#black dragon coleus
star-strung-oasis · 1 year
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From seeds in March, sprouts in April, and a pot of babies now in July, it's been so much fun to watch these little "Black Dragon" Coleuses grow~ 💕
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inthesilentcold · 5 months
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obsessivevoidkitten · 5 months
These are all the things I want to grow and have the seeds for this year, though some things are missing from this list. I still need more soil, most of the produce goes to the senior center so if anyone wants to throw me 3 dollars for a bag of dirt it goes to a good cause, I also save seeds and distribute them to neighbors and some of the people at the senior center. This blog is my only income source as I am an unpaid live-in aide for an elderly woman. No pressure though. Also if anyone just wants to put gardening discussions in my inbox I am totally up for that!
Supernova sunchokes
Red pontiac potatoes, kennebec potatoes, lehigh potatoes, purple viking potatoes, red norland potatoes, also sweet potatoes
Brown sugar tomatoes, amish paste tomatoes, orange hat tomatoes, yellow stuffer tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, bosque blue bumblebee tomatoes, bonny best tomatoes, orange icicle tomatoes, sart roloise tomatoes, sweetheart cherry tomatoes, honeycomb tomatoes, barry's crazy cherry tomatoes, kentucky beefsteak tomatoes, and of course PRAIRIE FIRE TOMATOES
Corbaci peppers, ajvarski peppers, sugar rush peach peppers, albino bullnose peppers, binquinho peppers, lemon spice jalapeno peppers
Armenian yard long cucumbers, sumter cucumbers, bushcrop cucumbers, spacemaster 80 cucumbers, green apple cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, dragon's egg cucumbers, poona kheera cucumbers, pick a bushel cucumbers
Rosita eggplants, listda de gandia eggplants, shikou eggplants, casper eggplants
White soul alpine strawberries, seascape strawberries
Strawberry spinach, malabar spinach, thousand head kale, scarlet kale, blooming kale, orach, slobolt lettuce, merlot lettuce, bronze lettuce, buttercrunch lettuce, bibb lettuce, aqua large leaf watercress, swiss chard five color silverbeet
Moonshine sweet corn, glass gem corn, fiesta corn, Incredible R/M sweet corn
Great northern beans, dwarf taylor horticulture beans, jade II beans
Red burgundy okra, jing orange okra
Autumn buckskin pumpkins, long island cheese pumpkins, flat white boer pumpkins, seminole pumpkins, rouge vif d' etampes pumpkins
Gumball mix radishes, china rose radishes, de 18 jours radishes, golden helios radishes, purple plum radishes, diana hybrid radishes, pink dawn radishes
Chocolate cherry sunflowers, autumn beauty sunflowers, evening sunflowers, russian mammoth sunflowers, florenza sunflowers, lemon queen sunflowers
Peach melba nasturtiums, whirlybird nasturtiums, orchid flame nasturtiums, tip top alaska salmon nasturtiums, tip top rose nasturtiums
Gill's golden pippin squash, honeynut squash, candy roaster squash, delicata squash, early prolific straightneck squash
Jolly jester marigolds, mexican mint marigolds, safari scarlet marigolds, orange flame marigolds, colossus bicolor red gold marigolds
Purple coneflowers, black eyed susans, moss roses, coleus pinto mix
Double tall mix strawflowers, copper red strawflowers, king size orange strawflowers
Pampas plume celosias, eternity mix celosias
Desert king watermelons, lemon drop watermelons, royal golden watermelons, tigger melons, kajari melons, golden crispy melons, golden jenny melons
Purple dragon carrots, melbec carrots, uzbek gold carrots, koral carrots
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
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Flora of Thedas Master List
Master list of all the flora in Thedas, mentioned or seen.
Additional notes on certain items will be listed at the bottom, for items marked with asterisks, see the key below for a brief explanation and the Game assets and Additional Notes and Trivia section at the bottom. Sources are listed at the very end and this time linked.
For other lists here are posts for: Real Plants in Thedas
Key: * - Name comes from the asset file name ** - Name not provided but identified based on the textures used on the asset. *** - See Additional Notes and Trivia.
General Flora: Flowers and Foliage
Acacia*: Black Wood*
Andraste's Grace
Ardent Blossom
Banyan Tree*
Beech Tree
Birch: White Birch*
Cactus: Pear Cactus*
Cedar: Red Cedar
Clover: Forest Clover*
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress*, Topiary Cypress*
Daisy: Marguerite
Elephant Ear*
Fade Berry*
Felicidus Aria
Fern: Red Fern*, Sword Fern*
Harlot's Blush
Hero Tree*
Lichen: Glowing Lichen
Lily: Calla Lily**, Water Lily
Moss: Oakmoss, Redmoss, Tree-Moss
Northern Prickleweed
Oak: Serault Oak
Palm Tree: Curly Palm*, Fan Palm*
Pine: Chir Pine*, Stone Pine
Ponga Tree*
Rose: Climbing Rose
Sugar Cane
Walnut: Black Walnut
Wilds Flower
Apple: Applewood Apple, Green Apple, Golden Apple, Red Apple
Berries: Blackberry, Blueberry, Bramble Berry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Strawberry
Coco, Chocolate
Currants: Black Currant
Nuts: Almonds, Chestnut, Hognut, Peanuts
Orange: Sweet Orange
Palm Fruit: Date
Passion Fruit
Pear: Bradford Pear*
Beans: Bush Bean, Green Bean, Pale Bean, White Bean
Bell Peppers: Red Bell Peppers
Daikon Radish*
Onion: Red Onion, Sweet Onion, White Onion
Peppers: Antivan Pepper, Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hot Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper
Squash: Baby Pumpkin, Marrow Squash, Pumpkin, String Squash
Fungus of Thedas
Deep Mushrooms
Bleeding Russula
Blighted Morel
Brimstone Mushroom
Deep Mushroom
Destroying Spirit
Ghoul's Mushroom
Unnamed Mushroom Ortan Thaig
Surface Mushrooms
Beetle Spore
Field Mushroom
Sponge Root***
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom***
Unnamed Mushroom***
Antivan Cord-Seed
Cumin, Cumin Seed
Dill, Dill Seed
Pepper: Black Pepper
Peppercorn: Black Peppercorn
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Herbs of Thedas
Herbs count as anything that Dragon Age has classified as an herb (whether technically correct or not), plants that are used as herbs in real life. These do not include mushrooms, fungi, or deep mushrooms simply for ease of organization.
Amrita Vein
Andraste's Mantle
Arbor Blessing
Crystal Grace
Deathroot: Arcanist Deathroot, Lunatic's Deathroot
Elfroot/Canavaris: Bitter Elfroot, Gossamer Elfroot, Royal Elfroot
Embrium: Dark Embrium, Salubrious Embrium
Ghoul's Beard
Lotus: Black Lotus, Blood Lotus, Dawn Lotus
Mint: Anderfel's Mint, Foxmint, Peppermint
Mintroot - Not a true mint based on its description and the fact that it grows on trees.
Prophet's Laurel
Rashvine Nettle
Spindleweed: Verdant Spindleweed
Vandal Aria
Star Anise
Game Assets Notes
These are plants shown in Dragon Age but aren't named in universe, just in their model files or through identification of the textures. Since most filler plant textures are just that of real world plants.
**NOTE:** When I mention they are not the known name of any plant, this comes with the caveat of being popular common names. Common names are highly variable and inconsistent. They depend on regional knowledge and association. Some travel farther than others. Common names are also not reliable identifiers.
Acacia: Black Wood ~ Note: Black Wood is a type of acacia. Both acacia and black wood are named assets.
Artichoke ~ Note: Identification comes from asset name, the artichoke flower is used as ornamentation of a box.
Banyan Tree
Boxwood ~ A type of shrub, identification comes from asset name.
Bradford Pear ~ Their fruits are edible, however their flowers are known to emit a smell akin to rotting meat. Identification comes from asset name.
Calla Lily ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters.
Cattail ~ Note: Seen through out DAO and DAI, identification comes from asset name.
Coleus ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters and in the Frostback Basin.
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress, Topiary Cypress ~ Note: In terms of the Italian Cypress, in world it wouldl likely be called the "Antivan Cypress" given that Antiva is pulling from Italian culture, food, environments, and other inspirational elements. Cypress is a plant that is named in canon.
Daikon Radish ~ Note: Found on Dennet's farm, identification comes from asset name.
Elephant Ear ~ Note: Foliage found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from asset name.
Fade Berry
Fern: Red Fern, Sword Fern ~ Note: The red fern isn't a real plant and therefore can be considered unique to Thedas. In contrast the sword fern is a real plant. Identification comes from the asset name for both of these ferns.
Forest Clover
Foxleaf ~ Note: This is another plant that is not real, no plant has this common name as far as I could find.
Gasbloom ~ Note: Seen in the Arbor Wilds, the Frostback Basin some elven ruins, and the elven ruins of multiplayer levels. Their identification comes from the asset name. There are two versions of the texture the "fixed" version is used in JoH dlc and thus explains the difference in appearance. This is not the name of a known mushroom.
Hero Tree
Palm: Curly Palm, Fan Palm ~ Note: Both palms are seen in the Frostback Basin, both are identified by their named assets.
Pear Cactus ~ Note: Found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from the asset name.
Pine: Chir Pine
Ponga Tree ~ Note: Also known as the 'Tree Fern'. This is the tree you see in Val Royeaux garden as coming from Par Vollen, and throughout the Arbor Wilds.
Redwood ~ Note: Identified by the name of the file asset. Found in the Winter Palace, Exalted Plains, and on multiplayer maps.
Waterweed ~ Note: In real life this is an entire genus not one particular plant. Though the six plants in this genus do share the common name of waterweed.
White Birch
Additional Notes and Trivia
Ironwood - Unclear if this is an alternative name, the actual name of the plant, or both.
Morel - This mushroom is inferred due to the existence of Blighted Morel. However it is not explicitly specified there is a non-blighted morel.
Sponge Root - Though canonical as it is mentioned and shown in World of Thedas vol. 2 on pg. 138 with a collection of deep mushroom and surface mushroom illustrations. This mushroom was cut twice from Inquisition. It was cut from the base game as a craftable, it had a much different appearance from its final design, and then it was cut again from Trespasser. It does however still make an appearance in Inquisition as the inventory icon for Crystal Grace.
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom Is mentioned in multiplayer when there are two Lukas playing.
Unnamed Mushroom These brown mushrooms are seen in the Fallow Mire and the Frostback Basin. They are shown in two different sizes ranging from shorter than a dwarf to taller than one.
There is one unlisted mushroom, its assets is named "red mushroom" and thus is identified by textures. These is not a canon name but is included for completeness. Amanita Muscaria: More commonly know as fly agaric or fly amanita, the red top with white spots is an iconic in its imagery. You will find large swaths of these mushrooms in the Frostback Basin. Their assets is named "Red Mushroom".
Winterberry is a real plant. However, from what we see in DA2, it does not the same as the plant we have in the real world, just a shared common name.
Wormroot is another real plant name. However, due to the description in The Calling, it does not seem to be the same plant. In The Calling it is used to treat the venom of a giant spider. The real world plant is used to treat parasites in the gut and does not seem to hold any shared uses in folk lore, folk medicine, or western medicine practices.
Dragon Age Origins + DLCs Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Last Court Dragon Age Inquisition + DLCs Dragon Age TTRPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age TTRPG Blood of Ferelden Dragon Age TTRPG: Creatures of Thedas: Wyvern
World of Thedas Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in the Truth Short Story: The Wake
Origins Andraste's Grace Codex: The Bercillian Forest Codex: Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, the Guide Codex: Feast Day Fish Codex: The History of Soldier's Peak: Chapter 3 Codex: Ironbark Codex: A Note from the Honnleath Village Council Codex: Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper Codex: Sylvan Codex: A Tattered Shopping List Item: Concentrator Agent Item: Deep Mushroom Item: Figurine Item: Madcap Bulb Item: Rare Antivan Brandy Item: Rashvine Nettle Item: Spirit Charm Item: Spirit Cord Item: Sugar Cake Item: Swift Salve Item: West Hill Brandy Item: Wilds Flower
DA 2 Ambrosia Bianca (Crossbow) Ironwood Clearing Codex: Deathroot Codex: Deep Mushroom Codex: Embrium Codex: Felandaris Codex: The Hedge Witch Codex: Spindleweed Item: Carved Ironwood Buttons Item: Harlot's Blush Quest: Hard to Stomach Quest: The Long Road Quest: Tranquility Weapon: The Celebrant Weapon: Ironwood Shield Weapon: Ironwood Warblade
Inquisition Codex: Amrita Vein Codex: Arbor Blessing Codex: Avvar Cuisine Codex: Black Lotus Codex: Blood Lotus Codex: Bottles of Thedas Codex: Crystal Grace Codex: Elfroot Codex: Ghoul's Beard Codex: The Girl in Red Crossing Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 7 Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 10 Codex: Mediations and Odes to Bees Codex: Notes on Palace Guests Codex: The Orlesian Civil War Codex: Prophet's Laurel Codex: Rashvine Codex: Rashvine Nettle Codex: Vandal Aria Codex: Vivienne's Alchemy Notes Codex: Waterlogged Diary Codex: Witherstalk Note: Betta's Traveling Journal Note: Carta Note on Security Note: Field Notes Note: The Gilded Horn's Drink List Note: Knight-Captain's Orders Note: Love Letter Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens, Again War Table: The Dance with the Dowager: The Allemande Item: Ardent Blossom
Last Court The Abbess' Road The Anchoress Arrival of the Divine The Feast is Ending Fires Flames of Freedom Good Neighbors Heartwood Feast The Hounds The Lord of the Wood Comes a-Calling The Purveyor of Teas Road and River A Swift Stream Thieves! Unofficial Meeting
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grimandghoulish · 11 months
pls talk ab plants
HOW DID I NEVER SEE THIS 😭😭😭❤️ well I made a blog for my plants because I thought no one really cared here!! ( @creepyhouseplant )
BUT. Since you asked,
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Everyone on my other blog seems to REALLY like my carnivorous plants!! I have more than this, but I'm answering this from work so I have to use the pictures I already have on my phone lol. Aren't they cool?!! Top left is my absolute FAVORITE! those are butterworts 😁 I'm going to be trading one of them away this week for a black coral colocasia and I don't want to part with it almost 😭 then my sundew top right, that's a spoon leaf. I had a cape sundew, but I traded that ( & $10) for all the pitchers in the bottom picture. Well, all except the purple one, I bought that one. The purple one is a sarracenia pitcher (you can tell by the trumpet shape of the pitchers! And they don't really produce leaves like the others). The rest are baby nepenthes pitchers, I'm not sure what variety they are, but grown nepenthes look something like this (but there are so many varieties honestly!!):
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My favorite nepenthes are the ones with the short fat pitchers though 😁😁😁
And I also seem to be collecting all kinds of alocasias!!
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I have more alocasias than this, but pictured are: top left, zebrina, top right silver dragon, middle black velvet, bottom left red cuprea, bottom right stingray.
I just think they're neat!! I can't get enough of them honestly 😭 my cuprea isn't doing so well, but I'm trying so hard lol. I just repotted the zebrina last night, and it's SO mad at me right now, it's all wilty and pouting, but it'll come back up. I repotted some of my others last night too, the others weren't so mad (I repotted my inchplant and white splash, pictured below- just the white splash pictured, I can't add anymore pictures but I can add a picture in another post or in a reblog if you want to see it, it's also pictured in the background to the left in the silver dragon and black velvet alocasia pictures I just realized):
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Oh also!! I can't add anymore pictures to this post, but my begonia and one of my coleus's are blooming!!!
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joannatastic · 4 years
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daedricsnakes · 7 years
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Both of those are great! I used to have a rabbit’s foot fern, but it was very little and I killed it before it even got into a viv :( I do want to try again, though... I love those rhizomes and they would fit really well into the theme with those, I think. The nursery I went to the last time didn’t have them, or I’d have some already. But I’m planning on making a trip to a couple of the other nearby nurseries soon, to see what they have. 
Coleus is also one of my faves... I have two different varieties in those vivs already, specifically because I wanted those pops of color lol but I don’t have oxblood. I think one of them is either chili pepper or chipotle... it’s small pointier leaves with splotched color. But now I need one that’s fully red, so I’ll have to keep my eye out for those! 
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hellolibrarygarden · 4 years
Creating Ambiance With Gardens
During his 40-year career as a garden writer and photographer, Derek Fell has designed numerous garden spaces, many involving his wife Carolyn. The best example of their work can be seen at their home, historic Cedaridge Farm, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. There, they have designed more than twenty theme areas, including shade gardens, sunny perennial borders, tapestry gardens involving trees and shrubs, a cottage garden, herb garden, cutting garden and an ambitious water garden.
Derek worked as a consultant on garden design to the White House during the Gerald Ford Administration. Derek designed Ford's 'Win' garden, following his 'Win Speech', advising the nation ten ways to fight inflation.
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Many garden designs by Derek Fell have been implemented without inspecting the site. The great late architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed beautiful homes for his clients, entirely from photographs without the need for a site inspection.
Fell's garden spaces have been featured in newspapers, magazines, books and also on television, including Architectural Digest, Gardens Illustrated, The Garden (the magazine of the Royal Horticultural Society), Country Gardens, HGTV, QVC and PBS.
Derek has authored more than sixty books and garden calendars, including 550 Home Landscaping Ideas (Simon & Schuster), The Encyclopedia of Garden Design (Firefly Books), The Complete Garden Planning Manual (Friedman), Garden Accents (Henry Holt) and Home Landscaping (Simon & Schuster).
Curb appeal and ambiance are important to brighten up your propoerty or prepare it for sale. Feel free to ask Derek any garden related questions regardless of how big or small.
Water Garden. Water is the music of nature. It can be tricked over stones, cascaded from a great height so its crashes onto rocks. It can fall in a solid sheet or as silver threads. A beautiful water garden with waterfalls and stepping stones can be located in sunlight or shade. The water garden shown here is located at Cedaridge Farm. It includes a pool for dipping, and it features both a collection of koi and hardy water lilies. A popular water garden design features a koi pool fed by a series of waterfalls, and the water re-circulated through filters to keep the water clear.
Sunny Perennial Border. This can be formal or informal, square, rectangular, round and kidney shaped, in the form of an island bed or backed against a decorative hedge, wall or fence. Plants can be chosen to produce a parade of color through all the seasons, or concentrated for a particular season. Color themes can be polychromatic like a rainbow, monochromatic (for example all white - perfect for a wedding), or it can feature an Impressionist color harmony, such as yellow and purple; orange and blue; red, pink and silver; blue, pink and white; even black and white or black and orange (one of Monet's favorites). A popular perennial garden design is two parallel border with a grass path leading to a focal point such as a sculpture or gazebo.
Tropical Garden. You do not need to live in a frost-free area to have a beautiful tropical garden. At Cedaridge Farm we have two - one is a tribute to the design philosophy of the late Roberto Burle Marx, who designed dramatic tropical gardens around Rio. It is in a lightly shaded area and features plants that are hardy (like 'Sum & Substance' hosta) but look tropical and tender plants that are tender (like banana trees and tree ferns) that either need moving indoors during winter or can be discarded like annuals at the end of the season. Our second tropical space is a patio with tropical plants grown in containers.
Shade Gardens. We design two kinds of shade gardens - one where the plants provide mostly foliage interest (like ferns, hostas, heuchera and hakone grass), and plants that flower well (like impatiens, coleus, and lilies), or a combination of the two.
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Woodland Garden. Whether you have existing woodland or you need to create a woodland from scratch, the result can be sensational. Decide whether you want deciduous trees that provide fall color or evergreens that stay green all winter, or a mixture. At Cedaridge we made a 'cathedral' garden where the existing trees are trimmed high so the trunks look like the columns of a cathedral, and the branches arch out to meet overhead like the vaulted ceiling of a cathedral. Below, we provide two more layers of interest, at ground level and the under-story.
Vegetable Garden. We can design you an easy-care garden of raised beds where vegetables are planted in blocks or an edible landscape where edibles are grown for ornamental effect. We can provide the plan for a garden that was approved for the White house during the Ford Administration where Derek Fell worked as a garden consultant. Derek Fell's book, "Vegetables - How to Select, Grow & Enjoy", won a best book award from the Garden Writers Association.
Herb Garden. The herb garden at Cedaridge Farm is a 'quadrant design', feature in numerous calendars and books, including Derek Fell's 'Herb Gardening for Beginners.' We can also provide a cartwheel design or a parterre herb garden for bountiful harvests of fresh herbs. The Herb Garden can also do double-duty as a vegetable garden.
Cutting Garden. The cutting garden at Cedaridge Farm features bulbs such as tulips and daffodils for spring, and ever-blooming annuals to follow the bulbs so armloads of flowers can be harvested from April through October.
Victorian Garden. A garden with romantic overtones! Imagine a white gazebo framed by mostly white flowers for a wedding in the family. Or choose from among several color harmonies, such as yellow and blue, red, pink and silver, or blue, pink and white.
Cottage Garden. You don't need a cottage to have a cottage garden. But if you do, such as a guest cottage, why not wrap it in shrub roses and climbers, plus those delightful English cottage garden plants like poppies, sunflowers and pinks. We also like to include plants to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Stream Garden. Lucky you if you have an existing stream to be landscaped. At Cedaridge Farm we have a stream, but when we moved here it was overgrown with poison ivy and brambles. Today it is criss-crossed with bridges, and beds of moisture-loving plants like astilbe and water iris. If you don't have a stream, but would like one, we can create a design where the water is re-circulated along one that's man-made but looks natural.
Orchard. You don't need a lot of space for a productive orchard. By making the right choices, fruit trees can be grown in containers or espaliered against fences and walls to save space. Peaches and apples can be trained over arbors. Just a few plants of small fruits like strawberries and raspberries can be highly productive.
Bog Garden. Ideal for soils that tend to remain moist all season, bog gardens can be extremely colorful and highly imaginative, incorporating stepping stones and bridges to cross wet areas, and growing some of nature's most diverse plant families, such as water iris, Japanese primroses, astilbe and waterlilies.
Japanese Garden. The problem with many Japanese gardens is a tendency to use pseudo-Japanese elements such as Chinese dragons. Derek Fell has twice traveled to Japan, has written award-winning articles about Japanese garden design, and has the experience to design authentic-looking spaces in the Japanese tradition using elements of Zen or Feng Shui, or a combination of the two disciplines to create a magical space.
Italian Garden. Although Italian gardens can be highly ostentatious, requiring steep slopes to achieve the best effect, like the Villa d'Este, near Rome, small spaces can achieve the aura of an Italian garden. Derek Fell has not only visited some of the finest Italian Gardens, such as La Mortola on the Italian coast, and Boboli overlooking Florence, he has toured and photographed the Vatican Gardens.
French Formal Garden. The elaborate style of Versailles Palace and Vaux le Vicompte, may be beyond your means, but elements of French garden design, such as a parterre garden, can be incorporated in small spaces.
Monet's Garden. This beautiful artist's garden north of Paris contains more than a hundred special planting ideas to create what Monet considered his greatest work of art. Moreover, his planting ideas have undoubtedly inspired more new garden design than any other garden. Monet's arched bridge, his waterlily pond, his arches leading to the entrance of his house, and his color harmonies are just some examples of Monet's innovation that people today like to emulate.
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goofyzachy · 6 years
Anemone, Begonia, Black-Eyed Susan, Crane’s-Bill, Daffodil, Lavender, Rose
Anemone: Favorite flower? Roses, daisies, black dragon coleus and lavender 
Begonia: Favorite color?  Orange
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be? Mmmmmaybe a mouse?
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert? Oh definitely an introvert. 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign? Gemini as far as I know
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself? I’m creative, even if I can’t always give my ideas an outlet.
Rose: What’s your favorite sound? Rain!
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coridallasmultipass · 3 years
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Cleaned up my plants and windowsills! 🏝🏝🏝🏝 The bigge boi is my dream plant, a Dragon's Blood Tree ("Dracaena draco"), and he weighs like 60+ pounds, MINIMUM, I s2g. I'm amazed I was able to deadlift him up the whole stairway (in a very smooth pot with no grips) when I could barely move him 5 feet into the house after potting him last month. (And the grow light is there because I don't think it's quite enough sunlight, but he's been doing well inside with NO direct light for the past month, so...) 🐉 I also have 2 new Poinsettias ("Euphorbia pulcherrima") bc I'm all about that #tropicallyfe !! One's a pinky salmon colour, and the other is red and white variegated "Mexican Flameleaf". My mom also has a classic red one we're gonna try to plant in the yard after it stops blooming. 🌹 My "Cordyline indivisa" got his pot painted gold finally to match all my shit. He's looking REALLY great and has grown A LOT. I feel bad that his brother I kept outside died last spring, but that's why I kept them separate! 🏝 I also got a Christmas Cactus ("Schlumbergera bridgesii") and unfortunately did not have a pot big enough for all 4 of them to stay together, so I had to separate them out, and now their flowers and buds are dropping off. 🙃😥 But better that than staying in the gross nursery pot. (I know, they like to be pot-bound, but I can't keep a black nursery pot inside, it's not #aesthetic .) 🎄 My other plants are still kickin' - Persian Shield plants ("Strobilanthus") and Dark Star Coleus ("Coleus"). I tried propagating both from a clipping, but I think it's too cold for them downstairs... so. The jury's still out on those. (Also pictured: Arrowhead Plant/"Syngonium podophyllum" and Rubber Plant/"Ficus elastica"). 💖 I still have a bunch more plant-organizing to do on my vanity counter, so stay tuned for that. (But only if I stop procrastinating it.) 🌈 #plants #indoorgardening #indoorplants #plantlyfe #organization #dracaenadraco #dracaena #dragonsbloodtree #dragontree #euphorbiapulcherrima #euphorbia #euphorbiaceae #poinsettia #tropicalplants #cordyline #cordylineindivisa #dracaenaspikes #schlumbergera #schlumbergerabridgesii #christmascactus #persianshield #coleus https://www.instagram.com/coridallasmultipass/p/CXKi70jFr3n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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leafplusrust · 6 years
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Black Dragon Coleus eco print on silk georgette scarf. #ecodesign #ecoprint #botanical #textiledesign #botanical #nontoxicliving #sustainableliving #slowfashion #nature #ecofriendly https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxBOT9lQpT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wghzb5p2a6v
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chipecrepes · 4 years
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Mes bébé coleus que je n'ai toujours pas repiqués chocolate covered cherry et black dragon 😍❤️💖 #paris #france #crazyplantlady #urbanjungle #plantlove #indoorplant #houseplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plants #plantlove #plantaddictionisreal #coleus #coleusplant #coleuslove #flower (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1yM9uFdWR/?igshid=1wqi2fo73rz9a
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
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Flora of Thedas: Real Plants
List of all the real plants in Thedas, mentioned or seen.
Additional notes on certain items will be listed at the bottom, for items marked with asterisks, see the Game assets and Additional Notes and Trivia sections at the bottom. Sources are listed at the very end and this time linked.
For others lists here are posts for: Flora of Thedas Master List
Key: * - Name comes from the asset file name ** - Name not provided but identified based on the textures used on the asset. *** - See Additional Notes and Trivia.
General Flora: Flowers and Foliage
Acacia*: Black Wood*
Ash Tree
Aspen Tree
Banyan Tree*
Beech Tree
Birch: White Birch*
Cactus: Pear Cactus*
Cedar: Red Cedar
Clover: Forest Clover*
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress*, Topiary Cypress*
Daisy: Marguerite
Elephant Ear*
Fern: Sword Fern*
Hero Tree*
Lily: Calla Lily**, Water Lily
Moss: Oakmoss, Tree-Moss
Palm Tree: Curly Palm*, Fan Palm*
Pine: Chir Pine*, Stone Pine
Ponga Tree*
Rose: Climbing Rose
Sugar Cane
Walnut: Black Walnut
Apple: Green Apple, Golden Apple, Red Apple
Berries: Blackberry, Blueberry, Bramble Berry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Strawberry
Coco, Chocolate
Currants: Black Currant
Nuts: Almonds, Chestnut, Peanuts
Orange: Sweet Orange
Palm Fruit: Date
Passion Fruit
Pear: Bradford Pear*
Beans: Bush Bean, Green Bean, Pale Bean, White Bean
Bell Peppers: Red Bell Peppers
Onion: Red Onion, Sweet Onion, White Onion
Peppers: Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hot Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper
Radish: Daikon Radish*
Squash: Baby Pumpkin, Marrow Squash, Pumpkin, String Squash
Fungus of Thedas
Surface Mushrooms
Field Mushroom
Cumin, Cumin Seed
Dill, Dill Seed
Pepper: Black Pepper
Peppercorn: Black Peppercorn
Herbs of Thedas
Mint: Peppermint
Star Anise
Game Assets Notes
These are plants shown in Dragon Age but aren't named in universe, just in their model files or through identification of the textures. Since most filler plant textures are just that of real world plants.
**NOTE:** When I mention they are not the known name of any plant, this comes with the caveat of being popular common names. Common names are highly variable and inconsistent. They depend on regional knowledge and association. Some travel farther than others. Common names are also not reliable identifiers.
Acacia: Black Wood ~ Note: Black Wood is a type of acacia. Both acacia and black wood are named assets.
Artichoke ~ Note: Identification comes from asset name, the artichoke flower is used as ornamentation of a box.
Banyan Tree
Boxwood ~ A type of shrub, identification comes from asset name.
Bradford Pear ~ Their fruits are edible, however their flowers are known to emit a smell akin to rotting meat. Identification comes from asset name.
Calla Lily ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters.
Cattail ~ Note: Seen through out DAO and DAI, identification comes from asset name.
Coleus ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters and in the Frostback Basin.
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress, Topiary Cypress ~ Note: In terms of the Italian Cypress, in world it wouldl likely be called the "Antivan Cypress" given that Antiva is pulling from Italian culture, food, environments, and other inspirational elements. Cypress is a plant that is named in canon.
Daikon Radish ~ Note: Found on Dennet's farm, identification comes from asset name.
Elephant Ear ~ Note: Foliage found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from asset name.
Forest Clover
Hero Tree
Palm: Curly Palm, Fan Palm ~ Note: Both palms are seen in the Frostback Basin, both are identified by their named assets.
Pear Cactus ~ Note: Found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from the asset name.
Pine: Chir Pine
Ponga Tree ~ Note: Also known as the 'Tree Fern'. This is the tree you see in Val Royeaux garden as coming from Par Vollen, and throughout the Arbor Wilds.
Redwood ~ Note: Identified by the name of the file asset. Found in the Winter Palace, Exalted Plains, and on multiplayer maps.
Sword Fern ~ Note: The identification comes from the asset name. It is found in the JoH DLC.
Waterweed ~ Note: In real life this is an entire genus not one particular plant. Though the six plants in this genus do share the common name of waterweed.
White Birch
Additional Notes and Trivia
Morel - This mushroom is inferred due to the existence of Blighted Morel. However it is not explicitly specified there is a non-blighted morel.
There is one unlisted mushroom, its assets is named "red mushroom" and thus is identified by textures. These is not a canon name but is included for completeness. Amanita Muscaria: More commonly know as fly agaric or fly amanita, the red top with white spots is an iconic in its imagery. You will find large swaths of these mushrooms in the Frostback Basin. Their assets is named "Red Mushroom".
Dragon Age Origins + DLCs Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Last Court Dragon Age Inquisition + DLCs Dragon Age TTRPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age TTRPG Blood of Ferelden
World of Thedas Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in the Truth Short Story: The Wake
Origins Codex: The Bercillian Forest Codex: Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, the Guide Codex: Feast Day Fish Codex: The History of Soldier's Peak: Chapter 3 Codex: A Note from the Honnleath Village Council Codex: Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper Codex: A Tattered Shopping List Item: Figurine Item: Rare Antivan Brandy Item: Spirit Charm Item: Spirit Cord Item: Sugar Cake Item: Swift Salve Item: West Hill Brandy
DA 2 Bianca (Crossbow) Codex: Embrium Codex: The Hedge Witch Quest: Hard to Stomach Quest: The Long Road Quest: Tranquility Weapon: The Celebrant
Inquisition Codex: Avvar Cuisine Codex: Bottles of Thedas Codex: The Girl in Red Crossing Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 7 Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 10 Codex: Mediations and Odes to Bees Codex: Notes on Palace Guests Codex: The Orlesian Civil War Note: A Baffled Note Note: Betta's Traveling Journal Note: Carta Note on Security Note: Field Notes Note: The Gilded Horn's Drink List Note: Knight-Captain's Orders Note: Love Letter Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens, Again War Table: The Dance with the Dowager: The Allemand
Last Court The Abbess' Road The Anchoress Arrival of the Divine The Dashing Outlaw Strikes Again The Feast is Ending Fires Flames of Freedom Good Neighbors Heartwood Feast The Hounds The Lord of the Wood Comes a-Calling The Next Course The Purveyor of Teas Road and River A Swift Stream Thieves! Unofficial Meeting The Wyvern is Cornered You Can Hear the Bard
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unorthodoxsavvy · 7 years
I voted on all three I would like: •Moodboard - Blue •Playlist - Your favorites •Blograte
Yankee Scented Candle Scent (one in each color category)
Midsummer’s Night | Coconut and Vanilla Bean | Silver Birch | Christmas Cookie | Winter Garden | Fresh Cut Roses | Sweet Strawberry | Spiced Pumpkin | Sicilian Lemon | Pineapple Cilantro | Storm Watch | Lilac Blossoms
Type of Crystal ( from this website) (some are minerals I guess)
Agate | Amethyst | Aquamarine | Blue Quartz | Clear Calcite | Celestitie | Fliorite | Green Jade | Jasper Red | Pyrite Cube | Petrified Wood | Rose Quartz | Tourmaline Black | Tiger Eye
London | Paris | Amsterdam | Rome | Athens | Hong Kong | Tokyo | Sydney | New York | San Francisco
Eye Shadow Color
Paris Night Sky | Princess | Mint | Night Fairy | Lemon & Lime | Cafe Mocha | Moonshine | Wine N Dine | California | -p-i-n-k | Desire | Ocean | Daddy Issues | China Blue | Slytherin | Night Flight | Tropic | Crazed | Party Monster | Astronaut | Night Breed
Species of Butterfly
Blue Morpho | Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing | Common Rose | Sea Green Swallowtail | Monarch | Emerald Swallowtail | Paradise Phantom | Peacock Swallowtail | Olive Purplewing | Old World Swallowtail | Cramer’s 88
Species of Flower
Aster | Hydrangea | Amaryllis | Lily | Orchid | Cock’s Comb | Daffodil | Chrysanthemum | Bleeding Heart | Gladiolus | Marigold | Crocus | Arum-lily | Tulip | Sunflower | Rose | Coleus
Halsey | Fun. | Nate Ruess | Gerard Way | Lorde | Catfish and the Bottlemen | FOB/P!ATD/TOP, etc. | Blink-182 and Green Day
Comments: Your blog looks a lot like mine for some reason.
Playlist: My Favorites
1. “Today I Saw The Whole World” by Pierce the Veil
2. “Trapped Nerve” by Boston Manor
3. “Dynamite” by Carousel Kings
4. “Stroke God, Millionaire” by Dance Gavin Dance
5. “Last Of The Real Ones” by Fall Out Boy
6. “How It’s Going To Be” by Gerard Way
7. “Ready, Aim, Fire” by Imagine Dragons
8. “Morning Light” by Palaye Royale
9. “Hourglass” Catfish and the Bottlemen
10. “Menace” by Crown the Empire
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captaintoughfluff · 7 years
Tumblr media
My phone takes such good pictures Anyways, its black mambas(the black ones), snap dragons(the red ones), and coleus(the cool leaves) It turned out super cool aaa
4 notes · View notes
topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Creating #Ambiance #With #Gardens #altmodel #beautyblog #fentybeauty #green #halfindonesiajapan #kyliejenner #makeupartist #malemodel #modelling #views
Through his forty-yr treatmenter as a backyard garden author and photographer, Derek Fell has developed numerous garden places, a lot of involving his spouse Carolyn. The very best instance of their operate can be considered at their house, historical Cedaridge Farm, in Dollars County, Pennsylvania. There, they’ve designed a lot more than 20 topic locations, introducing shade gardens, sunny perennial borders, tapestry gardens involving trees and shrubs, a cottage garden, herb garden, reducing garden and an formidable drinking water garden.
Derek labored as a expert on garden design to the White House throughout the Gerald Ford Management. Derek designed Ford’s ‘Get’ garden, adhere toing his ‘Win Speech’, advising the nation ten techniques to struggle inflation.
Numerous garden variations by Derek Fell were applied without having analyzing the web site. The wonderful late architect Frank Lloyd Wcorrect designed stunning qualities for his customers, absolutely from photos without the want for a site inspection.
Fell’s garden areas have been highlighted in newspapers, journals, e-publications and way too on tv, including Architectural Digest, Gardens Illustrated, The Garden (the magazine of the Royal Horticultural Modern society), Nation Gardens, HGTV, QVC and PBS.
Derek has authored more than 60 books and garden calendars, including 550 Property Landscaping Thoughts (Simon & Schuster), The Encyclopedia of Garden Style (Firefly Guides), The Entire Garden Getting ready Guidebook (Friedman), Garden Accents (Henry Holt) and Home Landscaping (Simon & Schuster).
Control appeal and atmosphere are critical to brighten up your propoerty or prepare it for sale. Believe cost-free to inquire Derek any garden relevant queries no matter of how large or minor.
Drinking water Garden. Water is the tunes of character. It can be tricked over stones, cascaded from a great top so its crashes on to rocks. It can drop in a sound sheet or as silver threads. A beautiful water garden with waterfalls and stepping stones can be discovered in sunshine or shade. The water garden revealed here’s located at Cedaridge Farm. It incorporates a pool for dipping, and it attributes both a collection of koi and hardy water lilies. A well-known water garden design features a koi pool fed by a sequence of waterfalls, and the water re-circulated by means of filters to sustain the water distinct.
Sunny Perennial Border. This can be official or casual, sq.}, rectangular, spherical and kidney fashioned, in the form of an island mattress or sponsored in opposition to a attractive hedge, wall or fence. Crops can be decided on to produce a parade of coloration through all the years, or targeted for a specific season. Shade themes can be polychromatic like a rainbow, monochromatic (for example all white – ideal for a marriage ceremony), or it can feature an Impressionist color stability, this sort of as yellow and purple; orange and blue; red, pink and silver; blue, pink and white; even black and white or black and orange (one of Monet’s favorites). A popular perennial garden design is 2 parallel border with a grass course creating a focal point such as a sculpture or gazebo.
Tropical Garden. You do not need to reside in a frost-free area to have a beautiful tropical garden. At Cedaridge Farm we’ve two – one is a tribute to the design philosophy of the late Roberto Burle Marx, who designed spectacular tropical gardens all around Rio. It really is in a frivolously shaded area and features crops that are hardy (like ‘Quantity & Compound’ hosta) but look tropical and tender plants that are tender (like banana trees and tree ferns) that possibly need relocating indoors during wintertime or can be discarded like annuals at the end of the season. Our minute tropical space is a patio with tropical plants developed in packing containers.
Shade Gardens. We design two sorts of shade gardens – one the place the plants provide primarily foliage focus (like ferns, hostas, heuchera and hakone grass), and plants that flower well (like impatiens, coleus, and lilies), or a blend of the two.
Woodland Garden. Whether or not you’ve got current woodland or you need to create a woodland from scratch, the result can be sensational. Decide whether you want deciduous trees that provide fall color or evergreens that remain green all winter, or a mixture. At Cedaridge we manufactured a ‘cathedral’ garden where the existing trees are trimmed higher so the trunks look like the columns of a cathedral, and the branches arch out to fulfill overhead like the vaulted ceiling of a cathedral. Right here, we provide two more levels of interest, at floor stage and the underneath-tale.
Vegetable Garden. We can design you an basic-care garden of elevated beds where veggies are planted in blocks or an edible landscape where edibles are grown for ornamental result. We can provide the plan for a garden that was acknowledged for the White house during the Ford Administration where Derek Fell worked as a garden consultant. Derek Fell’s book, “Veggies – How to Pick, Increase & Adore”, won a best book award from the Garden Writers Affiliation.
Herb Garden. The herb garden at Cedaridge Farm is a ‘quadrant design’, feature in numerous calendars and books, including Derek Fell’s ‘Herb Gardening for Novices.’ We can also provide a cartwheel design or a parterre herb garden for bountiful harvests of refreshing herbs. The Herb Garden can also do double-responsibility as a vegetable garden.
Slicing Garden. The cutting garden at Cedaridge Farm features bulbs such as tulips and daffodils for spring, and ever-blooming annuals to follow the bulbs so armloads of bouquets can be harvested from April through Oct.
Victorian Garden. A garden with passionate overtones! Picture a white gazebo framed by mostly white flowers for a wedding in the loved ones. Or select from in between several color harmonies, such as yellow and blue, red, pink and silver, or blue, pink and white.
Cottage Garden. You are going to not need a cottage to have a cottage garden. Nevertheless if you do, such as a visitor cottage, why not wrap it in shrub roses and climbers, additionally individuals delicious English cottage garden plants like poppies, sunflowers and pinks. We also like to include plants to draw butterflies and hummingbirds.
Flow Garden. Fortunate you if you have an existing circulation to be landscaped. At Cedaridge Farm we have a stream, but after we moved here it was overgrown with poison ivy and brambles. These days it truly is criss-crossed with bridges, and beds of dampure-loving plants like astilbe and water iris. If you don’t have a stream, but needs one, we can create a design where the water is re-circulated alongside one that is man-made but seems organic.
Orchard. You don’t need a good deal of space for a successful orchard. By making the right alternatives, fruit trees can be grown in containers or espaliered against fences and partitions to help save space. Peaches and apples can be educated over arbors. Simply a handful of plants of small end result like strawberries and raspberries can be extremely productive.
Bog Garden. Optimum for soils that tend to remain moist all season, bathroom gardens can be extremely colourful and highly creative, incorporating stepping stones and bridges to cross soaked areas, and developing some of nature’s most different plant family members, such as water iris, Eastern primroses, astilbe and waterlilies.
Japanese Garden. The dilemma with many Japanese gardens is a inclination to use pseudo-Japanese ingredients such as Chinese dragons. Derek Fell has two times traveled to Japan, has prepared award-profitable content about Japanese garden design, and has the confront to design unique-seeking spaces in the Japanese custom making use of elements of Zen or Feng Shui, or a combination of the two disciplines to create a magical space.
Italian Garden. Though Italian gardens can be highly ostentatious, necessitating steep slopes to acquire the best effect, like the Villa d’Este, shut Rome, small spaces can achieve the aura of an Italian garden. Derek Fell hasn’t entirely frequented some of the best Italian Gardens, such as La Mortola on the Italian coastline, and Boboli overlooking Florence, he has toured and photographed the Vatican Gardens.
French Official Garden. The elaborate flavor of Versailles Palace and Vaux le Vicompte, might be outside of your signifies, but elements of French garden design, such as a parterre garden, can be included in small spaces.
Monet’s Garden. This beautiful artist’s garden north of Paris includes more than one hundred particular planting tips to create what Monet regarded as his greatest work of art. In addition, his planting ideas have absolutely impressed more new garden design than any other garden. Monet’s arched bridge, his waterlily pond, his arches leading to the front of his house, and his color harmonies are simply some illustrations of Monet’s innovation that men and women these days like to emulate.
Tapestry Garden (Trees & Shrubs). The great French Impressionist artist, Paul Cezanne’s garden, in Provence, is made up mostly of trees and shrubs, not only as a labor preserving machine, but to provide a tapestry of color from leaf colours, leaf texture and leaf designs. What could be more eye-catching than to look out of a window of your home at a prosperous foliage panorama, including all shades of green from light green to dim-green, plus blue, silver, gold, bronze?
Hillside Garden. Even dry hillsides makes beautiful rock gardens, with paths twisting and turning in a zig-zag to create a visible experience from the prime of the slope to the base. They can be terraced and threaded with streams to create waterfalls and planted with some of nature’s most beautiful plant varieties. Bridges, benches and belvedere are some of the structural elements that can contribute interest to a hillside.
The post Creating Ambiance With Gardens appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/creating-ambiance-with-gardens/
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