#bjhm edit
Life is one Hard kick in the urethra for ole bojack
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The camera on this device sure is easier to use than my film camera! Here’s a picture of me!
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bojackandherb · 1 year
This image was already so gay that literally the only way to make it gayer was to add a rainbow
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Anyway happy pride month
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dongslinger--420 · 1 month
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pridebicons · 4 months
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bipolar bisexual diane pride icons
requested by @himeidollic
like/rb if using + credit
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d0vegum · 1 year
so i still make edits from time to time
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This line is from GOODTIMES beauty and the beast and it just fits bojack so.. perfectly..
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hyggefjording · 6 months
this line from sam richardson in I Think You Should Leave fit perfectly here and I had to make this a reality
a more amusing use of the singular fuck for s6
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lakesparkles · 1 year
Longing (chapter 2 - bjhm fanfiction)
(I don't know how to put titles on mobile, in case it looks weird)
Anyways, I finally finished editing the second chapter of my AU fanfic!
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You can read it on google docs or under the cut:
Diane's routine remains exactly the same, except for the constant presence of Mr. Peanutbutter
(I think it would be nice to say, as a warning, that there are a lot of reflections about emotional cheating in the first half of this chapter. But everything will be alright, you’ll understand when you read it ^^’)
"I miss you" the words came out of Mr. Peanutbutter's mouth quickly, as if he would lose courage if he didn't say them in that exact second.
"You saw me, like, last night." Diane shrugged and moved the phone to her other ear, already starting to feel uncomfortable in her own skin.
"I know... Yeah." He laughed to himself, his voice losing its serious tone when he completed. " I need to go back to recording, ehrrrr... now! See you later, Diane!"
Did he really need to say her name like that every time?
"Bye, Mr Peanutbutter."
After disconnecting the call, she continued standing in the same place, trying to regain her concentration.
Texas might be even hotter than California, but even that didn't save it from certain freezing nights. At least it didn't come close to that freezing hell Chicago called winter. It was funny, right? How many places has she once called home?
That thought got her feet moving again, walking down the middle of the street. It had just gotten dark, which meant that was the time her eyes still hadn't gotten used to how bright the shop windows were. Everything got her attention. Her legs shivered in the icy wind, and soon her eyes were caught by the jeans in the store next to her, now being twice as interesting.
The cafeteria next door looked warm and comfortable, the walls painted dark browns and oranges. She was almost dragged inside, only stopping herself because she knew Guy was waiting for her at home - she imagined it well: he would be on the sofa with his feet on the table and the sketchbook in his lap. He would flash his typical smile when he saw her coming, and Diane would quickly remove her boots and coat and slip into her warm pajamas. By the time she was out of the shower, he would’ve prepared two mugs of hot chocolate. The two of them would drink in bed, and Diane would hide again among the fur on his neck, even forgetting the cold.
What was a coffee shop next to that?
She quickened her steps, excited.
When her mind returned to place, she was already facing a window again, almost hypnotized. That was certainly a nice coat... If she was going to buy it, it would be in the future. Now, home! This same thought process happened another 20 times until she reached her destination. As soon as she finished climbing the short staircase leading to her front door, she kicked her boots off her feet. She couldn't wait to stop shivering and be able to breathe without blowing a puff of smoke from her mouth.
Her house was quiet and dark, but none of it was too out of character for it. Guy always used to arrive around that time, staying in the room until he stopped being too lazy to do anything else. So Diane walked with calm steps into the room, not surprised by the sight she found:
Her husband had the sketchbook on his lap, but it nearly fell off his knee. He was far more interested in what he was typing on his cell phone, letting out a small chuckle to himself. Only then did he noticed her presence:
"Diane! Babe, it's too cold today, isn't it?"
She didn't need another word to understand the invitation:
"Very…" She mumbled, lazily crawling under the covers beside him. Changing clothes could wait a little while. The bath too. This was the moment she'd been waiting for all day, already feeling her body heat up completely as she made herself comfortable and started rubbing her cheek against Guy's shoulder.
"Do you have any theories about what the movie Mr Peanutbutter is shooting is? He doesn't want to tell me!" Guy commented, with even better humor than usual.
Oh, sure. Mr Peanutbutter.
Diane curled up a little to answer, yawning and stretching her legs out from under the covers one second, only to curl back up like a cat the next.
She couldn't get away from it, could she?
"He didn't tell me anything about it either," she shrugged, "but I think it's kind of obvious."
"It's a horror movie, isn't it!?"
"For sure! I guess it's even a sequel to some other famous franchise."
Guy took that as the confirmation he needed, perking up and getting back to typing. Out of the corner of her eye, Diane caught a few written words: "The Ring 5?"; "It 3?"; "No, I don't think it's this one"; "But it's horror."
Mr Peanutbutter responded at the exact second: "No more guesses!!!", "They'll kill me if this gets out!! :(".
She should stop being so nosy!
Her stomach lurched when she noticed that Guy was already laughing again.
"You and my ex husband having any intimacy was not in my bingo of bizarre things that would happen to me" she tried to make a joke to lighten the mood… for herself.
"Well, he's here all the time now."
Yeah, she couldn't deny it.
The presence of that yellow dog became a constant another time, and that wasn't something you could prepare for.
During the last few years, she found herself thinking about Mr Peanutbutter from time to time. Usually it happened on nights when she couldn't sleep and lost control of her thoughts. Or when everything went bad again, and her mind found confusing and desperate solutions for any kind of comfort.
She had already accepted that guilt was a feeling that would always accompany her when she was around her ex-husband.
Now the longing mixed and started several other reflections.
Since she'd moved from California, she'd learned what it was like to genuinely miss someone. A faint smile broke out when she saw a rare selfie posted by Princess Carolyn. She perked up every time Todd and Maude made a sudden visit, bringing with them another chaotic day that she was growing increasingly unaccustomed to.
With Mr. Peanutbutter... It was a little different. With him everything always was.
Every time he texted her or dropped by her house to watch another obscure movie with Guy... Diane learned something new about longing. It was like she was living her story with someone for a second time.
She would never forget the time she met the dog. She was walking alone in her apartment, completely silly, while the two chatted on MySpace. He was kind and happy and so different from anyone else she had ever met. Gradually, she began to open up more to him, who always seemed interested in listening and praising her and making her feel good in her own skin. It was an almost addictive feeling, her head feeling light as she felt a small hope inside of her.
Conversations turned to dates, and Diane finally accepted that a celebrity was really interested in someone like her. Someone, in general, was interested in her. Yeah, it was a good thing to think about. When she realized it, she had already moved in with him and lived the ten most bittersweet years of her existence, in which she was relieved that they were over, but which she didn't regret for a second.
Things weren't so different these days, which was why she was worried. Part of her -the most selfish one- almost begged for the shooting of that shitty movie to end so that she would never have to look that labrador in the eyes again. Because she didn't know how to react anymore every time Mr Peanutbutter complimented her new hairstyle or said he missed her.
It was an old feeling. So old it fooled her into thinking it was something new. And that made her nervous.
She let her head fall back onto Guy's shoulder, who was still distracted by his messages, seeming to be having the conversation of his life. What would he do if he knew what she was thinking? She thought it was time to accept a truth about herself, letting all these feelings hurt as much as they should:
It didn't matter if she was talking about Mr Peanutbutter or Guy: she had never been a very good wife...
Things were always easier after acceptance. This was the last phase, above all.
Now she opened the door when Mr. Peanutbutter came to visit after the shooting, greeting him with a comment or a joke. He smiled every time, his eyes glued on her and the tip of his tail flicking back and forth. In the background, she could hear Guy saying how he had prepared cookies - "with no chocolate!"
On second thought, maybe she and Guy were bored before that. The adrenaline of a new city had long since worn off, and they didn't have much to worry about outside of work. Guy had been promoted to news anchor, and Diane still had ten months to release the next volume of Ivy Tran. It was almost inevitable how long she took to write, spending most of her days boringly watching TV, walking around or dozing on the couch until her husband got home.
With Mr Peanutbutter there most nights now, she at least had new information to occupy her mind:
"Everything went wrong today, not even if we had recorded a sequel to 2012 by Roland Emmerich it would have been so catastrophic!" The dog commented as he deliberately shook his shoulders, heading to sit on the sofa (feeling as much at home as he could).
Intrigued, Diane followed, going beside him and leaning her arm on the back of the sofa.
"What happened?"
"Someone forgot to blow out the candles we were using and WE LOST HALF OF THE SET!" He explained everything by gesturing with his hands. "This should take a couple of weeks to be redone, we'll even have to delete some scenes from today because of continuity."
He would spend more time there then, wouldn't he?
"Wow, that reminds me of when we recorded Philbert" Diane smiled at the memory. "It was almost impossible to have a quiet day.”
"Speaking of Philbert," Guy joined them at that moment, taking the empty spot on the sofa and offering the pot of cookies for both, "I know nowadays the plot holes are more noticeable and some parts haven't aged well... But I'm still sad that it was canceled... And it's kind of weird knowing that I'm now together with two people who worked on the production, yeah.
"You get used to it pretty soon," Diane shrugged, taking a second bite of her cookie.
"And you know what's going to be even weirder?" Mr Peanutbutter laughed as he completed. "When you watch my new movie and realize you couldn't figure out what it was."
"That's it!? No! I still have time! Did you say candles? Something with exorcism then?"
Diane rolled her eyes, enjoying her seemingly new routine.
The next day, she had helped Guy make lasagna. At the kitchen table, her husband asked:
"It's not supernatural, right? Maybe a slasher movie?"
"It's kind of supernatural, yes," Mr Peanutbutter replied, still with his mouth full.
"Are you kidding? What more options are left?"
"Think a little more~"
The following week, they'd stayed up until midnight watching a few episodes of Mr Peanutbutter's House and Horsin' Around, just laughing and talking a little about the past. Diane increasingly realized how much lighter it was to talk about such matters now, quite different from when she first moved from California. Guy was starting to pick up on their inside jokes, commenting on how Blarn had been a great idea. Diane accepted the compliment, feeling nostalgic.
That same day, the three put on a random documentary, talking until dawn. Diane only woke up—and realized she had fallen asleep in the first place—at 2:00 am, finding it kind of amusing to realize that Mr. Peanutbutter and Guy were doing the same, in a competition of who was in the most uncomfortable position. Asking the dog to go back to the hotel felt wrong, so Diane just woke Guy up and the two of them silently went to their room.
The next morning, after the mess, they had breakfast together, Mr. Peanutbutter taking one of the spare toothbrushes and changing for work in their bathroom, saying goodbye in that stupidly domestic way.
Diane's more selfish side returned, and she almost hoped something would destroy the other half of the set for whatever movie he was shooting.
Taylor Swift's The Way I Loved You was looping in her head, and for a good reason. She couldn't fall asleep, her thoughts starting to bother her again. Then she kept saying to herself, "nostalgia is a lying bitch and you DON'T miss your life with Mr Peanutbutter. The divorce was the biggest proof of love you ever made for each other."
Yes, that was the truth. Yes Yes Yes. Now she just had to accept it.
To make her point even more clear, she forced herself to remember all the bad times they ever had. All the times he didn't listen, that infuriated her and made her feel terrible about herself and for not getting to be the wife he thought she was.
She also couldn't forget how disastrous and selfish they were together, doing what they'd done to Pickles, only to get nowhere with it.
She certainly didn't miss the fights and the thousands of nights they slept without speaking after yelling at each other.
She just thought so because everything was fine now.
She sighed, shifting her position. Unlike her, Guy was in a deep, peaceful sleep, on his back and snoring softly. Carefully, she brought the back of her hand to his cheek, lightly stroking his fur.
She still loved him. Very very very much. In a way as strong and desperate as she was when she first met him. He was kind, funny, and all the company and comfort she needed in her life.
Diane was confused, and admitting anything in her own head scared her.
But she needed to state the obvious.
She was still in love with Mr Peanutbutter, wasn't she?
Now the way was to be angry at him, she realized. It must’ve been her brain's way of not blaming herself so much and pretending that she wasn't about to destroy her whole life all over again.
However, it got so... so difficult when he still showed up on her doorstep every time, tail wagging, another colorful coat and a bottle of expensive wine in hand.
"Something tells me that Guy is going to like it there..." She commented, a light smile involuntarily appearing on her lips.
And she was right. The three of them gathered at the kitchen table again. Diane sipped from her glass, the taste taking her years back. Mr Peanutbutter always bought that same wine for them to drink.
"Tastes like wealth," was the conclusion Guy got, and she laughed because it had been the same as hers.
She missed that, didn't she!?
They watched Hereditary. Guy tried to guess Mr Peanutbutter's movie and failed. At night, when the two were in bed, her husband murmured:
"I know that's how dogs are, but he shouldn't stick his head out the car window... It's dangerous."
Diane smiled.
If she had that routine for even one more day, she would freak out.
Fortunately, that was not what fate had prepared for her.
When she got home the next night, Guy was already there, just like usual. He sat on the sofa, however, something was wrong. She could feel it. She entered the room with some caution, trying to notice what gave her such an impression. It was even easy to know. The TV was off this time, leaving the whole environment in an intimidating silence, mixed with how Guy didn't do anything, just sat there.
When she was close enough, he began to speak:
"I've been waiting for you to arrive," his tone was hard to read. It didn't have much emotion, giving her the awful impression that he must've been rehearsing it in his head while she was gone "we need to talk about something."
Her brain stopped working, going to the past. A few years in the past. "It was good while it lasted". BoJack? BoJack had told her that phrase once, hadn't he? For some reason, it was what was repeated over and over in her thoughts.
"Okay..." She murmured, almost whispering, taking her pose as a child who was about to be scolded. She didn't have much choice but to sit next to him, avoiding eye contact for as long as she could.
She thought she was hiding it well, at least. She didn't even let herself believe that, and this was the hope she was moving forward with... apparently, she wasn't even right about that.
Now her anxiety peaked, feeling her fingertips begin to tingle.
She had almost forgotten what that felt like.
What would become of her now? Would she stay in Houston? Would she go back for another round of small, impersonal apartments? Would it go back exactly where it started, half a lifetime ago?
Or would she try to convince Guy that she could ignore it... and forget about it? - something she would genuinely like to do.
"Look, Diane, I don't even know how to talk about this," Guy continued finally, and Diane struggled to make out the words. Just like her, he didn't look in her direction, "It's going to be kind of weird, okay?"
Maybe she couldn't even stay in Houston. She wouldn't know how to handle the situation. Maybe she would have to go back to being Diane and run away to whatever other town that would accept her.
"Okay," she sighed, giving up. "I think I already know what it is."
"You know!?" He looked oddly surprised, almost scared.
"What? What... What is it?"
The silence then returned in double. The two stared at each other, their expressions blank and not daring to speak a single word.
Diane ventured:
He needed yet another few seconds to continue:
"Now I don't have the courage to talk anymore..."
"Don't you dare! What happened, Guy?"
"Nothing!" It was his turn to be defensive. "That's the case, okay? Nothing really happened and I don't mean to suggest that we should break up or anything."
"What are you talking about?"
"You have every right to be angry, but..."
"With you winding up like that, it's really hard not to be!"
"I don't think there's an easy way to say this."
Then another pause, and now that was the last straw. Diane was so nervous that she could barely feel her hands; her body sweated and she saw white:
"G..." But she was soon interrupted.
"I think I'm in love with Mr. Peanutbutter!"
Now it looked like a challenge to who looked the most terrified, both of them looking like wild animals that would run at any sudden movement.
Diane changed position, almost getting up from the couch:
"Did you just tell me... that YOU are in love with Mr Peanutbutter?" Disproving her theory, saying it out loud didn't make it any more real. Quite the opposite.
"I thought I told you that I was bisexual and that..." He stopped mid-sentence. Normally Guy was someone easygoing and calm, traits that fit her perfectly. Guy always had solutions to any problem, making her feel like she was on the ground every time she needed to.
Now, however, it was like he was about to pass out from embarrassment.
"That's not the problem, of course!" Diane shook her head, trying to control all the trillions of feelings and speak more calmly. "With Mr Peanutbutter, my ex-husband?"
"It's as ridiculous as it sounds," he tried to smile, giving up in the next second. "I wanted to tell you because... I don't know why, it felt right. I swear I never got close to doing anything to him.... I thought you could help me - no, not that! We could think of a solution together. Or not. I don't know."
"I'm a pretty bad person for that."
"Guess who's in love with Mr Peanutbutter, too?"
It was as if a switch had been flipped, the mood in the room completely changing in an instant. The silence had disappeared and given way to the laughter that now came out.
They stayed like that for a long time, laughing. So much that Diane began to suspect the obvious and how it wasn't because they found the situation funny.
After that came, of course, silence. They stared at each other, and Diane thought the last time she felt so uncomfortable around Guy was when he made her jump out the window to hide it from his son:
"And now...?"
"We admit that we are equally terrible and forgive each other...?" Guy ventured, cocking his head to the side.
"Deal!" She would like to put that behind her, for sure. "But... What about him?"
Now Guy shrugged:
"I don't know that."
They were screwed.
Of course they were.
There wasn't even a chance that this story would end well. But that wasn't the only part that concerned Diane. She felt confused, which left her mind almost blank, not knowing what to think or how to react. Almost as if her life didn't belong to her and she was just watching an episode of TV. And, in the midst of it all, she couldn't help but notice how strangely light she felt. She had gotten so used to carrying that weight that she never even imagined what she would do after that.
Without the guilt and longing, who was she now?
Now that she could finally accept it, she let herself enjoy the good parts of the present and the past. When they said that time away from someone was sometimes necessary, they were completely right. The Mr Peanutbutter she lived with now still had all the traits that made him him: an oddly charismatic personality; always praising everyone and trying to be positive, for better or for worse; he still looked kind of distracted, as if he didn't hear her, but he ended up proving the opposite every now and then.
However, his only change was not just the whitish hairs on his muzzle that made him even more endearing: just as she noticed when she first saw him in Houston, it was as if Mr. Peanutbutter had finally matured. He never crossed the line or tried to prove himself to her. He was calmer. Nicer.
She's never forgotten that call she'd had with him one day, years ago, in Chicago. When she suggested that their relationship would probably work with them as they were at the time, Mr Peanutbutter replied that they were only the way they were because of the relationship they once had.
How he had changed. They both had, didn't they?
She asked, every time, if she was right that day. If only they could try a second time. Would everything go back to the way it was before, when the anxiety killed her knowing that they would fight again, practically daily? Or was it closer to the beginning of their relationship, where everything had that rare emotion and she started to feel like she belonged somewhere?
When Mr. Peanutbutter was at her house or they went out with him to see the city, she had to stop herself from kissing him, without saying a word. She liked to imagine that he still felt the same way, having all the same questions but choosing to ignore them for the moment.
If only things were that easy... But at least she wasn't alone. And she could tell Guy all this now, so that he would do the same with his own doubts:
"Wasn't it weird?" He questioned, turning his head on the pillow to face her. "Dating someone so famous, I mean. How did you deal with all his fans? Weren't you jealous?"
"In the beginning, I kind of was," these were such distant memories that she wasn't sure anymore "but I was winning, wasn't I? At least he never gave me the impression that he was going to cheat on me, so I stopped worrying one day."
"Wait, wasn't there something that he cheated on his girlfriend a few years ago? That pug girl, huh?"
Diane's complete silence and Guy's increasingly worried expression indicated that he was starting to connect the dots.
"Ehrrrrr promise not to judge me too much? "Diane asked, smiling sheepishly.
"WAS IT WITH YOU!? Oh dear lord, this is why you want to change the channel when she appears, it all makes so much more sense!"
"What did you think that was the reason?"
"That he had left you for her or something."
"Nah, it was after our divorce. But very close to our divorce, which must have been one of the reasons it happened, now that I stopped to think about it..."
"Diane... I think it must be time for you to tell me the whole story, no?"
"Of my ten years of marriage?"
"As much as you want to tell."
They went to sleep only hours later. Diane didn't try to hide the bad parts, figuring Guy deserved to know what he was getting into. She never thought she could be so honest with him. Maybe she really was past the stage of fear that he would abandon her if he found out who she really was. Instead, he laughed at parts of the story, and only lightly judged her when she deserved it. There was no disgust or heartbreak in his gaze, just pure interest. Obviously she didn't come close to telling everything, not even knowing if that would be possible. But at the end of it all, she was able to return to his arms until they fell asleep. Just like every day for the last few years.
Guy was here to stay.
Diane still wasn't quite used to having company at times as confusing and complicated as this one... But it was something she could get used to.
As it was Sunday again, they took the opportunity to go out into the city. Even though it wasn't close to snowing, Houston winters were still quite cold at night. This fact always slipped her mind, until she found herself clutching her coat. She walked closer to Guy, who soon got the message and put his arm around her shoulder to warm her up more.
He had the slight impression that Mr. Peanutbutter watched the scene for a second longer than he should have, but at that point, it could just be her imagination.
The dog walked faster again, his attention going from window to window, with the same admiration of a child:
"The buildings remain my favorite part of here!" He commented, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he turned to them.
"Aren't they going to be part of any scenery in your movie?" Guy questioned. Diane thought that if he didn't talk about it once a day, he would die. "Why haven't they closed any streets for recording yet? Since it needed to be here in Houston?"
Mr Peanutbutter hesitated a few seconds before replying:
"It doesn’t need the street itself."
"I've given up guessing which one it is, okay?"
"Ahhh Guy, come on, just think about the things you..." Then he interrupted himself, his attention being stolen by yet another shop window. Diane couldn't judge him, soon joining him to look at the clothes displayed there.
It was one of those more expensive stores that Diane suddenly had to wean herself off going to. Most of what was on the mannequins were coats and flannel shirts, all with an extra layer of fur, which could only indicate that they were warm.
"I've never seen this jacket in California, I've been wanting to buy it!" Mr Peanutbutter pointed to one in particular: jeans and a medium coppery blue. It didn't look like the clothes he normally wore, but he could easily picture him in it.
Diane had such a terrible moment when she forgot to control herself, the words just coming out of her mouth:
"I'll buy it as a gift for you!"
Guy and he stared at her at the same time, the labrador practically without reaction as he raised his eyebrows:
"You're really lovely for the offer, but I was about to buy it already."
"No!" She was insistent, knowing that now her pride was at stake. "I was wanting to give you a gift anyway," Lie "so you'll have a souvenir when you get back to Los Angeles."
It was almost imperceptible, but his smile faded a little. During that very instant, he looked…disappointed? Maybe sad. That simple demonstration made Diane's heart want to race, everything in her body telling her that she must say something, that this was her chance.
But she obviously continued in the same position, static, letting Mr Peanutbutter mumble:
"Yeah... If you insist, who am I to say no!?"
While Guy was chuckling beside her - he would certainly throw that in her face later, the two had a little personal competition on who would humiliate themselves more in front of the dog - Diane walked into the store with the two of them, only to grab the jacket from the hangers she found and pretend she didn't read the price tag that hung with it. If Guy wanted to murder her after that, it would be just as deserved. She had to thank him for being in such a good mood.
She headed to the cashier to pay, after realizing that Mr. Peanutbutter wasn't even going to try on the outfit - he and Guy had already gotten distracted and gone to another corner of the store, pointing and amused at everything. They were just looking at jeans, what was so funny?
Diane smirked as she watched the two of them, again in that stupidly domestic scene that she wanted more and more of.
Coming back to reality, she turned to the woman at the cashier - an Abert's squirrel, with her fluffy ears and all - who was glaring at her gleefully:
"Is it a gift?"
"Yes, it is," Diane smiled back, soon after choosing a package with a baseball print. She knew he would like that one.
She took out her card to pay, the squirrel cocking her head in her direction again:
"Do you know who Mr Peanutbutter is?"
"Huh?" Diane's brain apparently worked very slowly today. Or she was just very distracted, in her own thoughts. "I do!"
"It's him back there, isn't it?" She looked anxious, surreptitiously pointing to where the dog was.
Already knowing what to expect, Diane glanced around, seeing how he and Guy had already moved into another section of the store, with more colorful clothes. Picking up a purple T-shirt, Guy commented something along the lines of "I already told you that I'm bisexual?", in the most unnatural way possible, making Diane have to control herself not to laugh. Okay, now she would have a point for the conversation they would have before bed.
"Of course it's him!" Diane said to the squirrel. "He's talking to my husband."
"Serious? What? Wait, so are you... You are..."
"Diane Nguyen."
Of course, that poor saleswoman had no idea who she could be. Something she'd learned from the life of being famous enough was that you'd be almost recognizable far more often than totally.
After saying goodbye, she noticed how the squirrel followed her with her eyes while she called the two men with her hand, without having the courage to approach. It was a shame, Mr Peanutbutter enjoyed interacting with his fans.
Once outside, Diane remembered how cold it was, practically being knocked out by the wind. Imagine if she was in Chicago? She would never take it!
She then turned to Mr Peanutbutter, holding out the bag with the package:
"It doesn't have the same excitement as a surprise gift, but here it is!"
He didn't react at first, but the way he tilted his head slightly to the left, the tip of his tongue sticking out between his teeth… Yeah, he liked it. Years ago, in the midst of her despair over her doomed marriage, she read about the 5 love languages. Classic thing that everyone knows nowadays, you know? The conclusion she reached was that Mr. Peanutbutter delivered exactly his own, which he would like to get back.
An extra gift for him would be worth it, wouldn't it?
He held the package in his hands, glancing at the package and enveloping her in a sudden strong hug. He was still so warm, just the right size for her to sink her chin into the yellow fur on his neck. So familiar. So weird.
"Thank you," he said when separating, a little shy. That was new! "I'll get revenge one day for that, huh!"
"Anytime you want!"
Finally, she gave Guy a wide smile: her underhanded way of saying she'd won this time. He nodded and lowered his head, giving her the pleasure of victory.
She felt like a teenager doing that sort of thing, in a way she hadn't genuinely experienced in decades.
It was still good.
They didn't do much more than that before they parted ways. They took Mr. Peanutbutter to his hotel, where they had another rather uncomfortable farewell, where none of the three knew how to react. Just wave? Shake hands? Hug? All options were bad.
"Sooo, see you again on Monday, which means tomorrow!?" The dog opened a big embarrassed smile as he took a few steps back, pointing to both of them with his index fingers. "Oh, I just remembered. Guy, about what you told me inside the store?"
"What...?" The other looked genuinely confused.
"Forget it! It was nothing! I'll be there tomorrow night, I miss you two already!"
And so he was gone, walking into the hotel. He had fled.
Whatever it was, Diane and Guy just stood there, not daring to move.
"Diane... Do you think that us telling him would be the worst thing that could happen?"
"I don't know anymore," she shrugged, releasing all the air she had in her lungs. "I just spent $600.00 dollars on a jacket."
(Finally my knowledge of horror movies has come in handy for something!
After a few months, I finally got the inspiration to finish this chapter! Now there's only one left)
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Bojack's got a lot of Dirty Secrets
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gardenofradiostatic · 2 months
intro post
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mad scientist vampire type
polish-american/polonia amerykańska
he/him, on/jego // intj // 5w4 sp/sx(?) // ili // mel-chol
minor! please do not interact if you are under 13. people older than 18 can interact, just be wary that i am not an adult and i will not engage with you if I don’t feel comfortable.
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warning, this blog may contain periodic talk of : religion, psychosis, horror, gore, medical imagery, and the occasional eye strain. enter at your own risk.
general interests: arcane, hannibal, psychology, religion, slavic lit, gothic lit, classic lit, br/ba, re-animator, bjhm, pathologic, hades (the game) ambient music, shoegaze, electronic/idm, alt rock, classical music and art
other interests: i play viola, i draw a lot and post about none of it. i will post the not so occasional ramble
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yes -> my asks are open! chat me up on whatever you’d like. i have a couple prompt lists somewhere, if you feel inclined.
no -> asks about overly personal details, or messaging me if i haven’t interacted with you previously, generally being a creep, etc etc
bands (the main ones) -> radiohead, my bloody valentine, joy division, car seat headrest, sonic youth, nirvana, siouxsie and the banshees, the cure, aphex twin, william basinski + 500 others
books (the main ones) -> frankenstein, the picture of dorian gray, jekyll and hyde, and many many more…
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my art tag is #wiktor.png, my writing/rambles tag is #wiktor.pdf, and my edits tag is #wiktor.mp4
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bojackandherb · 5 months
Throwback to that time I tried to learn video editing. And then gave up
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dongslinger--420 · 5 months
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kryptidkhaos · 3 years
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I don't care about the job! I did fine, I had a good life. But what I needed then was a friend, and you abandoned me, and I will never forgive you for that.
- Herb Kazzaz
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