exhausted-archivist · 2 years
Cut Content: Plants
I'm slowly making my way through my Herbalist's Handbook project and through the process I've been yanking out references of all fauna in dai, cut or final. So, I thought I'd share some of the cut plants/fungi I've found. They fall into three categories: Cut but Canon through other sources, Cut but Canon - different design, or Cut Entirely.
Personally, I enjoy finding the remnants of such assets in the game files, there is a bittersweet joy in it. Knowing that BioWare did consider adding in the elements and variety I craved but also knowing they likely got cut due to time, scope, or mechanic limitations. I really hope they continue to add new flora for us, and I hope to discover even more in the next game. I'll be interested to see if any of these make an appearance later and if they'll have any of the uses I'm outlining in my herb project.
For more plant posts see: Flora of Thedas Real Plants in Thedas
**Edit - changed the language because tumblr decided to post the image arrangement differently than I had it.**
Cut, but Canon Plants
These first two are actually the same plant- or rather fungus. On the left is a weird one that technically falls into the cut but canon - different design but wanted them side by side.
This is spongeroot. A little surface mushroom that we only know by name thanks to the World of Thedas (WoT) vol. 2 book and by the file names. The left is the cut design, the right is the final design (sans colouration) that we actually see in WoT. It's found in the Trespasser DLC files.
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The second is called ghoul's mushroom. This is a deep mushroom codex. It is one of the most commonly used mushroom by herbalists. [source] Other then that we don't know much about them, but they're found in the base game Inquisition files. Given that they have garden cards, we can presume they were at the very least harvestable at one point.
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Cut, but Canon - Different Design
From top to bottom we have the cut designs of Ghoul's Beard - Short, Blightcap, and Spindleweed - Landform.
Ghoul's Beard Short This has no real difference from the final game version other than it is stockier and bushier than what we see in-game. Personally, I enjoy the exploration into such a simple variation as it would be rather common to have differences in length.
Blighcap This is another common deep mushroom used by herbalists in Thedas. We also see mention of blightcap in WoT vol. 2: "Flat-capped and gray that grows in clay: Blightcap, the hunter's bane." Given the image is stylized, I can't tell accurately the colours, but it isn't flat-capped and thus why it's placed here.
Spindleweed - Landform Interestingly, DA2 had a similar model for when it introduced spindleweed. Though the leaves here are only a single lobe instead of three lobes on the DA2 spindleweed. This is an interesting variation to me because it would lend more variety in the spindleweed family but it would also explain how people could grow spindleweed in their garden away from water.
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Cut Entirely
From top to bottom we have blade lotus, desert bloom, and desert rose. There is no information on either as they seem to be completely new plants that were intended to be introduced into Inquisition's base game.
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Before the Dawn Pt. 6
Red Templar Encampment
Before the Dawn Masterpost First: Source of the Red Templars Previous: A Name From the Past
The party arrives at the Shrine of Dumat. The encampment is smoldering and looks abandoned.
Cullen: This is it. The heart of Samson’s command.
PC: I don’t see him anywhere. Or hear him.
Cullen: Nor I. Maker, tell me he hasn’t fled…
They fight into the shrine, which is full of red templars and overrun with red lyrium.
PC: This place is already half destroyed.
Cullen: Samson must have ordered his templars to sack his headquarters so we couldn’t.
Party comments:
Varric: Sorry, Curly. Someone tipped off Samson you were coming.
Sera: Oh, pissy one. Wrecked his toys and left.
Vivienne: He ran. What a pity.
Iron Bull: Looks like he cut his losses and ran.
Blackwall: He knew we were coming.
Solas: It appears he has fled, Commander.
Cassandra: I don’t see him, He may have fled.
Cullen: I think you’re right. Still, we’ve dealt Samson a blow.
They continue fighting, until they finally reach the final chamber. Maddox sits onb the floor, leaning against a wall.
Maddox: Hello, Inquisitor.
PC: You know me?
Cullen kneels/
Cullen: It’s Maddox. Samson’s Tranquil. Something’s wrong. I’ll send for the healers—
Maddox: That would be a waste, Knight-Captain Cullen. I drank my entire supply of blightcap essence. It won’t be long now.
Dialogue options:
General: We wouldn’t have hurt you. [1]
General: That sounds… agonizing. [2]
General: How do you know us? [3]
1 - General: We wouldn’t have hurt you. PC: We only wanted to ask you questions, Maddox. Maddox: Yes. That is what I could not allow.
2 - General: That sounds… agonizing. PC: Are you in pain? Maddox: I was, at first. Not anymore.
3 - General: How do you know us? PC: How are you so familiar with us? Maddox: Samson spoke of you. He has been troubled by your pursuit.
4 - Scene continues.
Maddox: I destroyed the camp with fire. We all agreed it was best. Our deaths ensured Samson had time to escape.
Cullen: You threw your lives away? For Samson? Why?
Maddox: Samson saved me even before he needed me. He gave me purpose again. I… wanted to help…
Maddox trails off and goes silent, and Cullen stands.
Cullen: We should check the camp. Maddox may have missed something.
The PC speaks to Cullen.
Cullen: A dismal place to die. It can’t have been much of a place to live, either, under Samson’s command.
Cullen: Yes, Inquisitor?
5 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Tell me about Samson. [6]
Investigate: Do you see anything useful? [7]
General: Maddox deserves a funeral. [8] +Blackwall slightly approves +Dorian slightly approves +Iron Bull slightly approves +Vivienne slightly approves +Varric slightly approves
General: Goodbye. [9]
6 - Investigate: Tell me about Samson. PC: What else do you remember about Samson? The man he used to be? Cullen: Does it matter? “He used to be kind” only carries so far. Yet Maddox died to help him escape. Samson does command loyalty. [back to 5]
7 - Investigate: Do you see anything useful? PC: Is there anything in the camp that could help? Or point us to Samson? Cullen: It���s hard to tell. All I see is smoke and ash. If this is Samson’s idea of remaking the world, I prefer yours. [back to 5]
8 - General: Maddox deserves a funeral. We can’t leave Maddox here. He should be properly laid to rest. Cullen: I’ll have someone take care of it. If even Samson did his best for Maddox, we can do no less. [10]
9 - General: Goodbye. PC: I’ll keep looking around. Cullen: Yes, we should get back to it. [10]
10 - Scene continues.
They continues to look around, and the PC finds some tools.
PC: This must have been Maddox’s room.
Cullen: The fire couldn’t destroy these entirely. Whatever they are.
Dorian: Those are lyrium-forging implements. Of remarkable design. Intact, they’d be worth a fortune.
Solas: They are implements for working lyrium safely. The craftsmanship is remarkable.
Vivienne: I’ve seen similar implements for forging with lyrium. None this advanced.
PC (if no one else comments): It looks like tools, and part of a forge.
Cullen: Tranquil often design their own tools. Dagna should be able to make sense of them. If Maddox used these to make Samson’s armor, she could use them to unmake it. We have him.
They find some papers ona table nearby.
Cullen: Samson left a message. For me.
PC: What does it say?
Cullen: “Drink enough lyrium, and its song reveals the truth. The Chantry used us. You’re fighting the wrong battle. Corypheus chose me as his general, and his vessel of power.” And other such nonsense. Cullen (Cullen quit lyrium): Does he think I’ll understand? What does he know? Cullen (Cullen did not quit lyrium): As if I would sympathize.
The PC finds some empty bottles near a bed.
Cullen: Lyrium bottles. Licked clean.
Party comments:
Varric: Drinking it, wearing it, growing it–you can’t say Samson isn’t committed.
Iron Bull: Licking the bottle’s when some people stop and take a hard look at their life choices.
Cole: Desperate, digging, it doesn’t sing as loudly, so he needs more.
Cassandra: Revolting.
Cullen: How much red lyrium is Samson taking? His resistance must be extraordinary.
The party returns to Skyhold.
Next: Red Lyrium Rune
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Codex entry: Deep Mushroom
"'Deep mushroom' refers to the entire group of fungi that grows underground in caves and many parts of the dwarven Deep Roads. Collection can be a dangerous task, as the Deep Roads are often infested with darkspawn. Because of this, dwarven merchants often recruit "casteless" hirelings for the job, and pay them a meager percentage of what they earn selling the mushrooms to surfacers.
The most common varieties used in the herbalist's trade are the Blightcap, Ghoul's Mushroom, and Brimstone Mushroom, almost all of which tend to carry the darkspawn's corruption. While they cannot transmit the disease, this trait often makes them quite poisonous. Deep mushrooms should only be handled by experienced herbalists and should never be consumed without first being adequately cleaned and prepared. Careless consumption has been known to cause insanity, severe abdominal cramping, and even death."
—An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium, by Ines Arancia, botanist
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b33galaxy · 2 years
Finally did my blightcap design for pvz reimagined alongside a description for it :]
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ask-pvz-bfn · 5 years
How about a giant nightcap? Haha x3
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That thing already exists
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old-archivist · 3 years
Botanical Projects
Since I have no chill and I want to talk about what I’m working on... So I’ve mentioned the Healer’s Field Guide previously, and mentioned how, depending if it goes well I would work on a more exhaustive resource. Which honestly if it doesn’t I still might do it but not to the scale I dream of. That is the Healer’s Handbook. So lemme tell you the difference because it is sort of the embodiment of the original project, but I want to release some plant stuff before DA 4 so we’re making a compact version first. So the Healer’s Handbook would be more encyclopedic. Where the Field Guide has the illustration and basics of medicinal and alchemic uses, as well as where to find the plant and a description on a two page spread. The handbook would have more thorough spread with each plant at about 8 pages. Why? Because I like plants and I want to write more. 
This would include the basics of the field guide as well as additional information that expands into more in-depth ethnobotany, additional recipes, astrological meaning, ways to cultivate, herbalist notes, best practices for the plant, and a section of additional uses.
I have a rough idea of what I want as well as all the plants canonically mentioned in the game that serve, historically in the term of real plants, medicinal and alchemic uses. So... This is the plan for the Handbook as of now. (Its long due to all the plants so its going under the cut sorry)
How to Use This Book: Plant Structure Building Your Apothecary Maintaining Your Apothecary Cultivation Harvesting Herbs Drying & Storing Herbs Making Your Own Remedies
Plant Profiles:
Amrita Vein Anderfels Mint Andraste's Grace Andraste's Mantle Arbor Blessing Arcanist Deathroot Barbwood Beetle Spore Bitter Elfroot Black Lotus Black Walnut Blackthorn Bleeding Russula Blightcap Blighted Morel Blood Lotus Brimstone Mushroom Catsbane Cattails Cherry Clover, Red Clover, White Cloves Coconut Cranberries Crystal Grace Dark Embrium Dawn Lotus Deathroot Deep Mushroom Destroying Spirit Dragonthorn Drakevein Elfroot Embrium Felandaris Felicidus Aria Fern Foxite Foxmint Garlic Ghoul's Beard Ghoul's Mushroom Ginger Gossamer Elfroot Harlot's Blush Heatherum Itchweed Ivy Jasmin Juniper Lavender Lichen Licorice Lotus Lunatic's Deathroot Madcap Mint Mintroot Morel Moss Nightshade Oakmoss Onion Oregano Parsley Peony Peppermint Pomegranate Poppy Prickleweed Primaetas Root Prophet's Laurel Rashvine Rashvine Nettle Redmoss Rose Rosemary Royal Elfroot Sage Salubrious Embrium Seaweed Spindleweed, Aquatic Spindleweed, Landform Sponge Root Stripweed Sundew Thyme Tobacco Tree-Moss Vandal Aria Verdant Spindleweed Willow Winterberry Witherstalk Additional Recipes Toxins and Antidotes Agents and Extracts
Medicinal Uses Biomes Seasonal Availability Flower Language: Tevinter/Orlais, Elven, and Antivan? Speculative Designs Bibliography Glossary
Something that should be noted is that there are multiple listings for Spindleweed, Deathroot, Embrium, and Elfroot. As in not only their varieties but a common name. I explain why I chose that in the foreword of these projects, but to summarize simply, it is because in the scope of the game it would be rather cumbersome for them to have varieties for every area. So, for the sake of realism and to expand in the area the games cannot and allow for all designs and changes in the plants we see from Origins to Inquisition, I have the “Common” variety. Which is simply their name.
It is also derived from the fact that there is some cut content that I came across where they did fiddle with things. Like the landform of Spindleweed. There are a few more cut content plants that would be 100% speculative as I only have their designs and none of the possible content for them and as such I’m still debating if I want to include those.
But yeah. Along with my maps and other things I’m working on this. Though the botanical project is taking up my main focus do to its easy accessibility when my health knocks my legs out from under me.
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veiljumpernyssa · 5 years
I was looking through the World of Thedas Vol 2 and completely forgot about these two Dalish songs:
PAIN AND BANE - a nursery rhyme taught to Dalish children to help them identify plants.
Heart-shaped leaves with veins of green: Elfroot, to ease the pain.
Flat-capped and gray that grows in the clay: Blightcap, the hunter's bane.
Spindly with thorns like a great demon's horns: Felandaris, marking the Veil.
Loose-leafed and tall with a high purple stall: Deathroot, to make minds frail.
PASSING BY - a traveling song taught to Dalish children to prepare them for traveling in the aravels
Tighten the rig with the Hearthkeeper's knot Topsail, staysail and main The traces tie to the girth and the collar And the collar is tied to the rein
Say thrice the prayer to Ghilan'nain To quicken the white halla's tread Break camp before the last star has faded To chase the bright day ahead
A thousand miles beneath the wheels Sails against the sky Swifter than a dragon's flight The People are passing by
The rein you must hold in your left hand In the right hand, your dagger or bow If the shemlen should strike on your journey Send them to Falon'Din below
The path we beat is the path that we walked To flee the Tevinter slums Now we fly on wheels and wings And hoofbeats are our drums
A thousand miles beneath the wheels Sails against the sky Swifter than the fall of night The People are passing by
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kestrellavellan · 5 years
Time Past - Chapter 53
Rating: Explicit
Warning: NSFW, suicidal attempt
Weekly updates going forward until the story is finished.  Find this fic in its entirety on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11423880/chapters/52082938
Despite the blindfold, Kestrel knew when he was back in Tevinter.  The heat rushed him in one aggressive burst of air, tosling his hair and distracting him enough to stumble over a stone.  His guide took his arm and continued to lead him through the darkness.  
Branches and leaves caressed his face and body, forced apart by their path.  As they continued walking, the din of crickets rose from a soft chirp in the distance to a crescendoing welcome.  His guide finally paused and removed his blindfold, gesturing forward into a field of waist-high grass, yellowing with the strain of a hot spring.
Still, Kestrel couldn’t help but glance at the young forest behind them.  An eluvian would be a useful tool for the Inquisition remnants, but chances were slim he’d find it.  Solas made sure of that.  Besides, his path was forward, towards Dorian.
A loud snort drew his attention to a pale mare chomping on the grass, rein lashed to a low branch on the outskirts.  When he looked to his guide for permission to use the horse, she’d disappeared without a sound.
It took a day of careful travel, dipping off the main road when the occasional traveler neared, hiding under his hood despite the late spring warmth, to reach the outskirts of the Pavus countryside manor.  The flow of people gave away its proximity first.  Carriages of finely dressed nobles formed a line down the road, filled in by those of lesser birth on horses with clothing just as rich.  Whispers of the Pavus heir finally settling down flitted through the traffic, encouraged by laughter and smiles.  It was a joyous occasion for all involved and an excuse for the top tier of Tevinter to gather and celebrate.
Kestrel pushed his horse in and out of the crowd.  Fortunately, most seemed too lost in their gossip to notice a plain garbed man on a horse, dismissing him as someone’s errand slave.  
Despite being surrounded, Kestrel felt alone.  He was the only one here that truly knew Dorian.  He was the only one here to see if this was truly what Dorian wanted for himself.  At least, he’d made it in time, in time to stop the ceremony is necessary.  
Weaving deeper through the crowd, Kestrel feared his noisy heart thudding in his chest would turn heads.  The desire to see Dorian again threatened to overwhelm him, to force him to shout from his horseback that this was wrong.  He knew in his heart that Dorian was marrying the wrong person.  He and Dorian deserved to be together, and now he had another chance -- No, that’s not why he was here.  Maybe Dorian had already forgotten him.  Maybe this marriage was a chance at a normal life for Dorian, one he never thought possible.
That thought summoned tears to Kestrel’s eyes.  It would kill him to see Dorian with someone else, but Dorian’s happiness was worth more than his life.
Blinking away the tears, Kestrel pushed his horse out of the line and off the road and urged it into a gallop, not caring what glares or glances it earned him.  He overshot the house, running past the backlog of people waiting for entry, and slipped to the woods behind the manor, the same woods he and Dalish had fled through the night of his faked death.
Kestrel slid from the horse’s back, offering her an absentminded pat, before he stealthed.  A single-mindedness overtook him, propelling him towards Dorian like a hound on a scent trail.  So desperate was he to see Dorian again, he nearly crashed into a guard on the edge of the forest.  Fortunately, the man was too busy drinking from a flask to notice the swaying bushes as Kestrel stumbled into the clearing.
In the open field, two large tents were set-up on one side of the field while chairs and an elaborate arbor stood near the pond, on the other side.  Guests were being seated or mingling around the raised platform, paying their respects to the proud mother.  He watched the people parade around, but didn’t spot the familiar swagger of the man he loved.  If Dorian had been with the other people, Kestrel would’ve noticed him.  That meant he had to be tucked away in one of the tents.  Or in the manor.  Hopefully, one of the tents.  He never wanted to enter that house of torture ever again.
He hurried over to the far side, praying no one noticed the movement of the grass in his rush.  Reaching the closest tent, he circled around, listening for whoever might be inside.  A pleased giggle rang through the air, followed by several agreeing laughs, none of which belonged to Dorian.  This must be the bride’s tent, the woman that was supposed to take his place beside Dorian.  Kestrel knew none of this was her fault, and yet, he couldn’t help the feeling of jealousy that welled up within.  Even if Kestrel was able to stop Dorian from going through with the wedding, even if Dorian was stupid enough to accept him back into his life, even if Dorian still wanted to marry him after everything, they would never have it easy.  Never as easy as a man marrying a woman.
A bit more subdued by the thought of the odds lining up against him, he headed towards the other tent.  Within a few feet of the enclosed canopy, voices forced their way through the heavy fabric walls.
“I don’t understand why you’re doing this, Dorian.  He’s gone, there’s no need to continue with this farce of a wedding.”
“You think I’ve forgotten that, Mae?  You think I’ve forgotten what it was like to hold his still-warm body in my arms?  You think --”  Dorian’s voice cracked and Maevaris was quick to soothe him.
“I’m sorry.  This just...it doesn’t make sense to me.  I think you’re punishing yourself for a problem you could never solve.  You won’t be happy married to her.”
“How do you know that?  Maybe finally being on my mother’s good side will change things between us.  And who knows?  Having a child, someone that loves you unconditionally, might make my life worthwhile again.  Atria is a lovely woman.  She’s intelligent, kind, which mind you, in Tevinter is a rare occurrence, and open-minded.  She understands my past and is willing to work through it with me.  She also has the added bonus of being approved by my mother, despite being a member of our Lucerni group.”
Dorian actually thought his life might be better with this woman?  
“She’s a powerful mage, sure, but she’s not…”
“A man?” Dorian retorted, words bitter.
“The Inquisitor.  She’s not Kestrel.”
“He’s dead, Mae!  There is no Kes anymore.  I’m just so tired of fighting everyone and for what?”
Kestrel could hear the raw agony in his last words, and it drew him closer, pulling him around the corner of the tent.  Dorian sounded like he’d given up.
“I just don’t want you to do something you’ll regret,” Maevaris finally said, voice soft with understanding.
“It’s too late for that.  This is...this is what I want, Mae.  It’s a chance at happiness.  Now, if you don’t mind, I need to be appropriately sloshed before this affair, and I’m not quite there yet.”
A chance at happiness?  Kestrel clutched his chest.  He’d forced Dorian here.  For all the blame he’d dumped on Atronis, he was the one who’d backed Dorian into this corner.  If this was what Dorian wanted, wasn’t it best to let him be?  Still, he couldn’t come all this way without catching a glimpse of him.  Fighting through his heartbreak, Kestrel crept closer, noticing one side of the enclosed canopy was lifted, allowing air to flow through the space.  The tent was too dark to see anything within.
“I’ll love you no matter what, okay?”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
Maevaris exited through the raised side, pausing once to glance back the tent with a pensive frown before making her way to the guests.
“Finally…” muttered Dorian.
Now was his chance.  One glimpse of Dorian, and he’d leave him to the life he desired.  Like he said, it was a real chance at happiness.
Slipping into the tent was simple, and Dorian was too preoccupied with the drink tray to notice any subtle shifting of the air.  A black cloak hid his form, high collar obscuring his face from Kestrel’s current angle.  His hair was pulled back into a simple tail, gold sparkling among the free length.
Dorian’s back was to him, hunched over a table with a glass decanter of some dark liquid.  Most likely his favored brandy.  Except he wasn’t focused on pouring anything, which was odd.
Kestrel snuck around to the side to find out what Dorian was doing.  He was momentarily distracted by the bare expanse of skin that greeted his inquisitive gaze.  The cloak squared off his shoulders in a hard line, edges meeting right below Dorian’s throat.  Underneath, he wore nothing save a pair of loose, black pants held up by a golden scarf.  The length of unclothed, muscular skin left Kestrel’s mouth dry and cheeks flushed.  So flustered was he, he tripped over his own feet.  He stumbled a few steps before catching himself,  thankful for the rugs underfoot to muffle what would’ve been a noisy stumble through grass.
Focus, Kestrel told himself.  I mean, who goes half-naked to their own wedding?  Kestrel’s thoughts strayed, aroused and irritated at Dorian’s blatant exposure.
Unaware of Kestrel’s struggles, Dorian opened a small, wooden box, retrieving a handful of dried mushrooms.  Using a knife within reach, he chopped them up into leathery scraps before gathering them anew in cupped hands and dumped them into an open kettle, still steaming.  His golden bangles chimed merrily throughout his movements.  Dorian placed the lid back on the kettle and settled into a plush reading chair at the table, toying with a tea cup while his tea seeped.
Except no one made tea from mushrooms.
Creeping closer still, Kestrel peered into the unattended box of leftover mushrooms on the table.  They were flat-capped and a dull and lifeless gray.  Kestrel recognized them as Blightcap mushrooms, extremely toxic if consumed.  One of the kids of Clan Lavellan  had found some in a nearby cave and thinking them one of the edible deep mushrooms had eaten his fill and died shortly after.  What was Dorian doing making a tea of them?  It’d kill whoever drank it.
Dorian poured a muddy brown mixture into his cup before holding it between both hands, staring into it as steam clouded his vision.
Kestrel’s stomach twisted in realization.  Oh no...he wouldn’t, would he?  But he’d said he wanted to try for a chance at happiness!  Unless that was a lie to get Maevaris to leave him alone for this very reason.
“I’m sorry I failed you,” Dorian whispered into the cup before bringing it to his lips.
Desperate to stop him, Kestrel leapt over the table, swatting the cup from Dorian’s hands before his momentum landed him on top of Dorian, sending the chair tipping backward and them both tumbling on to the ground.  Kestrel continued to roll a few feet out while Dorian still sat in the tipped chair.
“What…?  Who?” Dorian sputtered, quickly rising to his feet, hand ablaze with magic.  
Kestrel pulled himself onto his hand and knees, rear to Dorian, hood fallen over his head in the tumble.
“State your name or, so help me, I’ll set your ass on fire!”
“What in the Void were you thinking, Dorian?” Kestrel reprimanded.  Terribly pissed, he flopped onto the ground, rear first, so he could glare at the dumb man.
“...Kes?  No.  Impossible.  You’re dead.”
Kestrel shook his head, hood knocked back to his shoulders.  “I think the bigger issue here is you were trying to kill yourself!”
“Did I succeed…?” Dorian asked, touching his arms and then his face.  “Definitely didn’t imagine I’d be getting yelled at by my dead partner first thing after crossing the Veil.”
With an irritated huff, Kestrel said, “You’re not dead, but you would’ve been if I hadn’t knocked that poisonous tea from your hands!  Again, what the fuck were you thinking?”
Dorian frowned, muttering, “It was supposed to have a more immediate effect, but the vendor did warn of hallucinations.  Oh well, proof it’s only a matter of time, I suppose.”  He righted the oversized chair and settled into it.  As he leaned his head against the high backing, he said, “I thought it only fair, you know.  Why, afterall, I left you back at the Winter Palace.  It’s only fair you’d leave me.  I don’t blame you for,” he paused, grimacing as he searched for the right word, “leaving the way you did.  After all the tortures you were put through.”  He shook his head.  “Perhaps you thought about following me to Tevinter all those years ago.  Know that I’ve thought about following you into death these past few months.  They’ve been torture, Kes.”  His voice broke and he hid his face behind a hand, yet tears slipped past, making fast trails down his cheeks.
Dorian still thought he was dead, some apparition sent to haunt him or some ill effect of the poison.  “But I--”
He continued, despite the flow of tears that persisted.  “When I first saw you lying there, I thought surely it was some jest at my expense.  A horrible one, mind you, but still, just a prank.  As I left, I convinced myself your death wasn’t real.  Even after I returned to the city, I waited for you.  I waited by the door for days, sure you’d arrive at any moment or send word of your daring escape.  But those days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.  Eventually, I had to admit defeat, because if you were truly alive, you would’ve let me know you were okay as soon as possible.  No, insist all you want, Kes, but I know you’re just some figment of my mind.  At least, we’ll be together soon, once this tea take effect.”
“But my death was supposed to free you.  You were supposed to drop this marriage plan and move on with your life, Dorian.”
“At first I believed I deserved this life after failing you.  But I can’t keep going.  I can’t keep fighting for this life.  There’s no point in fighting without you, Kes.  Don’t you understand?”
Kestrel rose to his feet, upset.  “No, I don’t understand!  You’ve lived without me before, Dorian.  You could do so again.”
“One can only have their heart ripped out so many times before they perish, amatus.”
Had he truly left Dorian in such a state?  But why?  He was nothing; worth none of this drama.  He’d thought he could just fade away with his faked death.  Sure, he’d never forget Dorian, but Dorian would eventually move on.  He never thought he’d drive Dorian to take his own life.  How could he have crushed Dorian so thoroughly?
His heart broke with the sight of Dorian weeping, hiding his emotions poorly behind a bejeweled hand.  He needed to stop this.  Words weren’t convincing enough.  Without another thought, Kestrel approached Dorian in his velvet-lined chair and crawled onto his lap, like those many nights in Skyhold after exhaustive days.  He nudged Dorian’s collar out of the way and buried his head against Dorian’s neck.  He smeared tears along the way, but those would stop soon enough.  He’d see to it.  “I’m not dead,” he whispered, like words were needed after pressing himself as close to Dorian as possible.
Dorian remained unreceptive to him for a long moment, rigid and still.  Finally, he inhaled and groaned out “Amatus” coming to life and curled his arms around Kestrel.  “How could you?” he asked, still holding Kestrel close.  “How could you leave me thinking you died?  Your death was the end of my life.”
“I’m sorry, ma vhenan.  I thought for sure you’d cancel your wedding plans and move on.”
“Why would you ever think that?”
Kestrel groaned before whispering, “I’m nothing.”
“You’re everything to me,” Dorian whispered fervently, tightening his hug.  “Don’t you realize how perfect you are?”
Perfect?  Hardly.  “Oh yeah, a one-armed, powerless, has-been,” Kestrel scoffed.
“You’re a hero.  You saved the people of Ferelden and Orlais.  Even Tevinter whispers about the deeds the Inquisitor accomplished, omitting the fact that you’re an elf, but that’s something we can work on.  And while your arm loss is unfortunate, the people view it as a selfless sacrifice, even still, years later.”
“That’s the Inquisitor, Dorian.  He had a whole army and spies and loyal companions to help accomplish everything.  That’s not me.”
“No?  But you, Kes, not the Inquisitor title is what attracted everyone to your side and kept them there.  Me included.  Do you know what we see in you?”
Kestrel shook his head against Dorian’s shoulder.
“You’re kind, caring, intelligent.  You’re a selfless protector of the small and helpless.  And so strong.  When backed into a corner, you never back down, you never give up.  You inspire others around you to be better, to try harder.  And you give everyone hope.  When I lost you, that’s what I missed the most, the hope that everything will get better, that everything will be okay.  You radiate it.”  
Kestrel realized his own tears dampened Dorian’s neck.
Dorian snuggled closer to whisper, “Not to mention, you make a wonderful companion in bed.”
Kestrel snorted, unable to hold back a smile against Dorian’s skin.
Dorian released a soggy chuckle.  “We’re a fine pair, don’t you think?  We’re so wonderful at this relationship thing that we’ve left each other hopeless and alone.”
“Better together,” Kestrel repeated their motto, mumbling into Dorian’s throat.
Shifting enough to put some space between them, Dorian stared him down with a sad grin.  “I can’t continue to do this, Kes.”
“Oh…” was all he could respond with, pulling even further away. Then why did Dorian bother to build him up just to cast him aside?
Dorian prodded Kestrel’s forehead.  “Stop those thoughts running through that mind of yours.  I meant, I’ll go wherever you want.  Back to Orlais,” although puckered lips showed what he thought of that idea, “back to Skyhold.  I’d even stay with your Clan again, if you prefer.”
Kestrel was stunned, slowly blinking with surprise.  That wasn’t what he expected to hear.  “You’d sleep in the woods, traveling around in an aravel, for an indeterminate length of time just to be with me?”
“I waded through the cursed waters of Cresthold and trudged the rainy beaches of Storm Coast, and you doubt I’d remain by your side with your Clan?  I love you, and I know Tevinter holds terrible memories for you.  I wouldn’t hold it against you if you wanted to leave, but I’m not leaving your side again.”
“Dorian, all I’ve wanted since Corypheus died is you.  Tevinter is worse than the Fade, but you have work to do here.  You’re not leaving, and I’ll be with you for as long as you’ll have me.”
Dorian sought out Kestrel’s hand.  Having it in his grasp, he placed a gentle kiss to the ring still secure on his finger.  “Forever it is, then.  I should’ve known when the ring didn’t come off,” he finished in a mutter.  Suddenly, a look of horror washed over his face.  “I went to the pit after I was told your body was burned...there were remains there and I…”
“You took what you thought was a piece of me with you?”
Dorian opened a small pouch on his belt and retrieved a charred finger bone.  With a look of absolute disgust, he whispered, “Whose bone am I holding if not yours?”
“Maker’s breath!”  Dorian chucked the bone across the tent, through the opening.  “Mother thought he ran away with that boy, too afraid to face her wrath, when he didn’t show back up.  She was highly disappointed, but I can’t say I was sad to see him gone.  Now that I know the truth, I really should’ve known you were alive!”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it, Dorian.  You had no way of knowing.”
“True.  And I’m going to be quite peeved at you for a bit for letting me believe you’d truly died.  You’ll have to work for my forgiveness.”  Dorian smirked that oh-so familiar smirk that went straight to Kestrel’s groin.  
“Forever,” Kestrel breathed, leaning in close, although something stopped him from closing the gap completely.  Some nagging lack of self-worth left him lingering close with lips slightly parted and brow creased in doubt.
Dorian didn’t hesitate.  He kissed Kestrel fast and hard, and the groan of appreciation that left one of them, maybe both of them, was sinful and completely unavoidable.
The kiss was tears of sorrow and joy and love all compressed into a single, peaceful moment between the two of them.  And then it turned needy and desperate.
Kestrel shifted his position, straddling Dorian.  He took a moment to stare down at Dorian from his new height, fingers skimming along the shorn side of his head before threading through the base of the ponytail and pinned him in place with a harsh hold.
“Kes,” Dorian groaned, lips parted in need, but unable to close the distance between them.
“Why have the last two months felt longer than the last two years apart?” Kestrel whispered, mouth hovering close but not close enough.
Dorian smirked.  “I missed you too.”
That playful grin was his downfall from the first time he met Dorian.  That hadn’t changed over the years.  Unable to resist him any longer, Kestrel crushed his lips against Dorian’s, tongue questing out to meet his.  This man was Kestrel’s whole world.  Gone was the struggle of the last two months, gone was the wedding waiting for them, gone was the worry of being noticed or caught.  Even though doubt and shadows still plagued him, nothing else mattered but Dorian.  He lost himself in Dorian’s mouth, in Dorian’s touch, in the soothing scent of sandalwood that permeated the air around him.  It was all too much and not enough at the same time.
Dorian seemed to feel the same, for he grabbed Kestrel’s hips and pushed him down on his cock tenting the thin fabric of his pants.
With only thin leggings on himself, Kestrel moaned with the lack of barrier between them, and Dorian pressed up further.  “I want you.  Now.  Right now,” Kestrel whispered, urgent and eager.
“Eh-hem.”  Someone cleared their voice nearby.
Both men stilled before reluctantly separating.  
“Seems like that may have to wait,” Dorian murmured.
Swamped by barely buried fears, Kestrel remained rigid and watched Dorian for his reaction to the visitor.
“Dorian, everyone is waiting for you, for your own wedding that you inanely agreed to, and here I find you making out with a slave instead!  If you were this determined to fuck it up, you should’ve declined the marriage agreement.”
Kestrel recognized Maevaris’ voice and turned his head to find her annoyed glare land on him.  He watched as it shifted from irritation to confusion to wonder.
“Oh!  Now I understand!  Don’t quite understand how you’re here, alive, mind you, but I completely understand what has Dorian preoccupied now.”
“He’s not dead, Mae,” Dorian said, arms wrapping around Kestrel possessively, as if he was worried if he let Kestrel go, he’d disappear again.
“I can see that.  Now, what’s the plan?  I assume poor Atria needs to be informed.  And then…?”
“We have to stop your mother, Dorian.  This is our chance to confront her in front of a crowd,” Kestrel said.
Maevaris nodded her head.  “I agree.  If she makes a deal with you before half of the elite of Tevinter, she’ll have to honor it.”
“The only chance we have of that happening is to catch her off guard,” Dorian said with a frown.  That frown suddenly shifted to a devilish grin.  “Walk down the aisle with me, Kes.”
Kestrel looked at him, confused.  “What?”
“Walk down the aisle with me instead of Atria.  My mother believes you dead, it’ll completely shock her.  Before she collects her wits, I’ll lay the blame on her for the attacks, stealing you from me, and for forcing the marriage.”
“And if she attacks?” Maevaris asked.
“I doubt she will before a crowd.  But, if it happens, we can fight back.  She has to make the first move, though, if our defense is to be completely sanctioned.”
Kestrel and Maevaris nodded in agreement.
“Mae, can you please give us a moment?”
Grinning, Maevaris said, “Of course, my dear.  But don’t take too long.  The crowd is waiting for the show.  I’ll break the news to Atria.”
They both watched her leave before turning their focus back to each other.
“Do you think this will work?” Kestrel asked.
“It’s our best chance at being free from her.”
“I’ll kill her if I have to,” whispered Kestrel into the growing space between them.
“Hopefully, it won’t come to that.”
Kestrel kissed Dorian’s cheek before climbing off his lap and removing one of the blades underneath his cloak.  Passing it over to Dorian, he said, “Just in case.”  He’d kill anyone he needed to keep Dorian safe, but Dorian needed his own protection too.
Dorian accepted the blade and promptly shifted topics, asking with a playful wink, “Ready to walk down the aisle?”
Kestrel flushed.  “With you?  Yes.  Oh!  But…”  Didn’t to-be spouses normally lay everything on the table before getting married?  Even if this wasn’t the real deal, Kestrel still felt the need to confess bubbling up within him.
Dorian watched him with a raised brow.  “...Yes?”
“Uhm...just to let you know, I sort of adopted a kid while we were apart.”
Dorian’s face contorted, and Kestrel couldn’t be sure what the expression staring back at him meant.
“The boy…?  The boy Dalish from my mother’s estate?” Dorian finally said after a heavy pause.
Nodding, Kestrel remained silent to allow Dorian to process.
“I shouldn’t be surprised.  You took in every stray animal at Skyhold, even those terrifying draskolisks and the oversized nug.  Why, I’m surprised you aren’t running an orphanage at this point.  And, unlike the beasts, at least he’s old enough to handle his own waste, right?” Dorian muttered, wrinkling his nose in distaste.
Kestrel laughed.  That was Dorian’s reluctant acceptance.  He’d take it for the time being, knowing Dorian would warm to the boy soon enough.  “I think you two will get along well,” he said once his laughter broke.  He offered a reassuring pat to Dorian’s shoulder.
“And there’s always the Circle to ship him off to if not,” Dorian said with a grin.
After further delay to ensure Kestrel was presentable to the public of Tevinter and to allow for a surprisingly amiable good luck and goodbye from Dorian’s now ex-fiance, they were ready to proceed with their plan to demand their freedom from Dorian’s mother.  In hindsight, it was a poorly thought-out plan, and if they weren’t so high on the feelings from their reunion, maybe calmer minds would have recognized this.  As it stood, they marched arm-in-arm down the field as delicate music filled the air, heralding the arrival of the groom and his bride.  They made it to the back end of the guests before an errant bow screeched over the wrong string and the music shuddered to a halt.
Offended gasps and hushed whispers filled the silence, growing louder during their procession along the white velvet walkway.  Chairs creaked, everybody repositioning to follow their trek closer and closer to the gaping Grand Cleric waiting under the arbor.
Kestrel clung hard to Dorian’s arm, hoping the crowd didn’t notice how tight his grip was.  He kept his back straight and head held high even as sneers and racist remarks waited behind every shocked expression, yet on the inside, he longed to stealth.  As Inquisitor, he learned to tolerate being the center of attention, but that had waned over the years.  Now he wanted nothing more than to slip away from the hard glares.
Dorian seemed to sense his unease and placed his hand over Kestrel’s, thumb stroking Kestrel’s tumultuous hold.
It calmed him, soothed his very soul to know that he was by Dorian’s side again.  He was the one walking down the aisle with him, no one else.  Even if this was a farce, Dorian was his, and he’d fiercely protect those he loved.  Dorian has been right about that.  Kestrel cloaked himself in his anger, pissed that people would pass judgement on them so quickly without knowing anything about them.  He glared back at those Magisters and Altus and anyone else who dared to meet his gaze, feeling feral and fierce.
“Why, Inquisitor, what a pleasant surprise.  I thought you dead.  And very few runaway slaves return to their Mistress by their own will.”
Kestrel turned his snarl to Aquinea perched upon her platform, overlooking the ensemble.
“I didn’t return to you as your slave.  We came to negotiate.”
“Negotiate with a slave?  You wear my brand, pet.  I only use your former title as a reward for returning to your side, not to give you a false sense of power.”  She waved her hand towards Kestrel.  “Guards, retrieve my property.”
The guard stationed around the platform moved to intercept, but Dorian held up his hand, buying them a moment’s pause.
Dorian squeezed Kestrel’s hand.  “Mother, this is unacceptable.  Kestrel is not a slave, but the Inquisitor of Fereldan and Orlais.  You forced his enslavement before through trickery and deceit.”
“What do I care what importance he carries in other countries?  In Tevinter, he’s a lowly raffas, and my men captured him fairly in the streets of Minrathous.  I’ve branded him and claimed him as my own.”
“Kestrel won’t be your pet, and I will not be going through my your marriage arrangements.”
“Your sense of entitlement is impressive, son, but fruitless.  If you will not keep to the deal we agreed upon, then I see no further use for you.  Guards, kill him but capture the slave.”
Six men advanced on them, shoving startled guests out of their way.  Soon enough the people got the message and abandoned their seats to form a semi-circle around the podium
Aquinea didn’t seem to care about attacking them in front of an audience which worried Kestrel.  Did she have enough power or enough clout that she didn’t fear the repercussions from attacking a Magister in the open?
That was the last Kestrel was able to ponder as two guards lunged at him, weapons still sheathed.  He had the advantage.  They were working to subdue while he had no such constraints.
He yanked his dagger from its sheath on his lower back just in time to cut into the forearm of a guard reaching for him.  The man jolted back with a startled hiss, gripping the cut as blood ran freely.  Yet as he dropped back, the second man jumped him from behind, putting him into a choke hold and pulling him off balance.  The two of them toppled onto the ground.  Kestrel used the momentum of their fall to flip the blade in his palm and plunge it deep into the man’s gut.  He was immediately released, and Kestrel scrambled to his feet, searching for Dorian.
Dorian had made quick work of the other four guards.  Three burned corpses sprawled on the ground around him while the fourth stumbled over to Aquinea.  He made a choking noise, reaching for her.  Then he exploded.  Blood and bits of flesh and innards rained down around two booted feet left behind, falling primarily on the stage and on Aquinea, turning her white dress crimson.
“We will win, Mother.  It’s time you see reason and let us be,” Dorian said, strands of unruly hair plastered to his sweaty forehead.  He looked glorious, and he looked pissed.
Aquinea dragged her fingers over her lips, smearing blood from her cheek along her face.  A pink tongue darted out, tasting.  “Seems I’ll have to do this myself,” she said, sounding completely put out.  Her gaze locked on to the remaining guard nursing his arm.  With a smirk, she gestured and more blood poured from his wound.
Kestrel and Dorian stood horrified as a shocked gasp rose up around them.  Still, no one came to help.
The collected blood launched as red spears at Dorian, slamming into a hastily generated barrier.
Kestrel stealthed, bloodied dagger ready.  If he could just get to her…
Dorian’s shield shattered around him, sending him to his knees.  He was helpless and by the grin on Aquinea’s face, she knew it.
Abandoning all plans of assassination, Kestrel tucked the blade close to his arm and darted towards Dorian, tackling him just as a fresh spell was cast.  It slammed into his back, knocking the breath from his lungs and leaving him gasping.
Dorian frowned beneath him, cupping Kestrel’s face in his hands.  “Amatus?”
And that’s when Kestrel realized everything was horribly wrong.
While he could feel Dorian’s gentle touch, he couldn’t move.  Nothing would respond to his mind’s command.  Not a blink, not a twitch, not a part of him moved as he willed it.  Fortunately, his lungs still fought for air and his heart thudded in his chest.  All he could do was watch Dorian struggle beneath him, pinned and trying desperately to figure out what was wrong with Kestrel.  And then the burning started.
It was subtle at first, a tingling in his veins of his extremities before it worked its way inward, intensifying until every cell of his body screamed as if it were on fire.  Strangled gasps left Kestrel as his body seized, its only way of a fought-for response.  Water trickled out his eyes, out of his nose, dripping red onto Dorian’s face.  Not water, then.
“Kes?  Kes!” Dorian cried, clutching his face.
The fingers digging into his cheeks felt like a gentle caress compared to the raging inferno that burned within him, blood boiling in his veins.
Kestrel watched as Dorian’s attention was redirected at someone incoming.  There was a jerk of Kestrel’s hand as Dorian’s face settled into a delicate mask of disgust, barely hiding the fear and rage behind it.
“His death is on your hands, son.  I wanted to keep him alive, but you had to fight,” Aquinea said, her boot appearing in the periphery of Kestrel’s vision, near Dorian’s head.
The agony was too much to bare, darkening the edge of his vision.  Yet the most frustrating part was not being able to scream or curse out the pain or clench his body against an incoming blow.  He was helpless to whatever blood magic spell had taken hold of him.
Aquinea‘s boot inched closer, her shadow darkening their forms.  “I wish you’d never been born, Dorian.  You were such a waste of my time and energy.  Halward agreed until the end when you somehow persuaded him otherwise, and I—“
Without warning, Dorian snagged her ankle and yanked with all his might.
Aquinea yelp in surprise as she fell to the ground next to Dorian.
Again, calling on his strength, Dorian wrapped his arms around Kestrel and shoved up, rolling them over until Kestrel was wedged between Dorian on top, and Aquinea’s lower half underneath.
Kestrel barely registered what happened next as the void of unconsciousness threatened to pull him under.  It’d be a welcomed relief from his melting insides.
Metal glinted in the sunlight as Dorian reared back, blade-in-hand plummeting towards Aquinea’s heart.  
Then Kestrel slipped into blessed unconsciousness.
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idolsgf · 6 years
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tfw u realize u barely took any selfies this year
i was tagged by @suntual and @namjoonshortgf for the 8 selfies of 2018, even though not all of these are selfies and one i had to cut someone else out absjsbs thanks anyways lovelies 💕💕💕
tagging: @jjkslove @heycupids @heterophobicjin @loveshake @fcuz @yeontanstepmom @blightcap and whoever else wants to do this. only do if you want to!! 😊💕
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dalishious · 7 years
Canonical Herbalism in Thedas
(All information is taken from in-game item descriptions, codex entries, war table missions, dialogue, lore books and novels, and The Last Court.)
Three unnamed “rare bulbs”: Used for distilling potions and salves. Found in the Frostback Mountains.  
Amrita Vein: The roots are one of the only sources of water in the deserts in which it grows. It is a component of many elemental resistance potions.
Arbor Blessing: Can only be found in the wild, as it is difficult to cultivate. It has a wide range of uses when combined with other ingredients, (from confusion, to healing,) but not on its own.
Barbwood: A parasitic tree that grows through the body of its host. The sap makes potent restorative potions, and extracts from the leaves are useful for transmutations. It is quite rare, but there is lots in the Frostback Basin.
Blood Lotus: Can survive in nearly any climate, it has hallucinogenic properties and can cause drowsiness. It is a component of various poisons.
Deathroot: For centuries the Chasind have used distillation of deathroot bulbs to induce vivid hallucinations in which they seek mystic knowledge, as an alternative to the Fade. It can also be used as a sleep aid, and with the correct nondescript preparation can clean pollution in water. On the opposite end, concentrated, deathroot extract is severely poisonous and a favourite tool of the Antivan Crows. There are two kinds of Deathroot: Arcanist Deathroot, the common kind, and Lunatic's Deathroot, which has the severe effect of hallucination-driven fits of rage.
Deep Mushroom: Chewing on deep mushrooms can help regain vitality/stamina. Deep mushrooms are found underground, near lyrium veins. The Dwarves of Orzammar farm them and regularly include them in their food. This is far safer than their other way of acquiring it, which is to send the Casteless into the Deep Roads to search for them amidst the Darkspawn. Like elfroot, there are actually a number of different kinds of Deep Mushrooms: Blightcap, Ghoul's Mushroom, and Brimstone Mushroom being poisonous.
Dragonthorn: Adding dragonthorn leaves to a potion can help enhance and stabilize other ingredient properties.
Elfroot: The primary ingredient in most healing potions and salves. Rubbing the juice of the roots over a wound will numb the pain and speed up the healing. Chewing on it can help with a number of common ailments, such as headaches, indigestion, hoarse throats and coughs. It is extremely common throughout Thedas. Also known as canavaris, there are actually a number of different kinds of elfroot: Bitter, Gossamer, and Royal Elfroot.
Embrium: Has a healing fragrance that helps with diseases of the lung. (Possibly asthma?) There are two kinds of Embrium: Salubrious and Dark, the later having magical properties.
Felandaris: Elvhen for “Demon weed.” Felandaris only grows where the veil is thin. It can be added to elemental resistance potions.
Felicidus Aria: An extremely rare flower with roots that are the key component to Ambrosia. It takes dozens of plants for just a small vial.
Foxite: When distilled, can be used as a concentrator to strengthen the effects of healing potions and salves. (As well as poison.) Common in Ferelden.
Heatherum: When distilled, can be used as a concentrator to strengthen the effects of healing potions, poultices and salves. (As well as poison.) Common in Ferelden.
Madcap Bulb: Consuming or inhaling in a mist form causes confusion.
Prophet's Laurel: A long-time known healing herb used in poultices, tinctures, and incense.
Rashvine: Can be used in salves that harden the skin and gives elemental resistance. Causes itchy, red sores when coming in contact with skin on its own. If its poison gets into the blood, it causes calcification and turns the skin grey. It is commonly found in patches throughout marshes.
Rashvine Nettle: While the plan burns the skin, it has no effect on the tongue. It also has no taste. It is the main ingredient in dispelling grenades.
Redmoss: Grows in the Wandering Hills and possesses restorative properties when dried, but must be paired with silverite and elfroot extract to counter fatal toxicity.
Spindleweed: A palliative herb, commonly used in a folk remedy for helping the physically and mentally ill in relation to age. It is also used in a “new type of healing salve” to help treat wounds caused by demons, and can cool down fevers.
Vandal Aria: A relative to Felicidus Aria. It is the only plant that can grow in blighted land, and as such may possess taint resistance? 
Witherstalk: The sap is widely used as a contraceptive, but only effective when fresh. It can also be used in elemental resistances, and to increase the effectiveness of confusion poisons. Witherstalk can only be found in desert areas.
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
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Flora of Thedas Master List
Master list of all the flora in Thedas, mentioned or seen.
Additional notes on certain items will be listed at the bottom, for items marked with asterisks, see the key below for a brief explanation and the Game assets and Additional Notes and Trivia section at the bottom. Sources are listed at the very end and this time linked.
For other lists here are posts for: Real Plants in Thedas
Key: * - Name comes from the asset file name ** - Name not provided but identified based on the textures used on the asset. *** - See Additional Notes and Trivia.
General Flora: Flowers and Foliage
Acacia*: Black Wood*
Andraste's Grace
Ardent Blossom
Banyan Tree*
Beech Tree
Birch: White Birch*
Cactus: Pear Cactus*
Cedar: Red Cedar
Clover: Forest Clover*
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress*, Topiary Cypress*
Daisy: Marguerite
Elephant Ear*
Fade Berry*
Felicidus Aria
Fern: Red Fern*, Sword Fern*
Harlot's Blush
Hero Tree*
Lichen: Glowing Lichen
Lily: Calla Lily**, Water Lily
Moss: Oakmoss, Redmoss, Tree-Moss
Northern Prickleweed
Oak: Serault Oak
Palm Tree: Curly Palm*, Fan Palm*
Pine: Chir Pine*, Stone Pine
Ponga Tree*
Rose: Climbing Rose
Sugar Cane
Walnut: Black Walnut
Wilds Flower
Apple: Applewood Apple, Green Apple, Golden Apple, Red Apple
Berries: Blackberry, Blueberry, Bramble Berry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Strawberry
Coco, Chocolate
Currants: Black Currant
Nuts: Almonds, Chestnut, Hognut, Peanuts
Orange: Sweet Orange
Palm Fruit: Date
Passion Fruit
Pear: Bradford Pear*
Beans: Bush Bean, Green Bean, Pale Bean, White Bean
Bell Peppers: Red Bell Peppers
Daikon Radish*
Onion: Red Onion, Sweet Onion, White Onion
Peppers: Antivan Pepper, Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hot Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper
Squash: Baby Pumpkin, Marrow Squash, Pumpkin, String Squash
Fungus of Thedas
Deep Mushrooms
Bleeding Russula
Blighted Morel
Brimstone Mushroom
Deep Mushroom
Destroying Spirit
Ghoul's Mushroom
Unnamed Mushroom Ortan Thaig
Surface Mushrooms
Beetle Spore
Field Mushroom
Sponge Root***
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom***
Unnamed Mushroom***
Antivan Cord-Seed
Cumin, Cumin Seed
Dill, Dill Seed
Pepper: Black Pepper
Peppercorn: Black Peppercorn
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Herbs of Thedas
Herbs count as anything that Dragon Age has classified as an herb (whether technically correct or not), plants that are used as herbs in real life. These do not include mushrooms, fungi, or deep mushrooms simply for ease of organization.
Amrita Vein
Andraste's Mantle
Arbor Blessing
Crystal Grace
Deathroot: Arcanist Deathroot, Lunatic's Deathroot
Elfroot/Canavaris: Bitter Elfroot, Gossamer Elfroot, Royal Elfroot
Embrium: Dark Embrium, Salubrious Embrium
Ghoul's Beard
Lotus: Black Lotus, Blood Lotus, Dawn Lotus
Mint: Anderfel's Mint, Foxmint, Peppermint
Mintroot - Not a true mint based on its description and the fact that it grows on trees.
Prophet's Laurel
Rashvine Nettle
Spindleweed: Verdant Spindleweed
Vandal Aria
Star Anise
Game Assets Notes
These are plants shown in Dragon Age but aren't named in universe, just in their model files or through identification of the textures. Since most filler plant textures are just that of real world plants.
**NOTE:** When I mention they are not the known name of any plant, this comes with the caveat of being popular common names. Common names are highly variable and inconsistent. They depend on regional knowledge and association. Some travel farther than others. Common names are also not reliable identifiers.
Acacia: Black Wood ~ Note: Black Wood is a type of acacia. Both acacia and black wood are named assets.
Artichoke ~ Note: Identification comes from asset name, the artichoke flower is used as ornamentation of a box.
Banyan Tree
Boxwood ~ A type of shrub, identification comes from asset name.
Bradford Pear ~ Their fruits are edible, however their flowers are known to emit a smell akin to rotting meat. Identification comes from asset name.
Calla Lily ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters.
Cattail ~ Note: Seen through out DAO and DAI, identification comes from asset name.
Coleus ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters and in the Frostback Basin.
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress, Topiary Cypress ~ Note: In terms of the Italian Cypress, in world it wouldl likely be called the "Antivan Cypress" given that Antiva is pulling from Italian culture, food, environments, and other inspirational elements. Cypress is a plant that is named in canon.
Daikon Radish ~ Note: Found on Dennet's farm, identification comes from asset name.
Elephant Ear ~ Note: Foliage found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from asset name.
Fade Berry
Fern: Red Fern, Sword Fern ~ Note: The red fern isn't a real plant and therefore can be considered unique to Thedas. In contrast the sword fern is a real plant. Identification comes from the asset name for both of these ferns.
Forest Clover
Foxleaf ~ Note: This is another plant that is not real, no plant has this common name as far as I could find.
Gasbloom ~ Note: Seen in the Arbor Wilds, the Frostback Basin some elven ruins, and the elven ruins of multiplayer levels. Their identification comes from the asset name. There are two versions of the texture the "fixed" version is used in JoH dlc and thus explains the difference in appearance. This is not the name of a known mushroom.
Hero Tree
Palm: Curly Palm, Fan Palm ~ Note: Both palms are seen in the Frostback Basin, both are identified by their named assets.
Pear Cactus ~ Note: Found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from the asset name.
Pine: Chir Pine
Ponga Tree ~ Note: Also known as the 'Tree Fern'. This is the tree you see in Val Royeaux garden as coming from Par Vollen, and throughout the Arbor Wilds.
Redwood ~ Note: Identified by the name of the file asset. Found in the Winter Palace, Exalted Plains, and on multiplayer maps.
Waterweed ~ Note: In real life this is an entire genus not one particular plant. Though the six plants in this genus do share the common name of waterweed.
White Birch
Additional Notes and Trivia
Ironwood - Unclear if this is an alternative name, the actual name of the plant, or both.
Morel - This mushroom is inferred due to the existence of Blighted Morel. However it is not explicitly specified there is a non-blighted morel.
Sponge Root - Though canonical as it is mentioned and shown in World of Thedas vol. 2 on pg. 138 with a collection of deep mushroom and surface mushroom illustrations. This mushroom was cut twice from Inquisition. It was cut from the base game as a craftable, it had a much different appearance from its final design, and then it was cut again from Trespasser. It does however still make an appearance in Inquisition as the inventory icon for Crystal Grace.
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom Is mentioned in multiplayer when there are two Lukas playing.
Unnamed Mushroom These brown mushrooms are seen in the Fallow Mire and the Frostback Basin. They are shown in two different sizes ranging from shorter than a dwarf to taller than one.
There is one unlisted mushroom, its assets is named "red mushroom" and thus is identified by textures. These is not a canon name but is included for completeness. Amanita Muscaria: More commonly know as fly agaric or fly amanita, the red top with white spots is an iconic in its imagery. You will find large swaths of these mushrooms in the Frostback Basin. Their assets is named "Red Mushroom".
Winterberry is a real plant. However, from what we see in DA2, it does not the same as the plant we have in the real world, just a shared common name.
Wormroot is another real plant name. However, due to the description in The Calling, it does not seem to be the same plant. In The Calling it is used to treat the venom of a giant spider. The real world plant is used to treat parasites in the gut and does not seem to hold any shared uses in folk lore, folk medicine, or western medicine practices.
Dragon Age Origins + DLCs Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Last Court Dragon Age Inquisition + DLCs Dragon Age TTRPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age TTRPG Blood of Ferelden Dragon Age TTRPG: Creatures of Thedas: Wyvern
World of Thedas Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in the Truth Short Story: The Wake
Origins Andraste's Grace Codex: The Bercillian Forest Codex: Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, the Guide Codex: Feast Day Fish Codex: The History of Soldier's Peak: Chapter 3 Codex: Ironbark Codex: A Note from the Honnleath Village Council Codex: Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper Codex: Sylvan Codex: A Tattered Shopping List Item: Concentrator Agent Item: Deep Mushroom Item: Figurine Item: Madcap Bulb Item: Rare Antivan Brandy Item: Rashvine Nettle Item: Spirit Charm Item: Spirit Cord Item: Sugar Cake Item: Swift Salve Item: West Hill Brandy Item: Wilds Flower
DA 2 Ambrosia Bianca (Crossbow) Ironwood Clearing Codex: Deathroot Codex: Deep Mushroom Codex: Embrium Codex: Felandaris Codex: The Hedge Witch Codex: Spindleweed Item: Carved Ironwood Buttons Item: Harlot's Blush Quest: Hard to Stomach Quest: The Long Road Quest: Tranquility Weapon: The Celebrant Weapon: Ironwood Shield Weapon: Ironwood Warblade
Inquisition Codex: Amrita Vein Codex: Arbor Blessing Codex: Avvar Cuisine Codex: Black Lotus Codex: Blood Lotus Codex: Bottles of Thedas Codex: Crystal Grace Codex: Elfroot Codex: Ghoul's Beard Codex: The Girl in Red Crossing Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 7 Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 10 Codex: Mediations and Odes to Bees Codex: Notes on Palace Guests Codex: The Orlesian Civil War Codex: Prophet's Laurel Codex: Rashvine Codex: Rashvine Nettle Codex: Vandal Aria Codex: Vivienne's Alchemy Notes Codex: Waterlogged Diary Codex: Witherstalk Note: Betta's Traveling Journal Note: Carta Note on Security Note: Field Notes Note: The Gilded Horn's Drink List Note: Knight-Captain's Orders Note: Love Letter Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens, Again War Table: The Dance with the Dowager: The Allemande Item: Ardent Blossom
Last Court The Abbess' Road The Anchoress Arrival of the Divine The Feast is Ending Fires Flames of Freedom Good Neighbors Heartwood Feast The Hounds The Lord of the Wood Comes a-Calling The Purveyor of Teas Road and River A Swift Stream Thieves! Unofficial Meeting
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tennyo-elf · 7 years
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*All From canon sources*
Songs and Rhymes 
Pain & Bane
Heart-shaped leaves with veins of green: Elfroot, to ease the pain.
Flat-capped and gray that grows in the clay: Blightcap, the hunter’s bane.
Spindly with thorns like a great demon’s horns: Felandaris, marking the Veil.
Loose-leafed and tall with a purple stall: Deathroot, to make minds frail.
Passing By
Tighten the rig with the Hearthkeeper’s knot Topsail, staysail, and main The traces tie to the girth and the collar and the collar is tied to the rein
Say thrice the prayer to Ghilan’nain To quicken the white halla’s tread Break camp before the last star has faded To chase the bright day ahead
A thousand miles beneath the wheels Sails against the sky Swifter than a dragon’s flight The People are passing by
The rein you must hold in your left hand In the right hand, your dagger or bow If the shemlen should strike on your journey Send them to Falon’Din below
The path we beat is the path that we walked To flee the Tevinter slums Now we fly on wheels and wings And hoofbeats are our drums
A thousand miles beneath the wheels Sails against the sky Swifter than the fall of night The People are passing by
Mir Da’len Somniar
Elgara vallas, da'len Melava somniar Mala taren aravas Ara ma'desen melar
Iras ma ghilas, da'len Ara ma'nedan ashir Dirthara lothlenan'as Bal emma mala dir
Tel'enfenim, da'len Irassal ma ghilas Ma garas mir renan Ara ma'athlan vhenas Ara ma'athlan vhenas
Melava inan enansal ir su aravel tu elvaral u na emma abelas in elgar sa vir mana in tu setheneran din emma na
lath sulevin lath araval ena arla ven tu vir mahvir melana ‘nehn enasal ir sa lethalin
Where Willows Wail
Tel’enara bellana bana’vhenadahl, Sethen’a ir san’shiral, mala tel’halani Ir sa’vir te’suledin var bana’vallaslin, Vora’nadas san banal’him emma abel revas. Ir tela’ena glandival, vir amin tel’hanin. Ir tela las ir Fen halam, vir am’tela’elvahen.
Dalish Deep Forest Comfort: Made with stringed squash with nuts, elfroot, edible wildflowers, halla butter, and mushrooms. Often served with the larvae of a wood-burrowing beetle, for pop and squish with the flavor of tangy innards. 
Hearth Cakes: Made with hardwood ash, flour, butter, sugar, eggs, dried fruit, halla milk, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and often topped with honey.
June’s Knot: A craved wooden puzzle that has no solution.
(From the Wiki) Way of Three Trees:
Vir Assan ("Way of the Arrow") - fly straight and do not waver. "Be swift and silent," Andruil taught. "Strike true; do not waver. And let not your prey suffer." Vir Bor'Assan ("Way of the Bow") - bend but never break. "As the sapling bends, so must you. In yielding, find resilience; in pliancy, find strength." Vir Adahlen ("Way of the Forest" or "Way of the Wood") - together we are stronger than the one. "Receive the gifts of the hunt with mindfulness. Respect the sacrifice of my children. Know that your passing shall nourish them in turn."
Other paths/ways: 
Vir Banal'ras, the "Way of Shadow." For assassins.
Vir Atish'an, "The Way of Peace." For healers.
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schmooplesboop · 4 years
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“Deep mushroom” refers to the entire group of fungi that grows underground in caves and many parts of the dwarven Deep Roads. Collection can be a dangerous task, as the Deep Roads are often infested with darkspawn. Because of this, dwarven merchants often recruit “casteless” hirelings for the job, and pay them a meager percentage of what they earn selling the mushrooms to surfacers.
The most common varieties used in the herbalist’s trade are the Blightcap, Ghoul’s Mushroom, and Brimstone Mushroom, almost all of which tend to carry the darkspawn’s corruption. While they cannot transmit the disease, this trait often makes them quite poisonous. Deep mushrooms should only be handled by experienced herbalists and should never be consumed without first being adequately cleaned and prepared. Careless consumption has been known to cause insanity, severe abdominal cramping, and even death.
--An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium, by Ines Arancia, botanist
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b33galaxy · 2 years
(Pvz reimagined au) Continuing from my last post, I also did a full painting for the blightcap!! Which I'm super super proud of :]
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The original design :]
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wyrdsistersofthedas · 7 years
Taint Resistance in a Bottle - Random Thought Blogs: The Blighted Entries 2
Totally just a random exercise in speculation this week after reading some very interesting ideas about whether the taint could be spread from Grey Wardens to their LIs or to those healing them.  I highly recommend reading the excellent thoughts and evidence presented by the OP, @altalemur , @rederiswrites and @higheverrains.  My thoughts took a tangent, of course, that eventually circled back to become this post.    
I think there is a fairly simple, albeit probably magical, answer to the question.  Whatever gives the Grey Wardens their resistance to the taint makes it nigh impossible for them to pass the taint on to others.  Even with prolonged exposure to a warden’s body, like during a rare warden pregnancy, the warden is not contagious, including to the child.  In fact, we know that Morrigan had to go to extreme, probably blood magicky, means to have a baby with the taint.  Wardens just don’t pass it on.  Examples:
If Morrigan is involved with a male warden who refuses to do the Dark Ritual, she still gets pregnant with a taint-free Kieran (which implies there must be some consent on the part of the warden in order for the ritual to work).
Side note: The fact that Morrigan could have a baby with the warden without the Dark Ritual implies that the ritual had nothing to do with increasing her fertility.  The ritual was purely to pass the taint on to their child or create a connection with the archdemon.  Ergo, Morrigan probably was using other means (again likely magical) to ensure she became pregnant.
Fiona gives birth to Alistair, taint free.  
Side note: Fiona had been a warden for about a year when she became pregnant.  Same thing happens with Morrigan, if you do the Dark Ritual or the warden is romantically involved with her.  This suggests that a warden’s best chance at having children is during a 18-24 months window right after the Joining.
When griffons were forced to undergo a modified Joining ritual, they are completely unable to develop the Grey Wardens’ resistance to the taint.  This leads to their (near) extinction because they can infect each other with the taint, unlike wardens.
I suspect that when the first Grey Wardens discovered how to do the Joining, they also figured out a way to magically block, or resist, the taint...at least for a while.  If this theory is true, it would also give another reason for the Calling.  If the Grey Wardens eventually lose all their resistance they would become no different than a ghoul, who can and do spread the taint to others.  
“There are stories across Ferelden of these ghouls, maddened by the corruption of the blight, attacking their friends and spreading the corruption further. While it is likely that the sickness will eventually kill a ghoul, the dying strength of these poor creatures makes them nearly as great a danger as the darkspawn themselves.
They are no longer our friends, our family, or our countrymen. They are victims of the Blight, and must be given the same mercy Hessarian showed Andraste: a swift sword.”
It stands to reason that Grey Wardens who completely lose their resistance would then pass on the taint like other infected beings. (I wonder if the Architect’s accelerated ghoul program, which he used on Bregan, Genevieve, and Utha, allowed them to keep their resistance longer.  Utha seemed pretty lucid in Awakening.  I wonder if the Architect gave Seranni some form of the resistance too.)
A warden’s resistance to the taint is so powerful, in fact, that it literally blocks the song of the old gods in darkspawn.  The Architect needed the blood of wardens to free the darkspawn of their compulsion, or rather their resistance to the taint.
So yeah, that resistance that Grey Wardens have to the taint is probably what prevents them from spreading it to their companions.  Now the next question should be...what gives Grey Wardens that resistance?  Like I said before, I think part of the resistance is part of the magic of the Joining Ritual, but that doesn’t explain why some can survive the Joining and other die.  What makes a Grey Warden able to survive the Joining and develop that resistance to the taint?  Is it some innate quality or biologic feature in the warden themselves?  Or is it an outside force or aid?  
Leliana seems to have a natural resistance to the taint.  Maric is able to resist via potions concocted from  “rare herbs” and, possibly, his dragon flavored blood.  There are also suggestions that a person’s willpower can affect their level of resistance.  Former lead writer and ex “word of god”, David Gaider, said:
“Insofar as how long a Grey Warden could remain on the throne, it depends. The taint will make a Grey Warden age faster, so someone like Loghain isn't going to be able to stay a Grey Warden for very long as he's no young man. The "thirty years" quote is about the maximum, but the reality is that it depends on how often one is exposed to the corruption and sometimes just personal variance-- even so, for a monarch to stay on the throne upwards of thirty years is no mean feat. I don't really think that's the limiting factor when it comes to this sort of thing.” (Bioware Forums, I miss your information if not the sea of negativity.  More interesting taint related info here.)
Another quote:
“But the idea is also that it varies. Thirty years is the maximum that you could probably expect. It's going to vary for an individual according to their willpower and the level of their interaction with the darkspawn. During a Blight you can expect that the Grey Wardens are going to have shorter lifespans. Outside of a Blight the Grey Wardens would tend to live longer. We have instances in the game of people going on their Calling after five or ten years. Alistair's thirty year quote shouldn't be taken as gospel, that's the way I like it.” (Interview with Gaider, posted on Swooping is Bad LJ)
I’m going to have to investigate this further, but I am pretty sure the level of resistance in each warden varies and can be affected by several factors.  
Taint Resistance in a Bottle?
“King Maric was given a leather satchel full of potions, each of them contained in a delicate glass vial.  According to the First Enchanter, this was a precious mixture of herbs that would enable Maric to resist the disease spread by the darkspawn.  He was, after all, the only one in the group without the Grey Warden’s immunity.  One full vial was to be swallowed each morning; according to Duncan’s count, that meant the King had a two-week supply.
Rather optimistic of the First Enchanter, really.” (The Calling, p. 71)
I’m very curious about the “rare herbs” mentions in The Calling and in the Joining ritual description.  I suspect that Marethari used a variation of the potion Maric took to keep Mahariel alive long enough to take the Joining.  The fact that none of our companions were tainted while killing the oodles of darkspawn in Origins would make a lot more sense if we had to make potions to help them keep their resistance up.  And here is the section of total speculation that began this whole post:
What could those “rare” herbs be?  (Possible ingredients list lies below the cut.)
(I mean, this could be critical information for those of us that like to write fanfiction and don’t want to totally hand wave encounters with the darkspawn by saying, “Once again, we’ve all managed to not get tainted in spite of all the people around us who are totally tainted now because darkspawn!”)
The Wilds Flower: (rare-ish) Given that it these flowers can help a mabari suffering from the taint, it stands to reason it can help a human build their resistance.  This flower would be available to the Dalish and was known to the kennel master at Ostagar, so it would very likely be included in the tincture.  It can be found in the swamps of the Korcari Wilds.
Embrium: (common) This flower is often used in healing mists and potions, and to enhance regeneration.  Sounds like qualities that could help combat the taint.  It is commonly found in the regions around the Waking Sea.
Spindleweed: (common) A common ingredient in resistance potions, it stands to reason that a taint blocker would include this herb.  It can be found in the valleys on either side of the Frostback Mountains.
Dragonthorn: (rare-ish) The leaves of the dragonthorn tree “enhance and stabilize other, more volatile magical compounds”, a helpful trait for a potion that combats one of the most virulent diseases in Thedas.  It also is used in spirit resistance tonics.  It can be found in the Forbidden Oasis and the Wellspring, but sample could theoretically be obtained from one of the Circles of Magi, the Wonders of Thedas or other merchants of medicinal/magical ingredients.
Vandal Aria: (common) Cousin of the Silent Plains rose, this plant can be used to craft healing potions and a rock armor tonic.  This plant can grows in dry climates, like the Western Approach and the Hissing Wastes, but can be purchased from most medicinal merchants.
Deep Mushroom: (common) The right varieties of deep mushroom can restore stamina and help heal injuries.  “The most common varieties used in the herbalist's trade are the Blightcap, Ghoul's Mushroom, and Brimstone Mushroom, almost all of which tend to carry the darkspawn's corruption. While they cannot transmit the disease, this trait often makes them quite poisonous.”  Clearly, deep mushrooms are taint resistant themselves, but choosing the right variety and careful preparation would be needed in order to harness their beneficial properties and avoid accidental poisonings.  Various varieties of deep mushrooms can be found in caves and in the Deep Roads.
Concentrator Agent: (common) Composed of distilled and purified Heatherum and Foxite, which are both common herbs in Ferelden, a concentrator agent would enhance the effects of a taint resisting potion.
Lifestone: (rare) Although lifestone is a rock, not an herb, it would a powerful ingredient to add to a taint repelling recipe.  It can only be found in proximity to lyrium veins in the Deep Roads and likely was affected by it.  “Lifestones enhance the natural properties of other materials used in item creation.”
Felicidus Aria: (near extinction, extremely rare) “Commonly known as the Silent Plains Rose” this flower is the only plant that can grow in Blighted lands.  This implies that it has an extreme natural resistance to the taint.  It would be nearly impossible to find and extraordinarily expensive, but it could be a powerful component in an taint eliminating elixir.  Hawke has some (if you do Isabela’s quest).  It could also be stolen from very rich nobles.
High Dragon Blood [living preferred]: (Rare. Super rare if the dragon was still alive! Damn near one of a kind, if the dragon was a great dragon.  Be prepared for weird grand kids with that last one though! ;-} ) Dragons are, perhaps, the most naturally taint resistant creatures in Thedas and their blood might convey some of their power.  Known side effects: Reaver-itis and scaly skin if too much is consumed.  You might have to make friends with a dragon worshiping cult to get the blood of a living dragon, btw.
Magic also seems to be necessary in the alchemic process to create taint resistance tonics, so a knowledgeable mage healer would likely be required to make the concoction work.  An experienced Grey Warden mage would likely be an ideal brewer and, according to the RPG, the Grey Wardens are aware of the existence of these herbs (or whatever they turn out to be), and have helped spread this knowledge across Thedas.  Perhaps it was even the Grey Wardens at Ostagar who told the Kennel Master about the Wilds Flower.
And there you have it!  My random thoughts collected in a slightly less random post.  
Drink in good health!
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old-archivist · 3 years
Healer’s Field Guide WIP
Where we started way back when....
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[[Image 1] Shows Words Count: 81,695, Characters Count: 493,743, and Characters (No Spaces): 404,077.]
Where we’re at.
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[[Image 2] Shows Words Count: 403,533, Characters Count: 2,771,999, and Characters (No Spaces): 2,300,432.]
I said I was making an herb book. Well, now its two since there is so much. But you all better enjoy this feast because I’ve been to the void and back scraping up not just herbs but also medicinal practices and I’ve gone down so many rabbit holes. Like its fun but I’m sorta just like “No one needs this lol”. That said art is stymied at the moment cause health. So we’re researching and dictating things. Look at all that progress. More progress beneath the cut but like its not art so...
Here’s my current to do list... The second column is so long I’d have to scroll down....
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[[Image 3] A three column list of sections to do. Column 1: How to Use This Book, Basic Tools, Plant Structure, Toxins and Antidotes, Agents and Extracts, About the Authors, Appendix A: Seasonal Availability, Appendix B: Biomes, Appendix C: Remedial Herbs, Appendix E: Canon Sources, Glossary, Index. Column 2: Content, Harvesting Herbs, Drying and Storing Herbs, Recipes, Herb Profiles, Amrita Vein, Anderfels Mint *s, Andraste’s Grace, Andraste’s Mantle *s, Arbor Blessing, Arcanist Deathroot *s, Beetle Spore *s, Bitter Elfroot *s, Black Lotus, Bleeding Russula *s, Blightcap. Column 3: Front Matter, Title Page, Copyright, Disclaimer, Dedication, Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction, Back Matter, Appendix D: Speculative Designs, Bibliography.]
And have a full list of plants in Healer’s Field Guide.
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[[Image 4:] Amrita Vein, Anderfels Mint, Andraste's Grace, Andraste's Mantle, Arbor Blessing, Arcanist Deathroot, Barbwood, Beetle Spore, Bitter Elfroot, Black Lotus , Bleeding Russula, Blightcap, Blighted Morel, Blood Lotus , Brimstone Mushroom, Catsbane, Crystal Grace, Dark Embrium, Dawn Lotus, Deathroot, Deep Mushroom, Destroying Spirit, Dragonthorn, Drakevein, Elfroot (Canavaris), Embrium, Felandaris, Felicidus Aria, Foxite, Foxmint, Ghoul's Beard, Ghoul's Mushroom, Gossamer Elfroot, Harlot’s Blush, Heatherum, Itchweed, Lunatic’s Deathroot, Madcap, Mintroot, Prophet's Laurel, Rashvine, Rashvine Nettle, Redmoss, Royal Elfroot, Salubrious Embrium, Spindleweed, Aquatic, Spindleweed, Landform, Sponge Root, Stripweed, Sundew, Tree-Moss, Vandal Aria, Verdant Spindleweed, Winterberry, Witherstalk]
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