#bleh blahhh
gianttol · 11 months
i finished designing a super big personal project of mine recently >:3 i was designing a fully illustrated calendar! and i got it sent off to the printers!
im all exciiited and now have more free time to draw personal things like beth n cherry and gt and omg everything < 3!!
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pteropods · 2 years
thinking abt a scene w/ yoki thats gonna come in like two million years shaking crying i dont want to make myself draw more than one page a week esp. while in school but god it can not come soon enough
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blahhh. blehhh. hurk. blah. bleh. blehhhh.
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horridly-plagued · 1 year
Thought I’d never be active here and just enjoy the content from afar guess I’m finally joining in, Hey there I’m Blahhh or Bleh or something like that I’m an artist that enjoys sneeze Content yeah I’m 18 sorta new to this stuff but I enjoy it so I’m here.
I wanna write about my ocs
Talk about weird fantasies
You get it.
If you ever want to like. Talk to me or smth I think my dms on here are open just be a normal person please
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rainbow-burst · 1 month
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bleh blahh blahhh
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skittay · 11 months
blahhh bleh blehhh bleh bleh blba bla bla ba
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dogboycolumbo · 1 year
piranesu had such a strong start but COMPLETELY fumbled it still mad.. so mad. matthew i need you to wrestle with being a bad person. what do you mean you went into a fit of rage and imagined killing ketterley 1000 times over and over and forgot to eat and were so consumed with rage and you were totalllly zen the next day. i want you to have been a bad person. before you lost your memories and i want you to WRESTLE WITH IT!!! your story is soo boring it’s like for little babies morally. bleh bleh i was trapped (in this house the house i love) so then a cop (they never explained why a cop was there except that she was virtuous and right) rescued me and the man who trapped me (my only companion for over 6 years) drowned randomly (to easily finish the story and avoid any moral quandaries) BLAH BLAH BLAHHH great worldbuilding. terrible everytjing else attempted. filed under books that make me mad
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zainyyyy · 4 years
Someone please read this review paper for me and send me the summary🥺 PLEASE
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Are you listening to anything right now? Yeah, an ASMR video.
Any tabs open on your current window? Yes, there’s currently 8 tabs.
Is there a quote you live by? No, not really.
Is there something materialistic you want to buy, but can’t? Not at the moment.  When was the last time you ran away from a problem? I tend to ignore and neglect things often and hope they just go away, which only leads to more problems for me. I’ve witnessed that a lot these past few years. The things I tried to run away from caught up with me.
Who is your favourite to watch on youtube, if you watch any? I have several favorites.
Are you gonna be single or taken next valentine’s day? Single.
What are some ways to win your heart? Surprise me with an all expenses paid vacation, ha.
Or is there someone who already has your heart? No.
Got any childhood nicknames? No one calls me any of them anymore.
Name at least three things  you like about yourself: Bleh.
Name at least three things you hate about yourself? Blahhh.
Do you ever just want to get away and start life fresh? That would be nice, but it doesn’t really work that way. Although, even though I know I can’t run away from my problems, a new place and change of scenery would be nice.
Are you still in high-school? I graduated back in 2008, I’m old.
Who was your first ‘crush’? This boy named Phillip when I was in the 3rd grade.
Are there any misconceptions people have about you? Probably.
What is something that would make your day right now? “Pack your bags we’re going on a vacay.” Ha.
What is the best thing that had happened so far this year? We’re barely a little over a week into the new year and not a whole lot has happened for me so far.
What do you do to make a bad day 'alright’? Not much I can do, honestly.
Last movie you saw was? In theaters it was the new Spiderman movie. 
Are you popular on any sites (ie. youtube, xanga, etc.)? No.
Do you know who michelle phan is? I do.
Bored of this survey yet? It’s fine.
Do you, or have you ever, felt behind in life? That’s how I’ve been feeling the past few years and it’s been really hitting me hard recently.
What do you hope to be/have five years from now? I’d love for my health to improve more than anything.
Do you hope to get married in the next ten years, if you’re not already? No.
What is your favourite colour? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
Any reason behind that? I find them aesthetically pleasing?
What is your favourite childhood memory? Just being a kid and doing kid stuff. I’ve been really sad and nostalgic lately about my childhood. I really miss it.
What is something you thought you would have at your age now, but don’t? My shit together, ha.
Ever dreamt of someone you know in your life (but not in a personal level)? Yeah, that’s happened a lot. It’s so weird.
Why do you think we do that? I don’t know, man.
Do you think someone dreams of you? I guess it’s possible I randomly pop up in other people’s dreams as well. That’s weird to think about. 
Would you want to be nominated to be in tlc’s show 'what not to wear’? No, but I did like watching that back in the day.
When is the next time you need to go to the doctor’s/dentist’s? I have an appointment in a couple of weeks.
Are there any medications you need to take regularly? Yes.
Anyone ever requested you on FB that you didn’t even think knew your name? Just random people I didn’t know.
Has anyone ever rejected a friend request from you on FB? *shrug*
How did that feel? --
Do you think you look too young or too old for your age? I think I look younger.
Any song you’ve been listening to over and over recently? No. 
What are some sites you visit daily? YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook.
Are you living your 'teenage dream’? No. Also, now I have that Katy Perry song in my head.
What is the last thing you tasted? Cherry Vanilla Coke.
Are you gonna be posting this anywhere? On here, obviously. 
If so, where? ^^^
What are at least three things you’re feeling right now? Tired. Meh. Sad.
Ok, last question: what did you think of my first survey? It was fine.
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kaysically · 7 years
sometimes you realize some people are more important to you than you are to them.
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kissmymongoose · 6 years
Acting like my life isn't a complete disaster is both depressing and exhausting. I will indeed get through this. However, times is hard. I'm just ready for the next few months to be over with. Its almost Christmas and beyond its usual depressing tone, this year has just been really tough. I'm so tired of negativity. I'm tired of being tired. Everything likes to fall apart all at once and it's terrible. I still feel inadequate Christmas gift wise. I can't afford to fix my broken things, let alone go to a doctor. And in the midst of it all. Mr special has decided he's going to a chiropractor. My thyroid is fucked my teeth are fucked. My back is fucked. I can't get my children the gifts I want to, let alone My nieces and nephews. Its fucking stupid. And depressing. And he's selfish.
It's whatever.
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winnwichan · 8 years
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Aku pun manusia biasa inginkan kemewahan atas usaha sendiri dahulu. . Nmpk time free skrg aku duk umoh bukan tggu org dtg mari minang, bleh blahhh laaa dgn seme tu, tkdok lasung pikir ke aroh tu lagi grrr such a crazy thing u.u . Tbh, for me rn time to find own carrier n happiness like my sibling's do ._.
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