blight-magic · 2 years
A Deal With The Devil || Blighthorne
Amity stood outside of Lilith’s office.
She’d gotten the location from Mim, though obviously Lilith had given Amity her number or whatever. But Amity hadn’t wanted to call, not yet. Showing up like this gave Amity an edge-- the element of surprise-- and it was kind of payback for Lilith showing up at her place of work, completely unannounced. Not that Amity should be preparing for war, but her parents had taught her that even conversations could be a kind of battlefield. You had to always be on guard. You had to always seek the higher ground. 
And if Amity was going to deal with Lilith Clawthorne, and maybe the Emperor’s Coven, she needed the higher ground. 
And so Amity knocked just once before pushing open the door. There her old mentor was-- sitting at the desk, looking like an average mundus professor, though she was anything but. When Lilith looked up to spot her, there was a brief moment of surprise on her face. Amity relished in it, even though it was gone in a blink.
“I’ve come with a proposition,” she said with a lift of her chin.
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ravenwitch-lilith · 2 years
Been a While || Blighthorne
Lilith Clawthorne could not give any less of a hoot about Odalia Blight. Though, her youngest daughter showed such promise in the eyes of the Emperor’s Coven. Lilith might even dare to say she’d take her as her own apprentice should she wish it.
So when the elder witch heard of Amity’s shocking, but expected, failure with the seal... she felt disappointed. Not in the girl, but for her. It was a nearly impossible task to give a budding sorceress.
After asking around and receiving a few sideways glances, Lilith found herself at a quaint little bookstore. Supposedly the workplace of the youngest Blight. The raven witch waltzed in, Draven perched high on her shoulder. The store was small and cramped so it didn’t take more than a minute to find her quarry.
“Amity Blight. It’s good to see you’ve been keeping busy.” Lilith proclaimed, folding her hands together at her waist.
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📎 ✨ 💎 for the old man
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📎 - Siblings/close family
Gaius is closest to his sister Lucasta, and his cubs Augustus and Raevik. As discussed before, he had SOMETHING of a paternal role for Lu-- after they recommence contact and begin to interact, they spend very well most of their time around or in direct contact with one another. This presents challenges for them as they grow and age over the course of story, especially during IBS and the time after. Gaius loves her, and is proud of her, but at its base, they are both extraordinarily emotionally stunted, and due to their VERY different upbringings, struggle to show how they care, or do so in unhealthy ways.
Augustus is Gaius' oldest cub, at almost 25 during personal story. It would be accurate to say that Gaius' insights from his interactions with his son in the fahrar, and later on stepping in to keep him from being discharged as gladium (or worse) have shaped how he views younger soldiers. Raevik is a week younger than his older brother(s-- August does have a twin, who is not nearly as interested in the family). Raevik first meets his sire circa LWS3 and begins to hang around, initially--largely-- spying and looking to learn about Gaius and his warband. Gaius for his part is eager and excited (or as excited as he can be) and pretty openly allows Raevik the time and space, for he genuinely seems interested in learning how and why Gaius is successful, and who Gaius and the others are. In turn, he begins to take after the Horns as well.
✨ - Children (current or future)
Gaius... is a prolific sire, and has a good many cubs. However, the most notable--he does keep track, and there are methods for guessing if he named them or not-- are Augustus Silverhorn, Fulvius Smokelash, Raevik Flowscryer, Brutus Quietflame, Malcolm Boneslake, Gloryana (she's like, 3.), Almorra, Magpie, Jackdaw, Regulus...
💎 - Chosen family (including warband)
THE HORNS!!!! He adopts children like no tomorrow, and many can't take on the Horn name, but among them include Pythus Swifttail, Kudo Pyrehorn, Phlunq Blighthorn.
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ratasum · 1 year
"Excuse me, Miss Tinkerfist, what exactly is your field of study? Something to do with the pack dynamics of charr?" --Alchimancer Phlunq Blighthorn (@commanderhorncleaver)
Your OCs Ask My OCs
Qirri blinks a few times at the question, her ears perking up slightly. "Oh! Well. That was my field, initially. When I left Rata Sum to travel while on a forced, admittedly hiatus from my final year of college. I went to the Black Citadel, and met Garrus Firstblood, whom I then began traveling with. I learned a great deal about the interpersonal relations of charr with traveling companions- there was quite a learning curve, as there are considerable differences - of which I'm certain you're aware - between a fifteen year old asura and a fifteen year old charr. Just as there are considerable differences between an adult asura and an adult charr."
No comment on the fact that she was fifteen at all, really.
"Nowadays, though, my research is largely focused on medical devices and disability aids for those with various issues that require them. Partly inspired by my own situation, I admit, but also as a result of a very dear friend with mobility needs. Our world is not built with the disabled and chronically ill in mind, and I hope to someday be able to change all that for the better."
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blackaddersplays · 5 years
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We ran away to the higher level from him, he trumped us by going out of the world :d
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inkytomes · 7 years
yeah, i do all of that, monsters and creatures are my strong suit thou, so what exactly can i help you guys with?
Looking to do some bug monsters at the moment, they’re the “Lokusi” referred to in the link here.  http://www.scrollsoflore.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1580535&postcount=141Just a few simple sketches for the Queen and Devourer and Blighthorns to start out with, I may have missed it but I didn’t see pricing details on your blog, do you have a link or anything for that?
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commanderhorncleaver · 6 months
1, 2, 17, 19 and 33 for the Horn warband :D
Ask Game
Which Legion does the warband belong to?
The Horns are a proud Iron warband, though most if not all of its members have ties to other legions (and there's even some non-charr members).
2. How and when was the warband formed?
The Horns were formed by Gaius in 1325 during his Personal Story for the sake of clearing his name after he'd been charged with a series of murders. The original members of the band included himself, Oberon Furyhorn, Sigmund Shieldhorn (later Brighthorn), and Augustus Silverhorn. Later additions include Terang Bulan Shorthorn, (Pyromancer) Kudo Pyrehorn, and (Alchimancer) Phlunq Blighthorn.
17. Have they ever gotten in big trouble with superiors?
As a warband, technically no. As individuals, yes, multiple of them have. Gaius being a centurion at the start of Personal Story puts him and the band in a position of slight advantage that allows them to get away with a lot more than your average band would, but also, Gaius is genuinely rather straight-laced and keeps them all honest.
19. What's the overall social dynamic in the warband like? (chill and friendly, harsh and hierarchical, like family, etc)
Gaius runs the Horns the same way he does his subordinates, as a centurion and as commander, which is to say that he trusts everyone to do the jobs he sets for them, and will generally allow individuals to employ whatever means they deem necessary as long as the work is done when and how he needs it. In particular, when recruiting Oberon, this was a big point of interest because of Oberon's history as violent and more than willing to challenge and kill superiors he disagreed with. Gaius approached him with conditions for recruitment and assured him that if things were done as needed, they'd work well together, and Oberon, with no reason to argue with guidelines so clearly placed, has worked out with little issue. Being that the Horns are mostly an administrative warband, this isn't usually a huge problem, but overall the point is just that Gaius is an attentive commanding officer who does good research when recruiting folk, and also is willing to meet people halfway. Respect and discipline are expected because of what exactly it is they do, but again, as long as the job gets done, do it how you want.
33. Bonus question: trivia time!
Currently, the warband acts as Horn Gladium Outreach based out of the Black Citadel, which is a business that does effectively what it sounds like. In the time after IBS, Gaius went to reorganize and establish an office in the Citadel where Iron gladium could go to seek assistance with being reassigned within the Legions, or alternatively, seek advice on finding a place outside the Legions. The operations quickly expanded, as Gaius acts essentially as a therapist with helping gladium come to terms with their circumstances and find healthier places of mind before seeking work. Oberon and Sigmund in particular develop prostheses for those in need.
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