#bit of newish faces here! :D
theamalgaverse · 2 years
Dewey,how chaotic can it get being in a friend group?
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Dewey: (I suppose it varies from person to person… I’m not one to branch out like Bacuri, per-say.)
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xsapphirescrollsx · 1 year
Hallows' Eve
Written: Oct 2 2020
Pairing: dark!Bucky Barnes, dark!Steve Rogers, dark!Clark Kent x Black Female Reader
You expected a nice night on the eve of Halloween with your boyfriend, Bucky.
A/N: Ahh shoutout to my bff @titty-teetee for indulging me with this idea lol. I love ya >:D
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October 30th, middle of somewhere, Texas.
Well, there was a house-- rickety as it was, the home stood in a clump of mesquite trees, accented with tufts of Johnsongrass, springing up through the cracks of the stone walkway and leaning against the stairs to the front porch. It had never looked darker than this night had. But even so, the jagged wood roof  rose high to a second story, long windows looked like eyes with the small front door for a mouth. A steady breeze moved through the trees, shaking and whishing the long thin branches, slicing through the air. The whispering of nature speaks to you, like God to man, invoking what has been and what was to come. An unexpected thin place perhaps, the house, having not been filled for quite some time looked like it could have been haunted. Maybe a part of you wished it was. Like the walls and foundation had the ability to make up its own people within, or remembered who once lived there. 
Bucky’s fingers nudged your lower back as you walked alongside him. The duffle bags zipper clinked against the fabric and you were suddenly aware of how quiet it was out here. The crisp autumn air, slowly contorted to that spikey chill of early winter lingered on your skin. So you walked closer to him for some quick warmth. 
“They should be--” said Bucky, lights glowed up from the dirt road. The paleness glowed over both you and Bucky, the house, the dormant land. “There they are.” he said pausing for a moment and then continued once again.
“You had to pick the spookiest spot huh?” you said under your breath. 
He shrugged as he stomped up the stairs. “I was here yesterday, I got it ready. It’s a perfect spot for a quick get away.”
“But did you have to invite company? I was looking forward to it just being you and me.”
Bucky rummaged for the keys in his pocket as a couple of car doors slammed behind you. 
“‘Come on babe, Steve doesn’t have anywhere to go really.”
“I’ll start the fire!” shouted Steve. 
You didn’t turn around, your eyes stayed on the shadows of Bucky’s face where his eyes should have been. 
“Okay, I get that. But what about the other guy? What did you say his name was? How do you know him?”
Bucky jabbed the key with the lock, he chuckled a bit before answering. “Clark Kent, his name is Clark.”
“So you’re picking up strays now?” 
“Get to know him, you’ll like him. He's a great guy, hardly a stray...”
You followed Bucky into the house slowly, he flicked on the switch flooding the living room with light. Okay, you thought, doesn’t look so bad. At least the furnishing appeared to be from within the last ten years, the walls looked newish, with sharp borders, and reasonably decorated. 
“Besides, I picked you up, remember?”
You dropped your bag flat on the ground. “Hey, now. Are you trying not to get lucky while we stay here?”
Bucky continued into the house with the grocery bags. “I’ll get lucky regardless.” he cut his eyes over his shoulder back toward you. It sent another chill, this time up your inner thighs. He wasn’t lying.
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“Oh god, not that stupid-”
Bucky ducked in close, the flimsy plastic mask buckled under the pressure of nuzzling your neck. You gazed into the bathroom mirror at Bucky who’s rubber Michael Myers mask was staring lifelessly back.
“I know you wanted to try something different….but….”
His hands kneaded your sides, higher he climbed over your sweater to your breasts.
“You look ridiculous…”
One hand left your nipple and began tugging at the top of your leggings.
“Shh…” he tried to stifle a laugh. “..just go with it..”
And you did, by leaning your head back against the blue denim jacket as his fingers wondered underneath your underwear.
“..let daddy have a feel.” his breathy question muffled through the mask. Slowly he began to circle your clit, mouth hanging open your hand held the top of his black gloved hand and pushed him to press harder.
“Look at yourself...how needy you get.” he whispered.
You try to peer beyond the mask, the slits for eyes but there was nothing. Only darkness met you there. Bucky brought up his hand, held it in front of the mirror and you. He split his fingers, thick wetness strung between them like webs.
“Bend over-- hold on to the sink.” he ordered, with his hands disappearing behind you. The sound of his clothes ruffling you stared back at the mirror.
Bucky stepped forward, knocking your ankles apart with his shiny black boots and yanked your pants, underwear down and gently, he tipped into you. His long length traveled against your folds sinking further inside.
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Ghostly scenes are made from the smoke casting up from the flickering fire being fed from lava colored coals. The metal chair underneath you feels cool on your bottom, because even though you are sitting on a blanket the cold night air hangs around you. 
Steve was ending his story. Though hardly a spooky tale, it didn’t have to be, for his tales were based on true events. Speaking of blood and gore the morbid tone grew in his voice and brought a shadow of delight in his eyes. You carefully watched him, observed his hunched over shoulders, his eyes turned to yours sometimes while he spoke but mostly stayed on the fire. 
You chugged from the bottle of hard cider as Bucky ate, that stupid mask was pulled up over his brows. But Clark Kent, this stranger, sat nearly directly opposite. You moved your eyes to him ever so often while Steve told his story. One of the two thought about food on the way here, chicken, you guessed was their craving. Clark leaned back, his black jacket bunched at his waist as he rose a hand to his mouth. The crunch of the crust of fried meat did not break Steve’s momentum. 
When he finished, Bucky nodded to the accuracy of the amount of soldiers, to why the only man left was brave and courageous. Clark’s eyes met yours over the flames, his skin pale, the wavy dark curls framed his face. He smiled at you as he chewed. You noticed it then, unsure why you wouldn’t have before, he held the grey cooked bone between his fingers and stuck the end in his mouth. You blinked, maybe you were seeing things -- this was your sixth cider for the night.
“Are you eating the bones?” you asked.
Clark continued to gnaw on it till it broke off in his mouth. “Waste not want not,” he said through a mouthful.
He continued to stare back at you and at the same time a chill coursed its way down your spine. Shivering in the gentle breeze the urge to go to the bathroom shot through you. 
“I’ll be right back,” and excused yourself from the fire.
Had to be a bit past ten p.m., though this was supposed to be a pleasant fall break, it didn’t truly feel that way. Not with two extra guests. You tried to not feel so desperate to be alone with Bucky. You finished washing your hands and opened the bathroom door. In the dark, lit up by the light of the bathroom a figure stood. You jumped so hard, grasping at your sweater, bent over grabbing your waist, the boogeyman mask simply stared back at you without moving.
“Bucky I swear to -- why would you? -- take that stupid thing off-” and you reached for the mask but his hand grabbed your wrist. Slowly he walked over the threshold, leaned over and flicked off the light. 
“Oh no!” you feigned a plea. “Seriously..--help..help.” you giggled through another.
The door slammed behind him trapping the dark inside. He pulled you close at first, residing to his strength, you let him touch, grab, pluck at your body. Backing you back up against the sink the rubber mask pushed against your neck, smiling in the dark you could hear him attempting to kiss you there. 
His hands ran around the waist of your leggings, one big hand gripped and caressed your ass, slipped toward your split and rubbed your asshole. You jumped again, this time wrapping your arms around his neck. Different, he had never done such a thing before, but you went with it. 
His finger crawled passed it, his other hand pushed down the front of your legging and circled your clit. 
“..help...a big bad man...help..” you chuckled under a moan. 
He jerked you away suddenly, pulled down your leggings and underwear, with a hand on your shoulder he forced you to bend over. The room filled with the sound of a smack to your back side. 
The stinging lingered but white hot pain replaced it with another hit from his gloved hand. 
“Okay!” you rushed out. Maybe he was just being kinky, perhaps your pretending might have put him out of the mood. 
He hit you again making you grip the lip of the sink harder. “I’m sorry daddy..” you hissed.
He was back behind you again, his whole body pressed against you, scratching at the skin of your ass he plunged two thick fingers into your entrance.  Heavy breathing billowed from under the mask, hot air pooled over your shoulder and around the back of your neck. The weight of him bent you forward. He pulled out his fingers from within you and began to prod with something warmer, and far thicker at your slit as his other hand tangled with your fingers on the sink. 
And he pushed in, “..damn!” you moaned.
Jerky, irregular thrusts stretched you more than what you remembered. “Bucky!” you gasped, hoping he would slow the pace. But the other hand grabbed for your throat, squeezed tight and pumped you harder. 
“Daddy, please..” you half begged, half needingly whimpered. 
That changed his stroke, and soon the ache descended into bliss. 
His hand on yours returned to your clit, pushing hard and swiping steadily, your knees nearly buckled. Thicker for sure, veiny too, you thought, god what the loss of one sensory can do on a drunk mind. Your body bucked back against him as you rode out the orgasm. He squeezed harder, hissing and groaning under the mask you could nearly imagine him as someone else. And when he stilled inside of you, even his hiccups of pleasure could be thought of another. You shook the fantasy away as he stepped back. 
Before you could even turn around, the door opened, your eyes shot to his brown boots and then up to his back. And he left you there.
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You stuffed pieces of a premade popcorn ball into your mouth. Bucky sat there weaving a tale of spirits walking through walls, of ancient gods embedded into objects best left to rest where they laid. Still buzzing hard you stayed captivated by his tone. It was something about the secretive way his voice projected that kept you staring at him, wondering if it could be true, but knew it mustn’t. 
It was still cool out, the shabby blanket thrown over your sore legs did little to keep the wind out. But it made for a good catcher, which is what you were doing toward the end of his story. Picking up pieces of fallen popcorn, and pizza flavored chip crumbs somehow made it to your mouth despite the only source of light was a waning fire.
“So if you ever hear your name called..don’t ever answer back, unless you can see it’s a actually living person.” Bucky finished and glanced over at you proudly.
“I hate that story.” you slurred your words a bit and shook out the blanket on your lap. “I hope you’re happy, you have to walk me everywhere until we return home.”
You picked up the last bottle off the ground and drank the last bit. The clash of flavors swirled on your tongue leaving a bitter after taste.
“Babe do you have any gum?”
“There’s a pack in the middle console--” Steve spoke up. “Back there in the truck..” he said hooking his thumb over his shoulder.
You rolled your eyes over in Steve’s direction. A smug grin, and a wrinkle on the side of one eye simply gazed back at you. 
“You’re fine,” he said finally. “You’ve got us here...nothings gunna get you.” he reminded smoothly.
And the moment was quiet, poised on the end of the gentle breeze blowing through the heat of the fire. The rustle of sleeping honeysuckle vines, somewhere near the old rotted out shack Steve’s truck sat was the only identifiable sound for a few seconds. 
“Fine.” you huffed and stood up to get that gum.
You walked down the dirt path the short way from the front of the house where Bucky, Steve and Clark sat. The tin roofing of the old shed rocked, and slapped against itself the closer you got. And of course Steve parked on the other side, out of the sight of the house and fire. But you walked quickly, or rather, as fast as two aching legs could in the cool weather. 
The knocking sound only got heavier, louder as you squinted in the dark toward the blackest corner of the area. Steve’s truck was within a few footsteps and you batted away any imaginings of spooky phantoms. You slipped passed the door, your hand flipped up the middle console and snagged up the pack of gum before slamming the door back. And when you turned around, just off from where you had previously walked was a figure. The white, deathly pale mask was the only part you could really see.
“Fuck!” you shouted, dropping the pack of gum. “Bucky!” you hissed and reached back down to retrieve it. 
The yellow fire light was at his back when he moved forward toward you. 
“Okay...no more mask!”
You stuffed the gum under your arms and went to yank at the mask. But he caught your arm and squeezed down like a vice grip. “Hey--easy there..” you said quietly. 
He pulled you toward the shed, but just outside of it, along the rotten wall of it a few old deep freezers were lined up against it collecting weeds, and dust. 
“Oh no, Bucky..those look super dirty..” you tried to jerk your arm away but he only pulled you harder. “...Really? You’re this committed to fucking in that mask?”
This time your hand grabbed enough of the back of the mask to rip it fully up over his head. At that same moment you were jerked forward between the rusty freezer and him. Your eyes now bulging and fighting for light to correct what you were seeing in the dark stared up at him. You blinked several times once more before you realized the angular features did not belong to Bucky. Thick curly hair, messy all over haloed around his face, and of course, you weren’t sure why you hadn’t noticed before, he was taller. It was Clark.
You made to quickly move away from him but he snapped you back, “Get off me!” Your voice shook, and so did your body. 
“Bucky’s right over there...all I have to do is scr--”
The air whipped out of your lungs so fast as Clark slammed his palm over your mouth and rushed your back down on to the freezer. 
“I’ve been waiting all night for this..” he whispered.
No amount of squirming could equal the might Clark welding against your struggling. It was like a man made of iron held you down, even when his other hand disappeared between your legs, the tearing of your legging, your underwear did not loosen his hold. And then the unfolding of his clothes paired with the gentle brushing of the vines against wood near your head sent you into hysterical kicking. Your legs on either side of him squeezed, and jerked to no avail. 
“-don’t act so innocent. You’ve already fucked two different men tonight.”
You stopped kicking, eyes wide above his hand you glowered at him through the dark. “You won’t mind..will you?”
Shaking your head you held your breath. The thick end of his cock began to push past your folds. 
He lowered his forehead on to yours, what you imagined was him staring back down at you but could see only the tip of his nose. A shuddering breath pulled through your nose as he sank further to his balls. “You’re wet from it still…”
He started snapping into you, hard and fast, slapping his lust into your unwilling cunt. Clark’s hand slipped to your chin, his lips hovering above yours. 
“Are you going to call me daddy too?” he asked, with his breath steadily huffing into your mouth. “..Say it for me baby..” 
“Let me hear that little desperate voice..” He kissed you, slipping his tongue along the inside of your lower lip and then against your face as you turned your head. “Come on..” And then he started jabbing, a feral thumping into you. Sharp pains up your thighs shot further into your core. You denied him and he lowered his head to your neck. He sucked on your skin, flicked his tongue around and inside your ear. “Say it,” he whispered. 
You whimpered in response as his teeth began to snag on the wet skin of your neck. He sucked hard, drawing out needle points of pain. 
You pray to god Bucky could hear this, you’ve been gone too long certainly either Steve or him could. Clark kept nibbling, and groaning in between thrusts. When you refused once again he shoved his palm back over your mouth, the other brought your wrist up and twisted it into a bone breaking angle. 
He stopped moving inside of you as his deep voice raked over clenched teeth, “What was that?” he asked. The warm palm slid down to your chin. 
“..daddy.” you shivered out.
You could hear the satisfied smile in his voice. “Good..girl.” he whispered. 
“That wasn’t so hard to say was it babe?”
The sound of Bucky’s voice from the darkest, most grown up side of the shed sent your eyes reeling in the dark. Clark put his hand back over your mouth and kept going. 
Bucky stood at the edge of the freezer, in the dark the features of his face were smudged. A gentle hand caressed the top of your forehead. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Let Clark finish.”
At Bucky’s words, Clark released your mouth, he rose up and held your upper arms down as he continued to fuck you roughly. Your eyes stayed on Bucky’s silhouette, high pitch whimpering up at him did not go unheard. 
Bucky cupped your chin and head. “Shush,” he hushed down your sobbing face. 
Another pair of hands tore at the front of your sweater. To his right, another figure stepped to your side. The figures loomed over you while your breasts chilled, and peaked in the cool night air. A deft hot hand kneaded and groped at the nearest one. 
“You told us she was good….” Steve pinched your nipple hard. “She’s fucking outstanding.”
Bucky leaned over you, he grabbed for your thigh but you kicked away. Clark relinquished some leverage to pull your thigh up so Bucky could hold your ankle. “Yeah, get in there good.” Bucky’s voice rose above your strangled cries. Steve got your other leg, held it folded it in high and tight, that allowed Clark to pound you deeper. 
He grinded his hips into yours burning his stiff cock into your core. His grip tightened around your arms pinning you for good below him. “Where am I going to empty my balls?” Clark demanded on a puff of air. 
Tears slid down the corners of your eyes. They rolled from the darken outlines of Bucky above you to Steve at his side and then back to the man between your legs. 
“..in me.” you sniffled out. 
“And who are we--” Bucky asked softly. 
You didn’t bother to look in the direction of his voice, Clark’s head threw back, a deep moan started in his chest as his hips kept pumping. “Say it baby..” Clark whispered.
“..daddy.” you whimpered.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
September 21st-September 27th, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from September 21st, 2019 to September 27th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
How would you describe the target audience for your comic?  Did you intend to aim at that audience, or did it just happen?
Deo101 (Millennium)
My target audience for millennium http://millennium.spiderforest.com/ was and is LGBT youth. Specifically teens. I know when I was a kid reading a story where gay people are just kind of... There? No jokes, no stereotypes, more than one... That would have helped me a lot. So I'm trying to make that for other kids! I think the story has reached a much wider/older audience then I intended, but I know it has helped at least some LGBT youth/young adults and that's all I could ever ask for.(edited)
The target audience for Ghost Junk Sickness is definitely queer youth and young adults! Much like what @Deo101 (Millennium) is saying, basically we wanted something like the cool action scifi comics we read when we were younger with good queer rep that's integrated and normalized in the universe! As it turned out though, the audience we reached has been all over the place ranging from older women to big biker dudes?? Every time we go to cons we can never guess who'll purchase a book because the range is so varied! I'm sure we still reach the original target to an extent but the rest is all over the map it seems! I don't think it's a bad thing, it's just been pretty unexpected
Deo101 (Millennium)
Not bad at all ^^ more like a pleasant surprise!
Deo101 (Millennium)
I think those other, older people are also looking for a story to reach their inner child... And I think that's great
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Lol, I feel the similarly way about my own story. My goal was definitely to make something me as a kiddo would have loved, which essentially would have been shonen stories but with a female majority cast. I think I already figured my target audience would be similar to me, but I've been consistently surprised by how many male identifying folks like it. I guess I do like that they can hang though X) Anyway, these are my floppy, post work out thoughts. Hopefully they make sense.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
The target audience for Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/) was never super clear from the beginning - I just wanted to make something I'd like as a teen. Luckily (or unluckily! in terms of describing it to people ) the story is a mishmash of a bunch of different genres. It's not quite a ghost story, not quite a pirate adventure, not quite a fantasy epic, but it has elements of them all. And it does seem to have attracted people who like those different genres. It may not be easy if I ever want to publish it properly (it's a little difficult to describe my 'brand' ) but as it is, it's got everything I would have liked when I was between 14 and 18.
My happiest surprise is hearing about the younger kids who have read it, understood it, and really enjoyed it. Knowing that 10-12 year olds can appreciate my work is really awesome. I try to keep the language and scary/questionable content at Harry Potter levels, but I like having some of the depth/maturity of stories like The Golden Compass. If they like Phantomarine now, I really hope they find extra enjoyment with it as they grow up. It's going to be a ride!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Gosh, I get that feel of being multi-genre and not knowing quite how to describe your Brand X') I feel like I've gotten better at defining it over time but it's still a struggle to briefly describe what my thing even is some days. Also Golden Compass I'm always excited to find other comic folks who were also influenced by that series.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
It's my gold standard for the right blend of fantasy, reality, and maturity. It's just the best
The target audience for Heart of Keol (https://heartofkeol.com/) is extremely tiny, but it does have appeal for people outside of that niche. I make it for myself, and the relevant aspects of "myself" here are: a) Grew up in Korea, is living (or has lived for an extended period of time) in a predominantly English-speaking part of the world b) Bonus points if they spent some time living in rural Korea c) Is into slow burn drama about characters who could be described as being "genuine" and probably "lawful" as well d) Likes the aesthetics of fantasy settings, but is more into the mundane, almost slice of life, side of drama e) Is very much into reading between the lines for more emotional stuff. Reads a lot of heart from sceneries, possibly more than from faces. (I have face blindness and this affects how I experience comics both as a reader and as a creator)
Obviously people who meet both a) and b) are gonna be harder to find! But if one can meet c), d) and e), that's enough to enjoy the comic the way it's meant to be enjoyed, or so I hope.
The reason a) and b) matter is because it affects how the setting/aesthetics come across. To someone like me, the old Korea setting feels homey, warm, nostalgic. It's like a shorthand for "sit down and enjoy this heartfelt slow burn tale." But to others, Magical Asia might feel exciting and exotic, which isn't really what the story is meant to be, so there may be some dissonance.
I haven't given much thought about the target audience for Vulperra. (https://vulperra.com/) other than then it's probably for people who like adventure, fantasy and cartoony-ish animals
My target audience is kind of all of the place. Initially when I began scripting my comic, Whispers of the Past, I was really into anime and manga, especially ones like Attack on Titan that were a gritty fantasy. However, since then, my style and story have changed tremendously. My target audience now tends to be young women, aged 15-25, who enjoy detailed world building in high fantasy and are definitely into family drama in story telling. Initially, I wrote the story to fit certain perameters that I myself enjoyed. For example, I am particularly obsessed with the idea of the mundane meeting the fantastical and amazing. The quiet lull of ordinary life juxtaposed by the rigor of magical entities. I specifically focus a lot on drawing beautiful artwork for the panels, because I myself am a picky-pants when it comes to selecting comics I want to read. Another one of my obsessions is a fantasy setting so detailed that you feel like if the story ended, the world would still live on. (One of my inspirations was the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini, in which the author essentially wrote several languages, similar to Tolkien.) In reality, my readers tend to be women aged 30+ (probably who watch k-dramas like I do), and a lot of D&D players. It's fun really, discovering how much of my own hobbies bleed into my stories.
Early on with AntiBunny http://antibunny.net/ I was hoping for fans of scifi and film noir. What I got were fans of classic cartoons and furries. Which is fine by me really. Furries are nice people who are passionate about their hobbies (and spend money).
Jonny Aleksey
A superhero audience was always the intention for J-Man (http://jonnyalekseydrawscomics.com/the-undefeatable-j-man/), but specifically, right now, I'm aiming for something all ages. Slightly teen drama, cartoony but grounded. My inspirations were Spectacular Spider-Man and the DCAU so anyone who likes that is the readership I expect. Hopefully I can reach people who are on the fence about superheroes. The all ages aspect is something newish relatively speaking. When I started my webcomic I wanted to stay away from the "deep real edgy" tone I made when I was in high school (shiver). It took me a bit to really get that tone down. I don't use curse words and only mild blood, but occasionally stuff that borders on teen+ go through. (there's one instance in #5 where J-Man's face gets burnt by the villain that might've been a bit much) I don't think the all ages banner is going to restrict me from telling certain storylines/character development. Just means it won't be excessively grim.
Erin/Leif & Thorn on Kickstarter
The target audience for my webcomics is LGBT nerds who want stories that give them strong feelings, and who like SF/F, anime, competent characters that don't have to take turns with the Idiot Ball to keep the plot moving, and cats. Admittedly that last bit might be redundant, since everyone on the internet likes cats.
I’ll be honest with you, I’m the target audience of my comic. (http://www.fwmgofficial.com/) it’s not out yet (it’ll be out October 31st) but as the writer I’ve had a lot of time to think about it. Mostly, it’s just targeted to young adults and autistic people. I never got to see people like me in comics, so I wrote a comic where an autistic person can be the hero too, even in his own way. For me, I figure whoever likes it likes it and that’s good enough for me. (also furries. Definitely targeted furries)
Kay Rose
@Ash🦀 cant wait to read it!
QwQ thank you!!
MJ Massey
So far Black Ball is pulling in a mix of people who like the vintage aesthetic (1920s and art deco with some old-school macabre for some reason?) and people who like shonen manga, which is great. Even if Black Ball isn't specifically macabre or strictly shounen (though I myself have made shounen battle manga-esque comics in the past)
DaemonDan (The Demon Archives)
Audience of my comic... Per Google it's 18-35 year old men from the US and Russia XD Which makes sense given it's a pretty hard sci-fi with a lot of military action from dudes in power armor and etc. Though I try not to go too "high octane action!1!" and explore more psychological elements too.
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skittykittycat · 4 years
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Doodles from late last night and a couple minutes ago :’D
I’ll ramble more about them below lol
1) This is my CCCat Matchstick! I got Match earlier this year, but honestly, she needs more attention |’D She’s a patchwork character, and I love that aesthetic. I don’t think there’s too much to say about her right now except that she’s a quirky loner who can’t seem to decide if she wants company or solitude What’s funny tho is that almost everyone who’s drawn her in the past has technically gotten her patchwork patterns wrong... including me in the beginning ||’D This one’s right though!
2) Next up is my gal Thrush. She’s one of my Guumis (for the Neverlings dA group), and unfortunately, she doesn’t have much on her either |’D I got the opportunity to own her quite a bit after the group went on hiatus, and I’m waiting for activity to resume so that I can keep world-building
3) Eridanus is one of my favorite Guumis. She’s an elegant soul, and her color scheme is just too good (white with gold accents and a dark blue scarf). She travels among the stars, but due to her solitary treks, she’s gotten socially awkward, haha~ She’s also somewhat haughty and can be blunt. Regardless, she means well. She also needs more development
4) Cordeliaaaaa ;;O;; This precious bab was a very unexpected birthday gift from a good friend of mine earlier this year. 2020 gave me the worst birthday I’ve had thus far, and being surprised with her and a few pictures from other good friends that I also didn’t see coming helped so very much alkfd I really appreciate this child and what she represents ;;
5) Aaaand finally, this pic is one I finished at around 3am last night LOL It’s of Bella (left) and her bestie Lynx spending time together by geeking out over books. It’s the perfect bonding activity. All this said, I really wish I could have added Bella’s accessories, but due to me being so scared that I’d mess up this sketch by adding too much, I kept it minimal XD I’m really proud of how it turned out! I’m also trying out a sort of newish thing with my style for faces. I used it here, and honestly I’m still not sure what I think about it... It makes more sense anatomically, but huh. Not quite sure if that’s the look I want for my art. I’ll figure it out eventually though
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gazeintotheiris · 7 years
•  NAME: Nen •  PRONOUNS: She/ Her/ They/ Them •  SEXUALITY: Pansexual •  TAKEN OR SINGLE: Taken
1. I was almost a Widow main. D:
2. People who meet me in person always think I’m the most innocent thing going. I’m not, I’m a freaking smut-machine, I just have one of those faces.
3. I named my bunny after a character from the Star Wars expanded universe, Daala.
•   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): A long-ass time, we’re talking over 10 years, with at least 12 of them being Novella/ Multi para. •   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: I got heavily into RP around the time YIM was still a thing, I’ve also used message boards, AOL IM, MSN, KIK, Google docs, Tumblr, and talk city if you go way way back. •   BEST EXPERIENCE: I’ve had a few, I have a long-running dark RP going with a friend from tumblr, it’s gone into multiple docs now it’s so huge and to date hasn’t bored me once. Another long one, though fairly newish AU I recently did some art for. And there was one I did with a very old friend in the StarCraft fandom, that we were eventually going to publish as a fic before she had to leave the fandom, sadly. Besides that, I once had an RP that spanned 4 years, which makes me massively nostalgic to this day.
•   FEMALE OR MALE: No preference, all is fine. •   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I like the occasional bit of fluff, it’s good to have something to balance all the pain I put my muses through XD. But I lean more towards Angst and Smut than I do fluff, but that’s not to say it’s not off the cards. •   PLOTS OR MEMES:  Plots, but memes have their uses and sometimes make for good starters if you’re having a writer's block. •   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Long replies. I can’t do short, I try, I really try, but I am just a long-winded words personage. As for what I receive, write as much as you like, no pressure. As long as I have enough to work with, I am happy. •   BEST TIME TO WRITE: Either first thing in the morning if I am awake, or evening time, with no distractions. I sometimes write at work for that reason, nobody interrupts me. I use music, usually OST’s, to set the scene. •   ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I used to exclusively play villains, they were so much fun, and always went for the characters who were least like me. I wanted an escape from my reality. I’m told I’m a bit like the current muse here, I have a patience that drives a lot of people mad, and if I had a penny for every time I’ve heard “WHY ARE YOU NOT ANGRY ABOUT THIS?!” I’d probably be very rich. It happens, as I’m sure it happens with Zen, but few people have seen me that way.
Tagged by: @acceptedmyself
Tagging: @cnlightncd  @random-stitches @multimonk
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margothuxley · 4 years
Sitting trying to reflect on some things but merely having a cig and listening to some calming music. I know cigs and calm doesn't seem to go together but well, it helps a bit. I'd like a brandy now too. Today was ok, nothing too saddening. Just feeling a bit stressed bc I'm getting to the bottom of my pension check. I have some bills slated to be paid. Once those are paid I'm basically operating on fumes. Haha. I had a job opp that came today. Some person who asked me about something regulatory. It's based in MA. It's remote. I do not know whether they'll pick me. The person was a recruiter. I think they pick on people who might be good candidates for these openings but the bottom line is that the co itself will decide and the recruiter will try to make my application competitive. If the co doesn't go for me, I'll not hear from the recruiter again. Meanwhile, I'm waiting on the emails and phone calls and not getting much from either. So I doubt that this opp will get anywhere. It's a disappointment but it's been something that I've gone through in the past. Once or twice i try to touch base with the recruiters and sometimes these people have gone and their emails don't work. It is a sad thing. Not happy that the economy seems to be going ok according to the Wall Street whatchamacallits. I do not know a damn thing whether people are actually happy or not. Whether they're jobless and if so whether they can make it through the next month with all their bills piling up. Mortgages and credit card bills, car bills, or loans, And then there are the kids who have to go to school, or else what, I don't know. It's all a bit confusing, vague and somehow making one feel that it's not really getting any where. Is there life out there anyone? Where is anyone and what are all of you up to? I go on Twitter and see stuff, people, politicians, the Dem convention, and then there's all that stuff about the ball games. Is that stillreally happening? How do people attend these games when there's a COVID problem? I see that some EU countries have got a spike in the COVID virus cases. Not a good thing to see. Soon travel will be at a standstill. It's terribly sadmaking. How do you all make any business? Zoom I guess. Or WEbex. I recommend Webex. Zoom still is a bit too whatever. I don't like Zoom meetings much but well, that seems to be the big deal now. I don't know what to do about anything. I am not depressed, just wondering. I have some friends. They're somehow still out there. But other people I think they're gone away so far down from earth. Or wherever we are in the clouds. I'd like to think of us all in clouds and we're feeling a bit like in a quilted coverlet and we burrow underneath and try to gain some sort of confidence to get back out there, like turtles, you know. But we're not turtles, we have to get out of this shell somehow and venture out and do errands. But those can generate some psychic pain. Sad but true. So we all try to keep in touch but now we have to depend on social media like nothing else. I guess Social Media is the nanny of the world-at-large. We're all trying to see how our teams, our families, friends, businesses we patronize are doing. And also subscribe to religious groups, like religious pages, pray as much as we can, quote the Bible, the Psalms, which are all good. We have to find comfort somewhere. Now I'm here and it's not yet midnight and I'm lighting the vigil light so that some of those who are scared can find some sort of comfort that I'm around still. Yes, still among the living but not quite living. I don't do much. I don't shop till I drop anymore. I don't go out and mall about. I don't watch the movies. I don't go for a drink at the local grill. Or even try to drop by the Dog n Suds for a pork tenderloin sandwich. Haha. That's my favorite sandwich but I'd be happy with a thick quarter pounder from Micky D's. Or even some naked wings from Pizza Hut. Can't afford those. I have some guilty pleasures like making pancakes. But there's only three tablespooons of butter left for a batch and then i don't know. Not really a great picture but I'm surviving. What ever is in the fridge will have to do. I am lucky to have some wine. I am lucky to have a few cigs. I'm lucky to have clothes that aren't all a bit too shabby. That silllydog of mind destroyed my newish Athleta or is it Gap dress that I'm wearing. He bit a short fragment off and now there's a slight gap on the hem. Oh well. I need to get this puppy trained but he's really ok. Still a puppy and chewy. Likes to eat packaging material. Silly pup. The other pup is over 3 years old and he's got a rather sad face. I wish he'd have a fun day. He used to run about unleashed and he'd have his pink tongue hanging out and have a smile on his face. He loves to run about. A great JRT but he's got some Chi and maybe Dachshund in him. Well, that's it for now. Just a few desultory thoughts. Have a good one.
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