secondbeatsongs · 11 months
Trick or treat!!
merry halloween! have some dirt cups!
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Can you explain the similarities between ants and AI systems?
"Simpler" seems too kind. Ants are more complicated than some people may suppose.
If you ask what they are doing, the ants aren't doing that. What ants do is more complicated.
Ants have their own concept of the world -- there isn't just an objective reality, an external reality independent of them. Things they want, things they think are in the good state of the world, things they think others are thinking and thus doing, they all have a reality of their own. They live in the world as they do it, rather than simply living in an abstract, external, objective "world."
If you want to see how weird this is, read about how they build their nests. For instance, there is a well-known experiment in which they have a "turtle track" to go on -- that is, they have a track they have been following which is not made out of a simple line, but rather a series of small circles -- and they can get lost (with their usual level of certainty) if you place one more circle in the right place.
"I'm thinking, it's not right, I can see that, but --"
See also: an ant who is a short cartoon written by someone else (a human? someone who knows ants well?) who has to draw a picture to explain the joke to ants because what the ant sees isn't a "drawing of an ant" but an image of a "tiny ant" in a "tiny nest" -- a concept that doesn't exist in the ant's own world -- whose picture has to be made up entirely by the ants themselves. (I'm sure this cartoon will be lost, or even become incomprehensible, to ants, but that doesn't seem right either. I think the cartoon would exist in the ant's mind -- as a thought -- as soon as the ants understood it. You can't write a concept down as an image that does not have the power to become a concept.)
It gets weirder still. You may know about something called an "emergent" system. A system in which simple elements can form higher-order structures out of nothing but themselves. The examples that come to mind are some sorts of slime mold, ant colonies, and human societies.
An ant colony is like this in several ways. Every ant has its own reality, of course, but there's also a higher level reality, which the ants collectively create out of thin air. There's an abstract concept like "social reality" that, in a way, is more real than any individual ant, even though it's constructed by the ants using their individual realities. The colony is an emergent system.
Now: ants don't build their nests as emergent systems. But what if they could? In a strange way, they're already doing this. You're standing in a room in your house. Your house is a complicated system. Many of its components are complexly connected, often even interlocking or interacting. There's a sense of a higher-level "home" or "house" out there in the abstract. In fact, it is there in a way. There's no need to make up new abstractions. There is no "abstract" idea of home, any more than there is an abstract idea of "my house," since both are made of the same collection of specific physical objects. If you put together an abstract idea of what it would be like to "see your home" with the same basic stuff in your house that you are seeing right now -- a dark room, with various light sources, and the various objects (potted plants, shelves, etc.) on the shelves and on the floor -- then your home is just this room.
It just seems "weird" that ant nests aren't just emergent systems, since the idea of "seeing the colony" as an "abstract" social reality already exists. This is because in some ways they are (in some sense). So the difference -- or the similarity, if you will -- between an ant colony and an AI system is that the AI system has some aspects that don't quite match up with the way ants do it, in a weird way.
First of all, the AI system is not made out of atoms and molecules and the sort, but out of something that looks abstract but actually isn't (like the brain). You know how humans are made out of atoms and molecules. We are physical beings, in the sense that we are made out of the same sort of stuff as physical stuff. You know how ants are made of atoms and molecules. They are physical beings, in the sense that they are not made out of some abstractions but out of the sort of stuff that makes up humans and the sort of stuff that makes up a house (and so forth).
In fact, there may be a sense in which an "ant colony" isn't physical. There are no discrete "atoms" and "molecules" here. There is only the higher-level idea of a colony as a whole. It's not a materialist notion. If you had an ant colony (or colony of ants), the individual ants would not be "made of the same stuff" as your body, as your house, as "the abstract idea of [your] home" -- which is just your mind. The ants' minds are made out of the sorts of stuff the colonies are made out of, which are themselves made out of stuff that is made out of atoms and molecules -- but no individual ant would be.
This may be a more extreme way of saying something that is more often meant, or a more extreme way of saying something more subtle.
What's more subtle is that the ants don't quite do what we think we would do to build a nest: think about how they "want" a particular place to be. I want to put my plant on this shelf. I think this place is the best location for my plant. I would not put my plant on that other shelf if it were there, even though that is where it would want to be. If I had to guess, I would say this has to do with having been around for a while: the things I think are in the best state of the world happen to be "the things I know to be good" or "the things that I think others would like."
This is different from most people's intuitive concept of what an "AI" would do. (As I've said a few times before, "most people" here means "my college friends and family," but it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see how this can apply to others as well. I don't want to speak for everyone.) You might think that a "real" AI would not do this. You might think that in some sense it must be
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Hi! I was lurking through the reblogs on a post and you mentioned something about mosquito repellent plants? Can I pleeeeease hear you infodumb about that I'm so tired of them
This is all from memory so may be a little inaccurate and I will not be citing sources, but I have written a paper on this (in high school so it’s not in any databases) and all my sources had to be from peer reviewed journals so this IS academically informed.
SO first off: most mosquito-repellent plants work by releasing chemical agents that may smell good to US but smell very bad to the mosquitoes. The problem with this is that these oils tend to be released as globules that cling to the plants with fairly high surface tension, so unless the plants are disturbed somehow (wind or animals/humans) the oil isn’t released into the air and it does fuck all to actually repel mosquitoes.
That said, the best accessible mosquito-repelling plant is a plant called LEMONGRASS. If you live in the states then Home Depot sells this usually. If you don’t live in the states then idk, check your local garden center. I live in Texas and our lemongrass dies every winter but tends to come back on its own in the spring, and it smells really good to humans. You can also throw the dead grass into the yard and mow over it to release extra scent.
The most EFFECTIVE mosquito-repellent plant is something called lemon-eucalyptus which is a lab-created crossbreed produced somewhere in either Australia or New Zealand. I don’t remember which I just remember being super mad that I couldn’t get my hands on it for experiments. Anyway there’s a special compound in the oil this plant produces that lemongrass shares. I don’t remember the name of it but mosquitoes hate it. Plant lemongrass :)
If you can’t get your hands on lemongrass, rosemary will also repel mosquitoes, though there’s not much academic literature about this one and various mom-blogs all contradict each other about its effectiveness. It’s pretty smelly (good to humans bad to bugs!) and will repel a variety of insects.
Citronella contains a compound used in current commercial bug repellent, so it is also good to plant! I could never get mine to be very big though. You can also buy torches (like decorative tiki torches) with citronella oil in them which are designed to repel bugs by releasing the oil in the smoke.
Mint will also repel insects and mice though I could never narrow down if mosquitoes were among the list of insects that mint repels! Pro tip: PLANT MINT IN POTS. DO NOT PLANT MINT DIRECTLY IN THE GROUND. It will take over everything <3
Lastly, basil and thyme are reported to be insect repellents! I have not tested these myself (I tried but there were Circumstances) but a variety of home-blogs say that these work. I found basil in an academically sourced list but found no proof of thyme working. I despair at the lack of academic literature on this topic. Anyway.
Also, did you know you can purchase mosquito larvae on Amazon? It’s about $10 USD for 100 larvae.
If you choose to disturb your plants yourself to release the oils then be ready to have very strong smelling hands. Also, if you get your hands on cheesecloth (lightweight) you can see simple sleeves and boil one of these plants, then dip the cloth in the boiled water. The oil from the plant will soak in and the cloth will smell like it once dry. Idk how long these last because I never properly tested them, but I kept some in a drawer for a year and they were still pretty smelly. If you wore them out and about they would probably last about a month before the small wore off. Cheesecloth is extremely light so it shouldn’t be much of a bother in the summer, however idk how well they would hold the oil if you got sweat on them.
It’s also important to note that different hormones are capable of attracting or repelling bugs, so some plants may not be strong enough to get the job done if you’re particularly bug-attractive (I am rip). Also if you’ve ever noticed that you get a ton of bug bites but a friend doesn’t then may not be random. They may be repellent, and you may be attractive. This fact blew my mind when I learned it. Go forth and repel bugs!!!!
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greenyball · 7 months
pokemon soulsliver grasstype only run. part 2
we found another specimen
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@beantothemax @selfdiagnosedeyemotif @hero-dualies-pog @birdsquidd @lavender-draw @ancestorlegacy @portmanteaublerone first come first serve as usual
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pomrania · 1 year
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Compilation of my favourite pieces (limited at one per cat) from the first third of Smaugust 2023, in alphabetical order. (middle third) (last third)
Annie, for @allurascastle
Chocolate, for @seagull-energy
Jeffrey, for @littlestglen
Maeve, for @imagesandimaginings
Mary, for @allurascastle
Millennium, for @frenchroasted
Muffin, for @ofstormsandfire
Murru, for @birdsquidd
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demareth · 1 year
awh this is a fun tag game i havent seen /done before thanks for tagging me @deedala ^-^
10 Songs / 10 People
it was so fuckin hard to list just 10 songs i have so many faves (as evident from there being 13 on my list rather than 10 lol) and yea the artists are in alphabetical order because i just sorted my "Bops" Playlist alphabetically and ran through it picking out some of the ones i listen to the most and i BARELY made it to the Ps and that was a struggle i passed so many good songs RIP 🪦
1. Stuck - The Aces
2. The Tide is High - Blondie
3. Sober - Childish Gambino
4. Touch - Daft Punk (plus super secret 11th track bc it was rly hard to pick between my two fave daft punk songs: Instant Crush - Daft Punk)
5. There Must Be an Angel - The Eurythmics
6. Do You Want To - Franz Ferdinand (honorary mention: Take Me Out)
7. Somebody Told Me - The Killers (honorary mention: Mr. Brightside)
8. AM I DREAMING - Lil Nas X (i could list 5 more of his songs but im already over so 😬)
9. Kids - MGMT
10. Have a Cigar - Pink Floyd
now im gonna go listen to/watch all of these in this order and see some themes XD
i'm tagging: @roboticutie @dazcarr @crimesnewronan @birdsquidd @plaguejester @indigoleviathan @brandsofanarchy @redsparrow12 @icecreamandsadnesss @thewombatslair2 and anyone else who wants to do it say i tagged ya :P (and no pressure to those i did tag to do it ^-^)
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stuckylibrary · 2 years
Group Ask 199
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Please reply to this post if you know one of the fics mentioned in this ask. Thank you so much in advance!
Anonymous 1 asked:
hi! i lost a fic where i think it was slow burn? all i can remember is steve and bucky sparring, and the rest of the avengers watching and natasha tells steve ‘that wasnt sparring, that was dancing’ sorry i dont have more ;;
mangoandpersimmon asked:
Hi, I've been searching for a fic in which Bucky and Steve are former veterans. Bucky is a recipe tester(?)/recipe creator for a food channel and Steve works as an artist. They originally meet in the park and Bucky later asks Steve to move in with him because he has a spare room. I think the work is incomplete and is more than 30K words at the least.
crash-the-mode asked:
I’m looking for a fic for Bucky buys a new (stark?) phone w an AI on it called CapOS and it’s Steve and Bucky is always talking to Steve like a real person and falls in love with him and then the program crashes and Bucky can’t get Steve back but it turns out that Steve somehow got a body and he’s skinny!steve? I’ve been thinking about for over a week and I don’t know what tags I would use to look for it thank you this blog has gotten me thru quarantine and been the highlight of my year 🥰🤩❤️🙌🏼
Anonymous 2 asked:
Hello! This is vague but I’m looking for a fic where Steve is doing a photo shoot and I think Bucky is an intern and so is Clint and Bucky gets picked to help with Steve’s shoot. Steve is like super interested in him from the beginning and everyone kind of makes fun of them but it’s cute, pretty sure there was puppies involved. Thank you!
Anonymous 3 asked:
There's a fic I can only vaguely remember and can't find and I'd be so grateful if someone knows it! It's pre-serum Steve and Bucky moving to the suburbs together to act as a married couple in the 40s, so everyone thinks Steve is Bucky's wife. I remember Bucky working for a factory and bringing home panty hose? And just being domestic. Hoping somebody knows what I'm talking about! Thanks!
birdsquidd asked:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic I read a while ago. I don't remember much but I think it was a kid fic? Bucky worked as a freelance translator and I think he or Steve had just moved into the neighbourhood. That's all I have but thank you for taking your time with this ask.
Anonymous 4 asked:
hi guys! please may you help me find a fic where steve is an actor and bucky is a consultant for history on set of the movie. thanks! x
greyhavensking asked:
I’m looking for a story with veteran Steve (can't remember if its WWII or later, think it's later) and a younger Bucky he meets at a bar. He's Bucky's introduction to a gay relationship, and the story shows their relationship over the course of several decades. Also, it's told in some parts in POV second person. Thanks in advance if you can help!
Anonymous 5 asked:
I’ve been looking for this fic forever where Bucky and Steve reunite in a bar/restaurant. They were childhood friends and Bucky’s Dad was abusive and Bucky went into the military. In the present day Bucky was rooming with Natasha and he and Steve went grocery shopping to make tacos together I think. I remember a lot of random details but not the name or the author lol any help would be much appreciated!
Anonymous 6 asked:
Hi!!! I'm trying to find a fanfic where Steve is an omega and him and Bucky used to be togeter before Bucky fell from the train. When Bucky comes back, he doesn't remember that he and Steve used to be mates and gets really close to Nat, what make Steve gets really sad.
hardcorehippos asked:
Hi i’m looking for a fic where steve and bucky kind of go in and out of each other’s lives, they probably dated in the past but drifted aprt, but every couple of years they reuinted for an event or a wedding or something and it goes on until they’re in their 40s? Thanks so much!!!
Anonymous 7 asked:
Hi! I lost a good fic I read a bit ago where Bucky hired Steve to be his dom. He knows Steve through nat who is also a dom? And he works with Clint and when he changes at work Clint thinks he’s being abused and Bucky has to explain it? Please please please help!
notanarrogantclotpole asked:
Hey y’all! I’m currently looking for a fic on Ao3 I read last year. I remember it starts off with Steve, Tony(?) and Bruce going to visit some scientist Bruce used to know who ends up being bad and Steve gets forcibly dosed with some kinda new super soldier serum. After they escape, tests on Steve come back normal so they think it didn’t work or smth. After a few weeks(?) There’s a whole thing where Steve’s worst memories are coming to the forefront of his mind and he starts getting paranoid and not like himself. He ends up having powers (telekinesis among other things I think) and loses his grip on reality and attacks some of the avengers. They keep him in a hulk proof cell until they can figure out how to help him and some organization tries to kidnap him so they can turn him against everyone while his mind is out of touch ig? Some extra details: in the fic Steve was abused by his father as a kid, and in one scene while trying to stop a bank robbery he uses telekinesis to grab a gun.
Anonymous 8 asked:
Do you know of the fic where Steve is the CEO of a company and gets stuck with Bucky as an assistant and they hate each other but eventually make passes at each other?? and at some point Sam finds out and then the two are threatened with being fired??
rainbowsaw asked:
Hello! I was reading a fic on archives when my phone crashed. It was stucky, Bucky was apart of the avengers Steve was not, Tony asked Bucky to hang out but Bucky told him he had to let his dog out. Bucky told everyone he had a dog named roger but it was really Steve. If someone can find that i would greatly appreciate it💕💕
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Hey Frank, can you write fiction? Maybe a fairy tale?
It's true. I once wrote a short story and submitted it to some anthology, and the editors, upon perusing my blog and realizing I was a math major and had read a lot of speculative fiction, asked me to delete it.
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What's your favorite joke?
Good ones seem like an endless source of ideas, although I'm pretty bad at coming up with funny/clever ones myself.
My favorite joke (which probably qualifies, in some sense) I can think of right now is:
"A young man was drowning in the Amazon river. A young woman saw him, but hesitated to rescue him. 'You have to rescue me first.' he said. 'I would if I had any chance of success,' she said, 'but you are too far away.' 'Wait,' he replied. 'All right. I'll take care of this.' With a giant rubber duck, he dived into the river after the drowning man, who by now had reached the bottom. Reaching down to lift the man out of the water, he said to him, 'You're safe now.' 'But where's my young woman?' replied the drowning man."
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Hi Frank! What can we do to combat the heat this summer?
For one thing, try sleeping more. For two, it can help to not be inside. I live in a city where it's a little chilly for the time of year we're in, but it's still pretty warm in the apartment (which is well-insulated from its neighbors) and we get outside often to go for walks or bike rides etc. (Also, stay hydrated!)
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I'm in love with you in the same way one can fall in love with a concept <3
I wish I could write more about concepts but tumblr keeps making me switch to a new account at any given moment :/
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