#blitz bilby
staticblitz · 5 months
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Fluffy Boy Cuddles
Some old self-ship art I did, I rly need to draw these two again some time ;w;
[Image desciption in alt text] Please reblog! It really helps me out 💙
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staticblitz-moved · 7 years
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I drew my fursona Kayden in xyr Crash AU outfit reblogs are appriciated 💙
please don’t use/repost without my permission
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blahblahblippyblah · 7 years
Arranged Marriage
So I missed the royalty AU for Blitzstone week yesterday but was inspired by something I read by @myaire21. Http://myaire21.tumblr.com/post/163873989469/blitzstone-week-blog-day-1royalty-au-i-cannot This is why love Tumblr. It's not written very well but I was inspired and mashed it out today. ************ BLITZ POV When Blitz had found out his mother had arranged a marriage for him without his knowledge he was mad. But also figuring out it was to be next week without his knowledge made him livid. He only stopped ranting to her once she started talking about who she had arranged him to marry. "Calm down dear. Really all this kerfluffle over nothing. Marriages are great ways to form alliances. You may not be my heir but you are still my son. Now sit down and listen" Blitz begrudgingly sat down on the couch and his mother Freya elegantly sat down in front of him in her ornate armchair. A servant came out and poured her a cup of tea. She took her time pouring in milk and sugar. Blitz sat impatiently tapping his fingers against his knee. His mother took a few sips then said. "King Alderman has come to me with a proposal for an allegiance. He is interested in investing in our gold, as well as merging our army with his. In return he has offered the hand of his son. To which I graciously accepted." Blitz took a minute to process that. House Alderman was the ruling family of a nearby northern region. They were know for there cruelty to invaders and foreigners. As well as their terrible treatment of their subjects. His mother was the queen of a more southern kingdom that focused on building its wealth. Their Kingdom was filled with gold and precious jewel mines. Therefore she was the most wealthiest women in the 9 kingdoms. Blitz was not her heir. He was a bastard. The son of a rope craftman that had made her some jewellery long ago in the far far south while his mother was travelling looking for investments. 9 months later baby Blitzen was born. She had sent him back to his father Bilbi to grow up, but when his father had died she had sent someone to bring him back. He had spent the past 6 years serving as her representative. Her husband had gone missing at war so she needed help keeping her affairs in order. Blitz usually got stuck with the less pleasant tasks. Like inspecting the mines and paying the small army she had recruited to protect her land. Shouldn't the heir to the throne up north be marrying a prince? Definitely not a bastard like him. Also be was pretty sure of another problem. "Didn't King Alderman' s heir die many years ago?" He asked his mother. She pursed her lips looking upset. "Yes dear. But you will be marrying his older son." She replied. That didn't make sense. "So his older son who wasn't his heir until his younger son died, who I have also never heard of is to marry me so we can invest in more gold and have a larger merged army?" He said slowly and skeptically. "Yes dear." His mother said sipping some tea. "I don't see what the confusion is all about. I would think you would be happy I managed to arrange you such a wonderful alliance... I mean marriage." Blitz narrowed his eyes at his mother. He had never thought about marriage. He had never shared with anyone before but he wasn't that interested in women. He instead was more interested in making and designing beautiful clothing when he wasn't so busy doing his mother's dirty work. He wondered if she had figured out about his lack of interest in women and that is how she had decided to set him up with this prince. Or maybe she didn't care and was only concerned about the alliance with the Aldermans. Some fear creeped into Blitzen's mind as another terrifying thought crossed it. What if this prince didn't know he was a man. Or what if he knew and wasn't happy about it. Maybe he didn't even know about the marriage. He was pretty sure his mother had kept him in the dark for a reason. Or maybe she forgot to tell him. She had a habit of doing that constantly. Trying for a more polite question Blitzen simply asked his mother. "What is the prince's name?" His mother smiled up at him from her tea. Probably happy he wasn't ranting about the marriage anymore. "His name is prince Hearthstone. He is a very handsome man. Although he could fill out a bit more. The boy is terribly thin. But it must run in his family." She sigh. "Now off with you Blitzen my dear. I have some wedding planning to do. Make sure you are ready to travel by tomorrow morning. We will leave after breakfast for the North." And with that she waved her son away. **** HEARTH POV Hearth had found out about his arranged marriage the night before his betrothed and his family were suppose to arrive. His father's servant Inge (and his long time friend) had been sent up to him to explain everything. Inge was one of the few servants who could communicate with him. He had been born deaf and therefore couldn't talk. He had learned to communicate with his hands. His father was so ashamed and disgusted with his eldest son do he had shoved him aside. Keeping him out if sight from any dignitaries or anyone of importance. Hearth's younger brother Andrion instead rose to the position of heir and prince of his father's kingdom. Which Hearth was happy for. Andrion spent alot of time with his father learning to rules. Well that was until he died. One day whiel out riding together in the forest, and practicing thier combat he had been killed. A monster had come out of a well in the forest and had attacked his brother. Hearth hadn't heard the attack because of his deafness. Once he realised what was going on and rode back to the castle for help it was too late. His father had blamed him for his brothers death. Hearth spent the rest if his life paying for it. This marriage was just another nail in his penance and punishment. Inge handed him the long parvhment from his father with all the details of the marriage alliance. Gold, armies, getting his son quickly married off before anyone found out about his major defect, blah blah blah. Once he was done reading it he turned to Inge. She signed some small minor detail his father had told her to tell him. "He is a bastard son of Queen Freya. But Freya insists he is suitable. He apparently helps run the kingdom. He has done very well. Since he took over they have doubled their kingdoms gold output. Unfortunately they have only a small army to protect it therefore it is a perfect match your father gets gold and Queen Freya gets protection" She signed to him. "Inge I don't even know this man. How am I suppose to marry him?" Hearth signed. Inge shifted uncomfortably. "I was told to tell you that it doesn't matter if you know him or even like him. You are to marry him. Marriage has nothing to do with love or even liking the person. This alliance will give us alot of gold. Therefore it is your duty." Inge signed. She then looked around to check they were still completely alone in his room and signed. "I know Hearth. I do not like the fact you may be marrying someone who may not treat you well. Your father..." she paused her hands as if thinking hard whether she should say what she wanted. "It is bad enough how he treats you. We can only hope this Blitzen is kinder than your father." Hearth felt his heart tearing apart. He was overwhelmed with feeling. He kept his face blank, like He had learned to do long ago. He knew if he showed emotions they could be used against him. But his heart was literally tearing in his chest. His stomach turned to stone with sadness and grief as well as fear. He knew it wasn't allowed but he stepped forward and hugged Inge tight. She looked terrified at fight but gave him a hug back. After a few minutes she signed. "It will be ok Hearth. I promise I will be here with you always ok." She signed. Hearth gave her a faint smile of apprecitiona and thankfullness. Inge his only friend was so brave and kind to him. "When am I to be married?" He asked her. She looked at her feet and shifted again. "They're to arrive tomorrow morning. Your father wants you to meet him in the throne room at 10am in your best clothes to greet them. And the wedding if to happen that night. Your father wants it to happen quick before they get cold feet" she signed. Hearth felt an ice cube go down his back. Tomorrow? All he could do was nod. Inge left him alone to think whiel she went to tell his father that he knew about the marriage now. *next morning The next morning Hearth got out of bed and cleaned himself up. Usually servants did those things but Hearth never liked that. He sent them away preferring to do it himself. He put on his best suit. A white military uniform with the badged and gold bars of the Prince. He hated this thing. He looked as if he had been bleached out in the sun when he wore it. He then combed his hair back knowing his father wouldn't stand for it if his son left it the usual scraggly mess it always was. He then trudged down to the throne room. His father was waiting there pacing the room shouting orders to servants. Inge stood in the corner nearby in her best maid outfit. She smiled sorefully at him as he entered. Hearth saw his father turn and say something but Hearth couldn't read his lips from this far away. So he decided to walk towards him so as to better be properly ashamed. When he got up to his father he gave him a slow look up and down unpleasantness and disappointment etched on his face.the face his father usually had near him. "When they arrive you are to say nothing. Do you hear me?" His father said. Hearth had pretty much mastered reading lips out of neseesity. His father stopped for a second glowering at him and then let out a laugh, his face looking mad. "Well of course you didn't hear. Nor will you say anything. You damaged boy." He stopped laughing and his face turned serious again. "None of that foolish hand waving today boy until after your marriage is consummated. I won't lose this alliance because of you." And with that his father turned away from him. After a bit his father went to stand in front of his throne and Hearth dutifully took his place beside and a good distance behind his dad. Soon the messenger came in and said the guests were arriving. Hearth was too nervous to think straight. Instead he stared down at his polished black shoes. When he finally looked up he saw the throne room doors open and 2 people enter. The first was a tall and slender woman with golden blonde hair. She wore a thick gold circulit around her head. Thick gold ropes around her neck and wrist and ears. She was beautiful. Beside her strode a shorter man. His skin was dark and warm like coffee. He was broad in the shoulders and chest, and his arms were large and defined. He wore an elegant suit of dark charcoal with gold accents. He had a beard that was neatly trimmed and cleaned. His shirt hair was combed back in elegant braids. The man was very handsome. As they approached the throne dias his father walked forward and stepped down. He kissed the hands of the lady and politely nodded to the man beside her. He said something but Hearth couldn't make out what. Then his father gestured him forward as if introducing him. Remembering what his father said Hearth merely bowed to both the visitors keeping back and silent. The woman smiled at him warmly but the man just starred at him curiously making him sliglhy uncomfortable. The lady than spoke. "A very pleasant trip your majesty. Thank you. This is my son Blitzen." She said gesturing to her son who did the same as Hearth and gave a small awkward bow to them. Hearth read her lips and then stared at Blitzen. So this was his betrothed. Hearth continued to stare at him. Blitzen appeared uncomfortable and unsure but he smiled politely at Hearth. He didn't seem mean or angry which was a good sign. Hearth wanted to smile back at the man he would soon be married to for better or worse but was stopped when he saw his father turn to him. Hearth read his lips clearly. "Hearthstone. You shall return to your chambers for now whiel we prepare the ceremony. I will send for you when it is time" With that Hearth quickly turned and left. As he got near the door Inge came and followed him out. ** BLITZEN POV Blitzen didnt know what to make of his betrothed. The guy stood slumped over his face blank like a stone. Blitz could feel his glare over him the whole time they stood their. The guy was very handsome. He was tall and willowy. He was also very pale. His skin was like milk and his hair was so blonde it was white. What really struck Blitz was how beautiful his eye were. They were bright grey. Like reflective crystals. He couldn't help but stare into them as Hearth seemed to look at him gloomily. He he gotten the feeling Hearth might not be so happy to be marrying him. Blitz wasn't happy about the marriage either but the face Hearth had on was withdrawn. Perhaps Blitz was right and the Prince was upset to be marrying a bastard son of a queen. Blitzen sat alone in a sitting room gazing blankly out a window waiting for the ceremony to start. So many thoughts going through his mind he didnt notice the maid come up behind him. "Excuse me your majesty." A voice said behind him. He looked around to see a petite blonde girl holding out a tray of tea to him. 'Would you like some tea your majesty?" She said quietly. Blitz blinked a few times and then nodded. She set the tray down on the table in front of him and started to pour him a glass. "Thank you" he managed to choke out. " Also it's not 'your majesty'. I'm not a prince." "My apologies" the girl said. " What should I address you as?" She asked. "Dont apologize. And you can just call me Blitzen. I don't like this whole titles thing." Blitz said to her as she finished pouring his cup. "Ok master Blitzen." The girl said. "And what should I call you?" Blitzen asked polielty to the girl. She looked at him confused. As if she wasn't use to the question. "Master Blitzen may call me Inge if he likes." Inge responded. Blitz smiled at her. "Thank you for the tea Inge. Please sit down. It's terrible sitting here by myself whiel I wait. Have some tea." Blitz said sincerely. Inge shifted from leg to leg nervously. Blitz realised she might not be allowed to sit with him. So he got up and locked the door. "There now no one can barge in. Please have some tea with me." He asked. She nodded and sat down in the vacant chair. Blitz went to sit down again. He passed her a cup of tea which she slowly sipped. Blitz had some of his. It tasted like bitter leaves. He was too use to the fruit tea of his kindgom. "So what do you do here Inge?" He asked "I am a maid. I mostly serve and take care of master Hearthstone." She said hugging her cup. This made Blitz sit up straighter and lean forward slightly. "What is Hearthstone like? I mean I'm about to marry him and I know nothing about him. Does he have any hobbies? Is he always that quiet?" He asked the blonde girl. She looks out the window as if weighing how to say her answer. "Master Hearthstone is kind and gentle. He is very different from his father. He spends most of his days studying. He loves reading." She sais then pauses. "He is always very quiet." She says at almost a whisper. She looks like she wants to say more but holds back before it slips out. After a few awkward seconds she says. "I am sorry for talking out of place master Blitzen, but I hope you treat master Hearthstone well. That you are kind to him. He is a wonderful person and I do not wish to see him hurt" This statement strung a cord with Blitz. He smiles up at Inge. "I have no intentions of hurting Hearthstone. I only hope I'm good enough for him" he says lowering his head. Inge puts down her cup and says. "Thank you. Also I'm very sorry master Blitzen but I have to go attend to master Hearthstone. The ceremony starts in 20 minutes." And with that she stood up and left the room. * The wedding was short. The throne room was filled with a small number of dignitaries and other important families. Hearth stared blankly at him the whole time. Blitz tried to convey some feelings to Hearth as he looked back at him, but he couldn't tell if Hearth understood. At their vows Hearth simply gave a nod for 'I do' and then proceeded to look at his shoes. At the end when they were suppose to kiss Blitz leaned up and only placed a small quick kiss on the side of Hearth's lips. Hearth smiled at him sliglhy as he did so, but Blitz also thought it could have been a trick of the light. After the ceremony Hearth spent the entire meal with his head down like he didn't wish to talk. This left Blitz sitting awkwardly beside him staring down at his plate too. He wanted to say something to Hearth but nothing came to him. Instead he sat in shock at the fact the tall pale man sitting beside him was his husband. And now they were to be together forever. He he hadn't even said one word to this man and yet he was expected to be with him for eternity. The night wore on quick. Hearth and him were expected to join in on one dance. The invited guests danced around them whiel Blitz held Hearth in his hands. Hearth seemed pretty graceful but he couldn't dance well. His step with off beat with the music by at least half a second. Blitz didn't mind as he quickly helped Hearth get on beat. Hearth kept his eyes down avoiding eye contact. When he finally looked up his face was a blank slate but his eyes looked sad and mournful. "Are you ok Hearthstone?" Blitz asked him concerned. Hearth stared at his face as he spoke and then nodded just as the song was finishing. Feeling exhausted Blitzen got permission from his mother and King Alderman to head in early. Hearthstone was sent with him. Inge led them to a bed chamber. Inside was a simple bed and a small sitting space in the middle of the room. A large window opened to a balcony. The doors were open letting in a gentle fall breeze. All the walls in the room were lined with bookshelves filled with tons of books. A few even lay open on the table in the middle.Blitz guessed this must be Hearth' s chambers. Inge lit the fireplace and closed the balcony doors. On her way back out Blitz saw her gently rub Hearths upper arm in a comforting way. She moved her hands briefly in a odd manner and then closed the door behind them. They were alone now for their first time. Having only said 4 words to the guy he really didn't feel ok with going through with what his mother had told him to do. Instead he walked over to the small sitting area and picked a book off the table. He read the cover. It was a book on the ancient runes of the Vikings. He turned to Hearth who was watching him from a few meters away. "Have you read all these?" He asked Hearth. Hearth watched him speak then nodded. He shifted his feet oddly and fidgeted his hands. He looked uncomfortable, in pain, yet a small tug at the corners of his lips told Blitz the guy was almost smiling at that question. "That is amazing. I usually don't have time to read. My mother keeps me busy. You must be very smart then." Blitz said trying to coax the guy into talking to him. A small smile slowly etched across Hearth's face but he shook his head. He came forward and sat in front of Blitz on the couch. He lowered his head keeping his eyes now on his hands. Blitz felt the awkward creep back in with more force. He distracted himself by reading the first few pages of the book he picked up. The lanugues isn't English but instead small little Nordic looking symbols. He has no idea what it says. "Can you read this language?" Blitz asks again when Hearth looks up. Hearth nods smiling a tiny bit again. Blitz feels his heart begin to feel more hopeful. At least he can make the guy kinda smile. "Wow. That's so cool. How many languages do you know?" He asked looking around at all the book shelves. Hearth keeps his eyes on him but raised his hands and puts up 6 fingers. 6 languages now thats amazing Blitz thinks. "Is everything ok Hearth? Did I do something wrong" Blitz asks now concerned as to why his odly enough husband doesnt talk to him. Hearth just nods. He raised his hands in the air but the stops halfway up and they slowly fall back down. Hearths smile has disappeared and his eyes swell with sadness. One small tear escapes. Feeling like he did something wrong Blitz scrambles to his feet and pulls out his handkerchief. He carefully sits beside Hearth being careful not to be too close. He passes him the handkerchief to wipe the tear away. Hearth does and takes a deep breath. His face goes back blank. No more tears escape. "I'm sorry" Blitzen says but Hearth doesn't seemed to hear. The tall guy however raises on arm and makes a fist. He moves it in circles over his chest. He then gets up and walks over to a desk. Blitz watches him pull something out. What looks like a pencil and some paper. Something dawns on him. When Hearh sits back down Blitz turns to him and says. "You can't speak can you?" Hearth nods again and then raised his hand. They are shaking but he taps his ear with his finger and then his mouth. Blitz figures it out. "You can't hear. You're deaf" he says. Hearth nods again. He takes the pencil and write on the paper. "Father said I wasn't to talk to anyone until after the wedding. He was worried you would pull out once you found out. But it's not fair for you to be stuck with a disappointing husband like me so I want to tell you before... before it is too late... You are kind and handsome you can do better" Blitz reads this unable to figure out a response. Did Hearth really consider himself a disappointing husband. If anyone should be a disappointing husband it was himself. A bastard child of a minor queen who spends his free time esigning clothes. He wasn't what you would call a good husband choice. Hearth looked up and their eyes met. Hearth's eye glowing like reflective glass in the orange light of the fire. Blitz doesn't know if this marriage was going to work , but he sure as hell knew one thing. He was inexplicably drawn to Hearthstone. He took his hand and placed it over Hearth' s. "Your going to have to teach me how to talk to you through signs of we are going to be married." Blitz said giving hearth a smile. This time hearth gave a real small smile back. It was beautiful. It lite up his face like the sun. "I mean that's if you want to be married to me.I'm nothing special. You could do better" He continues. Hearth stares at him blankly and then nods and shakes his head. He moves his hands in an odd gesture then quickly picks up the paper and writes. 'Marriage, we are married.' He then gives Blitz a twitch of a small smile. Blitz raised his hand and repeats the motion and says. "Married. Till death do us party Hearth gives a full smile now. Blitz wonders how long it's been since his husband has smiled like that. *** HEARTH'S POV Hearth feels himself smiling at his new husband. He has never met anyone like Blitz before. Blitz seems kind and light hearted. The way he looks at him makes his heart want to break. No even a small glint of disgust or resentment. Blitz looks at him with only concern and care. Sometimes a shine of happiness. His face may look like he is uncomfortable and unsure but he always keeps a small smile on his face especially when talking to him. When blitz says he wants to learn to sign to be able to talk to him he almost cried with happiness. He wasn't exspectig such acceptance and now his husband not only wanted to stay with him regardless of his deafness, but also wanted to get to know him. Hearth couldn't think of anyway to show Blitz the same kindness back. He was also struggling coming to terms with what they still needed to do. Hearth knew a small bit about what was expected of them and he wasn't sure he was confident enough to be able to do his duty. Blitz sat beside him looking just as uncomfortable. After a few minutes Blitz's head shifted up and turned to the door. Hearth guessed someone was knocking. Blitz got up to answer it. In came Inge again. She was holding a pile of fresh towels and some night clothes for Blitzen. She set them down awkwardly keeping her eyes down. She then even more awkwardly shuffled over to him. She pulled something out of her pocket and handed it to him. She quickly scurried out of the room. Hearth looked at the folded paper. The neat elegant writing of his father was scrawled across it. Hearth read it. It was short but the message was clear. Seal your marriage. Don't mess up. Do your duty and try not to be a disappointment. He would expect him and his new husband at breakfast tomorrow properly married. Hearth went red with a mixture of nervousness and anger towards his father. He threw the paper in the fire. He turned to see Blitz standing behind him watching curiously. He was very handsome. Hearth swallowed hard. He could do this. He could be brave. He didn't know really anything about this but he knew the gist and where to start. Hopefully it wouldn't be so hard. Blitz was kind and caring, so hopefully it wouldn't be as bad as he feared. Fighting the instinct to run out of the room in fear Hearth took some nervous steps towards Blitz. When he got in front of him he raised his hands and placed them on both sides of Blitzens face. He titled his own head down and placed a kiss on Blitz's lips. He felt Blitz kiss him back. 'Ok so this isn't so bad' Hearth thought as he deepened his kiss. He felt clumsy and inexperienced but Blitz still kissed him back. Blitz hands now on his waist Hearth felt himself move his hands down. Still keeping contact with Blitz's lips he placed his hands of Blitz chest. His hands were shaking now. He tried to undo the buttons of Blitzens shirt but his hands were trembling to much. His knees began to shake. Blitz pulled away from his lips and looked up with the same kind expression he had given him all night. He reached up and held both Hearths hands in his stopping his failed attempt to undress his husband. " Hearthstone I don't want to do this like this. If you are uncomfortable or unsure. Or even if you dont want to do this we don't have to." Blitz said to him squeezing his hands tightly shirt his. Hearth remembered his father's commands and shook his head. He wasn't ready but he knew his duty to his family. Before he could get up the nerve to continue Blitz pulled his hands and dragged him over to the couch. He made Hearth sit down beside him. He turned to hearth and said. "In my culture, where I grew up with my dad, marriages are sealed with a kiss not this." Blitz said. "So as far as I'm concerned I'm now devoted to you." Blitz said and then bowed his head like he was one of the servants. "So I'm here for whatever you need." Blitz continued. "Speaking of which what should I call you now you know...? Ummm do I call you your majesty, or my Lord? Or...?" Blitz stopped taking when Hearth began to shake his head. He picked up the pencil on the table and wrote. "Do not call me any of those. Just call me Hearthstone. Or Hearth for short." Hearth felt himself bkush a little. No one exceot his brotuerbhad called him Hearh. Blitz read the paper and a smile crept on his face. Blitz pov "Ok Hearth. Do you want to go to bed? You look pretty tired. I'll sleep here on the couch if you want." Blitz said. He liked the way Hearths name sounded when he said it. He also decided to sleep on the couch. He didn't want to push Hearth. The guy was obviously struggling with everything that had happened the last 12 hours. To his surprise Hearth shook his head. He wrote down. "No you can sleep with me if you want." Hearth got up and walked over to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Blitz feeling a little awkward got up and went behind a changing curtain and put on the night clothes Inge had brought. When he came out Hearth was crawling into the bed side closest to the wall. Blitz took a deep breath to steady himself and climbed in beside Hearth. He wanted to talk to the guy but his words would fall on silent ears. Hearth had his back to him and was facing the wall. So Blitz pulled up his side of the covers and fell asleep. He would have to get to know his new husband better tomorrow.
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staticblitz · 8 months
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Been playing around with MS Paint for nostalgic reasons & because I have an idea for a project where I plan on using paint extensively. I find the simplicity of the program to be one of its strengths, though I do wish it was able to transform selected images better (how to rotate in MS Paint XD)
So yea, here's my fursona wearing what I was wearing when I started drawing this.
I don't claim to own the image on xyr shirt, that's the album cover for System Of A Down's; Hypnotise. One of my favorite albums from one of my favorite bands & yes I do own a shirt like this :'D
Thinking I might do MS Paint commissions just coz its pretty quick & easy to do while I experiment more with the program :)
Art belongs to me Blitz Bilby belongs to me "Hypnotise" album art belongs to System Of A Down
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staticblitz · 10 months
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Blitz Bilby 2k23 character sheet
woe, ref sheet upon ye
this has been in my files for months, I was planning on working out a watermark for myself but I haven't finished that so better to just push this out lol.
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staticblitz · 5 months
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Blitz Bilby Mugshot
I've been taking commissions in this style for a while & back when I was experimenting with the style I did a few of my fursona. I decided to redraw with the updated shading style & design for my fursona (xe has a mustache now lol) I am still taking commissions in this style, they are $35 USD, message me if interested :)
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Please reblog my art! it's greatly appriciated 💙
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staticblitz · 8 months
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Excuse Me, He Asked For Extra Pickles!
Wow two arts in one day, y'all are lucky :U
I started drawing this a short while ago, based on a meme but also based on a real life situation lol I was having a real bad day, I had a doctor's appointment which I didn't realize was scheduled in the early morning & I arrived in the afternoon. I was confused, frustrated & in the end my anxiety & autism got the best of me, I wasn't able to advocate for myself.
Enter the girlfriend who grabbed me by the hand & took me back in to talk to the person at the desk. She was stern, but not mean about it & we managed to get an appointment for the next day in the afternoon lol
I try not to make a habit of stuff like this, but when I have an especially bad day, it can be hard for me to muster the emotional strength to speak up. It's good to have people around who are willing to help me :'3
I decided to reference a meme about it coz it felt fitting. I know the meme says "no pickles" but I like pickles, they yummy :B
I'm also currently playing around with MS Paint for art, I'll be opening some cheap commissions in this style :D
Art belongs to me Blitz bilby belongs to me Shorty Fox belongs to @rainbowmancer-gwen
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staticblitz-moved · 7 years
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Something super self indulgent I drew for myself. I wasn’t rly gonna ship them originally but now I’m just fuck it, it makes me happy so I’m gonna do it :’3 Reblogs are appreciated 💙 Please don’t repost, edit or remove my caption
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blahblahblippyblah · 7 years
Magnus Chase and a Plotless Hogwarts Fanfiction
Chapter 10: Christmas story: Blitz and Hearth’s Adventure 2/2
The second half of A Christmas story: Blitz and Hearth’s Adventure
Merry Christmas in July. Here’s some more Blitzstone.
Next chapter is already written. Will be some Magnus Chase antics.
Hearth quickly strode down the dark alley until he got to the exit. He stood on the stairs and pulled the box out of his cloak. He carefully opened it and examined the watch. It was beautiful, but also crude. It was intricate and yet simple. Something very different. Crafted not by goblins, elves, or even wizards. This was the work of dwarves. He pulled the watch out and thin gold chain spilled out of the box attached to the watch. Hearth blinked a few times. The chain was so heavy for being so thin. It also looked weird. He ran the chain through his fingers . The chain looked like it was made of gold but it felt like silk in his hand. He held it up to his face. The chain was woven from strands of metal so thin they made Blitz’s bronze embroidery look shameful. Over a thousand microscopic gold strands where woven in a large braid that made up the chain. The chain looked newer than the watch. At the end of the chain was a small hook with something written on it. Hearth turned it over to read it. Inscribed in tiny writing not as elegant as the writing on the watch were the words.
To my son Blitzen, May you always find time to follow your dreams.
Hearth held his breath for a second as he realised who had made the chain for the watch. He remembered the story Blitz had told him. Blitzens father was a master rope maker. He had been killed by a gang of werewolves when Blitz had gone away to a muggle school for fashion. The werewolf gang had gone after Blitz’s father because he had somehow figured out the gangs plan to break their leader out of Azkaban. They ransacked their house and left his dad for dead in the yard torn to shreds. The watch that had gone missing that night. Blitz’s father Bilbi had added his own gift and had planned to pass it onto Blitz. Yet he never got to.
Hearth remembered how Blitz had mentioned the watch only once. They were discussion goblin made treasure when Blitz mentioned that he thought dwarven crafts were better. Dwarves knew how to enchant objects and give them souls. He mentioned the dwarven watch his father had inherited from his half dwarven grandfather. And also that the watch had gone missing when his dad dies. Ever since Hearth became obsessed with finding the watch. He knew how important Blitz’s father was to him. Now he finally had it. He wrapped it in his handcherchief and put it back in the box. He placed the closed box inside the inner pocket of his cloak and patted it prospectively.
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye coming from behind him. He reached into his other pocket for his wand but too late. He felt a hard punch to his back and white hot pain ran down his shoulder to his wand hand. Stinging jinx he thought. He felt another punch hot and like rock more to his side now as he was thrown against the alley wall. He tumbled down the stairs back into Nocturn Alley. His shoulder took most of the impact when he hit the bottom saving his head. He felt something snap and pain shot down his right side.
He looked up to see one of his father’s henchmen from the night before slowly walking down the steps towards him a evil smile on his face like he had just done something heroic. Hearth saw the man call out down the stairs probably to the alley corner behind hearth. “Dimitri come here I’ve got him!”
Hearth instincts kicked in. He reached into his cloak with his left hand (since his right one wouldn’t move) and pulled out his wand. The guy on the stairs saw what he was doing and went to stun Hearth, but Hearth was faster. He rolled and aimed at the guy. His spell hit him before his even reached where Hearth had just been. He tumbled down the stairs. Hearth felt a hot blast of red light shoot past his left ear barely missing him. He quickly turned to see the man who must have been Dimitri pointing his wand at him shouting something Hearth couldn’t make out from this far. He raised his wand and fired back. The guy dodged behind a barreling pickled newts eyes. Hearth flung himself into the dorway of a nearby shop. A blast hit the corner of the doorway near Hearths head smashing the bricks and sending rubble flying. Hearth stepped out slightly and aimed another stunning spell. It missed him. Hearths aim was off having to use his left hand. Dimitri shot another bombard curse and it destroyed the rest of the brick doorway. Hearth lept out of the doorway as it collapsed. A few bricks fell down on his shoulder causing him to fall over in pain. He fell to the ground and before he could attempt to get up he saw Dimitri kick his wand out of his hand. He looked up to see him standing above himself wand drawn and a nasty gash bleeding down his face. Dimitri smirked down at Hearth licking the blood off his lips.
“Your father’s says it’s time to come home boy. Just be glad we found you and not the others. We won’t hurt you that much before we hand you over.”
Hearth just glared up at Dimitri. There was no way he was going to be taken by him. He preferred not to die or something worse the hands of his father. He saw his wand not far away from him to his left out of his peripheral. He lunged as soon as his hand grass it he willed himself into the nothingness focusing on his destination.
Hearth appeared into the alley nearby where he had left Blitz. White blotches popped into his vision as the pain in his arm grew. He gently tried to touch it but it hurt too much. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to heal it himself. He stumbled out of the alley and started walking down the street. He only had to go a few steps when he felt a hand reach out and grab his good arm. Still slightly alarmed from his recent encounter he jumped high like a startled cat. He quickly calmed down when he saw it was just Blitz.
His vision was swimming now but he could just make out Blitz’s words.
“Oh my Gods Hearth. What happened to you. Are you alright?”
Hearth did his best to sign with one hand.
“Im fine. Shoulder broken. Need to leave. Guys from last night.”
Blitz eyebrows knit together like it always did when he was worried. Blitz nodded getting the message loud and clear. He grabbed Hearth’s good arm and pulled his wand out. They stumbled back into the dark alley and Blitz apparated pulling Hearth with him.
They landed the platform in Kings Cross. The platform was empty except for them. Blitz lead Hearth over to a bench and Hearth slowly sat down being careful of his arm which now felt as if it had been cut off. If it wasn’t for The fact he was craddeling it in his other arm he would have thought he lost it. Blitz didn’t sit, he stood over Hearth and did another scan of the platform. Hearth tried to raise his good arm to sign ‘sorry’ but Blitz scolded him.
“You can apologize and tell me what happened later.” He said/signed looking angry. Hearth felt himself shrink in the seat. He had never made Blitz angry before. He half expected him to start shouting and calling him names… like his father and mother would. Blitz kept himself calm. His eyes still showed anger but he gently knelt down in front of him. He pointed to Hearth’s arm and signed P for permission. Hearth nodded. Blitz reached up and helped him carefully pull his busted arm out of his sleeve. Blitz raised his wand and cut off Hearth’s sweater and shirt sleeve. His arm at his shoulder had gone purple and bruised. It was swelling and looked like purple cantaloupe had merged with his upper arm.
Blitz frowned. Hearth raised his good hand and signed out the word “ P A I N” since his other hand was incapacitated. “B O M B A R D A, F E L L, S T A I R S”.
Blitz pursed his lips. He reached into his bag and pulled out a length of fabric. He cut it and then tied a sling around Hearth’s neck. He gently put Hearth’s arm inside.
“Of all the stupid things i have done this is the worst” Blitz said when he was done standing up straight.
Hearth was confused. Why did Blitz think this was his fault. It was obviously his, Hearthstones fault. He knew he shouldn’t have gone off on his own.Hearth used his good hand to sign shakily.“
"Fault not yours. Fault mine”
Blitz shook his head and sat down beside Hearth. He checked his wrist watch and then said.
“I shouldn’t have let you out of my sight after we saw those guys. But it doesn’t matter now. I’m not gonna be able to heal you so we will get you to the castle asap. I can’t apparated that far obviously and your’re in no shape to do so. But the train comes in at 11 so just hold on till then.” Blitz stared at his feet as he talked but signed so that Hearth still caught what he was saying.
Hearth nodded and bent forward cradling his arm trying to ignore the pain. He wanted to talk to Blitz. He felt bad about getting himself into the situation and wanted to explain to him how sorry he was. He also wanted to talk about why those guys had gone after him. Why did his father want him back home. What was he planning. Nothing good Hearth thought. He knew what happened to people who crossed his father. Unfortunately his father never wanted them brought back to him, which made Hearth nervous.
As 11 o'clock approached parents began arriving on the platform to pick up their children for the winter holiday. When people started arriving Blitz helped put Hearth’s cloak over him as to not alarm the parents that recognized them. At exactly 11 o'clock the train slowly pulled into the station. Students spilled out of the train and a few spotted them and waved.  Blitz lead Hearth onto the train and they collapsed in a compartment. Soon the train left the station. Blitz peered out the window as London disappeared behind them. He still looked slightly angry but his face was now more worried than angry. Hearth shifted slightly to lean back into the seat. His arm was throbbing and the pain was messing with his head. He was having trouble focusing it took him a few minutes of staring at Blitz as he spoke and signed to comprehend what he was saying.
“Are you ok. Your sweating and look like you’ve just been obliviated.”
Hearth shook his head slowly. He wasn’t doing well. His arm hurt more than words could describe. But he didn’t want to worry Blitz so he stopped shaking his head and nodded. Blitz gave him a confused look so Hearth raised his left hand and signed “P A I N” since his right hand was incapacitated.
Blitzen nodded. “I’m sorry I don’t have anything to help that. I wish I knew more healing magic. Here we can take your cloak off now hopefully that helps.”
Blitz got up and again helped Hearth out of his cloak. Hearth looked out the window as they did so not wanting to see his arm. He felt Blitz gently touch it and winced he clenched his good fist but didn’t pull away.
He felt Blitz reach out and touch the hand of his bad arm which was laying in the sling on his stomach. Hearth looked down and was startled to see his hand turning purple. Blitz put his hands on either side of his and rubbed and squeezed it tightly being careful not to move his whole arm, a for a few minutes. While doing so he looked up at Hearth and said “Your hand is cold. Probably bad circulation with the swelling.”
After a few minutes of rubbing his hand Blitz stood back up, on his way up he kissed Hearth’s forehead which Hearth didn’t feel like he deserved.
Blitz sat down in front of Hearth again.
“So what was so important you had to go and almost get yourself killed for?” Blitz asked.
Hearth shifted uncomfortably. He remembered before the attack the engraving he had found on the watch. The unknown long lost gift Blitzen’s dad had intended to give his son. Hearth was proud to have found it for Blitzen. He had originally intended to give it to him for Christmas, but seeing the circumstances he felt Blitz deserved the whole story and an explanation. With his good hand he reached into his cloak now laying beside him and pulled out the box.
He held it up for Blitzen to take. Blitz took it and looked at Hearth curious and confused. Hearth nodded at him to open it. Blitz turned the box in his hands and opened the lid. His mouth opened slightly when he saw the contents inside his face was flabbergasted with surprise and what looked like a little sadness.
His hands shook as he pulled out the watch from the box and held it in his hand.
“How and where on earth did you find this?” Hearth saw Blitz’s mouth stammer out.
Hearth held up his good hand and signed
“Lots of owls and searching. Took a long time. Eventually tracked it to a store in Nocturn Alley”
It took him a whiel to spell since he had to spell out words that required more than one hand, but Blitz watched him intently.
Blitz mouth opened like he wanted to say something but nothing came out as far as Hearth knew. Hearth raised his hand again and signed letter for letter.
“Read the label on the chain. Only discovered after I got the watch. I think your father made the chain. I think he meant to give it to you before he …”
Hearth dropped his head unable to spell out the words 'He died’. Blitz looked down and read the inscription. Hearth saw some tears leak out of Blitz’s eyes as he gazed down at the words his father had engraved. After a few tears had fallen on Blitz’s lap he looked up at Hearth. Hearth gave him a sympathetic smile and raised his hand to sign.
“I love you”
Blitz smiled back. He wiped his tears in his sleeve and signed.
“I love you too…Hearth you have no idea how much this means to me.”
Hearth gave a weak smile ignoring the pain in his arm. Blitz walked over and kissed him in the lips his hands tangling in the back of Hearth’s head messing up his stupid combed back hair.
He pulled away, sat back down and said.
“In still upset at you for running off on your own. I could have lost you. You mean way more to me Hearth. Please never do that again. At least until we figure out a way to deal with your father.” His face was again knotted with concern. Hearth nodded felling bad again for causing Blitz to worry so much.
The ride back to the castle took a long time. As they got close to Hogsmade Blitz opened the window and pulled out his wand. His duck shaped patronous flew out the window bringing a message to the castle for someone to come down to the station to help. When the train finally pulled into Hogsmade the sky was black and shinning with stars. The moonless night was dark. Blitz helped Hearth off the train. The pain was so bad now his head swam and he had difficulty standing, let alone walking straight. Waiting for them on the platform was Sam and Magnus. They both looked extremely worried. When they spotted Blitz and Hearth they marched over. Hearth could see Sam ask what happened. Hearth was too tired and in to much pain to even try and explain with one hand. He looked over to see Blitz start to explain. Hearth lowered his head ashamed.
He looked back up when he felt Blitz squeeze him to get his attention.
Sam was trying to talk to him.
“Magnus is a great healer. He can help. We’ll get to the castle and he can check out your arm.”
Hearth nodded. The walk back to the castle was the longest walk Hearth had ever taken. Every step jostled his arm sending a shock of pain across his upper body. When they finally reached Magnus’s office Hearth felt like passing out. He collapsed on the couch. Magnus rummaged around in his cabinets and pulled out some weird looking plant. He crushed it in his mortar and rolled the now plant mush into a ball. He walked back over to Hearth and held it out.
“Ok this should help with your circulation. Hopefully reduce some swelling.”
Hearth took the plant gunk and quickly swallow the bitter ball. Magnus sat down beside him and as gently as he could examined Hearths shoulder and upper arm. Magnus tried to move it slightly but Hearth felt himself let out a gasp he was pretty sure pirbablu sounded like a scream. Magnus frowned and ran his hand along the top of the shoulder to the elbow feeling fir what was wrong. The pain made Hearth take in a deep intake of breath. He squinted his eyes up in pain. He felt Blitz’s hand on his good shoulder trying to comfort him. When Magnus let go Hearth opened his eyes which were now watery.
“The arm is broken which is an easy fix. But the shoulder is dislocated. Which is cutting off the blood supply. He have to put it back in the socket before I can fix the break. Unfortunately it’s going to hurt. Like alot.” Magnus explained in signs. He looked pretty scared and worried about that fact. Hearth felt dizzy. How could it be more painful than this, he didn’t really want to know. He looked over at Blitz and Sam who had the same expressions as Magnus.
Hearth took a deep breath to calm himself. Then he nodded to Magnus. Magnus gestured for Sam to come over. Magnus had Sam hold either side of Hearths shoulder steady. Her hands pressing down felt like branding irons melting thought his body. When Magnus grabbed his arm he let out what was unmistakenly a yell even though he couldn’t hear it. He had never been so vocal in his life. He thought of how dark it was that to do the one thing he always wished he could do, talk, was only because of some involuatey reaction he had to excruciating pain.
He looked over at Magnus. Magnus opened his mouth and Hearth read them as he counted down.
“In 3, 2, 1” Magnus pulled up hard on Hearth’s arm pushing in and up pushing his arm back into his shoulder blade. Hearth let out another scream. One that felt louder. His vision went white. The last thing he remembers was falling forward into Sam as he passed out
Hearth woke up confused. It was pitch black and he couldn’t see a thing. But he smelled a familiar sent. Rose cologne and cloves. He could feel the too similar softness of Blitz’s comforter and sheets around him. His arm twinged but wasn’t throbbing or unbearably painful anymore. He tried to move it but found he was restricted by a sling wrapped around his chest holding his arm across his stomach and his forearm securely against the side of his chest.  He used his other arm to feel around. Blitz wasn’t in bed with him. He reached over to the night stand and felt his wand laying there. He picked it up and waved it. The lamp in the corner came to life. He looked down to see he was in his sleep clothes. He swung his legs out of bed and stood up slowly. He was happy to find he felt fine. He padded over to the bedroom door and slowly opened it entering the living room.
He looked around the room. The fire in the fireplace was dying but the residual burning embers gave off enough light for Hearth to see Blitzen laying down on the couch wraped in his wool blanket. Hearth walked over and bent down. He taped on Blitz’s shoulder to wake him.
Blitz woke up with a small startled jolt. When he saw it was just Hearth he smiled and sat up.
“Your’re awake. Thank the gods.” Blitz said and he got off the couch. He pulled Hearth into a hug. Hearth was much taller than the dark wizard so he wrapped his arm around Blitz’s shoulder and buried his face in his hair.
After a few minutes Blitz pulled away and pushed Hearth to sit on the couch muttering things Hearth only caught bits of.
“Sit, tired, arm” and “silly”
Blitz walked to his cupboard and pulled out some herbal tea. He placed the kettle on the fire and threw in some wood. He then sat down beside Hearth.
“You passed out from the pain. Although that was probably for the best. It made it easier for Magnus to fix your arm. He said it should be good by tomorrow evening. Just be careful not to exert it today. How are you feeling though?” Blitz said.
Hearth gave Blitz the thumbs up. He was feeling much better. Besides the fact he couldn’t use his hand which he found quite annoying.
“Good, and now that your feeling better What The Hellheim Were You Thinking!” Blitz started ranting.
Hearth pretended to pay attention to the long speech Blitz was now giving him. Something about stupid ideas and if he did it next time Blitz would murder him. He stopped when the kettle started sputtering. He poured them both cups of tea. He put extra honey in Hearths. Hearth took the cup in his good hand and sipped the warm liquid. When Blitz finished his cup he turned to Hearth and said.
“We should figure out what to do about your father. Something tells me this is just the beginning.”
Hearth frowned. He knew Blitz was right, but he didn’t have any clue what to say or do. He knew his father was crafty. He always got what he wanted. The fact that his father wanted him brought to him made Hearth’s stomach want to come out of his throat. Even after all this time he was still terrified of his father. He felt himself start to shake as he recalled how his father would look down at him with his face full of loathing, cruel words curling off his lips. If Hearth looked away or didn’t answer his father when he spoke his father would raise his hand and strike him. A frequent occurrence as half the time Hearth didn’t know his father was talking as he couldn’t hear. He would try and sign but his father would just grab his wrist and twist it painfully. “Don’t use those silly signs with me boy.” He would snarl pulling Hearth up by his wrist causing pain.
He was brought back from his thoughts as Blitz put his arm around him. He started rubbing his back trying to comfort him. Hearth raised his arm to sign sorry but his hands were shaking so bad he just ended up holding it up against his chest hugging himself. Blitz continued rubbing his back. Hearth could feel his breath against the top of his head whispering something Hearth couldn’t hear.
It took Hearth awhiel to calm down. But eventually he got a grip. He was safe at Hogwarts. His dad couldn’t reach him here. It was his home and he was safe here. He looked up at Blitz. Blitz gave him a sympathetic smile then raised his hands and signed.
“We should talk to Sam. She will know what to do” Blitz said.
Hearth starred into Blitz’s eyes. He knew Blitz was right. He nodded.
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staticblitz-moved · 7 years
I am not tagging 20 ppl kjdshdfg if you wanna do this then do it my dudes!
Name: Kayden
Nickname: Blitz, Squid & tons of others fjkgnsd
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′7″
Orientation: lesbean
Nationality: Australian
Favourite Fruit: strawberries
Favourite Season: autumn
Favourite Book: idk i don’t rly read
Favourite Flower: roses & pansies
Favourite Scent: citrus
Favourite Colour: blue
Favourite Animal: bilby! & cats
Coffee | Tea | Hot cocoa: coffee
Average sleep hours: idk usually around 12
Cat or dog person: cats
Favorite fictional character: -points at url- is this conceited bc they’re me?
Number of blankets you sleep with: one at the moment
Dream trip: I wanna go back to Aus ;;
Blog created: this one, a few months ago when I accidentally deleted jkdfhfsd I’ve been on tumblr since 2011-12 tho
Number of followers: 135
Random fact:I didn’t sleep last night bc I took the wrong meds & slept all day yesterday
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