#bill dembrough (named)
anellope · 5 years
"— a gentle shake of hands, confused because of that funny feeling coiling in the stomach" with reddie meeting as familiar strangers as adults !
Here we are maaate!
It took a single second to change everything.
He had felt his heart beat faster, the mind start racing, long forgotten the bad smell of cheap Chinese food or the chat of important people he still struggle to remember. As the sound of the gong grows all around the room Eddie felt his eyes on him and everything else disappeared completely.
Mike hugged all of them, kissed all their cheeks, crying a little bit in the way of it. And in a moment Richie Tozier was by his side, a warm grin on his face, as big as the sun itself.
“Eds…” he just said and Eddie felt his mouth open without warnings, his own voice speaking without him thinking.
“Don’t call me that, you know I… hate when you do that.”
And he was smiling like a fool at the gentle shake of hands, confused for the funny feeling coiling in the stomach.
“Oh, spaghetti, are you sure? I actually do remember differently.” he affirmed in amusement, a tender sight in his eyes, Eddie grinning like a kid on Christmas day
And it really was. That was his fucking 25th of December, surrounded by gifts and a huge tree with buns and colorful lights all over it; when his hands were still in Richie’s and all his friends were around him.
Well, almost everyone.
“C’mon Losers,” Mike said, hugging Big Bill from behind “let’s wait for Stan while eating something, should we?”
“After you.” Richie joked, showing off a clumsy bow, leaving Eddie stuck in a moment of familiar delight.
And he had so many things to say, too many things to mock him for. But inside him there still was that pouring feeling of lightness, that joyful laugh he had suppressed back then that was now so big, so unbearable, that he couldn’t do anything but smile again, voice as a whisper, like, after 27 years, there was still the risk of someone hearing him.
But she is dead, Eds. You can do it.
He raised his arm toward the other man, an hand out in a friendly way, no wait, not friendly, something more, something deeper, something scarier.
“I missed you, Trashmouth.”
He kind of liked using the nickname and a little giggle escaped his lips proving it.
And Richie finally broke in a breathless wheeze, a little laugh, a mix of the two, heart beating faster at each second. He grabbed Eddie’s hand and stood up again, a little closer than before, keeping the connection a little more than necessary, hoping no one would notice.
But his Eds.
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Sunflower ~ B.D. (Part 1)
A/n: This song is hella short but I listened to it and needed to write it and then thought of this so it’ll be like a mini song prompt, much shorter than how long they usually here. Hopefully you’ll still enjoy all the same :) Also I’m sorry this is so long and rushed it has to cover the whole movie OOF. Things will definitely slow down from here...
Anon: Pidge
Word Count: 4654
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Rose girls in glass vases: Perfect bodies, perfect faces. They all belong in magazines, those girls the boys are chasing, winning all the games they're playing. They're always in a different league...
“Hey!” The voice was unexpected and no one knew who they were referring to, so everyone looked. Just in time to see a fist plant squarely into Marcia Fadden’s jaw, causing her two bitch friends, Greta Bowie and Sally Mueller, to stumble back with dropped jaws and wide eyes as Marcia tumbled to the ground. “Come near my little sister again with your ugly perms and fake smile I promise I’ll do more than just leave a bruise on you pretty face. I’ll break that big fat nose of yours and you’ll look even uglier than you already do. Got it?” There was a slight pause and the new girl in the bathroom - who had interrupted the three girls in their end-of-the-year bullying of Beverly Marsh - bristled. Marcia groaned on the ground, struggling to sit up, which scared Greta and Sally enough not to test the girl who had put her in that condition. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” The girl screamed.
Greta stepped forward, trying to look brave even though she was faced with someone she wasn’t sure she could take on. Someone bigger than her. Confident and demanding. A face she didn’t recognize and therefore had no idea on her limits or lack thereof. “What sister is that?”
The girl glared. “Secily Smith,” she sneered. “You can mess with me and I won’t stop you trying to make yourself feel better by messing with your peers, but do not - I repeat, DO NOT come near my sister. Is that clear enough for you or do I actually have to break one of your noses?”
Sally grumbled, “We get the fucking point. God.”
The girl smirked. “Good.” And then she turned around and waltzed out of the bathroom. Beverly, still in the stall, shook her head to overcome her shock at hearing someone stand up to Greta and her bitch gang s boldly, taking the moment of silence and no movement to bust open the stall, stalking out after Y/n without a fault in her stride as if she had expected every little detail of what just happened.
When Beverly got outside, she looked up and down the hall but none of the facial expressions or ways anyone was walking gave off the kind of confidence and power the mystery girl in the bathroom had shown.
How had someone like that gone unnoticed by... everyone? All year? Or- years? As far as anyone knew, Ben was the only newby.
Secily Smith. Hm. That was a name Bev could work with.
While Bev planned a way to find out the source of a possible friend, Y/n L/n was walking home with her eyes on the ground, trying to even out her breathing. She was hopped up on anxiety from confronting Greta like that, but the fleeting moment of rage-fueled confidence was all she’d needed to scare those girls into leaving her sister alone. Okay, well, STEP sister, but it’s all the same right?
As Y/n neared the elementary school, she sighed. She’d stopped by on her way like every other day, but this time for the last time before Summer. She waited the few minutes until the younger kids got out, looking around at the parents waiting for their kids. Once upon a time, Y/n would hide behind a tree as Bill Dembrough waited for his younger brother, George. She would admire him and the cute embrace they would have before the older brother shoved the younger away playfully, messing his hair up as they both laughed.
Secily, who knew of Y/n’s infatuation with the sweet boy everyone else knew as Stuttering Bill, thought it was silly to hide and had even befriended George in order to force Y/n closer to Bill. The two kids had really hit it off and Y/n had run been forced to run into Bill a lot more often.
Picking up Secily from school, where the two younger kids were attached at the hip, forcing Y/n over. Picking up Secily from George’s house, often running into Bill in the process. Lunch dates or play dates or hang outs. Dropping off, picking up, running into each other in small towns, where George would notice Secily or Secily would notice George and they’d call to the other, bringing their families together once again. At George’s funeral, where Secily has clung to her older sister with their parents nowhere in sight, hiding her face so her sobs wouldn’t be heard.
That had been a rough while. Secily wasn’t as talkative anymore. She didn’t socialize as much and her attendance at things she’d always dragged Y/n to had all but completely disappeared. For so your a child, she was incredibly sad and reclusive and quiet.
That’s what Y/n was thinking of when Secily made her way to where Y/n waited for her, eyes on her feet. Y/n opened her arms and Secily moved into them. “Hey Sissy,” Y/n whispered, rubbing the younger girl’s back. “How was school.”
The younger girl mumbled incoherently, burying her face in Y/n’s stomach and refusing to move. Y/n sighed, stepping back and offering her arms in more of a way to pick her up than hug her. The six year old smiled briefly, allowing Y/n to carry her. It was only a fifteen minute walk to their house and Sissy was tiny as heck. Y/n could bare the weight to give her sister some comfort. She walked, Sissy bouncing a little on her back as Y/n talked to full the silence.
“We’ll have all summer now,” Y/n mused softly. “We can stay up late and have camp outs in the living room in our couch forts all we want... I can get candy. Snickers, your favorite.”
“I miss Georgie.” Y/n stopped abruptly. It had been nine months. Almost a year, and Sissy had not said it out loud once. She had not voiced her sorrow or pain that someone so young should be feeling nowhere near. Y/n wasn’t good with her own emotions, but someone else’s? Sissy held onto her sister tighter. “Never leave me okay?”
Y/n’s grip on Sissy’s ankles tightened. “I wouldn’t leave you if they put a gun up to my head and tried to force me.”
“What if they put a gun up to Bill’s head?”
“Then the Denbroughs would suffer two lost children.” Y/n moved Sissy around to hold the young girl in her arms, against her chest. “No one will ever take me from you. And no one will EVER take you from me. I promise Sissy. I give you my word.”
Sissy was quiet for a few seconds before Y/n felt her nod. “I believe you.”
“He used to take me here all the time,” Sissy gushed as she dragged a smiling Y/n behind her up the cliff to the edge. “We have to jump off! Come on PLEAAAAAAASE!”
Y/n laughed and dropped her bike, nodding. “Okay okay okay! But we have to be really careful and I want to go first.” Sissy nodded and Y/n sighed before simply pulling her shirt over her head and then tugging off her shorts after kicking off her shoes. Sissy stripped in the same way, until they were down to their underwear, and then they walked to the edge of the cliff. Sissy looked thrilled that Y/n swallowed her fear and forced a grin on her face. The adrenaline started pumping and Y/n took a deep breath before screwing up her face and jumping. Her breath caught and her mind went blank. She hit the water and sunk, pausing. It was so quiet down there. So serene that Y/n almost wanted to never leave. Just sink to the bottom of the Quarry and stay there.
But she had made Sissy a promise. She wouldn’t leave. So instead of disappearing into the dark depths, Y/n pushed to the surface. “Okay, tour turn!” Y/n called. Sissy smiled as Y/n swam backwards to get out of her way. Then the tiny girl jumped and every part of Y/n’s body tensed. She was so small and fell so much slower. It seemed that the fall would kill her, surely. Y/n counted to two before panicking after Sissy big the water but then the young girl broke the surface, water falling between her teeth as she broke into laughter before she’d been implement out of the water.
At the girl’s giddiness, Y/n brightened and loosened up too and soon they were both dunking each other and pulling each other under and playing water games like Marco Polo and pretending they were mermaids.
They’d come quite early, set on staying at the quarry the whole day. They’d even packed a basket for a picnic lunch when they were done swimming, and Y/n had brought a book she was reading aloud to Sissy over the summer.
Right about noon, when Y/n was thinking about taking a break because it was near lunch time and Sissy was obviously getting quite tired - her mom would thank her for tiring out the little girl, surely - there cane voices from the woods. Y/n paled, not up for trusting anyone other than the little girl she knew it couldn’t be. She ditched the idea of saving heir stuff, pulling Sissy against her and hiding in the side of the cliff, trying to see who was approaching without giving away where they were if it was someone dangerous. Who else used the Quarry during weekdays?
It was Beverly’s voice that gave them away, even before Richie had the chance to.
“Hey, I think someone’s already here.” Her voice echoed off the cliff and Y/n bit her lip, unsure of who Beverly would be with, since the last time Y/n had checked Beverly and her were as much both mutually alone as they were both girls. That’s where the similarities would stop though. It seemed, though, she was definitely talking to someone.
Then Richie spoke, his voice loud and unmistakably his own. “Looks like a date. Bet if we look around we can get a peek at some people getting DOWN.” He snorted but when no other sounds came, Y/n concurred the others were ignoring him.
“Where are they?” Eddie asked, his voice shaking with worry. “Looks like two girls. Are they, um, okay or whatever?”
Y/n dismissed his concern as disliking to be around a dead body in case things had gone truly awry with the two girls he didn’t know.
There was a pause. “HELLO?”
Y/n’s heart stopped, her eyes widening and her body loosening in shock. Bill. Sissy, taking her chance, shoot forward, turning so her face looked up at the Losers. “HI!”
“Holy shit,” Richie cursed in surprise.
Sissy shot a look to Y/n who slowly moved to where the others could see her. “You guys gonna come in?” Sissy called, grinning from ear to ear. Y/n brightened- Sissy hasn’t been this happy since George had died. “What are you waiting for, you scared?”
Something about a six year old insulting their bravery pushed all of the Losers to quickly join them in the water, shedding their clothes and jumping off the cliff. Sissy interacted with all of them as Y/n kept her head down, suddenly shy and quiet. Sissy finally rolled her eyes, pulling Y/n over by her hand- straight to Bill.
“Hey-ay-“ Bill stuttered, smiling warmly.
I swallowed, struggling too hard with speaking to even te a word out. I admire his ability to speak around his stutter. I nodded, feeling about ready to cry. I was anxious and exposed and had not expected other people to show up. But they had. And I was hating it.
“She’s shy,” Sissy eased. “You’re pretty shy too. Maybe help me out with her?”
Richie moved next to Sissy’s side, cackling as e threw an arm around the little girl. “See these shy babes will never understand what it’s like for us, Kiddo.”
Sissy rolled her eyes. “I may only be six, but you’re only eleven. It’s not like you’re thirteen or anything, don’t act all grown up.”
Richie’s eyes widened, a grin lighting up his face. “I like you! Next time we’re hanging out at the arcade, there’s a few games I have to-“
“Next time?” Everyone looked at me as I spoke for the first time. I blushed under their gazes. In order to shift the focus, I offered a, “I don’t even know your names.” Which was a COMPLETE lie but a good segway nonetheless.
Bill took the opportunity to step forward, introducing Mike, Ben, Stan, Richie, Eddie, and then... “And this ih-is Bev.” His gaze softened as he landed on her and she blushed, her smile warm and adorable.
My stomach turned as all of the other Losers rolled their eyes, obviously only too aware of whatever chemistry was between the two. Meanwhile, my heart was shattering. Thankfully I wasn’t the only one who heard the break.
Sissy took my hand, leaning her head against my neck. “Y/n/n, I’m really tired...”
Thankful for my ever perspective younger sister, I began moving us toward shore. “Well, it was very nice to meet you, but we have to be going. It’s this one’s nap time. We’ve been here since like 7am so...”
“Yeah,” Mike eased as he looked at me with an analyzing gaze, sensing there was something past what I was giving away and trying to decipher it.
“See you next time?” Richie called.
I pretended not to hear him as Sissy and I gathered our stuff and left as fast as we could.
Stretching toward the sky like I don't care, wishing you could see me standing there. But I'm a sunflower, a little funny. If I were a rose, maybe you'd want me.
I'd avoided the Losers successfully for a very, very long time. Eventually they seemed rather preoccupied and stopped caring, forgetting about me altogether. I wasn't complaining. Being friends with them meant opening up endless possibilities to have someone realize that I had whatever feelings I had for Bill, and with the obvious goings on between him and Beverly, I didn't want to be on the unrequited side of the Love Triangle of Pain and Misery.
That all got messed up when I saw Greta being a bitch to Eddie and lost my shit. Greta alone was enough to boil my blood and ring out the aggressive side no one knew about me, when I was confident and an unbridled spit fire. But Eddie of all people? Eddie wasn't perfect but he was so small and easily scared and I felt a burning need to protect him. I didn't know what it was about him but he ignited mama bear inside of me on a level with Sissy.
So when I saw her offer to sign Eddie's blank cast as I was grabbing antibiotics (Sissy was sick), getting Eddie all excited just so see her glare level on him as his smile slowly faded...
"What the FUCK is your problem?" I seethed aggressively. Greta jumped, my authorative town putting her on edge even though it had almost been three full months since I cornered her and her friends in the bathroom after they'd tugged on Sissy's pigtails she'd been so proud of until the little girl felt ashamed and pulled them out, returning to her usual single ponytail. "Are you so lonely and miserable that you so strongly feel the need to drag everyone to your level?"
Eddie stared at me in awe as I slapped down money to pay for the medicine I was buying before letting my glare fall after lingering a second longer, then softly laying a hand on Eddie's arm, letting him know I wanted him to follow me. He did.
He took me to his house where I met his mother. She seemed suspicious at first but my usual charming timidness and unwavering politeness and well practiced flattery wiggled her down eventually.
After introductions, my eyes landed on Eddie's cast, my smile disappearing. "Will you excuse us for a moment?" I asked Mrs. K. She smiled, waving us off to return to her show and I nodded toward the kitchen. "Come on, I need to do something." He followed me once again. I motioned to a chair where he sat. Propping his cast up on the table. "Where do you keep your marker?" He directed me and I shuffled through. He only had one red marker and I supposed that was better than any other since it would mostly just blend into the the other letter. I sat down next to him, looking at the cast for a second.
I had meant to just sign my name, but then I smiled as I scrawled a messy, rushed V over the S. Then I signed my name under it.
When I looked up our eyes locked and we both smiled. "Thank you," he whispered. I shrugged. "You know I thought you were shy and hated us... but I don't think that's true."
My smile faltered. "People don't like a smart girl who takes control and stands up for what she believes in. Look at Beverly." There was a pause. "I'm really hot headed and my mom said that if I didn't get my temper under control then she would ship me off, and... Sissy and I couldn't bare the thought of being separate. So I just... stifled all of it. Muted myself."
Eddie placed his good hand over mine and we smiled again. Whether I liked it or not, we were friends now. Really, though, I couldn't even lie and say I did mind it all that much without sounding completely ridiculous.
That's when Eddie got the call, and the stretch of complete Hell and trauma in my young life started. At first he tried to leave without me, but now that I'd made my first friend I refused to let him go into any danger that made him look as scared as he did without as much backup as possible. He faced down his mom (I gave him a congratulatory high five and he didn't stop smiling for a few solid seconds... until I asked what was going on) and then we got in our bikes, peddling to Neibolt as Eddie explained the most insane story I'd ever heard.
Maybe I was just as crazy, but there was a look in his eyes that I just couldn't deny. He wasn't lying. So I went with him. The Losers were surprised to see me but Eddie told them to shut up so they did, focusing instead on updating me on absolutely anything and everything Eddie might have missed.
Bill stood, offering me a pipe as he took in my shocked expression as I processed, trying to work around my doubts which were considering surfacing. The looks in their faces were the same as Eddie’s had been- none of them were lying. With lives on the line, there wasn’t time to get proof. So I was trying to take a keep of faith... but even with my open mind, this was a lot. “You doh-don’t have to come in,” he eased, meeting my eyes with a reassuring smile, easing the pressure I knew was still there.
I took a second, looking at the house and swallowing. “Beverly’s in there,” I mumbled. “And this thing is just going to keep killing people...” My resolved snapped into place as I met Bill’s eyes. “And like you said, the more of you there are, the weaker IT is.”
“Us,” Eddie piped up. I looked at him with question written all over my face. “More of US there are, the weaker IT is.”
Richie threw an arm around me. “You scare easy, but... Welcome to the Loser’s Club, Kitty Kat.” He snickered. “Get it? Cause you’re a scaredy cat?” I shoved my elbow lightly into his ribs and he stepped back, pretending to smile. That’s all the joking was. False, fake. But I was officially a Loser, so that was cool.
Then we went in. There was Stan’s hesitation, going down the well, Henry almost killing Mike and then plummeting down to his death into the depths of the bottom of the well that none of us could see, and then we were waiting for Mike to come down the well when everything went from bad to worse.
“Y/n.” The name was low and garbled but I spun around, sure that it had been none of other than my stupid little sister who had called me... even though it did sound a little off. “Y/n.” There it was again.
IT had gotten Georgie nine months ago, Bill was sure of it. Now that shit face of a clown had my goddamn little sister. Well, not on my watch.
In hindsight, running off after Sissy was the single dumbest thing I had ever and would ever do. I didn’t know what IT was capable of in person, but I did know that I would get killed unless I stuck to the group. Yo be fair to me, though, I wasn’t used to having people to rely on. I wasn’t used to having friends or even acquaintances. Sissy was all I had left. Our parents didn’t count as dependable, loving, or responsible- without Sissy I was all alone again, like before they’d married and I’d had her come into my life. So, without a second though I took after her by myself. I didn’t notify the other Losers- I didn’t pause long enough to even consider it.
What do you expect from an eleven year old facing the prospect of losing the six year old sister that alone stands between complete loneliness and true companionship? I loved her more than life itself. I think I proved it then.
Whipping hair and bright colored dresses that were distinctly Sissy’s lead me to a chamber with pipes along the wall. It was expansive and dark and I used the flashlight to try and find where Sissy or IT was. Trying to find something, anything. “HEY!” I screamed. “WHARE IS SHE, YOU PIECE OF FUCK? WHERE’S MY SISTER?”
My flashlight finally landed on glowing yellow eyes and I jumped back, crying out in surprise. IT was exactly like the others had explained it, except... I had been wrong about the eyes. Not even yellow, they were a crystal blue. Must have been the reflection of the flash light. IT smiled at me, tilting It’s head. “Looking for your little Sissy?” It mewled, surprising me without calm and reasonable the voice was. I found myself feeling as if I was facing any adult or bully. Just another piece of shit standing between me and Sissy.
The one way anyone could ever make me upset? Hurt someone I cared about. It had scared the Losers and physically hurt a few of them too. It had killed Georgie and COUNTLESS others over the years. It had taken Beverly. And, worse of all, it had taken Sissy.
I brandished my flashlight like it was a club. “Where,” I demanded with slit eyes. “Is she?”
IT smiled wider. “I don’t have her.” He came at me and I felt the breath knocked out of me as IT grabbed my throat, slamming me into the wall. “But I have you.” The voice seemed to come from a whole new person, now lower and teeming with a sense of madness that out me on edge.
My anger overruled my fear. Whether or not IT had Sissy, it didn’t lessen all the other crimes IT had committed, and justice was demanding to be met. “I’m going to make you pay,” I spit with the last breath in my body. “I’m going to make you writhe and squirm and BEG, and then I’m going to fucking kill you. I’m going to see you die you stupid ass clown.”
The smile IT had never failed to done faltered and IT looked at me a split second before pulling me closer, sniffing me in the most inhuman, disturbing way before huffing through IT’s nose like IT had sniffed pepper instead of my scent. What did it have against regular store brand shampoo and soap? “You’re not scared,” IT growled.
“I’m scared,” I admitted. “I’m just more angry.”
IT looked at me like I was something IT had never seen before. A discovery that fascinated IT. “Not normal anger though,” IT mused.
The hands around my throat loosened to give me air but not enough to let me free. “I use my anger to protect people,” I reasoned huffily. “I don’t use my anger to destroy. I’m not-“ My head suddenly went blank and the fear seeped in again.
That’s what IT had been waiting for it seemed. IT didn’t even bother to turn into my grandfather, simply settling to get right to the eating me part. I understood why as I heard the screams of the Losers in the tunnels. My friends. MY FRIENDS! GOD I was such an idiot! While I was sitting here making small talk with a murderous demon clown who was now about to eat me, I was distracting from saving Beverly.
IT’s jaw unhinged and I screamed, fear suddenly threw only thing I could feel. I had never been more horrified in my life, the rows of teeth and general horror in front of me worse than my even most active imaginings could ever conjure. I closed my eyes, turning my head as I screamed, clawing at the wall like I used to when my grandpa would attack me. Suddenly there was commotion and the hand loosened as I fell to the floor, my body shaking. Eddie was there first, pulling em to my feet and making sure I was okay.
We didn’t have time to really make sure, though, because suddenly Bill had pulled the same dumbass move I had and run off. So now we were running after him. Finding him with a disturbingly accurate looking Georgie. Fighting IT, where my new friends got to see my grandfather sneer at me as IT grasped at the only thing IT knew I was afraid of before I slammed my pole into IT, showing off my angry side to my friends for the first time. Then IT was gone and Bill found Georgie’s coat and we were leaving, holding each other close and trying to get the full story from everyone’s point of view. They were disturbed to hear about Bev’s idea of the future that she’d sort of seen while under the influence of the deadlights and even more so by my far too casual conversation with IT. And then Bill was standing, ready to get us to vow to all come back. Bev and I looked gazes before standing up. We had dealt with IT more, so I applauded her for standing up with as much confidence as I did.
I was one of the last ones to leave, but the obvious tension between Bill and Beverly was obvious, and I would get an earful from Bev about it later, who was only too excited to have another girl in the group to talk about her feelings too. Especially when, it seemed, they included the boy I liked. Not that she meant it to be that way...
I didn’t care though. Sissy and Bev were safe and IT was gone. For now. There were pieces to pick up before I could even start to think of romance, and years to live that held plenty of time to figure it all. For now, I had to say goodbye to one of my first new friends only a few weeks after I had gained her friendship. Right now, everything else could wait.
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reddieao3feed · 5 years
is that cool with you, that i wanna call your name ?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P6quCY
by sadiesviolets
just some it prompts that aren’t long enough to have their own fics !
Words: 352, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: IT (2017)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mike Hanlon, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Bill Dembrough, Stanley Uris
Relationships: Mike Hanlon/Stanley Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Secret Relationship, just gonna tag as i go along
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P6quCY
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