#blog has changed focus a million times but i'm still here!!!!!!
seekingthestars · 2 years
Uhm.. so this is so weird... but I remember your blog from like back in 2010/2011 and I got so excited when I saw your blog pop up and still active. I know so weird but it made me happy and nostalgic??? I'm sorry!
OH MY GOD HI, NO THIS IS NOT WEIRD, DON'T BE SORRY this made my night!!! 🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💞💞 thank you!!!!! i honestly thought there were only like...two people who would remember my blog from back in its early days HAHA the fact that my little mess of a blog can make someone happy and nostalgic?? i'm truly honored 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭💞💞💞💞💞💞
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notemily · 2 years
actual guide for new tumblr users, from Twitter or otherwise
yeah so I decided to do one of these. I'm just someone who has been here since 2007 and wants to help people who are new to the site and have no idea what's happening. Twitter seems to be in its death throes as I write this, and while the posts about driving down the property values are funny, I'd like to actually try and help out.
many people have made posts that are like "get an icon and post something or else people will think you're a bot" so I'll just assume you've seen one of those already. I want to focus more on the things you need to know to acclimate to tumblr culture. so:
general tips:
like things if you want to like things. people will tell you liking doesn't do anything, that only reblogs do stuff, but that's not quite true. only reblogs will get the people who follow you to see it on their dashboard (circulating the post further through the tumblr ecosystem), but likes will let the OP know you liked it, let the person who reblogged it onto your dash know you liked it, and probably do something complicated involving the "based on your likes" algorithm but I really don't know how that works. also, the like will stick around, so if you see the post reblogged from someone else much later, your little heart will still be highlighted in red.
you can control a lot about what you see on your dashboard from the settings page! on desktop, go into settings - account and settings - dashboard to change things. most people turn off "best stuff first" and just use the chronological feed, but you do you, new user. I personally hate endless scroll, so I turned that off, but I love timestamps, so I turned those on. for bonus fun, go into settings - labs and there are extra tabs you can add to your dash.
but what about turning off anonymous asks? on desktop, this setting, weirdly, is in the "Edit appearance" page for your blog. you can also turn replies off there, allow only people you follow to message you, and hide your blog from search results. there are a lot of random settings in there, so make sure to take a look. (app results may vary.)
you might notice that one of the settings is for filtered tags and filtered post content. this is why it's important not to censor things here that might be triggering for some folks - because someone out there has "rape" filtered, and if you go around saying "r*pe," that's not going to be caught in their filter. also, at this time there are no word police who will come after you for saying "kill" or "die," so you don't need to use euphemisms like "unalive" on tumblr. you can also swear as much as you want.
blaze: tumblr blaze is a relatively new feature where you can pay actual money to have your post forced onto random people's dashboards. beware, if you use this for something people don't want to see, you will get mocked. if you use it to show everyone your cat, you're probably fine.
there are two basic uses for #tags: organizational (putting your post into a category, like tagging it with the name of the fandom it's relevant to) and editorial (adding extra commentary that you don't want to add in the post itself). a lot of people will use both, a lot of people will use neither. when people like your editorial tags enough, they'll copy or screenshot them and add them to the body of the post. this is known as "passing peer review" and is a compliment.
memes and inside jokes You Should Know:
do you love the colour of the sky? is an extremely long image post (showing all the colors a sky could possibly be) that takes a long time to scroll past, and back in the olden days (2012) it was ubiquitous on tumblr. these days you can shorten long posts automatically using your dashboard settings (see above), or use the "j" keyboard shortcut to go directly to the next post if you're on desktop, but we still remember it fondly and refer to it constantly because nothing dies here, especially not memes.
the color theory children's hospital post is another one of those things you'll see a million references to if you're on here for any length of time.
you cannot kill me in a way that matters is a post that you might have seen in screenshots elsewhere online, but it started here! other memes that originated on tumblr: spiders georg, me an intellectual, graphic design is my passion, etc.
blorbo from my shows is a phrase used to refer to your latest favorite character. it started as a joke, but tumblr has a way of taking jokes and making them a thing, so now it's a thing. see also poor little meow meow.
tumblr holidays: anything people on tumblr can make into a holiday or anniversary, we will. most of them you'll see as they happen, and they're often self-explanatory, but you should probably read up on November 5 2020 if you don't know about it already.
horse plinko: tumblr loves this one for some reason.
I like your shoelaces / thanks, I stole them from the president: this was supposedly the "secret code" to identify a tumblr user in real life. (you can buy shoelaces directly from tumblr now, but that's a recent development.)
then perish: speaking of the president, if you see Obama's eyes with a very orange tint, this is the meme it's referencing.
ball-shaving ads: ads from the personal grooming company Manscaped were/are(?) ubiquitous on tumblr, to the point that some have theorized that tumblr was deliberately saturating people's dash with the ads so that they'd be more likely to pay for ad-free browsing. and one of the ads for ad-free reads "shave off ads from your dashboard," so like, they might be onto something.
world heritage posts: there are various tumblrs that compile the best of tumblr, anything that's particularly iconic or has become a meme. there are even heritage post blogs for specific fandoms.
tumblr history:
there are three basic eras of tumblr history:
classic tumblr era 2007-2013: David Karp started tumblr in 2007, and it grew in popularity and weirdness for many years. porn was allowed: the original tumblr adult content policy read "sure, go nuts, show nuts, whatever."
Yahoo/Verizon era 2013-2019: Yahoo famously bought tumblr in 2013 for $1 billion. ads started showing up on tumblr in 2012, so this is also around when tumblr started to monetize. Yahoo was eventually bought by Verizon, and in December 2018, they announced they were banning porn, which sucked. everyone predicted the death of tumblr, but it limped on, with about a 30% decrease in traffic. (source for that statistic)
Automattic era 2019-present: in 2019, Automattic bought tumblr from Yahoo for like $3 million or something. Automattic owns WordPress, and they seem to understand tumblr's userbase better than the Yahoo folks did. they've recently instituted a more nuanced adult content policy, but because of Apple's strict policy for what gets included in the App Store, credit card processors refusing to process payments for porn, and other restrictions, tumblr can't go back to being the porn-allowed free-for-all it once was. see this post for a full explanation of why.
various April Fool's jokes have included Coppy (2015), Mishapocalypse (2013), and most recently, the button that makes crabs. expect April 1st to be extra chaotic on tumblr.
Tumbeasts - the tumblr version of the Twitter Fail Whale, designed by Matthew Inman of the Oatmeal. not sure if they're extinct now, or if the site just doesn't go down like it used to.
Dashcon - tumblr tried to have a convention once. it didn't go well. the photo with the sad ball pit is used as shorthand to reference the disaster that was Dashcon.
SuperWhoLock is a name for the fandom crossover between Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock, which were all juggernauts on tumblr at one time. the fandom supposedly "died off" after 2014, but see above re: nothing dies here.
female presenting nipples - when tumblr introduced the Porn Ban in 2018, they used this phrase in the community guidelines. they've since updated their nudity policy, but the phrase will live forever, because come on, tumblr is a website full of queer and/or trans folks. if you think you're getting away with a weasel phrase like "female presenting nipples" without being mocked all over the website, you're extremely wrong.
John Green: an author who used to be on tumblr, back when you could edit someone else's tumblr post when you reblogged it. his text posts were regularly edited to make it look like he had said things he didn't. someone edited one of his posts to be about how much he loves a certain sex act, which was probably not THE reason they removed the ability to edit others' posts, but like, it didn't help. John Green was eventually harassed so much he left tumblr. opinions are divided on whether this was hilarious or sad. (something I discovered while researching for this post: the author of the Your Fave Is Problematic tumblr [which was part of the wave of anti-John Green content] wrote a confessional New York Times article in 2021. pull quote: "I just wanted to see someone face consequences; no one who'd hurt me ever had.")
XKit: used to be THE browser extension for tumblr. it was made by "the xkit guy," who seems to have been harassed off the site in 2015. the extension was replaced by New XKit, which worked for a while. these days a lot of XKit's features have been either rendered obsolete by tumblr adding them to its settings, or broken by tumblr interface updates, and the new hotness is XKit Rewritten. want to block a specific post from ever appearing on your dash, see who your mutuals are, stop seeing notifications on one specific post (great feature for if you accidentally go viral)? install it and play around with the settings. there are accessibility features too!
...and now I've made it look like people regularly get harassed off tumblr. WELCOME, NEW USER, TO THE HELLSITE! but for real, part of why I put this post together was so if someone starts in on tumblr Discourse and mentions people who have been harassed off the site, you can nod wisely and go "ah, yes, I have heard tell of this." just to give you some kind of context for things.
anyway, I'm always happy to Explain The Joke, provided it's a joke that I get, so if you see something that looks like a tumblr in-joke and want context, my ask box is open. just don't ask me about Homestuck. I know nothing about Homestuck and at this point I'm not sure I want to.
in conclusion, new user: go forth, be weird, become a part of the culture. I hope this guide has helped!
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cyle · 1 year
Hi, in regards to the public api, will 3rd party apps be affected in any way by upcoming changes ? The one I use - multitab Tumblr - is primarily for mass media browsing, so when I click on the "via" blog username attached to a post , it takes me straight to the blog, instead of the previous reblog.
This is obviously unrelated to what anyone is saying about viewing parent reblogs, since that's for conversations, reading previous tags and removed comments. My use case is just for the sake of finding blogs that act as human driven curated collections of media interconnected by this "via" feature. So empty reblogs are incredibly useful to me. But I'm worried they'll get pushed under the rug if this whole system gets redesigned and plastered across the public api.
To make it clear, the user being able to traverse the entire stretch of the via chain isn't important for this particular use case. Simply one via per post - the blog which this post was reblogged from, the blog directly before. So the entire via chain still needs to exist for any via to exist - but it doesn't need to be readily available to traverse by tapping the via. Essentially, if the via acts as it currently does in multitab Tumblr, and the android app I believe - ie tapping it takes me to the via blog of the post I'm viewing, as opposed to the via reblog of the post I'm viewing - that would be perfect.
Maybe I'm asking all this a little too early since I'm still not fully sure how this new post redesign will work. But multitab Tumblr seems to have adopted all the new post and reblog interface redesigns that the default Tumblr app has employed so far. Reblogs are no longer displayed as stacked and indented username lists with lines like they used to be in the old school tumblr textpost screenshots that float around the internet. So the posts have already had a redesign from their original design. and I'm not sure if this new design will be steamrolled over the current one over there too, through API changes. I'm not sure if the multitab Tumblr developers chose to change it, or if they had no choice because the api changed.
Closing thoughts: if Tumblr does end up looking and acting like twitter, that's fine because I like twitter and its many clones, I think it's kinda nicely coded and I like the modularity of posts and threads and how everything links together to facilitate conversation. And it's intuitive, which is why it's popular. However, Tumblr is and always has been the best site for human driven content curation in my opinion, because of the via blog being easily accessible in every post that is a reblog. So by all means , make it flashy and modern and twitter-like, but please don't remove the via blog, at least keep it in the public api.
Tumblr has a media focus, an archive view, pagination by date and post count through the API.... All these things which separate it from twitter in that its focus isn't entirely on conversations, but also media and curation and mass browsing. Essentially Tumblr = twitter + are.na + magic (the via). Please keep it that way. It's such a sweetspot between all these things. And this new post redesign could make it even better if only the via stays.
I suppose it's a niche ask? But a lot of people I'm sure find new blogs they like through clicking on the via instead of the source. I really think it makes tumblr what it is for people. Some blogs are so interconnected and I can see that they've clearly used the via to find a new blog to reblog from, again and again. It just makes everything so interconnected. Thank you times a million. I hope everything is as clear as possible hence the lengthy ask.
hey, yeah, there are no planned changes with the public API. if anything, myself and others on staff are continuously campaigning to open it up more and more, it's just difficult to prioritize that among the many things we have to do. i agree with basically everything you've said here!
"Tumblr = twitter + are.na + magic" is a fun way to put it.
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gyakutengagotoku · 3 months
Welcome back! I like coming back to your reblogs to view the dialogue differences with the JP/EN scripts. Are you gonna be doing the same for the JP/EN scripts of AAIC (particularly for AAI2?) Would you consider doing comparisons with the fan-translation since that was all we had to go off of for EN audiences of AAI2?
Thanks, glad my stuff can be helpful!
As for this blog's main project, it's still on hiatus. I'm not sure if I'll have the time to work on the comparisons these days given my erratic schedule now that I'm vying to be a professional writer. Also of note, since tumblr changed their site format a few years back, it would be a nightmare to reformat the game scripts I have to something tumblr would like. So I intend to port my stuff over to my own blogspot site, though it's still in the works. I can't say for sure when it'll be up, but I don't plan to abandon it forever. Rest assured, none of what I have here will ever be deleted even if I do export them.
Though, I'm sorry to say that I probably won't be doing the same for the fan translation for GK2, as I am very dependent on complete game script rips to review through the games. The guy who I got my sources from doesn't have them for the fan translation, but I can ask him if he'll do the same for AAI2 when it comes out.
As for nowadays, well, I've been logging updates on my other blog @rubiaryutheroyal where I have been busy with a massive FF7 fanfic that has taken me the last two years to write and I swear I'll finish it by next year. At this rate, I may hit a million words before the end of this one.
And then when all that's done, I can actually focus on building my own blog with my own rules and formats. And hopefully with images! I wish I figured out earlier how to upload screenshots like how I wanted to do with TGAAC.
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technodromes · 1 year
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Saby
PRONOUNS: she/her
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I tend to overshare or overexplain. I like to think that I got better about filtering myself all in all, but when I feel very cozy talking to someone, I still start talking too much lol. It's always okay to tell me 'Saby, that's too much information', because there are still moments I don't catch myself right away.
Iced Coffees from the store fridges are my guilty pleasure. I said a million times now that I want to reduce my consumption of them but I still pick them up every now and then to treat myself lol.
I made an apprenticeship as a gardener and worked in an arboretum for 5 years. I had to learn 420 botanic & german plant names during that bloody apprenticeship, but I think I forgot 90% of these names since lmao. They reduced the amount of plants to 418 (lol), but if you're just curious and want to take a peek: Here's the site with the lists (EFZ Zierpflanzen alle Lehrjahre (2018))
PLATFORMS USED: tumblr (main), animexx (inactive), various forum sites (don't rp there anymore), discord (only very briefly and I didn't like it)
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I always used to be someone who's very much winging things on the go. But I like to plot partially now and look into possible directions with my partner to not get lost in the plot. The latter has happened to me way too often in the past. However, I say it here right away, I absolutely don't like to plot something from start to end. Sometimes I or my partner get a better idea while writing a reply and I'm sure we all know how a sudden change in plot can turn things awkward when everything was plotted through beforehand. So I rather just don't. As far as memes to threads go, sure! If I or my partner come up with a great pitch to a random prompt, there can be great threads out of that. But I also admit that, while I like random prompts, they can be difficult sometimes to reply to and incorporate into a scenario that would work for both of the muses. I have done so many prompt memes in the past, that I feel like I'm a little burnt out of them at the moment.
GENDER: I have no preferences as far as gender goes. Everyone's welcome here.
MULTI OR SINGLE: I rp with both likewise. Listen, I had single muse blogs only in the past and can see the pro and contras in both. I understand why someone prefers single muse blogs, but I also understand why someone prefers multis. But if someone changes their interests almost daily, they will hop blogs and muses all the time, regardless of whether they run a multi or single muse. So for me it's not about 'multi or single-muse' but whether someone found a balance in how they deal with their old and new fixations on their blog/s.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S):  After a million edits later all I have to say here is that I think that's a stupid-ass point. And I have no 'least favorite faceclaim'. NEXT.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I love fluff. I'm legit a sucker for it and I'm guilty of wanting fluff threads when I don't feel very well. They're like my comfort food? Unfortunately, my muses here are all assholes by default unless they know someone well enough to adopt them into their asshole family. Except Bishop. Please send Bishop all the hugs. Yeah I love fluff but prefer writing it with people and muses I know.
ANGST:  I think angst can be entertaining and useful for muse development. It helps characters to understand each other better and either get them closer or have them drift apart. But tbh, I don't like writing with muses that are all ANGST ANGST ANGST in every.single.thread. It gets tiring fast. For example, I don't want Grum to be defined by their trauma only, even tho it is a great deal of who they are now. I rather wanna focus on them trying to get away from it. But I certainly DO love to delve into angsty themes when they come up.
SMUT: I've been thinking about that lately and I tried talking myself into 'I can write it once every while' before. But tbh, I'm no smut writer at all. I'm not opposed to letting the muses have some fun, but I generally prefer fading to black when the details kick in. I will remove my smut blog too, because I don't see myself using it. Things might get suggestive here once every while but yeah... my muses only get to have actual sex off-screen here for my own comfort.
Tagged by @countlessrealities Tagging: whoever wants to do this? Idk who's been already tagged and who not x"D
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evilelitest2 · 1 year
Hi, “tankie" here, and I’m going to be charitable and assume you are well-meaning but ill-informed on your posts. You seem to imply that since American Marxists are critical towards America, they must have neutral-to-positive views on Russia. Not only is this a false dilemma fallacy (acting as if being anti-American and being anti-Russian are the only two, diametrically opposed, options), but is also broadly incorrect. Aside from a few baby Marxists and LARPers, there is a general dislike of the Russian Federation among Marxists due to its leaders (Yeltsin, Putin) being responsible for the illegal and undemocratic dissolution of the USSR. However, you may be confusing something else. As Lenin said:
“For the Socialist of another country cannot expose the government and bourgeoisie of a country at war with “his own” nation, and not only because he does not know that country’s language, history, specific features, etc., but also because such exposure is part of imperialist intrigue, and not an internationalist duty.”
As an American Marxist, it really doesn’t matter if I’m the most pro-Russian person in the country or curse Putin’s name. At the end of the day, the effect I have on the political development of Russia is essentially zero. Rather, I have to trust Russian Marxists to be the ones to shepherd their country in the right direction. Conversely, as an American the effect I have on American political development, while still close to zero, is appreciably more than I have on any other country. Thus, it’s my duty to primarily focus my criticisms on the USA, as it is both the country where my words hold the most weight as well as a country I am intimately familiar with. People who don’t understand this reality may choose to take that as being nothing but an ideology of being anti-American, which is clearly incorrect.
Hello, I hope you are having a good day. The problem with your thinking Friend, is that the world has changed since Lenins time...and also Lenin himself was not the best adherent of that principle. We are in a massively interconnected global community now, and international powers are actively getting involved in other people's politics, you can't just separate one state from the rest. For example, the conflict in Syria directly led to the election of donald Trump, these things are connected.
"Aside from a few baby Marxists and LARPers, there is a general dislike of the Russian Federation among Marxists due to its leaders (Yeltsin, Putin) being responsible for the illegal and undemocratic dissolution of the USSR."
God I fucking wish this was true, but go through the various Marxists blogs i'm arguing with now, so many of them are echoing a pro Putin line, one created from the Russian Federation's propaganda in regards to Ukraine. And it leads to self described communist supporting a far right reactionary anti communist regime. When the default Marxists-Leninist position on Ukraine is inseparable from Tucker's Carlson's position then there is something rotten in your movement
"At the end of the day, the effect I have on the political development of Russia is essentially zero."
You need to pay more attention to Russian politics friend cause that is really not the case
"Thus, it’s my duty to primarily focus my criticisms on the USA, as it is both the country where my words hold the most weight as well as a country I am intimately familiar with."
Your duty as a Marxists is to fight against fascism don't get yourself limited by state borders because what happens with this attitude friend is that you take the typical American Centric attitude towards other nations of "America good, foreigners bad" and just flip it, you wind up with the same basic attitude though. "America bad, foreigners good" is still just as reductivism and America centric, and honestly as toxic. For example, take the 2014 euromaiden uprising, where millions of Ukrainians rose up against there far right authoritarian government and over threw him, something which Marxists should support (and indeed the communist parties in Ukraine did support). Almost any time I go unto Marxist-Leninist sites, they present this as a CIA backed coup which is just...massively insulting to the agency of Ukrainians, suggesting that they don't have any autonomy of there own but only act as extensions of the US. I see a lot of Tankies viewing the conflict in Ukraine with the same blinders that Americans used to view the Vietnam war, not seeing the conditions on the ground or the historical events that led to this, but only seeing it as a front in the global war between communism and capitalism, which is both reductive and self destructive.
Thanks for the polite response though
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Hey! Why (Defenestratte) here. Remembered you're keen on the John Oliver bits of the Horne Section TV Show, so wanted to send you this: https://www.chortle.co.uk/interviews/2022/10/24/51964/i%E2%80%99m_definitely_a_lot_odder_in_the_show_than_i_am_in_real_life
It's an interview with Alex Horne and does have a sneak peek on Mr Oliver's involvement in the show. Hope this is useful/fun for your interests!
Well shit. I am very interested in the mystery of why John Oliver is doing this show, and I have to love any mystery where every bit of information that shines light on the situation brings up more questions than answers. For example:
How did that work with John Oliver on the laptop calling in?
We had to be really clever with that, I had a day with him over Zoom and we had to record everything. We had to go through every script and lots of costume changes, we had to improvise quite a bit and then we had to fit round his bits in the room.
So, we had to pretend he was there, someone had to press play, that was really odd, but it worked. Hopefully I think when you’re watching it you presume that he’s actually there but he’s a man that doesn’t have much free time. He also nailed everything first time. We’re all so used to people being on Zoom now and you don’t really bat an eyelid, I think.
The main question this brings up is what is he going to be on the show? Before seeing this article, I assumed they'd come up with some reason for a fictionalized John Oliver to talk to the characters in the show over video chat, and that would be his role. Which I still think must be the case, because I'm not sure the alternative is technologically possible. This paragraph seems to suggest that the actor John Oliver filmed his parts over video call, but the character John Oliver will be physically in the room with them, like CGI. Which, as I said, I don't think can actually be done. But then why would the other actors have to pretend he's there? I guess what this means is just that it's hard to talk a screen that'll be playing pre-recorded footage, and pretend you're having a live conversation with the person on it. But it's worded in a way that implies they're all in front of green screens, pretending a tennis ball on a stick is John Oliver.
So that's an entirely new question for me, though it's one that will be answered as soon as the show starts on November 3rd. For the mystery I was wondering about before, of why he's there, this article offers: "It was quite a long process and I think now we’ve done it hopefully it’ll be easier in future, but we’ve got Big Zuu, Dr Ranj Singh, John Oliver who is in every episode and he’s enormous in America, he’s won a million Emmys! So that’s odd, he said yes straight away."
Thank you, Alex, that tells me nothing and leaves me more baffled than before. I am beginning to suspect that John Oliver agreed to do this just because he found my Tumblr blog, learned that someone has decided to become an historian on everything about his career that ties him to Britain, saw this person trying to put all the pieces together and find connections that make sense in an overall picture, and decided to fuck with me by doing the most inexplicable thing possible, that clashes with everything about his previous relationship with British media of any kind. That's my current working theory.
Anyway, thank you for the link, @defenestratte! I'd not seen this before, and I appreciate the baffling information. Really looking forward to November 3rd now, to see what this is about. Oh, and for anyone who wants to read the article without copy-pasting the URL, here's a link. It does contain a bunch of non-John-Oliver-related information about what the show is like, and to be honest some of it makes it sound less like the sort of thing I'll enjoy than the Guardian article from last week did. This article has a bit more focus on how it'll be a live music/variety show, which doesn't hugely appeal to me. I'm hoping the show will be more 30 Rock than TGS, you know? More Flight of the Conchords sitcom than just a filmed Flight of the Conchords gig. I mean I'd love to see a Flight of the Conchords concert, but I don't think that alone would make a good TV show.
Either way, I'm sure I'll enjoy the sitcom elements, and I do find Horne Section songs funny, and to be honest even if every other moment of it were shit I would still watch all six episodes just for the John Oliver mystery. Which I guess is the exact intention behind the move of attaching really famous guests to projects like this, and in this case it will 100% worked on me.
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pankomako · 2 years
there's probably like a million others out there already, but since im seeing a lot of my friends hop on tumblr due to the twitter situation i figured i'd give this a go. so, welcome to
panko's guide to tumblr!
i've been using this site for almost a year now, so i suppose i'm at least somewhat qualified to do this. i mainly just want to do this for fun honestly. i think lots of people have covered more of the setup and what to expect from tumblr as a whole so i think i'll focus on more of the usage of this site, because it's definitely much different from twitter, and, in my opinion, FAR better, plus that's the thing people seem to be the most confused about. so, here we go!
Post Features
the first thing you may notice is that tumblr has no character limit on posts! if you want to post a 10,000 word essay on the motives of your favorite character from the video game or tv show you're super into right now, nobody's stopping you. already so much more convenient than making threads on twitter.
there's a variety of options you can use to make your text more visually interesting, add emphasis, and/or organize your post! when you highlight text (at least on browser, i dont use the app), these options will appear above what you highlighted. you can make your text bold, italicized, bigger (on a new line), smaller, crossed out, or even colored! under the drop-down list there are other options too such as cursive text and lists. you can also add hyperlinks to text if you want. (this is all in the rich text editor, you can also switch to HTML or Markdown by going to your post settings.)
you can also add plenty of other media to posts! you can add up to 30 images which you can arrange however you please, although from my experience arranging images is kinda clunky, but still way better than twitter lol. you can also add gifs, videos (one per post), audio files (10 per post), and embed links. you can also add a cutoff line where everything under that line is hidden under a "read more" button, which is very useful for longer posts.
when you make a post, there is a space to add a title, but it's not required. most people don't add titles unless it helps with formatting.
you can also schedule a post to be posted at a certain time, queue posts to be posted on a consistent schedule, change who can reblog a post, and even save posts as drafts if you want/need to come back to them later.
Under every post you make/reblog, there is an option to add tags. these are in their own section under the post itself. you can add as many as you want afaik, but they can only be so many characters long. on tumblr, tags have multiple uses.
you can add tags that correspond to your post such as the topic or fandom (and characters/people involved), or whether it's art or photography, for example, to try to help get your post out there. it's preferred and just better in general to only add tags that are relevant to your post. don't tag character fanart as sports or food or pop music, but ESPECIALLY not an unrelated fandom.
you can also use tags to organize your blog and make it easier to find specific posts. you can tag your own art as "my art" and art you reblog from friends as "friends' art", and even create your own tags for specific topics you frequently post about, such as your oc world or a fandom fic or au you have. i personally don't use tags for organization much, but i do have my own tags for the two oc worlds i have. (you can do this even if you're not a fandom-goer or artist, these just serve as an example bc im both lol)
you can even use tags to add extra comments to a post. lord knows i do this a lot myself. lots of people will use tags to sort of ramble off-handedly under a post when it's not the main content of said post. this is especially common under reblogs - more on that later. since you can add spaces within tags, writing full sentences in the tags is easy and a very common practice. just be careful when using commas; adding a comma starts a new tag.
similarly to how twitter has likes, retweets and comments, tumblr has likes, reblogs and replies. however, these are all combined into one sum of notes. all notes on a post are compiled under the source post. by clicking on the number of notes under a post, you can see a list of all replies, likes and reblogs on a post, if you're curious like me.
on tumblr, likes act as more of a bookmarking tool. you can look at a list of all the posts you liked, and you can have this list displayed on your blog if you want, but likes do NOT increase the visibility of a post. if you want to help a post gain traction, you need to reblog it. if you don't want that post on your blog, but you want to let the person know that you've seen and enjoyed their post, you can leave a like as a small but kind gesture if you want. if you were playing minecraft, liking a post would be akin to punching a mob, but reblogging would be like using a sword. it may not necessarily be a powerful diamond sword, but it does more than a one-damage punch. i should also mention - you can only like a post once; if you like a reblog of a post, you like the source post and can't like separate reblogs of the post.
reblogs are the core of tumblr's functionality. this site does not have an algorithm, so reblogs are the only way for posts to circulate. it's probably pretty easy to figure out, but reblogs put another person's post on your own blog and on your followers' feeds. this is likely the biggest difference between tumblr and twitter: you can reblog a post as many times as you want, and you can add on to a post directly by reblogging, which is much different from a quote-tweet on twitter. also different from quote-tweets, all notes on reblogs are notes contributed to the source post. in a reblog, you can add a comment either in normal text or in the tags, and you can add images and gifs as well. it's common courtesy to put comments that don't contribute to the post in the tags, such as saying you think a post is funny. lots of famous tumblr posts are chains of reblogs - unlike on twitter where you can only retweet one tweet/reply at a time, you can reblog these reblog chains. you can also add the tags of the person you reblogged from to your own reblog if you want, though usually people just say "prev" if they liked the previous reblogger's tags.
replies are a convenient way to have a conversation under a post without repeatedly reblogging. although convenient, replies are limited in what you can do with them. they're text-only and have a character cap. but they're still a good way to add a quick comment to a post if you don't want it on your blog. you can also reply directly to a person in the notes of a post by mentioning them in your reply. replies can be deleted from a post or be turned off for a post entirely by the original poster.
I think that's about all you need to know to get started posting and reblogging, but please feel free to add on if i did happen to forget anything. thanks for reading and happy tumbling! :D
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pommepom · 4 months
the hate boner that some people have for quackity is honestly ridiculous. i don't have twitter so i'm only referring to tumblr but one user in particular is almost obsessed with him at this point. like we get it you think he's evil incarnate move on with your life already.
it's shocking to me the way both cquackity and qquackity have basically been blacklisted from the qsmp tag. where are the quackity fanarts, headcanons, silly posts, or deep meta? and it's no excuse to blame it on q rarely logging onto the server when people have no problem making posts about other ccs who don't log on either.
during the last few days of tubbo's tubbathon quackity gifted 20 subs and tubbo and his chat were losing their minds they were so happy. during the qsmp beach event a couple weeks ago phil, chayanne, and lullah found the duck statue on the beach and phil joked that 'quackity didn't miss the event he's here' and phil took photos. yet i did not see any mention of any of this. with the way qsmpblr is treating pepito leaving, it would seem as though qquackity had no reaction to his child leaving. but i watched quackity's stream and it was heartbreaking.
it just makes me so mad to see quackity treated like he's the worst person alive.
awww nonnie :[ <333
people do definitely have a very unhealthy obsession with q, and not even in like the ''i love him sm if he gets a gf i will kys'' type of way. as someone who has been (kinda) following q for some time, it is really sad to see how people have been treating him these last few months.
i guess they do have their reasons, i might not fully get it but if someone just doesn't feel comfortable supporting him anymore then hey i support that, do what makes you happy but when it reaches the point that you're full on trying to count how much hypothetical he could earn from streaming bbh hours daily and you're basically victimblaming him for the doxxing by saying ''he's just overreacting and trying to send hate to ex-admins!'' yeah it's reached a point where it just Is Not Healthy, that's full on parasocial in my eyes.
it really sucks bc he never really gets into controversy, you know? he's always been the type of guy to try to handle things privately. it's sad that this had to be made public :[ this whole situation is just really sad, q and the admins deserved so so much better.
something really really important to remember anon: some people are NEVER going to change their minds; they've chosen a side of hate and no matter what q chose to do they still would've attacked him for his every action. they don't see him as human and bc of that it doesn't matter if he makes 1 mistake or a million, he's always going to be this evil villain in their eyes. there is no point in arguing with them or checking their blog for their opinions anymore, you should block them and focus on the people who'll actually treat him with respect, they aren't deserving of your time <3
i haven't been checking qsmpblr but if what you said is true then yeah, it's really gross to treat q like he's forver or wil. intentionally trying to erase him from his own server is very 😬😬
although i've always been a firm believer in ''make the content you want to see'' scream about cubito q!! write, draw, clip, just create :D! there will always someone out there who'll be willing to listen nonnie <3 and hey, even if there isn't. you should still do for yourself, let qsmpblr know just how insane you are about him!!
take care of yourself nonnie <3
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
why does my heart break a little every time i v hesitantly tag pierre in an instagram story and he doesn't see it? like i **know** he has like million things to do, and a million posts people tag him to, and he's only one person and he can only do so much and whenever he does interact with someone is always wholesome and cute and i should be happy that we even get this. but. at the same time it's like. sir 😳 monsieur gasly ☺️ hi, i want to be a part of your existence acknowledged by pierre gasly club ☹️🌼 it would mean a lot to me tehehe 💐
i know tis stupid to get sad especially after his birthday, because like for sure a billion people must've tagged him in things. anyway. moving on. also i don't know why i am telling you this, but i feel like you've become a safe space so ☹️💌🫂
love, 🌼
hello my darling ❤️❤️ i am so sorry i'm only replying to this now 🙈🥺 but i love you so much, and i didn't want to give you a half-assed answer, so here we go now. you have all my focus and all my heart for this one <333
firstly, i just wanted to say thank you so much 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️ i am SO glad that my blog feels like a safe space to you! that is pretty much the ultimate compliment for me, so just... thank you. thank you.
secondly: thank you so much for sharing ❤️ and i completely get you... it's so cool that he interacts with people, but you just can't help thinking "omg, i wish that could be me." but exactly like you said, he's only one person, and obviously there's no way he can get to everyone. ughhh, i wish i had something more inspiring to say, but yeah - at the end of the day, that's just the facts of the matter. i'm a scientist, so i like facts, hehe.
but let me tell you another fact: you are amazing, and even if you don't get to join that little "acknowledged by pierre gasly" club, that doesn't change. you're still incredible, and kind, and lovely - and hey! maybe if you keep trying, he'll see you one day!
all the love & best of luck 💕
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
The thing about Jimin is that he’s a kpop idol, not a Western celebrity.
Engaging with fans is part of his job and part of the fantasy.
The fact that BTS made so much content until now is one of the main reason they are do popular.
Jimin is of course not obligated to be active on social media, but neither am I as a fan obligated to wait for him or like the situation.
For me being into kpop(specially Jimin) is a hobby and while he is still dear to me this period of silance really made me diatance myself from him and spending my free time alocated to him doing something else.
Also, I hate the way armys like to act like it’s sooo hard for them to post something, it takes less than a minute lmao
- Gen asking!!! Are you saying you’re losing interest in jimin lately? Btw just want to say if that’s the case I’m sad but it’s literally your choice. I love how honest you were on this blog and how you weren’t scared to say your opinions
Thought I could put these two asks together since both answers are similar 😅
BTS would not have been as popular and they wouldn't have reached millions of people the way they did if there wasn't so much non-music content. Armys and their superiority complex will tell you that their talent was the only reason but that's the biggest lie ever. The non-music content gave their music a background story, a reason to be, it gave it cause and consequence. You know why each song was written, what they allegedly had in mind at the time they wrote them, what they were going through. And even if they never said it out loud, fans can deduct the reasons and make theories based on random facts they know about the members, for example that theory that fake love has something to do with a book Namjoon read once and stigma is taehyung's coming out of the closet because Namjoon read a book once. Note: I don't have anything against theories about their music, and I think it's great that music can cause conversations. I'm just pointing out the ways BTS extracurricular content was probably THE reason they became so huge.
I don't think music was their content of choice for several years. It was always blended with their relationships, and somewhat personal stuff. You watch festa dinner 2018 for example, and there is some music talk but the dinner was never supposed to be about MUSIC, you know? It's the same with their documentaries and behind the scenes, there are some discussions about music here and there, surface-level, but the predominant theme in all of their content, is THEM. Them as people, them as friends, as colleagues. I'd say that the only time music was the main topic and the focus of the "extra" content, it was when they put out BE. That was the time they talked first about music and consequently their dynamics and personality snaked in through those conversations.
Then of course there's other content, so much of it that doesn't have anything to do with music at all; RUN, ITS, Bon Voyage, Winter/Summer Packages.
Now that content doesn't exist in the same capacity it existed for the past nine years. Even after 2020 there was some content, tho it wasn't of quality tbh. It seemed like 2020 was a major year for BTS, emotionally, on personal levels, yet the content doesn't really reflect the severity of those changes. On top of that, they all put up the tallest walls they'd ever built around their personal lives and real feelings and issues. So there was content, but did it really mean anything? Because I honestly never felt satisified with their music after dynamite, or with their DVDs or reality shows (run, ITS), and I know I'm not the only person who felt like that. I've talked before about that, that it was almost like meaningless content made just for the sake to be made and not to actually entertain or say anything of substance about the members.
The thing you say, that he's not obligated to do this or that but you're also not obligated to wait for anything, that's exactly what I mean when I say that BTS don't owe me anything, but I also don't owe them anything. Why are BTS members allowed to change, to grow out of habits, to completely (or almost completely) lose interaction with the fandom, to modify their ways of being idol, but I'm a horrible person if I change the way I feel about them? I used to interact and respond emotionally to the type of content BTS had been providing for the past five years; that content doesn't exist anymore. Jimin from 2017 doesn't exist anymore either. I am allowed, and I think in fact that it's the most logical thing to do, for me to also change and modify, to adapt my fan experience to 2023. It's just impossible for me to feel the same way I felt about BTS/Jimin as I felt in 2019 because the cirucumstances have changed.
If Jimin wants to be a celebrity in the way western celebrities are, to just realease music and dip for two years until the next album, then I'll just be a fan for that type of artist. I think all of us will just have to get used to being fans of people we know nothing about from now on.
However, music can be a replacement for all that extra content that BTS is not giving anymore.
I'll use Taylor Swift as an example. I've been a fan of hers for the longest time, yet I know almost nothing about her personal life. I don't know what her house looks like, I don't know if she can drive, I vaguely remember her mom's face (she used to be around Taylor managing her gigs when she was younger), I know she has a brother but I don't know his name, or what he looks like. I think I found out about Joe Alwyn like 4 years after they started dating. She doesn't do run episodes, she never released Taylor Memories of 20##, or at least not that I know of, there's barely any behind the scenes content. Only thing I ever watched about her was Miss Americana. It's a short documentary but it's enough. It's enough because it's well done, it has a dialogue with the viewer, it has purpose, and most of all: it's honest. It doesn't matter if you release 100000 hours of tour footage when it's meaningless, when half of it it's BTS half asleep during breakfast; you could do a 90 minute documentary and it could be enough for all of your career as long as it's well done and it's genuine.
I know there are millions of fans of Taylor who know everything about her, and they're curious about what toilet paper she uses and they go all "oohh she's so mysterious" the way pjms go because Jimin doesn't show his apartment, but that type of fan doesn't even make up for half of Taylor's entire fandom. There are even more people like me, who know nothing about her but still love her, and know all of her songs, and are waiting for 00:01 on the day of releases. And this happens because she was able to make a connection with people through her music.
Taylor doesn't show up to interviews and talks non stop about Joe, I think she's mentioned him a couple of times but they've been dating since 2015 I think??? and it wasn't until like after the pandemic that they started showing up together publicly more often. But people know who he is, and there are photos of them together, and even in Miss Americana she talks about him even if she doesn't say his name, and they have little clips together, and most importantly... she has entire albums that are about him. And that's my point. You can listen to reputation, or lover, and you know what she feels about him and can somehow gauge what type of man/boyfriend he is to her. She talks about him in the way she knows best how to: through her music, her songs. She's an amazing songwriter and she's found that it was a great way to communicate with people, and she does exactly that.
There wasn't much to do during strict quarantine in 2020 so she wrote folklore, which was just her letting her imagination run wild and make up stories and whole relationships and it's probably her best album to date. She didn't try to sell it as more than what it was.
BTS put out BE and it's a less than mid album that says "like an arrow in the forest". What? Needles to say, I hate BE with a passion. They gassed it up as personal and sincere and painful and whatnot and it's undoubtedly their worst album ever, and they didn't say anything of substance in it.
Creating connection through music is a perfectly valid and I'd say probably even more wholesome type of content than documentaries and whatnot. So far, BTS have failed to connect with people with their recent music. For me, this is one of the reasons the recent releases are forgotten so soon, because they don't actually have an impact in people's minds.
This got longer than I thought it would be, but to sum it up, I hope that Jimin will be able to create that conversation with people with his music. That he will be able to connect and reach people honestly, be vulnerable, through his music. Otherwise, I don't see people sticking around for him (or any BTS member) long term. Right now, seeing that he obviously doesn't care to connect with people through maybe casual stuff like magazine shoots, or even social media, I think there's still the possibility that he will do so through his music, and if that's what he's planning on doing then it would be amazing. But I do strongly believe that there should be some form of "dialogue" between him and the people that are supporting him.
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
I was wondering if you’ve got any tips for someone who wants to start sharing their gameplay on their simblr? I always want to start, but getting nothing on my posts is kinda demotivating. Thanks!
I can't give you a guaranteed formula but here are some things I'd suggest. But again it's up to your preference and do what makes your blog reflect the way you play and your interests.
Tag relevantly. People are looking at specific tags for a reason! I usually get an idea of what the tags people commonly use by scrolling through one of them. Like I found out what tags people used for builds by searching the "ts4 builds"
It's fine if your theme or editing style changes. Take time to figure out what you like best for your content. I changed crop style, editing programs, editing style, and a million other things throughout my rags to riches because I was still figuring it out
Engage with the community! This is so important! Look for other new simblrs, do people's ask games, do challenges, reblog, comment, etc. It wouldn't be simblr if we didn't interact :)
Even if it feels like no one is seeing it you should still post. It should be fun for you not a job
If you're not having fun with what you're playing you shouldn't feel obligated because of your blog to keep playing it.
The only technical thing I would recommend for gameplay screenshots is to make your subject clear. Cropping is also a helpful way to do this and I find some pictures are better landscape and some are better portraits. This is a personal preference but I find cropping my landscapes to a 7:5 ratio makes my screenshots fit better to the feed and feel more clear on what the focus is. I also recommend resizing your images if you can. For highly detailed edits you might want to keep it as is but the way Tumblr works is that it will compress large images on your feed and can make them blurry until you click on them. I usually resize my landscape screenshots to 1000x so it still has good quality but doesn't blur as much.
I'm always trying to play around with how I frame a screenshot or position it. So try out low and high angles, exterior shots of where your sims are, ones that aren't necessarily just a head on shot of a sim etc.
Again just do what fits your vision for your blog and engage with the community most of all! It's your blog so don't feel like you have to do what someone else does to the t in order to have a good blog. A good blog is someone doing what makes them happy.
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egg-emperor · 3 years
Why is no one talking about the music video crushing 30 eggman's design is amazing
Anyways I want to hear you gush about it
I have no idea because it's fantastic, it deserves a lot more talk and attention! Fortunately it's getting there in views now at a million, but there still isn't enough people talking about the awesome stuff that the video gave us! There's a lot of great things about the song and music video but of course on my blog I'm here to gush about Eggman specifically, so of course he's what I'm going to focus on here heheh. I appreciate that you're interested in my thoughts on it!
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I love the X vibes of the animation! Bringing back the similar style and some of Eggman's common quirks from it is a nostalgic delight to see and he looks so beautiful I wanna give him a big smooch 🥰💕💜💖 I love how he still has all of his classic mannerisms and energy because I don't think he'll ever lose it. He's still dealing with defeat after defeat from Sonic like always but he still knows how to have fun as his same handsome self and for that, he's better off than some of the other characters in this video XD
I was so overjoyed to see him enter his EGG CASINO. I always love Eggman + casinos, the look and atmosphere is wonderful and the Egg Pawn esque designs are great!!
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It's cute that he got a little stuck for a moment in the door there. I noticed that cheeky monitor saying 'LOL' tsk tsk XD
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That's one strong little stool to be sturdy enough not to break when he sits on it but it still wasn't enough to hold this heavy man without it sinking so much that the pole bended and got scrunched up! With these details and the way his outfit doesn't seem to be the best fitting, it appears that he too has gained a bit more weight over time, just like his arch nemesis has in this video.
You know how I feel about my Eggs in casinos as I have a whole Casino AU dedicated to a version that's main focus is all his casinos. The concept of main universe Eggman actually focusing more on casinos in the future like this video seems to imply, likely because of how much of a highly reliable source of income they are to help keep his operations going for so many years, is fantastic and right up my alley! I immediately felt total adoration for the design and this was the cherry on top, I'm absolutely obsessed now!
Honestly, it's very rare that I find myself enjoying fan or even official redesigns of Eggman, I can be very picky with them because a lot of them tend to take away things I love most about his design. But this ticks all the right boxes for me and only enhances his already existing beauty and appeal, it doesn't change too much about his physical appearance and style so he still has his true essence but it changes enough for it to feel new, which is exactly how a future Eggman should be. And he's as handsome as ever, I can't stop admiring him 😍💜💕💘💖
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It surprisingly suits a bunch of my exact tastes and headcanons of mine for future Eggman! Most notably the casino stuff, sexy older Eggman, and the idea that he gains more weight with time and age and keeps it. Slimming him down in redesigns is a crime but I'm all for him plumping up a bit more instead, it would make much more sense. It appears he stopped trying to bother to zip up his jacket because of that and it looks too short now, so he can't button it down either. I love how his jacket and undershirt ride up, I always treasure a peek at the precious tum 🥰
Also can we please acknowledge the cake on this man because I'm so in love fjsbfjsndngmg
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His outfit appears to take some inspiration from the Sonic Prime concept art design with the open jacket and white undershirt but in my opinion, they improved on it way more and made me realize that it could be super appealing if presented in the right way. The added shoulder pads, cape, and more royal regal look with the crowned egg on the back gives it so much more style! Reminds me of one of the Boom concept art Eggman outfits blended in a bit too, especially with the yellow gloves. That might just be intentional!
I love everything about the Eggman in this video just from the few glorious moments of screentime! It really makes me wish this was actually a small series of sorts, where we could see what a future Eggman would get up to with what would change and what would stay the same, it's super interesting stuff! And if modern Eggman had to get a permanent redesign, this is the exact kind of design that I would accept and embrace wholeheartedly! :D 💕
To anyone that hasn't seen the video- please check it out because it's brilliant!
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Hi! Lovely blog you’ve got here! I tend to lurk, but wanted to let you know that I enjoy seeing your takes.
Do you think being responsible for AFO’s comeback could be the plot beat Endeavor needs to (finally) realize his wrongdoings? Like, it’ll catalyze his Realization Moment™ that picking being a hero over a father was the wrong choice?
Hi! Thank you for the compliment 😭
So, um. I'll be honest with you. I really, really wish I could give a concrete answer on what I THINK is going to happen. But the dead serious truth of the matter is that I have absolutely no idea what to realistically expect at this point for Endeavor. There is a very, very sensible way for his arc to go. And Horikoshi has put Endeavor in positions for him to fail repeatedly, which is good. Like, him not getting it yet, throughout the story is good. That's the point of his character. To actually change. And literally up until last chapter it seemed very promising like we were going exactly in the right direction.
Unfortunately though, we are so far into his arc and on the downward slope heading toward the end, and as of last week we still....haven't seen anything. And last week did absolutely nothing but confuse the fuck out of me.
I'm not gonna even touch on the huge retconning issue with the dead daddy because I've said my piece on that (and I agree here with @hamliet). Instead I'll focus on his little speech and explain what the framing of it indicated to me, as someone reading this chapter, and explain why I'm super fucking confused on where his arc is supposed to be going.
Chapter 356 was portrayed as like...a big, meaningful moment for Endeavor. Right? I mean, that's how it was shown to us. We got the reason for his hero name, we saw his younger self. Which--as I have said a million times--PORTRAYS HONESTY IN THE CHARACTER. And just as a whole the chapter was dramatic in tone.
Endeavor isn't child-coded at all though, so his younger self symbolism looked a little different, which is good! But his younger self was still supposed to be telling the truth about his character. Horikoshi stuck to that pattern of Kid = Honest:
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His teenage self starts off saying things that we can all agree with. And it all continues going this way and feels sensible. But when I start to feel very confused, is here:
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He's grabbing his younger self, who is supposed to be telling the truth here, by the neck. As if choking and trying to silence him? That's what the art looks like to me. So like, why is present Endeavor rejecting the honest words of his past self? Literally THE chapter immediately before this he puts himself down in the same way his younger self is putting his current self down:
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So I'm led to believe that chapter 356 is building off of chapter 355, but....
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Then we see Endeavor burning his younger self. Which, to me looks like he's rejecting it, but let's say he's not and that he's fusing with it, I guess.
That doesn't change the fact that he basically ignores everything from the speech before hand, the chapter before that, and continues saying that "fighting until I can't anymore and refusing to give up in fights is what keeps me going, and I'm going to end this fight right now because it's my duty."
He, again, embraces his duty as a professional hero, while not once last chapter did he mention his family. Not. Fucking. Once.
So like.....what was the ending conclusion there?
I honestly DON'T KNOW. HERO? FATHER? Like, you have to choose. You can't have both. This manga has reiterated that time and time again for Endeavor specifically. He can't have both. He’s done too much damage to have both.
Endeavor defeating AFO here, only for it to have given AFO the opportunity to come back stronger and better is hilarious. AND it also leaves room for Endeavor to fail AGAIN, and reflect on what his position needs to be. But.....if that's the case, what was the point of last chapter? How close to the end is going to keep failing before he finally realizes wtf he needs to do? Because like....we're getting pretty close. And the Todofam sub plot is NOT the only plot in this manga that needs resolution. So as to why we're dragging his failures out more and more and more this close to the end, with less and less promise of success on HIS end....I don't know.
Do you see what I mean? Like....I feel like I'm going crazy trying to make sense of it, and tie it to current and past events in his arc.
So TL;DR: Endeavor is the messiest written character in this manga, imo. I'd say worse than Hawks at this point. So therefore, I have no fucking clue what to actually expect. I know what SHOULD happen, but I don't know what WILL happen.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
I've been decent! And life's been pretty hectic for me too 😅, gotten a lot of work over these past few weeks, so I've been mainly focused on that.
How are you? Ouu and what're your thoughts on Oklahoma so far? Is your house as creepy as I'm led to believe it is haha?
(I know I'm a few days late, but I hope you're feeling better lately!)
N yeah time does really move fast.. which makes it difficult to juggle the things I have to do and things I want to do before the days are up. And my health is honestly the main thing I forget about ironically enough, but I'm trying to work on that :)
My writing has kinda been.. put on pause? I guess you could say- Kinda had to slow down with it or otherwise I'd most likely get no work done at all 😭. But it's been good when I do get the chance to write, working on my millions of wips is always fun haha
Only a few more chapters of lost in assistance.. sad to see it go
- 🗿 <3
Hiiiii 🗿
How are you? Oh my God so sorry for the very very late reply. I have been busy, I hv been sick on n off too. I also been having a huge writers block and my mind seems cant multi task with this huge writer blocks..
I hope you are doing well? How is college and your writing?
Oklahoma, let me say it it' not like California for sure.lol. The city where I live is pretty small and definitely fits my imagination about where a serial killer lives or an injured superhero who hides here. lol.
I'm still adjusting with such changes actually. Sometimes I'm bored here, sometimes I love the quite.. The weather is like a bipolar bitch that can give you a hot humid burning slap in the face or a cold shoulder. hahaha. My allergies are worse here. Pollen are everywhere but I love the house that I live now. It's smaller but more hommie (Not sure the right way to spell it but im sure you know what you meant.)
I have followed some writing blog here, have I followed you by anychance? You still havent give me enough clue of who you are, but it's okay.lol. the curiosity give me the thrills.
I posted new series called Half Love, also a mini series called Ten Days. I posted ch, 63 of Lost in Assistance, this chapter is how I test the water on writing dark fic. I have been dying to write dark wanda or dark nat fic. So i practiced writing it through this ch. 63 as I wrote it dark-ish. I dont know if you read the fics I just mentioned..so curious what you think about them.
Anyway, I just want to say, I remember you, you came in my mind..I didn't forget about you, I was just busy. and when I reply to you, I want to focus on it since sometimes my reply to you is a long reply just like this one.haha. I'm looking forward to read your reply. Talk soon!
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Dile (Tell him) #Writer Wednesday 06/16/21 Javi Peña x GN! Reader
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Summary: It's the big day, your wedding day, the happiest day of your life, right? but a letter from a former lover might change everything.
Warnings: infidelity, cursing, mentions of sex
Pairing: Javier Peña x GN! Reader ( reader addressed as "you", no physical descriptions, just reader is marrying a person with he/him pronouns)
A/N: For the #Writer Wednesday challenge created by @autumnleaves1991-blog and for this month Jey’s 2k21 Pride Celebration @flightlessangelwings
Well, this is the first piece I finish in almost a month but life has been pretty crazy. I actually planned to write something fluffy and romantic but I was cleaning and, as always, I put on my "night club" type of list in Spotify and this song by Don Omar came by and I'm on my Javi feels lately so, here ya go!
This is my second time writing for a GN reader, pls, if I missed something let me know, I tried to keep it as generic as possible.
Prompts are in bold, I hope you like it, everyone!
I’m not sending this to change your mind or to cause you any harm even though you hurt me so much by going away. I really want to wish you a happy life and a bright future, though, if I have to be honest, I don’t know how you could be happy with him.
I know he seems the perfect choice, picture perfect, Disney prince, just too good to be true type of guy. Your parents must be ecstatic, he must be thinking how lucky he is for marrying you. But does he know?
Have you told him?
Have you told him the things you’ve told me?
the names you call me?
how every time he slept by your side you reached for the phone and called me?
Have you told him how tight you held me, wearing that diamond ring he gave you, while we fucked?
Have you even mentioned my name? or how we met?
You’re not that meek, dull version of yourself that you showed him. Every single one of your beautiful hairs carefully brushed, those modest attires...you can lie to them, but you ain’t lying to me, sweetheart.
Remember our first night?
You were shining, beaming under the lights, showing that beautiful skin, eyes semi closed while you danced. I swear your skin was sparkling like your sweat was glitter, I haven’t seen anything more beautiful in my life...well, I have.
We danced together, remember? I asked you if I could buy you a drink and you didn’t hear a thing because the music was too loud, but you grabbed my hip and made me dance. With your body pressed against mine, my hands on your hips while they swayed so smoothly I swore I died and went to heaven. The song ended and you smiled at me “It was my favourite song, I had to dance, what did you ask me?”. That, your wide and sweet smile, that is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in my life.
Believe me, I felt the luckiest man when you accepted my invite to a drink, when you pressed your leg to mine in that tiny corner at the bar. There were lots of people there, I had probably come with some friends and I didn’t care. All I saw was your neck glistening, the scent of your perfume mixed with something entirely yours.
That scent, since I met you I’ve been trying to absorb it every second I’ve been with you till I could taste it, smelled it when you were away. And I remember that night like it was yesterday, how we got to my apartment and you let me, for the first time, bury myself in it, in you.
I have your face while you orgasmed burnt in my brain till I couldn’t think of other things for days.
Do you know you made me late for work? Do you know they noticed how absent I was? How I could not focus on anything else?
because I couldn’t get rid of your pretty face asking me for more, pushing me against you until our bodies were impossibly close, biting your lip when you came and that napkin you gave me with your number thinking I wouldn't call, but I did, didn’t I?
I ran to my house and called you the next day.
And how many times since then have we run to each other?
How many times you said you had to be back to him, to be the good and boring version of yourself you give to him?
And how many of those times you ended up in my bed? or on my couch, or in my car, even in a dark alley once
You were bored and angry, he dismissed you like always, he’s always tired to go dancing, something you love, but you decided to go anyway. And you ended up tipsy, alone and sad about yourself, and who did you call? Who did you call to pick you up? to fuck you properly? (your words)
And I was angry and hurt, not gonna lie, you kept coming and going leaving me wrecked, but I did picked you up anyways, fuck you like you were so desperate for it, begging and pleading for me to just take you.
Have you told him that?
What excuse did you make up for coming back home looking like a mess?
What would he think of his proper and docile partner if he saw you getting fucked in a dark alley?
I would love to see his face if he only knew…
Tell him, be honest, show yourself to him, that version of you you only give to me
Tell him how we kissed until we were out of breath
Tell him how you whisper in my ear that I drive you crazy every time I fuck you
Tell him that my sheets still smell like you, since you have owned my bed and my thoughts since I met you
tell him how he will never know the sounds you make
the filthy words that escape from your sweet innocent lips before you could even think of what you are saying
tell him how happy you were when you danced with me
tell him how I listened to anything you liked to tell me until you fell asleep in my arms and then listen to your soft breaths until I could for the first time in years really relax
and tell him he will never be able to know all those things because that part of you is still mine.
and tell yourself, be honest for once, that you’re making the greatest mistake of your life.
Always by your side,
(Me if Javi Peña told me on my wedding day all that even if I payed millions for the freaking wedding
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