#blease play this game thank you o7
carcharsaur · 1 year
ok I finished jack jeanne for real (all cgs unlocked) time to blog about it. I think it's just straight up the best otome on the market you can play right now. albeitttt I don't play many indies but this game was just a powerhouse of heartfelt warmth and character growth god DAMN!!!! also the art is just so beautiful yay sui ishida
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I don't wanna spoil much about the game even though I also want to gush about it but I'll put this under a cut cause I dunno how long I'll ramble
I can't even really think of any huge complaints. there's a couple small things still, nothing's perfect, but compared to literally any other otome I've played the lack of things I need to overlook is also a breath of fresh air!!! the one thing that's like, this genuinely might made it hard to recommend is that my final play time was 140 hours... and that was with a lot of fast-forwarding through repeated content and not much idling (unlike I usually do LOL) but MY GOD IT'S SO FUCKING WORTH IT.... PLEASE.... you can even play it as a strictly platonic game (which would cut down the hours by like at least half) and even then I think that would be worth buying it...
ALSO: VOICED HEROINE!! my fucking favorite. also she's amazing. my new fav otoge MC... I need her to be happy and successful forever or I will drown myself in tears ok
every LI genuinely tugged at my heart strings, I cried happy tears at the ending every time... it's like eating freshly baked cookies... just overwhelming warmth...
it also did the impossible by making me MISS high school, because I was in band and choir etc and it made me so damn nostalgic for the power of putting on a performance even if I was almost never center stage TvT this game is so earnest in it's efforts and care, I literally could feel the love in it... ahg
my favorite character though was Kai... I was expecting it but he still hit me harder than expected IN MULTIPLE WAYS REAL AS HELLLLLLLLLL BTWWWW v
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also I wasn't expecting this game to handle social and gender norms in a like... way I'd actually identify with? because japan has a different history with all that especiallyy within the world of theater and a lot of modern japanese media has weird ways of. um. un-lgbt'ing their cast I'll say lmao. but this game pulled some shit off I wasn't expecting. I really really really enjoyed it (and I already enjoy the awkward or clumsy "heroine hides her gender" stories so maybe I'm biased here LOL) I know this game probably took soo much fucking money to make and who knows how many years but. god I want a sequel so bad THE SIDE CHARACTERS WERE SO GOOD. it's heart warming and filling but also so so charming I can't help but hope they make more. there's light novels and stuff but I doubt those will ever be officially translated T___T ah well
also the OST, especially the performance tracks sung by the cast ARE SO INSANELY GOOD !!!! 10/10 BABEY
anyway. kai clip to say goodbye
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