genexjoycex-blog · 5 years
GENE JOYCE is a 34 year old HOMOSEXUAL CIS MALE that was born on JANUARY 7. He live in STATEN ISLAND, but they’re originally from QUEENS, NY. They are a TELEVISION METEOROLOGIST for a living, and often get told they look like JAMES LAFFERTY. we wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps! 
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Hello, all! This is Gene. You can find some info about him below, but please do feel free to reach out to me. I’d love to connect, plot, and write together!
Gene has a handful of early memories of living with a birth mother until the age of three, at which time he was placed into foster care. He was adopted by the Joyce family of Queens, NY at the age of six. 
His childhood was comfortable if not doting. His mother, a secretary at a burgeoning public relations firm in the city, was certainly a loving, if somewhat timid, woman who may have had difficulty adjusting to an older child in her home. His father was firm at best, domineering at worst.
He was active in his family’s church growing up, first as an altar server but then as a lector and Eucharistic minister. He attended Catholic school through the twelfth grade.  
A growth spurt in his freshman year made Gene into something of a second-tier athlete. Although he was not particularly good, he secured a spot on his school’s wrestling team and was a founding member of a short-lived boxing club.
An injury in said boxing club benched him for a semester but allowed him to take up additional hobbies, including the school radio station, where he primarily got stuck reading morning announcements. 
Gene then attended Cornell University and earned an undergraduate and then Master’s degree in meteorology. 
Relocating to New Jersey, he worked as a weatherman for a local television station for several years. He jokes it was the dental veneers that eventually got him over the Bayonne Bridge to New York. No one thinks this joke is funny. 
As a midday weekday meteorologist for WNBC, he ferries to work each morning from Staten Island and then back each evening. He makes jokes to strangers about the movie Working Girl.
No one thinks those jokes are funny either. 
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xfsxxns · 5 years
sean o’dooley is a 36 year old heterosexual cismale that was born on september 7th. he live(s) in queens, but they’re originally from south dublin, ireland. they are a/an trauma surgeon for a living, and often get told they look like jamie dornan. we wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
Sean was born to two doctors, both pediatricians who ran a small practice in South Dublin. 
He had a rather sheltered life. He never wanted for anything and, being an only child, he was quite spoiled though his parents taught him humility and generosity from a young age. 
Do no harm was a staple in his life. It was his parents advice for almost anything and Sean really took that to heart. 
He knew he wanted to be a surgeon from a young age and was always fascinated with anatomy. 
His parents used to joke that he would either become the next Joseph Lister or the next Ted Bundy. 
Thankfully he went the Lister route and quickly worked his way through his undergrad at Trinity college before moving to Cambridge for med school. 
He recently moved to New York, having only lived here for a few months as he gets settled as the new head of trauma at the New York-Presbyterian hospital in Manhattan. 
He’s a gentle and kind man who can come off as quiet and standoffish. He’s very to the point, especially while at work and is a very hard worker in all aspects of his life. He’s idealized America since he was a kid and is just now learning that it’s nothing like his parents said it would be. 
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benhayes-blog1 · 5 years
BENJAMIN HAYES is a 29 year old HETEROSEXUAL CISMALE that was born on SEPTEMBER 22nd. HE live(s) in BROOKLYN, but they’re originally from BROOKLYN, NY. They are a/an CONSTRUCTION WORKER for a living, and often get told they look like DEREK THELER. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
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Hey guys, I’m Grace and this giant is Ben. I’m excited to be here!
The Basics
height: 1.96 m (6″5′)
weight: 99 kg (218 pounds)
birth date: 22/09/89
home town: Brooklyn, NY
occupation: construction worker
The Bio
Benjamin was born on the 22nd of September to a working class family. His father was a labourer and his mother was canteen lady. 
He is the oldest of four, and when he has always been protective of his family especially after the sudden and tragic death of his father who was in a freak accident at work when Ben was 14.
At the age of 14 he lied about his age so he could get a job and help his mum with the bills. At an early age he had to step up and become the man of the house.
Ben hated school, at first he only went because it was illegal not too. But then he started playing football and fell in love with the sport. By the time he graduated he was playing varsity football and had two jobs. 
He was offered a football scholarship with the Texas Longhorns. But he turned it down to stay and help his family.
He has always been an outgoing and adventurous guy, just the thought of an office  job makes him squirm, which is why he went an got a job in construction.
Now that his mum is retired and all his siblings have moved out he feels less pressure. But, still likes to help her out as much as he can. 
That’s all i can think of right now...but like this or send me a message if you want to plot!
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freyjcsx · 5 years
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                   *・゚ — [FREYJA SKJEGGESTAD] is a [33] year old [HOMOSEXUAL] [CISFEMALE] that was born on [NOVEMBER 15TH]. [SHE] live(s) in [MANHATTAN], but they’re originally from [OSLO, NORWAY]. They are a [HEIRESS] for a living, and often get told they look like [KATIE MCGRATH].
                            — hello ghouls!! my name is jared r, i’m 19 20 years old and i never learned how to read. i’m excited to plot and write with all of you!! this is freyja and she is honest to God a mess, someone save her. i would truly adore plot with all of you - so come hit me up if anyone would like some plots! if you prefer that, just hit me up on discord too !! i will def be sliding into some DMs as well, too, so like this post if you won’t mind that!! local nerd thinks aliens are going to invade earth, more at 9 /finger gun/
Triggers; Death, Violence, Alcohol, Torture (Brief mention), Abuse (Brief mention).
  You want a better story. Who wouldn’t?
 A forest, then. Beautiful trees. And a lady singing.
            Love on the water, love underwater, love, love and so on.
 What a sweet lady. Sing lady, sing! Of course, she wakes the dragon.
      Love always wakes the dragon and suddenly
                                     flames everywhere.
Am I just a creation of my upbringing? My monstrosity but a trait, the blood permeating my veins but a poison. My lungs were bound to rotten with my first intake of air. Or am I the apple that fell far from the tree? The abnormality none dares talk of, a grim shadow lying in wait. Sunk in debauchery, afloat in a sea of destruction. The whys and hows matter little, in this narrative. No use delving deep into psychology, or theories. There won’t be a sympathetic insight into my life. After all, there’s no pity for the wicked. I am what I am, no lamentable excuses or justifications will change that.
On occasion, one finds oneself immersed in dark waters; trouble.
Freyja Skjeggestad understands enough of human nature to perceive her morals; nor black nor white, but shades of grey. Most are darker than others, more prominent. Some are hardly noticeable, but the danger is still unmistakable. In hindsight, it should be said her morals are questionable, simply put. There is no wrong or right, for Freyja. Sides are of little importance, as the only side she cares for is her own. A selfish greedy little thing, with only her well-being in mind; she doesn’t partake in any activities if she is not gaining something out of it. Freyja is easily buyable, and that’s where the trouble is; her loyalty is not worth a penny, at the end of the day – Not if someone pays better for it. Betrayal is part of Freyja’s nature; it’s in her blood, her instinct. She is a Skjeggestad, after all, and leaving people behind is what they do best.
She remembers her childhood all too well.
It was a chilly November night when Bertrand Skjeggestad came running into his villa drenched from head to toe, pale and shaking in fear. The man’s steps were careful, not daring to disturb the ghostly silence plaguing the hallways, almost tangible. Droplets of water flowed down the glass panels, and particles of dust danced in the air when he opened the door of the master’s bedroom, relief apparent on his face. His darling wife sat on the blood-stained bed, trusted maids and guards watching the scene with wide eyes. In the woman’s eyes, disgust could be found. Gently, he retrieved the cold bundle from her arms, a finger touching a rosy cheek. “Oh, dearest Freyja,“ he whispered, ”look at the mess you’ve made.“
Freyja Alexandrine Skjeggestad shed no tears, during that chilly November night. No cries or whimpers left the newborn’s mouth, causing the assigned names and nurses to watch the baby with bated breath. Freyja, in turn, remained motionless, taking in her new surroundings. The heavy layer of silence was shattered only when morning came; a piercing cry woke staff and residents alike, all rushing to the nursery. “What a strange child,” some dared whisper, cowering and scattering when lady Astrid Skjeggestad entered the room, accompanied by her nurses. The child’s cries subsided when her mother picked her up, but there was no warmth in lady Astrid’s eyes when she gazed at her daughter.
”‘Tis just the Skjeggestad way, dearest,“ her mother clicked her tongue one evening when she saw tears being too well in Freyja’s eyes, her hand holding her daughter’s chin, nails breaking the skin. “You are a Skjeggestad, Freyja. Behave like one.”
There’s no love in a Skjeggestad’s household. Only money. And, oh, they had plenty of it. A fortune, enough to last for generations to come. Freyja was doted on and pampered all her life, given anything she could wish for. Clothes. Cars. Houses. Boats. Planes. People. With a snap of her fingers, the world could be hers. Or, it was what Freyja used to think. Her attitude was of a queen, thinking people should bend to their knees when she passed. “I’m going to inherit my father’s fortune,” she bragged, a smug smirk decorating her lips.
It is safe to say Freyja didn’t have many friends. The closest friend she had was Scott Connelly, the oldest son of her father’s right hand. They weren’t tight, but they would hang around often, and they had a silent agreement of having each other’s back, always. Scott stayed by her side even when her father sent her away, to study. The truth was, Freyja’s reputation was sinking her father’s stocks; her dalliances with random women, her drinking and drugs, and parties – It was not good for the company. She resided in countryside France for a year before she had to return home.
   I can tell already you think I’m the dragon,
           that would be so like me, but I’m not. I’m not the dragon.
     I’m not the princess either.
When Bertrand  Skjeggestad perishes, weak and fragile in his deathbed, he leaves behind a trail of sins. Deep ingrained in the walls of his luxurious Villa, in his office and company. He leaves behind the young and bewildered Freyja Skjeggestad, eyes glued to her father’s coffin. Next to her, Scott Connelly mops his brow with a kerchief, his face pale and devoid of emotion. He turns to her, glances at her fidgeting hand, the nails digging into the skin of her palms, and sighs. “You will take over with your mother,” he says, and Freyja can hear the tiredness in his tone, “it is what your father would want.” Lies, Freyja wants to reply, but the words die in her mouth at the glare her recently widowed mother shoots her way. Lips thinning together, Scott drags his eyes back to the coffin, but he scoots closer, his present and familiar warmth soothing. Freyja is truly thankful for the comfort, but she only voices her concerns when Scott pours her a glass of whiskey, later, when the walls of her father’s office suffocate her.
“He wouldn’t want me here,” she chuckles bitterly, warm fingers rounding her cold glass, clasping it in a futile attempt to ground herself. “He would want me to live my dandy life somewhere else, far from his empire.” She stands up, then, sitting on her father’s chair gracefully. ”Can you see it, Scotty?“ the man flinches when he sees the corner of her mouths twitching and curling into a smirk. Freyja lays her hands on the corners of the wooden table, and crosses her legs, leaning forward slightly. “Me. In charge of this whole company. Of his fortune.” Scott visibly gulps, tugging at the collar of his shirt before he downed the content of his glass “Oh, it is going to be marvellous. Marvellous, indeed.”
        For a while I thought I was the dragon.
    I guess I can tell you that now. And, for a while, I thought I was
                                                                                            the princess,
cotton candy pink, sitting there in my room, in the tower of the castle,
      young and beautiful and in love and waiting for you with
Freyja Alexandrine Skjeggestad was thrown to the wolves, then. Shoved into the spotlight with little guidance. They devoured her, tearing into her with their bare fangs, trying to find similarities between her and her father. The same striking green eyes carry madness in them, people would comment when all the corners of Ireland were flaunting pictures and speeches of th Skjeggestad daughter.
Freyja was only twenty, then, and the weight of her father’s empire left red angry marks on her shoulders. Her nervousness was not apparent by how she carried herself, how she held her head up. But it was there – the fear, anxiety, doubts, and darkness. She pushed it deep into the base of her spine, a place so dark it would unable to flourish under the sunlight. It threatened to rise, to shoot up her veins and consume her – But every time Freyja could taste its aphrodisiacal taste, she would swallow it back through the knots in her throat. She tried to keep the company together, tried to be good, do good. But the sins of her father flowed in the air, like mist. Freyja watched it move, breathed it into her lungs. It’s taste that of gold, cigarette ashes, of power. It poisoned her somewhat good intentions, rotting her already uncanny smile.
After, her own sins taint everything she touches. It tarnishes the family’s good name. Her father’s vanity and pride wrap around her skin, it crawls inside her bones, run through her veins. It changes her.
She has a penchant for violence, and she left a wake of destruction, dragging Scott down to hell with her. He warned her to not pick a fight with Thomas Wolff, but Freyja never knew how to chose her wars.
Freyja still remembers the sand in her mouth, filling her lungs. The throb of her head, and blood dripping – the darkness wanting to take over. There was not enough air, her ribs ached and heart barely beat, but all Freyja could care about was Scott. She held the cold body to her chest, strength slowly giving away. Scotty. There was no life in the man’s eyes, the gunshot piercing his heart. She clung to him for as longs as she could, until unconsciousness took over. She woke up to a bright light, a bandage covering her side, and dirt under her nails. The coppery taste of blood still lingered on her lips, and she had difficulty sitting up.
“Thought that shot would be the end of you, huh?” the strange doctor who nursed her back to life said, voice tired. “No. You are hard to kill, kiddo. There’s strength in you. Bullets and sand, and determination. And lives, here,” he taps her chest, just above her heart, “despite all, you still walk. The world hasn’t ended you, yet.”
She crawled out of the grave, healing from the torture and gunshot and the grief. It devastated her. Consumed her. Rage was a constant in her green eyes, during that year after Scott’s funeral. Despite surviving, something in Freyja died, that night. And eighteen months after Scott Connelly’s tragic death,  Thomas Wolff was found dead in his apartment. Freyja spent an entire night washing the blood off her hands.
After, when years have passed and she stands in Manhattan, her mistakes behind her – She tips her head back, letting the cold rain hit her skin. Her eyes close, and Freyja breathes in deeply, holding the air in her lungs. It tastes of mist, of mud and wet grass — And new beginnings. Her mother moved the company to New York, and Freyja is all too happy to not be caught up in much of the business.
On occasion, one finds oneself immersed in trouble. It destroys, it burns, and it consumes – like flames, from a wildfire. When the fire dies out, a tempest is born. Such is the Skjeggestad way. They destroy everything in their path, simply for the joy of watching the world burn under their touch. Not the biggest fishes in the pond, the Skjeggestad’s, but the ones that stand brighter than most. Their money, their clothes, their glamour. They act as if they are gods. But there’s nothing divine about divinities, in the end. Freyja Skjeggestad is a poetically broken little thing. And oh, how she makes tragedy look so magnificent.
Okay, so I’m the dragon. Big deal.
      You still get to be the hero.
Freyja Skjeggestad looks appetizing at first glance, but it takes only one bite to discover the horrendous pain she can inflict. Much like a ceramic fruit. Or a rotten one, painted with vivid colors to mimic something delicious. Perhaps not a good comparison, but one that gets the point across; Freyja  Skjeggestad is a vile beautiful thing. Her smile, charming and kind – if at times cocky, serves only to hide the monster underneath. If one looks closely, its shadow can be seen dancing near the surface, threatening to break free. It shows in her smiles, always a tad too sharp; in her words, sounding honey-like but laced with sarcasm or hostility; in how she tantalizes women with empty promises of eternal love and fortune. She has no qualms about spilling blood, if necessary.
It is well known Freyja is a charmer, one that only truly cares about her own needs, her own pleasure and bank account. Her words are lies, that she mastered to lure poor souls to her bed or to sign business deals. She gloats over her enemies failures. And, at times, pull the rug out from under an ally. Of course, for as long as she is gaining something, Freyja can be fiercely loyal. That changes easily, however, if someone pays her better.
Freyja offers cheap thrills to please people; orgies in her penthouse, gambling in her casino, lavish parties with an abundance of sweet honeyed wine. Ecstasy. She pulls people so deeply into her mess, it becomes nearly impossible to crawl out. For her own delight, of course. Freyja adores attention, loves when all eyes are on her. She has an ego the size of the world, if not bigger. Her posture is of a queen, even when she is but a pawn in a game she doesn’t care for.
With a short temper and high tolerance for pain, Freyja often finds herself in fights, not afraid of punching someone – or getting punched.
She is vain. Extremely so. The type who has a cane, wear silk robes, and sunbathes naked up in her penthouse.
Despite her cold personality, Freyja has some quirks and habits, that only who she trusts get to see; she flinches at noises, her eyes hurt when the lights are too bright, she often fidgets and squirm in the presence of a crowd, and many more.
Freyja hadn’t had many friends, and she still doesn’t have them. She keeps to herself, most of the time, preferring her own company than those of others.
However, with people she trusts,  she dances between to lines with ease; she can be so quiet one moment no one would guess she was in the room, and in the next, she would be babbling a lot and being the light in the room.
Babbling is a thing she does a lot. She sometimes talks too fast, her words blending together and being barely understandable. Other times, she talks too slow, as if she needs to remember how a word is pronounced.
Which, does not match with her personality – But, most of the time she is talking about money or violence, which is more in character.
She can actually be sweet, she just chooses not to.
Freyja is the black sheep of the family; her mother is cruel, but she is not maniacal like Freyja. Her father, despite his many sins – mistresses, corruption, dirty money – wasn’t cruel, when he was alive.
Freyja betrayals people, a lot. It has gotten her in trouble more often than she would like to admit. Freyja definitely got stabbed a few times, and because of pure lucky she survived, and kept the daggers.
But truly, she is not a loyal person. The only person Freyja has ever been loyal to is herself and those who she deems a good friend.
She is pretentious, but cunning.
Is always watching and studying people.
Says fuck and darling a lot.
Has some scars she hides, some she shows with pride.
She lives to annoy and piss people off.
Honestly, she just wants to drink wine and watch hell break loose.
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blake-c · 5 years
[CODY BLAKE] is a [22] year old [BISEXUAL] [CISMALE] that was born on [MARCH 12TH]. [HE] live(s) in [BROOKLYN], but they’re originally from [PORTLAND, MAINE]. They are a [PARAMEDIC STUDENT] for a living, and often get told they look like [ANSEL ELGORT]. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
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The Basics
Name: Cody Henry Blake
Nicknames: Blake
Height: 6’3”
Age: 22
Hometown: Portland, Maine
Occupation: Paramedic Student, Bar Tender
The Bio
Cody Blake or as everyone calls him Blake, was born and raised in Maine. To two working class parents. His father was a construction worker and his mother a painter.
Growing up Blake never really considered University an option, he was content to follow in hismparents footsteps and work on construction sites, that was until the incident.
One day at work his father was in a freak accident where part of his leg was crushed by building materials, he was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and his father not only lived, but made a full recovery. The doctor told them that his father should thank the paramedics who saw him, it was there quick thinking and action that had him in a condition that the doctor was able to easily help.
That’s when Blake knew he wanted to be a paramedic, he wanted to be able to be the first responder and help others as best as he could.
He started studying as hard as he could, they didn’t have a lot of money so he knew that to get into university he’d need a scholarship.
Blake moved to New York when he was offered an academic schorlashop to NYU.
He’s a slightly goofy, good hearted guy, who wants to help as many people as he can. He works as a Bar Tender at night to try and get by.
His best friend is his golden lab Maverick, his parents have to him as a going away present so he wouldn’t be alone in New York
Anyway, that’s my boy. Hope you guys like him! I’m open to any and all connections so hook me up
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anotherbaxter-blog · 5 years
Hi so I’ve taken a very big break from rping, but I’m back baby!! So please take it easy on me aha anyway this is Baxter
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WILLIAM BAXTER IV is a 35 year old HETEROSEXUAL CISMALE that was born on NOVEMBER 7th. HE live(s) in BROOKLYN, but they’re originally from BROOKLYN, NY. They are a/an MECHANIC SHOP OWNER for a living, and often get told they look like ZACHARY LEVI. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
His great grandfather was William, his grandfather was Will, his dad is Liam and he well everyone other than family just calls him Baxter
For as long as anyone in their family can remember or had record of the Baxter family has lived in Brooklyn. William Michael Baxter the first started a mechanic shop that has been passed down through generations called the Manic Mechanic.
He married his highschool sweetheart straight out of school. And they had a happy life and were even expecting, when complications lead to the loss of the baby. It was a dark time for both of them and while they had each other to rely on depression is a strong thing. One day when he was 27 he came home from work late and found her on the bathroom floor. She had over dosed on medicine.
After loosing his wife and unborn child he went down a dark path of drinking and gambling. But after throwing himself into his work, and attending AA meetings and getting help for his gambling he managed to get back on his own two feet.
The Manic Mechanic is currently owned by Baxter, and at first he only became a mechanic because it was expected of him, but now he loves it and wouldn’t want to change a thing.
He can be distant at times but over all he’s a funny, loving and caring guy. He’s very protective and also super oblivious he can never tell when someone is flirting with him.
Sorry this is so bad aha I suck at intros but I hope that doesn’t stop you! I’d love to get some plots and connections going for him.
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NATHANIEL BREMMER is a 35 year old HETEROSEXUAL CISMALE that was born on SEPTEMBER 10TH. He lives in BROOKLYN, but they’re originally from BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. They are a FBI AGENT for a living, and often get told they look like JEREMY RENNER. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
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Nathaniel Bremmer, aka Nathan or Nate is a 35 year old FBI agent
Born and raised in Brooklyn his dad was a best cop and his mum a chef.
He had a fairly normal and happy childhood until he was 9
His dad put a notorious gang member in prison
Some other members came after Nates mum as pay back. They murdered her on her way home from work.
This drove Nate’s dad almost to the point of insanity he became obsessed with his work and put most of them away before being killed in the line of action when Nate was 15
After that he was out in the system,!no one wants to adopt a teenager so he aged out
This pushed Nate into wanting to be a cop too, so he could help find justice not just for himself but for all families
While he was a cop he quickly rose to the top in every field and a man from the fbi came and recruited him to work for them
He is now an FBI agent and has been part of many task forces
He can be cold and abrasive and more often then it should be his first response is to fight. But I swear he’s just a big teddy bear who needs a little love in his life. Come be this grouches friend
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coralia-lewis · 5 years
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Coralia Lewis is a 24 year old bisexual female that was born on August 12th. She lives in Manhattan, but she's originally from London, England. she is a ballet dancer for ABT for a living, and often get told she looks like Lily Collins. we wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
Born in London, Coralia (or Cora) was given the best of life from her parents, leading her and her older sister to do whatever activities they wanted. This introduced Cora to dancing when she was two, falling in love, immediately.
Every summer for eight years, Cora was given the chance to train in Paris with the ballet company’s instructors and choreographers, giving her the edge in ballet.
At sixteen, her parents decided to pick up and move to New York for her father’s job, leading Cora to get used to a new surrounding as well as finding a ballet school that matched her needs.
Life changed completely at eighteen, her parents dying in a car accident. It took a lot for Coralia to adjust to a new life without the people who supported her and her sister. With luck, she got accepted into Juilliard for dance, promising herself that she would achieve her goals in honor of her parents.
Once she graduated Juilliard, the dancer decided to audition for American Ballet Theatre, getting accepted into the company. She is still a part of it to this day, dreaming of becoming a choreographer later in life.
Cora is very free spirited when she’s not in rehearsals or on the stage. Her personality was considered to be a light in a room to other people.
She is very dedicated to ballet, dancing almost all the time, even when she doesn’t need to.
Cora is obsessed with Audrey Hepburn, always feeling a sort of connection with the actress. She tries to live her life by doing what she thinks Audrey would do in each situation.
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jamesstarling-blog · 5 years
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JAMES STARLING is a 29 year old BISEXUAL MALE that was born on APRIL 5TH. He lives in BROOKLYN,NY. but they’re originally from DETROIT, MICHIGAN. They are a WRITER for a living, and often get told they look like CHACE CRAWFORD. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps! (LEN, 22, GMT+3, SHE/HER)
hey guys !! im len or lenny, and im terrible at introducing myself so im gonna go ahead and skip to the bullet point bio xoxo
james moved to england when he was fairly young (about eight), but would often visit the states until he had to officially move back for his education
he comes from a wealthy family with a decent income, so as far as struggling, he hasn’t much- at least not financially. his parents were happy to let him do whatever - until they found out “whatever” was creative writing anyways. but he couldn’t be swayed, so here we are.
he detests anything (and always has) anything to do with numbers. he’s always loved short tales/stories and poetry - somehow speaking through metaphors made it easier to express himself.
he published his first book with poems when he was 19, and since then his name has been getting around. 
he’d always been a creative- if not hyperactive, boy, that was too curious for his own good.
literally never knows what fucking day of the week it is
used to live w hale in brooklyn until his wife decided to leave him for better things
hale refuses to move back in with him ?? which is outrageous.
doesn’t sleep like a proper human being. it’s not even insomnia, he just drinks coffee until he cant anymore and his brain shuts down
used to have really bad sleep paralysis during his teen years, but it has since passed
he writers poems about the most mundane things and is overly dramatic about anything and everything. if he can dramatically turn from a chair as you walk through the door - he will.
he stole a bunny from a lab once. he got attached and she now lives w him. he named her hale and calls her his muse.
clearly he has issues
he actually gets along with his parents, but he’s very poor at communicating
he doesn’t like to be alone for long periods of time, but he also isn’t someone who needs to be around crowds all the time. he prefers to have at least one friend at arm’s length to make sure... you know- he won’t cut off all the sleeves from his shirts on impulse or something.
his dating profile is... a series of unfortunate events.
that was until he dated lara - when he was 16-17. he wasn’t really in love, at least he doesn’t think he was. they were together for six years before she finally ended things because he couldn’t bring himself to. it’d been a relationship that existed because it was comfortable and easy, and once it was over he felt drained and disillusioned. he hasn’t been in a relationship since.
his type is “emotionally unavailable”
sometimes he will literally start quoting edgar allan poe so ppl will leave and let him rest in peace
this is all i have come plot w me ktnx
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lorenzoxnapoli-blog · 5 years
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LORENZO "ENZO" NAPOLI is a 27 year old BISEXUAL CISMALE that was born on JULY 7. HE lives in BROOKLYN, but they’re originally from NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. They are a CHEF for a living, and often get told they look like AMADEUS SERAFINI. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
Enzo was born in Brooklyn, the son of an elementary school teacher and a chef
His family owned a restaurant in Brooklyn
When he was only 10, his father passed away from a heart attack
Shortly after that, his mother sold the restaurant
Enzo had a love of food from a young age, and began working in restaurants at 16 as a server
After finishing high school, he went to culinary school, wanting to carry on his father’s legacy
He currently works as a sous chef
His ultimate goal is to own his own restaurant someday, which he plans to name after his father
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adxmwinchester · 5 years
ADAM WINCHESTER is a 32 year old HETEROSEXUAL CISMALE that was born on MARCH 9th. HE live(s) in MANHATTEN, but they’re originally from BUCHAREST, ROMANIA. They are an APP DEVELOPER AND BUSINESS CEO for a living, and often get told they look like SEBASTIAN STAN. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps! 
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Hey guys! So i brought in a second muse. Hope you guys like him!
Adam was born in Bucharest, Romania to Mark and Claire Winchester.
Growing up as an only child he seemed to have a rather nice life. Both of his parents worked, and while they weren’t well off or rich by any stretch of the imagination. They were comfortable.
But, that changed when he turned 8 and his mother was diagnosed with brain cancer after having a massive stoke one day and the doctors found a rather large tumour.
After that his mothers health quickly went down hill and she couldn’t work anymore. His father picked up an extra job to try and cover costs and Adam started mowing lawns and doing paper routes to try and help out. 
His mother passed away when he was 10 and his father spiralled downwards into depression and alcoholism.
They moved to Philadelphia, in America for a fresh start but his father only got worse and started physically abusing Adam.
At the age of 14 one of his teachers caught on and reported his father. His father was sent to jail and Adam was placed in the foster care system.
He bounced around from house to house, no one wanting to adopt a teenager. Some of the houses were nice, others only held him for a pay cheque or to do jobs for them. 
Sports became an escape for him and he played baseball and football in highschool. He knew the only way he’d be able to get to college would be with a scholarship. He also studied as hard as he could.
He graduated and aged out of the system in the same year, and moved to New York to attend college. While in college he studied business and finance. He also created an app called Uber after not being able to afford taxis and not having access to cars or reliable train services. After the massive success of Uber he created Uber Eats. 
After graduation he didn’t really need to work with his successful apps but he doesn’t like not doing something so he went to work for Franklin's Stock Agency. He quickly worked his way up the ranks and when the CEO had to retire he left the business to Adam.
Under Adams control the stock agency became one of the largest and most successful in the USA.
He has money,and has achieved a lot by the age of 32, but it’s never gone to his head. He’s still a kind, loyal and protective person. Who doesn’t have an ego and is level headed.
Sorry that got so long, thanks if you read my ramble! I’d love to plot with him so like this or send me a message if youre interested :) 
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lylamarno · 5 years
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LYLA MARNÒ is a 28 year old DEMISEXUAL CISFEMALE that was born on DECEMBER 14TH. SHE live(s) in MANHATTAN, but they’re originally from RICHMOND, LONDON, ENGLAND. They are an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST for a living, and often get told they look like MEDALION RAHIMI.
hey i’m lea and this is my new child lyla, sometimes her friends call her ly because they’re just too lazy for the extra syllable.
so she was born in manchester, england,  before the family moved to richmond, london when she was about 6. her maternal grandparents had migrated from iran and honestly, even though her heritage is mixed, they didn’t have an easy life in the suburbs
the english, while kind for the most part were fairly xenophobic, they decided to move into the more metropolitan areas to get a little more peace of mind, where the struggle for money got even tougher since expenses there increased
they opened a restaurant and her mother did cleaning on the side before she was able to get a more lucrative side-gig as a very sought-after seamstress
lyla is the youngest, her eldest brother is 11 years older than her, so while she was growing up, everybody was able to pitch in at the restaurant in richmond until it saw profit and there were pretty much 4 breadwinners in the family who worked hard
so she was pretty lucky, as far as she’s concerned, above the age of 10 she didn’t really struggle too much financially.
she met @halebarrett​ and @jamesstarling​ in primary school. hale had the gall to confidently eat illegal chocolate in the MIDDLE of class by putting his head under the table and pretending to rummage around his bag, CHOMPING for all he was worth
he even offered her one, the audacity of some people
she didn’t like hale and his hyperactive friend james initially, until james caught her weeping because she got bullied for her hair being the way it was yet again 
she’d never seen him look so shocked before, because up til that point she’d been the fiery lionness always ready for a fight, always ready to deliver a cutting cruel remark
the next time it happened both hale and james were there, hale doing what he’s most talented at: being a giant bitch — and james confusing the crap out of them with poignantly and thoughtfully spoken song lyrics
she didn’t understand how these boys got away with everything, but they became fast friends after that and the rest is history
they loved coming to richmond, there was a lot of space to explore and for imagination to flourish. she’d thought it was dull, but hale, james and a couple of their other friends from school would descend into her neighbourhood from their respective districts and turn it into wonderland
james was away often, so she’s always been closer to hale, they shared everything. she listened to all his private thoughts and would tell him off for some of them too, they were truly thick as thieves
when they were teens, she developed a bit of a crush on james, that simply didn’t go away after a few months
he’d gotten together with lara, who was a beautiful girl, but nevertheless it wasn’t fun watching him behave the way he behaves for years until he went away to new york for good
part of her suspects hale noticed, but they have never discussed it, she let go of it while in uni, the distance helped
after the boys crossed the pond to attend university, ( it’s a miracle how they survived without her tbh ) she went to the imperial college in london and went into environmental science on scholarship because of her grades. it wasn’t really that hard to keep in touch, they met up every single summer.
she did an all expense paid exchange in the netherlands also because of her grades
after her degree she did her masters’ — phd, while also working as an apprentice to her mentor 
she’s good at school in case this isn’t obvious enough, she’s a newly minted phd holder so call her dr. marnò — or just lyla. one perk of the new title is she always gets upgraded on flights. yay!  
she’s in nyc now because she’s JUST gotten engaged, and she’s very excited to break the news to james and hale, and will spend the summer here deciding if she wants to move to the city seeing as her fiancé is some high-flyer ( i am lazy to think with exact details just go with it )
personality-wise she’s lively, expressive, playful and affable, flighty and wonderful but also kinda feisty. she’s a very protective friend, no matter what kind of friend you are to her, she’ll get involved in all your fights and end them or make the other person suffer
when this extends to hale and james, she has claim over them, so mama-bear gonna be watching all of you, sizing you up carefully before she reports any approval
she’s that person who can lift literally anybody’s spirits if she feels like it
that being said she’s not afraid to get really territorial. if she doesn’t feel like welcoming you, she won’t, and no amount of justification will help. it’s a very complicated dichotomy — she runs a tight ship in her friend-group, the two dingbats are like her brothers
other than that she’s really nice i promise!  
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trentstoven-blog · 5 years
Alright here we go, this is Trent. My taxi driver regular guy/struggling for money muse. So ya know like or message me and we can talk about stuff. Please like him.
TRENT STOVEN is a 25 year old HETEROSEXUAL CISMALE that was born on OCTOBER 2nd. HE live(s) in the THE BRONX, but they’re originally from THE BRONX. They are a TAXI DRIVER for a living, and often get told they look like DANIEL SHARMAN. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
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Born and raised his the Bronx, his father is a factory worker and his mother is a waitress at a dinner and a cleaning lady.
He has a younger brother (wc?) and with both of his parents working all the time he grew up pretty fast and helped to raise and look after his brother, so they have a close relationship.
Just as he was graduating from highschool his father was laid off. Trent started working extra jobs as soon as he could to help pay the bills. One of the jobs he picked up was a taxi driver.
He didn’t move out of the family home until he was 24 when his dad finally got another job. He found he likes driving even in a busy city like New York so the job he maintained is a taxi driver.
He’s planning on going to night school and completely a degree that way but he has to save up enough money.
He appears grizzly at first. But depending on how you treat him is what you get, if you’re nice he’s a warm and caring guy but if you act entitled or look down on him he’ll have a short temper, be confrontational or even a cold shoulder.
I know a lot of the muses here are quite wealthy and they may not necessarily run in the same circles. But, I’d really like to find him some friends, maybe his younger brother, a enemy? Something romantic? I’d really like to talk and plan stuff out.
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a1d3n-w3st0n · 5 years
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AIDEN WESTON is a 32 year old BISEXUAL CISMALE that was born on JUNE 22. HE lives in MANHATTAN, but they’re originally from CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. They are a POLICE OFFICER for a living, and often get told they look like JESSE LEE SOFFER. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps! (SPADE, 22, EST, SHE/HER)
It's me, Spade, back with a brand new character!
Aiden was born in Chicago, Illinois and lived there until he was 18 years old, so needless to say, he was used to the big city life.
His parents are Abraham and Veronica Weston and he has no siblings.
Throughout high school, Aiden was what could be considered an athletic scholar. Not only did he play basketball and baseball, but he also excelled academically, graduating 4th in his senior class.
Many thought that Aiden would fast track to a university, since he was offered a few scholarships, but to their surprise, he joined the Army instead.
He ended up going overseas as a Ranger and fighting in the conflict within the Middle East, where he learned combat and marksmanship.
When he came home to Chicago at the age of 25, he returned with two tours under his belt, PTSD, and an Honorable Discharge.
He struggled for about a year with PTSD episodes and a developing drinking problem before his family and friends convinced him to regularly attend therapy.
After he got back on the right track, he explained to his family that he needed a change of pace and decided to move to Manhattan.
After settling in yet another big city, he began to miss the structured life the military, so he settled for the next best thing: becoming a police officer.
He started to work heavily with the K9 Unit and even has a partner named Bucky, a black German Shepherd that also lives with him.
He plans to take the Officers Exam soon and aims to become a detective someday.
He still has a therapy session once a week, but he made great progress since he first started out.
Best Friend(s)
Exes (maybe even an old fling)
Significant other
Hangout/drinking buddy
I'm not picky about connections so if you have your own ideas you want to use him for, please don't hesitate to message me and we can work something out!
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duncanmcarthur-blog · 5 years
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DUNCAN MCARTHUR is a 34 year old HETEROSEXUAL CISMALE that was born on NOVEMBER 10TH. He lives in BROOKLYN, but they’re originally from ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. They are a NEUROSURGEON for a living, and often get told they look like EWAN MCGREGOR. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
* Duncan was born in Aberdeen Scotland and came to America with his parents on a boat. His father was a construction worker and his mother stayed at home with Duncan and his younger brother Malcolm.
* Growing up in Brooklyn he was no stranger to a fight, especially when it came to protecting his younger brother from any bullies.
* He did well in school, especially in math and science fields.
* His father had a stroke and was hospitalised, while in hospital the doctors discovered that he had a cancerous tumour on his brain. His father didn’t make it out of the surgery to remove it alive.
* After that Duncan knew he wanted to be a neurosurgeon he wanted to be able to be able to do what that doctor couldn’t.
* Heavily motivated he graduated top of his class from NYU school of Medicine and got a residency almost straight away.
* He met and fell in love with Annabelle together they got married and had a beautiful daughter.
* By his 28th birthday he thought he had everything. A successful career, a beautiful wife and daughter. But by his 29th birthday everything was different.
* His wife and daughter were t-boned by a drunk driver coming home from school. Neither survived.
* To cope with this Duncan started drinking very heavily and letting his work consume him. 5 years later he’s beaten his addiction (although he doesn’t mind the odd drink) and is still a workaholic
* He’s a very hardworking, passionate, intelligent guy who really just needs so friends and some help
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VALERIE CORTELLO is a 28 year old PANSEXUAL CISFEMALE that was born on FEBRUARY 20TH. SHE lives in QUEENS, NEW YORK, but they’re originally from ASHEVILLE, NC. They are a TATTOO ARTIST for a living, and often get told they look like EMERAUDE TOUBIA. We wish them the best of luck in the city that never sleeps!
Hi! I'm Spade and this is Valerie. I'm not good at intros so please be patient with me, I apologize if I suck at this.
Edited to add Wanted Connections
Valerie is from the city of Asheville, North Carolina and having lived there up until she was 25 years old, she considered it the biggest city she could comprehend. New York quickly proved her wrong.
She does have both of her parents, Anthony and Valencia Costello, and a brother named Nathan that's two years younger than her.
She got her tattoo license when she was 22, but has been drawing and doing art since she was 10. She's somewhat self taught, but still went to a few art classes throughout her school years.
She loves to party and have fun and on her free nights, she would love to spend time at some club in the main city or at the local bar.
Valerie is a social butterfly and quite the flirt when she's in the mood or sees someone she's attracted to. Even if she's not flirting, she is quite friendly and even charming.
She loves going to the local cafés and delis, but she hates the taste of coffee. She's only in the game for the carbs. Croissants, muffins, and subs are her weaknesses.
She really wants a cat someday. She loves them but can't have pets in her apartment building.
Valerie is a bit vain. She doesn't brag or anything, but she loves to wear makeup and jewelry, and takes pride in her appearance. She is also quite confident in her looks.
New/Regular tattoo clients
Best friend(s)
Ex (old flame, one that got away, etc)
Crush? (On her, her on them, going both ways, either is fine)
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