#blegh self-insert x canon is so weird
yaoigoddess9158 · 6 months
I need to make a Korean name for my oc for a fic (okay, maybe not NEED but I want to because it’s fun) but I have ZERO idea how names work in Korea and I don’t want to have a totally weird name that is improper and stupid
The name will probably only be used once because I’m planning to make a nickname for the character that they’ll prefer to go by but anywayss
Sooo….. I have an idea (that I totally didn’t just get from google translate haha.. hah..) uhhhh
Jung Yohaji (Anheum if it’s appropriate) (중요하지 않음 is what showed up in google translate as well, it’d be nice it know if this is right too)
According to Google and DeepL translate, it means unimportant or not important
Is there a better name for something around the same meaning? This was honestly the best I could come up with using free translators (and Idk if I can even use just the actual words for a name, because you definitely can’t in English)
Btw, it’s a girl character, in case that helps
Help a hyper fixated girly out 🙏🙏
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