loganwolfnyc · 5 years
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“Not that I don’t mind the attention, but you’re sitting there looking like a stupified fool gawking at me like that.” The Slytherin boy remarked to the owner of the pair’s of eyes he’d felt on him for the last several minutes. Not that he wasn’t used to stares for several reason. All he owned up to proudly. “If you want to say something or ask me, just come out and say it.”
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aviva-segal · 5 years
Being the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was Aviva’s passion. The one part she didn’t like was watching over the students when they weren’t in class. Walking the hallways, she sighed as she had a student run straight into her. “Did you not see me? You shouldn’t have been running.”
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rosie-wilder · 5 years
It was normal for Rosie to be in the courtyard with a large canvas on the ground painting. The petite woman moved around it as she finished the picture, rubbing her face as a slight paint smudge formed on her cheek. Adjusting how she was sitting, she slowly pulled out her wand to do the enchantment, closing her eyes as she spoke quietly. Taking a deep breath, she opened them, smiling as she watched it move. Feeling that someone was behind her, the petite brunette set the wand down, the painting going back to still art. “Can I help you?”
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HPAU Starters
Below, you’ll find a list of links to our member’s current Hogwarts starters so everyone can access them better. We’ll be keeping this updated like the main list of starters for the running time of the event. Be sure to show them some love, too!
Chloe’s starter
Logan’s starter
Jordan’s starter
Aviva’s starter
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coralia-lewis · 5 years
Just becoming an animagus is a new feeling for Cora. As excited as she was to be one, she still didn’t really feel comfortable turning yet, not to mention she had to register still. Standing in the courtyard at night when she probably should have been in the dorm, the brunette heard a voice, panicking as she turned around. Giving a small sigh of relief, Cora smiled softly as she saw the man. “Jordan. What are you doing here? I thought I was alone.” @jordanxsong
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lancaster-sheridan · 5 years
At the start of first period, Sheridan shut the door, to make sure any latercomers know that they were late to her class. She then started out with, “Welcome back class, to the first day of Year 7 potions. Congratulations on making it this far. This year is going to be the most intense year yet, with the NEWTs at the end of the school year. If you have the determination and work ethic, you will come through this class with a passing NEWT. If you don’t think you can handle the intense course load, please talk to your Head of House. Any questions? Okay, good. So let’s get started with our first potion of the school year, the Amortentia Potion. Does anyone know what the effects of the Amortentia Potion are?”
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reesesxpieces · 5 years
Ah, school was back in session, and with it brought most of the professors having a drink or two at the Three Broomsticks afterward. Reese loved her job, she truly did, but even still - sometimes letting loose at the end of the day was something she needed. But tonight, she may have had one too many, and the giggling water she drank to try and sober her up just added to the shenanigans rather than help it. Luckily, a fellow professor was there enjoying the night with her and offered to walk her home. Walking along, she stopped when the forbidden forest caught her eye, and a sinister smile came across her lips as she looked over at her companion. “Care to take a detour?”
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athena-donovan · 5 years
Standing in the hallway by the courtyard, Athena had her books in hand as she impatiently waited for the blonde. Even though they were in separate houses, the blonde and redhead became immediate friends, balancing each other out well. Once she saw Vivian, she relaxed and gave a smile. “You’re three minutes late, Vivi,” the Scottish woman joked as she gave the blonde a soft nudge. “Did the professor hold you after class? Charms was a pain today, anyway.” @viviwestbrooke
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scottxingram · 5 years
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Name: Scott Ingram
Nicknames: He’s usually referred to his title as Headmaster or Headmaster Ingram
Occupation: Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Age: 33
Nationality: Irish
Blood Type: Halfblood
Personality: He’s a very studious person. Knowledge is his sword and shield in life as it’s useful in, well, everything. He’s rather quiet but he has a sort of soft authoritative personality that both has people drawn to him as well as respectful of him. Fair and rather kind in everything he does especially in any decisions concerning the school, staff, and students. If you need any help or advice, he’s a good person to go to.
Hobbies/Interests: Gobstones, Wizarding Chess, Learning new things, Reading, Astronomy, Debating
Magical Origins: The first inclination he had inherited his mother’s skills came when he was eight years old. His sister was sick with the flue and since they came from a poor family, they couldn’t afford many extremities such a candies. Her favorite lollipop was used to comfort her a bit and under Scott’s concerned gaze to her, the candy itself didn’t seem to shrink for a good two days. Helping it last and bring some bright spot in the funky flue time his sister was having.
Family Background/Home Life: Scott grew up in a muggle father and witchy mother household nestled in one of the suburbs of beautiful Ireland. With lower middle class incomes, they didn’t have much but along with his younger sister Sadie @sadie-ingram , they were a small but loving tight-knit unit and still are to this day. Now, outside of the school year, he resides in the city of Dublin in a one bedroom apartment with his faithful feline companion right above a bookshop he adores so much. 
Hogwarts Life: He mostly keeps to his tower, working away tirelessly on all the duties required of him. Being the youngest Headmaster in history, he had a lot to prove and continues to do so, running the school in a much more safe state than it has been in quite a while. Though, he does dine with the students for dinner (mostly missing breakfast and lunch for work) and when he can, he walks around the grounds, checking in on students and staff here and there or down by the magical creatures in the woods should he need alone time. Another spot he goes for that relaxation would be the Room of Requirements as well as the Library.
Wand: 12″, Swishy, Alder, Unicorn Hair
Boggart: A hopeless, lazy version of himself.
Amorentia: Parchment Paper, Old Books, Citrus
Pet: Dumbo Rat named Albus after Dumbledor himself.
Broom: He doesn’t own one after learning the art of apparition. 
Patronus/Animagus: P: Weasel | A: Greater Spotted Hawk
***If you’re a Professor, you can always fill this in for more background on your school years***
House: Ravelclaw
Label: Headmaster
Best Class: Transfiguration & Charms
Worst Class: He didn’t really have one although he wasn’t a fan of Divination. Finding it rather misinformed at best.
Electives: Care of Magical Creatures, Divinations, Muggle Studies, Alchemy, & Apparitions
Extra Curricular: Magical Theory, Wizarding Chess
Quidditch Position: N/A, Never got into the game.
Talents: He has a knack for solving riddles and puzzles. Give him a charm/spell to learn and he can cast it within a few tries as well. Taking to the art of learning and executing rather flawlessly.
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mezzoxmiax17 · 5 years
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Name: Miyana Castle
Nicknames: Mia, MiMi (from her young niece)
Occupation: 6th Year Ravenclaw
Age: 16
Nationality: British
Blood Type: Halfblood
Personality: She’s very kind and loving, though quick to act in the face of wrong-doing or hate. Mia is a twin and is very protective over her sister who has a physical disability. Mia is smart and clever and sly. She can manipulate a person with just a facial expression (something her father says she gets from her mother). Mia has wavy, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes; she’s tall and very thin. 
Hobbies/Interests: hanging out with friends, reading, music, dance, explaining muggle technology to friends and even trying to get muggle stuff to work in the magical world. They have radios, but she desperately wants a TV to work so she can watch shows at school. 
Magical Origins: Mia is the middle of three children and grew up in a mixed home. Part magic and part Muggle. She attended a muggle primary school, where the first appearances of her magic showed and her parents were very careful of protecting it from her teachers and peers. Mia new of magic and saw her older sister go off to Hogwarts and was very excited for her and her twin sister to get their letters. Finally, the September she turned eleven, Miyana headed off to Hogwarts, was sorted into Ravenclaw, and fell madly in love with wands and charms class. 
Family Background/Home Life: Miyana’s mother, Lauren, is a member of the Wizzengamot, as was her grandfather. After her mother’s graduation from Hogwarts, she took a gap year traveling the country. During that year, she met Miyana’s father, a muggle university professor, David. The two quickly fell in love and married eighteen months later. They settled in the same city where David taught, and Lauren finished her schooling and training to be a lawyer. Three years after marrying, they had Mia’s older sister, Alyson, and three years after that, Mia and her twin sister Finley were born. They children did attend muggle primary school for a few years before getting their letters to Hogwarts. Their parents wanted to give them normal childhoods with friends and activities as well as muggle technology such as television and cars. Mia’s home is warm and loving and her parents want all of three of their girls to succeed at whatever makes them happy. 
Hogwarts Life: She can be found mostly in her common room hanging out, the library or in the choir rehearsal room. Mia is a long standing member of the Frog Choir and is Mezo-Sporano section leader. She’s been in the choir since her third year when she was allowed to join.  Mia serves on the First Year mentoring team and helps the firsties navigate their first year living alone and in school. She helps with home-sickness and class work, organizes parties and events and even passes out treats from time to time. Her most popular event is Wednesday night hot chocolate and movie night where all the first years gather in the common room for hot chocolate and listen to a radio show before bedtime. 
Wand: 11.5 inches, pliable, Aspen, unicorn tail core
Boggart: Herself standing alone screaming with no sound coming out. She fears losing her singing voice or no one listening to her words.
Amorentia: musky cologne, leather, fresh laundry
Pet: Grey Tabby cat names Minnie. ‘Min’ as a Nickname
Broom: Cleansweep 23
Patronus: Siberian Tiger
House: Ravenclaw
Label: The ‘Mom Friend’
Best Class: Charms
Worst Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Electives: Herbology, Arithmancy 
Extra Curricular: Frog Choir, First Year Mentor
Quidditch Position: Spectator
Talents: Mia is known for how loving and kind she is. She is very helpful in lessons and tries to manipulate the information to fit each of her classmates learning styles. She is very skilled with a wand and uses it in an almost dance like way. Mia loves reading and can always be found curled up in a chair somewhere with her nose stuck in a book. Though she is not very athletic, she can always be found cheering her house on in Quidditch matches. 
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jordanxsong · 5 years
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Name: Jordan Song
Nicknames: Skittles (to more muggle inclined students) & Puffskein/Puff/Puffy (more magically knowledgeable students)
Occupation: 6th Year, Hufflepuff Keeper
Age: 16
Nationality: Korean/British
Blood Type: Pureblood (Metamorphmagus)
Personality: Friendly, if not somewhat quiet. An optimistic demeanor that helps light up a room or (if you’re particularly grumpy) irritates you to no end.
Hobbies/Interests: Outside of Quidditch, he enjoys some dueling, theater, singing, dancing. He also really loves animals in general and spending time with those he cares about. His cat is also an interest you could say as he babies the thing to no end and loves him like a son.
Magical Origins: Ever since Jordan was born into this world, everyone knew he was ‘different’. Even a child of purebloods, his bright purple hair shifted to pink when he began to release his first cries. The two colors remain his defaults but whenever his mood shifts to the extreme, both his locks and eyes tend to change different shades of every color under the sun. Making his magical powers known, well, instantly.
Family Background/Home Life: Though both Korean, Jordan’s parents attended the Japanese Mahoutokoro school of Wizardry. Topping their classes, respectively in long line of disciplined wizards and witches. When his parents got recruited to London to become Auror’s for their division, it was only happenstance that their now five year old would be destined for a Hogwarts acceptance letter. Though wishing for him to attend their alma mater, they had reluctantly decided to allow him to go to the school nearest by and insure some of his fellow friends would join him making school an easier process on the boy. 
Before that, however, they showered their boy in love, affection, and discipline. They knew just how much responsibilities came with their powers. The fact their son seemed ‘different’ from even their own kind made them more cautious and wanting to instill a sense of moral virtue within him to be sure he remained a force of good. 
Hogwarts Life: He’s an early riser so probably one of the very first in the Great Hall for breakfast. A constant around him no matter what (especially at meal times) is his cat, Lulu. Often stealing food off plates with Jordan apologizing yet never being able to punish the adorable feline. He also wanders, mostly from spot to spot depending on schedule or just walking around, humming to himself. Though he has a large group of friends from all houses, he sticks to a smaller core few. Usually more quiet, tending to observe everyone despite his florescent ever changing hair garnering him a lot of attention no matter what part of the grounds he’s in. 
Wand: 11 3/4″, Reasonably Supple, Willow, Unicorn Hair
Boggart: A dementor. He’s seen them a few times, given passing trips by Azkaban thanks to his parents’ work and it strikes fear in him every time.
Amorentia: Cherry blossoms, Lavender, & Honeysuckle
Pet: Scottishfold Munchkin cat named Cthulhu (Lulu for short).
Broom: Nimbus 2000
Patronus: Occamy
House: Hufflepuff
Label: The Colorful One
Best Class: Transfigurations
Worst Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Electives: Apparition, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies
Extra Curricular: Quidditch, Toad Choir (though he doesn’t have his own), 
Quidditch Position: Keeper
Talents: Transforming any part of him at will. Mainly, it’s his hair or eye color without thought. Concentrating more and he can turn into a completely different human being, age, sex, become bigger or smaller, whatever he so desires without the help of any potions or charms or having to do the grueling animagus process. That and his almost infallible optimism that carries him through many difficult situations and helps offer light where sometimes other’s can’t see.
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loganwolfnyc · 5 years
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A free period had opened up for him. Feeling rather mischievous, he’d decided to slip into this Muggle Arts class with some of his mates. Lounging in the back and going so far as to prop his feet on the table as it begin. He didn’t let the petite teacher get very far into today’s assignments before one of the boys let out a snoring sound that had him and the others snickering softly in their places.
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txbaker · 5 years
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Name: Travis Baker
Nicknames: None that he’s aware of although some might refer to him in some sense of strange/weird play on words.
Occupation: Divinations Professor
Age: 54
Nationality: British
Blood Type: Muggle Born
Personality: He’s a bit of an oddball. Very much of the hippie type of mindset to live and let live with beliefs held in all sorts of realms of the strange and unusual with no shame in voicing them to anyone who asks. He’s also very sweet and understanding, never one to judge anyone based off their background/beliefs/and so on.
Hobbies/Interests: Astronomy, Ghosts, Aliens, Magical Theories/Histories, Dream Interpretations, and Nature.
Magical Origins: Travis LOATHES having short hair. Always has. When he was five, his father finally forced him to go get a “regular boy’s cut” aka a buzz cut, the boy cried the whole time. Over the course of the next few days, the dark hair grew rather rapidly back to the soft length he wears to this day to frame his face and it continued every time someone chopped off his locks.
Family Background/Home Life: Travis’ parents were as normal as normal could be. Imagine the description of the Dursley’s but, well, nicer. Small plainly uniform house, uniform car, middle class. They were just regular people who lived their lives and raised what happened to be a magical boy. Oddities would always happen with him at the center with his mother grinning and bearing it and his father a little more anxious about the whole thing. The explanation came when he got his Hogwarts letter and, after much debate, they let him go. He kept an amiable, if someone misunderstood relationship with his family. Once they passed away a few years back, Travis took it upon himself to take up permanent residency in one of the Hogwart’s towers close to his classroom where he teaches. Content to live his days both in summer and school seasons with two (now) of his precious pets.
Hogwarts Life: He’s a man content on spending his days up in his section of the castle. Looking out over the beauty of the landscape with his cats when he isn’t teaching. Though, he always goes down to share meals with his fellow students and professors. Even if he doesn’t speak much, he finds just their presence comforting. Whenever he does venture out, he likes to go to the lake and take in the serene calmness of it.
Wand: 9 3/4″, Quite Flexible, Vine, Dittany
Boggart: Giant Spiders
Amorenti: Fresh Summer Rain, Cedar, Clean Linen
Pet: Peterbald cat named Whiskers and a new addition of a Devon Rex named Goblin.
Broom: None.
Patronus: Field Mouse
House: Ravelclaw
Label: Professor now, but back in school he was the “Weirdo”.
Best Class: Divination
Worst Class: Potions
Electives: Arithmancy, Xylomancy, & Care of Magical Creatures
Extra Curricular: Ghoul Studies, Muggle Art, Muggle Music
Quidditch Position: (If filled position! Could also be a commentator, spectator, or just not care.)
Talents: Although not a seer, his strange inner workings left him more open and therefore receptive to the idea of reading futures, fortunes, and the like. It didn’t hurt it was something he grew passionate about on day one of his first classes.
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rosie-wilder · 5 years
Being the “it” couple at Hogwarts wasn’t easy, but that didn’t mean that Rosie didn’t love the looks that she got when she was with her boyfriend. Sitting with her legs folded under her with a drawing pad, the petite brunette had a brow furrowed as she worked on a dress that she was hoping to create in the near future. Checking the clock for a moment, a smile formed as she set the pad down, looking over her shoulder to see the familiar face. “Hey you,” she smiled sweetly as she moved to press her lips against his. “How was practice?” @thexkingsley
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A chill has settled upon the lands. Owls were sent, school shopping done, the Hogwarts Express was packed, and students were sent to bring life back into the magnificent castle of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. Headmaster Ingram would love to welcome you all, students and staff alike back to your academia. “May it be a prosperous road this year to knowledge!”
Starting today, September 1st, until September 15th, the Harry Potter AU begins! It’s set in modern day 2019. Where and what you all will be doing are completely up to you but be prepared! When dealing in magical realms, you never know what turn of events may come up! 
As always, these events are completely optional but we do wish you all to participate! Get out there and go wild with as many people possible. In terms of activity, we will have one every Wednesday as we understand how it can get a little screwy say in terms of people not wishing to participate (plus Happy Labor Day Weekend!). Tags will be used as normal with the one #blbchpau to help keep track of everything for everyone. We’re most likely going to make a separate starter thread for those wanting to make some for the au or put a little ** on them or something to indicate it’s for the event itself. In terms of reference to anything or who does/is what, just reference the HP Page we have up for help.
If you have any further questions or concerns or even wish to fill up another slot in page, just let us know! Happy roleplaying, witches and wizards of NYC!
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loganwolfnyc · 5 years
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Name: Logan Wolf
Nicknames: “The Arm” whenever being referenced in a Quidditch game.
Occupation: 7th Year Student, Captain and Beater on the Slytherin team.
Age: 18
Nationality: British
Blood Type: Pureblood
Personality: He’s rather arrogant yet charming. Fitting someone of his social status and house, he does live up to the hype rather perfectly. Although he comes off as aloof just breezing through life, he does work rather hard both in maintaining his popularity, studies, and sports activities. A constant juggler, if you will or a duck floating calmly across the waters while under the surface his feet are going a mile a minute.
Hobbies/Interests: Quidditch, of course. Dueling, hanging out with his friends. He’s recently taken up an interest in dragons as well. The danger and thrill seeking is what he gets a kick out of most. Wanting to work with them despite his father wanting him to take over leading the family and working at the Ministry one day for a top council part.
Magical Origins: When he was just four, a nanny tried punishing him for throwing a tantrum by taking away his beloved stuffed rabbit. Everytime she turned her back, though, the toy managed to snap back into the grumpy child’s arm. Marking his first ever magical act to no surprise of his magical parents.
Family Background/Home Life: Logan was the first born child to Lucion Wolf and his wife, Lavender Bowen. Both rather high ranking in the wizarding world with the Wolf name being one of the most oldest, most powerful, and revered in all the magical realms. It was even considered as one of Voldemort’s Sacred Twenty-Eight. 
Although gaining a baby brother when he was three, the weight of the family name was heaped upon Logan’s shoulders. Groomed to be the best at all he did as perfection was in the wealthy family’s pure bloodlines. His father was sternly distant. Giving fleeting compliments of approval here and there whenever Logan did anything deemed truly note worthy and his mother was more in this marriage and role of motherhood for the prestige it brought her. A socialite of sorts leaving him and his brother to be raised by their kindly nannies (one hired for each boy). This caused him to act out a lot to just get some form of acknowledgement good or bad from his parents and instilled a hard competative edge. “If you aren’t first, you’re last.” A motto he now lives by and one that drove sort of a distancing wedge between him and his brother as well.
For all the luxury he lives in, having a wing in your own familial mansion is something he’d secretly give up for a closer bond.
Hogwarts Life: Mr. Popular! You can always catch the young wizard in the center of a large group of people out and around. Mainly outside somewhere as he’s a rather active person just as much physically as socially. Entertaining the masses with stories, jokes, some stupid antics, or even flirtation. He’s a heartbreaker as well. Never one to stick to one pretty thing for longer than a few weeks though many still try. 
Wand: 13 1/2″, Rigid, Red Oak, and Dragon Heartstring
Boggart: His angry, disapproving father.
Amorentia: Fresh warm earth, spiced apples, lighter notes of dark chocolate.
Pet: Striped Owl named Fernius. (Fern or Ferny for short)
Broom: Silver Arrow Moontrimmer
Patronus: Unicorn
House: Slytherin
Label: Popular Hearbreaker Jock
Best Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions
Worst Class: Herbology
Electives: Alchemy and Apparition
Extra Curricular: Occasional duelist and Quidditch player
Quidditch Position: Slytherin Captain and Beater
Talents: He has quite the way of charming his way out of troubles. Thinking quick on his feet and such has not only made use of his athletic skills but also helped quite fantastically in his dueling skills. Being able to disarm any opponent rather swiftly without breaking much of a sweat.
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