#blackwatch au
wftc141 · 8 months
Blackwatch Chapter 10: Conflict Part 1
12:40 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
December 2018
The team are all gathered at their quarters but their mood has been less talkative. While Genji was tapping away on his phone, McCree and Sombra played pool against Fio and Moira, and Marvel was losing his dart throwing match with Amelie. By the corner of the room, Ray watched the TV with disinterest.
"Man, this shit's getting boring." Ray said, breaking the silence.
"Saying that for the tenth time isn't gonna make it less boring, man." Marvel called out as he took his stance.
"And you just got out of the kill house four hours ago." Sombra added. "What more do you want, bro?"
"Shooting paper targets and blanks don't count." Ray replied. "We've been on our asses for far too long."
"Ray does raise a point." Moira butted in after finishing her turn. "We're being put on hold after all thanks to this Valorant Protocol unit."
"You mean the guys who failed to stop Null Sector from attacking Rome?"
"The intel failed them." Amelie corrected. "Unlike us, they operate by the books. The mistakes from the higher ups were out of their hands."
"You seem quite fond of the Valorant Protocol, aren't you, Amelie?" Moira asked.
"I speak with logic in mind."
"So there's a chance that they're gonna put us on the sidelines indefinitely?" Ray said.
The room went silent. Blackwatch had been in charge of handling off-the-books operations under the government's nose and they were good at what they did.
With Jack Morrison and the Valorant Protocol taking over duties for the most part, all they could do was wait and see what comes next for Blackwatch.
03:20 PM, Local Time
13 km outside of Mogadishu, Somalia
UN Refugee Campsite
Outside of the city, doctors of the United Nations are helping the Somalian citizens who were caught in the middle of the civil war between Al-Shabaab and the government, accompanied by Helix Security International who served as security detail for the humanitarian doctors.
Angela comes out of a tent as she has just finished working on a patient. She needed to get some air as she took a deep sigh in relief and whipping the sweat from her head.
"How did it go?"
Angela turns to the voice and notices Fareeha Amari walking up to her, still in her gear. She simply raised a thumbs up as Fareeha got close.
"We managed to save the boy, though the landmine shattered his right leg." Angela said. "It's a possibility that he'll have to wear a prosthetic for the rest of his life."
"What matters is that he's alive and you saved him, Angela."
"I heard you put yourself in danger to save that boy."
"If it weren't for me, the boy would've been a goner. I couldn't just leave him there."
"You know those stunts of yours are gonna get yourself killed, Fareeha."
Fareeha let out a deep sigh. She had known Angela enough that she would be aware of her heroic stunts on the field. Before the conversation could continue, an HSI contractor approached her with orders.
"Amari, we need you for a CSAR. Captain's orders." He said in Arabic.
"Got it, Tariq." Fareeha nodded. "Right behind you."
Tariq nodded before heading off.
"Going out again?" Angela asked.
"Yep." Fareeha said before turning away. "I'll see you when I get back."
"Be careful."
"No promises."
Angela watched as Fareeha caught up with her teammates and couldn't help but feel worried for her. Knowing how she always puts herself in danger for the safety of the helpless, it was admirable and courageous to say the least but Angela's gut feeling was telling her that Fareeha's actions aren't going to always be successful considering Somalia's current situation.
04:20 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
Gabriel makes his way to Jack's office as by the look on his face he is not going to have a pleasant conversation as he needs to question him. Once he got to the door, he knocked and waited for a response.
"Come in."
Entering the office, Gabriel walked towards Jack sitting behind his desk who looked up, eyes meeting an unexpected face.
"Ah, Gabe. Wasn't expecting you today. What can I help you with?" Jack asked.
"I've been wanting to discuss something that has been on my mind for some time," Gabriel said as he crashed onto the chair before Jack's desk.
"What is it?"
Gabriel shot a glance at Jack with sharp eyes and a somewhat interrogative aura. Jack was quick to recognize that look as he took a sip from his mug.
"I wanna know what's up with this Valorant Protocol and how a unit that came to existence out of thin air, is suddenly handling duties meant for us."
Lowering the mug from his mouth, Jack simply sighed as he set the mug on the table and leaned back on his chair.
"I figured you were going to ask me that eventually. Just didn't know when."
"You're trying to replace me and my team, aren't you? Is that the real reason why you're here and Salvatore kicked the bucket?"
"This is nothing personal, Gabe." Jack said. "You and your team have been useful for our cause but the Valorant Protocol is a government-sanctioned and, dare I say, a clean covert organization that I believe that your efforts are far suitable with them."
"You're asking me to work with a bunch of scouts just because you don't like how Blackwatch operates?"
"We can't have dirty ops under NATO's hand. This will contradict our intentions to demonstrate peace and unity."
"You honestly believe that shit when there are killers out there trying to turn this world under?" Gabe said, leaning forward. Jack sighed as he lifted his hand to his scrunched eyebrows."You think NATO's idea of peace is gonna fix the mess they've made? Our methods aren't pretty but we're the ones covering up their mess and like it or not, we do it better than any other cleanup squad they throw in."
"I understand your frustrations, Gabe, but right now, the situation is getting more heated than we've anticipated. Congress has been questioning our capabilities ever since the Rome incident and the public are getting more-"
Gabriel suddenly bolts up and slams his fists on Jack's table. "Lives are in danger and you wanna talk about your fucking approval ratings?!"
"This isn't about ratings, this is about collateral damage!" Jack snapped back. "People are scared to go out onto the streets without worrying about whether they'll live to see another day. We're supposed to be keeping our operations out of the public eye and if word gets out to the media about you and your team's existence, we'll be spending months doing damage control!"
Gabriel glared down at Jack as he continued.
"Look, I know this is not the answer you expect from me and I understand. Believe me when I say I'm with you all the way but we need to be realistic about this-"
Gabriel began to chuckle as Jack looked at him with confusion. "Realistic? Don't make me laugh. Where has being realistic ever gotten us, huh? All we did was let people die while we stood by the sidelines, knowing we could've stopped the bloodshed! You know this as much as I do, Jack, but I guess being NATO's lap dog made you forget the blood that's still on your hands"
Gabriel storms out of his office, not giving Jack the chance to speak. As the door slammed shut, Jack slumped back into his chair and sighed, taking in everything that Gabriel had said to him.
05:30 PM, Local Time
Mogadishu, Somalia
Helix contractors have just wrapped up their CSAR, returning back to their headquarters. Fareeha was in the Humvee at the front of the convoy, seated next to Captain Khalil who was driving. She looked through the window, watching the Somali people going about their lives while the civil war continued to shake their country. However, there was something that was bothering Fareeha.
"Something doesn't feel right." Fareeha said.
"Because we found nothing? Agreed." Captain Khalil answered. "Intel said there were innocent people in that area."
"Could've been a trap."
"If it was, we would've gotten into a gunfight. Luckily for us, we're still in one piece. My guess is wrong intel."
Fareeha said nothing and returned her gaze to the war-ravaged streets. Even if bad intel was the case, Fareeha's conscious was convinced something was off. She just couldn't pinpoint where exactly.
9 km north of Mogadishu, Somalia
Undisclosed Camp
Gunshots rang out in synchronization as Talon units watched insurgents of Al-Shabaab train with resilience and coordinated diligence. Talon was fortunate to find such fighters like Al-Shabaab who were more than happy to support their cause, unlike the late Macaba militia. On top of being fast learners, their motivations were the driving force and easy enough for Talon to broker a fair deal of weapon shipments and military training.
On one side, insurgents took to the firing range to test out the newest range of weaponry much more advanced than their arsenal of AK-47s, courtesy of Talon. On the other, fighters trained in close-quarters and the many ways to kill a man, thanks to Talon's best instructors.
Captain Cuerva watched from the sidelines as live fire erupted across the camp, observing for the potential candidate to join their ranks. Almost every insurgent had potential, making it a hard choice for him.
"Captain," Cuerva then turned around to find Pacanowsky approaching him, phone in hand. "The Coin wants to speak with you."
Cuerva held out his hand for Pacanowsky to hand over before lifting the phone to his ear. "Go for Cuerva."
"Bonjour, Captain," Maximilien said. "How's Mogadishu doing for you?"
Cuerva glanced over to the insurgents at the field. "Our allies are surprisingly loyal and competent. They barely managed to move an inch against the military and now they've taken over an entire town thanks to our funding and training."
"Never underestimate the power of money and power," Maximilien replied. Cuerva can feel his smirk behind the screen. "Now, I didn't call you just to catch up on trivial news. Your boss is calling for you to finish up. I have an assignment that I believe you and your team would be interested in."
A smirk grew across Cuerva's face.
"I'm listening."
05:50 PM, Local Time
13 km outside of Mogadishu, Somalia
UN Refugee Campsite
Back at the camp, Angela was walking around the camp looking around with a smile on her face watching how the refugees are feeling safe from the war.
She turned and noticed Winston jogging up to her, alongside his assistant, Athena. Angela noticed he was rather breathless despite his muscular build, which was rare for a doctor like him. He must have something urgent for her to come running.
"Angela. I've been meaning to speak with you." Winston said through his labored breaths.
"Is something wrong, Doctor?" she asked, cocking her head.
He nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. The UN has ordered us to halt all activities effectively and pull out of Mogadishu ASAP."
Angela's eyes widened and her mouth went agape at what she was hearing.
"They want us to leave? Why?" she asked.
"They say the area is getting too dangerous and they can't risk us and the staff getting caught in the firefight."
Angela looked over to the tents where the patients were. "But we can't just abandon these people, Doctor. We have innocent lives on the line here and that's just a small fraction of this city."
"We've tried to reason with them but they told us that our lives are their top priority. The UN has lost all contact with the government and-"
The conversation ended with loud gunfire, engine roaring and panicked screams which caught the three's attention. Angela rushed to see what was happening.
"Mortar incoming!" a voice screamed, although tad too late.
Just as Angela comprehended the warning, a deafening blast knocked Angela onto her back as sand clouded her and everything went dark.
A few minutes later, Angela slowly woke up from the darkness, ears ringing to no end. Sand stuck to her skin as she caught a glimpse of cuts on her arms, close to where the sand was. Her body struggled to get itself back on her feet as she began to crawl, not knowing what was happening around her.
Suddenly a huge shadow casted over her face. Angela heard the figure shout, although she couldn't understand what it was saying. Once her ears fully recovered, she saw Fareeha in front of her holding her up.
"I got you, Angela! Come on!"
Angela quickly helped herself up as she followed Fareeha into cover, coming across four other doctors and the remaining Helix contractors protecting them.
"What's happening?!" Angela asked over the gunfire.
"It's Al-Shabaab! They're after the supplies and they've taken out several of our contractors!" Fareeha replied.
Angela looked around as civilians of all types ran amok as the insurgents moved past them, firing upon anyone carrying a gun. However, she noticed something was missing among the group.
"Winston's not here." Angela said before turning to the doctors. "Where's Winston and Athena?"
"We don't know!" Dr. Kessler replied. "We got separated from the mortars! Should we look for them?"
"There's no time to search for them now!" Tariq said while loading a new magazine. "We need to get you all out!"
"We'll peel off our rear! It's our only way out!" Captain Khalil ordered. "On me!"
The group followed the contractors as they provided covering fire for the doctors and themselves. During the firefight, Fareeha noticed something different about one of the insurgents' rifles. She could make out what looked to be a government-issued CZ 805, a weapon unusually in the hands of insurgents.
Who could they have gotten them from? Now that Fareeha thought about it, almost every attacker they've faced had been carrying advanced tactical gear and weapons that would've been out of reach for a group like Al-Shabaab, as well as moving in ways that mirror special forces tactics, which only furthered her suspicions.
She could only hold that thought for later as she and Captain Khalil were the last to retreat and regroup with the rest. As the group made a dash for safety, Fareeha heard Khalil let out a cry of pain behind her and turning around, she found him on the sand.
"Captain!" Fareeha shouted.
She ran to Captain Khalil as he crawled behind a few cargo boxes and helped return fire on the insurgents. Ducking to cover, Fareeha checked the Captain's wound and found a bullet hole in his lower waist.
"Go! Get everyone out of here! I'll hold them off!" Khalil shouted over the gunfire.
"No! We fight as one, Captain! Let me get you up!" Fareeha responded as she tried to help him up.
Khalil pulled her close by the vest. "Amari!" The tone made her freeze momentarily. "This is not the time to be a hero. Protect the doctors and get them to safety. That is my final order to you, Captain Amari."
Although one half of Fareeha's mind wanted her to carry Khalil with her, she needed to get Angela and everyone else out, and carrying Khalil would only make him an easy target and render her bravery in vain. Cursing under her breath, Khalil released her and she took the cue to catch up with her team.
As the group got far from the area, Fareeha turned back to catch one last sight of Khalil returning fire before an explosion erupted beside him, concealing him in smoke and sealing his fate. Fareeha sucked in her breath and faced forward as the group kept running, away from the base. Even after finding a safe distance, there was still no sign of Winston and Athena.
07:50 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
Gabriel headed down the corridor after being summoned for an urgent meeting with Jack. On his way to his office, Gabriel thought hard on what to say, remembering he had stormed out in anger earlier. He eventually arrived at Jack's office and stopped by the door, taking a deep breath before opening the door. Walking in, he noticed a familiar face standing in front of Jack's desk.
Brimstone turned around and a grin grew across his face upon noticing their new visitor.
"Gabe! What a surprise!" Brimstone greeted.
"Could say the same to you, Liam." Gabriel greeted back as he and Brimstone shook hands. "Long time no see. Haven't seen you since your deployment with the Ragged Ravens."
"I got the job a few months back. Higher ups were impressed with my resume and put me on as team leader for the Valorant Protocol."
Gabriel lingered on that answer. "Interesting. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've seen you at our last meeting with your team."
"You two can catch up with each other later cause we have a situation that needs to be dealt with ASAP." Jack interrupted, catching both Gabriel and Brimstone's attention.
The two turned towards Jack as he began the briefing, turning on the projector to open a slideshow.
"Last night, UN humanitarian and aid workers led by Dr. Winston Hayward were stationed outside Mogadishu to provide help for those affected by the civil war when their camp was attacked by heavily armed Al-Shabaab insurgents." Jack continued to the next slide. "They were under the protection of Helix Security International but they took serious casualties and were forced to retreat. We've received a distress call from one of the contractors for HSI, Lieutenant Fareeha Amari, who was with the humanitarians at the time. We've tracked their call to Khandali Village, just several klicks southeast of their camp, which may've been their last known location."
"How many doctors do we need to save?" Gabriel asked.
"Seven, that includes the contractors." Jack replied, turning off the projector.
"I'll take Ray and Genji for this one."
"And I'll have two of my own with me." Brimstone added.
"Very well. You two will be leading this team for this joint covert op." Said Jack. "Your task is to find the doctors and the contractors, and extract them out of the country fast. And keep a low profile with this. If NATO finds out about the doctors, we'll have an international crisis on our hands."
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ufficiosulretro · 1 year
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The Blackwatch,
but what-if they were a multi-genre band from the early 2000s. 🎸🤟
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parchmentknight · 4 months
hello captain robert cross fans (there are maybe 5 of you) i come bearing my fanon depiction of rob
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uh yeah im a big fan of "guy who was in a super niche video game from the early 2000s and wasnt even a main character and therefore had maybe 2 minutes worth of voicelines and basically no lore" SPOILERS FOR THE FIRST PROTOYPE GAME BELOW. but also rob lore. lots. from an rp. yes i rp and i love making characters absolutely wacky and silly and troll others. its funny
my fanon headcanon rob (hes rob in my brain instead of cross because the rp server im in has like FOUR crosses LMAO and each uses a different part of his name. i find it hilarious. love duplicate characters. also rob hates all the other crosses or at least is pissed and freaked about them) survived getting obliterated by the supreme hunter (big endgame baddie) and spends like a month in a shady underground medical center/infirmary. hes infected with a strain of redlight but it doesnt turn him into a virus; hes just some dude whos stronger than normal and always feverish in temperature. hes still pretty lame and i want to kick him in the n u.ts.
he becomes friends with dana mercer (the woman on the ground begging for mercy in the second drawing as rob ominously uses his flip phone) because she finds his abrasiveness a challenge and fights to become his friend and partner in trol.ling. she taught him the ways of the internet and now he uses emojis (in the worst way possible) and calls everything a furry and/or cosplay and i think he uses reddit and facebook. he also uses a flip phone, not because he doesnt know how to use a smartphone, but because he knows that crappy technology enrages dana so much so he bought one to spite her. it also takes the worst pictures known to mankind and he sends her poor images. he and dana just send texts to each other and try to make the other cringe and swear. hence the second image (she is trembling as he uses his flip phone). images of his hospital breakfast below
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and yeah rob uses his flip phone even when texting in the rp server and it looks like THIS (imagine its discord instead of ins.tagra.m)
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i love rob hes my ball of rage and spite and he just yells at everyone and thinks hes tough but hes not. and the main thing that makes me rp is because i want to make characters silly and goofy
reference images i used:
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no i do not have ph.otosh.op i just use firealpaca and colour pick from the background and slap the screen a bunch until it looks good
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cybernightart · 11 months
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Late night genji doodles! I think this is one of the first times I've colored traditionally in years and part of me misses it but part of me absolutely despised it (my coloring pencils kept breaking)
Context for the first one! I am working on the designs for Genji in the starwatch au I still have to post, you supposed to have somewhat dragon vibes, also his scars are meant to be gold to be like kintsugi (the Japanese art of fixing broken things with gold) also I ended up giving him slight oni horns last minute.
No explanation for the second one just blackwatch Genji!
Side note I've started drawing all my characters with eyelashes (including guys) and not just eyeliner and I am loving it XD
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wildissylupus · 10 months
More Blackwatch Ashe, Talon Cassidy AU
I'm now obsessed with this concept and you guys have to deal with it.
You can find the original post here.
(Also I am open to AU name suggestions cause I have no idea what to name this)
Ok so I think Cassidy would still go by his last name instead of a callsign in this AU since unlike my other Talon AU he isn't trying to hide. I also think he'd be a lot more serious then he is in cannon, since he genuinely sees Talon as a job and not a family. As again, this mans trust issues have been amplified, so no friends for this man. Except he does have friends, cause I can't write a villain!Cassidy without the possibility of redemption, it's a key part of his character. I think despite his best efforts to not get close to anyone he still became friends with Widow, Baptiste (before he leaves Talon), Maximilian and Doomfist.
Ashe on the other hand I think would go by the callsign "Calamity" since she already went by that before her identity was outed in the Deadlock Novel. I also think that she would refrain from using her last name, especially after she finds out what her betrayal did to Cassidy. So I think the only people who call her Ashe are people she isn't really close to and Cassidy, meanwhile the people she grew close to during her time with Blackwatch and Overwatch call her Calamity, Cally or Caledonia.
Speaking of which I think that this version of Ashe would have been in a similar boat to Genji when Blackwatch was disbanded, basically I think she would be moved to Overwatch after Blackwatch. I also think that in contrast to canon Cassidy, Ashe was close with Sojourn and Jack instead of Ana and Gabriel. I also think she was close with Tracer and Genji, other than that I think she kept to herself until she joined the recall.
Also B.O.B, cause he's still present and still with Ashe. He also feels guilty about the whole Deadlock/Cassidy situation.
After the recall I think she would be the one to convince Pharah to join, not because they were ever close before this but because Ashe would understand the feeling of your parents never seeming proud of you. They would probably become close after the Re-call, I also think that despite Cassidy never being in Pharah's life that Ashe would still see a lot of Cassidy in Pharah.
Like I said in the previous post, Ashe's redemption doesn't really start until after Ashe leaves Overwatch. She felt guilty before but after she found out that Cassidy joined Talon it only amplified. She's a lot like Jack after that while also trying to atone for the stuff she's done, she wants Cassidy to leave Talon and join Overwatch with her. She's a lot more successful then Jack though cause Cassidy is still Cassidy and doesn't approve of Talon's methods, especially since he's friends with Widow and is only loyal to Talon because they pay him a shit tone.
Expect more of this AU, especially if I come up with a name. Once that happens I probably won't shut up for awhile.
Also feel free to ask questions even if I haven't thought of much yet.
(Edit; I just realized Cassidy wouldn't go by Cole Cassidy if he didn't have the experiences he did with Overwatch soooo, he goes by Joel Morricone is this AU cause idk what other name to give him and I refuse to make him go by Jesse Mcree.)
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uncannysoup · 17 days
I JUST GOT THE BEST IDEA EVER its probably a really bad idea but shut your mother fucker
blackwatch / talon right
and umbrella academy
i DONT know how im gonna do it but lord knows im gonna try
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wrathfl · 4 months
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[ HC V: OVERWATCH ] A small timeline I made for the Overwatch verse. I spend a long time with a calculator and ow2 wiki.
› 2048 ( AGE: 0 ) MERCY IS BORN › 2063 ( AGE: 15 ) MERCY FATHER DIES
Arthur Graham dies while on a mission led by Jack Morrison. At her father's funeral, she was approached by Gerard Lacroix a friend of her father. He made a proposition to Mercy to help her in the future under a few conditions.
After a rocky year, Mercy accepted Lacroix's proposition and joined the organization under his conditions. The beginnings were hard when everyone talked about her Father, after the mourning period passed she started to focus on her future. She had mixed opinions about the whole organization but they paid well and she had nothing to complain about.
When the Overwatch was disbanded Mercy went underground. After the destruction of Overwatch Headquarters, Athena lost all traces of her. Mercy resurfaced several months later as a mercenary. Mercy started a life fueled by profit rather than ideology. Her services become available to anyone willing to meet her price.
After becoming a mercenary Mercy was approached by a Talon operative with a job proposition. He wanted to return the favoured from a few years back when Mercy let him loose after Blackwatch attacked his group. Seeing her old colleagues in the Talon headquarters didn't surprise her that much. Still, she didn't want to plead her full loyalty to them she was there just for money.
Mercy can be found travelling the world for various jobs. After hearing the news about her old colleague saving Paris from the Null Sector, she starts to observe their next moves.
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tea-time221 · 1 year
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genji's honest reaction to finding out that his best friend has fallen in love with the brother that tried killing him^
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live laugh blackwatch cassidy x scion hanzo AU
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miscellaneous r76 ft. angel gabe AU because i never see anything for it. the dynamic is great i need ya'll to see it
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pocket-archer · 4 months
Don’t Tap the Glass AU - notes & timeline
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I'll be writing a journal entry style fic for DTTG and posting occasional comics so this is technically spoilers but posting anyway since it's been a long time coming. Feel free to read if you like 👍
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internal conflict within the Shimada castle leading to the deaths of two brothers and the clan disappearing
some time after (years?) the brothers are reborn as an oni (self-inflicted curse) and minor god (revered as a tragic victim)
centuries later, Cassidy in his early hunting days is attacked by a lycan (deadlock) and to prevent the curse, dismembered his own arm (infected area)
blood loss and shock from doing this nearly kills him but one of Death’s workers (Nevermore!Reaper) notices how stubbornly he’s clinging to life and makes a deal with him (blackwatch)
Cassidy becomes an Undead, able to maintain his human form unless weak or when it’s time to do his part of the deal on the anniversary of his “death”
his deal grants him the ‘deadeye’, able to see who is marked for death and he has to bring them to the Reaper to keep extending his life
he later acquires the new arm for channelling the magic he lost when Turning, help with reaping, and is heavily enchanted to react to non-humans with a burning touch
Cassidy heavily relies on weapons more than his magic because it's not as strong as it used to be and more akin to practical effects or smaller attacks like smoke, stuns, small explosions (ei. wind effect during deadeye, flashbang/magnet grenade, etc) and feels draining to use at the same time as keeping his human appearance
Cassidy finds a way to stay away from innocents whenever the anniversary comes around, feeling more justified in his reaping if he’s taking out those who deserve it. Refusing to reap will end their deal and the Reaper will finally take Cassidy himself
at some point, Cassidy meets Genji Shimada, a traveller who he suspects is also not human, but Genji never brings it up
Cassidy is hired by a “priest” (Zenyatta) to capture the oni lurking within the abandoned Shimada castle, frightening the citizens of Hanamura
The priest warns of a horrible fate if the oni is left alone
Genji vouches for the Priest, and explains some of Hanamura’s legends to Cassidy, who figures Genji must’ve fled from there from the association with Shimada castle, or displaced when his ancestor’s clan fell apart.
bounty money was good too
Cassidy travels to Hanamura to hunt the oni, who he is able to find because the oni is peculiarly marked for death
He wonders if that means the priest will be killing the oni himself after the delivery
Cassidy wins the fight because being Undead has its perks (still hurts tho) and the Oni fought very distractedly (lack of tactic/sense)
He seals the Oni in a lantern that is covered in a variety of seals as oni are not something he hunted before, and he rarely takes jobs involving escorting a live target, so better safe than sorry. He made the seals himself
The oni in its sealed form is surprisingly chattier and snarky, as it didn’t talk during the fight. The two butt heads and bicker throughout the journey. At this point, Cassidy doesn’t consider the oni to really be a person with the rumours that this oni was born out of the tragedies in Shimada castle alone
funnee hijinks of avoiding other monsters or hunters
Vampire hunter!Brigitte encounter
Banshee!Moira encounter
The more human the oni spoke and acted, the more Cassidy questioned what it really was
The amount of detours and unexpected delays of journeying with a live target threw off Cassidy’s predicted drop-off time. The energy on maintaining the multiple seals is draining.
Both Cassidy and oni become more irritable and tired, and argue until Cassidy decides to stop talking to the oni and focus on the job
His Undeath anniversary is soon and the only person around for Cassidy to reap would be his own target
Cassidy detours again to a town to find suitable souls to reap
Oni has become significantly quieter and falling asleep more often. Getting weaker.
The Oni shares that he finally figured out what Cassidy was, through the different magic signatures that carried into the seals. He knows that Cassidy is Undead, and that it is ironic that they’re both cursed. He falls asleep once more, as Cassidy realized that the oni was also once a human.
Encounter with a disguised witch (Mercy) who took notice of his charge, tries to cast an enchantment on Cassidy to hand over the weakened oni for herself
Cassidy catches her act, burning her hand in a handshake
Village is revealed to be false, all the people in it are puppet illusions by the witch. (looks like ragdoll!echos) Cassidy cannot reap.
Time runs out, the Reaper comes for Cassidy
Oni wakes up during the confrontation, overhearing the argument, Cassidy being offered an extension if he reaps the oni whose time was long due, just like him, and overhears that Cassidy has decided not to hand off the oni to anyone
Cassidy doesn’t want to do the Reaper’s dirty work anymore,
they fight
the lantern shatters, releasing the oni
the two of them together fight until the Reaper retreats, vowing to return even before the next deadline
now freed, Cassidy offers for the oni to attack him back, in revenge for being sealed
the oni refuses, they talk instead
Cassidy finally learns that the oni’s name is Hanzo
Hanzo asks more about Cassidy's deal with the Reaper, about Deadeye, and he figured he was marked for death. He asks if he's still marked, Cassidy reluctantly admits that he is, but it's been wavering.
they decide to continue to travel together
Cassidy laments that he will not receive the bounty for turning Hanzo in. Hanzo mentions that there was abandoned wealth back at the Shimada castle. They go back for it as their first destination together.
Cassidy sent a letter back to Genji for the Priest. He will not be completing the hunt.
The Priest shakes his head at this, amused, but strangely optimistic about this development. Genji leaves to search for them instead.
Cassidy learns that Hanzo does not remember everything from when he was human. He remembers his name, yes he always had this tattoo, his family was of summoners, he did something to have been cursed to become this. He thinks he cursed himself in his final moments. He doesn’t remember what his familiars were, nor anyone in his clan
Cassidy mentions Genji as the one who told him about Hanamura’s legends, and that Genji might be one of Hanzo’s technical descendants since they share a last name. Hanzo doesn’t recognize the name Genji.
Hanzo learns that Cassidy enchanted one of his bag’s pockets for hammerspace. Cassidy uses this for multiple hats. Hanzo hates that.
Werewolf!Winston encounter. They fight until Winston turns back. They thought he would’ve turned back into a human. He didn’t.
Hanzo eventually remembers what he looked like as a human, for a supply run into town where he needed to be disguised like Cassidy
Same town has Einherjar!Zarya who is also a hunter, not an active one, but protects that town. She keeps squinting at them.
Anytime time they try to mention/question about Winston's.. condition (gorilla), something interrupts them
the witch returns, having captured the Reaper (Jack-o-Lantern!Reaper) as a servant after being denied the oni
Cassidy makes a new deal with the Reaper, that he will forget about Cassidy and Hanzo’s souls in exchange for being broken out
[more time for adventures here]
Will-o-wisp!Tracer and Satyr!Lucio “help” them through a forest
catch a ride on a ship with pirate!Torbjorn, warning from pirate!Baptiste about monsters in the water, (unseen, pirate!Ana in background talking w Genji)
Siren!Symmetra encounter
here comes the giant fist (swamp monster!doomfist)
Ana is there after they arrive, makes fun of them for getting attacked by the swamp monster
There’s a circus! (roadhog, junkrat, soldier)
Genji finally finds them. Hanzo remembers. He does not take it well.
Hanzo's death marker revealed to be referring to his humanity and identity, as being in isolation as an oni he would've eventually lost himself. Suddenly remembering what he did and being overcome with the emotions drives him out of control
Genji and Hanzo fight (reference to dragons animated short except big oni attacks), and meanwhile Cassidy recreates his seals to suppress the frenzy to help Genji's words reach Hanzo
probably some crying but 👍
Other notes/encounters
Widowmaker is a monster hunter
Sombra is another monster hunter (knows Cassidy’s secret)
Kiriko (Matsuri?) is still a shrine maiden, or helps care for it, specifically the shrine Genji is connected to. They hang out :)
Ramattra is a necromancer that puts souls in dolls and bots (haunted doll!Ashe, victorian doll!Echo, gearbot!Bastion? what a weird family...) (this means ashe technically appears twice but it's possible because the lycan attack was years ago and she could've died since then and doll!ashe isn't the same
Enchanted armour Pharah and Reinhardt if they appear
No one ever sees Zenyatta's face under the cloth, and Genji only ever describes it vaguely
Junkenstein's Revenge and Wrath of the Bride could still happen to a degree but very different dialogue/origins for the four heroes
Cassidy can't see death markers through glass so he couldn't see Hanzo's having changed during travels because of the lantern
Cassidy can safely lose and reattach limbs as an undead but can't heal/regenerate too much lost mass on his own. He cannot have his head or heart pierced, that could still kill him
Hanzo has to physically eat as well for strength so part of him getting weak over time was seals, the other was cuz he was starving. He could eat people technically, but tries to stick to animals, and magic-adjacent stuff is more filling (he got a couple birds from the fight with Reaper)
Genji's abilities as a deity are wind and weather based (swift strike no cooldowns) and he can still summon his dragon familiar from before. He still uses weapons unlike Hanzo who is more melee now as an oni (though has storm related effects like lightning)
They probably stop by the town that had Zarya and Winston every once in a while because it's actually a chill town once they get to know you
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killergirlfuria · 6 months
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So I may or may not be working on a tiny little very self-indulgent crossover thingy. Will this go anywhere past this pic? We'll see.
The gist of this AU; year is 2029. Prototype and AC1-3 took place in 2012, Resident Evil Village in 2015. Alex and Desmond have been together for 17 years. Through legally sound and morally questionable means, Alex and Desmond ended up as legal caregivers of Elijah, Pariah/Michael, and Rosemary Winters.
From left to right; Desmond, Alex, Elijah, Pariah/Michael, Rosemary, Dana.
Stuff about it under the cut.
While they are messing with Abstergo and Brotherhood in Europe, they befriend one Ethan Winters and, after his death, Mia entrusts them with Rose as she can't take care of her in her deteriorating mental state. And, realistically, they're probably best equipped to giving Rose as normal life as someone as her could get. She grows up happy, aware and accepting of her powers. Hard not to, when out of her two dads one is effectively a demigod and the other is eldritch sentient plague. Being a sentient mold isn't so weird in this setting.
Later when raiding Abstergo bases they find Elijah held there. Desmond, now aware that he has a kid obviously refuses to leave him. They kill Juno as a father-son bonding activity, visit Elijah's mother grave. Cry a bit, argue a bit (he is a traumatized tween) but figure it out. It forces Alex and Desmond to slow down a bit; they do want to give their kids a stable childhood, after all. They thought they had more time, since Rose was barely a toddler, but with Elijah on board they reevaluate. Somehow, Alex ends up being his favorite dad. Desmond is only a little jealous, but he gets it. He likes Alex a whole lot, too.
They have a little break, a little wedding, they wrap up the Templar mess as well as they can for the time being. Desmond takes the Mercer surname and so does Elijah, because Bill does not deserve his name to be carried on.
Desmond becomes a Mentor somewhere in the middle. He's determined to drag the Brotherhood back into functionality whether it likes that or not; no more Bill sending people to die for nothing but his ego. Bill doesn't take it well, of course, but who'd care about him at this point? Desmond has three lifetimes worth of Mentor memories and the scariest dog on the block for a husband.
Alex does science, because he likes it. He's the kind of person to find writing dissertations fun. He may become an university professor; college students tend to be the most agreeable and most entertaining breed of a student. He does photography too. It's a memory-making thing.
They tackle Blacklight properly; find Pariah. Pariah, as it turns out, is actually somewhat unstable, hibernating most of the time, and stuck physically and mentally at 8 years old. Alex offers Blacklight to stabilize him; Pariah accepts. Purges his DNA of irregularities, replaces what's missing with Alex' DNA and the Blacklight. It's a little weird, to retroactively make him Alex' child when he was born before Alex, but that's what they're dealing with now. Pariah is still 8 in every way that matters. Greene named him Michael, which he gladly accepts (he never had a name before), and then he's a Mercer too.
It's 2020 by then, so plague jokes abound.
Dana in the meantime does what any girlboss does, gets her journalist career going, writes a book or two. Is instrumental in orchestrating the public downfall of Abstergo and Blackwatch. Adopts two cats. Struggles to find a girlfriend because things are never boring with the Mercers, but their kind of excitement oft comes with threat of bodily harm, cults, and shady corporations being hunted for sport. She's also kinda sorta infected with a dormant strain of Blacklight because it was either that or dying to whatever Greene infected her with.
In 2029 Desmond is 42 years old, Alex is 46, Elijah is 24, Michael/Pariah is 17 (chronologically 60), Rosemary is 15, and Dana is 38.
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fiesty-fishbiscuit · 3 days
idk i just think we were SO robbed of a mirror au moira like the potential.....
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thoughts under cut
- obvs she already has a lab coat scientist skin so i didnt just want to do a Slightly Different Version of that...
- most of her colour accents normally are purple so naturally she had to have yellow
- wanted her outfit to look combat-ish so i took inspiration from mercys archive skin for the Vibe
- speaking of mercy... vague angel themeing! very slight tho, just wing shapes on the coat and tried to angle the beret to make it look a bit like a halo (plus the eye shaped buttons on the sleeve)
- no fucked up arm for moira in this au so she gets some funky sleeves as compensation
- i think her personality would be exactly the same she just works for overwatch and doesnt unethically experiment on herself (or anyone)
- coat was gonna be white but it didnt work w the colour scheme so i made it grey instead which i think looks better w the yellow.
- monocle thing is like her one from the scientist skin but Round instead
- her hairs a bit different but its mostly inspired by her blackwatch skin? sort of?
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nicki0kaye · 2 years
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end of 2020, beginning of 2021 I was trying to get this idea that was suggested to me out, of the Shimada practicing a kind of sacrifice that would make the first born the spiritual guardian of the second. So instead of dragons, its guardian lions or komainu or foo dogs. Hand was busted, so the first and last arc artwork for the AU are still unfinished But anyway Genji and Hanzo were *not* properly prepared for this and the ceremony kinda went sideways. Genji gets a big ol' clawing down his right side and, bc the elders are jerks, they did not explain to him that big catdog is Hanzo, so Genji thinks big catdog murdered Hanzo. Hanzo is unable to explain things to Genji, so they both spend the next half decade not coping well! Genji joins blackwatch to get back at his family and just generally feels like no one can understand his pain, while Hanzo more or less resigns themself to being a glorified attack-dog Now I did manage to finish the next part of this AU, aka whoops Cole Cassidy is a gigantic furry! Bc of Deadeye, Cole can see both big Fuzo and Human-shaped, dressed up for the ceremony Hanzo. Yes, of course he tries to flirt at them. Then he tries to take a trick shot and--whoops, shoots off the bell at the front of that big catdog's collar. This knocks Hanzo into an entirely corporeal half-way state, kinda human, mostly holy beast. Genji has kittens, Hanzo is forced to reclaim their previous identity, and Cole is a very gay furry. Act 3 is getting Hanzo human and then getting Hanzo control over their Guardian powers. Hanzo did not want to go back to human, Hanzo wanted to fix the collar, but the research was going nowhere and Ovw was coming apart at the seams. So they bailed and headed to the Shambali. They get there and Zen's like "you two are co-dependent as hell, and that's a problem" and starts about the work of getting Hanzo specifically to be okay with not protecting Genji 24/7. Then the next step is sending Hanzo away, out on their own to rebuild their personhood, built around things they like this time. And they roll back into the temple enby as hell and covered in piercings and Genji has a lil happy cry before insulting Hanzo's outfit. From there, Zen helps Hanzo to reconnect with the astral plane/spirit realm. Hanzo creates a new collar, choosing each accent carefully. A sheer gold ribbon to connect them to the spirit plane, a necklace of silver and synthetic pearls attached to connect them to humanity, and a big cat claw to act as the in-between. Originally there was a blessed and knotted cord that tied Hanzo to Genji, and more specifically forced Hanzo to obey any of Genji's commands. That's the part of the ceremony that went wrong, where Hanzo freaked out and took a swipe at Genji when lil bro came out to see wtf. The ceremony did finish, though, and the cord was placed in Fuzo's big mouth, giving them a sense of where Genji is at all times as well as ensuring they obey him. Now Hanzo chooses who gets their protection. They select a symbolic charm of some kind to clip to their collar and gives the other party something hand made--in the first three's case, its a resin pendant to wear as a necklace. Genji's charm is the feather, Cole's is the turquoise pendant, and Winston's is the silver moon
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
say you’ll remember me
pairing - gabriel reyes x f!reader wc -  1,800 ish warnings - fluff and angst, unrequited love, implied sexual content notes - au ficlets based off the prompt of dream, also on ao3!
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Congratulations on your engagement, reads the card. You gush over how adorable the design is and grow more excited upon opening it to see everyone's names scribbled within.
Everyone you both loved had come together, filling every inch of the card with love.
"We always knew you'd end up together." "To Mr and Mrs Reyes." "Here's to forever with your true love." 
The well wishes go on, and as you read each one aloud, he presses gentle, chaste kisses along your bare shoulder, your slender neck.
You feel so right in his arms, talking with elation about how much you can't wait to be his wife. You snuggle back into him, resting your head on his chest--making both of you feel complete. Gabriel has never felt so whole in his entire life, yet he knows the feeling will only grow with each day--when you finally become his till death do you part.
He never in a million years thought he'd have this. That through SEP, Overwatch, Blackwatch, and beyond, he'd find you. His perfect match, his true love.
He closes his eyes for a moment, overwhelmed with contentedness, and when he opens them again, you're no longer cuddled on the couch.
You're both curled up in bed, both naked and spent, a sheen of sweat covering you both. Pleasure trickles throughout his entire body, and you're both unsure where one of you ends and the other begins.
You both feel him softening, feel the way his seed leaks out of you--but the real treat is the way he holds you in his arms, both of you feeling safe and completely like you belong.
There's not a place in the world that either of you would rather be.
"That was amazing." You sigh, your voice breathy.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head, before tilting up your chin and kissing you with every fiber of his being.  "I love you so much, Y/N."
You kiss him back with equal passion, and can't fight the smile off of your face as you cling to him. "I love you too Gabriel, with everything I have."
"Commander Reyes?"  
Your voice pulls him out of his dreams, along with the gentle touch on his shoulder—he comes slamming back into the harsh reality.
"The dropship isn't far out now." You whisper, knowing he'll be eager to get back to base.
After the firefight, the two of you had been left stranded, surrounded by smoldering buildings and dead Omnics. It wasn't what either of you were expecting.
Reyes had spent every last scrap of energy getting the two of you to safety, so while you waited for evac, you promised to watch over him as he slept. Granted, it wasn't ever going to be great, the pair of you using rubble as pillows.
At one point, the Commander's head had drifted onto your shoulder, until he woke up with a start.
He takes a good few moments to fully adjust, realizing where he is and what just happened.
"Thanks." His voice is quiet and measured. "ETA?"
"5 minutes." You reply softly, a kind, friendly smile on your face. Now he has no use for your shoulder, you shuffle away.
He nods simply fighting back the thoughts swimming in his brain. He was used to it, the embers of his inappropriate crush, but he usually had a better handle on it.
Right now, he felt like he was bleeding out, left on the battlefield to die. It had nothing to do with the fight and everything to do with the ache of waking. Of realizing that all you'll ever be to him is an agent, because he would never think you could love him like the woman who wanted to be his wife.
He observes you silently, noticing the way you tap your fingers across your gun with anxious impatience, and that you still look so beautiful after everything you've been through. You hadn't known each other long, but he knew you to be dependable, and uncharacteristically, he was completely smitten.
"(Y/N)." He starts, unable to use your rank after feeling so intensely close to you. He realizes quickly he doesn't know what to say--how can he explain how he suddenly feels so close to you, knowing you don't feel the same?
"Yes, Commander?" Your use of his title gives him whiplash.
Mr and Mrs Reyes, he thinks, the ones in the dream—they have to have started somewhere.  
Every cell in his body screams to say something, to make that first step and hopefully set you on the course of events that would lead to you being just as close as you were in the mirage.
Distant whirring interrupts his thoughts, and whatever words were going to come next die on his tongue.
"You did good today." He smiles to try and disguise his pain.
"I didn't do much, thank you for getting me out of there." You offer meekly.
"I've got your back." His words are certain and earnest.
"I've got yours too."  
He wonders if that's the closest he'll ever get to hearing I love you leave your lips. Each praise or affirmation from your lips makes him soar, and yet still leaves him yearning.
His thoughts go around in circles, desperately trying to think of ways to bridge the gap between what he had felt and the chasm between you now.
You two pull yourself up from the pile of rubble, ready to head out to board the dropship.
"Can I ask you something?" It's you who breaks the silence, your eyes fixed shyly on him.
"Sure." He can't bear to meet your eyes.
"What were you dreaming about?"
Had he said her name aloud? Moaned at the height of the dream?
"Why?" His gruff demeanor doesn't appear any more defensive than he usually is—even if he most certainly feels it. He finally meets your eye, seeing softness there instead of judgment as you begin to speak.
"You had this little smile on your face, and you looked so peaceful. It was nice."
"My wife." He huffs a laugh. "Though, she only exists in the dream."
"Oh." He can see a range of emotions flicker across your face, as you seem uncertain how to react. "Well, I hope one day you find her for real."
He laughs at the cruel irony and turns away—wondering how after today, things will ever be the same between you two again.
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"Cariño." His voice is a blessing as it drifts into your dream, the most heavenly sound you could imagine.  
"I missed you so much. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while..." You turn, immediately falling into his embrace. Your hands slip to caress his face, tracing his skin as you desperately refamiliarise yourself with his visage.  
He holds you in return, the touch of his skin on yours bringing you deep peace you haven't felt in his absence.  "Not been sleeping well?" 
He knows you haven't because you've barely seen him.  
"Something like that." You sigh, letting the stress melt away, the problems barely touching you now you're together. "It's this double-edged sword, of missing you and needing you, and then those thoughts keeping me away from you."
"We're together now." He kisses your forehead sweetly as he reassures you.  
Your fingers drift across his skin, sweeping to his brow. "You have a new scar."  
"Nasty fight." He brushes it off with a smile. "Don't worry about it."  
"How can I not?" 
He smirks, removing your hands from fussing so he can kiss them. "Maybe you could kiss it better." 
You stand on your tiptoes, your lips pressing gently against the jagged cut. "My warrior." 
"Now let me kiss you properly." His voice lowers to more of a growl, as he rushes to kiss you senseless. His large hands hold you still as his lips caress yours, his tongue making love to you.
He pulls away momentarily, leaving you dizzy beyond belief. 
"If you keep kissing me like that, we're not going to stop at just kissing." You smirk, your body already buzzing in a way that's only possible with him. 
"I don't want to stop until you're screaming my name." His kisses fall to your neck as his hands grasp at your flesh. "I can't get enough of you.'
"I can't either, fuck." You sigh dreamily as he paws at you, claiming your body for his own.  
"That's it, baby, let me hear those sounds." He purrs. "Say my name."  
"Yes!" His name is on the tip of your lips when—
You wake with a start, your heart immediately aching at his absence. Your skin feels cold, your bed feels empty. It's as if his lips and his touch were right there, only to be ripped away.
You scramble to the nightstand, desperate to grab the sketch pad so you can start sketching what you remember.
His locks of hair, his dark eyes, the dog tags around his neck. It's so familiar and yet so achingly distant. This time you got close, or closer at least, to knowing more about the man who always comes back to your dreams.
You suppose it's a sign of your loneliness, that you keep having the same dreams over and over, that his face keeps appearing and he acts like he's loved you for a lifetime already.
With a final stroke of the pencil, this sketch is complete—his adoring eyes staring at you as he strokes your face.
You swap the sketchpad for your phone, navigating to your messages.
"I dreamt of him again..."  
Your friend replies almost immediately.
"Oh (Y/N), we need to get you a date."  
You smirk at your phone, locking it and heading into the kitchen, ready to start your day. You flick the coffee pot on first, then the TV, and immediately drift to thoughts of what mornings with him might be like as you grab a mug.
"With another successful high-profile mission completed, the group ended with a press conference with the man behind it all, Strike Commander Morrison."
Admittedly, you didn't pay too much attention to Overwatch, especially in these more peaceful times. Strike Commander Morrison was always making great speeches though. Your eyes were fixated on the screen, focusing on Jack Morrison until your eyes drift to the grumpy visage of the man standing behind him to the left.
The mug you were holding falls to the ground, smashing into dust.
There he is—the man from your dreams.
Unlike Jack, all blonde hair and Overwatch blues, he's dressed in darker tones with a beanie perched on top of his head.
The frown on his face is one you haven't seen much in your dreams, and it makes your soul yearn to reach out and comfort him.  You want to earn those sweet smiles he gives you, and see the tension lift from his shoulders.
But this man, he's not yours. He isn't the one in your dreams.
Because even if he looks just like him, the man in your dreams isn't real.
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hunahuna-un · 8 months
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Fic catalogue: ❤
Don't know quite where to start? Here is a short list hopefully helpful in picking what you'd like.
Couple things: ♥ All Explicit, unless otherwise stated (rest are Mature) ♥ All have old name for cowboy ♥ All yeehan (mchanzo), minus the separate list ♥ Mind the tags / warnings!
List mentions whether it's versatile, top or bottom, or just other. Tags mentioned are only a few key tags.
♥ All my works ♥ Series (most are loosely) ♥ Collections Listed: Longer fics, One shots, Not just yeehan, Other (not a fic per se)
This got long, so the 20 fics are below cut. ^^;
~~~ notes: btm Han = bottom Hanzo top Han = top Hanzo versatile = both (or neither?) other = no penetration (may have fingering)
(I debated whether to include this, but since it matters to many and not all my fics have it tagged, I thought this was a good way for those who give a damn about top/bottom to find something. Many also have lot of other forms including mouth, thighs, fingers etc. So this is very barebones.) Canon is more like based on canon. I have so many AUs so... Noodles = noodle dragons ~~~
Longer fics:
- Twisted Roads (73k/80+k fin.) ch: 25/28, first, canon, one night stand gone wrong, after recall, versatile - Secret of the Forest ch: 4/20+, Fantasy AU, Elfzo, Orcass, slow burn, size difference, btm Han - Frozen Doll (14k) [finished! Mature] Fantasy AU, Winter Fae Hanzo + Bear shapeshifter, hot spring, sauna, rituals, btm Han - Giving a Finger (10k) [finished!] canon, after recall, noodles, oral fixation, other - The Words Left Unsaid (7,1k/written 11,8k+) ch: 3/10?, canon, Scion trans Hanzo + bodyguard, sexual tension, fuckbuddies, everyone is a little shit, power btm Hanzo - Dragon’s Heart (3,3k/written 6,3k+) ch: 2/? (6-8), denial Hanzo, drunk sex, somno, noodles It's not gay if the balls don't touch - Take me back (5,7k) [finished! Mature] canon, kidnapping, pining, noodles what happened not tagged (hence chose no warnings) - Only Human (5,7k) [finished!] AU, dad dragon hanzo + hunter, enemies to lovers, fuck or die, size difference, oviposition (marked), rough sex, pwp one shot really, top Han - Time Is Eternity ch: 1/?, AU, currently has meeting as kids + teens very benign, will be on backburner for now
One shots:
[all finished!] mostly just pwp/smut, length 1-5k~ - Tonight (login) Scion Hanzo, Blackwatch cowboy, canon, semi-public, versatile - Those Gloves (login) Scion Hanzo, Blackwatch cowboy, canon, gloves, spanking, dirty talk, dom Hanzo, other - Old Love, New Care Omnic / Cyber Dragon Hanzo, canon/AU, rough sex, angst, nails, dirty talk, my dick is crying, top Han - The Forbidden Flower Elfzo + invisible cowboy (race not specified), Fantasy AU, biting, semi public, exhibitionism, degradation, dirty talk, btm Han - Cupid's Shot (login) Cupid Hanzo (trying to hook him up), am i gay?, ch1: top Han, ch2: btm Han (they have different smut) - Tide both mers, Fantasy AU, mating rituals, mer genitalia, versatile (simultaneously) - Little minx wants to ride the cowboy dick (login) masturbation, voice kink, dirty talk, rp side fic, btm Han (fantasy) / other - Dancing Dragon [Mature] erotic dancing, strip tease, lapdance, teasing - Today is a fine day for... Lifeguard, semi-public, sex toys, filming, teasing, btm Han
Not just yeehan:
- Three's a Crowd DragonLily (side dish) + Yeehan (endgame, Explicit)
-Love and Thrust Yeehanweaver (yeehan + Niran)
-Hanzo's poems (Each chapter is a separate poem) -The the the (don't ask)
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cybernightart · 9 months
I'm thinking again about that one blackwatch au and I'm trying to think who the support would be. Also some more stuff on general lore, as this is very quickly evolving to bigger than what it initially started, because the more I think about it the more plot holes I realize I need to fill because they're not just potholes they are giant massive chunks at the story.
Because so far the story I have is more eventually gets fired from OverWatch for the unethical experiments she was doing including experiments on the other black watch members, that she got permission to do technically because she tricked Morrison into signing a form saying she could because he didn't bother reading it so busy he was and just signed it (which kind of led to Cassidy and Genji holding an even bigger grudge against him), this is how Reyes has reaper abilities while still being Reyes, experiments on Genji which heightened his natural senses and abilities on top of the cyborg stuff (which have the side effect of making him look even edgier because he kind of ends up looking a bit like a vampire even though he isnt), and then Cassidy gets his dead eye ability which I haven't figured out how that would work but it makes it so he can almost never miss shots but it's something to do with his eye (maybe Moira replaces his eye with something I don't know)
Anyways she gets fired, and eventually black watch would end up acquiring sombra being that black watch is made up of criminals that have been caught and given the option of join black watch or jail, so on one of their missions they catch sombra give her the choice and she joins them. That still leaves the meeting of support though, and my initial thought was kiriko but I'd rather keep Genji being an OverWatch his own thing and kirko being in the yokai. So that crosses Moira, kiriko ,zen and mercy off the list of possible supports. Mercy because she's part of the main OverWatch group (same goes for Ana) and wouldn't be a part of black watch nor interact with the much until they have to because of budget cuts meaning the black watch team has to move into the same living quarters as the OverWatch team. Also I thought it would be funny if Zen gets brought on as a therapist, because in this universe OverWatch never fell and neither did black watch so Genji wouldn't go off searching for himself, so instead Reyes hires a therapist because Genji and Cassidy need it bad. So zenyatta is literally an emotional support.
This led to me thinking though what about baptiste, because the new blood crew wouldn't end up joining in the same way because they don't get brought in with the recall cuz the recall never happens, so they would end up just getting hired on at some point instead so I think baptiste running from his criminal past and still heavily wanted would end up in black watch. Plus he wouldn't have to change his color palette too much.
So now this second generation of black watch consists of commander Reyes, Cassidy, Genji, sombra and baptiste. So they've got the leader, the "funny" one (who is also like the leader's son but no one really talks about that but is very obvious they have that kind of dynamic), the highly trained assassin ninja who is also a cyborg, the elite hacker, and the medic who every bounty hunter/talon operative that has been sent after him has died trying.
They seem like they get along as well which definitely helps things, they all have that very funny jokey personality but the same time they can be serious and are very deadly when they want to be.
Also additionally the storm rising stuff would happen still as well, that would be after the initial budget cuts were black watch actually has to interact with the main OverWatch group and Genji and mercy become properly acquainted, and Genji trains with tracer. But since on those missions their classed as OverWatch missions, he gets given a new set of armor which covers his face entirely so he can't be recognized (so you know he's made harder to distinguish from all the other cyborg ninjas with dragon powers out there/s).
Sorry got kind of rant-y again but it's like 2 am and I needed to get this off my mind lol
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riken-leather-co · 5 months
Zombie Apocalypse AU where a zombie apocalypse breaks out during the 10 years Hanzo is on his self imposed isolation. He takes up refugee in the woods and lives out his days. Genji finds him, and depending on where during the ten years it’ll probably be still Blackwatch Genji or maybe freshly Overwatch? Either way maybe it’s just Genji left since he’s an cyborg and all. They struggle to coexist since they’re all they have left as brothers but there’s still the whole “I killed you/You killed me thing”
For clarification: This would be a brotherly bonding unless adding another character for romance. Before you FREAKS come in here shipping Hanzo and Genji
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