#bill richardson
yourdailyqueer · 7 months
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Bill Richardson
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: Born 1955
Ethnicity: White - Canadian
Occupation: Radio DJ, writer
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politicaldilfs · 6 months
New Mexico Governor DILFs
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Andrew W. Hockenhull, Garrey Carruthers, Gary Johnson, Bill Richardson, David Cargo, Arthur T. Hannett, Edwin L. Mechem, Jack M. Campbell, Toney Anaya, Jerry Apodaca, John E. Miles, John J. Dempsey, John F. Simms, Merritt C. Mechem, Thomas J. Mabry, Bruce King
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theabsurdity · 5 months
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infamousbrad · 1 year
Former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson died today at the age of 75. He was my first-choice candidate in the 2008 primary: he had a longer resumé than Obama, was at least as smart as Obama, more famous than Obama, and, unlike Obama, a principled liberal -- and one with a proven knack for making liberal principles sound like the common-sense bona fides they are.
His campaign lasted maybe two months, and for the same reason Jeb Bush's campaign disintegrated about as quickly: he'd never before run in an especially competitive race, never had to work hard to get elected, and when he did, he got fed up and tired with it almost immediately and just quit showing up -- and did so long before he admitted he was no longer running.
This is the story of my life. I've been a political junkie since 1972, I've been a newspaper addict since 1964, I've known what my political principles were since (to my ongoing regret) Clinton beat Kennedy in the '92 primary. And nobody I have ever liked has ever won the Democratic presidential primary.
Bill Richardson, though, was one of the especially good ones. We'd all be better off if he'd run harder in '08.
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lefemmerougewriter · 8 months
Flight of the Eagle and the Rise of President Sandiego
Carmen begins her plan to seize power in the most powerful country on Earth. Can Zack and Ivy stop her before it is too late?
Characters: Carmen Sandiego, Zack, Ivy, The Chief, Mr. X (Original character)
Friendships: Zack and Ivy
Romantic pairings: None
Words: 774
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53671957
Wattpad: N/A
Quotev: N/A
A/N: I originally wrote this short fic on my phone a while back, but decided to finish it up before publication. It is a pretty wild ride. I might end up continuing it one day.
The date was January 27, 2000. Explosions rocked the joint session of Congress where President Bill Clinton was giving his State of the Union address. He and his cabinet advisors were incapacitated by the rubble. The designated survivor for an event such of this was Bill Richardson, then the Secretary of Energy. However, he never had a chance. He was quickly kidnapped and disappeared to who knows where. The screen cackled and a broadcast came on every channel. A voice began speaking. It came from a woman dressed in red fedora, coat, and red high-heels. It was the infamous Carmen Sandiego.
"Fellow Americans, you may know me as the infamous thief known across the world. But, like all of you, I am interested in order and bringing the criminals who perpetrated this horrible crime to justice. In a time of great turmoil, we need order, instead of disorder. With my organization and ability, I can bring stability to this country. As of now, I am assuming the office of the Presidency of the United States and will bring the wicked criminals who did this to justice. I would like to say..."
The screen turned off. Ivy and Zack were aghast. How could Carmen engage in such a naked coup to seize power? Didn't anyone else see her plans, that she was a malicious actor? Wasn't it obvious that the explosion in Congress and the kidnapping of Bill Richardson were perpetrated by Carmen? Zack asked what everyone was thinking: "Chief, what should we do now? Everyone thinks that Carmen is a savior, bringing order and stability."
The Chief sighed. "Well, catching Carmen is still our top priority. Gumshoes, I don't trust her cleaned up act. You need to nab her...in the act, and stop this coup d'etat." Ivy took his words to heart. She declared, "Player, C5 us to the Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C." The narrator began speaking.
"You are leaving sunny, San Francisco, and going to Washington, D.C., the capital of the U.S.A. The White House was first built in the 1790s but was burned down by the British on August 24, 1814. It was then rebuilt, with work by enslaved and free laborers. Since then, it has been the permanent place of residence for all U.S. presidents, the center of the U.S. government and the executive branch. Next stop, Washington, D.C.!"
Zack and Ivy arrived in front of the resolute desk, surprising Carmen. She was dressed in a red suit, but with wearing her trademark red fedora, and facing away from them. Ivy, putting her hands on the desk, shouted. "Carmen, the buck stops here! You are under arrest for your terrorism, kidnapping, and an illegal coup d’état!"
Carmen chuckled like conniving hyena. She shook her head. "Oh, Ivy, how wrong you are. While you, and Zack, are here much earlier than I expected, I can use your impolite interruption to my advantage. Guards, take them away!"
Not long after, Ivy and Zack were handcuffed by the surrounding Secret Service personnel and taken away. Carmen began a new speech, again addressed at the American people. It was the perfect excuse for her to take absolute power. Zack and Ivy had played right into her hands, as she had expected. As Zack and Ivy they were taken away in cuffs, the screen crackled:
"Tonight, two individuals tried to arrest me. They wanted me behind bars. But it is them that should be imprisoned. Those two people, Zack and Ivy, are agents of a secret organization, ACME, which might as well be called the American Crime Management Extraordinaires. What we need now is a war on these evildoers. ACME must be crushed. We will hunt them down from the bay of Biscay to the shores of Tokyo. This is something that must be won, it must be victorious. I ask for your blessing in bringing these criminals to justice."
The broadcast ended. Dr. X, one of her closest advisors, was worried. He wasn't sure she was doing the right thing. He asked, "Ma'am, do we really want to destroy ACME? Wouldn't it be better to keep them around?"
Carmen brushed off his question and cackled. "Why, of course, I don't want to destroy them. They are a worthy adversary. The whole thing is a schlep. I just need them as an excuse to stay in power. There is no need to crush ACME. Instead, I will only have individual agents apprehended, using the powerful tool of extraordinary rendition. It is all too easy to commit terrorism, to instill fear for political ends.”
To be continued...
End note: For information on presidential succession, I used webpages from thoughtco, infoplease, politico, refinery29, mvets.law.gmu.edu, senate.gov, popsugar, presidency.ucsb.edu, and bestlifeonline. The Carmen Sandiego speech at the end is somewhat inspired by an Anti-Flag song, “Mind The G.A.T.T.” Also the part about the "schlep" was undoubtedly inspired by that episode of Futurama ("A Taste of Freedom") where Zoidberg's people do a show of force to convince DOOP to back off. This fic is a bit cynical of how easy it is to seize power in this country, but that's part of the point.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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juanjoseojedadiaz · 1 year
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Leocenis García lamentó el fallecimiento del ex gobernador de Nuevo México Bill Richardson
Caracas 03/09/23. (PS).- Leocenis García, presidente del partido ProCiudadanos, lamentó este domingo el fallecimiento del ex gobernador demócrata por el estado de Nuevo México (2003 – 2011) Bill Richardson este 1 de septiembre en la ciudad de Chatham, Massachusetts. “Bill Richardson además de un buen amigo, fue un convencido de la necesidad de solucionar conflictos para un acercamiento real entre Washington y Caracas”.
Explicó que tuvo el honor de conocerlo personalmente y constatar de primera mano su inquebrantable deseo de trabajar por los demás, tal como fue el caso de que luego de su carrera política se dedicara a trabajar por la liberación de estadounidenses retenidos como rehenes o detenidos injustamente en el extranjero, “haciendo lo necesario y hablando con quien fuera, si con ello obtenía al menos la promesa de que alguien fuera devuelto a la libertad”.
Aseguró que en cuanto al caso de Venezuela, Richardson, a quien consideró una de las figuras más carismáticas del Partido Demócrata, “estuvo en el país en 2021 y conversó con Nicolás Maduro abogando por los 6 ejecutivos detenidos de CITGO para su liberación y hoy no me queda duda que perdimos un humanista a carta cabal”.
García recordó además que tuvo el privilegio de que Richardson hiciera el prólogo de su libro: Estamos Unidos: la liberación de Venezuela tiene sangre estadounidense.
“Estoy profundamente apenado por el fallecimiento del ex gobernador Richardson. La última vez que hablamos fue el miércoles pasado cuando lo nominaron al Premio Nobel de la Paz. Tu legado vivirá siempre entre nosotros querido amigo”, concluyó.
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Prensa de Solidaridad
Twitter: @juanjoseojeda
Instagram: @juanjoseojedadiaz
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parttimereporter · 1 year
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Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a longtime fixture of Democratic politics with turns as Energy Secretary and United Nations ambassador under the Clinton administration, died on Friday, the Richardson Center for Global Engagement said in a statement. He was 75.
Richardson died in his sleep at his summer home in Massachusetts.
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In a modern AU, Pearl Warren is a People Don’t Change girlie and I stand by that. She gets Trip to sing all of it with her, including the whistling. (I do not know whether Pearl can whistle or not because on the one hand, she seems like she might be able to, but also maximum Pearl/me solidarity mandates that she cannot.) They perform it for the Richardsons and the girls and Elena love it. Bill is the classic silly goofy itlog who whistles along with them and tries to do that side-to-side wavy hand thing while he has his phone flashlight turned on. Moody cries about it because they’re that good (and also because he relates too much to “You Belong to Somebody Else”). Mia is applauding for Pearl heftily and records the whole thing on her iPhone, then shows it to all her coworkers at the Chinese restaurant.
This post was brought to you by my lack of a boy who will sing “You Belong to Somebody Else” with me, what of it?
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Filet-O-Fish car, 1994. A promotional vehicle based on a Suzuki Carry kei van at Bill Richardson Transport World in Invercargill, New Zealand. It appears to have been imported from Japan
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bl00d-1n-wat3r · 1 month
Bill Cipher and the Distortions would have a field day. Also Jon and Ford would either love or despise each other no in between.
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pyromaniac9 · 6 months
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Firehouse rock's 🤘❤️
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Wes Anderson Movies + textpost part 9/11 (or until I give up)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou edition
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palmmall · 2 years
I just want voice actors to have steady jobs again
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coochiequeens · 1 year
ByAnna Slatz August 30, 2023
The American Civil Liberties Union in Indiana has filed a lawsuit against the state’s Department of Corrections after a trans-identified male inmate convicted of murdering his infant stepdaughter was denied “gender affirming” surgeries.
The suit, which was filed on August 28, challenges a recently-adopted policy stipulating that the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC) cannot provide transgender surgeries to inmates. House Bill 1569, which took effect July 1, bans the spending of state or federal dollars on sexual reassignment surgery for inmates.
According to the complaint, the ACLU is accusing the state of “deliberate indifference to a serious medical need,” arguing that “gender affirming surgeries” are a “medical necessity” for some inmates. The ACLU also states that the policy “discriminates … in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
The ACLU brought the case against the state on behalf of a transgender inmate currently serving a 55-year sentence for the horrific murder of his stepdaughter
Autumn Cordellioné, also known as Jonathan C. Richardson, was arrested in 2001 after his 11-month-old stepdaughter died in his care while her mother was at work.
According to court records seen by Reduxx,  Richardson was visited by friends that night who observed he was “acting strangely” and refused to invite them in the house as he normally would.
Despite claiming the little girl was sleeping, Richardson had loud music playing in the home, and his guests noted that he appeared to have a fresh, bleeding tattoo of the child’s name carved into his arm
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Jonathan C. Richardson
Later that night, after his friends left, Richardson went to his neighbor and asked him to call 911, claiming the child was unresponsive. When emergency personnel arrived, they were briefly able to resuscitate the girl, but she died shortly after being rushed to the hospital.
Richardson was interviewed by police, who noted he was “calm and unemotional” during questioning, and his story about what happened to the baby changed dramatically over the course of the two interviews conducted.
At first, Richardson claimed he found the baby unresponsive after doing some household chores. But in the next interview, Richardson said the child was being “fussier than usual” and he attempted to throw her up in the air repeatedly in an effort to calm her down. He said her “head bopped forward and back up in a rough type of a manner,” and that the child continued to cry so he proceeded to shake her aggressively in an effort to calm her down.
During a failed appeals hearing, detectives from the case recounted how Richardson “physically showed” how he had manhandled the girl, getting up out of his chair and demonstrating the action in a rough manner.
An autopsy subsequently found that the baby had died of asphyxiation by manual strangulation.
Richardson was booked awaiting a court hearing, and would later tell a prison official “all I know is I killed the little fucking bitch.”
Richardson was found guilty and sentenced to 55 years in prison for the horrific crime.
According to the ACLU’s legal complaint, Richardson began identifying as transgender in 2020 and had been receiving testosterone suppressants and feminizing hormones. But the medications have not reportedly relieved fully Richardson’s “debilitating symptoms of gender dysphoria.”
Using “she/her” pronouns to refer to Richardson, the ACLU’s filing reads: “Accordingly, at this point gender-affirming surgery is necessary so that her physical identity can be aligned with her gender identity.”
Despite only having begun to identify as transgender in 2020, the ACLU claims that Richardson has “identified as a female” since he was 6 years old.
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From the ACLU's legal complaint
In addition to hormones, Richardson has been receiving ample accommodations from the IDOC, including being given bras, makeup, panties, and “form-fitting clothing.”
Richardson is currently incarcerated at a men’s facility.
This is not the first time the ACLU has attempted to intervene to protect the gender identity of a violent transgender inmate.
In June, the ACLU came under fire after condemning the state of Florida for not providing “gender-affirming care” to a convicted rapist and murderer prior to his execution.
Duane Owen, who was executed on July 15, had been handed a death sentence after brutally murdering a 38-year-old mother and a 14-year-old girl in 1984. During court proceedings, Owen claimed that he sexually assaulted women as part of a ritual to harvest their hormones, and that he was a transsexual who carried out the sexual violence to “turn himself into a female.”
On June 16, the ACLU, through their official X (formerly Twitter) account, lambasted the state of Florida for refusing to provide “medically necessary gender-affirming care” to Owen. Using feminine pronouns to refer to Owen, the ACLU claimed the state had caused Owen “enormous suffering” and had violated “her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.”
Earlier this year, Reduxx exclusively revealed that the ACLU in New Jersey had represented a transgender diaper fetishist in a case that would ultimately result in male inmates being transferred to the state’s women’s prison.
In August of 2019, the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey (ACLU-NJ) filed a lawsuit against the state Department of Corrections on behalf of Danielle Demers but protected his identity. The suit argued that a “woman” named “Sonia Doe” had been “imprisoned for the past seventeen months in men’s prisons,” a situation that was said to constitute “cruel and unusual punishment.”
In June of 2021, the state of New Jersey reached a settlement with the ACLU-NJ and agreed to adopt major reforms to prison policies which would allow housing according to a self-declared and subjective ‘gender identity’ rather than on biological sex. The policy has since resulted in multiple extremely violent male offenders being transferred to the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for women.
According to testimonies provided to Reduxx from women incarcerated at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women (EMCF), among the first men to be transferred to the prison after Demers and the ACLU-NJ were victorious in their lawsuit was a convicted killer who had beaten a prostituted woman to death and drank her blood.
Other violent male inmates currently incarcerated at the facility thanks to the ACLU’s efforts include Marina Volz, who sexually tormented his own 7-year-old daughter to make “transgender porn,” and Dejshontaye Goddeszholliwould, who stabbed his aunt to death.
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worldsofzzt · 4 months
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Source “The Mansion of Bill! (v1.0)” by Andy Schile/Leonard Richardson (1993) [MANSION.ZZT] - “Info! Read now!” Play This World Online
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