#black out perde
beylikduzuperdeci · 6 months
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"Karanlıkta huzuru keşfedin! 🌙 Black out perdelerimizle, gün ışığını tamamen engelleyerek mükemmel bir uyku ortamı yaratın. İster gece ister gündüz, istediğiniz zaman odanızda karanlığı yakalayın. #BlackOutPerde
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ihateoldermen · 5 days
French!Reader x TF141
Hey, soo I thought of this earlier and wanted to share it I kept telling myself that the 141 would hate Châtelet and they would be RIGHT. I suffer in Châtelet everytime I have to go there, so the boys will be suffering with me too This is just some thoughts that I developed a little, so the writing might be weird
The 141 had been sent out for a mission in France, something about a french army guy having informations for them that couldn't be said over phone, Laswell words. She told John that they'd only need to go to a specific place and then a guy would pick them up in his car. But unfortunately, they had to go to the worst train station in the Parisian region. Châtelet-Les Halles. What a nightmare for them (And for everyone going there really).
None of them knew how to speak french. Sure, they'd knew some words here and there, and by 'they', really it's John who's carrying the group with the little bit of knowledge he holds for the french language. It was not pleasant. Johnny hated how they were so many people bumping into him and not apologizing like he was invisible. How rude. Kyle's head was starting to hurt from how much noise there was. They'd get weird stares from time, mostly Simon got them. 4 big guys, one with a mohawk and another tall one with a black surgical mask, a guy with british cap and a man with mutton chops is not something you see everyday.
After turning for what seemed like eternity, they finally found their exit thanks to Kyle. All of them sighed, feeling relieved that their hell was almost over, Johnny being the happiest. Simon patted his pockets for a bit, taking his hand in and out of each one of his. Always empty handed. He had lost his ticket. Everyone's tickets actually as he was so sure that he wouldn't loose them and that no one would try to pickpocket him. Looks like he was wrong. And now, tickets inspectors are pulling all of them to the side. And the cherry on top is that they don't speak english. Surely they should know a bit but they're not even trying. Johnny was starting to feel irritated now, he just wanted to get out of there, all of them wanted that. John would be sure to call Laswell to tell her to never send any of them here again.
But thankfully, there you were. Like their gardian angel. You had seen them getting cornered as you were about to pass your card to get to the other side. Curiosity got the best of you and you simply stood aside to watch, quite far but not much. As much as you wanted to go home after a tiring day, you stayed. Far enough that it wouldn't be suspicious. You got a good look at the guys. They were… all quite attractive, you couldn't lie. Are they actors or something? You heard how the bearded one tried to speak french to the inspectors, and even though he had trouble, you could understand him very well. He had an accent, sure, but it doesn't take a genius to know what he was trying to tell them. But the inspector looked like he was playing dumb and tried to just make simple money. You hated them. How many times have you had to pay them because of a missing ticket? Too many times.
You fumbled into your bag and pulled out a bundle of tickets. You only have them for emergency and this is one. You don't know why you're doing this, maybe it's because you find them hot, maybe it's because you would have wanted to be helped in this situation. You went up to them, standing in front of the bearded guy and the inspector. With your biggest smile, you began : "Désolé, ils sont avec moi." (Sorry, they're with me.) And you pratically shoved the man four tickets into his face. The 141 didn't know what was happening. Who are you? Why are you here? "On a été séparés et c'est moi qui ai leurs tickets, mais vous connaissez Châtelet, on se perd rapidement ici." (We've been separated and I'm the one that has their tickets, but you know Châtelet, we get lost easily here.) You smiled, almost grinned but you didn't want to appear too smug as you looked at his face. Got you. You can't fool someone that had been fooled that many times before. He looked down at you with a small glare before huffing and walking away. You smiled and then turned back to the guys. You just wanted to find a hole to wither away in with how intense they were starring at you. They couldn't believe what just happened. On one hand, they were so glad that you did that for them. On the other hand, they couldn't understand why you did that for them. Simon was glaring at you, he hadn't even noticed you before. Too much people around for him to pay attention to you. Kyle and Johnny were britghtly smiling at you. John looked at you, scrutinized you, trying to decipher if you were a spy before he murmured a small 'merci' with a soft smile, all of them did the same, even Simon. You couldn't possibly be a spy with how soft you looked. It was almost cute that grown men like them would whisper like that you. You'd give each of them their ticket, a smile on your lips, brushing your fingers with them. You didn't focus on your accent so you must have sounded so cliché to them. "Don't loose them, they are too fucking expensive. Also they are for the whole day, you can use them for the bus too, until midnight. Just like cinderella." You'd chuckle. Johnny's grin got widder as you spoke english and joked slightly, he tried to speak as clearly as possible for you as he knew that his accent could be hard to understand. "You speak English, hen?" "Yes, I do. And I must say, that inspector? What an asshole. I'm sure he knew what you were trying to say." You roll your eyes after giving the last ticket to the pretty man with the cap before turning back to look for the inspector. Before anyone could say something else, thanking you again with better words, you turned back to them. "Where do you want to go? I could help you." John almost stuttered as he replied too quickly. "Thank you, love, but we know how to take it from here. Thank you a lot." You smiled at him, and to the other guys too. "You're welcome." You say as you take a few step back, you were going to take the rer D and it was almost rush hour. You hate rush hour, just like everyone. "I need to go now, I don't want to be caught in too much crowd." You wave to them, dissapearing in the crowd of people. The guys were still quite in shock before John took the reigns to exit this station. All their tickets passed without any problem and, finally, they were out of there. Kyle was the first one to speak. "We should have asked for her number." "That's what I was thinkin' about!" Johnny replied, pratically groaning. John was deep in his thoughts, just like Simon but for different reasons. John was telling himself that he should have stopped you and give you money or offer you a coffee for compensation, but you were too fast as you left. Simon was still trying to think when he'd lost the tickets, frustrated with himself. But one thing is sure, you were their angel that day. They'd think of you for the whole time they'd be in France, hoping to run into you again.
(If there's any grammar mistakes, feel free to correct me!)
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olympic-paris · 22 days
saga: Soumission & Domination 260
Lutteurs Espagnols pour clientèle Française
Rentrés en France, je rapporte à André (mon banquier et conseiller financier) la mise en place de la société Espagnole.
Je lui fais part aussi de l'idée de croiser mes fichiers " Escorts Espagnol " / " Clients Français ". Il est enthousiaste à l'idée et me dit que cela me rapporterait un maximum si je les mets aux enchères comme j'ai fait de temps en temps pour les nouveaux Escorts.
Quand je lui décris mes deux lutteurs, il hallucine et me dit que je les avais sélectionnés rien que pour lui ! Il est pris à son propre jeu mais je l'assure qu'il en aura un au prix normal plus les frais de déplacement. Je lui dois bien ça, il refuse que je paye ses conseils financiers soit disant en remerciement de lui avoir ouvert les yeux sur les pratiques de sa femme sur son fils !
A fin Mars, l'activité de ma société espagnole est florissante et les comptes en banques se remplissent (ceux de mes Escorts et de ma nouvelle société). Ernesto n'a plus à courir dans tous les sens et comme il touche une commission, il ne perd pas à partager ses prestations. De plus il a largement pu augmenter leur nombre par semaine !
Marc est impressionné par mon organisation et l'expansion de mes " affaires ". Bien cloisonnées, indépendantes les unes des autres, protégées par quelques uns de mes clients et même certains services spéciaux, elles prospèrent au delà de ce qu'il pensait possible au tout départ.
Il est loin le jeune Paysagiste qu'il avait homosexuellement dépucelé. Mais j'adore toujours me faire prendre par ses 22cm ! Sans lui, je serais toujours à dessiner des parcs et jardins tout en baisant des femmes mûres pour arrondir mes fins de mois !
Il accepte juste de ma part le remplacement régulier de son VFR (Honda). Il a même mis sa maison en SCI et m'en a déjà cédé une bonne partie tout en mettant mes paiement en assurance vie dont je suis le bénéficiaire !! Bientôt il aura tout transféré sur moi. J'ai eu beau tenter de le dissuader mais il ne me laisse pas le choix et refuse que le moindre centime aille à sa famille qui l'a si bien rejeté quand il avait fait son coming-out. Il me dit qu'avec tout ses voyages à l'étranger, il augmente les risques pour lui et veux absolument que tout me revienne. Il m'énerve quand il me dit ça. Il n'a que 46 ans et deux beaux jeunes mecs (qui l'aiment) pour baiser avec lui dès qu'il est en France ! Sans compter que nous ne sommes pas jaloux et qu'il baise, seul, tout ce qu'il veut quand il est à l'étranger et avec nous en France.
Après quelques semaines de taf en Espagne, je commence par faire monter, un WE, mes deux lutteurs en France. Je les aime bien, ils méritent un petit coup de pouce. Je vais les chercher à l'aéroport en vol direct de Barcelone. Ils sont impatients et curieux de tout. C'est la première fois qu'ils viennent en France et ils sont un peu anxieux au vu du montant prévu pour chacun. Dans la voiture, ils me demandent ce qui vaut cette augmentation notable de leurs prestations. Je leur explique le système de mises aux enchères de leurs premières apparitions sur le " marché " Français. Là, ils comprennent mieux pourquoi ils vont gagner autant. Je leur dis aussi qu'ils seront passifs et soumis à de gros calibres. Ils rigolent et m'assurent que si mes clients Espagnols sont plutôt passifs, entre eux ce n'est pas le cas et qu'ils ne font pas partie des petitement membrés.
Ils auront deux prestations pour ce premier WE : Lutteur 1 a décroché mon client avocat rondouillard et monté 25 x 6 pour la prestation du soir et je l'envoi à André pour le dimanche. Finalement il ne l'aura pas en premier mais ils baiseront avec Ric aussi.
Lutteur 2 s'est fait remporter par un de mes black ttbm ! Je le lui annonce alors que nous arrivons au Blockhaus. Il ouvre de grands yeux sur les dimensions avancées (27 x 6). Il nous dit qu'aussi long il n'avait jamais fait. Je le rassure et le prévient qu'ils auront la possibilité de bien se préparer à la maison. En second client, il va se faire un de mes tout premiers, celui affublé d'un serviteur accueillant. Que je me ferais probablement pendant que lui se fera démonter par son maitre.
Ils sont surpris à l'aspect extérieur de mon chez moi. Nous entrons et montons au premier les installer. Alors que je leurs montre deux chambres contigües, ils me disent préférer dormir ensemble. Après avoir déposé leurs sacs, je leur montre les installations sanitaires. Ils sont amusés du dimensionnement hors norme avec ses douches et lavabos multiples. Je souligne les équipements de nettoyage intérieur (canules de lavement) et ouvre les tiroirs remplis de gels, kpotes, ainsi que de plugs et godes divers. Ils me demandent comment ils iront à leurs rendez vous. Je leur dis que j'accompagnerai Lutteur 1 alors que Lutteur 2 sera véhiculé par PH. Ils se mettent à l'aise : marcel athlétique moulant leurs torses hyper développés et bas de jogging bouffant sur chaussures de lutte.
Parce qu'ils sont étrangers et que je les aime bien, nous montons au 4ème. Ils ouvrent de grands yeux sur l'aménagement que nous avons déployé à ce niveau. Comme tous ceux qui les voient la première fois, ils sont surpris par Samir et Ammed et surtout la taille réduite de leur " uniforme ". Ils embrassent PH qui nous attendait et nous prenons un rafraichissement. On discute jusqu'à ce que PH me demande si je leur ai montré notre salle de sport. Du coup, avant de déjeuner, nous descendons au second. Quand le monte charge s'ouvre, ils voient toutes les installations et me disent que nous sommes aussi bien équipé qu'une salle pro. Lutteur 2 calcule rapidement les masses disponibles et me dit qu'ils pourront même s'entrainer. PH les attirent vers les sanitaires qui les amusent dans leurs dispositions jusqu'à ce que, poussés plus loin, ils découvrent la piscine.
Quand nous revenons à la salle de muscu, PH complète la visite par la tenue de travail exigée. Cela les fait bien rire. Je leur dis que nous aurons le temps de travailler un peu dans l'après midi avant leur rendez vous.
Nous remontons et déjeunons en prévisions de l'après midi d'efforts prévus. Au café nous en apprenons un peu plus sur eux. Les situations de leurs familles se sont dégradées avec la crise (chômage, réduction de salaire) et ils devaient impérativement trouver une source de revenu pour assurer la suite de leurs études. Ils me remercient encore de les avoir sortis des petits jobs sans intérêts et mal payés. Ils nous disent bien s'entendre avec Ernesto et leurs clients (tous dans la classe privilégiée de la société) sont généreux et ajoutent souvent un pour boire supplémentaire.
Nous passons deux bonnes heures au second à nous entrainer. Ils sont surpris de voir PH s'exercer à la barre. Ils ne l'imaginaient pas en danseur classique.  Nos muscles gonflent sous la pression des poids. Ils seront au maxi de leur physique pour leurs premières prestations françaises. Nous terminons par 20 mn dans la piscine. Plus à nous délasser qu'à affiner nos muscles à la nage à contre courant. Une douche complète (extérieur et intérieur) et les voila prêt à " servir ".
PH emmène Lutteur 2 de son coté et moi Lutteur 1 à mon avocat de client. Pendant le trajet je brosse un portrait de son client. Ce qu'il aime et comment il doit se comporter avec lui. Je lui dis que je serais dans le salon à l'attendre et qu'il peut à tout moment venir me voir si quoi que ce soit n'allait pas.
Je sonne. L'avocat m'ouvre et j'entre suivit de lutteur 1. Mon client reste bouche bé devant le physique hors norme de son Escort. Mais dans son pantalon, ça bouge et son gland repousse le tissu de son pantalon de costume. Dans le salon, il me laisse avec un thé et l'enveloppe prévue. Puis il indique à lutteur 1 la porte de sa chambre.
Ils y restent 1h 1/4 environ. De temps en temps j'entends des bruits expressifs de leur " entente " cordiale ! Je devine à des cris plus forts que mon client est en train de pénétrer mon lutteur. Les petits cris saccadés qui suivent m'indiquent le rythme que l'avocat imprime à ses coups de rein. L'intervalle entre chaque raccourci jusqu'à ce qu'ils ne forment plus qu'un seul gémissement de plaisir intense. Augmentation de l'intensité et silence complet, ils ont du juter ! 10mn plus tard, nouveaux cris de plaisir. Je reconnais la voix de Lutteur.
Encore 15mn et je récupère un lutteur tout propre sentant A-Men le parfum du client.
Pendant le retour, Lutteur me dit qu'il lui a refilé un billet de 100 pour ses " menus frais " dixit le client. Je lui demande comment ça s'est passé, si les 25cm lui sont tous rentrés dans le cul.
Il me rassure et me dit que ça s'était bien passé et qu'après s'être fait enculer, le client avait pompé sa queue jusqu'à ce qu'il jute lui aussi.
Nous retrouvons au blockhaus, PH et Lutteur 2 qui en avaient fini aussi avec leur premier client. Lutteur 2 me dis que c'avait été hard quand même et qu'il n'avait encore jamais vu une bite aussi grosse (26 x 6,5). Heureusement le mec avait passé une bonne demi heure à lui bouffer le cul et à saliver dedans et, ça, avec un peu un peu de poppers, c'avait facilité la pénétration.
La soirée est calme et après un repas sur-protéiné, nous les laissons regagner leur chambre.
Sur la vidéo interne nous les voyons qui s'endorment sans même se faire une petite pipe.
Dimanche matin, grasse matinée. Je vais les chercher sur le coup de 10h. Ils sont prêts depuis quelques temps mais n'osaient pas monter au 4ème sans y avoir été invités. Petit déjeuner et nous allons nager sur la terrasse. Le soleil d'hivers chauffe au travers de la grande verrière. Nous alternons deux par deux dans le bassin pour nager à contre courant.
Déjeuner léger, passage dans la salle de bain et départ pour leurs secondes prestations.
André et Ric nous attendaient impatiemment. Nous prenons un café puis Ric ôte son t-shirt et demande à Lutteur 1 de faire pareil. Ils se comparent et nous aussi les examinons. Les pantalons de jogging tombent vite et vêtus de simples boxers, nous sommes à même d'admirer les deux physiques. Si Lutteur est plus large d'épaules, Ric est mieux proportionné et son absence totale de poils renforce son image de jeune homme hypertrophié. Lutteur 1 ne peut s'empêcher de poser ses mains sur Ric et de le caresser. Leurs deux bites, comme les deux nôtres d'ailleurs, n'avaient pas attendu cela pour bander. André me dit de me mettre à l'aise alors que lui même se dénude. Quand il est à poil, Ric et Lutteur 1 s'approche d'André et se mettent à genoux pour s'occuper de sa bite. Après un léchage simultané en règle, ils alternent pour le pomper. Ric se le prend sans difficulté dans la gorge alors que Lutteur 1 peine à faire de même. Il persévère jusqu'à réussir à écraser son nez sur le ventre d'André. Tout content d'y être arrivé, il se dégage et me demande si ça va. André le félicite et prend sa tête entre ses mains pour enfoncer de nouveau sa queue au fond de sa gorge.
Ric laisse son père élargir la gorge de l'espagnol et se tourne vers moi pour emboucher mes modestes 20cm. On alterne tous les deux pipes et roulage de pelle. Il me dit que j'ai une sacrée recrue avec lutteur 1. Il ajoute que s'il n'est pas jaloux de ses pecs, par contre sa bite lui fait envie. Je lui roule un patin et lui dit qu'il est très beau comme il est et que je ne le voudrais pas différent. Et que je crois savoir que c'est aussi l'avis d'Alban. Il rigole mais ne me contredit pas.  Nous continuons à nous amuser alors qu'André est passé aux choses sérieuses avec Lutteur 1. Il est en train de lui graisser le trou ajoutant ses doigts les uns après les autres jusqu'à ce que trois entrent facilement. Succèdent alors ses deux pouces pour augmenter l'assouplissement de la rondelle. Quand il le tourne pour l'enculer, Ric me laisse et s'approche de Lutteur1 pour l'aider à supporter cette première pénétration. Je le vois prendre en main un flacon de poppers et l'approcher de son nez. André indique d'un hochement de tête à Ric qu'il va perforer l'anneau espagnol. Ce dernier ouvre alors le flacon et lui fait sniffer les vapeurs qui s'en échappent. André profite de la diversion et propulse son gland de l'autre coté du sphincter ibère. Râle profond du récipiendaire ! Nouveau gazage et il se prend la totalité de la banquière bite. André, raisonnable, se fixe quelques instants au fond de son cul, histoire que mon nouvel Escort se fasse au diamètre hors norme qui le distend. Il n'attend pas tant que ça avant de se mettre à user les bords de son trou. Mon jeune lutteur morfle mais apprécie la saillie. Il n'a cessé de bander depuis que Ric et lui s'étaient paluchés.
Ric Glisse sur le dos sous Lutteur 1 et embouche sa bite. Lutteur s'empresse de lui rendre la pareille. Je m'approche, soulève les jambes de Ric et les coince sous les bras de Lutteur 1. Dans cette position, le cul de Ric est relevé et juste à la bonne hauteur pour que je l'encule. C'est ce que je fais sous les yeux de lutteur 1.
Ric recule et me pousse jusqu'à pouvoir rouler un patin avec mon lutteur. Il entoure sa tête de ses bras pour atténuer les soubresauts dus à nos coups de reins à André et moi. Ils se rouleront des pelles jusqu'à ce que nos vas et viens les fassent exploser de plaisir et juter en deux geysers de sperme blanc.  Je me vide dans ma kpote alors qu'André rempli la sienne.  Ils ne décollent leurs bouches que quand André et moi sortons de leurs culs. Et c'est pour dire tout le plaisir qu'ils ont eu à s'être fait enculer ensemble.
Ils nous quittent, Ric emmenant Lutteur1 à la douche. Nous les retrouvons emboités l'un dans l'autre (lutteur dans Ric) quand nous allons à notre tour nous laver. Trop de testostérone dans ces corps sur-musclés ! Nous les laissons baiser alors que nous prenons nos douches. Quand nous en sortons, c'est pour les voir s'engouffrer de nouveau à notre place.
Quand nous partons, Lutteur et Ric se roule un beau patin. Dans la voiture, Lutteur me dit que c'est le meilleur jeune mec avec qui il avait baisé jusque là. Meilleur que Lutteur 2 avec qui il y a toujours un rapport de force.
Nous retrouvons Lutteur 2 qui nous attendait bagages faits prêt pour l'aéroport. Pour lui aussi le second rendez vous s'était bien passé et le fait que le client soit un peu moins bien équipé, ne l'avais pas dérangé.
Il faut se presser. PH sort la 300C et nous fonçons pour qu'ils puissent attraper leur vol. Avant qu'ils ne passent la douane, je glisse à chacun son enveloppe pour le WE.
Ils appellent dès leur arrivée pour me dire qu'il y avait plus que prévu. Lutteur 1 ajoute que c'est quand je veux qu'il remonte voir mes clients. J'entends derrière Lutteur 2 acquiescer
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feelkindadizzy · 1 year
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[English ID (the dialogue has been loosely translated from french to english): A gifset of a Kaeloo episode. 1. Badka yelling "Hello friends!". 2. Stumpy, Quack-Quack and Mr Cat are blow away by his yelling and are shouting in fear. Once it’s over, Mr Cat says "Oh yeah…" while Badka is bashful. 3. Kaeloo transforms back, then says "Friends, today we’re gonna play...". 4. Mr Cat is sulking afar and says : "Oh no…". Kaeloo brings up a picture of Badka and says "With Badka!". Mr Cat gets close to her in an instant and says "Ah! Very well.". 5.Kaeloo: "Me and Badka are trying to get along better. It’s not easy, but a good game can help out." 6. Mr Cat, while putting on a black bow tie: "Absolutely." 7. Kaeloo, very seriously: "Finally, Mr Cat… You are obviously forbidden from hurting Quack Quack!" 8.Mr Chat does a vocal warm-up, then asks : "And our guest, when does he play?". 9.Badka calls out Kaeloo: "Huh?". Kaeloo answers : "We agreed I would go first. Be patient, your time will come." 10. Mr Chat, waving a flower bouquet : "I’m skipping my turn. I’m waiting for the toad." Stumpy and uQack-Quack look at him with eyes wide open. Gay flags and questions marks have been added on top of them. 11. Kaeloo’s arms become long and soft, she yells. Stumpy takes up one of her arms and shouts : "Ah ! Gross !" 12. Mr Cat : "We’re loosing time there! If we want the toad to play, we need to speed things up." He runs up to the wall and counts : "One..."13. Quack-Quack blown up to the ground, and touching the wall with his finger. Mr Cat : "Alright! The duck won. Time to bring the toad in." 14. Badka, to Kaeloo: "Hey ! It’s my time to play!". Kaeloo : "Yes, I know! It was supposed to be your turn but now is not the time !"15. Mr Cat, to the Rules : "Thinggumabob! Froggy said she would trade places with the toad. She’s not doing it! It deserves a forfeit, right ?" The Rules has a gay flag and an interrogation point on top of her. 16. Mr Cat jumps towards Badka whith his flower bouquet in his hand. Kaeloo transforms back and shouts "Red light!", and instead of touching Badka, Mr Cat crash into the wall. Kaeloo and Badka laugh. / END ID]
[Description d'image: Une série de gif de la série Kaeloo. 1. Badka criant "Bonjour les amis!". 2. Moignon, Coin-Coin et Mr Chat sont dans un canapé et se prennent la violence du cri dans la tête et crient. Mr Chat est tout content, et une fois que c’est fini il dit "Oh ouais…" pendant que Badka est tout timide. 3. Kaeloo se détransforme, puis dit "Les amis, aujourd’hui nous allons jouer…". 4. Mr Chat boude au loin et dit : "Oh non…". Kaeloo prend un panneau avec une photo de Badka dessus et dit "Avec Badka!". Mr Chat s’approche immédiatement et dit "Ah! Très bien.". 5.Kaeloo: "Nous essayons de mieux nous entendre Badka et moi. C’est pas facile, mais un bon jeu peut faciliter les choses." 6. Mr Chat, en mettant un noeud papillon noir: "Absolument." 7. Kaeloo, très sérieuse: "Enfin, Mr Chat… Il vous est évidemment interdit de faire bobo à Coin-Coin ! 8.Mr Chat vocalise, puis demande : "Et notre invité, il joue quand?". 9.Badka interpelle Kaeloo: "Huh?". Kaeloo lui répond : "On a dit que je commençais. Un peu de patience, ton tour viendra." 10. Mr Chat, brandissant un bouquet de fleurs : "Moi, je passe mon tour. J’attends le crapaud." Moignon et Coin-Coin le regardent avec des grand yeux. Des drapeaux gays et des points d’interrogation ont été rajouté au dessus de leurs têtes. 11. Les bras de Kaeloo deviennent tous longs et mous, elle crie. Moignon prend un de ses bras et crie : "Ah ! Dégueu !" 12. Mr Chat : "On perd du temps là! Si on veut que le crapaud joue, faut passer la seconde." Il se met à un mur et commence : "Un..."13. Coin-Coin explosé au sol qui touche le mur du bout du doigt. Mr Chat : "Bon ! Le canard à gagné. C’est le moment de faire rentrer le crapaud !" 14. Badka, a Kaeloo: "Hé ! A moi de jouer !". Kaeloo : "Oui, je sais ! Ça devrait être ton tour mais c’est pas le moment ! 15. Mr Chat, à la Règle : "Le bidule ! La grenouille a dit qu’elle laisserait sa place au crapaud. Elle le fait pas ! Ca vaut bien un gage ça non ?" La règle a un drapeau gay et un point d’interrogation au dessus d’elle. 16. Mr Chat s’élance vers Badka bouquet à la main. Kaeloo se transforme et crie "Soleil !", et au lieu de toucher Badka, Mr Chat s’excrase au mur. Kaeloo et Badka rigolent. / Fin de la description]
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[ID: A green line divider /END ID]
[english] mr cat really said "alright this season i'm CLASSY about my crush, i will stop barking and drooling and i WILL impress him by wearing a fruity lil bow tie and bringing nice flowers just for him"
...so somehow they managed to make mr cat gayer than before??? impressive feat, kaeloo season 5 we're not even 7 minutes in and you're already so damn great 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
[french] mr chat a vraiment fait "ok dans cette saison je suis CLASSE a propos de mon crush, je vais arrêter de lui aboyer et lui baver dessus et je vais l'IMPRESSIONER en portant un ptit nœud pap' et en lui apportant des jolies fleurs rien que pour lui"
...contre toute attente iels ont réussi à rendre mr chat encore plus gay qu'avant??? très impressionant, kaeloo saison 5 ça fait même pas 7 minutes que tu as commencé et tu es déjà incroyable 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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kseenefrega · 8 months
Lazza – 100 messaggi (testo)
Ti prego, non cominciare
Sai che per me è già difficile credere a quanto mi facevi male
Ma se me l’avessi chiesto avrei scalato l’Everest a mani nude
Anche se odio il freddo e soffro pure di vertigini, io me ne frego
Quando menti, io ti credo
So che sono più di mille quelle cose di me che non tolleravi
Parlare con te è come cercare di afferrare il vento con le mani
Se avevo un problema, mi dicevi di parlarne con chi se ne intende
Guardavo cadere tutto a pezzi come fosse l’11 settembre
Dimmi ancora una bugia, poi una bugia, poi la verità,
Era tutto una follia, però una follia per te non si fa
Non ero più a casa mia neanche a casa mia, solo mille guai
Penso a Davide e Golia, io sarò Golia, tu mi ucciderai
E te l’avrei lasciato fare, perché ero fuori di testa
Dimmi quando ci si perde a cosa serve fare festa
Fumo sti fiori del male, tutto quello che mi resta
Ora che mi sento inerme, come un verme in fondo al mezcal
Scordati che mi conosci, ora è tardi anche se piangi
È inutile che mi angosci, mi mandi cento messaggi
A cui non risponderò, oh, non ne sono più capace
Sono diventato tutto ciò che odiavo e ti assicuro non mi piace
Dimmelo se te ne accorgi, siamo diventati grandi
Anche se ho dieci orologi, non recupererò gli anni
Scusa se non tornerò, oh, non sai quanto mi dispiace
Che abbiamo fatto la guerra, ma non sapevamo come fare pace
Triste quando ci pensavo, ci mancava tutto quanto, perfino la data di un anniversario
Scrivevano “è fidanzato”, solo perché finanziavo
Ti darei da bere il sangue perché è tutto ciò che adesso mi è rimasto
Credimi, sembra impossibile accettare che oramai ti ho detto “ciao”
Sto in un bilocale che da quando ti ho cacciata sembra una penthouse
Grande tipo il doppio, ma senza la luce, come ci fosse un black out
Non sono sentimentale
Delle volte tu aprivi la porta e io nemmeno ti sentivo entrare
Ti volevo a tutti i costi, ma eravamo opposti, proprio come un polo
Stare insieme è l’arte di risolvere i problemi, che non ho da solo
Giuro, non so più chi sono, tutto ciò mi dà fastidio
Sto mondo a misura d’uomo, mi fa sentire in castigo
Scordati che mi conosci, ora è tardi anche se piangi
È inutile che mi angosci, mi mandi cento messaggi
A cui non risponderò, oh, non ne sono più capace
Sono diventato tutto ciò che odiavo e ti assicuro non mi piace
Dimmelo se te ne accorgi, siamo diventati grandi
Anche se ho dieci orologi, non recupererò gli anni
Scusa se non tornerò, oh, non sai quanto mi dispiace
Che abbiamo fatto la guerra, ma non sapevamo come fare pace.
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veesunderthetree · 8 months
Rippers - Sweet, sweet revenge
**English is not my main language, please forgive my mistakes*** Thump. The rhythmic sound of fists against a wall. Thump. Thump. The pungent smell of blood. The obscene sketch on the wall, a stain around the remains of a mangled head on a body. A red rose that blooms, blow after blow after blow. Thump. Thump. His knuckles now crimson against the brick wall. Leather gloves cutted, torn, worn. A furious, primitive and hoarse cry is lost amid the crackling of the flames. Satisfaction. Empty, bestial satisfaction.
Thump. Thump. “Should we stop him?” Bly's is the only whisper in a multitude of held breaths. All the companions are observing the violence of the masked man against the now lifeless body. While the leather suit tightens following the wriggling of the underlying muscles, no one dares to intervene. Everyone maintains the necessary distance, just as a deferential God maintains that distance from his faithful. Thump. Thump. "Do you want to go there?" Sir Grayson is the only one to respond with a low, deliberate grunt. He is intently observing the silver plating of his lighter. "It's revenge for him." Thump. Thump. Bly would sell his soul to agree with the old man, but he can't take his eyes off the scene even an inch. He feels his gut twisting violently and that animated tangle that is his mind take shape around an image - a roar of applause, a man with his face covered, with his own voice, the shrill laughter and a flash of bared teeth in a smile. Monocle rejoices, kicks and crackles like an animal excited by the massacre. Thump. Thump. Felicita passively digs into her bag without focusing on any visual detail, her nose almost pointed at the ground. The glow of the flames shines on her golden glasses and her feminine profile, illuminating her worried face with terrifying clarity. Thump. Thump. Hubert at her side breathes as if he is marking time, the sure rhythm of someone who has already experienced that fragment of life. His chest rises and falls regularly without a quiver, while his hand reaches out to Felicita's shoulder. Bly looks at him dumbfounded, without understanding how the massive man can remain absolutely indifferent in front of that macabre spectacle. Then, he notices his feet. The more Yurei delves into the bloody remains of his prey, the deeper his boots dig into the ground. It is not the weight of the man that leaves footprints on the pavement - if anything, it is the will of the earth that leaves furrows on the man. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thu-
There is nothing left to break down. With a gesture of pure anger, Yurei throws the rest of the corpse to the ground, releasing a muffled bark. No part of his body is exposed, his figure completely shrouded in layers of black leather, fabric and tarpaulin. Yet, Bly has the impression of being able to see behind the clothes and behind the dark mask - a body marked by burns, a contorted face. The narrowed blue eyes, the lips tensed in an exposed grin. A demon as a lone avenger. A madman who he chose to follow. With a sob, the doctor feels his heart sink into his chest. He lowers his head, hoping to escape judgment. If not to that of others, at least to his own. And he curses whatever God made Yurei what he is.
Tump. Il rumore ritmico di pugni contro ad un muro. Tump. Tump. L'odore pungente del sangue. L'osceno schizzo sulla parete, una macchia attorno al rimasuglio di una testa maciullata su un corpo. Una rosa rossa in continua fioritura, colpo dopo colpo dopo colpo. Tump. Tump. Le nocche ormai vermiglie contro il muro di mattoni. Guanti di pelle ormai sfondati, consumati, lacerati. Un grido furioso, primitivo e rauco si perde in mezzo al crepitare delle fiamme. Soddisfazione. Vuota, bestiale soddisfazione. Tump. Tump. "Dovremmo fermarlo?" Quello di Bly è l'unico sussurro in una moltitudine di respiri trattenuti. Tutti i compagni stanno osservando la violenza dell'uomo mascherato contro il corpo ormai esanime. Mentre la tuta di pelle si tende seguendo il guizzare dei muscoli sottostanti, nessuno osa intervenire. Ognuno mantiene la debita distanza, come un Dio deferente mantiene quella dai suoi fedeli. Tump. Tump. "Vuoi andarci tu?" Sir Grayson è l'unico a rispondere con un basso, deliberato grugnito. E' intento ad osservare attentamente la placcatura d'argento del suo accendino. "E' la sua vendetta." Tump. Tump. Bly venderebbe l'anima pur di dare ragione al vecchio, ma non riesce a distogliere lo sguardo di un centimetro dalla scena. Sente le budella torcersi violentemente e quell'animato garbuglio che è la sua mente prendere forma attorno ad un'immagine - uno scroscio di applausi, un uomo a volto coperto con la sua stessa voce, la risata stridente ed un baluginio di denti scoperti in un sorriso. Monocolo gioisce, scalcia e screpita come un'animale infervorato dal massacro. Tump. Tump. Felicita scava passivamente nella sua borsa senza focalizzare nessun dettaglio visivo, il naso quasi puntato a terra. L'ardere delle fiamme risplende sugli occhialetti dorati e sul profilo femminile, illuminando con terrificante chiarezza il suo volto preoccupato. Tump. Tump. Hubert al suo fianco respira come se stesse scandendo il tempo, il ritmo sicuro di chi ha già sperimentato quel frammento di vita. Il petto si alza e si abbassa regolarmente senza un fremito, mentre la sua mano si allunga sulla spalla della compagna. Bly lo osserva interdetto, senza capire come l'uomo massiccio possa rimanere assolutamente indifferente davanti a quel macabro spettacolo. Poi, nota i suoi piedi. Più Yurei scava nei rimasugli insanguinati della sua preda, più i suoi stivali scavano profondamente nel terreno. Non è il peso dell'uomo che imprime impronte sul selciato - semmai è la volontà della terra che lascia solchi sull'uomo. Tump. Tump. Tump. Tu- Non c'è più nulla da sfondare. Con un gesto di pura rabbia, Yurei scaraventa il resto del cadavere a terra, rilasciando un latrato soffocato. Nessuna parte del suo corpo è scoperta, la sua figura completamente avvolta in strati di pelle nera, tessuto e tela cerata. Eppure, Bly ha come l'impressione di poter vedere dietro i vestiti e dietro la maschera scura - un corpo segnato dalle bruciature, un volto contorto. Gli occhi blu assottigliati, le labbra tese in un ghigno scoperto. Un demone nei panni di un vendicatore solitario. Un pazzo che lui ha scelto di seguire. Con un singhiozzo, il dottore sente il cuore sprofondare nel petto. Abbassa la testa, sperando di sfuggire al giudizio. Se non a quello degli altri, almeno al proprio. E maledice qualsiasi Dio abbia fatto di Yurei quello che è.
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idkfitememate · 2 months
Others songs !!! Because I have A LOT
PRIDE. - Kendrick Lamar (second fav song here)
Love's gonna get you kill
But pride's gonna be the death of you, and you and me
And you, and you, and you and me
And you, and you, and you and me
And you, and you, and you and me, and-
Me, I wasn't taught to share, but care
In another life, I surely was there
Me, I wasn't taught to share, but care
I care, I care
(+my fav moment)
Me, I wasn't taught to share, but care
In another life, I surely was there
Me, I wasn't taught to share, but care
I care, I care
Maybe I wasn't there (We saw you first)
Maybe I wasn't there (I saw you first)
Maybe I wasn't there (I saw you first)
Maybe I wasn't there
Unsweetened Lemonade - Amélie Farren (I miss yellow color so much..)
My eyes are made of acid, and my tongue is sharp with spite
Attention whore with too much pride, there's no one I wouldn't fight
I don't like confrontation, but I'm staring at the sun
I won't quit until my eyes go red, I'll finish what's begun
I fucked the reaper 'cause I knew my time was coming, can't you see ?
I was either gonna die at 12 or 90 fucking three
I'd do anything for 20 bucks, I'd sell my sour soul
'Cause lemonade is bitter, 'til you sweeten up the bowl
I'm sitting in the bathroom, I'm crying citrus tears
Everything I used to love, decayed over the years
Dépassé - Nuit Incolore (French song guyss)
Dépassé par le temps
J'ai besoin de prendre l'air
Regard noir dans le vide
Je dévisage ce qu'il reste de mon avenir
Mes souvenirs deviennent liquides
Je voudrais en quitter le navire
Et finalement, j'en perds mon temps
Comment puis-je perdre autant ?
Le vent se lève, j'tenterais d'être un survivant
Au bout d'mes lèvres, les mots m'attendent
Ils se serrent, mais jamais n'tombent
Au fond de moi, je suis fait de catacombes
J'ai le chronomètre dans la tête
Combien de rêve me faudra-t-il pour que les heures s'arrêtent ?
J'suis dépassé par le temps
Je ne pense plus comme avant
J'ai besoin de prendre l'air
J'veux rejoindre la lumière
Je me nourris de distance
Pour sentir mon existence
J'ai besoin de me distraire
Mais j'suis au fond de l'enfer
J'suis dépassé par le temps
J'ai besoin de prendre l'air
J'veux rejoindre la lumière
Anyone want a french song only part ???
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Bro you’re making me run outta artists I don’t listen to a lot of people holy shit-
Also I’d love to see some French songs-
My Body’s Made of Crushed Little Stars - Mitski
I better ace that interview
I better ace that interview
I should tell them that I'm not afraid to die
I better ace that interview
I work better under a deadline
I work better under a deadline
I pick an age when I'm gonna disappear
Until then, I can try again
Until then, I can try again
Kill me, Jerusalem
Kill me, Jerusalem
Kill me, Jerusalem
Go and kill me
Child Psychology - Black Box Recorder
At that time, she stopped what she was doing
She stopped playing
She stared, she had the facial grimacing
And then the psychiatrist was saying
"Julie, Julie, can you hear me?
Can you open your eyes?
Can you stick out your tongue?"
And all of a sudden, Julie struck out
The November day I came home
The Christmas decorations were already up
Spray on snow, coloured flashing lights
And an artificial tree that played Silent Night
Over and over again
My parents welcomed me with loving arms
But within an hour were back at each others throats
Normal, happy childhood back on course
Batteries not included
Life is unfair
Kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair
Kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair
Kill yourself or get over it
Life is unfair
Kill yourself or get over it
Hansel - Sodikken
Finally, a party just for me
In contrast with those attending, I'm quite happy
Like your brain's hard drives just installed sympathy
Judging by how much you cry, it's like you're draining your eyes
Got in candy land, I paid the entrance fee
Good thing no one tried to stop me through my self-injury spree
People, please, you should be smiling
If ya cared that much, should've showed love 'fore I became a piece of meat
Hey, come on, let's up the vibrancy
I want some sort of balloons and your tears can be the confetti
Gone from living feces to your priority
Funny how much more you notice something that you can't see
A whole garden on flowers and my name etched on a rock
All this could've been avoided, all I wanted was to talk
Now I've been appointed, as your new king, I decree
That it's too late to start caring about me
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farshores · 1 year
3, 7, 11, 15 and 18 for the Perdes twins?
My kids! Otero and Mei are gonna be highlighted via the respective colors you just saw on their names btw - going undercut because it gets a lil long! sorry for any weird wording/misspelling as well, it's late lol
What are their religious affiliations, and how does their worship (or lack thereof) affect their day-to-day life?
Otero's main god/deity/etc is Stendarr. He acknowledges the pantheons his 3 parents were raised on (Imperial & Yokudan), but Stendarr specifically is his patron god. Had a bit of a religious crisis during the events of VIGILANT, but came back to it more faithful - just in a less....Vigilant of Stendarr way
Mei isn't particularly religious? Whenever you hear her mutter a prayer or curse, it can be one regarding the Imperial, Yokudan, or Aldmeri pantheons, a daedric prince, or something Hist-related she picked up during her time at Black Marsh. She just kinda acknowledges them all - save for Talos. She has no issue saying he isn't a god. If she had to pick any all-powerful being she would acknowledge more often, it would probably be Sheo. Mostly because she keeps running into shenanigans related to him.
Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? Or, if they were born in Skyrim, do they wish they could leave?
Both were born in Skyrim!
Otero does end up going to Cyrodiil at the age of 13 - mainly to try and cure his lycanthropy (changing up the story between him and Tei a bit lol - Tei was, begrudgingly, supportive of this move). But events such as joining up with the Vigilants brought him back to Skyrim! Despite everything that happened - he'd rather stay until duty calls him away from his homeland.
Mei on the other hand, while she adored her family, was eager to leave. Partially due to just feeling disconnected from her heritage(s). Moving to Winterhold was a test for herself on how'd she do with long distance; later she began hopping between Summerset, Hammerfell, and Black Marsh in her adult years - trying to learn what she can in hopes to form some sort of connection.
If they are a magic user, what is their favorite school of magic? Do they have a natural talent for magic, or does it require diligence and study?
Mei is super obsessed with Conjuration - maybe worryingly so to those wary of necromancy. But she's not planning to be the next King of Worms! Promise! She just likes to - respectfully - study the way bodies work and function and often works with (volunteered, if she can ensure it) cadavers to make notes on; any reanimation is purely for science and/or seeing how it can function in a medical setting!
Magic came naturally to her, a jack of all trades of sorts, with the conjuration school being easier for her to channel through! She still studies where she can in regards to Restoration, Illusion, and Alteration though!
Otero prefers Restoration, though it's used more offensively due to his training as both a Vigilant and a member of the Dawnguard. Magic, however, did not come naturally to him! What he learned during his time as a vigilant took a lot of near-death experiences/questionable sparring matches - but now he has a pretty solid arsenal of Restoration spells! From healing others to using the power of the sun to burn up undead. Wouldn't want to go through that "training" again though.
How do they feel about consorting with daedra? Do they collect their artifacts? Are there some they would never interact with vs. some they would consider calling upon?
Mei doesn't actively seek them out but doesn't really go out of her way to stop folks who do either. Like I said earlier, she tends to have unexpected run-ins with Sheo. Nothing really amounts from it though. Mei has the following: the Wabbajack (found the hip bone by accident), Mehrunes' Razor (looted it off a bandits corpse), and Sanguine's Rose (she and Courron got shitfaced during finals at Winterhold. Neither of them would hear the end of it from their parent(s) ). All from showing up at the right place at the right time....or wrong time, wrong place - depending on how you look at it.
Otero used to be against it 100% but has been unlearning a lot of negative bias drilled into him by the VoS. He still doesn't actively seek them out - but understands that these princes are important to others. Unless it's Bal, you follow that guy & this Argonian/Akaviri mix is going to smite you on the spot.
He really only owns the Dawnbreaker - which he stole from one of Meridia's followers during a clash between them and the Vigilants. Used to have Molag Bal's mace, but it was only to transport it to one of the safehouses in Skyrim where VoS' dispose of or permanently lock up daedric artifacts.
What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
Both are Tei's kids in which they do not give a second thought or a blink of an eye. Having a parent who is a leader of a group of assassins will do that to ya. Mei will definitely attempt pacifism at first but isn't really beat up about killing, mainly because for her it always comes down to self-defense. Otero on the other hand is completely desensitized due to, again, his training as a Vigilant. Some of the kills he did he felt some regret for, but still, he won't think twice if the situation doesn't call for it.
I guess the difference between these two is that Mei has more respect for life but knows when it has to end. Otero sees it as something that may have to be taken, sometimes often, for the sake of peace.
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demonsclub · 1 year
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Name: Tyler O’Neill.
Nicknames: Ty, Hacker Boy, Cobie, Ace, King of the Road 
Age:  22
Date of Birth: October 30th, 2000  
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight.  
Profession: Majoring in Computer Engineering
Pinterest: Here 
Hair: Dark and tousled.
Eyes: Hazel.  
Skin: Tan.
Tattoos/scars: He has a rune on the side of his neck, it was his first tattoo, and just an act of rebellion. The second tattoo he got was a broken compass on his forearm with the word “home” written underneath. Then he got small birds flying across his ribs which was meant to symbolize the desire of “flight” and wanting to get away. His  fourth tattoo is the italian proverb, “Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio,“  which means a wolf cannot change its nature. His fifth tattoo is his favorite. It’s a full moon on his triceps, he got the tattoo with Brooke Maddox, who he was falling in love with at the time. It was meant to commemorate their night together, spent under the moonlight, acting like teenage lunatics. After they “broke up” and went their own way, Tyler added a little wolf howling beneath it. The idea behind the howling wolf was to say he still thinks of her and wishes they could be together again. Wolves mate for life. As for scars, he has a lot on his hands from fighting, a few on his abs, back, and chest, and a distinctive scar over his eyebrow which was split open from a car accident when he was fifteen and running from the cops.
Parents: Tyler was raised in foster care and has no idea who his real parents are. They’ve always been a mystery to him and are one of the many reasons why he’s so emotionally damaged.
Siblings: He has weird deja vu memories of having a sister in the orphanage, or maybe they’re just dreams, or maybe she was just a friend of his. He’s not sure.
Grandparents: His grandfather Eli O’Neill is still alive and the head honcho of a gang. He came into Tyler’s life when he was seventeen and offered him a position in the gang, and although Tyler accepted it at the time, he’s since disbanded from them.
Pets: He has a pet snake named Venom.
Abilities: Tyler is a natural-born athlete. For years, he belonged to a boxing club, played lacrosse and football, and used to make a killing in illegal street races. His greatest ability though is his skills behind a computer. He can hack into anything, and uses the popularity of technology to his advantage. He’ll often sell his tech-savvy services for a price.  
Hobbies: He enjoys skiing and snowboarding in France, playing pool at the Billiards Club, racing cars, experimenting with drugs, starting fights, and he’s currently designing a new slasher VR game.
Most Positive Trait: Although he’s troubled, Tyler has a very mature side to him with more life experience than most people his age. Therefore, he’s very experienced and has a lot of wisdom to share.  
Worst Negative: He often resorts to self-destruction. He pushes people away, can be very private and standoffish, sarcastic and mean. He’d rather a person hate him than love him because he’s more comfortable with that. It’s better for him not to get his hopes up. Trusting people has always been a mistake.
Colors: Black
Smells: Gasoline, coffee, fresh-cut grass, fireplaces, the woods
Foods: Double cheeseburgers, salted fries, Quiche Lorraine
Drinks: Black coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, vitamin water
Smokes: He smokes cigarettes and pot. 
Alcohol: Vodka. There’s a cocktail he frequents called the Mind-Eraser which is vodka, club soda and coffee liqueur. He enjoys cold beer too. He’s always been too poor to care about labels.  
Drugs: He’s tried almost every drug out there, but prefers ecstasy and pot.
Been Arrested: He’s spent two years in juvie for stealing a car when he was fifteen which led to a police chase and then resisting arrest. He was arrested again a few months after for hacking into government files. And then in and out of jail for fighting, street racing, and public intoxication.
Friends/Best Friend: Tyler doesn’t have many “real” friends. He never let himself get too close to people. However he has met plenty of acquaintances throughout his time in foster care and juvie and all the schools he attended throughout his adolescence. Therefore he has managed to make a few lasting connections. One of them being his best friend, she was a social butterfly who accepted him for all his flaws and mistakes. She was an inspiration for him to change and though he hasn’t changed, she has stuck by him through thick and thin. 
Family: Tyler doesn’t know much about his family. According to him he doesn’t have any. But he does faintly remember a girl from the orphanage who he thought might’ve been his sister. Then there’s his uncle Eli who’s the leader of a gang. Eli will remain a NPC but if someone wants to play gang members who are eager to pull Tyler back into the crime world that would be fun. 
Exes: Tyler has tons of exes but his most memorable one is the one he had in high school. He dated Lakewood’s hottest, meanest, most popular girl for two years before they broke up for good. They were always off and on and cheating on each other and playing vicious games to see who cared less. The games ended when Tyler cheated on her with her best friend Brooke Maddox and no one holds a vendetta quite like her. 
Rivals: Tyler has made quite an amount of enemies throughout his lifetime. He’s always running his mouth, getting into fights, hustling people out of their money, and sleeping with other people’s girlfriends. He’s always involved in something shady whether its gambling, illegal street racing, underground fight clubs, and drugs. Therefore meeting and making enemies with other shitheads is just part of the deal. 
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senemlibisey · 1 year
Artun bebekkekken uyku problemi vardı. (şimdi çok normal, ah o zamanlar lohusa bir anne içimanormalden fazla, kabus.)
Artuşu yatak odasında belirli bir rutin sonrası black out perde ile değişik şarkılarla uyutmaya başladık;zombie ve istiklal marşı gibi. Artun daha konuşamaz ve yürüyemezken "ben normun dışında biriyim" diyen bir bebeydi. Onu olduğu kabul etmekti anneliğimde fark yaratacak ama belki de ömrüöim bitse unutmayacağım şey çocuğu için özenle tavana ışıklı yıldızlar yapıştıran bir babanıj oğlunu hırsına öfkesine malzeme edebilmesi. Hani merhametine ölüp evlendiğim adam? Yokmuş ve aslında hiç VAR OLMAMIŞ. Çok ağır.​
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madamedupigeonsalon · 2 years
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Psychologie : le ghosting existe encore en 2023
Vous avez une phrase d accroche ? Vous anticipez le future date , quoi mettre ? Love at first side, il faut être canon ! M as t il menti sur son âge ou encore est il beau ?
Je dois m épiler, j ai pas encore essayer aux lasers , j ai peur d avoir mal aux aisselles pour toujours et perdre deux neurones dans l action. Enfin bref , il faut le faire parce qu on n a pas envie de terminer seul dans son appartement avec un chat ou deux… il faut mettre de l énergie pour voir les résultats.
Pourtant, jamais on avait vue un nombre incroyable de ghosting sur les applications. D abord, on parle puis d un coup plus rien ! C est scandaleux, on perd du temps , on parle d avenir et hop plus rien. C est quoi ce délire ? Je vous explique le pourquoi du comment. La personne en face est mal dans sa peau . Vous êtes trop bien , trop d énergie et enfin vous l inquiétez parce que vous êtes au top et lui est dans un gouffre noir. Son rôle principale : fuir ! Avant ou après le date. Mais pourquoi pas le dire ? On revient sur le mal de peaux. Il n arrive pas à communiquer et commence dès lors une spirale négative pour lui et il préfère partir sans dire un mot. Toutefois, je précise que parfois, il s en fout le goujat. Donc , niveau sympa , on peut se poser la question !
Donc , on rédige pas une plaidoirie dans son journal intime pour prendre sa propre défense. On l envoie pas en prison mais on tourne tout simplement la page. Regardes un dessin animé ,la belle au bois dormant ou cendrillon. On s enfonce pas … on peut prendre un jour pour se reposer et puis on redémarre. Pas mal ! On est pas mort et la vague a l âme qu on ressent c est juste un mauvais moment à passer.
Vous reprenez votre téléphone et vous swipez a droite. Sinon , vous supprimez tinder et bumble et vous sortez seul dans un bar et peut être qu un gentleman croisera votre regard.
Psychology : Ghosting still exists in 2023
Do you have a catchphrase? You anticipate the future date, what to wear? Love at first side, you have to be hot! Did he lie about his age or is he handsome? I have to wax, I haven't tried lasers yet, I'm afraid of having armpit pain forever and losing two neurons in the process. Anyway, you have to do it because you don't want to end up alone in your apartment with a cat or two… you have to put in the energy to see the results. However, we had never seen an incredible number of ghosting on applications. First, we talk and then suddenly nothing! It's scandalous, we're wasting time, we're talking about the future and nothing more. What is this madness ? I'll tell you why and how. The person in front is uncomfortable in his skin. You are too good, too much energy and finally you worry him because you are on top and he is in a black abyss. Its main role: to flee! Before or after the date. But why not say it? We come back to skin pain. He can not communicate and therefore begins a negative spiral for him and he prefers to leave without saying a word. However, I should point out that sometimes he doesn't care. So, nice level, we can ask ourselves the question! So, you don't write a pleading in your diary to take your own defense. We are not sending him to prison, but we are simply turning the page. Watch a cartoon, Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella. We don't sink… we can take a day to rest and then we start again. Not bad ! We're not dead and the wave has the soul that we feel it's just a bad time to pass. You pick up your phone and swipe right. Otherwise, you delete tinder and bumble and go out alone in a bar and maybe a gentleman will catch your eye.
Kevin Ngirimcuti
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portorfeitansimp · 2 years
OC 18/37
Lorenzo Suka
Lorenzo is a gay printer born on April 1. He is mature and motivated, always ready to help people when needed but still quite suspicious of strangers, he hates when someone hurts his sibling but is very kind to her friends. He's pretty calm and thoughtful, but can freak out very quickly if someone tampers with his key ring, which is his last memory of his mother, and he becomes completely panicked if he loses his Ventoline because he is asthmatic. Like his sister, he is afraid of abandonment, and his eyes change color depending on his emotions :
Pink : in love
Red : anger
Black : hatred
Purple : jealousy
Blue : joy
Yellow : sadness
Pink with black whirlwinds : heartache
Grey with withe whirlwinds : despair
Lorenzo est un imprimeur gay né le 1 Avril. Il est mature et motivé, toujours prêt à aider les gens en cas de besoin mais tout de même assez méfiant envers les inconnus, il a horreur qu'on fasse du mal à sa jumelle mais est très gentil avec les amis de cette dernière. Il est plutôt calme et réfléchi, mais peut très vite péter un câble si quelqu'un touche à son porte-clé, qui est le dernier souvenir qu'il lui reste de sa mère, et il devient complètement paniqué si il perd sa Ventoline car il est asthmatique. Comme sa sœur, il a peur de l'abandon, et ses yeux changent de couleur en fonction de ses émotions.
Rose : amoureux
Rouge : colère
Noir : haine
Violet : jalousie
Bleu : joie
Jaune : tristesse
Rose avec des tourbillons noirs : chagrin d'amour
Gris avec des tourbillons blancs : désespoir
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Basket, EuroLega: Olympiacos-Olimpia Milano 82-66
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Basket, EuroLega: Olympiacos-Olimpia Milano 82-66. Dopo la clamorosa vittoria ai danni del Monaco in EuroLega e in campionato contro la Virtus Bologna, per la squadra milanese è tempo di affrontare i greci allenati da Giorgos Mpartzokas, attualmente quarti in classifica, nella diciassettesima giornata. Nel primo quarto, il quintetto base scelto da coach Messina è composto da Baron, Hall, Melli, Ricci e Davies, mentre le scelte del coach greco ricadono su Walkup, Canaan, Papanikolaou, Peters e Fall. I primi punti della partita arrivano dalle mani di Davies con un tiro difficilissimo in step-back. L’Olimpia inizia bene anche con Melli e Baron, ma l’Olympiacos risponde subito con Walkup che mette a segno una bella tripla e Peters. Papanikolaou e Fall portano avanti i greci a metà tempo, complice qualche imprecisione milanese, tanto che Messina chiama il primo time-out della partita. L’Olimpia non esce bene dal time-out sbagliando qualche tiro, ma Thomas rimette il risultato in parità momentanea, prima della tripla di Peters per la squadra di casa. Peters segna 5 triple su 5 e permette i suoi di chiudere il primo quarto 27-15 complici le due triple finali di Papanikolaou e McKissic. Il secondo quarto inizia con un bello spin di Baron che segna 2 punti, ma Sloukas mette subito a segno una tripla. Mitrou-Long segna una tripla e prova dare la carica all’Olimpia. Baron si prende un bel tiro e segna 2 punti dopo essere uscito dai blocchi da una rimessa e successivamente appoggia al ferro in contropiede. Sloukas si prende 2 tiri liberi per l’Olympiakos e riporta i suoi a più 10. I greci difendono molto bene e l’Olimpia fa fatica a penetrare. Devon Hall segna una bella tripla dopo il time-out greco a metà tempo, ma l’Olympiakos ha un’organizzazione difensiva molto buona e in attacco la squadra milanese fa fatica. Walkup segna una tripla in transizione, alla quale rispondono subito Hines e Baron con 2 canestri da due punti tanto che costringono Mpartzokas a chiamare il time-out. Milano esce bene e segna bene con Hines in post, oltre a recuperare dei bei palloni a rimbalzo con Voigtmann. Baron segna 2 tiri liberi, ai quali risponde in schiacciata McKissic dopo un bel taglio. Davies accorcia le distanze a 9 secondi dalla fine del primo tempo con una tripla fantastica, alla quale risponde Vezenkov per il 44-38 alla fine del primo tempo. Il terzo quarto inizia con una bella tripla di Pippo Ricci a conclusione di un bel possesso. Peters in inserimento sigla 2 punti, prima di qualche errore al tiro milanese. Ricci attacca con la mano sinistra in post contro Papanikolaou e va a segno. La partita diventa molto fisica e Messina protesta per alcuni fischi arbitrali e l’arbitro concede fallo tecnico alla panchina milanese a metà quarto. Peters trasforma il libero e successivamente Canaan ne trasforma 2, prima della tripla di Walkup che fa allungare l’Olympiakos e costringe Messina al time-out. Papanikolaou porta i suoi a più 11 dopo la sosta milanese. Thomas guadagna due tiri liberi e fa 1 su 2. Black aggira Hall in lunetta e schiaccia per i suoi 500 punti in carriera. L’Olimpia fa molto fatica in attacco e sbaglia qualche tiro di troppo soprattutto da fuori l’area. Sloukas alla scadere del terzo quarto segna una tripla per il 59-44. Il quarto quarto inizia con una magia di Melli che segna con un gancio e ottiene il fallo, ma Sloukas rimette le cose in chiaro per i greci. Walkup recupera palloni di continuo e appoggia il pallone al tabellone continuando a segnare e costringendo Messina al time-out. Fall fa valere i suoi 220 cm e infila 2 punti in post guadagnando il tiro libero aggiuntivo. Milano ha bisogno di ritrovare la fiducia, perché fa molta fatica sia in attacco, con molti tiri sbagliati e percentuali impietose, che in difesa. La squadra del Pireo vola e scappa. Luwawu-Cabarrot segna una tripla per il meno 18 dopo il time-out milanese, ma l’Olimpia perde troppi palloni e McKissic chiude un’azione in schiacciata sul no-look di Sloukas permettendo ai greci di arrivare a 20 punti di vantaggio, prima di altri 2 punti di Fall ai quali risponde Hines dopo un rimbalzo offensivo e un layup. Vezenkov punisce ancora da 3 punti. Luwawu-Cabarrot segna due liberi, ai quali risponde immediatamente Black con un bell’attacco in penetrazione. Larentzakis entra per coach Mpartzokas e segna subito una tripla, così come Mitrou-Long per Milano che ne segna 2. La partita finisce 82-66. L’Olimpia Milano cade sul campo difficilissimo dell’Olympiakos ponendo fine alla striscia di 3 vittorie di fila e tornerà in campo in EuroLega martedì 10 a Berlino contro l’Alba Berlino.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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sasuhinamonth · 3 years
Official 2021 Prompt List
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Good day, everyone! It’s with great pride and joy that our team presents you with the Official Prompt List of 2021! We went through the fans’ countless suggestions and did our best to accommodate everyone’s desires as much as we could. The prompts are very open for interpretation and we hope you enjoy each and every one of them 😊.
Happy SasuHina Month!
¡Buen día a todos! ¡Es con gran orgullo y placer que les presentamos la Lista de temas oficial del 2021! Leímos y revisamos todas sus sugerencias para el evento y tratamos de acomodar los deseos de cada quien. Los temas son muy abiertos a la interpretación y esperamos que disfruten cada uno de ellos 😊.
¡Feliz Mes SasuHina!
Day 1
The Beginning of Us
El comienzo de nosotros
Subtle Dating At Its Finest
Citas sutiles a su más fino
Day 2
A Birthmark That Binds Us
Un lunar que nos vincula
Fashion Statements
Declaraciones de moda
Day 3
The Imperial Court
La corte imperial
Addicted to Your Touch
Adicto a tu piel
Day 4
Spring Hanami: The Flowers of the Season
Spring Hanami: Las flores de la temporada
Childhood Connections
Conexiones de infancia
Day 5
Heirs of a Clan
Herederos de un clan
Queen of the Garden
La reina del jardín
Day 6
The Special Senses
Los cinco sentidos
Marriage Agreement: ‘Til Our Contract Do Us Part
Matrimonio arreglado: Hasta que el contrato nos separe
Day 7
The Genin Era
La era Genin
Of Endless Universes: Favorite AUs & Crossovers
De universos sin fin: AU favorito & crossovers
Day 8
Blackmail Material
Material para chantaje
High School Trip: To the Beaches of Okinawa
Excursión de colegio: A las playas de Okinawa
Day 9
A Second Look
Una segunda mirada
Never Have I Ever
Juegos: Verdad o consecuencia
Day 10
The O-bon Festival
El festival O-bon
Genderbend Situations
Desafiando los roles de género
Day 11
Lord Uchiha
Lord Uchiha
The Forest of Death
El bosque de la muerte
Day 12
The Boy Next Door
El chico de al lado
ANBU Black Ops
ANBU Black Ops
Day 13
Dating Apps AU: "You don't look like your profile picture. Good."
Aplicación de citas: "No te ves como tu foto de perfil. Perfecto."
K-Pop AU
K-Pop AU
Day 14
Within These Dreams
Dentro de estos sueños
Missed Connections
Conexiones perdidas
Day 15
Ame Agari: Silence After the Rainfall
Ame agari: El silencio después de la lluvia
The Crisp Leaves of Fall
Las hojas secas de otoño
Day 16
At the Stroke of Midnight
Al toque de la medianoche
Free Day
Día libre
Day 17
From Me to You: The Letters Sent Through Time
De mi para ti: Las cartas mandadas a través del tiempo
The Cottage Hidden in the Woods
La cabaña oculta en el bosque
Day 18
Hogwarts: A History AU
Hogwarts: Una Historia AU
The Witching Hour: Of Ghosts & Superstitions
La hora fantasmal: De ánimas & supersticiones
Day 19
Meetings in a Vintage Bookstore
Encuentros en una libreria antigua
The Season of Decay, the Season of Rebirth
La temporada del decaer, la temporada del renacer
Day 20
Of Spirit Animals & Personality
De animales espirituales y personalidades
Thunderous As a Storm, Gentle As the Dew
Recio como una tormenta, suave como el rocío
Day 21
The Art of Murder
La arte del homicidio
Out in the Autumn Night
Afuera en la noche otoñal
Day 22
Pomegranate of Sin: The Forbidden Fruit
Granada del pecado: La fruta prohibida
Transcendence of Memory
Recuerdos que trascienden
Day 23
Skin Pale As Snow, Lips Red As the Rose
Piel pálida como la nieve, labios rojos como la rosa
Under the New Moon
Bajo la luna nueva
Day 24
Sasame Yuki: Snow that Falls in Silence
Sasame yuki: La nieve que cae en silencio
Smoke & Mirrors
Humo y espejos
Day 25
The Season of Grief
La temporada de dolor
The Warmth of You
La calidez de tu ser
Day 26
Sweater Weather
Clima para abrigar
The Flavor of Tea
El sabor del té
Day 27
Hold Me As the Night Falls
Abrázame mientras la noche cae
The Girl Trapped in the Painting
La mujer atrapada en la pintura
Day 28
The Twisted Curse of Immortality
La cruel maldición de la inmortalidad
The Love We Hide
El amor que ocultamos
Day 29
Lost Among the Stars
Perdidos entre las estrellas
Seeing Through These Blind Eyes
Viendo a través de estos ojos ciegos
Day 30
Lunar Descendants
Descendientes de la luna
A Story Without End
Una historia sin fin
Day 31
Tribute to Your Favorite Fanfic/Fanart
Tributo para tu escritor o artista favorito
-June 26, 2021
MOD: Fher43
**Banner art belongs to @perlmuttt!**
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Insania Ch. 5
Summary: A psychiatrist has to face the biggest challenge of her career so far. Malakai Black, the most enigmatic and yet dangerous patient at the Redemption Asylum. As time goes by, the doctor has to leave her skepticism behind if she wishes to understand the deep waters of Malakai’s mind.
Word Count: Long
Pairings: Malakai Black x OFC Dr. Calla
Warnings: +18, adult themed, mentions of mental illness, disorders and psychopathy traits, mentions of mental breakdown
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Plot Beta: @letsgivethisonemoreshot
Tag: @theworldofotps , @blxckestheart , @unusual-tomorrxw , @wrestlersownmyheart , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @rdhester1987 , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @aerynscrichton , @new-zealand-chic , @thealliasylum , @crowleysqueenofhell , @sassymox , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @alliwant456
A/N: I’m not a doctor whatsoever and all the subjects approached on this fic are for plot reasons only. I’m in no way, shape or form affirming that anyone diagnosed with the mental illness mentioned in this fic have ill intentions or are criminals. I’m just using the diagnostics to construct the plot and create my version of Malakai’s character for this specific mini series since most of these mental traits can be found in psychopaths. If any of these themes offend or hurt you, please do not read it. Reminding you that to each chapter there’s a link to the song that inspired me to write, so you can add its meaning to the chapter as well. And last but not least, check out my Masterlist if you’d like to read some of my other works ❤️
Divider: @firefly-graphics
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Prologue, Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4
Dr. Calla’s eyes stared in disbelief at the scene playing out in front of her.
Malakai was dressed in his white asylum clothes, holding an inflatable doll in his arms and softly dancing around his room while singing:
🎶Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
Voilà le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens🎶🎶🎶
He smoothly swayed to the rhythm playing inside his head without missing a beat.
🎶Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Qu'il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose🎶
Dr. Calla was unable to suppress her shocked gasp when she realized what was happening.
🎶Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Donc je connais la cause🎶
The doll was dressed just like her. Clothed in a dress shirt and pencil skirt, sporting a wig that perfectly matched Dr. Calla’s hair, and even a name tag that looked identical to the one that had disappeared from her office the week before.
🎶C'est lui pour moi
Moi pour lui
Dans la vie Il me l'a dit, l'a juré
Pour la vie🎶
Malakai whispered against the doll’s open mouth, before he kissed her deeply. Suppressing her gag reflex, Dr. Calla forced herself to keep watching, so she could try to understand what his plan was.
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His intense staring at the camera caused her to shiver, almost as if he could stare into her soul. Just as she grabbed the remote to pause the footage, he spoke for the first time:
“Can you feel it, sugarplum? Getting closer….our freedom. You can feel it, can’t you?” Malakai stepped closer to the camera and squatted down “Are you excited? To finally be free from everything? To leave all the little white lies and frustrations behind? To finally embrace who you really are?” Taking the camera in his hands, Malakai walked back to his bed and laid down on the mattress, causing the old bed springs to squeak beneath his weight. “Then it’s time, sugarplum. The clock is ticking…Embrace the House Of Black” And giving a cold, sinister smile, he whispered “Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick-”
Dr. Calla yelped when the screen became black and suddenly Marilyn Monroe’s “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” began to play. She quickly turned off the tv and grabbed the empty box, eager to get rid of it.
But when she took the box in her hand, Dr. Calla heard a rumbling noise inside of it. Turning the box over to empty it, she frowned as she reached for the two items that had fallen out.
Attached to the black string of a purple velvet bag was a shiny black key. *A key? What’s that for?* Dr. Calla thought to herself as her hands fumbled to open the bag.
A disgusted whimper left her at the sight of the acrylic box printed with the purple letters: “Sugarplum - bullet vibrator”.
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“You’re a disturbed fucker!” Dr. Calla spat when Malakai was securely handcuffed to the aluminum table “How did you do that? How do you know where I live? How did you know it was my birthday? How did you manage to record yourself and send a DVD to my house? Who helped you?”
Malakai chuckled at her desperation, finally having her where he wanted since the beginning.
In her sudden outburst of rage, Dr. Calla threw her ethics out the window and slapped Malakai across the face, causing the man to laugh out loud while he licked the blood from his lips.
“So you do like it rough then” He cackled “Good, because I do too”
“You're the most disgusting freak I’ve ever met. You make me SICK!”
“Aww, sugarplum” He cooed “If I knew we would be stating our love vows today, I would’ve brought mine too” Laughing all the while, pure amusement radiating from his face.
Carl bursted into the therapy room, completely shocked with the scene he had just witnessed. “Dr. Calla, in the name of God, what’s wrong with you?” The large man engulfed her in his embrace before she could strike Malakai again.
“It’s him! He’s a fucking demon! He’s everywhere!” She wriggled in his arms, trying to free herself from his firm grip “He knows everything I do, everything I think! He was in my house last night, hell, he’s there every night! He lays on my bed, watches me in the shower, stares at me while I’m sleeping for fuck’s sake!” As Carl’s grip loosened, she turned around to face him and pleaded in a whispered voice.
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“Carl, please help me. Help me get rid of him. Please! He’s a fucking curse to hummanity and no one will ever miss him”.
The man frowned at her request and turned his back to Malakai, successfully blocking Dr. Calla’s sight of the man who had become her worst nightmare.
*Was she really asking him that?* Carl thought to himself, but his inner dialogue was soon cut off, when Dr. Calla began to speak again.
“I can’t sleep anymore…I-I live…I see him everywhere. I hear him calling my name, I feel his presence around me…I live in fear” Dr. Calla held back a sob as tears rolled down her cheeks “I can’t do this anymore, Carl. He will never leave me alone. I have these thoughts…these impulses that are not mine. I- I tried everything! Medication, hypnosis, psychotherapy, even drugs! Nothing helps…nothing stops him. Please, Carl. I beg you, help me stop this. I don’t how much longer I can take this an-”
Dr. Calla’s voice died in her throat as she stared at Malakai. He was now free from the handcuffs and behind Carl, with a knife pressed against the security guard’s neck.
“Malakai” The man pleaded
“Shhhhh” He glided the blade against his jugular “Give your set of keys to the Doc”
The man obliged and Malakai continued “And you Doc, are going to free my beloved looney friends” He smirked “This place has remained too calm for too long. I think it’s time for us to have some chaos around here”
Malakai waved at the security camera inside the therapy room “Because you know I always like to cause a good impression before I leave” And laughed.
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sciatu · 3 years
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L’autunno è quando il cielo si vela ed il mare si spegne, quando la luce estiva, pura come quella di un diamante perde, come le foglie sugli alberi, la lucentezza e lentamente scompare sciogliendosi in un grigiore diffuso. Anche il sole frettoloso, appare e scompare velocemente tra le nubi, come un amante annoiato, un padre troppo indaffarato. Allora dovresti essere triste, vorresti nasconderti sotto le coperte come un seme nella terra in attesa della primavera. Invece scegli i sentieri nei boschi dove ogni foglia vive un dramma colorato e muore lentamente mostrando la propria teatrale agonia fatta di accesi rossi, splendenti marroni, luminosi gialli.   Invece negli orti domestici si accendono costellazioni di melograni, di mandarini e aranci, limoni e giuggiole che accendono nei mercati le voci dei venditori e la curiosità delle massaie. Invece, cammini tra la sabbia umida e la schiuma rabbiosa, sentendo l’odore di salsedine che feconda il vento freddo, senti nei boschi abbandonati dagli insetti, il gocciolare dai rami neri e umidi mentre gli uccelli cercano nel fogliame morto una difesa per il prossimo freddo. L’orizzonte si colora con nubi oscure e maligne la cui ira riempie il cielo di fitta pioggia che nel mare è sferzata da serpeggianti ed abbaglianti tuoni. Resti stupito da questa scenografica fine del mondo e ne comprendi la bellezza, la necessità, il fine vitale che domina e pervade il mondo in cui la creazione è la sua essenza e la morte una sua parte. Nel cielo del mattino segui i voli dei colombi disorientati dalla prima nebbia, impauriti dall’improvviso silenzio che domina il mondo immerso in un nuovo autunno, così è la tua anima che vola nel senso di un tempo dovuto.
Autumn is when the sky is veiled and the sea goes out, when the summer light, as pure as that of a diamond, loses its brightness, like the leaves on the trees, and slowly disappears, melting into a diffuse gray. Even the hasty sun appears and disappears quickly among the clouds, like a bored lover, a too busy father. Then you should be sad, you would like to hide under the covers like a seed in the earth waiting for spring. Instead you choose the paths in the woods where each leaf experiences a colorful drama and slowly dies showing its theatrical agony made of bright reds, bright browns, bright yellows. Instead, in the home gardens, constellations of pomegranates, tangerines and oranges, lemons and jujubes light up, igniting the voices of the sellers and the curiosity of the housewives in the markets. Instead, you walk among the damp sand and the angry foam, smelling the salty smell that fecundates the cold wind, feel in the woods abandoned by insects, the dripping from the black and damp branches as the birds search in the dead foliage for a defense for the cold future days. The horizon is colored with dark and evil clouds whose anger fills the sky with dense rain that is lashed by meandering and dazzling thunder in the sea. You are amazed by this scenic end of the world and you understand its beauty, its necessity, its vital purpose that dominates and pervades the world in which creation is its essence and death a part of it. In the morning sky follow the flights of the doves disoriented by the first fog, frightened by the sudden silence that dominates the world immersed in a new autumn, so is your soul flying in the sense of a due time.
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