hidekomoon · 7 months
my favorite video rn is the guy detecting whether jack antonoff produced taylor swift songs based on his visceral hatred for ja's production style. mood. slay even
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luciphe-r · 3 months
i feel like my kids (the 50+ year old colleagues i work with at bigotcity news) would really love for me to go on gender theory rants, feminist tirades, and, most importantly, fervently atheistic communist propaganda talks while we take our coffee breaks (they miss when the weird tall child didn't have a desk in their building)
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batrachois · 2 years
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Teaching is fun
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linootte · 2 years
Hello! Apologies if you've been asked this before, but as someone who has enjoyed campaign 2 along with your art, have you been enjoying or watching campaign 3 at all? If not, did you enjoy the recent Mighty Nein oneshots and are you excited for more possibly in the future?
Hi! First of all, thank you very much! I have been enjoying parts of campaign 3 (I think my favorites are Fearne & Ashton :D), i watch the stream sometimes (also loved Calamity), but I haven't been a regular viewer. Campaign 2 changed my life but watching actual play is also a hell of a time commitment. But the M9 one-shots?? Oh god. YES. I've watched part 1 live (mind you, i live in a timezone where i had to wait until 4 AM to watch it, but i did because i have problems), and I've seen the beginning of part 2 (this time I was more reasonable, so i will wait for the youtube video). I need to draw jester in that new outfit so much... I will of course be super happy to see new adventures for them, . To be honest, I really dream of an animated M9 serie and I would do almost anything to work on it if it happened haha.. Just throwing that out there
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linootte-on-main · 2 years
Hey! Infos for the few people following that blog
Currently this blog has a bit of memes, and a bit of art inspiration. I'm splitting this blog in two: this one will remains as the shitposting/fandom rambling one. There will still be a bit of art, but it won't be the main focus
For the art inspiration one, you can go to @linootte-likes-pretty-things (its currently very empty). i will give me an occasion to go through my archive and tag everything properly hehe
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tna33 · 3 years
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Hello there ! I haven't been on Tumblr for so long, but luckily i'm slowly coming back, it's for the best. Many things happened since my last retrospective, in 2019.
I sure find time for myself (with the confinement on 2020, we couldn't do otherwise, right?) and between commissions and online training i also made use of my money. :) And on 2021, there were two major moves : - Since April, i'm working in a recreation centre specializing in science. i signed a 3 years contract, so i won't get bored before a loooong time. XD - At the end of September i paid for laser eye surgery, so i don't need glasses anymore. :D So overall, things are getting peachy. The only fly in the ointment was my loneliness slowing growing these past years. So now my 2022 main objective is to find lots of irl people to get along with.
With that being said, i wish you all a great year ! X)
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inkysnapyarty · 3 years
Baby Lucan
Je viens de finir les 6 livres de Kaamelott (en deux jours tmtc 😌) et du coup je viens de regarder le "Roi Arthur", de 2004 avec Clive Owen et Keira Knightley.
Bref dans cette version Lucan est un petit gars emmuré avec Guenièvre par des Chrétiens (un poil extrémistes les mecs) puis sauvé(s) par notre bon Arthur.
Tout ça pour dire que le petit Lucan il a pas de parents dans cette version et que du coup il tombe un peu sous la protection de Guenièvre et Arthur (et Dagonet, mais bon la version Kaamelott de Dagonet fait pas rêver!).
Bah, dites-vous que j'arrive pas à m'enlever d'la tête cette image de Arthur+ Guenièvre+ Little Lucan...
Ça va partir en illustration ou en fic, cette histoire... Du Made in France Kaamelott, j'entends... Mais quand même je suis un peu dans le love de ce headcanon...
P.S: Je suis également en overanalyse du Livre IV et V et de Dies Irae, mais je reviendrai plus tard pour blablater dessus.
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tnasketching · 4 years
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My new sketchbook for doodling ! :D
This year i decided to draw on a smaller sketchbook, and not only draw. I have to draw AND write each day (at least one sentence). Yep, this is a mix between a diary and a sketchbook.
‘til now, i didn’t miss a day, but some works were quite lazy.
I’ll post the pages soon.
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txjlefttoe · 5 years
J'ai envie de continuer de lire tgcf mais je suis pas prête pour la tristesse qui va arriver jfjfjdjd j'en suis au livre 2 chapitre 71 et j'ose pas continuer depuis hier 😭😭😭😭😭
Qu'on me donne la force pour continuer 🙏🏼
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leleaulait · 5 years
Je crois que j'ai du dormir toute la journée, et manger et criser toute la journée aussi. Peut être que Ab viendras dans la nuit, je lutte pour ne pas m'endormir pour le voir. Il fait trop chaud, j'ai mal et je me gratte de partout à cause des allergies. Demain méga prise de sang, un milliard de test à faire et après rdv avec la banque (again) et le soir chez Tom. Je ne vais jamais arriver à rattraper tout ce sommeil perdu mais ça fait tellement de bien de sortir.
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hidekomoon · 5 months
i was wondering how it was possible for dev patel to play an action hero more soulful and endearing and badass and effortlessly cool than most and then it hit me: there's no sassy one-liner after the action sequences
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luciphe-r · 4 months
i was tagged by @i-like-creepy-and-cute-stuff to answer the followingg ty bb
when was the last time you cried? when i was delirious with fever two weeks ago lmao
do you have kids? do my friends count cause they all call me their parent
do you use sarcasm a lot? it's my first language
what sports do you play? i take the metro every day
what's the first thing you notice about people? overall shape, colors, gut feeling
what's your eye color? green, im y/n coded
scary movies or happy endings? i cant stand scary movies sorry
any special talents? i can rant about anything at any given time for anywhere between 1 and 15 minutes
where were you born? italy babeeeyyy
what are your hobbies? everything is a job currently :) i am very happy :)
do you have pets? not in my house but at my parents is my babygirl, lucille the cat
how tall are you? taller than youd think (around 173cm)
favourite subject in school? latin lit, philosophy, art history in no specific order, yes i tried really hard to be unemployed
tagging no one cause im stuck in my office all day and i cant fucking remember yalls urls
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batrachois · 3 years
my old barricade comic is doing its rounds again and im really loving seeing how much people love the Almosts and the Yearnings
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linootte · 2 years
I just found your art through your CR animatic and absolutely fell in love with your style,, what/who are some of your biggest artistic inspirations?
Hi! I received this ask ages ago, idk if you're even still here or alive anon, but I'm going to respond to it!
I don't have a very fixed style, so i guess this is a hard question for me to answer, but here are a few artsists that are always in the back of my mind!
First, Stupidoomdoodles. She did a lot of cool DBZ Vegebul comics a few years ago. Her style was quite "simple", but i've yet to find an artist whose expressions made me laugh more that hers. Sadly she has deleted most of her art/blogs so you can only find her art reposted. Whenever you see me drawing big round stupid eyes... that's her legacy.
In the same ballpark, @kebabcito recently is killing me with their expressive and sketchy comics, with top-notch character designs. And that texture mmmmh... I REALLY have an itch to do more comics (the problem being: having time and ideas).
Animation-wise, I obviously am influenced a lot by Ghibli (who isn't), but people like Felix Colgrave (bc I love how disturbing yet coherent and colorful his world is) or Louis Zong (bc this man's content is so funny and i love how much he blends techniques, music, animation, everything together...I WISH I KNEW HOW TO DO THAT DAMN) are also big inspirations.
@ameliecausse is a very dear friend of mine (coucou si tu lis ça :D ). She influenced a lot the way i think about backgrounds, and her digital paintings were so good they pushed me to do more lineless art, and to incorporate already existing textures into some of my drawings. Also I stole a bunch of photoshop brushes from her shhh.
I need to mention FMA: not only is it my favorite manga, i use to copy pages from it, a lot. I think it KIND OFs hows in the way i draw heads??... idk. (i know i never draw anything FMA-related, but you don't "need" to do fanart for a piece of media that is already perfect imo. At least for me, fanart is always born of a mix of excitement and frustration). Recently I've learned to love very colorful art more than ever, like Moebius, or Dominique Ramsey's art. Anyone who draw weird creatures/animals already has my love, but her!!! Wow... What can I say. Just go see her stuff please.
Speaking of colorful art, my lastest illustration shows i think how much @cy-lindric's work had an impact on me. There are hundreds of other artists I would to love to talk about, but this post is already too long. So here is a recent art mindblow of mine to finish this post:
Thank you for that very interesting question!
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applewood-wand · 6 years
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Quand je réalise que mes troubles du sommeil n'ont peut être pas que des mauvais côtés. Je m'explique, j'ai l'habitude d'avoir du mal à m'endormir, de me réveiller plusieurs fois dans la nuit ou très tôt le matin sans pouvoir me rendormir, et (le pire) de faire des cauchemars horribles et régulièrement, en saupoudrant tout ça de stress. Sauf que du coup, une nuit (comme cette nuit), où je me réveille quelques fois mais où je suis pas stressée et où je cauchemarde pas, c'est considéré comme une bonne nuit et je suis capable de fonctionner normalement, voire même d'avoir de l'énergie (vu que j'ai appris à mener ma vie avec des nuits beaucoup plus chaotiques)
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lekintsugihumain · 7 years
En plus de la super semaine que j’ai passer je vais re passer un week-end avec elle ça va me faire du bien si toutes les semaines et les week-ends pouvaient être parfait comme ça ça serai génial. 
C’est quasiment le cas.
Mais la fatigue et la surcharge de travail et ma carence alimentaire simplifie pas tout… 
On peut pas être “heureux” à 100% Faut toujours qu’il y ai une chose de négative sinon c’est pas drôle comme dirait J. 
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