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Simple steps apply update Baal Adhaar biometric information
Biometrics information is mandatory to update otherwise Adhaar card will become invalid. Apply or update here- https://scienceofpolitics.in/simple-steps-apply-update-baal-adhaar-bimetric-information/
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perkwunos · 5 years
… according to Einstein the very geometry of space is contingent and variable, its nature at any given point being dependent upon the varying influences of matter and energy throughout the universe upon that point. And here we have the crux of the measurement problem of cosmology. If the structure of space is a contingent aspect of physical influences, then we must first know the nature and distribution of those physical factors before we can know the geometry of any spatial region. But in order to know this distribution of physical factors, we must be able to make accurate and reliable spatial measurements properly to place and relate those contingent, physical influences upon any given point of space. But in order to make accurate and reliable spatial measurements, we must have a robust understanding of the geometry of the spaces in and through which we are measuring. Only with this latter can we understand the effects on our standard unit of measurement of the non-uniform and contingent projective relations of those spaces, and thereby establish a logically meaningful system of conjugacy with the things to be measured. Yet such a robust understanding of the geometry of space is precisely what we do not have, and cannot establish, for it is exactly what GR refuses to grant us. We must know the complete distribution of matter and energy in the universe prior to knowing its geometry. But we must have a comprehensive grasp of this geometry in order to discover this distribution. As Whitehead pointed out, with GR as our theory of space and gravity, we are saddled with a situation where we must first know everything before we can know anything.
… if the very geometry of space is something we cannot know until after we can confidently engage in measurement, then cosmology as a science teeters on the brink of nonsense. For while we must first measure before we can know, GR requires that we know before we can measure.
… And yet, GR appears to be successfully employed in formulating and evaluating cosmological measurements all the time. Indeed, general relativity and quantum mechanics are often held up as the premier examples of the most successful physical theories ever conceived. How are we to reconcile such practical successes with the supposed philosophical issues raised above?
The question almost undoes itself in the asking, for it is a well-known fact that these two theories are mathematically irreconcilable. But it is not just at the small scales of micro-physics that GR runs into problems. At the very large scales of physical cosmology, GR has also proven to be inadequate. In an effort to account for observed phenomena—phenomena of which physicists assume they have meaningful measurements—it has been necessary to reintroduce the idea of the “cosmological constant,” as well as to invent such extravagant new ideas as “dark matter” and “dark energy” in an attempt to account for the evident behavior of the cosmos.
… It was [Whitehead’s] observation that if we do not maintain the separation between geometry and physics, then we lose the logical basis of the rules for conjugacy and projection that make spatial measurement possible. …
So instead of Einstein’s “mono-metrical” approach, as we have termed it, Whitehead proposed what has now come to be known as a “bimetric” solution. Instead of shoe-horning all of the metrical relations into a single tensor (the “gμν”), collapsing geometry and physics, Whitehead’s theory utilized two metrical tensors: His “J” tensor representing the contingent physical relations of gravity and other forces, and his “G” tensor or the necessary spatial relations of geometry. …
… There are now many other members of this class than just Whitehead’s, and many of these theories are known to be viable alternatives to GR. Each of these bimetric theories separates the geometrical relations from the contingent facts of physics, and thus they have the required level of uniformity available to them to permit of the projective relations needed for meaningful measurements.
It is a matter of no great philosophical relevance whether Whitehead’s specific scientific proposal still offers a viable alternative to GR. Whitehead himself never viewed this as anything more than an application of his general philosophical principles. What we have instead is much more interesting: a developed system of philosophical ideas that are well vindicated by an entire family of scientific exemplars that are known to be formally and empirically valid. Moreover, these alternative theories are also much more linear in their formulations. This means that testable predictions can be calculated directly from these theories, and that they are far more easily reconciled with quantum mechanics.
Randall E. Auxier and Gary L. Herstein, The Quantum of Explanation: Whitehead’s Radical Empiricism
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arxt1 · 3 years
Extracting Bigravity from String Theory. (arXiv:2106.04614v3 [hep-th] UPDATED)
The origin of the graviton from string theory is well understood: it corresponds to a massless state in closed string spectra, whose low-energy effective action, as extracted from string scattering amplitudes, is that of Einstein-Hilbert. In this work, we explore the possibility of such a string-theoretic emergence of ghost-free bimetric theory, a recently proposed theory that involves two dynamical metrics, that around particular backgrounds propagates the graviton and a massive spin-2 field, which has been argued to be a viable dark matter candidate. By choosing to identify the latter with a massive spin-2 state of open string spectra, we compute tree-level three-point string scattering amplitudes that describe interactions of the massive spin-2 with itself and with the graviton. With the mass of the external legs depending on the string scale, we discover that extracting the corresponding low-energy effective actions in four spacetime dimensions is a subtle but consistent process and proceed to appropriately compare them with bimetric theory. Our findings consist in establishing that string and bimetric theory provide to lowest order the same set of two-derivative terms describing the interactions of the massive spin-2 with itself and with the graviton, albeit up to numerical coefficient discrepancies, a fact that we analyze and interpret. We conclude with a mention of future investigations.
from gr-qc updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/myaVD0x
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winsonquan · 5 years
Week 06 - Reflective Blog of Lecture
Hash the entire document to protect everything so that if someone alters the document it will result in the avalanche effect
why do we want avalanche effect?
to protect the whole document, so someone cant just change the beginning
change a tiny bit, we change the whole thing utterly
semantic meaning of the document
Stack smashing attack
buffer overflow attack
writing to the buffer and exceeding the limit, the stuff written when the buffer limit is exceeded gets run in the next subroutine, rather than new code running.
Why do we need disk encryption?
Data decay is affected by temperature (colder = slower decay)
Encryption Algorithms
RSA – difficult mathematical problem for decrypting
NIST – National Institution of Standards
Things to look up:
Cross site request forgery
PHP injection
CSRF mitigations
Proof of work
Proof of stake
Why called symmetric?
encryption and decryption uses the same key
assymetric = public key
How do we react if an earthquake struck?
think about crisis and how we would respond
what would your go bag look like?
Learn bout Block Modes
break texts into plain texts
and join all the cipher texts
encacnating blocks (?)
Mission impossible
rogue nation (?)
the plot, good guys or bad guys want to decrypt a message in a red box
for PM, important confidential stuff on it
very hard to prove no one else knows a secret but very easy to prove you know a secret
sms sends msg when they send a confirmation no. (secret)
two factor authentication
fingerprints, your retna scans, your face - hard to fake
cost around 10c to fake your fingerprint
everything can be taken - fingerprint, appearance
all just information at the end of day
anyone that can mimic the information can trick a computer or even human
all authentication is just data
how do we authenticate? - it’s very hard
mission impossible red box, it its set up that it collected finger and voice print and etc, we can then combine to see if they match
only denies you information
we just have informations and computers
could have used these 3 pieces of information and made a key, then encrypted with the key
anyone who tried to authenticate would do the same
problem relying entirely on secrets
bimetrics (?) - must be real authentication
just collecting another piece of secret
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6441blogsss · 5 years
Week 6 lec
why do we want avalanche effect?
to protect the whole document, so someone cant just change the beginning
change a tiny bit, we change the whole thing utterly 
semantic meaning of the document 
if same data gets encrypted with the same key, we can see some data that’s the same and can work it out 
Stack smashing attack
buffer overflow attack (LOOK IT UP)
get buffer and array
in the top overflows
then the program stops
jumps to the beginning addr
and program works from there
practice writing something that reads data in using some sort of unsafe read input command and store in array and dont check for (?)
look for ways to crash it
Encypting disk
turn computer off, spray it, quickly turn it back on, and reboot with your own forensic system
in security we often think how something achieves a purpose 
ciphers after WWII before RSA
RSA works cuz its a hard mathematical problem
NIST - national institution of standards
can you come up wif a standard of what a good encryption would look like
no one knew 
NIST decided to run a competition 
Things to look up:
Cross site request forgery
PHP injection
CSRF mitigations
Proof of work
Proof of stake
Why called symmetric?
encryption and decryption uses the same key
assymetric = public key
How do we react if an earthquake struck?
think about crisis and how we would respond
what would your go bag look like?
Learn bout Block Modes
break texts into plain texts
and join all the cipher texts
encacnating blocks (?)
Mission impossible
rogue nation (?)
the plot, good guys or bad guys want to decrypt a message in a red box
for PM, important confidential stuff on it
very hard to prove no one else knows a secret but very easy to prove you know a secret
sms sends msg when they send a confirmation no. (secret)
two factor authentication
fingerprints, your retna scans, your face - hard to fake
cost around 10c to fake your fingerprint
everything can be taken - fingerprint, appearance
all just information at the end of day
anyone that can mimic the information can trick a computer or even human
all authentication is just data
how do we authenticate? - it’s very hard
mission impossible red box, it its set up that it collected finger and voice print and etc, we can then combine to see if they match
only denies you information
we just have informations and computers
could have used these 3 pieces of information and made a key, then encrypted with the key
anyone who tried to authenticate would do the same
problem relying entirely on secrets
bimetrics (?) - must be real authentication
just collecting another piece of secret
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beautyaboveus · 5 years
Authors: Francesco Torsello
We present $\mathtt{bimEX}$, a Mathematica package for exact computations in 3$+$1 bimetric relativity. It is based on the $\mathtt{xAct}$ bundle, which can handle computations involving both abstract tensors and their components. In this communication, we refer to the latter case as concrete computations. The package consists of two main parts. The first part involves the abstract tensors, and focuses on how to deal with multiple metrics in $\mathtt{xAct}$. The second part takes an ansatz for the primary variables in a chart as the input, and returns the covariant BSSN bimetric equations in components in that chart. Several functions are implemented to make this process as fast and user-friendly as possible. The package has been used and tested extensively in spherical symmetry and was the workhorse in obtaining the bimetric covariant BSSN equations and reproducing the bimetric 3$+$1 equations in the spherical polar chart.
[Source] Watch it LIVE with ➡️ http://bit.ly/SpaceEyes (Omegon Telescope)
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kleeirwin · 6 years
QGR  Research Scientist Carlos Castro Perelman give a lecture on Valued Gravity as a Grand Unified Field Theory and argues how R ⊗ C ⊗ H ⊗ O-valued Gravity naturally can describe a grand unified field theory of Einstein's gravity with an U (8) Yang-Mills theory. In particular, it allows for an extension of the Standard Model by including a 3-family SU (3)F symmetry group and an extra U (1) symmetry. A unification of left-right SU (3)L ×SU (3)R, color SU (3)C and family SU (3)F symmetries in a maximal rank-8 subgroup of E8 has been proposed by [33] as a landmark for future explorations beyond the Standard Model. It is warranted to explore further if this latter model also admits a similar gravitational interpretation based on the above composition of normed division algebras. Furthermore, our construction leads also to a bimetric theory of gravity which may have a role in dark energy. The crux of this approach is that we have replaced the Kaluza-Klein prescription to generate gauge symmetries in lower dimensions from isometries of the internal manifold, by U (8) isometry transformations of the R ⊗ C ⊗ H ⊗ O-valued metric.
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queenarrow · 7 years
Til the End Draws Near-- Part V
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read part I // part II // part III // part IV
Read on AO3
Oliver dismounted from his bike, picking up a discarded pop can threw it against the wall. He was so angry he picked up another one, and another. The actions were repeated, each smack of the can hitting brick harder than the last one. 
Oliver swore. 
He could hear Diggle and Lyla arguing on the comms, catching bits of their heated conversation. Diggle was doing a fine job of expressing how Oliver felt–betrayed and disappointed. But unlike John, this didn’t come as a surprise. Of course Lyla would do something like this. Oliver just blamed himself that he didn’t suspect it sooner. He’d’ve stopped Felicity. 
He let himself spiral, let himself feel the anger, the worry, the desperation. They were losing time, they were no closer to Felicity, and they had no leads cause Lyla burned them all. 
Finally, he’d had enough.”Stop!” Birds on the fire escape above him flutter away from his shout.  “Both of you. This isn’t helping us save Felicity, which is our priority right now! You two can hash this out later!”
Oliver pressed his lips together. Just as he opened his mouth to issue orders, he heard his phone sound. And not a usual pop or ding. It sounded like an emergency alarm. The whoop sounded low, slid up the scale, and pierced a whistle. His phone did this twice. 
He fumbled pulling it out. but saw one large word covering his entire screen. 
“Why–” He heard a rolling chair in the background. 
“Just DO IT!” Two seconds later, after frantic typing, he heard a good sound. 
“Oh that brilliant girl.” 
Knowing Felicity, he straddled his bike, purring to life after securing his phone in a gps position. 
“Tell me where she is, Curtis!” 
“oh but this is so smart! She rerouted the signal using a bimetric process–”
“I don’t care about the semantics! GET ME HER LOCATION.” Oliver roared.
“Pennytown. I think. We’re still triangulating her position.” 
Pennytown was north of his location. Rosewood Avenue would be the fasted route. It was straight, had few stop signs, and low traffic. The only downside was the speed limit– which he broke on a daily limit. 
Pushing the bike to it’s limit, he flew down the street, weaving around cars crossing intersections, and narrowly missing a pedestrian. 
“Watch out!” The poor student yelled, shaking his fist. Oliver ignored him, barely seeing the road as it was. He had Felicity in his mind’s eye, tied to a computer, simpering in pain. She needed him, now. 
 “Turn left! I said LEFT!” Curtis yelled in his ear. “Finally narrowed down. She’s in one of three buildings on Pine and 67th. That’s all I got.”
Oliver barely acknowledge him with a grunt. He revved his bike faster. 
“Oliver,” Diggle spoke, “I have Dinah on route to your location. She’s about 2 minutes behind you, coming from the precinct.”
“Rene find anything yet? I don’t like going in blind.”  
“Not yet, Hoss. I’ll let you know.” 
The corner in question came in view. Not in the Green Arrow suit, Oliver pulled out a balaclava, rolling it down his face before tugging up the hood on his sweatshirt. 
He was going in there without any protection. No Kevlar, no leather to protect him. Just cotton. He hesitated, hearing John’s words repeating themselves. 
You’re no good to her dead!
“John,” he whispered, hating the anxious note. “Is Dinah bringing an extra vest?”
It was Dinah who answered. “I grabbed your spare suit from your office, Boss. Just in case you changed you mind. But I have an extra vest, sure.” 
Oliver parked his bike, waiting. Two minutes wouldn’t change anything. He could wait for Dinah, save Felicity and not die trying. He was no good to her dead. 
Things could change drastically in two minutes though. A little voice whispered. Felicity could bleed out in two minutes. A bomb could go off in two minutes. You could get shot standing on the street in two minutes. 
He shook off such thoughts. He didn’t deserve the suit, didn’t know why Dinah thought that was a good idea. He wanted to rush in there, arrows flying, throwing punches, but that was the monster, the rage within. The monster couldn’t help Felicity. Only he could. By being Oliver Queen, he could. 
“ What you’re feeling isn’t darkness. It’s a schism. You’re at war with two sides of yourself.” 
Felicity’s words of last year came back to him. He was fighting a war. And how do you end wars? Sign a peace treaty. Compromise. 
This is what she’d been trying to tell him all along. What he’d been failing to do the last five years. He was the monster and the man. He couldn’t take one out of the other and trying to do so, was how he created this whole situation. 
“The light and the dark.” Shado, a voice from the past. 
He couldn’t be either Oliver Queen or the Green Arrow. 
They were one and the same. Defining them by themselves had him split in two. 
“I hate how you refer to yourself in third person.” Diggle this time. 
Running away to Ivy Town with Felicity he’d chosen Oliver Queen. Lying to Felicity he’d chosen the monster. Back and forth he’d chosen one over the other. But what if… what if he stopped doing that?
And chose both. 
Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow. The Green Arrow is Oliver Queen. There is no one or the other.
Such an epiphany left Oliver feeling light, hopeful. Like he could handle anything life threw at him right now. 
that crashed as soon as Dinah pulled up next to him. “Here boss,” she passed him a vest. 
“No. The suit please.”
“Thought you might want it.” 
Just as he reached over to take it, Rene spoke through the comms. “Found something, Oliver. But I don’t think you’ll like it. I found out who took Felicity, but it’s not who you think. “
to be continued… 
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safetyrecalls · 5 years
Zimmer Biomet, Inc. - Bimetric, Biogroove, Mallory Head modular stem/stem, PAR5 Shell, Reach Revision stem, Recap, Taperloc - Class 2 Recall
Various Hip systems, Item Nos. 104207 104212 104215 11-162809 11-162810 11-162811 11-162812 11-162813 21-103202 21-103203 21-103204 21-103205 21-103206 21-103207 21-103208 21-103209 21-103210 21-103211 21-103212 21-103215 21-104109 21-104110 21-104111 21-104112 21-104113 21-104114 21-104115 21-104116 21-104117 21-104118 21-104119 21-108110 21-108112 21-108115 21-108117 21-108119 21-108130 21-108132 21-108135 21-108137 21-108139 21-108150 21-108152 21-108155 21-108157 21-108159 21-108251 21-108253 21-108255 21-108257 21-108259 21-108271 21-108273 21-108275 21-108277 21-108279 21-108291 21-108293 21-108295 21-108297 21-108299 21-108391 21-108393 21-108395 21-108397 21-108399 21-109256 21-109260 21-109264 21-109268 21-109272 21-123202 21-123203 21-123204 21-123205 21-123206 21-123207 21-123208 21-123209 21-123210 21-123211 21-123212 21-124309 21-124310 21-124311 21-124312 21-124313 21-124314 21-124315 21-124316 21-124317 US157338 US157340 US157342 US157344 US157346 US157348 US157350 US157352 US157354 US157356 US157358 US157359 US157360 X21-180307 X21-180308 X21-180309 X21-180310 X21-180311 X21-180312 X21-180313 X21-180314 X21-180315 X21-180316 X21-180317 X21-180318 X21-180319 X21-180320 X21-180321 X21-182308 X21-182309 X21-182310 X21-182311 X21-182312 X21-182313 X21-182314 X21-182315 X21-182316 X21-182317 X21-182318 X21-182319 X21-182320 X21-182321 Product Usage: Hip arthroplasty.
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xrpvibe · 5 years
Ripple invests in Keyless: Solution combines biometrics and multi-party computation
Ripple invests in Keyless: Solution combines biometrics and multi-party computation
Ripple’s venture department Xpring has participated in the seed funding of Keyless. Keyless is a cybersecurity company that seeks to develop security tools that will allow users to access their private keys through biometric verification.
Keyless sees investment from major industry players
The firm claims to be the first company to bring together bimetric with secure multi-party…
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nicolae · 5 years
SetThings - Extensions of quantum gravity theories - Final theory and cosmology
Extensions of quantum gravity theories - Final theory and cosmology
Other theories of quantum gravity Bimetric gravity is a class of modified theories of gravity in which two metric tensors are used instead of one, [1] the second metric being used at high energies. If the two metrics interact, two … Read More
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Interpretação (primeiro bimetre, segundo período)
A Terra do Nunca é um dos lugares mais curiosos que existem e mesmo depois de morta não consigo entender por quais motivos meu filho se envolveu com esse lugar e sua gente. Esses piratas que o rodeiam… mal sabe ele que nem todos são tão leais quanto o pobre coitado do Barrica. E agora sua vida se resume em acabar com o famoso Peter Pan, eu tento o avisar de que esta não é a melhor opção, que ele tem de se comportar ou essa história não acabará bem… mas ele não me escuta. Tento de todas as formas possíveis, tento alertá-lo do certo e do errado, tento mostrá-lo quem é de verdade por detrás de toda a sua pose! Mas ele não me escuta… E agora está atrás daquelas terríveis crianças para tentar matar Peter Pan e se vingar pela mão perdida. Nada mais posso fazer, não posso tocá-lo e nem segurá-lo, apenas posso tentar fazer com que perceba o erro que está cometendo, ou logo me fará companhia.
Em meio a isso, novos rostos surgiram à Terra do Nunca, além dos moleques esfarrapados e bagunceiros, três crianças novas, incluindo uma garota, para conturbar ainda mais a vida de meu filho. Dando uma olhada pelas suas famílias percebo o quanto são amadas pelos seus pais… não deveriam se envolver com Peter Pan…
Uma mãe tão dedicada a Sra. Darling tenta organizar a mente de seus filhos como se arruma gavetas, e o trabalho não é pequeno não… tem muita coisa para selecionar: dobra as traquinagens e má-criações até ficarem bem pequenas e couberem na palma da mão e guarda no fim da pilha para que ninguém veja. E espalha os pensamentos mais bonitos é claro que esses ninguém quer esconder né? Eu sempre deixava bem expostos, mas o Gancho, apesar de gostar das tradições, sempre se rendeu aos maus modos. Mas eu fazia questão de que os o que eram bons fossem os primeiros, deixando-os prontos para serem usados. Vocês não imaginam, por muitos momentos achei que fosse impossível, o que acontece se tentarmos fazer o mapa da mente deles. Além de confusa, porque eu não consigo entender como crianças podem ser assim! Ela dá voltas sem parar… E tem linhas em zigue-zague iguais às dos gráficos de temperatura elas sobem e descem, quase nunca estáveis em algum ponto. Estas, provavelmente são as estradas da ilha… um lugar que nunca vou entender. Seria um mapa fácil se só tivesse isso só que estamos falando de crianças, a memória delas é enorme e elas guardam aquelas mínimas coisas e detalhes aos quais alguns de nós fazem questão de esquecer; mas tem também o primeiro dia de aula, as rezas, os pais, as lições, os verbos transitivos diretos, a sobremesa de chocolate, assassinatos e por ai vai parece que nunca acabará… Isso tem-se duas opções, no caso dos filhos da Sra. Darling… ou faz parte da ilha ou de outro mapa que aparece por baixo. E realmente é tudo muito confuso impossível de entender. Nada para quieto. Sra. Darling calma e tranquila como sempre… nas andanças pelas mentes de seus filhos, a Sra. Darling ficou curiosa com algo que, na minha opinião, deveria se preocupar... encontrou coisas que não entende. Uma delas é o nome do incherido e inconfundível Peter Pan rabiscado por todo lado.
Essas crianças não deveriam ficar preocupadas com Peter… deveriam aproveitar sua família e esquecer aquele moleque encrenqueiro. Mas bem que aquela babá podia ter conseguido pegar ele! Ah se podia… teria poupado muitos que estão a bordo do Caveira e Ossos… Poderia ter poupado meu filho!
Esses irmão são diferentes dos meninos perdidos, eles podem até tentar fazer parte do bando, mas eles sabem o que é ter uma família, sabem o que é ser amado e estar sobre os cuidados de alguém. Uma pena que os meninos perdidos não tenham tido a mesma oportunidade, por mais que eu não goste deles, sou mãe e sei a importância de uma família.
As vezes temos que tomar cuidado com nossos atos… Mandar a babá dormir do lado de fora da casa não foi uma das melhores ideias que Sr. Darling já teve… Se ela estivesse dentro de casa para vigiar as crianças, Peter não teria conseguido entrar…
Admito que esse moleque e aquela fada são dois dos que mais detesto de toda aquela ilha, ainda não consigo entender como Sininho não conseguiu impedir que Peter passasse tanto tempo com Wendy falando sobre a Terra do Nunca. Agora ele vai levar as crianças para lá! Com o absurdo risco de nunca mais verem sua família novamente! Ah se eu pudesse ter impedido…
A Terra do Nunca tem uma forma para cada um, ela varia de pessoa para pessoa. A minha, por exemplo, é bem diferente da de qualquer criança que a visita… A de João menininho sabichão tem uma lagoa com pássaros voando encima, a de Miguel contrariando João com sua imaginação fértil e sua ingenuidade tem um pássaro apenas com lagoas voando encima. Existem tantos lugares por ai… De todas as ilhas, a Terra do Nunca é a mais como posso dizer… compacta. Durante o dia se você não se importar com aqueles moleques não é nem um pouco assustadora. Mas ela tem suas peculiaridades, um local misterioso que, nos dois minutos antes de dormir, ela se torna quase real…
Eu particularmente nunca vi graça nessa ilha, de todo esse tempo a observando enquanto vigio esses garotos, nunca vi nada de demais… Talvez ela seria diferente caso eu fosse uma criança e ela fosse meu lar… Mas como este não é o caso, eu realmente não entendo como estes garotos não fogem para um lugar melhor. Eu ainda observo apenas porque meu filho a rodeia em busca de se vingar. Ele e aquele grupo de piratas bobalhões, mal sabe ele que estão tentando organizar um motim… Eu realmente tento avisar, mas ele não me escuta…
Pelo menos ele pretende poupar a vida dos outros meninos, ao menos ainda tem uma parte dele que ainda não está perdida.
Peter deveria tomar mais cuidado ao deixar os meninos perdidos sozinhos, eles são atrapalhados e um pouco ingênuos… Quase matam a pobre coitada da Wendy, claro que Sininho ajudou, mas eles deveriam ser um pouco mais espertos. Acho que essa foi a primeira vez em que fiquei com pena de Peter, por mais que eu o deteste pelo que faz a Gancho, devo admitir que nem ele merecia esse susto. Sorte da Sininho e do Firula…
É… os irmãos se encantaram pela ilha… Fico imaginando como é possível crianças com uma casa de verdade e uma família que os ama se encantarem por um lugar desses! Uma pena que Gancho e Barrica logo descobriram sua casinha… E é ai que toda a confusão começa.
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jamesholmies-blog1 · 8 years
Barska biometric safe review
BARSKA Biometric Safe
is one of the top models on the market right now and it has the popularity and reviews to back this claim up. Barska are actually a very popular brand within the sport optics industry and usually produce products such as binoculars, spotting scopes and riflescopes. For this same reason they know a thing or two about firearms and this is very evident in the way they have designed the BARSKA Biometric Safe.
Let’s take a look at some of the features of the very popular BARSKA Biometric Safe.
See the Barska Bimetric Safe in Action:
The cheapest price we could find for this product was on Amazon.  
BARSKA Biometric Safe Features and Specifications
o    This safe is extremely compact at 16.5 by 7.75 by 14.5 inches (W x H x D), however It can still hold even the biggest handguns, jewelry, medicine, documents etc.
o    The compact design allows you to store this gun safe pretty much anywhere. The cool thing is that it even comes with mounting hardware, giving you the option to mount it inside a drawer, on a flat surface or wall.
o    The BARSKA Biometric Safe weighs 31 pounds and runs on 4 AA batteries. The 4 AA batteries will run you approximately 8-12 months when used under normal conditions and therefore you get a pretty good time span before you have to change the batteries.
o    The BARSKA Biometric Safe can store up to 30 different finger prints and opens with the touch of a single finger. It also comes with 2 backup keys that can come in handy if you want to open the safe without using the biometric identification system. It is extremely easy to use the backup keys to open this biometric gun safe, but only if you are the owner and know exactly how.
o    Will safely store your firearms away from children, while giving you really fast access when needed.
BARSKA Biometric Gun Safe Reviews
There are over 75 Reviews for the BARSKA Biometric Safe and this definitely says something about the popularity it has achieved. Almost 90% of these reviews are really positive and the few people who are against this product complain that it is hard to install (Seems like they didn’t follow the instruction manual since so many other people said the installation process was flawless).
The first positive thing users say about the BARSKA Biometric Safe is that it is extremely reliable. Several people have gotten their friends to try opening the safe with their finger print and this unit has succeeded in staying locked every single time it doesn’t recognize the print.
People state that this biometric gun safe gives them peace of mind knowing that their firearms are safe from their children, while still being readily available within just a few seconds.
Here is a direct quote from a user:
“After doing much research on other biometric safes as well as reading many reviews, I decided on this one. Very happy I did as, not only has it worked 100% for me, the price made it an easy purchase. The size/weight of this safe was much greater than anticipated and far exceeds the competition. Reviews on the competition (Gunvault) were not that impressive and the price was much higher. Defintely would recommend.”
This unit is definitely on the top of our list when it comes to biometric gun safes and we can definitely recommend the BARSKA Biometric Safe to anyone looking for a high quality gun safe.
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BARSKA Biometric Safe Review
The BARSKA Biometric Safe is one of the top models on the market right now and it has the popularity and reviews to back this claim up. Barska are actually a very popular brand within the sport optics industry and usually produce products such as binoculars, spotting scopes and riflescopes. For this same reason they know a thing or two about firearms and this is very evident in the way they have designed the BARSKA Biometric Safe.
Let’s take a look at some of the features of the very popular BARSKA Biometric Safe.
See the Barska Bimetric Safe in Action:
The cheapest price we could find for this product was on Amazon. 
BARSKA Biometric Safe Features and Specifications
o    This safe is extremely compact at 16.5 by 7.75 by 14.5 inches (W x H x D), however It can still hold even the biggest handguns, jewelry, medicine, documents etc.
o    The compact design allows you to store this gun safe pretty much anywhere. The cool thing is that it even comes with mounting hardware, giving you the option to mount it inside a drawer, on a flat surface or wall.
o    The BARSKA Biometric Safe weighs 31 pounds and runs on 4 AA batteries. The 4 AA batteries will run you approximately 8-12 months when used under normal conditions and therefore you get a pretty good time span before you have to change the batteries.
o    The BARSKA Biometric Safe can store up to 30 different finger prints and opens with the touch of a single finger. It also comes with 2 backup keys that can come in handy if you want to open the safe without using the biometric identification system. It is extremely easy to use the backup keys to open this biometric gun safe, but only if you are the owner and know exactly how.
o    Will safely store your firearms away from children, while giving you really fast access when needed.
 BARSKA Biometric Safe Reviews
There are over 75 Reviews for the BARSKA Biometric Safe and this definitely says something about the popularity it has achieved. Almost 90% of these reviews are really positive and the few people who are against this product complain that it is hard to install (Seems like they didn’t follow the instruction manual since so many other people said the installation process was flawless).
The first positive thing users say about the BARSKA Biometric Safe is that it is extremely reliable. Several people have gotten their friends to try opening the safe with their finger print and this unit has succeeded in staying locked every single time it doesn’t recognize the print.
People state that this biometric gun safe gives them peace of mind knowing that their firearms are safe from their children, while still being readily available within just a few seconds.
Here is a direct quote from a user:
“After doing much research on other biometric safes as well as reading many reviews, I decided on this one. Very happy I did as, not only has it worked 100% for me, the price made it an easy purchase. The size/weight of this safe was much greater than anticipated and far exceeds the competition. Reviews on the competition (Gunvault) were not that impressive and the price was much higher. Defintely would recommend.”
This unit is definitely on the top of our list when it comes to biometric gun safes and we can definitely recommend the BARSKA Biometric Safe to anyone looking for a high quality gun safe.
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