#bird velocity ranking
dearophelia · 1 year
I wrote up Amari’s backstory properly last night and AHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS TINY PLANT NERD
Amari grew up on Trill, where she was the only child of a closed triad (two males and one female). She grew up in Trill politics: her mother was a member of the Trill Senate for decades. Amari found this annoying and boring: the lifestyle of constant meetings and boring parties for important people never appealed to her. It was at one of those parties that Amari discovered she was allergic to chocolate in quite a dramatic fashion.
Rather than follow in her mother’s footsteps, she decided to follow her grandfather’s path: she threw herself into the Initiate Program and studied and trained hard to be accepted. Upon completion of the Initiate Program, Amari was chosen to host the Del symbiont.
(Some past Del hosts of note: Levi, a concert violinist. Eli, the Trill ambassador to Vulcan. Oren, a high-ranking officer in Starfleet Intelligence. Avia, a brilliant mathematician.)
She entered Starfleet Academy shortly afterward, majoring in Science and minoring in Engineering and Conn. She focused on botany (specifically xenobotany), genetics, and linguistics. It was at the Academy that she was first introduced to Velocity. She loved it and joined the Academy’s competitive team. While she is an excellent phaser user, she barely passed her hand-to-hand qualifications.
It was also at the Academy that she was introduced to her stress food: sour gummy worms. Her first year roommate, Zuri Achebe, was a human majoring in Command with a hope of captaining her own starship one day. They’re still in contact. Zuri is the senior Conn officer on the USS Hyderabad.
Shortly after graduation, she got her orders for the USS Harrier. Its mission was a three-year survey to deep space. Oren Del was Academy roommates with Captain Richard Santiago, and so Captain Santiago treated her like an old friend even though she was just an Ensign fresh out of the Academy. Captain Santiago often came down to the botany lab to think.
Amari kept up with her competitive Velocity skills, and when she was on the Harrier took leave to participate in a tournament at Starbase 154. She tore her rotator cuff in the final match, which she went on to win despite the injury. It was a long recovery, but it’s healed now and doesn’t give her any trouble — except if the sonic showers are operating at less than 95% efficiency: then it aches.
Two years after mission launch — and with shiny new Lieutenant JG’s pips on her neck — the Harrier encountered a temporal anomaly with abnormally high gravity. While trying to escape it, the temporal and gravitational shear ripped the ship apart. They were ordered to abandon ship. Amari got into an escape pod with 5 other people — Commander (XO) Leo Valentine, Ensign Isabelle Park, Lieutenant Garnn Mott, and Ensign T’vek — and was picked up a week later by the USS Solidarity. No other escape pods were ever recovered.
She served as a science officer aboard the Solidarity for about a month, just going through the motions, until they reached Deep Space 3 and she and the other Harrier survivors could disembark. She was evaluated by DS3’s counselor and, like the other five, was diagnosed with PTSD and put on six weeks mandatory bereavement leave. Amari went back to Trill.
Her parents were supportive, but they had their own lives that needed attending. Amari took to walking around the capitol markets and it’s there that she found a yellow-and-blue bird similar to a canary. Knowing nothing about birds, she bought him on the spot. She named him Mendel.
Orders came near the end of her leave, to fill an empty botany posting on the USS Pioneer. She packed up her plants (she’d lost them all in the Harrier, but never let a botanist wander a plant market unsupervised), Mendel, and the rest of her belongings, and dutifully boarded. Her quarters are filled with plants and she lets Mendel fly around when she’s in there; he likes to perch on her shoulder and preen.
Amari has enjoyed her posting on the Pioneer so far and was recently promoted to full-grade lieutenant and leads the botany department. It is a department of three. The one-year anniversary of the destruction of the Harrier is approaching and she’s doing her best to forget that fact.
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enterprisewired · 3 months
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth
In May 2024, we witnessed the biggest solar storm of the past 20 years. Many people uploaded their POV of the aurora on social media. However, while the aurora borealis is a beautiful sight, the effects of the solar storms were drastic. Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME). Moving toward Earth at the speed of 3 million miles per hour, these storms can impact us humans significantly. Let’s explore how.
Impact of Solar Storms on the Earth:
As the storms reach the outer atmosphere or space, they might collide with Satellites or humans in space. The energetic protons in the storm could cause alteration or damage to electrical circuits or the biological DNA. At the most extreme solar storm, the passengers and crew of high-flying aircraft could be exposed to radiation risk. Storms could create intense currents in Earth’s magnetosphere and cause the ionosphere and upper thermosphere to heat up. This could create a drag for low-orbiting satellites and harm the power grid. When a solar storm reaches Earth, it interacts with the magnetosphere making it agitated and compressed, which allows energetic solar wind particles to cluster in Polar Regions. 
Very High-energy particles, like those carried by coronal mass ejections, can cause radiation poisoning to humans and mammals. When a coronal mass ejection strikes Earth’s atmosphere it causes a temporary disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field. Solar storms can throw satellites off course and cause them to fall on Earth’s surface putting many urban centers at risk. Many migrating animals like birds and honey bees are affected by solar storms as they use magneto reception to navigate. Geo-magnetically induced currents are produced in the pipelines due to rapidly fluctuating geomagnetic fields causing multiple problems for the pipeline engineers. Pipeline flow meters can pass wrong information and the corrosion rate of the pipelines can be dramatically increased. 
Solar Flares and its types
There are 5 types of solar flares. Here they are ranked from least to most effective:
A-Class flares – These flares don’t have any noticeable consequences on Earth. 
B-Class flares – These are 10 times more intense than A-Class flares.
C-Class flares – These are 10 times stronger than B-Class flares. They have few noticeable consequences on Earth. 
M-Class flares – These are medium-sized flares. They cause brief radio blackouts that affect Polar Regions.
X-Class flares – These are the biggest. They cause radio blackouts throughout the world. They also cause long-lasting radiation storms in the upper atmosphere. 
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms
1. The Carrington Effect: 1859
It was named the Carrington effect because it was observed by the solar astronomer Richard Carrington. He witnessed the storm through his private observatory telescope and sketched the sun’s sunspots at the time. It is the first and largest documented solar flare. It caused major aurora displays visible to the south as far as the Caribbean. It also caused severe disruptions in global telegraph communications, shocked some telegraph operators, and caused fires due to the discharge from lines ignited telegraph papers.
2. Solar Flare VS. AT&T: 1972
This is a major solar flare that erupted in August 1972. It knocked out long-distance telephone communication across many states including Illinois. NASA stated that this event caused AT&T to redesign its power system for transatlantic cables. 
3. Major Power Failures from Geomagnetic Storm: 1989
Source – Wikipedia
In March 1989, a powerful solar flare caused a geomagnetic storm that set off a major power blackout in Canada, forcing 6 Million people to spend 9 hours without electricity. According to NASA, the flare disrupted electric power transmission from the Hydro Quebec generating Station and even melted some power transformers in New Jersey. Although the flare was pretty strong, it was not nearly the same scale as the Carrington event. 
4. Bastille Day Event: 2000
Bastille Day event has the same name as the French national holiday because it occurred on the same day i.e. July 14, 2000. The event caused some satellites to short-circuit resulting in Radio blackouts. 
5. The Haunting Halloween Storms: 2003
From October till November, the Earth experienced continuous solar flares and coronal mass ejections in its atmosphere. NASA named it The Haunting Halloween Storms. The storms caused airplanes to be rerouted, affected satellite systems, and caused power shortages in Sweden. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) failed due to the solar storm which studies the Sun, its deep core to its outer corona, and solar wind.
6. X-Ray Sun Flare for Xmas: 2006
On Dec 5, a massive X-Class flare was seen ignited on the sun. The solar storm was so powerful that it damaged the solar X-ray imager instrument on the GOES 13 satellite which took its picture. 
7. A Very Expensive Storm: 2022
In February of 2022, the launch of 40 Starlink satellites was carried out but all the satellites got burned in the environment. The solar storm caused the thermosphere to get denser and eventually Starlink satellites couldn’t pull the satellites upward to their designated position. The satellites got pulled towards Earth and ultimately burned by the friction in the atmosphere, totaling a loss of 50 million.
Should we be worried?
While we are physically safe from solar storms, the economic damage can be drastic. Today, space agencies are trying to send astronauts on interplanetary missions. If we want to establish an interplanetary residence, we must learn how to protect ourselves from Solar Storms.
On the other hand, scientists are trying to develop radiation-resistant space suits for astronauts to protect them from radiation. Humans are trying to get to Ceres and Mars for exploration. In the long term, precautionary measures are necessary to prevent any damage from the storms.
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penguinkinggames · 3 years
“Cerebos: The Crystal City” Actual Play Part III: The End
This is the third and final entry in a series of posts recounting a session of actual play from Cerebos: the Crystal City, currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter. The first two parts can be found here:
This session was conducted on March 20th, 2021, with Matthew Dorbin as GM, and Amelia Gorman, Ashley Flanagan, Will Mendoza, and Kevin Snow playing. The events of play were recorded by Zach Welhouse.
The First Leg of the journey has ended, and the Lady in Blue is the Seeker. She remembers her past: she was a small-time crook who left the City by the Sea to kill her murderous, thieving sister. Having pieced together her past, she has until arriving at Cerebos to decide if she still wants to kill the Lady in Red.
The Unqualified Robot, Tinderling, and the Lonesome Seafarer won’t find the answers they were looking for in Cerebos. However, they’ve ridden the rails with the Lady in Blue long enough they may have learned something else. Aiding her in her journey may clarify their own futures.
Tinderling and the Unqualified Robot hope the Lady in Blue will kill her sister. Actions have consequences and violence is sometimes necessary to restore balance. The Lonesome Seafarer has had enough pain. She hopes the Lady in Blue will be able to move on – or find common ground with the woman who did her wrong. 
Sixth Round of Train Actions
Tinderling notices an enormous marble building in the distance. From its Greek pillars and statues of Justice, it’s probably a courthouse. None of the travellers are on especially great terms with the law, but the train stops anyway. This journey isn’t just about them. There are other passengers too!   A trial is in session when the passengers arrive, and it requires four jurors. As outsiders, the travelers are unbiased. Wigged functionaries encourage them to attend the day’s arguments.   It’s the trial of Hodur, Norse god of winter and accidental murderer of Baldr. Baldr is testifying when the jury enters: “My death was absolutely necessary! My death was all part of a larger plan!” He cites Romulus & Remus, Osiris & Set, and other famous examples of fratricide. Sometimes a death is necessary for the greater good.
Tinderling’s player spends 1 Momentum to create a Danger 2 Stop as a Saintly Revelation. She doesn’t want to make the journey to Cerebos more difficult for anybody, but she does present the Lady in Blue with an argument to stay the course.
As with the previous Stop, the other travelers should have received a Train Action before arriving at the courthouse. The GM had been keeping an eye on the clock and made an executive decision to ensure the trains kept running on time. The whole session, including several snack breaks, fit into a four-hour session with only fifteen minutes of overflow!
Stop Actions: The Trial of Hodur
The Unqualified Robot has decided to Seize the Opportunity to divest itself of its past wares. It is defined by actions now, not junky gadgets. It offers gadget after gadget from its backpack to passing barristers, seeking some way to communicate. It rolls a Success and scores a giant foam finger with “FRATRICIDE” written on it. The new jury is fitting in with the trial, so the Danger reduces to 1.  
The Lonesome Seafarer waits for a lull in the trial and vaults out of the jury box to cross-examine Hodur: “Did you mean to kill Baldr?” She rolls 1 + 5 = 6, but spends a rank of Tunnel Vision to really focus on the heart of the matter and eliminate all obstacles. The rerolled 1 becomes a 5, netting the Lonesome Seafarer an Inspired Success -- and one Momentum to her authoritative hat for rolling doubles!   Hodur begins to weep under the incisive questioning: “I could never have done it if I had known! Even if I had to for a better future, I couldn’t kill my brother!” The Stop Danger is reduced to 0. Had Tinderling paid an extra Momentum while setting up the Stop, the Unqualified Robot or the Lonesome Seafarer would have received a keepsake for their efforts.  
Tinderling, disgusted by Hodur’s breakdown, starts carving something rude in the juror’s box with her bird bone sewing needle. She’s learning that she’s really into this justified violence thing. How come these people don’t understand progress is impossible without sacrifice? She rolls to Release the Touchstone – a symbol of peace – and succeeds.   The needle snaps. She burns with clarity and gains one Contemplation.  
The Lady in Blue isn’t in danger. She rests, shakes hands with a few visiting gods, and loads up on jury cookies. She removes one Momentum.
The court is in an uproar over Hodur’s outburst. The travelers aren’t interested in being further embroiled in someone else’s problems, so they sneak out back and return to the train.
Sixth Round of Train Actions (Continued)
The Lonesome Seafarer triggers a Revelation to counter Tinderling’s full-throated endorsement of fratricide. Two high-pitched voices begin shouting from the next car: “I hate you! I wish you weren’t my sister anymore!” The fight spills over into the travellers’ car as two six-year-old girls shove and cry into each other. It’s a Danger 2 Event demonstrating that just because siblings fight doesn’t mean they have to be enemies.  
The Unqualified Robot triggers its Saintly Revelation. Since leaving the courtroom, it has been busy building an effigy – a new sibling – from its unsold junk and extraneous body parts. If it can’t communicate with people, maybe something closer to its temperament will do the trick.   Calamity strikes! After a disagreement, the Robot and its twin begin to fight. Encouraged by the violence they’ve recently observed, it escalates. Presumably the twin was at fault. The Robot’s player explains, “I think the moral here is the danger siblings hold and how they must be destroyed.” The Robot Battle Event is Danger 5, threatening to strip the train to its bones. Luckily, Cerebos is in sight!
Since the Saints and Demons have introduced their Revelations, it’s time for the Endgame. Cerebos arrives! Its towering spires of crystal and neon illuminate the night. Squabbling siblings, a pair of robots engaged in an all-out hurly burly, and passengers who have begun to take sides pour from the train, attracting the attention of a number of station agents armed with stern frowns and truncheons.
Normally, the gates of Cerebos are a Danger 2 Stop, but the unresolved Events from the train boost it to a worrying Danger 4. 
Stop Actions: The Gates of Cerebos
Tinderling stands on a barrel and fans the flames of animosity, pulling unrelated passers-by into the fight: “Hey! This is what happens when you have an evil twin. Monsters are monsters and they don’t change!” She Causes Trouble to boost the Stop to Danger 6 and extend the scene. Everyone receives an extra cycle of Stop Actions.  
The Lonesome Seafarer also trusts her words to address the growing riot, arguing for peace. She draws on the harsh lessons she learned from Scurvy, her missing mate: “You have to give people a chance to change!” It’s like shouting into a storm. Fists and rocks fly as she takes Damage, her words unheeded.  
The Unqualified Robot briefly breaks free from its apocalyptic struggle with its evil twin. These… emotions are just holding it back. It tries to Release its last remaining expression slide, a smiley face defaced by angry eyebrows.   An Ugly Break. Communication is easy when it involves throwing things. It gains Momentum on its whiskey flask and gains Contemplation. It thanks Tinderling for introducing the path of rage.  
The Lady in Blue lays into the fray with elbows and right hooks, clearing people away from the Unqualified Robot. They’ve shared whiskey. Everyone just needs to stand back. She takes Damage and reduces the Danger to 4.  
Tinderling is taken aback at the chaos she has unleashed. It was all going so well, but the Unqualified Robot is taking a lot of hits. It’s burning too bright! She Seizes an Opportunity and starts laying into station police and onlookers alike. Even spending Burns at Both Ends to flare up like a hero, she takes Damage to reduce the Danger to 3.  
The Lonesome Seafarer pushes through the thinning crowd of combatants to the main event: robot vs. robot. She engages the evil twin with watertight logic and the Coat of Thesus Trait: “That robot is made out of your same parts! Why would you fight yourself? That’s not fratricide. That’s suicide!” After a string of unlucky rerolls, she ekes out a Partial Success, taking Damage while wrestling the Evil Twin off the Unqualified Robot. Danger 2.  
The Unqualified Robot scrambles back, throwing everything in reach at its evil twin: unsold junk, garbage, rocks. It’s not enough. The only way to end this is to carry its actions to their logical conclusion.   The Unqualified Robot tears off its head and flings it at the effigy.   The effigy, stunned by the extreme act of violence (and the high-velocity assault) explodes. Danger 1.  
The Lady in Blue needs a moment. Watching her travel companion tear off its head to kill its sibling is a lot. Battered passengers and station police slink off. A siren wails in the distance.   The Lady in Blue turns to the squabbling children from the train, who stayed focused on one another the whole time the battle raged around them. “Kids. Let’s talk. What happened?” she asks.   The sisters explain a very long, very important story that involves teasing and boysenberry (or possibly poisonberry) tea. It is ridiculous.   The Lady in Blue sighs long and deep. “It’s not like I’m not already headed to Hell. Try this, kids. This is what real poison tastes like.” She offers them each a sip of whiskey, transferring their animosity to her as they taste the rough, foul drink. Two-vs-one isn’t fair, but the Lady in Blue weathers their coughing and shin-kicking.   Failure. The Lady in Blue takes stress Damage and the round ends: “I solved a fight between two children and I feel terrible about it.”
Tinderling, the Lonesome Seafarer, and the Lady in Blue walk the backstreets of Cerebos. They don’t glisten with empyrean light like the main thoroughfares, but neither are they patrolled by gendarmes searching for whoever it was who started the brawl at the train station.
The Lady in Blue takes out her revolver, spins the cylinder, and stares down the barrel. She pops out the last bullet, sheathes her gun, and leaves her fellow travelers. She has chosen the Devil’s Path, deviating from her initial goal thanks – in a strong part – to the tragic brutality of the Unqualified Robot.
Everybody looks at their goals, laughing at the fresh round of revelations. The only thing left to do now is tally up Momentum and Contemplation to make epilogue rolls.
The Unqualified Robot died doing what it loved: throwing something. The end. No moral.  
Tinderling is a member of the Walking Wounded, unable to settle down in Cerebos, which seems just as bad for workers as the City by the Sea. Nevertheless, she’s gained a newfound appreciation for robot rights.   Before leaving for Cerebos, robots were machines, jerks, and scabs to Tinderling. But the Unqualified Robot taught her that treating robots like tools would only lead to calamity. Maybe her redemption lies in solidarity with all workers...  
The Lonesome Seafarer’s epilogue roll is similar to Tinderling’s. Scurvy isn’t in Cerebos, but she’s found moderating influences elsewhere: “That robot ripping its own head off has taught me some valuable things about myself.” She still hopes to find her missing mate someday, but it isn’t quite the obsession it once was. In the meantime, she’ll keep traveling.  
The Lady in Blue rolls a 4: Self-Actualization! She acknowledges the wrong the Lady in Red did to her, but finds peace in putting aside revenge. She’ll live her own life, not one controlled by a further descent into bloodshed.   Strolling the streets of Cerebos, she sees Tinderling passing out leaflets and the Lonesome Seafarer inspecting a ship-in-a-bottle in a shop window. She feels a fondness for the Lonesome Sea Captain, perhaps from the adventures they’ve had or perhaps because it was she who first directed the Lady in Blue to Cerebos.   “Captain,” says the Lady in Blue, taking the captain’s arm. “How do you feel about having a whiskey with me?”   “I’ve only had grog before,” the Lonesome Seafarer hazards.   “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”
The Lady in Blue and the Lonesome Seafarer walk through the electric streets, arm-in-arm, in search of drinks.
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jadequarze · 3 years
Lmao I also love myths and legends!
In my brain, (cause of your art) I imagine Yuji and Megumi to be a tiger and wolf respectively.
Considering Gojos six eyes ability has a lot to do with space manipulation/perceiving space, mass, velocity, etc, maybe he’s seen as a sort of chaotic creator/energy based god, while Nobara, Yuji and Megumi are seen to represent the positive, negative and neutral forms of energy? I can see Megumi being the negative (cause he’s a grumpy boi), but Nobara and Yuji could def Duke it out for the positive position.
But regardless of what they represent, they’d be chaotic little beans because when are they not?
Meanwhile, the Zenin clan would be a family of some form of winged creature. My first thought went to Kenku cause bird?
I think megumi is more neutral, maybe because of his divine dogs being both black and white. But, eh, that’s a problem for future me to figure out. Yup, them being chaotic little beans should remain the same throughout any aus. I love the trio SO much. This is a bit out of topic, but I’m just imagining them being a cuddle pile in their animal forms. Then Gojo appears and absolutely destroy their tranquility, suffocates them with his big ass animal form (which I’m not sure what).
The Zenin’s being a winged folk, oh definitely. I’m thinking that different wing types have different ranks in their hierarchy.
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harbingering · 5 years
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Have you ever noticed that WARREN WORTHINGTON III  from the MARVEL UNIVERSE looks a lot like PETER GADIOT? But  HE also goes by ANGEL/ARCHANGEL. Having the ability of WINGED FLIGHT, SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH, REGENERATIVE HEALING FACTOR, HYPERSONIC SCREAM sure makes them a force to be reckoned with. Rumour has it they are 30 and is working as a CEO OF WORTHINGTON INDUSTRIES & PART OF THE X-MEN. 
basics —
NAME: warren kenneth worthington iii
ALIAS: angel
he only turns into his archangel persona when under immense stress. he’s gotten to a point in his life where he’s capable of keeping that side from coming out. he doesn’t like what he does when the angel of death makes an appearance
SPECIES: mutant
OCCUPATION: ceo of worthington industries
his company deals with aviation technology, alternative fuel, fancy frozen yogurt, and owns the guardian newspaper
was a founding member
RELATIVES: warren k. worthington sr. (paternal grandfather, deceased), warren k. worthington jr. (father, deceased), kathryn worthington (mother, deceased), burtram worthington (paternal uncle), mimi (maternal aunt)
his family is the fifth richest in the entire country
HAIR COLOR: blonde
yellow when archangel.
HEIGHT: 6’0” (1.83 m)
WEIGHT: 150 lbs (68.04 kg)
UNUSUAL FEATURES: hollow bones, pair of feathered wings coming out of his back
his skin turns blue and wings become metal when archangel
EDUCATION: college degree from xavier’s school for gifted youngsters
PLACE OF BIRTH: long island, new york
RESIDENCE: new york, new york
he lives in a penthouse in manhattan, but also has a room at the school that he will stay in frequently as well
early life —
warren kenneth worthington iii is the mutant son of the wealthy warren k. worthington jr. and his wife kathryn, neither of them were aware that their son had developed a large pair of feathered wings. on the other hand, doctor stuart who delivered warren knew immediately what he would become by spotting the distortion of his shoulder blades.
warren would attend many boarding schools growing up. his superhero career first began after a fire broke out in his dorm. he disguised himself with a wig and a nightshirt. he ends up lowering two students to safety with a rope.  he also saved a fellow student who would become a lifelong friend.
he would briefly become a costumed superhero known as avenging angel. this caught the attention of the professor who recruits him as the third founding member of the x-men. he was a carefree student, often flying-off during his lessons and in public.  
he would end up becoming known as just angel after becoming an x-man.
powers and abilities —
warren is capable of switching between his personas.
assume he’s angel unless it’s stated otherwise. thank you!
WINGS: possesses the superhuman ability to fly by means of his natural wings, which spanned sixteen feet from wingtip to wingtip. fully feathered like a bird's, the wings have a very flexible skeletal structure, enabling him to press them to the back of his torso and legs with only the slightest bulge visible under his clothing. angel flies by flapping his wings, as a bird does. the strength in his natural wings can easily break a man's arm or leg, or even put someone through a wall.
FLIGHT: his normal cruising speed averages around 70 miles per hour (112 kph), though he is capable of diving swoops that reach up to 180 miles per hour (290 kph). he can fly at 150 miles per hour (240 kph) without the help of a tail wind for up to half an hour at a time before tiring to an appreciable degree. though he generally flies beneath the height of the clouds (6,500 feet/1981 meters), he can reach a height of 10,000 feet (3000 meters) with little effort. with severe strain he can attain the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight (african geese at 29,000 feet (8840 meters) above sea level), but can only remain at that altitude for several minutes.
AERIAL ADAPTATION: angel’s entire anatomy is naturally adapted to flying. his bones are hollow, his body processes food more efficiently than a normal human body and does not store any excess fat, and he possesses a greater proportionate muscle mass than normal. as a result, his strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance, reflexes, coordination, balance, eyesight and hearing are at their peak. elements of his anatomy are comparable to those of birds, especially birds of prey. his eyes can withstand high-speed winds which would damage the average human eye. he can breathe at high velocities or altitudes, and he can cope with the reduced temperatures at high altitudes for prolonged periods of time.
he shares some quality with birds including the sense of direction while his eyesight is on par with the one of an eagle, allowing him to spot movement and details even from higher distances than the average human (or mutant) could. his enhanced, avian eyes allow him to "see everything" even in the dark!
PEAK HUMAN STRENGTH: he can lift up to 500 lbs!
SUPERHUMAN STAMINA: he can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. his physical stamina while in flight is considerably greater. the angel can fly non-stop under his own power for a maximum of approximately twelve hours.
SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY: his body is structured to withstand the friction caused by flying at high speeds. he can also withstand impact forces that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human with only mild to moderate discomfort.
EXPERT COMBATANT: he’s a skilled combatant, especially in aerial hand-to-hand combat.
BUSINESS SENSE: a talented businessman whose wealth ranks him in the lower part of the fortune 500 list.
SWORDSMANSHIP: aced in his fencing class without ever picking up a sword, and only using his wings. he can use a sword if needed someday.
TECHNO-ORGANIC WINGS: was given techno-organic wings by Apocalypse as part of his conversion to the Horseman Death. Their feathers could be launched as flechettes which hit like bullets and able to pierce steel, due in part to their incredible endurance and composition.
FLIGHT: these wings enabled him to fly approximately at mach 1, possibly even faster considering he had little trouble out-flying a fighter jet which can travel a speed of mach 2.35 (2,903 kph) and later still showed out flying the blackbird while above sea level at mach 4.2 (roughly 5,189 kph).
WING BLADES: his t.o. wings have razor sharp edges running along them, most likely mono-molecular in sharpness, making them very deadly bladed weapons for him to use. it’s suggested they can cleave semblances with the toughness of diamond being sharp enough cleave stone, tear through tempered steel slice, and can easily cleave grown men clean in two.
WING SHIELDING: due to their metallic trans organic nature they made decent shields to protect his body by covering up in them. able to resist an arrow barrage, bullet fire, flash flames, a missile strike and lastly can tank a bio-nuclear microwave blast from the mutant holocaust.
REGENERATIVE HEALING FACTOR: has the ability to regrow damaged and destroyed tissue due in part to both his mutations.
HYPERSONIC SCREAM: can emit an intense acoustic shrieking which could cause disorientation and internal bleeding.
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aethercal · 5 years
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It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s WARREN WORTHINGTON III/ANGEL && ARCHANGEL, a HERO from MARVEL! HE is 33 years old and look an awful lot like PETER GADIOT. I hear that they work as a CEO OF WORTHINGTON INDUSTRIES. Rumor has it they were AGAINST the Accords and ARE NOT registered under the new laws.
I wonder what they’ll find with their new beginning! 
basics —
NAME: warren kenneth worthington iii
ALIAS: angel
he only turns into his archangel persona when under immense stress. he’s gotten to a point in his life where he’s capable of keeping that side from coming out. he doesn’t like what he does when the angel of death makes an appearance
SPECIES: mutant
OCCUPATION: ceo of worthington industries
his company deals with aviation technology, alternative fuel, fancy frozen yogurt, and owns the guardian newspaper
was a founding member
RELATIVES: warren k. worthington sr. (paternal grandfather, deceased), warren k. worthington jr. (father, deceased), kathryn worthington (mother, deceased), burtram worthington (paternal uncle), mimi (maternal aunt)
his family is the fifth richest in the entire country
HAIR COLOR: blonde
yellow when archangel.
HEIGHT: 6’0” (1.83 m)
WEIGHT: 150 lbs (68.04 kg)
UNUSUAL FEATURES: hollow bones, pair of feathered wings coming out of his back
his skin turns blue and wings become metal when archangel
EDUCATION: college degree from xavier’s school for gifted youngsters
PLACE OF BIRTH: long island, new york
RESIDENCE: new york, new york
he lives in a penthouse in manhattan, but also has a room at the school that he will stay in frequently as well
early life —
warren kenneth worthington iii is the mutant son of the wealthy warren k. worthington jr. and his wife kathryn, neither of them were aware that their son had developed a large pair of feathered wings. on the other hand, doctor stuart who delivered warren knew immediately what he would become by spotting the distortion of his shoulder blades.
warren would attend many boarding schools growing up. his superhero career first began after a fire broke out in his dorm. he disguised himself with a wig and a nightshirt. he ends up lowering two students to safety with a rope.  he also saved a fellow student who would become a lifelong friend.
he would briefly become a costumed superhero known as avenging angel. this caught the attention of the professor who recruits him as the third founding member of the x-men. he was a carefree student, often flying-off during his lessons and in public.  
he would end up becoming known as just angel after becoming an x-man.
powers and abilities —
warren is capable of switching between his personas.
assume he’s angel unless it’s stated otherwise. thank you!
WINGS: possesses the superhuman ability to fly by means of his natural wings, which spanned sixteen feet from wingtip to wingtip. fully feathered like a bird's, the wings have a very flexible skeletal structure, enabling him to press them to the back of his torso and legs with only the slightest bulge visible under his clothing. angel flies by flapping his wings, as a bird does. the strength in his natural wings can easily break a man's arm or leg, or even put someone through a wall.
FLIGHT: his normal cruising speed averages around 70 miles per hour (112 kph), though he is capable of diving swoops that reach up to 180 miles per hour (290 kph). he can fly at 150 miles per hour (240 kph) without the help of a tail wind for up to half an hour at a time before tiring to an appreciable degree. though he generally flies beneath the height of the clouds (6,500 feet/1981 meters), he can reach a height of 10,000 feet (3000 meters) with little effort. with severe strain he can attain the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight (african geese at 29,000 feet (8840 meters) above sea level), but can only remain at that altitude for several minutes.
AERIAL ADAPTATION: angel’s entire anatomy is naturally adapted to flying. his bones are hollow, his body processes food more efficiently than a normal human body and does not store any excess fat, and he possesses a greater proportionate muscle mass than normal. as a result, his strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance, reflexes, coordination, balance, eyesight and hearing are at their peak. elements of his anatomy are comparable to those of birds, especially birds of prey. his eyes can withstand high-speed winds which would damage the average human eye. he can breathe at high velocities or altitudes, and he can cope with the reduced temperatures at high altitudes for prolonged periods of time.
he shares some quality with birds including the sense of direction while his eyesight is on par with the one of an eagle, allowing him to spot movement and details even from higher distances than the average human (or mutant) could. his enhanced, avian eyes allow him to "see everything" even in the dark!
PEAK HUMAN STRENGTH: he can lift up to 500 lbs!
SUPERHUMAN STAMINA:  he can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. his physical stamina while in flight is considerably greater. the angel can fly non-stop under his own power for a maximum of approximately twelve hours.
SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY: his body is structured to withstand the friction caused by flying at high speeds. he can also withstand impact forces that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human with only mild to moderate discomfort.
EXPERT COMBATANT: he’s a skilled combatant, especially in aerial hand-to-hand combat.
BUSINESS SENSE: a talented businessman whose wealth ranks him in the lower part of the fortune 500 list.
SWORDSMANSHIP: aced in his fencing class without ever picking up a sword, and only using his wings. he can use a sword if needed someday.
TECHNO-ORGANIC WINGS: was given techno-organic wings by Apocalypse as part of his conversion to the Horseman Death. Their feathers could be launched as flechettes which hit like bullets and able to pierce steel, due in part to their incredible endurance and composition.
FLIGHT: these wings enabled him to fly approximately at mach 1, possibly even faster considering he had little trouble out-flying a fighter jet which can travel a speed of mach 2.35 (2,903 kph) and later still showed out flying the blackbird while above sea level at mach 4.2 (roughly 5,189 kph).
WING BLADES: his t.o. wings have razor sharp edges running along them, most likely mono-molecular in sharpness, making them very deadly bladed weapons for him to use. it’s suggested they can cleave semblances with the toughness of diamond being sharp enough cleave stone, tear through tempered steel slice, and can easily cleave grown men clean in two.
WING SHIELDING: due to their metallic trans organic nature they made decent shields to protect his body by covering up in them. able to resist an arrow barrage, bullet fire, flash flames, a missile strike and lastly can tank a bio-nuclear microwave blast from the mutant holocaust.
REGENERATIVE HEALING FACTOR: has the ability to regrow damaged and destroyed tissue due in part to both his mutations.
HYPERSONIC SCREAM: can emit an intense acoustic shrieking which could cause disorientation and internal bleeding.
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haleyguthrie93-blog · 6 years
Rovio To Open Official Angry Birds Stores Starting First In China.
When you attempt and fail to begin a brand-new habit-- mention, heading to the gym after work four days a week-- that's tempting to trump on your own for your incapability to commit. This menu is where the almonds and screws of the operating system are actually and also the desktop menu is actually arrangement similarly to the one in Microsoft window 7 with the exception of one tiny difference: there is actually no start button. Source -new Electrical power Sensor takes advantage of cutting edge modern technology to get more information concerning your swing and hit with additional power. Yet as you start earning an increasing number of perks, you will be used enormous savings as well as in auto and enhancements in efficiency criteria. Big, well-funded Israeli firms beginning to acquire other Israeli companies for significant sums from money, as well. http://e-quelledeslebens.info 're a great, well meaning ton which made use of to keep an eye out for the overall populace of the Republic, up until they was up to inner energy battles and cannot protect a settlement. If your Mac computer will not energy on at all, likely suspects are actually a broken energy supply, a negative logic panel, a wasted fuse (on desktop computers), a bad hvac or even a dead battery adapter (on portables). You'll be a starter for a low-ranked team, however won't create as promptly as others. Luckily though, if one liners coming from big males in power armour create an unpleasant cringe, you will definitely rejoice to recognize that for the substantial majority of the video game you will certainly rather be actually bordered by some instead ascetic Zerg characters. Start-up Supervisor is a built-in request that you could invoke in the course of the startup procedure to choose an amount to boot your Mac computer coming from. But our experts end up being comfy with exactly what our company began along with as well as normally cultivate a taste for that product. Generally my phone drops around 2% every hour and also my nexus 7 possesses plenty of power to last throughout the day despite having relatively massive make use of. Then accordinged to whatever our experts've read about the Change's energy when away from the dock they'll should place infiltrate making this run on also a lot less energy. I perform Project Fi and I actually wish to view all of them get a little bit much more affordable on price, they're actually starting to certainly not feel like the best deal in community any longer. Baseding upon the survey, the most effective nation to begin a service in is actually New Zealand. 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ishagola · 3 years
Why Search and SEO Are Important?
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On the off chance that you examine the prior occasions, you will become acquainted with that the rationale behind the pursuits led by the clients was to search for records that contained the words that an individual has composed for. Be that as it may, this isn't the intention today by any means. In the event that you take a gander at the example of searches today, you will become acquainted with that the rationale behind looking is to accomplish something or to achieve an undertaking.
Independent of the age factor, the inquiries can be identified with schooling, amusement, legislative issues, sports, music, or much more fields. Today, there is practically nothing that isn't accessible on the Internet. You can make look through identified with flight appointments, can peruse for creature or bird photographs, or can even look for probably the most recent and moving music and dance recordings.
Begin with your shopper venture
In basic terms, digital marketing agency in bangalore are starting an excursion by beginning a hunt and this is named the shopper venture. Presently, you should be thinking about what is implied by this term. It is just a strategy for alluding to the client's way from the beginning of their undertaking to its fruition. This undertaking is frequently started with a hunt and consequently the name purchaser venture.
The change from a channel to an insane straw
The buyer venture assumes a crucial part during the time spent looking and assists the crowd with achieving their tasks. The previous model of the buyer venture was addressed by a pipe and as per this model, a purchaser was believed to be moving from attention to thought to buy. Notwithstanding, this model is no longer into thought and has been supplanted by an insane straw today. It portrays various turns and contorts that are liable for displaying various mediums, channels, and even gadgets that are being utilized for purchaser collaboration.
READ MORE: Want to improve SEO of your WordPress- hire Citiesagencies
In the current situation, the way toward looking has developed from simply taking a gander at kinds of words entered to understanding the aims of the client behind the hunt. The pursuit gets adjusted by the client's prerequisite and attempts to satisfy their necessities. A specific degree of comprehension is needed at each period of this excursion to assist the crowd with getting the ideal outcome.
It will not be right to imagine that the hunt is simply identified with the utilization of catchphrases in the content. The inquiry should give the right content to the clients and not deceive them to some insignificant pages that can bring about bringing down the seo services of the site.
Keeping straight with the insane straw model, it is important to remain refreshed with the innovation too. These days, an assortment of gadgets are utilized to direct inquiries like cell phones, PC, work area, or tablets. Aside from this, a client can likewise look through utilizing smartwatches, Bluetooth speaker aides, brilliant glasses, and certain kitchen apparatuses also.
Significance of search
Search is significant on the grounds that the clients are significant and they search constantly consistently to finish their ventures and procure information also.
With the overhaul in innovation and the strategies for looking through utilizing an assortment of gadgets, SEO experts ceaselessly search for better approaches for looking so they can adjust to it and make the content likewise.
Be it the tasks that you have finished or present the reports, directing a hunt identified with your issues has consistently helped you in for sure. There is in every case some sort of examination needed behind each assignment that you need to finish.
For what reason is acceptable SEO so significant today?
Website improvement is important to keep a beware of the content and comprehend the necessities of the clients to give them the right sort of content. A SEO master in Mumbai comprehends the requirements of the searcher just as the serious scene. The content should be made and introduced as to such an extent that it doesn't seem counterfeited or deceiving to the crowd.
A decent SEO assists you with exploring through different forms of the current page and keep up with great worker settings. Website design optimization helps in upgrading the stacking velocity of your page. This is vital since, in such a case that the page requires some investment longer than regular then the crowd won't ever visit that page again and your guests will be lost.
Search engine optimization additionally gives examination to quantify your exhibition and assists you with working together with social media stages to advance your business. It makes the client experience better and helps in introducing your content imaginatively and interestingly before the crowd. It guarantees that your matter is unique and isn't gotten or replicated from previously existing sources. Additionally, it likewise helps in addressing tech gives that render content imperceptible to the web indexes.
Grow your business by giving top quality content
Being in a cutthroat space, you need to devise better approaches to procure an ever increasing number of customers and grow your business flawlessly. The central point that should be engaged upon in marketing methodology are drawing in, connecting with, and changing over. Search is associated with this load of three perspectives. Nonetheless, it centers significantly around the 'draw in' component of the marketing procedure.
You should be in contact with a standout amongst other SEO experts so the individual makes the site alluring and amazing for the clients. To associate with more customers, structure contacts through different channels and outlets. On the off chance that a site page is appealing, connecting with, and can change over guests into clients then it is in itself a SEO page. The alterations are done on the page and the sorts of designs and representations consolidated additionally help in commanding the notice of the searchers.
Helps in building content methodology for long haul
A decent SEO is liable for getting personas and zeroing in on creating superb content building technique. It centers around information driven bits of knowledge and even assists you with all specialized issue - tackling methods. It assists with making the client's pursuit experience better and assist organizations with procuring an ever increasing number of customers. It helps in coordinating the client traffic on your site by making great quality content and expands its perceivability to the searchers. It is probably the best apparatus to expand brand mindfulness and assemble associations with possibilities.
Aside from these elements, there is a degree for paid advertising also through the viable utilization of uses like Google AdWords, pay-per-click, and even showcase advertisements. This load of techniques for digital marketing company in chennai are intended to help you arrive at your intended interest group and grow your business.
Perceivability is connected straightforwardly to your rankings on the web crawlers. The more endeavors you put in after the right SEO procedures, the more are the odds of your rankings getting expanded. There is a lift in web traffic as the rankings and perceivability increment.
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zanpyreanor · 7 years
[Story] Captivity (Part 6)
Nuadathiel walked over to Zan and reaches up, dropped the curtain for privacy. He then looked down at the paladin, and reaches out with a finger to "boop" him on the nose.
Zan glanced up to Nuada and managed a weak sort of smile, "Hey."
Nuadathiel knelt down and opened his arms, pulling Zandrae into a hug. He enfolded him in his wings.
Zan's smile faded as Nuada pulled him into a hug, while melancholy, Zane returned the hug, "It's hard resisting being really intolerable for everyone's sake. I want to be the biggest little shit."
The older elf nodded.
Zan grunted, "I want to resist. Cages aren't fun unless there's a safeword involved and that big blue peacock motherfucker didn't ask permission to put us here or make a safeword, if there was a safeword I would have already said it a dozen times."
Nuadathiel gave another nod, "I am going to try something."
The elf looked at his hand and flexed it, and then stood by the cell door. He began to change incrementally, until he was a bipedal eagle. Wicked talons sprouted from his fingertips. He reached around and began fiddling with the lock. A bell went off, and Nuada sat on the bed, resuming the form of an elf. Valthan and eight guards with drawn weapons rushed in.
Zan blinked and remained in his bed, thoughts crossing his mind; it figures the locks would be alarmed. He grumbled under his breath.
"Which one of you tried to pick the lock?" asked a guard.
Keylorian ignored him. He was still holding the crane pose, his attention intentionally elsewhere.
Valthan looked around and attempted to make eye contact with each prisoner. "Well?" he asked impatiently. His hair dripped water on the floor.
Iviaen looked down at the guards, then at his journal, then he spoke, "Chabo's a minuscule chicken, so cute that your heartbeat will quicken. On your shoulder he'll ride. You'll display him with pride. He is "good" but he's not "finger-lickin'."""
Nuadathiel smirked.
Zan eyed Valthan, "Eat a dick."
Valthan snapped his fingers and the cages lowered to the floor. He pointed at Zandrae's cage, and the door opened, "Bring the silver one to my office," growled the druid.
Zan got up and moved over to near Nuada, "Leave him alone."
Nuadathiel's ears pinned back as two guards stepped over to the cage. The rest left the room, and Valthan made to follow them when Nuadathiel spoke. "Valthan," he said softly.
The druid turned and looked him over, "Yes, Silverblade?" The druid waved the guards aside and stood in front of the cage.
The magus gently pushed Zandrae away from the entrance of the cell, "Oh, come closer, you coward, I want to get a better look at you." He pushed the door open; his wings fluttered, and stepped out to stand in front of the druid. The guards shouldered the door to the cell closed and grabbed Nuadathiel's arms as the druid turned his back and walked out of the room. Once Valthan left, the mage tilted his head, and his wings seemed to flail of their own accord, distracting the guards. A feather caught on a key ring, arced it through the air, and it landed against the side of Iviaen, and Keylorian's cell as the distracted guards dragged Nuada away.
Iviaen grabbed the key ring and stuck it under his mattress.
Zan rattled the door once it closed, he was frustrated that Nuada pushed him aside while he was being protective; he let out an aggravated yell.
A flash of purple light shown from under the door, and the birds in the pens ruffled their wings.
The door flew open, and a guard entered at full running speed, pursued by a very angry harpy eagle. He had a wicked looking slash across his scalp, which was bleeding profusely. Nuada landed on his head and the guard made the mistake of reaching up to grab his talons. With a slash of the eagle's beak, the guard was on the floor and the mage landed, dodging a bolt of moonfire as the angry druid entered the room. The birds huddled in their pens.
Valthan attempted to entangle Nuadathiel in roots, but found himself held fast, instead, as the mage cast a counter-reflection spell.
Zan looked at the fight, then at the birds huddled in their pens, then at the fight. His ears drooped in sympathy for the birds, but he remained at the door, his hands around the bars, "Get him, Nuada."
Nuada froze the druid in place with a word and then leaped at him, changed into the taloned form he had been wearing on awakening. With great, raking blows, the two former mates fought, silver and blue feathers flew everywhere.
Iviaen looked to Nuada and spoke, "Why not teleport away while you can?"
"Not without you three," Nuada called back.
Iviaen looked to Keylorian, "..."
Keylorian said softly, "the anti-magic properties are obviously limited to the cages, and the distraction will not last long."
Iviaen grabbed the key and moved to unlock the cage, "Then let's get out and make some magic." He went through keys until the cage lock unlocked. He opened the door. By now if an alarm wasn't going off, it's probably going off now.
Keylorian took the keys from Iviaen and unlocked Zandrae's cage as a low hum filled the room.
Zan hopped out and summoned a hard-light barrier around himself, "Okay." He then moved to throw some healing light onto Nuada and treat any battle wounds he might have sustained, "Let's get out of here."
Nuadathiel stood and started to go through the motions of casting a portal, then snarled and simply ripped a volatile tear in space between the room and Eversong, "Go!"
Iviaen bolted for the portal, "Let's go."
Zan looked to Nuada, "Not without you."
"I am coming," a taloned foot stood on the druid's neck, "I have to keep him subdued and the portal open. Go." He pushed Zandrae toward Keylorian and the portal, occupied with the struggle to hold it open and keep the druid subdued.
Iviaen leapt through the portal.
Keylorian attempted to grab Zandrae and leap through the portal. His fingers grasped the paladin's sleeve and there was a tearing noise as he passed through.
Two loud cracks rang out in the room, and objects at high velocity whistled by Zandrae's head. The boundaries of the portal began to wobble and falter as the silver-haired mage staggered, blossoms of red blood formed on his chest.
Zan's shirt ripped, he looked at the portal, and then looked at Nuada, "No!" He turned his attention to Nuada and began frantically threw healing spells on his friend.
The birds huddled in their cages, trembling as guards poured in. They raised rifle and bow, pointing them at Zandrae and Nuadathiel as the paladin frantically worked to heal his friend. Two bullets clattered onto the floor from Nuadathiel's chest.
Zan looked at the guards who pointed the weapons pointed at him and continued healing, "I'm not going to fight you, I'm healing my friend. Once he's stable I'll surrender."
The highest-ranking guard there nodded, and they backed away. A priestess came forward and began work on the druid, lifted Nuadathiel off Valthan, and wrapped the druid in shadow to mend his wounds.
Zan kneelt by Nuada and focused on healing him, the ginger kept his hands where the guards could see them and made no sudden movements. Non-compliance would leave them both dead, where if he behaved the two might both survive.
Once the priestess had healed Vanthal enough to stabilize him, she waved to someone at the door, and two other healers came in with a stretcher. Attendants began dismantling the cell that Iviaen and Keylorian occupied then relocated items left behind to Nuada and Zan's cell. The owl and the crane vanished as if they were never there in the first place. An attendant sedated and removed the terrified peacock. With a flash of light and ozone, the now-empty pens disappeared.
As Zan finished doing what he could for Nuada, he slowly moved his hands up into the air and rested his palms, open, against the back of his neck. He spoke, "You guys should get lessons from an actual warden."
The guards carried Nuadathiel and guided Zandrae into the cell, laying the mage on the bed and injecting him with a syringe. They affixed cuffs to the left ankle of each elf and touched a gem on each, which caused them to close with a "snick" and become practically weightless. Another guard entered with a box of rations and a keg of water, and the door to the cell closed. The last guard shut the door, and the room plunged into darkness.
Zan remained compliant and entered the cell; he even offered his ankle to the captors to cuff. He frowned at the healed and unconscious Nuada, "Alas, poor birdy." He sat on his bed and brought his knees to his chest.
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rayanrooke · 5 years
Ranking The 10 Best Air Rifles of 2019
Gone are the days when air rifles are consistently inferior to traditional firearms. Modern technological advances have turned air rifles into useful tools for hunting small game. The best air rifles on the market today are incredibly accurate and easy to handle. They also have the benefit of needing less expensive ammunition and that ammunition doesn’t go bad like primers, powders, or cases will.
In this article, we’re going to rank the Top Ten Air Rifles so that you can find a safe gun for hunting birds, squirrels, rodents, and other small game. Before you move on to purchasing your own air rifle, be sure to read through our comprehensive Buyer’s Guide and Frequently Asked Questions sections to learn as much as possible about air rifles and how to make the right purchase for your needs.
1. Gamo Big Cat 1400 .177-Caliber Air Rifle
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The newest addition to the Big Cat family is the most powerful Big Cat every made. It boasts Gamo’s new Smooth Action Trigger, which maximizes pinpoint accuracy. It also comes with an all-weather synthetic stock that offers rubberized grips and a Shock Wave Absorber that reduces recoil shock by up to 74 percent.
The Gamo Big Cat 1400 achieves 1400 feet per second shot velocities with PBA Platinum ammunition (2). This single shot air rifle boasts a 33-millimeter Cylinder power plant and a break barrel single cocking system. It features a manual trigger safety, 4×32 scope with rings, and twin cheek pads for comfortable, ambidextrous shooting.
2. Benjamin Marauder Synthetic Stock .22-Caliber Pellet Air Rifle
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This air rifle is designed for the hunter that wants a lightweight, adaptable firearm. Its new synthetic stock makes it weigh in lighter, but also maintains optimal balance for field carry. It also comes with an ambidextrous raised comb so that it can adapt to firing from either shoulder as circumstances and shooters dictate.
The Benjamin Marauder boasts a choked and internally shrouded barrel that guarantees both precision and ultra-quiet operation. It’s arguably the most accurate and quietest rifle in its class and it features a two-stage-adjustable, match-grade trigger system that functions to make every shot smooth and steady. Its 8-round magazine also allows for fast follow-up shots.
3. Remington Tyrant XGP .177
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The Remington Tyrant XGP .177 is perfect for small game hunters that need precision accuracy. This break barrel air rifle also offers an ambidextrous synthetic stock, but this one is outfit with a Monte Carlo cheek piece and a comfortable rubberized recoil pad to reduce wear and tear on your cheek and shoulder.
This air rifle comes with a 4×32 scope to help you aim more quickly and fire off more accurate shots. It’s a single shot rifle with a two-stage trigger and a fixed muzzle-suppressing device. With .177-caliber lead pellets, this air rifle is capable of shooting at 1000 feet per second (fps). It also weighs just 6.6 pounds and features a barrel length of 16.5 inches.
4. RWS Model 34 .22-Caliber Pellet Air Rifle
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This .22-caliber air rifle can top out above the 800 fps mark. It’s designed for the hunter that wants a rifle that can deliver on performance without offering too many features that just end up getting in the way. It offers polished blued metalwork, full-sized hardwood stock with an ambidextrous design, and a two-stage adjustable trigger system.
The RWS Model 34 is also a great choice for hunters looking for a magnum air rifle that won’t break the bank. Tis air rifle weighs in at just 7.5 pounds and offers a barrel length of 19 inches. It comes with a 4×32 scope to help ensure shot accuracy. Recommended pellets for this air rifle include RWS’ Meisterkugeln, Super Point, Super H-Point, and Superdome (1).
5. Benjamin Trail NP XL 1100 Break Barrel .22-Caliber Air Rifle
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If you’re searching for an air rifle that’s fast, quiet, and easy to use, give this one from Benjamin Trail a good look. It boasts the Nitro Piston powered break barrel, which produces 70% less noise than comparable spring-powered air rifles. It also offers less recoil and a smooth cocking mechanism that makes a successful day of hunting pain-free.
The Benjamin Trail NP XL 1100 includes a 3-9x40mm CenterPoint precision scope, which features an adjustable objective and range-estimating reticle. It also comes with a bull barrel, picatinny mounting rail system, installed sling mounts, and a ventilated rubber recoil pad. With 24 feet pounds of muzzle energy and shot velocities up to 1500 fps, this rifle means game over for small game.
6. Crosman M4-177 Pneumatic Pump .177-Caliber Air Rifle
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The Crosman M4-177 is a perfect firearm for anyone that wants the look and feel of an M4, but with more ammunition flexibility. This air rifle can shoot BBs or pellets and its multi-pump design means you can pump it up to ten times to achieve higher shot velocities. It also allows you to pump less if you’re going for easy, all-day shooting.
This air rifle is pump action, so it doesn’t require a battery or carbon dioxide for functionality. It boasts a 350 round BB reservoir and also comes with a pellet magazine. This rifle features an aperture rear sight that’s adjustable for windage and a post front sight that’s adjustable for elevation. Both sights are removable and also boasts an adjustable scoping stock, sling loops, and a manual safety.
7. Ruger Targis Hunter Max .22
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Perfect for shooting small game in your backyard or out in the field, this air rifle offers a TNT gas piston power plant and Nucleus rail system. The power plant and rail system work together to provide an excellent shooting experience designed to satisfy new air rifle hunters and experienced handlers equally.
The Ruger Targis Hunter Max .22 boasts SilenceAir technology and an ambidextrous automatic safety for versatile shooting. It also offers a rifled barrel and rubber recoil pad. This rifle comes with a 3-9×32 AO airgun specific scope that’s easy to mount and get on target. If you prefer open sights, it also has fiber optic sights ready to go.
8. Hatsan Model 95 Combo Rifle
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This air rifle is designed for the hunter that prioritizes the look of a rifle just as much as its performance. This rifle’s ambidextrous Turkish walnut stock gives is a beautiful, authentic feel that’s sure to make a good first impression. But it also reinforces that impression by delivering a maximum shot velocity of 1000 fps.
The Hatsan Model 95 Combo rifle is a single-shot, break barrel rifle that relies on a spring-powered piston. It boasts a rifled steel barrel and a Quattro two-stage match trigger that’s adjustable for trigger-pull weight, first stage, second stage, and length of travel. It also features a fixed TruGlo fiber optic front sight and fully adjustable TruGlo fiber optic rear sight.
9. Crosman Rogue SBD .177-Caliber Air Rifle
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The Crosman Rogue SBD air rifle is designed for small game hunters that want to stay as quiet and stealthy as possible. Its’ new silencing barrel device (SBD) makes it capable of dispatching paper targets and small game three times quieter than other break barrels in its class. It also offers smoother cocking, no spring torque, smoother shooting, and no spring fatigue even if left cocked for hours.
This air rifle boasts a Nitro 2 gas piston that functions 15 percent faster than standard gas pistons. It also comes with an all-weather synthetic stock, front and rear sights, and a rifled steel barrel. It features an adjustable, two-stage, clean break trigger and requires less cocking force than similar models. Finally, this air rifle functions perfectly in cold weather and lasts longer than rifles that rely on a metal spring to deliver the action.
10. Air Arms S200 FT Air Rifle
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 Those looking for a low-cost introduction to PCP shooting (3) should consider the Air Arms S200 FT air rifle because of its relatively small size. Despite that size, this gun delivers well when hunting small game at short and medium distances. It includes a quick-release connector for the air reservoir and you’ll be able to shoot between 50 and 60 times on a single air charger.
This air rifle boasts a maximum shot velocity of 800 fps and a max fill pressure of 2,700 pounds per square inch (PSI). It offers a rifled barrel style and relies on a pre-charged pneumatic mechanism to deliver the action. This rifle features an 11-millimeter dovetail rail, a 19.09-inch barrel length, and weighs in at 6.17 pounds.
Buyer’s Guide
So now that you’ve seen the top ten air rifles on the market today, it’s time to figure out how to narrow down your options a bit further. This Buyer’s Guide will focus on several characteristics of air rifles that you should be familiar with before settling on one.
Power Plant
The first major characteristic that categorically separates air rifles from one another is the power plant. This is the mechanism responsible for the rifle’s operation. There are four major types of power plants that we’ll cover here: spring piston, carbon dioxide, pneumatic, and pre-charged pneumatic.
Spring Piston
The spring piston is the most common method of operation for high-powered air rifles. The operation is guaranteed through a spring system that also utilizes an air piston to propel pellets or BBs. This method of operation requires that the user manually retract the spring using some form of leverage.
For your money, air rifles powered by a spring piston system are usually the most accurate and affordable choice. They rely on simple and reliable technology so they are also less likely to jam or malfunction. Their only limitations come in the forms of the caliber of ammunition they are compatible with and the fact that they’re really useful for small game only.
Carbon Dioxide
Air rifles that rely on carbon dioxide use pre-filled cartridges that usually contain 12 grams of compressed air in a metallic cylinder. This cylinder is attached to the rifle and is the only power source for semi-automatic air rifles. As far as replacing empty cartridges goes, they are usually very easy to find and affordable to acquire (4).
Air rifles that utilize carbon dioxide cartridges don’t require regular pumping action, which makes operation simpler. However, they do tend to suffer from inconsistencies related to how outside temperatures can decrease the pressure inside the cartridges. These inconsistencies sometimes compromise the rifle’s velocity and accuracy. For this reason, rifles that rely on CO2 are best used for plinking and recreational shooting.
Pneumatic air rifles also rely on compressed air to propel pellets or BBs, but they rely on pump action to create that pressurized air. There are several different types of pneumatic air rifles, including single-stroke and multi-pump.
Single-stroke air rifles function when the user consistently pumps the rifle before every shot. This system guarantees greater consistency in terms of accuracy, which makes rifles that use it a great choice for target shooting. However, the extra movement, noise, and time that they require make them a less suitable choice for hunting.
Multi-pump air rifles are a favorite of those looking for convenience above all else. These rifles feature an air reservoir that utilizes a built-in air pump. When you need to fill the reservoir with compressed air, you can pump it multiple times to pressurize for multiple shots.
Pre-Charged Pneumatic
Pre-charged pneumatic air rifles are also sometimes simply referred to as “PCP” rifles. They still rely on a controlled amount of compressed air, but an air compressor or hand pump pre-charges their reservoirs in these rifles. Depending on the caliber of ammunition you’re using, you’ll be able to shoot these rifles from ten to a few dozen times on a single charge.
Air rifles that use this method of operation can be very powerful. Some are capable of firing large ammunition and taking down medium game. The major downside of pre-charged pneumatic air rifles is their price. But they also require the additional investment into what can be an expensive air filling system.
While most of the best air rifles on the market rely on a break barrel mechanism, there are several other types that you should be aware of. These types include under lever, side lever, and semi-automatic.
Break Barrel
Break barrel air rifles feature a barrel that hinges downward. When it does so, this cocks the spring and opens the barrel. Once it’s open, this is when you load a pellet into the barrel. Rifles with this mechanism are simple to use and are often incredible lightweight. Their simplicity also makes them much more reliable. Break barrel rifles are also very easy to deconstruct and upgrade. If you do purchase a break barrel air rifle, iron sights and usually the most compatible optics option in terms of maintaining accuracy.
Under Lever
Under lever air rifles have the cocking lever directly underneath the barrel. When operating, you’ll grab the lever and pull toward the butt of the rifle to cock the spring and open the breech for loading. Air rifles that use this mechanism don’t offer any torque when firing the weapon because of this lever design. This design is also ambidextrous, which makes this type of air rifle highly adaptable.
Side Lever
Air rifles with a side lever mechanism are operated by grabbing a lever that’s mounted on the side and pulling it backward (towards the rear of the rifle). This action cocks the piston and opens the breech for you to load the pellet. Although similar to under lever rifles, these tend to be more durable and less sensitive to rough handling. That said, they aren’t ambidextrous so they can be difficult for left-handed shooters.
Semi-automatic air rifles don’t require any manual cocking after the first round. Ammunition is fed from a magazine and fires one round per pull of the trigger. Referring to the power plants we went over above, most semi-automatic air rifles rely on either a carbon dioxide or PCP power plant.
Scopes and Sights
If you’re going to be using your air rifle for any medium distance shooting, you’ll probably want to look into the scope and/or sight options to improve your accuracy. If you’ll mainly be doing backyard shooting, you might not need a scope or sight. That said, let’s discuss scopes, scope mounts, and sights in a bit more detail.
If you want to add a scope to your air rifle, the first thing to consider is the exact type of scope your preferred rifle is compatible with. Certain rifles only accept limited mounts and some can’t accept mounts at all. When it comes to scopes with air rifles, it’s vital that the scope is rated for use with air rifles. If not, they usually won’t last long because of the way that many air rifles produce reverse recoil.
When deciding on the proper scope mount for your air rifle, the tube millimeter measurement is the one to pay attention to. This measurement will tell you if a certain scope mount will fit. Tubes and optics come in a variety of sizes, so making sure they are compatible is critical.
Lastly, some air rifles actually function better with iron sights than a scope. If you mainly intend to use your air rifle for short range shooting, iron sights are usually going to be sufficient. But if you want to maximize accuracy for medium or long range shooting, peep or aperture sights are the ticket.
Frequently Asked Questions
Air rifle use and operation takes some time to learn, especially for new shooters. In this section, we’ll answer some of the most common concerns about air rifles so that you feel confident moving forward with your buying process, as well as the use and maintenance of an air rifle.
Are fixed barrel rifles more accurate than break barrel rifles?
The break barrel action means that the rifle’s barrel moves slightly with each shot. This means it isn’t always in the exact same place, which can indeed affect accuracy. However, most of the modern break barrels are so well manufactured that the average shooter won’t recognize the accuracy difference between a break barrel and a fixed barrel. For experienced shooters, however, a fixed barrel is the way to go.
Which caliber is best?
This largely depends on the type of shooting you prefer. Target shooters and plinkers tend to opt for .177 caliber. If you’ll mainly be using your air rifle for pest control or hunting small game, then you’ll probably want .20 or .22 caliber. And those that wish to seek medium game with an air rifle, there are now models capable of firing .25 caliber and 9-millimeter ammunition.
How do I make sure I get the most accurate shot possible with an air rifle?
There are potentially many answers to this question. For starters, accuracy depends on your shooting technique and how you hold the rifle. The only way to improve in these areas is with practice. But as far as the rifle itself, there are also several other factors that can cause an inaccurate shot. These include incorrect pellet type, a dirty barrel, loose sights or scope, loose barrel pivot bolt, and loose stock screws.
Why do air rifles require different scopes that firearm rifles?
Unlike most firearm rifles, air rifles that rely on a spring piston mechanism generate heavy recoil and vibration in both the forward and rearward directions. Because of this, scopes manufactured for air rifles are made to withstand the heavy bi-directional recoil and vibration. Air rifle scopes also typically come with parallax adjustment that allows closer focus. Most will focus down to 10 yards because air rifles are usually used for short and medium range shooting.
If you’re looking for a non-toy grade gun that’s easy to handle and great for ridding your yard of those small pests, an air rifle is a great choice. We hope that you enjoyed this review of the best air rifles of 2019 and we wish you the best of luck selecting the right air rifle for you!
Via https://bestsurvival.org/best-air-rifle/
source http://bestsurvivalus.weebly.com/blog/ranking-the-10-best-air-rifles-of-2019
0 notes
bestsurvivalus · 5 years
Ranking The 10 Best Air Rifles of 2019
Gone are the days when air rifles are consistently inferior to traditional firearms. Modern technological advances have turned air rifles into useful tools for hunting small game. The best air rifles on the market today are incredibly accurate and easy to handle. They also have the benefit of needing less expensive ammunition and that ammunition doesn’t go bad like primers, powders, or cases will.
In this article, we’re going to rank the Top Ten Air Rifles so that you can find a safe gun for hunting birds, squirrels, rodents, and other small game. Before you move on to purchasing your own air rifle, be sure to read through our comprehensive Buyer’s Guide and Frequently Asked Questions sections to learn as much as possible about air rifles and how to make the right purchase for your needs.
1. Gamo Big Cat 1400 .177-Caliber Air Rifle
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The newest addition to the Big Cat family is the most powerful Big Cat every made. It boasts Gamo’s new Smooth Action Trigger, which maximizes pinpoint accuracy. It also comes with an all-weather synthetic stock that offers rubberized grips and a Shock Wave Absorber that reduces recoil shock by up to 74 percent.
The Gamo Big Cat 1400 achieves 1400 feet per second shot velocities with PBA Platinum ammunition (2). This single shot air rifle boasts a 33-millimeter Cylinder power plant and a break barrel single cocking system. It features a manual trigger safety, 4×32 scope with rings, and twin cheek pads for comfortable, ambidextrous shooting.
2. Benjamin Marauder Synthetic Stock .22-Caliber Pellet Air Rifle
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This air rifle is designed for the hunter that wants a lightweight, adaptable firearm. Its new synthetic stock makes it weigh in lighter, but also maintains optimal balance for field carry. It also comes with an ambidextrous raised comb so that it can adapt to firing from either shoulder as circumstances and shooters dictate.
The Benjamin Marauder boasts a choked and internally shrouded barrel that guarantees both precision and ultra-quiet operation. It’s arguably the most accurate and quietest rifle in its class and it features a two-stage-adjustable, match-grade trigger system that functions to make every shot smooth and steady. Its 8-round magazine also allows for fast follow-up shots.
3. Remington Tyrant XGP .177
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The Remington Tyrant XGP .177 is perfect for small game hunters that need precision accuracy. This break barrel air rifle also offers an ambidextrous synthetic stock, but this one is outfit with a Monte Carlo cheek piece and a comfortable rubberized recoil pad to reduce wear and tear on your cheek and shoulder.
This air rifle comes with a 4×32 scope to help you aim more quickly and fire off more accurate shots. It’s a single shot rifle with a two-stage trigger and a fixed muzzle-suppressing device. With .177-caliber lead pellets, this air rifle is capable of shooting at 1000 feet per second (fps). It also weighs just 6.6 pounds and features a barrel length of 16.5 inches.
4. RWS Model 34 .22-Caliber Pellet Air Rifle
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This .22-caliber air rifle can top out above the 800 fps mark. It’s designed for the hunter that wants a rifle that can deliver on performance without offering too many features that just end up getting in the way. It offers polished blued metalwork, full-sized hardwood stock with an ambidextrous design, and a two-stage adjustable trigger system.
The RWS Model 34 is also a great choice for hunters looking for a magnum air rifle that won’t break the bank. Tis air rifle weighs in at just 7.5 pounds and offers a barrel length of 19 inches. It comes with a 4×32 scope to help ensure shot accuracy. Recommended pellets for this air rifle include RWS’ Meisterkugeln, Super Point, Super H-Point, and Superdome (1).
5. Benjamin Trail NP XL 1100 Break Barrel .22-Caliber Air Rifle
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If you’re searching for an air rifle that’s fast, quiet, and easy to use, give this one from Benjamin Trail a good look. It boasts the Nitro Piston powered break barrel, which produces 70% less noise than comparable spring-powered air rifles. It also offers less recoil and a smooth cocking mechanism that makes a successful day of hunting pain-free.
The Benjamin Trail NP XL 1100 includes a 3-9x40mm CenterPoint precision scope, which features an adjustable objective and range-estimating reticle. It also comes with a bull barrel, picatinny mounting rail system, installed sling mounts, and a ventilated rubber recoil pad. With 24 feet pounds of muzzle energy and shot velocities up to 1500 fps, this rifle means game over for small game.
6. Crosman M4-177 Pneumatic Pump .177-Caliber Air Rifle
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The Crosman M4-177 is a perfect firearm for anyone that wants the look and feel of an M4, but with more ammunition flexibility. This air rifle can shoot BBs or pellets and its multi-pump design means you can pump it up to ten times to achieve higher shot velocities. It also allows you to pump less if you’re going for easy, all-day shooting.
This air rifle is pump action, so it doesn’t require a battery or carbon dioxide for functionality. It boasts a 350 round BB reservoir and also comes with a pellet magazine. This rifle features an aperture rear sight that’s adjustable for windage and a post front sight that’s adjustable for elevation. Both sights are removable and also boasts an adjustable scoping stock, sling loops, and a manual safety.
7. Ruger Targis Hunter Max .22
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Perfect for shooting small game in your backyard or out in the field, this air rifle offers a TNT gas piston power plant and Nucleus rail system. The power plant and rail system work together to provide an excellent shooting experience designed to satisfy new air rifle hunters and experienced handlers equally.
The Ruger Targis Hunter Max .22 boasts SilenceAir technology and an ambidextrous automatic safety for versatile shooting. It also offers a rifled barrel and rubber recoil pad. This rifle comes with a 3-9×32 AO airgun specific scope that’s easy to mount and get on target. If you prefer open sights, it also has fiber optic sights ready to go.
8. Hatsan Model 95 Combo Rifle
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This air rifle is designed for the hunter that prioritizes the look of a rifle just as much as its performance. This rifle’s ambidextrous Turkish walnut stock gives is a beautiful, authentic feel that’s sure to make a good first impression. But it also reinforces that impression by delivering a maximum shot velocity of 1000 fps.
The Hatsan Model 95 Combo rifle is a single-shot, break barrel rifle that relies on a spring-powered piston. It boasts a rifled steel barrel and a Quattro two-stage match trigger that’s adjustable for trigger-pull weight, first stage, second stage, and length of travel. It also features a fixed TruGlo fiber optic front sight and fully adjustable TruGlo fiber optic rear sight.
9. Crosman Rogue SBD .177-Caliber Air Rifle
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The Crosman Rogue SBD air rifle is designed for small game hunters that want to stay as quiet and stealthy as possible. Its’ new silencing barrel device (SBD) makes it capable of dispatching paper targets and small game three times quieter than other break barrels in its class. It also offers smoother cocking, no spring torque, smoother shooting, and no spring fatigue even if left cocked for hours.
This air rifle boasts a Nitro 2 gas piston that functions 15 percent faster than standard gas pistons. It also comes with an all-weather synthetic stock, front and rear sights, and a rifled steel barrel. It features an adjustable, two-stage, clean break trigger and requires less cocking force than similar models. Finally, this air rifle functions perfectly in cold weather and lasts longer than rifles that rely on a metal spring to deliver the action.
10. Air Arms S200 FT Air Rifle
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  Those looking for a low-cost introduction to PCP shooting (3) should consider the Air Arms S200 FT air rifle because of its relatively small size. Despite that size, this gun delivers well when hunting small game at short and medium distances. It includes a quick-release connector for the air reservoir and you’ll be able to shoot between 50 and 60 times on a single air charger.
This air rifle boasts a maximum shot velocity of 800 fps and a max fill pressure of 2,700 pounds per square inch (PSI). It offers a rifled barrel style and relies on a pre-charged pneumatic mechanism to deliver the action. This rifle features an 11-millimeter dovetail rail, a 19.09-inch barrel length, and weighs in at 6.17 pounds.
Buyer’s Guide
So now that you’ve seen the top ten air rifles on the market today, it’s time to figure out how to narrow down your options a bit further. This Buyer’s Guide will focus on several characteristics of air rifles that you should be familiar with before settling on one.
Power Plant
The first major characteristic that categorically separates air rifles from one another is the power plant. This is the mechanism responsible for the rifle’s operation. There are four major types of power plants that we’ll cover here: spring piston, carbon dioxide, pneumatic, and pre-charged pneumatic.
Spring Piston
The spring piston is the most common method of operation for high-powered air rifles. The operation is guaranteed through a spring system that also utilizes an air piston to propel pellets or BBs. This method of operation requires that the user manually retract the spring using some form of leverage.
For your money, air rifles powered by a spring piston system are usually the most accurate and affordable choice. They rely on simple and reliable technology so they are also less likely to jam or malfunction. Their only limitations come in the forms of the caliber of ammunition they are compatible with and the fact that they’re really useful for small game only.
Carbon Dioxide
Air rifles that rely on carbon dioxide use pre-filled cartridges that usually contain 12 grams of compressed air in a metallic cylinder. This cylinder is attached to the rifle and is the only power source for semi-automatic air rifles. As far as replacing empty cartridges goes, they are usually very easy to find and affordable to acquire (4).
Air rifles that utilize carbon dioxide cartridges don’t require regular pumping action, which makes operation simpler. However, they do tend to suffer from inconsistencies related to how outside temperatures can decrease the pressure inside the cartridges. These inconsistencies sometimes compromise the rifle’s velocity and accuracy. For this reason, rifles that rely on CO2 are best used for plinking and recreational shooting.
Pneumatic air rifles also rely on compressed air to propel pellets or BBs, but they rely on pump action to create that pressurized air. There are several different types of pneumatic air rifles, including single-stroke and multi-pump.
Single-stroke air rifles function when the user consistently pumps the rifle before every shot. This system guarantees greater consistency in terms of accuracy, which makes rifles that use it a great choice for target shooting. However, the extra movement, noise, and time that they require make them a less suitable choice for hunting.
Multi-pump air rifles are a favorite of those looking for convenience above all else. These rifles feature an air reservoir that utilizes a built-in air pump. When you need to fill the reservoir with compressed air, you can pump it multiple times to pressurize for multiple shots.
Pre-Charged Pneumatic
Pre-charged pneumatic air rifles are also sometimes simply referred to as “PCP” rifles. They still rely on a controlled amount of compressed air, but an air compressor or hand pump pre-charges their reservoirs in these rifles. Depending on the caliber of ammunition you’re using, you’ll be able to shoot these rifles from ten to a few dozen times on a single charge.
Air rifles that use this method of operation can be very powerful. Some are capable of firing large ammunition and taking down medium game. The major downside of pre-charged pneumatic air rifles is their price. But they also require the additional investment into what can be an expensive air filling system.
While most of the best air rifles on the market rely on a break barrel mechanism, there are several other types that you should be aware of. These types include under lever, side lever, and semi-automatic.
Break Barrel
Break barrel air rifles feature a barrel that hinges downward. When it does so, this cocks the spring and opens the barrel. Once it’s open, this is when you load a pellet into the barrel. Rifles with this mechanism are simple to use and are often incredible lightweight. Their simplicity also makes them much more reliable. Break barrel rifles are also very easy to deconstruct and upgrade. If you do purchase a break barrel air rifle, iron sights and usually the most compatible optics option in terms of maintaining accuracy.
Under Lever
Under lever air rifles have the cocking lever directly underneath the barrel. When operating, you’ll grab the lever and pull toward the butt of the rifle to cock the spring and open the breech for loading. Air rifles that use this mechanism don’t offer any torque when firing the weapon because of this lever design. This design is also ambidextrous, which makes this type of air rifle highly adaptable.
Side Lever
Air rifles with a side lever mechanism are operated by grabbing a lever that’s mounted on the side and pulling it backward (towards the rear of the rifle). This action cocks the piston and opens the breech for you to load the pellet. Although similar to under lever rifles, these tend to be more durable and less sensitive to rough handling. That said, they aren’t ambidextrous so they can be difficult for left-handed shooters.
Semi-automatic air rifles don’t require any manual cocking after the first round. Ammunition is fed from a magazine and fires one round per pull of the trigger. Referring to the power plants we went over above, most semi-automatic air rifles rely on either a carbon dioxide or PCP power plant.
Scopes and Sights
If you’re going to be using your air rifle for any medium distance shooting, you’ll probably want to look into the scope and/or sight options to improve your accuracy. If you’ll mainly be doing backyard shooting, you might not need a scope or sight. That said, let’s discuss scopes, scope mounts, and sights in a bit more detail.
If you want to add a scope to your air rifle, the first thing to consider is the exact type of scope your preferred rifle is compatible with. Certain rifles only accept limited mounts and some can’t accept mounts at all. When it comes to scopes with air rifles, it’s vital that the scope is rated for use with air rifles. If not, they usually won’t last long because of the way that many air rifles produce reverse recoil.
When deciding on the proper scope mount for your air rifle, the tube millimeter measurement is the one to pay attention to. This measurement will tell you if a certain scope mount will fit. Tubes and optics come in a variety of sizes, so making sure they are compatible is critical.
Lastly, some air rifles actually function better with iron sights than a scope. If you mainly intend to use your air rifle for short range shooting, iron sights are usually going to be sufficient. But if you want to maximize accuracy for medium or long range shooting, peep or aperture sights are the ticket.
Frequently Asked Questions
Air rifle use and operation takes some time to learn, especially for new shooters. In this section, we’ll answer some of the most common concerns about air rifles so that you feel confident moving forward with your buying process, as well as the use and maintenance of an air rifle.
Are fixed barrel rifles more accurate than break barrel rifles?
The break barrel action means that the rifle’s barrel moves slightly with each shot. This means it isn’t always in the exact same place, which can indeed affect accuracy. However, most of the modern break barrels are so well manufactured that the average shooter won’t recognize the accuracy difference between a break barrel and a fixed barrel. For experienced shooters, however, a fixed barrel is the way to go.
Which caliber is best?
This largely depends on the type of shooting you prefer. Target shooters and plinkers tend to opt for .177 caliber. If you’ll mainly be using your air rifle for pest control or hunting small game, then you’ll probably want .20 or .22 caliber. And those that wish to seek medium game with an air rifle, there are now models capable of firing .25 caliber and 9-millimeter ammunition.
How do I make sure I get the most accurate shot possible with an air rifle?
There are potentially many answers to this question. For starters, accuracy depends on your shooting technique and how you hold the rifle. The only way to improve in these areas is with practice. But as far as the rifle itself, there are also several other factors that can cause an inaccurate shot. These include incorrect pellet type, a dirty barrel, loose sights or scope, loose barrel pivot bolt, and loose stock screws.
Why do air rifles require different scopes that firearm rifles?
Unlike most firearm rifles, air rifles that rely on a spring piston mechanism generate heavy recoil and vibration in both the forward and rearward directions. Because of this, scopes manufactured for air rifles are made to withstand the heavy bi-directional recoil and vibration. Air rifle scopes also typically come with parallax adjustment that allows closer focus. Most will focus down to 10 yards because air rifles are usually used for short and medium range shooting.
If you’re looking for a non-toy grade gun that’s easy to handle and great for ridding your yard of those small pests, an air rifle is a great choice. We hope that you enjoyed this review of the best air rifles of 2019 and we wish you the best of luck selecting the right air rifle for you!
source https://bestsurvival.org/best-air-rifle/
0 notes
thegloober · 6 years
Thoughts following the end of the 2018 regular season
Yankeemetrics: Final countdown, hello October (Sept. 28-30)
The 2018 regular season is over. Well, no. Not technically. The Brewers and Cubs, and Dodgers and Rockies, are playing a pair of Game 163 tiebreakers today. That’s fun. The regular season is over for the Yankees though. They went 100-62 with a +182 run differential. Pretty great. Their biggest mistake was not being the Red Sox. Anyway, I have some thought on things, so let’s get to ’em.
1. The Yankees won 100 games and hit an MLB record 267 home runs despite getting so little from Gary Sanchez and missing Aaron Judge for nearly two months. Also, Giancarlo Stanton had a very good season but not an all-world season. Prior to 2018, five teams in history hit at least 250 home runs in a season, and all five had at least one 40-homer hitter plus another 30-homer hitter. Three of those five teams had a 50-homer hitter. The Yankees had none of those things. Stanton led the team with 38 homers. No one else had more than 27 homers. But you know what? The Yankees had five players with at least 27 homers (Judge, Stanton, Miguel Andujar, Didi Gregorius, Aaron Hicks) and an MLB record 12 players with at least ten homers. They have power up and down the lineup. Power in every lineup spot and power at every position now that Andrew McCutchen is the starting left fielder. I guess this is my long way of saying that I find it crazy impressive the Yankees won 100 games and hit a record number of home runs while not staying completely healthy and not getting that monster career season from anyone. The Yankees had ten +1 WAR position players this year, the most in baseball. Pretty awesome.
2. One of those ten +1 WAR players: Luke Voit. Where would the Yankees be without him? Not playing the Wild Card Game in Yankee Stadium, I don’t think. Yesterday’s home run put him at .333/.405/.689 (194 wRC+) in 148 plate appearances with the Yankees. Yeah, it’s only 148 plate appearances, but they were 148 high impact plate appearances. They happened. They won games. August 24th was the day Voit took ownership of the first base job. That’s the day he hit two home runs in Baltimore. Prior to that day the Yankees received a .207/.282/.375 (76 wRC+) line from their first basemen. Only the Royals (74 wRC+), Angels (73 wRC+), and Orioles (55 wRC+) were worse. That is unplayable. First base is an offense position and the Yankees weren’t getting much. Since that (admitted cherry-picked) date, the Yankees have received a .331/.403/.729 (202 wRC+) line from their first basemen. Only the Dodgers (211 wRC+) have been better. That is quite the turnaround. Voit’s power is legit. He doesn’t hit the ball on the ground (34.4% grounders) and he ranks among the league leaders in average exit velocity (92.9 mph) and hard contact rate (47.8%). The power’s not a fluke. Will the league find a hole in his swing and exploit it going forward? Maybe! Voit might be Shane Spencer 2.0. But you know what? Spencer had some pretty big moments in the 1998 postseason. I get the feeling Voit’s going to do something memorable in October.
3. I think the lineup we saw Friday night is the lineup we’ll see in the Wild Card Game on Wednesday. Said lineup:
LF Andrew McCutchen
RF Aaron Judge
CF Aaron Hicks
DH Giancarlo Stanton
1B Luke Voit
SS Didi Gregorius
3B Miguel Andujar
C Gary Sanchez
SS Gleyber Torres
That was against a left-handed pitcher, so maybe Voit and Gregorius switch places, but I don’t that’ll be the case. That lineup spreads the lefties out a little bit and that seems to be a thing the Yankees value. Point is, wow does that lineup look awfully impressive. The weak spot is Sanchez, who hit a ball a mile Friday night and can do it again in any given at-bat. Tons of power, tons of patient hitters who work the count, and also contact guys in McCutchen, Hicks, Gregorius, Andujar, and Torres. The days of Shane Robinson and Neil Walker in right field feel like a lifetime ago.
4. This is the sorta thing that’s easy to overlook, but Aaron Boone had several delicate clubhouse matters to deal with this year, particularly in the second half. Greg Bird and Brett Gardner have been moved to the bench. That’s not nothing, especially in Gardner’s case given who he is and how important he’s been to the team over the years. Bird absolutely stunk and deserved to be benched. That doesn’t mean he should’ve been happy about it. These guys are competitors and they want to play. We didn’t hear any complaints or anything like that. In fact, it’s been the opposite. Bird and Gardner have said they want to play and will be ready to play, but understand why their roles were reduced, and will do whatever they have to do to help the Yankees win. (Gardner’s been productive in the fourth outfielder role.) Andujar getting pulled for defense regularly falls into this category too. It wouldn’t take much for a rookie to get discouraged when his most glaring flaw is called out like that. If Andujar is unhappy about it or feeling down on himself, it’s impossible to tell. He raked started to finish. His on-field performance didn’t suffer at all. We see the lineups and bullpen moves every single day. Those are the most visible parts of a manager’s job. This in-house stuff though, like Gardner and Bird being benched and massaging egos? That’s where a manager really makes his money.
5. I have to think Luis Severino is starting the Wild Card Game. Skipping his start completely yesterday was pretty telling. If the Yankees were penciling him in as a bullpen option for the Wild Card Game, I think Severino would’ve thrown a tune-up inning or two yesterday. Instead, nothing. He’ll go into the Wild Card Game with seven days of rest. That’s a lot. I also don’t think it’ll be a huge deal. Adrenaline will kick in early and Severino’s made several starts this season on extended rest as the Yankees controlled his workload. Three times he started on seven days rest this year. Seventeen times he started with extra rest. He’ll be fine. I thought not pitching him at all yesterday was a indication he’ll get the ball against the Athletics. I think the Yankees wanted to start Severino in the Wild Card Game all along because he’s been their best starter the last two years and he’s most capable of providing dominance. Severino’s last two starts were his best starts of the second half, and that makes it easier for the Yankees to give him the ball. And you know what? No matter who starts Wednesday, the leash is going to be very short. The bullpen is going to fire up at the first real sign of trouble. The Yankees have to get 27 outs in the Wild Card Game. I’ll be surprised if the starter gets 15 of them.
Yankeemetrics: Final countdown, hello October (Sept. 28-30)
Source: https://bloghyped.com/thoughts-following-the-end-of-the-2018-regular-season/
0 notes
In Case You Missed It: Braves comeback, Juan Soto called up and more
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Atlanta Braves had a big comeback and a look around the rest of the weekend’s fantasy baseball action (AP Photo).
• The Braves were down five runs with one out yet ended up scoring six in the ninth (without an extra-base hit), as Atlanta won a 10-9 thriller Sunday. Brad Ziegler was the main victim, giving up another four runs before getting pulled, and his ERA now sits at 7.20 on the year. Drew Steckenrider has been hit hard lately (as has Tayron Guerrero), and his ERA is up to 5.85, so it’d be surprising if Kyle Barraclough (1.66 ERA, 0.92 WHIP) doesn’t overtake Miami’s closer’s role now. He’s still available in nearly 80 percent of Yahoo leagues.
• Juan Soto was the weekend’s biggest fantasy news, as the mega prospect got the call just in time for Sunday night FAAB bids. I’m on board with those who were aggressive in acquiring his services, and for more on the young phenom, Andy Behrens has us covered. Soto is batting sixth and playing left field during his first MLB start Monday.
[Yahoo Fantasy Football leagues are open: Sign up now for free]
• Seranthony Dominguez picked up a save by tossing two scoreless innings Saturday and was another popular FAAB addition over the weekend. Hector Neris hasn’t been scored on in four of his last five appearances, but he’s been shaky this season (4.76 ERA, 1.41 WHIP, 20:9 K:BB ratio), and while Philadelphia has a few options in its bullpen, none are more intriguing than the flame-throwing Dominguez, who needs to improve his control but has a bunch of K upside. Philadelphia’s bullpen remains in flux, but there’s good saves potential if someone secures the closer’s job for the wild-card leading team that’s about to open a six-game homestand.
• Fantasy owners searching for saves can also look to Blake Parker, who recorded one Sunday and could easily emerge as the Angels’ closer from here on out. He’s got a 6:0 K:BB ratio over his last three appearances and is owned in 36 percent of leagues…Moreover, Nate Jones picked up a save Saturday, as he’s recorded the team’s last two and looks like the favorite to continue to do so. He’s owned in just 28 percent of leagues.
• Gary Sanchez had a four-hit game with two homers Saturday and even while batting just .225 in a disappointing first quarter of the season is still on pace to finish with 45 homers, 102 runs scored and 124 RBI while playing by far the scarcest fantasy position. The difference between his wOBA (.362) and xwOBA (.417) is -0.55, which ranks top-25 in MLB. He also ranks No. 6 in Brls/Pa, and the five above him are all first basemen or outfielders. In other words, buy him now before his already sky-high fantasy value increases even further. And for all the flack Sanchez gets for his defensive work, he’s consistently graded highly in “Pop Time” and arm strength.
• Mike Trout homered Friday and Saturday and then walked three times with two stolen bases Sunday, capping off a big weekend. His 1.072 OPS is a career high, and he’s been successful on all 10 of his SB attempts this year, as Trout is running again.
• Sergio Romo had an eventful weekend, becoming the pitcher with the fourth-most appearances ever before making his first MLB start Saturday, and he liked it so much, he started again Sunday. He now owns a 0.00 ERA with a 23.1 K/9 mark while starting yet is still searching for his first career win when doing so.
• Ian Happ homered during both games of Saturday’s doubleheader and then walked three times Sunday, giving him a whopping nine walks over the weekend, as his season OBP suddenly sits at .361. Not bad for someone who’s seemingly been a huge disappointment, and Happ is also quietly hitting .300/.364/.533 against lefties (in a limited 30 AB sample), which is encouraging. He’s a flyball hitter (it’s pretty wild Happ has a .415 BABIP with a 0.48 GB/FB ratio) who strikes out a lot (40.6 K%), so he’s going to be especially streaky, and his latest hot stretch should secure Happ’s role again in Chicago’s everyday lineup. Make sure he wasn’t dropped in your league when things weren’t going so well not that long ago.
• John Hicks homered while hitting cleanup Sunday and is up to .302/.352/.542 on the year. It’s unclear how much he’ll play once Miguel Cabrera returns, but it’s not like Detroit is overwhelmed with offensive options. Hicks is playing well, also catcher eligible and available in 36 percent of leagues.
• Tyler Austin homered twice Sunday, giving him three long balls and seven RBI over his last three contests. Greg Bird is due to return from his ankle injury sometime this week, but Austin is quietly on pace to hit 30 homers with 87 RBI (in just 92 ABs) yet is owned in only 10 percent of leagues.
• Jack Flaherty was dominant Sunday, holding the Phillies to just one run with a 13:1 K:BB ratio over 7.2 innings while recording his first win of the season. Adam Wainwright (elbow) looks finished, so Flaherty is going to be a fixture in St. Louis’ starting rotation moving forward, and his ownership numbers (46%) figure to continue to rise fast. He’s an obvious must-add if he’s somehow available in your league.
• Franmil Reyes came out of nowhere and demanded a call up after hitting .346/.442/.738 with 14 homers over 130 at bats in Triple-A this season (he entered the year typically not listed as a top-30 prospect for San Diego), but he’s just 2-for-17 with six Ks during the start to his MLB career. Wil Myers (oblique) is taking longer than expected to return, but Travis Jankowski is playing well (and not a bad pickup if you need stolen bases), and it figures the team will continue to let Manuel Margot play through his struggles, so Reyes needs to start hitting fast.
• In case you missed it, I covered Mac Williamson, Joe Musgrove, Jesus Agular, Austin Meadows and others in a pickups column over the weekend.
• Lance McCullers held Cleveland scoreless with just one hit over seven innings Sunday, as he continues to use his changeup more with success.
• Freddy Peralta followed up his impressive MLB debut by walking six batters in a rough start in Minnesota, and the young righty has since been optioned back to Triple-A.
• Rich Hill (blister) left Saturday’s start after just two pitches much to the delight of those who used him in DFS, and his absence is going to be at least a month. Alex Wood then departed Sunday’s start, but LA says it’s just cramps and not serious. Meanwhile, Ross Stripling posted a 9:0 K:BB ratio during the team’s other game Saturday, and he has 40 strikeouts with a 2.08 ERA over 34.2 innings on the year and should now be locked in Los Angeles’ starting rotation. He’s owned in just 13 percent of leagues.
• Patrick Corbin held the Mets to two runs over 5.1 innings Saturday but walked four batters for the second time in three starts, and his velocity has been way down recently.
• Odubel Herrera‘s on-base streak ended at 45 games after he went 0-for-4 on Sunday (while somehow reaching base), while Vladimir Guerrero Jr. just keeps on hitting, and Jordan Hicks reached 105 mph.
• J.D. Martinez hit two more homers and would cost a top-10 pick in fantasy drafts held today, while J.D. Davis got recalled by Houston and could see regular playing time at DH with Evan Gattis playing so poorly (77 wRC+). He was crushing Triple-A pitching (.415/.473/.654) and is worth adding in fantasy leagues, where he’s currently available in more than 95 percent.
Follow the Yahoo fantasy baseball crew on Twitter: Andy Behrens, Dalton Del Don, and Scott Pianowski
0 notes
samanthasmeyers · 6 years
Announcing Call to Action Conference 2018: A Revolution for Today’s Marketing Evolution
Webster’s Dictionary defines a ‘conference’ as, “An event at which industry professionals talk at other industry professionals who’ve stockpiled seven complimentary croissants in their bag to eat later. See also: Room temperature orange juice.”   
Whether it’s to learn some new tricks, make some new connections or drum up some new business, conferences are a necessary (and sometimes cool) part of being a marketer—but not all of them are worth your time. While your typical marketing conference has morphed from weak coffee and dry PowerPoints to free t-shirts and celebrity thought leaders, it can be tough to leave feeling like you’ve really gotten something out of the event.
We saw a need to change the conference experience. Because the experience of being a marketer has changed. 
Marketing now is harder than ever— it’s hyper-competitive, oversaturated and comprised of tired tactics that used to work. We need new solutions to old problems and actionable solutions to new problems. Especially when we’re forking out hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on a conference ticket (money we could’ve sacrificed to the AdWords gods).
Enter Call to Action Conference.
“CTAConf has set the bar for what a marketing event should be: fun, engaging and insightful. No matter the experience level or skill set, every attendee left with a new set of philosophies and tactics to apply in their marketing practice”
— Ray Silva, Strategy Lead at Apply Digital and CTAConf 2017 attendee.
Now in its fifth year (only 55 more ’til we get that diamond!), CTAConf 2018 is going to be more exciting, more targeted and more committed to your future success than ever.
Already sold on joining us? Get 10% off Early Bird tickets by using the promo code “CTAConfRevolution” at checkout.
Why this conference is different (we promise)
CTAConf merges carefully curated, usable content with…well, having a great time. It’s single track, allergic to fluff and ensures you’ll walk away with leading-edge tactics, all wrapped up in an amazing experience you’ll truly enjoy.
We’re talking hands-on workshops, a concert atmosphere, all-you-can-eat snacks and gourmet food trucks, organic networking, a genuinely friendly team and fun parties in the beautiful setting of Vancouver, B.C. (Credit to Mother Nature for that one.)
Even the sessions themselves, held in the historic and fully immersive Queen Elizabeth Theatre, will make you feel less like you’re at a “work event” and more like you’re at a Broadway show about email marketing called Don’t Spamalot. 
Most importantly, it’s designed to deliver practical know-how and future-proofing strategies from true experts covering every facet of digital marketing.
A glimpse at who’s talking and what you’ll learn
April Dunford, Wind at Your Back: Making your Market Category Work for You
April has spent her career launching innovative tech products and is a seasoned expert at getting traction in increasingly noisy markets. Prior to founding Rocket Launch Marketing, where she works with companies on market strategy and positioning, she was VP of Marketing at a series of successful high-growth startups and an executive at global companies including IBM, Nortel and Siebel Systems. She was also the top-rated speaker at last year’s CTAConf (she happens to be equal parts genius and hilarious).
In her talk, you’ll learn :
How to shift to a favourable market category to give your marketing programs added velocity
How to completely change the way customers think about your offering to remove friction in your funnel
The three steps for shifting market categories, from isolating your differentiators to finding your downstream customers and picking the best market current to ride
Rob Bucci, What Google Serves Up For Local Searches
Rob is the founder and CEO of STAT Search Analytics, a rank tracking and SERP analytics service for SEO experts. A developer and entrepreneur in the SEO space since 2005, Rob especially loves tackling big-data challenges in data mining and analytics.
He’ll be bringing his SEO expertise to the stage to teach us:
How Google interprets different levels of local intent and what searchers are seeing most often
How to refine your SEO keyword lists by comparing SERPs
How to better tailor your content to build more targeted ad campaigns that achieve better results
Hana Abaza, Product Marketing: Inside and Out
Hana is the Head of Marketing for Shopify Plus, a division of Shopify that powers some of the world’s fastest growing and most iconic brands (Rebecca Minkoff, Nestle, The New York Times and FAO Schwartz, to name a few). Prior to joining Shopify, Hana led marketing and growth in a variety of industries and has a proven track record for scaling teams, revenue and customers.
You’ll leave her talk knowing:
The guidelines for how and when to invest in product marketing
How to develop a go-to-market framework for your company
How to set up product marketing as a cross-functional powerhouse
Ross Simmonds, Beyond Google: How To Attract Relevant Traffic Through Diverse Channels
Ross is the founder of Foundation Marketing and creator and co-founder of content curation tool, Crate, and Hustle & Grind, an online store for entrepreneurs.
Over the last several years, he’s worked to help some of the fastest-growing startups and a variety of Fortune 500 brands succeed in their digital marketing efforts. His talk focuses on typically under-used and ignored channels as missed opportunities for quality traffic.
During his talk, you’ll learn:
What brands can do to spread their story beyond SEO & SEM
How brands can leverage communities and other networks to drive consistent traffic
Research and data on the importance of diverse channels
Examples of what happens when you embrace a more diverse content approach
Krista Seiden, Measurement for Growth
Currently a Product Manager and Analytics Evangelist for the Google Analytics team, Krista is a leader in the digital analytics industry and co-chair for the San Francisco chapter of the Digital Analytics Association. She has nearly a decade of experience in digital marketing, analytics, and product management, having led analytics and optimization at Adobe and The Apollo Group prior to joining Google.
Her talk will cover:
What growth marketing really is, beyond the buzzwords
How effective growth marketing is rooted in analytics, experimentation, and product development
How to strategically measure and use data for targeted growth
Cyrus Shepard, SEO Success: The One Engagement Metric to Rule Them All
Former Head of SEO and Content Development at Moz, Cyrus now runs Zyppy, a fast-growing SEO company. When he’s not consulting with companies big and small on how to improve their rankings, traffic and profits, he travels the world as a speaker, making complex SEO equations easy to understand.
This August Cyrus will take the stage to teach us:
How much speed and rankings matter and steps to improve the right areas
What “fuzzy” engagement metrics like bounce rate, time on site, pages per visit really mean and what you need to focus on
How to use SEO data to improve conversions
Oli Gardner, Content Marketing is Broken and Only Your M.O.M. Can Save You
Oli is not only an Unbounce co-founder, he’s an expert and international speaker on conversion optimization, data-driven design and landing pages (he claims to have seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet).
He’s often the highest-rated speaker at events around the world, including previous Call to Action Conferences. This year, he’ll be talking:
Data and lessons learned from his biggest ever content marketing experiment, and how those lessons have changed his approach to content
A context-to-content-to-conversion strategy for big content that converts, based on designing for your customer’s “aha!” moments
Advanced methods for creating “choose your own adventure” navigational experiences to build event-based behavioural profiles of your visitors 
Innovative ways to productize and market the technology you already have, with use cases your customers had never considered
What’s happening off stage
Learn by doing with Unbounce workshops
Get your hands proverbially dirty with interactive workshops on A/B testing, landing page optimization, PPC, analytics and mastering Unbounce for more conversions across every type of digital campaign. A full-day event prior to the conference, the workshops are a chance to work directly with seasoned pros on solutions to real marketing problems. Workshops have been so popular in previous years they were standing room only.
Make your first (or hundredth!) landing page, popup or sticky bar with us at the workshops, and learn all the insider tips you can take home to your team.  
Eat to your stomach’s content, on us
When we say free food, we don’t mean “Enjoy these sweaty muffins! If you want lunch, there’s a Chipotle two blocks away.” We mean constantly replenished drinks, foodie-approved snacks and a lunchtime convoy of the city’s finest food trucks delivering everything from truly tasty salads to life-changing mac ‘n’ cheese. All included.
Meet, connect and party with great people
Call to Action Conference hovers around 1,200 attendees for a refreshingly intimate experience with the buzzing energy of a big-time event. Meet fellow passionate marketers from cities all over the world, mingle with industry leaders and see just how stereotypically Canadian the friendly Unbounce crew is.
“CTAConf was amazing! My favourite part? The caliber of attendees and the energy they brought. Met so many remarkable marketers!”
—Jes Kirkwood, Head of Content Marketing at ProsperWorks and 2017 attendee.
Soak up Vancouver at the best time of year
Business and pleasure do mix! Especially in summer. CTAConf 2018 is happening August 27-29, smack dab in the middle of Vancouver’s sunshine season. Take a seawall stroll between sessions, taste-test your way through a diverse food scene, hone your craft beer palate at one of many world-renowned breweries or tack on an extra day and get outside the city to those calling mountains. We turn into human prunes waiting out months of rain for a Vancouver summer and it’s totally worth it. Come see for yourself.
Enjoy champagne hotels at boxed-wine prices
We’ve secured 40-50% discounts on rooms at the Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver and Delta Hotels Vancouver Downtown Suites, exclusive to CTAConf 2018 attendees and just steps away from the conference venue. Rooms are at first come, first serve and book up fast so grab yours ASAP and prepare your senses for the fluffiest of robes.
Join the revolution
Call to Action Conference 2018 is coming up fast and early bird prices are ending soon. Get your single, group or customer ticket before May 31, 2018 and come hold us to our promise. You’ll leave feeling inspired, energized and ready for marketing victory with tactics and strategies you can put into action the very next day. In other words, you’ll really get something out of this.
Don’t forget to sweeten that Early Bird deal. Use the promo code “CTAConfRevolution” at checkout to get 10% off all ticket rates. See you in August!
P.S. If you’re joining us from the United States, you’re in luck. Ticket prices are in Canadian dollars. Your boss basically can’t say no (and if you happen to be the boss, you can take your whole team). You’re welcome, eh.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/call-to-action/announcing-call-to-action-conference-2018/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
josephkchoi · 6 years
Announcing Call to Action Conference 2018: A Revolution for Today’s Marketing Evolution
Webster’s Dictionary defines a ‘conference’ as, “An event at which industry professionals talk at other industry professionals who’ve stockpiled seven complimentary croissants in their bag to eat later. See also: Room temperature orange juice.”   
Whether it’s to learn some new tricks, make some new connections or drum up some new business, conferences are a necessary (and sometimes cool) part of being a marketer—but not all of them are worth your time. While your typical marketing conference has morphed from weak coffee and dry PowerPoints to free t-shirts and celebrity thought leaders, it can be tough to leave feeling like you’ve really gotten something out of the event.
We saw a need to change the conference experience. Because the experience of being a marketer has changed. 
Marketing now is harder than ever— it’s hyper-competitive, oversaturated and comprised of tired tactics that used to work. We need new solutions to old problems and actionable solutions to new problems. Especially when we’re forking out hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on a conference ticket (money we could’ve sacrificed to the AdWords gods).
Enter Call to Action Conference.
“CTAConf has set the bar for what a marketing event should be: fun, engaging and insightful. No matter the experience level or skill set, every attendee left with a new set of philosophies and tactics to apply in their marketing practice”
— Ray Silva, Strategy Lead at Apply Digital and CTAConf 2017 attendee.
Now in its fifth year (only 55 more ’til we get that diamond!), CTAConf 2018 is going to be more exciting, more targeted and more committed to your future success than ever.
Already sold on joining us? Get 10% off Early Bird tickets by using the promo code “CTAConfRevolution” at checkout.
Why this conference is different (we promise)
CTAConf merges carefully curated, usable content with…well, having a great time. It’s single track, allergic to fluff and ensures you’ll walk away with leading-edge tactics, all wrapped up in an amazing experience you’ll truly enjoy.
We’re talking hands-on workshops, a concert atmosphere, all-you-can-eat snacks and gourmet food trucks, organic networking, a genuinely friendly team and fun parties in the beautiful setting of Vancouver, B.C. (Credit to Mother Nature for that one.)
Even the sessions themselves, held in the historic and fully immersive Queen Elizabeth Theatre, will make you feel less like you’re at a “work event” and more like you’re at a Broadway show about email marketing called Don’t Spamalot. 
Most importantly, it’s designed to deliver practical know-how and future-proofing strategies from true experts covering every facet of digital marketing.
A glimpse at who’s talking and what you’ll learn
April Dunford, Wind at Your Back: Making your Market Category Work for You
April has spent her career launching innovative tech products and is a seasoned expert at getting traction in increasingly noisy markets. Prior to founding Rocket Launch Marketing, where she works with companies on market strategy and positioning, she was VP of Marketing at a series of successful high-growth startups and an executive at global companies including IBM, Nortel and Siebel Systems. She was also the top-rated speaker at last year’s CTAConf (she happens to be equal parts genius and hilarious).
In her talk, you’ll learn :
How to shift to a favourable market category to give your marketing programs added velocity
How to completely change the way customers think about your offering to remove friction in your funnel
The three steps for shifting market categories, from isolating your differentiators to finding your downstream customers and picking the best market current to ride
Rob Bucci, What Google Serves Up For Local Searches
Rob is the founder and CEO of STAT Search Analytics, a rank tracking and SERP analytics service for SEO experts. A developer and entrepreneur in the SEO space since 2005, Rob especially loves tackling big-data challenges in data mining and analytics.
He’ll be bringing his SEO expertise to the stage to teach us:
How Google interprets different levels of local intent and what searchers are seeing most often
How to refine your SEO keyword lists by comparing SERPs
How to better tailor your content to build more targeted ad campaigns that achieve better results
Hana Abaza, Product Marketing: Inside and Out
Hana is the Head of Marketing for Shopify Plus, a division of Shopify that powers some of the world’s fastest growing and most iconic brands (Rebecca Minkoff, Nestle, The New York Times and FAO Schwartz, to name a few). Prior to joining Shopify, Hana led marketing and growth in a variety of industries and has a proven track record for scaling teams, revenue and customers.
You’ll leave her talk knowing:
The guidelines for how and when to invest in product marketing
How to develop a go-to-market framework for your company
How to set up product marketing as a cross-functional powerhouse
Ross Simmonds, Beyond Google: How To Attract Relevant Traffic Through Diverse Channels
Ross is the founder of Foundation Marketing and creator and co-founder of content curation tool, Crate, and Hustle & Grind, an online store for entrepreneurs.
Over the last several years, he’s worked to help some of the fastest-growing startups and a variety of Fortune 500 brands succeed in their digital marketing efforts. His talk focuses on typically under-used and ignored channels as missed opportunities for quality traffic.
During his talk, you’ll learn:
What brands can do to spread their story beyond SEO & SEM
How brands can leverage communities and other networks to drive consistent traffic
Research and data on the importance of diverse channels
Examples of what happens when you embrace a more diverse content approach
Krista Seiden, Measurement for Growth
Currently a Product Manager and Analytics Evangelist for the Google Analytics team, Krista is a leader in the digital analytics industry and co-chair for the San Francisco chapter of the Digital Analytics Association. She has nearly a decade of experience in digital marketing, analytics, and product management, having led analytics and optimization at Adobe and The Apollo Group prior to joining Google.
Her talk will cover:
What growth marketing really is, beyond the buzzwords
How effective growth marketing is rooted in analytics, experimentation, and product development
How to strategically measure and use data for targeted growth
Cyrus Shepard, SEO Success: The One Engagement Metric to Rule Them All
Former Head of SEO and Content Development at Moz, Cyrus now runs Zyppy, a fast-growing SEO company. When he’s not consulting with companies big and small on how to improve their rankings, traffic and profits, he travels the world as a speaker, making complex SEO equations easy to understand.
This August Cyrus will take the stage to teach us:
How much speed and rankings matter and steps to improve the right areas
What “fuzzy” engagement metrics like bounce rate, time on site, pages per visit really mean and what you need to focus on
How to use SEO data to improve conversions
Oli Gardner, Content Marketing is Broken and Only Your M.O.M. Can Save You
Oli is not only an Unbounce co-founder, he’s an expert and international speaker on conversion optimization, data-driven design and landing pages (he claims to have seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet).
He’s often the highest-rated speaker at events around the world, including previous Call to Action Conferences. This year, he’ll be talking:
Data and lessons learned from his biggest ever content marketing experiment, and how those lessons have changed his approach to content
A context-to-content-to-conversion strategy for big content that converts, based on designing for your customer’s “aha!” moments
Advanced methods for creating “choose your own adventure” navigational experiences to build event-based behavioural profiles of your visitors 
Innovative ways to productize and market the technology you already have, with use cases your customers had never considered
What’s happening off stage
Learn by doing with Unbounce workshops
Get your hands proverbially dirty with interactive workshops on A/B testing, landing page optimization, PPC, analytics and mastering Unbounce for more conversions across every type of digital campaign. A full-day event prior to the conference, the workshops are a chance to work directly with seasoned pros on solutions to real marketing problems. Workshops have been so popular in previous years they were standing room only.
Make your first (or hundredth!) landing page, popup or sticky bar with us at the workshops, and learn all the insider tips you can take home to your team.  
Eat to your stomach’s content, on us
When we say free food, we don’t mean “Enjoy these sweaty muffins! If you want lunch, there’s a Chipotle two blocks away.” We mean constantly replenished drinks, foodie-approved snacks and a lunchtime convoy of the city’s finest food trucks delivering everything from truly tasty salads to life-changing mac ‘n’ cheese. All included.
Meet, connect and party with great people
Call to Action Conference hovers around 1,200 attendees for a refreshingly intimate experience with the buzzing energy of a big-time event. Meet fellow passionate marketers from cities all over the world, mingle with industry leaders and see just how stereotypically Canadian the friendly Unbounce crew is.
“CTAConf was amazing! My favourite part? The caliber of attendees and the energy they brought. Met so many remarkable marketers!”
—Jes Kirkwood, Head of Content Marketing at ProsperWorks and 2017 attendee.
Soak up Vancouver at the best time of year
Business and pleasure do mix! Especially in summer. CTAConf 2018 is happening August 27-29, smack dab in the middle of Vancouver’s sunshine season. Take a seawall stroll between sessions, taste-test your way through a diverse food scene, hone your craft beer palate at one of many world-renowned breweries or tack on an extra day and get outside the city to those calling mountains. We turn into human prunes waiting out months of rain for a Vancouver summer and it’s totally worth it. Come see for yourself.
Enjoy champagne hotels at boxed-wine prices
We’ve secured 40-50% discounts on rooms at the Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver and Delta Hotels Vancouver Downtown Suites, exclusive to CTAConf 2018 attendees and just steps away from the conference venue. Rooms are at first come, first serve and book up fast so grab yours ASAP and prepare your senses for the fluffiest of robes.
Join the revolution
Call to Action Conference 2018 is coming up fast and early bird prices are ending soon. Get your single, group or customer ticket before May 31, 2018 and come hold us to our promise. You’ll leave feeling inspired, energized and ready for marketing victory with tactics and strategies you can put into action the very next day. In other words, you’ll really get something out of this.
Don’t forget to sweeten that Early Bird deal. Use the promo code “CTAConfRevolution” at checkout to get 10% off all ticket rates. See you in August!
P.S. If you’re joining us from the United States, you’re in luck. Ticket prices are in Canadian dollars. Your boss basically can’t say no (and if you happen to be the boss, you can take your whole team). You’re welcome, eh.
Announcing Call to Action Conference 2018: A Revolution for Today’s Marketing Evolution published first on https://nickpontemrktg.wordpress.com/
0 notes
jjonassevilla · 6 years
Announcing Call to Action Conference 2018: A Revolution for Today’s Marketing Evolution
Webster’s Dictionary defines a ‘conference’ as, “An event at which industry professionals talk at other industry professionals who’ve stockpiled seven complimentary croissants in their bag to eat later. See also: Room temperature orange juice.”   
Whether it’s to learn some new tricks, make some new connections or drum up some new business, conferences are a necessary (and sometimes cool) part of being a marketer—but not all of them are worth your time. While your typical marketing conference has morphed from weak coffee and dry PowerPoints to free t-shirts and celebrity thought leaders, it can be tough to leave feeling like you’ve really gotten something out of the event.
We saw a need to change the conference experience. Because the experience of being a marketer has changed. 
Marketing now is harder than ever— it’s hyper-competitive, oversaturated and comprised of tired tactics that used to work. We need new solutions to old problems and actionable solutions to new problems. Especially when we’re forking out hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on a conference ticket (money we could’ve sacrificed to the AdWords gods).
Enter Call to Action Conference.
“CTAConf has set the bar for what a marketing event should be: fun, engaging and insightful. No matter the experience level or skill set, every attendee left with a new set of philosophies and tactics to apply in their marketing practice”
— Ray Silva, Strategy Lead at Apply Digital and CTAConf 2017 attendee.
Now in its fifth year (only 55 more ’til we get that diamond!), CTAConf 2018 is going to be more exciting, more targeted and more committed to your future success than ever.
Already sold on joining us? Get 10% off Early Bird tickets by using the promo code “CTAConfRevolution” at checkout.
Why this conference is different (we promise)
CTAConf merges carefully curated, usable content with…well, having a great time. It’s single track, allergic to fluff and ensures you’ll walk away with leading-edge tactics, all wrapped up in an amazing experience you’ll truly enjoy.
We’re talking hands-on workshops, a concert atmosphere, all-you-can-eat snacks and gourmet food trucks, organic networking, a genuinely friendly team and fun parties in the beautiful setting of Vancouver, B.C. (Credit to Mother Nature for that one.)
Even the sessions themselves, held in the historic and fully immersive Queen Elizabeth Theatre, will make you feel less like you’re at a “work event” and more like you’re at a Broadway show about email marketing called Don’t Spamalot. 
Most importantly, it’s designed to deliver practical know-how and future-proofing strategies from true experts covering every facet of digital marketing.
A glimpse at who’s talking and what you’ll learn
April Dunford, Wind at Your Back: Making your Market Category Work for You
April has spent her career launching innovative tech products and is a seasoned expert at getting traction in increasingly noisy markets. Prior to founding Rocket Launch Marketing, where she works with companies on market strategy and positioning, she was VP of Marketing at a series of successful high-growth startups and an executive at global companies including IBM, Nortel and Siebel Systems. She was also the top-rated speaker at last year’s CTAConf (she happens to be equal parts genius and hilarious).
In her talk, you’ll learn :
How to shift to a favourable market category to give your marketing programs added velocity
How to completely change the way customers think about your offering to remove friction in your funnel
The three steps for shifting market categories, from isolating your differentiators to finding your downstream customers and picking the best market current to ride
Rob Bucci, What Google Serves Up For Local Searches
Rob is the founder and CEO of STAT Search Analytics, a rank tracking and SERP analytics service for SEO experts. A developer and entrepreneur in the SEO space since 2005, Rob especially loves tackling big-data challenges in data mining and analytics.
He’ll be bringing his SEO expertise to the stage to teach us:
How Google interprets different levels of local intent and what searchers are seeing most often
How to refine your SEO keyword lists by comparing SERPs
How to better tailor your content to build more targeted ad campaigns that achieve better results
Hana Abaza, Product Marketing: Inside and Out
Hana is the Head of Marketing for Shopify Plus, a division of Shopify that powers some of the world’s fastest growing and most iconic brands (Rebecca Minkoff, Nestle, The New York Times and FAO Schwartz, to name a few). Prior to joining Shopify, Hana led marketing and growth in a variety of industries and has a proven track record for scaling teams, revenue and customers.
You’ll leave her talk knowing:
The guidelines for how and when to invest in product marketing
How to develop a go-to-market framework for your company
How to set up product marketing as a cross-functional powerhouse
Ross Simmonds, Beyond Google: How To Attract Relevant Traffic Through Diverse Channels
Ross is the founder of Foundation Marketing and creator and co-founder of content curation tool, Crate, and Hustle & Grind, an online store for entrepreneurs.
Over the last several years, he’s worked to help some of the fastest-growing startups and a variety of Fortune 500 brands succeed in their digital marketing efforts. His talk focuses on typically under-used and ignored channels as missed opportunities for quality traffic.
During his talk, you’ll learn:
What brands can do to spread their story beyond SEO & SEM
How brands can leverage communities and other networks to drive consistent traffic
Research and data on the importance of diverse channels
Examples of what happens when you embrace a more diverse content approach
Krista Seiden, Measurement for Growth
Currently a Product Manager and Analytics Evangelist for the Google Analytics team, Krista is a leader in the digital analytics industry and co-chair for the San Francisco chapter of the Digital Analytics Association. She has nearly a decade of experience in digital marketing, analytics, and product management, having led analytics and optimization at Adobe and The Apollo Group prior to joining Google.
Her talk will cover:
What growth marketing really is, beyond the buzzwords
How effective growth marketing is rooted in analytics, experimentation, and product development
How to strategically measure and use data for targeted growth
Cyrus Shepard, SEO Success: The One Engagement Metric to Rule Them All
Former Head of SEO and Content Development at Moz, Cyrus now runs Zyppy, a fast-growing SEO company. When he’s not consulting with companies big and small on how to improve their rankings, traffic and profits, he travels the world as a speaker, making complex SEO equations easy to understand.
This August Cyrus will take the stage to teach us:
How much speed and rankings matter and steps to improve the right areas
What “fuzzy” engagement metrics like bounce rate, time on site, pages per visit really mean and what you need to focus on
How to use SEO data to improve conversions
Oli Gardner, Content Marketing is Broken and Only Your M.O.M. Can Save You
Oli is not only an Unbounce co-founder, he’s an expert and international speaker on conversion optimization, data-driven design and landing pages (he claims to have seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet).
He’s often the highest-rated speaker at events around the world, including previous Call to Action Conferences. This year, he’ll be talking:
Data and lessons learned from his biggest ever content marketing experiment, and how those lessons have changed his approach to content
A context-to-content-to-conversion strategy for big content that converts, based on designing for your customer’s “aha!” moments
Advanced methods for creating “choose your own adventure” navigational experiences to build event-based behavioural profiles of your visitors 
Innovative ways to productize and market the technology you already have, with use cases your customers had never considered
What’s happening off stage
Learn by doing with Unbounce workshops
Get your hands proverbially dirty with interactive workshops on A/B testing, landing page optimization, PPC, analytics and mastering Unbounce for more conversions across every type of digital campaign. A full-day event prior to the conference, the workshops are a chance to work directly with seasoned pros on solutions to real marketing problems. Workshops have been so popular in previous years they were standing room only.
Make your first (or hundredth!) landing page, popup or sticky bar with us at the workshops, and learn all the insider tips you can take home to your team.  
Eat to your stomach’s content, on us
When we say free food, we don’t mean “Enjoy these sweaty muffins! If you want lunch, there’s a Chipotle two blocks away.” We mean constantly replenished drinks, foodie-approved snacks and a lunchtime convoy of the city’s finest food trucks delivering everything from truly tasty salads to life-changing mac ‘n’ cheese. All included.
Meet, connect and party with great people
Call to Action Conference hovers around 1,200 attendees for a refreshingly intimate experience with the buzzing energy of a big-time event. Meet fellow passionate marketers from cities all over the world, mingle with industry leaders and see just how stereotypically Canadian the friendly Unbounce crew is.
“CTAConf was amazing! My favourite part? The caliber of attendees and the energy they brought. Met so many remarkable marketers!”
—Jes Kirkwood, Head of Content Marketing at ProsperWorks and 2017 attendee.
Soak up Vancouver at the best time of year
Business and pleasure do mix! Especially in summer. CTAConf 2018 is happening August 27-29, smack dab in the middle of Vancouver’s sunshine season. Take a seawall stroll between sessions, taste-test your way through a diverse food scene, hone your craft beer palate at one of many world-renowned breweries or tack on an extra day and get outside the city to those calling mountains. We turn into human prunes waiting out months of rain for a Vancouver summer and it’s totally worth it. Come see for yourself.
Enjoy champagne hotels at boxed-wine prices
We’ve secured 40-50% discounts on rooms at the Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver and Delta Hotels Vancouver Downtown Suites, exclusive to CTAConf 2018 attendees and just steps away from the conference venue. Rooms are at first come, first serve and book up fast so grab yours ASAP and prepare your senses for the fluffiest of robes.
Join the revolution
Call to Action Conference 2018 is coming up fast and early bird prices are ending soon. Get your single, group or customer ticket before May 31, 2018 and come hold us to our promise. You’ll leave feeling inspired, energized and ready for marketing victory with tactics and strategies you can put into action the very next day. In other words, you’ll really get something out of this.
Don’t forget to sweeten that Early Bird deal. Use the promo code “CTAConfRevolution” at checkout to get 10% off all ticket rates. See you in August!
P.S. If you’re joining us from the United States, you’re in luck. Ticket prices are in Canadian dollars. Your boss basically can’t say no (and if you happen to be the boss, you can take your whole team). You’re welcome, eh.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/call-to-action/announcing-call-to-action-conference-2018/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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