#black fungal disease
the-lonelyshepherd · 5 months
fin rot (mermaids worldbuilding)
HIHI YES WAIT IM JUS GONNA RANT. warning for some pictures of fish with fin rot under the cut
oa\kay SO fin rot is primarily caused by bacterial infections (stems from a hwole bunch of factors which i will get into) but also sometimes fungal infections which looks a lil diff. its basically just a infection that attacks the fins and it leads to fraying, discoloration, and deterioration, and can be a symptom or a disease in of itself.
how does fin rot look?
stole this list from wikipedia bc im lazy:
Fin edges turn black / brown
Fins fray
Base of fins inflamed
Entire fin may rot away or fall off in large chunks
Fins have white dots (if these are seen on the body it is possibly a symptom of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis)
also worth it to note that fin rot from a fungal infection (instead of bacterial) tends to rot the fin more evenly and also usually has like a white edge thing. you can get bacterial and fungal at the same time btw
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healthy vs fin rotted betta
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tiger barb w fin rot
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that white edge (this is prob fungal) that i was talking about
what factors cause fin rot?
so fin rot for the most part is a bacterial infection that can be caused by a few diff genuses (like Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Vibrio if u wanna know). thjese bactera are usually naturally present but they are oppurtunistic pathogens. and what are the oppurtunities?
-poor water quality
ammonia and nitrite spikes, as well as high levels of waste, can stress fish (mermaids lmao) and weaken their immune systems, making them more susceptible to bacterial infections. this is usually the case in overcrowded/underfiltered tanks. for mermaids maybe if one of them ever gets trapped in an area w a small amount of water? hm. also depejnds if they breathe air or not bc that determines how much shitty water acc gets into their system. its bad either way but if they have gills it would be worse.
stress in fish is a HUGE thing so it could be interesting in mermaids too. it severely weakens their immune system (this is a whole thing to explain i can if u want. happens in peoples too to an extent its all hormones and brain chemistry) and makes them more susceoptable to diseases, can stunt or severely reduce their growth and reproduciton, and even lead to death. bc of a weaker immune system, stress is a huge factor for fin rot bc it gives the bacteria/fungus a chance to attack. t
stress can be caused by a huge amt of things (since mermaids are intelliugent it can prob be more complicated byt im stciking to fish rn) like overcrowding, unknown environment, sudden change in water parameters, aggression from other fish.
basically just gives the bacteria a place to get into. if u have any guys fighting a lot its basically in infection.
-poor nutrition
unhealthy food makes unhealthy fish (mermaid?) and unhealthy fish gets sick easier.
ummmm i hope thats what u were looking for!! lmk iof you have any more questions :))
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I saw your tags on the mycology tumblr post - I challenge you to scare me with a mushroom fact. I’ve harvested and eaten wild mushrooms a few times, I’ve got my share of guidebooks and worked on research my university did on suede boletes. I’m no spring chicken of the woods but i’m also far from an expert. Scare me with the Deep Mushroom Lore
Woaaaah this got a bit lost and im a bit late, yikes! Anyway it looks like you were focusing on the Basidiomycota phylum which is where a lot of the frontliners and popular ones are. But let's look at the Ascomycota, lots of scary stuff there, lord there's so much but baseline ig is cordyceps which everyone knows about now. They can alter and control insects, a big example is bullet ant behavior to makes them climb as high as they can and bite onto the grass or whatnot to secure themselves until the host dies. They go as high as possible so when the cordycep actually grows the fruitbody the spores can spread as far as possible. Luckily for us human nervous systems are way too complex for the cordyceps....for now.
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I mean any parasite that controls it's host is crazy and I 10000% recommend looking into it.
There's another fungus Laboulbeniomycetes that grows exclusively on arthropod exoskeleton.
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A lot of fungal diseases make me shudder, there are probably fungal spores in your lungs right now! Pneumocystis is the genus of a yeast that loves your lungs and you guessed it, causes a strain of pneumonia that's very hard to diagnose! Yippee! Mostly because it is very hard to culture.
Let's look at everyone's favorite yeast Conidida. This guy is DIMORPHIC so it can be a yeast or invasive hyphae depending on environmental triggers/conditions, and wouldn't you know it, lives at human body temp. This guy causes yeast infections and the like.
Aspergillus is one that ferments soy products BUT can also cause Apergillosis which can cause an allergic reaction and eventually a fungal ball growth in your lungs, aak!
In a different phylum, Mucoromycota, Mucormycosis is probably my least favorite as the group USUALLY targets your fruits and is that pesky mold. Well another version of it will target the sinuses of immunocompromized diabetics. These are sugar loving molds so uhhhhh, no bueno. I recommend looking at pictures with CAUTION it is gross. The eyes can get really messed up, black lesions can show up on your face really really nasty stuff.
Anyway, Ascomycota cool group, lots of human diseases (many of which are hard to cure because of how close fungi are to animals so we target very specific things in their cells but OOPS resistance is on the rise), have fun with this info ::)
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toyhousedramas · 5 months
delete this please I have depression, anxiety, panic, post traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chikungunya, black plague, polio, infantile paralysis, osteoporosis, swine flu, yellow fever, meningitis, meningitis b, gonorrhea, herpes, pharyngitis , Chagas disease, bronchitis, leptospirosis, cancer, measles, chickenpox, smallpox, mumps, gastritis, tetanus, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, stroke, whooping cough, labyrinthitis, scabies, leukemia, rabies, cirrhosis, scoliosis, microcephaly, anencephaly, ebola, ingrown toenail, autism, asperger's syndrome, arrhythmia, pneumonia, diabetes(type 1 and 2), heart failure, petho envy, dwarfism, gigantism, down syndrome, asthma, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, brain cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer , leprosy, homosexuality, herniated disc, thrombosis, elephantiasis, passion fruit heel, phimosis, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, parkinson's disease, headache, malformation of the ovaries, lymphoma, lead poisoning, severe allergies, endometriosis, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, chronic migraines, graves disease, blindness, deafness, stage 4 kidney disease, organ failure, 90% stage 3 burn, urinary tract infection, cervical cancer, uterine tuberculosis, uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, anal prolapse, hemorrhoids, dermatillomania, coronavirus, contact dermatitis, eczema, athletes foot, fungal infection, bacterial infection, and veganism
Have you tried yoga.
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theprinceofmycologia · 2 months
Alternia solani
Alternia solani is a fungal pathogen that produces a disease in various memebers of the Solanum genus called early blight.¹
Host plants
Host plants include various members of the Solanum genus. Such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), aubergine (Solanum melongena), bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) and other pepper species (Capsicum spp.).²
The symptoms of early blight will vary depending on the host and plant tissue.²
Foliar symptoms are dark brown ranging to black necrosis. The first symptoms often appear on the older leaves as small, dark, necrotic lesions, a few millimetres in diameter, which increase in size. The lesions are sometimes restricted by leaf veins and will take on an angular shape. Within larger lesions, concentric rings (so called bullseye) can be seen, usually surrounded by a chlorotic, yellowing zone. The chlorosis can extend to the whole infected leaf. The infected lesions enlarge and the whole leaf becomes necrotic which results in premature defoliation.²
With tomato plants, the premature defoliation can cause injury to the fruits due to sunscald.²
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"Bullseye" patterned leaf lesion of Alternaria solani on a tomato plant¹
On tomato, Alternia solani can cause symptoms on the stem. Dark and sunken lesions can appear on the stems of seedlings, called collar rot. The infected seedling shows reduced plant vigour or can die when the stem is completely girdled by the lesion. The main stem of adult tomato plants can also be infected, showing small, slightly sunken lesions. As on the leaves, typical concentric rings are visible on the infected stem.²
On green or ripe tomato fruits, dark lesions can occur at the end of the stem. Ripe fruits are less susceptible than semi-ripe ones. Heavily infected fruits will drop prematurely. On less resistant cultivars, the calyx and blossom also can be infected and show comparable symptoms.²
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Stem lesion of Alternaria solani on a potato plant¹
The symptoms on potato tubers are dark, slightly sunken lesions (dry rot). The dry or hard rot of tubers causes storage losses, reduces the quality of table potatoes, and reduces the germination capacity of seed potatoes.²
Disease cycle
Alternaria solani has a polycyclic life cycle and reproduces asexually by means of conidia (spores).¹
A. solani is a necrotrophic pathogen: it kills the host tissue using cell wall degrading enzymes and toxins and feeds on the dead plant cell material.¹
The life cycle starts with the fungus overwintering in crop residues or wild members of the family Solanaceae. In the spring, conidia are produced. Multicellular conidia are splashed by water or by wind onto an uninfected plant. The conidia infect the plant by entering through stromata, small wounds, or direct penetration. Infections usually start on older leaves close to the ground. The fungus takes time to grow and eventually forms a lesion. From this lesion, more conidia are created and released. These conidia infect other plants or other parts of the same plant within the same growing season. Every part of the plant can be infected and form lesions. This is especially important when fruit or tubers are infected as they can be used to spread the disease.¹
Distribution and environment
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Distribution of Alternia solani ²
Alternaria solani spores are universally present in fields where host plants have been grown.¹
Free water is required for the spores to germinate; spores will be unable to infect a perfectly dry leaf. Alternaria spores germinate within 2 hours over a wide range of temperatures but at 26.6–29.4 °C (79.9–84.9 °F) may only take half an hour. Another 3 to 12 hours are required for the fungus to penetrate the plant depending on temperature. After penetration, lesions may form within 2 to 3 days or the infection can remain dormant awaiting proper conditions. Alternaria sporulates best at about 26.6 °C (79.9 °F) when abundant moisture (as provided by rain, mist, fog, dew, irrigation, etc.) is present. Infections are most prevalent on poorly nourished or otherwise stressed plants.¹
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thescarlettbitch · 2 years
Do you know any healing spells? If they exist. My friend is sick and I can’t get to them to help. My sister is a witch and she’s looking for spells that could help
First of all I am so sorry I'm just now seeing and answering.
I did not have any at the ready but I did some research (as is the foundation of the craft) and found some information to aid in the creation of a personalized healing spell for your friend. Making it personalized could help make the spell more effective.
Healing Herbs, Plants, and Spices (and what they heal)
Chickweed - used for blood disorders, bowel and intestinal issues, asthma, lung disease, arthritis, eczema, etc
Aloe Vera - topically used to treat burns and rashes, can be ingested (please make sure you prepare it properly) to sooth sore throats, colds, and as a natural laxative.
Calendula - anti inflammatory, used as an ointment or cream for burns and rashes
Ashwagandha - a natural anti inflammatory
Black Cohosh - helps ease menstrual/menopausal and arthritic pain
Catnip - soothes an upset stomach
Cranberry - helps with intestinal issues and might help with chronic pain
Echinacea - antiviral and immuno support
Elderberry - antiviral, immumo support, good for colds and fevers
Garlic - antimicrobial, regular usage can lower blood pressure, combats colds and fevers
Ginger - antinausea, vomiting, treats cold and flu symptoms
Ginseng - helps with exhaustion and fatigue, can also be used to reduce the frequency and severity of colds (I'd use this for healing burnout)
Hibiscus - good blood pressure, heart and respiratory health,
Thyme - fights bacterial and fungal infections, and an antioxidant
Arnica - pain relief, can be used topically or ingested however be very careful using it internally as it can be toxic if used incorrectly, I recommend topically or in a spell jar
Obviously this is not a completed list, just a list of the first few I found or the ones that I have used. Feel free to do your own research, look for holistic or old remedies for whatever is ailing your friend and go from there.
Healing Crystals (and their properties)
Jasper - helps in times of stress
Obsidian - protection
Amethyst - general healing, headaches, stress
Bloodstone - healing blood related issues
Rose Quartz - provides comfort and peace during stress
Citrine - concentration, optimism
Turquoise - good luck, balanced emotions
Tigers Eye - protects against negativity
Moonstone - encourages growth and strength
Sapphire - attracts happiness and peace
Ruby - restores vitality and energy levels
Opalite - magnify your power
The color green is associated with health and healing.
My thoughts:
Now for things like this, I'd go for a Spell Jar.
Get a jar, any size as long as it will fit all of your materials.
A candle (green or white).
Based on the specifics of how your friend is sick, pick herbs, spices, plants, and crystals that you think would best help.
A piece of paper.
An incantation. (Can be as simple as "powers that be, please help to heal [name] or as complicated as you want)
Your preferred method of cleansing.
Make sure absolutely everything, including your space, has been cleansed and charged with the intent to heal.
Optional: carve or write your friend's name and sigil for good health on the candle
Light the candle.
Use the paper to right your friends name (full or first and last) (optional: draw a health sigil underneath their name), roll it up, stick it in the jar.
Next add a pinch of the gathered herbs and spices, and crystals, to the jar. As you do this, recite the incantation.
Close the jar tight, use the wax from the candle to seal it, let the candle burn through, or you can snuff it to reuse it later (if you plan to reuse it, don't label it).
Place the jar in either sunlight all day or moonlight (preferably full but any stage would work) all night (go off whichever you or your friend feel more connected to) to charge it and really blend the energies. Say the incantation when you place it in the light.
Put the jar in a dark, dry, cleansed place. Say the incantation once more.
Optional: take the jar out daily or nightly and sit it in the sun/moonlight, recite the incantation, put it back. Can be done as often as you feel the need.
You could also do a witch's ladder
Use a green string (green is associated with health and healing), cleanse it, set your intention, do the ladder like normal (you can find instructions in many places) and ta da. This can also be placed in the jar, or on an alter, or in a cool, dry, cleansed space.
Best of luck.
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jensownzoo · 5 months
Well that's a sense of accomplishment! I got all my transplanting done today that it is possible to do without putting in whole new beds (on the agenda), minus the baby basil that's too small to do anything with yet. Hopefully the storm that's rolling in right now will gently water everything in and not pound them flat.
This is the front yard bed (and little bed of fennel, strawberries, and spearmint to the side). There's a permanent flowerbed wedged up against the porch, but then we have a row of favas and borage, a row of peppers (all small-sized fruiters since it's part shade), the stepping stone walk that has crimson clover/Kentucky colonel mint/numerous cosmos seedlings/and two passionfruit vines, then a row of tomatoes, then a row of peppers, then a row of eggplant, and then the sidewalk.
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This raised bed is more or less in the middle of my paved "backyard". It's got perennial pea vine in the front, sunchokes in the rear, a line of beet seedlings in the center, six Heinz 1350VF tomatoes on the sides along with marigold seedlings, and I transplanted in the five little sweet potato vines that I overwintered from my late summer experiment growing slips. One of the vines had a tiny sweet potato growing about the size of my pinky. This bed may be a little iffy because it's still pretty mulchy. I'm going to keep an eye out for nitrogen issues and add it as necessary. You can also see the bed with my snap peas to the left with an A-frame trellis made from two woven fence panels.
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This bed is along my rear privacy fence facing the alley. It gets weird sun so I planted all my Japanese black trifle tomatoes on the right side (towards us in the pic) and put some cherry and pear tomatoes in the shadier left. Also have morning glory and hyacinth bean sprouting at the back which will climb up the crib spring panels and drape over the fence.
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This is the big raised bed running all along the property line on the west side and has a semi-privacy fence (it's like a picket fence but 6 feet tall) as a part of it's build. It's divided into four sections, though you can only see three here (the fourth is nearly entirely shaded and currently is full of mostly kale and covered with row cover. I just finished installing the hardware cloth on the fence and over a top frame yesterday. The front of the beds (to the left) will eventually have doors of framed hardware cloth too creating a garden cage to keep wildlife from stealing everything. In the nearest section pictures, there are two pear tomatoes and 8 tomatillos (2 varieties). The next two sections have tomatoes and basil. All three beds have nasturtium, French marigold, and zinnia seedlings growing at the front edge, but they're still very tiny. There's also a salvaged mum in the second bed that I hauled out of the green waste dumpster in the fall and stuck in the ground to see if it would survive. It did. No idea what it will look like either.
Tomorrow is for inside tasks, but I want to get some zucchini, winter squash, and the first planting of beans in the ground this weekend so they can sprout and get growing.
I'm delaying putting in cucumber this year until the peas are done in hopes the cucumber beetles will fuck off elsewhere and I won't need my insect net bags. They worked well until the plants got very leafy--they then developed fungal disease due to the reduced air circulation. I still got some cucumbers, so it was better than the year before, and I killed literally thousands of cucumber beetles with my unprotected trap plant. But going to try a bit of tweaking to the method and some patience. I would like enough this year to restock my pickles AND eat fresh.
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optiwashere · 7 months
Archspire touring this year? Alongside Aborted? There's few shows where I've immediately bought tickets quite like that lmao.
Also, Friday's new releases were kinda sick ngl.
I love the "completely random discovery" part of new music. Sometimes you find a band that just flew under your radar for no reason.
Doomy, folky band called Isenordal released a new album and it's just fucking incredible? Melancholic, dark, emotionally raw. Melodic and depressing. Almost funeral doom in its pacing but with bursts of melodic black metal AKA fuckin' made specifically For Me. Definitely found new writing music with this one. The clean bridge in "A Moment Approaches Eternity?" Literally all of "Await Me, Ultima Thule?" The ethereal title track? Every track is incredible, 11+ minute songs have never felt so brief. Also, the 2CD physical copy comes with a narrative essay about the concept of the album??? How can a band be so for me and yet I've only heard of them now?
Skeletal Remains is the best death metal a girl could ask for 💜 Ending the album on a Hate Eternal cover 💜💜💜 It feels good to hear death metal so clearly inspired by F/G-era Morbid Angel without the absolutely tragic snare sound of the G album. Incredible follow-up to their 2020 album (that also rules btw)
Fun grimy death-doom from the fantastically named Slimelord. This time with an album title referencing a fungal disease found in frogs (???) and the album starts off with a highly reverberated, atmospheric sample of layered geese and gull sounds (?????)
On another note, the new Midnight is fine, nice and punky. I feel like he's been spinning his wheels for the last few albums though. Live shows still fuck either way, so I'm probably gonna see them live when they swing around here next time lol.
I have to wait to get the new Spit On Your Grave because I can only buy it from their label in Mexico. Zero presence around this album at all, and it's very odd. Maybe it's getting a wider release with the independent release on the 30th, IDK.
Also, new Ulcerate this year? Which means possibly Ulcerate tour this year? What pact did I unwittingly sign to deserve this?
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cloudbattrolls · 8 months
But Never A Key
Thrixe & Zanzul Varzim | Bukit Berongga | Present Night
Thrixe could tell he was being carried in pieces. 
He could not see, nor truly hear; there was only the grip of hundreds of hands holding him. Hot, humid air surrounded all his parts through the gaps in the trolls’ fingers. 
Dimly, he sensed many of his pieces get destroyed. They sickened until they died.
He felt the remaining chunks get put back together in a roughly troll shape, but he had to connect the pieces himself.
Thrixe began to feel pain again as he turned his starfish mass into troll bones and organs, making himself a face and a tongue once more. Then he regrew his horns, hair, and fins. Fortunately, he’d learned to grow clothes over himself a while ago, and he added those as well.
The Choir found himself sitting on the ground - not the beach he’d come up on, up in the hills - looking up at a sky thick with clouds.
Looking up at a woman. 
A woman taller than him standing a few feet away with crossed arms, a blueblood if her clothing was any indication. She had dark eyes with yellow pupils, and black markings on her face. Her dreadlocked hair was done up in a neat bun, and she wore a disdainful expression with a hint of pity.
A mass of other trolls stood further back, surrounding them in a circle. 
Something…something was strange about their eyes…
“Choir. Do you know what you’ve done?”
He shook his head. Everything was bleary. He still felt ill, and though his mind was a bit clearer he was far too exhausted to change shape or even move much, his limbs leaden. The last thing the hybrid remembered was wanting to attack Ginger…
Oh no.
“I fought…I fought them…” he mumbled, ashamed.
“Yes.” Agreed the woman crisply. “You bled their brain. They may not live. You will have killed a horseman of the apocalypse if so. The empire will not forgive you. The world will be out of balance.”
Thrixe’s fins lowered and he hung his head.
“Can I heal them?” He whispered.
“Do you think they would trust you to do so?” Asked the woman gently, a mild smile on her face.
Thrixe shook his head miserably.
“Who…are you?” He managed, his foggy head finally remembering to ask.
“I am Cyvell. The fae of anthrax. You have met my messengers before. The same ones who showed you to your ancestor’s pocket world.”
His violet eyes went wide.
“That was you?”
“On my mentor’s orders.” The fae clarified as thunder rumbled in the distance. “The Fireseer decrees all of the Muted’s descendants be shown safe harbor.”
“Thank you.” Thrixe murmured.
Cyvell’s smile tightened.
“What have you done with that harbor, Choir? You extend your tendrils and your songs into the world and you take no notice of what you leave behind. Look at these trolls.”
Thrixe rubbed his eyes, and reached out with his senses as well as his sight.
Sick. They were all horribly sick. Their eyes were crusted over with black. A few seemed to even have odd fungal growths beginning to sprout.
Wait. This was…
“That disease I cured.” He murmured.
“You never cured it. That disease was the result of your ancestor’s power, his remnants in these hills leaking into the trolls here.”
She gestured to the land around them in a wide sweep of her hand.
“The Muted left behind more than a pocket world, Choir. Before he sunk himself into the ocean, his weapons helped the empire kill troll and fae alike, and not only us. All of Alternia’s races suffered because of his works.”
Thrixe felt a dawning sense of clarity and horror. 
Then he frowned.
“Why…why only now? Uryali lived thousands of sweeps ago, so his weapons must have been used then too…what changed?”
The fae looked down at him coolly.
“I took the power for myself. A minor, temporary imbalance to correct the greater one. ”
Thrixe’s head hurt. He didn’t understand.
“You…you said it was my ancestor’s power that caused that disease, but you…”
“It did.” Said Cyvell crisply. “I took control of it after you made it stronger, thinking you had solved the problem.”
She gestured at the trolls around her.
“All around Alternia, wherever you have regrown the world, things are changing. Slowly but surely, microorganisms will mutate and their ecosystems will break down. Disease such as Alternia has never seen will run rampant, fresh strains fighting for dominance, rising to become new fae.”
She gave him a hard look.
“Do you know what would happen? That many new diseases at once, and new members of the courts? It would be war, Choir. It would be death. It would be the unbalancing of everything my people hold dear. 
The one who could best correct it - the Fireseer - is useless. All because he still mourns your ancestor, even though he knew this time would come.”
Thrixe felt like melting into the ground and never coming out.
“I didn’t know.” He croaked. “I thought I was being careful.”
Her expression changed to one of mild pity.
“You are better than the Muted. But you cannot help your nature. We diseases prefer to spread, and you seek to grow the world in your image, even if it is not a conscious choice.”
Thrixe absorbed that, feeling more tired than he ever had in his life.
“So…I have to fix it.”
“You cannot fix it. Not with your own powers. It would be counter to your nature.”
“But I -“
“You will make things worse, Choir. Like you just did. Look over at what remains of your clash with Pestilence.”
She pointed down at the shore he had crawled up on, and Thrixe could see the sand had become sludge overgrown with small animals and plants. The water had become violet-streaked black ice. The air was hazy with bioluminescent clouds of microbes.
All three were slowly spreading, consuming more of the hills and their surroundings. 
Right now, he was too weak to stop them. 
Thrixe keened softly with his ill throat despite the pain, another two of his voices softly joining in.
Was this all he was? A force destined to ruin the world he loved? 
Would the planet be better off without him, as he’d always feared?
A few violet tears ran down his spotted cheeks.
“What should I do?” He asked quietly.
Cyvell smiled.
“I can make it so you never hurt anyone or any place again.” She said soothingly. “The fae will take care of the damage you’ve caused. I swear it, as the queen of the winter disease court.”
He nodded. 
“I’m ready. For whatever you need to do.”
Her smile turned hard, and as lightning struck not far away Cyvell drew the circle of trolls surrounding them closer, and they stopped humming and started -
- singing.
The music sounded like his own. It vibrated deep within him, calling to his own songs.
They kept singing…they sprouted mouths all over their bodies like he could…
Cyvell changed.
Her troll form stretched and grew, body and legs elongating, face becoming a muzzle as she grew fur and long ears, and several more eyes. A tail sprouted from her, long and sinuous, and her hands and feet became paws with sickle claws.
She too opened her jaws - set with pincers on either side - and joined in the song, as the heavens opened and it began to rain down on the hill’s assembly of beings.
Thrixe welcomed the warm downpour. He felt feverish still, and his gills flexed instinctively as his fins waved up and down in time with the music. 
The air began to crackle, to shift somehow, and he could feel the world begin to distort…
He shouted back in confusion and delight, despite his sore throat, as he heard his name called out by a gloriously familiar voice. What was his signmate doing here?
The hybrid was too ill to remember how he had called out for the other Varzim. 
Thrixe turned to see her, and did not notice Cyvell gnashing her teeth and pincers, claws sinking into the wet ground.
Zanzul did. 
Before coming up, Zanzul had sung to the hills to ask them what had happened, and the hills had answered.
Her eyes were narrowed and glowing violet-white as she ran up the hill, her long dreadlocks tossed about in the rain and the rising wind.
“I have no quarrel with you, Lyric!” Shouted the fae of anthrax over the rising chorus of her trolls and the increasing thunder and lightning. “This is how it has to be!”
“The lie is your expense, the scope of your desire.” Sang Zanzul back at her, furiously. 
“I do not lie.” Hissed Cyvell. “I am fae.”
Thrixe didn’t understand what was happening. His headache was worse, his throat sore, his mind tired. He felt terribly lost and upset, and he didn’t know what to think anymore.
The singing trolls closed in on him. He couldn’t understand their words - they were singing in what must be some fae language - but he winced as he saw their distorted faces and bodies. 
Trolls weren’t supposed to have that many mouths. It must be painful.
As Zanzul got close, Thrixe became completely surrounded as Cyvell willed her forces to form a shield between him and his signmate.
She snapped her jaws, staring at the violet woman as her tail lashed.
“Now you cannot reach him without hurting them. I have heard of you, Lyric. You are gentle for both troll and terror. You are to be respected for how well you control your song; better than the Choir and his mess.”
Zanzul regarded the creature with her multicolored eyes.
She tapped into the same power the fae of anthrax had borrowed, but for her it was a direct conduit, a deep bloodline connection that had never withered despite the ages that had passed.
Zanzul sang, so clear and pure that it vibrated in the ears of all present, even as thunder punctuated her words. As if she spoke for the storm.
“Lo, that’s the way that it goes -“
Cyvell’s many black and yellow eyes widened as her trolls stopped their singing to listen. She tried to back up quickly.
“I’m sorry you’ll never be free.”
The now pounding rain spun into a funnel and caught the fae of anthrax, trapping her in a column of writhing water that stayed in place, a channel between land and sky as she struggled in place, clawing at the walls of her watery prison.
Zanzul knew she didn’t have much time. She pushed the sodden, warped trolls aside - they parted for her easily. 
She picked up a now-unconscious Thrixe, his illness worsening again now that Cyvell wasn’t holding it back.
The singer fled as lightning crashed around her, trying to figure out what the trolls’ song had been for, racing down the hill with Thrixe toward her boat.
He mumbled a line of her song in his sleep.
“So don’t lift a finger, your warden provides all you’ll need.” He sung roughly, troll mouth out of sync with his words.
As she reached the shore where she’d brought her boat up, trailing water with every step, Zanzul had a sudden, terrible feeling. 
The world itself felt fragile. Ready to break.
Safety was in sight, and yet - 
Black ooze welled from Thrixe’s mouth even as she leapt onto her boat, covering everything, growing so thickly into her throat and her eyes, there was nothing she could do.
She heard him whisper the song’s final line, and she could swear that under his voice was Cyvell’s.
But never a key.
Then everything vanished, and Zanzul lost consciousness as well.
To an outsider, it would seem the pair of violets and the boat had simply blinked out of reality. 
At that very moment, the ooze stopped growing. The remnants from Thrixe’s fight with Ginger ceased their expansion through the land, air, and sea.
The water trapping Cyvell splashed out of shape and ran down the hill. She struggled to her paws, dripping wet and coughing water, but drowning could not kill a fae of her caste.
Her infected trolls now all lay dead, souls gone from their warped and sickened bodies. She looked at them with a moment’s pity, then shook her long-eared head.
No matter. They had served their purpose in creating a gate, she conceded, as she struggled to her paws.
Tonight, she had stopped the malediction.
Zanzul opened her eyes first. How long had passed, the violet had no idea.
She saw nothing, because there was nothing to see. Nothing to feel, smell, taste…nothing to hear. She shivered, but her body didn’t feel like it actually did. Her body didn’t feel like her body at all. Like she was a being of thought instead of flesh. A collection of memories. An idea.
But she sensed that she and Thrixe - still limp in her arms - were not alone in this seeming void.
There were others. Around them. Inside them. There was little distinction here. It was a place - not even really that - of potential. Where the laws of the universe stretched and bent and became malleable. Where nothing and something were made into nonsense terms, and existence itself became a question rather than a statement.
It would have driven any pure troll insane.
The Furthest Ring, she murmured without using her voice. There was no way to be heard here, no air or sound waves, but everything else could still listen. There was no distinction between thought and self.
She felt a song that gripped her, horribly similar to her own voice. A gentle, lilting bubbling of flesh and keening of spines and throats inside throats, compelling and terrifying.
It was distant, as much as anything could be in a place with no true way to be measured.
It was hungry.
It was coming for her and Thrixe.
Zanzul breathed nothing, exhaled nothing, then gently put her signmate down on the wooden planks below.
She prepared to sing for their lives. 
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silentmagi · 1 year
Do you do smuts
Do I do smuts? I would say that no, I do not. For the style I write does not lean into smut. I can and have written erotica and other adult stories. However, there is always a need in my stories for a plot to appear, build, and consume the attempts at smut. This goes against the connotation smut has for being porn without plot.
I do not reject smut, for it is a wonderful expression of physical intimacy when done right. I just sadly cannot.
As for the other definitions...
a small flake of soot or other dirt.
"all those black smuts from the engine"
a fungal disease of grains in which parts of the ear change to black powder.
"a few bad crop years with smut and drought and frost"
I try the keep clean, and do not tend crops of grains in my garden, so they are a no as well.
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motherforthefamicom · 9 months
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depression, anxiety, panic, post traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hpv, hiv, dengue, zika, chikungunya, black plague, polio, infantile paralysis, osteoporosis, swine flu, yellow fever, meningitis, meningitis b, gonorrhea, herpes, pharyngitis , Chagas disease, bronchitis, leptospirosis, cancer, measles, chickenpox, smallpox, mumps, gastritis, tetanus, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, stroke, whooping cough, labyrinthitis, scabies, leukemia, rabies, cirrhosis, scoliosis, microcephaly, anencephaly, ebola, ingrown toenail, autism, arrhythmia, pneumonia, diabetes(type 1 and 2), heart failure, petho envy, dwarfism, gigantism, down syndrome, asthma, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, brain cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer , leprosy, homosexuality, herniated disc, thrombosis, elephantiasis, passion fruit heel, phimosis, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, parkinson's disease, headache, malformation of the ovaries, lymphoma, lead poisoning, severe allergies, endometriosis, stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, chronic migraines, graves disease, blindness, deafness, stage 4 kidney disease, organ failure, 90% stage 3 burn, urinary tract infection, cervical cancer, uterine tuberculosis, uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, anal prolapse, hemorrhoids, dermatillomania, coronavirus, contact dermatitis, eczema, athletes foot, fungal infection, bacterial infection, and veganism
certified joko moment
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writer-in-theory · 1 year
are you still alive?
yeah, i'm alive and here. i've just been incredibly busy with school stuff. i'll be done with school (mostly) on april 26 and after that i will have so. much. time.
i'll put it under the cut so no one has to see it if they don't want, but if anyone is interested in pharmacy school stuff then here's what i've been doing lately:
For one, I started my rotations at the university hospital! I'm doing admissions medication reconciliation, which basically means I get assigned a few patients and I spend the rest of the day contacting the patients, family, pharmacies, whoever I need to in order to get the most up-to-date list of medications, how they're supposed to be taken, how they're actually taken, and when the last dose was taken. It's been extremely rewarding and I love getting more exposure to hospital work but it's definitely exhausting.
It's also comprehensive final time for our IP class. IP is integrated pharmacotherapy, so basically it's the course where we go disease state by disease state and learn background, etiology, diagnosis, treatment options, as well as science of the medications such as structure/medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, drug interactions/contraindications, monitoring parameters, counseling points, and how to choose between all of them. For this comprehensive final we're covering GI diseases, such as GERD, PUD, IBS, IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, as well as Infectious Disease which is a ton of antibiotic/antifungal information as well as treatment for HAP/VAP/CAP, Fungal Infections, Helminths/Ectoparasites/Protozoa, TB, Malaria, C. Diff, Skin Infections, Intra-Abdominal Infections, AOM, Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, UTIs, and STIs. It's. A. Lot.
I also have my Top 200 drugs exam coming up. This is where they test us on the Top 200 outpatient drugs, the Top 50 OTC drugs, and the Top 50 inpatient drugs. For this, we have to know brand name, generic name, mechanism of action, monitoring parameters, side effects, drug interactions, counseling points, contraindications, and any black box warnings they have.
Also, it's program-level assessment time. What does this mean? Well, at the end of every year, we have to take a written exam and a practical exam for all of the content we've learned this far in pharmacy school. So, my 2 hour written exam will cover all content from last year and this year, and my practical exam will have us interviewing a patient and doing that kind of work for 2 hours based on disease states we've covered thus far. It's exactly as stressful as it sounds and I've been studying like wild.
Overall, I'm so excited to finally be learning treatment stuff and really getting exposure to working in the places I hope to work in as a career someday, but it's also been pretty stressful this past month especially. People say the post-spring break of this year is notoriously some of the most difficult anyone in the program will go through, so we're working hard!
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jackflowers-g · 1 year
The Top 10 Garden Pests and How to Control Them Naturally
As someone who loves gardening, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as discovering that your plants have been invaded by pests. Garden pests can wreak havoc on your plants and ruin your hard work, but before you reach for the chemical pesticides, there are natural solutions that can help you regain control of your garden. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 10 garden pests and how to control them naturally.
Overview of Common Garden Pests There are many different types of garden pests, but some of the most common include insects, animals, and diseases. Insects such as the tomato worm, black garden ant, red spider mites, and white grubs in soil can cause significant damage to your plants. Animals such as garden spiders, deer, and rabbits can also cause damage, while diseases like fungal and viral diseases can quickly spread and destroy your plants.
Benefits of Natural Pest Control Using natural pest control methods has several benefits. First, it’s better for the environment because it doesn't involve the use of harmful chemicals. Second, it’s safer for you, your family, and your pets because you don't have to worry about exposure to toxic substances. Finally, natural pest control methods can be just as effective as chemical pesticides.
Garden Pests: A. Insects Insects are one of the most common types of garden pests. Here are four common garden insects and how to control them naturally:
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Tomato Worm Tomato worms are the larvae of the tomato hornworm moth. They are a common pest of tomato plants and can cause significant damage. To control tomato worms naturally, you can introduce the braconid wasp, which is a natural predator of the tomato worm.
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Black Garden Ant Black garden ants can be a problem for gardeners because they can build nests in your garden and cause damage to your plants. To control black garden ants naturally, you can use a mixture of borax and sugar. The ants will be attracted to the sugar, and the borax will kill them.
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Red Spider Mites Red spider mites are tiny pests that can be difficult to spot, but they can cause significant damage to your plants. To control red spider mites naturally, you can introduce predatory mites, which will feed on the red spider mites.
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White Grubs in Soil White grubs are the larvae of beetles, and they can cause damage to your plants by feeding on the roots. To control white grubs naturally, you can introduce nematodes, which are a type of microscopic worm that feeds on the white grubs.
B. Animals Animals can also be a problem for gardeners. Here are two common garden animals and how to control them naturally:
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Garden Spiders Garden spiders can be beneficial for your garden because they eat other insects. However, they can also build webs that can be unsightly. To control garden spiders naturally, you can introduce predatory insects like ladybugs or praying mantises.
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Deer and Rabbits Deer and rabbits can cause significant damage to your garden by eating your plants. To control deer and rabbits naturally, you can use physical barriers like fencing or netting.
Natural Pest Control Methods:
When it comes to pest control, chemical treatments are not always the best option. They can be harmful to the environment and can also kill beneficial insects along with the pests. Natural pest control methods, on the other hand, can effectively manage pest populations without harming the environment.
A. Beneficial Insects
Beneficial insects are natural predators that can control pests in your garden. Here are some of the most commonly used beneficial insects for pest control:
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Ladybugs: These beautiful insects feed on aphids, mites, and other small insects that harm plants.
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Praying mantis: These insects are great at controlling larger pests like caterpillars, grasshoppers, and crickets.
B. Companion Planting
Companion planting is another natural way to control pests. It involves planting certain crops together that can deter pests from attacking your plants. Here are some examples of companion planting:
Plant marigolds with tomatoes to deter tomato worms.
Plant onions or garlic with carrots to repel carrot flies.
C. Homemade Sprays and Solutions
There are several homemade sprays and solutions that can effectively control garden pests. Here are some of the most effective ones:
Garlic spray: Garlic contains sulfur, which repels many pests. Mix garlic cloves with water and blend until smooth. Strain the mixture and add it to a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on plants to repel pests.
Neem oil: Neem oil is derived from the neem tree and is an effective insecticide. Mix neem oil with water and spray it on plants to control pests.
Soap spray: Mix dish soap and water in a spray bottle and spray it on plants to control pests. The soap suffocates the pests, killing them.
D. Physical Barriers
Physical barriers can also be an effective way to control pests. Here are some examples of physical barriers:
Row covers: These covers are made of lightweight fabric and can be placed over plants to prevent pests from reaching them.
Netting: Netting can be used to cover fruit trees to prevent birds from eating the fruit.
Regional Considerations:
The types of pests that you may encounter in your garden can vary depending on where you live. Here are some regional considerations for garden pest control:
A. Garden pests in Florida: In Florida, common pests include whiteflies, caterpillars, and aphids. To control these pests, use beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings.
B. Garden pests in Southern California: In Southern California, common pests include gophers, snails, and slugs. To control these pests, use physical barriers like wire mesh to prevent them from reaching your plants.
C. Garden pests in Texas: In Texas, common pests include squash bugs, hornworms, and spider mites. To control these pests, use homemade sprays like garlic spray or neem oil.
Garden pests can be a real nuisance, but they don't have to be. By identifying common pests and using natural pest control methods, you can effectively manage pest populations without harming the environment. Regular monitoring and maintenance are also important for pest control. By following these tips, you can enjoy a healthy and bountiful garden.
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curlysgirl0202 · 10 months
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That Cowboy Stench
by Dr. Jim Kornberg | Nov 1, 2008 | Inside History
Frontier cattle drovers were definitely hygienically-challenged.
Having worked in the emergency room as a young physician throughout the 1970s, I learned the difference between human “sweat” and “stench,” as these apply to the presentation of different patients under a wide variety of circumstances.
I concluded that “sweat is fine.” “Stench” is another matter. The differentiation between these two presentations is not intended to be judgmental in any manner, whatsoever. It is simply the clinical, olfactory (smelly) observation that human beings are sometimes deprived by choice or circumstances of the opportunity to maintain proper hygiene. The definition of “proper” hygiene is beyond the scope of this discussion. It varies not only by geography but also by century, among many other factors. Thanks to the advertising of commercial hygiene products (e.g. deodorants and shampoos), our perception of “proper hygiene” in the mid-20th and 21st centuries is quite different from that of the late 19th century in frontier America.
The bottom line is that humans who either can’t or won’t bathe for long periods of time are at risk for a variety of maladies. Such was probably the case regarding the frontier cowboy, especially in winter, when bathing in the outdoors presented the risk of chills and hypothermia. The cowboy was often on the trail for months, with little or no opportunity to wash up, much less to bathe. He usually had no full change of clothing and no “toilet articles.” He slept in dusty conditions, on dirty blankets contaminated with animal hair and other animal “debris.”
Because of his arduous circumstances, the cowboy was at risk for a number of medical setbacks. I intend to discuss only the most minor and aggravating ones. All of these problems continue to afflict us today when we go for extended periods without bathing or washing. The problems are usually confined to the skin and occur because of the accumulation of sweat, dirt and excretions from sebaceous glands that together provide the perfect growth environment for bacteria, fungi and parasites.
The accumulation of normal skin bacteria without bathing is a controversial topic. Some dermatologists think that this process does not put humans at risk for diseases but is just harmless, intense “body odor.” They also argue correctly that our frequent bathing and hand washing with harsh soaps sets us up for dry skin and irritant dermatitis.
In any case, the cowboy often “smelled like his horse,” because of the accumulation of normal skin bacteria. If he had the misfortune of contaminating a cut or abrasion with strep or staph, he might have developed impetigo, an abscess or cellulitis. Although usually not fatal, these infections were often chronic, easily spreadable to other areas of the body and contagious to others.
More troublesome were the fungal infections that afflicted his groin area (“crotch rot”), buttocks and feet (athlete’s foot). For the cowboy, these infections were a curse, because they itched so badly and tended to burn. Like today, excessive itching of fungal-infected areas with dirty nails could have led to an opportunistic bacterial skin infection.
Finally, there is little doubt that the cowboy who had not washed up for weeks was at high risk for parasite infestation, especially fleas and lice. When first caught from mice, the former could have rarely led to contracting plague (the Black Death). The latter could have appeared as pubic lice (“crabs”), or lice infecting the head or body. Under rare circumstances, the latter could have been a setup for fatal typhus.
Hollywood has shown varying degrees of realism with respect to this subject. In my experience, the accuracy of a cowboy’s state of “trail hygiene” was rarely, if ever, depicted before Sergio Leone’s 1964 epic A Fistful of Dollars, starring Clint Eastwood. In this and many later movies, the characters have appeared as sweaty and stinky as some of the unfortunate patients that I recall having treated in the emergency room.
I doubt, however, that these actors were ever as miserable as our cowboy who had spent three or four months on the trail, with no warm shower waiting for him at the end of each day in his hotel suite or his dressing room trailer.
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unhonestlymirror · 11 months
The only thing about Lithuania, which I don't really like is this:
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It's the black-spot disease or Rhytisma acerinum, and this fungal infection spread relatively recently in Eastern Europe. The most favourable conditions for the disease development are prolonged rains, coolness, and lack of potassium in the soil. This is why it's not very widespread in Ukraine and Latvia, but it's a pretty big problem for Lithuania and Belarus. I suppose the source of infection is the recent fashion on junipers: my great-aunt's trees all became sick as soon as a neighbour planted junipers.
The causative agents of black spot are able to overwinter on affected shoots and in fallen leaves, and with the arrival of a warm, humid spring they begin to become active again - already at a temperature of +8 C, black spot spores ripen and can infect neighboring plants, “traveling” with the help of wind, rain or water. You need to burn the contagious leaves and use a lot of fungicides to treat it properly.
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Eating Like the Ancestors (Some of Them, at Least)
Christina here. When the dog and I went out for a walk on Wednesday afternoon, we paused to admire one of the many walls of corn lining the fields right now. Look closely at this photo. Just behind the dog you can spot blobs on one of the corn stalks. In fact, they're blobs growing out of one ear of corn.
Here's what they look like close up. Yuck! Disgusting. Like aliens life forms have invaded and taken over the corn kernels and blown them up to elephantine proportions.
I've been seeing this on corn cobs around here for years and scratching my head about it. Last year, I finally got around to googling. Turns out it's not aliens that have invaded the corn cobs, but a fungus that infects ears into which rain has gotten in. Science calls this fungus Ustilago maydis. In Mexico, they call the resulting galls of fungus huitlacoche and they eat them. But the galls are referred to most unpoetically as corn smut in English, which views it as little more than a crop pest/disease that needs to be eradicated.
This year, I worked up the courage to bring some of these swollen blobs home and cook them up for dinner. It's not so different than collecting wild mushrooms, after all, and I was 99.9% sure of my identification of them. Even though they're weird looking and filled with tarry, black spores, the indigenous Mexican ancestors of mine in my dad's family tree would have considered them a delicacy (although I'm assuming they lived in the part of Mexico where they grow corn). Maybe my father's mom and dad even ate huitlacoche when they were kids, before they left their small towns in the Sierra Madre in Mexico for Los Angeles. But, having never been there, I have no idea if this is the sort of place where they grow corn either.
So maybe my paternal grandparents never knew about huitlacoche themselves. I honestly have no idea. What I do know is that corn fungus galls weren't in my grandmother's repertoire of Mexican dishes by the time I came into this world, about fifty years after her family left Mexico for California. That's my defense for why I hadn't known they were a Mexican culinary delicacy, and why I jumped to the I think entirely reasonable conclusion that they were parasites from outer space. One of the downsides of integration, I guess, is losing that sort of cultural knowledge (or one of the upsides, depending upon how you feel about eating fungally infected maize flesh).
But, having summoned up the courage to eat the fungal galls, meant I first had to summon up the courage to touch them. It took courage. I expected they'd be slimy. But that was silly of me. Are mushrooms slimy? (Only when they themselves are rotting, thanks to bacteria or slime mold.) Huitlacoche aren't slimy at all. Just... spongy. I tore a few galls off the infected ear, smearing black, tarry material on my hand in the process. Which was, admittedly, kind of yuck. But I persisted, stuffing a bunch of galls in my pockets to bring home.
The galls are really cool looking when you slice them open. I hadn't expected all that internal structure at all.
But they're a little less convincing when you dice them.
I love the interwebs. What did we ever do without it (I mean, besides have to get up off our butt and go to the library). In seconds flat, I found a recipe (well, several) that suggested frying the huitlacoche up with onions, garlic, and serrano peppers. They you layer the mixture, along with shredded Oaxaca cheese, inside a corn tortilla you heat up. Then you have... a magnificent quesadilla.
I would have followed the recipe to a tee if I had lived somewhere in the world other than Germany! I had to settle for substituting the yellow bell pepper I had in my fridge and some chipotle chiles pureed with adobo sauce for the serrano chiles, low moisture mozzarella for the Oaxaca cheese, and yufka (the Turkish near equivalent of a flour tortilla) for the corn tortillas. Which also means I had to take an antihistamine because eating wheat makes me wheeze, gives me hay fever, and makes me snore.
However, I did have some fresh cilantro growing on the window sill, so that was a win! I tossed some over the top of the finished quesadilla and... after letting everyone know I was embarking on eating a foraged fungus I'd never tried before... dug in. Aaand... it was WONDERFUL. The huitlacoche tastes like a mixture of nixtamalized corn (e.g., masa) and what I imagine a truffle tastes like. Altogether it was THE BEST QUESADILLA I HAVE EVER EATEN.
And now I'm, like, d'oh! All those years I stared at the huitlacoche galls on the corn and thought EW! What an idiot I was. I could have been eating this amazingness instead. Three cheers to the person who first got hungry (or curious) enough to give the fungal galls on maize a good chew. They're totally now my hero.
The farmers here are starting to harvest the corn now. That means I have no time to waste if I want to go harvest more huitlacoche. I think I'll go out tomorrow, wandering along the outer rows of the cornfields (any deeper and the deer and the wild boars lurking within and I might end up surprising each other). The huitlacoche galls don't keep long in the fridge, but I've you can freeze them. It would definitely be great to eat it again without having to wait a whole other year.
If you're curious about giving them a go, maybe go find yourself a market that sells them either fresh or frozen.
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