#black fungas infection
bijayssnews · 3 years
जम्मू-कश्मीर में ब्लैक फंगस अब महामारी घोषित, प्रशासनिक मशीनरी पूरी तरह अलर्ट
जम्मू-कश्मीर में ब्लैक फंगस अब महामारी घोषित, प्रशासनिक मशीनरी पूरी तरह अलर्ट
गोविंद चौहान, जम्मूब्लैक फंगस को जम्मू-कश्मीर में महामारी घोषित कर दिया गया है। मामले आने के बाद प्रशासन की तरफ से यह कदम उठाया गया है। अभी तक प्रदेश में ब्लैक फंगस से एक मौत हुई है, जबकि श्रीनगर के अस्पताल में मरीज भर्ती करवाया गया है। इन मामलों को देखते हुए प्रशासन की तरफ से अस्पतालों में इसके लिए अडवाइजरी जारी कर दी गई है।जानकारी के अनुसार पिछले सप्ताह जम्मू में एक व्यक्ति की इस बीमारी से मौत…
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Black fungus declared an epidemic in Rajasthan
Black fungus declared an epidemic in Rajasthan
Mucormycosis (black fungus), which is primarily affecting people recovering from Covid, has been declared an epidemic in Rajasthan, officials said on Wednesday. Currently, the state has around 100 black fungus patients and a separate ward has been made at Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Hospital in Jaipur for their treatment. Mucormycosis has been notified as an epidemic and a notifiable disease in the…
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indiannationalnews · 3 years
Read the latest update on black fungas also known as mucormycosis, India Reports Nearly 38,603 Cases of Black Fungal Infections this is mainly affects people who are on medication for other health problems.
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funamuseawritings · 7 years
Maybe a Chlomaki/Fungas fanfiction? ♥ Chlomaki has been avoiding the topic of her past for many years now. One night she has a nightmare about it, and Fungas confronts her about it. So she finally tells him. Thank you very much!
Falling, falling, falling. Who was she? Why was there no ground at her feet? Her shoulders ached, her back felt like it was rending itself from her body, and her nails were cracked, broken, bleeding. What little she could move her head gave sight above her to a yawning abyss of light, slowly filling with brackish, misshapen black. The sight brought her pain anew, a stabbing pain and the feeling of burning shaking her to the very core. Her heart raced, weak fingers feeling at her back, the ash infecting it draining into the sky. Heavy tears burgeoned from her eyes, though not enough to hide the ever darkening thanatosian lake below her.
She felt her descent slowing. Even here, she could tell it wasn’t because of an updraft or something pleasant. A dull thud shook her entire body, ripples of maleficent darkness tearing at and mending and breaking her aching bones. She couldn’t bear to look up, even if her malfunctioning body allowed her to, for even the glimpse of that smoggy hearth would turn her to greater despair. Her throat hacked and coughed, swallowing only oily water as she attempted to breathe in. Chlomaki’s eyes widened, pleading with her body and mind to not give up, to remember… what?
A crash, a heave, an embrace. The weakened, mangled angel looked up, seeing a sight of endless, hope-devouring malice. His eyes gazed down towards her, filled with disgusting pollution that poured into Chlomaki even at just the appearance of them. Why? She couldn’t get away from him, even this far away, even at the end of the world. Her body refused to run, or maybe it wasn’t able to anymore. His laughter, shallow, hollow, rasping, echoed through her anxious head, even as his lips didn’t move an inch. The echo, echo, echo was enough to wake the dead, enough to wake even the deepest dreamer and leave her screaming, cursing, drowning in her sweat in her bed.
Before she knew it, the witch stifled her wretched howl, black speech wriggling its way through her fingertips. Spells most foul echoed through her room, putting her into a spell most fowl, lacking its head in a panic. Her eyes flicked up, focusing, focusing on her chandelier, the one thing she could truly be sure of in her room that wasn’t from that forsaken world. Her blinks counted down from ten, then back up, and back down again, her breath coming back from its unearthly trip. So long had she sat in her panicked reverie that Chlomaki hadn’t looked left nor right, and the equally terrified familiar made himself known with a careful, familiar caress through her hair.
Rather than leaning into him, the witch initially recoiled, one last hex sputtering through her fingers and singing the poor man on the nose. Fungas held his hands aloft in surrender, grasping a now glowing orb so she might see him. “It’s me, Chlo. You’re okay now.” He dared to get a bit closer, just offering the light in an open palm. She shakily pulled her hand from her face, taking his hand and collapsing forward, sobbing into his lap, free hand wreathing itself in the blankets.
Fungas let his own free hand fall upon her hair, familiarly acquainting itself with it, soothingly petting and massaging her scalp. This wasn’t the first time she had awoken from a nightmare, though this was far worse than she had before. He didn’t speak another word, allowing his darling mistress to speak first if she so desired. She gasped for air, heady breath hot on his legs, her small body shaking with every exhalation. She kept her eyes screwed shut, her solace being her wakefulness and the fingertips of her dearest familiar.
After a time, her breath steadied, and she leaned her cheek into Fungas, rather than her nose. His hands had extricated any tangles in Chlomaki’s hair at this point, gliding lovingly through the abyssal sea. The witch coughed softly, nestling closer to him than before, shoulder and wings pressing up against the crocodile’s side. The light in her hands fell away, floating lazily through the room and painting it in an eerie blue luminescence. “Ah… ahem..”
The man looked down, ever as tender as he ever was, resting his palms against her head and muting his movements. “Yes, Chlo?”
Her reddened eyes watched the orb float along, unconsciously moving it in a somber dance. “I feel you already figure something is up, but… I have kept something hidden for a while now.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” he whispered, partaking in the stargazing his mistress orchestrated.
“No, no, I want to. It’s nothing big, so don’t worry over it.” A pause hung itself in the rafters, falling upon the room as her voice cut the rope. “Once upon a time was an angel…”
Fungas, of course, listened calmly to his dear, wondering whether or not she might still be called that, at least to him. He smiled drearily, returning to his caresses as her story filled the room with tearful and painful memories.
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