#black desert dk
karamazovbdo · 8 months
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kujakumai · 1 year
The fact that we never get any insight into what's going on with the bakuras is always weird but its especially weird because even from the outside there is a very visible arc wrt Bakura's increasingly cavalier treatment of the ring! Legit, it goes:
After Monster World, regards YB with fear and suspicion, still carries the ring around to his friend's horror, but refuses to wear it (early DK)
Voluntarily puts it on after some cajoling, lets YB briefly possess him and then de-possess him safely; afterwards verbally reassures the gang that he's "not going to let [YB] take over him anymore" (DK)
Wakes up from an all-afternoon possession mildly confused and sleepy but without any apparent fear or concern, as if this was chill and normal (DDD)
Begins keeping the ring under his clothes, likely to actively hide from his friends that he's wearing it (BC)
Gets stabbed and mind controlled, blacks out for an entire weekend, wakes up in a pile of rubble on a deserted island full of destroyed military equipment, still shows no fear or concern about this and goes out of his way to obtain and put on the ring again (BC)
Helps build an elaborate diorama and gets space in his dad's museum for he and YB's project (MW)
There is obviously an implied level of increasing trust and collaboration over time here! It is clear as day! There is no other way to explain this observable change in behavior! We just...do not get to see what it looks like from the inside, ever. Kazuki Takahashi I am going to
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laveliamellark · 2 years
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Новий сезон в Black Desert - новий персонаж в мене)) Цього разу - Вуса. Чесно, думала створити твіна, щоб просто отримати екіпіровку для мого арчера чи дк, але цікавість взяла верх і в мене є така корейська дівчина, геймплей якої мені навіть сподобався. Чекаю вже її сестричку, яку завезуть в січні, вона там все таки гуміхо 😍 В наступних постах розкажу побільше про мою Вусу. А ще я закінчила будинок Лавенії. Думаю, скоро зроблю скріни. New season in Black Desert - I have a new character)) This time - Woosa. Honestly, I was thinking of creating a twin just to get equipment for my archer or dk, but curiosity got the better of me and I have a korean girl whose gameplay I even liked. I'm already waiting for her sister, who will be delivered in January, she's still a kumiho there 😍 In the next posts, I will tell you more about my Woosa. And I finished Lawenia's house.  I think I will make screenshots soon.
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dbjfj1223 · 11 months
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beastfury5580 · 2 years
Donkey Kong Z Episode 10
*Cranky kong appears on the black screen*
Cranky: You're still watching this crap?! Well as long as you're here, might as well see how it ends right? Oh and one more thing, wear a mask! Just because people took vaccines doesn't mean COVID-19's completely gone. ALWAYS wear a mask, doesn't matter if anyone has taken theirs off, they're idiots compared to you! Be smart about it and don't leave without one! *Walks off*
Dragon Ball Z Opening Theme Song Rock the Dragon 720p HD (Short)
Falco: Last time on donkey kong Z. We found out that the two fruit gems were on planet Aquas so we had to swim our way down to get them. Of course, there were a few snags on the way but DK managed to take care of it for us. Somehow dingodile managed to slip passed our fingers with the honeydew melon fruit gem but a Gengar named ghaster'hauns or G'Hauns snatched it back from them and return it to us. So far things are looking up for us but I wouldn't relax just yet, there's still more to the story. So let's get a move on shall we?
Episode 10: Hot enough for ya? (DK and the crossover gang arrived on Planet Titania to find the kiwi fruit gem only for them to be ambushed by gnorc and Kritter desert soldiers and grocks. Star wolf fought against DK and Diddy in and out of their ships alongside Fox, Falco and Slippy.)
DK: 99 bottles of beer on the wall! 99 bottles of beer! Take one down, pass- Falco: Do NOT finish that sentence. DK: Kay.
*The great fox kept flying in space*
DK: Are we there yet? Falco: No. DK: Are we there yet? Krystal: Not yet. DK: Are we there yet? Falco: No. DK: Are we there yet? Falco: Swear to god If you keep on asking I will grab my blaster and shoot you in the mouth with it. DK: Okay.
*The room went quiet as everyone else is doing their own thing then DK started making noises by patting his pecs then started making popping noises with his mouth*
Falco: DK! For five minutes, can you not be yourself? FOR FIVE MINUTES!!! DK: Okay. Falco: *Types on the buttons to concentrate* DK: Shhh. *Went up to falco quietly* Krystal: *Slowly covers my ears* DK: *Delivers an earth-shaking series of slamming slaps to the ground to cause shock waves*
*The entire ship felt the vibration including falco as he fell over*
Link: Don't do that! DK: Sorry, you can pretty much guess I'm bored. Link: Ya think?! Yoshi: *Giggles* That was fun! Do it again! ^_^ Link: -_- Fox: At least we're here. DK: Well FINALLY!
Gotta be the last fruit gem / Finally some good news - Briefing 1 Star Fox Assault Music Extended [Music OST][Original Soundtrack]
Slippy: I've analyzed the kiwi fruit gem. And it's the only fruit gem on planet titania. Fox: Which means it's the last one. We have more fruit gems than k rool so he'll want the rest of it when he gets the kiwi fruit gem. Krystal: We need to be smart about this, K Rool or kaliga might be waiting for us. DK: Then we take the battle to him. Fox: DK, the last time we did that, kaliga almost killed you. DK: Oh yeah... Peppy: Sorry but I'm with fox on this one, we gotta plan this one out carefully. DK: Great, more waiting. -_- Lucario: "DK, Diddy, come with me." *Walks off*
*Diddy and DK looked to each other then walked off following Lucario*
Lucario: *In the training with DK and diddy* "Have you ever heard of the super kong black?" Diddy: Your dad told us about that right? DK: Yeah...I think it has something to do with a black aura. Something about achieving enlightenment and eternal calmness when doing so. Lucario: "Before we head out to planet titania, I must help you two find your super kong form black. But in order to do this, you must contact yourselves with the black aura. Through meditation." DK: You sure that's a good idea? The last time I did that I was "too" relaxed and ended up sleeping. Lucario: *Sat down and close my eyes* Diddy: I think he's serious DK. DK: Okay, don't say I didn't warn you.
*Diddy and DK sat down in front of Lucario and closed their eyes*
Meditating with Lucario / Super Kong Form Black Obtained - Soul Calibur III OST: Labyrinth of Moonlight
Lucario: Now, picture yourselves in darkness, grab hold of the darkness and embrace it as if it is your own. You've experienced physical trauma, negative emotions, and depression, focus on both of those things and learn to overcome them. Focus on those thoughts but don't let them overtake you. Remember to visualize, and concentrate. Diddy: *My heart rate speeds up as I'm having flash back trauma with Kaliga and whimpers* ... DK: .... *Remains completely still as I meditate*
*The entire background became black while flashes of events appear one way into the next, black aura grows within DK but diddy's hesitates because of his traumatic experience with fighting kaliga*
Lucario: "Focus Diddy. Face your fears." Diddy: "I'm sorry I can't help it..." Lucario: "You are strong, you are brave. Face your fears. Stand up tall." DK: "Here's an idea. Alter the events you previously had and make them good ones instead." Diddy: "Alter my memories...hmm..."
*Instead of watching DK being slaughtered to death by kaliga, the event bubble changes to where both DK and diddy defeated kaliga and saved corneria as well as playfully humiliating kaliga on planet fichina as both of them high-five, diddy's black aura begins to form as he feels calm and relaxed. Both DK and Diddy's black aura began to strengthen and grow. Outside of meditation, they both transformed into Super Kong Form Black in sync*
Lucario: *Opened my eyes and stood back up* "Congrats boys, you two are ready." SKB Diddy: I feel weird.. SKB DK: This is awesome! I feel ten times stronger! Lucario: "With black aura, you can use it more fluently. Since you've adapted your negative energies, it transfers into the aura, making you much stronger than you were in other super kong forms." SKB DK: Kaliga won't know what hits him. This will be our surprise attack. SKB Diddy: Yeah, I'm ready for anything now.
*The three of them went back to everyone*
Fox's Encouraging Speech - SDGF Friends
Fox: So listen everyone, whether we get the final fruit gem or not. We have to put an end to the villains that come before us all. It's been a long journey for all of us but we're going to make this mission count however it may be. We also had a lot of ups and downs but in the end, we'll all remember them well. So let's just do our best and finish the fight with everything we got left.
*Everyone claps and cheers for fox*
Fox: ROB, onward to planet titania. ROB64: Affirmative.
Planet Titania - Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire (PS1) Soundtrack - Fire Trial (Gamerip)
*The great fox flew down into titania where the heat is extremely brutal and there is nothing but sand and dust everywhere*
Fox: I'll be on the landmaster. Krystal, Slippy, and Falco will be on arwings. Falco: The rest of you will fight along side with DK and Diddy. We have grown quite a stronger bond this journey and let's keep it at that. Slippy: You got that right. ^_^
This heat is unbearable! - Final Fantasy X-2 Music - Bikanel Desert
*Outside of the great fox, they are excavating for the kiwi fruit gem*
Diddy: Woowee! I'm one sweaty monkey... DK: Yeah the heat is pretty brutal, slippy did say that the fruit gem is hidden within the sand. Diddy: Hopefully we find it soon otherwise my fur would burn out. If only Slippy would invent a cooling suit. Klonoa: I would use my wind ring but the wind might accidentally get caught with the dust and the heat. Koriju: *Speaking Japanese in anger cause of the heat* Yoshi: *Digs fast with my hands then ran to another section and kept digging* Falco: See anything yet foxy? Fox: Nothing still, and don't call me foxy that's just weird. Falco: *Chuckles* Right. *Kept scanning* Krystal: You sure this is the right spot? Slippy: Oh! *Using the mic* DK, diddy, go a bit closer, the fruit gem radar is picking up exactly where you two are. Diddy: Great! DK: *Started digging*
*DK dug up the kiwi fruit gem*
Got the Gem - Small Item Catch - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
DK: I got it! Fox: Good. That's the last one. Even though k rool has the rest. Falco: Okay hang on, this feels a bit too easy. Krystal: Falco's right, I don't like this one bit.
Ambush! / Vs. Star Wolf ver.2 - Metal Gear Ac!d 2 OST (Single Action/Alert Theme)
*Kremling and Gnorc Desert soldiers immediately came out of the ground and started firing at everyone and immediately, link, Koriju, sora, and Roxas attacked fast while everyone dodged the laser fire*
Peppy: It's an ambush! Fox, get out of there now! Wolf: Can't let you do that star fox!
*Star wolf came out of the sky and started firing at the arwings*
Fox: *Does a barrel and flies after wolf* You dirty dog!! Wolf: Did you really think it would be this easy? DK: Diddy! Diddy: Right!
*Both DK and Diddy transformed into super kong form black and started destroying kremling and gnorc soldiers*
Slippy: *Looks down, seeing the fight then looks forward in silence* ......... *Had an idea* Switching to auto-pilot mode! Fox: Auto-pilot? Why?! Slippy: *Turns on the auto-pilot in my arwing then jumps out of the arwing then turns on my green laser blade and ran straight into the fight and started jumping and cutting while spin dodging laser fire* Falco: Slippy! What's he doing?! The Sorceror: Take the frog's legs!
*The desert rhynorc soldiers ran after slippy and started shooting*
Slippy: Oh no you don't! *Ran straight through then jump and strike while deflecting laser fire* Koriju: Go Slippy!! Sora: Man look at him go! Roxas: We should help too. *Ran towards them and attacked* Kaliga: *Jumps down behind and grabs slippy from behind* Enough of this!! Slippy: *Accidently dropped my green laser blade* AGH!! FOX! ANYBODY!! HEEEEEELP!!!! Fox: Slippy! DK, Diddy you have to get slippy! Kaliga has him! Diddy: We're on it! Slippy: *Struggles out of kaliga's strong grip* Let me go! Kaliga: Pretty squirmy for a frog. Not to worry, your death awaits you. Slippy: You better let go of me or else! Kaliga: Or else what? You'll cry to your mommy next? Slippy: Okay you asked for it! *Lift my butt up and lets out a strong poot* HMM!! <POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!> Kaliga: Agh! *Let's go of slippy and hold my mouth and nose* Aggggh!!! Slippy: Hahaha! You got pooted! *Spanks my buttcheek and shakes my butt at kaliga while laughing at him* Kaliga: Filthy frog! I will KILL you!!! Slippy: WAH!! *Ran off* DK HELP!!! SKB DK: *Tackled kaliga down and throws him aside* SKB Diddy: *Jumps in front of slippy* You alright man? Slippy: You saved me! *Hugs diddy* Thank you guys, I thought I was a goner! SKB Diddy: *Laughs* You were awesome Slippy! Now go on back we got this from here. Slippy: You got it! *Grabs my green laser blade back then jumps back on my arwing and flew off* Fox: As much as I appreciate you handling yourself slippy, that was reckless. Slippy: I guess I was caught in the "heat of the moment". Falco: That's not funny slippy, you could have been killed. Slippy: Hehehe. ^^; Yoshi: I thought it was funny. ^^ Guntz: You would think that wouldn't you.
Kaliga's Theme - Vegeta's Theme (Extended) - [Faulconer Productions]
Kaliga: You two really are an absolute nuisance, you know that!? It's no wonder my father couldn't kill both of you! SKB Diddy: Yeah, which is why you're gonna fail like he did. Kaliga: Stay out of this! This is between me and your circus clown of an uncle!!! SKB DK: Circus clown huh? That's a new one. Not. Kaliga: This ends now Donkey Kong!! SKB Diddy: I'm not going anywhere! You're fighting against me and DK! Super Kaliga: Challenge accepted. *Transforms into my super form and ran off* SKB Diddy: Hey! Get back here!
*DK, Diddy, and kaliga started running while fighting in mid-air, even fighting upside down in mid-air, kaliga flipped over, spinning in the air then DK flew further and land on his feet and caught kaliga by punching him straight on his back, uppercutting him up to Diddy as diddy flip kick him on his head to make him drop to the ground*
Spyro: Fighting you both will be a challenge. Bring it on! *Flew down and attacked the sorcerer* The Sorceress: So Spyro, how was it like, killing the stalker girl? Spyro: *Stopped for a moment* I didn't do...wait a minute...so it was you who made her evil!! Ripto: Guilty as charged. And now she won't be wished back thanks to her psychotic ways. Awe well, too bad, so sad. She was collateral damage anyways. Spyro: She was doing just fine till you showed up! She even had a boyfriend of her own! You all twisted her mind to do bad things! Ripto: That we did. And we're quite proud. Dark Spyro: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!!! *Transforms into my dark form* Try being proud of THIS!!! *Fires a dark explosive blast at ripto* Lucario: "Spyro no!!" Crash: *Spun around fast as I turn into super Crash to help Spyro but got blocked by Neo Cortex* Neo Cortex: Going somewhere? Dingodile: *Aims my flamethrower at cortex* Actually yeah, he is. Neo Cortex: Wha...dingodile? What is the meaning of this?! Dingodile: What's the meaning of, you really are stupid you know that!? N. Trophy and N. Brio died to do what that psycho crocodile says about those fruit gems, which probably doesn't mean make sense! And you act as if you don't even care! Neo Cortex: ....No, I...don't care. You and everyone else are expendable to me. Dingodile: Exactly. Neo Cortex: Is there a point to all this? Dingodile: Tiny, hold him down. Tiny Tiger: *Grabs behind neocortex and holds his arms* Neo Cortex: Tiny!? You too!! Tiny: Tiny no longer like cortex! Take us on suicide missions for us to die for lousy gems, tiny no like that at all! Dingodile: Now then. Crash: *Saw dingodile punching neocortex as open and close my eyes from the pain I witnessed* Neo Cortex: Ooo! Oh! Ow! Ouch! Agh! Ugh! Dingodile: One more perhaps? Aku Aku: At least. Dingodile: *Punched cortex straight in the face* Neo Cortex: Oof! *Fell to the ground then turned over* W-Wait! Let's talk about this! Dingodile: Talk about what?! How we're supposed to die from a stupid cause that let brio and trophy die too?! Neo Cortex: This is outrageous! You can't do this to me! I created you! Dingodile: Well you know what? I disown you as my creator. So let's bring out the butter, 'cause I'm about to make toast outta ya! *Fires my flamethrower at cortex* Neo Cortex: *Started screaming like a girl as I ran around on fire* Aku Aku: Dingodile, why would you do this? Dingodile: This whole mission has been insanity, and cortex allowed it all to happen. Even letting Klump and krusha die when they have a kid on the way. Aku Aku: A kid?! Dingodile: *Pulls out a kremling egg and shows it to them* Before they were killed, I kept this little girl...or guy safe and it took me a lot to convince tiny to come with me. But eventually, he came around. Tiny: Tiny wants to see crunch again, tiny missed him... Aku Aku: So you're coming with us to n sanity island? Dingodile: Yeah, I could use a vacation from all this, in fact, I'm gonna retire as a villain and open my own restaurant. Tiny can assist me. I'll see you guys back at the great fox. Good on ya crash mate! *Ran off* Aku Aku: Crash we have to help Spyro! Super Crash: On it! *Flew after him* Ripto: Look at you! Such a beauty in dark! Join us Spyro. You truly won't regret it. Lucario: *Blasted The Sorcerer and Ripto wand out thier hands then used mind calm on Spyro* Super Crash: *Went in front of Spyro* Whoa there, you don't wanna use that darkness. Dark Spyro: Why! All they ever do is....is....mess with....*yawns and fell asleep* Super Crash: ...Lucario I think you used too much. Lucario: *Caught Spyro* "Didn't I? He will be alright once he wakes."
Kaliga: *Fell onto the floor, covered in blood and groans* SKB DK: Dude, you really need to step up your game, the stronger we get, the harder it will be to defeat us both. SKB Diddy: Yeah so why don't just give up? Kaliga: *Started laughing* SKB DK: ...How is that funny?
The Future King Strikes Back - Intro - Star Fox Music Extended
Kaliga: You two really think you've won but that was just the appetizer. *Snap my finger*
*Thousands of Kremling Armada Ships came out of hyperjump as fighter ships came out along with cyborg kritters flying in the air*
Kaliga: Here's the main course!! *Evil laughs* SKB DK: Uh oh, this is definitely not good... Kaliga: What's the matter? Don't have the stomach for it!?! HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Fox: Do you guys see that?! Falco: That psychopath just brought in a whole armada! Peppy: Prepare for the worst everyone, this'll be a long battle! Uka Uka: You imbecile! How can you let a bunch of minions pick you off?! Neo Cortex: I never expected them to fight against me! How was I supposed to know?! Uka Uka: Such a BIG head! Such a TINY brain! I should deliver you to those heroes right now! Neo Cortex: But they'll kill me! Uka Uka: That's a risk I'M willing to take! Natsumaru: Enough you two. Head back to the ship. Kaliga's got this under control. Neo Cortex: I do hope k rool has another plan if this fails. Uka Uka: One can only hope.
Eyecatch A/Donkey Kong Z will be right back - Donkey Kong Country OST - Stage Clear
Eyecatch B/Now back to Donkey Kong Z - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Soundtrack - World Clear
Cold Tension / Feeling of Fear - Dark Samus Approaching Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Music Extended HD
Kaliga: Welcome to MY finest hour. SKB Diddy: K Rool would never use an entire armada as big as that. How are we supposed to defeat them all?! SKB DK: ....Well, when I touched crash and slippy they both had the super form but were only limited. If I touch everyone else then it'll be the same thing. So we'll have to take'em all out in the air. Roxas: We got your back! Sora: Yea, we're pretty much experts with this! Kaliga: Although I enjoyed our fight, it is time I left. You can either accept death with dignity or regret! It's entirely up to you! *Teleport away* Super DK: *Switches to super mode* Everyone, put your hands on me and diddy's back, we'll give you all super forms. Super Diddy: *Switched to super form* Or just grab our hands, that works too.
*Everyone walked over and touched DK*
Dillon: ?! Russ: Dude this feels awesome! Sora: It's giving me Super Smash feels.
*A bright light shines all across the planet as it gave everyone a limited timed super form*
Super Link: Amazing. I've never felt such power before. Super Yoshi: I have! *Flaps my angel wings* Super Lucario: "Remember, this is only limited, so use it wisely." Super Koriju: Everyone, accelerate to attack formation and go forward!
*All the Kybernetic kremling soldiers flew towards the heroes with a battle cry while everyone else flew straight into the air and started fighting the Kyber kremling armies, it became absolute chaos. The star fox team flew in to help as well when star wolf backed off*
K Rool: O_O *watching the whole battle outside* How...how did you do all this?! Kaliga: It was a side hobby during my training and I was able to make upgrades to my kremling army. K Rool: This is absolutely beautiful! By the time they're done they'll be too tired to fight! Kaliga: Death to all who stand in our way!!!
*K Rool and Kaliga laughed in sync*
Super Dillon: *Spinning into a spiked ball and started flying while rolling through Kybernetic kremling soldiers* Fox: There's too many of them! Slippy We gotta go after the armada ships! It's where the Kyber kremlings are being stored! Falco: They'll be nothing but scrap metal! Slippy: Going into ninja mode! Only way to take them out is swift and unseen! Falco: Yeah but can THEY go invisible?! Slippy: Oh right... Super Diddy: They're just trying to tire us out! We gotta finish this quick before that happens! Super DK: Guess you know what to do next. Super Diddy: I do! Kamehameeeee- Falco: Wrong move, dumbass! Super Diddy: Oh! Sorry! Banana powerrrrrr CANNON!!!! *Fires a huge yellow beam of energy out of my hands and destroys at least ten to twenty kremling armada ships and stops then saw more cyborg kremlings come out* ....Well, that was my plan where's yours? Super DK: ^^; Kaliga: *Evil laughs as I watch* Super DK: Oh! Tag team banana power! Super Diddy: Yes but we gotta make it big enough to actually destroy all of the armada, not just some of it but ALL of it, but we also gotta be careful, star fox and the others are inside one of the armada ships to destroy them from the inside.
*Four kremling armada ships exploded while falling down from the sky*
Super Diddy: See? Super DK: *Thinks for a moment then had an idea* Super Kong Black form banana cannon! Super Diddy: What?! But we don't even know if it's going to work! Super DK: Well we can't use Super Kong Form Red, plus you don't have yours yet. Super Diddy: *Sighs* ...Honestly, anything is better than nothing. We have to move further away and generate a blast so huge that it'll destroy the entire armada. And we gotta hurry before everyone else gets tired. Super DK: Then let's do it.
*Both Diddy and DK flew up into the air and transformed into their SKB form*
Andrew: Just look at those sissies! Leon: Yeah! Running like little chickens! Panther: Hmmm... Wolf: What's up panther? Panther: ...Nothing, just speculating. Fox: What are they up to? Slippy: I dunno. I can't see them, they're too far away.
*Diddy and DK focused their energy through their hands aiming towards all the armada ships and created big dark powerful blast that wiped out every single one in their path*
*Instead of a banana power cannon, the shadow aura blast is twice as strong and much more lethal than a gigantic blast, everyone got out of the way as the devastating wave destroyed all of the kremling armada ships in one single blast as there were nothing but explosions everywhere until it stopped as the shadow aura blast vanished*
SKB DK and Diddy: *Panting as they still have their hands out* Falco: That was AWESOME. Slippy: WHOO!! I can't believe it, we actually won! Super Lucario: "That kind of power is so much more destructive, it could have destroyed the entire planet within minutes." K Rool: WHAT?! But how!? Kaliga: Hm. K Rool: And you're calm about this, why?! Kaliga: Because I have a new plan. SKB Diddy: *Breaths heavy as smoke came out my body* We did it... it actually worked!! *Hoots and beat my chest* SKB DK: *Hoots and beat my chest*
*Everyone else flew down as their super forms timed out*
Link: They maanged to take down all of the armada ships. Falco: Not even andross can pull off something like that. Krystal: Is everyone okay? Yoshi: Yeah, we're all okay now! ^_^ Fox: Okay everyone return to the ship. I got a feeling they've backed down for now.
*Everyone went back to the great fox then from out of nowhere kaliga flew towards DK and punched him in the face as he flew towards a huge rock and smashed through and fell down to the floor*
SKB Diddy: HEY!! Kaliga: *Kicked diddy in the face*
*Diddy flew down to the floor and crashed into the sand*
Slippy: Hey! That's not fair! Kaliga: *Evil laughs* Foolish kongs! Now that both of you are exhausted, now I can take my time tearing both your heads off! DK: *Got up slowly then noticed my chi is empty along with reverting back to normal* Uh oh! Diddy: *Noticed I'm being grabbed by my tail* Let me go, let me go! Kaliga: *Started punching diddy's chest senselessly while I still hold him by his tail* DK: HEY! Krystal: Fox do something! Spyro: *Flew down and shot down ice blast towards Kaliga* Koriju: *Shot out ice blast at Kaliga* Diddy: *Shivering as I'm curled up in a ball* DK: *Grabs diddy while he's in his ball form* It's okay diddy you can come out now. Diddy: *Comes out of my ball when I noticed DK's holding me* Thanks DK. DK: Don't thank me, thank them. Spyro and Koriju: *Waved to diddy* Diddy: *Hoots* ^_^ Super Kaliga: *Started cracking and breaks out of the ice* RAAAAWR!!! THAT'S IT! THAT'S IIIIIIIIT!!!!!! *Flew straight into the air* Peppy: Well now where's he going? Fox: I'm not sure but it doesn't look good. ROB64: Confirmed. He is heading to outer space. Peppy: Outer space? For what? Super Kaliga: I've had just about enough of these insects! It's time I destroy this planet! *Stopped flying as I look at planet titania* You're hope ends here!! *Holds my hand up as I opened it* And your meaningless existence with it!!!
*An energy ball forms out of kaliga's hand and grew even bigger and bigger until it reaches the planet's length*
Super Kaliga: The Shatterbomb is now finished. Now I like to see you all try and get away from this! GO TO HELL!!!!! *Throws the shatter bomb*
*The shatter bomb flew down to planet titania as everyone quickly saw a glowing light heading down to the planet*
K Rool: *Shrieks when I saw the shatter bomb slowly hurling down* Neo Cortex: Is he insane?! He's gonna destroy all of us! K Rool: Quick! We have to get out of here now! Krystal: FOX!! LOOK!! Fox: Holy hell!! Peppy: Goodness gracious great balls of fire! Roxas: Okay it's obvious we gotta stop that ball from reaching this planet or we're all done for! Klonoa: But what can we do?! DK and Diddy ran out of chi and don't have enough to destroy it! Diddy: DK.. DK: *Looks around as I think then to Lucario* Idea! *Ran over to Lucario* Diddy: But.. DK: I have a little bit chi left. With lucario Aura blast, Koriju ice power and my banana blast it should create a big explosion into that fire ball! Koriju: It shall be done! Lucario: "Very well, let us proceed."
*All three of them walked up to where they can see the shatterbomb, the planet begins to shake and crack slowly from the shatterbombs impact*
Koriju: *Took a deep breath as fired and ice beam out of my mouth* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!!!!!!! DK: BANANA POWER CANNON!!! *Thrust my hands forward and shot a yellow beam out of my hands* Lucario: AURA STORRRRRRRM!!!! *Charged my aura energy and thrust my hands and fired blue energy out of my hands*
*The three beams started to connect as they flew straight into the air and hit the shatterbomb to prevent it from hitting the ground, the shatterbomb moved back a little as the three of them put more power into their energy*
Slippy: Come on...just a little more. Diddy: Come on DK..
*The blast got stronger and pushed the shatterbomb further back*
Eyecatch B/Now back to Donkey Kong Z - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Soundtrack - World Clear
Eyecatch A/Donkey Kong Z will be right back - Donkey Kong Country OST - Stage Clear
*The blast got stronger and pushed the shatterbomb further back*
Krystal: It's working!
*The shatterbomb exploded, sending a windy shockwave all across the planet, everyone cheered for their victory*
Super Kaliga: *Noticed the shadow alliance warship flew into space* You won this round donkey kong, but mark my words, once the final battle comes, our fate will determine the universe and I will be the one to survive! *Flew off*
*Everyone went back inside the great fox as it flew out of planet titania*
Too Close for comfort - Crossing those Hills - Final Fantasy IX Extended Version Musik 1h
Krystal: DK that was truly amazing! Fox: Thanks to all of us, planet titania is safe. DK: You did awesome little man. *Ruffles slippy's head* Koriju: Hai, I am most proud of your valiant courage and your swordsmanship slippy-san. Slippy: Awe guys stop\^-^/ Krystal: I say this victory deserves a feast. DK: I agree. Diddy: So who's egg is that anyways? Dingodile: Klump and krusha, the two were supposed to raise a child together after the battle was over but...kaliga killed them when k rool had no further use for them. Diddy: Oh no...the kremling baby is parentless now... Krystal: I can sense the child's growth, she'll soon be ready to hatch. DK: How do you know it's a girl? Krystal: Sometimes, a girl just knows. Peppy: But without Klump and krusha, who's gonna raise it? DK: Not me. Diddy: DK... DK: Diddy, the kid can't stay with us, it belongs with their two fathers. We have to wish for Klump and krusha back, they didn't deserve to die at kaliga's hands. They need to be with their child. Fox: In that case, here. *Gives DK the crystal coconut* DK: *Hold the crystal coconut* I wish for Klump and krusha to be brought back to life.
*The crystal coconut started to glow brightly as two orbs flew out of it and fell on the floor and magically exploded and brought Klump and krusha out.
Klump: Krusha! Krusha: ...Klump? Klump and Krusha: We're alive! *Gave each other a hug and made out with their lips* Krusha: I missed you, Klump! Klump: I missed you too krusha! *Let's go of krusha* Wait...where are we? *Turned around and noticed the heroes staring at us* AH! Please don't hurt us! *Flinched and covered my face while my body shaking* DK: We're not here to hurt you. Klump: Wait...you used the crystal coconut to wish us back? DK: Yep. Klump: After all that we did to you and the other kongs...why? Diddy: So we can give you this. *Holds up the kremling egg* Klump: Kalli! Krusha: *Grabs the egg and hugs it* Our baby!! *Kissed the egg* Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah! ^w^ Klump: Now that we have our egg back, we can be a family.
*The egg begins to crack*
Krusha: *Gasp* Klump, it's hatching! Kalli: *Popped out of the egg shells while rubbing my eyes and looking up to krusha and Klump* Klump: Do you know who we are? Kalli, it's us. Kalli: Dada. ^_^ *Hugs krusha* All: Awwwww. Krusha: She called me dada! I'm a daddy! *Cries* Klump: Thank you so much DK, I'll never forget this. Isn't that right, little one? *Tickles Kalli's chin* Kalli: *Laughing while cooing* ^^ DK: Sora, I want you to open a portal and send Klump and krusha to K Lumsy's island, he'll keep them safe. And also tiny tiger and dingodille back to n sanity island. Sora: On it! Roxas: I'll do n sanity island.
*Both sora and Roxas took their blades out and aimed it behind everyone that created the world's for them*
Tiny: What will tiny do? Dingodille: You'll help me in the kitchen of course. Klump: *Holds kalli in my arms* Let's get going. Kalli: Bye-bye. *Waves everyone*
*Klump and krusha went to k lumsy's island*
Dingodile: Alrighty then crash, see ya around like a rissole! *Laughs*
*Tiny and Dingodile went to n sanity island as both of the portals vanished*
DK: Okay NOW we can start our feast.
*Soon after the ship landed on another planet for everyone to come out to get some food to eat*
Krystal: Where is this place? Fox: Planet aurora. Diddy: The atmosphere feels relaxing and peaceful. Fox: I need a moment with crystal. Head for the city to the food plaza, you'll find a variety of stuff there. Diddy: Thanks fox. Hey DK Fox said that-
*DK zooms off where he can smell food*
Diddy: Aaaaand there he goes... Falco: Quick! We gotta stop him! He's gonna hog all the food! Lucario: "WHAT!? NO!!"
*Everyone ran after DK into the city*
Krystal: A moment with me? Alone? *giggles* What is the occasion? Fox: You'll see.
*Fox holds Krystal's hand as he walked up the grassy hill to see the twin moons in the sky as well as the beautiful scenery*
Krystal x Fox - Shenmue Music: Nozomi (Game Ver.)
Krystal: Oh fox, it's so beautiful. Fox: I know.
*Both fox and Krystal stare at the twin moons for a moment they gazed into each other and started making out for a minute or two then fox fell on his back on the soft grass while Krystal lands on top of fox as they both laughed*
Krystal: If we ever decide to be parents, I know what to name our child. Fox: What? Krystal: Marcus. Fox: And if it's a girl? Krystal: Aurora, like this lovely planet. Fox: I love it. Krystal: *Cuddles onto fox* Let's stay like this, just a moment longer. *kissed fox's face* Fox: Definitely. *Hugs Krystal close and looks up at the moon*
DK: *Stopped and look around* So many good foods!^^ Diddy: As long as you're sharing all that with the others. DK: Hehe I will^^ Falco: *Stopped running as I pant heavily* Damn he runs fast for a heavy weight! Slippy: WAH!! *Tripped over and fell flat on my face* Ohhh... Sora: This place is amazing! And the aroma is delightful. Roxas: Wonder if they have any veggie burgers... Peppy: They do. *Help Slippy up* Just try not to devour the foods... *Noticed DK is gone* We seriously need to get a leash for DK. Lucario: "Do not worry I planned for something like this, I used an aura tether, so if he's far away from us, he'll simply teleport right back here." Diddy: A what?
*DK teleported back to where everyone was*
DK: What just happened? Lucario: "See?" Peppy: DK we get that you're hungry but you have GOT to stay with us as a group, you could get lost on big planets like this. DK: Oh fine! *Fold my arms* Diddy: So where to? Lucario: "We're at the food plaza, we can pick up food while we walk and eat." Daisuke: *Barks* ^^ Koriju: *Pat Daisuke's head* I would suggest Japanese food, there is so much you need to try. They are to die for. Falco: Well what are we standing around here for? Let's get going already. Russ: I couldn't agree more.
*Everyone headed to the first side shop*
Sora: So many strange foods.. Russ: Agree. Falco: *Just bought a veggie wrap* Strange but delicious ^^ DK: *Just eat everything I see, like a wild animal* Koriju: *Took the usual sushi and Japanese ramen as I eat with my chopsticks* Dillon: *Look around* Banjo: Hey mate they have large fried turkey leg! Klonoa: They do?! I gotta try some! *Ran off* Guntz: *Eats Mexican food* Yoshi: *Used my tongue to grab food and swallow them* Mmmmm. ^^
*Everyone was enjoying their meals together. Fox and Krystal soon met up with them*
Fox: I can never understand how you're so patient with donkey kong. Krystal: As long as you let him be who he is you'll have no problem with him. DK: *Ate fresh banana pudding happily* Fox: Is it going to be like this when we have kids? Krystal: ...Somewhat but no. DK's....different. But that's just what makes him special, and although falco doesn't get it since he's brash, I'm sure he understands that too. Fox: Really? I find that hard to believe. Krystal: Falco has opened up more to DK. Aside from his odor he doesn't care much of anything else. Fox: Hmm... Peppy: Well there you two are. Where'd you guys been? Fox: Needed time to ourselves. It's been a long journey for all of us. Klonoa: It sure has! *Enjoys my large turkey leg* Man this is delicious! Roxas: And the veggie burger's not bad either. Spyro: *Eats BBQ chicken wings with hot sauce on them including on my fries* Slippy: Hey fox, you gotta try some of these! I literally can't stop eating! ^_^ Fox: Sure. *Walked over and took some of what Slippy is eating* What is it? Slippy: Fried locust. It's seasoned salt powder makes it SO addicting. Fox: Is it? *Took a bite into it and chews* Hmm... Slippy: Well? Fox: ....It's delicious! *Eats two more* Krystal: *Giggles* I guess now fox is addicted to them. Slippy: I knew he'd like it. Falco: No you didn't. Slippy: Yuh huh! DK: <BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRP!!!!!!!!!!!> *On the ground with a full belly* Ohhhhhhhhh....now I can't move. ^^ Falco: You better have. We're not dragging your heavy butt back to the ship. DK: Nah I'm just kidding. Falco: Course you are. -_- DK: I'll be up in a minute, I just need to relax. ^_^ *Rubs my belly*
*After everyone had their relaxing time, some of them were talking but others still look around waiting*
DK: *Walks back over to everyone* Okay guys I'm ready. Fox: Good, now we can get back to the ship.
*Everyone walked back to the great fox when all of a sudden...*
DK: *Simply let out a fart but a chi energy orb came out of me instead* <PHOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!> O_O
*The chi energy ball flew up in the air and exploded*
Everyone: O_o Diddy: Did chi energy just shoot out of your butt!?! DK: I uh.. don't know ^^; Lucario: "Interesting.." Spyro: WELL that's definitely something you don't see every day. Crash: *Nods fast* Lucario: "DK, do it again" Falco: Say what?! Krystal: Lucario? Lucario: "Just trust me. But, aim at that tree over there." *Points to the tree* DK: Oh, okay. *Turned myself around, looking forward while my butt is aiming at the tree. Suddenly my stomach growls again then shoots out another chi energy orb out of my butt* <PHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!>
*The chi energy orb destroyed the tree as it exploded into flames*
Everyone: WHOA!! Koriju: Now that was awesome. Banjo: Sure was! Diddy: Well...guess that means chi energy is improving...in some form or another. DK: This is so cool! I can fart out an actual cannonball! I know just want to call it.   "Banana Power Poot!" ^_^
*Everyone automatically faceplants to the floor while their legs and feet are twitching*
*Now back at the great fox*
Things are quiet in the great fox - Space Junk Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy Music Extended
DK: *Watching outer space* Fox: *Scans the area* Hm.. Krystal: Something wrong? Fox: That's the thing. Nothing is wrong. There's no enemies within miles from here. Diddy: Good. Then that means we can think of a plan to end this once and for all. Me and Diddy will use the fruit gems to track the rest of them, which is with k rool and kaliga. The rest of you guys will deal with the other villains. This is something that me and DK need to handle. Fox: Very well. Krystal: *Pick up Diddy* You've came a long way Diddy and faced your fears. We're very proud of you. Diddy: Awe, thanks, you guys. ^_^ Krystal: That deserves a reward, so I'm going to give you a kiss. *Kissed diddy's cheek* Mwah. <3 Diddy: *Blushes from the kiss* T-thank you^~^ Krystal: *Puts diddy down* Falco: Well, guess the final battle's tomorrow. We all know what to do from here on out. Slippy: Best of luck to you guys. Spyro: Same with you. Crash: *Speaking gibberish as I cock my Wumpa fruit bazooka* Aku Aku: Crash agrees of course.
This time this means war / End of Act 2 - Resident Evil 3: Nemesis OST - Traitor
K Rool: This is amazing, you build an entire Kybernetic kremling army yourself. Kaliga: Some of the kremlings helped but yes, most of it was all me. Neo Cortex: Right, so we need a plan to actually rid of the heroes. Uka Uka: I suppose that you have one? K Rool: Yes I do. I will be sending andross and gnasty gnorc to planet zoness and give those gnorc armies several ships. Kaliga: But it'll have to be built by the Kyber kremlings. They can work faster and more effectively. Next neo cortex, ripto and the sorceress will be dropped off into planet fortuna along with natsumaru. Me and father will deal with DK and Diddy on planet katina. I suspect they'll be coming for the rest of the fruit gems and when they do. I have a little surprise for them. K Rool: They won't get the rest of the fruit gems as long as there is still fight left in us. Ripto: As long as I can get rid of spyro then fine by me. The Sorceress: Well I certainly won't let you have all the fun. Ripto: Wouldn't think nothing of it. K Rool: Good, then we can proceed with the plan.
End of Act 2
ED - Dragon Ball Z Funimation Season 3 Outro (Short)
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Orc and Firran from Archeage in BDO version
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health-potions · 3 years
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remastered settings said ✨
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raviollies · 4 years
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I started playing BDO so ofc I made Galatea in it
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anastasiiataka · 4 years
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Dream about this set on DK
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spellboundsimz · 4 years
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From Today 🌼
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niji-no-shizuku · 5 years
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reinswoth-bdo · 4 years
the ReinsWoth’s Household
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Name: Rozenelle Class: Witch Race: Human Born: Calpheon City, Calpheon Rozenelle ReinsWoth is a noble born lady - her parents, Ellyana and Kaine (non-playable character) is an adventurer. Growing up, she always left with her little sister, Rozabelle. She likes to read and write but her nature of exploring is greater than those. In young age, she explored Balenos, Serendia and Calpheon, alone. She self taught magic without the knowing of the Calpheon’s Council - as it was forbidden for a noble to practice witchcraft. When she was a baby, she were cursed by an elf wicked witch - who is supposedly to be a secret affair of her father. Caused by jealousy, the witch cursed Rozenelle but her pet cat, Neeko (reincarnated as Neko) saved her. Thus, her cat-like appearance.
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Name: Rozebelle Class: Dark Knight Race: Half human and half elf Born: Calpheon City, Calpheon
Rozabelle’s birth was unexpected when they found out her mother was pregnant after being captured by the guards because she were trying to harm Rozenelle. As soon as she was born, Kaine and Ellyana took her and nurture her as their own - giving Rozenelle a step-sister. Growing up, Kaine noticed how she grew up to be look so alike to her mother and have interest with combat, especially involving sword - so, he signed her up for a combat practice. She can use magic like her deceased mother along with her kriegmesser.
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Name: Rayzeyn Class: Archer Race: Elf Born: Grána, Kamasylvia
Rayzeyn is a noble born from Kamasylvia but due to the debt of his father, he fled to Balenos and met Rozenelle. Kaine requested him to marry Rozenelle in order to save him from his misfortune - and so they got married. Soon after Kaine and Ellyana died from a disease they caught from travelling, Rozenelle and Rayzeyn separated - they got a child together.. He pursued his dream to travel the world and becoming a sailor. He can be mostly be seen around Illiya Island and Velia’s Wharf - sometimes, there’s no news from him for months.
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Name: Theresa Marcy Class: Ranger Race: Elf Born:  Grána, Kamasylvia
While Rayzeyn fled to Balenos, Theresa fled to Serendia and met Orwen. Theresa is a twin sister of Rayzeyn and always mistaken to be his lover when they were still in Kamasylvia. She wanted to follow Rayzeyn but he begged her to keep herself away from him for her own safety. Orwen took her in and she met Edan shortly. She got a crush on Edan but seeing how Edan actually liking Orwen, she stopped hoping him to look at her way. Most of the time, she spends her time on the rooftop, watching over the sky as she daydreams of her future that might hold. She’s now known as Marcy to hide her old identity.
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Name: Layla Isabelle Class: Tamer Race: Half human and half elf Born: Velia, Balenos
Layla is a bright child - in her young age, she made friend with a beast called Daru (but others labelled it as Heilang). She grew up in Velia and would always teases the shais in Velia. Rayzeyn wanted a son but as soon as he saw Layla, he fell in love with her. Rozenelle wanted to name her Isabelle but argued with Rayzeyn about naming her - they decided to combine the name. Rozabelle spoiled her a lot. She’s their little sunshine before Yuii and Ruii becomes an addition to the family - making Layla jealous of them. Slowly, Layla becoming protective over the twins.
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Name: Kyranaa Class: Lahn Race: Human Born: N/A
Kyranaa was a princess but due to some conflicts happened in her own kingdom, she was kidnapped by the enemy kingdom. Being able to do combat as she was taught, she drew her crimson glaives to fight them and went back - only to find nothing left for her in the kingdom. She was devastated and fled to Balenos. Rozenelle found her by the shore of Velia Beach and brought her into the family. She lost her memories - only thing she remembers is her name and how to use her crimson glaives. She would got bits of her lost memories - a memories that she wanted to forget forever.
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Name: Akira Yuii Class: Shai Race: Human Born: Florin, Calpheon
Yuii is an adventurous child. She likes exploring and travelling, of course. She’s your friendly little sister. Her parents died in a crash when they’re about to go back to Florin from Heidel and got separated by her little sister, Ruii. She went back to Florin, looking for her little sister frantically until Rozenelle found her crying by the road. Rozenelle took her in and becoming her guardian unofficially. Yuii and Layla fought a lot - Layla got jealous because she addressed Rozenelle as  ‘mama’. She is a really hardworking little girl and always cheerful.
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Name: Akira Ruii Class: Shai Race: Human Born: Florin, Calpheon
Ruii’s head was injured during the crash and wandered as soon as she woke up - leaving her parents and separated with Yuii until she arrived Olvia. People in Olvia took her in as they saw a child’s clothes smeared with blood. She lost her memories due to her injured head. Rozenelle and Yuii found her hanging out with a flute boy by the cows. People in Olvia called her Rynalynn until Yuii said her name is ‘Ruii’. She trusted Yuii because she looks just like her. Rozenelle became her guardian soon after. A little shy, timid girl and hates stranger except Rozenelle because of her ‘cat ears’. 
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Name: Kieyra Ai Class: Kunoichi Race: Human Born: N/A
Kieyra is actually the secret guardian for the lost princess, Kyranaa. She done all the deeds behind Kyranaa’s back and felt guilty for the princess that she requested Rozenelle to keep her identity secret from Kyranaa. Going with the name ‘Ai’, she works for Rozenelle so she could keep her eyes on the princess. She would collect intel and delivery to the cat-witch - she also the one who manages the financial status for ReinsWoth at the time being.
[More character in future for references - pictures and descriptions might change as I see suit]
Update: 22/4/2020
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veonya · 5 years
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thireaplays · 5 years
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divllydoshi · 5 years
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ponzybdo · 6 years
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