#biscuit daddy
mothwingwritings · 6 months
Doppo, Shibukawa, Motobe, Biscuit, And Yujiro As Your Sugar Daddy 💄💋✨
Hi everyone!!! Sorry I dipped out for a moment, I had an eventful past two weeks (but some of the event has been writing stuff, so that’s something at least lul) and now I come back offering whatever the hell this is lol. The idea of the Baki men being sugar daddies came to me in a vision while I was supposed to be working, so of course as the responsible individual that I am I focused on that and started writing this and here we are now! :D It’s for all my dilf/gilf lovers out there. You are all lovely little treasures and I adore you all. :*
As you can probably tell by the subject matter of this one, 18+ only please!!!
Thank you for reading!!!
Warnings: Sex, sex work/reader is a sex worker, mentions of various sexual acts, possessive/obsessive tendencies from your clients, dubcon, mentions of noncon, Yujiro Hanma being Yujiro Hanma, mentions of threesomes and open relationships, very little editing.
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Doppo Orochi˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         Doppo would be an exceptional sugar daddy. He’s attentive and kind to you, both when you are out on dates and when you share private time together, and you can always tell he’s truly excited to spend time with you (even when sex isn’t involved). He loves to spoil you and has the money to back it, gifting you whatever your heart desires, all you have to do is say the word.
·         He’s a big family man, and as such he may push the boundaries a bit of what your relationship is. It’s hard to see him as just a benefactor when he’s sending you good morning and good night texts, inviting you over for home cooked dinners, calling you just so he can hear your voice and talk about silly things, checking in on you to make sure you are safe and happy. It may be pushing the line of what is appropriate and what isn’t for your relationship, but you can’t lie and say it isn’t nice feeling so cared for.
·         That being said, you know Doppo has a wife that he loves very much, so there is no confusion of your role as just a sugar baby in this dynamic. In most cases such a strong spousal bond may cause trouble on your end, but luckily for you Natsue is as fond of you as Doppo is. She’s definitely not as into the sexual aspect of your company as Doppo is, but get ready for plenty of passionate threesomes should the three of you find yourselves together and in the mood.
·         Doppo is very open about sharing his life with you. He invites you to all his matches, you have free access to Shinshin Kai dojo, and after a certain level of trust is reached, he’ll even give you a key to his house. At first it felt strange, like you were bordering on something taboo having so much access to his private life, and you worried you were taking advantage of his hospitality. But as time wore on you realized that his fondness for you was just so great that he wanted you to be a part of his life as much as possible, regardless of what the typical sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship was. However, if the familiarity and closeness ever made you uncomfortable he would end it immediately, reverting back to business as usual (though it would make him extremely sad).
·         His main downside is that he’s definitely very ‘dad-like’ and sometimes you feel more like a child he is over protective of then his beloved sugar baby. His fatherly advice and guidance can be a bit overbearing, and it takes all you have not to roll your eyes at his griping over some of your decisions and future plans.
·         If it doesn’t end up working out with Doppo, he has a hot son you can fall back on :)
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Gouki Shibukawa˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         Shibukawa truly is a wild card. You have no idea what to expect when this man calls on your services. He’s hired you for things as mild as enjoying afternoon tea with him and as raunchy as participating in the most degenerate sexual roleplay you can possibly imagine (consensually, of course).
·         So even though he’s one of your older benefactors, he is certainly far from boring. In fact, you can’t help but get excited whenever he reaches out to you, wondering what he may have in store for your meet up.
·         Shibukawa is one of the less sentimental of the sugar daddies. There is definitely no mistaking that your relationship is strictly for pleasure, and as a side effect of that his private life is a virtual mystery to you. You have your suspicions about what he does with his spare time, but should you pry too much he’ll swiftly and efficiently end the conversation, focusing his attention instead on the sweeter side of your affair.
·         However, he is far from cold. Shibukawa always treats you extremely well and pays you even better, so he quickly becomes one of your favorite clients.
·         Also, he’s extremely interesting. This man could make a story about what he ate for breakfast sound like the most fascinating thing on the world, so even if nothing big or exciting happens in the time you spend with him, at the very least you know you won’t ever be bored.
·         Don’t let his age fool you-he is a beast in bed. With age comes experience, and that has never been truer than with Shibukawa. You don’t think you’ve ever quite felt the thrill you get when you have intimate time with Shibukawa with any other client, let alone actual romantic partners you’ve had.
·         His downside is that his mood towards you is always fluctuating. He will be in constant contact with you for weeks at a time and then fall off the face of the earth, only to pop back up expecting you to prioritize him over your other clients. It’s a bit obnoxious, especially if he is your best paying client and you are relying on him financially, yet he refuses to keep you in the loop of any plans he wants to involve you in or meet ups he may be concocting.
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Motobe Izou˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         The KING of pet names. I honestly don’t think this man has ever called you your actual name once. Baby, sweetheart, dove, little one-the list goes on. If you called him a pet name back, he would probably have a heart attack brought on by the sheer amount of joy that would bring him.
·         He may not be as wealthy as some of your other clients, but his care and devotion to you are off the charts. Each time he calls on your services he always greets you with flowers or chocolates, and each date he takes you on is to a place you like or recommend, prioritizing your favorites over the stuff he may prefer. He’s at your beck and call; willing to drop everything should your schedule open up and you have the time to spend with him.
·         He’s very protective of you, having legitimate concerns over whether any of your other customers are overly handsy or make you do and participate in things you are uncomfortable with. He tries to play it cool and ask about your health and well-being nonchalantly, but you can tell by the nervous undertone in his voice and the bags under his eyes that his fretting over you and your profession wears heavily upon him, affecting his day to day life.
·         He’s also low-key scared that you prefer other clients over him (even though you have never done anything to make him perpetuate this idea), so he stresses himself out over that as well.
·         Motobe is an incredibly intimate lover. He takes his time with you, committing to memory which of his actions brings you the most pleasure so that he can use them time and time again to drive you wild. Every caress of his hand and kiss of his lips is gentle and loving, he treats you as if you are the most precious being on the planet earth and it never ceases to make you melt.
·         That being said, he has the toughest time distinguishing boundaries in your relationship, constantly blurring the lines between professional and personal. Anyone that interacts with the two of you can see just how head over heels for you he is, and more often than not when out and about people just assume you are spouses based solely on how openly affectionate and lovey dovey he is with you. His doting can be rather heavy-handed, not to mention disconcerting, especially when you work so hard to establish clear boundaries with him.
·         … But still, you can’t find yourself being too upset at Motobe. Even when he takes things too far, Motobe is certainly the most caring client you’ve had, earnestly watching over you and taking the best care of you he can with the limited time he has with you. Even with all his quirks, you have a definite soft spot for the man.
·         And who knows? Maybe someday when you seek another line of work and leave this one behind you can go on an actual date with him? He’ll most certainly be waiting on you, more than ready to make it official. :)
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Biscuit Oliva˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         If Biscuit is yoursugar daddy, my dear you have it MADE.
·         He is the IDEAL sugar daddy. He’s handsome, sweet, wealthy, and not afraid to lavish you in all of the finer things. It’s not uncommon for you to go out on a date with him only to come home in a new designer outfit of your choice, decked out in a varying level of jewels he let you pick out yourself.
·         And it’s not just material possessions, he loves taking you on all kind of exotic trips and vacations, taking you to places you never dreamed you’d be able to go. It makes his heart swell seeing the excitement in your eyes the moment the plane touches down at each new locale, your unbridled joy spurring him to feel just a thrilled by this adventure as you do (even if it’s to a place he has been countless times before).
·         But even when he’s not whisking you off to fun and foreign places, he always makes every date exciting. Regardless of if it’s small meet up, or a full on whirlwind adventure, there is never a dull moment with Biscuit.
·         Being with him is like an honest to god fairytale, you feel like some kind of royalty whenever you are in his presence. He dotes on you to the extreme, showering you in affection, praise, and gifts. You’ve never felt more beautiful or important than you do when you are with Biscuit.
·         All that being said, this man really makes you earn the title of sugar baby. His sex drive is off the charts and he has an insatiable attraction to you, which means the moment he sees you, he’s on you. Of course he shows decorum out in public, presenting as the perfect gentleman on any dates he escorts you on while out in the public eye. But the moment you two are behind closed doors? Prepare to be absolutely ravished. You probably won’t be able to walk for a few days once he’s done.
·         Like Doppo, you are aware that Biscuit already has a special lady in his life. As such, Biscuit made sure that you were someone that Maria was not just OK with, but someone she genuinely liked. You take that kind of as a badge of honor, as Maria has a tendency to be very picky with the people she surrounds herself with. But the two of you hit it off within minutes of meeting each other, which is a huge relief to both you and Biscuit.
·         You’re not expected to participate in the ‘sugar’ end of the deal with Maria, but should you show interest in Maria in that way, Biscuit would be over the moon. Whether it be a threesome or just the two of you together while he watched, he’ll be absolutely delighted either way (and expect to be handsomely compensated for the good time. ;). Just don’t start liking each other more than him, OK? He would probably pass away from heart break if the two of you left him in the dust. ^^;
·         The biggest down side to having Biscuit as your sugar daddy is that he can be a bit… much. He’s exceptionally clingy, to the point that you have to completely silence or shut off your phone sometimes because he’s always calling or texting you for some reason or another-even when you are with other clients. He also HEAPS on the affection so much that you feel suffocated by it, which is a lot on its own, let alone from a person you aren’t even in a committed relationship with. When you try and ask him to ease up, or even just straight up ignore him for a bit, it only makes his dogged affection worse. :/
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Yujiro Hanma˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
·         The fact that you even became the Ogre’s sugar baby is baffling, and honestly a rather scary and precarious situation for you to be stuck in.
·         The thought that he would actually pay for something so many people would willingly supply to him, or that he could simply take from another person, must mean he finds you extremely interesting. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is to be determined.
·         You don’t ever get a heads up for your liaisons with Yujiro-the man just shows up when he desires your company and that’s that. It doesn’t matter if you are sleeping, with another client, or otherwise engaged, Yujiro ALWAYS takes precedence and you better remember that if you want him to keep paying you.
·         That being said, he gets rather territorial of you when he sees you or hears about you with other clients. Not necessarily jealous (what is there to be jealous of? He’s leagues better than those losers and everyone knows it), but definitely disgruntled that despite his patronage you still choose other men to attend to. You should feel honored to have him as a patron, indebted to the point where he is your soul focus. The fact that you aren’t definitely pushes his buttons.
·         As stated, being Yujiro’s sugar baby is definitely a perilous situation to be in. He is interested in you enough to spend time and money on you, but you would never delude yourself into thinking he held any sort of romantic attraction towards you. You are merely a source of pleasure and entertainment, which in and of itself is fine, that is your profession after all.  But once your use to him ended… where does that leave you? With all other clients they simply moved on, but Yujiro is like an untamed beast. If he gets upset with you in anyway, getting extremely hurt by him is a very real possibility.
·         Also- he’s the strongest being on the planet. He could kill you without batting a lash, whether by accident or on purpose. Merely being in his presence is a daunting experience, and while you’ve dealt with strong and/or questionable clients in the past, Yujiro is a breed all his own. Simply put-he scares you, and he is by far the most dangerous person you’ve ever had to interact with.
·         Everything about your relationship is filled with uncertainty. Sometimes your dates are good- he’ll take you out to nice places to do exciting things and may even get you a gift or two. But more often than not his ‘dates’ (if you can even call them that) are chaotic and abrupt, leaving you in pain and out of it for days.
·         He’s EXTREMELY demeaning as well, calling you whore or slut more than your actual name. He especially likes to belittle you during sexual acts, reminding you of what a useless and weak piece of meat you are as he pounds into you mercilessly. The berating gets even worse when/if you start to feel pleasure from the acts. He enjoys it immensely when you put up a resistance to his advances, only to becoming a slavering mess, completely drunk off his cock.
·         Receiving money from Yujiro is very dependent on his mood and how much fun he had while in your company. There are days when you leave your dates loaded with cash with very little effort, and times when you go above and beyond to please him only to receive a small amount of income. Honestly though, the days when you receive more cash can be worse than when he barely pays you-he is apt to lord it over you and expect more unsolicited favors from you in response to his act of benevolence.
·         The worst part of this whole arrangement is that you don’t have a say in any of it. Any person in their right mind would reject Yujiro as a client no matter how attractive or wealthy he may be, but you were never given that luxury. The moment he took an interest in you, you became irrevocably tied to him with no hope of shaking him.  You would be forced to serve him until he grows tired of you- you just hope that when his interest in you wanes it means your freedom and not your untimely demise. :)
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head canon about that time Varric got Rook in trouble with Professor Emmrich😈🪄
“Professor just sounds so stuffy. Right?” Varric has been muttering to himself for the past twenty minutes- deep in thought about his memoirs. As soon as he notices you, he pulls up a chair for you. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve helped him break free of writers’ block.
“And ‘Professor Fade’ makes him sound like a divorced magister who works Vint kids’ birthday parties.”
You smile genuinely this time trying not to laugh as you sip your mug of tea. You know exactly who he’s talking about. You lay your head on the back of the chair gazing up at the ceiling for a minute.
“I guess…we can’t call him Bones either,” you reply, the ghost of a dimple resurfacing.
“Bones,” Varric tested it out himself, “No- I like the sound of that. Long O roles off the tongue. It’s catchy.”
But…you grimace, shaking your head as Varric writes it down.
“What? Why not?” he asks while peering at you over the frames of his reading glasses like a judge, “It’s not like I called him ‘Bone Daddy’.”
You turn a shade of crimson they’d call wine dark in Antiva. Your typical cool composure utterly evaporates. And now… now realization spreads across Varric’s rugged features like a glint of sun through Stormcoast clouds. Even worse, he says nothing in reply leaving you to dig yourself out of this.
“What?” you sputter and his brows raise further, “Look. I don’t know who started calling him Bone Daddy-”
It’s at this inconvenient moment that Emmrich Volkarin swans in. He comes to a halt between you both at the head of the table. His arrival is followed by the loudest silence you’ve ever heard.
“There’s an air of conspiracy about this room,” Emmrich drawls theatrically. He glances at you sideways, his gaze budding with a growing warmth.
And then Varric does something truly devious, smirking all the while:
“Afraid you caught us red-handed, Professor. Rook has a talent for coming up with the most creative nicknames… You should ask them about it.”
inspired by a post by @a-lyoshka
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Post BTSV Juneteenth where Miles requires Miguel to pay him reparations cause, in Miles own words, “Those slams on the train felt racially motivated.” and he can’t argue with the kid on Juneteenth. 
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tired-biscuit · 11 months
Currently spiraling over dilf, divorced Hokage Naruto who coos at you “Does my baby want a baby?” while unbuckling his pants 🥵
Somebody fucking sedate me - the breeding kink is STRONG today
his voice would get so low and raspy and i feel like if you reached out to stroke his chest and the side of his neck and face while he’d fold you into a mating press, and you’d look right into his face and begged him to give you a baby, it’d fucking ruin him, man.
especially if you’re acting so sweet and innocent about it; staring up at him with heart eyes and talking about how you want to start a little family with him so that your home would be even cozier and warmer than it already is, how you want him to make you a mommy, how you know that he’d try so hard to be a good daddy this time — that kind of stuff.
because those are the things he never had or got to experience when he was younger, and after one failed attempt at getting it, he wants it even more badly than before. he wants it to work this time.
i think he practically craves a perfect domestic life, to be honest.
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I don't like his parents...
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shelli-gator · 2 years
There really isn’t enough talk about Toad’s Adventure being an amazing fucking episode for James as a character so here we go I’m doing it.
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“Thank you very much, sir!” “Call me James.”
This is so fucking important- This whole time Toad acts like he’s a second class citizen, some simple sidekick. Toad calls everyone Mister and sir to be subservient, putting them on a level above himself. But James levels with him, insisting on him just calling him James. He doesn’t want his ego stroked this time. THAT’S SO CUTE WHAT!?
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“Actually Oliver, I think you should ask Toad about the adventure he had today.”
Even more important than that, James shows profound empathy here. Toad never had to tell him that he doesn’t feel listened to, doesn’t get to have his own story to tell. He picked it up on his own, especially after the way he treated him himself. And here’s the fucking kicker. James leaves right after to let TOAD tell the story without him. Not only does he relinquish any and all claim of the spotlight he might have had, but he also gives up control of the narrative. He can’t make himself look good, can’t hide his mistakes. He willingly gives up ‘looking good’ and embraces most likely being painted as the party at fault. None of that matters to him- he wanted Toad to have his moment in the sun. Because HE was the hero of this story, not him. It’s so fucking profound and wonderful, and speaks volumes of James as a character. More than just praising Toad for his work, he stands up for him and encourages him to have his MomentTM. That’s so fucking good. He’s a GOOD BOY. And more empathetic than people give him credit for. He has a big heart.
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Other than that, it was just a really good episode! James and Toad were super funny, and I’m weak for James taking the hill at a dead out run. Very cool very impressive what a noble powerful creature. :]
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Hehehe smol. <3
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“You? What’s so special about you?” WHEEZE eat shit you’re about to get fucked up by a stick Mr. I Never Have Accidents.
Side note: James looking down at Toad’s brakes when he says they’re strong. What, you suddenly the expert on brakes now, James? Hmm? Stupid cunt <3 Shut up and take the brakevan.
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And then there was trouble. Poor Toad getting roped into James’ comeuppance. BUT! What I love about the whole affair is James comes running back down the hill, and is immediately taking the blame. “I’m sorry Thomas, I lost my train on the hill!” The way he words it is important, already taking ownership. Straight away he’s trying to make sure everyone is alright, very sincerely concerned and mournful for the trouble he’s caused. Sweetheart!
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James very clearly still sure it was his fault regardless of what Toad said and WOW does he feel bad about it. He’s not used to not getting chewed out when he fucks up. ^^^^^^^^
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Patting himself on the back for his character growth. Maybe he’ll even get a biscuit. That’s the face of an engine on his way to get a biscuit.
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karinasbaby · 7 months
HAHAHA SOSNDJNES MY OFFICIAL NAME?? i’ll take it. yours is definitely my pookie wookiee cutie patootie <3 because you’re my lil baby angel
our relationship IS so perfect. just as you are. i also love love suddenly. wonder why that is. AND YES PLS SPAM TF OUTTA ME I WANT MY PHONE TO VIBRATE OFF THE TABLE
NOOO WDYM ITS GONNA BE CRAZY? don’t say that. please. (STOP UR PREMATURE TOO?? we were fated, like)
my last exam is on monday! but i have a presentation on tuesday and a assignment due on tuesday BUT! monday
(it’s so funny because i planned to do the assignment in the bus yesterday but i ended up writing the brat tamer drabbles which is my own fault but)
oh it’s is absolutely your official name my honey bun sugar pie schnookums teddy bear chocolate cookie swirl pudding biscuit. and “my lil baby angel” my soul ascended to the 7th heaven and came back btw but we ball.
STOP FLRITING WITH MEEEELENDLSH “just as u are” GET OUT. ENOUGH. out here making me kick my feet in the air and hide my face under the blanket who do u think u are 😒😒😒😒😒 (don’t answer that.) but anywho i shall be spamming the living hell out of u after this just let me get on ig and bro 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
(WE REALLY ARE FATED IN THIS SHIT BRO LIKE YOURE PREMATURE IM PREMATURE YOURE A HEE STAN IM A HEE STAN WHATS NEXT⁉️⁉️⁉️) fate but not sponsored by enha 😁☝️ but AYYEEEEE LAST EXAM ON MONDAY LETS GOOOO 🤾🤾(tuesday doesn’t exist for me) (WHY DIDNT U WORK ON UR ASSIGNMENT >:( also u posting that is like so ridiculous to me lmfao bcs u have NO clue how terrified i am of ur account rn. i’m avoiding that brat tamer work so bad rn bcs i know im gonna die. im so gonna die. for sure gonna die.)
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Has anyone else ever wondered if Tengen's fat titties bounce or jiggle when he's walking or running?
Is it just me?
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linksbitch · 6 months
I’d rather take my whiskey….
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schizobit3s · 3 months
when I try to make my friends cringe and they actually believe me :3
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link-sans-specs · 8 months
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Yet another study in Link Rubbing His Eyes on Ear Biscuits 😇
Our Top 10 Moments of 2023
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itshomobirb · 4 months
my dearest dom eli anon, i have both ur asks, daddy just needs to take some time to rotate them in his mind before he can respond <3
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tired-biscuit · 6 months
oughhhh just thought of new dad naruto referring to himself as daddy when ur both talking bc it's just his instincts by now and when he first does it he doesn't even realize what he said until he's looking at you again awaiting ur answer nd then realizes it, then you both start to feel warm n give each other that look oughhhhhhhh naruto plsssssss i want youuuuuuuu
he says something along the lines of “don’t you worry, daddy’s got this entire thing under control” while he’s putting your baby to bed, and as you watch him from the middle of the doorway, he just starts cheesing; smiling this big grin that takes up nearly half of his face and that makes his blue eyes crinkle at the corners. it’s so freaking cute!
so after he’s made sure your kid is soundly asleep, and after you both settle on the couch to finally enjoy some peace and quiet while you watch some tv, you just… you can’t help but cuddle closer into his side and stroke his thigh a little bit. the term keeps on bouncing in your head and it’s making you touchier than usual.
because he really is a daddy now, isn’t he? he’s gotten older and his voice has acquired a tendency to turn soft whenever he talks to your child. he has dark circles under his eyes whenever the nights are tough and sleepless. you haven’t seen him wear jeans in weeks. oh, and when you lean in to kiss his cheek, stubble pricks your lips all the time as of late.
it’s no different this time. you press your lips to his jawline and feel his arm drape over your shoulders as he pulls you closer in response, thick fingers idly playing with the sleeve of your t-shirt. he’s not looking at you, rather choosing to focus on the television, but he is manspreading in that obnoxiously male kind of way that’s gotten you pregnant in the first place, making it even harder to resist him.
i think it’d take him a little while to figure out what’s made you so hot and bothered, however after he’d finally understand, he’d definitely use it to his advantage. the sex would be messy and slow and full of hushed giggles as he’d coo at you to call him daddy while he lazily thrusts inside you, taking note of how wet it makes you. it gets even hotter when he folds you into a mating press and starts calling you sweetheart.
if you aren’t careful, he might just give you a second kid like this.
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baronmpontmercy · 6 months
There’s a baby on this tube and her parents are offering her her snacks and my god. It’s so cute
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nkogneatho · 1 year
I wanna play this game too! Give me Iwaizumi
.°•.° Send me a character and I'll send you their chest + hand aesthetic <3 °.•°.
His name should be Iwaizumi Legopener
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indigayghost · 1 year
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