#blame the Necrons
c0gwizard-v2 · 25 days
Court eunuchs best love advice
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and a little bonus of Imotekh's mental breakdown
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neuroncryptid · 10 months
In 40k, there is a thematic throughline that I am very fond of. It is the idea that no matter the person, no matter the faction, there truly is no agency. Everyone is tied in irrevocable ways to the narrative. Even when you take out the meta level of that, it's present.
Take the Imperium for example. Everything they do is a mockery, a simulacrum of that which came before it. They are an empire not in decline but in constant regurgitation. How can you collapse when your birth and death is repeated over and over and over ad nauseam. The Horus Heresy -> the Age of Apostasy -> the Badab War -> the 13th Black Crusade. The aeldari -> the Imperium -> the T'au Empire. The same story told repeatedly. The names change. The exact details change. The substance isn't the same either but its reminiscent. It is a memory that refuses the die. It's the story you can't stop rewriting.
But what about the Necrons? They have the large setting defining war but its what comes from it. There was no "the dark gods (read audience) require it." The Necrons are the active faction and yet in there lies the tragedy. Unlike the Emperor who's hand was forced into choosing undeath the Necrons did so willingly and everything that has followed is nothing if not of their own volition.
Your Overlord. Yes, your little model on the table leading your army. He chose to be there. He has immortality, time is not an enemy to attempt to escape but simply something you have an infinite amount of. Your Overlord can spend his time doing anything and his has chosen to reclaim former glory as the facsimile of a person. Glory, empire, it is all should be meaningless to someone who can simply just exist perpetually. But its not.
The Necron existence is defined by regret. Every choice is a something to hate yourself for. How could you walk into the furnaces of biotransference? How could you go to into endless sleep and let everything around you corrode? How could you spend your time being so.. useless?
I love the Necrons because they carry with them a dread I can not help but relate to. They are gifted with just enough agency to be unable to blame anyone but themselves.
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courgowr · 6 months
Gift gift gift gift ʕ*ノᴥノʔ for all you Oltyx x Yenekh needs
In the Bone Kingdom of Drazak, Valgûl the Fallen Lord, also known as Oltyx, the Twice-Dead King, ran through narrow roads.
The stone houses that flanked the streets were once barren and empty, now stood beautifully and lovingly decorated with furs, or whole bones, stuck to them with a mixture of boiled blood and crushed cartilage, painted with interesting colors. The closer one got to the main tomb the more meticulously painted, and bigger the bones decorating the houses became.
But right now Oltyx didn’t have time to admire them, for he was currently running as fast as his legs could carry him. He was running for what his internal clock told him to be over two days.
He took two short breaks, to grab something to eat. The necrons whose house he was hiding were more than happy to share a bite with their ruler.
Those moments were short.
In both cases, not even halfway through chewing the second bite, he saw a shadow pass a window, which in turn prompted him to abandon his ad hoc meal and start running again.
He got momentarily distracted by the shadow running on the roofs of the stacked houses above his street, causing him to knock down a stack of curing hides.
‘…sorry…’ he whispered without even turning. Marrokh the apprentice tasked with tightening a few fiber ropes about the stack of wet-salted skins, started to screech sharply for him until he realized who he was scolding.
Oltyx’s vocal box could only whisper nowadays, and that came with some struggle too, but he was fond of this familiar way of communicating with his subjects. A few of which, who now accompany him, running alongside him, understanding the need to lose his pursuer.
Oltyx dropped on all fours, as another necron from his right stood up and ran down another alleyway.
He wanted to congratulate them for their impromptu thinking.
Yenekh would most certainly lose track of him, and he could put some serious distance between them.
This all started when they were roughhousing outside the throne room, in the palace’s murky fountain, whose little water was almost always filled with pieces of rotting meat and stringy sinew. The fat in the fountain started rendering, because of the scorching sunlight, making the whole area particularly slippery, also, absolutely perfect for improvised, one-on-one water jousting.
That solar cycle, Oltyx was a poor sport.
He and Yenekh were using a transhuman torso, their fused-together ribs making a perfect board to surf on the slippery surface, and used Grox femurs as rods.
That was the 17th time he was knocked down, Yenekh managing to somehow dodge completely the femur. The rib cage slipped from under his feet as he fell on his back, splashing the putrefied fat around him.
Yenekh kept the momentum to reach the end of the fountain, and kicked the rib cage with his leg in the air, making it spin a couple of times before falling in his stretched hand, between his sharp knife-like fingers.
He then bowed dramatically, as if he just finished the performance of his lifetime, to a group of former warriors, who were enjoying their meal while watching the two play games together.
The Warriors took a break from gorging themselves to politely applaud the winner.
‘…show off…’ Oltyx muttered, still laying on his back, quite uncomfortably he might add.
Yenekh finally turned to him, carefully stepping with his soft leathery feet, coming to his king’s aid.
He bent over Oltyx, covering the sun’s light.
‘Are you miffed?’ Yenekh tapped with his claws on his bony forehead.
‘..no…’ said Oltyx grumpy, averting his focus from him.
He didn’t want the Razor of Sedh to let him win out of pity.
Yenekh tilted his head to the side, rays of sun catching on his fanged mouth, making it seem like he was smiling.
‘From here you sure look like you are’.
‘…I am not..’ Oltyx was sure that his whole kingdom could see him blushing.
It took all his willpower to not blame the cracked rib cage, or the sun in his eyes. A king needs to own up to his mistakes.
He lifted himself halfway, hugging his legs with his clawed arms, not before kicking those stupid ribs away from him.
‘….I am tired of jousting, let us eat something….’, said the king of the flayed ones, not looking at his loyal Razor.
Yenekh didn’t give up that easily, he grabbed his other hand, incredibly dexterous with his claws, and started pulling him up, while his other hand tapped messaged on the lower part of his rib cage.
‘Don’t be such a crosspatch’, he tapped playfully.‘ You only say this because you lost’.
‘…no, it is not because of that…’ Oltyx protested, resisting, but soon had to use his claws to get some purchase on the slippery floor.
 ‘Come, wrestle with me’, the Razor said animatedly, then used both of his hands to grab Oltyx.
The king protested, trying to get out of Yenekh’s grip, but after a few more moments of struggle, he launched himself at the admiral’s middle.
He let out a ferocious growl, barely louder than a whisper, and planted both his feet on the slippery fountain floor.
Yenekh was shocked by the sudden change of heart, and Oltyx made the most of it, by grabbing his tight, and using it to topple him over, on the rotten fat.
He will show him that the Bone King was not made of gristle.
Yenekh took only a moment to respond in kind, bending over, and hugging Oltyx’s hips, by passing his arms through the inner part of his tights.
The warriors watched the fight intrigued, the two necrons locked into a bizarre embrace, struggling to get the upper hand over one another, accompanied by the squelches and squishes of the flesh covering them.
While the Razor was taller and more experienced, Oltyx was massive, and tried using his superior bulk to press the admiral to the ground and under him.
Unfortunately for him, Yenekh was more slippery than an eel, thanks to them being covered by the rancid lipids.
He squirmed and twisted his way out of Oltyx’s grip, managing to get up on his knees, all while grabbing his king’s leg over his shoulders.
‘…no…’ he whispered Oltyx, realizing what was about to happen. He started struggling, as he was slowly but unavoidably being raised from the ground, slowly getting dragged over Yenekh’s shoulders.
Said admiral, was happily tapping on his calf.
‘The Razor of Sedh…. He’s got King Valgûl by the legs……’ he narrated his own actions like he was the scorekeeper.
‘…no, let me down…’ Oltyx protested. He would usually laugh with Yenekh, but now, he couldn’t stand losing again.
The admiral bent his knees, grabbed Oltyx’s spine, and squatted, ready to throw him over his shoulders completely
‘He is about to execute his famous maneuver…A powerbomb.’, he kept on tapping, still managing to stand upright, against a struggling Oltyx.
I will not lose again! But how?
Every second counted.
He tried slowing himself by grabbing onto the other’s legs. His skin was too slippery, and he couldn’t find a purchase.
He racked his brains. He needed to come up with something. All the lessons from the past were to be employed to win this battle.
Lessons of the past?
The strength of the dynasty lies in the stones….in the stones…..
Oltyx curled his fist, with his thumb outside of it, not wanting to dull his claws, and swiftly punched Yenekh between his tights.
The effect was instantaneous.
The king slipped out of his admiral’s gasp and hit the slippery floor, headfirst.
He turned to see a shocked Yenekh, reflexively grabbing the injured area, and looking at him with wide, bright eyes.
Oltyx stood up and absconded.
That’s why he was currently running on all fours, pursued by a probably enraged Yenekh.
He won that battle, but now he must make sure he wouldn’t lose the war.
He knew the Razor well enough and estimated that another day of running would probably soften his anger.
Suddenly, all his subjects halted their sprint. Oltyx turned his head to see what happened, as he kept on running, not noticing the predatory figure, waiting at the end of the alleyway, until he bumped into it.
He felt like he hit a metal wall.
Oltyx fell backward, looking at a serious and quiet Yenekh in front of him.
The admiral was looking at him, crossed-armed, his left claw tapping his other hand, in an angry staccato.
The king of the flayed ones shrugged his shoulder.
‘…I was victorious, in our melee…’ he attempted to justify himself.
Yenekh stopped his tapping.
Then he dropped his shoulders, like sighing.
He places a hand on Oltyx’s shoulder, and as he is tapping he raises his head, his eyes holding his usual smile.
‘And I caught you.’
Oltyx let out a terribly rusted sound, akin to nails on a table, but so much quieter and softer.
The admiral hid his smile with his other claw, joining Oltyx in his laughter.
The noble necron decided to fully make use of his privileges as king, and jumped to hug his admiral into a crushing hug.
He felt Yenekh’s soft leather on the gold and bones of his face.
He inhaled deeply, feeling the familiar aroma. The Razor brain-tanned his skin himself, and taught him how to do it, too.
He smelled like rotten blood, and fatty brain emulsion, dried in the desert sun outside their city.
The Razor, let himself be pushed backward, cushioning his king’s fall with his own body, as he embraced him too.
The more familiar he got with his king, the more Oltyx became comfortable with touching him.
There has always been a deep hunger in Oltyx, but now it was for comfort.
Yenekh felt him nuzzle into the soft skins on his breast.
He started petting the touch-starved ruler, tapping gently on the tips of his spinous processes.
‘That was a very unexpected move. I will be aware of it next time.’
‘…I would not expect any less of you…my Razor…’ whispered softly Oltyx.
Those words send shivers down his spine.
He moved his claw and tapped on the bone of his cheek.
‘Let us go and eat. Oltyx. After such a chase we deserve a proper feast.’
Oltyx nodded but made no attempt to move.
The Razor felt him inhaling again.
Maybe dinner could wait.
He pulled them against a building, so he could lean on it, trying his best to curl around Oltyx’s massive frame.
He places his mouth on Oltyx’s, sharing a silent kiss, feeling his friend hug him tighter in return.
AAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much, i'm sorry i took so long to post this! 😓 love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gaaralover55 · 1 year
I rewatched Winx Club season 4 again. And I thought back on a old conversation I had and a inspiring idea from the amazing artist and writer @charmixpower .
What if it wasn't Nabu who sadly sacrificed himself during season 4. What if instead it was Timmy!
This idea has so much potential for great story ideas! Like we get to see Tecna handling the lost of the first man she had ever opened her self up to. To see Timmy slipp away, turn into dust and Tecna is emotinally destroyed. Because she can't save him And we get to see her face the mortality, lose control over her emotions when Ogron takes her last gift, the very gift that could have bringed Timmy back to life! And gives it to a flower while laughing at her pain! That we get to see her join. Nebula and the other earth fairies to hunt down the remaning wizards instead of Aisha.
And then we have the the rest of winx club and the specialists facing the trauma and PTSD from the whole experience. Riven and Helia is most effected by this! Because they where closest to Timmy.
Nabu blames himself for being so weak, that if he hadn't been knocked out by Ogron so easily. Maybe Timmy would be still there. And he wants to get his hands on the black circle members!
And Sky blames himself and start to doubt himself as a leader! The one to make the specialists get themselves back together is Brandon!
And this idea would work. Because Aisha get to rest this season (Because let this poor girl rest! She has gone through enough drama and trauma since season 2! Let her rest this season!) and most important! Nabu dosen't die and dosen't get forgotten. That also shows he matters!
And now it's time to see Tecna lose control and goes on a mission to end the wizards life! She would be ruthless because she would have no controll over her emotions and no longer use the light side of Technomagic!
While the light side of techno magic is based on creation, computers and data. Like that based on american/french/italian cartoons presentation of pepole with techno abilities.
But the dark side of Technomagic is based on destruction, Virus, creation and evolution. Think the powers is like that of Terminators or Necrons from Warhammer 40k.
She would use the dark and destuctive side of technomagic! She would be a monster!
And when Ogron tries to asorb her fairy magic! It would hurt him! Poison him! Because her magic source is no longer pure! But now her magic is toxic against anyone who is not Zenithian.
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ghostinthegallery · 1 year
I kind of want to talk about my experiences with Warhammer stores. Visiting them is a popular recommendation for how to get into the game, so I want to toss in my two cents particularly as a woman in the hobby (spoilers, story starts out as a bummer but has a happy ending).
The first time I went to a store it was because my partner (who's a man) had been trying to get me into 40K, and we were driving past a store. He decided to take us in. I was skeptical but curious. Liked the look of Ad Mech, thought Tau might be neat. There was an event going on at the store that day (Kill Team tournament I think?) The employee proceeds to greet my partner, chat about what he's looking for, armies he's played in the past. And I'm standing there just being totally ignored by this guy. It seriously felt like he had mentally categorized me as "disinterested girlfriend" and moved on. I'm sure the employee was busy and distracted and the service industry sucks. However, that dismissal did not feel great. I've spent a decent chunk of my life in male-dominated spaces and I am too old to put up with this shit. It put me off the whole game and hobby for years.
Fast forward a few years, I become addicted to necrons, and I genuinely want to get my own army. We ordered pretty much everything, but there were still some models I wanted, so I decided "okay, let me try this store thing again."
I was visiting my parents and they had a Warhammer store nearby (plus some independent stores, but the Warhammer one was closer). So I popped in with my mom while we were out, and the guy at the store was SO NICE! We chatted, he showed me the tyranids he was painting, gave me painting tips for my crons. He recommended some books that were excellent, and even checked if my mom was interested in anything! It was fantastic.
And there was my visit to the Warhammer Café in LA. Partner and I went as a special outing while visiting LA and the store was incredible. The employees were so excited! And talked to both of us about what we were looking for! There was one person running a tutorial game for some folks and hyping up every single dice roll. There were dudes playing games in the back, kids and families, and some stunning miniatures on display. We spent way too much money and I have no regrets XD
I guess the moral of my story is that bad experiences can happen and that sucks, especially if you aren't the "stereotypical" wargamer type person. That's important to acknowledge, and I don't blame anyone who gets turned off the hobby because of that. But at least for me, that negative experience turned out to be the exception. Others have been so kind and welcoming and excited about this weird little game and the weird little toys we love.
So if you do have a bad experience, I see you. It's not you, it's them. And I promise someone else will be better.
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luwupercal · 2 years
I’m asking this question to tumblr user horuslupercal but you seem like the necron expert here so I’m requiring your knowledge too
I have a question. Before they met the necrontyr, the C’tan were a bunch of weird space slime floating around the place eating suns right. How did the necrontyr manage to get in contact with them? How did they manage to find out the C’tan were sentient at all?? From the description I saw they behave more like single celled organisms or very strange plants.
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This feels more like a group of scientists naming a member of a new species of deep sea squid “Messenger” because it will help them out with studying its species. “Let’s name it Mephet’ran!! It means Messenger. Wouldn’t that be adorable💖?”
Now I may be completely wrong in my assumptions but the idea that the necrontyr anthropomorphised the C’tan, giving them personalities and thoughts that their species simply doesn’t have. And then the C’tan doing the complete opposite to the necrontyr by turning them into the necrons. …similarities parallels narratives…
okay SO I'm going to check some codexes later for in-depth answers if I have the brains for it but I do actually have some answers. not all of them, but I do have some answers!
The necrontyr found what would become the c'tan in space through probes, either by complete accident or, allegedly (it's the Book of Mournful Night in the in-universe Black Library saying this, so this might be eldar bias or it might be the objective truth of the universe, I have zero clue, blame Cegorach), the necrontyr's hatred of the Old Ones was so great that it attracted the c'tan through space and made them come to the necrontyr
This is from the 3rd edition necrons codex, so take it less with a grain and more with the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan, but Lexicanum says there's old lore about a c'tan just kinda teleporting to a necrontyr spaceship and starting to kill people and demanding to be worshiped, and that's... one answer as to how first contact went / how they found out the c'tan were intelligent.
This does however contradict the Fandom wiki, which says, without source (god damnit), that the necrons forged bodies for the c'tan based on their old gods (which ***I personally assume*** to mean, like, the necrontyr equivalent of Zeus or Thor or whatever, as in, they were a dead religion for a long while). (This probably comes from a newer codex, but I have to actually look at codex lore for that and I don't actually have access to any codexes, so, again, I'm gonna go snooping and get back to you on this one).
The idea generally that the necrons associated the c'tan with their old or "dead" gods seems to be very prominent though, and it is a form of anthropomorphization, absolutely, so you were right on the money on that! Even back in that third edition necrons codex it's stated that the necrons thought the c'tan were the spawn of an older (dead) god of theirs. So yeah, the necrontyr did anthropomorphize (necrontyrmorphize?) the c'tan, but in a holier sort of way
Imagine if someone found sea slugs in space and we put them in, like, Odinbot 3000 mechas and worshiped them as gods, and then in return they decided to eat our souls. Is this based or cringe? Vote now on your phones
Also I reverse google searched the quote you sent and Lexicanum claims it's also from that 3rd edition Necrons codex which I didn't check until I'd written the bit about the salt mine, I am so sorry. I'm not deleting it though bc what is the internet if not to make jokes that are only funny to you
We are all need new necrons codexes
Fandom needs to cite its sources. Doing this is like, a good chunk of the reason why Lexi is better (apart from the not being part of Fandom wikia conglomerate. also Lexi notes that N'kari went through life as a male eldar before becoming a daemon and I don't think Fandom does, which is a loss for lgbt diversity among eldritch abominations, tbh)
(Sources are great and they made Fulgrim bisexual)
Anyways, I don't think there's any source that talks in depth about whether or not the c'tan were intelligent before being given bodies, so "the c'tan were given sapience by the necrontyr with their new bodies and they proceeded to immediately use this to fuck the necrontyr over" is a perfectly reasonable assumption to make. Headcanon to have? Interpretation? it's my interpretation now, for certain
Also idk if I understand the "And then the C’tan doing the complete opposite to the necrontyr by turning them into the necrons" bit at the end? I'm not actually very sure what you mean for it and I am curious about it because that sounds interesting but there's a number of plausible interpretations i could make for that statement and I would appreciate clarification if you wanna give it
I'm ending it on 12 because it's a tidy number but I have nothing else to add so I'm just gonna put a funny here: heyheyheyyy c'maahn the Deceiver's just a little guy, the Deceiver's just a little guyy, noo, it's also his birthday, the Deceiver's a little birthday boyy
anyway I hope this helps!
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vermanaward · 3 months
dawntrail msq, 95-97
tuliyolal, evenutally
okay so that was the end of disc one i guess
i would ask 'why couldn't she have asked him earlier' but. the drama.
everyone seems remarkably unconcerned about first promise and/or the dickhead trailing around after him. counting down the minutes until one or both of them causes problems on purpose
why are the hyper capitalists in xiv always short. lalas, pelupelu, mord.
...oh okay here we go, disc two commences!
swear words?!?!
how come npcs get to have guns without shitty lunchboxes. ANSWER ME YOSHI P
"saddle up!" [proceeds to make me ride bareback]
somewhere between "my poor boy erenville being deadnamed to heck and back" and "ah. yeah. immigrant adopts local name to not stick out, resulting in Complicated Feelings when they go back home and people use their native culture's name"
oh. a bent cop. whoever saw that one coming
i would ask 'why are there dinosaurs in north america' but. you know what. it makes a pleasant change from them being in africa
"hey, remember shadowbringers. you guys liked shadowbringers, right? everyone loved the bit with the trolley?? right????"
at least there isn't a dead wife this time ig
the design of this train is offensively bad. like it's a stream train, fine, except it has a ceruleum (ie. petrol/diesel) engine, fine. except it's a steam train but instead of steam coming out the top its?? burning ceruleum? what???
man i was just thinking to myself this morning. 'we haven't seen yshtola all expac. it's been so nice not having to constantly brace myself for her biannual death fakeout.'
oh and she brought the allagan fanboy too. yay.
at least it's not the fucking allagans ig
(obligatory: ok so shtola is here so she can reprogram the gate and go get some ronso booty)
rofl though. so okay if this is a 9 parallel, then who is garland here, and when will necron come haring out of the left field wait that was endsinger nm
unrelated but the more i think about it the more :\ i am that the girl is The Emotional One and the dude is The Logical One. like bruh
estinien is determined to be Sir Not Playable This Expac and honestly i can't blame him
"don't do anything reckless" what like pick up both eyes of nidhogg while soaked in his blood? that kind of reckless?
haha see the joke is that in the First his wife is dead aren't dead wives funny
heritage found
alexandria, huh [chinhands]
man. this is extremely the "hey, remember shb?!" expac. and not in a good way.
honestly this is a gripe for another day but i really hate the way this game just goes [handwave] ~time dilation~ any time they want something dramatic to happen with shit on reflections. time always passes at the speed of drama. it bugs me.
actually ykw. this expac is so actively pro monarchy it's kinda nauseating. there i said it
erenville's mom is dead isn't she. .-.
heavensward: let's kill the pope and install democracy! shadowbringers: let's kill a dictator and install a democracy! stormblood, dawntrail: let's, uh. install and uphold monarchies! yay royalty! yay bloodlines!
do i expect progressive politics from final fantasy? hell no, i'm not delusional. does this mean i'm going to let this slide? also no!
ooh namika's going to be euthanised isn't she
ha ha he's wearing armour from the alex raids ha ha
in a robot? no just piloting a robot.
okay i take it back this hellhole is worse than amaurot. good job a+
that said: it's absolutely a fragment of a world consumed in a rejoining that somehow managed to avoid being rejoined, yes yes? from the calamity of lightning, for obvious reasons.
which would make oblivion that shard's equivalent of the scions/ardbert and his gang
which unrelated but would mean there are people on the source at 6/14 aetheric density. (and would put krile at 1/14, for that matter)
...hm. are we supposed to take from this then that alexandria and 'the golden city' are two seperate places?
oh. yeah i found rowena's shard from the lightning reflection. lel.
100 scrip vendor unlocked finally, time todo what i came here for: FISH
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I have a Warhammer 40k AU where a resurrected Ferrus Manus, after his fateful encounter with the Watcher in the Rain, does get a Necron boyfriend named Khalid. The latter is pretty forgiving of Ferrus' sins because he has done his own fair share of atrocities, blaming himself for his part in the creation of the Chaos Gods. Khalid's guilt is also fueling his decision not to try to restore his original form because he honestly believes that he doesn't deserve it.
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tomorrowedblog · 1 year
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Pariah Nexus premieres today
Pariah Nexus, the new TV series from M2 Animation, is out today.
On the shrine world Paradyce in the Pariah Nexus, the Necrons have launched a devastating attack. As the Imperial forces attempt to regroup, can a sole Sister of Battle make her way through the ruins of a city and take vengeance on those she blames for the disaster?
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nautilusopus · 3 years
also much in the way i do not blame blaziken for the plague of fire/fighting starters we got for a while but DO still consider it where the trend started, necron is kind of what began that series of lazy ff villain motivations where their whole MO was "i'm going to kill everyone and that will stop suffering because we will all be dead" that took for fucking ever to get rid of
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 4 years
Isn't Goto the wanker who wrote some really overly detailed torture scenes but only when the one being tortured is eldar? Also didn't he straight up have a fucking Distortion Cannon shoot BULLETS?? Or some horrendous bullshit involving tanks? (Also the hate of Matt Ward sounds like he was: A, shoved into scifi when all he was used to was LoTR. B, A scape goat since codexes listed only 1 name yet were apparently collaborations between multiple authors)
Goto is that exact wanker, yes. He managed to displease just about everyone with his writing, which is impressive. I agree that Ward definitely isn’t to blame for all of the stuff people say he is. He absolutely has his name on some of the more aggressively hammy pieces of 40K writing and ruling (Best Boy Ultramarines, Kaldor Draigo and the Greyboys, Necron Air Superiority), but I’ve never had any real issues with him. I don’t think he was particularly suited for blending fluff and rulings is all. Boi just wants to write fantasy books.
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nemossubmarine · 4 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #52: Epilogue
The epilogue takes place during five years after the encounter in the Necron temple. It involved several conversations between our heroes and NPCs and a meet up on Cayenne’s ship, as well as some check-ups on NPCs’ fates that will not be reported here (as there’s a separate document for that and I’m not rewriting it). But onto the epilogue stuff.
Near the end of the five year period finds us in a non-descript planet somewhere within the Ultima Segmentum. There is a coffee house there, patronized by workers’ on their lunch breaks as well as some old people, and now a visitor. Bettie the old owner of the place greets the new comer, who asks after Lu Yan, who works here. Bettie calls for Lu Yan, who comes to the front and immediately recognizes her friend Gimlet. The two retreat to Lu Yan’s little apartment to catch up. Gimlet has come to pick Lu Yan up after all these years, now that he is finally in a more secure position. Lu Yan is quite happy to go, even if she likes the people around. Gimlet also finally is able to tell Lu Yan what became of Inpax. He has no idea if Inpax is even alive at this point, but he hands Lu Yan a drawing of what Inpax looks these days (presumably). Lu Yan asks if they could go see if they can find her, and Gimlet says maybe, though they still need to be careful. Lu Yan gets to packing and off they go.
Rat breaks her silent treatment for Saef after a year, when Theo stops suddenly answering her messages. With Saef’s help Rat manages to locate Theo, and Saef asks to meet up with her afterwards, which they do. She is quite different already, still a teen, still sporting the old dusty aviator’s cap, but her clothes are different and there’s turquoise hair peeking beneath the cap. She lets him know that Theo is struggling, but for now he is safe and Rat is going to help him the best she can going forward. Saef asks how Rat has liked the Ynnari, and Rat admits that they are strange in many senses, but they have some dealings with humans (references to the group’s leader’s “big blue boyfriend” are made), so they are not opposed to Rat keeping in touch with Theo, though of course they are careful. All in all, it is different, but for the first time in her life Rat feels like she is loved because she is an eldar, not despite it. Saef says he is glad to hear that, and they hug when they part (though Rat complains loudly as teens are wont to do).
When Gorm reaches Fenris, he reports his mission to Sveleighr, and then asks him to arrange a meeting with Ragnar Blackmane, his company’s leader to discuss Trazyn the Collector. Sveleighr does just that. Gorm tells Ragnar what he saw and says he believes it was fate that he would see a Primarch believed dead through the portal. It is unsure whether the Primarch is a clone or if the corpse had been stolen, but it is clear that it is in the interests of the Imperium to get to the bottom of it. So Gorm requests Ragnar a transfer to the Deathwatch. Ragnar asks if this is what Gorm wants and Gorm tells him how Fenris started to feel different ever since Gorm had returned. Ragnar can sympathize, as he has been in the bad graces of Wolves himself before, but he hopes one day Gorm can again call Fenris home. Gorm’s request is granted and Ragnar bonks his head against Gorm’s and tells him to make Ragnar proud.
We also take a look at Gimlet’s final meeting with Inpax. He finds her at the transport room, examining her new face in a mirror. Inpax admits some strangeness to her new look, but supposes it’s a matter of getting used to it. She tells Gimlet to do better than his predecessors in the Inquisition, and Gimlet says he’ll try to do her proud. He also slips some extra money to her pocket while she isn’t looking. They also hug, though Inpax isn’t a fan, and with that Inpax is sent off to her new life.
We next pick up with Gorm some years in Deathwatch with his new kill team. One morning no one can find Carl, who has also become Gorm’s squad mate. Gorm eventually finds him in the infirmary, having a little bit of a cry. Gorm sits down next to him and asks who died, and Carl informs that both Stuart and Aaron have lost their lives in the Plague Wars. It has hit Carl kind of hard, two of his boys gone at the same time, and he can’t stop thinking that when he was saying goodbyes to them he hadn’t expected to never see them again. Carl can’t help but think if he had been there, as the squad’s apothecary, could they have been saved, especially since they haven’t heard anything from Trazyn for half a year. Gorm tells him that no one is blaming them for not being there, and that Stuart and Aaron died doing their duty. Besides if Carl had been somewhere else, the kill team would have lost their sergeant. Carl says Gorm is right, and Gorm offers him a drink from his flask. Carl mentions that Stuart had told him that the party in Saef’s room was the best party he had ever been to. Outside, they can hear sergeant Argyros calling for morning brief, so Carl grabs also a mint from Gorm as apparently their sergeant doesn’t take kindly to drinking.
Before meeting with his friends on Santa Maria, Gimlet goes to meet up with Tabasco. They have kept up a long distance relationship over the years so Tabasco is very glad to see Gimlet after a long time away. Apparently the leader of the Pepper clan has recently been assassinated and that has caused some political turmoil among the Rogue Traders, which Tabasco is very much sick off. Gimlet asks him to join him his crew, but Tabasco says he can’t leave his sister in a pickle, but once that is settled, he’s more than happy to re-unite. Then they go canoodle in the ship’s library.
Gorm’s hunt brings him to Fenris for the first time in years. Gorm is happy to show his teammates the sights, but most exicted he is about getting to see Uffe again. It’s been near five years, and Uffe hasn’t changed much. They greet each other with warm hugs and head bonks, and settle down to eat together. Uffe has been working as a Lone Wolf all these years, mostly as a scout and / or sniper, and he seems to be content in his lot, though Gorm says he can always get him into Deathwatch if need be. When Gorm asks after Vivek, Uffe pauses for a moment, and says that’s a topic best talked in private. Gorm suggests they go on a hunt, as they never did figure out who was their pack’s leader all this time, so they do. Away from others’ ears, Uffe lets Gorm know Vivek is no longer on Fenris. Several close friends (and his brother) having died made it impossible for Vivek to not do something. Uffe asks Gorm to not ask more of his task or where he is at, just for everyone’s safety, but Uffe knows where he is, and he can only hope Vivek finds some peace so he can come back home. Gorm agrees and adds that they, Vivek and Uffe both, deserve to be happy. The hunt ends with Gorm winning, but he hands the leadership of the pack to Uffe while he is gone, telling him to take good care of the pack. They return back to a night of drinking and partying. An attempt is made to get Sergeant Argyros to drink, but he resists.
It’s been five years and our heroes have not seen each other, and in fact keeping in contact has proved quite difficult as well. Gorm is the first one in the meeting place in his black Deathwatch armor, several xenos-collected memorabilia attached to his armor, including two heads of Trazyn the Collector. Gimlet joins him soon, and he is in Inquisition uniform. Saef is not far behind, also in uniform. There’s hugs all around as the three settle down around a table. 
Gimlet tells everyone that he has been promoted to Inquisitor, and though he is not completely free of High Inquisitor Marbray, he has been offered much more freedom. He is now gathering up a crew including Lu Yan and Alex, his father as a Navigator and Tabasco eventually. Gorm reveals he had planned on going to kill Marbray if she proved troublesome, but things turned out alright it seems. Gimlet apologizes to Saef, Saef had contacted him asking after an AdMech that got caught by the Inquisition and Gimlet couldn’t tell him what was going on, because he was in quite a bit of hot water at the time. Saef says he understands. He asks Gimlet how did it turn out on Triplex Phall, since after Saef learned that Z47r had been executed, he had contacted Gimlet and Gorm, unsure if Z47r had finished his work with the virus-people. Gimlet says he let High Inquisitor know and it has been dealt with.
Saef has joined the Fermund Scorpions, making new friends. Apparently army life has been mostly boring, though he has managed to get some more interesting missions, for example next he is going to a Blackstone fortress. Upon being asked about his relationship with Demir, Saef says that they have managed to meet a few times, but since Demir has rejoined Triplex Phall AdMech forces, they mostly communicate via texting. Gimlet makes an offer for Saef to join his crew, it would be certainly more freedom than the army (although obviously Demir can’t come, since Marbray is still after the AdMechs). Saef says he’ll have to think about it after he’s done with his current mission.
The hunt for Trazyn still continues, Gorm tells. Other than that he has enjoyed Deathwatch, continuing his priestly education with the Deathwatch Chaplain. He mentions Stuart’s and Aaron’s passing, and also that Stuart enjoyed their party. He also mentions meeting with Uffe, and suggests that Gimlet could hire Uffe if he needs Space Wolf to help with Inquisition business, as Gorm is quite busy with the Deathwatch (but in emergency he is also available). Gimlet says he’ll think about. 
Greetings and news now shared our heroes get to drinking and reminiscing that takes the night. And that’s the end of this story, for now at least.
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artofelaineho · 6 years
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Kuja: Thanatophobia (FFIX)
The world will continue to exist without me.  
Here's the third piece in my Final Fantasy Villains series, Kuja from Final Fantasy IX. 
His fear of death drives him to selfishness, where he believes that if he dies, nothing else should exist either. Kuja's fear of death and despair manifests in Necron, the final boss that you have to fight.
I guess the modern equivalent of this is "if I'm going down, I'm bringing you all down with me." I've been guilty of this sentiment before. 
It's a strange thrill. You have no control over your own fate, but you try to manipulate the story as much as you can before you finally disappear. It's the brain's last gasp to stay alive; to stay relevant; to stay remembered.
I can't blame Kuja too much for that.
Thank you to my patrons: Tamar, Jennifer, Val, Dustin, Naomi.
See the Final Fantasy Villains here.
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aeonsancient · 5 years
Overlord Nasakor
bio-Info Below the Cut.
General Info:
Name/Alias: Nasakor Titles: Overlord, The Wanderer Planet Origins: Race: Necron/Necrontyr Height: 11'6" Dynasty Colour Scheme: Necron Standard Dynasty: Silent King’s Dynasty
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Brief Backstory:
Born into wealth and power yet not late enough, Nasakor missed out on the chance to become the prominent silent king; yet taken by his older brother. Nasakor was raised by a mother with political prowess and a father with excellent combat skill he trained both his blade and the way of diplomacy in politics. Aside from his older brother, Nasakor also had two younger sisters; the youngest of the two Nakhtotari and the oldest of the sisters Sahukhet. He adored his sisters so, finding himself highly protective over Nakhtotari the youngest.
Due to his outrageous endeavors with consorts and capricious nature, Nasakor was frequently misjudged to the peril of others; often dominating those who talk down to them in combat or politics much to everyone’s surprise.
As mentioned, Nasakor was an outrageous and capricious individual with rather unorthodox habits whenever he inhabited a body of flesh and blood. Often enough he would have multiple consorts at a time, and frequently challenge others to combat or political debate.
Nasakor so much so was given a world of his own and crowned its’ overlord, for the sake of keeping him from the crown world as much as possible.  
Just before the bio-transference, Nasakor had a terrible, terrible feeling about it and thus refused to be put into a body he couldn’t use for his habits, he had to be dragged in shackles and chains to the furnaces of bio-transference kicking and screaming. To which he forever has blamed his brother Szarekh for, still holding the grudge sixty million years later.
After the great sleep, seeing the majority of his tomb world fallen to the flayer virus or the madness plagued by most destroyers - Nasakor decided to go wandering with his close retinue of Lychguard and a couple loyal Immortals; making a warband of fifteen Necrons. Their flagship is known as the Tempest Harbinger takes them across different worlds and dynasties seeking intrigue in those who have awakened or are yet to.
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ask-jaghatai-khan · 5 years
MK11 Roster ranked for Warhammer
// Since I’m on a Mortal Kombat kick. How would each character from the Mortal Kombat 11 vanilla roster fair in either Warhammer? I’m keeping it to the playable roster since all the DLC characters haven’t been revealed yet and I didn’t want to have this post be five miles long. Might do more in the future, however.
Let’s face it, most of these psychos are gonna do pretty well. They regularly get into punch-outs with gods. The biggest problem will likely be which attitudes get them singled out by their allies.
40k: Decently well. She has many of the makings of an Imperial Inquisitorial acolyte or an Eldar Exarch. Extreme combat skill and mild psychic power are usual marks of greatness. Also very good at subtle politicking. Might be a bit of a pushover though.
AoS: Even better! Less stigma over her magical abilities, slightly more reasonable allies, and less likely to have to fight power-armored super soldiers.
Erron Black
40k: You can already play as this guy in Dark Heresy. Pretty much any Rogue Trader would be happy to hire this guy, and he’s too stupid to be bribed with anything other than cash.
AoS: Limited opportunities due to lack of good personal guns. Might get on well in some kind of mercenary group from Chamon or Hysh, but his rogue nature still wouldn’t earn him many connections.
40k: Super-speed and melee skill are good, but only get you so far. If nobody grabbed him as an assassin, he’d still make a killing as a gang boss, and I think he’d be fine with that.
AoS: Probably even better chances of success, but it’s gonna be sucky with those third-degree burns given the lack of things like high-end prosthetic rebreather masks.
Kung Lao
40k: Kung Lao is absolutely a Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy character. He’s gonna get a lot of weird looks, but assuming that hat can cut through power armor, he’ll probably get on just fine. His big mouth might earn him some enemies, though.
AoS: Again, since he uses a low-tech weapon and martial arts, he’s even better in a fantasy setting. The entire Shaolin Temple would do pretty well for themselves in the Mortal Realms.
40k: A cryomancer? Seems suspect of heresy. Then again, a cryomancer who hates the undead and can fight as good as an assassin? Seems like prime Inquisitorial material!
AoS: Nagash’s grip is cold, but if Sigmar can get the Lin Kuei on his side, he’s got a lot to gain. Kuai Liang is as great a leader as he is a warrior and mage.
40k: Absolutely corrupted by Chaos, but I think most Chaos Lords would still be reluctant to run into Hanzo Hasashi. Less of a chance he could redeem himself, but even more of a chance for him to wreak absolute havoc on anyone who tries and betray him. Hellfire is plentiful in 40k.
AoS: A better chance for redemption, and even more utility from his ninja skills on top of the hellfire. Whoever has their grips on Scorpion’s soul, whether it’s Nagash or Chaos, better double-check just how strong that grip is.
40k: She’s a god! On the scale of 40k, she’s at a bit of a disadvantage, but being a god is never gonna hurt. She better just steer clear of Slaanesh.
AoS: Again, she’s a god! Set up shop in Ghyran and kick back with Alarielle in the “kill absolutely anybody who messes with our utopia” clubhouse.
40k: Cryomancer cyborg assassin is hardly the weirdest profession in 40k, and her conniving nature should help her out plenty whether she wants to work with the AdMech, DarkMech, or some other group of bastards.
AoS: Shame she couldn’t keep the robot body, but cryomancer assassin is still more than enough to raise some hell in the Mortal Realms. Nagash’s clubhouse seems most her style.
40k: This guy would do well as King Mook of a group of Chaos mutants. That’s pretty much what he is anyways.
AoS: Same meat, different sausage. Being a half-demon warlord may not make you immortal, but it’s hardly a disadvantage.
40k: His character and storyline makes him a solid fit for a high-end Inquisitor. Psychic might and leadership skills, with a tendency to turn into a psychotic templar? Tell me that doesn’t sound like a classic Inquisitor.
AoS: As a storm-god, he’d get on even better. He might even have the makings of a mighty Sacrosanct wizard. He’s already attuned to Azyr!
40k: By the standards of some xenos races, she’s not really a top concern, but D’Vorah knows this and would make the most of what she has. Everyone’s so concerned about Chaos and Tyranids, they don’t even notice when they’re suddenly overrun by the Kytinn.
AoS: Set up in some blighted corner of Ghyran, out of sight but with plenty of foolish heroes to snack on, D’Vorah would do about as well as she’s done in Outworld.
40k: Eat your heart out, Straken. Or rather, eat your arm off. Jax has all the makings of a Guard commander, though his heart might be a bit too soft to finish his career free of scars to his mind and soul.
AoS: I’m sure someone in Chamon or Hysh could hook the man up with some new arms. Either that, or he’d make for a good Stormcast!
40k: Who the hell is this guy? Does he work for the Necrons? The Ordo Chronos? Wherever he came from, that archaeotech is going to make him a nightmare for whoever gets in the way of his inscrutable goals.
AoS: Even weirder! He must be some Age of Myth construct left behind in Hysh. Maybe a fractured remnant of a lost God of Law? Either way, he’d probably be more akin to a terrain obstacle in Underworlds than a regular enemy.
40k: There’s about fifty of this bastard on every world in the Imperium. Maybe he’d help out Chaos, but at the end of the day the Black Dragon is all Kano needs. His smug mug is going to be on wanted posters from Terra to Ultramar.
AoS: Who the hell keeps smuggling Chaos Dwarf cannons into Azyr? What maniac stole a warehouse’s load of weaponry from Hammerhal and sold them to damn greenskins?! If that bastard even looks at a Stormvault I want at least three merc companies sent to hunt him down!
Cassie Cage
40k: The Imperium loves legacy careers! Explains where she gets all those fancy toys from. Inheriting her dad’s mouth is going to make her time in the Schola rough, though.
AoS: A loyal ranger best suited for exploring Stormvaults and hunting down powerful champions. Chaos Lords best not underestimate her, she’s more than meets the eye.
Kotal Kahn
40k: Thank god we managed to find a governor able to rein control of that sector. Not often someone can purge Chaos that efficiently, especially a Feral World-born. Keep an eye on him in case of further developments, however...
AoS: The last of the Osh-Tekk might not worship Sigmar, but he’s a mighty and ruthless ally in the fight against Chaos and undead encroachment. A powerful priest and warrior of the light.
40k: Chaos could always use more assassins. You’d think more people would be looking into blood magic, but the rarity of it just means less competition and counters. Skarlet is every Inquisitor’s worst nightmare.
AoS: Same blood, different vein! Powerful dark magic and assassin skills are hard to knock.
Sonya Blade
40k: A peerless and loyal leader of the Guard. Maybe her choice of friends isn’t the cleanest, but her results can hardly be blamed.
AoS: The Free Peoples always need more competent generals, and even mortal leaders are expected to be able to kick some ass one-on-one. Even if she gets demolished, I think Sigmar was waiting for an excuse to reforge her.
Johnny Cage
40k: Movie stars aren’t so popular in the Imperium, but shining examples of the might of the common man over the unknowable alien? That’s good, even if he never shuts up. Charisma and fighting skill will get you far even if you’re surrounded by enemies. Probably for the best he gets Sonya on his side, though.
AoS: Less likely to be killed for snarky blasphemy! Also everyone’s so damn serious all the time, mockery would probably make for as effective a weapon as magical fists.
Noob Saibot
40k: I swear I’ve seen this type of guy before in Chaos’ toolbox. A shadow-daemon sorcerer assassin? Subtlety is a rare trait among Chaos,  so it might make for a powerful advantage.
AoS: There are some parts of Ulgu best avoided. Laugh at the name all you want, just not if you’re standing in the shadows.
40k: Mutant or xenos, his ass-kissing skills will serve him well when he inevitably sets himself up with some Chaos Lord. Obviously without plentiful Forge Worlds to draw from, it would best suit your unholiness to hire someone who can scavenge much valuable plunder, yes?
AoS: Hardly different. Having a sticky-fingered mutant to oversee the finances of your kingdom leaves more time for a Chaos Lord to stick to taking skulls and planning conquests.
40k: This character absolutely already exists in 40k. Planetary governor turned out to be a heretic? Well thank the Emperor his assassin daughter is amicable!
AoS: Fan blades seem like something a Khainite would enjoy, but thankfully Kitana is more restrained. Diplomatic skill, martial might, and a cool weapon gimmick will help her fit right in!
Jacqui Briggs
40k: Another military legacy, which is always a benefit. Also extremely skilled in combat and making inter-service connections. Probably has a better chance at a legit command position due to her personality over Cas, who’d be better relegated to black ops.
AoS: Again, great warriors and generals are always in high demand. As a commander of the Freeguild or the Stormcast, Jacqui even looks like one of the new warrior-women models GW likes to release nowadays.
Liu Kang
40k: Another mighty champion from outside the Astartes for a change. Liu Kang has protagonist energy, and even if kung-fu is rare in 40k, that’s enough to get you pretty far. Especially when he has such powerful friends.
AoS: More chances to flex those fists, less stigma around summoning fire and turning into a dragon, and he’s still a trusted friend of many generals and demigods.
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xenosgirlvents · 6 years
Is always weird meeting supposed Big Warhammer fans and never hear them talking about the Eldar or even the Tau (or the Necron. Tyrannids, Chaos and Orks easy to remember for being IoM fodder enemies). Sure, the lore itself ignore them so they aren't to blame but..Still
Well…in the end people should feel free to discuss the parts of the fandom that interest them, I have no issue with that. 
My concern is, more usually, with the fact that several individuals who speak on 40k frequently and address topics about Xenos show that they have little actual knowledge of Xenos and have barely read any of the lore on them. That’s how we get this bizarre perpetuating belief in the fandom that the T’au systematically sterilize humans when the only actual instance of it in the Lore is from Dawn of War 2, once. Or how I regularly encounter people who argue that Eldrad was a member of the Cabal and sought to wipe out humanity, not apparently having read enough to learn that Eldrad actually opposed the Cabal and even ended up killing them all (with a Space Marine to hold his hand, of course, we can’t have Eldrad actually achieving things on his after all).
If someone only wants to talk about the Imperium I have no problems with it, they are free to. What I don’t like is individuals who appoint themselves ‘experts’ and are trusted sources of information in the fandom, who clearly show that their lack of interest in Xenos translates into a poor knowledge of them and then they just perpetuate that poor knowledge. 
There is a reason I read basically every Xenos novel or even Xenos-featuring novel and Codex, its to make sure that when I speak about something not as simply my headcanon or opinions I do so with the canonical information to back it up. I would not say Orks lose basically all battles against Orks if I had not counted the number of documented conflicts and found that the Orks have won a smattering of almost less than 10 battles against Space Marines, compared to the Space Marines 20+ victories against Orks. 
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