#bit yeah just Oru having dreams about that night :[[[[[
thatsitso · 2 years
It was just a dream, right?
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Olruggio week day 5: dream/remember
I don't really like it, but I don't have more time ehhh, I might redo it sometime... And I kinda like the initial sketch more so it's there too ↓
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kylosupremeimagines · 6 years
Kylo Ren X Reader: Only Everyone Can Judge Me {Chapter Six}
Summary: After falling into a dream, you wake up in a med bay to find a Devaronian watching you. To your surprise, it turns out that you were tracked by the Knights of Ren by the order of Supreme Leader Snoke. 
Word Count: 2015
Tag List: @rentopia @scheherazades-horcrux @babybluelukex @attorneyl @glitzescape @alladeline @dancewaterdance02 @celiholland @crkylo @celestiaelisia @lyraeluna @peacefulwizardfox @twdlover2000 @cs-please @xultraviolet @xfeathered-serpent @fizzywoohoo @topsykretts92 @ayatimascd
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The force was still stirring within you as it tried to wake you up. Your eyes shot open and you jolted up, feeling a cold metal around your wrists. You glanced down to see that you had been restrained, just now realizing that you weren’t back in the quarters of your ship, but rather in what appeared to be a medical bay. It was far more advanced than the one back on the other ship, but it did not appear to be that of a ship such as a flag ship of sorts. It could probably only comfortable house three people for treatment.
You jumped a bit in your bed as your eyes fell onto a red skinned Devaronian. “Ah, I see that you’re finally awake. It’s about time, we found you on your ship unconscious,” he brought up. The man had been sitting across from you on the opposite metal bed - you didn’t understand why it was the standard not to have any proper bedding in a medical setting such as this. “what a sight, things were everywhere! You have to tell me, what did you even do to that room?”
You pursed your lips together as to who this man was and why he was rather enthusiastic about talking with you. He was even leaning forward with his elbows resting upon his knees, a small glimmer of curiosity in his dark orbs. “Umm… you expect me to tell you when I’m being held prisoner?” you demanded to know, trying not to come off as annoyed as you were.
He couldn’t help but scoff a tad bit in amusement. “Oh, you aren’t our prisoner, but we had to restrain you for safety measures. You should understand,” he brought up, leaning back again and stretching his arms over his head. “if you want, I can take them off for you as long as you promise not to hurt me.”
You glared at him to try to contemplate the situation you were in. “Who even are you?”
A small smirk formed across his features. “Now there’s a real story. I may or may not be a friend of a certain man whom you possibly could know,” it was evident that he had to be teasing you, but you immediately knew what he was talking about.
“A Knight of Ren?”
“Precisely!” He expressed, pointing his finger at you. “Volgoth Ren, at your service. As I told you, having you restrained is for safety measures. As long as you won’t try anything, I’m more than willing to take your restraints off, seeing as how the Supreme Leader doesn’t even want us to consider you a prisoner. He actually wants to see to it that you are brought before him.”
Your eyes went wide a little as he had mentioned the Supreme Leader, Snoke himself. Of course, he had grown an interest in you, considering the shift in the force that he must have felt and the report he had received form Kylo. For sure, it would play to your favor. “I won’t attack you, I promise you that.”
“Alright, then let me just come over there,” he stood up to make his way over to you, using the force to unlock the restraints around your wrists. You gave him a look, getting a small laugh from the man. “oh, you could have taken it off on your own. I just didn’t think you would realize that.”
“Are you really a Knight of Ren?” you had to know, there was no way in the galaxy that he could be so carefree. “or do you really just think that I am that stupid?”
“I mean, considering that we found you with things everywhere and injured with a poor patch job, one could argue that you are.”
“Volgoth, stop screwing with the force sensitive,” The force shifted around you once more as Volgoth shifted his head towards the door, for a man to reveal himself. He was rather tall, probably closer to Kylo’s height. “I must apologize for him, he gets like this with a lot of our prisoners.”
“Didn’t you tell me I wasn’t a prisoner?” You gave the Devaronian yet another look.
“But you aren’t one! Geez, I thought that I made that clear!”
The stranger pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, shaking his head before looking back over to the both of you. “Don’t worry, you are not a prisoner. It was never intended for you to be unless you defied our generosity or efforts to help you. We did everything we could with our resources to heal up your blaster wound, you should be fine. I can not guarantee that there will be minimum scarring, but it should heal up in the end.
You glanced down your waist to now realize you had been in a change of shirt, it hadn’t been bloodied or burned from the blaster bold. “I… don’t know what to say. Thank you,” your mind still seemed to be processing it all, and the fact that they had been treating you more like a guest than a prisoner, which is what led you to believe their claims. You lifted up your shirt to get a better look at the wound, it seemed to have been properly dressed with some bandages and bacta patches. Plus, it didn’t hurt much, more of an uncomfortable sensation rather than a painful one.
If they were lying about you not being a prisoner, then there really would have been no justified reason for them to tend to your wound - but you could now sense that they were nothing but truthful towards you. It had come to your full realization that you had been sought out specifically for the purpose of bringing you before Snoke. It was rather convenient all for the fact that it meant you wouldn’t have to seek the First Order out yourself; and even risk getting hurt trying to present yourself to them, a known Resistance member.
Ex Resistance member now.
As you let out a soft sigh, your eyes shifted to the man.”Um, I never got your name…” you mentioned. If you were going to be their guest, you might as well learn of their names.
“Ah, yes. Dralin, Dralin Ren,” he had told you, giving you the impression now that the Knights had actually used the name Ren as a title. It was both in their organization’s name as well as used by three of them thus far. As you thought for a moment, you couldn’t help but contemplate if you had heard that name before. “is something wrong?”  You pursed your lips together as you tried to piece it together, studying his features. But then it hit you
“You were at the temple, you were a Jedi before,” you recognized him from your days at the Jedi Temple when you were still learning under Master Luke. He had been one of the more advanced students, but you never really interacted with him much; you didn't actually with many that weren’t Ben or your Master. “a fellow padawan.”
He let out a small chuckle. “I am indeed, and Volgoth is as well. All of us Knights derived from the Temple with Kylo. We stood by his side with the same ideology that Skywalker was in the wrong,” he began to explain. “we always knew that there was something wrong with him, and it was just confirmed when he tried to end his own nephew. We stood beside him and Master Snoke opened his door to us, seeing as how we had nowhere to go and a sudden loss of real purpose. Hence, we could not refuse the knowledge of power.”
It had never actually occurred to you that there had been others that had followed behind Kylo when he left the Temple in ruins. You could remember the night as if it hadn’t happened long ago, approximately ten years at this point. He had held his hand out to you and begged you to follow behind him, but as you were still questioning your own morals, you refused.
As he couldn't come to kill you as Snoke would have commanded, he told you to leave. No matter how much you pleaded him to come with you and forget about everything - to just travel the galaxy with you - he couldn’t. You made your escape as he had left for the First Order, and that had been the last you had seen of him up close until today with your encounter with him on D’Qar.
“And about how many of you are there?”
“Including Kylo, eight of us in total,” Volgoth added to the conversation. “a real mixed bunch we have. But that’s what I love about our group. Never a dull moment,” he smirked at the idea.
“Yeah, we all have such different personalities, but we somehow manage to work so well together. It’s a kriffing miracle but we happen to make it work. You better hope that you don’t run into Orus anytime soon, she’s the one that can send a chill down your spine,” he jokingly shivered at the thought. “she has a glare so powerful that it could probably kill you if she holds it for too long.”
“Well… that’s pleasant.”
“Now, come on Volgoth. You make her out to be some Nexu. She’s only cold if she has to be,” Dralin tried.
“Oh, no. I have to beg to differ. Have you ever heard how sarcastically bitchy she can be? It’s so dark, it’s like the corners of space without any stars!” Volgoth expressed.
Dralin smacked the Devaronian across the back of his head to shut him up. “Why don’t we talk about something else?” he insisted, turning his full attention back to you. “I don’t think that I even need to guess that you have a lot of questions for us about this all. So go ahead and ask us, I will try to answer anything that I possibly can.”
“Why?” you didn’t even need to take a second to think about what you wanted to know, the question was already programmed in your mind. “I want to know why you were ordered to capture me and why you’re bringing me before Snoke.”
They weren’t surprised that you had asked such things. “As far as we were briefed, a report given by Kylo had given him reason to request you be tracked down. Our Star Destroyers had already put a tracker on your shuttle, so it was not very hard to find your location.”
“My guess is that he wants you as an ally, knowing that you now hate Skywalker as much as he does,” Volgoth told you. “what did he even do to piss you off so much?”
You clenched your fist as you were brought back to the memory back from Ahch-to, how he had pushed you away once again. “I still can’t understand why he would refuse to take me back. He abandoned me in self shame and even after ten years, he can’t face me again. He lied to me all this time, apparently, I come from the Blood of the Sith just like Kylo does.”
“Then, he was foolish to become so frightened of you. The Jedi were always so blinded against power, and look at where that landed him,” Dralin admitted. He wasn’t wrong, Luke made a mistake both when he tried to off his own nephew and when he turned his back on you once more. The Knight before you had no idea the true extent of the pain and stirring emotions that your old Master had caused you.
And it was your driving force.
“All I want is for him to pay for all of it, to know the pain that he caused me and Kylo. I won’t let him live for it.”
“We can most certainly make that happen for you,” Volgoth practically interrupted Dralin.
“I know where he is, I want to give that information to Snoke. He has to die.”
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