#blankets for cal 2023
breakfastteatime · 2 years
Comfortember Day 16 - Shelter
The train ride feels longer today. Prauf looks down at the tiny Human sat at his side. Cal, that’s his name. He sits rigidly beside Prauf in clothes that barely fit him. It’ll have to do for now. When he joins the Guild – and he’ll have to if he wants to survive here – they’ll see that he’s given clothing that fits properly.
The train’s not overly busy, but there’s plenty of familiar faces, many of whom are staring at Cal like he was spat out by the Maw. If the attention’s bothering him, the blank stare he’s wearing does a good job hiding it.
The kid’s a little too good at hiding in Prauf’s opinion. He’s barely said anything since Prauf found him staggering into the yard, more mud monster than Human. Maybe he hadn’t appreciated being hauled off to the nearest medbay. Wasn’t much Prauf could’ve done about that. When he’d stopped the kid from walking into the path of a ship cutter, Cal had looked up, said everyone was dead after being asked where his family were, and proceeded to pass out. What else was Prauf supposed to do? Leave him there?
Plenty on Bracca would have. Not Prauf. He’s a one-Abednedo-force-for-good. A little decency goes a long way. Besides, Bracca has little use for children who aren’t Guild apprentices. If Cal’s got no one looking out for him, he’s gonna have to start working.
After Cal came to and the medics showered him off, they’d found a pale (if speckly) kid with the brightest hair Prauf had ever seen on one of his kind. His clothes had gone straight in the trash, muddy and torn beyond use or recognition. He’d been diagnosed with exposure, exhaustion and an infection from the vicious wound marring his face and neck. The kid offered no explanation for what was so clearly a blaster wound, instead accepting that even with the bacta treatment and antibiotics, it would scar him permanently.
When Cal showed no reaction whatsoever to the news, the medic went on to further diagnose him with shock and told Prauf to get a hot meal into him before making sure he got some sleep.
“And then get him signed up to the Guild, otherwise we’ll come after you for the fee,” the medic told Prauf as Cal was pushed toward him, clomping into the waiting room in boots that had to be three sizes too big.
And now, here he is with Prauf, heading to the housing district where the kid – Cal – has nowhere to stay.
Prauf can’t let that stand either. He’s way too small to spend a night on the streets of Bracca alone. Cal needs shelter, and Prauf’s going to give it to him.
By the time they reach the housing district, Cal’s lost some of the stiffness in his limbs because he’s well on his way to falling asleep. Prauf nudges him as gently as he can and the kid flies off the bench, poised for a fight. Even the other scrappers take a step back like this small, potentially feral Human might launch himself at them.
“Whoa, whoa, you’re alright,” Prauf said. “Just needed to tell you we’re at our station. C’mon, let’s go.”
As some of the fear seeps back out, there’s a sudden alertness in the boy’s expression that wasn’t there before. “Go where?” he asks in a surprisingly firm tone.
“My place,” Prauf tells him as they step off the train. “Unless you’ve got somewhere else to go.”
As the last scrappers walk past them on the platform, Cal stares at Prauf with such intensity, Prauf wonders if he’s done or said something to cause great offence. Humans are a weird bunch after all, and other than Tabbers he tends not to interact with them. However, after a few seconds, Cal blinks, relaxes, and says, “Okay.”
“Okay,” Prauf says, feeling bizarrely relieved, like he’s passed a test. He leads Cal through the streets to the apartment building. It towers into the sky above, a relic of a time when people still built actual structures on Bracca and didn’t expect everyone to make do with the remains of ships to retrofit into homes and shops. This whole district would probably be labelled as ‘historic’ on another planet. Here, it’s just another grubby reminder of how far Bracca has fallen.
By the time they reach Prauf’s place, Cal is dragging his feet and wobbling. Prauf guides him into his apartment and sees to it that he makes it to the couch. Cal sits, the boots falling off his feet.
“Stay awake for now,” Prauf tells him as he bustles into his kitchen. He had a few things that were suitable for Human consumption. Of course he did. Most food on Bracca was basic and designed for all species. He returned to Cal with a glass of water and a high calorie ration bar that, while generally tasteless, would at least fill him up. The kid’s back in that tense pose like he’s expecting a fight to come at him from every corner. He doesn’t exactly look like he could put up a fight, but what does Prauf know? Maybe the kid really is feral under all this silence and can fight like it too. “Here you go.” Prauf holds out the food and glass.
Cal takes them with a polite “Thank you, Prauf.”
Manners. Another surprise. “Heh, you’re welcome.”
For a moment, Cal stares at the glass with a strange look. Then he seems to come back from a far off place and takes a sip. He picks at the food until his appetite gets the better of him and he eats with more enthusiasm. While he does, Prauf heads off his closet to fetch a spare blanket and pillow. They’re both way too big for the kid, but they’ll have to do.
He heads back out to the lounge, where Cal has finished eating and is now slumped on the couch, blinking heavily, trying hard to keep himself awake and mostly failing. Prauf hands over the blanket and pillow. Cal takes them, spacing out again like maybe no one ever gave him such things before. Who knows where the kid came from and the life he left behind. Now’s not the time to ask either.
“Get some sleep kid, you’re safe here, I promise.”
Cal jolts and blinks, looking up at Prauf. “I know,” he says, so sincere it almost takes the breath from Prauf’s lungs. “Thank you.”
And with that, he settles himself under the blanket, rolls over and falls fast asleep.
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veryace-ficrecs · 15 days
Jedi Culture and Customs Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
In Search of Comfort by BreakfastTea - Rated G
A collection of short stories in which Cal gives and receives comfort, originally posted to Tumblr in 2022 and 2023. Expect hugs, blankets and pancakes!
‘The Temporary Temple Guards’ by RoosjeM - Not Rated
It was a widely known fact within the Temple, that the Temple Guards stationed at the Coruscant Temple were experiencing a ‘shortage’ at the moment. Seeing as Knights were sent out to complete missions and went on protective details, they were also the Corp that was responsible for the Temple Guards. - “I may have an issue.” “What is it?” The boy was alone. No one else was around despite it being the middle of the night. Just the boy who made a bee-line for Obi-Wan. He was way too young to be out at this time let alone out here all alone. It was the boy’s training armour that tipped Obi-wan off that this was more than just a lost child. “I have a youngling in front of me. There is no one else around and I am pretty sure he’s Mandalorian.” Quinlan paused, then asked, “...Come again?” Obi-Wan peered down at the child tugging at his arm. “Aran, ner echoy'la.” Kriff. “Correction, I have a Mandalorian boy in front of me telling me he’s lost.” - Or it’s Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi’s turn to be a Temporary Temple Guard and of course one of his past missions comes back to haunt him.
My head is warm, my feet are cold by themonopolyhat - Rated T
No one knows yet how in the Sith hells Obi-Wan managed to sneak up to his quarters before collapsing, either. The fact that he did so on the morning of his own fucking funeral is so theatrical that Vokara may never forgive him.
Or: Obi-Wan rescues himself, gives a Padawan anxiety, and creates problems for Mace and Vokara.
An AU/remix of Night_Fury's if i don't make it back (from where i've gone).
Knights of the Republic by darkstars12 - Rated G
For too many years the Jedi have been mysterious to us. They have been idolized to the point of legend and today we’re here to set the record straight. The Jedi are not some kind of little gods, but rather a beautiful and unique culture that has yet to be explored within modern media. I’m your host Xiaan Pauk and this is Knights of the Republic: Unfiltered.
carried in your heart by grumpyhedgehogs - Rated G
“I am always with you.” Obi-Wan tells her. Her heart thumps painfully in her chest as her grandmaster rests his palm over it. The organ betrays her, beats away like it can crack her ribs apart and slip between them to leap into Obi-Wan’s chest and stay there with him, always. Slowly, tentatively, Ahsoka lets Obi-Wan guide her to rest her own palm over his heart. It pulses under her fingers, reminding Ahsoka at least one Jedi still lives on. “You are always with me.”
Mace's Headache by Siri_Kenobi12 - Rated G
The Jedi Council is shocked after that fateful meeting with Qui-Gon Jinn in TPM, but should they really be surprised that the ‘Maverick’ of the Order would somehow be the epicenter of the prophesied “Chosen One” and the reemergence of the Sith? Should they really be surprised that the Padawan raised by the defiant Dooku would find a loophole in the code in order to get what he wants? That he’d stubbornly stick to his position even if it meant he inadvertently crushed the future of a promising young man in the process? The question plaguing Mace’s mind now is, does he step in to try and fix it? Or does he just leave things alone? Either way Mace Windu already has a headache.
in the swing over the creek by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated T
Obi-Wan Kenobi was sitting in the corner of the crèche, drawing pictures.
Stardust Showers by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated G
Obi-Wan Kenobi looked to the left. He looked to the right. Now was his chance. Time to escape!
the moon slides down the stairs by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated T
Depa Billaba led her padawan, Caleb Dume, through the halls of the Jedi Temple. The path they took was one that was as familiar to her as the katas of Shii-Cho. or Shatterpoint Lineage Dinner, with a twist
Epistolary Investigations by Knifehawk - Rated T
History is an interesting thing, especially when it involves an organization like the Jedi Order that has records stretching back twenty-five thousand years. One would expect that such an organization would have a relatively clear and accurate understanding of their own history, especially history merely four thousand years in the past, but what happens when a single Jedi, desperately searching for any new knowledge that will quench the ire of his archivist friend, discovers information that calls the entire history, and doctrine, of the Jedi Order into question. Typically, debates would be had, accusations and rumors of heresy and apostacy launched, and the seeker would back down fearing their declaration as "fallen." When that Jedi is Master Yan Dooku, Padawan of Grandmaster Yoda, Jedi Shadow, and close friend of Archivist Jocasta Nu and Seer Syfo-Dias? It turns out that a great many things change. Probably for the best as time is running out, and a Force-gifted confrontation edges closer and closer.
then leaf subsides to leaf by The_Last_Kenobi (orphan_account) - Not Rated
You are a Jedi, and this is what that means.
a stitch in time by ash_in_a_burrito - Rated T
Obi-Wan looked out at his clan of initiates. The Dragon Clan had about ten younglings, all gathered around, looking at him with eager eyes. If he was being honest, he was feeling a little nervous about taking his first class. Quin had told him that it would feel natural, and he’d find it no problem, but Quin had also been practically raising Aayla since she was 4 years old.
Scarab by b1uebear - Rated G
“Master,” she said, “is it wrong for a Jedi to kill?” “It would certainly be wrong for you to kill that poor beetle,” Mace replied. Padawan Bo-Katan gets into a philosophical discussion with her Master. For Jedi June 2024.
Spread Too Thin by owlfeather - Rated G
A Jedi may not be able to help everyone. Elara refuses to accept it.
The Eight Younglings by ThirteenGreen - Rated G
The Jedi fosterer Master Laeus goes on another trip across the galaxy to collect younglings for the order. Her journey takes her to seven different worlds in the Republic, different cultures and peoples offering different receptions and glimpses of the galaxy, but all holding a part of the next generation of Jedi.
Little Muttamok Rescue by Jedi_Joanna - Rated G
“I want to keep her.” “No.” Dacken Harfai is a Jedi Initiate of Clan Dewback. Everyone says the war is coming to a close. This is great; now Dacken can figure out how to find who is meant to be his Jedi Master. And, of course, Amon -a muttamok who now lives with the clan- will help.
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bagog · 10 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 19: Volus
A little thing about that little volus dude from ME2
The galaxy trembled at the feet of a biotic god.
Niftu Cal saw the worlds now through a haze of crackling blue, his own aura of command made manifest in a biotic halo.
“Fear me, lesser creatures!” Niftu wheezed. “The Age of Niftu Cal is upon you! Feel my mighty power!”
He stood upon the planet now, mounting Illium as if it were a mountain of excess and trickery and power. He stood at the top, now, the oceans beneath his feet and the cities cowering in his shadow. Mighty asari warships appeared, and Nifty flung them into the depths of space, cartwheeling like toys, with a mere thought.
Gone were the days when a hapless Niftu Cal would be abducted off the street, used as some crazed asari’s pin-cushion… test subject. He was ‘afraid’ then, a feeling he no longer knew the meaning of. What a sense of humor the fates had, though! That out of such infantile terror would be born a titan of pure, raw power!
He picked up the Citadel, plucked it out of space with a hand. He gazed down at the people below—the masters of the galaxy. Well, former masters. Gleaming blue, he crushed the Citadel in a gloved fist. None would stand in his way! He was filled with the ecstasy of domination, he began to cackle. Standing on the disc of the galaxy like it was a dais to his throne, he burst out laughing: a terrifying sound that shook the hearts of lesser beings galaxies away.
He looked now at his gloved hands, still wheezing from his powerful laughter. The gloves—the suit! What need had he for a pressure suit when he was a biotic god? His new world should know their deity as he truly is! Still cackling, Niftu Cal began to tug at the seals of his pressure suit.
Damn things wouldn’t come loose.
He tugged, pulled, struggled.
This couldn’t be… he was a biotic god… a BIOTIC GOD!
“Wh-what?” Niftu Cal woke up, found he had an easy time breathing. When he looked down, his hands were not covered and an asari doctor in a pressure suit stood nearby, looking puzzled.
“Welcome back,” She said, helping Niftu sit up.
“Wh-where am I?”
“Medical clinic. When they carted you in here, you were unconscious and babbling. I’ve flushed the drugs out of your system but you’ll want to take it easy for a while.” She beckoned to a pressure-suited salarian nurse who came over and helped Niftu to settle into the bed.
“I… I was a biotic god…?” He said weakly.
“Sure you were,” the nurse said, adjusting the blanket around the rapidly fading volus.
“F-fear me?” Niftu said, a tiny voice.
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n33k5 · 2 years
Here is a round up of what I have made in January 2023 it's not everything just most of it.
Starting off with my finished infinity scarf for the Alt Knots January 2023 Mood Snood crochet along (CAL)
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Here are my January Spider Stitch squares for the year long Alt Knots Mystery Blanket CAL for 2023
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Here is a velvet blanket I've been working on with some yarn from my stash I'm using a Granny Spike Stitch.
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Some more wearables in the form of a hooded shrug I've started and some very sparkly shorts I still need to finish.
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Here is a scarf I made as a gift using Cat Stitch motif and a hairpin lace roses in yellow orange variegated cotton thread which is a one of many I'll be gifting during Valentine's Day.
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And finally my gremlin ass in the finished infinity scarf/snood pretending not to be cold.
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Thursday, 12 October, 2023
What a lovely afternoon at the barn!!! Perfect temp and all conditions.
5 Minute EMOM
3 Pullups
5 Pushups
7 Squats
Military Press: 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5
70 to 75% For All
Shane=135 Patrick=125 Ed=101 Chase=100 Dyer=95 Tom=90 Joe=85 Coach/Dana=75 Sue/Cherrita/Kayla=55 Shannon=45 Lew/Warren A/Clare=PJ
Two Kettlebell Sprints
( 70 / 53 / 35 )
21 / 15 / 9
Calories Any ERG
Kettlebell Swings
Directly Into
21 / 15 / 9
Calories Any ERG
Goblet Squats
Dana=10:45* Shane=11:38* Chase=11:47* Ed=11:45* Chase=11:47* Cherrita=12:00 Sue=12:25 Warren A=13:05 Kayla=13:09 Clare=14:09 Coach=14:12 Tom=14:15 Joe=14:28 Dyer=14:30 Shannon=16:04 Lew/PATRICK=PJ Tim=check
Snacks: Kayla brought some kind of pasta mess, while Miss Linda brought Pigs In A Blanket with spicy mustard. Guess which one was more popular?? I didn't sample anything else, so can't comment. Oh, the pickles were super. Really Super.
We had 1 white wine and 4 reds. Later in the evening Armando and Kayla made a Buck Cellar Raid for 2 more reds. None was wasted.
Kayla brought the S.O. of the month. He didn't do the waiver. He did his own thing like he owned the place. He didn't interact with anyone except Kayla, with whom he was bonded at the hip. Kinda weird. Also, he parked his truck on the grass. Unforgivable.
Kayla also brought Shawna (SP). She arrived drinking vodka from a 2 quart plastic bottle with something else mixed in. It was like she dropped off an alien star-ship. She had more rapid-fire questions than answers. She refused our workout, claiming we caused CORTISOL flooding, or some such. She hails from SO-Cal and hopefully she will return there with minimal influence on our fragile group. Shawna didn't seem to care much for your Old Coach's mannerism's and his neglect for her standard political correctness. Nevertheless, (I love that word) I gave her the T-shirt and an invite to return (Not the lifetime membership). Did I say that she is the actual blood related daughter of Lew (THE HULK) Farigno ??? (SP??)
Tomorrow is Warren A's Birthday. Without adequate fore-warning, we didn't have the requisite honorific celebration. What can I say ?
Shannon brought her actual work-place replacement girl. Shannon is moving up in the world, and she had to train up her replacement at her old job. Shannon brought Clare so she could get the full advantages of her new job. Clare is super nice. A swimmer at Xavier, she is recently moved here and really wants (needs) a place just like us. I really hope she makes us her regular place of working out. You guys will love her, and she will fit in terrifically.
Late in the wine and snack party I noted a party going on at the neighbor's house. I texted Luke E and soon we had him, his Son, a Brother, and another friend around the picnic table. My only dislike of the Emerson's is that I can't get them to visit ALL THE TIME.
Saturday at 0730 and at 0930.
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A springtime fog in March blankets the shoreline at Waverly Beach in Fort Erie, Ontario. (Canada)
© Cal Millar 2023
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whisperofamemory · 2 years
SPECIES: ATLANTIDE (sea nymph) // DARKLING (servant of the Dark)
Calypso used to be a powerful sorceress of the sea who was condemned to be trapped on the island of Ogygia forever for the support she provided her abusive Titan father Atlas in the war against the Gods. Atlas threatened to harm her mortal lover if she didn’t perform a spell for him. But what she didn’t know, though, was that he’d never planned to return them to her. Instead, as soon as the spell was done, he killed them in front of her to teach her a lesson about caring for humans. 
The island of Ogygia exists outside the constraints of time and space. Therefore, people from all time periods and all universes can wash up on the island. They just need to have been lost at sea in one way or another. 
While trapped on Ogygia, she fell in love with about every person who washed up on her shores. She tried to make them stay, tempting them with immortality, but they would always refuse her. They had families and loving partners waiting for them back home. Whilst she understood their desire to go back to their families, each goodbye would always leave her more heartbroken and lonelier than before she’d known them. 
When she was at her lowest mental health-wise, a powerful entity sought her out and offered her what she’d been craving more than anything in the world: freedom. But it didn’t come without a price, of course. It came on the condition that every person she would meet in the outside world would forget about her the second she was out of sight. At first, she thought she could bear it. So, she agreed. She sold her soul to this entity she’d come to call THE DARK because they would always visit her after dusk, under a sky devoid of stars, draping themselves over her like a comforting blanket. The Dark calls her their Starlight because she is like a north star walking the earth. Her hair glows under the moonlight and she is also the sister of the Pleiades who became a constellation.
As time passes, she comes to resent them, for confining her to this infinite solitude. But while she resents them, she also cannot bring herself to stay away. She comes to realize that she and The Dark are the same. Both unable to leave a lasting impression on the world. And so, despite the resentment, she comes to find solace in their company and believes they share an intimate bond... until The Dark grows frustrated by the fact she isn’t breaking apart and surrendering her life to him like they’d hoped to.
She leaves and, once again, she is lonelier than before. Death starts to feel appealing but spite keeps her going. She refuses to let Them win and so she lives as much as she can and as loud as she can. She falls in love many times and every goodbye is heart-wrenching. Still, she has hope. Hope that, one day, someone on this earth will remember her. 
Centuries later, she comes to the striking realization that the only way she will be remembered by someone is if she strikes a bargain with a mortal, like her Benefactor had done with her (because she was made into the entity she struck a deal with and has now the power to strike bargains with mortals too).
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renskehoekzema-blog · 2 years
Handwerk vlog 113: Haken, breien, borduren, scheepjes Colourlab CAL, vee...
Handwerk vlog 113: haken scheepjes Colourlab CAL, veel borduren, naaien, boekreviews en meer: https://youtu.be/VU5LQxavQsA Webwinkel - renskecreatief: https://www.renskecreatief.nl/ Bakstenen vest: https://www.renskecreatief.nl/Patroon:-Gehaakt-bakstenen-vest-Baukje Shining stars quilt: https://www.hetnaaldbos.nl/shiningstars kraam kado, borduurstudio Renske Creatief: https://www.renskecreatief.nl/Borduurstudio BOM Ethereal Grove Quilt - Block 1: https://swpea.com/collections/bom-2023-ethereal-grove-quilt/products/bom-ethereal-grove-quilt-block-1?aff=159 Butterfly Bouquet Cushion 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8: https://swpea.com/collections/latest-releases/products/butterfly-bouquet-cushion-4x4-5x5-6x6-7x7-8x8?aff=159 Mystery blanket: www.breiclub.nl Adventsjaal: www.dedraadzaak.nl Groetjes Renske Creatief Online handwerk webwinkel voor meer handwerk plezier Scheepjes Sweet Pea Machine Embroidery Falcon Embroidery De Draadzaak
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Looking for Cal king down comforters? Visit luxuryegyptianlinens.com. A down comforter is a must for a comfortable bed. You feel comfortable being surrounded by the fluffy, silky blanket. Increasing your comfort level might even hasten your ability to fall asleep. The finest Cal king down comforters come from down clusters, which are soft, fluffy, and free of stinging quills that might pierce the fabric. You are less likely to wake up feeling hot because they are warm but breathable. Read this blog for more details. https://blog.luxuryegyptianlinens.com/index.php/2023/01/16/the-best-king-down-comforters/
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astraeagreengrass · 4 years
exile [the woods part 1]
When you wake up in the floor of your apartment, you have no idea of how much the world has changed
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Word Count: 2.708
Warnings: angst, mentions of death and death-related themes, PTSD, brief allusion to a panic attack.
A/N: A month ago, Taylor Swift released her eight studio album folklore and, unsurprisingly, it took over my life. The stories Taylor beautifully narrates in her songs inspired me to write something of my own: the woods is a four-part, post-Endgame story, with some slight changes to the canon, featuring Steve Rogers. Updates will be every Friday. Thank you to @xbuchananbarnes for proof-reading this and @thegetawaywriter for encouraging me to write. The banner picture was found here. Dividers are from @writeyourmindaway. Here is exile. I hope you like it ♡
i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending you're not my homeland anymore so what am i defending now? you were my town, now i'm in exile, seein' you out i think i've seen this film before so i'm leavin' out the side door
Being pieced back together was like a hangover.
Like drinking too much wine one evening and then waking up on a foreign bed, not knowing how you got there. It was a pounding headache, a churning stomach, a dry throat. The back of your teeth were sensitive and the sound of sirens rung too loudly on your ears.
In the aftermath of your intoxication, the city is deafening.
You groaned at the light - you must’ve been so wasted if you’d forgotten the blinds. Every breath took a toll of your lungs, stretching your muscles beyond their strength, creaking your joints as you exhaled.
Someone gasped, startling you.
The familiar floorboards of your apartment greeted you when your eyes opened. Timeworn almond timber, the New York staple. Craning your neck, you saw a foot. Shit. You weren't one to bring one night stands home, or actually have them in the first place. Little ol' you was a little too square, a little too cautious, struggling to keep her trust issues from spilling out of her hands. Definitely not the best candidate for loose-stringed affairs, but your grandma always told you there was a first time for everything.
The foot’s owner nudged you, and you groaned again.
“Miss?” they said. “Are you alive?”
I don’t know.
Your gaze focused and you noticed the person was a boy of eleven or twelve, with a beautiful dark mop of curls and soft brown eyes. What the...
“Who are you?” you managed to croak. There was an ashy taste in your mouth, as if you’d swallowed dust.
The boy looked up and across, and you noticed that, on your left side, his father was crouching beside your body. He looked just like the kid, except a couple of decades older, so you assumed he was the father.
“My name is Cal,” the man said, spacely, as if he’d might frighten you if he spoke normally. “This is my son Daniel. We’re not going to hurt you.”
"Nice to know the invaders won't hurt me," you tried to say, but it came out a jumbled, messy current of words, like a baby first learning to communicate.
"Invaders?" the boy exclaimed, insulted. "We live here!"
"Daniel!" his father chided. "Miss, what is the last thing you remember?"
You pressed a palm to the ground, trying to lay your weight on it so you could stand up. You weren't about to answer an unknown man's questions while laying face-down on your own apartment floor. You might be hungover, but you had more dignity than that. When your body crumpled like a twig under a boot, Cal held you up, helping you to a seating position facing the window.
Craning your neck to shield your eyes from the sun, you noticed it.
Golden brown leaves.
Golden brown leaves that shouldn't exist in May.
You clearly remember opening the windows yesterday to green, lively foliage. New York was many things - loud, chaotic, more often than not dangerous - but it’s seasons were consistent, enduring. Through the tempests and disturbances, nature persevered in her year-long cycle, living and dying and living again.
These particular leaves belonged to October, perhaps even early November, never May.
Something was terribly wrong.
“What day is it?” you whispered, wide eyes going from the window to the man aiding you.
Cal grimaced. His boy was suddenly very quiet.
When you were a child, you used to have nightmares: a ghost in the attic, a wolf haunting the woods outside your house, an IED blowing up your father's convoy in Iraq. They'd trap your consciousness, suffocating your mind with fear and panic, and no night light or teddy bear could stifle the onslaught of relentless screams that rattled the walls and hallways of your childhood home, until your frantic grandmother shook you awake. The reality that greeted you on the floor of your apartment was that Twilight Zone all over again.
“Please,” you pleaded, perhaps to the man, perhaps to yourself.
Cal sighed.
“Today is October 17th, 2023,” he said and you learned that the only thing scarier than a nightmare is life itself. “You’ve been dead for the past five years.”
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“We could go to the house in the woods,” you mumbled to the warmth of Steve’s chest.
He tightened his hold around your body, pressing a feather-light kiss to the crown of your head.
“Whatever you want,” he said. “You’ve got me for the weekend.”
“The whole weekend?” you smiled at him, finding the reassurance you needed in his indigo gaze.
Steve kissed you again, a fierce press of lips this time. Mouths and tongues and teeth intertwined, your hand finding hip, his hand finding you thigh.
“The whole weekend,” he breathed in the shell of your ear, right before the two of you became nothing more than a mess of pillows and sheets, drowning in love and want and lust. “And then forever.”
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When the world ended, several hospital units closed down due to lack of patients.
When the Avengers managed to reverse the effects of the Snap - no one knew how they did it, but everyone knew it was them because of course it was - the mayor of New York declared the interruption of all kinds of activities in the city in order to help those returning. It was in a campaign hospital in Bryant Park that Steve Rogers found you, sitting up cross-legged and wrapped up in a grey blanket, having your temperature checked by one of the volunteers.
Wearing dark clothes and a cap, Steve was nothing more than a shadow behind the woman's shoulder. A lesser-trained gaze would glide past his figure in a quarter of a second, but not you. Never you. You'd recognize him in a sea of people, as if the blood that sustained you and the bones that built you knew exactly where to find him.
Steve had the decency to wait until the woman was done to approach you. With slow, clearly measured steps, he came closer, taking a seat at the foot of your stretcher. If he reached out his arm, he'd touch you, but he refrained and you were glad he did. In your mind, you saw him days ago, but reality told you differently. The calendar at the nurse's station, the newspaper you got a hold on, the constant broadcast of news: all of them mocked you, tormented you. Five years had gone by - more time than you’d ever had with the man across from you. And if there was ever any lingering doubt in your mind that this was some elaborate trick to fool you, they faded when you noticed the modest signs of aging that nothing but time and grief could inflict on a Super Soldier.
Again, a lesser-trained gaze probably wouldn’t catch them, but that would never be you when it came to Steve Rogers.
The two of you stayed in silence for minutes, watching a CNN report of a family reuniting in Idaho. The mother snapped right after the birth of her daughter - now a little girl with ginger pigtails, hugging her legs and kissing her hands. Everyday since you woke up on the floor of your apartment, there'd been thousands of stories such as this: parents finding children, husbands finding wives. The fallen - that's what the press called people like you, the dead that weren't really dead - all had the same lost look in their eyes. You supposed that's what happened when your clock was five years too late.
“What happened?” you finally asked when the broadcast changed to twin brothers reconvening in Hawaii. “What went wrong?”
Steve didn’t look at you, instead he kept pulling at a loose thread on the hem of his shirt.
“He was too strong,” he sighed. “And I thought I could fight him without Tony, but…”
You nodded.
“One of the nurses said he was badly wounded in the battle upstate,” you mentioned.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “But he’ll recover. Banner is looking after him. He’s got a kid now, you know? Tony. Her name’s Morgan.”
“Wow,” you smiled genuinely. “That sounds unbelievable and incredible at the same time.
“She’s a good girl,” Steve said. “Keeps Tony on his toes.”
On the TV, the two brothers embraced with a beautiful sunset as background.
“What about Sam and Nat?” you wondered.
Steve's fidgety hands stilled. With the left one he rubbed his mouth and chin until his skin was reddish.
"Sam was like you," he muttered and the implicit words hurt more in his voice than anyone else's. "Natasha… She didn't make it."
She didn't make it.
Natasha Romanoff. Natalia. Your mentor, your friend. The strongest woman you'd ever met. She didn't make it.
"What?" you gasped. "What do you mean 'she didn't make it'? Didn't she come back?"
Like Sam and the mother in Idaho and the twins in Hawaii. Like you.
Steve shook his head.
"It wasn't like that," he said. "She survived the Snap. Spent years trying to find something, anything, even the smallest possibility of getting everyone back and when we finally did… She sacrificed herself so we could have the Soul Stone."
"Sacrificed herself? For a stone?" you were extremely agitated now, the grey blanked falling from your shoulders as you looked at Steve searching for any sign of emotion. "Steven, look at me!"
 His eyes were glazed, a big blue sea threatening to spill over in waves of sadness.
"It wasn't a simple stone, Y/N. I'd rather not explain to you here, people can't know about this," he whispered, looking over his shoulder for anyone that could be listening.
"You mean they can't know why they disappeared and were brought back together like broken toys?" you exclaimed. "Toys that the Avengers can grab and then toss aside however they please? I'm not your toy, Steve!"
You knew you could be cruel. Ruthless. A child yelling ferociously at the top of her lungs until she got what she wanted. An angry teenager. An intelligence officer with obscure morals. But even when he left you without a goodbye, you'd always kept your forked tongue away from Steve Rogers.
Until now.
"Please," Steve pleaded. "Let's go home. I'll explain everything to you when we get there."
"I have no home," you spat. "I had a home three days ago when you came in saying something bad would happen, only to leave me again. Now I have nothing!”
Your tears were hot when they streamed down your face.
“I don't even know myself anymore,” you admitted and somehow that was worse than knowing you were alone in a world you didn't recognize. "All I know is dust. My bones were dust and now they're not. My heart was dust and now it's not. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm safe and that 'it's all over', but what is?"
You gasped, trying to breathe in some tranquility and breathe out some of the agony twisting your insides, but all that came out was a distressing wheeze.
"How do I know that I will not disappear again?" you cried and there was no more Steve, just a curtain of water contorting his figure, like one of those paintings he loved and you never understood the meaning.
The stretcher creaked when Steve pulled you to him, rubbing your arms back as he whispered your name.
"Breathe, Y/N. Breathe."
But you were so scared of breathing. So scared that you'd taste ash again and your lungs would collapse in dust, leaving not a shred of the person you were for people to remember you by. So scared of losing a game you didn't even know you were playing.
"Steve..." You weeped, gripping his shirt tightly.
"I'm here, my love. Just breathe."
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You weren't expecting him.
After two years, the hope that kept you up at night waiting for him grew tired, dwindling until it was mere utopia. So you shut the windows, changed the locks and turned off the bedside lamp. Perhaps that's what brought him to your door, you thought. Maybe, wherever he was in the world, he felt your devotion waning, so he returned to haunt you.
You had to admit, though, that of all the ways you imagined Steve Rogers coming back to you, him ringing your doorbell at midnight wasn't one of them.
He looked handsome, with shaggy blonde hair curling at his ears and a beard, and it hurt like a punch to the stomach.
It's hard when the one that hurts the most you looks so unfazed, meanwhile you're just a shell of what you used to be.
"You've lost weight," was the first thing he said, as if he'd left to grab groceries instead of becoming an international criminal.
"What are you doing here?" you replied, ignoring his greeting. If that could even be a greeting.
He sighed, mentioning with his head to the hallway behind you.
“Can I come in?”
You stepped aside, letting him walk through. You didn’t bother turning the key because if anyone really wanted to get to him they wouldn’t be worried about leaving your door in one piece. Steve stood in the middle of the living room, his hands on his waist. An onlooker would never guess that he once belonged there.
“Did you hear about Tony?” He asked when you sat down at the armchair next to the window. The one you bought together in Ikea and Steve insisted he could assemble on his own.
“Yes,” you said. Tony Stark went missing after an alien ship appeared in Midtown. It was exactly the kind of disaster that would bring Steve Rogers to New York. “Have you found him?”
“No,” he replied. “But the same aliens that took Tony attacked Vision in Edinburgh. We managed to stop them from killing him, but he’s badly wounded. When he heard about Tony we flew to the Compound.”
You nodded. It was strange how you could feel so detached from these people- Vision, Wanda, even Tony in a way. They were once your friends, your colleagues. Now they just felt like characters in Steve’s tale - no longer part of your life, only his.
“And why are you here?” you asked.
Why did you come to the home we used to share? you meant to say. Did you miss it? Did you miss me?
He shrugged.
“I thought maybe you could’ve found something on Tony and…”
“If you went to the compound it means you saw Rhodey and Rhodey has most definitely told you that I quit my job when the Avengers split,” you interrupted him. “I have no tech, no machinery, no means whatsoever to find Tony here, nothing that Rhodey has at his disposal Upstate. So why are you really here?”
He was a stranger. Cold and detached, like the house that once trapped him. There was no tenderness in the blue of his eyes.
“Something bad is coming, Y/N,” he said. “I’m not sure what it is yet, but I… I wanted to see you. I wanted to know that you were safe.”
You thought Steve Rogers was done breaking your heart. You thought that when you stopped expecting his return you’d go back to who you were before him, even if you couldn’t find that girl amongst the mess he made of you. You thought you’d be safe from love, and trust and kind soldiers with blue eyes, but you’d never be safe from him - your fellow and your foe.
“Is that all you wanted to say?” you croaked, holding back the tears swimming in your throat with a cough.
Steve fisted his hands, and for a moment you swore that he was stopping himself from holding you. But he just hung his head, tearing his gaze from where you were sitting by the window.
“Just stay home, ok?” he stated. “Try not to leave the house until this situation is resolved.”
Then he turned around and left again.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 4.24
Action Day for Tolerance and Respect between People (Argentina)
Ambivalence Day
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (Armenia)
California Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide (California)
Blue Sunday [Last Sunday]
Concord Day (Niger)
Day of Silence (anti-bullying student protest)
Day for the Naming of Rocks and Planets
Divine Mercy Sunday [Last Sunday]
Easter (Orthodox Christian) [1st Sunday in the Julian calendar following the Full Moon that occurs on or just after the Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ...
Agdgoma (Georgia)
Coptic Easter (Egypt)
Fasika (Ethiopia)
Orthodox Easter
Pascha (Greece)
Pashkës Ortodokse (Albania)
Pashkët Ortodokse (Kosovo)
Paste (Moldova)
Pastele (Romania)
Tensae (Eritrea)
Fashion Revolution Day
Firefly Day
Gathering of Nations Pow Wow (New Mexico)
Genocide Remembrance Day (Armenia)
Independence Day (a.k.a. Easter Rising / Ireland; from UK, 1916)
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace
Kapyong Day (Australia, Canada)
Labour Safety Day (Bangladesh)
Landsgemeinde (Switzerland) [Last Sunday]
Library of Congress Day
Loktantra Diwas (Democracy Day; Nepal)
Mother, Father Deaf Day [Last Sunday]
National Kiss of Hope Day
National Panchayati Raj Day (India)
National Pool Opening Day
National Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity To Man Day
National Report Medicare Advantage Fraud Day
New Kids on the Block Day
Oil in the Middle East Day
Pet Parent’s Day [Last Sunday]
Remembrance Day of Deportees (France)
Republic Day (The Gambia)
Spring Cat Cleaning Day
St. Mark’s Eve (UK)
Sunday after Easter Monday (a.k.a. …
Bright Sunday
Holy Humor Sunday
Octave Day of Easter
Silly Sunday
Trojan Horse Day
Walk @ Lunch Day
World Day for Laboratory Animals (UN)
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day [Last Sunday]
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brasseries Portes Ouvertes (Open Breweries' Day; Belgium) [Last Sunday]
National Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day
Sauvignon Blanc Day
Soda Fountain Day
Feast Days
Benedict Menni (Christian; Saint)
Beuve of Rheims (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Glorious Fuckup (Church of the SubGenius)
Dermot of Armagh (Christian; Saint)
Doda of Rheims (Christian; Saint)
Dyfnan of Anglesey (Christian; Saint)
Ecgberht of Ripon (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Eros (Ancient Greece)
Feast of Hermes Trismegistus (patron of alchemy)
Fidelis of Sigmaringen (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Elvira (Christian; Saint)
Ivo of Ramsey (Christian; Saint)
Johann Walter (Lutheran)
Kuningan (Purification Ritual at Tirta Empul, Bali)
Leonidas (Positivist; Saint)
Mary of Clopas (Christian; Saint)
Mary Euphrasia Pelletier (Christian; Saint)
Mellitus (Christian; Saint)
The Mothers (Celtic Prosperity Festival)
Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur (Christian; Saint)
Robert of Chase-Dies, Auvergne (Christian; Saint)
Salome (Christian; Disciple)
Susan DeLucci Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Wilfrid (Church of England)
William Firmatus (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Unlucky Day [3 of 11]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [23 of 57]
Tom Thumb, by Henry Fielding (Play; 1730)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 114 of 2022; 251 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 16 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Huáiyuè), Day 24 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 23 Nisan 5782
Islamic: 22 Ramaḍān 1443
J Cal: 24 Aqua; Twosday [24 of 30]
Julian: 11 April 2022
Moon: 37% Waning Crescent
Positivist: 2 Caesar (5th Month) [Leonidas]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 36 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 5 of 30)
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Airbus A330-800 Receives Type Certification from EASA and FAA
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The Airbus A330-800 has received joint Type Certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The aircraft’s certification flight-test campaign was performed by aircraft MSN1888, which completed the programme in 370 flight test hours and 132 flights since its first flight in November 2018.
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The A330-800 is powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines and features a new 3D-optimised wing and new Sharklets made up of lighter composite materials. Airbus says that together, these advances result in a "significant reduction in fuel consumption". Certified initially with a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 242 tonnes for a range capability of up to 7,500 nautical miles, the A330-800 will typically seat 220 to 260 passengers in three classes, or up to 406 travellers in a single-class high-density configuration. To date the A330neo Family has won 337 firm orders from 22 operators. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: A330, A330-800, FAA, EASA, Certification. 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Pax in 2019  Thai Airways Reduces Flights to Mainland China  Cebu Pacific Cancels All Flights to Hong Kong and Macau  Batik Air Takes Delivery of First Airbus A320neo  Fiji Beat South Africa to Win First HSBC Sydney Sevens  Maldives Rejoins Commonwealth  Korean Air Making a Difference to Orphans in Tondano, Sulawesi  Qatar Airways Becomes Official Airline of Paris Saint-Germain  Polish Air Ambulance Service Orders Two Learjet 75 Liberty Aircraft  Vietnam Airlines Makes Changes to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Flights  Football: Pictures from Ascot United FC vs Egham Town FC  Aerobility - The British Flying Charity, Interview with Mike Miller-Smith MBE  ANA and SIA Sign Joint Venture Framework Agreement  Dusit Signs First Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam  SkyWest Orders 20 Embraer E175 Jets  SAS Suspends All Shanghai and Beijing Flights  Kuala Lumpur Int. Airport Trials Single Token Journey Technology  Air Canada Suspends All Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Korean Air Sets Up Emergency Response Team; Suspends Select China Flights  Mark Radford Joins Trenchard Aviation as VP Business Development  CWT Appoints R. Thompson as VP Global Internal Communications & Culture  Vietjet Launches Daily Flights Between Hanoi and Bali, Indonesia  WTTC Moves April's Global Summit from Puerto Rico to Mexico  Andy Flaig Joins Wyndham as Head of Development South East Asia / Pacific Rim  Air Astana Reports 2019 Net Profit Increase of 461%  NASA Orders Three Airbus H135 Helicopters  Hahn Air Simplifies Distribution of Corporate Shuttle Flights  Sydney 7s to Take Place at Bankwest Stadium on 1-2 February  Russia's Sirena Travel Signs Multi-Year Retailing Deal with ATPCO  Shell to Use Airbus H160 for Offshore Transportation  ANA to Operate International Flights Out of Haneda T2 and T3 from 29 March  CAL Group Makes Changes to Inflight Services on Taiwan-HK / Macau Routes  Philippines Suspends Visa Upon Arrival Service for Chinese Nationals  UK Visitor Arrivals Spending Up 19% in October 2019  Todd Probert Joins CAE as Group President, Defence & Security  Six Senses Appoints Mark Sands as Vice President of Wellness  Air France and Sata Azores Airlines Start Codesharing  Norwegian Implements New Hand Baggage Policy  AirAsia X Launches KL - Taipei - Okinawa Flights  First Boeing 777-9 Begins Flight Tests  Accor Commits to Global Elimination of Single-Use Plastics by 2022  Etihad Receives EASA Approval to Train Boeing 777, 787 Pilots  Jeane Lim Appointed GM of Grand Park City Hall Hotel in Singapore  Whitbread Opens First hub by Premier Inn Hotel Outside of London's Zone 1  Delta Enhances Travel Experience for Pets  All Blacks Sevens Make History in Hamilton  Air Canada Becomes Official Airline of Cirque du Soleil  Pictures from Ascot United vs Hanworth Villa  SHOW DC Hall to Give Bangkok's MICE Industry a Significant Boost  IHG Signs First voco Hotel in New Zealand  OYO Signs Global Distribution Agreement with Sabre  Hong Kong Cancels Chinese New Year Carnival  NAC Orders 20 Airbus A220 Aircraft  IHG to Launch Customer Insights Portal for Large Enterprises  Cathay Pacific Reports December 2019 Traffic  Duetto Appoints David Woolenberg as CEO  Phuket to Host Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020 in June  Sabre and Accor to Create Unified Technology Platform for Hospitality Industry  Groupe Couleur to Manage RWC 2023 Official Travel Agent Selection Process  Two Senior Global Marketing Appointments at IHG  ANA Begins Autonomous Electric Bus Trial at Haneda Airport  China Airlines and Mandarin Airlines Cancel Flights to Wuhan, China  Rosa Wong Joins Hotel Alexandra HK as Director of Event Management  Four Seasons Madrid Now Accepting Reservations  UK Military Flight Training System Orders 4 More H145 Helicopters  Sabre Forges 10-Year Partnership with Google  Accor Expands Pullman Brand to Rotorua, New Zealand  Korean Air Reveals More Details of New SkyPass FFP  Airbus to Produce A321 Aircraft in Toulouse, France  Cornelia Mitlmeier Joins Four Seasons Dubai as Resort Manager  Hotel Alexandra Appoints Daniel Chan as Executive Chef  SITAOnAir Acquires GTD Air Services  Boeing Hoping for 737 MAX Ungrounding in Mid-2020  1.5 Billion Int. Tourist Arrivals in 2019; UNWTO Forecasts 4% Increase in 2020  Hong Kong Airport Handled 71.5 Million Passengers in 2019  Ascott Opens First Citadines in Osaka, Japan  Thai Airways Appoints New Chairman  Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit to Take Place 9-10 Feb  PATA Forecasts Over 971 Million Int. Visitor Arrivals into Asia Pacific by 2024  Green Light for Garmin G5000 Avionics Upgrade on Learjet Aircraft  Four Seasons Silicon Valley Installs High-Tech AI Gym in Select Rooms  Assistance Requests for Airline Pax with Intellectual Disabilities up 762%  Accor Opens Mercure Resort in Vung Tau, Vietnam  Vietjet Launches Flights Between Dalat and Seoul  FlyArystan Reports First Year Load Factor of 94%  Amadeus Looks at How Technology Will Shape Airports of the Future  CALC Signs Purchase Agreement for 40 A321neo Aircraft  Daniele Polito Joins Four Seasons Seoul as Boccalino's Chef de Cuisine  Charlotte Svensson to Join SAS as EVP and CIO  Airbus Helicopters Appoints Head of External Communications  Thailand: Did Strength of Thai Baht Affect Number of Arrivals from UK in 2019?  What Does TAT Have Planned for Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020? Exclusive Interview  Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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On January flight from Detroit to Fort Lauderdale in Florida, white smoke spews from a smoke stack and appears to be forming the clouds which blanket the area below the aircraft. (USA)
© Cal Millar 2023
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Thai Airways Launches Promotion for Royal Orchid Plus Members
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Thai Airways has launched a promotion for members of its Royal Orchid Plus (ROP) frequent flyer programme. ROP members can now redeem award tickets, in all classes, to 34 destinations in Asia, Europe, and Australia for 30% less miles than normal. The promotion will run until 29 February 2020. The mileage required for redeeming award tickets starts at 8,750 miles per flight for Economy Class tickets and 14,000 miles per flight for Royal Silk Class.
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ROP members can use the miles to redeem round trip tickets on Thai Airways and Thai Smile from Bangkok to Beijing, Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Colombo, Dhaka, Dubai, Guangzhou, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), Hong Kong, Kaohsiung, Kuala Lumpur, Kunming, Luang Prabang, Mandalay, Melbourne, Moscow, Nagoya, Oslo, Penang, Perth, Phnom Penh, Pusan, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Siem Reap, Stockholm, Taipei, Vientiane, Xiamen, Yangon and Zhengzhou. Tickets can be redeemed until 29 February 2020 for traveling from now until 29 March 2020 and between 30 April and 30 June 2020. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Thai Airways, ROP, FFP, Thailand. Headlines: COVID19: Zero Risk and Travel Advisories - Where Do We Stop?  Campbell Wilson to Rejoin Scoot as CEO  MIAT to Implement Sabre's Global Demand Data Solution  Cathay Pacific Carried 3M Pax in Jan; Reduces Flight Capacity by 40%  Roger Brantsma Joins 825-Room Hilton Tokyo as General Manger  Thai Airways Increases Passenger Screening on Flights from Cambodia  Mandarin Oriental Boston to Complete US$ 15 Million Renovation in April  Erica Antony Joins CWT as Chief Product Officer  Bjoern van den Oever Joins Alila Villas Koh Russey as Executive Chef  Unicorn Hospitality Opens 47-Room Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand  Hong Kong Airport Handled 5.7 Million Passengers in January  Vietnam Airlines Adds Wide-Body Aircraft to Hanoi - Saigon Route  Pratt & Whitney GTF Engines to Power Korean Air's New A321neos  AsBAA Appoints Jeff Chiang as Chief Operating Officer  Psychometrics at Naruna Retreats in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand  Airbus A330-800 Receives Type Certification from EASA and FAA  Hamza Sehili Joins Four Seasons Tunis as Hotel Manager  British Airways and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  Green Africa Airways Signs MOU for 50 Airbus A220-300s  Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals Plummet to Below 3,000 Per Day  What Does Tourism Mean to Conwy, North Wales? Interview with Mayor  Thai Airways Launches Promotion for Royal Orchid Plus Members  Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi Upgrades Rooms and MICE Facilities  FlyArystan to Launch New Routes, Expand Capacity from Almaty, Kazakhstan  Finnair Extends Suspension of Flights to China; Reduces HK Service  SAS Extends Suspension of Flights to China  Air Astana to Launch Flights to Mumbai, India  HK7s and Singapore Sevens Rescheduled  Quay Hotel & Spa in Deganwy, North Wales - Interview with Brid Collins  Royal Thai Air Force Orders Six Airbus H135 Helicopters  CWT Appoints Laura Watterson as SVP - Global Talent & Rewards  Yee Pin Tan Joins Six Senses as Head of Design  Boeing Forecasts Southeast Asia to Need 4,500 New Airplanes Over Next 20 Years  Bombardier Completes Strategic Exit from Commercial Aviation  British Airways to Launch Flights Between London Heathrow and Newquay  Six Senses Appoints Bryan Gabriel as CCO  Piotr Madej Joins The Andaman Langkawi as GM  Sustainable Inspiration from Farmer Gareth Wyn Jones in North Wales  PNG Air Orders Three ATR 42-600S Aircraft  Japan Airlines Joins Amadeus NDC Program  BBAM to Convert Three Boeing 737-800s into Freighters  John Woolley Joins The Ritz-Carlton Bali as GM  French Navy to Operate Four Airbus H160 Helicopters  British Airways Extends Suspension of Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Air France Extends Suspension of Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Welsh Wine from the Gwinllan Conwy Vineyard - Interview with Colin Bennett  Vietjet to Launch Three New Routes to India  WTTC's 20th Global Summit to Take Place 22-23 April in Cancun, Mexico  Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo to Open Renovated Rooms on 29 March  2019-nCoV - Arbitrary Restrictions and Blanket Travel Bans Cause Confusion  China and Mandarin Airlines Make Further Changes to Cross-Strait Services  Premier Inn to Add 735 Beds to Scotland Portfolio in 2020  Valentino Longo Wins North America's Most Imaginative Bartender Competition  Aviation: Slower But Steady Growth in 2019  Three Countries to Participate in Singapore Airshow 2020 Flying Displays  2019 Worst Year for Air Cargo Since End of Global Financial Crisis in 2009  Korean Air to Sell Land and Assets  ibis Styles Hotel Opens in Bekasi, Indonesia  Air France Takes Delivery of Airbus' 350th A350  United Airlines to Buy a Flight Training Academy  Bombardier to Double Size of Service Centre at London Biggin Hill  LA7s to Take Place at Dignity Health Sports Park in Los Angeles 29 Feb - 1 Mar  Singapore Airshow 2020 Still On; SAALS Cancelled  IHG Signs 61-Key InterContinental Resort in Khao Yai, Thailand  Fusion Suites Opens in Vung Tau, Vietnam  Aeroviation Expands Flight Training in Singapore with DA-20 Simulator  CWT Appoints Nick Vournakis as MD - Global Customer Group  SEHT Aviation Donates Six SH40-10 Headsets to Aerobility  China Airlines Adds 2019-nCoV Service Information Centre to Website  Four Seasons Resort Lanai Appoints Bradley Russell as Resort Manager  Leading Yachts of the World Appoints Anthony Brisacq as CEO  Second Four Seasons Hotel in Tokyo Starts Accepting Reservations  Korean Air to Launch Passenger and Cargo Flights to Budapest, Hungary  Aviation: Alliance Established to Investigate Use of Blockchain in MRO Chain  SAS Closes Sale of Beijing and Shanghai Flights Until 15 March  North Face 100 Thailand Attracts Over 4,000 Runners from 20+ Countries  Hong Kong Air Cargo Renews IOSA Registration  Swiss-Belhotel to Open Over 2,000 Rooms in 12 Hotels in Indonesia  Elena Nazarovici Joins The Sanchaya Bintan as Director of Sales  Amadeus Joins Mastercard's City Possible Network  Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 375.5m Int. Pax in 2019  Thai Airways Reduces Flights to Mainland China  Cebu Pacific Cancels All Flights to Hong Kong and Macau  Batik Air Takes Delivery of First Airbus A320neo  Fiji Beat South Africa to Win First HSBC Sydney Sevens  Maldives Rejoins Commonwealth  Korean Air Making a Difference to Orphans in Tondano, Sulawesi  Qatar Airways Becomes Official Airline of Paris Saint-Germain  Polish Air Ambulance Service Orders Two Learjet 75 Liberty Aircraft  Vietnam Airlines Makes Changes to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Flights  Football: Pictures from Ascot United FC vs Egham Town FC  Aerobility - The British Flying Charity, Interview with Mike Miller-Smith MBE  ANA and SIA Sign Joint Venture Framework Agreement  Dusit Signs First Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam  SkyWest Orders 20 Embraer E175 Jets  SAS Suspends All Shanghai and Beijing Flights  Kuala Lumpur Int. Airport Trials Single Token Journey Technology  Air Canada Suspends All Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Korean Air Sets Up Emergency Response Team; Suspends Select China Flights  Mark Radford Joins Trenchard Aviation as VP Business Development  CWT Appoints R. Thompson as VP Global Internal Communications & Culture  Vietjet Launches Daily Flights Between Hanoi and Bali, Indonesia  WTTC Moves April's Global Summit from Puerto Rico to Mexico  Andy Flaig Joins Wyndham as Head of Development South East Asia / Pacific Rim  Air Astana Reports 2019 Net Profit Increase of 461%  NASA Orders Three Airbus H135 Helicopters  Hahn Air Simplifies Distribution of Corporate Shuttle Flights  Sydney 7s to Take Place at Bankwest Stadium on 1-2 February  Russia's Sirena Travel Signs Multi-Year Retailing Deal with ATPCO  Shell to Use Airbus H160 for Offshore Transportation  ANA to Operate International Flights Out of Haneda T2 and T3 from 29 March  CAL Group Makes Changes to Inflight Services on Taiwan-HK / Macau Routes  Philippines Suspends Visa Upon Arrival Service for Chinese Nationals  UK Visitor Arrivals Spending Up 19% in October 2019  Todd Probert Joins CAE as Group President, Defence & Security  Six Senses Appoints Mark Sands as Vice President of Wellness  Air France and Sata Azores Airlines Start Codesharing  Norwegian Implements New Hand Baggage Policy  AirAsia X Launches KL - Taipei - Okinawa Flights  First Boeing 777-9 Begins Flight Tests  Accor Commits to Global Elimination of Single-Use Plastics by 2022  Etihad Receives EASA Approval to Train Boeing 777, 787 Pilots  Jeane Lim Appointed GM of Grand Park City Hall Hotel in Singapore  Whitbread Opens First hub by Premier Inn Hotel Outside of London's Zone 1  Delta Enhances Travel Experience for Pets  All Blacks Sevens Make History in Hamilton  Air Canada Becomes Official Airline of Cirque du Soleil  Pictures from Ascot United vs Hanworth Villa  SHOW DC Hall to Give Bangkok's MICE Industry a Significant Boost  IHG Signs First voco Hotel in New Zealand  OYO Signs Global Distribution Agreement with Sabre  Hong Kong Cancels Chinese New Year Carnival  NAC Orders 20 Airbus A220 Aircraft  IHG to Launch Customer Insights Portal for Large Enterprises  Cathay Pacific Reports December 2019 Traffic  Duetto Appoints David Woolenberg as CEO  Phuket to Host Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020 in June  Sabre and Accor to Create Unified Technology Platform for Hospitality Industry  Groupe Couleur to Manage RWC 2023 Official Travel Agent Selection Process  Two Senior Global Marketing Appointments at IHG  ANA Begins Autonomous Electric Bus Trial at Haneda Airport  China Airlines and Mandarin Airlines Cancel Flights to Wuhan, China  Rosa Wong Joins Hotel Alexandra HK as Director of Event Management  Four Seasons Madrid Now Accepting Reservations  UK Military Flight Training System Orders 4 More H145 Helicopters  Sabre Forges 10-Year Partnership with Google  Accor Expands Pullman Brand to Rotorua, New Zealand  Korean Air Reveals More Details of New SkyPass FFP  Airbus to Produce A321 Aircraft in Toulouse, France  Cornelia Mitlmeier Joins Four Seasons Dubai as Resort Manager  Hotel Alexandra Appoints Daniel Chan as Executive Chef  SITAOnAir Acquires GTD Air Services  Boeing Hoping for 737 MAX Ungrounding in Mid-2020  1.5 Billion Int. Tourist Arrivals in 2019; UNWTO Forecasts 4% Increase in 2020  Hong Kong Airport Handled 71.5 Million Passengers in 2019  Ascott Opens First Citadines in Osaka, Japan  Thai Airways Appoints New Chairman  Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit to Take Place 9-10 Feb  PATA Forecasts Over 971 Million Int. Visitor Arrivals into Asia Pacific by 2024  Green Light for Garmin G5000 Avionics Upgrade on Learjet Aircraft  Four Seasons Silicon Valley Installs High-Tech AI Gym in Select Rooms  Assistance Requests for Airline Pax with Intellectual Disabilities up 762%  Accor Opens Mercure Resort in Vung Tau, Vietnam  Vietjet Launches Flights Between Dalat and Seoul  FlyArystan Reports First Year Load Factor of 94%  Amadeus Looks at How Technology Will Shape Airports of the Future  CALC Signs Purchase Agreement for 40 A321neo Aircraft  Daniele Polito Joins Four Seasons Seoul as Boccalino's Chef de Cuisine  Charlotte Svensson to Join SAS as EVP and CIO  Airbus Helicopters Appoints Head of External Communications  Thailand: Did Strength of Thai Baht Affect Number of Arrivals from UK in 2019?  What Does TAT Have Planned for Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020? Exclusive Interview  Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Royal Thai Air Force Orders Six Airbus H135 Military Training Helicopters
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The Royal Thai Air Force has signed an order with Airbus for six H135 military training helicopters, as part of its pilot training enhancement programme. The very first military training helicopters ever ordered by the Royal Thai Air Force, these new twin-engine H135s will be utilised for an array of training missions, including ab-initio flight training. They will complement the Royal Thai Air Force’s existing H225M fleet, bringing its Airbus fleet to 18 units.
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“We are extremely honoured by the Royal Thai Air Force’s decision to expand its training fleet with the H135. The FAA IFR- certified H135 is well regarded by military customers worldwide for its versatility, excellent performance and reliability, which explains our full confidence that this helicopter is the perfect platform for the Air Force’s training needs,” said Fabrice Rochereau, Head of Sales, Asia Pacific at Airbus Helicopters. “We look forward to the H135 enhancing the training capability of the Royal Thai Air Force from 2021 onwards, where every one of its pilots will learn to fly a helicopter through the H135 trainer, and smoothly transit to more complex helicopters.” Equipped with Airbus Helicopters’ Helionix avionics suite, the Royal Thai Air Force’s H135s will each be configured with two external cameras, providing pilots with a 360-degree view of the external environment, tactical systems and the Euronav7 moving map to enhance situational awareness. Additionally, the H135s will be fitted with air-conditioning systems, tinted windows, and height-adjustable pilot seats for enhanced comfort. This latest contract includes comprehensive maintenance support under the HCare Smart full-by-the-hour programme and continuing airworthiness management organisation services. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Royal Thai Air Force, Helicopters, Thai, Thailand. Headlines: Unicorn Hospitality Opens 47-Room Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand  Hong Kong Airport Handled 5.7 Million Passengers in January  Vietnam Airlines Adds Wide-Body Aircraft to Hanoi - Saigon Route  Pratt & Whitney GTF Engines to Power Korean Air's New A321neos  AsBAA Appoints Jeff Chiang as Chief Operating Officer  Psychometrics at Naruna Retreats in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand  Airbus A330-800 Receives Type Certification from EASA and FAA  Hamza Sehili Joins Four Seasons Tunis as Hotel Manager  British Airways and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  Green Africa Airways Signs MOU for 50 Airbus A220-300s  Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals Plummet to Below 3,000 Per Day  What Does Tourism Mean to Conwy, North Wales? Interview with Mayor  Thai Airways Launches Promotion for Royal Orchid Plus Members  Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi Upgrades Rooms and MICE Facilities  FlyArystan to Launch New Routes, Expand Capacity from Almaty, Kazakhstan  Finnair Extends Suspension of Flights to China; Reduces HK Service  SAS Extends Suspension of Flights to China  Air Astana to Launch Flights to Mumbai, India  HK7s and Singapore Sevens Rescheduled  Quay Hotel & Spa in Deganwy, North Wales - Interview with Brid Collins  Royal Thai Air Force Orders Six Airbus H135 Helicopters  CWT Appoints Laura Watterson as SVP - Global Talent & Rewards  Yee Pin Tan Joins Six Senses as Head of Design  Boeing Forecasts Southeast Asia to Need 4,500 New Airplanes Over Next 20 Years  Bombardier Completes Strategic Exit from Commercial Aviation  British Airways to Launch Flights Between London Heathrow and Newquay  Six Senses Appoints Bryan Gabriel as CCO  Piotr Madej Joins The Andaman Langkawi as GM  Sustainable Inspiration from Farmer Gareth Wyn Jones in North Wales  PNG Air Orders Three ATR 42-600S Aircraft  Japan Airlines Joins Amadeus NDC Program  BBAM to Convert Three Boeing 737-800s into Freighters  John Woolley Joins The Ritz-Carlton Bali as GM  French Navy to Operate Four Airbus H160 Helicopters  British Airways Extends Suspension of Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Air France Extends Suspension of Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Welsh Wine from the Gwinllan Conwy Vineyard - Interview with Colin Bennett  Vietjet to Launch Three New Routes to India  WTTC's 20th Global Summit to Take Place 22-23 April in Cancun, Mexico  Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo to Open Renovated Rooms on 29 March  2019-nCoV - Arbitrary Restrictions and Blanket Travel Bans Cause Confusion  China and Mandarin Airlines Make Further Changes to Cross-Strait Services  Premier Inn to Add 735 Beds to Scotland Portfolio in 2020  Valentino Longo Wins North America's Most Imaginative Bartender Competition  Aviation: Slower But Steady Growth in 2019  Three Countries to Participate in Singapore Airshow 2020 Flying Displays  2019 Worst Year for Air Cargo Since End of Global Financial Crisis in 2009  Korean Air to Sell Land and Assets  ibis Styles Hotel Opens in Bekasi, Indonesia  Air France Takes Delivery of Airbus' 350th A350  United Airlines to Buy a Flight Training Academy  Bombardier to Double Size of Service Centre at London Biggin Hill  LA7s to Take Place at Dignity Health Sports Park in Los Angeles 29 Feb - 1 Mar  Singapore Airshow 2020 Still On; SAALS Cancelled  IHG Signs 61-Key InterContinental Resort in Khao Yai, Thailand  Fusion Suites Opens in Vung Tau, Vietnam  Aeroviation Expands Flight Training in Singapore with DA-20 Simulator  CWT Appoints Nick Vournakis as MD - Global Customer Group  SEHT Aviation Donates Six SH40-10 Headsets to Aerobility  China Airlines Adds 2019-nCoV Service Information Centre to Website  Four Seasons Resort Lanai Appoints Bradley Russell as Resort Manager  Leading Yachts of the World Appoints Anthony Brisacq as CEO  Second Four Seasons Hotel in Tokyo Starts Accepting Reservations  Korean Air to Launch Passenger and Cargo Flights to Budapest, Hungary  Aviation: Alliance Established to Investigate Use of Blockchain in MRO Chain  SAS Closes Sale of Beijing and Shanghai Flights Until 15 March  North Face 100 Thailand Attracts Over 4,000 Runners from 20+ Countries  Hong Kong Air Cargo Renews IOSA Registration  Swiss-Belhotel to Open Over 2,000 Rooms in 12 Hotels in Indonesia  Elena Nazarovici Joins The Sanchaya Bintan as Director of Sales  Amadeus Joins Mastercard's City Possible Network  Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 375.5m Int. Pax in 2019  Thai Airways Reduces Flights to Mainland China  Cebu Pacific Cancels All Flights to Hong Kong and Macau  Batik Air Takes Delivery of First Airbus A320neo  Fiji Beat South Africa to Win First HSBC Sydney Sevens  Maldives Rejoins Commonwealth  Korean Air Making a Difference to Orphans in Tondano, Sulawesi  Qatar Airways Becomes Official Airline of Paris Saint-Germain  Polish Air Ambulance Service Orders Two Learjet 75 Liberty Aircraft  Vietnam Airlines Makes Changes to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Flights  Football: Pictures from Ascot United FC vs Egham Town FC  Aerobility - The British Flying Charity, Interview with Mike Miller-Smith MBE  ANA and SIA Sign Joint Venture Framework Agreement  Dusit Signs First Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam  SkyWest Orders 20 Embraer E175 Jets  SAS Suspends All Shanghai and Beijing Flights  Kuala Lumpur Int. Airport Trials Single Token Journey Technology  Air Canada Suspends All Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Korean Air Sets Up Emergency Response Team; Suspends Select China Flights  Mark Radford Joins Trenchard Aviation as VP Business Development  CWT Appoints R. Thompson as VP Global Internal Communications & Culture  Vietjet Launches Daily Flights Between Hanoi and Bali, Indonesia  WTTC Moves April's Global Summit from Puerto Rico to Mexico  Andy Flaig Joins Wyndham as Head of Development South East Asia / Pacific Rim  Air Astana Reports 2019 Net Profit Increase of 461%  NASA Orders Three Airbus H135 Helicopters  Hahn Air Simplifies Distribution of Corporate Shuttle Flights  Sydney 7s to Take Place at Bankwest Stadium on 1-2 February  Russia's Sirena Travel Signs Multi-Year Retailing Deal with ATPCO  Shell to Use Airbus H160 for Offshore Transportation  ANA to Operate International Flights Out of Haneda T2 and T3 from 29 March  CAL Group Makes Changes to Inflight Services on Taiwan-HK / Macau Routes  Philippines Suspends Visa Upon Arrival Service for Chinese Nationals  UK Visitor Arrivals Spending Up 19% in October 2019  Todd Probert Joins CAE as Group President, Defence & Security  Six Senses Appoints Mark Sands as Vice President of Wellness  Air France and Sata Azores Airlines Start Codesharing  Norwegian Implements New Hand Baggage Policy  AirAsia X Launches KL - Taipei - Okinawa Flights  First Boeing 777-9 Begins Flight Tests  Accor Commits to Global Elimination of Single-Use Plastics by 2022  Etihad Receives EASA Approval to Train Boeing 777, 787 Pilots  Jeane Lim Appointed GM of Grand Park City Hall Hotel in Singapore  Whitbread Opens First hub by Premier Inn Hotel Outside of London's Zone 1  Delta Enhances Travel Experience for Pets  All Blacks Sevens Make History in Hamilton  Air Canada Becomes Official Airline of Cirque du Soleil  Pictures from Ascot United vs Hanworth Villa  SHOW DC Hall to Give Bangkok's MICE Industry a Significant Boost  IHG Signs First voco Hotel in New Zealand  OYO Signs Global Distribution Agreement with Sabre  Hong Kong Cancels Chinese New Year Carnival  NAC Orders 20 Airbus A220 Aircraft  IHG to Launch Customer Insights Portal for Large Enterprises  Cathay Pacific Reports December 2019 Traffic  Duetto Appoints David Woolenberg as CEO  Phuket to Host Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020 in June  Sabre and Accor to Create Unified Technology Platform for Hospitality Industry  Groupe Couleur to Manage RWC 2023 Official Travel Agent Selection Process  Two Senior Global Marketing Appointments at IHG  ANA Begins Autonomous Electric Bus Trial at Haneda Airport  China Airlines and Mandarin Airlines Cancel Flights to Wuhan, China  Rosa Wong Joins Hotel Alexandra HK as Director of Event Management  Four Seasons Madrid Now Accepting Reservations  UK Military Flight Training System Orders 4 More H145 Helicopters  Sabre Forges 10-Year Partnership with Google  Accor Expands Pullman Brand to Rotorua, New Zealand  Korean Air Reveals More Details of New SkyPass FFP  Airbus to Produce A321 Aircraft in Toulouse, France  Cornelia Mitlmeier Joins Four Seasons Dubai as Resort Manager  Hotel Alexandra Appoints Daniel Chan as Executive Chef  SITAOnAir Acquires GTD Air Services  Boeing Hoping for 737 MAX Ungrounding in Mid-2020  1.5 Billion Int. Tourist Arrivals in 2019; UNWTO Forecasts 4% Increase in 2020  Hong Kong Airport Handled 71.5 Million Passengers in 2019  Ascott Opens First Citadines in Osaka, Japan  Thai Airways Appoints New Chairman  Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit to Take Place 9-10 Feb  PATA Forecasts Over 971 Million Int. Visitor Arrivals into Asia Pacific by 2024  Green Light for Garmin G5000 Avionics Upgrade on Learjet Aircraft  Four Seasons Silicon Valley Installs High-Tech AI Gym in Select Rooms  Assistance Requests for Airline Pax with Intellectual Disabilities up 762%  Accor Opens Mercure Resort in Vung Tau, Vietnam  Vietjet Launches Flights Between Dalat and Seoul  FlyArystan Reports First Year Load Factor of 94%  Amadeus Looks at How Technology Will Shape Airports of the Future  CALC Signs Purchase Agreement for 40 A321neo Aircraft  Daniele Polito Joins Four Seasons Seoul as Boccalino's Chef de Cuisine  Charlotte Svensson to Join SAS as EVP and CIO  Airbus Helicopters Appoints Head of External Communications  Ascot: Pictures from Matchbook Clarence House Chase and Raceday 2020  Mövenpick Resort Opens in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Sky Bridge Delivered to Final Position at HKIA  Airbus Performs First Fully Automatic Vision-Based Take-Off  Manchester Signs Tourism Collaboration Agreement with New York City  CWT Appoints Scott Hace as Vice President - Enterprise Strategy  United to Launch CRJ550 Shuttle Service Between Washington and New York  Perth Airport to Upgrade T1's Aerobridges  Thomas Krooswijk Appointed GM of Four Seasons Marrakech  American Appoints Brian Znotins as VP of Network and Schedule Planning  Pools - World Rugby Sevens Challenger Series in Chile 15-16 February  British Airways to Refresh First and Club Lounges at Chicago O'Hare Airport  Thailand: Did Strength of Thai Baht Affect Number of Arrivals from UK in 2019?  What Does TAT Have Planned for Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020? Exclusive Interview  Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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bigyack-com · 5 years
CWT Appoints Laura Watterson as Senior Vice President
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CWT has appointed Laura Watterson as Senior Vice President, Global Talent & Rewards. In this newly created role, Laura and her team will provide enterprise-wide thought leadership and counsel to senior executives on talent acquisition, talent management, learning and development, as well as compensation and benefits.
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Laura began her career at General Mills Inc in 2000 and has since held several positions of increasing responsibility, including Global Director of HR at Philips Electronics and VP Talent and Culture at Aimia. She joins CWT from Johnson Brothers Liquor Company in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she served as chief human resources officer from 2018. Laura reports to Catherine Maguire-Vielle, Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer, at CWT. “Laura’s extensive track record in the talent and rewards areas, as well as her global experience with large corporations, are attributes we were seeking in this critical role,” said Catherine Maguire-Vielle. “As the CWT business evolves, so does the need for innovative talent strategies. With Laura’s experience and deep knowledge, we believe we will be able to drive the continued growth of the business with a talent and rewards-first approach. I look forward to welcoming her to our team.” Laura holds a Master’s in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and a Bachelor of Arts in French from Washington and Lee University. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: CWT, SVP, Senior Vice President, HR. Headlines: Unicorn Hospitality Opens 47-Room Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand  Hong Kong Airport Handled 5.7 Million Passengers in January  Vietnam Airlines Adds Wide-Body Aircraft to Hanoi - Saigon Route  Pratt & Whitney GTF Engines to Power Korean Air's New A321neos  AsBAA Appoints Jeff Chiang as Chief Operating Officer  Psychometrics at Naruna Retreats in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand  Airbus A330-800 Receives Type Certification from EASA and FAA  Hamza Sehili Joins Four Seasons Tunis as Hotel Manager  British Airways and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  Green Africa Airways Signs MOU for 50 Airbus A220-300s  Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals Plummet to Below 3,000 Per Day  What Does Tourism Mean to Conwy, North Wales? Interview with Mayor  Thai Airways Launches Promotion for Royal Orchid Plus Members  Dusit Thani Abu Dhabi Upgrades Rooms and MICE Facilities  FlyArystan to Launch New Routes, Expand Capacity from Almaty, Kazakhstan  Finnair Extends Suspension of Flights to China; Reduces HK Service  SAS Extends Suspension of Flights to China  Air Astana to Launch Flights to Mumbai, India  HK7s and Singapore Sevens Rescheduled  Quay Hotel & Spa in Deganwy, North Wales - Interview with Brid Collins  Royal Thai Air Force Orders Six Airbus H135 Helicopters  CWT Appoints Laura Watterson as SVP - Global Talent & Rewards  Yee Pin Tan Joins Six Senses as Head of Design  Boeing Forecasts Southeast Asia to Need 4,500 New Airplanes Over Next 20 Years  Bombardier Completes Strategic Exit from Commercial Aviation  British Airways to Launch Flights Between London Heathrow and Newquay  Six Senses Appoints Bryan Gabriel as CCO  Piotr Madej Joins The Andaman Langkawi as GM  Sustainable Inspiration from Farmer Gareth Wyn Jones in North Wales  PNG Air Orders Three ATR 42-600S Aircraft  Japan Airlines Joins Amadeus NDC Program  BBAM to Convert Three Boeing 737-800s into Freighters  John Woolley Joins The Ritz-Carlton Bali as GM  French Navy to Operate Four Airbus H160 Helicopters  British Airways Extends Suspension of Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Air France Extends Suspension of Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Welsh Wine from the Gwinllan Conwy Vineyard - Interview with Colin Bennett  Vietjet to Launch Three New Routes to India  WTTC's 20th Global Summit to Take Place 22-23 April in Cancun, Mexico  Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo to Open Renovated Rooms on 29 March  2019-nCoV - Arbitrary Restrictions and Blanket Travel Bans Cause Confusion  China and Mandarin Airlines Make Further Changes to Cross-Strait Services  Premier Inn to Add 735 Beds to Scotland Portfolio in 2020  Valentino Longo Wins North America's Most Imaginative Bartender Competition  Aviation: Slower But Steady Growth in 2019  Three Countries to Participate in Singapore Airshow 2020 Flying Displays  2019 Worst Year for Air Cargo Since End of Global Financial Crisis in 2009  Korean Air to Sell Land and Assets  ibis Styles Hotel Opens in Bekasi, Indonesia  Air France Takes Delivery of Airbus' 350th A350  United Airlines to Buy a Flight Training Academy  Bombardier to Double Size of Service Centre at London Biggin Hill  LA7s to Take Place at Dignity Health Sports Park in Los Angeles 29 Feb - 1 Mar  Singapore Airshow 2020 Still On; SAALS Cancelled  IHG Signs 61-Key InterContinental Resort in Khao Yai, Thailand  Fusion Suites Opens in Vung Tau, Vietnam  Aeroviation Expands Flight Training in Singapore with DA-20 Simulator  CWT Appoints Nick Vournakis as MD - Global Customer Group  SEHT Aviation Donates Six SH40-10 Headsets to Aerobility  China Airlines Adds 2019-nCoV Service Information Centre to Website  Four Seasons Resort Lanai Appoints Bradley Russell as Resort Manager  Leading Yachts of the World Appoints Anthony Brisacq as CEO  Second Four Seasons Hotel in Tokyo Starts Accepting Reservations  Korean Air to Launch Passenger and Cargo Flights to Budapest, Hungary  Aviation: Alliance Established to Investigate Use of Blockchain in MRO Chain  SAS Closes Sale of Beijing and Shanghai Flights Until 15 March  North Face 100 Thailand Attracts Over 4,000 Runners from 20+ Countries  Hong Kong Air Cargo Renews IOSA Registration  Swiss-Belhotel to Open Over 2,000 Rooms in 12 Hotels in Indonesia  Elena Nazarovici Joins The Sanchaya Bintan as Director of Sales  Amadeus Joins Mastercard's City Possible Network  Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 375.5m Int. Pax in 2019  Thai Airways Reduces Flights to Mainland China  Cebu Pacific Cancels All Flights to Hong Kong and Macau  Batik Air Takes Delivery of First Airbus A320neo  Fiji Beat South Africa to Win First HSBC Sydney Sevens  Maldives Rejoins Commonwealth  Korean Air Making a Difference to Orphans in Tondano, Sulawesi  Qatar Airways Becomes Official Airline of Paris Saint-Germain  Polish Air Ambulance Service Orders Two Learjet 75 Liberty Aircraft  Vietnam Airlines Makes Changes to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Flights  Football: Pictures from Ascot United FC vs Egham Town FC  Aerobility - The British Flying Charity, Interview with Mike Miller-Smith MBE  ANA and SIA Sign Joint Venture Framework Agreement  Dusit Signs First Hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam  SkyWest Orders 20 Embraer E175 Jets  SAS Suspends All Shanghai and Beijing Flights  Kuala Lumpur Int. Airport Trials Single Token Journey Technology  Air Canada Suspends All Flights to Beijing and Shanghai  Korean Air Sets Up Emergency Response Team; Suspends Select China Flights  Mark Radford Joins Trenchard Aviation as VP Business Development  CWT Appoints R. Thompson as VP Global Internal Communications & Culture  Vietjet Launches Daily Flights Between Hanoi and Bali, Indonesia  WTTC Moves April's Global Summit from Puerto Rico to Mexico  Andy Flaig Joins Wyndham as Head of Development South East Asia / Pacific Rim  Air Astana Reports 2019 Net Profit Increase of 461%  NASA Orders Three Airbus H135 Helicopters  Hahn Air Simplifies Distribution of Corporate Shuttle Flights  Sydney 7s to Take Place at Bankwest Stadium on 1-2 February  Russia's Sirena Travel Signs Multi-Year Retailing Deal with ATPCO  Shell to Use Airbus H160 for Offshore Transportation  ANA to Operate International Flights Out of Haneda T2 and T3 from 29 March  CAL Group Makes Changes to Inflight Services on Taiwan-HK / Macau Routes  Philippines Suspends Visa Upon Arrival Service for Chinese Nationals  UK Visitor Arrivals Spending Up 19% in October 2019  Todd Probert Joins CAE as Group President, Defence & Security  Six Senses Appoints Mark Sands as Vice President of Wellness  Air France and Sata Azores Airlines Start Codesharing  Norwegian Implements New Hand Baggage Policy  AirAsia X Launches KL - Taipei - Okinawa Flights  First Boeing 777-9 Begins Flight Tests  Accor Commits to Global Elimination of Single-Use Plastics by 2022  Etihad Receives EASA Approval to Train Boeing 777, 787 Pilots  Jeane Lim Appointed GM of Grand Park City Hall Hotel in Singapore  Whitbread Opens First hub by Premier Inn Hotel Outside of London's Zone 1  Delta Enhances Travel Experience for Pets  All Blacks Sevens Make History in Hamilton  Air Canada Becomes Official Airline of Cirque du Soleil  Pictures from Ascot United vs Hanworth Villa  SHOW DC Hall to Give Bangkok's MICE Industry a Significant Boost  IHG Signs First voco Hotel in New Zealand  OYO Signs Global Distribution Agreement with Sabre  Hong Kong Cancels Chinese New Year Carnival  NAC Orders 20 Airbus A220 Aircraft  IHG to Launch Customer Insights Portal for Large Enterprises  Cathay Pacific Reports December 2019 Traffic  Duetto Appoints David Woolenberg as CEO  Phuket to Host Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020 in June  Sabre and Accor to Create Unified Technology Platform for Hospitality Industry  Groupe Couleur to Manage RWC 2023 Official Travel Agent Selection Process  Two Senior Global Marketing Appointments at IHG  ANA Begins Autonomous Electric Bus Trial at Haneda Airport  China Airlines and Mandarin Airlines Cancel Flights to Wuhan, China  Rosa Wong Joins Hotel Alexandra HK as Director of Event Management  Four Seasons Madrid Now Accepting Reservations  UK Military Flight Training System Orders 4 More H145 Helicopters  Sabre Forges 10-Year Partnership with Google  Accor Expands Pullman Brand to Rotorua, New Zealand  Korean Air Reveals More Details of New SkyPass FFP  Airbus to Produce A321 Aircraft in Toulouse, France  Cornelia Mitlmeier Joins Four Seasons Dubai as Resort Manager  Hotel Alexandra Appoints Daniel Chan as Executive Chef  SITAOnAir Acquires GTD Air Services  Boeing Hoping for 737 MAX Ungrounding in Mid-2020  1.5 Billion Int. Tourist Arrivals in 2019; UNWTO Forecasts 4% Increase in 2020  Hong Kong Airport Handled 71.5 Million Passengers in 2019  Ascott Opens First Citadines in Osaka, Japan  Thai Airways Appoints New Chairman  Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit to Take Place 9-10 Feb  PATA Forecasts Over 971 Million Int. Visitor Arrivals into Asia Pacific by 2024  Green Light for Garmin G5000 Avionics Upgrade on Learjet Aircraft  Four Seasons Silicon Valley Installs High-Tech AI Gym in Select Rooms  Assistance Requests for Airline Pax with Intellectual Disabilities up 762%  Accor Opens Mercure Resort in Vung Tau, Vietnam  Vietjet Launches Flights Between Dalat and Seoul  FlyArystan Reports First Year Load Factor of 94%  Amadeus Looks at How Technology Will Shape Airports of the Future  CALC Signs Purchase Agreement for 40 A321neo Aircraft  Daniele Polito Joins Four Seasons Seoul as Boccalino's Chef de Cuisine  Charlotte Svensson to Join SAS as EVP and CIO  Airbus Helicopters Appoints Head of External Communications  Ascot: Pictures from Matchbook Clarence House Chase and Raceday 2020  Mövenpick Resort Opens in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Sky Bridge Delivered to Final Position at HKIA  Airbus Performs First Fully Automatic Vision-Based Take-Off  Manchester Signs Tourism Collaboration Agreement with New York City  CWT Appoints Scott Hace as Vice President - Enterprise Strategy  United to Launch CRJ550 Shuttle Service Between Washington and New York  Perth Airport to Upgrade T1's Aerobridges  Thomas Krooswijk Appointed GM of Four Seasons Marrakech  American Appoints Brian Znotins as VP of Network and Schedule Planning  Pools - World Rugby Sevens Challenger Series in Chile 15-16 February  British Airways to Refresh First and Club Lounges at Chicago O'Hare Airport  Thailand: Did Strength of Thai Baht Affect Number of Arrivals from UK in 2019?  What Does TAT Have Planned for Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2020? Exclusive Interview  Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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