#bipolar hacks
iweardrmartens · 15 days
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I never grew up with you..
And you’re not my waiting room.
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So eating when your disabled is a pain in the ass, especially if you live on your own, and so i figured I'd share my trick for making is easier. Basically there is 4 categories, (protein, Grain/carb, fruit/veg, drinks) and you pick at least one thing from each category, it's also really easy to make it vegetarian, kosher, or halal because you put whatever foods you eat in each category. I made an example of what it would look like HERE and you can recommend any other ideas for it and I’ll add them! some of the foods require more prep than others, and I highly recommend cooking those food on a good day if you use them and then storing them in the freezer (for up to 4 months) or the fridge (for about 7 days). I hope this can be helpful! 
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arctic-hands · 2 years
My therapist is considering the notion that I may have ADHD after all after previously clearing me of it, but she wants to pull me out of this depressive episode before scheduling with the evaluator at her office
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myrtaceaae · 11 months
Listen I agree that smoking is unhealthy and it's good to have banned it on the ward.
On the other hand smoking is literally the biggest amusement and best social activity on the ward, and replacing it with gum and spray and patches has like. Obliterated that community sense
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ow to journal when you have childhood trauma and you're on the edge of a breakdown: Make yourself feel safe. Put on some chill music, change into comfortable clothes, make some tea, ect. The more comfortable you are, the easier this will be. Write down the symptoms you are feeling. Divide them into emotional feelings (i feel afraid, i feel like there's too much to do) and physical feelings (my chest feels tight, my lower back hurts). Write down 3-4 big stressors that are making you feel this way right now. It might be something like: I'm afraid I might lose my job, I feel bad because my friend is mad at me, I'm scared to go to my doctor's appointment. Identify when this fear or stressor really started. For example, maybe you're afraid to go to your doctor's appointment because you had a bad experience at the doctor's when you were 8. Write an approximate age next to your stressors. Write a short letter to yourself from each age that you wrote down. Make sure your inner child feels safe and heard. Tell them that this time is different, and thank them for being so brave. This may not work for everyone, but it's a system I came up with that has been very beneficial for me. Remember to take your time and be gentle with yourself. I wish you the best on your healing journey 🤍🧿
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cutely-fe · 2 years
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Tip for the night. Suffer from any form of deliberating mental illness that makes even a simple task like showering sound like you’re being asked to run the Boston Marathon after being awake for 48 hours straight.
Get a sturdy plastic folding chair. A real shower is great but expensive and let’s face or they take up a lot of room. Folding ones are cheaper and can be tucked away when dried.
Shower time rolls round just plop that bad boy straight under the shower fall, sit and enjoy as the water relaxes you. You can do all you need to do sitting. Bath, shave, wash the hair… everything and you never have to stand (outside of standing to get out of the shower).
When I’m in the depths of my bipolar depression the MERE IDEA of showering is exhausting much less the act of holding my body upright while I perform “yoga” in slippery water.
In 2019 I learned to embrace a seated shower due to an ATV wreck that left my ankle shattered. I swore I’d never sit to shower again. I associated it as being weak bc that’s why I started. It took two years for me to realize I didn’t need a shattered ankle to have permission to sit and shower. I can sit and shower when I’ve had a long day, when I’m sick, when I’m just to mentally tired to hold myself up. That realization has been a game changer for me.
Being able to continue healthy self care is vital when I’m depressed or unwell. Giving myself permission to do so in the best way I can allows me to keep that up.
Allow yourself to change the “rules” and do what’s easier for you.
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zenspa-hypamama-me · 3 months
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mardmeehanabadi · 1 year
I need to go back to work soon and pay off these credit cards so I can go shopping some more. I suddenly love shopping because I'm accepting that I can style myself however I want and just skip right over anything that feels too girly and be my weird non binary self from now on. Which does mean I want more clothes in general because I never had a proper "wardrobe" just a random mish mash of whatever was on sale when I forced myself to go shopping.
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p3t1t-4gne4u · 2 months
being bipolar on top of ana is so overwhelming, when i'm manic i could literally keep going forever without any food but as soon as that wears off i feel like i can't eat because i don't have the energy but i'm also so hungry and need the energy, not to mention i'll purge literally whenever and wherever when i'm manic because it feels like a cool fun hack to eating anything i want also i don't know how anyone keeps up with me i can't even keep up with myself, and i should really be medicated
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
your taking homestuck requests? literally so happy rn,, can I request basic yandere hcs for sollux?
I can try! I just decided to keep the quadrant vague since it was not specified so I hope that's fine! I hope I wrote him right :(
Yandere! Sollux Captor Concept
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️/Moirail♦️/Kismesis ♠️ (Mentioned at times but focuses on red/pale)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Vague yandere intention, Protective/Possessive behavior, Stalking, Violence, Attempted murder implied, Jealousy.
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Sollux is introverted and one of the more serious characters.
His demeanor changes throughout the story but I think I'll focus on basic Sollux.
His theme heavily shows duality, being able to see present and future and he's even bipolar based on what I've read.
Sollux is another troll that would struggle forming any sort of quadrant with a human, but it isn't impossible.
He'd have an easier time and a quicker obsession with a troll darling but even then he prefers to stay away from others at times due to his nature.
Sollux is smart and very skilled in being a hacker and proves powerful with psionics like most Goldbloods.
Despite this he feels he isn't good enough with it, due to having a self-depreciating nature.
Sollux may even be impulsive in his obsession despite trying to think things through.
Sollux may get along with someone who is his friend despite everything, his obsession may be someone who helps him improve despite his flaws.
When it comes to what quadrant his obsession falls into his behavior is similar despite his intentions.
An obsession who helps him could influence red or pale feelings within him.
That or he could depict your help as pity and decide he hates you for it, creating black feelings.
I can see Sollux trying to plan his obsession over you carefully.
He does have the ability with his duality to vaguely sense what's going to happen between you.
Not to the point of Seer class or anything though.
Which means Sollux can't properly depict the next move he should do to win you over to a quadrant.
I have a feeling in terms of red and pale feelings Sollux would fall under a more protective rather than possessive yandere.
Although Sollux due to his powers can be a dangerous yandere.
Sollux is capable of killing which can make him a dangerous troll to be obsessed over you.
If he feels red or pale towards you he's thankful for you being there when he needs you.
As a result he tries to reflect such care back at you.
He may seem erratic at times or a bit cold yet he does care for you.
Even when he has black feelings he still wants you around even with a hatred towards you.
Sollux would be the type of yandere to use his skills to stalk you.
He is capable of using tech to watch over you, often hacking your electronics to see what you're doing and who you're talking to.
Being a strong Goldblood also allows him to use his powers to harm or restrain others.
He'd definitely be the type to challenge others if they try to get too close to you.
He looks out for you as his obsession.
Even if he somehow gets you in a quadrant, regardless on if you're a troll or not or if it's forced, he still gets a bit insecure at the thought of losing you somehow.
Sollux would be the type of yandere to meticulously plan out how to kidnap you and keep you to himself.
Unlike his dancestor, Mituna, he would actually succeed in your abduction if he felt he had to do such a thing.
He's someone who likes to plan everything.
It actually stresses him out a bit if something doesn't quite go to plan.
He won't break down because of it but he'll find a way around the issue.
Sollux doesn't see like the physically affectionate type.
He's not opposed to it, especially when it comes to shoosh-papping his Moirail or holding his Matesprit.
He's still one who's just more comfortable with being in your presence more than anything.
But he will want some affection despite liking his space.
Sollux wouldn't really feel too bad about kidnapping or killing someone to keep you to himself.
He knows somewhere down the line that this is fate.
You'll get used to it, you just need to trust him.
Sollux is someone who believes things will happen for a reason in a way.
I'd think due to his predictions he'd be one to try and soothe you because of this.
Between you, it's normal that he has to restrain you with his abilities and keep you locked in his Hive.
It's what your relationship is in his eyes.
He's one of the scarier yanderes for a few reasons.
He knows what he's doing so he's quite lucid.
He's manipulative.
He can easily overpower you.
He's apathetic to harming others to have you, at least... it depends on who they are. (He couldn't hurt Aradia, Feferi, Karkat, people along the lines of them).
Sollux is definitely a yandere who tells you he knows best.
He's a capable manipulator that can keep you in your place, but isn't as ruthless as someone like Vriska.
Sollux does care about his obsession regardless of the quadrant.
Yet he isn't opposed to doing some unethical things to keep you to himself...
Even if you try to fight him on what he thinks is the right thing to do, he's stubborn and most likely won't change his mind.
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schizononagesimus · 7 months
alright, ive had bipolar disorder for like six years already and though medication helps prevent manic behaviors, the mania doesn't actually go away, so here are some of the ways ive hacked my mania so i dont just snort a bunch of coke at a dive bar:
1. feeling spendy? take yourself to the dollar store, thrifting, or buy off of a list of "nice to haves"! set aside physical cash in the amount you can spend so you dont overspend (or at least prevent yourself from overspending as much as possible), or try only bringing a certain amount of bags to carry the goods and limit yourself to that amount of bags.
2. have too much energy and/or feel really frustrated or irritable? GYM. GYM GYM GYM. i dont care if youre not normally a gym person, go to the gym. if you dont have access to a gym, go for a run. if you cant run or go to the gym, shadow box in your house/backyard. throw pillows around your bed, jump on it, kick your legs like youre having a tantrum. let yourself slam doors. if you have access to some under-used concrete like a shitty parking lot or a driveway, break those dishes you dont even like (just clean up the glass after).
3. feeling creative? dont go buy another new hobby, pick up one of the ones youve tabled for so long! keep a list to remind yourself of your hobbies for when youre manic- looking at it may get you excited!
4. want to completely change your life, quit your job and move to a different country? move some furniture, do some reorganizing, clean the house, or throw out some stuff you dont need anymore. for this i like to put on those cleaning/reorganization shows or organizing video compilations on in the background to get me pumped up.
5. feeling restless? go to a new place. for this i say it depends on the level of restlessness what the solution is. mild restlessness (aka "urghhh im bored") calls for a walk/drive in a new direction/one you usually dont go in (NOT A ROAD TRIP, you manic motherfucker). moderate to severe restlessness (aka "there's nothing to DO IM GONNA BITE SOMETHING") calls for going to a new place, like a museum, library, even a waterfront you haven't been to before.
6. wanna do a bunch of drugs and/or party? hang out with some friends instead. if you normally do some drugs (cigarettes weed alcohol), do them around friends who know your situation so you dont overdo it. and i say only those three drugs because dear god, everything else will just make you more manic. note: be careful with some strains of weed while manic, particularly sativa-dominant- they can cause more mania and hallucinations.
7. racing thoughts? DRAW. even if youre not an artist or cant draw worth a shit, DRAW. manic drawings are actually a whole thing in psychology and are SO COOL TO LOOK AT. I even have a tattoo of a drawing i did while manic! just let your hands move freely on the page with whatever tools you feel like using.
a lot of these tactics can be swapped out with each other depending on what helps your moods. if reorganizing when youre restless helps, then great! if when you wanna change your life you go to a new place, awesome. whatever works for you! these are just some ideas. i keep this list pinned on my phone so that when im manic i remember.
if you have any suggestions, please add them!
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secretagentsociety · 2 years
adoption centre
I was bored and couldn't help but think thoughts and such thoughts deserve to be written and forever recorded for years to come in tumblr history,spelling and grammar mistakes will be made
TW : yandere shenanigans
Welcome!Welcome!Are you a chronically lonely person who wished nothing more than for a person to love you unconditionally and even kill for you?,well you're in luck!because step inside the yanyan adoption centre! what's this?you say,well this adoption centre is not just a run of the mil adoption centre for cute animals say the secret password YOU could adopt a yandere ranging from cat boys to homicidal murderer to super villains :D!!!!
I introduce to you our top yanderes ready for the picking! but first I must warn you this whole place is rigged with hidden cameras some for your safety and some we don't even know about! :D go ahead wave at any random place you might waved straight into Dave's hidden camera
oh! but ofcourse I must tell you about the ranking system,it is divided from 1 - 10, for 1-5 it is basically stalking,killing for you,hacking,restricting your moves,little bits and bobs of kidnapping,some hidden cameras here and there you don't even know about but nothing TOO extreme
Oh?you wanna know about the 6 and up? Woooaaah lookie here we got a little fighter don't we? ;) well for the 6 and up the best way is to show,now if you may,please come with me to some of the cells of our rank 6
Yandere beastmen who'd love nothing more than to cuddle you,to death! :D now this one is a rescue,plucked straight from the street,oh?is that ethical? Oh darling darling ofcourse it is! plus we found him abandoned waiting for his owner to came back,they never did rightfully so this one's crazy in the head,but we offer him a better place now he get warm food and a potential 'mate'? Was it he called them
huh?what did he do?well let me tell you this,apart from accounted 8 case of massacre he's a bit delusional you see,make sure not to let him see you or else you'd have no choice but to adopt him,it took us couple of months to finally get him to stop imprinting on his now we found out dead owner,ik!crazy right?!how he did it even I don't know
but! Moving on
For our rank 7 we have
Yandere assassin !yes our choices varies for each and individual person,it depends on how MUCH you could actually handle,oh but this one is the more tame one of the rank sevens,trust me ya don't wanna meet Dave,that bastard somehow manage to did the impossible,huh?what rank Dave is?,well.... it's complicated my deary
Now why don't I tell you more about this assasin?,his name is kira,yes like the anime,poor dude,no wonder he become so...twisted.
now then say that you did decide to take him home, he's a sadist,would love nothing more than to have you begging for him to stop,in more ways than one, he'd also be the type to be very very very restrictive,so unless necessary you won't be able to go out very much,even standing on the porch will put him on the edge of his nerve,he also needs alot of recurrence and is very very bipolar,he ranks seven because he impose as a danger to others and his darling, he's also friends with Dave can you believe that?
Oh that and also because he have like a shit ton of murder charges,we won't be counting it but just so you know
For the eight place we have
Yandere mage he would be very hard to deal with,not only that he have incredible amount of mana which in turn is energy so wink wink nudge nude ;) funny story actually he almost make a race of merfolk gone extinct because he deemed that if the merfolk were to 'charm' his future darling it'll be a hastle
Yeah....the remaining survivor had to took an unbreakable oath to never sing again yeah Dave was there to help honestly if not for him telling us this story we wouldn't even know it!crazy that guy I swear to devine
now mage isn't very sadistic but his form of 'punishment' is more pain than pleasure compared to his 'rewards' so if you ever decide to pick him,be wise :D
Ninth place is
Yandere dragon well well if you like a possesive dragon that will absolute kill for you and some size kink wink wink nudge nudge then I recommend having yourself a yandere dragon, he's very cuddly, don't let his scary and huge built frighten ya,as long as you stay loyal to him I promise you no harm will be done,now what makes him a rank nine is that dragons have mystical powers
they could do some daaarrk shit if prompted,oh but isn't having the fate of many many many pewny humans in your hand so exciting?! just one,and I meant it ONE single sad tears from you and oh boy, it's gonna be catastrophy
he actually turned himself in,he said Dave told him about this place I guess giving Dave a little bit of freedom has it's own perks
now then follow me to our rank 10 candid- huh? Oh!I see you've found Dave!
well I'll be leaving you alone then,good luck~
and just like that the host you've been following disappeared,in a panic state you subconsciously ran towards the host yelling no! "Geez darling,I didn't know you hate me this much" he whispered besides your ears blowing hot breath on it
whipping your head back you're startled by how close he was,one. Just one wrong move and your lips will touch,your eyes trailed up his face taking inch his features,until they stopped on his eyes,bright ruby eyes,he smiled a cheeky grin a glint of mischievous and....something... In his eyes caused your breath to hitch
he let's out a giggle "you're a cute one,dolly" he said taking a step closer to you,instinctively you took a step back
Your back finally hit a wall,just where did the wall came from?you looked back to make sure it really was a wall,sure enough it was
"eyes on me dolly" you heard someone whispered,a low husky voice rang through your ears,you couldn't help but obey "that's a good doll" he said putting his hand besides you on the wall fully caging you in
"god I've been waiting for this" he said letting out a sinister smile
Case file :
log : 1 : encrypt : archive : error
Dave : rank 10
Have an obsession on subject named y/n,subject of effection(s.o.e) had escaped and Dave had been detained in the facilities top security prison
log : 2 : encrypt : archive
dave : rank 11
Somehow his powers manifested into something more sinister,more ..... Powerful persay,we are forced to create a new category for him,current protocol evacuate immediately
Log : 5 : encrypt : archive
Dave : rank 11
being away from s.o.e have made him passive for a while,it has been one week no new movements is caught,he seems to be in a depressive state of things,he also mumbled,scratched and carved a certain phrase "doll" I believe it is the nick name of his s.o.e,we have made the decisions to fully induce selective amnesia on s.o.e, will update on any news
log : 12 : encrypt : archive
what the fuck is happening?!,all of the previous logs has been deleted?!and some distorted beyond understanding!,all of it!months of logging months of research's gone to waste!god if I find who caused this!urrrhggg!! Their dead!you hear me! Error error error
Log 13 : encrypt : archive
Dave : -------
error help error error error error error error error error error error distorted error error error powers error error error what error error seems error error subject error error error we error error die!
Last archived log 23-error error error error
"found you my dolly~"
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arctic-hands · 2 years
Well that's a life hack I found that doesn't help my case when I say I don't have ADHD on top of my bipolar
Anyway so I've been having a hard time remembering to brush my teeth regularly ever since the toilet in the downstairs bathroom next to my room stopped working. Since I had no reason to enter that bathroom like five times a day (#Crohn'sClub✌️), I would just ignore the room all together and forget my toothbrush existed on the regular until I needed to go out and realize I needed to avoid mask breath.
Anyway the recent Freeze made one of our pipes burst in the basement despite my turning on all the faucets during it all, and when the pipe in question was shut off it ended up being the pipe to that bathroom's sink, and having to go to two doctors appointments this past week I took my toothbrush, toothpaste, and Listerine to the upstairs bathroom and left them there. Where I noticed them after and of my very frequent potty breaks and thought to myself "Well, now's a good as time as ever to brush my teeth even if it is three thirty p.m." (because I remembered that other life hack going around that says "there is no right or wrong time to brush your teeth just brush your teeth"). And I did, because apparently I don't have object permanence unless I can actually see The Thing, and I saw The Thing and used The Thing.
Anyway just thought this would be useful to other people who forget to do basic shit like that too
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keithbutgay · 2 months
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the silly guys (and yes, they're gay :P)
(much info under cut)
okay so main worldbuilding--- i havent actually really thought this through but the idea is that basically its this really unoriginal kinda dystopian-ish world where there was this government created robotic spore, something that would go into your bloodstream through open wounds. the spore would then corrupt your body, and there was no way to stop it.
the idea was to keep it among the higher-ups of the country, using it as a sort of punishment for criminals but after all these victims inevitably re-entered society, questions started getting asked. eventually someone anonymous hacked into the blueprints, the information was released and the spore began spreading, infecting hundreds and hundreds of people.
(and yes, i realised after creating all this that its basically just the plot of wilder girls. do i care enough to change it? not really)
ghost (he/she/they)
-actually the silliest of guys
-gay disaster
-trans guy, would only like to be referred to with masc terminology despite their pronouns
-eye and entire arm had to be amputated after a car accident
-eye was filled with an amber-like substance that hardened over time as a result--- while it was still soft a bug flew inside and became trapped
-shoulder blades and arm became much more veiny and translucent, which is why he always covers his arm
-has a lot of scars on his arm, they show up more on the translucent skin
-constantly changing hair color. because she can
-adhd be upon ye
-asexuality be upon ye
-demiromanticism be upon ye
-is really energetic most of the time, gesticulates a lot while talking, but will sometimes forget about their arm and be confused about why its not moving
-experiences phantom pains in their missing arm, and also experiences chronic pain in their wrist and neck because they got really fucked up in the accident
-really normal about the ocean /lie
-struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder and severe bipolar 1 disorder, and experiences hallucinations and other symptoms of psychosis because of that
-dont really like people standing on their blind side, which is partially because of their paranoia and partially because they're self-conscious about their arm (and because holding hands)
alright moving on cause i said a fuck ton about them so now its time for smoke
i dont have that much for them sadly
i designed him second which means that he doesnt have that information on him but its okay because i love him
smoke (they/he)
-they're SUCH a guy. like. the most guy. in an agender way
-autism be upon ye
-also a disaster gay
-got into a lot of fights because of where he was brought up and the people they interacted with. this ended in their face getting cut up a bit at a really unfortunate time, and they were infected
-he cant actually fully zip or unzip his face--- instead they can feel their skin being stretched apart constantly
-its because of this that he doesnt talk or smile often because it often hurts to move his face. he will sometimes use asl, but doesnt know that much beyond finger-spelling and they prefer to just listen to other people
-if they do talk, its really quietly and slowly. they really only talk to ghost because they know he wont judge
-anxious boi
-definitely has bpd but no he will not be unpacking that today, thanks, that is getting shoved deep down along with his probable autism, depression, and panic disorder
-also getting shoved down along with his sexuality, he does not have the time or energy to think about that right now
-never really had many friends ever, and its historically been really hard for them to really get along and get close with others so they dont approach people very often
-really normal about space /lie
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zenspa-hypamama-me · 3 months
Family members with mania?
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goatlilly · 1 year
Adrien Has Bipolar
Everyone knows Adrien Agreste to be Miraculous Ladybug’s resident sad-boy: aka, he’s depressed. However, while Adrien clearly exhibits common symptoms of major depressive disorder on multiple occasions, there are also numerous occasions where he seems completely fine, and others where he acts downright energetic and perky. His behavior is kind of erratic sometimes, and some might chalk it up to bad character writing, but there is actually a real-world diagnosis for his behavior, and I don’t see nearly enough people discussing this, so I’m going to write you all an essay explaining exactly why I think Adrien has bipolar disorder.
            Okay, so for any of you out there who are unsure what bipolar is, it’s essentially a mood disorder that causes an individual to experience abnormal emotional highs and lows, usually spanning over long periods of time and causing shifts in the individual’s energy levels. These shifts in moods are generally described as either manic/hypomanic or depressive episodes. During a manic or hypomanic episode, a bipolar individual will experience a low-level increase of energy, often having trouble sitting still or thoroughly thinking things through. Hypomania can cause someone to be irrational, irritable, impulsive, and impatient as some of its negative downsides, while on the more positive end they will experience heightened levels of productivity and self-esteem. Mania is similar, but on a MUCH larger scale, causing all listed downsides and positives to be dialed up to a ten. For example, a hypomanic individual might think they can handle taking ten more credits in college when they’re already taking twelve credits, while a manic individual might think they could adopt five kids while still taking college classes and adding ten extra credits. Being hypomanic makes an individual feel hyper-competent, while mania makes them think they have superpowers. The depressive episodes for a bipolar individual are pretty much the same as depression might be for a normally depressed individual, having the effect of decreasing someone’s productivity levels, energy, and their motivation. These episodes are the opposite of mania, resulting in heightened levels of sensitivity and sluggishness, as well as a higher-level requirement and desire for sleep and solitude and generally low self-esteem. Using the prior example with college credits, a bipolar individual going through a depressive episode might suddenly decide that 12 credits is actually too much, and they should drop at least two of their classes, or they may even go to the extreme of thinking that they should just drop out altogether. So yeah, typical depressed behavior. The key difference here is that these depressive episodes are usually somewhat out of nowhere, and don’t tend to last as long as a typical depression would.
            Alright, that was a long explanation, but now we can get into the meat and potatoes of this thing, that being a deep dive into why I think Adrien has bipolar. And why it was probably written into his character completely by accident.
            So, first things first, let’s look at instances of Adrien being depressed, since that’s what started off this whole thing in the first place. There are some more obvious ones like in Glaciator 2 or Kuro Neko, (we’ll touch more on Glaciator 2 later,) where Adrien demonstrates clear depressive symptoms, wallowing in his room, refusing offers from others for help and generally shutting down, but there are other instances such as in Siren, Senti-Bubbler or Hack-San where he demonstrates Irritability and behaves higher levels of sensitivity than he normally does. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a very sensitive individual in general, but it felt a little more pronounced in these episodes. I’d almost go as far as to say that Adrien seems depressive at the beginning of Dark Cupid as well, but that was such a short scene that I don’t feel like it can really be used to support my argument. Anyways, he’s clearly had a few depressive episodes, but they aren’t all that frequent. Some might say he’s just good at masking, but honestly, I don’t think he is. Every time he’s been sad, either as Adrien or as Chat Noir, it’s been pretty apparent. He seems genuinely fine in most scenes, sometimes being almost downright giddy.
            Which leads me to the evidence of him being manic. The most prominent instances of this are pretty early on, manifesting in stone-heart, Copycat and Kung food. In all three of these episodes, Adrien appears to have more energy than usual, taking impulsive risks and bearing a very inflated opinion of himself compared to usual. Another instance where his behavior screams manic is in Gamer 2.0, when Chat is kind of just screwing around during the whole fight, refusing to listen to ladybug and acting a bit stupider than normal, especially since this is in season 3, and Chat Noir largely mellows out in this season compared to season 1. There’s of course also the episode Glaciator 2, and this is the episode I think is probably worth further discussion. So, let’s do that now. Yay! In the episode, Adrien starts off as manic, interacting with Ladybug in a way that shows a great lack of awareness on his part, generally seeming to say whatever pops into his head without much consideration and irrationally thinking that he has a chance with her in the moment despite being rejected multiple times. Once Ladybug tells him off, it doesn’t take long for all the energy to go away, and he transitions into full depressive mode. He stays pretty depressive for most of the episode, transitioning into irritability and then trying to act normal when Marinette calls him over but only coming off as something close to an impression of what he’s usually like as Chat Noir. At the end though, he goes back into manic mode, thinking again that he has a chance with Ladybug if he just acts like his true self, which, like… what does that even mean? I’m sorry, I just can’t with this boy sometimes.
Also… I guess I should bring up Chat Blanc too. This is one of the most distinct moments in the series were Adrien exhibits mania. Normally I would have thought he’d be mostly despondent as Chat Blanc—that or scared. Instead, he’s full of energy, moving in circles around Ladybug and talking her ear off, saying that everything will be fixed if Marinette just gives him her miraculous, acting out impulsively, irrationally, and almost most significantly, completely out of control. I realize that he was akumatized at the time, but it should be noted that one of the most universal things you’ll hear from individuals who experience mania is that while it offers a heightened sense of Euphoria and capability, it is during manic episodes that they are the most unstable. When mania hits, it’s hard to stay in control, and a part of the brain is aware of that fact. So much energy is buzzing through someone, and if they’re in a state of emotional fragility when the episode hits, it isn’t unusual for them to start self-destructing. The energy needs somewhere to go, so it often comes out in destructive ways.
See, that’s the thing. I really don’t think that Adrien’s character was supposed to be Bipolar. His entire character is about that concept of destructive energy, being that he, you know, has the power to destroy things. There’s an inherent bipolarity to the way that Adrien acts when he’s in costume as opposed to when he’s not. He starts out suppressing his emotions as Adrien, then over stresses them when he’s Chat Noir. When he’s Adrien, he’s the perfect person who thinks he’s not all that cool, and when he’s Chat Noir, he’s a flawed teenaged boy who thinks he’s a lot cooler than he really is. His entire character is like one gigantic Allegory for living with Bipolar. Regardless though, I do think that Adrien is bipolar, whether he was meant to be or not, and as someone with bipolar myself, I can’t help but relate to him.
So yeah. Thanks for reading. I know this was super long and stuff, so if you made it all the way to the end then you’re a real champion. Anyways, let me know what your thoughts are on this. Does Adrien seem bipolar to any of you, or is it just me grasping at straws because I finally found some vague representation of my disorder that isn’t entirely inaccurate? (Honestly, it’s sad how bad the media depiction of bipolar is in general.) If nothing else, I hope you at least come away from this with a decent understanding of bipolar disorder.
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