#birb dad manwe
cilil · 2 years
picture this: the classic image of a kind old person sitting on a bench in the park and feeding the birds
got it?
now picture it with Manwë on his perch throne in Ilmarin, feeding his beloved birds - from tiny hummingbirds to the great eagles - with lembas
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atanes-universe · 2 years
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Sav`s Universe/ Chapter 2: Ikarus
First page Chapter 1: Prelude
First page Chapter 2/ <previous/ next>
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atane-is-here · 4 years
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just some winged Valar hanging out
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav`s Universe
The first arc of this comic has come to it´s end. I hope everyone liked it so far öwö. We are now entering a new chapter of Savs life and slowly have to say goodbye to bby Sav :c
After the imprisonment of his parents Sav gets to grow up with his Uncle Manwe on the peak of Taniquentil. It´s a bit isolated in the sheltered palace of the Elder King but this little guy knows how to make friends. That is if he´s not bothering his cousin Eonwe who became like a brother to him.
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav´s Universe
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav`s Universe/ Chapter 2: Ikarus
First page Chapter 1: Prelude
First page Chapter 2/ <previous/ next>
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav`s Universe/ Chapter 2: Ikarus
First page Chapter 1: Prelude
First page Chapter 2/ <previous/ next>
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav´s Universe
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav´s Universe
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atane-is-here · 4 years
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Manwe is not amused
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav´s Universe
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav´s Universe
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atanes-universe · 5 years
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Sav´s Universe
What would happen if the Valar found Melkor´s kid and decided to raise him? This is the story of Sav and how he  found his way in the world (my first post on the idea ist linked here)
The first two pages will be published on the 25th of march. I´m still figuring out the schedule but there should be two pages every one or two weeks (two weeks may be a bit more realistic in the long run but maybe I´ll get them out faster in the beginning to set the story)
next page > 
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atane-is-here · 5 years
Is that a Silm comic in coming?
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So I've been working on something
Some of you might have noticed that I've not been posting for some time. That's mainly because I was working on a bigger project.
I've been thinking about this for a while. The valar had children in the unfinished tales and I really like that concept. Also I want some alternate universe family drama (with fluff... and probably angst)
Weird gods who have weird kids are kind of my thing so I did some sketches and what came of it was... What about the Valar raising Melkors kid after his banishment into the void? (so basically an AU where they find the kid of Melkor and Mairon and raise him as best as they can while his parents are in jail) I just want some birb dad Manwe and stressed uncle Curumo.
I´ve already started the comic but unfortunately I lost the sketchbook in wich I did all the linework so I have to redo most of it. This is definitley a thing that I´m trying to get out (although a little delayed). I´ll definitley post some related illustrations soon.
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