#bipride for this man
themculibrary · 3 months
Bisexual Characters Masterlist 3
part one, part two
#bipride (ao3) - EnInkahootz T, 400
Summary: On the ship after Ragnarok, Loki comes out to Thor as bisexual.
#bisexualsteverogers (ao3) - AllonsyHelen steve/bucky, clint/natasha, pepper/tony G, 10k
Summary: “Hi, I’m Steve Rogers – Captain America – and I have two very important things to say. First. I am bisexual. Second. I’m with you till the end of the line. Thank you.” In which Steve Rogers comes out and the result is not what he expected.
A Long Winter (ao3) - dropdeaddream, WhatAreFears steve/bucky, peggy/steve M, 35k
Summary: In 1945, Steve Rogers jumps from a nosediving plane and swims through miles of Arctic Ocean to a frozen shore.
In 1947, Steve Rogers marries Peggy Carter.
In 1966, the New York Times finds the lost letters of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
bucky has opinions about sam being captain america (ao3) - Firebird_wilmon sam/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Bucky has opinions about Captain America and makes sure everyone knows them. He wants people to understand that Sam is the perfect person for the role and that shouldn’t doubt him for a second. He make sure everyone knows what a good man Sam is.
Bucky being a supportive boyfriend and in love with Sam Wilson.
cap comes out (ao3) - orphan_account N/R, 6k
Summary: Steve’s journey as coming out as bisexual.
drunken confessions (ao3) - alienspronkles sam/bucky N/R, 1k
Summary: After Sam drinks, a lot, he ends up telling Bucky how he really feels.
family means no one gets left behind or forgotten (ao3) - cosmicocean steve/bucky T, 11k
Summary: “Why did you think I wouldn’t like you for being gay?” Steve asks gently.
“You’re Captain America.” Eli’s got his teeth clenched and is resolutely looking ahead. “You stand for truth and justice and the American way. You stand for American morals. You stand for…” he shrugs awkwardly. “Not people like me.”
Steve blows the air out of his cheeks slowly, trying to figure out how to keep the anger out of his voice so Eli doesn’t think it’s at him.
Or, Steve comes to terms with his new world, and gains some children in the process.
first time (ao3) - Siancore sam/bucky G, 1k
Summary: The first time that Bucky Barnes admitted to himself that he liked guys the same way he liked gals was exciting, but a little nerve-wracking. What would people think? Nothing nice. What would they say? Probably mean things.
From Ice and Ashes (ao3) - phansomedevil steve/bucky M, 64k
Summary: Steve Rogers learns what it means to be a queer hero in a complicated modern age. He tries to move on from the pull of the past, and his lost loves, but fate rarely lets him catch a break.
hold me, thrill me, kiss me (ao3) - LittleSixx sam/bucky M, 1k
Summary: After a long day as Falcon/Captain America, the only thing he wants is to go home and be Sam.
how it should have gone (ao3) - hawksonfire clint/steve/natasha E, 40k
Summary: When Steve Rogers wakes up from a nap he wasn’t supposed to wake up from, he’s not expecting much.
What do you get when you add a deaf archer, a redhead assassin, five university students at varying places on the gender spectrum, aliens, the son of your dead friend, and the fact that almost everyone else you knew is dead?
A very confused Steve Rogers. Add in a splash of romantic feelings, a ton of therapy, and Nick Fury’s shitty manipulation, and well…
Steve wants to go back to sleep.
invisible string (ao3) - geekyziam sam/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Sam and Bucky believe in fate and are soft boyfriends
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 85k
Summary: Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event"
Basic Steps to Getting Yourself In a Pickle With Both Your Family and The Guy You've Secretly Crushed On For Five Years (A Guide):
STEP 1: After being perpetually single and constantly making up excuses to your family, give in and lie about having a boyfriend. STEP 2: Agree to bring said boyfriend to the family cottage for a week so he can be your date to your parents' wedding anniversary party. STEP 3: Panic. STEP 4: Say 'yes' when your best friend and closet crush - who you're convinced isn't interested in you that way in the least - offers to be your pretend boyfriend. STEP 5: Try your best not to fall in love with them during the trip. STEP 6: Fail miserably.
Milestones (ao3) - andloawhatsit steve/bucky, peggy/steve, clint/natasha, pepper/tony T, 54k
Summary: Brooklyn 1918 to Brooklyn 2015: In which Steve questions his humanity, has a mid-twenties crisis (though he doesn’t call it that), makes friends, falls in love again, and slowly learns that he doesn’t need to live in the past to honour his memories.
Not Another Supersoldier Fantasy (ao3) - triedunture steve/bucky E, 16k
Summary: Bucky finds a popular sex toy modeled on Captain America's own anatomy. Well, isn't this just perfect? Because even after all this time, he still hasn’t seen Steve’s supersoldier cock. But apparently in this day and age anyone with $29.95 can get a decent replica. The unfairness of this is of galactic proportions.
one step closer (ao3) - Flowerparrish steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Bucky doesn’t actually mean to discover it the way he does. He’s just going through Steve’s Wikipedia page one night when he can’t sleep, and he discovers a short paragraph about Steve coming out as bisexual and advocating for LGBT rights.
put ‘em up (ao3) - Spooteh (Pawfoot) steve/sam T, 3k
Summary: The only problem with the press outing Steve and Sam as a couple is that they aren’t really a couple.
so no one told you life was gonna be this way (ao3) - thundersnowstorm steve/bucky T, 9k
Summary: Natasha is assigned to Captain Rogers the day after she returns to work from her break.
Somehow this turns into her aggressively befriending a sad, lonely Steve and collecting a gaggle of friends along the way.
the guide to being a displaced 106 year old who is coming to terms with his sexuality (ao3) - ChaoticAce2005 sam/bucky T, 5k
Summary: “So, people like- it’s normal to like both?”
Because despite Bucky’s head being like scrambled eggs, he remembers love. He remembers attraction. To that one baseball player. To a cashier at a mart, he went to. To the king of Wakanda who, holy fuck had no right looking that good.
And he thought maybe Hydra had screwed him up. Maybe they screwed around with his memories. But even now there were men who would cause Bucky to pause.
Men like Sam.
But he thought Hydra had just broken that part of him. Because he liked girls too and there was no way- Maybe he was just making it up- It couldn’t be real-
“Yeah,” Sarah responded, “Bisexual for one, that’s when you like two or more genders. There are more broad terms like pansexual or polysexual as well, those mean liking all genders or liking many genders.”
Wait- what?
“Aren’t there only two genders?”
Sarah just shook her head, “Gender is more a binary now, think a straight line and at one end is male and the other is female, there is all that space in the middle that some people are in. Some people don’t even identify as a gender.”
What- okay, that was going to give him a headache.
unexpected houseguest (ao3) - faeryn sam/bucky M, 20k
Summary: When Sam comes across Bucky in the strangest of places, his first instincts are to run, and to call Steve. He does neither, and in doing so manages to form a strange bond with the Soviet assassin who once tried to kill him. Bucky is broken, a shell of his former self, and Sam wants nothing more than to help return him to himself. But can he maintain a respectable and responsible distance from the man, despite how Bucky draws him in, in order to help him? Or will he falter, and shatter all the progress he has made by giving in to his own desires?
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theclo4ked1 · 1 year
I was sorting through my dirty laundry today and needed some music. Suddenly, memories of my SECOND time on Instagram (yes there was a first but thats not pertinent at the moment) came flooding back to me. Instead of sorting my dirty clothes, I got distracted listening to the past that is the email chain I have with myself. That time on Instagram was during the period in my life when I was just getting into music composition. I used to change my name A LOT too and the one I stuck with, that time, was a persona by the name of Charlotte Tricks (stylized as ch4rl0tt3.tr1ck5), possibly due to a Game Night of Light Fingers with my uncle, sister, and brother. Anyways, since I didn't quite have the footing and style I have today with Deflemask, then, I was using resources (a website in this case) like beepbox.co to make chiptune music, hence why it sounds so basic in comparison to what I've made in 2022 (since I haven't made much since then. too many things burning my creativity i want to leave). For reference, please check out my SoundCloud playlist, PROJECT NINA (c. 2019), songs 7-15. Below are the only three I made when I used the website.
I think I made them specifically to put on my page for Pride Month 2019. beepbox stores user's musical data through a url that's entirely unique for every project because all characters after the hash (#) is raw data that's processed by the website and becomes output place onto the DAW. or something something tehcno-babble i dunno. I'm just surprised the website still stands after four years.
gaypride, made June 1, is just plain, nothing too remarkable about it. Please note my current stances on these old tunes I've created are not reflective of my thoughts on the Gays, Lesbo, and Bicycles, respectively. I feel obligated to make this as clear as I can since some people can misconstrue things and/or get offended easily, and can jump to conclusions that the someone, me in this case, is bigoted.
lesboprideday, made June 2, is where things get more interesting, on a technical level, because the melody is made from a repetitious C major scale arpeggio. But then at the end of the track, part of Nina's theme song (not quite a leitmotif here) is played during the last two measures. Why here? I can't remember, but the reason I would say makes more sense for the next song.
bipride, made June 3, is a song I remember someone positively commenting on the buildup. It's also one I, undeniably, have a bias for, solely for the fact it was just another one of the many versions of Nina's theme song, one with a few names either incorporating "Nina" or "Neko" into it. This one specifically is just that because in her infancy, I initially wrote Nina as a bisexual character, who had a crush on my friend's OC, Cat Woods (please check out their art, it's real good shit btw). Later down the lane, years later, I was like
yknow what, lets make her PANsexual she could love everybody just because she could!
Mind you, I didn't exactly know the full extent of sexuality at the time. It's not just love, it's also wanting to fuck that person, so Nina being panromantic (if that's a thing) would make a lot more sense... interjectory edit 10/7/23: I'm not sure if I can believe if "panromantic" even is a real thing. From what I've read, it's just...basic-ass love (whatever that is) and compassion for your fellow man; man, used in an all-inclusive sense--I shouldn't have to say that. I hope you understood that I didn't just mean literal men, i.e. those with a penis and can create testosterone and semen yada-yada, and I hope you don't believe I'm like "woohoo patriarchy less goooo". Just...please understand that I meant EVERYONE. ...however, Nina's sexuality being anything but straight makes no sense nowadays, so that one story I wrote that's meant to be noncanonical is totally fucked. It also touched on how puberty would work for her (she turns into a giant spider monster with neurotoxic-zombification venom and would return to her former state by midnight unless otherwise events i cannot remember). That story is very much not for kids. Please don't think I'm exclusive of non-white-LGBTQA+-plus-sized-etc. characters because I made Nina straight (also she's not even white wtf). I'm only doing what makes the most sense for the story and, more importantly, her character. Also because I'm older than I was during her conception, I are more smarterer now, okay? I just don't want things to feel forced. There exists no kind of concept of sexuality in the land she lives in, in fact, there ARE no other humans but her, so what's there to love/sex? The Koi fish? The trees? Well, there is that one part in Shattering Jugs...
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(Each .GIF and the above image were made on the Piskel website)
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backwardscigam · 2 years
john constantine doesn’t have hoe phases he has relationship phases. 
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underthevveather · 3 years
Bisexuality has always included trans and nonbinary people!
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foolish-ghoul · 4 years
Good morning to everybody except the Biphobes
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orion-is-an-idiot · 5 years
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alexurbanpop · 5 years
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Hoy es el Día de la Visibilidad Bisexual y me siento orgulloso de decir que soy bisexual. Soy bisexual cuando estoy con una chica. Soy bisexual cuando estoy con un chico. Soy bisexual cuando no estoy con nadie. Ser bisexual no es una fase, ni tampoco estoy confundido, si así fuera ya serían demasiados años estándolo. Los bisexuales somos la B de las siglas LGBTQ+, aunque muchas veces seamos los más invisibles en ellas. Porque nuestros sentimientos son válidos aunque sean los más cuestionados siempre por las personas de nuestro sexo y las de los otros. Hoy es un buen día para gritar más fuerte que el resto del año que soy bisexual y no me avergüenzo de ello. #OutAndProud #Bisexual #BiWeek #BiVisibilityDay #DíaDeLaVisibilidadBisexual #Bi #WalkProud #BiPride #Bisibles #Bisibles #Bisivility #OrgulloBisexual #LGTB #LGTBQ #Boy #Man #Chico #Selfie #Salamanca #TheUrbanPop (en Salamanca, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xEZu3iIBD/?igshid=69cv2cewt1zd
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n0nb1narycode · 3 years
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So Bi Awareness Week culminates today with Celebrate Bisexuality Day (Bisexual Pride Day, Bisexual Visibility Day). I am bisexual. You should be aware and celebrate this. But even if you don’t, it’ll still be true, and I’ll still celebrate it! 💗💜💙 And as always: Bisexuality exists; it doesn’t mean we’re confused, or in denial, or desperate, or attention seeking. As my shirt implies, it’s Not a Phase. It doesn’t reinforce the gender binary (it essentially means attracted to more than one gender), so it definitely doesn’t mean we're attracted “half to men & half to women” (what nonsense). If we are in a monogamous relationship with a man, a woman, a non-binary person, or anyone, we are Still bi. If we are with no one, we are still bi. Nothing you say or “choose to believe” will change any of this. • • • • • #CelebrateBisexualityDay #BisexualPrideDay #BiVisibilityDay #BiAwarenessWeek #BiPride #BiVisibility #BiAwareness #StopBiErasure #BisexualPrideAndVisibilityDay #BisexualityPlusDay #BisexualPlusAwarenessWeek #bisexual #BiAndProud (#BiAndPan also an #enby ) #bisexualEnby #nonbinaryBisexual #bi #BisexualPride #BisexualVisibility (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CULSzQ4vf9j/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gayestman · 7 years
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my bf for #bipride 💕💕 @duckaesthetic
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vixenpen · 4 years
Couples Questions for Keigo and Miku (OC)
1. Do they have inside jokes?
The “wing” thing (if you have to ask you wouldn’t understand)
2. Does either have an addiction?
Miku takes downers to sleep or relax after her shows. Not quite an addiction, but not the healthiest habit.
3. What makes them worry about the other?
Keigo worries about Miku’s pill habit. His parents were addicts. He doesn’t want to see that happen to her
Miku feels Keigo takes on too much even when he doesn’t have to. She feels he makes himself a sacrificial lamb.
4. How do they cope when they’re separated for a period of time, by work or something else?
Snaps. All. Day. Long! Literally from sun up to sun down. Miku’s backup dancers are looking at her like: why tf are you giggling over a picture of a piece of toast???
5. How do they handle a break up?
Keigo: SEVERE Mood swings. One minute everything fine the next minute sad boi is sobbing on a rooftop while listening to breakup songs. Goes through the motions at work. Goes home and just lays down. Empty
Miku: Writing sad songs all day everyday. Her next 3 albums are going to make people feel miserable because that’s how she feels. She doesn’t handle loss the best and gets physically sick over it. Vomits, ugly sobbing, aches and pains, fevers. Baby processes grief horribly.
6. Do they ever resent each other?
Keigo: Is envious that Miku has such a supportive loving mother. Gets wistful watching them interact
Miku: wishes people took her as seriously in her career as they take Keigo in his.
7. Who is more grounded?
Keigo! Miku is flighty (pun intended) and dreamy by nature. is a Gemini after all. And Keigo as a Capricorn is a bit more level headed by nature.
8. Who is more willing to compromise?
Keigo because Miku is high low key spoiled
9. Do they have any habits that anger the other?
Keigo kicks his feathers under the bed or couch instead of cleaning them. Then uses the excuse that he’s storing them to make a nest. No you’re not, Kei! You’re just lazy!
Miku: leaves random things on the roof or in trees because those are the places she goes to day dream and think. Keigo once couldn’t find his favorite jacket for a month
10. What would one say is the other’s most attractive physical feature?
Miku: For her it’s Keigo’s eyes. She gets lost in them. “Bae, staring contest?” “Are you just using that as an excuse to stare into my eyes?” 😳 “.......nooo...” 😏 “Sure, babe. By the way you’re swooning again.”
Keigo: her hair. Just look at it!!! Her hair is a literal cloud 😩
11. What is your favorite and hottest sex position? Why?
Keigo: doggyyyy those wings fluttering when she’s about to cum is 👌🏾😏
Miku: doggy. It’s so rough and feral
12. Do you like to have sex outdoors? Does the possibility of someone catching you doing it turn you on?
Keigo: hell the fuck yeah to both!!!!
Miku: yesss omg outdoor sex is 🤤 I feel so bad for people without wings. Flying sex is 😩😩😩💦💦💦💦
Keigo: Damn sweetness, Having flash backs? 😏
13. Do you prefer rough or gentle sex? Do you like to kiss during sex?
Miku: *sings* and baby when it’s love If its not rough it isn’t fun
Keigo: We all know I like it fast and rough come on now 😏 and bae wouldn’t have it any other way.
14. Do you like anal sex? Have you ever tried it? How was it? Would you do it again? Is it something you really enjoy or did just do it to please your partner or to see how it felt?
Keigo: having my sweet Angel pound my ass??? Yes please!!! Them anal orgasms hit different 😩😩😩
Miku: Anal sex is 💣🔥 that hot cum spilling out of my ass unfff 😫
Keigo: See, You gone make me act up, Angel, you better Stop.
15. How do you feel about being nude in front of others or in public? Does this excite you or does it make you feel embarrassed?
Miku: I LOVE it! I worked hard for this body, it’s sexy af and I love to show off. I’m an exhibitionist by nature. Anyway, it’s my job. I can’t be a shy sex symbol!
Keigo: never done it, but I love watching bae prance around naked in front of people 🤤 she knows how good she looks and likes to tease and I love that shit.
16. Do you like to have sex with music on or off? If the answer is on, which songs put you in the mood the most? Is there an artist who you find puts you in the sexiest mood?
Keigo: yesss bae has the sexiest “sex” playlist Keith Sweat, LSG, Jodeci, Janet Jackson,🥵😩😩
Miku: yesss it sets the mood so well, and Kei low key be trying to fuck on beat.
Keigo: no I don’t!
Miku: 🙃🙃🙃
17. Do you prefer being the dominant one or the submissive one? Would you ever allow someone to dominate you and to what extent? Have you ever tied your partner up or have you ever allowed the other person to tie you up? How do you feel about spanking?
Miku: With that man’s quirk do you really think I haven’t been restrained and tied up????😤 he play too damn much, and I love it! We switch
Keigo: Miku is mommy in bed and I just—👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾😩🤤🤤🤤 plus spanking makes her pussy grip harder.
18. Do you make noises during sex? Do you scream or moan? And what do you like your partner to be like during sex—loud or quiet
Keigo: On my lifeeee my Song Bird makes the prettiest sounds in bed. All melodic and shit, moaning and screaming my name in that sweet little voice I—phew, give me a minute *walks away muttering*
Miku: Umm...😐 anywayyyy...Kei moans and cusses during, and its so sexy cuz his voice gets all low and raspy. 🥵
19. If you could have any celebrity join us for a night in bed, which one would it be? It’s gender optional, so you could choose literally whomever you wish?
Keigo: Endeavor
Miku: Endeavor or Mirko or Mt. Lady
Keigo: I meeeaaan...we can make at least one of those happen...
Miku: 👀
Keigo: 👀
20. Have you ever experimented with the same sex? Have you ever fantasized about sleeping with someone of the same sex?
Keigo: Didn’t have to fantasize and it ain’t experimenting. Dick and ass is wonderful. #bipride #biguy
Miku: Ditto except with pussy.
Bonus! (Compatibility based on star sign):
Gemini and Capricorn compatibility is intense! This duo has an inspirational relationship. When others view them together, they often wish for the same love. Gemini and Capricorn pairings are dynamic and fun! Both signs are full of vigor and ambition.
They understand each other on a level other people do not understand them. This makes the relationship feel as if they owe no explanations to one another. They are who they are and don’t have to explain why they feel or act the way they do.
A Gemini and Capricorn pairing is not only fun, but they also share a similar intellect and interests. The relationship is easy going and exceptional. But, that’s only if they conquer what few obstacles come their way. Lifelong love is the promise of this pairing when both are in accord with one another’s needs.
Gemini can prove flighty and of a fickle heart. So, if they want to be with a Capricorn, they must settle down. Capricorn is trusting. But, they will only trust Gemini to the extent their partner earns it. The Capricorn partner does not take cheating lightly. If Gemini waivers from the commitment, it is next to impossible to repair the love connection.
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iguessaj · 4 years
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Posted @withregram • @abprallenuk It is upsettingly difficult to find films and TV that centre LGBT+ characters who don’t experience trauma, abuse, objectification, transphobia, homophobia, or a combination thereof as their main plot point or as the biggest part of their screentime. Whilst experiencing these kinds of things might be a reality for a lot of LGBT+ people, especially when telling stories set in the past, it’s disheartening to see yourself only reflected when experiencing hardship. LGBT+ people deserve romantic comedies, action movies, thrillers, period dramas, horror films, sitcoms, and so much more that doesn’t rely on trauma and hatred as a plot - we deserve media where our transness, our gayness, our queerness is just a part of who we are. We deserve to be treated like cishets - let us fall in love without a homophobic father watching on, let a woman mention her wife as casually as a man mentions his, give a character they/them pronouns where no one questions it, show top surgery scars without ever explaining them or giving the trans masculine character a depressing back story of “being born in the wrong body”, tell us the story of two women in love without catering to the male gaze. Let us exist, let us be seen as people and not tragedies. . . . #lgbt #lgbtrepresentation #queerrepresentation #queer #queerartist #transartist #gayartist #queerart #transart #bi #wlw #lesbianpride #bipride #enby #nonbinary https://www.instagram.com/p/CHkwWHNAqMJ/?igshid=1xpnr6lwr0nak
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adamimitchel · 4 years
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Coming out is never as easy, no matter how many times we may have to do it. For these past few years, I’ve been questioning my sexuality once more, wondering if my tendency of absolutism has barred me from truly embracing who I am. Furthermore, I’ve noticed the consistency in my preferences and that I can be attracted to all presentations of gender, masculine, feminine, as well as androgyny. I am bisexual/ pan-sexual. Bisexuality is unique for everyone and the ratios of attraction can differ from person to person. Now, this hasn’t changed the nature of my gender and I do still identity as the man I’ve since I’ve transitioned. Though this may not seem like a great deal to some, it is to me because it means that I am also one step closer to really understanding and embracing myself. The stereotypical portrayals of what society has painted bisexual to be isn’t always accurate to the reality and I am willing to answer any questions you may have. 🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹 Song for this post: “Deliverance” By: The Mission” 🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹 #makeup #makeamericagothagain #makeupartist #spfxmakeupartist #spfxmakeup #spfx ##bi #bisexualpride #bipride #bipride🌈 #lgbtq #meninmakeup #comingout #makeuplooks #trans #tribalgoth #artistsoninstagram #artist #stretchedears #bodypaintingmodel #bodypaint #selflove #pride (at Green Bay, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL1wmcnnXbh/?igshid=1vedf84qxxuy5
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thetaylorfiles · 4 years
My best guess: bisexual - IF labels are what we're going with. I've never heard bipride used, but it is my understanding 'gay' is commonly used in the community as an umbrella term - a label anyone on the lgbtq+ spectrum would use. I think she can be an ally as well as a part of the community. Lastly, I think she was ambiguous when speaking about advocating for a "community she is not a part of" that one is to assume which community(ies) she means. And you know what happens when one assumes.
If you’re an ally AND lgbt also, you phrase it different. You also live your life different. Because let’s face it. Taylor Swift has given no real indications to the public that she is interested in women. Some people pick up on small things like this, but the vast majority don’t.
And yeah, she could be bi. She could be somewhere else on the spectrum between gay and straight. Who knows what she is. But she absolutely could be and probably is something other than Just Totally Straight. Very few people are.
But again, I come back to respecting what she puts out there. And that’s someone who is with a man and has given essentially no indication that she is interested in women or that she wants us speculating about her sexuality.
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dasenergi · 5 years
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Life is a spectrum. Living in a binary world is stressful for those of us who are not binary. Heteros are sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender. Homos are sexually attracted to people of the same gender. Those in the bisexual spectrum are attracted to a combination of all genders in various and different ways, and each to different degrees. And sometimes it changes. For most bisexuals, we are not 50/50. That is binary hetero/homo thinking. My sexuality is fluid. It changes. It evolves. Often times it is based on the person, not their gender. I wish I lived in a world where there were no labels. Where we each were free to love whomever we wanted without fear. But people are still being killed for who they love. I've been accosted twice on the street for holding the hand of a man I was dating. But I believe with each generation, society is learning to love more. Empathy and kindness grows. We will see a brighter day filled with generosity and love for all. (Part 3 of 3) #BiVisibilityDay #BiVisibility #Bi #Bisexual #Bisexuality #BiPride #BiMagic #BiMen #VisibilityMatters
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sweetlycreations · 6 years
Jack Avery
being jack’s twin part 1 // part 2 
touring girlfriend
love, marriage, baby
aesthetically in love
friends? nope, lovers
in love
wing man
high school
cheesy love
unnecessary hate
family approved
heartbroken & healing
sexual tension
marry your daughter
Christmas time
black girl magic
long distance genius
on tour
first snow
avery girl
green bug
petty behaviour
tour nights
stolen gf
celebrity crush
blessed with jealousy
baby news
seavey/avery baby
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vaspider · 6 years
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Introducing Jake! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 The newest member of the NerdyKeppie team, when not handling customer service, Jake is the vocalist for @downtrodder & lurks in the swamps of New Jersey. A proud #bi #trans man, Jake loves coffee, Steven Universe & Star Wars. Please welcome Jake by sharing your favorite Star Wars scene. 💜 #shopsmall #nerdykeppie #bipride #transisbeautiful #transman #transpride https://www.instagram.com/p/BsdxWg6FBQp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wrk0xkjshrkp
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