minatokucarpet · 1 year
ペルシャ絨毯 買取 全国でも利用可能
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ペルシャ絨毯 買取 ( 専門店港区 )
ショッピングブーストゾーン全国からカーペットを集めています! ショッピングをサポートするエリアは、 東京、神奈川、千葉、埼玉、いばらき、栃木、軍馬、愛知、静香、新潟、長野、山梨、京都、大阪、福岡、山口、大分、佐賀、福井県、熊本です。 ペルシャ絨毯買取専門店港区 ペルシャ絨毯を高く買取します。 全国でもご利用いただけますので、上記以外の方も大歓迎です! 無料評価をご利用ください。 買取実績豊富な専門店だからできる確かな鑑定・査定で絨毯・ラグを【高価買取】致します。 お問い合わせ下さい-ペルシャ絨毯買取 また、全国で利用可能
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female-malice · 10 months
The Iranian regime has executed more than 127 people, including women and children, since the Hamas attacks of 7 October, according to human rights groups.
According to data collected by Iran Human Rights (IHR) and the Norway-based organisation Hengaw, which have been cross-referenced by the Observer, there has been an alarming rise in executions since the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas.
A third group, Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRA), confirmed that there has been a significant increase in executions since the 7 October attacks, stating that on Wednesday last week, the regime executed seven people within a 24-hour period.
Human rights activists and the families of those put to death have accused the regime of using the world’s preoccupation with war in Gaza as a cover to exact revenge on dissidents and put people to death without due judicial process.
“Since the start of the war, there has been little international focus on the human rights situation in Iran, and there has been no substantial response to the significant increase in executions,” said Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the director of IHR, who added that his organisation has recorded double the number of executions in October and November compared with August and September.
Those who have been put to death in the last two months include a child, 17-year-old Hamidreza Azari, whose death was labelled “deplorable” by the UN last week.
IHR claims that Azari was executed for murder at Sabzevar prison after giving a “forced confession”, and that state media falsely gave his age as 18 when reporting his death.
Iran has also executed 22-year-old Milad Zohrevand, the eighth protester linked to the Women, Life, Freedom movement to face the death penalty for participating in the nationwide anti-regime protests that erupted across Iran last year following the death of Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish woman who died while in police custody after allegedly being arrested for breaching Iran’s strict dress code.
The UN also condemned Zohrevand’s execution, saying that “available information indicates that his trial lacked the basic requirements for due process under international human rights law” and that it was “troubled” by reports that Zohrevand’s parents were arrested following his execution.
In October, the UN condemned the Iranian regime for carrying out executions at an “alarming rate”. It said, according to its data, at least 419 people were put to death between January and July this year, which constitutes a 30% increase compared with the same time period in 2022.
But Iranian human rights groups now say that the surge of executions over the past two months has pushed the total number of death sentences carried out by the regime since the beginning of 2023 to more than 700. Civil rights activists inside the country say the executions come at a time of sustained and brutal repression by the Iranian authorities determined to re-establish their authority after months of protests and unrest.
“We face increasing restrictions due to the dozens of morality police on the streets, and we face harassment or arrests if we even share the news of executions or killings on social media. They are using the silence of the international community to avenge our calls for freedom,” said one political activist inside Iran, who said they have already been detained multiple times.
The regime has faced allegations that it is carrying out death sentences in secret, without informing family members and without giving those facing execution access to legal representation.
The family of 27-year-old Hossein Ali Dil Baluch, who was handed the death penalty for drug offences, say he had reportedly had his sentence reduced due to lack of evidence before he was suddenly executed in secret at Birjand central prison on 19 October. His family say they were not told in advance and did not have the chance to see him before he died.
“In the majority of these cases, at least 95%, the defendants lacked legal representation and didn’t have a lawyer to support them,” said Moein Khazaeli, a human rights lawyer at Dadban, a centre for counselling and legal education of activists.
“In most of the cases in the hands of the revolutionary court, the defendants didn’t even have access to the case files and didn’t even know what the accusations were.”
Activists and protesters who spoke to the Observer said the repression of those critical of the regime and those belonging to minority groups also continues to rise in Sistan-Baluchistan, Kurdish regions and among the Baha’i community.
Since the beginning of October, 38 Baha’i citizens have been collectively sentenced to more than 133 years of imprisonment by judicial authorities, according to human rights groups. The Baha’i community constitutes Iran’s largest non-Muslim minority and has been subjected to mass arrests, abductions and long-term imprisonment.
Human rights activists also say that in recent weeks the regime has been carrying out executions of prisoners who have been detained for years, sometimes decades, as their cases move through the judicial system.
Meysam Chandani was 22 when he was arrested in Sistan-Baluchistan province by the Islamic Republic’s intelligence forces in Saravan in 2011 and charged with “waging war against god”. Activists claim that for years Chandani faced torture and was refused medical help before his death on 11 November.
Many of those put to death in recent weeks had been charged with drug-related offences.
On 15 November, Zarkhaton Mazarzehi, 46, who was a mother and grandmother, was put to death after being charged with drug-related offences. A relative said she was a widow and supporting her whole family when she was arrested, and that after she was charged she was not given access to a lawyer and denied the charges.
“Zarkhaton did not surrender to the pressure [to confess],” they said. “The world shouldn’t doubt that the executions in Baluchistan have increased and will continue to increase in order to create terror among the people.”
The Baluch minority, most of whom are Sunni Muslims, have been disproportionately targeted, accounting for nearly one-third of all executions. The vast majority of Iran’s Muslims are Shia.
In the past few months, there has also been a wave of arrests of dissidents and lengthy sentences handed down to anti-regime protesters.
In November, Mahsa Yazdani, whose son was reportedly killed after being shot by security forces during an anti-regime protest in 2022, was sentenced to 13 years in prison after she demanded justice for her child on social media.
At the end of October, Iranian authorities also arrested Nasrin Sotoudeh, a prominent lawyer and human rights defender, as she attended the funeral of a teenage girl who died after a disputed metro incident with a member of Iran’s morality police.
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etincellesworld · 1 year
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suraanahita · 2 years
Well following the recent explosions at Evin (and they were shooting inmates too, it was bad enough but it’s a lot worse), apparently the IR has released something like a virus in the water supplies??? And people in Birjand are getting sick?? Even Ahvaz?? Holy sh*t
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alkalinevegannews · 2 years
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Follow @alkalineherbshop Cilantro, or the leaves of the Coriandrum sativum plant, is a popular addition to culinary dishes from cultures around the world. In addition to adding a unique flavor to food, cilantro has been used for years in traditional medicine practices. ⠀ Some evidence suggests cilantro supports the body's natural detoxification process. A 2012 paper from Alternative and Complementary Therapies found that consuming a soup made with cilantro enhanced the excretion of mercury following a procedure to remove dental amalgam. ⠀ Another 2008 study published in Journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences found that cilantro extract increased the removal of lead via the kidneys in children, although these effects were comparable to placebo. It could be that using more cilantro is associated with overall improvements in diet, including an increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, which is also associated with reduced risk of heavy metal toxicity, according to a 2015 review in Nutrients. More studies are needed, but integrative medicine practitioners recommend combining cilantro with the algae chorella as a way to enhance cilantro's detoxifying effects. Other research, including animal and in vitro studies, suggest that cilantro may also protect the skin against UVB radiation, decrease inflammation, relieve pain, and potentially reduce cancer cell growth and activity. ⠀ Sources: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275116480_Cilantro-Culinary_Herb_or_Miracle_Medicinal_Plant https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4303853/ https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/jmf.2013.2999 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30417420/ http://medcraveonline.com/IJCAM/IJCAM-11-00409.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4028854/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3654245/ https://www.nihadc.com/library/detox-for-life-class-2-addit-resources/54-4-dosing-with-chlorella/file.html?accept_license=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnnQpE9OHdj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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andronetalks · 6 months
A circular building with six towers of the Achaemenid period discovered in Iran
SOTT – Sign Of The Times By Leman AltuntaşArkeonews NetTue, 02 Apr 2024 23:51 UTC Archaeologists have uncovered an almost circular adobe building with six towers, built in the 6th century BC, near Birjand in South Khorasan. Excavations in the largely unexplored Khorasan began in 2009 and are one of the few excavations that have continued to the present day. In the east of Iran, only two…
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Le fiamme altissime e poi l'esplosione: incendio in una raffineria in Iran
Un incendio in una raffineria a Birjand, nell’est dell’Iran, ha causato due esplosioni. Non sono stati segnalati feriti, ma i danni devono ancora essere valutati, hanno affermato i media di stato, aggiungendo che tutti e 18 i serbatoi presso la raffineria sono andati in fiamme. L’agenzia di stampa semi-ufficiale Fars dell’Iran ha dichiarato che le fasi iniziali dell’incendio hanno consumato 1,5…
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shoparug · 1 year
Different Types of Tribal Rug Options in Australia – Choose the Best Range
There is no denying the fact that handmade rugs are from ancient time that were earlier used in varied ways to cover floors and to create a gorgeous environment inside the property. Tribes in ancient Persian and Babylon were the pioneer in rug weavers. A good number of people still search for the tribal rugs from different sources to decorate their homes. Such types of rugs are some of the most unique handcrafts made by mankind. Not to mention the design that is usually asymmetrical as it comes from the imagination of the weaver. Majority of tribal rugs are wool on wool and made by using vegetable dyes and always look more organic and handmade than urban rugs
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Different Options in Tribal Rubs – Choose the Best One There are different options available, when it comes to choose the best range of tribal rugs. You have to follow all the key steps and get the best range of such rugs in your desired colour, design, pattern and sizes. They are specifically designed and may take some more time as they are hand-woven and designed by more artists. ·         Birjand ·         Hamedan ·         Herati ·         Isfahan ·         Kashan ·         Kashmar They are some of the best options and you can choose the best one according to your specifications. All details are provided to you that will be a plus point. Different unique designs, amazing looks, the right colour combinations, different shapes and sizes are some of the options to keep you engaged in choosing the best range of tribal rugs in your desired way. Prices are competitive and sometimes backed by discounts too. There is a lot more associated that will surely keep you engaged in the shopping for such classy range. For Tribal rugs in Brisbane or Canberra, what all you have to do is search for the top and trusted supplier or a wholesaler that deals in hand woven rugs and ensuring you will get delivery to your address. Attractive discounts are also offered. Online search is counted as one of the convenient ways to enhance your experience.  Among some of top suppliers, you will find name of Shop A Rug on top – offering you the best range of rugs in a variety of designs and styles. Check all details, know about the prices, their designs and place your order accordingly. Shop A Rug eases the procedure for shopping tribal rugs and hand-woven rugs from different sources. You can place your order from anywhere is Australia and get delivery in secure way.
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epersianrugs · 1 year
Birjand Persian Rug gh33
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Birjand Persian Rug gh33
Birjand Persian Rug gh33 is a hand knotted Persian rug with astonishing price. This wool Persian rug is 100 x 150 cm. The color of this rug is red. This rug was woven in Birjandv city of Iran.   Read the full article
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prnlive · 2 years
Gary Null’s Show Notes 02 17 23 P
If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Starting this week, we will make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
A blend of soy and dairy proteins promotes muscle protein synthesis when consumed after exercise
5-HTP: Prozac’s True Alternative
‘Food swamps’ may be sending older adults to an early grave
Fish oil, vitamin B12 supplementation associated with lower plasma homocysteine
Zhejiang University (China), January 25 2023 
The Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the finding of researchers at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China of a reduction in plasma homocysteine levels following supplementation with vitamin B12 and/or fish oil. 
"No study has reported the effect of vitamin B12 in combination with fish oil on plasma homocysteine, ferritin, CRP and other cardiovascular disease risk factors in Chinese," announce Duo Li and colleagues in their introduction to the article. 
Thirty men and women were randomly assigned to receive 1000 micrograms (mcg) vitamin B12, 2 grams fish oil, or 2 grams fish oil plus 1000 mcg vitamin B12. Plasma vitamin B12, lipids, ferritin (a biomarker of iron status), C-reactive protein (CRP), total homocysteine and other factors were measured before treatment and after four and eight weeks of supplementation. 
Among those who received fish oil alone or fish oil plus vitamin B12, triglycerides, CRP and ferritin significantly decreased after four and eight weeks of supplementation. Homocysteine was lowered by 22% in the vitamin B12 group, 19% in the fish oil group and 39% among those who received both supplements for eight weeks.  
"In summary, supplementation of fish oil alone or in combination with vitamin B12 decreased plasma concentrations of homocysteine, ferritin and CRP," Dr Li and associates conclude. "Oral supplementation with vitamin B12 in combination with fish oil had a synergistic effect on lowering plasma concentrations of homocysteine."
The possible effects of cinnamon on memory and learning
Birjand University of Medical Sciences (Iran), February 3, 2023
Cinnamon, the well-known aromatic spice that many of us use to bake cakes and cook savory dishes, is derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees. These are evergreen trees found in the Himalayas and other mountain areas, as well as in rainforests and other forests in southern China, India and Southeast Asia.
In addition to its unique flavor, cinnamon could have other beneficial properties for humans. For instance, studies suggest that cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, and can also boost the immune system.
Some works also showed that its bioactive compounds could boost brain function, particularly memory and learning. Yet the validity of these findings is yet to be established with certainty.
A team of researchers at Birjand University of Medical Sciences in Iran recently reviewed several past studies exploring the effects of cinnamon on cognitive functions. Their analysis, outlined in Nutritional Neuroscience, highlights the potential value of cinnamon for preventing or reducing memory or learning impairments.
"Two thousand six hundred five studies were collected from different databases in September 2021 and went under investigation for eligibility. Forty studies met our criteria and were included in this systematic review."
The researchers extracted data relevant to all these studies, including their author, year of publication, compound or type of cinnamon used, the study population and sample sizes, doses of cinnamon or its bioactive components used, gender and age of participants, duration and method of consumption, and the results obtained. 
Overall, most of the studies they looked at suggested that cinnamon could positively impact both memory and cognitive function.
"In vivo studies showed that using cinnamon or its components, such as eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, and cinnamic acid, could positively alter cognitive function," Nakhaee, Kooshki and their colleagues wrote in their paper. "In vitro studies also showed that adding cinnamon or cinnamaldehyde to a cell medium can reduce tau aggregation, Amyloid β and increase cell viability."
Out of the two clinical studies analyzed by the researchers, one was conducted on adolescents and the other on pre-diabetic adults who were 60 years old or younger. The first study asked the adolescents to chew cinnamon gum, while the latter asked participants to eat 2g of cinnamon on white bread.
The study on adolescents yielded positive results, suggesting that chewing cinnamon gum improved memory function and reduced anxiety. In contrast, the clinical study on pre-diabetic adults found no significant changes in cognitive function following the consumption of cinnamon.
Overall, the systematic review paper by Nakhaee, Kooshki and their colleagues suggests that cinnamon and some of its active components could have positive effects on the functioning of the human brain, boosting memory and learning. In the future, this review could inspire other teams of researchers to further examine the impact of cinnamon on the brain, which could potentially promote its use to preserve brain function and slow down cognitive impairment.
Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives is associated with an increased risk of brain tumors
University of Southern Denmark  January 22, 2023
Taking a hormonal contraceptive for at least five years is associated with a possible increase in a young woman's risk of developing a rare tumour, glioma of the brain. This project focussed on women aged 15 -49 years and the findings are published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Hormonal contraceptives, including oral contraceptives, contain female sex hormones and are widely used by women all over the world. While only a little is known about the causes of glioma and other brain tumours, there is some evidence that female sex hormones may increase the risk of some cancer types, although there is also evidence that contraceptive use may reduce the risk in certain age groups. "This prompted us to evaluate whether using hormonal contraceptives might influence the risk of gliomas in women of the age range who use them," says research team leader Dr David Gaist of the Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark.
In this project, the researchers drew data from Denmark's national administrative and health registries, enabling them to identify all the women in Denmark who were between 15 and 49 years of age and had a first-time diagnosis of glioma between 2000 and 2009. They found 317 cases and compared each of these women with eight age-matched women who didn't have gliomas.
"It is important to keep this apparent increase in risk in context," says Dr Gaist. "In a population of women in the reproductive age, including those who use hormonal contraceptives, you would anticipate seeing 5 in 100,000 people develop a glioma annually, according to the nationwide Danish Cancer Registry."
"While we found a statistically significant association between hormonal contraceptive use and glioma risk, a risk-benefit evaluation would still favour the use of hormonal contraceptives in eligible users," says Dr Gaist, who points out that it is important to carry on evaluating long-term contraceptive use in order to help women choose the best contraception for them.
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
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actu24hp · 2 years
La cannelle, une alliée pour le cerveau
Si tout le monde ne raffole pas de la cannelle, cette nouvelle étude pourrait convaincre les sceptiques. De précédentes études ont déjà conféré à cette épice des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, antioxydantes et anticancéreuses. Une équipe de chercheurs de l’Université des sciences médicales de Birjand (Iran) a récemment examiné plusieurs études antérieures explorant les effets de la cannelle sur…
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xtruss · 2 years
The Possible Effects of Cinnamon on Memory and Learning
— By Ingrid Fadelli, Medical Xpress | February 03, 2023
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Credit: Mae Mu (Unsplash)
Cinnamon, the well-known aromatic spice that many of us use to bake cakes and cook savory dishes, is derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees. These are evergreen trees found in the Himalayas and other mountain areas, as well as in rainforests and other forests in southern China, India and Southeast Asia.
In addition to its unique flavor, cinnamon could have other beneficial properties for humans. For instance, studies suggest that cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, and can also boost the immune system.
Some works also showed that its bioactive compounds could boost brain function, particularly memory and learning. Yet the validity of these findings is yet to be established with certainty.
A team of researchers at Birjand University of Medical Sciences in Iran recently reviewed several past studies exploring the effects of cinnamon on cognitive functions. Their analysis, outlined in Nutritional Neuroscience, highlights the potential value of cinnamon for preventing or reducing memory or learning impairments.
"This study aimed to systematically review studies about the relationship between cinnamon and its key components in memory and learning," Samaneh Nakhaee, Alireza Kooshki and their colleagues wrote in their paper. "Two thousand six hundred five studies were collected from different databases in September 2021 and went under investigation for eligibility. Forty studies met our criteria and were included in this systematic review."
Nakhaee, Kooshki and their colleagues reviewed hundreds of studies stored in several online research databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar and Web of Science. They then narrowed down their analysis to 40 of these studies, those that were most pertinent to their topic of interest.
Among these 40 studies, 33 were carried out in vivo (i.e., examining real living organisms, such as humans, rodents, or other animals). Five of them were conducted in vitro (i.e., outside of living organisms, for instance by analyzing cells or post-mortem tissue), and two were clinical studies (i.e., with medical patients).
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Cinnamon is highly beneficial according to a new study! Cinnamon may improve Blood Sugar Control in people with Prediabetes! The Spice of Life—Cinnamon Cools Your Stomach! Antioxidants! Protection against heart disease! Improved insulin sensitivity! Protection from neurodegenerative diseases! Anti-inflammatory!
The researchers extracted data relevant to all these studies, including their author, year of publication, compound or type of cinnamon used, the study population and sample sizes, doses of cinnamon or its bioactive components used, gender and age of participants, duration and method of consumption, and the results obtained. They then assessed the quality and reliability of the studies looking at their design, sample size, inclusion criteria, and other methodological aspects.
Finally, they analyzed and compared the results of the 40 relevant articles they selected. Overall, most of the studies they looked at suggested that cinnamon could positively impact both memory and cognitive function.
"In vivo studies showed that using cinnamon or its components, such as eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, and cinnamic acid, could positively alter cognitive function," Nakhaee, Kooshki and their colleagues wrote in their paper. "In vitro studies also showed that adding cinnamon or cinnamaldehyde to a cell medium can reduce tau aggregation, Amyloid β and increase cell viability."
Out of the two clinical studies analyzed by the researchers, one was conducted on adolescents and the other on pre-diabetic adults who were 60 years old or younger. The first study asked the adolescents to chew cinnamon gum, while the latter asked participants to eat 2g of cinnamon on white bread.
The study on adolescents yielded positive results, suggesting that chewing cinnamon gum improved memory function and reduced anxiety. In contrast, the clinical study on pre-diabetic adults found no significant changes in cognitive function following the consumption of cinnamon.
"Most studies reported that cinnamon might be useful for preventing and reducing cognitive function impairment," the researchers wrote in their paper. "It can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of related diseases. However, more studies need to be done on this subject."
Overall, the systematic review paper by Nakhaee, Kooshki and their colleagues suggests that cinnamon and some of its active components could have positive effects on the functioning of the human brain, boosting memory and learning. In the future, this review could inspire other teams of researchers to further examine the impact of cinnamon on the brain, which could potentially promote its use to preserve brain function and slow down cognitive impairment.
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hipersia · 5 years
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itourisma-blog · 5 years
Akberieh Garden
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Name: Akberieh Garden Location: Birjand, South Khorasan province, Iran Category: Monuments Inscription: (UNESCO: 2011, Iran’s national monuments: 1999) Era: Qajar Description: Akbarieh House and Garden is one of the historical buildings in Birjand   نام: باغ اکبریه محل: ایران، استان خراسان جنوبی، شهر بیرجند دسته بندی: آثار تاریخی تاریخ ثبت (آثار ملی ایران): 1378 تاریخ ثبت (یونسکو): 2011 دوره: قاجار شرح: باغ اکبریه از آثار جهانی ایران است که در شهر بیرجند قرار گرفته است. قدمت این باغ به زمان قاجار باز می گردد و وسعتی در حدود 45000 متر مربع دارد   Please upload your related photo of Iran (If confirmed, it will be displayed on the website with your name) لطفا ��کسهای مرتبط خود از ایران را از طریق لینک زیر برای ما ارسال نمایید. در صورت تایید، عکسها با نام و مشخصات شما در وب سایت منتشر خواهند شد Upload: https://itourisma.com/upload Read the full article
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tuningpulse-blog · 5 years
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