#blizzard of 1918
veronicaleighauthor · 5 months
Fun Facts About “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughters”
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In my previous post, I announced that my story “The Light House Keeper’s Daughters” was published in the latest issue of Black Cat Weekly. If you’re interested in buying a copy of the magazine for your eReader, you can do so here.
Whenever I publish a story, I try to do a Fun Facts post about the story, to share what inspired it and what I learned in my research along the way.
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Let’s begin with the two main characters – Minnie and Brenna Smith. Many, many years ago when I was a teenager, I wrote about a character named Minnie Smith. She had a younger sister named Brenna and she was an aspiring writer. I had planned to do a whole coming of age series on her. Though the stories were based in the early 20th century, Minnie Smith was supposed to be based on yours truly and Brenna was supposed to be based on my sister. A couple of years ago, I revived the characters Minnie and Brenna, only this time it was for a short mystery story that has yet to be published. And I have continued writing about them. So, after like twenty-five years of living in my imagination, Minnie and Brenna have finally appeared in print.
“The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughters” is the start of a new series. I’m not great at titles, but for now I’ve been calling the it “The Sleuthing Smith Sisters Series.” I’m open to suggestions, if anyone can think of anything better.
The second story in the series, “A Slice of Life,” has just been accepted for publication.
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I’ve been picturing Sophie Nelisse as Minnie Smith. Unfortunately, I don’t know who I exactly picture Brenna as. Though Minnie is my literary counterpart, I didn’t look at all like Sophie Nelisse when I was in my teens. My hair was often a greasy mess, I had bad acne, and I had glasses. But hey, this is fiction, right?
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This story is based in January 1918, in Michigan City, Indiana. It was partly inspired by this photo of a mother and two daughters near the Michigan Lighthouse, after a blizzard hit. The father, who I assume took the photo, was the true historical lighthouse keeper of Michigan City. But for the sake of this story, it is Mr. Smith. I also researched lighthouses, and in the end, I had to create my own version of the Michigan City Lighthouse to fit my story. The Michigan City Lighthouse still stands today and it is a tourist site.  
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“The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughters” is set against the backdrop of the January 1918 Blizzard. The winter storm paralyzed the Midwest and it was considered the Blizzard of the Century until the Blizzard of 1978 hit. I did copious amounts of research about the blizzard, how long it lasted, the descriptions were based on photographs and commentary of those who witnessed it.
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If you were alive in Indiana in 1978, you have a Blizzard of 78 story. To this day, no storm compares to it. I grew up hearing my parents, grandmother, and friends talk about it. Whenever we have a winter storm now, the Blizzard of 78 is referenced. When the blizzard hit, my dad lived in Michigan City, so some of the descriptions of the area and what he experienced found its way into this story.
Until next time!
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lookninjas · 2 years
another bluebird day the green balloon in the tree kitty corner to my house fluttering in a perfect spring breeze and a blizzard on the forecast for my return to the world
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 11.7 (1910-1970)
1910 – The first air freight shipment (from Dayton, Ohio, to Columbus, Ohio) is undertaken by the Wright brothers and department store owner Max Morehouse. 1912 – The Deutsche Opernhaus (now Deutsche Oper Berlin) opens in the Berlin neighborhood of Charlottenburg, with a production of Beethoven's Fidelio. 1913 – The first day of the Great Lakes Storm of 1913, a massive blizzard that ultimately killed 250 and caused over $5 million (about $118,098,000 in 2013 dollars) damage. Winds reach hurricane force on this date. 1914 – The German colony of Kiaochow Bay and its centre at Tsingtao are captured by Japanese forces. 1916 – Jeannette Rankin is the first woman elected to the United States Congress. 1916 – Woodrow Wilson is reelected as President of the United States. 1916 – Boston Elevated Railway Company's streetcar No. 393 smashes through the warning gates of the open Summer Street drawbridge in Boston, Massachusetts, plunging into the frigid waters of Fort Point Channel, killing 46 people. 1917 – The October Revolution, which gets its name from the Julian calendar date of 25 October, occurs, according to the Gregorian calendar; on this date, the Bolsheviks storm the Winter Palace. 1917 – World War I: The Third Battle of Gaza ends, with British forces capturing Gaza from the Ottoman Empire. 1918 – The 1918 influenza epidemic spreads to Western Samoa, killing 7,542 (about 20% of the population) by the end of the year. 1918 – Kurt Eisner overthrows the Wittelsbach dynasty in the Kingdom of Bavaria. 1919 – The first Palmer Raid is conducted on the second anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Over 10,000 suspected communists and anarchists are arrested in 23 U.S. cities. 1920 – Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow issues a decree that leads to the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. 1929 – In New York City, the Museum of Modern Art opens to the public. 1931 – The Chinese Soviet Republic is proclaimed on the anniversary of the October Revolution. 1933 – Fiorello H. La Guardia is elected the 99th mayor of New York City. 1936 – Spanish Civil War: The Madrid Defense Council is formed to coordinate the Defense of Madrid against nationalist forces. 1940 – In Tacoma, Washington, the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses in a windstorm, a mere four months after the bridge's completion. 1941 – World War II: Soviet hospital ship Armenia is sunk by German planes while evacuating refugees and wounded military and staff of several Crimean hospitals. It is estimated that over 5,000 people died in the sinking. 1944 – Soviet spy Richard Sorge, a half-Russian, half-German World War I veteran, is hanged by his Japanese captors along with 34 of his ring. 1944 – Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected for a record fourth term as President of the United States. 1949 – The first oil was taken in Oil Rocks (Neft Daşları), the world's oldest offshore oil platform. 1956 – Suez Crisis: The United Nations General Assembly adopts a resolution calling for the United Kingdom, France and Israel to immediately withdraw their troops from Egypt. 1956 – Hungarian Revolution: János Kádár returns to Budapest in a Soviet armored convoy, officially taking office as the next Hungarian leader. By this point, most armed resistance has been defeated. 1957 – Cold War: The Gaither Report calls for more American missiles and fallout shelters. 1967 – Carl B. Stokes is elected as Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, becoming the first African American mayor of a major American city. 1967 – US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, establishing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
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coloursofunison · 1 year
Today I'm delighted to be taking part in the blog tour for a new historical mystery, Mayhem in the Mountains by Kelly Oliver #blogtour #BoldwoodBooks
Today I'm delighted to be taking part in the blog tour for a new historical mystery, Mayhem in the Mountains by Kelly Oliver #blogtour #BoldwoodBooks @rararesources @BoldwoodBooks @BoldBookClub @kellyoliverbook @kellyoliverauthor #FionaFiggMysteries
Here’s the blurb: 1918 Italy When a deadly blizzard traps Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane in the Dolomite Mountains, it’s all downhill from here.Their hotel is snowed-in, and no one can get in or out. Then a man is found dead in his locked hotel room – and the killer is still on the premises. But with no murder weapon and too many suspects, their investigation is treading on thin ice. The colder it…
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writer59january13 · 2 years
Beware The Ides of March 2023
Ides simply referred to first new moon,
which usually fell between
the thirteenth and fifteenth day
of a given month.
Smithsonian Magazine history buff
Tom A. Frail
posted March 4, 2010 issue
url = https://www.smithsonianmag.com/
top ten reasons to beware the ides of march.
The following events all occurred fifteenth of March
across span of millenniums.
One: Assassination of fifty five year old
Julius Caesar, 44 Before Common Era Two thousand and sixty seven years ago conspirators led by Marcus Junius Brutus
stab dictator-for-life Julius Caesar
to death before the Roman senate.
Two: A Raid on Southern England, 1360 Anno Domini. A French raiding party begins
a 48-hour spree of rape, pillage and murder
in southern England.
King Edward III interrupts
his own pillaging spree in France
to launch reprisals,
writes historian Barbara Tuchman,
“on discovering that the French
could act as viciously in his realm
as the English did in France.”
Three: Samoan Cyclone, 1889 A cyclone wrecks six warships—
three U.S., three German—
in the harbor at Apia, Samoa,
leaving more than 200 sailors dead.
(On the other hand,
the ships represented
each nation’s show of force
in a competition to see
who would annex Samoan islands;
the disaster averted a likely war).
Four: Czar Nicholas II
abdicates his throne, 1917 Czar Nicholas II of Russia
signs his abdication papers,
ending a 304-year-old royal dynasty
and ushering in Bolshevik rule.
He and his family taken captive
and, in July 1918, executed
before a firing squad.
Five: Germany Occupies Czechoslovakia, 1939 Just six months after
Czechoslovak leaders ceded Sudetenland,
Nazi troops seize provinces
of Bohemia and Moravia,
effectively wiping Czechoslovakia
off the map.
Six: A Deadly Blizzard
on the Great Plains, 1941 A Saturday-night blizzard
strikes northern Great Plains,
leaving at least 60 people dead
in North Dakota and Minnesota
and six more
in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
A light evening snow
did not deter people from going out—
“after all, Saturday night
meant time for socializing,”
Diane Boit of Hendrum, Minnesota,
would recall—but “suddenly
the wind switched,
and a rumbling sound
could be heard as
60 mile-an-hour winds
swept down out of the north.”
Seven: World Record Rainfall, 1952 Rain falls on Indian Ocean island
of La Réunion—and keeps falling,
hard enough to register world’s
most voluminous 24-hour rainfall: 73.62 inches.
Eight: CBS Cancels
the “Ed Sullivan Show,” 1971 Word leaks that CBS-TV cancelled “The Ed Sullivan Show”
after 23 years on the network,
which also dumped Red Skelton
and Jackie Gleason
in the preceding month.
A generation mourns.
Nine: Disappearing Ozone Layer, 1988 NASA reports the ozone layer
over Northern Hemisphere
depleted three times faster than predicted.
Ten: A New Global Health Scare, 2003 After accumulating reports
of a mysterious respiratory disease
afflicting patients and healthcare workers
in China, Vietnam, Hong Kong,
Singapore and Canada,
the World Health Organization
issues a heightened global health alert.
The disease became famous
under the acronym SARS
(for Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
Elemental forces of style at large
which indiscriminate merciless whims extant
ask Homer Simpson or Marge
g'head and even tap
a local, county, or state Sarge
gent on the shoulder, cuz
he or she would moost likely agree
that this Month predicated
on The Gregorian calendar me
didst axe Mister Google,
(who whiz courtesy enough prithee) to validate premise about
when Time Construct came a boot re:
(named after Pope Gregory XIII, who
introduced it in October fifteen eighty two)
from that date to present,
the most widely
Attention Network Test (ANT) queue
test used civil calendar,
(though feel welcome to challenge above)
and when brand new (involved approximately
0.002% correction knew
this margin of error in length
of Julian calendar year) allowing hue
man accurate measurement passage
as days, weeks, months...elapsed
unimportant to the average Joe, (not quite five hundred years ago)
returning home on his emu
no matter male gendered
wordsmith named Matthew
cuz this flightless fast-running bird dinned,
poe whit lorry yet (wannabe)
nose tubby directed related door sill finned
and after posting blurb held pinned
regarding veracity of information
dog gone harassed primate hoo haint sinned
graced with surname Harris,
and gladly boasts being full of wind
which trivia finds this barred bard
(as iz his usual wont
i.e. digressing ludicrously wayward
from primary cole lord thread)
from initial intent, vis a vis,
how all life forms stretching
within the bounds of quisling
to an affable, convivial, and filial King
Crimson (reddit in the face),
yet knew everything liken ace
that comprised tome base
comprise zing knowledge
booking (to chase
winter blues) at getaway
gracefully re: Bedrock Cave
with proprietors of said place
Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone
offered ample space
to discuss preparations to cope
with onset of infrequent roaring blizzard
(via ominous clouds that didst trace)
plus minimizing setbacks affecting
the then most advanced stone age
during wrathful outbursts from beige flesh toned gabbing Goddess,
whose gentle giantess goodness,
one could gauge
which genteel manners evident
also asper her page
gave inside information,
how to batten down hatches
while tethered like a puppet
on the then much younger global stage.
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history-today · 2 years
Today In History:
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A bit of November 11th history…
308 - The Congress of Carnuntum: attempting to keep peace within the Roman Empire, the leaders of the Tetrarchy declare Maxentius and Licinius to be Augusti, while rival Constantine I is declared Caesar of Britain and Gaul
1647 - Massachusetts passes 1st compulsory school attendance law in the American colonies
1750 - The F.H.C. Society, aka the Flat Hat Club, was formed in Williamsburg, Virginia; it was the 1st college fraternity
1775 - Mohawk military leader Joseph Brant goes to London to solicit more support from the government and to persuade the Crown to address past Mohawk land grievances in exchange for their participation as allies in the impending war (pictured)
1918 - WWI armistice signed by the allies and Germany comes into effect and WWI hostilities end at 11 am; “the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month”
1933 - “Great Black Blizzard” - 1st of the great dust storms that created the dust bowl rips through South Dakota
2015 - Montreal begins controversial dumping of raw sewage (2.1 billion gallons) into the St Lawrence River
2019 - Transit of Mercury across the sun; closer than any other transit this century  
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Name Of Obligation: Trendy Warfare 2 Will Require Cellphone Quantity Verification
Name of Obligation: Trendy Warfare 2 comes out later this month, however there is a shock that many potential gamers did not see coming. In response to a web page on Battle.web, Trendy Warfare 2 gamers shall be required to supply a telephone quantity related to a sound information plan. Moreover, VOIP and pay as you go numbers will not work. This determination is seemingly a part of a company-wide initiative at Activision Blizzard to battle poisonous conduct in its multiplayer video games. We noticed the coverage in motion final week at Overwatch 2’s launch, which led to controversy. In principle, this requirement will stop abusive gamers (akin to smurfs and boosters) from making new accounts, which implies they will be held accountable for his or her actions. Dimension: 640 × 360 480 × 270 Need us to recollect this setting for all of your gadgets? Join or Sign up now! Please use a html5 video succesful browser to observe movies. This video has an invalid file format. Sorry, however you’ll be able to’t entry this content material! Please enter your date of delivery to view this video January February March April Could June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Yr 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 By clicking ‘enter’, you comply with GameSpot’s Phrases of Use and Privateness Coverage enter Now Taking part in: Name of Obligation: Trendy Warfare 2 Teaser Trailer Nevertheless, proscribing VOIP and pay as you go numbers would possibly cease hackers from worming their means again into the system, however it additionally has the unlucky aspect impact of blocking individuals who depend on such companies from taking part in the sport totally. Provided that Overwatch 2 is supposedly a free-to-play recreation, this would appear opposite to the corporate’s intentions. Moreover, provided that pay as you go telephones are sometimes cheaper than their competitors, this coverage positively hits poor and underprivileged individuals the toughest, in addition to children who’re too younger to personal their very own telephones. Whereas Overwatch 2 is not the primary recreation to require a sound telephone quantity to play on-line, experiences from The Verge and the final playerbase counsel that Battle.web is being way more strict about pay as you go and VOIP telephone plans than video games like Dota 2. In response to the controversy, Activision Blizzard introduced that they’ll waive the telephone coverage for many who performed the unique Overwatch and have a related Battle.web account. Nevertheless, new customers should nonetheless present a telephone quantity. Name of Obligation: Trendy Warfare 2 releases on October 28. The sequel to 2019’s Trendy Warfare reboot launched its launch trailer final week. GameSpot could get a fee from retail affords. The merchandise mentioned right here had been independently chosen by our editors. GameSpot could get a share of the income should you purchase something featured on our web site. Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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libraryofva · 6 years
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Recent Acquisition - Photograph Collection
St. in Hammond, Ind., Winter of 1917-1918 William Bowen Gallaher, Jr. Photograph Collection.
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What is Bondarev (BSB ver) actually like in the novels? In my WIP, I’m trying to be as close to the lore as I can with certain parts, so it’s hard to write in a character that I have no clue what his personality actually is like. Also does he have a full name? Is Bondarev his first or last name? I noticed Herzog has a full name thanks to the Fandom wiki you and Hectab are working on :3
Ask and Ye shall receive. (very long post below with allllllllllll of the stuff you asked for.)
This was a man who was a sight to behold, handsome and straight, with iron gray hair neatly combed back and styled with hairspray, and a muscular body that was defined and supple. Many would describe him as sexy. The sentry had seen such handsome young officers in Moscow, but this one was too unbelievable. He was actually wearing only military shorts and sleeveless undershirt, sweating in the -10 degree wind. The man fished out a lighter from his shorts and lit it with aplomb, the sterling silver case etched with the words "70th anniversary of the October Revolution".
The sentry could not refuse this kindness and went over to light the cigarette.
"Here you go." The man tossed the lighter to the sentry, "In such a cold place, you need to use aviation kerosene with low freezing point, you should save that for the summer."
The sentry then realized that he still had the unlit lighter in his hand, the man's insight was actually keen to this point. Furthermore, people should be eager to find a warm place to rest at this moment. This also shows that he still has energy left for skiing in such extremely cold weather. The man took out a dark gray officer's uniform from his military duffel bag, and after a few moments, he finished putting it on and solemnly pinned a "Red Flag Medal" on his chest. A minute ago he was a skier, a minute later he had a frown of determination, a young man of power from Moscow.
"KGB Major Bondarev, I'm from Moscow." The man pulled out his papers, "Take me to Dr. Herzog and tell him that this is the moment of survival."
"Yes! Comrade Major!" The sentry saluted.
The man stated his identity in the simplest terms; he was an envoy from Moscow, a key member of the secret intelligence service. In the days of the Tsar, such a man was called a "minister".
********ICE PROOF*************
He pressed the detonator in his hand, after a short dull explosion, the marble base in the snow was blown up, Lenin bronze statue slanted in the snow. The noise of this micro-acoustic thunderstorm was so small that it was muffled by the wind within a few steps. The Black Swan Harbor is notoriously heavily guarded, but the most important aspect is the extreme cold, and standing outside for ten minutes on a night like this can lead to severe frostbite. Because of the blizzard, visibility was less than five meters. The soldiers did not expect anyone else to dare to move outside, and they ignored the fact that Bondarev had an extraordinary tolerance for the cold.
"I sometimes think that people who like to drink can't be bad. So I like you a lot, you know vodka." Dr. Herzog removed the Makolov pistol and handed over a cold glass.
A light struck down from above, enveloping the Doctor and Bondarev. The glass reflected the light, as clear as the most expensive crystal glassware, but it was carved from a whole block of solid ice, pure ice, without any air bubbles, with cornflower patterns carved on the outer wall. The two men gently clinked their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.
  Bondarev played with the ice carved glass: "It's wonderful, the spirits wrapped in ice, as moving as a stunning young woman under the appearance of an iceberg. I think my hands will freeze and to it."
  "Usually people who drink from such an ice glass have to wear leather gloves, and only people like you, Major, who are not afraid of the cold can hold it in their hands. It is carved from old ice in the -30 degree strata and also kept at -30 degrees, making it the coldest drinking vessel for the warmest of wines." The doctor said, He said so, but he was also holding the glass with his empty hand, his slender hand was stable and did not tremble at all because of the low temperature.
  "Bondarev, a KGB major, from Moscow, these are the truth. I only concealed from you the name of my great-grandmother, her name was Nastasya Nikolaevna Romanova." Bondarev slowly pronounced this long, awkward name, like a magician reciting a forbidden spell.
  The doctor was stunned: "Was it the last royal daughter of the Romanov dynasty?"
  Nastasia was the last princess of the Romanov dynasty, the last dynasty to rule Russia until it was overthrown by the October Revolution in 1917. in 1918, the last Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family were secretly executed by the Red Army. Nastasia was the youngest daughter of Nicholas II, and although she was young, she was given the title of "Grand Duchess", which made her more honored than other royal princesses in Europe at the time, and princesses were required to curtsy and address her as "Your Imperial Highness" during their audiences. It was rumored that she was the only one who escaped execution, and that her name Nastasia meant "resurrection".
  "Since there is still me, the grandson of the emperor, I can't say that she is the 'last' royal daughter." Bondarev smiled.
  "How do you prove yourself?" The Doctor asked.
  "I saw Rasputin's signature at the end of the tunnel, and that heretic who had been canonized had been here before, so I should say he was the one who found this cave, right?"
  "Yes." The Doctor said, "This cave is his legacy."
  "Then you must know that Rasputin was a guest of the Tsar and a close friend of Princess Nastasia. The fact that I could find this place means that I have Rasputin's secrets, secrets that he told my great-grandmother. This is the proof of my status as the last royal grandson of the Romanov dynasty." Bondarev held his head up proudly.
  "So, what were the secrets that Rasputin revealed to Her Imperial Highness?"
  Bondarev smiled slyly: "I think there are certain things I know that you do not know, and of course there are things you know that I do not, so we might as well exchange information about each other. Then we might be able to sit down and talk about cooperation."
  "After you." The Doctor raised his muzzle.
  "This matter begins with my great-grandmother's escape. A Red Army bullet did go through her heart and her body was thrown into an abandoned mine, but three days later she awoke and the wound miraculously healed. It was then that she remembered what Rasputin had told her, that Rasputin said he was willing to share the secrets of the world with his great-grandmother because she, like himself, was God's chosen one. Like Rasputin, she had an unparalleled power of life and could even return from hell. She later married a Red Army officer, and in those days the only way she could gain refuge was to marry a Red Army officer. My great-grandfather, who later stepped into the high ranks of the military, was a very good man and always protected my great-grandmother from revealing her identity. Great-grandmother would sometimes wake up in a dream and shout, 'The Red Army is coming with guns,' and great-grandfather would reassure her, 'I am the Red Army, and as long as I live, the Red Army guns will only protect you.'"
  "Touching love." The doctor said faintly.
  "Great-grandmother decided to give up her past identity, so she rarely talked about the past of the Romanov dynasty, with the exception of one thing. She bade her great-grandfather that there were relics of God in the north of Siberia, which the saint Rasputin had told her about. That saint found the cave where God created life on the shore of the icy sea. But he did not announce it to the world, but sealed the miracle with iron water, because the miracle had degenerated into the cradle of the devil, and inside it were hidden fallen angels. Generations of our family descendants have to be on guard against the reopening of that cave, and the day it reopens, the end comes with it."
  "So you are here to check if we are guarding the miracle properly?"
  "No, no, my great-grandmother was a good and devout Orthodox Christian, but I am not. I have a great curiosity about everything, and after I inherited the secret, I am bent on finding the miracle. If I were to find it, I would definitely open it and take a look. Not long ago I found an engineering map from the ruined archives." Bondarev drew out the map roll and rolled it along the ice toward the Doctor, "It marks the elevator that leads deep into the tundra."
  The Doctor scanned the map, "It's not the original map, someone drew it from memory."
  "It was drawn by a madman who used to be the engineer battalion commander of the 13th Konrad Infantry Division and was ordered to participate in the excavation of the tunnel, after which he was brainwashed by drugs and became a regular in a mental hospital. All he remembered was that he was engaged in a big project on the northern coast of Siberia, and the project was to dig a cave. Suddenly I realized I had found a breakthrough. But as the investigation progressed, I found that the matter was becoming more and more mysterious. Many years ago, the army had built a port in the almost unnavigable northern part of Siberia, about which there was no information, and even the coordinates had been erased. Below that port, sappers had dug through the hard permafrost and opened a long-closed cave. So I decided to come and see for myself. As a KGB officer, I easily applied for a charter to investigate this mysterious port, so that I could drive in as the 'Minister of the Admiralty'. Sure enough, I found Rasputin's signature at the end of the passage, and I finally arrived at the place I had dreamed of since childhood." Bondarev looked around, "But it doesn't look like there's anything interesting here."
  "I'm sure you noticed when you came here that the closer you got to the door where Rasputin signed, the more bones there were in the tundra, and they all crawled out through a gap in the rock wall. It was those things that Rasputin was talking about when he said this cave would breed demons. But now the cave is dead, and the mysterious forces in the cave have dissipated."
  "I don't think so. If this cave was no longer valuable, you would have left long ago."
  "If this cave was really valuable, I should have shot you and monopolized the secrets of this place."
  "Wait a minute! I have brought you a gift! Won't you take a look at the gift before shooting?'' Bondarev took an envelope from inside his clothes and slid it along the ice toward the Doctor, by which he showed that he had absolutely no intention of resisting.
  The doctor tore open the envelope, inside was a Swiss bank cashier's check - a cashier's check for $200 million.
  "This is a rare and large check, what do you want to buy from me with this check?" 'Doc asked.
  "Not a purchase, just a gift." Bondarev smiled, "We believe this gift will be useful to you. Your research has been going on for decades, consuming huge amounts of state funds every year, and it must not be finished yet, right? But now that the Soviet Union is about to split, your backers have fallen, which means you no longer have access to funding to complete your research, and no one to help you keep it secret."
  "It does sound like I'm facing a lot of trouble." The doctor said.
  "Then why not work with my family? We know politics, we know technology, and we know war, and we're willing to invest in this cave as long as its secrets pay off. We can continue to support you in this project and share with you all the benefits it brings. I have already shown my sincerity and told you everything I know. Shouldn't you also tell me what I don't know? After that you will still have time to shoot me."
  "You are very calm, Comrade Major. You think I won't shoot you if you produce this $200 million cashier's check, don't you?" There was a hint of sarcasm in the Doctor's tone.
  "There are not many people in the world who can refuse two hundred million dollars." Bondarev smiled, "And killing me wasn't the best option. If I do not return safely to Moscow, the family will know that something has happened to me, and they will not spare you. At that time the secret of Black Swan Harbor will be made known to the world."
  "Ten times." The doctor threw the cashier's check back to Bondarev.
  Bondarev froze: "What did you say?"
  "Your family needs to increase the bid tenfold. I need three years and two billion dollars to complete this research. At that time we will share the whole world."
  "That amount is beyond my expectations and not easy to raise even for my family."
  The Doctor laughed coldly: "It seems you really don't know the secret of this cave, in front of which two billion dollars is too small a figure, what is here no one can afford, it is priceless! Your family should be proud to offer this two billion dollars."
  "Everything has a price, weapons, women, secrets, even souls." Bondarev said.
  "But who can put a price on God?" The Doctor asked.
The Lenin's mooring is only 40 kilometers from Black Swan Harbor, and they will be here soon. This new flare is so great that American spy satellites will recognize it as an aurora borealis." Bondarev said.
  "You had said that the Lenin would not come." The doctor said.
  "Moscow is not prepared to send the Lenin to Black Swan Harbo, but we can, and now the Lenin is at my family's beck and call."
  Black shadows rose above the sea level, the roar of a giant bee on its wings approaching at high speed, snow dust twisted into a tornado by the helicopter's rotors, red five stars flashing in the white tornado. It was the "MiG 26" heavy helicopter, codenamed "Halo", one of the pride of the Soviet military industry. The helicopter hovered over the cast iron dock, the searchlights broke through the haze of the night, the hatch opened, and five captains lined up, saluting Bondarev. The communication lights below the belly of the plane blinked up, signaling greetings to Bondarev in Morse code.
  "Glad to see you're safe and sound, Your Imperial Highness!" The doctor read out the greeting.
  The fact that they called Bondarev "His Imperial Highness" instead of "comrade" meant that the helicopter and the Lenin on the icy sea were no longer loyal to the Soviet Union, but to the heir to the Romanov dynasty. The name Romanov is about to shine again after almost a century of obliteration in history, and with the power of the Dragons, it is not impossible for them to re-establish hegemony on Earth.
  Bondarev handed a letter to the Doctor: "This is a letter I wrote to the family, please read it."
  The Doctor scanned it and handed the letter back to Bondarev.
  "If things go well, we will be able to relocate within a few weeks." Bondarev handed the letter to a captain who descended down the zip line, "We will build you a brand new research base in the warm and pleasant Baltic Sea, along with a vacation villa."
  The captain placed a mouthful of boxes at the doctor's feet, containing a case of aged Red Label vodka.
  "A small gift, so you don't have to worry about running out of booze until we leave Black Swan Harbor." Bondarev said.
  "I guess I picked the right partner." The Doctor smiled.
***** HE VERY STRONG AND CAPABLE ***********
Bondarev looked alert, his muscles bulging under his uniform. He was a highly trained soldier, capable of breaking a wolf's neck with his bare hands, and had no need to fear this delicate boy, but not daring to take it lightly in the presence of something supernatural, he adjusted himself to a state of immediate danger.
Bondarev noticed a transparent figure flashed from his side. It was just a short blink of an eye, a fraction of a second, but Bondarev was trained to the rigors of the KGB and he was absolutely certain it was a person!
The lieutenant on duty in the boiler room collapsed on the duty desk, a bottle of Red Label vodka still in his hand. A steel-core bullet had penetrated his heart, and Bondarev stood behind the lieutenant with his Makolov pistol.
At that moment the doctor heard the wind change behind his head, and the beam of the searchlight struck him. He turned sharply and saw huge black shadows hovering in the air, their rotor blades churning the snow into a flurry. It was Halo, the heavy helicopter from the Lenin, which had ventured to Black Swan Harbor in such bad weather.
  "Didn't you say Halo couldn't fly in a snowstorm of this magnitude?" The Doctor froze. Something hard pressed against his back, it was Bondarev's Makarov pistol. One by one, the steel-core bullets pierced the Doctor's chest, tearing the aging heart into a million pieces. The Doctor spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with fragments of his lungs, which had been destroyed in the process. He braced himself and turned his face to look at Bondarev, his eyes filled with shock.
  "You can't complete the research without me ......," he hissed.
  "We didn't even try to finish your research." Bondarev's pupils swirled with a gorgeous gold.
  "Who the hell ...... are you?"
  Bondarev held the Doctor in place and injected him with adrenaline using an air needle, "Hold on one more minute for the most magnificent scene."
  The Black Swan Harbor suddenly trembled up tremendously, the sound of a series of explosions spread upward from the ground, but it was not a vacuum bomb detonated in advance, if it was a vacuum bomb, a square kilometer around would be leveled to the ground. A fire rose, and countless pieces of frozen earth spilled onto the frozen sea.
  "Engineering explosive mines?" The Doctor asked in a hiss.
  "The new engineering burst mines, even 10,000 years of permafrost, as long as the right eye is chiseled can be blown up. Now in a place you can't see, there is a huge hole with a depth of 180 meters, leading to Rasputin's cave, where we will use the laser to cut through the ice and take away the precious collection that originally belonged to you." Bondarev said, "You have been isolated from the outside world for too long to know the progress of engineering, it is no longer difficult to cut through the tundra in an instant today, once I probe its location."
  "You ...... want to take that dragon!" The Doctor understood.
  "Yes," Bondarev replaced the magazine, walked over to the sled, and fired four bullets into the chests of each of the four children.
  The children died without a struggle from the potent hypnotic drug. It was pure carnage.
  "You are not the only one who is willing to sacrifice human lives for a great cause." Bondarev pressed his chest in silence for the children he had just killed, looking reverent.
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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A bit of November 11th history...
308 - The Congress of Carnuntum: attempting to keep peace within the Roman Empire, the leaders of the Tetrarchy declare Maxentius and Licinius to be Augusti, while rival Constantine I is declared Caesar of Britain and Gaul
1647 - Massachusetts passes 1st compulsory school attendance law in the American colonies
1750 - The F.H.C. Society, aka the Flat Hat Club, was formed in Williamsburg, Virginia; it was the 1st college fraternity
1775 - Mohawk military leader Joseph Brant goes to London to solicit more support from the government and to persuade the Crown to address past Mohawk land grievances in exchange for their participation as allies in the impending war
1918 - WWI armistice signed by the allies and Germany comes into effect and WWI hostilities end at 11 am; “the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month” (pictured)
1933 - “Great Black Blizzard” - 1st of the great dust storms that created the dust bowl rips through South Dakota
2015 - Montreal begins controversial dumping of raw sewage (2.1 billion gallons) into the St Lawrence River
2019 - Transit of Mercury across the sun; closer than any other transit this century
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generalcircus · 4 years
The Deadliest Pandemic You’ve Never Heard Of
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As deaths from the coronavirus continue to soar, we are constantly reminded of pandemics from the past, both as a warning and, well… because they’re fascinating. You had the black death aka the bubonic plague, which ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia for 8 years in the 1300’s with a death toll believed to be as high as 200 million people, or approximately half of the world’s population. Yes… HALF. There was the flu pandemic of 1918, which killed 20 to 50 million people in three years thanks to its 10 to 20 percent mortality rate among healthy adults. Let’s see, there was the Asian flu in the 1950s that killed 2 million people throughout China and the United States. There’s the ongoing HIV/AIDS pandemic that has killed more than 36 million people across the world since it was first identified in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976. I could go on and on and on naming well known and well studied pandemics throughout human history. But there is one, much less talked about pandemic that separates itself from the rest. 
Like any deadly virus, it spread like wildfire, leaving millions dead in its path. The weak were instantly killed, while those strong enough to fend off the impending doom navigated through mazes of corpses on their way to safety. The panic and fear experienced by millions around the world was real, and it was everywhere. So why don’t you have a god damn clue of what I’m talking about? Why haven’t you learned about this deadly pandemic in school? Because it happened… 
In a video game. That’s right. In 2005, millions of players across the globe experienced a deadly pandemic, not in real life, but in the popular game World of Warcraft. “What the fuck?” is right. 
Now I’ve never played World of Warcraft, so trying to explain to you how a virtual pandemic spread through a video game would make about as much sense as some conspiracy theorist explaining how birds are a government entity used to spy on us. So here’s an excerpt from an article written by Mihai Andrei that explains just what the hell happened: 
“Hakkar the Soulflayer was introduced as a raid boss in World of Warcraft (WoW) on September 13, 2005. Hakkar was a Blood God, a sort of uber-vampire.
As any self-respecting raid boss, Hakkar was also hard to defeat. Max-level characters would party up, go through the gauntlet, and then challenge him. Without careful planning and powerful spells and items, they would almost certainly fail. But, as it always happens, strong parties would outpower him. As Hakkar would feel that he is starting to lose, he would use his last trump card: a strong lifesteal spell.
To combat this last-resort attack, players would intentionally poison themselves — then, as Hakkar would siphon their blood, he would essentially poison himself. Job done, the boss was defeated, parties took their loot and life carried on as normal on the WoW servers.
Until someone (Patient Zero) de-summoned his pet while the poison effect was still active. Without suspecting a thing, Patient Zero went about his business in the WoW world. But later on, when they re-summoned their pet, it was still infected with Hakkar’s plague — and it started spreading like wildfire.
Weaker characters were killed, resurrected, and then killed again after a few seconds. Entire cities were contaminated, and only strong characters could survive — and most abandoned towns entirely, leaving behind piles and piles of infected character corpses.
The corrupted blood effect was only meant to be active in Hakkar’s realm, but due to a coding bug, it was able to spread, making the World of Warcraft servers unexpectedly mirrored a real-life epidemic.”
Got all that? While a tad complicated if you’ve never played the game, a scenario like this one sounds eerily familiar to what we’re experiencing in current times. And not only are there similarities in how the virus both affected players and how it spread, but when the creators of World of Warcraft tried to prevent the virus from spreading further using methods such as telling players to quarantine, many reacted much as people have with the coronavirus, they simply refused. The whole debacle was surprisingly similar to any real life pandemic. So similar in fact, that many epidemiologists have actually studied the virtual outbreak in hopes of using their findings to create more accurate models of disease origins and how to control them. 
Blizzard Entertainment, the company behind World of Warcraft, eventually gave up and had to reset their servers. A simple fix to a very complicated problem. If only we had that option in real life. 
But we don’t. So mask up and get the vaccine when it becomes available to you. And for those of you who refuse to do either, I hope your miserable lives are added to the death toll sooner than later.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 years
Events 1.28
814 – The death of Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, brings about the accession of his son Louis the Pious as ruler of the Frankish Empire. 1069 – Robert de Comines, appointed Earl of Northumbria by William the Conqueror, rides into Durham, England, where he is defeated and killed by rebels. This incident leads to the Harrying of the North. 1077 – Walk to Canossa: The excommunication of Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, is lifted after he humbles himself before Pope Gregory VII at Canossa in Italy. 1521 – The Diet of Worms begins, lasting until May 25. 1547 – Edward VI, the nine-year-old son of Henry VIII, becomes King of England on his father's death. 1568 – The Edict of Torda prohibits the persecution of individuals on religious grounds in John Sigismund Zápolya's Eastern Hungarian Kingdom. 1573 – Articles of the Warsaw Confederation are signed, sanctioning freedom of religion in Poland. 1591 – Execution of Agnes Sampson, accused of witchcraft in Edinburgh. 1624 – Sir Thomas Warner founds the first British colony in the Caribbean, on the island of Saint Kitts. 1671 – Original city of Panama (founded in 1519) is destroyed by a fire when privateer Henry Morgan sacks and sets fire to it. The site of the previously devastated city is still in ruins (see Panama Viejo). 1724 – The Russian Academy of Sciences is founded in St. Petersburg, Russia, by Peter the Great, and implemented by Senate decree. It is called the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences until 1917. 1754 – Sir Horace Walpole coins the word serendipity in a letter to a friend. 1813 – Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is first published in the United Kingdom. 1846 – The Battle of Aliwal, India, is won by British troops commanded by Sir Harry Smith. 1851 – Northwestern University becomes the first chartered university in Illinois. 1855 – A locomotive on the Panama Canal Railway runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean for the first time. 1871 – Franco-Prussian War: The Siege of Paris ends in French defeat and an armistice. 1878 – Yale Daily News becomes the first independent daily college newspaper in the United States. 1896 – Walter Arnold of East Peckham, Kent, becomes the first person to be convicted of speeding. He was fined one shilling, plus costs, for speeding at 8 mph (13 km/h), thereby exceeding the contemporary speed limit of 2 mph (3.2 km/h). 1902 – The Carnegie Institution of Washington is founded in Washington, D.C. with a $10 million gift from Andrew Carnegie. 1908 – Members of the Portuguese Republican Party fail in their attempted coup d'état against the administrative dictatorship of Prime Minister João Franco. 1909 – United States troops leave Cuba, with the exception of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, after being there since the Spanish–American War. 1915 – An act of the U.S. Congress creates the United States Coast Guard as a branch of the United States Armed Forces. 1918 – Finnish Civil War: The Red Guard rebels seize control of the capital, Helsinki; members of the Senate of Finland go underground. 1920 – Foundation of the Spanish Legion. 1922 – Knickerbocker Storm: Washington, D.C.'s biggest snowfall, causes a disaster when the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapses, killing over 100 people. 1932 – Japanese forces attack Shanghai. 1933 – The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali Khan and is accepted by Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence. 1935 – Iceland becomes the first Western country to legalize therapeutic abortion. 1938 – The World Land Speed Record on a public road is broken by Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz W195 at a speed of 432.7 kilometres per hour (268.9 mph). 1941 – Franco-Thai War: Final air battle of the conflict. A Japanese-mediated armistice goes into effect later in the day. 1945 – World War II: Supplies begin to reach the Republic of China over the newly reopened Burma Road. 1956 – Elvis Presley makes his first national television appearance. 1958 – The Lego company patents the design of its Lego bricks, still compatible with bricks produced today. 1960 – The National Football League announces expansion teams for Dallas to start in the 1960 NFL season and Minneapolis-St. Paul for the 1961 NFL season. 1964 – An unarmed United States Air Force T-39 Sabreliner on a training mission is shot down over Erfurt, East Germany, by a Soviet MiG-19. 1965 – The current design of the Flag of Canada is chosen by an act of Parliament. 1977 – The first day of the Great Lakes Blizzard of 1977, which dumps 10 feet (3.0 m) of snow in one day in Upstate New York. Buffalo, Syracuse, Watertown, and surrounding areas are most affected. 1980 – USCGC Blackthorn collides with the tanker Capricorn while leaving Tampa, Florida and capsizes, killing 23 Coast Guard crewmembers. 1981 – Ronald Reagan lifts remaining domestic petroleum price and allocation controls in the United States, helping to end the 1979 energy crisis and begin the 1980s oil glut. 1982 – US Army general James L. Dozier is rescued by Italian anti-terrorism forces from captivity by the Red Brigades. 1984 – Tropical Storm Domoina makes landfall in southern Mozambique, eventually causing 214 deaths and some of the most severe flooding so far recorded in the region. 1985 – Supergroup USA for Africa (United Support of Artists for Africa) records the hit single We Are the World, to help raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief. 1986 – Space Shuttle program: STS-51-L mission: Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board. 1988 – In R v Morgentaler the Supreme Court of Canada strikes down all anti-abortion laws. 2002 – TAME Flight 120, a Boeing 727-100, crashes in the Andes mountains in southern Colombia, killing 94. 2006 – The roof of one of the buildings at the Katowice International Fair in Poland collapses due to the weight of snow, killing 65 and injuring more than 170 others.
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an-obsessive-reader · 4 years
Hi! Hope you don't mind me dropping into your asks to say I also love micro-histories! And quirky historical topics in general. Got any recs for me? Also, if you haven't read Plagues and Peoples by William H. McNeill, you should add it to your TBR for … after everything. I read it back in Feb and it was really good.
Hello! I rarely get asks so this is new :)
Plagued and Peoples is on my tbr list, but I haven’t got to it yet. I will bump it up the list though. Thank you for the suggestion!
I read The Great Influenza by John M. Barry last month. It’s really good, but narrowly focused on America and the American military during the 1918 Flu. It felt a little too on point for right now; although, my local library is beefing up its collection of books on disease which pleases me. Another good book is The American Plague: the Untold Story of Yellow Fever by Mary Caldwell Crosby. She’s a very lyrical writer and yellow fever gets less attention in North American histories than it should.
For micro-histories, it depends a little on what interests you. I recently read The Mosquito: a Human History of Our Deadliest Predator by Timothy C. Winegard. It looks at turning points that were created, mostly by malaria.
I also recently read The Great Pretender by Susannah Cahalan. She traces the history of a landmark psychological study and its impact on psychiatry. It took some twists I was not expecting.
If you’re more interested in an event I always recommend Isaac’s Storm by Erik Larson. It’s about the hurricane in 1900 and the history of the weather service. The Children’s Blizzard by David Laskin is another good one for weather history and terrifying events.
I can keep going so I’m going to pause there ☺️. Thank you for the ask and I hope you find books that interest you!
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avengingnomad · 5 years
Day 1- Candy Canes
December was upon him, and Steve had the sudden craving for a candy cane. He could practically taste the pepperminty goodness on his tongue. He may not have grown up with much, but one holiday tradition that was constant was the candy cane. It’s what he looked forward to every year. December 1st would come, and he would go out and buy himself a single candy cane.
The day had come. The aroma of winter was coming full force. There was a nip in the air, and he knew it was time. He’d get dressed and quietly slip out of the Avengers Tower to find himself a candy cane that he, now realized, was the only thing on his mind. So much so, that when he bounded down the stairs, he did not spot the stealthy redhead sitting on the counter. Natasha was sitting crisscrossed on the counter, her hand in a box of cereal.
“Going for your run, Steve?” Natasha asked him, raising an eyebrow.
Usually, yes. That’s exactly what Steve would be doing, but she seemed skeptical. Steve looked down at his feet. Barefoot. “Uh, no. Not today. I guess I shouldn’t go out in this weather without shoes on though, huh?” A slight blush rose to his cheeks.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t lose your toes to frostbite, but putting shoes on would be a smart choice” Natasha replied, trying to keep a smile off her face. “So what are you really doing, Captain?”
“I’m going out to get—” Steve hesitated. Was she going to think he’s insane? For going out in this blizzard to get candy canes?
“Yes, Steve?”, Nat pressed him on gently.
“Candy canes”, he supplied.
Natasha puckered her lips, looking utterly confused. “Candy canes?”
“Uh, yes? Did- did you want to come with?” He didn’t know why he was asking her. It seemed like an odd thing to ask.
“Yeah, okay. We can make some hot cocoa, if you want”, she hopped off the counter and grabbed a sweatshirt that was hanging off one of the chairs. “I would suggest putting on shoes though, and perhaps a jacket.” She smiled at him.
Steve fought the urge to look startled. It wasn’t like Natasha to go out for such a trivial thing, candy canes, but he found himself feeling lighter. He beamed at her. “Great. I’ll be right back.”
Steve bounded up the stairs to his floor, slipped on his shoes and ran back. “Ready, Nat?”, Steve asked her, his excitement was evident on his face. She nodded. Without him realizing it, he reached for her hand with his. She looked as surprised, as did he, but neither pulled away. Instead, she laced her fingers with his and squeezed gently.
They found a convenience store a few minutes away. They stopped in the almost-empty building. Just a few workers were milling around. They walked over to the seasonal section toward the back. Finding candy canes wasn’t difficult, but Steve looked perplexed. He saw an assortment of different colors and flavors of candy canes: chocolate, fruit flavored, minty, root beer, coffee, and...wasabi?
“Okay, I don’t want to sound like an old man or anything, but what is it with people these days? What’s wrong with the classic flavors?” Steve glanced at Natasha. She guffawed loudly, throwing her head back, startling Steve beside her. He blinked rapidly, shaking his head slightly, as if trying to clear his head. “What’s so funny?” He asked, a weary smile on his face.
“Its just, you know, funny. You may look like young twenty or thirty-something guy, but deep down, you’re just the guy that grew up in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s.” A beat went by of silence and they smiled at each other.
“Alright Captain. Let’s finish this mission.” And she grabbed a box of mini peppermint candy canes and walked toward the register.
“Yes, ma’am” Steve grinned, showing all of his teeth. Natasha grinned back at soldier. It had been a while since they hung out, just them two. It felt nice, easy, natural. They each took a candy cane and enjoyed them while they walked.
They returned to the Tower shortly and Steve put on a kettle of water for their hot chocolate. He turned and leaned his back against the countertop. Natasha was sitting on the kitchen island, ankles crossed, swinging slightly. Her palms were flat against the granite, bearing her weight. She looked relaxed, but she wore a puzzling expression. He handed her a mug of hot chocolate, complete with a single candy cane. She took it without hesitation, but didn’t drink
Steve was slightly concerned. Had he done something stupid? Had he not said enough? “Natasha?”, he reached for her hand, pulling her out of her stupor.
“Yeah, Steve?”, his hand on top of hers. She didn’t pull away.
“Is everything okay?” She looked...scared? Wary?
“Everything is great”, Natasha whispered. “A little too great, I guess.”
“What do you mean, Nat?” Steve was genuinely confused. This is not what he expected her to say.
“I guess, it’s just weird, you know? You were never supposed to be here, in this time. You were born in 1918 in America. And here you are with me, a Russian spy, in the twenty-first century, drinking hot chocolate and candy canes. And we were never meant—” she cut herself off.
“Meant to what? Meet? Become...friends?” Steve hesitated. He almost said something stupid. Yeah, he liked Natasha, more than a friend, but she didn’t need to know that.
He expected her to look angry, or laugh, or...something. But she looked...hopeful?
“Steve”, she practically whispered.
She slid off the counter and stood in front of him. She looked so small. Strong still, but small. She reached for his hand. He obliged, meeting her hand halfway. Their fingers laced together.
Something was pulling them together. What it was, neither of them knew, but they didn’t fight it. Their drinks and candy canes left forgotten on the counter. Their eyes locked, still a little uncertain. Natasha looped her arms around Steve’s neck. His hands found her waist. Steve glanced at her lips, parted slightly, the pepperminty aroma present on their breaths. Their lips met, hesitantly, sweetly.
Neither dared to speak, or move. Steve thought, this had to be a dream. Not real. Couldn’t be real. Natasha couldn’t be interested in him like that.
Finally, he spoke, “Nat?” She hummed in reply. “Was that okay?”
Steve was afraid he messed with a good thing, pushed the line too far. He didn’t want to push her.
“Yes, Steve. That was more than okay.” She stepped back slightly, not enough to break contact, but far enough to look him in the eyes. “There’s this movie theatre around that shows old Christmas movies during the week. Would you like to go? With me?”, she added.
Steve beamed down at her. “I would love to, Natasha. Do you think they’ll have hot chocolate with candy canes?”, he teased, eyes sparkling.
“If not, then I’m sure we can smuggle some in.” Natasha chuckled.
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kittycatgundam · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel how they died theories!
I am only doing the main cast of characters that been in the pilot. These are just my theories.
Charlie: she was born in hell so she's never been on Earth and has never died which explains why is she so naive.
Vaggie: I believe she died from a hate crime in 2014 I theorized she was kidnapped, tortured, raped and either died by strangulation or was out right killed.
Angel Dust: As Wiki said he died by a drug overdose in 1947.
Niffty: She either died from a disease with no cure like tuberculosis or when I look at her shirt and think she may have been stabbed to death. Since she's 22 she might have been married and her husband might have killed her. I'm not entirely sure. She died in the 1950s. Her death is still unknown.
Husk: he has two ways that he could have died. Theory number one being a Vietnam vet might have been having trouble dealing with post traumatic stress syndrome and probably became an alcoholic as well as a gambler and really couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide probably with a gun. Theory number two probably died gambling debt that he couldn't repay and probably was killed for money. He died in 1970s. I might wrong here.
Alastor: Since the wiki states that a dog incident is how Alastor is killed I believe Alastor had the unfortunate bad luck to cross paths with a rabid dog that has been known to attack without reason or warning and killed him. If the dog did not kill him the rabies would have. Alastor die in 1933 in a time when rabies had no cure and wasn't well-known.
Sir Pentious: I believe he died in the Great Blizzard in 1888 or so I hear.
Cherri Bomb: Giving her name I believe she probably died from an accident with explosives in the 1980s. I could be wrong.
Tom Trench: This one is an easy one to figure out since he died in 1918 probably during World War 1 in the trenches.
Katie Killjoy: She died in 1992 and was trying to make a name for herself in the cut throat world of reporting and has been known to sleep around with a lot of men she might had been killed by a colleague or a rival or by STD. It is still unknown how she died.
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enigmaticjblake · 5 years
We have failed humanity
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If you are reading this, chances of you being an intelligent and a self-aware human being just escalated.
Although I would admit that a bleak possibility of a hyper advanced alien race capable of travelling across time and space has discovered us already and has deciphered all possible forms of human communication only to come to the conclusion that we are among the most stupid races of all and are just not ready to join the ranks of the universal union. I guess that explains why aliens do not want to talk to us. We aren’t ready for an introduction yet.
We humans, on countless number of occasions we have exhibited our immaturity, selfishness and ruthlessness towards humanity.
We have educated ourselves to the tooth, invented newer technologies but we have lost the vision of protecting our planet. We have abused our oceans, our forests and our resources. Our planet is 4.543 billion years and humans are approximately 300-200,000 years old. If you mathematically condense the age of the planet earth into 24 hours, we humans have inhabited it only for a mere 3 seconds and look at what we have achieved.
Countless number of wars have ravaged our civilization over the years, ever since mankind emerged but there are two wars in particular that have changed the world forever. World War 1 and World War 2.
While WW1 lasted for approximately 4 years and lasted between Jul 1914 to Nov 1918 , it lead to the mobilization of more than 70 million troops and stands among the darkest phases in human history. Ironically it was supposed to be a war to end all wars, as the perpetrators claimed.  
More than 15 million human lives were lost in the war.
It is shameful because there was another World War.
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WW2 took place on a global scale and lasted between 1939 to 1945, that’s approximately 6 years of endless mindless destruction of humanity as a whole. As much as 30 nations participated in the war, which eventually turned into a battle of 2 factions; the Allies and the Axis. The major players in the war disposed off their entire economic, industrial and scientific capabilities to fuel the war and as a result, there were 90  million deaths all across the planet.
While that wasn’t enough, the world witnessed an unimaginable horror, imagine the world’s most excellent minds capable of thinking outside the box working with the express purpose of creating something that can wipe off humanity.
The atomic bomb was made in order to put an end to the war but it was more of showing the world who is the big daddy.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki saw something no one in this world should see. When the bombs dropped, the whole world changed that day. Both cities were burnt to crisp and the whole region was plunged into radiation. The effects of the same are evident till this day.
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It was a demonstration to the prowess of the super power as we know it.
To be honest, not much has changed ever since.
As humans we were supposed to be on but we have divided ourselves.
Our egos have become so fragile that we jump into conflict too fast. Apes did that, pre historic man was no different and intelligent homo sapiens are also no exception.
If you are well aware of your surroundings, chances are you must have heard or read about World Wars. If you have not, you are probably too young or never got the chance to educate yourself.
On the third day of a fresh new decade humanity woke up to memes of World War 3.
There was this sudden discomfort, confusion and realization that we have damaged ourselves beyond repair now.
Whatever the reasons maybe, I see two ignorant world leaders trying to justify their fragile ego and are ready to take down the world along with them.
The possibility of the world engulfing into a third world war has never been so real, let us dive into the consequences humanity will have to face if a third world war erupts because the chances of it have never been this real.
1. There will be black rainfall
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Soon as the bombs drop, the skies will go dark and there will be black rain. The rain wont clear the sky and the drops won’t be water. These will be oily drops which will possess harm if come in direct contact with any life form.
In Hiroshima, the black rain started 20 minutes after the impact, the rain covered a rough area of about 20 miles. The whole region was drenched with this black gooey substance which was highly radioactive.
The skies were burning and oxygen levels were dropping, people were struggling through the flames and dying of thirst. Out of desperation most started consuming the mysterious black liquid only to later succumb to a radioactive demise.
The substance was so radioactive, it altered the blood of the people it came in contact with, there is no doubt that if we witness such weapons of mass destruction, we will definitely see this black rain.
2. An electromagnetic shock wave will disrupt electricity causing a massive black out.
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Any nuclear explosion will be followed by an electromagnetic shockwave that can potentially fry electric grids and circuits on a nationwide scale. Nuclear tests in the past were capable of doing so on a 1000 miles radius and this was discovered by accident. Ever since, or so called scientific minds have designed nuclear bombs in a way they emit these shockwaves. So not only it will turn off your Xbox or Playstation, the data on your computer will be erased, the food in your refrigerator will become inconsumable and water treatment facilities in the area will shut down eventually granted access to contaminated water.
For a long time, we will be living without electricity and contaminated water.
 3. The skies will become so dark, the sun will black out.
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Wherever the bombs fall, there will be an unfathomable amount of energy in that area will consume the surrounding area and will create a dense mushroom cloud almost 15 kms above ground level. This mushroom cloud will spread out into the sky which will cover up the entirety of the sky leading to a long lasting darkness. Survivors of this event will only see a black sky for almost a period of 30 years. Only after 30 years there will be chances of seeing the blue sky and a clear sun.
4. The planet will become too cold for food cultivation.
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Dropping temperatures will be a direct consequence of blocking of sunlight by the dark clouds. The dark skies cause a nuclear winter on the planet, there won’t be any summer. It is possible for the animals to starve to death and all the flora, fauna and vegetation that exists at that point will wither away and die.
It will take approximately 25 years for the planet to recover from this climate change.
5. The Ozone layer will be damaged badly.
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As we all know, pollution and carbon emissions are slowly damaging the ozone layer, in case of a nuclear holocaust the ozone layer is estimated to take a damage of 50%, this will allow the suns radiation to enter our atmosphere and will be lethal for all kinds of life forms. Life will just not be the same again.
Surviving life forms will go through extensive mutations, crops will become smaller and weaker and will even stop reproducing, humans will suffer from skin cancer and will die a painful death.
6.Billions will die of starvation.
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It is estimated that even with continual efforts of harvesting any kind of crops or even if we adopt modern scientific farming techniques, it will take at least 5 years for us to get the first post war yield.
Low temperatures, high amounts of radiation in the soil and water will make it immensely difficult to harvest any kind of crops.
We just won’t be able to feed everyone. Those who will learn to survive will somehow manage to find food and people living beside coastal regions might find it a little easier but again, as there will be a black sky, most of the plankton in the sea will wither away which will kill our oceans. Anything fished out of the oceans for consumption will be dangerous; the first five years will be harsh and challenging and most of us won’t be able to survive.
7. Packed foods will be safe for consumption.
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Sealed food is what will keep us alive for the first five years, bottled and canned food come with preservatives, granting them longer shelf life and it has been proven through experimentation that they can protect the contents from radiation. Stuff found on ground zero will contain smaller tracer of radiation but will still be consumable, just don’t expect them to taste good. The challenge will be to stock them as everyone will scavenge the wastelands for them. Just like how we see in most post apocalyptic sci-fi tales.
8. Radioactive bones.
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Surviving humans will suffer from cancer, as earth will be bathed in radiation in the initial days of fallout. Strontium-90 is one chemical that tricks our body into believing its calcium and easily accepts it. The body sends this chemical directly into our bone marrow and teeth and thus leads the victim into bone cancer.
The only way to survive is finding out a solid enclosure and stay put till a few weeks have gone, two weeks is the safe period for radiation to reduce a 1000 folds. Birth defects, genetic mutation and deaths will be common. Same were observed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
9. There will be massive storms all around the globe
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The first month will witness a crazy pattern in the weather, the nuclear debris wont just block out the sun, it will enter the stratosphere and there will be massive storms, heavy destructive rainfall, blizzards of radioactive snow and cold darkness. It will be a push back into the dark ages where the cave man used to struggle for basic necessities of life.
Things beside water bodies will be worse as temperatures will plummet into a dark nuclear winter.
10. Power vacuum
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There will come a time when people will emerge from their shelters, bunkers and eventually try to re-establish civilization. This is will a very dangerous phase, imagine a shift of power into the wrong hands, imagine the world going back into a much darker age. All the efforts humanity took to establish social, economical and ethical systems will have to be redone. Again there can be misuse of power.
11. People will survive.
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It is not secret that billions of people will die the moment a bomb goes off, billions more will die a slow and a painful death, be it starvation, freezing in the cold or radioactive poisoning. There are just too many ways to get consumed by the harshness of the post apocalyptic world while handful of us will make it. The handful of us will adapt, be stronger than ever, have the will to survive against all odds.
Those who survive the first 30 years of this apocalypse will be the one to see a new earth. An earth where plants will start growing back, the skies will be clear and the sun will shine like it used to.
The new world will look something like Chernobyl where nature has reclaimed everything.
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 Life will go on and people will start rebuilding everything and I hope that they do their best to learn from the mistakes their past foolish and selfish leaders have made.
Hopefully they will evolve into a much mature race and finally have the aliens talk to them some day.
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