver of the bike a piece of his mind.
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"Oi! Looks to me you're new to Morioh, or else you'd know that other people use this street too!" He'd chide, as the bike's driver removed her helmet to reveal a girl with long, wild blonde hair. "Besides, I'd remember if I saw a bike like that in town before..."
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kyukicho · 1 year
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@ofsavior asked:
Chifuyu’s hanging from the monkey bars, splayed across the top as a cat lays in the sun. At the familiar purr of Keisuke’s motorcycle, Chifuyu rolls onto his side. “Oi! Peke Kei!” He exclaims, discarding his remaining doubts about the nickname. Although he does still plan to revisit that —
“C’mere!” He calls. As Keisuke comes with range, Chifuyu sets his hands to Keisuke’s cheeks and firmly kisses him Spider-Man style. Another first kiss down.
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The bike came to a stop just as he heard himself being called out to. He was still getting used to this curious nickname Chifuyu had deemed appropriate for him. But it was cute enough to hear it from him so he continued to let it slide. Popping out the kickstand he turned off the engine and headed over towards the dangling Chifuyu.
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Hands in his pockets he's not totally prepared to get his face captured and a kiss pressed to his lips. He got that from a movie didn't he. Baji chuckled. Finally reaching up and ruffling the gravity succumbed golden hair. "Oi, there ya are. Been lookin' for ya." He really should have checked the playground first. Chifuyu always did like hanging out here. Apparently literally.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Out
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)], as excerpts of a transcript from a video call
Tony looks like Logan in season 1 only, and then age hits and his whole look changes.  Like, he’s still handsome, but he’s so different
Oop, now Logan’s getting moody
KENDRA.  [KENDRA!]  Speak of the devil (aff)!
So, like, is this episode, like, them but flopped?  Is this just, “okay, I got an idea for this episode: let’s have Max act like Logan and Logan act like Max?:  [I think I might have an idea for why this is happening…] ‘Cause he’s got some of her blood?  [YES]. She’s got less of her blood, so she’s less bitchy; he’s got more of her blood, and he’s more bitchy?  [EXACTLY]
This scene makes me think of the whole Ten-Donna “Oi, watch it Space Man” “Oi, watch it, Earth Girl” thing [Yes!!  And that’s remarkably pertinent given the context of the Doctor Who scenes, actually, though you haven't seen them, so I can't say why]
Buddy, you weren’t even close to catching sight of her on time.  I swear, these break-ins aren’t due to her skill; the security just… sucks.
[This went so badly, and for why?  Because she wanted to chew gum and blow the bubble until it popped]
She gonna jump on the plane?
She gonna jump on the plane.
I feel like, genetically engineered or not, this is a bad idea
Well, at least she got off before it took off
[Why tf are they breaking up without having been together in the first place?]
“Well, at least I care about other people.”  That’s true
[“I’m swearing off the whole gender” Come on, Max, go check out OC then???  I’m sure she’d be happy to oblige]
Well, this is a parallel with the other one
Max has a lot to do with it, actually
Well, now, that is… That is abuse on a disabled person, sir.  He won’t be able to feel it, but it is
Which is another funny thing; if he can’t feel his legs, why are they hurting?
[Normal looks so adorably enthusiastic]  Right?
Well, aww
Well, aww x2
[IS HE WEARING EYELINER] Is he???  I THINK HE IS (picture to be included)
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Normal’s too excited by this, and the filming is too weird.  This isn’t gonna work out; watch her not have been afab
Is he calling her Mack?
[Logan’s beard is getting haggard]
Not a “thug”
Original Cindy’s like, say what?
[Yeah, Max doesn’t care.  at.  all.]
[I don’t think anyone in this show actually knows how to ride a bike.  And I’m not sure if it’s intentional; Alec has a bike incident that was clearly played-for-laughs, but idk for sure about the others]
That poor guy; just give it to them!
Poor Sketchy’s just like, please just get me out of here!
I wonder who Logan thinks that is  [Not Max, of course, because he doesn’t care.  At.  All.]
Oh, no, cop’s gonna get killed.  Or trainer’s gonna get killed.  This is like a “someone’s gonna get killed” scene, I know it
I thought that was Lintlicker [Me too!]
Y’all really gonna pull the crippled kid out of his wheelchair?  That’s dirty
Oh, no, guess we gotta call Max; your boyfriend’s been kidnapped
They’re taking children  [Now, who’s gonna be obsessed!?]
Is this supposed to be sex trafficking or something?  [I guess so… I confess I didn’t quite follow the second flashback because I was typing our convo]
He’s been Logan-napped!  Again!  
– – –
Midpoint reaction: 
Jezebel: This one’s actually had stuff happen!  But it’s frustrating, because I hate it when shows do this.  Last episode had them reveal their feelings for each other and have this really sweet moment, and then I was wondering that was gonna be the whole episode: her being sweet and him being moody.  But then that changed, real quick.  It’s like Mickey and Ian in Shameless.  Mickey was like Cas in that he kept coming back because they kept trying to write him off and the fans didn’t like it.  They tried to get rid of him permanently by putting him in prison; they get together and are happy, but then Ian’s sister calls the cops.  And then the fans throw a fit and bring him back, but only so that he runs to Mexico.  They get married eventually, and it’s one of my few ships that are endgame, but they had this will-they-won’t-they thing in a good way, but not a bitchy way.  Whereas Dark Angel is doing this whole let’s erase last episode and go back to the first episode thing.  Adding tension like they think it keeps it good.  “They’re almost together but they’re not together but maybe they’ll get together”, ish.  They went 50 steps forward last episode, but now it’s too far, so they have to walk it back from the blood dream.  But… Yeah, I figured something was going to happen to force them together, so I should’ve called that he’d get kidnapped.
Wench: At least no one died! Yet!
Jezebel: And I love how she was all “don’t call me, I won’t call you,” right up until the kids get taken and he gets kidnapped, and then she’s all, I’ll be right there.  Lydecker doesn’t seem to be this one. Seems to just be a Logan and Normal episode and SPEAKING OF.
Wench: This was indeed inevitable.
Jezebel: Poor Normal.  However this shakes out, just… poor Normal.  I hope he’ll be okay with it, though I confess that I don’t know for sure whether he will be.  I guess we’ll find out.
Wench: I’m rewatching this time knowing what was gonna happen, and I was picking up on how… surreal?  The filming was?  Like, it was just… handled differently.  And, obviously, I know how it shakes out, so I won’t say more.  Ready?
Jezebel: Ready!
— — — 
“We’re gonna beat you up really good so your girlfriend will be upset when she gets here.”  [Not that she cares.]
[I feel like I know this guy.] He favors Rhys. [He does!]
Just say it’s you!!!  “I’ll tell you, but I’m gonna wait a bit first; go ahead and torture him ‘til then.”
Well, shit.  [Poor Normal.]  Time to become Normal-a
[Not that she (Max) cares, of course]
Man, they paid Apple a lot of money 
He needs to be like, “sir, I can’t say anything if you keep slapping me”
That was racist.  That was… really racist.
Couldn’t you just tell that Logan is Eyes Only from him talking?  [Like, you recognized him within two seconds in the pilot]
He looked so confused; like, I don’t understand
“Shut these guys up”  One guy hasn’t been speaking, what do you mean?
How’d she figure this techie stuff?  If she’s this good, why does she need Logan?  [I DON’T KNOW]
Techie guy looked so happy: “I got an address!  I did it, boss!”
She goes, “I’ve just been pushing buttons and it’s been working, idk?!” 
Logan looks like, I’m as pissed off as you.
I thought that was Zach at first [It really does look like him!]. I was like, he’s back!  He’s coming to rescue his boyfriend too, I guess
She reacted very well to having a gun in her face
See, I could never be a detective or a profiler because I’d never notice that kinda thing
[She keeps Tarzan-swinging every episode???  And WHY ARE THEY ALL JUST STANDING AROUND?]  Such a man thing to do.  “Oh, she’s just a girl, she’ll never beat u- oh, wait, she’s beating us; we were wrong!”
Well, damn
[Maybe you’ll get your “she rides a plane up into the atmosphere” after all]
You know what?  Respect.  Because usually, she’d give a whole “any last words” big speech and give him time to not fall out of the plane, but this time she just kicked him out of the plane!
That one was just like, can I go home now?
Well, damn [Nooooo]  Poor Normalllll
But, you know what, OC is cool and Normal might be an ass but I feel like she’d not do that to him. [Oof, so much for that… she’s not doing it, but not because she’s got moral issues for Normal’s sake, simply because she can’t accept Louise as anything but Louis… which is kinda saying she’s less accepting than Normal but anyway]
[Whoa, actual communication????]  Next episode’s gonna be crazy then!
That interaction was so cute  [I KNOW]
[Not that she cares, though]
– – – 
Jezebel: I do feel like I can give Normal a fair character bingo now, for Normal Anon.  And, to address the Normal storyline first, since that was smaller/more background, is so sad!  He was so accepting, and you don’t find people who can get a bombshell like that dropped on them and is gonna say “oh, that’s okay, we’ll make it work”, and then she was just like “nah, I want a woman.”  It’s like, you couldn’t figure it out before this date?
Wench: We also get to see Normal’s… nobility, for lack of a better word?  Like, he has a sense of right and wrong.  And he strongly believes in those halves.  He doesn’t always have the information to make that decision well — and he makes some very bad decisions predicated on bad information, especially in season 2 — but he still has this code of honor he abides by, and he definitely puts his money where his mouth is.  (e.g. as I told you, he buys into the fearmongering/sensationalism/propaganda Manticore spreads in s2 and thinks the transgenics are bad and veryyyy dangerous… and yet, when it looks like Alec has been taken hostage by some, he nonetheless risks himself to try and help.  It goes badly because, obviously, the transgenics aren’t bad, but he still tries to do what he thinks is right, regardless of his personal wellbeing.)  And, of course, the example in this episode is bringing Louise’s number to OC after she dumped him, even though it sucks that she put him in the position of having to pass it to Cindy.
Jezebel: True!  And, like, even once she broke up with him, he could have lashed out, but he didn’t.
Wench: Right.
Jezebel: And, on to Max and Logan…
Wench: The opposite end of the relationship spectrum: no longer could-have-been-healthy-but-isn’t-happening and now not-that-healthy-usually-but-is-kinda-happening
Jezebel: Right!  She comes running whenever he’s in danger, but why can’t she be there for him normally???  Though the beginning was kinda Logan’s fault, because he was all moody, to be fair.  But, again, he started communicating at the end.
Wench: This is true.  And that is, in itself, weird.  Like, 90% of the couples we’ve  talked about have not been communicative at all.  Destiel, definitely not.  Deckerstar, not really.  I guess Our Flag Means Death is the closest we come?  With the bathtub scene for Gentlebeard?
Jezebel: Oh, by the way, just to say this before I forget; it’s not directly connected to the reaction, so I’ll keep it short, but I saw this idea that their problems like in the fact that Ed talks about his feelings, and is like, this is what I feel and what I need and what’s bothering me, while Stede doesn’t talk… He doesn’t say, “Hey, Jack is bothering me the way everyone has acted all my life, and it’s hurting me”; he just says “Jack’s awful and you’re acting like him.”
Wench: Oh, that does make sense!
Jezebel: Yeah 😂 Anyway, back to Max and Logan… That last interaction was really good/cute.
Wench: Yeah, I do agree!  You know I don’t like Max much, or their relationship, but this is in good territory for once.  They had really good… I don’t wanna say chemistry, actually, given the events of season 2, but it was a good exchange.  Their banter is actually cute and wholesome instead of problematic.  s2 is different, of course, but this was a good two-line exchange.
Jezebel: How many episodes to Ben now?
Wench: “Pollo Loco” is in about… 8 eps, at this point.
Jezebel: Okay
Wench: I honestly can’t tell if you’re looking forward to it or dreading it alksdjf
Jezebel: Yes?  😂  I’m more than ready to see Ackles, but he dies.  And I’ve already seen that happen once, so I’m not really sure I’m ready to see it happen again.
Wench: For what it’s worth… I’ve said this before, I think, but at least it’s quick.  He gets his neck snapped, so it’s not prolonged at all.  The tragedy is in what he says beforehand.  He and Alec are both very Dean-coded — though, again, they’re clearly very different characters — but you know how tragic that kind of character can be.  And then he dies.  But the death itself really isn’t that bad.
Jezebel: Mmmhmmm.  We’ll see.
Wench: Aye, that we will :)  But we’ve got eight episodes to go, so… ‘til the next one!
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writernopal · 2 years
“Are you sure it’s alright for me to come?” I asked, squeezing my hands together nervously.
“Aye, why no?” Axtapor responded, pulling a spare helmet off the back of his bike.
“Well… your friends seem upset that I’m here.” I said, trying to ignore how the ones he’d called Hartim and Lexlar, and frankly, the rest of them, were looking at me. 
“Nay mind ‘em.” He said dismissively as he put the helmet on me, “Be it a good fit?”
“Good.” He tapped some device on the side of his helmet and then a similar one on the side of mine, “Can ye hear me?” 
I jumped, surprised to hear his voice in my ears. “Yes, I can.” 
He chuckled. “Aye then. Put these here gloves on, and we be ready to ride.”
I nodded, taking the gloves from him with an unsteady hand.
If I had to be honest, the idea of riding a motorcycle terrified me, but Axtapor seemed quite experienced when it came to driving one, and I trusted him, so I had nothing to be afraid of, right? I slipped on the gloves, observing as he climbed onto his bike and put on a pair of his own. His friends were all raring to go; one by one, their bikes came alive, roaring loudly as they whooped excitedly. I let out a tiny sigh and decided there was no point in delaying the inevitable. I approached Axtapor and took his hand as he guided me onto the back of his bike. 
“Put yer wee feet on the bars ‘neath yer seat.” He instructed.
“O-Okay…” I settled the first one into place and fearfully put the second up, gripping him tightly and letting out a scream, already disliking how the bike wobbled when I settled upon it.
“Oi, ‘lax wee thin’. We nay be movin’ yet.”
“I-I know, I-I just don’t like how i-it’s tipped to one side.” I explained.
“Will no be as so the time entire. Just be the kickstand.” He reassured me, “Hold me just here, ey? If’n I be goin’ too fast, give me a tap here. Will keep my tail ‘bout ye so ye nay fall.”
“Okay...” I responded as I felt his tail wrap snugly around my waist.
It was heavy and comforting, making being on this contraption a little less frightening.
“Aye then, ready?”
“Y-Yes, I think so.”
“Anchors aweigh it be then!” He declared happily, leaning the bike in the opposite direction and flipping the kickstand up with his foot.
I tightened my hold on him as the engine came alive, and he flipped his visor down. Seconds later, heavy electronic music began to play through the speakers in my helmet, and the first of his friends began departing. I took a shallow breath and, trembling, flipped my visor down too. He steered the bike around, and as he did, I caught a look at Hartim and Lexlar once more, finally having my unspoken curiosity satisfied. A snake could ride a motorcycle if wound around a driver with legs. Though as I put that thought in a safe place, we zipped away, and I shut my eyes, inadvertently beginning to scream. 
“Nay be afeared! I be with ye!” He called out over the music.
“B-But—! I-I don’t think I like it!” I exclaimed hunching myself tightly against him.
“City center be right close, nary more than ten ticks. We can stop there, ey? Can ye keep on till then?!” He asked.
“Y-Yes, I think so!”
“Aye then!”
I tried to keep calm, reminding myself that ten minutes wasn’t so long. I’d done things for a longer time than that before. Right, I could handle ten minutes! Or so I thought. My stomach felt queasy and I really didn't like the way the bike vibrated my feet inside my shoes. I opened my eyes, but before I could further express my fear, I found myself awestruck.
The highway we rode on passed through the city, and all around us was a flurry of lights unlike any I'd ever seen before: streetlights, headlights, tail lights, neon signs, giant electronic billboards, and of course, the lights of the other riders ahead of us. Despite how fast we were going and how loud everything was, there was something magical about this view. It was made that much better by the fact the asphalt was still damp from the rains earlier in the evening, making it appear as if the road itself glowed. A bioluminescent behemoth, threatening to thrum alive at a moment's notice. Was this why Axtapor liked riding so much?
“Here we be.” He said as he pulled to a stop near a small side street, “Can take ye back to yer car in a spell. Just ‘lax for now.”
I nodded, chewing on my lip for just a moment. “Umm… Axtapor?”
“Aye?” He asked as he paused the music and cut the engine. 
“I-I think I was beginning to enjoy myself a little bit….” I admitted quietly.
He whipped around to look at me, flipping his visor up. “Been ye?”
“Y-Yes, I like the lights.”
He blinked a few times, then quickly removed his helmet and mine to join our lips together with some force. 
I gasped but, despite my surprise, leaned into him eagerly, more than even I expected. 
Why did this feel so thrilling all of a sudden? He let out a grunt from the bottom of his throat as we worked our lips together and apart many times, taking turns stealing each other’s breath away.
“C-Can we keep going?” I whispered to him in those millimeters between us.
“Ye want more, ey?” He asked with a wink.
“N-No! I meant that I-I want to r-ride with— I want to r-ride you—!” I clapped a hand to my mouth as his brow shot up. 
I felt like my head was about to explode. How could I have said such a thing?!
“I-I mean the bike! I-I want to ride with you on the bike!” I tried to explain, but the damage was already done; he had that familiar, hungry look in his eyes. 
He leaned in, but instead of kissing me again like I thought he would, he whispered into my ear. “Go on then, my engine be hot...”
“S-STOP!” I screamed, covering my face tightly with my two hands.
He laughed loudly, and the next thing I knew, our helmets were back on and the two of us raced back into the night.
As before, my stomach danced inside me and the bike rumbled furiously as it flew through what began to look like a tunnel of lights. But this time, those sensations were not at all unwelcome. I squeezed Axtapor's waist with my arms and leaned against his back, suddenly feeling out of breath. A single word burned against my tongue for what felt like ages until I could bear it no longer and set it free.
He obliged.
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There is something inherently spicy about a motorcycle. That is all I'm going to say about that🤭
Also, this little snippet contains two very briefly mentioned characters from AASOAF 1, Lexlar (iguana-like lizardfolk) and Hartim (snake-like lizardfolk) who may or may not be getting their own story soonish 👀
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Bike engine oil Manufacturer
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When it comes to maintaining the performance and longevity of your bike's engine, choosing the right engine oil is crucial. Jai Bharat Lubricants, a renowned company based in Delhi, is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality bike engine oil
With a strong focus on excellence and customer satisfaction, Jai Bharat Lubricants offers a range of superior bike engine oils designed to optimize performance and provide maximum protection for your bike's engine.
Bike Engine Oil Manufacturer:
As a trusted manufacturer of bike engine oil, Jai Bharat Lubricants understands the unique requirements of different bike engines. They employ advanced manufacturing techniques and adhere to stringent quality control measures to produce engine oils that meet or exceed industry standards
Bike Engine Oil Supplier:
Jai Bharat Lubricants not only manufactures top-notch bike engine oils but also serves as a reliable supplier to meet the diverse needs of their customers. Whether you are an individual bike owner, a bike repair shop, or a distributor, Jai Bharat Lubricants can cater to your requirements efficiently.
Four-Stroke Engine Oil Manufacturers:
Jai Bharat Lubricants specializes in manufacturing high-quality four-stroke engine oils. These oils are specifically formulated to cater to the lubrication needs of modern four-stroke bike engines. With their expertise in blending the right combination of base oils and additives, Jai Bharat Lubricants' four-stroke engine oils provide superior protection against wear, deposit formation, and oxidation.
Engine Oil Manufacturers:
In addition to bike engine oils, Jai Bharat Lubricants also manufactures engine oils for a wide range of applications. Their expertise extends to producing engine oils for cars, trucks, industrial machinery, and other equipment.
Jai Bharat Lubricants stands out as a leading bike engine oil manufacturer and supplier in Delhi, offering high-quality products that meet the demands of bike enthusiasts, service centers, and retailers. With their commitment to excellence, innovative formulations, and customer-centric approach, Jai Bharat Lubricants ensures that your bike's engine receives the best possible protection and performance-enhancing lubrication. Trust Jai Bharat Lubricants to keep your bike's engine running smoothly and efficiently for years to come.
Call us today to buy cost effective and efficient fuel for your bike for your endless Journey
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alldatmatterzdotcom · 15 days
Electric Bike for Kids & Synthetic Engine Oil: A Modern Guide for Smart Choices
As the world embraces sustainability, electric bikes for kids are gaining immense popularity. Parents are increasingly looking for safe, eco-friendly, and fun ways for their children to enjoy outdoor activities. At the same time, automotive enthusiasts and everyday drivers are turning to synthetic engine oil to keep their vehicles running smoothly, offering better protection and performance compared to conventional oils.
In this guide, we will explore the benefits of electric bikes for kids and the importance of using synthetic engine oil for your vehicles, covering everything you need to know about these modern innovations.
Electric Bike for Kids: A New Era of Fun
Why Choose Electric Bikes for Kids?
Electric bikes for kids provide an exciting and safe way for children to experience the joys of riding without the complexity of traditional bikes. Unlike manual bikes, electric bikes come with motors that assist kids in riding with minimal effort. This feature makes it easier for children, especially those just learning to ride, to build confidence and enjoy longer rides.
Key benefits of electric bikes for kids include:
Eco-friendly: Powered by rechargeable batteries, electric bikes reduce carbon emissions, making them a sustainable alternative to gas-powered options.
Enhanced safety: Many electric bikes come with built-in safety features like speed limiters, ensuring that the bike stays within safe speeds for children.
Ease of use: Electric bikes are perfect for kids as they help reduce physical effort, allowing them to enjoy the ride without getting too tired.
Cost-effective: Although the initial investment might be higher than a traditional bike, the long-term savings on fuel or maintenance make it a worthwhile purchase.
Choosing the Right Electric Bike for Your Child
When selecting an electric bike for kids, it's essential to consider factors like the age of the child, the bike's safety features, battery life, and weight capacity. For younger children, smaller models with speed limiters are recommended. For older kids, bikes with larger batteries and higher speeds might be more suitable, as long as they are equipped with proper protective gear.
Popular brands like Razor and Hiboy offer electric bikes for kids, providing high-quality models with various features to suit different age groups and skill levels.
Synthetic Engine Oil: Boosting Your Vehicle’s Performance
Why Synthetic Engine Oil?
Synthetic engine oil is designed to provide superior performance compared to conventional motor oils. It is chemically engineered to offer better lubrication, withstand extreme temperatures, and extend the life of your vehicle's engine. Whether you're driving a high-performance sports car, a family SUV, or even a motorcycle, synthetic engine oil is an excellent choice to ensure optimal engine health.
Key Benefits of Synthetic Engine Oil:
Superior protection: Synthetic engine oil offers enhanced protection against engine wear and tear. It is designed to resist breaking down under high heat and pressure, providing better protection for critical engine components.
Improved fuel efficiency: The advanced formulation of synthetic oils reduces friction within the engine, allowing it to run more smoothly. This reduced friction results in improved fuel efficiency, which means you save money at the pump.
Longer oil life: Unlike conventional oils, synthetic oil lasts longer, which means fewer oil changes and reduced maintenance costs. It remains stable at high temperatures, ensuring that the oil continues to perform even during long drives or extreme weather conditions.
Cold weather performance: Synthetic engine oil performs well in cold temperatures, making it easier for engines to start in freezing conditions. This makes it an ideal choice for vehicles that operate in varying climates.
Choosing the Right Synthetic Engine Oil
When choosing synthetic engine oil for your vehicle, it’s crucial to consider factors like the oil’s viscosity rating, vehicle specifications, and manufacturer recommendations. High-performance vehicles may require specialized synthetic oils with additives that enhance engine performance under extreme conditions.
Popular brands like Mobil 1, Castrol, and Valvoline offer a wide range of synthetic oils suitable for various vehicle types, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
Both electric bikes for kids and synthetic engine oil represent smart, forward-thinking choices in today’s world. Electric bikes are an excellent way for kids to explore their environment in a safe and eco-friendly manner, while synthetic engine oil is the best option for maintaining vehicle performance and efficiency. As parents, riders, and drivers, staying informed about these innovations ensures that you make the best decisions for your children and your vehicles.
Incorporating modern technology into our everyday lives has never been easier, and the advantages of electric bikes for kids and synthetic engine oil highlight the future of sustainable, efficient, and safe transportation for all.
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pkstudiosindia · 4 years
Pet Food India-RO Basket || Best Seller||Motul 7100 4T 10W50 API SN Fully Synthetic Ester Petrol Engine Oil for Bikes (1 L) || 2020-10-14 12:35:48
RO Basket || Best Seller ||Motul 7100 4T 10W50 API SN Fully Synthetic Ester Petrol Engine Oil for Bikes (1 L) || 2020-10-14 12:35:48
Featured Post in RO Basket dot com – RO Basket
Originally posted 2020-08-05 10:41:43.
Size:1L | Design:Engine Oil
one hundred pc artificial oil perfect for excessive efficiency bikes, sports activities bikes, street bikes, trails, off street bikes fitted with 4 stroke engines assembly Euro 2 or Euro 3 exhaust emission regulation.
Vehicle Compatibility: Dominor 400, Benelli, Ducati , KTM Duke 390 100% Synthetic with Ester expertise 4-Stroke engine oil. Formulated to fulfill the latest in bike producer specs by way of JASO and API. Viscosity: 10W50,Specifications: API SN JASO MA2 JASO MA2 ensures optimum clutch efficiency at start-up, acceleration and full velocity Very good thermal resistance and stability
Click Here to View or Learn More – Motul 7100 4T 10W50 API SN Fully Synthetic Ester Petrol Engine Oil for Bikes (1 L) …………………….For extra Details,Please Visit our RO Basket dot com – Home Page Link – RO Basket
Click Here to View the Product
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craftycheetah · 2 years
Purr Like an Engine pt.9
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Hitoshi sighed as he placed his phone back into his pocket, got onto his bike, and began to ride it to the place Mina mentioned. Once he pulled up, he saw his friends sitting around a table outside the place. 
“Hey Toshi,” Denki waves.
“Hey,” Toshi took a seat. “I take it nothing new popped up on the way here?”
“Nah, haven’t heard anything,” Hanta sighs. “Biker search was a bust.”
“At least we have cake?” Mina offers.
“Yay to cake,” Eijirou smiles, his peppy attitude rubbing off on the rest of the group.
After placing their orders, they all idly talked while eating their desserts.
Denki looks up from his half-eaten sticky lemon roll as his eyes widen.
“You okay Denki?” Jirou asks.
“Everyone! Look!”
Turning their heads, they look at the black spiky-haired biker walking down the street with a lit cigarette. Everyone’s jaw dropped, their eyes following the biker’s every move. At the drop of a pin, Hanta, Hitoshi, and Eijirou were holding back and covering the mouth of an angry Katsuki. 
“Oi! Asshole!” He barely got out through a covered mouth.
“Shh! Don’t draw his attention!” Denki begged.
“Why the fuck not?!” Katsuki growls.
“Denki’s right,” Hanta adds. “We don’t know what might happen if he notices us."
“Well we can’t just sit here!” Katsuki groaned.
Right before their eyes, they watch the stranger walk away, walking towards an unknown alley and taking a sharp right turn, getting lost in the crowd of civilians.
“That’s just great!” Eijirou whined. “Now, what are we gonna do?”
“Way ahead of you boys,” Mina grinned, holding up her phone along with Jirou. 
The group cheered as the two placed their phones on the table to show the pictures of the jacket and the mysterious man. 
“It’s time to expand our detective work to surf through the knowledge of the internet,” Jirou grinned.
“Already on it!” Mina grins.
The group hops onto their phones, looking up “The League” and adding any missing context that would help the search engine give them their answer.
Hitoshi was the first to speak up. “I found something…,” he mumbles as the group surrounds him and his phone. “Luckily, Wikipedia has info on almost everything.”
“Way too much shit to be found on the fuckin’ internet,” Katsuki grumbles as he reads the article.
“‘The League’, a group of bikers infamous for claiming territories across the city of Musutafu, are said to be dangerous. When asked about the gang, citizens remain silent. There is no proof of mistreatment occurring in the territories. However, the blatant refusal of information when asked about their conditions is a big red flag and a minor inconvenience to authorities.’” Denki read out loud.
“Oh, shit…” Eijirou mumbles. “What the hell did Y/n get herself into?”
“I don’t know but there’s only one way to find out,” Hitoshi replies, taking out his phone.
“What’re you doing?” Denki asks.
“Y/n walks home so I'm looking for the closest neighborhood near the cafe that ‘The League’ has power over.”
“How do you know she walks home?”
Checking the most recent update, he recognizes the neighborhood closest to the cafe under the list of known territories.
“Aha! There it is!” Hitoshi smiles.
About three blocks from the cafe was the Daigo neighborhood, dead center in the new territory.
“She must live in this neighborhood.”
“Okay man, but stay safe, we don’t entirely know what we’re dealing with,” Eijirou cautioned.
Hitoshi nodded and ran to his bike, reviving the engine with a familiar purr and riding out to the neighborhood. From there on, it was a guessing game to find out which house was yours. His brain raced with thoughts as he thought of the decor of your house from the time you guys facetimed. Luckily for him, most of the neighborhood had their blinds open at this time of the hour, making for warm sunlight to come through the window. His eyes widened as he recognized the familiar decor of your house from afar. Parking in the driveway, he took a deep breath before trotting up to your door. 
You perked up as you heard the familiar chime of the doorbell. ‘Who could that be?’ you think.
You sighed as you got out of bed, heading towards the door and opening it. You damn near shrieked as you saw a familiar purple-haired man at your doorstep, looking incredibly sheepish and worried.
“What are you doing here?!” You whisper yelled at him, popping your head out of the doorway into the crisp outside air to make sure that there was no one that would see the two of you.
“Can I come in?” He asked, clearly in a hurry.
You look around the area once more. “Fine!” 
He steps into your house, then you quickly close the door behind him. You usher him to the sofa where you both sit on opposite ends, facing each other. 
“You have alot of nerve showing up here, do you know what Tomura would do if he found out you were here?!”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about!” A sense of urgency took over in his tone. “It’s not safe here, you need to find a new place immediately.”
“Do you know what you’re asking of me?” You sighed. “It’s kind of hard to find another home in this current economy, Hitoshi.”
“But the bikers!” He pleaded. “I don’t want to see you hurt, or worse.”
“I’ll be fine.” You failed to reassure him. “I’ve survived this long, what could possibly stop me now? And more importantly, who can stop them?”
Hitoshi sighed as he realized that you had a point. Clearly, the police weren’t going to do anything, so there wasn’t really anything anyone could do. 
At that moment, you felt your heart stop as you heard the doorbell followed by three knocks. 
“Hide!” You hissed at Hitoshi. 
Without question, Hitoshi got up and ran into the back. Where he was hiding, you didn’t know, but you hoped it was in a good place. 
You wiped your now sweaty forehead as you approached the door, opening it only a crack as your eyes widened to see a glee-faced man with light blue hair.  
“Pudding.” His voice was dangerously calm. “Who’s bike is in front of your house?”
You panicked, trying not to hyperventilate or show any emotions of distress in front of him. You would not let him find out Hitoshi was over, it would be the end of you, and it would be the end of him, but most importantly, it would be the end of you.
“I said,” You squealed as he kicked the door open. In the span of a few seconds, he whipped you around, your back against the wall as his hands slammed against the wall, trapping you in place. He leaned in, getting close to your ear. “Who’s. Bike. Is. It?”
“O-Oh!” You nervously laughed, trying to ease the tension. “You mean the motorcycle!” 
“Yes, the motorcycle.” His voice was the same level of calm as before, but his actions were anything but calm.
“I’m watching it for a friend!” You lied.
“What friend do you have that owns a motorcycle?”
“I have many friends, if you must know.” 
“And why did they assign you of all people to watch it? And why did you accept?”
“Because friends do each other favors, and I accepted because I’m a good friend,” you reply, hoping he relaxes.
“Well, can you do me a favor, pudding?” He chuckled. “Since we’re such good friends!”
“What do you want?” You tried your best to leave the malice out of your voice.
“Move the bike. Now, pudding,” he smiles.
“I don’t know how to ride that thing.”
“Aw, poor little you!” He laughs. “Am I gonna have to teach you how to ride a motorcycle? It’ll be fun y'know, we could ride side by side.”
“No thanks, I’d rather not.”
“Fine,” He scoffs. “But you better call your friend to come get the bike, and if it’s not gone by the morning there’ll be consequences.”
You held in a laugh; of course, it would be gone by morning. Hitoshi was leaving soon anyways. His threat meant nothing to you.
“I mean it, pudding. I’m always watching, so it’d better be gone by then.”
“Whatever…” “What was that?”
“I-I mean, yes Shiggy.”
“Good girl,” he smirks before leaving your apartment, the sounds of his engine revving in the distance signifying he’s left. “Sleep tight.”
Once Shiggy left, Hitoshi’s purple locs peeked out from the closet door. “Is he gone?”
“Yeah, thank God. Now that he’s gone…have you lost your mind?!”
“Why are you yelling at me, cupcake?”
“Don’t fucking ‘cupcake’ me, Shinsou! What if Shiggy saw you?!”
“Then I’d fight to protect you. You don’t deserve to stay here and be forced to make your life revolve around them.”
“My life doesn’t…ugh, whatever. Why are you here? What led you to do this?”
“I’m just a concerned friend?”
“Right…a ’concerned friend’,” you grumble.
“No, but seriously, we can find you somewhere safe to stay. This hold that Shiggy and The League have over you is toxic and is a severely unhealthy way of living.”
“Will you be safe if I leave? Are you sure they won't hurt you?”
“I would be the safest if you did leave because Shiggy wants your bike GONE,” you sighed. “I do enjoy your company though, we can meet up, just not at my place because I don't want you getting punched in the face or burned.”
“Y/N, I would have such a guilty conscious if something happened to you, and I just left you here to fend for yourself,” Hitoshi mumbles. “And what do you mean burned?” “Don't worry, I should be fine, I've survived this long,” you smile.
“Alright, see ya later, cupcake,” he chuckles, playfully poking your nose. “I’ll text you.”
Watching Hitoshi cautiously make his way to his bike, you wave softly from the window as he drives off before shutting the curtains. Looking down, you notice Neo’s dual face staring up at you, as she meows for attention. 
“Yeah, I like him too.”
←prev || Masterlist || next→
»Summary: Bikers weren’t necessarily a problem in your city, but to you, they were like the bubonic plague. After running into one of them, you had to ask yourself, are bikers really that much of a nuisance?
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bajisbabe · 3 years
yandere headcannons | mikey, chifuyu, mitsuya
warnings: yandere, kidnap, stalking, manipulation, gas lighting, guilt tripping, nonconsensual kissing.
anon said: “hi can i please request a yandere chifuyu, a yandere mikey and a yandere mitsuya please 🙏🏾”
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— We’re gonna talk about toman!mikey, like 2008 since I’ve done black haired!mikey already.
— likely knows you from the gang, either you’re a friend of the gang or you’re in the gang
— if you’re not, prepared to be recruited.
— “oi, takemitchy... huh, this your friend?”
— once he has met you, expect to see a lot of him from then on.
— especially if you’re a friend of michi’s.
— every time you’re around takemichi, best believe mikey is there.
— get used to being around draken too, because they come as a duo.
— he would definitely try to win you over willingly. but he is a bit strange so it’s likely that you’ll just ignore his many, many advances.
— the type to bring you on a “date” but kenchin is literally right there so of course you don’t think it’s a date but mikey knows you’d never willingly hang out alone with him so he had no other option but to bring draken along to lure you into coming along.
— it gets to a point where you have to tell him straight up that you just aren’t interested.
— but that’s when things go south.
— you start to feel as though someone’s following you but you can’t prove it.
— be careful about walking home alone at night, usually you have a friend to walk with. but for some reason, everyone starts to ignore you one by one until you only have toman.
— and even then, toman all refuse to walk you home as well, so you just settle for walking home on your own.
— if you’re strong enough to be a part of toman, surely you’re strong enough to walk home alone, right?
— but one night, on your way home, you hear a familiar sound; mikey’s CB250T.
— you don’t think much of it considering the two of you are well acquainted by now. but you can’t help but get weird vibes from him even after turning him down so you don’t really want to be bothered with him.
— especially not so late at night, when you’re all on your own...
— and only then do you realize just how vacant the street is. and how utterly vulnerable you are at this point.
— you think about telling him to back off, and you’re about to open your mouth to do just that.
— but then he pulls over beside you, and a chill runs down your spine.
— you try to walk away but he simply revs the engine and the pulls directly in front of you, blocking your path entirely this time.
— “hey, (y/n).” he says with that nonchalant smile of his. “need a ride?”
— you try to turn him down but he doesn’t take no as an answer.
— things escalate as you tell him to leave you alone. his etched smile falls and you found yourself being forced onto the bike, his arms caging you in as he grips the handle bars.
— “you shouldn’t have rejected me, (y/n).” he murmurs from behind you, eyes blank and focusing on the empty road ahead of you.
— he likely takes you to his place, shoving you in that tin can he calls a room. he could easily chain the door closed and you’d never be able to escape.
— believe it or not, emma is likely in on it and will help him keep the secret from their granddad.
— even worse, if you’re her friend, she was likely the one to let mikey know that you walk home alone every night. she didn’t mean to give you away like that, but she didn’t know mikey had any ill intent when asking about when you’d most likely be alone.
— at least one of toman’s executives has their eyes on you at all times.
— toman will not help you by any means. they just want what’s best for the gang. and keeping mikey happy is what’s best for the gang.
— if no one can watch you, then mikey’ll just drag you along to the meetings and hold you down in his lap. don’t bother struggling, toman will be there and watching the entire time and odds are, they do not care.
— except maybe takemichi, but he has a mission yk.
— if he has to sacrifice your well being for the sake of hina and everyone else, so be it. but he might consider coming back again to save you after ensuring that everything in the future is set.
— besides, mikey wouldn’t actually hurt you... right?
— mikey isn’t above threatening the well being of others to get you to play along.
— is well aware that what he’s doing is wrong but thinks he deserves you. his life has always been shitty, he thinks that at the very least, he deserves someone like you by his side.
— in his mind, he deserves some kind of reward for bringing about a new era of gangsters.
— and surprise, bestie! 🥳 that reward is you 😐
— will harm anyone who gets in the way, takemichi included. everyone is free real estate.
— don’t bother trying to escape. he won’t punish you for it, but he will definitely target a familiar face.
— remember your best friend? yeah, they’re getting beaten bloody for your bad behavior.
— don’t test him.
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— quite the guilt tripper.
— somehow always makes you feel sorry for him.
— it is likely that you two had an established relationship before, but then you cut it off and moved on.
— either that or he cut it off himself to protect you from the repercussions of his gang activity.
— either way, he wants you back but you’re attractive so obviously someone else got with you, or is at least flirting or talking to you now that you no longer claim chifuyu.
— nonetheless, he wants you back. and he does everything in his power to lure you back into his arms.
— he is a cute guy, has the most pitiable pout in the world. you can’t help but feel sorry for him... and he knows it.
— he uses it to his advantage.
— begging you, getting down on his knees in public, hoping to embarrass and fluster you so that you feel guilty and come back to him.
— but you must know him too well by now, because you just shrug him off and tell him not to bother you anymore.
— but he can’t just leave you be. he can’t. he needs you.
— he begins following you around, waiting for the right moment to come. and once you’re all on your own with no one to come to your rescue, he snatches you up with ease in the dead of night.
— will try to make it seem as though he had no other option.
— might even bust out into tears if he’s really frustrated because of your refusal to return his affection. but even if the tears won’t come, he’ll force them. anything to make you pity him.
— “I understand,” he’d say through sobs and thick tears. “I get it, okay? But you’ve loved me before, right? Is it too much to ask for you to love me again?”
— whether you like it or not, he will work his way back into your arms bit by bit. he’s just that manipulative. and it’s all the more you easy since you two have a past together.
— he’ll show that soft smile that you loved so much, that cute wrinkle of the nose when he’s concentrating, or that adorable laugh of his.
— no matter how you try to fight it, he knows how your heart a lil’ too and he’ll use it to his advantage.
— little by little, he will show more physical affection in hopes that you slowly return it.
— but don’t take too long, because the second you give him an inch, he will take a mile.
— if you don’t pull away when he tilts your chin to watch your face, he may just plant a kiss on your lips.
— “don’t do that!” you spit, wiping your lips frantically. “we’re not together anymore, remember? have you lost your mind!”
— he cups his hand around the back of your neck gently, pulling you close and you let him despite the churning of your stomach telling you to pull away.
— “please,” he says softly, eyes lingering on your lips. his eyes flicker to yours for a moment and you can tell just how bad he wants things to return to normal, how bad he wants to hug and kiss you like before. “please can’t you just let me love you?”
— will likely keep you at his place after kidnapping you.
— has no intentions of harming you or anyone you care about, he knows that’ll only make you hate him more.
— but he’s confident that he can win you back. it’ll just take some time.
— never lets you out in fear you’ll run or get away.
— he believes that toman would help you when it comes to him, since he isn’t as scary or as influential as someone like mikey.
— and he can’t have that.
— you and the guys from toman are most likely somewhat friendly since he always bought you around when you two were dating.
— he just wants you by his side.
— he knows that what he’s doing his wrong, and sometimes he gets a guilty twist in his stomach, but he really needs you.
— and he’ll do whatever it takes..
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— you wouldn’t see it coming at first.
— mitsuya is a very low-key, chill kind of guy.
— you wouldn’t even know that he’s feeling you like that until it’s too late.
— he tries to make his move time and time again but it’s either he’s too subtle or you’re too naive.
— he slowly grows frustrated of it all, and he likely has never wanted someone the way he wants you. he never allows himself to long for something or someone because he has things to do, people to take care of. he’s got his sisters to look out for and relationships just get in the way...
— but when he realizes his feelings for you, he decides that maybe, this time, he can be selfish. at least this once.
— he probably casually mentions you to the others, just to let them know that you’re off limits. and toman all respect mitsuya so they don’t bother you much.
— you likely have nothing to do with them anyway. so how are you expected to see mitsuya coming?
— odds are you help him out when sewing, or you’re s friend of one of the girls he sews with. either way, he knows of you somehow.
— and he watches you every time you trail into the room, blissfully unaware of the way he watches your every move. so subtle and calm that no one else catches on either.
— you’re good with details, that much he knows. he sees you help the other girls in pointing out what may be wrong with their designs or their sewn farbic.
— sometimes he’s even bold enough to ask for your help with something, not that he needs it. and you never have anything to point out as his sewing is virtually perfect.
— and you find it strange that he continuously asks for your help, that’s when others start to catch on too. and you notice as well just how strange mitsuya really is.
— but like I said, he is low-key and chill. he likely lays off you just long enough so that any suspicions surrounding him disappear.
— and over time, everyone forgets his previously strange behavior entirely.
— but not you. you’re good with details.
— but now that everyone is off his case, he can do whatever he wants.
— and that’s when he takes a chance and follows you home one day after school, and he thinks he’s still being subtle enough. subtle enough so that you won’t notice him.
— but somehow, you do.
— you turn around, having felt as though someone was following you. and someone was, it was him.
— you recognize him immediately as the creep who couldn’t take his eyes off of you at school.
— he thought he was being low-key about the staring thing, but you noticed. all the time, you could feel his eyes on you and it sent a chill down your spine.
— that’s why you can’t help but get scared when you notice that he is in fact following you home.
— and he sees the panic in your face as you take off, you knew something was up with him.
— he hesitates for a moment, unsure of whether or not now is the time to act.
— but you’ve given him no choice, so he runs after you and manages to corner you blocks away from your home.
— it’s getting dark. you’re out of breath, and no one is around.
— “is this...” you speak softly, quietly. but your breath is ragged. “this the first time you followed me?”
— you know. and he knows you know.
— and he can’t let you go off and tell anyone about it.
— if you rat him out and he gets kicked out of uni (he’s on a scholarship after all), or arrested, or anything of the sort, he won’t be able to take care of his sisters. he needs to graduate at the very least. a delinquent like him can’t get in too much trouble.
— he can’t risk it...
— “...m’sorry,” he mumbles, jumping at you before you have the chance to run. and he takes you down with ease. it’s unfair.
— mitsuya always was one of toman’s best fighters.
— he manages to steal you away under the cloak of night and you can’t fight him off as he is much too strong for you.
— he is scared, you can tell in the way he clutches on to you. afraid that you’ll take off the second you get a chance.
— he manages to conceal you away at his place, begging you to be quiet, afraid the neighbors will hear.
— “please, please!” he shushes you. swallowing thickly, his mouth is suddenly dry as a thought comes to mind. You had to have a heart, right? Surely, you’d understand if he humanized himself a bit.
— “I have two younger sisters, their names are Mana and Luna. If I get in trouble, they’ll...” he trails off. but he can see the softening in your eyes and he knows you understand.
— and that moment of weakness allows him just enough time to slip a wadded up ball of fabric into your mouth, tying it in place with a scarf of some kind around your head.
— he caresses your face despite how you pull away and scream through the handmade gag, crying and thrashing about.
— “this isn’t how it was supposed to happen,” he murmurs quietly. “..sorry.”
— the type to push his luck, similar to chifuyu. would attempt physical affection every once in a while to see if you’re willing. but if you aren’t, he’ll give you your space.
— might even kiss you in the heat of the moment, if you let him close enough without pulling away or showing any kind of resistance.
— he isn’t delusional. he knows you probably hate him.
— but he can’t get over you.
— he just wants to be selfish, just this once.
— just for you.
— even still, he has watched you for so long.
— he probably knows a lot of things about you that you don’t even know yourself. he is attentive, especially when it comes to you.
— he watches your every reaction whenever he invades your space, just to see what you will and won’t allow.
— he knows what you like and what you don’t, and how to act to win your favor.
— and he is subtly smug in his knowledge of you, feeling as though you ought to give in one day.
— and be prepared because he is willing to wait.
— surely, waiting for you wouldn’t take too long.
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